Is the GOP Worth Saving?

At a time in U.S. history when Republicans occupy the White House, when both houses of Congress enjoy Republican majorities, when Republicans occupy 33 of the 50 governors’ mansions, and when Republicans control both houses of the legislature in 31 states and at least one house in 6 others, why would anyone question whether or not the party is worth saving?

The answer lies, in part, in the party’s response to the organized disruptions taking place in Republican town hall meetings and rallies across the country.  An offshoot of Barack Obama’s Soros-funded organization, Organizing for Action (OfA), has written and published a 26-page manual, titled “Indivisible – A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda.”  That manual, which has been distributed among radical leftists across the country, provides helpful hints on how to organize and how to disrupt Republican rallies and town hall meetings.

For example, Page 18 of the manual contains the following advice regarding attendance at town hall meetings:

  1. Get there early, meet up, and organize. Meet outdoors or in the parking lot for a quick huddle before the event.
  2. Get seated and spread out. Head into the venue a bit early to grab seats at the front half of the room, but do not all sit together.
  3. Make your voices heard by asking good questions. When the (Member of Congress) opens the floor for questions, everyone in the group should put their hands up and keep them there.  When you’re asking a question, remember the following guidelines:
  • Stick with the prepared list of questions.
  • Be polite but persistent, and demand real answers.
  • Don’t give up the mic until you’re satisfied with the answer.
  • Keep the pressure on.
  1. Support the group and reinforce the message.
  2. Record everything.     

One would think that the rowdy disruption of Rep. Jason Chaffetz’ town hall meeting in a Salt Lake City suburb on Thursday, February 9, might have given the White House, the RNC, and the Republican congressional leadership a hint of what was to come… especially after POLITICO’s February 9 headline read, “Chaffetz Booed at Rowdy Town Hall.”  Nice guy Jason Chaffetz?  In conservative Salt Lake City?  How could that possibly happen unless the disruption was planned and carried out by Obama/Soros partisans and other Trump haters?

If we had a single Republican leader in Washington who understands the game they’re in and the nature of the enemy, every Republican in the House and Senate would have been prepared in advance for what they would face during the February recess.  Every member of Congress would have been provided with a copy of the Indivisible manual.  And as they approached the podium in their respective rallies and town halls, they should have been prepared to hold the manual up for all to see, saying, “I have here in my hand a manual prepared by radical leftists… Clinton and Obama loyalists… which instructs them on how to infiltrate and disrupt Republican political rallies and town hall meetings such as the meeting we are about to have.  But I want to remind everyone here that we all have a right to be heard.  So if you become convinced that some among you are not here in good faith, with a sincere desire to discuss the issues of the day, I hope you will treat them with kindness and respect.”

Disarming the opposition in advance is a perfectly good tactic.  Unfortunately, our current GOP leadership is so feckless and so lacking in political savvy that no one in a leadership position in Washington, or elsewhere, prepared members of Congress for what they would face in their home states and districts.  As a result, they were blindsided by the Obama/Soros people and many were made to look like fools before the TV cameras.

During the first twenty-five years of my life in the political arena, I struggled with the question of what it was that I looked for in the candidates and party leaders I supported.  What was it that caused me to be attracted to some and repulsed by others?  I wasn’t able to answer that question for myself until August 1987 when I served as deputy campaign manager in the presidential exploratory committee of former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld.  How did I know that  Rumsfeld was presidential material, but George Bush was not?  I knew that the answer to my question was like a three-legged stool.  I had the first two parts in mind, but the third escaped me.

First, it is as Barbara Tuschman wrote:

It is “… achieving or reaching for the highest standard as against being satisfied with the sloppy or fraudulent.  It is honesty of purpose as against catering to cheap or sensational sentiment.  It does not allow compromise with the second rate.”

Secondly, it has to do with Edwin Land’s guiding philosophy:

“Don’t do anything that someone else can do.  Don’t undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible.  If it is manifestly important, then you don’t have to worry about its significance.  Since it’s nearly impossible, you know that no one else is likely to be doing it.”

The third and final leg of my “stool” didn’t come into focus until I saw a televised Firing Line discussion between Sidney Hook and William F. Buckley.  When asked his definition of the essence of true leadership, Hook replied,

”It is this: It is great intelligence, in combination with great moral courage.”

Those are the three tests that candidates must meet to earn my support, but the same is true of political parties, generally.  And although individual Republicans often disappoint us, as they do now, the party at least has a soul that is worthy of our devotion and our long term commitment.  Unlike the Democrat Party, the Republican Party can be said to have an honesty of purpose… a thread of commonly held values that run through every member of the party, past and present.

In his monologue of February 17, 2017, Rush Limbaugh described the Democrat Party as well as anyone has ever described it.  He said,

It’s easy to be a victim.  Look how easily the Democrat Party has made nearly half this country victims of something.  And what happens to you when  you’re a victim?  Well, when you’re a victim you already have a built-in excuse for failure.  When you’re a victim it’s always someone else’s fault.  When you’re a victim, success is not possible.   When you’re a victim, you are acknowledging that you are as far as you’re gonna’ get, and you can’t get any further because there are more powerful forces arrayed against you than the force of yourself against it.  And the Democrat Party does this on purpose. 

“The Democrat Party makes as many people as possible victims because it freezes them right where they are.  And that’s usually in lower middle class or abject poverty.  It makes them resentful.  If you’re a victim, you’re not happy; you can’t be happy; it’s impossible to be happy.  It’s even difficult to be content.  If you’re a victim you’re always mad but never at yourself; you’re mad at someone else.  The Democrats have parlayed this into one of the biggest political movements in human history…

“Look how many victim groups there are and they all happen to be Democrat constituency groups.  They’re all on a protest march; they’re all angry; they’re all enraged.  Some of them are women, some of them are minorities, some of them are illegal immigrants… you name it.   But they all have one thing in common.  They have given up on the notion that they can be somebody and have, instead, descended into full-fledged victimhood and the comfort of being in the company of a group of like-minded failures.  Why isn’t everybody a victim?  It’s easy.  Anybody could choose that if they wanted to.  Being a victim is almost as easy as being a liberal; it’s one of the most gutless decisions you could make… A victim of what?  Well, you’re a victim of discrimination, you’re a victim of America, you’re a victim of America’s past, you’re a victim of religion, you’re a victim of bigotry and homophobia, whatever. You’re a victim of something. 

“The Democrats have got one for you.  If you want to be a victim, call ‘em up.  Call (Senator) Schumer.  Tell him, ‘I want to join you; I want to be a victim.  Do you have a group for me?’  He’ll have one.  He’ll ask you what color you are, he’ll ask you what your sexual orientation is, he’ll ask you what your gender is.  He’ll ask you any number of questions and he’ll give you a choice of victim groups that you can join.  And then he’ll show you where you go to get a food stamp allocation… how you get emergency healthcare if you need it… all of this on the Democrats, and you can keep it flowing if you do just two things: stay a victim and vote Democrat. 

“But the people who don’t choose that end up being the ones victims hate.  The people that choose to face life, the people that choose to embrace it, the people that choose to just soak it up, the people that choose to dive right in and test their limits and find out what they’re capable of and how good they can be, and if that’s really what they want to do… victims will hate them because they are showing what anybody can do if they just had an attitude adjustment…”  

Yes, the Republicans we elect often have thick skulls and even thinner skins.  Lots of them have great intelligence, but many are a bit short on moral courage.  Few of them are capable of dealing with Democrats as we find them in the political arena, such as those who will choose to disrupt their town hall meetings.  But they have one thing going for them: we have arrived at the point as a nation when it is either do or die.  As a nation we find ourselves at death’s door.  So, as matters now stand, savable or not, the Republican Party is all we’ve got.

God help us.

Gender Ideology Harms Children

The American College of Pediatricians urges healthcare professionals, educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality.

1. Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: “XY” and “XX” are genetic markers of male and female, respectively – not genetic markers of a disorder. The norm for human design is to be conceived either male or female. Human sexuality is binary by design with the obvious purpose being the reproduction and flourishing of our species. This principle is self-evident. The exceedingly rare disorders of sex development (DSDs), including but not limited to testicular feminization and congenital adrenal hyperplasia, are all medically identifiable deviations from the sexual binary norm, and are rightly recognized as disorders of human design. Individuals with DSDs (also referred to as “intersex”) do not constitute a third sex.1

2. No one is born with a gender. Everyone is born with a biological sex. Gender (an awareness and sense of oneself as male or female) is a sociological and psychological concept; not an objective biological one. No one is born with an awareness of themselves as male or female; this awareness develops over time and, like all developmental processes, may be derailed by a child’s subjective perceptions, relationships, and adverse experiences from infancy forward. People who identify as “feeling like the opposite sex” or “somewhere in between” do not comprise a third sex. They remain biological men or biological women.2,3,4

3. A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking. When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such. These children suffer from gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria (GD), formerly listed as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), is a recognized mental disorder in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-V).5 The psychodynamic and social learning theories of GD/GID have never been disproved.2,4,5

4. Puberty is not a disease and puberty-blocking hormones can be dangerous. Reversible or not, puberty- blocking hormones induce a state of disease – the absence of puberty – and inhibit growth and fertility in a previously biologically healthy child.6

5. According to the DSM-V, as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty.5

6. Pre-pubertal children who use puberty blockers to impersonate the opposite sex will require cross-sex hormones in late adolescence. This combination leads to permanent sterility. These children will never be able to conceive any genetically related children even via artificial reproductive technology. In addition, cross-sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen) are associated with dangerous health risks including but not limited to cardiac disease, high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke, diabetes, and cancer.7,8,9,10,11

7. Rates of suicide are nearly twenty times greater among adults who use cross-sex hormones and undergo sex reassignment surgery, even in Sweden which is among the most LGBTQ – affirming countries.12 What compassionate and reasonable person would condemn young children to this fate knowing that after puberty as many as 88% of girls and 98% of boys will eventually accept reality and achieve a state of mental and physical health?

8. Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse. Endorsing gender discordance as normal via public education and legal policies will confuse children and parents, leading more children to present to “gender clinics” where they will be given puberty-blocking drugs. This, in turn, virtually ensures they will “choose” a lifetime of carcinogenic and otherwise toxic cross-sex hormones, and likely consider unnecessary surgical mutilation of their healthy body parts as young adults.

Michelle A. Cretella, M.D.
President of the American College of Pediatricians

Quentin Van Meter, M.D.
Vice President of the American College of Pediatricians
Pediatric Endocrinologist

Paul McHugh, M.D.
University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Medical School and the former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital

Originally published March 2016
Updated August 2016
Updated January 2017

CLARIFICATIONS in response to FAQs regarding points 3 & 5:

Regarding Point 3: “Where does the APA or DSM-V indicate that Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder?”

The APA (American Psychiatric Association) is the author of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition(DSM-V). The APA states that those distressed and impaired by their GD meet the definition of a disorder. The College is unaware of any medical literature that documents a gender dysphoric child seeking puberty blocking hormones who is not significantly distressed by the thought of passing through the normal and healthful process of puberty.
From the DSM-V fact sheet:

“The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition.”
“This condition causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.”

Regarding Point 5:  “Where does the DSM-V list rates of resolution for Gender Dysphoria?”

On page 455 of the DSM-V under “Gender Dysphoria without a disorder of sex development” it states: Rates of persistence of gender dysphoria from childhood into adolescence or adulthood vary. In natal males, persistence has ranged from 2.2% to 30%. In natal females, persistence has ranged from 12% to 50%.”  Simple math allows one to calculate that for natal boys: resolution occurs in as many as 100% – 2.2% = 97.8% (approx. 98% of gender-confused boys)  Similarly, for natal girls: resolution occurs in as many as 100% – 12% = 88% gender-confused girls

The bottom line is this:  Our opponents advocate a new scientifically baseless standard of care for children with a psychological condition (GD) that would otherwise resolve after puberty for the vast majority of patients concerned.  Specifically, they advise:  affirmation of children’s thoughts which are contrary to physical reality; the chemical castration of these children prior to puberty with GnRH agonists (puberty blockers which cause infertility, stunted growth, low bone density, and an unknown impact upon their brain development), and, finally, the permanent sterilization of these children prior to age 18 via cross-sex hormones. There is an obvious self-fulfilling nature to encouraging young GD children to impersonate the opposite sex and then institute pubertal suppression. If a boy who questions whether or not he is a boy (who is meant to grow into a man) is treated as a girl, then has his natural pubertal progression to manhood suppressed, have we not set in motion an inevitable outcome? All of his same sex peers develop into young men, his opposite sex friends develop into young women, but he remains a pre-pubertal boy. He will be left psychosocially isolated and alone. He will be left with the psychological impression that something is wrong. He will be less able to identify with his same sex peers and being male, and thus be more likely to self identify as “non-male” or female. Moreover, neuroscience reveals that the pre-frontal cortex of the brain which is responsible for judgment and risk assessment is not mature until the mid-twenties. Never has it been more scientifically clear that children and adolescents are incapable of making informed decisions regarding permanent, irreversible and life-altering medical interventions. For this reason, the College maintains it is abusive to promote this ideology, first and foremost for the well-being of the gender dysphoric children themselves, and secondly, for all of their non-gender-discordant peers, many of whom will subsequently question their own gender identity, and face violations of their right to bodily privacy and safety.

For more information, please visit this page on the College website concerning sexuality and gender issues.

A PDF version of this page can be downloaded here: Gender Ideology Harms Children

RELATED ARTICLE: On Education, the Left Protects a Miserable Status Quo


1. Consortium on the Management of Disorders of Sex Development, “Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Disorders of Sex Development in Childhood.” Intersex Society of North America, March 25, 2006. Accessed 3/20/16 from

2. Zucker, Kenneth J. and Bradley Susan J. “Gender Identity and Psychosexual Disorders.” FOCUS: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry. Vol. III, No. 4, Fall 2005 (598-617).

3. Whitehead, Neil W. “Is Transsexuality biologically determined?” Triple Helix (UK), Autumn 2000, p6-8. accessed 3/20/16 from; see also Whitehead, Neil W. “Twin Studies of Transsexuals [Reveals Discordance]” accessed 3/20/16 from

4. Jeffreys, Sheila. Gender Hurts: A Feminist Analysis of the Politics of Transgenderism. Routledge, New York, 2014 (pp.1-35).

5. American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Association, 2013 (451-459). See page 455 re: rates of persistence of gender dysphoria.

6. Hembree, WC, et al. Endocrine treatment of transsexual persons: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009;94:3132-3154.

7. Olson-Kennedy, J and Forcier, M. “Overview of the management of gender nonconformity in children and adolescents.” UpToDate November 4, 2015. Accessed 3.20.16 from

8. Moore, E., Wisniewski, & Dobs, A. “Endocrine treatment of transsexual people: A review of treatment regimens, outcomes, and adverse effects.” The Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2003; 88(9), pp3467-3473.

9. FDA Drug Safety Communication issued for Testosterone products accessed 3.20.16:

10. World Health Organization Classification of Estrogen as a Class I Carcinogen:

11. Eyler AE, Pang SC, Clark A. LGBT assisted reproduction: current practice and future possibilities. LGBT Health 2014;1(3):151-156.

12. Dhejne, C, “Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden.” PLoS ONE, 2011; 6(2). Affiliation: Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of Psychiatry, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Accessed 3.20.16 from

VIDEO: Church Militants are Tearing Down the Wall between Church and State

President Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Danbury Baptists wrote:

To messers. Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.


The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem.

Th Jefferson
Jan. 1. 1802.

Jefferson’s letter has been interpreted to mean the Church has no role in government, which is a lie.

Jefferson was in fact saying the government has no role in dictating to the Church. In his letter he quoted the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution stating that Congress, the Courts nor the Executive Branch should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Jefferson understood that the newly formed United States of America was a Christian nation. The Baptists were rightly concerned that the fledgling government would establish a national Church, as had many of the original colonies at that time, thereby making Baptists second class citizens and force them to bow down to a government established religion, as was the case in England.

As President Jefferson wrote, “I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.”


Michael Voris, founder of The Church Militant

There is a group that intends to place religion at its proper place in America.

A Christian religion, upon which this nation was founded. That group was founded in 2008 by Michael Voris, who has compared President Trump with Constantine, the Roman emperor whom he says was “not a moral man,” but who saw it desirable to end the persecution of Christians. He was a human vessel who elevated Catholicism to the state religion.

Is Voris’ goal to make Catholicism our state religion? Answer: No!

Voris, founder of The Church Militant, is interested in elevating Judeo-Christian beliefs as the only way to “restore to man all his natural rights.” Mankind and leaders serve God, not themselves. Voris sees a cultural war in America and is dedicated to do something about it. Voris believes Americans have been living in a “secular dictatorship,” and solid moral principles are expressed in Catholicism “more perfectly than any other” source.

These moral principles are best expressed in the Ten Commandments,  which are listed twice in the Hebrew Bible, first at Exodus 20:1–17, and then at Deuteronomy 5:6–21. If one lives by these Ten Commandments then Americans will live under the “protection and blessing of the common father and creator of man” as President Jefferson wrote.

The Church Militant mission statement reads:

The Holy Catholic Church, the Universal Church, is divided into three supernatural missions:

  • The Church Militant
  • The Church Suffering
  • The Church Triumphant

The Church Suffering comprises the souls of the righteous suffering in purgatory as they are purified for Heaven.
The Church Triumphant comprises the souls of the Saints who have been glorified in Heaven.
The Church Militant comprises the souls on Earth engaged in battle against the forces evil.

The Church Militant (“Ecclesia Militans”) is the Christian militia. The Church Militant does battle against sin, the devil and the demonic “rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).

Recently the Detroit Free Press and other media outlets, including the Drudge Report, have elevated interest in Voris and The Church Militant. Why? Because Voris and The Church Militant are having an impact and will have a greater impact under a Trump administration. America is in a cultural war, a war against good versus evil. This has been the case in human history. Evil has killed hundreds of millions of people and destroys men’s souls.

Here is Michael Voris’ take on Church Militants new found media attention and a growing love of truth: aims to win the cultural war “by bringing Jesus Christ to the internet through the use of digital media.”

What the secular dictators missed during the Presidential election was in part the rise of Church Militants in America.


How a right-wing Ferndale fringe group is building a multimedia empire – Detroit Free Press

A look inside the Church Militant headquarters

Our Miserable 21st Century: From work to income to health to social mobility, the year 2000 marked the beginning of what has become a distressing era for the United States

Students for Justice in Palestine caught in a lie

sjp logoArlington, TX – Leadership of Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Arlington, Texas (SJP UTA), which has been embroiled in an anti-Semitism scandal, are claiming that they don’t know former friend and colleague Nancy Salem. They are also denying that any of their members have made anti-Semitics comments.

Canary Mission’s evidence concludes that both of these claims are flagrant lies.

Following the release of a report by campus watchdog Canary Mission, SJP UTA have sought to distance themselves from Salem. The former pre-school teacher who called to “kill some Jews” on Twitter, was fired yesterday from her job at Children’s Courtyard amidst calls for the school to shut down.

In response, SJP UTA yesterday posted a statement on their primary Facebook page making two absurd denials. The first is that Salem has “never been associated with SJP” and second that “Sjp has never had any members make any anti-semitic [sic] statements.”

SJP UTA latest hires.png

Canary Mission’s investigation of the activists Twitter interactions revealed that at least half a dozen SJP UTA members implicated in Canary Mission’s expose, including their Vice President, are closely acquainted with her.

Here is Salem wishing their Vice President a happy birthday last year:

Though never a student at UTA, a point made clear in Canary Mission’s profile on her, Salem was clearly affiliated with the SJP UTA chapter. SJP UTA have a second Facebook account, which can still be viewed now, even though since our expose the names of those individuals implicated in their anti-Semitism scandal have since been removed and there is virtually no content. Nancy Salem was one of those individuals whose name was removed.


Below are examples of interactions between Salem and the above mentioned SJP UTA activists clearly showing that they know her:

Lastly, here are just two examples conclusively showing just three SJP UTA members together with their anti-Semitic statements. The rest can be found on the Canary Mission UTA page.

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, vetoes Refugee Reporting Bill

Bills like these are really innocuous.  They don’t stop any refugee placement in the state, they simply tell state officials and the public who is in the state. The information would aide local officials in determining school capacity, housing availability and other welfare services that would need to be provided to these legal immigrants.

From CBS:


Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (left)

RICHMOND, Va. (NEWSPLEX) — A bill requiring an annual report on refugees resettled in Virginia has been vetoed.

Governor Terry McAuliffe vetoed House Bill 2002 on Friday, saying the report would “send a message of exclusion to people looking for the chance to rebuild their lives” and poses a danger to them.

The legislation would have required nonprofit resettlement agencies and local affiliates that provide refugee or other immigrant resettlement services, like the International Rescue Committee, to report information regarding those settled in the Commonwealth.

The state Department of Social Services would then collate and submit a report to the governor’s office and the General Assembly each year.

The report would include information such as the total number of individuals resettled in Virginia by the agency; the locality where the individual was resettled; the individual’s age, gender and nation of origin; and whether the individual was placed through the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program.

More here.

It would be interesting to see if Maryland Republican Governor Larry Hogan would veto a similar bill! Hogan has spoken in favor of more refugees for Maryland.


Swede Democrat leaders pen WSJ op-ed imploring Americans to avoid the mistakes Sweden made

South Africa: Is the Rainbow Nation headed to black on black riots again?

Beware Somalis, others, coming from US claiming a passion for Canada as they illegally cross the border

Salem Virginia Veterans Hospital Lies, Misinforms, and Harasses Veterans

Over the years and currently each day veterans who risked their lives to save our beautiful country have been lied to, misinformed, and harassed by Veterans Hospital  (VH)  staff on a routine basis.  All one has to do is Google  this topic and  sadly you will see thousands of instances in which veterans were being treated as criminals by their physicians and their assistants.  I could write a book on these atrocities but for  today I am going to give readers an example of an abuse that has been committed by VH Salem (VHS) upon me over the last few years and as recent as of 21 Feb 2017.  I write this article with the intention of alerting other veterans to this form of physical and mental abuse.  It is also written so people who truly care about our veterans will step up and demand our veterans stop being mistreated at  the civil and criminal level by the government agency who are supposed to and being paid to help veterans and not treat them as useless pieces of human matter and used for experimentation.

A short bio:  I served in the USAF from 1977 until 1999.  Then I took a position with our government as a U.S. Federal Agent with our countries highest clearances until late 2003.  My last assignment with the government was in 2003 at the start of Operation Iraqi freedom.  I was in Nasiriyah, Iraq on the front lines.  I have since written two best selling books related to counterterrorism issues inside America.  During my time on active duty and as a civilian employee I suffered injuries that are well documented and I have Veterans disability for several injuries.

Throughout my military career I had severe teeth, jaw, gums, and other ailments related to this.  Again I have service connected ratings for these injuries and others.  During my years I also had been diagnosed with PTSD and have been obtaining treatment at our VHS for several years.

In late 2015 my dental rated injuries had risen to a level that I had been overridden with severe pain and infections in my jaw and teeth.  It was like having 30 awful toothaches at the same time.  Continuously for years I had requested the VHS to help me.  They refused and would not even give me medicine for the pain.  Finally in Nov 2015 I went to the Emergency room of VHS and begged for treatment because I was in severe pain and could no longer  tolerate it.  My face was swollen, my teeth and gums were severely infected, and I now suffered intolerable headaches.  The VHS did nothing and sent me home.  I am not a physician but even a child in the first grade could determine something was not right.  I immediately went to the emergency room of a local civilian hospital.  Within five minutes they realized I needed emergency treatment and as they said I was near death because of the out of control infections   I was immediately rushed to a trauma  hospital out of state (Duke University, NC).  I stayed several days and when I was getting better after surgery, I was sent to a hospital near my home in Roanoke, VA.  From Thanksgiving 2015 until Christmas I was in the hospital near death.  The infection had spread to my heart and my temperature was a constant 104 degrees.  Finally I was release but still in pain.

I immediately went to the VHS to see my physician (Dr. Gaylord).  He was sympathetic to the manner I had been treated by the VHS in regards to my teeth and infections which had occurred on active duty and documented on my DD 214 that upon my retirement  they had not corrected my dental issues.  The dental clinic at the VHS  still would not provide medical assistance for my teeth even after being in the hospital for a month.  Dr. Gaylord knew I was in pain and gave me a much needed pain medicine (hydrocodone).  Dr. Gaylord kept me on this pain medicine until he left for another department within VHS).  With the pain medicine the VHS mandates the patient and provider sign an opiate pain medicine contract.  Within the contract the patient has to agree to take the medicine as prescribed and mine was for as needed.  Since I had been prescribed this I had always taken when I was in severe pain and did not take if the pain was not severe (again per my prescription). This was the start of my continued nightmare with the VHS and Dr. Debra Mcginn (and her nurse and Resident Doctor).

The VHS never told me that Dr. Mcginn had replaced Dr. Gaylord.  I did not find out until I went to an appointment on 14 Feb 2017 and was told I had a new DR. (Mcginn).  I was expecting my new DR. who had suddenly appeared in my health part of my life to introduce herself and go over my years of medical records.  She did not.  Instead I was sent to her Resident Assistant Dr. in training (a young guy who could not go two minutes with me without running to Dr. Mcginns office for advise).  He seemed to be a poor chose to see a veteran with several disabilities and who did not know my past medical history.  On this date I had scheduled this appt. to be seen for a simple non emergency that had nothing to do with any form of pain.  This was a very very simple request for a medicine that was not even above the scale of vitamins.  Surprisingly I was eventually told by  this Resident and Dr. Mcginn who never even bothered to introduce herself to me to go to the lavatory for tests.  I asked what for and she told me it was for the minor reason I was there today and after the labs she would send my medication..  I was stunned. I could not figure out why lab tests were needed for such a simple ailment (again nothing was for pain).

I went immediately to the lab and was told I needed to give blood and urine.  It was getting stranger.  I gave all of my blood samples but could not urinate.  I had done so previously be fore I saw Dr. Mcginnis.  I eventually told the lab tech I could not urinate and since it was for a very simple medical issue I asked if I could come back.  She said it was fine.  From this point hell broke out in the VHS against me and instigated by Dr. Mcginn.   Finally on 21 Feb 2017, only a week later I went to the hospital to ask about my medications for the minor treatment and my pain medicine was up for refill.  I had arrived at the VHS at 0800 hours.  finally around 100 hours I was seen by Dr. Mcginns nurse.  I asked her about my medications.  She said Dr. Mcginn would no longer fill my pain medicine because I had refused a urine test for my pain medicine on 14 Feb 2017.  I was confused.  I said I had never been told about a urine drug test and I could not urinate and I had  told the lab tech.  I was shocked.  She said Dr. Mcginn had put in my records I had refused a drug test.  I told her I had never been told I was being sent for a drug test and again I had not refused, I just could not pee at the snap of their fingers!  I was very frustrated and felt betrayed by Dr. Mcginn and her staff.  The nurse was very very rude and treated me like a major narcotics offender.  After about two more hours the nurse told me to go to the lab for more tests.  I asked why, she would not tell me.  I tromped up to the lab for some unknown tests.  When I got there I told the lab tech Dr. Mcginn had sent me for more lab tests.  I asked her what the test was for.  She said it  was a urine sample for my pain medicine.  I was again stunned but not really surprised at Dr. Mcginns Gestapo tactics against me.  I was literally pissed off!  I gave the urine anyway by but only provide a small sample.

I then immediately went to the VHS patient advocates office to complain about Dr. Mcginns deceitful treatment of me.  Then I went back to the nurse.  She refused to hear my complaint about Dr. Mcginn.  She told me Dr. Mcginn would speak with me.  Finally I get to see my Doctor!!!  I knew she was only seeing me because  I had filed a complaint. When I went in Dr. Mcginn was all smiles.  Apparently she had forgotten or more correctly since I filed a complaint she wanted to appease me.  She said I had REFUSED a Drug urine test on 14 Feb 2017 and I had violated the Pain medication contract I had signed.  I tried to tell her I had not refused any tests, I simply could not urinate at that time.  Am I the first person who could not pee at the snap of a finger?  I emphasized she was also required to inform me and other vets if they were being sent to the lab for a drug test.  She said there was no requirement to do this.  I asked her repeatedly to review this contract and she will find out very clearly that a Dr. MUST inform the patient about drug urine or blood tests.  She barked at me that she does not need to do so.  She then told me I had FAILED the drug tests during the 17 months I had been on it.  I asked her how I failed because I have always used my medicines correctly to the tee.  She said I failed because on two occasions I did not have hydrocodone in my system.  I was now immune from being stunned.  I said you mean a patient fails the drug tests because even if their prescription says take as needed they still must have the med in their system?  She started mumbling and had no answer.  She said because of my failure to have no pain med in my system she was terminating me cold turkey!!!!  I thought, “God help other poor veterans who are going through tactics from alleged doctors but in reality were acting as narcotics officers!).

The day of this incident my stress and depression dramatically increased and I was sick to my stomach by the treatment of Dr. Mcginn and her staff.  I had to be seen at VHS mental health for the PTSD.  The treatment I have had at mental health for the PTSD has always been helpful, but the actions of Dr. Mcginn sent me rock bottom.  Again on 22 Feb 2017 the mental health doctor stabilized me to a degree that I could at least live with it.  He told me it was wrong that Dr. Mcginn had not informed me of the drug urine test and it is his opinion as a doctor that all actions affecting the patient should be discussed with the patient.  He advised he has seen more and more of this type treatment being used against patients and it concerned him.  I said it concerns me also.

A short message to other U.S. armed forces veterans:

  1. Understand you have a VHS mandated right to be told of any drug tests. The doctor is not given any option in this.  The doctor must inform you of a drug test, and you have the right to consent or not.  A doctor must inform you before hand of any tests outside of her office because it is and has been a medical ethical and lawful practice for centuries.
  2. Do not be intimidated by unprofessional treatment by Veterans Hospital personnel. Start with a complaint with your doctor, then patient advocacy, and then go right to your Congressman or Senator.  Also inform other veterans through the media.  If all else fails, then file a civil lawsuit as I have started and consider a trip to your local FBI office if you feel the VH staff have conducted criminal activities such as “falsifying your medical records”.  VH doctors can no more falsify and lie in your medeical records than they can in any other U.S. government record.  It is a crime for them to intentionally (doctor a document) to fit their untrue perspective.
  3. Consider lawful protests with other veterans at your local VH.
  4. Most importantly do not let VH personnel treat you as a useless human. Remember you have served your country by being willing to die for your country and other Americans.  Most of the VH doctors have never served in wartime and seem to care for their salary and playing narcotics officers than they do helping our young men and women.

I request all veterans and non veterans who care about our troops to complain to the VHS hospital for the unethical and criminal actions they have conducted against me.  The VHS number is 540-982-3463 and ask for Dr. Mcginn at Primary Care Group Clinic #2.   In addition please forward me any unfair or unethical treatment you may have received at a veteran hospital.  Veterans and their supporters must unite as one if we are to get the vet hospitals to provide positive treatment to the vets.

VIDEO: Wayne LaPierre at CPAC 2017

NRA Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer Wayne LaPierre addressed the crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland. “Have we ever seen such anger in this country,” asked the NRA chief, referring to the enraged leftist movement. He said many of these people hate everything that America stands for and they’re willing to engage in criminal violence to get what they want.

These are dangerous times, warned LaPierre, who declared that we’re also under siege from the national media machine. Everything they do, he pointed out, is intended to purposely and maliciously destroy the Trump presidency.

But when Americans voted last November, the NRA vowed to stand by Donald Trump’s side and LaPierre promised that gun owners across the country will fight the violent left and will not be defeated. “Terror knows no more ferocious foe than freedom in the hands of ‘We the people.’

Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Ignores Heller: No Protection for Guns It Deems “Dangerous”

Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinions in Heller and McDonald, many of the lower U.S. courts have been making up their own rules when it comes to the Second Amendment. Tuesday’s outrageous opinion by the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Kolbe v. Hogan is yet another example of this. In that case, nine of out fourteen judges ruled that America’s most popular types of rifles, banned in the state of Maryland, have no Second Amendment protection.

The Court called the banned firearms – which include AR-15s and most magazine-fed semi-automatic rifles – “exceptionally lethal weapons of war.” It compared them to the M16, which the court claimed made them categorically unprotected by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Heller. The Court called the difference between a machine gun and a semi-automatic “slight”, despite the substantial differences in function and form, so much so that the federal law regulates each in highly dissimilar ways.

And in doing so, the judges joining the majority opinion actually said that they do not consider themselves bound by the Supreme Court’s majority decision in Heller (to say nothing of their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution).

Heller, of course, concerned the most demonstrably lethal and crime-associated of all firearms: the handgun. Handguns are implicated in more deaths, and more firearm-related crimes, than all other types of firearms combined … by a very large margin. This was extensively briefed for the Supreme Court during the Heller proceedings, and no one contested that argument. The NRA, on behalf of a free people, will continue to vindicate the rights of all law-abiding Americans to keep and bear the best firearms available to protect themselves and their loved ones.  As we’ve been there every step of the way in the Kolbe fight, we will continue to press forward, including appealing the issue to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Moreover, the majority opinion in Heller did not shrink from these facts. The opinion’s author, Justice Scalia, put it very plainly: “We are aware of the problem of handgun violence in this country, and we take seriously the concerns raised by the many amici who believe that prohibition of handgun ownership is a solution.” He continued: “But the enshrinement of constitutional rights necessarily takes certain policy choices off the table. These include the absolute prohibition of handguns held and used for self-defense in the home.”

In other words, the fact that criminals exploit handguns for their own evil purposes could not overcome the fact that responsible, law-abiding Americans also choose them to defend themselves, their families, and their homes.

Heller also counsels against policy-makers picking and choosing among firearm types when enacting prohibitions.  “It is no answer to say, as petitioners do, that it is permissible to ban the possession of handguns so long as the possession of other firearms (i.e., long guns) is allowed,” Scalia wrote. “It is enough to note, as we have observed, that the American people have considered the handgun to be the quintessential self-defense weapon.”

In the post-Heller era, the same could be said of the detachable magazine-fed semi-automatic rifles of the type banned in Maryland. They’re not just popular guns, they’re the most popular types of rifles on the market today. And the fact that many, many millions reside in the hands of Americans, with such a miniscule percentage used in violent crime, show that they are overwhelmingly kept and used for lawful purposes.

But the Fourth Circuit disregarded all this, and instead chose to follow Justice Breyer’s dissenting opinion in Heller. Breyer insisted that even if the majority was right that Second Amendment protects an individual right grounded in self-defense, “the District’s regulation … represents a permissible legislative response to a serious, indeed life-threatening, problem.”

Of course, virtually every author of every gun control law that has ever been passed or proposed has claimed the measure is a matter of life and death. Never mind that few can show any actual evidence their proposed restrictions will save lives. And even if they could, Heller could not be clearer that this claim does not end the matter when it comes to banning the sorts of arms commonly kept by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes. The majority very specifically rejected Breyer’s attempts to use inapt analogies and “interest-balancing” to preserve D.C.’s handgun ban.

Inapt analogies and interest-balancing, however, are exactly the techniques employed by the Kolbe majority. They counterfactually try to analogize AR-15s to M16s and other “weapons of war,” and then they insist such firearms can be subject to a ban because they’re dangerous.  It’s likely that any ban of any type of firearm – and under any circumstances – would survive this shallow and self-serving rationale.

If, as the Fourth Circuit suggests, a firearm loses Second Amendment protection because it is specifically designed for “killing or disabling the enemy,” then the whole idea of the Second Amendment protecting a defensive purpose (or applying to any well-designed firearm, for that matter) collapses. Handguns, rifles, and shotguns of any type can be equally “dangerous.”   

It’s bad enough that the Fourth Circuit considers the choices actually made by law-abiding people irrelevant when it comes to the Second Amendment, contrary to the clear admonition of Heller.

Yet the court’s reasoning is worse than that. It challenges the very notion of freedom itself and the ability of a free people to govern themselves and make their own choices from available alternatives. It puts the people who vote and pay taxes and follow the law below the government that is supposed to serve them and below the criminals who will use every available means to prey upon them. It empowers the courts to decide, on a case-by-case basis, what firearms are “safe” enough for a free people to be trusted to own.

The NRA, on behalf of a free people, will continue to vindicate the rights of all law-abiding Americans to keep and bear the best firearms available to protect themselves and their loved ones.  As we’ve been there every step of the way in the Kolbe fight, we will continue to press forward, including appealing the issue to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Keith Ellison: ‘Blacks don’t have an obligation’ to obey government

he Muslim Brotherhood-linked Keith Ellison, the first Muslim to be elected to Congress, also has past ties to the Nation of Islam — a black Islamic supremacist, anti-white, anti-gay, anti-Catholic and virulently anti-Semitic group. He conveniently denounced his involvement with the group when it suited him in 2006, after it became an issue during his first run for Congress.

It would seem that no matter how much hatred Ellison has spewed against the U.S. and Israel, his documented Islamic supremacist ties, and his facilitating of the crudest divisions in racial politics, he is still a trusted and influential Democratic leader, and likely soon to be the Chair of the DNC.

“Keith Ellison Once Said Black People Don’t Have ‘Obligation’ To Obey Government”, by Peter Hassan, The Daily Caller, February 23, 2017:

Democratic congressman and DNC chair front-runner Keith Ellison once said that “black people don’t live in a democracy” and “don’t have an obligation” to obey the government.

Ellison made the comments at a 1992 protest after white police officers were acquitted in the beating of Rodney King. At least 63 people died in the racially charged riots following the verdict.

Minnesota newspaper the Star Tribune quotes Ellison as telling a group of protesters in Minneapolis that “Black people do not live under a democracy.”

“You don’t have an obligation to obey a government that considers you to be less than human,” Ellison said.

Ellison, the nation’s first Muslim congressman, has come under fire for his history of making racially inflammatory comments, as well as his past association with notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, whom Ellison has since renounced. (RELATED: Democratic Donor: Keith Ellison ‘Clearly An Anti-Semite’)

Ellison once called for American blacks to have their own nation and called the U.S. Constitution “best evidence of a white racist conspiracy to subjugate other peoples.”

While speaking to an atheist group in 2007, Ellison compared the Sept. 11 attacks to the Reichstag fire, stopping just short of accusing then-President George W. Bush of having a hand in the attacks.

“It’s almost like the Reichstag fire, kind of reminds me of that,” Ellison said of 9/11, according to reports at the time. “After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the Communists for it, and it put the leader [Hitler] of that country in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted.”

Ellison went on to say he wouldn’t suggest the U.S. had a hand in the attacks because “you know, that’s how they put you in the nut-ball box — dismiss you,” before later walking back his comments…


DNC Chair Frontrunner Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) Hides from his Radical Anti-gun Record

NYPD commissioner to officers: Defy Trump’s immigrant deportation order

UK: Man who renounced Islam forced to move after harassment from Muslims

Trump phones Trinidad PM to stem Islamic State recruitment

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on Jihad Watch.

General McMaster and that ‘Perverted Interpretation of Religion Used To Justify Violence’

President Trump has chosen Lt. General William McMaster as his new National Security Adviser. As a three-star general, McMaster’s appointment will require Senate confirmation, and one hopes that whatever else the Senators ask him, they make sure to examine his understanding of Islamic terrorism. For surely this is the greatest threat not only to American security, but to that of the entire West.

General McMaster has pronounced on the subject of Islamic terrorism twice in the last year, in almost identical language, and what he said suggests that he has missed something important about the ideology of Islam.

In May 2016, in a speech he delivered on “Harbingers of Future War: Implications for the Army” at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, General McMaster referred to “groups like ISIL, who use this irreligious ideology, this perverted interpretation of religion to justify violence. They depend on ignorance, and the ability to recruit vulnerable segments of populations to foment hatred, and then use that hatred to justify violence against innocents.

Apparently well-satisfied with his original formulation, General McMaster repeated it, almost verbatim, in a speech to the Center for Leadership and Excellence at the Virginia Military Institute on November 21, 2016, ringingly declaring that “we will defeat today’s enemies, including terrorist organizations like Daesh, who cynically use a perverted interpretation of religion to incite hatred and justify horrific cruelty against innocents.”

This description of Daesh – the Islamic State – as “cynically using a perverted interpretation of religion to incite hatred and justify horrific cruelty against innocents” is most peculiar. For whatever else you can say about Daesh or other Muslim terrorists, the adverb “cynically” is the least applicable to their actions. Al-Baghdadi, Al-Awlaki, Bin Laden, Al-Zawahiri, Nidal Hasan. Omar Mateen, Adam Gadahn, Aafia Siddiqui, Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, and all the other stars in the terrorist firmament have not been cynics, but rather, the reverse — the truest of true believers. And what they truly believe(d) in is what Islam’s texts inculcate, including the view of non-Muslims as cosmically ungrateful (in not accepting the message of Muhammad), their “vileness” Qur’anically established (8:55; 98:6), their continued insubmissive existence as kuffar seen as a colossal affront to Islam.

Muslims have a duty to spread Islam by means of Jihad, which overwhelmingly means the use of violence, though it can be conducted through other means – as, for example, Jihad of the Pen/Tongue, to spread Islam’s message. Today, along with violence, a new instrument – demographic conquest – is being used to overwhelm the Infidels and spread Islam. “New” because never before in history have millions of people dedicated to the longterm destruction of others been allowed by those others to settle deep behind what ought be regarded as enemy lines, as Muslims have now been allowed to settle throughout Western Europe. If Muslim numbers do surpass those of the indigenous non-Muslims, Muslims will be in a position to offer non-Muslims a choice: either to convert to Islam, or be killed, or to accept the permanent status of dhimmi, with all of its attendant disabilities. And there is no end to Jihad; it should continue until the whole world is ultimately subjected to Islam. There is nothing – pace General McMaster — “cynical” about any of this.

As for those phrases repeated by General McMaster about this “perverse interpretation of religion [used] to justify violence” which becomes, in his longer variant, a “perverted interpretation of religion to incite hatred and justify horrific cruelty against innocents,” the only “perverted interpretation” of Islam is, I’m afraid, that of General McMaster himself, who appears certain that Islam properly understood cannot possibly inculcate anything that might “incite hatred and justify violence” against non-Muslims. I’m not sure which would be worse: that he may think he must pretend to believe this nonsense in order to avoid being accused of Islamophobia and to safely rise high in the Washington ranks, or that he really believes it.

Perhaps during his confirmation hearings, some senators will press him on this, trying to find out what McMaster thinks Islam, mainstream Islam, teaches and how it differs from that “perverse interpretation” to which he keeps referring. The exchange ought to be instructive. For example, the senators might ask him, while the reporters are present and the cameras whirring, what he remembers from the Qur’an on the subject of Infidels. What, a probing Senator might ask him, under the guise of refreshing his memory, does he make of Qur’an 98:6, describing Infidels as “the vilest of creatures”? Would he regard it as a “perverse interpretation” of that verse to think it inculcates hatred toward non-Muslims, or isn’t it in fact clear in its declaration of such hatred, and should he not be willing to recognize that this is a perfectly straightforward, if disturbing statement, with no “perverse interpretation” necessary?

Or take the famous Verse of the Sword, Qur’an 9:5: “When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent and take to prayer and render the alms levy, allow them to go their way. God is forgiving and merciful.” What “perverse interpretation” of this pellucid call to violent Jihad is needed to make this verse “incite hatred”? It’s dripping with murderous hatred already. The Senators could continue to quote from the more than one hundred Jihad verses in the Qur’an or stories from the Hadith, that is, verses that exhort the killing of Infidels. Or they might read out, and ask for General McMaster to comment on, the description of the mass killings of the 600-900 bound prisoners of the Banu Qurayza, by Muhammad and his followers, or the accounts of the pleasure Muhammad (“al-insan al-kamil,” the Perfect Man, and “uswa hasana,” the Model of Conduct) took in learning of the murders of those who mocked him (Asma bint Marwan, Abu Afak), or the descriptions of the many military campaigns he took part in not only against his sworn enemies, but simply against those who, like the inoffensive Jewish farmers of the Khaybar Oasis, were known to be prosperous. For the Khaybar farmers had not been fighting against Muhammad; they were a target for this covetous warlord simply because they were both well-off and ill-defended. The Khaybar attack gives the lie to the Muslim claim that Muhammad only fought defensive wars. Muhammad and his men despoiled the Khaybar farmers, who had done nothing against them, of both their property and their women; the loot was enough of a lure. Or was this aggressiveness all a matter of Muhammad’s “perverse interpretation” of Islam?

It would be perfectly appropriate for the Senators to ask General McMaster what “perverse interpretation” of Islam he thinks the Islamic State or Al-Qaeda labor under, to explain exactly where the terrorists’ interpretation of Islam distorts or veers away from the basic tenets of Islam, as conveyed by any mainstream madrasa’s lessons, or any orthodox imam’s sermons?

General McMaster refers to “groups like ISIL, who use this irreligious ideology” and whose members “depend on ignorance, and the ability to recruit vulnerable segments of populations to foment hatred.” Again he should be asked, what is the “ignorance” that members of the Islamic State depend on to obtain recruits? Is General McMaster suggesting that these potential recruits are “ignorant” of the real meaning of Islam – the peace and tolerance and convivencia about which the small army of apologists (John Esposito, Pope Francis, Karen Armstrong, Barack Obama, Reza Aslan, Omid Safi, and so many others) constantly prate? Is General McMaster quite convinced that it is “ignorance” of Islam that helps “groups like ISIL [ISIS]”? How is it that so many “ignorant” Muslims could manage to remain unaware of Islam’s pacific essence, and thus be easily inveigled into believing the “perverse interpretation” of the faith, as something violent, hate-filled, cruel, that is the very opposite of what, in the General’s view, is the essence of Islam? Is this what General McMaster purports to believe? Isn’t it, rather, that those who join ISIS or Al-Qaeda are not ignorant at all, but know perfectly well what the texts of Islam inculcate, and rightly understand the meaning of Islam as a warlike doctrine of conquest and subjugation? And aren’t they quick to offer textual support from the Qur’an, Hadith, and Sira, for their every act of terror? And hasn’t Islam meant conquest through violence, and subjugation, of many different kinds of Infidels, over many different lands, for the past 1400 years?

Many of the senators questioning General McMaster will prefer not to press these points. Most Democrats will agree with his pollyannish remarks on Islam. Most Republicans may simply wish to defer to the general as a Trump appointee, wrongly assuming that he must, therefore, be “tough” on Islam. Few senators will have the stomach to discuss Islam truthfully in public, knowing they will then have to endure the usual idiotic charges of bigotry and “Islamophobia” from those whose minds are made up, and who do not want to be confused with facts. But it would take only a handful of senators, possibly from both parties, offering piercing questions, to strike a blow for common sense and our common security. Ideally, a few of them will choose to read aloud Qur’anic verses or stories from the Hadith that inculcate hatred of, and violence toward, Infidels. The General should be asked what exactly those recruited by terrorists are ignorant of, and why he considers them, as a result, more “vulnerable” to the siren song of the Al-Baghdadis and Bin Ladens. Does he think these recruits are less educated, or more impoverished, and because of that easier to inveigle into terrorism? The data suggests otherwise. Many studies have concluded that Islamic terrorists are both better off economically and better educated than the average Muslim.

If they are particularly “vulnerable” to those texts that preach violent Jihad, this means not that they are “ignorant” and susceptible to accept a “perverse interpretation” of the faith, but that they are prepared to take Islam to heart, not shirking their duty to engage in violent Jihad (or to “strike terror”), but acting upon what Islam demands of its followers; they are having their Islam straight up, as determined Jihadists, and not on the rocks of self-interested calculation that might make some hesitate to sacrifice themselves for Islam. It’s hard to understand what General McMaster means by his use of the word “ignorance” in reference to these recruits. Is he suggesting that their knowledge of Islam is incomplete, and that if they were to learn more, they would of course come to realize that only a “perverse interpretation” of Islam would lead to violence? Does he believe that his understanding of Islam is superior to that of Al-Baghdadi or Bin Laden? After being confronted in those hearings with those 100-plus Jihad verses, and many other verses, too, that teach contempt for the Infidels, those that characterize them as the “vilest of creatures” and instruct Muslims not to take Christians and Jews as friends, “for they are friends only with each other,” would General McMaster still maintain his rosy view of Islam? It is not those more ignorant of Islam who are inveigled by terrorist masters but, rather, those who, becoming ever more devout, study the texts closely, take to heart the endless litany of hatred toward Infidels, feel keenly the duty of Jihad, and become terrorists fully conscious of what they are doing. We would all prefer to believe – it would be such a great relief – that General McMaster is right, and that Islamic terrorism is a result of a “perverse interpretation” of Islam, one having no relation to the “real” Islam. How comforting it would be to believe that Muslim terrorist masters “depend on ignorance” (of the real, peaceful Islam) – how comforting, and how false.

Perhaps, made aware of comments critical of his knowledge of Islam, such as these you are reading, or here, General McMaster might give himself, by way of preparation for his confirmation hearings, a short course in Islam that would disabuse him of his hitherto complacent understanding. He could then simply tell the sympathetic senators that he has had occasion to study both Islamic texts and Islamic terrorism more fully, and based on that study, wishes to revise his previous statements, made last year, so that they would read something like this: “The many Islamic terrorist groups, such as the Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah, and many other groups and groupuscules, are able to recruit Muslims using an interpretation of Islam that is not necessarily accepted by all but is certainly accepted by a great many – far too many – Muslims, and candor compels me to admit, following a re-examination of the Qur’an and other Islamic texts, that this version of Islam should be considered not aberrant but mainstream.”

And then he might add: “It is up to us to figure out how best we can help those born into Islam, without any choice in the matter, who recognize those troublesome aspects of their faith that are inimical to real peace and real tolerance, and for which they would like to find a solution, if such is possible.” An unflinching statement like that, from General McMaster, despite the subsequent howls of protest by CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center, would be enough – would be more than enough – to clear a good many minds of cant.


“Palestinian” kids at EU-funded festival: “Jihad is needed, pull the trigger”

UK: Man who renounced Islam forced to move after harassment from Muslims

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on Jihad Watch.

Open letter to Mayor Jim Watson RE: Ottawa becoming a Sanctuary City

Mayor Jim Watson, Councillors Bob Monette and Stephen Blais:

My name is Shabnam Assadollahi. I am a resident of Orleans, a taxpayer who was born a Muslim in Iran and immigrated to Canada in 1991.

I heard that the City of Ottawa might consider to vote that Ottawa becoming a “Sanctuary” City. Please allow me to express my disapproval and grave concerns about this suggestion.

As an immigrant and former political child prisoner of notorious Evin prison by the Islamic regime of Iran and international award winning Human Rights Advocate, I have no issues with Ottawa welcoming immigrants and refugees, as long as they are here legally and Canada takes in numbers that we can readily accommodate. As a professional working on a daily basis with refugees and newcomers, I hear their devastation by this so called “open-border” policy of Canada. Every immigrant and newcomer I have spoken to strongly believes in upholding the rule of law and in maintaining national security and they are so fearful about their families safety and security. It is also very important for our nation’s capital to set an example by following the law, for example, by having our police forces cooperate with Border Services in immigration-related areas.

I recently watched a video by a U.S. Immigration expert, (please click on this link), who spoke of the U.S. immigration experience and the effect of having large numbers of illegal immigrants on the economy, on crime, on drugs, on wages and so on. I was left with very deep concern about the implications of living next door to the U.S. at a time when the U.S. Government is deporting illegal immigrants from the U.S., if they have a criminal record or if they are terror suspects. I expect that we will see increasing numbers of these people streaming across the Canadian borders to avoid being deported to Mexico or elsewhere, and as a nation do we really want these people living in Canada? As more Canadian cities consider becoming sanctuary cities, based on the U.S. experience, our Canadian cities may have difficulty absorbing these people, with not enough jobs for them, increasing crimes, lower wages, etc. As a hardworking taxpaying Ottawa resident, having senior parents living alone who are frustrated by this scary news, I would be extremely disappointed to see it happen.

Have you examined what is happening in European countries as a result of the huge influx of immigrants they are receiving? Those nations are weekly experiencing chaotic events, riots, murders, and rapes. Although media has been encouraged by the European Union not to associate crime with Islamic immigration, the truth is that 500% increases in rape, for example, are related to those coming from Islamic majority counties. President Donald Trump is acting to protect America based on these examples, and it is my professional opinion he is very prudent and discerning. It has already been proven that the vast majority of immigrants are not even the women and children we might out of compassion hope to help. Often, young, strong males are coming, and they are a restless bunch! Remember the old saying, “Idle hands are the devil’s playground?” For many Europeans, they are learning the meaning of this first hand, are suffering much, and are very unhappy. It is, in fact, inspiring uprisings.

Do we want civil war on the streets of Canada?

When it is more cost effective for world leaders to find less expensive means to care for immigrants in the Middle East, ask the American President, until they can resettle back in their homeland, and when those restless men believe unveiled women are free game sex slaves, no joke, it makes total sense to keep them in the Middle East. There are plenty of YouTube videos (Not Fake News) made by people who are documenting the insanity in their countries. It would be an awful shame for the women of Canada to have to dye their hair black and where chastity underwear like girls in Sweden do. That would be on your hands if you freely open our doors to a huge influx of immigrants.

Are we a country seeking to please the European Union, or a biased United Nations? Or, are we interested in preserving our people and our majestic country? Cars set aflame through the streets of our cities does not sound desirable.

I know how welcoming Canadians are—and indeed we are! But, we also have to be wise protecting this country and our peaceful and beautiful cities we live in. I hope that you agree with me and five members of my family and vote against this dangerous suggestion. Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Shabnam Assadollahi

RELATED ARTICLE: Canada – Fredericton, NB aiming to become a “sanctuary city”

ACT For America Firing American Patriots Because They Feel Mosques in America are Dangerous

This is going to shock American conservative Patriots. It is also going to leave you betrayed and disgusted by the un-American actions by ACT for America founder Brigitte Gabriel and her assistant J. Craig.

bridgette gabriel

Brigitte Gabriel

For the first time Gabriel has revealed her liberal thoughts on Islamic issues.

I will only provide a few paragraphs on this story today and will follow up in detail much more in the next few days. About a week ago Gabriel and Craig sent out an internal threatening message to her alleged 1000 chapter leaders. In short (I will provide the entire letter soon) Gabriel wants her chapter leaders to fully understand she believes Islam is a very peaceful religion and ACT is only concerned about a few radicals who have hijacked Islam. She also wants her leaders to know that mosques in America are off limits in regard to using lawful strategies to close them down. Gabriel opines in her letter that mosques in America and the Muslims who attend them are not a national security threat.

This is where her liberal ideas of Islam clashes with the thoughts of numerous chapter leaders and tens of thousands of ACT members. I know because I have trained thousands of them during the past decade and I have heard from many during the last week. Many are going to leave the now liberal organization Gabriel founded.

Now this week we have the firing of Lieutenant Colonel Roy White, USAF (Retired) an American veteran and more importantly an American patriot who has educated thousands of Americans on the evils of Islam and the violent ideology occurring in the majority of mosques in America.

A few years back I was invited to Texas by LTC White to help him and his ACT members understand the violent teachings that take place in the mosques that Gabriel feels are peace loving and tolerant holy places. I took White to a mosque for a short time. The Islamic leadership provided White and myself a stack of violent books many of which were stamped from the Saudi government. The books strongly advocated slavery, the killing of Jews and Christians wherever they were found, and sadly the mosques encourage the marriage of and rape of six year old Muslim girls.

I believe all of us have little doubt that every Muslim terrorist was trained in mosques and they are following the basic ideas of their pedophile founder Mohammed…all except for Gabriel now in 2017. We should all be standing on our feet and thanking our God for such a patriot as Roy White. Instead ACT fired him!

I do not have any political masters, liberals, the media, or the Democratic Party I want to or have ever dreamed of trying to please and serve as Gabriel does. I do not have donors who write me a million dollar check each year as Gabriel does, nor do I have 500,000 alleged members as ACT does who support Gabriel with hundreds of thousands of dollars each year and who pay for her lavish lifestyle. This is what I believe in and I had always thought Gabriel did as well.

  1. Islam is not a religion, it is an economic, military, and political, ideology, that uses religion as a tool to achieve their ultimate objective of forming a caliphate worldwide under sharia law.
  2. Islam is dangerous and a threat to the free world. There is no love, caring, or tolerance within Islam. It is the largest and most powerful hate group in America.
  3. There are over 3000 mosques in America. They advocate hate and murder against innocent people. They are breeding grounds for Muslim terrorists. They are safe havens for illegal immigrants. I thank you Roy for trying to close them down.
  4. Saudi Arabia are not the friends of America. They hate each non Muslim worldwide.

I thank each of you. It is my strong recommendation that every ACT chapter leader resign from this liberal organization that Gabriel has created. I also ask each of you to contact Roy White and show your support to him. I encourage every ACT member to resign and join a conservative organization that doesn’t beg each of you each week to pay for Gabriel to live like a Queen.

I will provide more soon. I ask ACT chapter leaders and members send your thoughts to

God Bless you Roy White. Note for liberal weaklings. Although ACT has now turned into a pathetic liberal organization who has lied to Americans for years, she and ACT members are ten times better than the foolish Obama, Clintons, and others who have supported Islamic terrorists for decades.


Authorities ignore U.S. mosques at center of Islamic terror attacks – New York Post

Maryland mosque hosts celebration in honor of Pakistani killer

EDITORS NOTE: Below is the full text of the ACT for America email dated February 24th, 2017 on the firing of LTC Roy White.

ACT San Antonio Chapter

This week, we had to make a very difficult decision.  We had to let go one of our best chapter leaders, Lt. Col. (ret) Roy White.

The reason we were forced to let Lt. Col. White go was because he advertised on the Internet a chapter meeting to learn how to “shut down mosques.”

We have worked with attorney Karen Lugo, a great patriot, for years, so that our membership is fully educated about all aspects of the threat, including mosques, and we hope to continue working with her in the future. But never once have we posted our work on the Internet, nor offered an open invitation for the public to come learn how one can legally shut down mosques.

Even in the midst of what we are doing, we must remember our Constitution, which Lt. Col. White, proudly fought to defend, includes the freedom to worship at a place of one’s choosing.

Unfortunately, Lt. Col. White’s actions including his refusal to cancel this meeting when advised to do so, gave us no choice but to let him go for legal and public reasons.

This is not to be mistaken as cow-towing to CAIR. It is to protect us legally. We cannot be in a position of having to fight legal battles on the constitutionality of building a mosque – a right guaranteed by the first amendment.

In addition, we focus on national security and the defense of our country including fighting Islamofacism which we believe is the greatest threat to Western civilization today.

We have a lot of important work to do and we must be wise and strategic in the way we message.

For those of you who believe in the bible, it says: “Be as kind as doves but as wise as serpents”. Now more than ever we have to exercise wisdom in the way we communicate and mobilize our nation to come together and learn about the Islamic ideology, the Koran in which it is based, and the call for violence against us infidels in the name of their Jihad.

We are currently processing 92 chapter leader applications this week alone. These 92 people did not sign up to shut down houses of worship in America. They support issues and legislation to make our country safer and more secure such as refugee resettlement and designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization just to mention a few.

ACT for America led by Brigitte Gabriel will never waiver or shy away from the truth. As a matter of fact we are doubling down on our fight.

Tonight, you may watch the Sean Hannity special on Fox News where Brigitte debates Imams defending President Trump’s ban calling it a fight between civilizations and getting into a heated debate about calling it by its accurate name “Islamic Terrorism”. The special was recorded last week and will air tonight. Brigitte Gabriel is currently out of the country.

We look forward to continue working with you and the new chapter leader who will pick up the leadership role from Lt. Col. White. Your ACT San Antonio Chapter has done great things and continue to do so. Together, we rise in defense of our country and the values which made it exceptional.

If you’d like to take over the reigns as the ACT San Antonio Chapter Leader, please send me an email to

For Freedom,

J Craig | Director of Field Operations
ACT for America

Japan holds firm, admits only TINY number of refugees

I haven’t written about Japan for awhile, and since we have so many new readers, I figured it was time to point this out (again)—Japan only takes a tiny number of refugees!


President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

And, consequently, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees has been haranguing Japan for years to open its doors (and begin diluting their culture!) to the masses of Middle Eastern and African (mostly Muslim) migrants on the move around the world.  Japan has resisted.

And I have not seen the UNHCR harangue China, Saudi Arabia or some other Middle Eastern countries in the same way they nag Japan.

Here is an activist from the UK badmouthing Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, at The Diplomat:

When asked for his view on the U.S. president’s executive order to ban the entry of people from seven Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and Africa, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s response was very disappointing.“We are not in a position to express the view of the Japanese government,” he said at the Upper House on January 30. Not surprisingly, he did not bring up the travel ban’s issue when he met President Donald Trump earlier this month.

In contrast to the clear disagreement with the travel ban expressed by other world leaders, the Japanese leader’s response received criticism from the opposition and civil society. Many theorized that the prime minister had avoided criticizing the new U.S. president in order to protect Japan’s national interests, in particular its economy and security. Yet others pointed out a more fundamental problem: Japan cannot point its finger at any other country’s immigration policy.

Japan’s record on immigration and refugees is not something that the country can be proud of. In 2016, Japan granted refugee status to only 28 people out of 10,901 applicants. In other words, 99 percent of applications were rejected.

It is not enough for the nags that Japan is one of the world’s top contributors to the UNHCR:

Japan is one of the top donors to the UN Refugee Agency (UNCHR). It contributed $164,726,114 in 2016, making Japan the fourth largest donor after the United States, European Union, and Germany. Yet instead of turning this generosity to welcome refugees on its soil, Japan crosses its arms to those who actually arrive on its doorstep. On January 30, when discussing the U.S. travel ban, Abe added after his response, “At any rate, we believe the international community should jointly cope with refugee issues.”

To learn more about Japan’s limited involvement with ‘welcoming’ disparate cultures to the country, read on.

So far, Japan’s leadership is smart enough to look around the world and ask—why should we invite the problems we see in Sweden, Germany, France, The Netherlands and the US to our tiny country?

For my previous posts on Japan, go here.


Texas immigration control citizen activists must lead!

Tucker to World Relief Prez: How can you claim it is Christian charity when you take millions from taxpayers?

Poll: Majority Want Fewer Refugees, Support Donald Trump’s Migration Cuts

‘IT WAS NORMAL’ Captured ISIS militant who ‘killed 500 people and raped 200 Yazidi women’ says he has few regrets

Young Iranian chess grandmaster expelled from national team for not wearing hijab

Austria: Nine Muslim “refugees” gang-rape woman for two hours, ignoring her pleas

Germany: 100 ‘radical Islamists’ in 2013 and 1,600 today

What a surprise! To what could this skyrocketing number of “radical Islamists” be attributed? Might it have something to do with Merkel’s disastrous immigration policies? No, it would be bigoted, racist and “Islamophobic” to think that.

“German intel agency notes dramatic increase in Islamic extremism,” DW, February 22, 2017:

The domestic intelligence service has announced an uptick of hundreds in a matter of months. At least one cause of the worrying trend is the ease with which young people can become radicalized online, authorities said.

Germany’s domestic security and intelligance [sic] agency (the BfV) said on Wednesday that the radical Islamist scene in the country had grown considerably, from only about 100 people in 2013 to some 1,600 today. Indeed, according to BfV chief Hans-Georg Maassen, the number had jumped by several hundred in a matter of months….

“These are social groups that find each other, let’s say through their mosque community, and the people who see them in the real world don’t necessarily notice any change in behavior,” according to Maassen.

Through their mosque community? But…but…don’t the vast majority of peaceful Muslims rise up and throw out the jihadis from among them?

Of the 1,600 Islamists living in Germany, Maassen said that about 570 of them were considered “dangerous,” that is, capable of plotting an a terror attack.

German authorities are constantly trying to stay one step ahead of the Salafists, which has meant banning a particularly controversial translation of the Koran to a series of raids and arrests against suspected attackers.

German authorities are kidding themselves if they think that the standard Arabic Qur’an doesn’t contain the same problematic passages they found in that translation.


Robert Spencer: Champagne Time! It’s a “Bloodbath” at the State Department

Virginia: Sudanese Muslim migrant wanted to start sleeper cell for the Islamic State

Champagne Time! It’s a ‘Bloodbath’ at the State Department

“It’s a bloodbath at the State Department,” the New York Post hyperventilated last Friday: “Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is cleaning house at the State Department, according to a report.” In Donald Trump’s America, so much has happened so quickly to set the nation on a course decisively different from the one it was on during the regime of his disastrous socialist internationalist predecessor that this particular bit of good news was largely overlooked. But if a housecleaning at the State Department isn’t a cause for celebration, nothing is.

“Many of those let go were on the building’s seventh floor — top-floor bigs,” the Post tells us, and adds that this is “a symbolically important sign to the rest of the diplomatic corps that their new boss has different priorities than the last one.”

Pop the champagne!

And not only that, but “this week’s round of firings marks the second time State Department personnel have been cleared out since President Trump took office last month. Four top officials were cleared out of the building at the end of January.”

Break out the hats and hooters!

We can only hope that with the departure of these failed State Department officials, their failed policies will be swept out along with them. Chief among these is the almost universally held idea that poverty causes terrorism. The United States has wasted uncounted (literally, because a great deal of it was in untraceable bags full of cash) billions of dollars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Egypt, and other countries in the wrongheaded assumption that Muslims turn to jihad because they lack economic opportunities and education. American officials built schools and hospitals, thinking that they were winning over the hearts and minds of the locals.

Fifteen years, thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars later, no significant number of hearts and minds have been won. This is partly because the premise is wrong. The New York Times reported in March that “not long after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001…Alan B. Krueger, the Princeton economist, tested the widespread assumption that poverty was a key factor in the making of a terrorist. Mr. Krueger’s analysis of economic figures, polls, and data on suicide bombers and hate groups found no link between economic distress and terrorism.”

CNS News noted in September 2013 that “according to a Rand Corporation report on counterterrorism, prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense in 2009, ‘Terrorists are not particularly impoverished, uneducated, or afflicted by mental disease. Demographically, their most important characteristic is normalcy (within their environment). Terrorist leaders actually tend to come from relatively privileged backgrounds.’ One of the authors of the RAND report, Darcy Noricks, also found that according to a number of academic studies, ‘Terrorists turn out to be more rather than less educated than the general population.’”

Yet the analysis that poverty causes terrorism has been applied and reapplied and reapplied again. The swamp is in dire need of draining, and in other ways as well. From 2011 on, it was official Obama administration policy to deny any connection between Islam and terrorism. This came as a result of an October 19, 2011 letter from Farhana Khera of Muslim Advocates to John Brennan, who was then the Assistant to the President on National Security for Homeland Security and Counter Terrorism, and later served in the Obama administration as head of the CIA. The letter was signed not just by Khera, but by the leaders of virtually all the significant Islamic groups in the United States: 57 Muslim, Arab, and South Asian organizations, many with ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim American Society (MAS), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Islamic Relief USA; and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).

The letter denounced what it characterized as U.S. government agencies’ “use of biased, false and highly offensive training materials about Muslims and Islam.” Despite the factual accuracy of the material about which they were complaining, the Muslim groups demanded that the task force “purge all federal government training materials of biased materials”; “implement a mandatory re-training program for FBI agents, U.S. Army officers, and all federal, state and local law enforcement who have been subjected to biased training”; and moreto ensure that all that law enforcement officials would learn about Islam and jihad would be what the signatories wanted them to learn.

Numerous books and presentations that gave a perfectly accurate view of Islam and jihad were removed from coounterterror training. Today, even with Trump as President, this entrenched policy of the U.S. government remains, and ensures that all too many jihadists simply cannot be identified as risks, since the officials are bound as a matter of policy to ignore what in saner times would be taken as warning signs. Trump and Tillerson must reverse this. Trump has spoken often about the threat from “radical Islamic terrorism”; he must follow through and remove the prohibitions on allowing agents to study and understand the motivating ideology behind the jihad threat.

The swamp needs draining indeed. The “bloodbath” at the State Department is a good sign that the U.S. is on its way back on dry land.

RELATED ARTICLE: Germany: 100 “radical Islamists” in 2013 and 1,600 today