Obama and Arabs Find a Common Enemy — the Islamic State

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Given all the mutations that the Middle East has gone through thanks to the emergence of al Qaeda during the resistance to the Soviet takeover of Afghanistan, watching what is occurring now with an even more fanatical group calling itself the Islamic State (ISIS) and proclaiming itself the new caliphate has proven even more lethal and more feared.

Royal Saudi Air Force

The closest thing to a caliphate has been the assertion of al Saud, the royal family that runs Saudi Arabia who has long claimed to be the protector of Islam’s two most holy sites, Mecca and Medina, and of the true form of its expression, the strict Wahhabi interpretation. Were it not for its oil, the royals would have had to live off the earnings from the hajj, the visit to Mecca that all Muslims are required to make at least once in their lifetime.
The Saudis, despite having at least 250 U.S. and British advanced fighter aircraft, have typically avoided engaging in combat; the type that will be required to destroy ISIS. Instead, it gave $100 million to the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Center, but the latest news is that al Qaeda linked Syrian rebels from the Nusra Front battled U.N. military peacekeepers encamped on the Golan Heights on August 30, forcing some to escape to Israel. The UN’s peacekeeping role and its ability to deter wars are hardly notable.

Oil made the Middle East’s despots and monarchs wealthy, but former despots have been removed in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia, while Syria’s has been engaged in what started as a civil war and became a magnet for the group that broke away from al Qaeda, espousing an even more fanatical interpretation of Islam.

Now Middle Eastern nations that have been enemies, like Saudi Arabia and Iran—one Arab, the other Persian, one Sunni, the other Shiite—have found themselves equally threatened.

This common enemy has caused other relationships to alter. Turkey which has been in conflict with the Kurds remained silent when Syrian Kurdish militias helped rescue the Yazidis who were driven from their homes by ISIS. Al Qaeda’s Syrian component, the Nustra Front, now finds itself at war with ISIS.

Even the Egyptians found themselves on the same side of the Israeli battle with Hamas, destroying many of the tunnels built from their nation into Gaza. They now both share a distrust of the United States.

Indeed, the United States is virtually without any friends left in the Middle East, at least at the level that previously existed. This is entirely the result of Barack Obama’s astonishing talent for picking the wrong side in events there.

His criticism of Israel defending itself against thousands of rockets from Hamas in Gaza has eroded what friendship existed after his criticism of its settlements and rude treatment of its Prime Minister. The Egyptians were offended by his support for the Muslim Brotherhood that took over after Mubarak was deposed. The Brotherhood was so dictatorial and so awful a military coup was required to remove its leader and it is now banned in Egypt.

Iraq is responsible for its own problems, having put a Shiite fanatic in charge as its prime minister along with its refusal to permit a contingent of American troops to remain. Now, unless the new prime minister—the choice of both Saudi Arabia and Iran—can unify what’s left of its government and work with the U.S. to destroy the Islamic State, Iraq could cease to exist along with Syria.

Other players in the region include the Gulf States of Qatar, a supporter of ISIS; Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Oman. The UAE recently joined with Egypt to conduct air strikes in Libya on armed Islamic terrorist groups there. Reports of the attacks were sketchy at best. Libya has been in turmoil since Muammar Gadhafi, its former dictator, was deposed in 2011.

The Islamic State has been able to do what no previous entity ever had. It has united the many different nations in the Middle East, each of which is responding in what it deems its own best interest while studiously trying to avoid direct military engagement.

Persian Iran, however, has put troops into Iraq to fight it.  At some point other Arab states will have to, but Saudi Arabia and all the others, Europe included, continue to wait for the United States to lead.

Barack Obama is the most confrontation-adverse President to have ever held the office and the only one who has ever had warm feelings for Islam. It took him eight days and three tries to actually say he wanted to “destroy” ISIS.

Obama must surely be under intense pressure because he has been increasing the bombings and the number of troops on the ground in Iraq.

What Obama tells the nation regarding plans to destroy the Islamic State is likely to fall far short of anything that will achieve that goal. This is why he is already talking about how long it will take. This is a job he wants to leave to the next President.

© Alan Caruba, 2014

VIDEO: Top ten Qur’an verses to help you understand the Islamic State [ISIS]

The learned analysts know that you cannot look at the scriptures of a religion in order to understand that religion. After all, you can find violent passages in all scriptures, right? And all scriptures are subject to interpretation and reinterpretation, emphasis and de-emphasis, etc. Religions, we are told, are what their believers make them to be.

Very well. The Islamic State leaders say they are Muslim believers. They claim to be following the teachings of the Qur’an. Are they? Watch David Wood’s video and see —

Are they misunderstanding or misinterpreting these passages? So far no Muslim spokesman in the West, not one, has taken up these Qur’an passages and argued that. All they have done is proclaim the Islamic State to be un-Islamic, without confronting its Islamic case for itself.

Why does this matter? Because the Qur’an isn’t owned by the Islamic State. Muslims the world over read it. The Muslims in the West claim to reject and abhor the Islamic State. Very well. What are they doing to teach against its understanding of Islam, so that more Muslims from the West don’t go to Iraq and Syria to join it?


Kerry: Anti-Islamic State coalition means “demolishing the distortion of one of the world’s great peaceful religions”

UK prof: Islamic State has “reverted to a model that has been the reality in parts of the Islamic world for most of its history,” but “what they are perpetrating is not Islam”

Islamic State fighters using US arms

Austria: Imam says Muslims join Islamic State because of “Islamophobia”

Turkey aided rise of Islamic State, yet NATO promises to defend Turkey from Islamic State

What “International Community” is Obama Talking About?

The U.S. and Iran have been adversaries since 1979 when it seized our diplomats and held them for 444 days. In the wake of the Cold War, Russia has assisted Iran develop its nuclear program and has joined its war on the Islamic State. The U.S. has joined the conflict, making Iran, Syria and Russia our allies in a world where such relationships are changing so fast it is hard to keep up with them.

A Sept 5 Debka File report regarding recent air strikes by Syria on two meetings of Islamic State officers, noted that “The twin Syrian air offensive coincided with the opening of the two-day NATO Summit…the information about the two Al Qaeda meetings at Raqqa and Abu Kamal could have come from only two sources: U.S. surveillance satellites and aircraft, or Iranian agents embedded at strategic points across Syria.”

The Israeli news agency concluded that the success of the air strikes reflected “the widening military and intelligence cooperation between the United States and Iran in Iraq and Syria.” So maybe there has been a bonus of sorts from the U.S. negotiations with Iran regarding its nuclear program? The other component is the fact that Iran does not want a hostile Sunni Islamic State emerging in Iraq on its borders. It is more likely this is a short-term alliance.

Meanwhile, at the NATO meeting in Wales, Secretary of State John Kerry identified what he called a “core coalition” of ten nations that could help the U.S. go after the Islamic State (ISIL) terrorists. The seven he named were Great Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Italy, and Poland. Of these, only Turkey is Islamic. There was no mention of Iran or Syria, both of whom are playing a significant role in the fight against ISIS.

“There is no containment policy for ISIS,” said Kerry. I suppose that’s better than wanting the ISIS threat to be “manageable” as the President recently said at the same time he said he had “no strategy” at present to deal with ISIS. Meanwhile, on Labor Day Vice President Biden, was saying the U.S. was going to follow ISIS “to the gates of hell” to destroy them.

If there is some confusion in the minds of Americans about what the White House is actually doing or not doing, its mixed messages suggest they have as little idea as the rest of us.

A Sept 5 Rasmussen Reports poll said “Voters show even more support for continued airstrikes in Iraq against the radical Islamic group ISIS despite a second public beheading of a U.S. journalist in retaliation for those strikes. Nearly half now support sending U.S. combat troops to fight ISIS.”

The President is fond of referring to “the international community” but that is essentially a meaningless phrase and has been for a very long time. Individual nations act in their own interest and if that coincides with other nations, they are allies. The result is that, over longer or shorter periods of time, the alliances change in response to various active or potential threats.

During World War II the U.S. was allied with the Soviet Union to destroy the Nazi regime but as soon as the war concluded we entered into a long Cold War until it collapsed in 1991. These days Russia represents a threat to the Ukraine and former Soviet satellite nations in Eastern Europe.

People may regard the United Nations as “the international community”, but in reality it is the most corrupt international community on Earth and its policies are heavily anti-American and anti-Israel.

At a Sept 2 press conference by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, (OCHA) Israel was slammed for “an unprecedented scale of destruction in Hamas” without a word about the thousands of Hamas rockets fired against Israel from Gaza. The OCHA spokesman made no mention of the estimated 200,000 dead in Syria resulting from its civil war or the persecution and slaughter of Iraqi Yazidis, Christians and other minorities. Apparently they lack the attention of those engaged in “humanitarian affairs.”

The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is home to 12,000 employees and totally devoted to just one “refugee” group, the Palestinians. As Claudia Rosett of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies noted, despite caches of rockets found in UNRWA facilities or the intent of Hamas to destroy Israel, “UNRWA has become so enmeshed in the workings of Gaza that it effectively functions as a support service for the interests of Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organization that rules the territory.”

Not to be outdone, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, on August 29, accused the United States of “racial profiling” and “the excessive use of force by the law enforcement officials against racial and ethnic minorities” mentioning the death of Michael Brown of Ferguson, MO.  Among the nations represented on the Committee are Algeria, Russia, China, Pakistan, and Lebanon, nations where racial and religious discrimination thrive.

Why the U.S. continues to contribute taxpayer dollars to the United Nations defies any explanation. We can function in the diplomatic sphere without it, but it might well fail for lack of U.S. funding.

According to the Heritage Foundation, as of 2012 the U.S. “was assessed 22 percent of the regular budget, which is nearly $567 million in gross contributions…The U.S. is assessed more than 180 other U.N. member states combined and 22,000 times more than the least assessed countries. Together, the top 15 contributors pay over 81.4 percent of the U.N. regular budget. Moreover, under U.N. rules, the 129 member states that contribute less than 1.3 percent can pass the budget over the objections of the countries paying over 98 percent.”

As for the NATO coalition to which John Kerry made mention none of these nations has the military capacity to destroy ISIS that the U.S. possesses. Indeed, the European members are trying to deal with the threat that Russia poses in the Ukraine and form Soviet satellite nations.

Rarely mentioned has been the failure of many NATO member nations to allocate sufficient funding to their military. Several have a serious internal Islamic threat from Muslims who are citizens. The British just announced plans to crack down on any citizen who went off to join ISIS or who may be returning from battles in Iraq or Syria.

There have been vast, complex changes occurring in the Middle East. As former Ambassador Chas Freeman noted in a 2013 speech to the National Council on U.S. Arab Relations, “The simple world of colonial and superpower rivalries is long vanished. The notion that one is either ‘with us or against us’ has lost all resonance in the modern Middle East. No government in the region is prepared now to entrust its future to foreigners, still less to a single foreign power.”

“Americans no longer command the ability to shape trends in the Middle East,” said Freeman, and “Almost no one now expects us to do so…for better or ill, the states of the region have seized control of their own destiny.”

Turns out, most of them are depending on the U.S. to rid them of the Islamic State and even former adversaries like Iran are willing to work with us to achieve that objective. If recent polls are any indicator, we will be back on the Iraqi field of battle with “boots on the ground” and at least half of the population understands why and supports it.

The Islamic State, a self-declared caliphate, is the true face of Islam. It even scares Muslims.

© Alan Caruba, 2014

Is Islam the Enemy?

Muslims beheading Americans. Syria: Muslims killing Muslims. Boco Haram: Muslims killing Christians. ISIS: Muslims killing everyone. Al Qaeda: Muslims killing Westerners. HAMAS – CAIR – Muslim Brotherhood…

What is going on with ISLAM?

On September 11, 2013 I delivered a “controversial” speech in Venice, Florida on the necessity to define the enemy, in order to defeat the enemy, or else there will be more September 11, 2001 disasters. In this presentation I, in a non-politically correct fashion, state unequivocally that the root problem of Islamic terrorism is – ISLAM.

I make a distinction between a Muslim, as a human and the totalitarian, supremacist system of theocratic Islam. This presentation created quite a bit of debate, discussion and maybe even some new thinking. Watch it as a prelude to the activities of September 11, 2014 and make up your own mind.

Islamic Gulen Cult Pours Money into Political Campaigns by Andrew Walden

For Mark Takai the campaign contributions are rolling in … from the secretive union-busting Turkish Gulen cult.

When Reps. Rida Cabanilla and Mark Takai, took a free 2013 trip to the South Caucasian Republic of Azerbaijan together, the $8,000 gift raised eyebrows even in the fetid swamps of the Hawaii legislature.

The Daily KOS called the trip “an oil industry-funded junket to Azerbaijan,” sponsored by the Houston-based “Turquoise Council” an  organization with deep oil-industry connections co-chaired by the sister of Republican Texas Governor Rick Perry.  The Turquoise Council is also one of dozens of US-based groups run by the Turkish Islamist Hizmet movement, controlled by secretive Imam Fethulla Gulen from his home-in-exile and headquarters in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania.

The Washington Post May 30, 2013 called it, “Time to Cash In“.

Politico described the trip as part of “a multimillion-dollar industry of recruiting current and former U.S. officials.”

The Washington Diplomat, June 26, 2013 explains, “Some state legislators may even one day end up in the halls of Congress.  So courting them is important to Azerbaijan.”

For Takai the campaign cash started rolling soon after he returned.  Now twelve of his top 150 contributors are Turkish including several executives of identified Gulen cult organizations.  The total payoff for Takai, $20,000 and counting.

Given the Gulen cult’s predilection for labor law violations at cult-connected charter schools, it is possible that these contributions may be considered illegal false-name contributions from the Gulen movement itself.  Cult members laboring for the Imam under “Tuzuk contracts” are obligated to kick back all of their salaries beyond a bare minimum needed to survive.

Gulen’s illegal labor contracts are described as “ugly unionbusting” by the Chicago Federation of Teachers.  A 2011 Gulen effort to take over Mokapu Elementry school on Kaneohe Marine Base was thwarted by HSTA members after they became aware of the organization’s anti-labor ties.


Rida T.R. Cabanilla, who represents District 41 in the Hawaii Legislature, left, and Mark Takai, who represents Hawaii’s District 33, present Azerbaijani Ambassador Elin Suleymanov with a box of Hawaiian Host chocolate-covered macadamia nuts during an Independence Day reception in Baku. Photo: Larry Luxner, Washington Diplomat

Civil Beat July 11, 2013 reports: “Cabanilla and Takai said they aren’t particularly concerned about accepting such an expensive trip because it doesn’t violate their own personal ethics or state standards. They both said that they measure the appropriateness of accepting such junkets by weighing how the underlying donation might influence them.

“There’s nothing in the Legislature now that would directly benefit Azerbaijan,” Takai said, “so it passes the ethics concern.”

But Takai is running for Congress.  And with thousands of Islamist foreign fighters flying to Ankara to cross the border and join ISIS, US-Turkish relations are front and center in efforts to avoid returning US ground troops to the region.

The Star-Advertiser August 30, 2014 says “(Takai) prefers a nonmilitary option….”

Stopping the influx of foreign fighters has got to be high on any list of non-military options.  But it appears the influence peddling doesn’t work both ways.  Takai declined comment when Hawai’i Free Press asked if he had spoken to any Turkish or Azeri contacts about infiltration of foreign ISIS fighters into Syria and Iraq.

Its not a casual question.  Even after a recent falling out with the Turkish government, the Gulen cult is believe to count amongst its members as many as 80% of Turkish police.

Azeri police detain an opposition supporter in Baku, October 12, 2013. David Mdzinarishvili / Reuters

Buzzfeed, June 3, 2014 points out that the Turquoise Council is a front group for Gulen, and asks, “Why has Baku teamed up with the Gulenist movement to win the hearts and minds of small-time US lawmakers?”  Wyoming state Rep. Dave Zwonitzer told Buzzfeed, “You don’t get a free 10-day trip sponsored by the oil company without somebody asking for something.”

Maui News columnist Ben Lowenthal February 28, 2014 explains:

“Mark Takai doesn’t seem to have a problem with taking sides. Last year he—along with other American legislators—signed off on a birthday note to the president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev. Takai congratulated Aliyev in his efforts to reduce crime within the country and promoting allegiances abroad.

“Aliyev has been criticized by many diplomats and those that follow international relations as an autocrat. After taking office in 2003, he eliminated term limits for himself from the constitution. He’s been accused of running a corrupt government, clamping down on a free press, and rigged elections. The infamous Wikileaks website released a cache of diplomatic cables in 2012 that compare him to a mafia crime boss. Surely, Takai was aware of this before congratulating him on reducing crime in his country eight time zones away, right?

“Takai hasn’t talked about the birthday note recently, but perhaps his views on foreign policy will be examined soon. After all, he is among the seven candidates running for Congress in the First District. What exactly does Takai think about Azerbaijan?”

Civil Beat February 11, 2014 reports, “Reps. Rida Cabanilla and Mark Takai…co-sponsored …House Resolution 13 recogniz(ing) the 22nd anniversary of the Khojaly tragedy which, according to the resolution, involved the slaughter of hundreds of innocent civilians in Azerbaijan in February 1992 (and) House Resolution 9 call(ing) on the United States to strengthen its efforts to facilitate a political settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.”

Campaigning for Congress, Takai didn’t make time for many committee meetings this session.  But while racking up an impressive number of absences elsewhere, he did show up to chair the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, Military, and International Affairs, and Culture and the Arts where his resolutions were referred.

In February 12, 2014 testimony before the committee, progressive activist Dr. Dawn Morais Webster points out, the “rather strange resolution … will be used to strengthen a false representation of historical facts about the relationship between Azerbaijan and Armenia….  Since 1998 the United States has been rendering official assistance to Ngorno-Karabakh to help overcome the consequences of the devastating aggression by Azerbaijan….  (D)uring the Karabakh war, between 1993 and 1994, Azerbaijan used its connections with Islamic terrorist networks to hire thousands of Afghan mujahedeens and other Islamic mercenaries linked to various international terrorist organizations to fight against Armenia and Karabakh.”

In a move unusual for Hawaii’s chair-deferent legislators, both resolutions were rejected by members of Takai’s own committee.


PDF: Takai Gulen Donors

Extortion, Criminal Conspiracy: FBI investigating Gulen Religious Cult behind Mokapu STEM School, Pacifica Institute

Anti-gay religious cult tied to torture seeks Charter conversion of Mokapu Elementary

Gulen Cult: Legislators to welcome “Ugly Unionbusting” to Hawaii schools?

Did Sen Mike Gabbard get hoaxed by fake Turkic President?

Legislators Have No Business In Turkey

Gulen Cult trying to bribe Legislators with Free Trip to Turkey

U.S. No Longer has Influence in the Middle East

The rise of the Sunni Islamic State (ISIS) and its barbarity may be news to the West, but it is a very old story in the Middle East.

Briefly stated, the Arabs have been at war with one another for some 1,400 years before and since the emergence of Islam and the schism that occurred between its Sunni and Shiite components.

Dr, Daniel Pipes, a noted Middle East scholar, writing in an August 24 Turkish newspaper regarding the announcement of the Islamic State caliphate noted that “The classic concept of the caliphate—of a single successor to Muhammad ruling a unified Muslim state—lasted just over a century and expired with the emergence of two caliphs in 750 CE. The power of the caliphate collapsed in about the year 940 CE.”  Arabs could not unite following the death of Muhammad, resulting in the two caliphs who claimed his mantle.

Apparently anyone can declare themselves a caliph as did ISIS’s Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on June 29, 2014. There is some question, for example, whether Abubakar Shakau, the leader of Boko Haram, has acknowledged al-Baghdadi or whether he was declaring his own separate caliphate in Nigeria where his group controls a large swath of the northern part of that nation.

Dr. Pipes predicts that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria will not survive due to “the hostility both from neighbors and its subject population, it will not last long.” As demonstrated in Nigeria, “other ambitious Islamists will act more boldly by declaring themselves caliph” and this could occur “from Nigeria to Somalia to Afghanistan to Indonesia, and beyond.”

When not fighting with each other as Sunnis and Shiites, Arabs and other Muslim nationalities have been united by their disdain of the West which resisted Islam and which manifested its power via the colonization that occurred as the West reached out with its naval capabilities and military superiority wherever it could gain control.

When the Middle East’s decaying Ottoman Empire sided with Germany in World War I, it was dissected by France and Great Britain whose diplomats literally created new “nations” such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Trans-Jordan by drawing lines on a map. Using local sheiks as their flunkies, they governed through them. In time, military coups by local despots replaced them.

The Islamic State is only the latest manifestation of the ancient desire to not only control the whole of the Middle East, but to reach out and through terror to exert domination over the entire world in the name of Islam. Anyone familiar with the Koran knows this is a demand that is to be fulfilled with jihad or holy war.

In the real world, however, nations deal with threats to their sovereignty and economic interests. When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, Bush41 put together a coalition to drive him back into Iraq. The U.S. did nothing, however, when he had previously waged war with Iran for eight years after Iran had taken diplomats as hostages in 1979, releasing them in 1981. When al Qaeda attacked the U.S. on September 11, 2001, Bush43 launched an attack on al Qaeda’s stronghold in Afghanistan, driving them into Pakistan. Saddam Hussein continued to be a threat to the stability of the region and, in particular the Saudis, so Iraq was invaded to depose him.

In both Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. discovered there was literally nothing resembling a functional government and so remained on to do some “nation building” at the cost of military lives and deployment. The ancient divide between Sunnis and Shiites has continued to make it impossible to modernize, i.e. westernize, the governance of either nation.

Since it took power in 2009 the policies of the Obama administration have proven to be a disaster, leaving the U.S. with no influence and no Arab  allies in the Middle East. Even Israel has been rudely treated.

On August 19, as reported in the Daily Caller, “The highest religious authority in Saudi Arabia condemned the Islamic State and al-Qaeda.” The Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al al-Sheikh was quoted saying “Extremist and militant ideas and terrorism, which spread decay on Earth, destroying human civilization, are not in any way part of Islam, but are the enemy number one of Islam. And Muslims are their first victims.”

When a Saudi cleric worries about “human civilization” at the same time he lives in a nation that routinely punishes its criminals with beheading and amputations, as well as limiting the rights of women, and forbidding any other religion to exist there, one has to also keep in mind the millions of dollars that members of the royal family and other Saudis have given to those advancing the Sunni brand of Islam. It has come back to bite them.  Will they muster the courage to join in any military coalition using their air force and other military to defeat ISIS?

The Islamic State, however, has other enemies as well. As IDF Lt. Col. (ret) Michael Segall, a senior analyst at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, has written, Sunni jihadists “now constitute a real threat to Iran’s strategic assets in Syria and Lebanon, and especially its aspiration to restore Shiite supremacy.”

“The United States, says Lt. Col. Segall, “has lost almost all its cards and traditional allies in the region. One open question is whether it will also give up the Iranian nuclear card for a hollow promise from Tehran to help stabilize Iraq.”

Welcome, once again, to the Sunni-Shiite rivalry and animosity. The Islamic State is a challenge to what has been called the Shiite Crescent stretching from Iran to Syria.

Islam has been posing a threat to the West for a very long time now. It didn’t begin with the attack on the World Trade Center towers in 2001. It has its roots in the nation’s earliest years, dating back to when Thomas Jefferson was President, but in more recent times Al Qaeda attacked U.S. embassies in the 1980s.

Israel has been the only focus for unity among Arab nations, having been attacked unsuccessfully several times since 1948 when it declared its sovereignty. The creation of “Palestinians” permitted the wars to continue in other forms. It is currently engaged in a war with Hamas, a terrorist group whose goals mirror those of the Islamic State. The hidden hand of Iran can be found in attacks directed against Israel insofar as Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian proxies.

For the next two years America’s options to change the course of events in the Middle East will be determined by a President who was elected to get the U.S. out of Iraq and intends to do the same thing in Afghanistan. He is a President who released five Taliban leaders while the nation still has troops in Afghanistan and he did so without consulting Congress. He drew back from taking any action in Syria a year ago.

President Obama has said he wants no “boots on the ground” but even his Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have made it clear that is the only realistic option if the Islamic State is to be destroyed. Military experts say it could be eliminated in months if we used our power to do so.

As always, however, when it comes to the Middle East, Obama arrives late, lacking an understanding of its true dynamics, and lingers too long to make a decision.

At this point in time, the U.S. can settle for nothing less than the destruction of the Islamic State, but it is unlikely to get much support from either European allies or action from the Arab states.

© Alan Caruba, 2014

War with ISIS: The West Wins says the Book of Daniel

Rumors of war beg consideration that “history repeats.” Alexander the Great defeated the Medes and Perians as a ram got two horns broken in Daniel 8:7,20, but Gabriel said “the vision is at the time of the end.” Verse 17.

The coming war will answer the question, God or Allah?

Iraq and Iran are the same geographical as the Medes and Persians, and the Bible is the true holy book forecasting ISIS defeat and Israel spared, even as Israel, son of Isaac was spared by Abraham’s sacrificing a ram, says Ruhling, adding that Islam uses a ram sacrifice to commemorate the sparing of Ishmael whom they believe was spared. The coming conflict will reveal which is the true holy book.

War Drums on the Potomac by Pat Buchanon cites Vice President Biden, We will chase ISIS to “the gates of hell.” Sen. Linsey Graham said ISIS is “an existential threat.” No country knows this better than Israel.

Reporter, Zvi Yehezkeli visited the Muslim Temple Mount for an Islamic State gathering. He says ISIS is “knocking on Jordan’s door, has marked ‘Palestine’ as the next target…” Times of Israel, 9-3-14.

Israel could be spared by western intervention. The question is, how long will it take to go to war when the Commander-in-Chief avows his Muslim faith and doesn’t want to fight other Muslims? The Bible projects springtime “when kings go forth to battle,” 2 Samuel 11:1.

Springtime is prophetic timing for the end-time “day of the Lord” when Jerusalem is “taken, and the houses rifled, the women ravished and half the city shall go forth into captivity” before intervention, Zechariah 14:1-3. A Muslim Imam called for the 3rd Intifada last spring. Was it a year’s warning?

RELATED ARTICLE: Muslims Sexually Enslaving Children: A Global Phenomenon

EDITORS NOTE: Dr. Richard Ruhling is an author and speaker on topics of current events and Bible prophecy. His latest ebooks are available on Amazon, free on Saturday, Sept 6: The Fall of America and September 26: Economic Collapse & Martial Law Could Be the End of America He may be contacted for speaking by email at Ruhling7@juno.com

Obama cuts military pay for a second year in a row

On August 29th, President Obama sent a letter notifying Congress that he is using his authority under law to cap the active duty military pay raise at 1 percent in 2015.

Typically the active duty pay raise is determined by private sector wage growth, measured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment Cost Index (ECI). The ECI calls for a 1.8 percent pay raise in 2015.

However, the President has executive authority to make an alternative pay adjustment if he considers it necessary due to national emergency or economic concerns.

This is the second consecutive year the President used his authority to implement a lower pay raise.

From 2000 to 2012, Congress worked hard to eliminate a 13.5 percent military pay gap with the private sector caused by repeatedly capping military raises in the 1980s and ‘90s.

But the restoration of military pay comparability with the private sector is under threat. Pay has been capped for two years, and the administration’s FY 2015 budget proposes to continue caps for a total of six years.

Earlier this year, the House rejected the administration’s pay cap and authorized a 1.8 percent raise in its version of the FY 2015 defense authorization bill and appropriated funding to pay for it. The Senate Armed Services Committee supported the administration’s 1.0 percent cap.

To reverse the President’s decision to cap pay in 2015, Congress would need to override the President’s authority to alter the pay raise from the ECI.

Military Officers Association of America President Vice Adm. Norb Ryan, U.S. Navy (Ret.) responded to the President’s announcement, saying “Pay raises for the military, just like those of average Americans, are important for retention. It’s a fundamental principle of sustaining the all-volunteer force… History has shown that once Congress starts accepting proposals to cap military pay below private sector growth, those caps continue until retention and readiness are compromised.”

Comparability can’t work unless it’s sustained through both good and bad budget times.

EDITORS NOTE: MOAA is asking concerned citizens and veterans to send a MOAA-suggested message and ask Congress to support a 1.8 percent raise that keeps military pay on pace with private sector wage growth.

President Coward

He delayed the mission to rescue James Foley and other ISIS hostages because he didn’t want to be “Carterized.” He sent the men in the rescue helicopters back to their bunks as he watched our people die in real time at Benghazi. And he delayed the Osama bin Laden raid for MONTHS out of fear of what a failed attempt would do to his re-election chances.

In his latest FIREWALL, Bill Whittle shows how President Coward always puts his personal image ahead of the lives of American citizens.



Hi everybody. I’m Bill Whittle and this is the Firewall.

For those of us who were not familiar with ISIS – the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – the savage beheading of American journalist James Foley – certainly made the introduction.

Speaking after the brutal execution, President Obama had this to say about his ISIS murderers:

No just god would stand for what they did yesterday and what they do every single day.

God may not stand for it, but the most powerful man on the Earth – Barack Obama – certainly did.

Today, the American people will all say a prayer for those who loved Jim. All of us feel the ache of his absence. All of us morn his loss. We keep in our prayers those other Americans who are separated from their families. And we will do everything that we can to protect our people and the timeless values that we stand for.

And we will do everything that we can to protect our people and the timeless values that we stand for.* Asterisk. See below…

Because what President Obama neglected to tell the American people that day – before returning to the golf course – was that there is in fact an unread condition attached to his statement that he will “protect our people and the timeless values that we stand for.” What he meant to say was he will “protect our people and the timeless values that we stand for…” so long as there is no risk of adversely affecting his poll numbers.

Because a month and a half before James Foley had his head sawed off, a team of Special Forces operatives were flying through the darkness on a mission to rescue Foley and other western hostages. And it wasn’t just any evening. It was just after midnight on the Fourth of July.

For thirty days President Obama delayed this mission. Thirty Days. It was June when US Intelligence had solid intelligence of the location of Foley and other captives, but it was also well understood that ISIS, like all terrorist organizations, constantly moves hostages in order to prevent raids like the one that was finally launched after four weeks of hesitation.

Why the delay? Well, President Coward was worried that a failed mission would leave him, in the words of his advisors, “Carterized” – recalling the catastrophic failure to rescue the Iranian hostages in 1980. And so Barack Obama, with actionable intelligence on the location of James Foley and the full understanding that such information is fleeting, dithered and vacillated and golfed and weighed the pros and cons and golfed and delayed and asked more questions and golfed and considered the political fallout from a failed mission as he golfed.

Finally he gave the go-head, on the condition that the raid take place on the Fourth of July so that, if successful, he could make the announcement to major fanfare on the nation’s birthday.

Delta and SEAL team operators leapt out of their specially modified, low radar cross-section Blackhawk helicopters. Up to 15 ISIS fighters emerged from the building to meet them, and their wish to die for Allah was granted by an orbiting AC130 gunship. As US warriors secured the compound, lead elements breached the doors to where the captives – including James Foley – were being held. The room was empty. Foley, his murderers, and other hostages had been moved.


And this wasn’t the first time President Coward left people to die because of fear of what a failed attempt might to his poll numbers and personal glory.

On the evening of September 11th, 2012, at about 4pm Eastern time, reports began to come in of an attack on the Consulate in Benghazi. By 5:10pm, an unmanned surveillance drone was providing real-time video of the ongoing firefight at the compound. And yet, almost immediately, the White House issued a direct order to FEST – the Foreign Emergency Support Team, a highly-trained, well-armed extraction squad standing by at various locations around the world for this exact contingency – to stand down.

We need to be crystal clear on this. It’s not that President Obama failed to give the order for these men to get into their helicopters and go and try to rescue Ambassador Chris Stevens and the rest of “our people and the timeless values they stand for.” Those men were in the helicopters. They were, unlike the president, mentally and operationally prepared and ready to go and defend American civilians from these murderers and savages. President Coward told them to shut down the engines and sent these warriors back to their bunks, because he was afraid of what a botched attempt might do his image. He had an election coming up, and priorities are priorities, after all. So he watched, on TV, in real time, as former SEALS Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods ran from safety towards the sound of gunfire and fought off scores of heavily armed enemy fighters for six hours, their laser target designators on the enemy mortar position that eventually killed them, looking up to the sky not only to a just God but awaiting help from a President who was watching them die. And they did die, of course, at which point President Coward joined the FEST operators in retiring for the evening, getting a good nights sleep for the next day’s fundraiser in Vegas. Reports are that the men who were in the helicopters, ready, and as it turned out, able to save Doherty and Woods did not sleep quite as well.

Oh, and one more thing. The signature Obama success in the war on Terror – the raid that killed Osama bin Laden – was delayed for what appears to be about 100 days, as President Coward weighed the consequences of the failure of such a raid. He was, according to several independent accounts, essentially overruled by the Secretaries of Defense and State who insisted that somebody took action before Bin Laden was tipped off and vanished once again. That’s why Obama is sitting in the back of the room like the Pizza delivery boy in the iconic shot of the Operation. He just popped in from the golf course to see how things were coming along.

Put aside – if you are able – the monumental narcissism, selfishness and moral cowardice of this man, and focus for a moment on just how disconnected he really is from the people that elected him. All we want is a leader – a leader, not a self-obsessed moral coward – who will use the most powerful and capable military in the history of the world “to protect our people and the timeless values they represent” without that ever-present asterisk of “so long as there is no chance of making me look bad.”

We’re kind of past that point now, Mr. President — don’t you think?

God help us: Pro-ISIS gathering in Jerusalem

We reported about the New Jersey man who was flying the black ISIS flag whose excuse was he didn’t know what it symbolized. Of course the cultural jihad apologists did their normal “Islamophobe” and alarmist social media attacks. However, I wonder how everyone will respond to this appearance of the ISIS flag – and particularly its location

As reported by the Times of Israel, “Israel’s Channel 10 on Wednesday night broadcast what it said was footage from a recent “Islamic State gathering” on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The report, which is to be broadcast in full next week, said the gathering underlined that Islamic State intends to focus on Israel in the future. Formally, the gathering, attended by thousands, was organized by the Tahrir party, which the report described as being the “Palestine branch” of Islamic State. Speakers were filmed anticipating the liberation of Jerusalem and decrying Jewish pollution of the city. Several black IS flags were seen in the footage.”

If there’s one thing I appreciate about our Islamist enemies – they certainly don’t hide their intent. They make it quite plain that they intend to dominate the world, and will kill anyone who stands in their way to restore a barbaric 7th century ideology. They place the onus squarely upon us, the infidels, the kafirs, to halt their advances — and will continue to advance as their Islamo-fascist ideology commands.

So what’s next for ISIS?

According to the Israel Times, “Channel 10 reporter, Zvi Yehezkeli, said a photograph of a Palestinian youngster holding an ISIS flag that proliferated on social media over the past week was taken next to where he was standing. Yehezkeli said he had expected to be stopped by Israeli Police when he tried to enter the Mount area at a time designated for Muslim prayers, and that it was frightening to be in the plaza while the ISIS gathering was taking place. He claimed that the Islamic State, “now knocking on Jordan’s door, has marked ‘Palestine’ as the next target on its list.”

Consider this scenario for the Jewish State of Israel: Hamas renews its assault against Israel from the south after rearming and restocking its rocket and missile arsenal. Hezbollah decides the time is right to begin an assault from the north with more rockets and missiles. A situation arises where Israel finds its stockpile of Iron Dome weapons is running low and cannot cover a two -ront aerial assault — some of the rockets and missiles find landfall. From Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra has decided to swear allegiance to ISIS and begins a ground assault against Israel from Syria. And in Jordan, where ISIS has been successful, they set their sights on crossing the Jordan River into Judea-Samaria and begin attacking Israeli communities — aided by the Palestinian group Fatah.

Riots and unrest begins in East Jerusalem and a general state of emergency is instituted. Sophisticated surface-to-air missiles begin showing up in the region from Libya supplied by Ansar al-Sharia. Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport is shut down. And U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama states this is a regional problem and that he was elected to end wars.

I know, I’m out of control, and none of this is plausible. Yep, and ISIS is just a JV team, right?

I operate under the premise of being prepared for the enemy’s most dangerous course of action. The Obama administration operates under some misguided premise of “ignore the enemy and it will all go away.” And at worse case, Obama’s narcissistic persona will win the day. But so far, who’s has been right in their assessment?

A global Islamic jihadist movement has been set in motion and denial is not a viable course of action. Furthermore, telling the enemy what you are not willing to do is the dumbest strategy I have ever heard of – well, since Sir Neville Chamberlain.

The Temple Mount has significance in that it was built on top of the historic Jewish Temple of Jerusalem. Flying the black ISIS flag at the Temple Mount signifies the ultimate goal for ISIS — indeed Islam, — the eradication of the Jewish people and the restoration of what they refer to as Al Quds.

I take my enemy for its word and for those who criticize saying we don’t need to do anything – you’re nothing more than surrender monkeys! When America has a leader who understands total warfare and how to destroy an enemy by bringing the full national power of the United Dates– diplomatic, informational, military, and economic — to bear against our enemies; when America has a leader who will identify the enemy; when America has a leader who will not institute restrictive rules of engagement; then we will have victory, peace and domestic and global security.

Until then we are just wasting our time — and sadly wasting lives.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on AllenBWest.com.

Boston Muslim running Islamic State’s social media campaign

Ahmad Abousamra is a Muslim from the Boston area. He is the son of a doctor. He is a computer expert, a graduate of Northeastern University, where he made the dean’s list. If only we could alleviate the grinding poverty and social marginalization of young men like this, they wouldn’t turn to jihad.

“The American computer wiz running brutally effective ISIS social media campaign: College-educated son of top Boston doctor is on FBI Most Wanted list,” by Michael Zennie, MailOnline, September 4, 2014 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

A college educated American citizen with a knack for computers is believed to be one of the men running the brutally effective ISIS social media operation, which is helping to attract hundreds of fighters from across the world – including the U.S., Britain and Canada.

Ahmad Abousamra, 32, was born in France and raised in the upscale Boston suburb of Stoughton. His father is a prominent endocrinologist at Massachusetts General Hospital. He attended the exclusive Xaverian Brothers Catholic high school and made the Dean’s List at Northeastern University.

He graduated with a degree in a technology field then took a job at a telecommunications company.

U.S. officials tell ABC News that he is now putting his skills to work for ISIS, the brutal terrorist organization that has been effectively using 21st century methods like Twitter memes, Facebook posts, selfies and YouTube videos to promote its radical 6th century Islamic ideals.

In 2004, federal authorities say, Abousamra left his American life behind and traveled to Iraq in the hopes of fighting U.S. soldiers as part of Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Instead, he was recruited to the groups ‘media wing.’

‘If you do have a European language ability, if you have computer skills, if you are quite clever and you come join ISIS, you are likely to be used for social media output,’ Peter Neumann, the director of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, told ABC.

When he returned to the U.S. in 2006, he was questioned by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. He was released without charge and slipped out of the country and back to Syria.

In 2009, he was charged with federal terrorism offenses. He is currently on the FBI’s Most Wanted list and the government has offered a $50,000 reward for his capture.

Most Wanted: The FBI is offering a $50,000 reward for the capture of Abousamra, who is wanted on federal terrorism charges

Most Wanted: The FBI is offering a $50,000 reward for the capture of Abousamra, who is wanted on federal terrorism charges

Brutally effective: ISIS has managed to use 21th century tactics to promote its brutal 6th century worldview

Brutally effective: ISIS has managed to use 21th century tactics to promote its brutal 6th century worldview. For a larger view click on the image.

Authorities now believe Abousamra is in charge of running social media for ISIS, according to ABC.

ISIS has shown remarkable sophistication with its online presence. When the group released its video showing the execution of journalist James Foley, it was simultaneously posted on dozens of online forums, Twitter accounts of other social media sites.

A slew of Twitter and Facebook accounts spread the group’s message by posting pictures of the brutal executions and torture that ISIS terrorist bestow on their enemies – all while staying a step ahead of Silicon Valley’s attempts to shut them down.

Jihadist fighters who join ISIS, meanwhile, project an image of a certain kind of twisted glamour, showing off their new life and posing with weapons and on military vehicles.

‘ISIS understands very well that in order for an act of terrorism to be effective, it needs to actually terrorize people,’ Mr Neumann told ABC.

‘The act of communication that follows the act of violence is almost as important as the act of violence itself.’


Islamic State propagandist was regular worshiper at Islamic Society of Boston

Ex-Muslim and son of imam: Islamic State following “steps of Islam’s prophet Muhammad to the letter”

600 Muslims from Britain now waging jihad for the Islamic State

Italy: 11 Muslims investigated for jihad activities, waging jihad in Syria

Islamic jihadists vow to free Iberian Peninsula from “Spanish and Portuguese occupation”

Obama: We will defeat the Islamic State like we did al-Qaeda

Report: More “Americans” Killed Fighting with ISIS in Syria

‘Frustration and confusion’ among U.S. troops over mixed message on Islamic State

“Chase them to the Gates of Hell? How the [f—] are we going to do that when we can’t even leave the front gate of our base!?”

Indeed. And how are we going to do that when we continue to pretend that they are not what they are, and that they do not and cannot make recruits in the way that they’re obviously making recruits, and that their motives and goals are not their motives and goals, and that their own justification for their actions is not their own justification for their actions.

“‘Frustration and confusion’ among US troops over mixed message on ISIS,” FoxNews.com, September 4, 2014 (thanks to Kenneth):

America’s GI “boots on the ground” in Iraq are so frustrated with the White House message about their mission against the Islamic State — which Vice President Biden vowed Wednesday to chase “to the gates of Hell” — that they’re wondering how they’ll accomplish the goal “when we can’t even leave the front gate of our base.”

Biden on Wednesday delivered what was probably the toughest statement to date from the administration, declaring, after another U.S. journalist was beheaded by the Islamic State, “we will follow them to the gates of Hell until they are brought to justice.”

But his tough talk was at odds with a message delivered earlier in the day by President Obama, who said that while his administration’s goal is to “destroy” ISIS — it also is to “shrink” it to a “manageable problem.”

Amid the mixed messages, a source in contact with special operators in Iraq told Fox News that “frustration and confusion reign” among Americans on the ground there.

The source relayed the complaint of an unnamed special operator: “Chase them to the Gates of Hell? How the [f—] are we going to do that when we can’t even leave the front gate of our base!?”

Ostensibly, U.S. personnel on the ground in Iraq are there to defend U.S. facilities. The president earlier this week deployed an additional 350 personnel to Baghdad to provide security at the U.S. Embassy and related facilities.

The decision brings the additional U.S. diplomatic security contingent to 820.

Defense officials say that when the additional Marines arrive, they will bring the total number of U.S. troops in Iraq to 1,213.

U.S. military personnel also are engaged in airstrikes against the Islamic State in northern Iraq and helping with humanitarian missions to aid ethnic minorities who have been besieged by the militant group.

But it remains an open question how aggressively the U.S. would expand the fight against ISIS, and whether military in Baghdad would be pulled into that effort.

In a statement earlier this week announcing the additional diplomatic security contingent, the Defense Department said: “The Department of Defense will continue to plan and prepare further military options should they become necessary, and we will remain ready to protect our diplomats, our citizens, and our interests in Iraq, while we continue to work with the Iraqi government to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.”

A strategy for addressing the Islamic State in Iraq, and perhaps Syria, could become clearer in the coming days as Obama meets with British Prime Minister David Cameron and other European allies at a NATO summit in Wales. Secretary of State John Kerry is also heading to the Middle East to meet with allies there. All efforts are aimed at building a coalition to battle the Islamic State.

But the mixed messages about how far the U.S. is willing to go have sowed confusion on Capitol Hill, as well as in the field.

“It’s very confusing,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told Fox News. “The president seems to be a definite maybe.”

Reacting to Obama’s comment about making ISIS “manageable,” he said: “That’s when you are closing a lane on the freeway and you have got to go down the freeway with three lanes instead of four, then you manage it. But this is ISIS. They want death and destruction to the United States of America.”


UK: Woman beheaded in broad daylight by machete-wielding Muslim, police rule out terrorism
Hamas-linked CAIR demands apology from Oklahoma State Rep who said “Quran clearly states that non-Muslims should be killed”
Islamic State justifies atrocities by citing Muhammad
Shimon Peres to Pope Francis: “Terrorist organizations are justifying beheadings by quoting passages of their Quran”

ISIS Poses Potential Bio-Threat — But Not Equal to al Qaeda or Hezbollah

Foreign Policy (FP) published an exclusive report on August 28th regarding the contents of a laptop captured in Syria from a Tunisian ISIS jihadi, “Mohammed S”, “Found: The Islamic State’s Terror Laptop of Doom.”  Among the files on the laptop’s hard drive was a 19 page document allegedly providing details on plans to weaponize bubonic plague and use it as a mass casualty weapon.


Dr. Jill Bellamy

We contacted noted Bio-Warfare (BW) expert, Dr. Jill Bellamy to address the issues raised by the FP account. Our concerns were whether the Islamic State (IS), formerly ISIS, might have overrun Syrian BW research and dual-use pathogenic production facilities.  Further, has  IS, like   Hezbollah and Al Qaeda, established a WMD directorate, and do they have the means of  producing one or more of the so-called ‘Black Six’ pathogens[1]?  See our 2007 and 2013  New English Review (NER) interviews with Dr. Bellamy on the Syrian BW Threat and Dr.  Bellamy’s, The Biological Warfare Blog: Black Six

Bellamy conveyed the following observations: While IS’ alleged BW threat is provocative, given its financial resources, the reality is that both Al Qaeda (AQ) and Hezbollah have established credible BW programs, while IS’ capability is still unknown.  Hezbollah’s programs are coordinated with both Syrian and Iranian BW programs, whose BW laboratories have successfully developed advanced synthetic pathogens that Western threat reduction agencies may not have the means of detecting.  The likely priority targets in the latter cases might be the Jewish communities, particularly in Europe, according to Bellamy. She views as formidable Israel’s highly credible BW threat reduction capabilities, which she says are superior to anywhere else in the world.

The greatest threat, according to Bellamy, is in the manufacture of synthetic BWs, for which there are few developed antidotes. In recent years, large strides have been made in biotechnology and genetic engineering that can facilitate the modification of BW agents to increase their toxicity, transmission, and lethality.

The FP Laptop of Doom Revelations

The FP report noted:

The information on the laptop makes clear that its owner is a Tunisian national named Muhammed S. who joined ISIS in Syria and who studied chemistry and physics at two universities in Tunisia’s northeast. Even more disturbing is how he planned to use that education:

The ISIS laptop contains a 19-page document in Arabic on how to develop biological weapons and how to weaponize the bubonic plague from infected animals.

“The advantage of biological weapons is that they do not cost a lot of money, while the human casualties can be huge,” the document states.

The document includes instructions for how to test the weaponized disease safely, before it is used in a terrorist attack. “When the microbe is injected in small mice, the symptoms of the disease should start to appear within 24 hours,” the document says.

The laptop also includes a 26-page fatwa, or Islamic ruling, on the usage of weapons of mass destruction. “If Muslims cannot defeat the kafir [unbelievers] in a different way, it is permissible to use weapons of mass destruction,” states the fatwa by Saudi jihadi cleric Nasir al-Fahd, who is currently imprisoned in Saudi Arabia. “Even if it kills all of them and wipes them and their descendants off the face of the Earth.”


“Use small grenades with the virus, and throw them in closed areas like metros, soccer stadiums, or entertainment centers,” the 19-page document on biological weapons advises. “Best to do it next to the air-conditioning. It also can be used during suicide operations.”

However, the FP suggested weaponization of both bubonic plague and anthrax via grenades is implausible. The heat generated by the explosion would kill the pathogens, not deliver them. Bellamy was not certain whether this clearly incorrect information in the directions was the result of ignorance or a misdirection. In any case, the West has stockpiles of antidotes to address outbreaks of both pathogens mentioned in the files.

While it is known that AQ and Hezbollah, as non-state actors, have the means to conduct mass casualty attacks against targets in the Middle East and the West, especially the EU, it is not known whether IS has this capability.

Looting of Syrian BW Laboratories by AQ and ISIS

In April 2014, Bellamy wrote on her blog, The Black Six ,about the threats  arising  from looting of Syrian BW laboratories and production facilities by  AQ and ISIS, “Looting the Labs: Syria’s Biological Weapon Program and Al Qaeda”.  She noted:

Serious concerns remain however, with regard to the looting of some laboratories and one estimate, one source that has previously provided highly accurate, in country accounts on a number of facilities, estimates the looting to be at around 70% of Syria’s laboratories and veterinary vaccine facilities. The source has provided ample documentation and photographic evidence from inside the labs.  The looting has occurred in sections where Al Qaeda has been fighting. In one incident, five members of Hezbollah were killed….. In my view, as  a BW expert, there is a risk that Al Qaeda … given their lengthy track record  and long term recruitment of experts trained in Western universities, could divert materials and pathogenic agents.  It is possible AQ, well aware of Syrian laboratory infrastructures, could divert such materials in areas where it is fighting and has access to these facilities. A geospatial analysis of certain areas in Syria, where BW labs are now under ISIS controlled zones, paints an increasingly concerning picture.

The Al Qaida Bio Terror Directorate

In a March 2014  Black Six post, Inside Al Qaeda’s Biological Weapon Directorate,  Bellamy  discussed:

What remains, if anything, of the programs which the Taliban oversaw, remains with the scientist-terrorists who worked in those labs and trained in the camps. Who were they and more importantly where are they now? Not only did the Taliban oversee several state of the art, mainly veterinary and agricultural laboratories which worked on vaccines for anthrax and other highly pathogenic agents, it applied this expertise to training camps, mainly the Derunta camp.  The “core” of AQ WMD Committee was associated with running training on CBW at the Derunta camp.

In 2004, an interior ministry official for France reported that evidence from Islamist militants arrested in the Lyon area made it clear an attack with botulinum or ricin toxin was being prepared. Of the eight suspects arrested, most were related to Menad Benchellali, the son of a radical imam in the Lyon suburb of Venisseux, jailed since 2002. The ministry official confirmed that Benchellali was a chemical weapon expert trained in poison-making in Al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan and was actively trying to produce botulim toxin and ricin which he had tested on animals.

Israel recently announced the detention of Samar Halmi Abdel Latif al Barq, a Kuwaiti citizen of ‘Palestinian’ descent. Prior to his detention, Al Barq studied microbiology in Pakistan and underwent military training in Afghanistan before his recruitment by AQ.. According to the Jerusalem Post, he spent three months in 2003, at Guantanamo Bay and five years in a Jordanian prison.  Fortunately al Barq is in detention. However, other AQ BW experts continue to pose an unconventional weapons threat, if not a risk to global public health security.

One of the better known terrorist/scientist working with AQ is Yazid Sufaat. He too is currently in detention again, having previously served seven years in a Malay prison under ISA detention. Sufaat earned a degree in microbiology from California State University at Sacramento in 1987 and then serving as an army medical technician in the Malaysian Army. In 1993 Sufaat set up a pathology laboratory called Green Laboratory Medicine where he subsequently tried on behalf of al Qaeda to weaponize anthrax.

Lady Al Qaida and ISIS


FBI photo of Aafia Sidiqqi

Then there is Pakistani Dr. Aaifa Sidiqqi , “Lady Al Qaida”, an MIT and Brandeis University trained, neuroscientist. Following a New York Federal trial and conviction in 2010, Sidiqqi is  currently serving an 86 year term in a Texas Federal prison facility for attempted murder during a 2008  attack in an Afghan  detention facility.  During that attack, she seized  a weapon and fired on US  personnel before being subdued.  As noted in a recent CNN report, her trial record disclosed:

At the time of the 2008 shooting, Sidiqqi was in police custody after being arrested outside the Ghazni governor’s compound in Afghanistan. She was said to be acting suspiciously and found to be carrying “numerous documents describing the creation of explosives, chemical weapons, and other weapons involving biological material and radiological agents,” according to court documents.

The papers included descriptions of various U.S. landmarks and military assets, excerpts from the “Anarchist’s Arsenal,” and a number of chemical substances in bottles and glass jars, the documents said.

The interest in Sidiqqi currently has to do with one of the demands for the release of the late American photo-journalist, James Foley, murdered by ISIS in Syria.  The CNN report noted:

“We have also offered prisoner exchanges to free the Muslims currently rin your detention like our sister Dr Afia Sidiqqi (sic), however you proved very quickly to us that this is NOT what you are interested in,” the email said, which was published in full on the GlobalPost website.

This renewed interest may also be an indication of heightened objectives on the part of ISIS in a BW program, for which they would consider her a valuable asset. Sidiqqi has never been charged under US terrorism laws.  Watch this CNN video about why ISIS wanted Siddiqui released:

Hezbollah, as a client of Iran and Assad’s Syria, has had access to BW as well as chemical and conventional weapons. In a June NER  2013 article, Dr. Bellamy noted, “Hezbollah has acquired almost every type of conventional weapon Iran has ever produced and works closely with Syria. As Hezbollah is considered by some to run their own laboratories in Lebanon, it is likely that Syria has already transferred weaponized biological agents to these labs.” She suggested that Hezbollah might use drones, provided by Iran, to deploy a BW payload.

In last year’s international confrontation over Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile, little attention was given to its biological weapons program. Our sources report that despite UN oversight, Assad transferred much of his chemical weapons to Hezbollah, which they transferred to caves in the Bekka Valley in Southern Lebanon. In fact, they reported, only 11% of Syria’s chemical weapons were actually destroyed. The rest were hidden or redistributed. Such deceptions give rise to further serious consideration of Hezbollah’s access to Syria’s BW program, as well as its CW stockpiles

Can ISIS Have a BW Capability?

Gas attacks in September 2013 in the vicinity of Damascus, were generally attributed to Assad. According to reliable sources in Syria, the gas attacks were also carried out by ISIS. In the gas attacks, ISIS acquired the weapons from a Syrian army base which they had overrun. Could they now do the same with bio-weapons?

On February 2, 2013, Israel carried out a bombing raid against several Syrian weapons facilities in an effort to destroy a shipment of Fateh-110 missiles being transported from Iran to Lebanon via Syria. Destroyed in this attack was a biological weapons research center at Jamarya, west of Damascus.  Other buildings destroyed in the attack were warehouses stocked with equipment necessary for the deployment of chemical and biological weapons.  However, Assad placed his CW and BW feacilities all around the country. Some 70% of Syria’s chemical and biological weapons facilities have been raided since the war began in 2011, and the location of stockpiles – and who possesses them – is now largely unknown.

Syria is long suspected of conducting work on botulinum, anthrax, smallpox, ricin, T2, among other agents and toxins. And while ISIS is now the best funded of all terrorist organizations, pulling in over $1 million  daily in revenues from extorted fees  and sale of oil , it is not clear that they have the skills or the training to safely handle and deploy the complex and dangerous biological weapons developed by Syria. As Dr. Bellamy explained, “Chemical weapons are relatively easy to understand and as a result, media attention has focused on Syrian chemical weapon stockpiles . . . biological weapons are less well understood. Syria’s biological weapons . . .  are far more dangerous”. Moreover, the results of a BW attack may not be immediately known, since disease spreads silently and sometimes, slowly. In today’s world of global travel, a bio-attack could be transmitted world-wide before being detected or, if possible, contained.


Bellamy’s observations about the ISIS, AQ and Hezbollah BW threats suggest the need for appropriate actions by both Israel and Western intelligence and threat reduction agencies.  Just think of one of her scenarios, a possible BW attack at vulnerable international air travel transit points like Schiphol in Amsterdam or Heathrow in London.  Such an attack could cause a veritable pandemic through the release of exotic synthetic viruses devised in Iranian and Syrian laboratories that are virtually undetected. With IS’ enormous financial resources and recruitment of scientist terrorists from the Muslim Ummah, what may be simply provocative today, could readily become reality tomorrow if not stopped in time.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

American ISIS Jihadi was Minneapolis Airport Employee with a Security Clearance

Pictured: Facebook images of Abdirahmaan Muhumed (left) and Douglas McAuthur McCain taken before they were radicalized.


Abdirahmaan Muhumed , ISIS fighter.

The death of the American Somali Émigré ISIS  Jihadi  Abdirahmaan Muhumed, 29, revealed his employment as a cleaner for Delta Global Services, Inc.  that gave him security access to Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.  Muhumed, 29, left behind 9 children in the Twin Cities to become an ISIS jihadi, before his death in Syria.  A Daily Mail report, noted:

A Somali-American who was killed fighting for ISIS in Syria cleaned jetliners for Delta Airlines before he left the United States to fight for the Islamic terrorist group, it has been revealed.

Abdirahmaan Muhumed, 29, had security clearances that granted him special access to Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in his job with Delta Global Services, KMSP-TV reports.


KMSP reports that multiple sources have revealed that Muhumed had unfettered access to jetliners at the airport, which handles 90,000 passengers a day. He also had access to the tarmac and special security clearance to other parts of the airport.

KMSP reported that it appears Muhumed had no criminal record in the United States that would have prevented him from getting a job at the airport.


Two weeks ago, Muhumed’s family was sent a picture of his body, confirming he had died.  He is the second American killed fighting for ISIS. Last week, it emerged that Douglas McArthur McCain, who was also from Minneapolis, had been killed after taking up arms with the terrorist group.

At least 15 men and one woman from Minneapolis have traveled to Syria and Iraq to join ISIS, according to authorities.

Most of the fighters are from the city’s large Somali refugee population.

Watch the KMSP Fox 9 report.

Is this an isolated incident or a case of a threat to possible airport and airline security that may be more pervasive?

Last  March  my colleague Lisa Benson reported  on her weekly radio  show the comments of a Southwest Airlines captain who told her  that  aircraft  he flew on out of, Sky Harbor in Phoenix, was cleaned  by a service that only hires Somali community members who have unrestricted access  to the planes at night.  She further noted that the City of Phoenix,  which operates  Sky Harbor, has a  $10 million exclusive contract with  a US subsidiary of the  Danish firm  ISIS Worldwide A/S headquartered in Copenhagen. The US subsidiary  ISS Facility Services, Inc. is based in San Antonio.  ISS Worlwide  employs  over  a half million through their outsourced network of  airport and commercial  facilities  maintenance contracts.  ISS specializes in a broad range of facility management services including janitorial services, especially for airport authorities and major manufacturing  companies.

During the past several years  the U.S. subsidiary has won a number of U.S. airport facility management contracts. Among those was the  one for Sky Harbor in Phoenix that prompted the comment from the Southwest Airlines flight captain, who spotted some Somalis during ground cleaning of his aircraft.  ISS might have tie-ins  with US and foreign refugee resettlement groups hence the alleged employment of Somalis and other  émigré groups .  ISS may draw from this refugee pool throughout its global network, as those positions are at the bottom rung of both pay and training requirements . Further, ISS, like Delta Global Services in the Twin Cities Airport example, may have referral arrangement with major refugee resettlement voluntary agencies in the US who contract with the US State Department and the federal and state Offices of Refugee Resettlement and Coordination.

This revelation following the death of Somali émigré ISIS fighter Abdirahmaan Muhumed, should raise the concerns of both the TSA and Homeland Security regarding screening of airport and aircraft maintenance personnel at  international airports in the U.S. Moreover, without active community policing programs in the major US émigré communities recruitment of both deceased ISIS fighters, Muhumed and McCain, could not have been detected. Muhumed, as we saw in The Daily Mail and Fox Reports, had no criminal record.  Notwithstanding this isolated instance,  the Somali émigré community in the US remains a potential source of jihadi recruits for both al Shabaab and, now, ISIS.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the New English Review. The featured image is courtesy of the Counter Jihad Report.