Southern Poverty Law Center refuses to classify Antifa as a ‘hate group’

Of course. The SPLC and Antifa have the same overall goal: to destroy the freedom of speech and allow only Leftists access to the public square. The SPLC demonizes and tries to destroy dissenters (including foes of jihad terror) by lumping them in with the likes of the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis. Antifa, a genuinely violent and hateful group, doesn’t make the list because it doesn’t dissent from the Leftist agenda, it works to advance it.

Richard Cohen

“Southern Poverty Law Center condemns antifa, but won’t call hate group,” by Steven Nelson, Washington Examiner, September 3, 2017:

The leader of the Southern Poverty Law Center said the organization condemns the antifa movement but won’t brand it with the center’s often-cited “hate group” designation.

Richard Cohen, the president of the SPLC, told the Washington Examiner the loosely organized antifa movement, short for anti-fascism, is “wrongheaded” in opposing free speech and using violence.

“We oppose these groups and what they’re trying to do. We just don’t think anyone should be able to censor someone else’s speech,” Cohen said, echoing and endorsing recent statements from progressive scholar Noam Chomsky.

“We think they are contributing to the problem we are seeing,” Cohen said. “We think it’s likely to lead to other forms of retaliation. In Berkeley, antifa showed up and shut down speeches. The next time the white supremacists brought the Oath Keepers with them, they brought their own army.”

He said, however, the SPLC won’t label antifa a “hate group” because adherents do not discriminate against people on the basis of race, sexual orientation or other classes protected by antidiscrimination laws, such as religion.

“There might be forms of hate out there that you may consider hateful, but it’s not the type of hate we follow,” Cohen said.

Antifa activism generally but not always features black-clad activists confronting adversaries they deem fascist, such as neo-Nazis or white supremacists. The movement is decentralized, and Cohen notes in many cases it lacks discernible organization, though he said that’s not the reason against a hate-group designation.

Cohen said the SPLC does work to inform local police about the intentions of antifa activists and intends to speak out against the movement, adding “we follow them, but we don’t track them in the same way.”

The SPLC is controversial among some conservatives for its influential hate-group designations, which some on the list call unfair. The socially conservative Family Research Council was attacked in 2012 by a gunman who told investigators he saw the group listed on the center’s website….


UK: State schools allowing girls as young as five to wear hijabs as part of uniform

Netherlands: Muslims at “Palestinian” rally screamed about killing Jews

Muslims at the Hajj are worried about Donald Trump and his policies

…..but, not a word about the responsibility of Muslims to rein-in their terrorist element.

Screenshot (808)

These Hajj Muslims seem to think our concern about Muslim migration is completely lacking in any rational calculation. Don’t miss Raheem Kassam’s good report on Islamic terrorism attacks in ‘welcoming’ Europe and how more Americans need to wake up.  …And, here they are in Saudi Arabia which will never let them stay and become citizens of that Muslim country!

Victims, always victims!


MECCA/RIYADH (Reuters) – Even at Islam’s holiest sites and during the most sacred time of year for Muslims, some people cannot stop talking about Donald Trump.

Among one group of American, Canadian and British pilgrims in Mecca this week for the annual haj, the U.S. president and policies they say target Muslims and immigrants are a regular conversation topic.

“People are irritated, angry, somber, a little bit worried,” said Yasir Qadhi, an Islamic scholar who traveled from Tennessee for his fourteenth pilgrimage.


“No one that I know is happy at the current circumstances or the current administration. No one, not a single person in this entire gathering.”

As a candidate, Trump proposed barring Muslims from entering the United States. In office, he ordered temporary bans on people from several Muslim-majority countries, which have been blocked by courts that ruled they were discriminatory.

His administration has denied any intention of religious discrimination in the travel ban, saying it is intended purely as a national security measure.

But sharp rhetoric about the threat posed by “radical Islam” which was a central part of his campaign has also drawn accusations he risks alienating more than three million Americans who practise Islam peacefully. [So where are the peaceful Muslims standing up at the Haj to to speak against and discourage the violent ones?—ed]

Many American Muslims say his stance has fueled an atmosphere in which some may feel they can voice prejudices or attack Muslims without fear of retribution.


Reuters apparently didn’t find anyone to speak up against their own terrorist element, but they found this guy!

Baha al-Deen, a pilgrim from ex-Soviet Georgia, said any labeling of Muslims as terrorists should stop.

“God gave us minds and tongues so we can understand each other and talk about our problems,” he said. “Otherwise we will fight like animals.”

Oh, that is going to inspire communication—NOT!

More here.


Trump Administration has kept refugee flow relatively low, but real test coming

Here is what the ‘Refugee Act of 1980’ says the President and Congress must do right now…

New Charleston, WV refugee resettlement office will not open

What about America’s own refugees!

Self-Radicalization is a Leftist Oxymoron

Self-radicalization is a Leftist oxymoron – it simply does not exist. Radicalization is an interactive social phenomenon. Radicalization happens socially in mosques. Radicalization happens socially in cultural centers. Radicalization happens socially in prisons. Radicalization happens socially in schools. Radicalization happens socially in homes. Radicalization happens socially on social media. Radicalization is not a monologue – it is a dialogue with Islam and there are no lone wolves. Like the bogus Benghazi video, the lone wolf chimera is pure Leftist fiction created to quell public fear and deflect attention away from the clear and present danger of the spread of Islam in America.

Islam is an expansionist socio-political movement with a religious wing created 1400 years ago. Islam then and Islam now seeks world dominion – the establishment of a worldwide Islamic caliphate ruled by Islamic sharia law. The global spread of Islam has the immutable goal of world domination. Its tactics and strategies vary depending on the fluctuating economies that support the movement and the social forces that oppose the movement. The discovery of oil in the Arabian peninsula was a bonanza for the spread of Islam.

Western demand for oil and the spread of Islam increased in parallel trajectories. Islam went on a buying spree. Oil wealth purchased excessive power and influence in politics, academia, and the media. The Islamic expansion strategy was to target the three spheres of influence necessary to rebrand Islam as benign and dupe the gullible West into accepting Islam as a religion like any other. The greedy West was playing checkers – Islam was playing chess.

The Islamic radicalization most feared by the West is barbaric jihadi terrorism. Terrorism is arguably the most terrifying element of the spread of Islam but it is not the greatest threat to the West. The insidious indoctrination of the West toward Islam and away from its native Judeo-Christian traditions is the most dangerous and destabilizing. The pundits and politicians continue to ask the wrong questions. They keep asking about self-radicalization and lone wolves when the extreme threat is the ideological acceptance of religious supremacist Islamic sharia law in the West.

Vetting is not a matter of being Muslim – it is a matter of following sharia law. Any individual who embraces sharia law is an enemy of the state because sharia law is supremacist and does not recognize any law but sharia. The United States is a country governed by the tolerance and freedoms codified in our Constitution. Islam is a worldwide movement governed by the intolerance and supremacism codified in the Sharia.

Sharia law is diametrically opposed to Western secular law. Like any orthodoxy sharia provides strict and comprehensive rules for acceptable behavior and punishments for unacceptable behavior. The problem is that the behaviors sharia endorses include murder, rape, child abuse, pedophilia, homophobia, misogyny, slavery – these behaviors are crimes in the West but supported by sharia. Muslims who embrace sharia do not recognize the secular laws of the West so there is no possibility of living together in multicultural peace.

Peace for Islam is when the whole world is Islamic. Leftists who naively insist that Islam is a religion of peace do not understand this – they have been indoctrinated to believe in the rebranded version of Islam and are too arrogant to understand that Islam is Islam.

The Muslim Brotherhood, founded by Hassan al-Banna in 1928, remains dedicated to resurrecting Islamic governance based on Sharia law. The motto of the Muslim Brotherhood is “God is our objective, the Quran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad is our way, and death for the sake of God is the highest of our aspirations.” Their motto remains unchanged.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization designed to spread Islam worldwide and yet Obama invited them into the US government to make policy about our national security. It was Obama who ordered the purging of any reference to Islamic doctrine that would explain to law enforcement and the military the ideological inspiration for jihad. It was Obama who invited the Muslim Brotherhood in to Common Core to rewrite our educational curricula to glorify Islam and disparage Christianity. The Muslim Student Association is spreading Islam on American campuses. The Muslim Brotherhood is spreading Islam in the media by misinforming a naive public through programming that denies the threat and expansionist goals of Islam.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a greater threat to America than machete wielding jihadi terrorists dressed in menacing black costumes screaming Allahu Akhbar. The Muslim Brotherhood speaks flawless English and camouflages itself in Western clothing to blend in and appear benign. Thanks to Obama the MB has infiltrated every level of our government and operates freely in the United States to control the conversation about Islam and to disguise Islam’s expansionist intentions. Taqiyyah – the practice of lying in the service of Islam – is the language of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ex-president liar-in-chief Barack Obama is responsible for the proliferation of the Muslim Brotherhood terror organization in America and for inciting the Leftist “resistance” movement including Antifa and Black Lives Matter toward anarchy. Obama is fluent in English, taqiyyah, and Leftist Orwellian doublespeak. He was the perfect puppet chosen by the globalist elite to bring chaos to America.

Barack Obama will go down in history as the first anti-American president to ever hold office. His presidential legacy is the Leftist/Islamist axis designed to destroy American democracy. His ex-presidential legacy is the “resistance” movement designed to make America ungovernable for President Trump.

Obama’s Leftist/Islamist axis was designed to destabilize and destroy American democracy by the globalist elite who finance and support radicalization. Radicalization provides the social chaos necessary for the implementation of their own globalist elite new world order of one-world government. Anarchy and the global instability created by the spread of Islam produces the terrifying conditions necessary to dupe the American people into surrendering their freedoms in exchange for false promises of safety.

The Obama leftovers remaining in government are sabotaging President Trump’s agenda to create chaos and make the country ungovernable. The West Wing Democrats are eliminating all the President’s men and isolating him from MAGA loyalists. Obama’s team has positioned itself to take over the government if they can successfully overthrow President Trump.

President Donald Trump was elected to reverse Obama’s anti-American pro-Muslim course. The Muslim Brotherhood, the lethal weapon of choice in the spread of Islam, is creating worldwide instability and must be immediately designated a terrorist organization by President Trump and Congress.

President Trump must get control of his government and reverse the deliberate depopulation of staff loyal to his pro-American Make America Great Again vision. If not, the Leftist/Islamist axis will successfully create enough social chaos for the globalist elite to take over the White House and impose their own dystopian one-world government. That was the plan all along.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Goudsmit Pundicity website.

Make it official: Declare Antifa a Domestic Terrorist Organization

Some wise soul has created a White House petition to designate antifa a terrorist organization. As of this writing, 314,725 people, including this author, have signed. With the exception of perhaps the Muslim Brotherhood and whatever ISIS/al-Qaeda cells in operation in the U.S., there are few, if any, domestic groups more deserving of that title.

The petition says:

Terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims”. This definition is the same definition used to declare ISIS and other groups, as terrorist organizations. AntiFa has earned this title due to its violent actions in multiple cities and their influence in the killings of multiple police officers throughout the United States. It is time for the pentagon to be consistent in its actions – and just as they rightfully declared ISIS a terror group, they must declare AntiFa a terror group – on the grounds of principle, integrity, morality, and safety.

Antifa groups openly declare what they are: anarchists, communists and other Marxist/Leninists of various stripes, dedicated to seeing America destroyed. The red and black of the antifa flag (shown below) is the symbol of anarcho-syndicalists, i.e. anarchists allied with labor (isyndicates).

The modern antifa movement, in both symbolism and rhetoric, recalls a similar communist movement in Weimar Germany called Antifaschistiche Aktion, which engaged in street battles with Hitler’s brownshirts (Sturmabteilung).

Leftists make extensive use of symbolism. Perhaps Obama – a self-described “union man” and extreme leftist as well, signaled his sympathy for anarcho-syndicalists when, during his 2008 victory speech, his entire family wore red and black — Michelle in particular stood out with that hideous black widow spider outfit. How did we ever get such a horrid couple? But I guess it was not unprecedented: Hillary and Bill set the standard.

In any event, during his presidency Obama advanced the antifa cause with his inexcusable persecution of George Zimmerman, the “White Hispanic” who killed Trayvon Martin in self-defense. Obama’s constant, dishonest, and inexcusably irresponsible racist agitation that inspired deadly race riots in Baltimore, Maryland and Ferguson, Missouri, and the insane mass shootings of police also advanced the antifa cause.

As the first affirmative-action president, Obama got a pass for that and much else. He should be in prison. He and the Democrat Party that supported him have blood on their hands. They may be about to get more.

His entire modus operandi was to define America as “racist” and “bigoted.” Taking it to the next level, antifa justifies its violence on the contrived narrative of a racist America now taken over by “fascists” with the election of Donald Trump.

Antifa openly declares its goal is to make America ungovernable. Democrats have signed on to this strategy too. Insanity is described as doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. Do the Democrats not understand why they really lost?

But there is nothing new in the “racist” “fascist” narrative. The true enemy, according to Karl Marx, has always been capitalism. According to standard Marxist-Leninist dogma, capitalism is “racist, imperialist, and oppressive,” hence America is inherently, unsalvageably racist. And since America is the most prominent example of these claimed evils, the real goal has always been to destroy America.

But Marx’s theories are absurd. Anyone with even an elementary grasp of economics sees right through the flaws in Marx’s theories. Capitalism is the driver of economic prosperity for all, and the only true source of economic growth.

Navigating this inconvenient truth, Marx used a much more sinister technique to lure in adherents: greed and envy. While claiming that Marxism frees people from selfish preoccupation with material wealth, it simultaneously rests its attraction on promising increased wealth through income redistribution — with no compensating increase in output or productivity.

Those at the lower end of the income scale were encouraged to believe they could expect a better standard of living without lifting a finger. This doesn’t work in the real world — transferring resources from productive uses elsewhere does not reproduce productivity. It destroys it. But Marxists have never sought the results they promise, only the power that their lies deliver.

By implying that capitalist wealth is obtained illegitimately — i.e. by stealing it “off the backs of labor,” Marxists give people a rationalization for receiving unearned income through what we all know at the core of our hearts is nothing more than legalized theft. Only they call it “social justice.”

And while stoking the fires of resentment by suggesting lower-income people are having their rightful incomes stolen, Marxists have unleashed one of the most dangerous of human emotions: envy. Many of us have been infected with it to some extent at some point in our lives, but sooner or later we recognize it for the poisonous, destructive and entirely unworthy human emotion it is.

In its worst forms it can lead to murder, and throughout history it has prevented many societies from advancing past Stone Age development. Dr. Jack Wheeler calls it the Evil Eye:

Among the Yanomamo and other tribes deep in the Amazon rain forests… it is an accepted practice that when a woman gives birth, she tearfully proclaims her child to be ugly… She does this in order to ward off the envious black magic of the Evil Eye, the Mal Ojo, that would be directed at her by her fellow tribes people if they knew how happy she was with her beautiful baby.

The fundamental reason why certain cultures remain static and never evolve… is the overwhelming extent to which the lives of the people within them are dominated by envy and envy avoidance: as anthropologists call it, the envy barrier.

Any effort to progress in those societies is sabotaged by the group. Wheeler quotes sociologist Helmut Schoeck, who describes it as:

A self-pitying inclination to contemplate another’s superiority or advantages, combined with a vague belief in his being the cause of one’s own deprivation… Whereas the socialist believes himself robbed by the employer, just as the politician in a developing country believes himself robbed by the industrial countries, so primitive man believes himself robbed by his neighbor, the latter having succeeded by black magic in spiriting away to his own fields, part of the former’s harvest.

Free market capitalism, by allowing the entrepreneurial spirit of the individual to flourish, has allowed for unprecedented advances in human development and affluence. But it is truly a novel innovation in societal organization. Most societies throughout history have instead fallen victim to the all-too-common maladies of human greed, envy, and corruption. Indeed, these negative human motives are ever present. Overcoming them requires constant vigilance, resourcefulness and commitment.

Our constitutional republic was set up to promote the prosperity found only in liberty. Following the Constitution’s enactment, Benjamin Franklin was famously asked, “Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin responded, “A republic… if you can keep it.” The clear implication is that the tendency toward despotism is baked into human nature. Resisting its attractions requires an informed, committed, moral constituency.

Communism is the polar opposite of free market capitalism. It cannot compete honestly. It thrives on envy and destroys everything it touches. Communists are the evolutionary endpoint to human depravity.

Even the communists themselves do not believe the “racist, sexist, xenophobe” narrative that they constantly spew. The true goal is to destroy our credibility through intimidation and shaming. The reality of this strategy is demonstrated by its history of use.

Vladimir Lenin, the Soviet Union’s first leader, is believed to be the first to lay out this strategy, and has been credited with saying, “We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth… We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.”

Lenin is the secular god of Marxism-Leninism. His ideas thus advanced and evolved as the decades rolled on. In 1943 the Soviet Communist Party sent the following message to the communist parties of the world:

Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic… constantly associate those who oppose us with those names that already have a bad smell. The association will, after enough repetition, become `fact’ in the public mind.

Over the subsequent years they have added in, “sexist, homophobe, xenophobe,” and the latest epithet, “Islamophobe.” I’m sure they will dream up more. Name your phobia. There is not a shred of reality to the accusations. It is a tactical ploy to shame, discredit and silence opponents. And it has been very effective.

Facing little official resistance, antifa is now suggesting its violence is justified, and that its opponents should be silenced and oppressed. After all, if you are the saviors of the world, and your opponents are horrible racists, sexists, homophobes, etc., etc., why question or second-guess your actions at all?

But this tactic too, has a long, sordid history. Lenin is also credited with saying:

Why should freedom of speech and freedom of the press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes is right allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns.

The German Communist Herbert Marcuse advanced Lenin’s idea with his 1965 essay “Repressive Tolerance.” Marcuse was one of the better known members of the so-called Frankfurt School. Founded in Frankfurt, Germany in 1923 as the Institute for Social Research, the school was disbanded when Hitler rose to power, and its professors fled. Most came to America.

The Frankfurt School was reconstituted at Columbia University. Marcuse taught there before heading to Harvard, Brandeis, and finally the University of California, San Diego. He mentored Angela Davis, the black American Communist involved at the time with the Black Panthers, first at Brandeis, then at UC San Diego, which she attended specifically because he was there.

Marcuse and his fellow Frankfurt School Marxists created Critical Theory, an intellectual tool to deconstruct the West through constant criticism. Echoing the Soviets, their teaching relentlessly accused Western societies of being “the world’s greatest repositories of racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, anti-Semitism, fascism, and Nazism.”[1]

Especially ironic is the “anti-Semitism” charge. The antifa thugs shout it out even though American leftists have joined the Islamists in creating a virulently anti-Semitic atmosphere at college campuses throughout the U.S. But even that is old-hat. While communist Antifaschistiches were in the streets vilifying Nazis for killing Jews, the Soviet Union was busy killing them too, but Stalin was an equal opportunity mass murderer — not satisfied with killing Jews alone.

Anyway, Marcuse’s understanding of the First Amendment had a peculiar twist. Leftists certainly could speak out, but it was a form of “repressive tolerance” because in a capitalist society ruled by racism, sexism, and so forth, their ideas would never get a fair hearing.

In order to correct Marcuse’s claimed oppressive imbalance, he suggested that — again recalling Lenin — those oppressed by the society had a special right to lie, intimidate, and engage in violence and law-breaking to get their way:

Under the conditions prevailing in this country, tolerance does not, and cannot, fulfill the civilizing function attributed to it by the liberal protagonists of democracy, namely, protection of dissent… I believe that there is a ‘natural right’ of resistance for oppressed and overpowered minorities to use extralegal means if the legal ones have proved to be inadequate…

And in order to get a fair hearing they needed a head start:

Not “equal” but more representation of the Left would be equalization of the prevailing inequality… Given this situation, I suggested in “Repressive Tolerance” the practice of discriminating tolerance in an inverse direction, as a means of shifting the balance between Right and Left by restraining the liberty of the Right, thus counteracting the pervasive inequality of freedom (unequal opportunity of access to the means of democratic persuasion) and strengthening the oppressed against the oppressors…

Marcuse further described the types of people who needed to have their freedom restricted:

[It] would include the withdrawal of toleration of speech and assembly from groups and movements which promote aggressive policies, armament, chauvinism, discrimination on the grounds of race and religion, or which oppose the extension of public services, social security, medical care, etc. Moreover, the restoration of freedom of thought may necessitate new and rigid restrictions on teachings and practices in the educational institutions which, by their very methods and concepts, serve to enclose the mind within the established universe of discourse and behavior — thereby precluding a priori a rational evaluation of the alternatives.

Our Social Security/Medicare system currently has a currently projected unfunded liability of $127 trillion. I have a problem with that. So does that make me a racist? Should my freedoms be curtailed because I hold such “extremist” views? According to Marcuse, apparently so.

Antifa and indeed the entire Left establishment have used Marcuse’s arguments to justify what they are doing. Some cite Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, but Alinsky just developed Marcuse’s idea a little further.

Antifa is simply exploiting the moment. These ideas have been gaining traction for 100 years. With the dumbing down of our education system, and the systematic suppression of the terrors of communism, antifa is taking full advantage of the misperceptions that our media and popular culture have been incubating for years.

But the fact is that communism, socialism, and anarchism represent all the worst aspects of human nature. And they have justified it with the worst of lies. They have been violent for years, and have largely gotten away with it for reasons that defy explanation. Today they are publicly advocating violence, and using the false “racist” narrative to justify it.

As the antifa thugs seek to push this country toward civil war, it is way past time to identify communism for what it is and them for the treasonous, vicious, subversive domestic terrorists they are. We need to officially recognize antifa as a terrorist organization. Sign the petition and ask your member of Congress to support legislation that will put a stop to this anarchy. If we don’t act now, we may not get another chance.

[1] Buchanan, Patrick. The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2002. 80.


FBI, Homeland Security warn of more ‘antifa’ attacks

FBI Labeled Antifa Domestic Terrorism Long Before Ryan, Rubio, Romney Declared ‘No Sides’ – Breitbart

Wasserman Schultz IT Staffer Banned From House Network Months Ago Still Has Active Account

A former IT aide suspected of stealing equipment and data from Congress still has an active, secret email account on the House computer system, even though he has been banned from the congressional network because of a criminal investigation into the alleged cybersecurity violations, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned.

Imran Awan’s still-active email address is linked to the name of a House staffer who specializes in intelligence and homeland security matters for Rep. André Carson, D-Ind. Court documents and emails show Awan used the address in addition to his standard account.

He and two of his Pakistani-born brothers, as well as his wife, are at the center of an FBI investigation over their IT work with dozens of Democratic congressional offices. Authorities shut down Awan’s standard email account Feb. 2, and he was arrested by the FBI at Dulles International Airport trying to board a flight to his native Pakistan on July 25.

Authorities apparently did not realize Awan has a second account that is not linked to his identity. While his main email address began rejecting mail after it was shut down, the 123 address was still accepting mail Tuesday.

Mail sent via Gmail fills in the name of the account holder of 123 as Nathan Bennett, whose LinkedIn profile says his individual legislative portfolio covers “national security and foreign affairs” and includes work on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

The member Bennett works for, Carson, is a member of both the House Intelligence and House Homeland Security committees, and previously employed Awan.

Carson is ranking member of the House intelligence subcommittee on emerging threats, which oversees the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The subcommittee oversight extends to the National Counterterrorism Center and information-sharing programs.

A spokeswoman for Carson, Jessica Gail, did not express concern or surprise when contacted about Awan’s still-active email address Monday morning. Bennett said Tuesday morning Gail had not even informed him of the details.

Bennett, who is Carson’s deputy chief of staff, said he has no control over the 123 address. “However this happened, it was not with my consent or control,” he said in an email. “For the record, I do not, nor have I ever, had control of the email account or any other account connected with Imran Awan or his family.”

That could not be confirmed by the House’s chief administrative officer because spokesman Dan Weiser said “the [chief administrative officer] will not comment on matters pertaining to this ongoing investigation.”

Bennett’s response raises questions about whether Awan was misusing Carson’s office, access, or staffers.

Gail declined to comment on Awan, or state whether the office is concerned he may have misused Bennett’s identity. She also declined to state whether the office has taken any measures to assess its data security since Awan’s problems came to the attention of the office in September 2016.

Carson had employed Awan since 2015, and did not fire him when his office learned Awan was the subject of an investigation in September. He also did not fire Awan immediately after he was banned from the House computer network by Capitol Police in February.

Of the 13 House Democrats who employed Awan, only two—Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., and Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio—waited longer than Carson to fire him after the red flags emerged, payroll records show.

Gail directed The Daily Caller News Foundation to the House Information Resources Office. “Our office has no control over House email addresses,” she said. “Those are controlled through the House Information Resources Office. Any questions regarding the address should be directed to that office.”

Until last year, email addresses were created by individual offices, but now members have to request the resources office set up new addresses.

Carson’s office is not showing any concern that an indicted IT guy apparently set up a secret email address using the name of his deputy chief of staff, who is also his top intelligence staffer, and that the account is still active. Since the account was still accepting emails as of Tuesday afternoon, it appears Carson’s office has not alerted anyone of the security vulnerability.

A Democratic IT aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of job concerns, said Awan and Carson used to play video games together in Carson’s office, and that he had been teaching Carson a foreign language. Gail did not dispute either claim.

Court documents and testimony from others back up Awan’s use of the 123 address.

A landlord mentioned the address in a claim he filed against Awan for unpaid rent at an apartment called Morningside. “He told me that he worked for the House of Representatives, his email is,” the landlord said in Fairfax, Virginia, court records show.

Awan and his wife, Hina Alvi, owned four houses and collected $330,000 annually in congressional salaries. It’s unclear why he would be paying rent on the Morningside apartment. His stepmother, Samina Gilani, claims Awan had two wives under Islamic law—both in Virginia—and that he “kept” his second wife in a place she knew as “Morningside.” The Daily Caller News Foundation did not independently verify her account.

Gilani said the second wife’s name is Sumaira Sidiq, also spelled Saddiq, and that Awan divorced her the same month that court records say he stopped paying rent on Morningside. The Daily Caller News Foundation visited the apartment, but no one responded to a knock on the door.

After The Daily Caller News Foundation contacted tenants of a single-family home involved in an alleged mortgage fraud for which Awan has been indicted, a past renter, Laurel Everly, provided email correspondence with Awan at the 123 address.

Everly described Awan as a highly aggressive landlord who threatened to sue her if she didn’t pay for damage to the basement caused by natural flooding and a broken sump pump. She claimed he broke an air conditioner by installing a part incorrectly and then demanded that she buy him a new one. She also said he “charged me $350 for not gardening.”

“He’s a really bad guy, he laid the pressure on so heavily,” she said. “He absolutely is capable of trying to extort money. … He presents himself well—a clean-cut articulate man—but when he turns snake, I can’t think for a minute that he didn’t turn dishonest in his work [in Congress].”


Luke Rosiak is an investigative reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation. Twitter: @lukerosiak

RELATED ARTICLE: At Least 3 Muslim Women Called Police on Democrat’s Rogue Pakistani IT Aide

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EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, whos former IT staffer and two of his Pakistani-born brothers, as well as his wife, are at the center of an FBI investigation over their IT work with dozens of Democratic congressional offices. (Photo: Taimy Alvarez/ZUMA Press/Newscom)

What does federal law say about an alien who enters the U.S. illegally?

A federal judge just struck down the Texas law that punishes sanctuary cities. There has been much discussion about illegal aliens, or undocumented migrants, currently living in the United States.

Perhaps it is time to read what the federal law actually says. This may clear up the confusion?

8 U.S. Code § 1325 – Improper entry by alien

(a) Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts

Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

(b) Improper time or place; civil penalties 

Any alien who is apprehended while entering (or attempting to enter) the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty of—

(1) at least $50 and not more than $250 for each such entry (or attempted entry); or
(2) twice the amount specified in paragraph (1) in the case of an alien who has been previously subject to a civil penalty under this subsection.

Civil penalties under this subsection are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any criminal or other civil penalties that may be imposed.

(c) Marriage fraud

Any individual who knowingly enters into a marriage for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or fined not more than $250,000, or both.

(d) Immigration-related entrepreneurship fraud

Any individual who knowingly establishes a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, fined in accordance with title 18, or both.

Any Questions?

National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster: A legend or a lie?

(language warning) (CORRECTION as to casualty count appears near the bottom of this article)

Fresh on the heels of a successful offensive in Mosul, Iraq, the Iraqi military is now poised to retake Tal Afar, long a hotbed of ISIS and other insurgent activity. Before we pulled out of Iraq, Tal Afar, like Fallujah, had been the focal point of multiple large-scale, costly offensives to eject entrenched insurgents. In 2005, then-Colonel H.R. McMaster led the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment (3rd ACR) in the largest of these offensives, Operation Restoring Rights. His reputation as a brilliant military strategist rests largely on the results of that one battle. Given the widespread support for McMaster in the media and Washington establishment, it is ironic that current reporting largely fails to mention this battle or McMaster’s central role in it.

McMaster’s widely-hyped strategic acumen has been called into question by high-level military sources with personal knowledge of his conduct in the field. These sources spoke with me on condition of anonymity.

McMaster rests his laurels on the counter-insurgency strategy he claims won the Battle of Tal Afar, Iraq. But sources say McMaster ignored counter-insurgency experts and that his reckless leadership killed between 70 and 85* Americans and almost lost the battle. The battle, the sources say, was won only through a valiant rescue mission during which most of those casualties occurred.*

Until today this information has been suppressed.

Today, National Security Advisor McMaster is facing sustained criticism for his seemingly relentless opposition to Trump policies, his purging of many competent, conservative Trump loyalists from the National Security Council staff, and “protecting and coddling” 40 Obama holdovers — almost one-sixth of the NSC staff — who are plainly out to sabotage the Trump agenda.

Yet he continues to enjoy President Trump’s support. Is President Trump reluctant to fire McMaster for fear of criticism? Has he decided that McMaster’s reputed military genius is worth the cost? Or has he been thoroughly misinformed about McMaster’s character and competence? Who is H.R. McMaster really?

Lieutenant General (three-star) Herbert Raymond McMaster is a career Army officer still on active duty. He came to the Trump administration as a quick replacement for Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.), who resigned over controversies regarding his contacts with Russian officials. Whatever Flynn may have done wrong, his true sin was bucking the D.C. establishment, including many military leaders. And as frequently happens in Washington, when a strong conservative political appointee faces widespread (often manufactured) controversy, the knee-jerk reaction is to find a replacement the establishment likes. McMaster fits the bill.

On the surface, he appears to have the right resume. He has been awarded the Silver Star, Purple Heart, Bronze Star, the Legion of Merit and other medals, although John Kerry and many others have proved there are ways to get these medals without earning them. Most of this acclaim comes out of his service at the Battle of 73 Easting (1991), where in 23 minutes, McMaster’s nine M1A1 Abrams tanks and 12 Bradley Fighting Vehicles destroyed 30 Iraqi tanks and 14 armored vehicles. McMaster has been given credit for quick thinking and aggressive action, but his unit faced off against obsolete Iraqi T-55 and T-72 tanks operated by troops with inferior training. His unit was part of a larger operation that experienced similar success, ultimately destroying 85 tanks, 40 personnel carriers, and over 30 other vehicles. As George Dvorsky observes: “the [Republican Guard] didn’t have a chance.”

As the author of the 1997 book, Dereliction of Duty: Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, The Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies that Led to Vietnam, McMaster enjoys a reputation as something of a maverick, a fact which perhaps found favor in the unorthodox Trump administration. The book has been described as “the seminal work on military’s responsibility during Vietnam to confront their civilian bosses when strategy was not working.”

But, as noted above, McMaster’s reputation rests largely on the counterinsurgency (COIN) strategy applied at Tal Afar. It was later hailed by President George W. Bush, who said it, “gives me confidence in our strategy because in this city we see the outlines of the Iraq that we and the Iraqi people have been fighting for…” For once, the media agreed with Bush, published glowing reports on McMaster’s feats. Mother Jones and the Washington Post called him the “Hero of Tal Afar.” The left-leaning calls him “the Army’s smartest officer.”

Now leftists are coming out of the woodwork to defend McMaster against his conservative critics. Newsweek accuses the “alt-right” of attempting to smear McMaster, while genuine slime merchants like Media Matters for America are smearing his critics.

He is even being defended by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the propaganda arm of the Palestinian terrorist group HAMAS.

Okay, wait a minute.

When reflexively anti-American, anti-military outlets like Mother Jones, Slate and the Washington Post offer fawning praise for a Republican military commander, the reasons underlying those plaudits deserve further investigation. When anti-American, anti-military, George Soros-funded, extreme leftist smear operations like Media Matters go to war to defend a Trump political appointee, it casts a shadow on everything about the man. When the anti-American, terrorism-supporting, Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated CAIR defends an American general, the alarm bells drown out all other sound. And officers who have witnessed his “leadership” in the unforgiving crucible of combat are now sounding the alarm.

It is not unusual in Army practice that studies and reports often gloss over leadership failures by simply not mentioning the leaders who failed. This seems to be the case in an official military report prepared for the U.S. Army’s Combat Studies Institute concerning the conduct of 3rd ACR in Operation Restoring Rights, according to Brave Rifles at the Battle of Tal Afar.[1] The 3rd ACR, also known as the “Brave Rifles,” is comprised of three ground squadrons, the 1st, 2nd and 4th, and a support squadron. Most of the fighting during this operation was conducted by the 2nd Squadron. Its commander, Lt. Col. Christopher M. Hickey, was the man on the ground leading the engaged combat forces.

Virtually all of the action described centers on decisions made by Hickey. McMaster barely gets a mention. The Washington Post‘s account of the battle puts McMaster in the middle of it, though the embedded reporter, Jon Finer, says he didn’t see McMaster until “the operation was winding down.” Brave Rifles does not describe where McMaster was at all, only that he responded to Hickey’s request for more troops by appealing to Task Force Freedom and Multinational Corps–Iraq (pp. 131-132). He likely oversaw the offensive from 3rd ACR’s operations base, FOB Sykes, 7.5 miles south of town (p. 130). Given that he had overall command of the regiment, that is probably where he should have been, except that he seemed to want people to believe he was in the heat of battle. He wasn’t.

The report is not especially critical of Hickey, but if the operation was an unqualified success, McMaster’s role presumably would have been highlighted. McMaster’s Tal Afar COIN strategy is also credited with inspiring Iraq’s 2007 “surge” operation. Yet Brave Rifles makes no such claim.

The report describes a halt in the advance to evacuate civilians that occurred little more than one day into the fight. In a “Frontline” video interview, [2] McMaster claims the pause was “about three days,” but according to Brave Rifles, it took a full week (p. 142). Officers on the ground during that battle claim that in fact the 2nd Squadron was surrounded and in danger of being annihilated. One Special Forces operative described it as a “goat fuck” (p. 142). A 1,150-strong Special Operations Group joined with other units to launch a rescue mission that would clear a path to McMaster’s beleaguered forces.

The following is an account of that effort provided for this article by the commander of the Special Operations Group. He is a highly decorated retired Special Forces flag officer with decades of service under his belt. His bona fides have been confirmed by other top-level military sources. All have requested anonymity. Given the D.C. establishment’s demonstrated hostility to whistleblowers, you can’t blame them.

Here is his story:

Mine was one of three units sent to rescue McMaster from Tal Afar. McMaster replaced most of the operations people upon assuming command with his admirers — most of whom had limited combat experience at best. The majority never had a troop command, even in peacetime. As an apprentice of David Petraeus, McMaster was recommended to command the 3rd ACR not because of his ability/experience to command a large armored formation but simply so he could get his ticket punched on the way to flag rank.

The strategy called for assault, clear and hold, but McMaster simply ordered the squadron to advance without securing positions taken. This allowed insurgents to come in behind his assault force and it was soon surrounded. It came to be known among the troops as “Little Stalingrad” because of McMaster’s arrogance and disregard of advice from COIN experts. McMaster was thoroughly briefed that Tal Afar was an insurgent stronghold but ignored this intelligence and attempted to take the city by coup de main (surprise attack) using a blitzkrieg strategy like Von Paulus used in the Battle of Stalingrad.

Use of armor in urban warfare is fraught with danger if not carefully coordinated with infantry and combat support. The insurgent force, commanded by former Iraqi officers, allowed McMaster’s column to enter the city, then sprung the trap. As with Von Paulus, McMaster soon found his tanks and tracks hopelessly bogged down in the streets and narrow alleys of Tal Afar.

The insurgents used the city like a giant maze. M1A2s (Abrams main battle tank) have vulnerabilities the insurgents used to their advantage. The Abrams was designed with no escape hatch underneath. The insurgents dropped Molotov cocktails on the tanks from tops of buildings. With the tank on fire, the crew had to exit thru the top of the tank, where they could be fired upon as they climbed out.

The M1A2 is also vulnerable to RPGs [rocket-propelled grenades]. Tal Afar had been ringed with sand berms to make it difficult for insurgents to get away. However, to enter the city, the tanks had to drive over the berms. The M1A2 underbelly is not adequately armored. As the tanks came over the berms, insurgents shot at their undersides with RPGs. The insurgents learned these tactics from the experience of jihadis who fought the Russians in Afghanistan in the 1980s. McMaster apparently didn’t.

McMaster attempted to paint a rosy picture of the assault but it soon became apparent to others his unit was in trouble. McMaster estimated the assault would take one-and-a-half days to complete, but by that time the 2nd Squadron was trapped. The official record claims that they halted the assault to allow civilians to evacuate. The truth is that they had become surrounded and couldn’t move.

My SF unit, just off another operation, was ordered to re-deploy and fight our way in to open a supply route into the city to replenish ammo and supplies and Medevac the wounded. Earlier attempts to drop supplies by helicopter met intense fire and risked supplies falling into enemy hands. It took us three days to battle our way to them. I lost 40 men KIA [killed in action] in one day and a total of 50 lost from my unit alone during the pause, with many more wounded.

The operation which was supposed to last 2 days, turned into an 18-day battle, with the 3rd ACR being decimated. Many soldiers died later in field hospitals overloaded with wounded. Many civilians were not evacuated until after the forces engaged, and they too suffered many dead and wounded.

This fiasco was covered up by McMaster’s good friend, mentor and fellow West Pointer, David Petraeus, who worried that revealing the depth of McMaster’s mistakes would reflect badly on him as well.

McMaster is a political officer who took credit for the hard work and sacrifice of others. He advanced his own career and burnished his myth with the help of David Petraeus and John McCain. A deeper research into Army records including casualties and vehicle losses will paint an accurate picture of the debacle, not mythical accounts.

The truth about Tal Afar is that a major cover up has allowed an unqualified officer to occupy one of the most critical positions in our national security apparatus.

According to the Brave Rifles report, 2nd Squadron lost 8 men and 12 soldiers from other units who joined them in the fight and 38 friendly Iraqi soldiers and 6 Iraqi policemen also perished.** (p. 147). According to the Special Forces officer, however, losses actually included:

Approximately 250 killed in action, including 70 to 85 American troops* and approximately 165 to 180 friendly Iraqi forces

1 HH47 Chinook helicopter

4 Blackhawk helicopters

4 M1A2 Abrams Tanks

30 Bradley Fighting Vehicles

Heavy losses of 5-ton trucks and fuel tankers

McMaster’s reputation for arrogance and incompetence filtered down to the rank and file as well.

Mathew Bocian served in the U.S. Army as a cavalry scout with 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry (Stryker). He deployed to Mosul and Tal Afar in 2004 and to Baghdad for The Surge in 2007. He has written a book about it, The Ghosts of Tal Afar. Bocian’s unit was in Tal Afar when McMaster’s 3rd ACR showed up.

He had this to say about McMaster’s leadership:

[T]he regiment’s senior leadership thought they were hot-shit, and would teach us a thing or two. I was in a Squadron-wide officer call when good old H.R himself told the room not to worry – the real cav[alry] was here, and they brought the “big guns”. We deterred Hajj [the insurgents] by going into town every day – yes, even Al Sarai [the insurgent stronghold] because if you didn’t, Hajj took more and more control of the town; they were trying to drive a wedge between U.S. Forces and the Iraqi populous [sic]

3rd ACR’s idea of deterrence was to park a few tanks up at the castle and occasionally shoot main gun rounds over Al Sarai and into the empty desert. Yeah. That worked for all of about an hour until the Hajj (who are pretty fucking smart) got wise to the scheme and weren’t afraid of the sound. All that did was keep the residents in their homes so the only folks who went out were the bad dudes.

Not long after we returned to Mosul to take part of the Brigade’s new offensive to seal off all of Mosul, 3rd ACR launched an offensive of their own. They had opted to “assess” the situation for a week and had neglected certain parts of Tal’Afar – including Al Sarai. They lost a tank, a Bradley and an M-88 recovery vehicle in that initial push – and taking heavy fire and multiple casualties, were repelled by the Hajj, who had entrenched themselves in the area given plenty of time to prepare.

I don’t know how many soldiers 3rd ACR lost, or had wounded in Tal’Afar, but I look back in disgrace and wonder if their leadership had listened and were less cocky, if their losses could have been fewer.

Other sources I interviewed say that McMaster has very few admirers in the general officer corps and was considered to be just another typical “political general.”

He has not been given any battle commands since he was promoted to general. They say he would never have made general rank without the help of David Petraeus. He was passed over twice for promotion to flag rank, and didn’t get his first star until Army Secretary Peter Geren, a former Democratic congressman from Texas, took the unprecedented step of pulling General Petraeus from a combat command and appointing him to chair the Army’s promotion board, which Geren also hand-picked.

Petraeus, of whom it has been said, “throughout his military career had worn his ambition like a strong aftershave,” saw to McMaster’s star. Then-Army Chief of Staff General George Casey concluded, “If McMaster weren’t such a smart-ass, he would have been promoted a long time ago.”

General officers require Senate confirmation both for appointment and advancement. McMaster’s Senate champion was and still is Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). McCain advocated replacing Flynn with McMaster. McCain described McMaster as “a man of genuine intellect, character and ability.”

To obtain his fourth star, McMaster must please his Senate overlords and their allies in the military — i.e. the establishment. This virtually guarantees a NSC advisor beholden to the swamp. In a recent interview with Breitbart News, Erik Prince, founder of the military contractor Blackwater, said:

[T]he danger of appointing a serving general, a three-star general that wants to be a four-star general, means that that general will always go with his service. If it’s a long-retired guy that’s not worried about a promotion, I think it’s easier to give objective advice. That’s the danger of having a serving officer as the national security director.

It is worth noting that Trump had consulted Prince extensively regarding Afghanistan strategy and Prince had been invited to join him at Camp David deliberations, but McMaster allegedly took him off the list at the last minute.

It seems the height of irony that Iraqi forces are now entering Tal Afar again, this time with Iran-backed militias — responsible for killing many Americans in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Meanwhile, the “Hero of Tal Afar” counsels President Trump to certify Iran in compliance with a nuclear deal composed in secret that was never signed and never consented to by the Senate. On the home front he resists efforts to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, emboldening groups like CAIR, that have joined with other subversive groups in their efforts to destabilize our nation.

My source concludes:

“With McMaster now as National Security Advisor, maybe some aspiring young Army officer will write a sequel to McMaster’s book and call it, LtGen McMaster: Dereliction of Duty II. We can only hope General Mattis and General Kelly, along with a very distinguished group on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, give our President competent and honest military advice and guidance, not tainted by ‘what’s in it for me’ from a man who is a legend only in his own mind.”

*The Special Forces flag officer who served as the primary source for this article acknowledged after the article was initially published that he had previously provided incorrect casualty figures from the Battle of Tal Afar. The resulting errors in this article have been corrected and where they have been corrected there now appears an asterisk (*).

**The Iraqi casualties from the Brave Rifles report were not stated in the original article but in light of the flag officer’s now-corrected information, we have included those figures.

[1] “Frontline-Counterinsurgency in Tal Afar Iraq.” YouTube. February 15, 2008. Accessed August 26, 2017.

[2]  Ricardo A. Herrera, “Brave Rifles at the Battle of Tal Afar,” In In Contact! Case Studies from the Long War, Volume I, ed. William G. Robinson (Fort Leavenworth: Combat Studies Institute Press, 2006), pp. 125-147.

The ‘Broken Window’ Democrat Party and Rise of ‘Political Crime in America’

James Q. Wilson and George Kelling in 1982 wrote in The Atlantic an article titled “Broken Windows.” Wilson and Kelling introduced the Broken Windows Theory (BWT) which used broken windows as a metaphor for disorder within neighborhoods. The theory links disorder and incivility within a community to subsequent occurrences of serious crime.

Wilson and Kelling wrote:

[A]t the community level, disorder and crime are usually inextricably linked, in a kind of developmental sequence. Social psychologists and police officers tend to agree that if a window in a building is broken and is left unrepaired, all the rest of the windows will soon be broken. This is as true in nice neighborhoods as in rundown ones. Window-breaking does not necessarily occur on a large scale because some areas are inhabited by determined window-breakers whereas others are populated by window-lovers; rather, one unrepaired broken window is a signal that no one cares, and so breaking more windows costs nothing. (It has always been fun.) [Emphasis added]

Read more.

The Rise of Political Crime

The key notion put forward by Wilson and Kelling is that “at the community level, disorder and crime are usually inextricably linked, in a kind of developmental sequence.” Once order breaks down you have a growing number of people committing more and more serious crimes.

We are seeing the rise of “political crimes” in our neighborhoods, towns and cities.

Occupy Oakland riot.

In 2011 Democrats began encouraging people to “break windows” by supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement. Senator Bernie Sanders stated, “The Occupy Wall Street protests are shining a national spotlight on the most powerful, dangerous and secretive economic and political force in America.” Actor Woody Harrelson said, “I’m an anarchist and I do think things such as Occupy Wall Street are about getting a little closer to the solution.”

In a Weekly Standard column titled “Pelosi on Occupy Wall Street Protesters: ‘God bless them’,” John McCormack wrote:

During a press conference Thursday afternoon, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi praised those participating in the “Occupy Wall Street” protests. “God bless them,” Pelosi said, “for their spontaneity. It’s independent … it’s young, it’s spontaneous, and it’s focused. And it’s going to be effective.”

Read more.

Occupy Wall Street began breaking windows, literally.

The Democrat Party, and then President Obama, failed to repair the broken windows beginning with the Occupy Oakland riots in California, which inextricably lead to the 2013 riots in Sanford, Florida, 2014 riots in Ferguson, Missouri and most recently the 2017 riots and death in Charlottesville, Virginia.

In fact, the Democrats are encouraging breaking windows, because “it has always been fun” so long as its the other party that gets hurt.

Violence begets more violence: From Sanford, Florida to Ferguson, Missouri

Ferguson, Missouri riot.

Fast forward to Ferguson, Missouri which experienced protests and riots that began the day after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by white police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, 2014. Officer Wilson was acquitted of any wrong doing, which lead to more protests and riots.

This incident coupled with the shooting on February 26, 2013, in Sanford, Florida, when George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old mixed race Hispanic man who was a neighborhood watch coordinator, fatally shot Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American high school dropout. Zimmerman, under Florida’s stand your ground law, was acquitted of Martin’s shooting. The Obama Department of Justice reviewed the case for any civil rights violations but this was dropped citing “insufficient evidence.”

After the Trayvon Martin shooting former President Obama on July 19, 2013 said:

You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot I said that this could have been my son.  Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.  And when you think about why, in the African American community at least, there’s a lot of pain around what happened here, I think it’s important to recognize that the African American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn’t go away.

These remarks by former President Obama inextricably led to Ferguson and the empowerment of the Black Lives Matter movement which was created on July 13, 2013.

Charlottesville, Virginia and beyond

The Black Lives Matter website states:

Black Lives Matter is a chapter-based national organization working for the validity of Black life. We are working to (re)build the Black liberation movement.

This is Not a Moment, but a Movement.

#BlackLivesMatter was created in 2012 after Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman, was acquitted for his crime, and dead 17-year old Trayvon was posthumously placed on trial for his own murder. Rooted in the experiences of Black people in this country who actively resist our dehumanization, #BlackLivesMatter is a call to action and a response to the virulent anti-Black racism that permeates our society. Black Lives Matter is a unique contribution that goes beyond extrajudicial killings of Black people by police and vigilantes.

Antifa face off against neo-Nazis as cars plow into the crowds.

August 12, 2017 saw riots, mayhem and a murder committed in Charlottesville, Virginia when two extremist groups faced off one against the other. Disorder and incivility were on full display near the home of Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the Democrat Party.

Since the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump we have witnessed a coalition of Democrats, the anti-Fascist (ANTI-FA) movement, neo-Nazis and Black Lives Matter working to cause discord and incivility. Calls for the death of politicians and their supporters are part and parcel of the daily news.

Even Maria Chappelle-Nadal, a Democrat member of the Missouri State Senate, openly hoped for the assassination of the President of the United States.

These are all broken windows leading to more broken windows and eventually leading to more violent crimes, destruction and even death.

Why we must fix, not break, windows!

Is it too late to fix these broken windows? No. Not if the Democrat Party stands firm against anymore breaking of windows. Let’s all pray that they come to their senses and call for windows to be repaired, not broken.

When people see it’s alright to break windows the question is: What will they break next? We know that violence begets more violence. Where will the Democrat Party, and its base, break the next window?

We must be window lovers and resist the window breakers.

Remember …if a window in a building is broken and is left unrepaired, all the rest of the windows will soon be broken.


In a World of Real Evil, the Left Fights Fake Evil

Antifa violence brings no outrage from Democrats, after dire warnings about right-wing violence | Fox News

Why the Media are in a Never-ending Hunt for Right-wing Violence

Where Did Antifa Come From?

The left’s war on Christianity and why it hates Trump – American Thinker

The ‘merciless four’ EU countries whose leaders do get it!

See my previous post for background on my title!

Here is the title of this EU Bulletin story:

The Merciless Four Strike Again: Visegrad Group Sticks to “Zero Refugee Policy”

Poland and Hungary are still sticking to their unwillingness to accept any refugees despite the busy migrant relocations going on in the rest of the bloc.

Both countries are still refusing to take part in the EU-mandated resettlement despite the fact that the European Commission has initiated an infringement procedure against Warsaw, Budapest and Prague for “non-compliance” with their legal obligations on relocation.

Polish Minister of the Interior and Administration, Mariusz Blaszczak, informed Brussels that Poland has applied for cancellation of the infringement procedure.

Mr Blaszczak reiterated his country’s position when he said that “stating that the relocation system will heal the refugee problem is false, it’s a lie. EU policy is harmful, not to say suicidal, as regards open borders, ”adding that “Poland will not accept any refugees.” He also said that Poland did not agree that the Treaty grants the Commission rights to interfere in the national powers with regard to security, integration and social issues.

“Paris, Stockholm, Brussels, Berlin, Manchester, Barcelona. How many more European cities must be still attacked by terrorists to make European Union wake up?

To make the European Commission finally admit that ‘blindly’ accepting everyone who reaches Europe’s coast is like looping a rope around Europe’s neck,” Mr. Blaszczak pointed out.

All four Visegrad countries – Hungary, Poland and the Czech and Slovak Republics – have joined their forces against the EU’s 2015 migrant resettlement program that sought to resettle 160,000 refugees across EU states.

See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.  And here are all my previous posts on Poland.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of protests is courtesy of the Middle East Eye. Two years ago the Polish people began to let it be known that they wouldn’t be pressured in to taking the EU’s migrant boat people.

False Choice: Ending DACA or Building the Border Wall

President Trump doesn’t have to choose. And he shouldn’t.

Though there is no shortage of “fake news” appearing in the mainstream media, there are a number of reports claiming that members of the Trump administration are attempting to convince President Trump to renege on his campaign promise to rollback the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in exchange for funding for the construction of the border wall.

Before we consider this news, let’s be clear about the absolute need to secure the dangerous U.S./Mexican border.  I have frequently compared securing that border with a wing on an airplane.  Without a wing an airplane will not fly.  However, a wing by itself goes nowhere. Though it has been estimated that nearly half of all illegal aliens did not run the southern border, and instead were admitted through America’s 325 ports of entry, securing that border is nonetheless a vital element of our immigration law enforcement system and national security.

The U.S./Mexican border is particularly dangerous because of endemic corruption of the Mexican government on all levels and the extreme level of violence in Mexico, both attributable to the Mexican drug cartels.  Mexican government officials are given the choice of “silver or lead.”  Either take a bribe (silver) or expect to be shot (lead).

That violence and potential for corruption flows across our border: The majority of violent crimes in the United States have a connection to the drug trade and drug addiction.

For years I have written about how the most reliable metric to determine the level of border security for the United States is not the arrest statistics by the Border Patrol, but the price and availability of heroin and cocaine in the United States since those substances are not produced in the country.  Every gram of those narcotics is smuggled into the United States.

Today the United States is experiencing unprecedented levels of heroin addiction that wreaks havoc on lives and our communities.  Drug smugglers also engage in human trafficking and smuggle transnational gang members into the United States.

While not all drug smuggling involves the U.S./Mexican border, a huge amount of narcotics does enter the United States along that dangerous corridor that stretches roughly 2,000 miles.

Furthermore, the 9/11 Commission made the compelling case for making border security a cornerstone of national security policy.  This conclusion, in point of fact, was laid out in the preface of the official report, “9/11 and  Terrorist Travel: Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.”

Now let’s consider the wrong-headed program created by the Obama administration, DACA.

The mainstream media and immigration anarchists have, since the inception of the illegal implementation of the DACA program on June 15, 2012 by the Obama administration, provided blatantly false and misleading statements about this program, duping Americans into believing that DACA is for alien children.

While President Obama sold this program to the American people as providing lawful status for young aliens, in reality aliens as old as 31 years of age could qualify if they claimed to have entered the United States prior to their 16th birthdays.

The program additionally required that these aliens continuously resided in the United States since June 15, 2007, up to the present time.  Again, without face to face interviews and no field investigations, there would be absolutely no way to determine if these aliens met these requirements.

Unfortunately, there were no interviews and no field investigations to verify any of the claims made in the applications.  This created an open invitation to fraud. Because of a dearth of resources, and the hundreds of thousands of applications that were filed, fraudsters are not likely to be caught.

To underscore this concern, a review of the Statistics for DACA from 2012 though June 30, 2016, as posted by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), shows that hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens benefited from this program and that a very small percentage of the applications were denied.

Immigration fraud is not a “victimless crime.”  In fact, immigration fraud was identified by the 9/11 Commission as the key entry and embedding tactic of terrorists.  DACA’s integrity is undermined by an abject lack of personnel and resources.

Furthermore, while not generally reported in the media, adjudications officers can approve an application for DACA in mere minutes while a denial of an application may require hours or days to perform, in anticipation of an appeal being filed by the attorneys representing the aliens in question.  This placed enormous pressure on the adjudications officers to approve the great majority of the applications so that these beleaguered officials can meet quotas that were established to achieve productivity goals.

It must also be noted how the DACA program undermines the crucially important inspections process conducted at ports of entry of aliens seeking to come into the United States.

Open-borders immigration anarchists claim that illegal aliens enter the United States “undocumented.”  That term is an artifice of language that could have been created by the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s novel, “1984.”

In reality, aliens who run our borders, evading the U.S. Border Patrol and the inspections process, enter the United States without inspection.

Obviously no record of entry is created when illegal aliens enter the United States without inspection.  Therefore, without an actual field investigation, there is no reliable way to know when, where or how such illegal aliens actually entered the United States. There may also be no reliable way to determine the true identities or criminal histories of these illegal aliens. This was much the case when, in the name of “compassion,” the Obama administration encouraged the flood of unknown “Unaccompanied Minors” across the U.S./Mexican border.  This led to the influx of members of the violent and vicious gang members including MS-13.

The MS-13 problem in the has become so acute that it has been the subject of multiple congressional hearings, including the June 20, 2017 the House Homeland Security Committee, Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence field hearing on the topic “Combating Gang Violence On Long Island: Shutting Down The MS-13 Pipeline,” and the June 21, 2017 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on “The MS-13 Problem: Investigating Gang Membership, its Nexus to Illegal Immigration, and Federal Efforts to End the Threat.

Advocates for immigration anarchy have become adept at providing false choices and justification for absurd policies.  One of their favorites is to claim that if we cannot deport 11 million illegal aliens we should “solve the problem” by legalizing them to get them “out of the shadows.”

Of course, in reality, there are likely 30 or 40 million illegal aliens in the United States and because of the same lack of resources and lack of integrity in the administration of the DACA program, there would be no way to interview those millions of illegal aliens or conduct field investigations or even search for illegal aliens who refuse to emerge from the shadows.

These ridiculous arguments are never used where drunk driving or other such crimes are concerned. However, where immigration law enforcement is concerned, the arguments have gotten successively more absurd.  Many Americans have been duped by anarchists who repeat these false arguments as frequently as possible.

The truth is that our borders must be made truly secure and, consequently, DACA must be allowed to fade out.

President Trump needs to order that when the period for aliens granted temporary lawful status under DACA expires, no action be taken to extend their authorizations, leaving them vulnerable to removal (deportation).

America has the most generous immigration policies of any country on this planet.  Massive amnesty programs not only undermine national security and public safety, but insult the million lawful immigrants who are admitted into the United States each year and abide by the rule of law and the spirit of our laws. It can only be hoped President Trump recognizes his obligation with respect to DACA.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine.

Sacrificing the Children

In April of this year, The Public Broadcasting Service’s (PBS) LearningMedia featured “Dying to be a Martyr,” a classroom experience about the Middle East for students, ages 9 through 12.  Taxpayer-funded educational material, provided at no cost, includes some historical documents, but delivers a strictly one-sided Islamic view of the religious and territorial conflict, without regard to suitability, accuracy or entirety.

As reported by The Blaze that same month, the premise was how religions can unite or divide people, why individuals and groups sometimes turn to tactics of terrorism, and how terrorism affects our world. The Blaze also discovered that more than 200 US-government-approved textbooks are used in the UNRWA schools, in Gaza, Judea and Samaria (West Bank), and east Jerusalem; they ignore Israel’s existence and holy sites; ignore all historical connection of Jews to the land; and encourage Moslem students to kill Israelis and become martyrs.  Instead of attempting to provide these children with a precious opportunity for a better education and decent future, PBS uses our tax dollars to keep them illiterate, ignorant, and impelled to destroy Israel by martyrdom.

It should be noted that UNRWA, The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, is the largest refugee program and the only one established for area-specific aid to Palestinian refugees and their descendants, a number grown to five million. Paid staff includes Hamas members who are dedicated to Israel’s destruction and invite anti-Israel rocket and mortar launches on their premises.  Between 1920 and 1970, 900,000 Jews were  systematically expelled from Arab and other Moslem countries. The UN did nothing to assist the “major transnational phenomenon,” now referred to as “The Forgotten Exodus” of Jews from Islamic countries. They were ultimately absorbed into Israel, the US, Canada, and France.  UNRWA remains a policy of war to keep the Palestinian Arabs homeless and ready to invade and conquer Israel.

The students watch a film of an 18-year-old Palestinian terrorist, Mohanned, who, armed with explosives, enters Israel as a suicide bomber but reverses his course and returns home. In the subsequent lesson plan, titled “Martyrdom,” Mohanned is in a jail cell where he explains why he wants to die. “Palestinians are unhappy and prefer to die, rather than live this worthless life.”  He adds that Israelis are happy, go to cafes, travel worldwide, and Palestinians can’t leave Palestine,” – words that reveal his psychological state of mind, envy to fuel the flames of resentment and prime these kids for revenge. Another video features one potential terrorist and 25-year-old Majdi Amer, the successful terrorist who built a bomb that killed 17 and wounded 50.

Additional videos are shown of young men who share their reasons for becoming terrorists, the dominant messages being that the Palestinians have less land, fewer privileges, more restrictions, or that they attack to avenge an Israeli retaliation. Clearly, these are the lessons’ objectives. There are no interviews of survivors of such terror attacks or their grieving families, of which there is no dearth. They do not consider the centuries of Islamic marauders throughout the Middle East and into Europe, the decades of constant bombardment since Israel became a nation in 1948, the thousands of rocket and mortar attacks on Israel since 2001 that injured more than 1900 innocent civilians, or Israel’s numerous bids for peace negotiations that were rejected by Palestinians.

In 2016 alone, there were 12 vehicular ramming attacks and 100 stabbing attacks thwarted by security forces in Israel. From September 13, 2015 to August 2017, 55 people were killed in terrorist attacks and 812 people (including uninvolved Palestinians) injured.  There were 184 stabbing attacks and 129 attempted stabbings; 161 shootings, 60 vehicular attacks, and one vehicular (bus) bombing – as well a higher rate of miscarriages, depression, and a 50% increase in post-traumatic stress disorder among young children.

Left to his underdeveloped reasoning processes, Mohanned has no way of even considering why Israelis may be happier than he. Raised in an Islamic home of a blame-and-shame culture, where a young girl has undergone Female Genital Mutilation by age 7, to be surgically undone before she marries the older man (not of her choosing) who has already learned to devalue women, Mohanned may be the son of a mother who is not out of her own childhood and ill prepared to care for her babies. Traumatic bonding with his mother, from which he cannot separate and mature, leads the male child to psychotic aggression, anxiety and violence.  In this society, the child is someone to be manipulated and abused, imbued with feelings of deprivation, rage and envy of other children. Unable to sustain friendships, he bonds with hard objects – weapons, and his rage is heightened in the UNWRA schools, where the classes are dedicated to hate and to annihilate the object of his visceral resentment while also complying with the obligations of holy jihad.

Mohanned has known rigidity and compliance all his young life, with his family, his school and mosque, and the sharia laws enforced by the despotic Hamas, a fundamental terrorist organization, whose name means “violence.” He lives without kindness and learns no compassion, and the obsession with having faces covered during battle practice is obviously a way of not seeing a pained expression or developing sympathy for another child.  The children also learn no history about the region, the indigenous Jewish inhabitants, or Israel’s constitution and the Torah, the central laws of Judaism that provide for respect, freedom, and an opportunity for happiness.

Although students may be asked about the effect of bombing Israelis, there is no audio/visual material or discussion to present the views of the victims. They receive only the bombers’ views – their achievements – not the pain and death they cause.  They do not discuss their own parents who transmit their ideology to their children, with reinforcement in schools and mosques, or the parents of the children who are bombed in schools or exploded in buses.  Neither do the teachers divulge the salaries paid to terrorists or the monetary reward given the surviving parents of martyrs.

Flooded with this misinformation in a culture that robs them of their childhood, these children may well be eager to end their lives. Having to endure the emotional and physical pain from an oppressive husband/father, subjugated and distraught wife/mother, the children become antisocial, immersed in an unidentified emotional pain, with delusional jealousy and anxiety.  As explained by Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D., in her book, The Jihadi Dictionary, they cannot develop sincere friendships, think critically or communicate adequately – except through terror.  Any friendship is fictitious because the bond is based on hatred of others. With repeated lessons on how to behave, not what to think, this is exemplary training for a generation of singularly purposed warriors – that terrorism is understandable and justifiable.

Michael Getler, American journalist and retired ombudsman for Public Broadcasting Service confirms that PBS provides no lessons on the truth of the region’s history, no chronicle of Islam and Judaism, and no lessons on the immorality of terrorism or aspirations to kill others. Although their corporate communications office has condemned terrorism for the public, it does nothing to incorporate such condemnation in the lessons. Their instructional material continues to omit the impact of terrorism on Israelis, or victims elsewhere in the world, bringing media bias to a new low.  Lacking facts and context, but with clarity of purpose, PBS has taken to reinforcing the influence of a blame/shame culture to manipulate these damaged children into terrorists for politics.

Not only is PBS an apologist for Islamic terrorism, but it may now prepare the young terrorists for their moment of glory.

FBI blocks Detroit Muslim from flying to Middle East after discovering his weapons arsenal

Clearly there is much more to this case than has come out so far. And there are no doubt many, many more Yousef Mohammad Ramadans.

“Did FBI thwart Michigan-based terror threat?,” by Robert Snell, Detroit News, August 27, 2017 (thanks to Creeping Sharia):

Detroit — The FBI’s counterterrorism team blocked an Ypsilanti man from flying to the Middle East and arrested him Friday after discovering a weapons arsenal in a storage unit, the latest national security-related case in Metro Detroit.

Yousef Mohammad Ramadan, 28, has not been charged with a terror-related crime and an FBI spokesman declined to comment, leaving it unclear why the FBI’s counterterrorism team and the head of the U.S. Attorney’s Office’s national security unit are involved in the case, whether investigators had thwarted a terror attack or stopped a man from traveling overseas to commit terror.

The case is shrouded in secrecy. The U.S. Attorney’s Office quietly brought Ramadan into federal court Saturday for a rare weekend arraignment that happened when federal court was closed to the public. The arraignment, which was not posted on the court’s calendar, ended with a federal magistrate judge ordering Ramadan be held temporarily without bond.

Ramadan has been charged with knowingly possessing a firearm with an obliterated serial number, a five-year felony….

The prosecutor overseeing the case is Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan Tukel, chief of the office’s national security unit who successfully prosecuted underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, according to federal court records. The lead investigator is FBI Special Agent Ryan Schanberger, a member of an elite counterterrorism squad who investigated terror suspect Sebastian Gregerson, who will be sentenced to prison this week.

“Given the background of the agents and the assistant U.S. attorney, it appears to be more than a run-of-the-mill illegal gun case,” said Seamus Hughes, deputy director of George Washington University’s Program on Extremism. “The FBI devoted much more resources than they traditionally would for cases like this.”…

Ramadan has lived in Ypsilanti and near San Diego, Calif., in recent years and worked as a security guard, according to public records. While living in Chula Vista, Calif., he received a firearm permit in 2010, but it expired in 2014, according to the state Department of Consumer Affairs.

His most recent address is at the Willow Ridge Apartments in Ypsilanti, five miles east of Michigan Stadium. A neighbor, Tonia Atkins, 47, said Sunday that “I’ve never seen anyone there.”

The counterterrorism case was revealed in a criminal complaint unsealed late Friday.

The case dates to Aug. 15 when Ramadan, his wife and children tried to fly to Amman, Jordan, aboard a Royal Jordanian Airlines flight, from an airport not identified in the complaint.

Before the family could depart, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers and an FBI special agent interviewed Ramadan.

Ramadan told investigators the family was relocating to Bethlehem territory controlled by the Palestinian Authority, according to the FBI.

During the interview, Ramadan said he owned two rifles and a Glock handgun and placed the firearms in a storage unit before arriving at the airport, court records show.

Ramadan could not remember the storage unit address but offered to take investigators to the facility.

“However, when asked to take the agents to the storage unit, Ramadan stated that he had lied about the storage unit, and actually had stored the firearms with a friend,” Schanberger wrote in the criminal complaint.

Then the story changed.

“Ramadan refused to identify the friend to whom he had allegedly given the firearms, stating he did not want to cause his friend to have problems with law enforcement,” the agent wrote.

Ramadan said the firearms were legally purchased and registered.

Then the story changed again.

“Ramadan also stated that he had made up the story about the self-storage unit,” the agent wrote.

Records showed Ramadan had legally registered the Glock handgun, but investigators would soon find more weapons after agents linked Ramadan to a unit at Devon Self Storage on South State Road in Ann Arbor.

On Aug. 23, a federal magistrate judge approved a search warrant for the storage unit.

Ramadan’s wife is listed as the primary contact for the unit; he is the emergency contact, according to the FBI, which called the move an attempt to disguise Ramadan’s involvement with the storage unit.

The lease agreement for the storage unit omitted Ramadan’s address, the FBI said. The lease agreement also omitted the fact that Ramadan and his wife were married.

The FBI special agent wrote in the complaint that he is “aware that individuals in actual or constructive control of contraband often attempt to conceal such possession.”…


Netanyahu: “There will not be any more uprooting of settlements in the Land of Israel”

Netanyahu tells UN top dog that Iran is building missile sites in Syria, Lebanon to strike Israel

The Afghan Donut Speech

President Trump faced the nation on August 21st, 2017 and delivered an impassioned three-part speech on American involvement in Afghanistan. The first part eloquently addressed the military from the perspective of a grateful nation. President Trump thanked the military and complimented their extraordinary service and sacrifice.

President Trump promised the troops full support for the equipment they need and for the freedom of the military generals in the field to make decisions without interference from Washington politicians sitting behind desks. President Trump announced a change to the rules of engagement – he promised a commitment to winning when engaged. The President spoke at great length about the exemplary military model of cohesion – the unity of men and women from all races and religions united by common cause and commitment to their pledge of allegiance to the United States of America. We are one family – one American family. The President implored the country to follow the military model of cohesion and heal the divisiveness at home.

The second part of the President’s speech announced a powerful new shift in purpose.

The United States will no longer participate in nation building – we are finally out of the business of trying to build democracies in unwilling nations. Instead, our international involvement will focus on common cause that serves American national interests. President Trump expects our friends and allies to participate in the funding of these efforts – America will no longer unfairly accept the financial burden of military engagement alone.

The third part of President Trump’s speech was directed at our terrorist enemies. The President spoke to the terrorists directly saying America will stay the course and we will prevail. Here is the problem. President Trump never identified the terrorist enemies as radical Islamists. That is the donut hole. Candidate Trump was very specific about naming radical Islam as the enemy and identifying its existential threat to Western freedom. President Trump did not. Candidate Trump understood that the misrepresentation and censorship of the colluding mainstream media gives safe haven to the radical Islamic terrorists because the void in the coverage deceitfully minimizes the Islamic threat. President Trump ignored the fake news contribution that emboldens radical Islamic terrorism.

Wars cannot be won without clarity and an explicit identification of the enemy. Worldwide Islamic terrorism is ideological. Our terrorist enemies abroad and at home are inspired by their religious commitment to Islam and their Koranic dream to re-establish the caliphate and impose supremacist Islamic sharia law worldwide. Islam is a comprehensive socio-political expansionist movement with a religious wing (mosques and imams), a military wing of jihadists (terrorists), and a political wing (Muslim Brotherhood/CAIR/MSA). Islamic terrorism is a war of ideas as much as it is a savage physical war. The war of ideas can only be won by an informed West that understands the comprehensive ideology driving the Islamic terrorism.

President Trump’s eloquent speech of determination and commitment to the troops collapses into the donut hole because without naming the ideological inspiration of Islamic megalomania the Muslim Brotherhood remains free to recruit and infiltrate every government agency in America. CAIR operatives continue to disinform the public, and the Muslim Student Association continues to infiltrate and incite violence on campuses across America. The Muslim Brotherhood is a radical Islamic terrorist organization and must be designated a terrorist organization. Candidate Trump had the courage to say so – President Trump did not.

It is not enough to supply our men and women in uniform with the commitment and necessary equipment to win on the battlefield overseas. It is essential to name the terrorist enemy as radical Islamic terrorists to rid our country of the enemy within or our fully equipped soldiers overseas will die in vain.

President Trump has surrendered to the leftover Obama national security team of McMasters and his gang. McMasters et al are loyal to the pro-Muslim Obama doctrine that adamantly refuses to identify radical Islamic terrorism as the enemy. They have deliberately and catastrophically censored every mention of the religious Islamic ideological motivation for the terrorist threat from every training manual pertaining to our national security. Instead, Obama’s leftovers continue to welcome CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood to “tutor” America on national defense and deceitfully consider every possible motivation for terrorism except the actual radical Islamic motivation. Our national security depends on accurate information. Our intelligence depends on an intelligent policy of intelligence gathering. It is not intelligent to deny reality and pretend that Islamic terrorism is not Islamic. Even the supremacist war cry of radical Islamic terrorists screaming Allahu Akbar – Allah is greater – before they slaughter innocent “infidels” is intentionally ignored.

Candidate Trump has slid into the donut hole and is being drowned by the swamp. The echo chamber of disinformation and misinformation continues in the military, the national defense agencies, and the colluding mainstream media under President Trump. President Trump must find his way back and clear the Obama leftovers from his administration to pursue the policies of his candidacy. Only then he will be the President Trump that Americans elected and expected.

The Afghan donut speech was very sad for America – everyone knows donuts are hazardous to your health.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Goudsmit Pundicity website.

Trudeau’s ticking time bomb: President Trump’s immigration policy

“Canada is presented as the best way out of this complicated situation” – Abdullah Kiatamba, executive director of African Immigrant Services (MN)

This story is more along the lines of what we reported here two days ago.

I was delighted to learn that the Trump Administration is seriously considering letting Temporary Protected Status lapse for countries other than Haiti.

Readers should know that TPS is a farce.

Once granted, the US simply continues to extend it and extend it—Salvadorans, for example, have had the right to live and work here for decades as TPS would be renewed every couple of years (no matter who was in the White House!).

But, things have changed and those “temporary” legal (and some illegal) migrants are now eyeing Canada! 

And there, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made ‘welcoming the stranger’ a primary hallmark of his leadership.

So, here they come!

From the Winnepeg Free Press (emphasis is mine):

Trudeau Liberal

Liberal Canadian PM Justin Trudeau

OTTAWA — Manitoba could face hundreds more African asylum seekers crossing from the United States as that country winds down a temporary-stay program. It’s unclear whether Ottawa is doing anything to stem the flow.

“Canada is presented as the best way out of this complicated situation,” Abdullah Kiatamba, executive director of African Immigrant Services — a Minnesota-based non-profit organization — said.

Since 1990, the U.S. has granted temporary protected status (TPS) to citizens of countries people can’t return to due to war, pandemic or natural disasters. In recent years, the U.S. has offered citizens of 13 countries short-term work permits and shielded them — unless they have criminal convictions — from deportation due to problems in their home countries.

But the U.S. seems to be winding that program down.

Meanwhile, thousands of people are crossing irregularly into Canada. They avoid border stations that can send them back to the U.S. and instead wander into Canada through fields — something that would be normally be illegal, but is allowed under international law for people claiming asylum.


“A good number of people have said that Canada is one option, perhaps the best option,” Kiatamba said, adding he knows about 10 people who have crossed into Manitoba.


Earlier this week, Reuters news service reported unnamed government sources said the Liberals are worried about an onslaught of Central Americans claiming asylum next fall if the U.S. drops them off the TPS list.

The report did not say which provinces the government would expect people to enter and claim asylum.

It claimed Ottawa is particularly worried about an uptick in arrivals a year before the 2019 federal election.

I bet it is! Hey, we could call it Trump’s revenge!

Continue reading here.  There is a good discussion about various temporary ‘refugees’ from TPS-designated countries and when we (the US) might cut them loose.

See my Canada category here.

I’ve written about TPS over the years, go here to learn more.  One time when George W. Bush extended TPS for Salvadorans I found an article about why he did that—it was about remittances and how Salvadorans in the U.S. send money “home” and thus prop up the economy there with dollars lost to the U.S. economy.


Afghan refugees living in Sacramento squalor

Invasion: Canada’s Open Borders and Refugee Camps

Does Poland permit more free speech than the U.S.?

Trump must suspend refugee program for FY18

Comment worth noting: Comprehensive review of US Refugee Admissions Program is long overdue.

Finland seeing asylum seekers convert to Christianity after first application rejection….

The Swamp Report Card: Grading Enemies and Friends

Dear Mr. President,

I am sending the current swamp report card for your review.

Swamp Creature Report Card:

Navy Admiral James “Ace” Lyons shocked the nation with his candid remarks at the Center for Security Policy “Defeat Jihad Summit” held in January, 2015. Admiral Lyons calmly and plainly stated that Obama was deliberately and unilaterally disarming the military. The Admiral further warned that the Muslim Brotherhood has already penetrated every one of our national security security agencies including our intelligence agencies.

Instead of heeding this dire warning Mr. President, your government continues to be informed and advised by Obama legacy staffers who remain in government advancing Obama’s anti-American, pro-Islamic, pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood agenda. Whether uninformed, misinformed, or disinformed the Obama leftovers threaten our national security with their skewed information because those are the people who are briefing you daily. Islam is not a religion like any other. Islam is a comprehensive socio-political ideology with military (jihadi), educational (mosques/cultural centers), and religious (imams) wings. Islam is an expansionist movement seeking world dominion. There is no separation of church and state in Islam. Islam is a comprehensive ideology governed by supremacist religious sharia law. Islam seeks conquest and submission. Islam is spread through population jihad, educational jihad, religious jihad, military jihad including terrorism, and stealth jihad that relies on taqiyyah – lying in the service of Islam.

Mr. President you were exactly correct when you said that open borders is a Trojan Horse – it is the vehicle for population jihad against the host country. Identifying your friends and identifying your enemies in your administration, the military, and among national security staffers is an urgent matter. It does not matter if they are uninformed, misinformed, or disinformed. Any advisor or staffer who refuses to utter the words radical Islamic terror does not belong in your administration. If staffers embrace sharia law, promote Islam, are apologists for Islam, are members of the Muslim Brotherhood or CAIR and support Obama’s purging of materials that implicate Islam, they are your enemies and must be removed. You are being surrounded by Obama leftovers who will continue to disinform you so that your decisions will tilt toward Obama’s failed globalist policies. Mr. President you are being dragged into the swamp you were elected to drain.

McMaster was recommended for the position of National Security Advisor (NSA) director by #2 swamp creature John McCain. Under McMaster’s leadership the people who have the courage to speak out and expose the existential danger of Islam are being purged from the military and from the national security staff. Those who have the courage to support the initiatives of your America-first candidacy are being eliminated while the Obama globalist leftovers remain.

Trump loyalists Michael Flynn, K.T. McFarland, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Derek Harvey, Rich Higgins, Adam Lovinger, Steve Bannon, and Sebastian Gorka are all gone. Obama loyalists Dina Habib-Powell, Allison Hooker, Fernando Cutz, Andrea Hall, Rear Admiral David Kriete, Jessica Cox, Stephanie Morrison, Heather King, and Robert Wilson all remain. McMaster’s indefensible defense of Obama loyalist Susan Rice allowed her to retain her security clearance. McMaster claimed Rice did nothing wrong unmasking the identities of Trump transition aides and leaking the transcripts of Mr. Trump’s phone conversations with foreign leaders. REALLY?

McMaster being a member of International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) for eleven years 2006-2017 is problematic. IISS is an English think tank funded by profiteer George Soros that promotes globalism. In 2010 the Bahraini royal family began secretly donating funds to IISS – $31.6 million – approximately one third of its revenues. Huge sums of money are not donated without the expectation of influence. McMaster’s association for eleven years with IISS explains his globalism and opposition to your commitment to American sovereignty. McMaster should never have been chosen to serve in your administration because he is ideologically opposed to your vision even if he served with distinction in Afghanistan.

McMaster’s association with a think tank that publicly endorsed and defends the anti-American Iran deal is even more problematic. Iran is the single greatest fomenter of terrorism in the middle east and Obama’s deceitful Iran deal enriched and resupplied an ailing Iran that was suffering under Saudi pressure.

Our National security was turned upside down after 9/11. Most Americans had never thought about Saudi Arabia except as an oil provider – they did not think about Islam and if they did they assumed it was a religion like any other. Americans were not familiar with Islam, Islamic supremacist sharia law, or Islamic supremacist aspirations to re-establish the caliphate worldwide. Americans most certainly were not aware that “peace” for a Muslim meant when the entire world is Muslim. Sixteen years later there is no excuse for illiteracy regarding Islam yet the national security voices are still trying to deny the connection between Islam and terrorism.

And now former FBI director Robert Mueller is investigating you?? Mueller is another leftover whose past foretells his future. Mueller has been part of the intricate cover-up protecting the Muslim Brotherhood for years. Judicial Watch has uncovered stunning documentary evidence that Robert Mueller worked with Islamist groups to purge anti-terrorism materials offensive to Muslims while he was FBI director. Offensive to Muslims? Is this the metric for our national security? Candidate Trump promised to reverse Obama’s suicidal policies – President Trump has hired personnel who continue to advance them.

Mr. President, your bipartisan enemies in Washington exist between the ideological globalist puppets and the globalist elite puppeteers. The Washington swamp creatures are the greedy corrupt Democrat and Republican politicians hiding behind the idealism of the puppets and the strings of the puppeteers. To survive the political blitz of the swamp creatures it is necessary for you to distinguish between the uninformed, misinformed, and disinformed puppets and their insidious puppeteers.

You and your America-first policies pose an existential threat to the globalist elite and that is why they are determined to destroy you and eliminate any Trump administration personnel who share your vision. H.R. McMaster is part of the insidious swamp battling against you. He is part of the reheated Obama leftovers who are hazardous to your presidency. Candidate Trump’s courageous Americanism and bold America-first policies require President Trump to find fresh ingredients – throw out the leftovers. H.R.McMaster and his gang need to hear “You’re fired!”

The last and most difficult message I have for you is a personal one. Your daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner are loyal loving members of your family and your administration but you must never forget that they have been educated toward globalism by the prevailing re-education curriculum in American schools. You can be proud of their extraordinary achievements but must never forget that their prism is not your prism. They were raised on John Lennon’s “Imagine.” You were raised on the “Star Spangled Banner” – the difference is HUGE.

Most sincerely,

Linda Goudsmit

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on Goudsmit Pundicity.