Islamic State responds to President Obama bombing Syria

Some news commentators, like Bob Beckel, have praised the bombings ordered by President Obama in Syria and point out that Muslim nations participated in the attacks. Others question the motivation of the Sunni Muslim countries, like Saudi Arabia, joining the fight against the Islamic State (IS or ISIS).

The primary question: Will President Obama’s plan work?

In his column “Sorry, America Cannot Defeat Islamic Terror Groups“, former federal agent and terrorism expert David Gaubatz states, “I am sure most readers are confused as to why Saudi Arabia and four other Sunni dominated countries are attacking their own (ISIS).  First they are doing so for Islam and not America.”

Gaubatz notes, “The answer [to their participation] is within the thousands of Islamic books produced each year by the Saudi government.  Essentially these countries fully understand the ISIS Muslims can never be defeated by simply killing individuals.  To them the ISIS terrorists who die in Syria and Iraq by their hands are doing so for the betterment of the Islamic ideology.”

“[The] Saudis and the others know Islam will survive for thousands of more years as long as Islamic terrorist groups are the targets of the infidels [kufars], and not  the ideology itself,” Gaubatz concludes.

The Islamic State (IS or ISIS) has responded to the bombings ordered by President Obama and supported by a loose coalition of five Sunni Muslim states. MEMRI reports:

On September 23, 2014, the U.S. and its allies targeted the Islamic State (IS) and Jabhat Al- Nusra (JN) strongholds in Al-Raqqa and Idlib, Syria. In reaction, IS and JN members and their online supporters virulently condemned the attacks and threatened retaliation against the West.

Below is a sample of social media responses to the coalition’s airstrikes inside Syria:

ISIS responds to bombing in Syria

Abu Al-‘Ainaa’ Al-Khurasani (@abo_alainaa), another prominent voice in the jihadi movement, tweeted on September 23, 2014: “Woe upon America, and woe upon its people, and woe upon you Arab rulers, feel your throats, [and] say farewell to your thrones…”


A user who calls himself Ibn Ahmad wrote on Facebook: “The Islamic State opened the gates of Hell to the Kufar with shaykh [Abu Muhammad Al-]Adnani’s speech… As I said some weeks ago, the West will see attacks in their homes worse than Al Qaeda’s terror, bi idnillah [God willing]. They dared to bomb innocent people in Dawlah [the IS] so hell is open for [th]em..”


What many news commentators and members of the Obama administration fail to recognize is that IS is more than a terrorist group. Unlike al Qaeda, the Islamic State is an offensive jihad based upon fundamentalist Islam, its members are Mohammedans waging jihad against all “kufars” (non-believers).


Screen capture from the Islamic State “Flames of War” movie. The American narrator is on the far left.

To categorize IS as just another terrorist organization misunderstands its motivation and underestimates its strength.

Other terrorist groups such as al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and Boco Haram have been waging a defensive jihad based upon perceived wrongs carried out against Islam by kufars. The Islamic State is different in that it is focused on reestablishing the Caliphate. While is uses terror as a tactic, its strategy is global in nature and well thought out. IS is conquering large swaths of land in Syria and Iraq. IS is establishing a Caliphate on the fly, if you will. IS has developed a five-year plan to spread the Caliphate from Africa to China and beyond.

Question: What is President Obama’s five-year plan to stop IS?

Bombings alone will not defeat IS. To stop IS it is necessary to retake the land it now posses and prevent the expansion of IS. It appears President Obama, with his no boots on the ground, is not prepared to do this.  Therefore America and this Sunni coalition will fail in accomplishing what President Obama has called for – the destruction of the Islamic State.

To better understand the strategy of the Islamic State watch this IS video titled “Flames of War” (WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES):


Islamic State Rape: ‘Just Another Form of Warfare’?

Militant Group Linked to ISIS Decapitates a French Tourist

Islamic State destroys Armenian Genocide Memorial Church in Syria

Islamic State jihadis justify child marriage by invoking Muhammad’s example

Chinese jihadis get Islamic State jihad terror training

US “public diplomacy experts” warn: Government not doing enough to counter Islamic State’s online presence

Florida Baptist Convention opposes Amendment 2

The Florida Baptist Convention has issued a resolution in opposition to the marijuana Amendment 2. John Sullivan in an email to all Pastors and Church leaders states, “The following resolution, which calls for the defeat of Amendment 2 – that seeks to legalize marijuana for “medicinal purposes” in Florida – was adopted by the State Board of Mission on September 19, 2014.”

Florida’s Baptist Pastors and Church leaders are now taking a political stand and asking all their member to vote no on Amendment 2.

The basis of the opposition is on the broad nature of the Amendment, which in effect legalizes marijuana for recreational purposes. For 23 years it has been legal to use of marijuana for medical purposes in Florida. The Florida legislature during the 2014 session, expanded use of non-addictive marijuana derivatives for medical purposes only.

The following is the full text of the resolution:


WHEREAS, the November 4, 2014, General Election ballot will contain Amendment 2 – the so-called Florida Right to Medical Marijuana; and

WHEREAS, the ballot initiative seeks to permit persons with nine specific medical conditions to have unlimited access to medical marijuana; and

WHEREAS, the Amendment also provides that medical marijuana can be dispensed without a physician’s prescription for broad but undefined “other conditions” which can include anything from back pain to trouble sleeping; and

WHEREAS, so-called caregivers will be legally permitted to dispense the drug to up to five persons without legal regulation; and a caregiver can be anyone from a felon to a drug dealer; and

WHEREAS, the State Board of Missions has individual and corporate empathy for those Floridians suffering from debilitating diseases, but the Board does not believe legalizing an addictive drug without strong regulatory oversight is an appropriate solution; and

WHEREAS, the effort to legalize marijuana is contrary to the interests of the public health, safety and welfare, and will adversely affect the rights of citizens to live and work in a community where drug abuse is not accepted and citizens are not subjected to the adverse effects of the drug abuse; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the State Board of Missions of the Florida Baptist State Convention, go on record to oppose Amendment 2 that will appear on the November 4, 2014, General Election ballot; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board call upon Florida Baptist pastors to diligently encourage their church members to promote and vote to defeat Amendment 2; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Board request the Executive Director-Treasurer of the Florida Baptist Convention, to take all reasonable actions to notify and create awareness among Florida Baptists on the importance of voting against Amendment 2.

Florida NAACP goes to Pot

Substance abuse and addiction disproportionately impacts the black community. The American Psychological Association recently featured the work of Tamika C.B. Zapolski, PhD, who is an African-American psychologist with substantive knowledge and experience in the field of substance use and abuse among people of color.

“The theme of Zapolski’s research lab at Indiana University-Purdue University – Indianapolis, is on understanding the underlying mechanisms involved in substance abuse and addiction among African-Americans, with a particular focus on African-American youth. Previous studies have shown that polydrug use is very common, especially among individuals who abuse alcohol. Although limited studies are available on racial differences on polydrug use among youth, African-American youth appear to be at the highest risk for such use compared to other racial groups. Due to the sparse research examining concurrent use of alcohol and marijuana, her lab has several studies lined up to examine this relatively untouched area of research,” notes the APA. [Emphasis added]

Given this scientific information you would think that the NAACP would be against legalization of marijuana and Florida Amendment 2. You would be wrong!’s Clarence V. McKee reports:

The Florida NAACP has endorsed a November ballot initiative, “Amendment 2” that would legalize so-called “medical marijuana.”

Well, not really a big surprise.

The National NAACP and affiliates in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and California have supported decriminalization or outright legalization of marijuana for recreational or medical use. Although not mentioned by the Florida NAACP as a basis for their support of the amendment, those above and many others cite the disproportionate marijuana arrest rates of blacks as a main reason for supporting legalization.

To them, it is a civil rights issue.

This is a silly argument and compares apples to oranges.

McKee notes, “Florida, the NAACP is supporting a very flawed and misleading constitutional amendment. It and amendment sponsors are perpetrating a cruel hoax on the public and especially those who have real and serious debilitating medical problems. They are using emotion, compassion and deception as shields to hide the flaws and loopholes in a dangerous proposal.”

According to McKee:

So what are the devils in the details of this Trojan Horse that have prompted such bi-partisan opposition? To name a few:

  • Allowing so-called “caregivers” with no required medical training, expertise or background checks to dispense medical pot — as long as they are at 21;
  • Placing no restrictions on the location of so-called “medical marijuana treatment centers” — pot shops — which can be near stores, restaurants and schools;
  • Imposing NO age limit on users which allows teens to get marijuana without parental consent; and,
  • Allowing high potency marijuana to be put into food such as brownies and snacks which can be accidently ingested by children.

The Florida Department of Health estimates that this amendment will result in over 250,000  caregivers and nearly 1800 pot shops in the state. It is also dangerous for children. As the White House Drug Control Policy Office has stated:

  •  Marijuana is addictive;
  • Its use affects the developing brain;
  • It is associated with cognitive impairment; and,
  • Substance abuse in school age children has a detrimental effect on their academic achievement.


VIDEOS: Rosh Hashanah 2014 — L’ Shana Tova!

Our good friend Patti sent us two of her favorite videos as we approach Rosh Hashanah (רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה‎) 2014. We share them with with you. Enjoy this blessed Jewish New Year.

From the entire team –   שָׁנָה טוֹבָה (L’ Shana Tova)!

Dip Your Apple – Fountainheads Rosh Hashanah

What Makes Rosh Hashanah Beautiful

6 Reasons Why the U.S. Should Not Arm the Syrian ‘Moderates’ [+ Videos]

The Free Syrian Army is on the wrong side. Here’s its bloody track record and disturbing alliances.

In PJ Media I explain why this plan that both Democrats and Republicans is a recipe for disaster:

6. The Free Syrian Army terrorized the Christians of the Syrian village of Oum Sharshouh.

In July 2013, Free Syrian Army fighters entered the Christian village of Oum Sharshouh and began burning down houses and terrorizing the population, forcing 250 Christian families to flee the area.

Terrible things happen in wars, of course, and the FSA’s terrorizing of a Christian village doesn’t necessarily mean that it wouldn’t be effective against the Islamic State. But given this behavior, what kind of a society might the Free Syrian Army establish in Syria, were they to come to power? Apparently not one that would secure the rights of religious minorities, for the terror attack at Oum Sharshouh was not an isolated incident…

5. The Free Syrian Army murdered Christians in the Syrian town of al-Duwayr.

Worthy News reported that just two days after the attack on Oum Sharshouh, Free Syrian Army rebels, targeted the residents of al-Duwayr/Douar, a Christian village close to the city of Homs and near Syria’s border with Lebanon…. Around 350 armed militants forcefully entered the homes of Christian families who were all rounded-up in the main square of the village and then summarily executed.

4. The Free Syrian Army is proud of its attacks on Christians.

In September 2013, a day after Secretary of State John Kerry praised the Free Syrian Army as “a real moderate opposition,” the FSA took to the Internet to post videos of its attack on the ancient Syrian Christian city of Maaloula, one of the few places where Aramaic, the language of Jesus, is still spoken.

3. The Free Syrian Army attacked the Lebanese border town of Arsal in conjunction with the Islamic State and the jihadist Nusra Front.

Investigative journalist Patrick Poole reported in PJ Media that “multiple media reports indicate that the U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) is operating openly with ISIS and other designated terrorist groups.”

Indeed. The New York Timesreported in August that, according to Abu Osama, a member of a Nusra Front brigade that participated in the attack, the Arsal assault was “a combined operation involving fighters from the Free Syrian Army, the Nusra Front and ISIS.” The Times was skeptical:

Abu Osama’s remarks could not be immediately verified, and such cooperation between the F.S.A., the Nusra Front and ISIS would be unusual; the groups have clashed in bouts of rebel infighting in Syria.

Screen Shot 2014-09-19 at 8.28.44 AM

2. The Free Syrian Army has admitted that it is working with the Islamic State.

The Times’ skepticism was unwarranted. Bassel Idriss, a Free Syrian Army commander, said in early September: “We are collaborating with the Islamic State and the Nusra Front by attacking the Syrian Army’s gatherings in … Qalamoun.” Perhaps aware his group is supposed to be full of “vetted moderates” who are ready to fight the Islamic State, not work with it, he added: “We have reached a point where we have to collaborate with anyone against unfairness and injustice. Let’s face it: The Nusra Front is the biggest power present right now in Qalamoun and we as FSA would collaborate on any mission they launch as long as it coincides with our values.” What mission and what values? “Our battle is with the Assad regime, and it is on Syrian lands only.”

In other words, they have no plans to go to battle against the Islamic State in Iraq, no matter what Barack Obama says.

1. FSA members have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, and handed over its weapons to Islamic State jihadis.

People love the strong horse, said Osama bin Laden, and that applies to at least some members of the Free Syrian Army. Jordan Schachtel reported at Breitbart in July that “several factions within the Syrian opposition force known as the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have pledged services to the Islamic State, the group formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). Sources and eyewitnesses said that the FSA has handed over its weapons to the Islamic State in large numbers.”

Now the House and the Senate have given Barack Obama the green light to give them even more weapons, and the Senate is certain to agree. Will those, too, end up in the hands of the Islamic State?

Placing hope in and giving weapons to the Free Syrian Army to take down the Islamic State is the pinnacle of Obama’s fantasy-based policymaking. If only we had a viable opposition party in Congress – then this mad scheme might have been averted.

EDITORS NOTE: After this column was written the U.S. Senate passed the funding bill allowing President Obama to support the Free Syrian Army.

Florida will have 1,789 pot shops if Amendment 2 passes

The Florida Department of Health has estimated that Florida will have 1,789 pot shops if Amendment 2 passes. The five counties with the largest estimated number of pot shops are:

  1. Miami-Dade with 239
  2. Palm Beach County with 126
  3. Broward County with 168
  4. Hillsborough County with 118
  5. Orange County (Orlando) with 112

In states like Washington and Colorado pot shops out number Starbucks in some areas.

Pot shops are coming to Florida should Amendment 2 pass. It is a booming business in other states. Growth is exponential.

Does this sound like medical use only?

LGBT movement organizing to mandate “gay history” in schools across America

In California already. Starting now in Massachusetts. Their goal is to force it into schools nationwide.

The push to require that “gay history” be taught in the nation’s is already in place in California and is now making headway in Massachusetts. The LGBT teachers conference brought in techniques that activists can use to expedite that process around the country.

The homosexual movement is organizing and strategizing to achieve their latest goal in the schools.

This is the sixth part in our series on this year’s annual GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network) Conference held in Boston in April 2014 which brought together LGBT teachers, school officials, and education activists (and their “allies”) — along with children as young as fifth grade — where they outlined their latest tactics for the schools.

Why a push for “gay history” in schools?

“Gay history” is an important psychological tool that homosexual movement uses to convince schoolchildren that homosexual behavior is a normal and positive influence in society. By making it part of the school curriculum — with lectures, exams, term papers, etc. – it becomes ingrained in kids’ minds. Thus, students would never question its legitimacy — and legitimacy is an obsessive goal of the homosexual movement.

Perhaps more disturbing, “gay history” introduces deviant figures such as Harvey Milk (a sexual predator of teenage boys), pro-NAMBLA activist Harry Hay, and other“gay pioneers” (some of whom were pornographers) as legitimate historical figures worthy of admiration. Plus it often teaches kids the unproven political “quackery” that famous people such as Eleanor Roosevelt, Julius Caesar, and even Abraham Lincoln were homosexual.

For example, soon after the California law was passed, one LGBT social studies teacher in San Francisco in an interview with a high school newspaper gave a taste of what what “gay history” should include:

In considering the possibilities, [the teacher] described potential lesson plans featuring rumored gay authors such as William Shakespeare and Walt Whitman and famous court cases involving gay defendants like that of Lawrence v. Texas, a 2003 court case that ended Texas’ sodomy law.

Gaining steam since the 1990s

That “gay history” push has been slowly but steadily progressing. Since the 1990s individual “gay activist” teachers have woven homosexual themes into their classes, including history lessons. Over a decade ago “gay history month” displays began to appear in “progressive” school districts, and that has spread across the country. For over a decade, national LGBT groups have trained teachers how to incorporate “gay rights” into history classes (example from 2001). (NOTE: This link is from the MassResistance blog – which Google still partially blocks!) But the goal has always been mandating it across the country.

This handout at the workshop shows some of the LGBT activists over the years that they intend to portray as heroic “historical figures” to schoolchildren.

California becomes first state to mandate “gay history” in schools

In 2011, California passed Senate Bill 48, the Orwellian-labeled “FAIR Education Act.” It requires that the “historical contributions” of “lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans” be included in courses, instructional material, and textbooks in California Public Schools. Furthermore, the law includes prohibition of any “materials that reflect adversely” on LGBT persons or the movement. This onerous law was the result of a well-crafted campaign by the homosexual lobby, spearheaded by a homosexual activist state legislator, and actively supported by the liberal press.

This was such an abrupt change that Grades K-8 have been given until July 1, 2015 to comply, but high schools are required to move as fast as possible. Many California high schools are rolling out their new “gay” curricula this month –September 2014.

The conference workshop: Strategies to do it . . .

This year the conference had a special workshop to show teachers and activists how a “gay history” mandate was successfully effected in one school district in Massachusetts. Here’s how the conference program listed it:

2.5 Reversing the Erasure of LGBT History
Using Los Angeles Unified School District and Lowell School District as case studies, this workshop examines strategies for introducing vital LGBT inclusive history curriculum into schools.

Presenter(s): Debra Fowler, Debbie Costello & Erin Kehoe, Lowell High School

This was one of the best-attended workshops of the conference. The room was full. The main presenter was Debra Fowler, who teaches English as a second language at Lowell High School.

The workshop was largely a how-to description of how Fowler and others were able to pressure Lowell High School in Lowell, MA to make “LGBT history” mandatory in the 11th grade. She is also the producer of a very slick and emotional video,“Through Gay Eyes”, which is also now a required part of the Lowell High School curriculum and was shown at the workshop. And they are taking steps to push this statewide (and eventually nationwide).

Debra Fowler’s slick, emotional video, “Through Gay Eyes.”
See trailer here. Facebook page here.

How they got the Lowell politicians & administrators on board

Fowler showed her video “Through Gay Eyes” to the workshop. Some of the messages in the video, which Fowler also talked about) are:

  • Kids need to know they have a gay teacher.
  • The teacher was uneasy about coming out to students, but did anyway.
  • Boston TV News Anchor Randy Price “married” his boyfriend on the State House steps.
  • The world is evolving and changing.
  • It’s wrong to oppose people’s beliefs when they don’t affect you.
  • Children shouldn’t have to worry about growing up with a gay parent.

Fowler described her successful strategy for getting the politicians, school administrators, and faculty all to sign on to requiring “gay history” (and more) at Lowell High School. She said her emotional video “Through Gay Eyes” was used as a “catalyst.”

Starting in August, 2013, she made sure that as many students as possible — and also the key politicians, administrators, and faculty –attended a screening of the video. Although the messages from the video do not have a direct relationship to “gay history” it gave them an emotional attachment to the cause, which was even more important. Then she had hundreds of students and faculty sign two petitions demanding that the video and “LGBT history” be included in the curriculum.

The final step was the Lowell School Committee. At the November 20, 2013 meeting she arranged to have the necessary items on the agenda, and she packed the room with supporters. The two petitions were presented to the Mayor, superintendent, and members of the School Committee to sign themselves, which they all did. All their agenda items were passed unanimously. Thus, the following was accomplished by Fowler and her activists:

  1. Lowell High School would require “gay history” in the 11th grade, starting in September 2014.
  2. The video “Through Gay Eyes” would be required in the middle and high school health curriculum.
  3. The School Committee officially endorsed proposed changes to the Massachusetts Common Core curriculum to include LGBT individuals and events in 11th-grade U.S. History courses statewide. That is the next big push for the LGBT lobby in Massachusetts, they’ve said.
After the School Committee vote, Fowler (left) posed triumphantly with the headmaster of Lowell High School. The photo was circulated on LGBT education sites.

At the workshop, Fowler acknowledged that she got a help from “gay” educators and activists in California. One important thing she told the group: “The lessons are not ‘stand-alone’ lessons,” she said. “The lessons are seamlessly woven into history.”

In closing, Fowler told the workshop, “Reach out to people who can make changes in curriculum. You have the power!”

Below is from the handout that Fowler passed out at the workshop describing their successful strategy. You can also download it here.

National group has already prepared LGBT history curriculum

The homosexual movement is not leaving anything to chance. They are already preparing course material for “gay history” mandates, as well as supplying it to individual activist teachers. GLSEN, the well-funded national organization that organized this LGBT teachers conference, is at the forefront of creating LGBT curriculum for all grades.

GSEN is very serious about supplying your schools with “gay” history.

At the workshop, GLSEN passed out some materials, and they have been posting much more on their website. Here’s a sample of what’s being offered now to schools across America. From the GLSEN web site:

“Celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) History Month.” 18-page document passed out at the workshop. Exhaustive list of LGBT-themed books, websites, and course material targeting schoolchildren. Also includes strategies for introducing it into the schools and weaving it into regular class lessons.

How harmful are the recommended resources in this GLSEN document (above)? To point to just a few:

Kevin Jennings, former Obama “Safe Schools Czar” and founder of GLSEN, edited a gay and lesbian history source book for high school and college classes, Becoming Visible. Included is a chapter praising NAMBLA supporter Harry Hay, along with a portrayal of “gay cruising” (anonymous homosexual sex acts in public places) as a “civil rights” issue!

Another recommended book is Transgender Warriors by Leslie Feinberg.Massachusetts Youth Pride honored Feinberg in 2005, inviting her to lead the youth parade. Besides being a radical transgender activist, she is openly communist and was then editor of Workers World.

At Massachusetts Youth Pride 2005: “Transgender warrior” and communist editor Leslie Feinberg (left of banner) leads the youth parade.
[Mass­Resistance photo]

Can this be stopped?

It can certainly be daunting that major US corporations like Google, Wells Fargo, McDonalds, Target, CitiBank, Disney, Mattel, IBM, and others are funding the homosexual agenda in the schools. But nevertheless, parents and citizens can do amazing things to stop this.

It’s entirely possible keep this from happening. The biggest problem on our side (besides funding) has been that parents have been unaware of what’s happening, are not armed with good information to counter the activists, and have no effective strategies for counteracting their slick lobbying effort.

We at MassResistance are working to help with that.  Exposing this is the start.

Greater Consortium of Florida School Boards says “Suspend High Stakes Testing”

Meetings of The Greater Consortium of Florida School Boards are not usually big news, but this meeting, Friday September 19, in West Palm Beach, Florida was an exception as parents have become a volcano of discontent and school board members are rising to address their concerns. The Consortium is eleven school boards which team together for the purpose of lobbying the state government. Forty two percent of the K-12 children in Florida attend their schools.

In fact, many school board meetings are now the “hot” places to be as pressure mounts against the maniacal testing demands which come with Common Core. News this week included hundreds of new tests to be administered, costing each district millions and crowding out precious learning time. It is estimated that over 40% of class time is already spent on testing alone. Schools have gone so far as to end recess in K-6 so that more time can be spent testing.

Eruptions have occurred in local school board meetings all around the state. In Lee County, there was a vote to “Opt out” of state mandated tests altogether. Hundreds of parents jammed into the board meeting wearing red in solidarity and gave passionate testimony about the disastrous effects of Common Core and high stakes testing.

Now, the rebellion has swelled and the Consortium voted unanimously to include a main plank in their legislative agenda to “suspend high stakes testing.” This will be confirmed by a vote in each school district and will be used as a lobbying platform.
The move was stunning as all districts must agree on issues in the platform which usually results in only non-controversial proposals, not bold statements. But big problems require bold action.

The state, itself, has admitted there are many problems with the deliver and administering of tests. Just last week the Florida DOE ended the K-2 “FAIR” test.

What is “high stakes” testing? Why the aversion to tests? Isn’t “accountability” important?

In the “old days” when schools worked, certified teachers taught in accredited schools and the teachers gave final exams and evaluated the body of student work to produce a grade which was entered in the report card. Students were accountable for their results.

Since 1994, criticism of results led some legislators to say “Let’s raise the bar.” Let’s impose “higher standards” and base teacher pay and tenure on student results. This is “outcome based education.” And this was a big mistake which got bigger as time went on.

The federal government passed No Child Left Behind in 2002. This required tests to show ALL students would progress at a certain rate, or schools would be taken over. Teachers would be paid and fired on results. This led to frustration, teaching only to the test, and widespread cheating scandals.

Of course, accountability for one’s actions is important. But we should not be accountable for results we do not control. That is what we have done to teachers and schools. Lessons are scripted and teachers are not allowed to slow down or speed up as their lessons are “paced.” Bright students get bored and those who don’t catch on right away are left behind.

The state dictates the standards and curriculum must match because pay and even their jobs depend on getting good results on tests the state mandates. Students are not measured on a body of work, but can have life changing decisions made for them on the basis of a single test. Third graders are held back a year, and high schoolers must pass one test in order to graduate. State mandated End of Course (EOC) exams count for 30% of the yearly grade in core subjects.

We should also not be rewarded and punished using unattainable goals as in “No Child Left Behind.” Here’s a simple example: I can reward someone five feet tall millions of dollars to beat a seven fool tall NBA player at basketball and it is nearly impossible for him to attain that goal no matter how hard he tries. I can punish him when he fails, and there is no positive result from either to the shorter player. There would be an enormous negative effect, deflating the ego of the player and discouraging him from trying at all.

Realizing all of this, and examining the disastrous empirical results, we must support the bold move supported by the Greater Consortium of Florida’s School Boards, and press the Governor and Legislators to stop this unworkable, unwise, and unaffordable method of meaningless measurement.

Unwinding the bloated bureaucracy in which corporate cronies such as Pearson PLC, Bill Gates and Jeb Bush have benefitted massively, won’t be easy. But we must free our children of the tests which line their pockets and steal nearly half of their class time for learning.

It is OUR responsibility to raise our children, not the village, not the state, and certainly not Washington DC.

We, the People, must take back our parental rights and demand that the schools, our state, and our nation remember they serve at the CONSENT of the Governed, not the GOVERNOR.

We must be free to teach the truth and America will once again be that Shining City on the Hill where American Exceptionalism is common…

Not Common Core.


Common Core: It Seemed Like a Good Idea Until It Existed

PARCC and SBAC States Agree to Deliver Student-level Data to USDOE

School Board Privatization: Committee for a Better _________ (Your City Here)

Christians strike back at Islamic State with ‘i-am-n’ campaign

The global grassroots Christian community is striking back at the Islamic State while leaders in the Christian community remain largely silent. Much to the horror of Christians in the Middle East, President Obama and some U.S. Christian church leaders continue defending Islam.

This global grassroots movement has taken on as it’s logo the Arabic symbol for the letter “n” (nun). The Islamic state is spray painting in red this symbol on homes in Northern Iraq, much as the Nazis painted the Star of David in yellow on businesses in Germany. The “n” stands for Nazarene – the followers of Jesus of Nazareth, a Christian.


Source: Assyrian International News Agency.

There are many who are not familiar with this symbol, even members of Congress. In an email, Frank Gaffney, founder of the Center for Security Policy, states:​

I just left a meeting with a Senior Congressman on Capitol Hill.

The information I received from that meeting astounded me.  The first thing I’ve done is sit down and write you this email … the information is that important.

The Congressman and I were speaking about matters of national security.  The conversation naturally turned to the Islamic State (also referred to as ISIS or ISIL) and the threat it poses.  As we were talking, I explained the tragic use of the Arabic “N” on Christian houses … and the Congressman had no idea what I was speaking about.  Once I was done explaining this, he told me he was positive few Americans are aware of this as well. 

Today alone, Islamic State jihadists will kill 100 or more Christians in Iraq and Syria.  They are attempting to commit genocide against Christians.  Now, you know me.  I rarely discuss religion.  But this isn’t about religion as you’ll soon read.

The Islamic State has an efficient method to their extermination practices.  They send “scout” troops into villages who identify and mark Christian homes with the Arabic letter “N” – which is shorthand for “Nasrani,” or Nazarene: a Christian.  The commando brigade follows shortly, and offers anyone who remains in these homes the choice of convert, submit or die.  If the jihadists opt for the latter, the usual methods include crucifixion or beheading – even of children!


VOM “i-am-n” t-shirt.

There are a number of grassroots organizations who have launched “I Am N” campaigns such Voice of the Martyrs (VOM). The VOM website asks: Are you N?. VOM notes, “Our brothers and sisters in northern Iraq have been given an ultimatum: convert to Islam, pay a high tax, leave the area or die. The terrorist group IS (Islamic State) has painted a large Arabic letter “N” (nun), from the Arabic word nasara (meaning “Nazarene” to indicate Christians), on their homes to identify them as Christians.”


The Voice of the Martyrs is now serving Iraqi Christians who have fled the terrorists by providing them with daily necessities and assessing their future needs. Many of these believers fled with only the clothes on their backs.

You can help support your Iraqi brothers and sisters by designating a contribution, purchasing one of VOM’s new i-am-n T-shirts, or both.

Florida Third-Grade Students praise Obama on Constitution Day


Elizabeth Alexander (center) with principal Ms. Harvey and vice principal Ms. Eberst. Picture courtesy of Port Salerno Elementary School website.

September 17th was Constitution Day. United States Public Law requires that public educational institutions receiving federal funds teach about the Constitution on September 17 each year. Florida Law requires public school districts to commemorate the founding principles of our nation during the last full week of September.

In public schools across America students were reading and discussing the U.S. Constitution, one of the most important and influential documents ever penned.

However, in one Martin County Florida elementary school it was not the Constitution and Bill of Rights which were handed out, rather it was a book titled “Praise Song for the Day: A Poem for Barack Obama’s Presidential Inauguration, January 20, 2009” by  Elizabeth Alexander.

One grandparent seeing the book her grandchild brought home wrote:

Here is a photo of the front cover of the booklet [below] given to all 3rd graders at Port Salerno Elementary School [Stuart, FL] yesterday, Constitution Day.  My grand daughter brought this home.

I just took a closer look at the book and noticed the list of foundations [below] who enabled the publishing of this book and I guess also the distribution of it.

I must also note that this was not done with the knowledge of the school board.

But just look at this list of far left leaning foundations!

We have seen this kind of praise of one individual before in German schools. As – Adolf Hitler wrote:

“I begin with the young. We older ones are used up but my magnificent youngsters! Are there finer ones anywhere in the world? Look at all these men and boys! What material! With you and I, we can make a new world.” 

We are now seeing our young molded to “make a new world” in Florida Schools.

RELATED ARTICLE: Satanic Information to be Given to Children in Florida Schools


Book cover. For a larger view click on the image.


Supporting foundations including the Bush Foundation. or a larger view click on the image.

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About the author Elizabeth Alexander. or a larger view click on the image.


Florida’s Marijuana Amendment 2: Every Parent’s Nightmare

This November a critical battle will be fought to challenge the heavily financed push for ‘medical marijuana’ in Florida, which is ripe with disinformation and loaded with power brokers ready to cash in, all at the expense of our youth.

Politics Behind the Bill

First, let’s examine the politics behind this ballot initiative. Mid-term elections are historically lackluster; however, more young voters are likely to turn out with this initiative being on the ballot. Ana Cruz, former executive director for the Florida Democrat Party has stated, “I wish it didn’t take medical marijuana on the ballot to motivate our young voters.” John Morgan, a major fundraiser for Obama and boss of Charlie Crist, who is running for governor, has been very visible stirring up young adults to show up to vote, using marijuana as the ‘lure.’

Big Business involvement

Funding for the legalization of marijuana and the ‘medical’ angle has come from a number of millionaire financiers, such as Peter B. Lewis and billionaire George Soros in an $80M drive across the country, funding such groups as Drug Policy Alliance, Marijuana Policy Project, United for Care and People United for Medical Marijuana. Make no mistake, this is not a “grassroots” project, but a “big business” opportunity and certainly doesn’t have arthritis ridden geriatric seniors or children with epilepsy in mind. Soros has gone on the record clearly stating that he supports the legalization of drugs, even crack cocaine. Billionaire Warren Buffet has also jumped on the bandwagon and has developed a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, Cubic Designs, Inc., which promises many weed dispensaries, “Double your space: Grow your profits;” promoting mezzanine systems to expand their growing spaces for marijuana.

The entertainment industry has also taken hold with a new web based “Marijuana Reality Show,” preparing to launch in Denver that is designed to pitch products and services for the pot industry making them “millionaires.” As The New York Times has pointed out, the legal industry is expected to grow $2.6B this year. Let’s not be naïve, the “medical marijuana” push is not designed to help our chronically sick, pain stricken Americans, it’s glamorizing this controlled substance for our youth and big business is ready to profit from it.

Florida Lawmakers Approve Medical Marijuana, Charlotte’s Web

In addressing the issue of marijuana’s use to treat sick people, Florida’s Governor Scott recently signed into law a bill legalizing medical marijuana oil to treat epilepsy, cancer and Lou Gehrig’s disease. The “Charlotte’s Web” bill legalizes strains of marijuana that are high in CBD, which eases seizures in the brain, but low in THC, the compound that produces a high. Therefore, why is the ‘Medical Marijuana,’ Amendment 2 on the ballot?

Doctors, Law Enforcement and Other Professionals Sound Alarm

According to Dr. Lawrence Wilson, marijuana is now just as addictive as cocaine and heroin, for some people, especially teenagers. He discusses that the drug cartels, which have plenty of money, are breeding new marijuana hybrid plants with higher levels of THC, with other toxic chemicals in it. It is much stronger and more addicting. Furthermore, he claims that in states where the medical marijuana initiative was passed, such as California, Colorado and Montana, he found:

  • Marijuana went to drug abusers, teenagers, college students and not the seriously ill
  • In Montana, travelling marijuana caravans take “pot doctors” from town to town handing out medical marijuana cards
  • Traffic accidents increased; difficult to prosecute
  • Crime increased, because of violent behavior and the inability of many pot smokers to hold employment
  • Pot smokers gained unheard of impunity with employers and the law, because of the wording in the bill

Researchers at Northwestern U. have analyzed the relationship between casual use of marijuana and brain changes, finding that young adults who used cannabis just once or twice a week showed significant brain abnormalities in two important brain structures. Dr. Hans Breiter has found that heavy cannabis use caused similar brain abnormalities to those patients suffering from schizophrenia. The findings at Northwestern U. have determined that continued marijuana use leads to a condition called “amotivation syndrome,” a psychological condition that causes people to be less goal oriented and less focused in general. Other studies indicate that adolescents who started using marijuana before the age of 18, with continued use, experienced as much as an 8 point decline in IQ scores.

Furthermore, young women who engage in pot smoking when pregnant can increase their child’s risk of having permanent cognitive deficits, psychiatric disorders, anxiety and depression in addition to premature birth.

Societal Impact

In Colorado, over 37 people died across the state the first day the drug became legal, many more were not expected to survive. Dr. Jack Shepard, chief of surgery at St. Luke’s Hospital stated that, “It’s complete chaos here. I’ve put five college students in body bags since breakfast.” He further stated, “We are seeing cardiac arrests, multiple organ failures; by next week the death toll could go as high as 200.” A young lady in Colorado was quoted as saying that all her friends had marijuana cards, so it was always available.

Amendment 2 would allow marijuana to be sold in dispensaries, not in medically controlled facilities and with relaxed zoning laws, which means that they could crop up anywhere.

The general public should be concerned about these pot shops being a magnet for gangs and crime in their communities and the strain on their law enforcement’s operating budgets fighting the resulting criminal activity. Even the DEA admits that marijuana legalization “scares us.” James L. Capra, chief of operations has stated, “There are more dispensaries in Colorado than there are Starbucks.” He went on to say, “This is a bad experiment. It’s going to cost us in terms of social costs.”

To Learn More About This Issue Please Visit: www.Don’


Obama sending 300 soldiers to fight the Islamic State & 3,000 to get infected with Ebola

Daily it seems the foreign policy priorities of President Obama are misguided at the least and wrong headed at worst. It appears that President Obama is more concerned with fighting Ebola in Liberia than fighting the Islamic State in Iraq.

How do we know? By the number of our soldiers he is putting at risk to address each crisis.

Fighting Ebola is not a role for the U.S. Military. That is a role for the international health community and other non-governmental organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO website states, “It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.”

The role of the U.S. Military is to close with and destroy the enemy using all means available. Fighting a pandemic in Liberia is not part of our military’s mission nor is it an existential threat to the U.S. The best way to fight Ebola is quarantine. Do not allow those infected to come to the United States.

The Weekly Standards William Kristol asks, “Aren’t there other parts of the U.S government suited to carry on this fight? If not, shouldn’t there be? Max Boot suggested building such a non-military civilian ability in the pages of this magazine over a decade ago. Surely an administration committed to smart power would have developed the civilian capabilities to fight a virus without deploying 3,000 troops?”

What President Obama is doing is exposing our soldiers to the deadly Ebola virus. These soldiers will all be returning to the United States and some of them may become infected. There is a potential for all 3,000 to be infected, as they are neither trained nor equipped to deal with this Ebola crisis.

President Obama is sending 300 soldiers, boots on the ground, to take on the existential threat of the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria. This is too small of a force to make any substantial difference even with air superiority. The U.S. military experience fighting al-Qaeda in Afghanistan does not equate to the threat of the Islamic State. The two theaters of operation differ in terms of terrain, enemy strength, how IS is armed and funded.

President Obama is putting these 300 in the same situation as King Leonidas did when he led 300 Spartans to hold back the Persian Army of Xerxes. A potential massacre of our soldiers.

Neither decision makes any sense militarily. Neither decision makes sense from a foreign policy perspective. The only way these two decisions make sense is from a political perspective.

President Obama wants to be both the humanitarian and war fighter. Sadly the price for his faulty decisions will be paid by our soldiers who are being put into untenable situations.

It appears President Obama is focused on November 6, 2014 and not the long term national security of the United States.


U.S. troops head to Africa for Ebola mission – Army Times

Doctors: Sending U.S. troops to fight Ebola irresponsible, appalling, ‘misuse of military’

Islamic State: Find U.S. soldiers’ homes, “show up and slaughter them”

Strong Percentages of Americans Unlikely to Consider Voting for a Muslim, Transgender, or Agnostic/Atheist Presidential Candidate

NEW YORK, /PRNewswire/ — It’s all about the issues, right? Not necessarily, according to a new Harris Poll. When asked to describe their likelihood to consider voting for a presidential candidate fitting a varied series of backgrounds, there are clearly certain characteristics which are deterrents to strong percentages of Americans. Specifically, just over half (52%) say they’d be either “not that likely” or “not at all likely” to consider voting for a Muslim candidate (vs. 28% who would be “very” or “somewhat” likely to do so); meanwhile, pluralities would be unlikely to consider voting for a transgender man or woman (48%, vs. 34% who would be likely to do so) or an agnostic/atheist candidate (45% vs. 39%).

These are some of the results of The Harris Poll® of 2,537 adults surveyed online between August 13 and 18, 2014. It should be noted that when evaluating these hypothetical candidates, respondents were asked to assume each was qualified and in alignment with their own political views. It should be noted that while these questions give a good measure of the relative impact of different characteristics and backgrounds, they do not necessarily predict their real impact on voting behavior because such decisions are made based on a more comprehensive set of factors.

(Full results, including data tables, available here)

Voting booth biases

Americans are more split on the idea of a Hindu candidate (39% not likely vs. 37% likely) and a candidate unwilling to discuss his or her religious views (40% and 41%, respectively).

As for a candidate who won’t discuss their sexuality, 43% would be likely to consider such a candidate while 36% would not. While likely support outpaces opposition in this case, it’s important to note that this still means fewer than half of Americans would support a candidate declining to discuss this matter but who otherwise aligns with their political worldview. Similar results can be seen for Buddhist (43% likely and 36% not) and Mormon (47% and 35%, respectively) candidates, as well as candidates identifying as bisexual (46% and 38%, respectively) and homosexual (49% and 34%, respectively).

The safe bets? Majorities of Americans would be likely to consider voting for Protestant (72%), Catholic (72%) and Jewish (69%) candidates, candidates without children (72%), and candidates who have never been married (70%).

Generational disparities

Matures are more inclined than any other generation to say that they’d be unlikely to consider voting for a Muslim presidential candidate, while opposition is lowest among Millennials (74% Matures vs. 58% of Baby Boomers, 51% of Gen Xers and 39% of Millennials). As a rule, opposition to most of the candidate types evaluated is higher among older generations:

  • Looking at sexuality as a factor, older Americans are more inclined than their younger counterparts to say they’d be unlikely to consider voting for transgender (59% Matures, 55% Baby Boomers, 46% Gen Xers, 37% Millennials), bisexual (52%, 43%, 33% and 30%, respectively), or homosexual (47%, 39%, 30% and 26%, respectively) candidates, along with those unwilling to discuss their sexuality (47%, 40%, 30% and 31%, respectively).
  • Turning to the impact of religious views, older Americans are also more inclined than those in younger generations to say they’d be unlikely to consider voting for Agnostic/Atheist (65% Matures, 50% Baby Boomers, 40% Gen Xers, 34% Millennials), Hindu (50%, 44%, 35% and 32%, respectively), or Buddhist (48%, 43%, 34% and 27%, respectively) candidates, as well as those unwilling to discuss their religious views (52%, 45%, 39% and 30%, respectively).

Millennials, on the other hand, are more likely than any other generation to display reluctance to vote for a Mormon candidate (42% Millennials vs. 34% Gen Xers, 33% Baby Boomers and 27% Matures).

Political partialities

A similar story emerges along political lines, with Republicans more likely than Democrats or Independents to show resistance to many of the candidate types under consideration:

  • Looking at religion as a factor, Republicans are more inclined than Democrats or Independents to say they’d be unlikely to consider voting for Muslim (73% Republican, 39% Democrat and 53% Independent),  Agnostic/Atheist (63%, 37% and 40%, respectively), Hindu (55%, 31% and 38%, respectively), or Buddhist (53%, 28% and 35%, respectively) candidates, as well as those unwilling to discuss their religious views (56%, 34% and 34%, respectively).
  • As to the impact of sexuality, Republicans are more inclined than Democrats or Independents to say they’d be unlikely to consider voting for transgender (68% Republican, 34% Democrat, 50% Independent), bisexual (57%, 27% and 34%, respectively), or homosexual (52%, 23% and 31%, respectively) candidates, along with those unwilling to discuss their sexuality (49%, 31% and 31%, respectively).

Moving in the opposite direction, Democrats are more likely than Independents – who in turn are more likely than Republicans – to indicate reluctance when it comes to voting for a Mormon candidate (45% Democrat, 33% Independent, 25% Republican).

Independents present an interesting case: on the one hand, they are more likely than Democrats to show reluctance to vote for Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, transgender, bisexual or gay candidates; on the other, their views are more in line with those of Democrats in responding to candidates who choose not to discuss their religious views or sexuality.


This Harris Poll was conducted online, in English, within the United States between August 13 and 18, 2014among 2,537 adults (aged 18 and over). Figures for age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, region and household income were weighted where necessary to bring them into line with their actual proportions in the population. Propensity score weighting was also used to adjust for respondents’ propensity to be online.

All sample surveys and polls, whether or not they use probability sampling, are subject to multiple sources of error which are most often not possible to quantify or estimate, including sampling error, coverage error, error associated with nonresponse, error associated with question wording and response options, and post-survey weighting and adjustments. Therefore, The Harris Poll avoids the words “margin of error” as they are misleading. All that can be calculated are different possible sampling errors with different probabilities for pure, unweighted, random samples with 100% response rates. These are only theoretical because no published polls come close to this ideal.

Respondents for this survey were selected from among those who have agreed to participate in Harris Poll surveys. The data have been weighted to reflect the composition of the adult population. Because the sample is based on those who agreed to participate in our panel, no estimates of theoretical sampling error can be calculated.

SOURCE: The Harris Poll.

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Begun in 1963, The Harris Poll is one of the longest running surveys measuring public opinion in the U.S. and is highly regarded throughout the world. The nationally representative polls, conducted primarily online, measure the knowledge, opinions, behaviors and motivations of the general public. New and trended polls on a wide variety of subjects including politics, the economy, healthcare, foreign affairs, science and technology, sports and entertainment, and lifestyles are published weekly. For more information, or to see other recent polls, visit the HarriPhoto – Poll News Room. To see other recent Harris Polls, please visit the Harris Poll News Room.


EDITORS NOTE: These statements conform to the principles of disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls. The results of this Harris Poll may not be used in advertising, marketing or promotion without the prior written permission of The Harris Poll. Product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Liberated Women and the Traditional Family

Photo from Best of Feminist Memes.

My generation, born in the late 1930s and the 1940s, has witnessed a dramatic change in the role and the rights of women in America. A significant result of the women’s liberation movement is a change in the role of traditional marriage that was reported in early September.

If you count a generation as spanning 20 years,” wrote Terence P. Jeffery, an editor of, “then approximately 36 percent of the American generation born from 1993 through 2012—which has begun turning 21 this year and will continue turning 21 through 2033—were born to unmarried mothers.”

By comparison, Jeffrey noted that “Back in 1940, only 3.8 percent of American babies were born to unmarried mothers. By 1960, it was still only 5.3 percent.” There was a time when being a single mother was regarded as a reflection of the woman’s moral values. How a society deals with issues affecting the family as its single most important factor reflects its attitudes regarding marriage.

“It is a statistical fact that the institution of the family,” wrote Jeffrey, “has been collapsing in American over the past 45 years.”

Another statistic has significance as well. Today 51% of the U.S. population is single. A new generation of Americans, men and women, have decided that a committed relationship holds little allure.

The call for women’s rights has a long history. In 1794, Mary Wollstonecraft wrote “A Vindication of the Rights of Women.” She would have felt at home in today’s society. After affairs with two men, giving birth to a daughter by one of them, she married William Godwin, one of the forefathers of the anarchist movement. She died ten days after giving birth to a daughter, Mary Shelley, who grew up to be the author of “Frankenstein.”

Militant political action in Britain began with the formation of the Woman’s Social and Political Union in 1903. Following World War I when women participated in the war industries and support services, they were granted the right to vote in 1918, but it would take until 1928 for the age to be lowered to 21. In the United States in 1848 Elizabeth Cady Stanton led a Women’s Rights Convention followed in 1863 of the Women’s National Loyal League by Susan B. Anthony who wrote and submitted a proposed right-to-vote amendment in 1878. It would take until 1920 for it to be ratified as the 19th Amendment.


Photo courtesy of Best of Feminist Memes.

The women’s rights movement as we know it gained momentum in the 1960s. It was led by a feminist, fellow writer and friend, Betty Friedan, who was also a committed Leftist and, in 1966, she would help create the National Organization for Women (NOW). In 1971, the National Women’s Political Caucus emerged, led by Bella Abzug, Shirley Chisholm, and Gloria Steinem. Other groups were created as well. The effort to secure an Equal Rights Amendment, however, failed.

Aside from political rights, the issue that most concerned feminists was reproductive rights with the repeal of laws against abortion being the priority. The issue was decided, not by Congress or the states, but by a 1973 decision of the Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade, that ruled 7-2 that the 14th Amendment extended a right of privacy and by extension the right of a woman to opt for an abortion.

That decision freed women both within and outside of marriage to abort an unwanted child. Unforeseen by the Court, was the rise of single-parent families led primarily by women.

As Jeffery noted “In the latest annual report to Congress on “Welfare Indicators and High Risk Factors,” the Department of health and Human Services pointed to the high rate of births to unmarried mothers, saying ‘data on non-marital births are important since historically a high proportion of welfare recipients first became parents outside of marriage.’”

We have reached a point in just over a few decades in which the government, through bad economic policies and a myriad number of programs, Medicaid, food stamps, public housing, and others, has produced 109,631,000 people receiving benefits. They represent 35.4 percent of the overall population.

That’s a long way from the traditional family and it means that half of the working population is providing the funds for those who are unemployed or have stopped looking for work thanks to a stagnate economy.

The single-parent family led by women has denied generations of the young men they are raising the male role models they need to understand that being a father is as great a responsibility as being a mother.

Men have become dispensable except as sperm donors.

Male values of courage, comradeship, and leadership have to be learned from sources outside the single-mother unit.

Then, too, the feminist goal of being in the workplace also frequently means that pre-school children’s early formative years are handed over to strangers in childcare centers whether they come from one or two-parent families. The economy has required that both parents have to work—if work can be found in a society where more than 92 million Americans are unemployed or have, as noted above, ceased looking for a job.

This is not a screed against women’s rights. It is a look at the consequences of the goals feminists have fought to achieve over the past decades.

It’s not about their right to vote or to secure an education to achieve success in the business sector.

It’s about generations of young men and women growing up in a society where a “father” is not an integral part of the “family” and the price our society pays for that.

© Alan Caruba, 2014


Traditional families are still best

The War on Poverty Has Been a Colossal Flop

Carly Fiorina is redefining feminism

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is from the Best Feminist Memes.

Florida: GOP County Chairs unanimously vote to Oppose Pot Amendment

Saying it is filled with loopholes that would allow widespread access to pot, Republican county chairs voted unanimously Friday to oppose a proposed constitutional amendment that would legalize medical marijuana.

Critics of the November ballot initiative, backed heavily by attorney and Charlie Crist supporter John B. Morgan, of Morgan & Morgan law firm, say the measure is so broadly written that it would allow people who don’t truly need medical marijuana to get it.

Others question the medicinal value of the drug.

“I do not want to see Florida turned into the pot capital of the world,” said Tony Ledbetter, Chairman of the Volusia County party.

The chairs also voted to oppose a proposed conservation amendment that would dedicate a share of real-estate tax revenues to efforts such as buying and preserving land.

Opponents say that measure would endanger property rights and tie the hands of the Legislature when lawmakers craft the state budget.

Here is the latest video ad featuring John (for the reefer) Morgan released by VoteNoOn2:


Charlie Crist with John B. Morgan.

Ana Cruz, former executive director of the Florida Democratic Party, said, “I wish that it didn’t take medical marijuana on the ballot to motivate our young voters. But listen, we’ll take it any way we can get it.”

Ben Pollara, a Democratic fundraiser and campaign manager for the United for Care group, stated, “We want to be able to have our stereotypical, lazy pothead voters to be able to vote from their couch.”

As American essayist and novelist Charles Dudley Warner wrote, “Politics makes strange bedfellows.” In this case marijuana makes strange bedfellows.


Welfare Recipients Can Use Debit Cards for Marijuana
Black market boom lays bare a social divide in Colorado’s marijuana market | The Guardian
Parents Warn Against Synthetic Marijuana After 19-Year-Old Son Dies | KTLA
New marijuana drug ‘Wax’ looks and feels like lip balm – DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG
Man Allegedly Shoots Teen Over Stealing Marijuana – Huffington Post
Two Teens Arrested for Marijuana Burglary
Porterville, CA teens busted for drugs at school with intent to sell, cops say – ABC News
Girl eats father’s marijuana-laced bar – AP