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1184 search results for: Muslim Brotherhood


Turks Renege on Air Base, ISIS beheads Hundreds in Kobani while Surrounding Baghdad

Yesterday, National  Security Adviser Susan E. Rice went on NBC’s “Meet the Press “and glibly announced that Turkey had given permission for use of the Incirlik air base  by the U.S.-led  coalition assaulting ISIS from the air. She  triumphantly  commented, “That’s a new commitment and one that we very much welcome”. Today, The Washington Post  reported  a senior […]


U.S. State Department: Out of Touch with America, Out of Touch with Reality

The U.S. State Department once again demonstrates that it fails to grasp the true nature of the threat from Islamic jihad by endorsing a Canadian publication produced by Islamist organizations—even after the Canadian Mounted Police rejected the very same manual. State Department Endorses Canadian Islamist Manual that Describes Jihad as ‘Noble’ By Andrew C. McCarthy […]


Should Turkey be Forced to Leave NATO?

Jonathan Schanzer of the Washington, DC-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) has written compellingly in a Politico Magazine article suggesting that  NATO should consider expelling Turkey, “Time to kick Turkey Out of NATO?” Schanzer notes: Membership in NATO still holds significance. The alliance was designed to be an elite group of countries that stood for Western values. The NATO charter, set […]


VIDEO: Clare Lopez — A Lesson on the Islamic State

Intelligence analyst, Clare Lopez, retired CIA and currently Vice President of Research for the Center for Security Policy, provides a factually fascinating explanation of the very complex Islamic State, often wrongly called ISIS or ISIL. Clare and Tom Trento will detail subjects like the beliefs and behaviors of IS, their escatological view and why they […]


The 3 greatest internal Islamic threats to U.S. National Security: CAIR, ISNA, MSA

For those who stay informed on the threat posed by Islamists, this interview will reinforce what many have been talking about for years. Dr. Mark Christian, an Egyptian-born Christian convert from Islam and who is related to high-ranking leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, is now engaged in a battle to root out the Brotherhood influence […]


The War against ISIS, Syrian Opposition and Middle East Christians: A Discussion with M. Zuhdi Jasser, Walid Phares, John Hajjar

President Obama’s eve of 9/11 speech in which he declared “war” on the Islamic State, formerly ISIS, contained a commitment to arm and support so-called moderate Syrian opposition to assist in “degrading and ultimately destroying” the Salafist Jihadist self-declared Caliphate. That commitment Obama made clear did not include any a commitment to put US “boots […]


The Syrian Rubics Cube

One has to have some sympathy for those in the CIA or the White House folks charged with telling the President what has been going on in Syria since 2011 when the opposition to Bashar al-Assad’s dictatorship turned into a fighting war. It must have looked and felt like playing with a Rubics cube where […]


Law Center Petitions Supreme Court — Stop Retaliation against Christian Police Captain Who Objected to Islamic Indoctrination

On Monday September 15, 2014, the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, MI, filed a petition in the U.S. Supreme Court to review the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals decision which upheld the punishment of Tulsa, Oklahoma police captain, Paul Fields after he refused to attend or […]


Syrian Opposition Leader Attends International Counter Terrorism Conference in Israel

President Obama’s eve of 9/11 speech  in which he declared “war” on the Islamic State, formerly ISIS, contained a commitment to arm and support so-called moderate Syrian opposition to assist in “degrading and ultimately destroying” the Salafist Jihadist self-declared Caliphate. He may have been referring to the Free Syrian Army. But which Free Syrian Army […]


CAIR Leader Lies on National TV states: “Islamic State is NOT Islamic”

Following President Obama’s absurd non-sequitur, “the Islamic State is NOT Islamic…” Fox News’ Megyn Kelly tangled with Hassan Shibly the leader of CAIR, Florida as he attempted to defend the President’s incoherent statement. Watch the video of Megyn Kelly asking CAIR leader Hassan Shibly the question: Is ISIS Islamic Or Not? — After his interview […]


Those 9/11 Terror Attack Predictions

As we close in on the 13th anniversary of the infamous 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, the media is full of predictions about attacks that will occur. A September 2nd Debka File, an Israeli news agency, reported “Credible information has reached Saudi, British and Australian agencies that two al Qaeda branches—ISIS in Iraq […]


Men of Ideals 

“You Jews are always complaining of your own suffering, but you get fat off the poor, cheat the simple, exploit the virgin, pollute where you’ve exploited – America is one Big Jew! We are soldiers fighting a war. We are not criminals and we are not vandals but men of ideals.” Such are the words spoken by […]