A Day that will Live in Infamy: Iran Celebrates Getting Nuclear Bomb

The P5+1 and the Iranians have agreed to a deal that ensures Iran has nuclear weapons capabilities and lifts economic sanctions on the terror supporting Islamic regime. President Obama stood in front of the camera this morning and lied to the entire world. Click here to read the full transcript of his statement on the Iranian nuclear deal.

One truth in Obama’s statement is, “Iran currently has a stockpile that can produce up to 10 nuclear weapons.”

Benjamin Netanyahu stood in front of a camera and warned the entire free world of the consequences of this toothless deal.

In the terror enclave known as Boston, the son of a police captain was arrested and charged with terrorist activity.

An finally, and most disturbing of all, the Islamic State blows up a baby while training it’s members the fine art of booby-trapping!

Join us, sit back and get aggravated!


Here’s the Truth About 6 of Obama’s Iran Deal Claims

23 Tweets Responding to the Iran Nuclear Deal

What 2016ers Say About Obama’s Nuke Deal With Iran

Planned Parenthood Sells Body Parts of Aborted Children

LOS ANGELES, July 14—New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted fetuses, and admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts.

In the video, Nucatola is at a business lunch with actors posing as buyers from a human biologics company. As head of PPFA’s Medical Services department, Nucatola has overseen medical practice at all Planned Parenthood locations since 2009. She also trains new Planned Parenthood abortion doctors and performs abortions herself at Planned Parenthood Los Angeles up to 24 weeks.

The buyers ask Nucatola, “How much of a difference can that actually make, if you know kind of what’s expected, or what we need?”

“It makes a huge difference,” Nucatola replies. “I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps. The kind of rate-limiting step of the procedure is calvarium. Calvarium—the head—is basically the biggest part.”

Nucatola explains, “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

“And with the calvarium, in general, some people will actually try to change the presentation so that it’s not vertex,” she continues. “So if you do it starting from the breech presentation, there’s dilation that happens as the case goes on, and often, the last step, you can evacuate an intact calvarium at the end.”

Using ultrasound guidance to manipulate the fetus from vertex to breech orientation before intact extraction is the hallmark of the illegal partial-birth abortion procedure (18 U.S.C. 1531).

Nucatola also reveals that Planned Parenthood’s national office is concerned about their liability for the sale of fetal parts: “At the national office, we have a Litigation and Law Department which just really doesn’t want us to be the middle people for this issue right now,” she says. “But I will tell you that behind closed doors these conversations are happening with the affiliates.”

The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2).

A separate clip shows Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards praising Nucatola’s work to facilitate connections for fetal tissue collection. “Oh good,” Richards says when told about Nucatola’s support for fetal tissue collection at Planned Parenthood, “Great. She’s amazing.”

The video is the first by The Center for Medical Progress in its “Human Capital” series, a nearly 3-year-long investigative journalism study of Planned Parenthood’s illegal trafficking of aborted fetal parts. Project Lead David Daleiden notes: “Planned Parenthood’s criminal conspiracy to make money off of aborted baby parts reaches to the very highest levels of their organization. Elected officials must listen to the public outcry for Planned Parenthood to be held accountable to the law and for our tax dollars to stop underwriting this barbaric abortion business.”


REPORT: Aborted Baby Parts Being Used to Grow Human Organs in Rodents

These Famous Food Companies Have Been Caught Using Aborted Babies for Flavor Additives

6 Scandals Involving Planned Parenthood

Senator Ted Cruz calls for ‘immediate’ investigation into Planned Parenthood

2016 GOP Contenders Call for Investigation of Planned Parenthood

New York City ‘Pissed Away’ by Mayor Ed ‘the Red’ De Blasio

Pissed-AwayJoin us for a Tom-less episode of Enemies of The State. We cover the recently escaped Mexican drug lord El Chapo Guzman, and why his best bet might be to go to San Francisco.

New York City Mayor Ed “The Red” De Blasio’s policies of allowing crimes to go unpunished, and the devastating affects they have on life in the Big Apple.

More examples of the Islamic State acting like real Muslims should, like killing dozens for not fasting during Ramadan.

And finally we take a look back at Friday’s show and the infamous “Doctor” Kevin Barrett and his Jew-hating potty mouth! Join us, you won’t regret it!

The Marriage Between the Church and the United States of America

The Christian Church and the USA have been “married” from day one. Time to get it back on track.

As William Lane Craig, noted Christian apologist wrote, “God has necessarily decreed that human beings are to be treated as ends in themselves rather merely as means to ends.” It is the individual that controls government, not the other way around.


Gays Throw Human Excrement At Christians, Wipe Their Anuses With Pages of The Bible by Theodore Shoebat

Lesbian U.S. Senator Says First Amendment Protects Free Exercise ONLY INSIDE of Churches, Synagogues and Mosques

MADNESS: 15-Year-Olds to Get State-Subsidized Sex-Change Operations WITHOUT PARENTAL NOTIFICATION

Gay Activists Put up Version of Iwo Jima Photo; ‘Jennifer Aniston’ Posts a Bold Response

Epic Meltdown by Muslim Fitnaphobe Dr. Kevin Barrett

Hold on folks and get ready to hear some X-Rated language by a Muslim scholar who HATES me and The United West. This is quite ironic because it is usually the Muslims who accuse us of being hating “Islamophobes.”

Well, you can judge for yourself which side the Muslim Dr. Kevin Barrett or me, a Christian, exhibits professionalism and respect for the other.

So the question is simple, does the doctrine of Islam allows Muslims to act as Mr. Barrett does or is Mr. Barrett simply a nut-case psycho? These and other penetrating questions will be addressed by me and the other Muslim on the show, Chris “Isa” Hodge.

EDITORS NOTE: Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Muslim exhibits classic Fitnaphobic behaviors. Barrett is not a nut-case psycho, he is attacking Tom Trento to stop the Fitna (resistance to Islam and shariah laws).

His use of dirty language shows the anger and frustration of individual Fitnaphobes as they combat (wage jihad) those who tell the truth about Islam. It is brutally refreshing to see someone who is doing the will of Allah by slaughtering the Christian Trento using verbal abuse and bullying.

Fitnaphobes like Barrett do not want peaceful dialogue, they want to dominate first the dialogue then the world.

Isa Hodge on Islam!

Get ready folks for an extremely interesting (and entertaining) show where a Christian, me, and a Muslim, Chris “Isa” Hodge, go head-to-head on Isa’s show discussing and debating Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

In spite of some “confrontational” moments, both sides have agreed to continue this intellectual wrestling match.

Don’t miss part 1 and do not miss part 2!

Survey of American Muslims: Sharia and Violence Are ‘Acceptable’

We are constantly told that only a tiny minority of Muslims hold extremist views and that Muslims make wonderful citizens. But a recent survey refutes all of this optimistic propaganda.

The survey tell us that significant numbers of Muslims in America do not want to be ruled by our Constitution but want Sharia law. Nearly a third of the Muslims said that violence to enforce Sharia blasphemy laws are acceptable. Nearly 10% of American Muslims say that Islamic State is real Islam.

Why do we want to admit more Muslims who oppose our laws and customs? How can Muslims be true citizens of America?

A recent survey shows thousands of American Muslims support shariah and jihad.

EDITORS NOTE: The survey discussed by Dr. Warner reveals the level at which American Muslims are “Fitnaphobic.” The results show, “[S]ignificant minorities embrace supremacist [Fitnaphobic] notions that could pose a threat to America’s security and its constitutional form of government.” To read the survey click here.

The rejection of the U.S. Constitution as the “supreme law of the land” is based upon the Quranic requirement that shariah be preeminent. Anyone resisting the imposition of shariah law [Fitna] must be stopped, by any and all means available.

Fitnaphobes cannot, by definition, be loyal to their host country’s laws, in this case the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States of America. They may pretend to adhere to the host countries laws until such time as they are numerous enough to impose shariah and thereby end the Fitna.

Putting a Fitnaphobe in any position of authority, public or private, can pose a national security threat to the host nation.

To learn more visit Fitnaphobia.com.

Where is the Homeland for Christians?

With the rise of persecution, perhaps its time to call for a national homeland for Christians!


Top Democrat on Bakers Fined $135K Over Wedding Cake: ‘You Shouldn’t Be Able to Turn People Away’

‘Cake Artist’ Fights in Court to Be Able to Refuse to Make Wedding Cakes for Gay Couples

Oklahoma Governor Rejects Supreme Court’s Ten Commandments Ruling [+video]

When the Feds Demand Same-Sex Marriage, What Will Our Bishops and Pastors Do? [+video]

The New Totalitarians Are Here

Dr. Peter Pry: On Iran’s Nuclear and Electro-Magnetic-Pulse (EMP) Weapons

One of the world’s top experts on nuclear weaponry and Electro-Magnetic-Pulse (EMP) weapons is our in-studio guest as we discuss a variety of critical issues including President Obama’s failure to negotiate successfully with Iran.

Dr. Peter Pry, a former CIA analyst details many complex issues in a very simple manner so that non-experts can understand the importance of prohibiting Iran from getting nuclear weapons. BUT, Dr. Pry is of the intellectual school which believes Iran, like North Korea, already has nuclear weapons and is simply “playing” the West to increase their nuclear capability!

Sooner or later, whether by man or nature, an EMP will hit the United States and many of us will die.

Sound crazy, it is, but even more crazy, it’s TRUE!

VIDEO: Three Reasons Every Religion is Better Than Islam

Every religion is better than Islam, and so is atheism. Here are three reasons:

  1. All religions, except Islam, have the Golden Rule as an ethical cornerstone. Instead Islam has a dualistic ethical code.
  2. In Islam, the Sharia demands that all humanity submit to Islamic customs and law.
  3. The only religion that can kill apostates is Islam. Leaving Islam is a capital crime under the Sharia.

Some say that all religions are the same. But, from these reasons, we can see that Islam is inferior to all others.


Syria: Obama-backed rebels persecute Christians, force them from their homes

UK: Man carries Islamic State flag by Big Ben & Houses of Parliament, police refuse to arrest him

EDITORS NOTE: To learn more about Islam and why they slaughter visit: www.Fitnaphobia.com.

Israel’s Dan Gordon: “Renaissance Warrior”

day of the dead book coverWe have interviewed many wonderful people on our show, “Enemies of the State,” and just a few have earned the description of “Renaissance Man.” Today we introduce you to a true Renaissance Warrior, Israel Defense Force Captain Dan Gordon (Reserve) who is both a citizen of Israel and the United States of America.

With service of over 40 years in the IDF, Dan has also made his mark as a very successful author, screenplay writer and movie producer. Tom and the United West team take a look at Captain Gordon’s powerful new thriller, Day of the Dead – Gaza, which details real-life action during Israel’s 50 day war in the summer of 2014 with probable catastrophic scenarios that the various Islamic jihad organization will use against Israel, The USA and the West. Tune in and buckle up for information so true and so frightening that it will make an Islamic State’s beheading of a journalist look like child’s play.

On this show Dan Gordon details the current war-footing that exists in Israel as that tiny country, surrounded by millions of enemies, prepares for the inevitable showdown, which will determine the future of Israel and the West!

U.S. Veterans Administration: Still “Dysfunctional” with “Unaccountability at Every Level”

veritas logoJames O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, reports:

It has been over a year since the truth about the VA’s abysmal and unacceptable practices were thrust to the forefront of American politics, and yet there has been no discernible change in this bureaucratic nightmare. Our nation’s veterans deserve so much more and this continued mistreatment of our nation’s heroes is a troubling trend that shows no signs of any, let alone imminent, improvement.

Watch Project Veritas’ latest undercover video below showing that after more than a year of significant public outcry over incredibly long wait times, which in numerous cases resulted in the deaths of veterans, the VA is still failing to meet the basic needs of our veterans. Project Veritas investigative journalists captured on hidden camera a host of VA doctors, staffers, and one top official speaking about the many problems that persist at the VA despite official claims to the contrary.

Among the outspoken was Dr. Kristoffel Dumon, a general surgeon for the VA in Philadelphia, who told a Project Veritas undercover journalist that the VA has a “culture of unaccountability at every level.”

In this latest Project Veritas video, VA Undersecretary and Brigadier General Allison Hickey was captured on hidden camera saying that once veterans enter “the appeals process all bets are off, the only solution to that is changing the law or more people.”

A Project Veritas journalist also spoke with Scott Westguard, a VA contractor, who said on hidden camera that “it’s messed up, it’s dysfunctional, it’s incapable of getting the job done because people are there simply picking up the paycheck. There’s no accountability.”

Project Veritas also caught up with Dr. Raul Zambrano, a VA Medical Officer in the VISN & Network Office, who stated that: “we’re way below water in terms of the ability to supply, to meet the requests that’s demanded.”

It’s been 16 months since we learned of the waiting time scandal at the VA. In our last video covering the VA scandal, we identified that 22 of our nation’s heroes were dying by their own hands each day, as opposed to on the battlefield. Our first VA video has already been used to brief Congressmenabout overprescribing dangerous medications to veterans at a recent hearing on Capitol Hill.

In this video, we reveal some of the key underlying flaws within the VA which clearly make the system seem absolutely broken. Our veterans clearly deserve better.

RELATED VIDEO: A Veteran Seeking Help From a VA Office Received a Response No Veteran Should Ever Hear [+video]

Jonathan Cahn’s Warning on America’s Turning Away from God

On April 29, 2015, members of Congress, Christian leaders and people of faith joined together to honor President George Washington as a man of Christian faith in the Capitol’s Statuary Hall. At this event Jonathan Cahn,  author of “The Harbinger“, spoke about what Washington stood for and how America has turned away from God.

As George Santayana wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Please watch this important lesson about America’s past with a warning to America and its leadership:


Exclusive Interview: Atlanta Fire Chief Fired Over His Biblical Views on Gay Marriage Speaks Out

Heaven Help This Poor Child’: Supposed Cutting-Edge Parents Let 3-Year-Old Son Decide He’s a Girl [+video]

LTC Allen West Reads The Declaration of Independence

The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) wishes you a happy and meaningful 4th of July, the anniversary of our Declaration of Independence.

LTC Allen West U.S. Army (Retired), President and CEO of NCPA, reads excerpts from the Declaration of Independence.

Happy 239th Independence Day America!

Oklahoma Supreme Court: The Ten Commandments Suck!

635713507058167020-AP-Oklahoma-Capitol-Ten-CommandmentsLook, this ain’t hard. Once a person abandons the solid moral foundation of the Ten Commandments, that person will have complete and continual instability in his life.

Extrapolating from there to a social context indicates that this principal of moral instability follows a society which abandons the solid foundation of the 10 Commandments in exchange for the illusion of a foundation built on the shifting sand of cultural relativism.

On today’s show we illustrate this critical element of humanity by using the 10 Commandment controversy in Oklahoma and how it relates to each American.

Important stuff, tune in.