Florida legislature guarantees religious liberty in the Sunshine State’s public schools

religiousfreedomThe Christian Family Coalition Florida reports:

MIAMI, Florida — On Friday night May 5th at 9:04 pm, the last day of the regular statewide legislative session, the Florida House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida endorsed SB-436, the Florida Student and School Personnel Religious Liberties Act (FSASPRLA) by a smashing 103-12 margin!

SB-436 is CFC Florida’s top legislative priority for the 2017 statewide legislative session in Tallahassee. CFC Florida was the only organization to publicly endorse, submit testimony, testify, lobby and deploy emails in support of this groundbreaking proposal!

Starting on March 6th CFC Florida speakers were the only ones who showed up to testify and face off in a dramatic hearing against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Florida Humanist Society (FHS) and the National Organization for Women (NOW), before the Senate Education Committee in support of SB-436 resulting in its first committee approval by a 5-2 margin.  We continued to testify at every single committee hearing: Senate Judiciary, House PreK-12 Quality Subcommittee and House Education Committee, thus, ensuring its passage.

This historic bill dramatically expands religious liberty in Florida’s public schools in the following way:

  • Requires a school district to adopt a policy that establishes a limited public forum for student speakers at any school event at which a student is to speak publicly.
  • The Florida Department of Education (F.D.E.) must develop and publish on its website a model policy regarding a limited public forum and the voluntary expression of religious viewpoints by students and school personnel in all public schools.
  • The model policy must be adopted and implemented by each district school board.
  • The right is extended to students in public elementary and middle schools.
  • A school district may not prevent school personnel from participating in religious activities on school grounds that are initiated by students at reasonable times before or after the school day if such activities are voluntary and do not conflict with the responsibilities or assignments of such personnel.
  • Requires each district to state in written or oral form that the student’s speech does not reflect the endorsement, sponsorship, position, or expression of the school district. The school district must deliver this disclaimer at all graduation events and any other event at which a student speaks publicly.

Read the full text of SB 436: Religious Expression in Public Schools.

MOVIE: America Under Siege — Soviet Islam

AmericaUnderSiege_SovietIslam_instagram01-644x644-400x400“Only a coalition of Islamists and Marxists can destroy the United States.” – Ilyich Ramírez Sánchez, AKA Carlos the Jackal

Soviet Islam is the second episode in the five-part America Under Siege webseries releasing over the course of 2017. Each episode investigates the growing influence of revolutionary Marxists and their allies in different sectors of American society.

When the Soviet Union failed to eradicate religion, it quickly changed tactics. After World War II, Soviet Communists forged alliances with unlikely partners – radical Islamists and Middle Eastern nationalist dictators. Beginning in the Cold War and continuing through to today, the Kremlin has armed, trained, and supported these Islamists and dictators to advance a frightening goal: subverting their shared American enemy.

Those radicals became a domestic threat in the 1960s. Religious extremists like the Nation of Islam co-opted Soviet ideology to agitate American institutions and disrupt democracy. For the Soviets, the intent was to make the U.S. ungovernable through organized protest and violence. But while the Cold War may be over, the threat from the Kremlin is now more serious than ever.

Today, Putin is the heir to the Soviet strategy of subversion. Picking up where the old KGB left off, his regime continues to leverage the vast network of radicals across the Middle East and the West the Soviets created.

The film was written by and stars conservative author Trevor Loudon, was directed by Judd Saul, and produced by Cohesion Films in partnership with Dangerous Documentaries (a project of the Capital Research Center). (Bombthrowers is a project of the Capital Research Center, as well.)

Trevor’s research into Soviet and modern Russian influence on radical Islamism and Middle Eastern dictatorships is especially urgent given the current conflict in Syria. Showing that there are still so many influential political actors in America whose ideological roots grow out of the Soviet Union’s past meddling in Islamic society is unsettling — and helps explain Russia’s modern day tactics to subvert its enemies from within.

RELATED ARTICLE: Red-Green Alliance Funded by Billionaire Democrats

EDITORS NOTE: America Under Siege: Soviet Islam is available to watch on DangerousDocumentaries.com.

French Presidential Election: Part 7 — The End

Paris 7 May 2017

8:00 pm 

Macron 65.5%

Le Pen    34.5%    

boycott frend elections2:30 PM: In less than six hours the name of the next French president will be announced. I don’t need to go far out on a limb to predict it will be Emmanuel Macron. Though Marine Le Pen briefly enjoyed an outside chance to overcome the odds and squeak into victory, she destroyed it on the night of the debate. By the way, the official audience figure is 16.5 million, well under the predicted 20 to 22 million that I cited in Part 6. Why do I argue that she has no one to blame but herself for her display of incompetence, confusion, bad faith and bad taste? Because she herself proudly boasted that she had deliberately chosen a totally appropriate and, what’s more, a winning strategy. Her running mate Nicolas Dupont-Aignan publicly and proudly agreed, and many of her supporting commentators concurred. She was expressing the anger of the people. Some are even suggesting at this late hour that her audacious performance will prove to be stronger than all the forces allied against her. They are confident that she will win on an upset!

I can’t understand this uncritical support for someone that has never displayed the qualities of a viable leader of the résistance against jihad. Is vociferous denunciation of Islamization all it takes to fit the bill? If that were so, there would be no difference between writing a blog and leading a nation or even leading the opposition to a jihad-friendly government. In a democracy, you have to convince a majority of voters, you have to get elected. And then you need all the qualities of a brilliant, exceptional, strong, upstanding, competent political leader capable of prevailing over tremendous domestic and international odds.

This explains my dismay at the constant flow of messages from friends and allies in the United States telling me that Marine Le Pen will win, should win, or would be the best choice. The odds when the official campaign ended at midnightFriday were 62% to 38%. Where in the world have we ever seen an upset of that dimension? I will not repeat here all the verified evidence I have reported over the past five years to show the ambiguity of Marine Le Pen’s position on Islam. Can you set aside the coziness with Assad and Hezbollah, the antizionism of her pre-chosen prime minister, her tactical pressure on French Jews to accept sacrifices so the limits she will impose on Muslims won’t seem discriminatory? Do you understand what it means to dual French-Israeli citizens to be told they will have to choose one or the other? Is Frexit the French version of Brexit? Aside from the fact that Marine has surreptitiously dropped it from her platform, there is no comparison. Great Britain was never in the Eurozone, has a vibrant economy and, by its historical and geographical separation from the Continent and Churchillian tradition, has the guts to negotiate a tough divorce from a stubborn EU.

Seen from the USA, the free enterprise capital of the world, Marine Le Pen’s economic platform that fits hand in glove with Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s Bolivarian dreams-anticapitalist, antiglobalist, anti-American, and naïvely protectionist-might seem too vague to matter. Here on the ground, it would be disastrous. And the double-decker monetary system? The way she described it during the debate, multinationals would use the euro for their unspeakable foreign intercourse and the good French salt of the earth folks will have their francs as delicious as the baguettes they’ll purchase with them. A candidate that can float such preposterous notions is trustworthy on all things Islamic? It’s not logical.

Besides, she’s going to lose. And we’ll be stuck with Emmanuel Macron. In a democracy, you have to win elections if you want to implement your policies. However brilliant, if you can’t convince voters, you’re back in the shadows with the unsung poets.

The Dump

May surprise, Wikileaks ex machina, the eleventh hour dump, the world-shaking upset. Gigantic hack of Emmanuel Macron’s computers. And wild hopes are blooming. Of course no one’s interested in messages about the candidate’s appointment with his barber, who’s going to pick up his suit at the cleaner’s, how many wreaths to order for the memorial ops. All eyes are focused on the explosive offshore account documents. Macron stashed the millions he made as investment banker chez Rothschild (the name that always gets a wink) in a phony offshore company on one of those islands. Wikileaks leaked the supposedly Russian-hacked documents. French media will be released from the election weekend gag order at 8 o’clock tonight. Instead of popping champagne corks with Emmanuel and Brigitte, they’ll be picking through the dump looking for gold. Or maybe the miracle is already happening and thanks to Vladimir Putin and Julian Assange, Marine will be présidente!

le pen macronAnd Macron on his way to jail?

The other dump concerns the self-righteous François Bayrou. It seems his party used the same racket as the Front National to siphon money from the EU Parliament in the form of salaries for his fake parliamentary assistants that were in fact working for the party. It will be interesting to discover in the near future whether this is a French specialty or a European practice.

I don’t trust Vladimir Putin and Julian Assange over millions of misguided French voters. I don’t want dirty politics to be replaced by ugly snooping. If crooked politicians can’t have some privacy, then no one will. Deep inside these garbage dumps a new kind of totalitarianism is festering.

Time to cut our losses and start thinking about the next steps, the new strategies. If François Fillon was the right man at the right time, he wasn’t able to overcome the twisted schemes devised to disable him. His victorious rival is going to face another kind of vicious schemes and it will probably begin this evening. Occupying la République, storming la Bastille, the flame throwers and bank smashers will be out in force to denounce their defeat while the filthy rich banker celebrates his victory in the courtyard of the Louvre and the heavens will grumble with harsh winds and chilly rains that douse our hopes for springtime in Paris.

The ever-ready Muslim Brotherhood will be hatching new plans for a new phase of an eternal combat.

It’s not just France, my friends. A copy of the international NY Times fell into my hands yesterday. It’s a cesspool. A cesspool disguised as a sparkling blue Olympic swimming pool. One op-ed gives an exquisitely original plan for peace…Israel-Palestine peace of course. Start by being nice to each other. This is followed by endless recommendations to Israelis to stop expanding “colonies,” give more of this, do less of that and, finally, accept the 2002 Saudi initiative as the basis for the 2-state solution. You know, 67 borders, divided Jerusalem, question mark on the refugees, the whole rehash. Another op-ed has the solution for the lone wolves problem. It’s so simple why didn’t anyone think about it before? Didn’t you notice that 90% of them are mentally disturbed? So stop looking for an Islamic problem. Just alert your society to this mental health crisis, ask people to notify authorities when they notice someone getting psychologically wobbly and then, instead of combing through his Facebook pages on the lookout for decapitation videos and black flags of jihad, get him some topnotch psychological treatment. Believe you me.

An in-depth article on the eve of the final round of the French election gathers disgruntled testimony in the Parisian banlieue of Stains that voted 40% in the first round for the Chavez admirer Mélenchon. The NY Times reporter labels residents by their Tunisian (Moroccan, Senegalese, etc.) “heritage.” They’re disappointed in François Hollande, fiercely opposed to Marine Le Pen, unhappy with their lot in France, feel poor and abandoned, don’t believe in politics, some will vote Macron, many won’t vote, they are all innocent victims of a damned racist country that offers them no opportunity. The Muslim mayor of Stains, Azzedine Taibi, says they need effective inspirational government programs. Not someone like Hollande, says Selamine Abderrahmane, an assistant mayor in neighboring Bobigny; he didn’t keep any of his promises. Abderrahmane will vote Macron to be sure Le Pen won’t win. His friend, a white municipal counselor, can’t bring himself to cast a ballot for the “globalizer” who promotes policies that pit workers that are French against foreigners who will work for less. The French workers in question being the residents of Stains, of all those varied North African and sub-Saharan “heritage.”


4:40 PM: less than four hours to go. Before I sign off, I would like to add this disclosure: I can’t vote. I am not French. Though I’ve lived here for close to 45 years, I have always kept my American nationality. Why? Out of gratitude to the country that took my family in as immigrants from a Europe that 30 years later would be exterminating those they left behind. Grateful immigrants, I might add. And the other reason is a sort of blithe spirit that keeps me lightly poised and not dug in: my nationality there, my physical presence here, my imagination everywhere.

Back to you at 8:01 PM.

French Presidential Campaign: Part 6

French Presidential Campaign: Part 5

French Presidential Campaign: Part 4

French Presidential Campaign: Part 3

French Presidential Campaign: Part 2

French Presidential Campaign: Part 1


French Elections: Macron in 2017, Le Pen in 2022?

Uninspired French Voters Choose a ‘Centrist’ President Rather Than a Far-Right One

‘Centrist’ Victory in France Calms Nerves, Yet Solutions to Core Problems Seem Distant

President’s pick for Army secretary drops out: Objected to Islamic indoctrination in schools

Green should not have dropped out. His doing so only validates the Left’s claim that his statements are beyond the pale. But are they really?

“Also in September, he said a stand needed to be taken against ‘the indoctrination of Islam’ in public schools.”

Hysterical, paranoid Islamophobia, right? Wrong. Some headlines from the last few years:

Green compounded his “Islamophobia”: “he also referred to the ‘Muslim horde’ that invaded Constantinople centuries ago.”

Why, how racist and bigoted! The conquerors of Constantinople were tolerant, pluralistic multiculturalists with big hearts full of love! Historian Steven Runciman notes that the Muslim soldiers “slew everyone that they met in the streets, men, women, and children without discrimination. The blood ran in rivers down the steep streets from the heights of Petra toward the Golden Horn. But soon the lust for slaughter was assuaged. The soldiers realized that captives and precious objects would bring them greater profit.” (The Fall of Constantinople 1453, Cambridge University Press, 1965, p. 145.)

Some jihadists “made for the small but splendid churches by the walls, Saint George by the Charisian Gate, Saint John in Petra, and the lovely church of the monastery of the Holy Saviour in Chora, to strip them of their stores of plate and their vestments and everything else that could be torn from them. In the Chora they left the mosaics and frescoes, but they destroyed the icon of the Mother of God, the Hodigitria, the holiest picture in all Byzantium, painted, so men said, by Saint Luke himself. It had been taken there from its own church beside the Palace at the beginning of the siege, that its beneficient presence might be at hand to inspire the defenders on the walls. It was taken from its setting and hacked into four pieces.” (P. 146.)

But don’t call them a “horde”!

Senator Mark Green

Senator Mark Green

“Trump’s pick for Army secretary drops out amid criticism of LGBT, Islam remarks,” Fox News, May 5, 2017:

President Trump’s nominee to be the next Army secretary withdrew his name from consideration Friday, Pentagon officials confirmed to Fox News, after he was accused of making anti-LGBT and Islamophobic remarks.

Mark Green, a Republican state senator from Tennessee, stepped aside after what he called “false and misleading” attacks against him which had caused his nomination to become a “distraction.”

“Tragically, my life of public service and my Christian beliefs have been mischaracterized and attacked by a few on the other side of the aisle for political gain,” he said in a statement first reported by The Tennessean.

“While these attacks have no bearing on the needs of the Army or my qualifications to serve, I believe it is critical to give the President the ability to move forward with his vision to restore our military to its rightful place in the world,” he said.

Several Democrats and some Republicans including Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., had taken aim at comments he made in September in which he said transgender people are suffering from a disease. McCain called the comments “disturbing.”

Also in September, he said a stand needed to be taken against “the indoctrination of Islam” in public schools. He also referred to the “Muslim horde” that invaded Constantinople centuries ago….


Gettysburg College prof Dave Powell claims Robert Spencer lecture “weak logic,” gives no examples, refuses to debate

Islamic State: Use Craigslist ads to lure non-Muslims, kill hostages to “plant terror into hearts of disbelievers”

Why Should We Care?

When I broach the subject of Islam in a critical way most people are disinterested, or perhaps afraid to discuss it lest they be labeled as intolerant, or what is worse – an Islamaphobe. In spite of all the contrary historical evidence – past and present – we are repeatedly told that Islam is a peaceful religion. Muslim imams reach out to Christian clergy and seek “dialogue” and “understanding.” People commonly say that they know a Muslim family and they are nice people, courteous, good neighbors.

So, why should we care that America has 3,000 mosques and a rapidly growing Muslim population? Why rock the boat of ecumenical harmony and perhaps offend somebody?

With Ezekiel 33:1-6 as our reference point, let me explain why we should care. Islam divides the world into two groups: the House of Islam (ostensibly peaceful) and the House of War. The House of War comprises all societies not dominated by Islam. Islamic theology (sharia law) obligates every Muslim to use persuasion, legal means, emigration (called hijara by Muhammad) and frequently violent jihad to change a society to Islam.

European society is being changed today by means of sharia courts, no-go zones (non-Muslims not allowed), rapes, immigration and violence – all of which are foreshadowed in the bloody history of the political-religious ideology called Islam. By extrapolating current history and the high birth rate of Muslim families many scholars believe that Europe will be under Islamic control by 2050.

Fortunately most of the Muslims in our country are westernized, unorthodox Muslims who do not faithfully follow the more violent dictates of the Koran and the hadith (traditions of Muhammad).

Why should we care?

Of course we don’t want our country to experience what is happening in Europe, but the main reason we should care is that God cares and “desires all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). At 1.6 billion Muslims are the largest unreached people group on earth. They walk in darkness, deceit, and destruction with no knowledge of a gracious, forgiving God who seeks to have a personal relationship with them.

Their god, Allah, is a slave master who hates sinners and all non-Muslims. Our God is a personal friend, brother, Father who loves the sinner and calls him into an eternal friendship culminating in heaven.

We should not fear Muslims or avoid the challenge of sharing God’s love. Most Muslims do not practice orthodox Islam and are not terrorists. But they are blind to the grace and love of the true God.

Surely you would help a blind person cross a busy intersection. Speak and show the grace of Jesus to your Muslim friend. Establish a relationship and when an opportunity presents itself share your faith.

That is our mission as a chosen people “that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9).

RELATED ARTICLE: Europe’s Childless Leaders Sleepwalking Us to Disaster

EDITORS NOTE: Reverend Bruce Lieske, Chairman, Florida-Georgia District Task Force on Muslim Evangelism, is available to speak if you would like to sponsor a seminar on this topic we have presenters available. You may contact Reverend Lieske at blieske7@bellsouth.net.

Leadership Chooses Blue Pill While Living In A Muslim Matrix

The Matrix movie’s main character, Neo, gets a clear picture of reality after choosing to take the red pill instead of a blue one.  It is the same with those who have taken or listened to briefings from counter jihad experts concerning the Global Islamic Movement and its threat doctrine. That picture reveals an extremely well organized, visible, and subversive movement throughout our country led by The Muslim Brotherhood to replace our system of government with Sharia Law.

The signs of the Brotherhood’s success are evident in our churches, as well as our: educational, financial, medical, military, law enforcement, and governmental institutions. Yet our leadership in every realm continue to take the cowardly, indifferent route and swallow the blue pill which in the movie allows one to remain ignorant of their true surroundings. Even those in conservative organizations choose to remain woefully ill-informed about the Islamic threat within our country, to include some Tea Party and Young Republican groups.

This subversion by the Islamic movement, and more specifically the Muslim Brotherhood, took root decades ago through organizations like the Muslim Student’s Organization (MSA) which was founded in January, 1963 at the University of Illinois. Saudi Arabia then and now is largely responsible for the flourishing and spawning of the MSA, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and many others by pouring billions of dollars into our country for purposes of spreading Islam.

These organizations are established not to promote good relationships with fellow Americans, but simply as a means to expand their power to establish a Caliphate in order to proclaim Sharia Law the law of the land. Their goals would mean the destruction of the US Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence. See numerous open-sourced material for clarification, one being The Explanatory Memorandum.

The recent naming of a Muslim Brotherhood connected military chaplain, Walid Habash, to review training given to Air Force Special Forces on anti-terrorism is a perfect example of governmental leadership meandering through the Muslim Matrix unaware. The reason for the review? A complaint against the trainer and his material was brought to the Pentagon’s attention by the Muslim Brotherhood/HAMAS organization, CAIR.

According to Paul Sperry’s article in FrontPageMag,

Military “Brass decided to launch the review after receiving a letter from the Council on American-Islamic Relations last month demanding the commander of US Air Force Special Operations sever ties with longtime counter terrorism instructor Patrick Dunleavy, claiming his lessons “contain anti-Islamic content.” CAIR, a suspected terrorist front organization, did not cite any examples of content from his “Dynamics of International Terrorism” course to support its claim.”

So, the Pentagon takes the advice of CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in the history of the country, to investigate an expert who trains our Special Forces about prison radicalization and homegrown terrorism. Further, the Pentagon names another known Muslim Brotherhood linked military chaplain to run the investigation. Please reread this paragraph over several times. *Take action, see link below.

This scenario is akin to an elementary school principal taking direction from a known pedophilia ring leader to investigate an expert in child crimes who is teaching parents how to protect their children, and advising the principal to hire a known pedophile to critique the expert.

The degree to which known terrorist organizations work out in the open, like the Muslim Brotherhood posing as HAMAS, is like a fictional story. And the trend is the average American on the street understands the Islamic threat more than those in leadership positions across this nation. It is a national embarrassment when those responsible for protecting American’s interests, spiritual lives, and yes physical safety continue to choose the coward’s way out and cover their ears and eyes to the truth.

The truth of ongoing subversion by Islamic groups coupled with an invasion through the Refugee Resettlement Program and other legal immigration methods is evident to even the most casual observer, but not those who are making critical decisions concerning America’s future.

The one catch always comes back to which color pill is taken. Ultimately it comes down to what is desired, truth or fiction. There is no middle ground. If you want the truth, it is easily attainable through resources that explain the reality in which we are living.

Geert Wilders of the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands said,

“The Europe you know is changing. You have probably seen the landmarks. But in all these cities, sometimes a few blocks away from your tourist destination, there is another world of the parallel society created by mass-migration…All throughout Europe a new reality is rising: entire Muslim neighborhoods where very few indigenous people reside or are even seen.”

In today’s climate, most leadership want to continue down a path of make-believe. It will require the populace to replace those leaders with ones in reality. Plan now for 2018 elections, for this may be more important than the presidential election. Have you considered running?

TAKE ACTION BY SENDING a message to support counter-terrorism trainer Patrick Dunleavy and oppose CAIR.

Freedom of Speech alive and well at Gettysburg College

Score one for free inquiry. Heartfelt thanks to the police and security personnel who were out in force last night as I spoke at Gettysburg College. They ensured that Left-fascists would not disrupt the event as they did Monday at the University at Buffalo. I made the case that the concept of Islamophobia was making it impossible to have an honest discussion of a real problem, took the usual hostile and moronic questions from Leftists in attendance, and that was that.

All in all, it was a great evening, thanks to the courageous students of YAF who invited me and the security team. My hat is off to them. I think the event was videoed and will post the video if I can get it.

“Jihad Watch leader’s speech, Muslim support rally coincide in Gettysburg,” by Dustin B. Levy, Hanover Evening Sun, May 4, 2017:

(Gettysburg) — Gettysburg College played host to two events that presented starkly different visions of Islam on Wednesday night.

The impetus was a presentation from Robert Spencer, the director of a blog called Jihad Watch. Spencer’s appearance, requested by a student group, sparked controversy on the campus for his beliefs that Islam is more inherently violent than other religions based his readings of religious texts.

Spencer spoke to a filled room in the College Union Building about the dangers of the stigma of Islamophobia and how it can make people afraid to speak out when they are aware of a terrorist threat.

Just across a courtyard, hundreds of students and faculty gathered for a Muslim Solidarity Rally in front of Pennsylvania Hall. The outdoor rally featured music from a band called the Nawaz Brothers, playing songs like “Bailamos” by Enrique Iglesias and Frank Sinatra’s “Fly Me to the Moon.”

Attendees sat in chairs or on the grass and some eventually got up to start a jubilant dance party in front of the steps of Penn Hall.

The purpose of the rally was “to show the Muslim members of our community that we support them, that we love them and that we’re there for them,” said Pearson Cost, a member of the College Democrats at Gettysburg College.

The rally came in response to the university’s affirmation of allowing Robert Spencer to speak on campus. Student senate originally approved the $2,000 required to bring Spencer to the college.

Spencer’s speaking engagement came with a significant law enforcement presence on Wednesday. The college decided to close his speech to the public because of safety concerns. By comparison, the rally had one or two police officers on hand.

Spencer acknowledged the backlash that predicated his speech, noting a lack of tolerance given to “intellectual diversity.” He accused the college’s president, Janet Riggs, of pressuring students not to attend.

In Spencer’s view, this all plays into stigmatizing those who share his views with labels of “Islamophobia.”

“The idea is to make everybody who speaks about the nature and magnitude of the Jihad threat honestly so toxic that other people are afraid to speak out,” he said.

Spencer read from the Quran and Sharia law to justify his beliefs. He maintained the quotes he read were what “the vast majority of Muslims believed.”

“Did I write that?” he asked. “Did I make that up?”

Spencer responded to charges apparently made by Todd Green, a speaker at the college on Sunday night, on several occasions. The school scheduled Green, an associate professor of religious studies at Luther College, to make remarks and give students the choice in listening to opposing voices on the issue.

Spencer sarcastically referred to himself as a “vicious gargoyle” and “hate-filled Islamophobe.” He described a “wave of fascism on American campuses,” specifically from the left wing.

A college or university “ought to be a place where free inquiry is prized above all,” he said.

Green did not think Gettysburg College should have felt obligated to host Spencer in the name of free speech.

“At a time in which you can make the most outrageous claims and insinuations against Muslims, our nation needs academic institutions to raise the bar intellectually and morally when it comes to how we talk about Islam and those who practice it,” Green said in an email.

Some of the students attending Spencer’s presentation did not share his beliefs, but were merely curious and wanted to listen….

“Guest speaker at Gettysburg College with controversial views on Islam delivers presentation; opponents demonstrate peacefully,” by Felix Rodrigues Lima, Fox43, May 4, 2017:

GETTYSBURG, Pa. – A guest speaker at Gettysburg College who drew calls for boycott because of his views on Islam, as well as a larger police presence because of anticipated protests, was allowed to make his presentation.

Robert Spencer, author and director of Jihad Watch, made light of the controversy during his talk to students, saying they were not going to get the sideshow they may have been looking for, but rather his assessment of Islam and what he calls the dangers of the faith.

“What we have in this situation is actually a very determined effort to make it so that the point of view that I represent is not examined,” Spencer said.

The Young Americans for Freedom group at Gettysburg College invited Spencer to speak and were approved even as the college brought in an opposing speaker earlier this week and amid calls from the college president to boycott the event.

“I think it’s very important to have this kind of perspective on every campus,” Scott Moore, the chapter’s president, said. “It’s obviously an issue that the entire country and the entire world is going to be facing and has already faced for decades.”

But there was a different vibe from what has happened across the country in response to conservative speakers on college campuses. Students held a “Muslim Solidarity Rally” to demonstrate support for Muslims in the community, featuring speakers and music.

“The way that we would counter this is by just having a celebration basically of Islamic culture,” Davis Healy, one of the rally’s organizers, said. “We just wanted to bring people out and have people be together because that’s what we think is the best way to show what we think in response to Mr. Spencer.”

Demonstrators say they hoped to counter the negative views of Islam from Spencer with greater cultural awareness….


Hugh Fitzgerald: An Apostate, Not Quite There

Raymond Ibrahim: ‘The Real Bomb Is in Islam’s Books’

Fitnabook: Islamic State builds social media platform to rival Facebook

“We have certainly made it a lot harder for them to operate in this space.”

Facebook and Twitter are ruthlessly clamping down on foes of jihad terror — referrals to Jihad Watch from Facebook and Twitter went down 90% on February 11 and have never rebounded — as well as upon jihadis. This is another attempt to appease Muslims and avoid appearing “Islamophobic,” by reinforcing a false moral equivalence, perpetuating the libelous and ridiculous claim that “Islamophobes” are the non-Muslim equivalent of jihad terrorists.

Maybe foes of jihad terror will have to set up secret spaces on the dark web.

“DARK WEB ISIS ‘is building its own secret social media platform to rival Facebook where fanatics can recruit new jihadis and share vile beheading videos,” by Tom Michael, The Sun, May 4, 2017:

ISIS is developing its own social media platform to rival Facebook where fanatics will be free to recruit others and share extremist material, according to the EU’s top cop.

Europol Director Rob Wainwright said the new online platform had been uncovered during a 48-hour operation targeting internet extremism last week.

More than 2,000 extremist items were identified on 52 social media platforms during the crackdown, which involved officials from the US, Belgium, Greece, Poland, and Portugal.

Speaking at a security conference in London, Wainwright said: “Within that operation it was revealed ISIS was now developing its very own social media platform – its own part of the internet to run its agenda.

“It does show that some members of Daesh (ISIS), at least, continue to innovate in this space.”

Jihadis have often relied on mainstream social media platforms to communicate and to spread propaganda.

Messaging app Telegram has proved especially popular over the past year, with terror chiefs using it to urge lone wolf attacks in the weeks leading up to Khalid Masood’s Westminster rampage.

It has also been used to share instructional videos on how to make suicide belts, along with “idiot’s guides” to other attack methods in the past.

But technology firms like Facebook and Google have come under increasing pressure to do more to tackle extremist material online, prompting the fanatics to explore other options.

Wainwright said ISIS’s decision to try and create its own social media platform was a response to combined pressure from intelligence agencies, police forces and the tech sector.

He said: “We have certainly made it a lot harder for them to operate in this space….


Leaked: The UK’s secret blueprint with telcos for mass spying on internet, phones – and backdoors

UK: Muslims gang-rape teen girl who stopped in kebab shop to ask directions

Video: University at Buffalo Left-fascists scream abuse at Robert Spencer, officials do nothing

EDITORS NOTE: We called the ISIS social media site Fitnabook. To understand what the Arabic term Fitna means please click here.

‘White Devils’ — FBI Records Show Muhammad Ali’s Racist Mosque Tirades

As a Nation of Islam heavyweight, boxing legend Muhammad Ali referred to Caucasians as “white devils” and “crackers” and told mosque worshipers that “black women have the best sons and daughters in the world,” according to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) records obtained by Judicial Watch. Known as Cassius Clay before converting to Islam, Ali also said “programs of integration are useless,” that blacks want separation not integration and that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was a “swindle.” The three-time heavyweight champion also told Muslims during a mosque delivery that “the so-called Negro is the original man and is superior to the white devil” and that he’d rather be with his own people than “blue-eyed devil white people.”

The FBI files present a picture of the late heavyweight champion that is clearly at odds with much of the image portrayed at the time of his death last year.

His deep involvement with the Nation of Islam and its racially divisive rhetoric and behavior is part of a record that deserves to be revealed and contradicts Ali’s image as a civil rights icon. The hundreds of pages of documents are related to the FBI’s investigation of Ali for evading the draft and the government’s monitoring of the Nation of Islam, which is described by the agency as an “all-Negro, quasi-religious organization which espouses a line of violent hatred of the white race, Government, law and law enforcement.” The federal surveillance files show that Ali told a Washington D.C. mosque crowd that he preferred “dying outright” or going to jail than going into the Army and at a Cleveland mosque the boxer said the American flag “represented death and destruction” but the “Muslim flag” represents “life and prosperity, justice for all black men.”

The records reveal the great threat the FBI perceived the Nation of Islam to be in the 1960s and that Ali was closely monitored by the agency as a “security matter” due to his associations with Nation of Islam leaders Elijah Mohammad and Malcom X. The Nation of Islam followed Mohammad’s interpretation of the “Koran,” the FBI records say, which taught that white people are “white devils” to be destroyed in a coming “War of Armageddon.” In April 1964, Ali’s plans to travel to Muslim countries alarmed the FBI and the agency searched his passport files and recorded that while in Accra, Ghana, Ali said he planned to bring four wives back to the US. Ali’s ex-wife, Sonji Roi, informed the FBI that the Nation of Islam received 80% of the boxer’s earnings while he only got 20%. The records also state that Ali was arrested for assault and battery in July 1960 at his parents’ home in Louisville, Kentucky and that his mother witnessed the crime.

Judicial Watch had to sue the government to get the records, which are decades old but come to light as Ali’s family ironically uses his name and legacy to launch a national campaign to end racial and religious profiling. Just weeks ago, Ali’s second wife, Khalilah Camacho-Ali, and son, Muhammad Ali Jr, announced that they’re launching an anti-discrimination initiative called “Step into the Ring.” The inspiration came from getting detained and questioned at a south Florida airport where mother and son claim they were racially and religiously profiled. The Alis were returning from a Jamaican Black History month event in February and assert that federal immigration officers harassed them. As part of their “Step into the Ring” campaign they traveled to Capitol Hill in March to make a plea to end racial and religious profiling. During congressional testimony Camacho-Ali said this: “Somebody needs to turn this ‘humanity’ switch on because we’re not going to go back to Robert E. Lee,” referring to the Civil War Confederate Army commander. “We must step into the ring and fight this thing and keep fighting it until it’s done because it will be done,” she continued.

When Muhammad Ali died in Phoenix, Arizona last June hordes of media outlets published obituaries rehashing his spectacular boxing career and accomplishments as a civil rights idol. One mainstream news outlet called Ali a “civil rights champion” and “an emblem of strength, eloquence, conscience and courage.” Another wrote that, along with a fearsome reputation as a fighter, Ali spoke out against racism, war and religious intolerance. Then President Barack Obama issued a statement saying that Ali fought for everyone. “He stood with King and Mandela,” Obama said, adding that the boxer “stood up when it was hard; spoke out when others wouldn’t. His fight outside the ring would cost him his title and his public standing. It would earn him enemies on the left and the right, make him reviled, and nearly send him to jail. But Ali stood his ground. And his victory helped us get used to the America we recognize today,” the former president said in a White House statement that was published worldwide.

Ali’s FBI files certainly paint a vastly different portrait of the boxer.

RELATED ARTICLE: Report: Obama Sought NSA Intel on ‘Thousands of Americans’, Including Trump Campaign During 2016 Election

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Judicial Watch Corruption Chronicles.

French Presidential Campaign: Partie 6

French Presidential Campaign: Part 5

French Presidential Campaign: Part 4

French Presidential Campaign: Part 3

French Presidential Campaign: Part 2

French Presidential Campaign: Part 1

Update: the debate

1:50 AM: Marine Le Pen succeeded in making me think that Emmanuel Macron won’t be such a bad president after all. It was just an illusion, but she can be given credit for it.

Her only strong moment was when she confronted Macron on the question of fundamentalist Islam. It is his weak point and she supported her argument with strong specifics. However, he was able to slip out of the trap by confronting her record of systematically voting against protective measures taken by the French or EU government, for example the PNR and broad wiretapping powers for the police.  “They’re all junk,” she retorted.

For the rest, her performance was a disgraceful barrage of insults, snickering, cackling, interrupting, sputtering, and endless wild shots that missed their target.

Instead of revealing weak points in Emmanuel Macron’s vision or program, she wasted her ammunition on sloppy rants. Even when she was right, she was wrong.

By the time she finished accusing her rival of being an heir to François Hollande, a creature of the socialists, a heartless ally of globalized big finance, responsible for the capitalist free for all that divides and conquers, crushes the poor peasants and workers, crawling on his belly to the orders of Angela Merkel and the drug companies… all of this and more in one rambling rant, she made no points that could stick.

And there she was again with Whirlpool. If she were president they wouldn’t close the factory. Because she’d slap their imports with a 35% tax.

To reduce the deficit of the health care system, she would force pharmaceutical companies to lower their prices.

Aha, replied Emmanuel Macron, I have bad news for you. 90% of the drugs consumed in France are manufactured in other countries. Your import tax will increase the cost. And the same goes for your cell phone…

Who won? In a post debate poll, 63% judged Emmanuel Macron most convincing as against 34% for Marine Le Pen.

Despite the fact that many of 20 million viewers that followed what was more like a punching match than a debate were deeply disappointed at the entire spectacle, I think it is safe to predict that it clinched Emmanuel Macron’s lead and in the long run doomed Marine Le Pen’s political prospects.


Final results of the first round vote on April 23rd Number of votes
Emmanuel Macron 23.87%, 8,656,346
Marine Le Pen 21.53%, 7,678,491
François Fillon 19.91%, 7,212,995
Jean-Luc Mélenchon 19.64%, 7,059,951
Benoît Hamon 6.35%,  
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan 4.75% 1,695,000 (that might have carried Fillon to the 2nd round
Jean Lasalle 1.22%  
Philippe Poutou 1.10%  
Asselineau, Arthaud, Cheminade Each under 1%.  

Four radically different candidates came in so close to each other that the order is almost arbitrary. But the consequences are enormous.

In contrast with the 1st round, polls were scarce and barely mentioned until Macron’s lead over Le Pen slipped by five points. On the eve of the May 3rd debate it stood at 59%/41%. And nothing is certain. Nothing is stable. The French political scene is like the polar ice cap, with big chunks breaking away and floating on icy seas and huge masses looming on the horizon. No one is in control. If François Hollande and his cronies thought they could count on a “Republican Front” to carry their candidate to victory, they miscalculated. The media that was so cozy with the En Marche wunderkind on the 1st round has turned snippy. And, no matter how many old devils surface, they seem to think Marine Le Pen has managed to take the onus off of her party. More or less.

Many honest citizens will abstain or vote blank. Marine Le Pen is trying to seduce the 1st round voters of the lider maximo Mélenchon, who won’t take a stand one way or the other. Reportedly, one third are ready to go her way. In his concession speech, François Fillon said he would vote Macron. Hard to swallow for him as for his supporters, but consistent with the view that the Front National is not a legitimate political party. Many high profile members of the LR followed suit; others announced they would not vote for either candidate. A few have already edged into Macron’s camp since Fillon was weakened by scandal. François Baroin, once slated to be Fillon’s PM, is now running the LR legislative campaign. If the party maintains its majority, Baroin would accept the post of prime minister in an En Marche-LR cohabitation government. No one knows if the Assembly is going to be a patchwork, a tossed salad, or a sour soup.

And then there’s holier than thou Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (known as NDA), a man of such high principles that he broke away from the conservative party (today’s LR) and started his own movement to defend national sovereignty, dignity, and integrity. Fishing in the same voter pool as François Fillon, NDA reveled in his rival’s mishaps. The gift of expensive suits? NDA, mayor of Yerres, raises his eyebrows: “I gave back all the gifts I received.” You could just see the right honorable mayor depositing in the municipal treasure chest the paperweight offered by a local printing company, the tool kit donated by a hardware store, and other such precious gifts. Does he employ his wife as parliamentary assistant? “Yes,” he exclaims, “and she really works!!!”

On the 1st round election night, defeated candidates and prominent members of their parties announced one after the other their reluctant or enthusiastic support for Emmanuel Macron. Clean as a whistle NDA, who scored under the 5% minimum that entitles a candidate to reimbursement of an important share of his campaign expenses, coyly promised to state his position the next day. It dragged on until the Friday presentation of the dream team: Marine President, Dupont-Aignan Prime Minister. The vice president of NDA’s party (Debout la France / Stand tall, France), horrified by this unholy alliance, immediately resigned. Citizens of Yerres are disgusted. But most commentators seem to think Marine has finally achieved her goal of making a real alliance with a real political party. What a catch!

What a catch? She’s fishing for giant tuna and she hooks a sardine, big deal! Since MLP and NDA joined forces, her platform has cracked and fizzled. Frexit is kicked down the road, the euro won’t be ditched, the linchpin of a rickety economic project is removed, leaving only barebones French-first promises, most of which are unconstitutional or impossible without leaving the EU and the eurozone. Huge gaps are plastered over with boasting. Marine will give the EU a piece of the glorious French people’s mind, she’ll negotiate from strength, she’ll wrest control of borders, protect our economy from unfair competition, ridiculous regulations, lousy trade agreements, and dumping of products and workers. How about the euro, blamed for our import-export ills? It will be retained, after all. Temporarily. But only for international exchanges. The French will have their cherished franc for domestic exchanges. I watched Marine’s niece, the young MP Marion Maréchal Le Pen, explain the double-decker currency to a hawk-eyed BFM TV economic expert … who didn’t even blink!

One thing is clear: immediately upon taking office MLP/NDA will set about moralizing political life. Marine’s supporters are not bothered by the EU Parliament’s demand for reimbursement of 5 million euros in funds misused by FN eurodeputies. It doesn’t bother the raised eyebrows of Dupont-Aignan either. No snooper journalist has zoomed in on a Daddy Warbucks that might have given Marine a free outfit or a buy-all-you-want card at the French equivalent of Macy’s basement. Then there are the varied accusations of financial irregularities in FN operations here in France. Jean-François Jalckh, who is involved in those scandals, served briefly as interim party chief while Marine is making her way to the presidency, stepped down after just a few days in office, embarrassed by some boiler plate negationism captured in a 2005 interview for Le Temps des saviors.

Jalckh denies he said Zyklon B could not be used for wide scale massacres; the journalist says she has the recording; Marine says she wants nothing to do with that kind of talk that led her to break with her father. Jean-Marie Le Pen blubbered that the slain policeman Xavier Jugelé was honored as a homosexual (Jugelé was an LGBT activist within the police force) not as a man in blue.

One commentator suggested that Marine is on her way to achieving her dream of reorganizing the Right around her axis. In other words, bagging NDA with his self-righteous smirk is enough to undo the intricate conservative movement established after France was liberated from the Nazis and maintained in relative good health ever since. They should all disappear into the hole dug to bury François Fillon?

Highlights of the first week of campaigning: Commemorations, delocalizations, exploitation

The 2nd round campaign has been frantic and incoherent. To cast light on the dark origins of the Front National, Emmanuel Macron did a round of commemorations of “horrors that must never be repeated”: the Armenian Genocide, the Nazi atrocity at Oradour sur Glane, the Deportation, the Shoah, and the 1995 drowning of Brahim Bouarram pushed into the Seine by skinheads during a Front National Mayday parade. Marine Le Pen decried her rival’s exploitation of the dead.

And what about contemporary atrocities? To her credit, Marine Le Pen did mention the murder of Sarah Halimi, but neither candidate has made an issue of the contemporary form of anti-Jewish persecution. MP Meyer Habib is following the case, in close contact with the victim’s brother William Attal and with the interior minister. At Habib’s suggestion the family has retained Maître Gilles William Goldnadel, lawyer, columnist, and president of the France-Israel association. Further Details of the vicious jihad murder have emerged: Sarah Halimi was subject to “torture and barbaric supplications” before being pushed out the window by Kada Traoré. Inexplicably, the police, called to the address because Traoré was on the rampage, waited downstairs until commando reinforcements arrived. Too late.

Close to a thousand people participated in the march in tribute to Sarah Halimi. They had not yet reached her building when some of the organizers stopped the march and asked them to leave their flowers. The participants refused. When they reached the site, they saw (visibly Muslim) neighbors on their balconies cursing and throwing projectiles at them. A bit further, local “youths” threatened them. “We know what to do with you, Jews. We have kalachs.” An eyewitness tells me that mature family men joined the younger Jews and chased the aggressors away.

Courageous political leaders, including Manuel Valls and François Fillon, have identified antizionism as the modern form of antisemitism. Times of Israel unearthed a basket of comments by Marine’s running mate Dupont-Aignan: in 2014 he defended a French parliamentary motion for unilateral recognition of the Palestinian state, condemned Israel’s “disproportionate” reactions and “unacceptable” collateral damage to civilians during the Protective Edge operation, called the land operation an “invasion,” slammed France’s failure to “rein in” Israel. He described the conflict as a duel between two hawkish camps led respectively by Netanyahu and Hamas. Nothing better can be expected of Emmanuel Macron on this score.

Frantic campaign maneuvers

Traditionally, French presidential candidates gallop over to the nearest labor dispute and promise that such things will never happen once they are elected. This time it’s the closure of a Whirlpool plant in Amiens that is relocating to Poland, and the workers are vigorously protesting against the disgraceful delocalization. They don’t know or don’t care to know that Whirlpool (we say whirl as in world, the French say it as in weird) is an American company started as a small family business in 1885 and now operating in 26 countries. The story is edifying. After his first venture failed, Lou Upton was able to salvage one item. He chose the patent on a hand washer and wringer that he thought could be electrified. It worked. But all the machines in the first shipment broke down because of one defective part. The company solved the problem, replaced all the machines, and established its good reputation.

When Marine Le Pen heard that Emmanuel Macron was meeting with labor and management in an office at the Amiens site, she dropped everything and parachuted herself into the crowd of angry workers, bringing them croissants, hugs & kisses, and selfie-ops. After she left, Macron came out of the office and mingled, but the reception was cool. Faced with insinuations of buttering up the workers with croissants, FN-affiliated MP Gilbert Collard sputtered, “We’re not whores, the workers aren’t whores…it’s the bankers that are whores.”

This is one of Marine’s major lines of attack against Macron: he is an instrument of the evil financial oligarchy, once a banker always a friend of the bankers. He’s a tool of the financial monster that sucks the blood of the hardworking people, feeds the voracious multinationals that crush the working man, destroy our countryside, ruins our farmers and small businessmen, inundates us with hostile immigrants.

Emmanuel Macron counter-attacked with a foray into Sarcelles, one of those banlieues where, he proudly declared, Marine would not be welcome. He was surrounded by cheering diversity locals. slim Macron in his elegant suit kicked around a soccer ball to squeals of delight, made a fake goal with the help of an enthusiastic supporter, squinted as he was hugged by a woman in hijab. The socialist mayor of Sarcelles, François Pupponi, looked on with a smile. At a conference organized by the UPJF [Union des patrons et professionnels juifs de France] in March, Pupponi said the Salafists are messing up Sarcelles. Once known as Little Jerusalem, Sarcelles was home to a vibrant population of Jewish refugees from the Maghreb. In the summer of 2014 rioters wreaked havoc, burned down a kosher grocery, and attacked a synagogue.

May Day

The traditional worker’s May Day parade was billed this year as anti-Le Pen but the bulk of the message was “No to the plague and cholera” and the outrage was concentrated on Emmanuel Macron the banker. As the usual marching crowd moved slowly down the boulevard from Place de la République heading to Bastille and Place de la Nation, buoyed by giant balloons bobbing in the wind and ear-blasting sound trucks, hundreds of Black Blocs and associated party crashers were already fighting the police a few hundred meters past the Bastille. Pictures of a riot policeman engulfed in flames have gone around the world tour, making a mockery of the state of emergency, and reminding us that above and beyond this tumbledown presidential campaign, France has to deal with the full range of violent subversive forces.

Anarchists roam the city, smashing whatever pops up on their disapproval list: Real estate agencies, trendy clothing stores and always and repeatedly, banks. Money is the root of all evil, except of course if they need some for themselves. They deface all the election posters displayed on age-old municipal hoardings in front of polling places. Sometimes they team up with the lycéens, barricade the entry to schools, set fire to trash cans here, motorcycles there. Destroy.

27 April: Historian of past and present, Georges Bensoussan presented his latest release, Une France Soumise [French submission], to a receptive audience at the Cercle Bernard Lazare, a Jewish community center in the Marais. Readers of Troubled Dawn of the 21st Century will find an account of an assault on the CBL by pro-Palestinians marching for peace in 2003. Editorial director of the groundbreaking Territoires perdus de la République, Bensoussan again worked with a team of investigators gathering testimony from private citizens, public servants, medical personnel and other professionals exposed to the thrust of Islamic domination. Ninety percent of the people interviewed asked to remain anonymous, either out of fear of reprisals from aggressors or disapproval from their superiors. Bensoussan is not an alarmist, he is not inspired by any personal animosity, he could have refrained from examining these distressful truths, the better to promote his distinguished career. Instead, historian of the Shoah, Jewish refugee from the Maghreb, he has taken it upon himself to look the facts in the face. If the ills cannot be recognized, he says, they cannot be cured. Listening to anecdotes, statistics, overall impressions and analyses, it felt like being dipped into the “reservoir of hatred” that the author warns can explode at the slightest spark. He takes care to add that despite her rhetoric, Marine Le Pen is not the answer. The Front National is anti-democratic, a danger to the nation.

According to Aymeric Chauprade, Le Pen’s former foreign policy advisor, Marine Le Pen is under the influence of the obsessively antisemitic Frédéric Chatillon who handles PR and is a big cog in the party’s financial machine, currently under investigation. Chatillon’s political origins in the neo-Nazi GUD movement and his current links to Bashar al Assad, Hezbollah, Alain Soral, Dieudonné, and others of the same ilk remind us of other examples of collusion between these seemingly disparate forces.

Does this reassure us about the will and the way that Emmanuel Macron will protect our cherished freedom and lead a democratic defense of our national sovereignty and international civilization, domestically and within the European Union that he wants to strengthen and federate? Will he protect the living with as much devotion as he has shown to the memory of the dead, victims of the same persecution from a 20th century version of totalitarian conquest? Determined to combat Daesh…as long as it is done under UN auspices, committed to a solution of the Mideast conflict…in conformity with international law, Emmanuel Macron advocates peace and harmony.

Questioned about the May Day violence, Macron promised stiff penalties for anyone who attacks the police, and fire-resistant uniforms for law enforcement.

Far from reassuring on this count as on other major issues, the probable future president will face the skepticism of a majority of the electorate, the reluctant support of those who choose him as a lesser evil, the explosive anger of disappointed followers of Mélenchon and Le Pen, and the wrath of the Front Social, a hard-nosed fringe of the labor movement and assorted autonomists acting in concert with the violent Destroy fringe and determined to settle scores in the street, not in the voting booth. On the site of the Publicis branch of the CGT (Communist trade union) the photo of the riot policeman engulfed in flames is labeled “poulet rôti” [roast chicken = roast cop].

Is something more ominous at work beneath the surface of this dismal presidential campaign? Is the choice between the Front National meteor with its Petainist tail and the En Marche bombshell innocently harboring an Islamist powder keg a sign of acquiescence to the new wave of genocide sweeping our world? The Front National is, they say, banalisé. Not a shameful heir to the disgrace of the 20th century, just an ordinary political party. And an ordinary extermination, an ordinary past. Time to forget and move on. En Marche, move on, on the go, forward with all the youthful energy of progressives, new faces…facing new forms of subversion armed with victim status and appealing to universal values…the better to eat you with, my dears.

VIDEO: Remembering the first ISIS attack in the U.S. on May 4th, 2015

isis attack garland txRare look inside the Culwell Center located in Garland, Texas terrorist attack on May 4th, 2015 by two Al Khilafa soldiers of ISIS as it unfolded:

The United West team thanks the Garland Police Department and Garland Police SWAT Unit for keeping all the attendees safe during this terrorist event.

The two Muslim Jihadi shooters were wearing body armor, they were armed with 100 round drum fed fully automatic AK-47’s, and had grenades they did not have time to detonate. There mission, luckily for us, failed but imagine for a brief moment what would could have happened if these to Muslim Jihadis picked a softer location like a mall, restaurant, or hospital.

Interestingly there was not one single pro Islamist protester at the event. Conversely, at the Stand with the Prophet event in January close to 250 Muslim protesters and their sympathizers were protesting against the 2000+ patriots who were protesting the Muslim event being held at the Culwell Center.

Geert Wilders, who was there, speaks just after the Garland, Texas attack.

VIDEO: Gays Against Islamic [Shariah] Law Rally in Manchester

This special edition of The Glazov Gang presents the Tommy English Moment with Tommy English, the leader of Gays Against Shariah-UK.

Tommy discussed Gays Against Shariah Rally in Manchester, announcing the march that will shed light on Islam’s teachings on homosexuality —  and call out the Left and LGBT community on their silence and betrayal.

Gays Against Shariah and Gay Conservative Forum “The Outright” will be protesting in Manchester on June 10, 2017. They will be meeting at Manchester Piccadilly railway station between 11:00 am and 1:45 pm for a march starting at 2:00 pm. Visit their event page for all the finalized details of the rally. (Visit Tommy on Twitter at @EnglishTommy1).


Female Iranian footballer kicked off national team for playing without hijab in Switzerland

Sandra Solomon Moment: What Islam Taught Me About Homosexuality

EDITORS NOTE: Please support The Glazov Gang because they are a fan-generated show and need your help to keep going. Make a contribution or set up a monthly pledge by clicking here.

Left-fascists at University of Buffalo shut down discussion of Radical Islamic threats

Last night I appeared at the University of Buffalo at the invitation of the courageous students of Young Americans for Freedom, who have to put up with this Left-fascist thuggery on a daily basis, while I left Buffalo this morning. I say I “appeared,” because to say “I spoke” would be exaggerating a bit. Rather, I started a few sentences, made a couple of points, in between being screamed at by Leftist and Islamic supremacist fascists who think they’re opposing fascism.

The Spectrum article below is not that bad a report from the campus newspaper, showing the Left-fascist opposition to the freedom of speech, with a few exceptions: I am not a “self-proclaimed expert on radical Islam,” as I have never proclaimed myself an expert on anything, and my work stands or falls on the basis of the evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah, history and current events. Nor do I ever speak about “radical Islam,” which is a Western construct that does not exist in the Islamic world. And I didn’t call the fascists “uninformed fascists”; although they are indeed uninformed and think they know a great deal more than they actually do, I didn’t use that word. Finally, the reporters Ashley Inkumsah and Sarah Crowley wrote that I was “unphased” by the screaming fascists, when I was actually “unfazed.”

That said, I am grateful to Ashley Inkumsah and Sarah Crowley for a generally accurate report. Note the claims of victimhood trotted out yet again by the Muslims quoted in the article. They have hoodwinked the University of Buffalo Left-fascists into thinking that it’s “Islamophobes,” rather than jihad terrorists, who are killing people around the world. And that is one thing I said last night, although it is doubtful that the fascists heard it: the guy holding the sign “Queers Against Islamophobia” and any feminists in the audience have no idea what they’re enabling. By shutting down any discussion of the motivating ideology of the jihad threat and consigning it all to the realm of “hatred” and “bigotry,” they are only enabling that threat to grow, and one day, they may very well experience the consequences of their actions firsthand.

Meanwhile, UPD Chief of Police Gerald Schoenle “wished more university staff were present at the event to contain the disruptive crowd of students who were unable to get in.” This is disingenuous in the extreme. There were hordes of disruptive students who got in with no problem. What’s more, Schoenle overruled a plan that his subordinates had agreed to with my security team, that hecklers and screamers would be asked to be quiet and then escorted out. Schoenle actively aided and abetted the Left-fascist destruction of the event. Write him, courteously and politely, and remind him of the importance of the freedom of speech as the foundation of any free society, and the dangers of aiding and abetting Left-fascist thuggery for the future of any free society, at gws3@buffalo.edu. Also Tom Tiberi from Campus Life should was supposedly there to assist in making the event successful, but just stood by and did nothing while the Left-fascists screamed their abuse. He’s at tiberi@buffalo.edu. Remember: all messages to Schoenle and Tiberi should be polite, respectful, and courteous, sticking to the facts and calling them out for their malfeasance and allowance of Left-fascist thuggery.

Below the student paper article is the article from the Buffalo News, which is worthwhile only for capturing one thing I said: “The attempt to silence someone who has a differing viewpoint was a ‘quintessentially fascist act, and you are manifesting it in a wonderful way tonight,’ said Spencer.” There is also this: “Spencer frequently discusses terrorism by Muslims as being religiously motivated, an argument that has put him in the cross-hairs of American Muslims who say his interpretation of Islam is dangerously inaccurate and perverts their faith.”

Those American Muslims have a big problem on their hands, because in reality, I have no interpretation of Islam at all, but only report on how Muslims interpret it, which all too often involves justifications of and exhortations to violence. They are avid to silence me because they don’t want Americans to know how jihadis use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify hatred, violence, and supremacism.

And so the University of Buffalo Left-fascists abundantly signaled their virtue by screaming at me for an hour and a half. What have they accomplished by doing so? Will the jihad threat thereby go away? Alas, no.

“A campus divided: Robert Spencer’s visit met with chaos and opposition from UB community,” by Ashley Inkumsah and Sarah Crowley, The Spectrum (University of Buffalo), May 2, 2017:

Students and faculty piled into Knox 109 to both hear Robert Spencer’s speech and protest his appearance.

Robert Spencer couldn’t speak for more than 30 seconds without students shouting and cursing at him on Monday night.

Spencer planned to speak to students about “the dangers of jihad in today’s world” but constant heckling from the crowd made it near impossible for him to complete a full sentence. Spencer, a self-proclaimed expert on radical Islam, runs a website called Jihad Watch.

Students called Spencer things like a “Nazi, “Trump Jr.” and a “pseudo-intellectual,” and most of his hour-long speech was inaudible. Spencer seemed unphased [sic] as students shouted over him and he responded, calling the crowd “uninformed fascists.”

Students who were anti-Spencer and pro-Spencer attended the event. In the end, many students left feeling little had been accomplished for either side.

“I think what ends up happening in debates like this where there’s different people who feel very strongly about different things, instead of seeing the other side’s perspective is they strengthen their own perspective,” said Fiza Ali, senior finance major.

Hundreds of students and faculty were unable to get into Knox 109, which only fits 200 people. University Police said the room reached its full capacity and letting more people in would be a fire hazard.

Students banged on the door chanting “let us in” as UPD struggled to contain the rowdy students. The officers were flustered and visibly unprepared for the unruly crowd. Two officers searched their phones to find laws to cite to students about why they couldn’t get in.

But many people weren’t surprised with this outcome.

When Spencer’s visit was announced it immediately caused a firestorm across the university and posed questions about the implications of free speech.

Although Student Association did not pay for Spencer to speak, thousands of students and faculty petitioned for SA to remove its logo from flyers about Spencer’s visit and many demanded his visit be canceled all together. Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) invited Spencer for the club’s first official event.

Despite the outcries of discontent from the UB community, Spencer still spoke. He entered Knox 109 to a swarm of boos and middle fingers from the crowd.

Spencer held a thumbs up with a grin on his face and took his phone out to record people booing him.

“I was invited to speak whether you like that or not,” Spencer said.

When Spencer agreed to debate anyone, he was met with a roaring applause.

Students asked him a wide range of questions, such as, what the central tenets of Islam were, what measures the military should take to defend against terrorism and if white men contributed to U.S. terrorism.

Midway through every answer, someone interrupted.

YAF Chairwoman Lynn Sementilli repeatedly asked students to quiet down as they interrupted Spencer while he tried to answer questions.

Before Spencer’s speech, Muslim Student Association held a peaceful sit-in as students gathered on the ground floor of Knox Hall. Roughly 80 students and faculty members showed solidarity for Muslims while some prayed.

“This is our narrative, our voice being stripped from us, and we demand to take it back,” said MSA President Samiha Islam. “Spencer and his followers have never been impacted by Islamophobia, we have. More Muslims have been harmed and killed by ISIS than any other group in the world. We vociferously denounce terrorism at every junction, hundreds of times publicly and privately and declare this is not what Islam represents.”

Kadija Mohammed, a sophomore undecided major, said she was disappointed that the university allowed Spencer to speak.

“I was shocked that there weren’t any moves by the school to stop him from coming, considering he’s banned from the U.K., like you have to be pretty bad to be banned from the U.K., if the queen doesn’t want to see your face, that’s a bad day,” Mohammed said.

Spencer spent a large portion of his speech reading from the Quran.

He read a part of Quran about gays and lesbians that referred to them as “adulterers,” and the crowd erupted in boos and cursed at him.

Sementilli said she expected the crowd to ask “tough questions,” but didn’t expect the crowd to impede on the dialogue.

“They are responsible for their own actions obviously we can’t control what anybody does,” she said. “It would have been nice if they would’ve been more respectful to the speaker and participated in a more productive dialogue.”

Both Luciana Sena, a senior legal studies major and Jared Armitage, a junior political science major, feel conservative perspectives aren’t heard on campus.

“It’s kind of an ongoing discussion here with the more conservative or Republican groups on campus that our free speech is often suppressed and I think that we saw that here today by not allowing one side of the discussion to speak,” Sena said.

UPD Chief of Police Gerald Schoenle wished more university staff were present at the event to contain the disruptive crowd of students who were unable to get in. He said the university will try to hold future potentially chaotic events in bigger venues like the Student Union Theater or Alumni Arena.

“Overall, well nobody got hurt, the points were heard on both sides so from that perspective so from that point of view it went OK,” Schoenle said.

“Controversial speaker at UB shouted down, heckled,” by Jay Tokasz, Buffalo News, May 1, 2017:

It wasn’t Berkeley or Middlebury, by any stretch.

But controversial speaker Robert Spencer was repeatedly shouted down and heckled at the podium Monday inside a University at Buffalo lecture room, as he tried to give a talk on “Exposing Radical Islam: The Dangers of Jihad in Today’s World.”

Two hundred people, most of them clearly opposed to Spencer’s point of view on Islam, sat in on the talk, while another 100 or more people were kept outside the room by university police due to fire code limits inside.

University officials and police had been on alert for the potential for significant demonstrations, in light of recent havoc at other campuses across the country over conservative-leaning speakers like Spencer, an author whose books on terrorism have been widely criticized by Islamic groups as anti-Muslim.

Spencer used a microphone during his talk but was frequently drowned out by shouts and chants to let more students inside. Some students called him a Nazi, while others yelled for him to shut up.

Spencer at times pulled out his cellphone to record the boisterous crowd. The attempt to silence someone who has a differing viewpoint was a “quintessentially fascist act, and you are manifesting it in a wonderful way tonight,” said Spencer. “What you have in this room besides the manifestation of fascism is a very interesting phenomenon in that I would doubt that any one of you has read a single thing I’ve written.”

Students began showing up to demonstrate against Spencer nearly two hours before his talk.

Tension had been building on campus since the conservative student group Young Americans for Freedom announced Spencer’s visit in April.

One of the aims of the group, which has had a chapter at UB since February, is to bring conservative-minded speakers to campus.

Within days, graduate student Alexandra Prince circulated a petition condemning Spencer as a “notorious Islamophobe and hate monger” and urging that student fees not be used to give him a platform on campus for hate speech.

Spencer frequently discusses terrorism by Muslims as being religiously motivated, an argument that has put him in the cross-hairs of American Muslims who say his interpretation of Islam is dangerously inaccurate and perverts their faith.

Spencer is part of a speaker’s bureau organized by the national Young Americans for Freedom Foundation, and he frequently talks on college campuses at the invitation of local YAF chapters….


Robert Spencer heading to Iceland, Left-fascists in uproar

University of Iowa: Muslim student charged with making terrorist threat

VIDEO: A Interview with Sandra Solomon

Sandra Solomon is a former Muslim, raised in Saudi Arabia, who now lives in Canada. We talked with her about:

  • Being an apostate
  • How Canadian hate speech laws affect her
  • What it is like to wear the black robes in the heat
  • Child brides
  • Rape of female servants
  • What it is like to see the West while living in a Sharia nation

What you discover from her answers is that Muslims follow the Islamic doctrine, just as it is laid out in the Koran and the Sunna of Mohammed.

Operation Mural

Children rescued during operation Mural.

Children rescued during Operation Mural.

Bat Ye’or, Giselle Littman, is the nom de plume of noted author of The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam, Eurabia: The Europe Arab Axis,  Europe, Globalization, and the Coming of the Universal Caliphate and other major works in her oeuvre. Her books and articles cover the treatment of Jews and Christians in Muslim Lands, the threat of Islamization of the West and what she called, “the Palestinization of Israel.”

Bat Ye’or is featured in the book and documentary about  Operation Mural about the Israeli Mossad covert operation that involved both her and her late husband David Littman posing as Christians smuggled the first 530 Jewish children to Israel via Switzerland and France under the guise of a summer camp. They were the leading edge of ultimately more than 100,000 Moroccan Jews to gain freedom in the land of Israel in 1961. Operation Mural was launched following the tragic loss of 44 Moroccan Jews lost when an illegal immigrant ship the Egoz capsized.  Emigration to Israel had been restricted by Morocco following its Independence from France in 1956.

For his efforts, David Littman was awarded the Mossad Hero of Silence by a grateful Israeli government in 2009.

Here is the note Bat Ye’or sent this writer about  development of the book on Operation Mural:

Bat Ye’or , Giselle Littman.

Bat Ye’or , Giselle Littman.

Dearest Jerry and Jean,

First, many thanks for your beautiful card that you kindly sent me for Pesach. I had been in Paris where I gave a lecture on the Islamization of Jerusalem by UNESCO. I am so happy to see that you are active together as always, devoted to fight the vicious enemies of our people.

I wanted to tell you that I am delighted to see that David’s beautiful and generous act on behalf of Moroccan children, prevented to leave the country, is remembered in this feast of Passover commemorating deliverance and freedom. We had to keep it secret for many years because it would have endangered people working still there. Meanwhile, others who never went to Morocco claimed the merit of it.

I am happy that the film was produced and the book written: Operation Mural giving all the proofs from Swiss archives. Although he was much weakened, David Littman, z”l, finished this book while he was in the clinic of Genoliers under heavy treatment for an aggressive form of leukemia. I stayed most of the time with him and it is from there that I wrote for you late at night in the dark room, hardly seeing anything, an interview that you had published beautifully in The West Speaks (2012).

Ariane, our daughter, helped David in typing the manuscript and after his death edited it with skill, adding the documents and some testimonies of children who are now grandparents. The book was published some years ago and I hope that you have a copy.

I hope that you both are strong and healthy like when I met you so many years ago. I think often of my American friends and I am proud to see their achievements in fighting this terrible world jihadist battle to save the most important human right that Judaism proclaimed for humanity, three thousand years ago: Freedom!

Giselle Littman aka Bat Ye’or

A special showing of the film Operation Mural-Casablanca 1961 will be held at B’nai Israel Synagogue in Pensacola, Florida on Sunday, May 7, 2017 at 4PM.  Following the film, a panel composed of synagogue members Esther Allen and Kate Lollar of Moroccan Jewish Sephardim heritage will discuss their experience during WWII, the period that led up to Operation Mural and a relative who was among the first wave of Moroccan children who left for Israel facilitated by the Littmans.

An assortment of Moroccan delicacies will be served to attendees at the Operation Mural event.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.