VIDEO: It’s Time to Pray — #PrayUSA #300Christians #Just6

A friend sent me this video titled “It’s Time to Pray.” There is a growing anti-government movement in America. With the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage individual states are passing legislation to stop issuing marriage licences. Senator Rand Paul has called for government to get out of marriage.

For Christians it is the time to pray. Please watch this compelling video:

Please go to Twitter and post these hashtags: #PrayUSA, #Call2Fall, #Pray714 #300Christians #just6.

The Flags of Fascism

Two flags represent the war on freedom, the Islamic State flag and the rainbow flag of homosexuality.

Click Here to help us stop them!…


Hate Wins: Oregon State Issues Gag Order Against Opposing Gay Marriage – Breitbart

Here’s How Religious Business Owners Can Protect Themselves

State Silences Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple, Fines Them $135K

In-Depth: 4 Harms the Court’s Marriage Ruling Will Cause

What Do We Do Now?

A Christian Argument: Getting Government Out of Marriage | Trifecta

Can Scott Ott make an argument that Christians should support the Libertarian belief that government shouldn’t be involved in marriage? Check it out!


Stop the Media From Silencing Your Voice on Marriage

Why Bobby Jindal Is ‘Not Evolving’ on Marriage

In-Depth: 4 Harms the Court’s Marriage Ruling Will Cause

How to Preserve Religious Freedom After Supreme Court’s Activist Decision on Marriage

Bobby Jindal: ‘Religious Liberty Created the United States of America’

On Iran: This is What Happens When the World Stays Silent

When the Jews were being slaughtered in the holocaust the world remained silent. Today Iran repeatedly calls for the destruction of Israel and attacks ,through its proxy terrorist groups, Jewish and Israeli civilians around the world. If Iran gets the nuclear bomb will the world stay silent again?

To see all the films in the Clarion Project’s Iran short film series visit:…

President Obama Is God?! — and That Ain’t Good

Whenever a culture exchanges the real God for a facsimile god, the results are ALWAYS culturally and personally disastrous. Welcome to a new, transformational moment in American history as President Obama gets exactly what he wanted from the Supreme Court of the United States, the affirmation of Obamacare and the legalization of Gay marriage, as found in the U.S. Constitution!

Sounds crazy, yep, but crazy is what Obama likes because crazy TRANSFORMS.

From a cultural mess to a national security mess we touch base with Dr. Tim Furnish regarding the FOUR Islamic jihad attacks that occurred over the Ramadan weekend.

What a way to start the day!


In-Depth: 4 Harms the Court’s Marriage Ruling Will Cause

American College of Pediatricians Calls Same-Sex Marriage Ruling ‘a Tragic Day for America’s Children’

Who’s the “Evil Empire” Now? Russia Says It’s Godless America

Christian Farm Family Penalized in Gay Wedding Refusal Cites ‘Orchestrated Set-Up’

VIDEO: Gay men blow kisses, taunting guy in ‘Ask Me About Jesus’ shirt; watch his reaction

Manhood is under attack in the USA

Here’s the ideal plan to win that battle – Manhood by The Bible. Dennis Rainey wrote about the five themes of Biblical manhood:

  1. A man controls his emotions and passions.
  2. A man provides for his family.
  3. A man protects his family.
  4. A man serves and leads his family.
  5. A man follows God’s design for true masculinity.


5 Themes of Biblical Manhood

What does the Bible say about Manhood?

Franklin Graham blasts Obama for ‘gay marriage’ ruling

Why Iran May Not Nuke Israel When They Get the Bomb

The 2015 Ramadon Bombathon if off to a record breaking start with over 1,000 killed and wounded by the followers of the Religion of Peace.

Dr. Timothy Furnish, an Iran CIA expert, discusses why Iran may not Nuke Israel when they get the bomb.


Interview with 2nd Victim of Okla Muslim Beheader: ‘He Started Slicing My Neck’ ‘Shouting in Arabic’

Leading Muslim body calls airing of Muhammad cartoons “odious terrorist act”

Nigeria: Sharia court sentences two to death for blasphemy against Muhammad

Kim Jong Un for President of the United States

We have found the perfect Democratic candidate for the 2016 election.

VIDEO: Islamic Immigration

Islamic immigration [Hijra] is unlike any other form of immigration. The political doctrine of Islam started with Mohammed’s migration from Mecca to Medina. After Mohammed went to Medina his message changed from pure religion to politics and jihad. Only 150 Arabs in Mecca converted, but after 10 years of jihad, every Arab became Muslim.

The migration from Mecca to Medina marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar, since it was migration that produced success.

There are 91 verses that command Muslims to imitate Mohammed. Therefore, every Muslim has the duty to bring the Sharia to the host country, in order to Islamicize it.

IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL: It’s Not Too Late To Change The Channel

What happens if the Iran Nuclear agreement goes bad? Ever wondered what a bad nuclear deal looks like?

Change the Channel is a fast-moving look through the eyes of our news channels at the growing turmoil and eventual destruction wrought by a nuclear Iran on the Middle East and beyond.

What if what happens in Iran doesn’t stay in Iran!

Even America isn’t safe.

Range 15: A movie featuring Real Combat Veterans now a reality

A group of combat veterans got together and decided that Hollywood was not telling the real story about our military and combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. They decided to do something about it. They decided to raise the needed funding for a film titled “Range 15” using the IndieGoGo crowd funding website. To date they have raised over $700,000 from over 6,200 supporters, enough to begin production.

According to the Range 15 team, “This movie is so hardcore military it makes Hollywood wet itself and run home crying to mommy.” Range 15 was spawned from the veterans that make up Ranger Up and Article 15, the two largest military lifestyle brands on the planet. They recruited Ross Patterson to direct the film. Patterson is an actor and writer, known for the films: $50K and a Call Girl: A Love Story (2014), Poolboy: Drowning Out the Fury (2011) and 7-10 Split (2007).

Here’s the 11-man team that put this amazing project together and who will appear in the film :

range 15 team

Not shown in those supporting Range 15 is Marcus Luttrell author of “Lone Survivor“. Watch this video of Marcus endorsing the film.

The Range 15 team states, “We’re making the military movie you’ve always wanted someone to make… we’re nine veterans who got out of the military and believe in the American Dream that anything is possible if you work your ass off. Six of us are regular dudes that served in the infantry and special operations.  One of us (Tim Kennedy) fights in the UFC.  Two of us (Dakota Meyer and Leroy Petry) were awarded the Medal of Honor for extraordinary valor.  They also make a fine quiche.”

Click here to donate and make this film the best ever film about the U.S. military by those who honorably served.


“Boston Bombers not Islam Associated” says U.S. Attorney

The Boston Globe on June 24th, 2015 reported:

An emotional Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev apologized Wednesday at his sentencing hearing for the April 2013 terror attack that killed three people and wounded more than 260 others.

“I would like to apologize to the victims and the survivors,” said Tsarnaev, who was sentenced to death. “I did do it.”

“I am sorry for the lives I have taken, for the suffering I have caused, and for the terrible damage I have done,” he said. He was hunched over and spoke with a slight accent.

It was the first time Tsarnaev’s voice has been heard in federal court in Boston, other than to enter his not-guilty plea. His statement came after hours of heartwrenching testimony from relatives of those killed in the bombing and survivors of the blasts.

“I am Muslim. My religion is Islam. I pray to Allah to bestow his mercy on those affected in the bombing and their families,” he said. “I pray for your healing.” [Emphasis added]

Islam had nothing to do with the Boston bombings – seriously?


Boston Marathon jihad murderer: “I am Muslim. My religion is Islam.”

The New York Times and the Danish Election: Just a Few Little Things

Islamic State set to issue its own currency, models coin designs after those of third caliph

Study claims right-wing extremists bigger threat to U.S. than jihadis

Obama and Hillary Compromised: Iran’s Nukes Fully Intact

The Obama Administration says Iran’s chants of “Death to America” are “not helpful,” but won’t have impact on nuke talks.

Retired Admiral “Ace” Lyons says, “The core elements of the Iranian nuclear program are fully intact and have increased 20-40% since these sham negotiations started.

It all begins in 2008 when then candidate Sen. Barak Obama, according to Michael Levine, opened secret negotiations with the Ayatollah’s. The message was don’t sign any agreements with the Bush Administration you will get a better deal from me when I’m President, I am a friend of Iran. This borders on treason! Mind boggling.

Let’s talk about Benghazi. This is a Hillary scenario, Hillary is a pathological liar. Hillary’s emails – You know everyone of our enemies have hacked into her emails, they have the full book on her. She (Hillary Clinton) is totally compromised, she is damaged goods. There’s no way she can be allowed back into the White House.

  • 4:25 – Things were working out in Libya until she met with a Muslim Brotherhood operative at the Paris Westin Hotel for a 45 minute meeting. After that meeting Hillary canceled our negotiations with Gaddafi despite every military leader and intelligence experts advice not too.
  • 5:30 A few words on Christopher Stevens. DIA had 10 days warning the Benghazi attacks were going to happen. If you were SECDEF would you not put countermeasures in place to defend your Ambassador?
  • 7:50 If I had to speculate I’d say this was an operation that went terribly wrong. If you remember in the Summer of 2012 Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammad Morsi came to DC with one main objective.

Morsi’s #1 objective was to get the release of The Blind Sheikh, currently sitting in a U.S. Federal Penitentiary for masterminding the first 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

My view was Benghazi was all about the kidnapping Christopher Stevens (Libya Ambassador) and exchanging him for the blind sheikh – when you put it all together nothing makes sense to me.

When you start analyzing all the email that are coming out now it lends more substance to this theory.

Admiral ‘Ace’ Lyons (Ret.) was the Commander Of The Pacific Fleet. He knows first hand our military capabilities and geo political strategic analysis. Admiral Lyons also has a clear understanding of how Washington DC politics works when it comes to national security matters.”

We owe a great deal of gratitude to Rabbi Jonathan Hausman for bringing Admiral Lyons (Ret.) to his Synagogue for his ongoing Lecture Series.

Iran is an enemy of the United States of America. When Iran chooses its time and place to announce they have a nuclear capability the world as we know it will forever change for the worse.

Just as Israel destroyed Sadam Hussein’s Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981 effectively buying the world three decades of a non-nuclear Middle East, It may be time for Israel to save the world again from a Nuclear Iran.

Apocalyptic Iran — EMP Bombs over America!

Sometimes our work takes us into areas that appear to be “science fiction,” but under careful analysis the facts rise to the level of science fact and the implication is catastrophic! It is just this case with the subject of Electro-Magnetic-Pulse bombs.

On this show Dr. Peter Pry, one of the world’s foremost experts on EMP technology walks us through some absolutely frightening scenarios which include Iran attacking both America and Israel with EMP’s thus destroying BOTH countries! Is this even remotely possible? Is Iran that crazy as to attack countries which have counter-strike capabilities?

Tune in, but get ready to have some sleepless night once you understand the dire situation before all freedom loving people.


AP reports U.S. is offering Iran nuclear technology
Nuclear Agreement Misleads About Iranian Breakout Time
‘Iran Supporting More than 100 Shiite Terror Groups’
Why People Become Islamic Extremists
Women’s ‘Rights’ in Iran: 5 Laws That Will Appall You

Apocalyptic Iran — It’s a Bad Deal!

On June 30, 2015 the historic negotiations between the five Permanent members of the National Security Council (USA, Britain, France, Russia, China) plus Germany with Iran will come to a conclusion. Will this agreement to STOP Iran’s nuclear weapons program be a good deal or bad deal for the USA and Israel?

Our special guest Dr. Matthew Kroenig, nuclear expert currently at Georgetown University has some frightening news for all Americans, indeed all freedom loving people. This deal by the Obama Administration is a BAD DEAL and could result in catastrophic and possibly apocalyptic consequences. Joining Dr. Kroenig is Clare Lopez, from the Center for Security Policy.

This is a critically important show designed to prepare Americans to demand that the Obama Administration negotiates a GOOD deal not a BAD deal.