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590 search results for: Critical Race Theory


Exposing “The Beast”: Hamas’ Kidnapping Strategy

On June 12th, three youths, 16 year old American-Israeli Naftali Frenkel and two Israelis, Gilad Shaar, 16 and Eyal Yifrach, 19 were abducted while hitchhiking home from religious school in the Gush Etzion bloc between Bethlehem and Hebron. According to a Washington Post report, one of the abductees got off a cell call saying, “we’ve been kidnapped.” […]


Common Core: 95 Reasons why it is bad Public Policy

1. Common Core State Standards (CCSS), as an education reform policy, does not satisfy the four pillars of education reform:  1) Accountability 2) More State and Local Control 3) Focusing resources on proven educational methods and 4) Expanded choices for parents. Accountability for implementing the Common Core Standards (that were not properly piloted or vetted) unfairly rests […]


Seawalls and Other Barriers to the Truth about Climate Change

“We are not capable of addressing climate change.” Such was the leadoff sentence of the latest climate change guest columnist Gregory Willits in the December 24, 2013 edition of the Orlando Sentinel. An accurate statement to be sure, but for all the wrong reasons. Mr. Willits, an avowed ‘green’ enthusiast, went on to strongly support the building […]


Appeasement in Geneva?

EU Foreign Relations Commissioner Ashton and Iranian Delegation in Geneva on November 24, 2013  with Mike Bates, Jonathan Schanzer and Shoshana Bryen The topsy turvy developments in the Middle East made for high drama on the international and regional stage in the waning months of 2013. Desperate to stave off swooning  domestic poll approval ratings caused […]