New revelations about the High School the Boston Bombers Attended

L to R: Kimberly Parker, Kris Newton, Larry Aaronson, Alice Chen, Ed Byre. Photo credit: Elaine Schear

The column Howard Zinn, the Boston Bombers, and school propaganda notes:

Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev went to a liberal high school in the Boston area called the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, which prided itself on including young people from more than 80 nations among its student body. There the older brother became friends with Larry Aaronson, former chair of the Social Studies Department.  (Though Aaronson retired before the boys attended, the older boy seemed to have spent quite a bit of time chatting, which left a distinct enough impression on Aaronson that he recalls quite a bit of the conversation.)  Among Aaronson’s own students were Matt Damon and his brother.

Aaronson was also a friend of Howard Zinn, the radical anti-American historian (see my review of his famous People’s History of the United States).

Former CIA operatives note that the Tsarnaev brothers were radicalized in part by their parents, especially the mother. It is also clear from text messages and internet links the brothers were influenced by jihadists in Chechnya, Canada and the Middle East.

Cambridge Rindge and Latin School links to the website of Ms. Maggie Daily, a teacher of World History. One of her World History lessons is titled Imperialism Research Project with course materials. Below is the Imperialism Research Outline, which is due on April 22, 2013. Questions on the outline include: Who colonized your country? When was your country colonized? Why was it colonized (i.e. was there a prized resource?):

For a larger view of the full course outline click on the image.

To see the full outline click here. To view the entire Cambridge Rindge and Latin School curricula click here. WDW has requested the course work for the Tsarnaev brothers while they attended Cambridge HS.

Understanding the history of the Caucasus region, this lesson could have reinforced the jihadist world view of the Tsarnaev brothers and reinforced what their family in Chechnya was telling them. According to the Gannett Company’s website

This is not your grandmother’s Russia. Islamist Chechen soldiers are joining with al-Qaida all over the Middle East and can be found across vast areas — from civil wars in Northern African to rebel camps in Syria, and now Boston.

A slender bronze statue of Medea, the Greek goddess of rage, holding up Jason’s Golden Fleece was unveiled in the Black Sea city of Batumi. Medea is a fitting patron for the Caucasus region, which has been raging war for centuries. This seaport allowed fighters and supplies to transit into Chechnya, rejecting Russian demands to stop.

The Chechen Republic lies between the Black and the Caspian seas. Russian Czar Nicholas I led a successful invasion into the Caucasus regions. Citizens speak Kakh, not Russian. The clan society is 95 percent Salafi/Shafi Muslim. The national anthem is “Death or Freedom.” During World War II, they were Nazi collaborators. In the 1980s, thousands joined the Mujahideen with Osama Bin Laden. When Russia left Afghanistan, Chechen rebels took all weapons, bombs and chemicals.

Read more.

To view Larry Aaronson’s Facebook page click here. Aaronson’s Facebook page has posts of anti-Christian quotes, references to the Kent State shooting during the Vietnam War and this quote about an Occupy Austin event, “This is what non-violent civil disobedience to improve public education looks like. Only when this happens on a massive scale will the mega-billionaire neo-liberal reformers bend and concede power and control.” Again he was the former teacher and head of the Social Studies Department at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School.

WDW will continue to follow this story.


Mainstream media buries Tsarnaev connection to Muslim Brotherhood-linked Muslim Student Association

Boston jihadi murderer’s wife had al-Qaeda magazine and other jihad material on her computer

Boston jihad bombers considered July 4th attack, jihad/martyrdom suicide attacks

Boston mosque leader disavows Marathon jihadists — then why didn’t he turn them in?

Thirty of 31 terrorists on FBI’s most wanted list are Muslim

Michael Dorstewitz from BizPac Review reports:

Thirty out of 31 of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists are not Vietnam or Iraq War veterans. They’re not Christian fundamentalists, nor are they NRA gun nuts. Those 30 are in actuality Muslims, waging their own particular war of terror against the American way of life.

Topping the list is Abd Al Aziz Awda who was indicted on 53 counts in a federal court in Tampa stemming from racketeering activities such as bombings, murders, extortions, and money laundering. Like all on the FBI’s list, he should be considered armed and dangerous.

[ … ]

And what about that single terrorist on the FBI list who is not Muslim. Is he a returning war vet, Christian fundamentalist or “end of the world” survivalist? He’s none of the above.

His name is Daniel A. San Diego, and he’s an extreme “green weenie” environmental terrorist. That’s right — he’s an Al Gore acolyte.

Read more.

To view the FBI list of most wanted terrorists click here.

Florida based group exposed Boston’s Roxbury mosque’s terrorist ties in 2009 (+ video)

Tom Trento, President of the Florida based The United West, states, “In 2009 I joined a group of counter-jihad activists led by Charles Jacobs and Frank Gaffney to protest the opening of the Roxbury Mosque.”

“The purpose of the protest was to draw national attention to what we understood was a mosque and Islamic Center that had clear ties to Islamic jihad, whether cultural, financial or possibly kinetic. In light of the (somewhat predictable) Boston Bombings we re-release this video to show exactly why we knew that the Islamic Society of Boston mosque would be a source of jihad activity,” notes Trento.

The Roxbury Mosque Part I:

The Roxbury Mosque Part II:

The Roxbury Mosque Part III:

To understand The Boston Attack and Doctrines of “Individual Jihad” please watch the below video:

Army officers career ruined in the name of Islam

In light of the recent terrorist bombing in Boston, national attention is refocused on the case of Thomas More Law Center client, Army Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Dooley (pictured above).  In 2012, LTC Dooley was fired from the National Defense University’s Joint Forces Staff College for teaching an elective course on Radical Islam because it was offensive to Muslims.

LTC Dooley was reassigned to a weapons integration unit at Fort Eustis, VA.  In this new position, Dooley again received an outstanding Officer Evaluation Report (OER).  Click here to read LTC Dooley’s most recent OER.

Moreover, LTC Dooley’s case went before the Army Command Selection Board comprised of three generals and two colonels.  The board recommended he be retained on the Battalion Command selection list.

However, political correctness again ruled the day.  Gen. Lloyd J. Austin, the Army Vice Chief of Staff, ordered Lt. Col. Dooley’s name removed from the command list.

In the Sunday April 28th article, Washington Times reporter Rowan Scarborough reported on these latest developments.   Click here to read the entire article.


Thomas More Law Center is renowned as a national nonprofit public interest law firm, based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the Thomas More Law Center’s mission is to restore and defend America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and moral values, and to preserve a strong national defense, and a free and sovereign United States of America.  In courtrooms throughout our Nation, Law Center lawyers fight for the religious freedom of Christians, time-honored family values, the sanctity of human life, and a strong national defense. The Law Center does not charge for its legal services, and relies on tax-deductible donations from concerned patriotic Americans and charitable foundations. To learn more click here.

Are our military training Islamic sleeper cells in America?

David Gaubatz in Iraq

Paul David Gaubatz, a U.S. State Department-trained Arabic linguist and former U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations special agent believes so. Gaubatz, and investigative journalist and Hoover Institute fellow Paul Sperry co-authored the book Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America. Gaubatz was the first federal agent to serve in Iraq.

According to Gaubatz, “In the U.S. our military bases have programs to bring citizens/scientists from Islamic based countries to the U.S. to train them on many of our weapons systems and some of our most highly guarded technology systems.  The U.S. military also bring foreign military personnel from Islamic controlled countries to train on our aircraft, to include how to fly the various U.S. military aircraft. Many of these foreigners disappear into the underground ‘Islamic Sleeper Cells’ throughout America. This must stop.  Kirkland AFB, NM, Wright Patterson AFB, OH. and Lackland AFB, TX. are three of the top offenders.”

“Intelligence that would not be provided to the American public is freely provided to foreign nationals from Islamic based countries that support terrorism against us.,” states Gaubatz.

Gaubatz reports, “In addition thousands of foreigners from Islamic based countries are trained at our military bases about aircraft systems and how to fly them.  Lackland AFB, Texas is one of our prime offenders in this category.  When I was a Special Agent for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations we continuously had open cases on foreign citizens who suddenly left our installations and disappeared into unknown areas of America. I have written previously about ‘sleeper cells’. These are some of the people who go underground into sleeper cells. They are trained military personnel who have a working knowledge of English and have been trained on our weapons systems.  Immediately after the attack on 9-11, other Agents and myself were given orders to attempt to track these ‘lost’ foreigners down.  It was an impossible hunt. There was a major concern some of the 9-11 Islamic hijackers had even trained in our military flight schools.

“Our intelligence officers and law enforcement could help prevent another attack if they tracked down the missing military foreign nationals who have disappeared from our bases.  The U.S. military does not like to report to the public or our political leaders the disappearances of foreign nationals under their control.  I encourage readers to contact the ‘Foreign National Office’ (specifically the Air Force Research Laboratory/(AFRL/DE) and ask how many foreign scientists are working alongside our most prized U.S. scientists. Then contact the Foreign National Representative that handles the foreign military students (from Islamic countries) and ask them how many foreign students are missing from their installations.  Again I stress these are where the Islamic sleeper cells generate from,” concludes Gaubatz.

Gaubatz states, “Islamic based countries are not the friends of America. Their words, not mine.”


Dave Gaubatz was the first U.S. Federal Agent in Iraq (2003). Gaubatz has 24 years of Federal Service. Named the “Terrorist Hunter” he exposed Islamic based terrorists and their supporters. Gaubatz releases the intelligence he collects to law enforcement and to the public. Law enforcement and military have millions of files on Islamic terrorists operating in America, and it is being withheld from Americans. Gaubatz’s work is for the American Public. Gaubatz notes, “There are already too many non profit organizations that are supposed to educate the public on Islamic terrorist issues, but they themselves are too concerned about frivolous lawsuits by terrorist groups and what the media will say that they do more to hamper educating the public than they do help.” Gaubatz provides all of the terrorism intelligence he obtains to the public first. To learn more visit David’s We Are Not Afraid website.



Muslim crime syndicate sues accuser for $30m

Muslim Terrorist Group Files $30 Million Lawsuit Against Christian Action Network

Miami FBI informant: Taliban walking freely on American streets

David Mahmood Siddiqui an FBI informant. Photo CBS Channel 7, Miami, FL

Michele Gillen from CBS Channel 4 in Miami, FL met with South Floridian David Mahmood Siddiqui an FBI informant involved in the case against Muslim Cleric Hafiz Muhammed Sher Ali Khan. Gillen reports, “Following a 29 day trial, the 77 year old former head of the oldest Mosque in Miami was convicted last month of supporting terrorism and conspiracy.  Khan awaits sentencing and could end up spending the rest of his life in prison.”

What is striking are Siddiqui’s comments during the interview.

Siddiqui states, “I am an informant and all I can tell you is that Talibans are walking freely right here in the soil of America right now, right now.”

Asked by Gillen what he thinks the risk of having Taliban living in America is, he responded; “They can commit a jihad at any time, they hate America, you have an enemy living here in American soil, do not know when they will take action to kill innocent Americans.”

“In a review of court documents and records, it appears Saddiqui and his undercover work resulted in key evidence in the case against Muslim Cleric Hafiz Muhammed Sher Ali Khan,” notes Gillen.

Watch the interview and read more by clicking here.

Curt Anderson from The Huffington Post reports, “The jury returned its verdict [on Monday, March 4, 2013] after the two-month trial of Hafiz Khan, the 77-year-old imam at a downtown Miami mosque. Khan was found guilty of all four charges: two conspiracy counts and two counts of providing material support to terrorists.”

“Despite being an imam, or spiritual leader, Hafiz Khan was by no means a man of peace,” said U.S. Attorney Wifredo Ferrer, whose office prosecuted the case. “Instead, he acted with others to support terrorists to further acts of murder, kidnapping and maiming.”

“Prosecutors built their case largely around hundreds of FBI recordings of conversations in which Khan expressed support for Taliban attacks and discussed sending about $50,000 to Pakistan. There were also recordings in which Khan appeared to back the overthrow of Pakistan’s government in favor of strict Islamic law, praised the killing of American military personnel and lauded the failed 2010 attempt to detonate a bomb in New York’s Times Square,” notes Anderson.

“Khan, who testified over four combative days in his own defense, insisted the money he sent overseas was for family, charity and business reasons – above all, his religious school, known as a madrassa, in Pakistan’s Swat Valley. Khan also said he repeatedly lied about harboring extremist views to obtain $1 million from a man who turned out to be an FBI informant wearing a wire to record their talk,” Anderson reports.

NOTE: The featured photo shows President Reagan sitting with members of the Taliban in the White House.

Southern Poverty Law Center Exposed!

Joel Gehrke from the Washington Examiner reports:

Family Research Council (FRC) officials released [the below] video of federal investigators questioning convicted domestic terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins II, who explained that he attacked the group’s headquarters because the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified them as a “hate group” due to their traditional marriage views.

“Southern Poverty Law lists anti-gay groups,” Corkins tells interrogators in the video, which FRC obtained from the FBI. “I found them online, did a little research, went to the website, stuff like that.”

The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard reported that Corkins, who pleaded guilty to terrorism charges, said in court that he hoped to “kill as many as possible and smear the Chick-Fil-A sandwiches in victims’ faces, and kill the guard.” As Bedard explained, “the shooting occurred after an executive with Chick-Fil-A announced his support for traditional marriage, angering same-sex marriage proponents.”

Robert Spencer from Jihad Watch states, “The SPLC, the well-heeled propaganda machine that smears conservatives for cash, is an integral part of the ongoing Leftist effort to demonize and destroy legitimate conservative voices — like our American Freedom Defense Initiative, which they also classify as a “hate group” — by lumping them in with the likes of the KKK. The SPLC turns a blind eye to the real hate that comes from the Left and Islamic supremacists, and offers with its hate group listings not only an incitement to violence, but a handy tool that lazy Leftist mainstream media journalists use to try to intimidate people away from supporting our message of human rights. The SPLC richly deserves its place on AFDI’s Threats to Freedom Index.”

Tom Trento, well known SE Florida radio talk show host, did a five part series on the SPLC. Trento states, “The TrentoVision Team launches an investigation into the so-called, Southern “Poverty” Law Center to find out why the Obama Administration works so closely with this “filthy rich” front group for the radical left! Our special guest is Tony Perkins, President of the prestigious Family Research Council. August 2012, Tony was the target of a radical homosexual activist who wanted to kill him and 14 others at FRC. Throughout this five-part series we will look at the finances, pro-gay agenda, pro-Islamic jihad agenda and the all around anti-American activities of the SPLC.”

Below is part one with special guest Tony Perkins, Executive Director of the Family Research Council, of a five part series on the SPLC:

Watch the other four parts of the series:

Monday April 22 – SPLC overview, with Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council

Tuesday, April 23 – Peter Sprigg, Homosexual Activism at the SPLC, Family Research Council

Wednesday April 24 – Gen. General Boykin, SPLC & the Muslim Brotherhood, Family Research Council

Thursday April 25 – Charlotte Allen – SPLC finances – The Weekly Standard

Friday April 26 – Ken Klukowski, FRC and Andrea Lafferty, Traditional Values Coalition, TOPIC?


A new Henry Jackson Society (HJS) analysis reveals over two decades of Massachusetts links to al Qaeda-inspired terrorism


The alleged Boston bombers – Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – are the latest in a broader pattern of militancy in the state of Massachusetts. 26 other individuals closely tied to jihadist activity have been based in Massachusetts, including 15 individuals who lived there, with offenses going back over 20 years.

Based on analysis from the new HJS report Al-Qaeda in the United States: A Complete Analysis of Terrorism Offenses, these individuals include:

  • Those who have fought jihad abroad – including a Boston cab driver ‘martyred’ fighting Lebanese forces in 2000
  • Those who have fundraised for jihad via Care International – a Boston-based charity  acting as a front group for the al-Kifah Refugee Center, itself the U.S. branch of Makhtab al-Khidamat – an organisation co-founded by Osama bin Laden and key jihadist ideologue Abdullah Azzam
  • Eleven of the 9/11 hijackers, who hijacked planes leaving from Boston Logan International Airport, used Boston as a base prior to their attack
  • Aafia Siddiqui, a female al-Qaeda associate who attempted to murder U.S. officers and employees in Afghanistan
  • Rezwan Fedarus, who plotted terrorist attacks using explosives on U.S. soil

Robin Simcox, research fellow at the Henry Jackson Society and co-author of Al-Qaeda in the United States, has commented:

While not previously the target of a terrorist attack, Boston – and Massachusetts more broadly – has been a hive of militant activity for over two decades. Al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda inspired operatives have used Massachusetts as a base from which to plan, finance and commit acts of terror.

The U.S. has been largely successful in degrading al-Qaeda’s capacity to commit coordinated, mass casualty acts of terrorism. However, there is a clear need to remain vigilant against those who have been radicalized in the U.S. and aspire to smaller – but still deadly – terrorist acts. The al-Qaeda inspired threat is ongoing, and should continue to be treated with the utmost seriousness.

The full analysis, Historical Ties to Jihadism in Massachusetts, can be read here.

Conciliatory FBI policies toward Islam hampered probe into Boston jihad bombers

Robert Spencer from Jihad Watch reports:

Spencer Ackerman, stand up and take a bow. Fatima Khera and John Brennan, you too. Salam al-Marayati, don’t get left out. You’re all responsible for the scrubbing of counter-terror training materials of the truth about Islam and jihad. Stand up and be recognized. But try to wash the blood off your hands first.

“Blind Eye: Conciliatory FBI policies toward Islamism hampered probe into Boston bombers,” by Bill Gertz for The Washington Free Beacon, April 23 states:

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s failure to recognize political Islam as a driver of jihadist terrorism is partly to blame for the FBI not identifying one of the Boston Marathon bombers in 2011 as a security risk, according to U.S. officials and private counter-terrorism analysts.The FBI revealed last week that it was warned by a foreign government in 2011 that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was killed Friday, was tied to “radical Islam” but the FBI was unable to confirm the links.

“The fact is religion has been expunged from counter-terrorism training,” said Sebastian Gorka, a counter-terrorism specialist with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “The FBI can’t talk about Islam and they can’t talk about jihad.”

Added Patrick S. Poole, another counter-terrorism specialist, about FBI policies on Islam: “I have zero doubt it affected their investigation of Tsarnaev.”

A U.S. official said FBI policies of playing down Islamic links to terrorism resulted in the FBI not identifying Tsarnaev, 26, or his brother, Dzhokar Tsarnaev, 19, who was charged with last week’s bombing, as Islamist terrorists.

Instead, the FBI is limiting its description of the two men as ethnic Chechens who became “radicalized” prior to the April 15 bombing of the Boston Marathon. Three people were killed and more than 200 injured in the attack using two homemade bombs placed in pressure cookers and remotely detonated.

Former Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R., Mich.), who until he retired in 2011 headed the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said an investigation into the FBI’s questioning of Tamerlan Tsarnaev is needed.

“I think that is one of the things that we’re really going to have to take a closer look at,” Hoekstra told the online intelligence newsletter Lignet….


Boston jihad bombers and their family got Massachusetts welfare benefits

Boston jihad bomber was “angry that the world pictures Islam as a violent religion”

Boston jihad murderer’s name was on classified government watch lists

American Freedom Defense Initiative Announces Platform for Defending Freedom In Wake of Boston Jihad

Boston jihadis’ mother: “I don’t care if my youngest son is going to be killed today. I want the world to hear this. And, I don’t care if I am going to get killed too. And I will say Allahu Akbar!”

Florida man who is Pakistani immigrant accused of plotting terror attack in New York City

Robert Spencer from Jihad Watch reports:

It is useful to recall how many jihad attacks in the U.S. have been foiled. The number of these plots makes the prevailing unreality about jihad and Islamic supremacism all the more inexcusable. “Raees Alam Qazi [picture above left with his brother Sheheryar], 20, researched bomb-making techniques on Internet sites affiliated with al-Qaida, including one using Christmas tree lights…Qazi is charged along with his brother, 30-year-old taxi driver Sheheryar Alam Qazi, with conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction in the U.S.” — Associated Press, December 18, 2012

“Fort Lauderdale man seeking bond on terrorism-related charges,” by Jay Weaver for the Miami Herald, April 23 (thanks to Darcy):

A Fort Lauderdale taxicab driver accused of helping his younger brother plan a terrorist attack on New York City is seeking to be released from the Federal Detention Center in downtown Miami before their trial.A federal judge is holding a hearing Tuesday on the request from Sheheryar Alam Qazi, 30, of Oakland Park, who had initially agreed to be detained after his and his brother’s arrests in November.

The following month, a magistrate judge ordered the detention of his younger brother, Raees Alam Qazi, 20, saying he was a danger to the community and a flight risk.

Both brothers, natives of Pakistan, are naturalized U.S. citizens.

Rubio: The Boston bombing has a bearing on the immigration debate

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio issued the following statement regarding comments by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy that it’s “cruel” to use the Boston Marathon terrorist bombing to halt immigration reform, as well as comments by those who say this attack should derail entirely the current effort underway to fix our immigration system:

“I disagree with those who say that the terrorist attack in Boston has no bearing on the immigration debate. Any immigration reform we pursue should make our country safer and more secure. If there are flaws in our immigration system that were exposed by the attack in Boston, any immigration reform passed by Congress this year should address those flaws. Congress needs time to conduct more hearings and investigate how our immigration and national security systems could be improved going forward.

“The attack reinforces why immigration reform should be a lengthy, open and transparent process, so that we can ask and answer important questions surrounding every facet of the bill. But we still have a broken system that needs to be fixed.”

Video describes Boston mosque’s terrorist ties

On May 22, 2010, Massachusetts Governor Patrick embraced Imam Abdullah Faarooq leader of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, the largest mosque in the NE. This is the mosque that Tamerlan Tsarnaev attended. It was in 2011 that Russia warned the United States about Tsarnaev.

According the the UK Mail Online:

Boston marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was thrown out of his local mosque for ‘crazy’ behavior after getting involved a ‘shouting match’ with his imam according to one member of the congregation.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was ejected from his Boston mosque for aggressive behavior after insulting Martin Luther King Jr. during a Friday prayer service three months agoTamerlan Tsarnaev was ejected from his Boston mosque for aggressive behavior after insulting Martin Luther King Jr. during a Friday prayer service three months ago.

Described as being full of rage by a worshiper who would give his name only as Muhammad, Tamerlan was ejected from the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center three months ago for claiming that Martin Luther King Jr. was not a man Muslims should look to emulate.

Imam Faarooq, as seen in the below video, told followers they must “pick up the gun and the sword” in response to the arrests of local Islamic extremist Aafia Siddiqui and terror suspect Tarek Mehanna.

After the Boston bombing some are again asking: Should Governor Patrick give back the money? Did the sensitivity training given to law enforcement officers have an impact on profiling the Boston Massacre bombers? Did the FBI drop the case due to “political correctness”?

Constitution Doesn’t Apply to Boston Bombing Suspect

Joe Miller from Restoring Liberty reports:

By Jeremy Herb and Mike Lillis from The Hill. Two powerful GOP senators are calling on the Obama administration to treat the captured suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings as an “enemy combatant” and deny him counsel even though he is reportedly an American citizen.

Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, captured Friday night outside Boston after a tense daylong manhunt, should be questioned for intelligence purposes and not read his Miranda rights.


With Tsarnaev in custody, the lawmakers said, “the last thing we should want is for him to remain silent.”


The Department of Justice indicated Friday that the administration would not read 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his Miranda rights, citing a public safety exception.

But Anthony Romero, the ACLU’s executive director, said Saturday that the immediate threat is over and that Tsarnaev, an ethnic Chechen who became a naturalized U.S. citizen last year, should now be treated like any other suspected criminal.

Read more.

Russia warned US about Chechen immigrants

Russia Today reports:

The US may be shocked that the terrorist suspects behind the Boston bombings are Chechen natives, but Russia has long cautioned Washington about giving asylum to Islamists from the North Caucasus, political analyst Dmitry Babich told RT.

Two bombs exploded in Boston during the city’s Marathon on April 15, killing 3 people and injuring 176 others.

The suspects in the attack were identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, and his brother Dzhokhar, 19, Chechen natives, who lived in the US for some time. The elder brother was killed in a stand-off with police on Thursday, while the younger one is still at large.

The Voice of Russia radio station’s political analyst, Dmitry Babich, believes that it’s time for the West to understand that the Islamist activity in the North Caucasus is a threat not only to Russia, but the US and Europe as well.

RT: Much is being made of the links of those men to the Caucasus where they briefly lived. How important a factor might this be?

Dmitry Babich: Well, I think that indeed it’s a surprise for many people that these two men happened to be out of North Caucasus. But I think it’s not very surprising because, actually, the Russian government has warned a lot about the kind of refugees, about the kind of immigrants that the US and Western European countries are ready to accept. I mean I didn’t interview these people in Europe or in the US, but read a lot of reports from Russian reporters and from Western reporters actually interviewing those people. And a lot of them didn’t change their convictions. A lot of them are die-hard Islamists. They didn’t change after leaving Russia and I can easily imagine that a lot of them consider both Russia and the US parts of the same western decadent civilization. In this situation they can wage their jihad not necessarily in a place like Syria or Iraq, but also in the US.

RT:Why would these men turn on a country which gave them asylum?

DB:Unfortunately, it happened in many countries that people, who got asylum in the West later turned against their hosts and against their benefactors. It’s enough to remember that Ayatollah Khamenei, the founder of modern Iran, was a political refugee in France before he came back as a victor to Iran. If you expect any kind of gratitude and thankful thinking from these people you’re dead wrong. Most of the jihadists are egotists in their convictions. They think that they have the right to ascertain their convictions, they have the right to commit violence acts if they feed their cause. And their cause is the creation of this Islamic State. Maybe it could be an Islamic State in the North Caucasus. It could be a universal Islamic Caliphate. But that’s their thinking and I’m afraid in Boston they are dealing with exactly that kind of thinking.

RT:How would you assess levels of home-grown terrorism in the US right now?

DB: It’s very hard for me to speak from Russia about the level of terrorism in the US, but I think that for many years it was clear that the foreign policy was, at least, strange. Although Russia never made any hostile moves towards the US since 1987, probably – since Gorbachev came to power – the US continues suspecting Russia of having different values. And it always supported groups, sometimes militant Islamic groups, which challenged Russia. I mean, of course, president Clinton didn’t support the Chechen separatists, but then if you read the American press of the time and if you read even certain articles, which appeared on the website of the New York Times today, you can see a lot of simplistic thinking about the so-called Chechen Uprising and the Islamist groups in the North Caucasus.

The American newspapers say that Russia is to blame for all of these terrorist activities. Well, I don’t agree with that. I think that Russia was actually fighting a genuine international Islamism threat in the North Caucasus, at least, during the second Chechen War (in 1999-2000). Obviously, this Islamist activity in the North Caucasus is not only a threat to Russia. It’s also a threat to the US. It’s also a threat to Europe, but somehow the Western countries just refuse to recognize it.


USA needs refuge from refugees

Boston’s Jihadi Terrorists & The Chechen Connection

Jihad comes to Boston

Boston Bombers are yet another wake-up call for a national strategy against the root cause of Islamist terror

Zudhi Jasser

Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser

Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, a devout Muslim and author of “A Battle for the Soul of Islam: An American Muslim Patriot’s Fight to Save His Faith” issued the following statement on behalf of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) regarding the ongoing terror incident in Boston:

“The terror attacks in Boston, perpetrated by the Tsarnaev brothers have finally come to an end with the surrender of the younger brother Dzhoakhar in Watertown, MA Friday evening. But perhaps it will finally be the beginning of the long overdue process to retool America’s current counter-terrorism strategies.  Since 9-11, we have been fortunate up until this attack to avoid the kind of devastation and loss of life that we saw in Boston, but that was not for a lack of trying by our enemies.

The Tsarnaev brothers prove that the current whack-a-mole strategy is severely limited and flawed and that it is time for the United States to address head on the ideology of political Islam which is the root cause of Islamist terrorism.

It appears from their YouTube and Facebook pages that the brothers Islamism was nurtured in just the past few years after they had been in the U.S. for some time. So their radicalization seemed to be less about Chechnya as it was about the transnational Islamist supremacism that infected their mind, was brought with them and nurtured in the end on our soil.

Since the FBI interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011, it will be important to unravel how the administration determines who actually poses an ideological risk for radicalization. To date the administration has been unwilling to even recognize that there is an ideological threat and instead calls it the meaningless “violent extremism” or in the case of Major Nidal Hasan’s Fort Hood massacre “workplace violence”.

AIFD calls upon American Muslims, the Obama Administration, media and academe to develop a coherent strategy to promote western ideals of liberty among Muslims domestically and abroad, while seeking to defeat the supremacist mindset of political Islam and its continued threat to our national security.”

About the American Islamic Forum for Democracy

The American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. AIFD’s mission advocates for the preservation of the founding principles of the United States Constitution, liberty and freedom, through the separation of mosque and state. For more information on AIFD, please visit their website at