We’ve now had the internet for three decades, meaning three generations have grown up with access to digital pornography. So how has the Porn Generation turned out?
As the Daily Caller’s new documentary “Selling Sex” shows — not so great. Our investigative team dives into the dark underbelly of the porn industry, exposing how the fantasies we consume online shape an entirely new reality.
“Selling Sex” is available exclusively for Patriots subscribers. Catch a first glimpse below.
First, the Daily Caller uncovered the true cost of the Defund the Police movement in “Lawless.” Then, “Rigged” exposed how the Democrats’ political machine swung the 2020 election for Joe Biden. “Cleaning Up Kamala” showed how they’re doing it again in 2024.
Now, we’re pulling back the curtain on an age old truth: “Obviously, sex sells.”
This was the consensus of just about everyone the Daily Caller’s investigative team sat down with. But they all agreed it came at a steep cost.
Some, like former pornstar Joshua Broome, were victims of the pornography industry, exploited into increasingly degrading acts until he finally reached the brink. Others, like former OnlyFans recruiter Victoria Sinnis, worked on the other side of the camera, bringing vulnerable young girls into a pornographic lifestyle. Thankfully, these two got out of this lifestyle and have dedicated their lives to helping others get out as well.
We also spoke with a host of current OnlyFans creators. While the platform provides glamorous lifestyles, they all admitted the downsides — both in their own lives and for society.
Here’s just a few of the social costs of the digital porn industry:
The average age of exposure to porn is dropping to 8 years old in the U.S., according to recent studies.
More and more men are experiencing porn-induced erectile dysfunction, as early as teenagers.
Children are answering the question, “What would you like to be when you grow up?” with “OnlyFans model.”
Is this really the bright future that America deserves? Can a nation survive when its citizens have become porn-addled zombies?
Watch “Selling Sex” today to learn the dark reality of digital porn, only at the Daily Caller.
The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. To watch “Selling Sex” and to help support future investigative documentaries, please consider subscribing.
http://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.png00The Daily Callerhttp://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.pngThe Daily Caller2024-10-05 15:51:452024-10-05 15:54:44‘Selling Sex’ — Daily Caller Investigative Team Dives Into Dark Underbelly Of Porn Industry | WATCH NOW
We’ve now had the internet for three decades, meaning three generations have grown up with access to digital pornography. So how has the Porn Generation turned out?
As the Daily Caller’s new documentary, “Selling Sex,” shows — not so great. Our investigative team dives into the dark underbelly of the porn industry, exposing how the fantasies we consume online shape an entirely new reality.
“Selling Sex” premieres Oct. 4 and is available exclusively for Patriots subscribers. Catch a first glimpse below.
First, the Daily Caller uncovered the true cost of the Defund the Police movement in “Lawless.” Then “Rigged” exposed how the Democrats’ political machine swung the 2020 election for Joe Biden. “Cleaning Up Kamala” showed how they’re doing it again in 2024.
Now, with “Selling Sex,” we take on the movers and shakers in the porn industry — and all the harm they’ve wrought.
The average age of exposure to porn is dropping to 8 years old in the U.S., according to recent studies.
More and more men are experiencing porn-induced erectile dysfunction, as early as teenagers.
Children are answering the question, “What would you like to be when you grow up?” with “OnlyFans model.”
Is this really the future we want for America? Can a nation survive when all its citizens are porn-addled zombies?
Watch “Selling Sex” to learn the dark reality of digital porn, only at the Daily Caller.
The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. To watch “Selling Sex” on Oct. 4, and to help support future investigative documentaries, please consider subscribing.
22 WORDS is a compelling documentary that delves into the profound consequences of removing prayer and the Bible from American schools, as set in motion by a series of landmark court cases in 1962 and 1963.
Theose rulings have contributed to a decline in societal values, marked by rising divorce rates, teenage pregnancy, suicide, violent crime, and the growing acceptance of pornographic content and LGBTQIA+ agendas in schools.
As traditional moral anchors have been replaced by harmful content and agendas, 22 WORDS advocates for a cultural shift and bravely calls for the reintroduction of school-sponsored prayer and the Ten Commandments across the nation.
http://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.png00Dr. Richard M. Swier, LTC U.S. Army (Ret.)http://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.pngDr. Richard M. Swier, LTC U.S. Army (Ret.)2024-09-08 13:54:202024-09-08 13:56:4522 WORDS is a compelling documentary that delves into the profound consequences of removing prayer and the Bible from American schools
Most people think of squatter’s rights as a modern liberal experiment: the government has to get involved in every aspect of our lives, even deciding who has a right to live on our property.
But as the Daily Caller’s new documentary, “American Squatter,” shows, squatter’s rights are about as old as America itself — and they once served a noble purpose. Just like everything that once made America great, liberals have perverted them to their own nefarious ends.
“American Squatter” is available exclusively for Patriots subscribers. Catch a first glimpse below.
There’s a squatter epidemic taking place in cities across America. With lax eviction laws and back-logged court systems, blue cities have empowered a whole cottage industry of housing crime.
Professional squatters use fake leases to turn nice properties into trap houses. Often, they turn to violence to keep the owners off “their” property. And good luck getting an eviction, which can take years to rule on let alone enforce. If squatters can show they’ve resided in a property for as little as 30 days, it’s almost impossible to get them out. From the smallest apartment to the grandest estate, no one is immune.
How did we get here? The Daily Caller’s investigative team traveled around the country to figure it out.
“Squatter’s rights has been around for many, many years,” real estate investor David Phelps told the Daily Caller.
“It’s kind of how the whole U.S. was settled,” added realtor Lori Greymont. “People would go out to the West and they [would] take ownership of the land, but it wasn’t meant to transfer ownership from people who really cared about their homes.”
Originally, squatter’s rights only applied to people who “took over a property for the long haul,” Phelps continued. It applied to “abandoned land,” or property “on the outskirts” that “nobody was really looking after.”
If someone “took possession of the property, fixed it up . . . maybe turned on utilities or added improvements or maybe even took care of the property taxes,” then that person became entitled to squatter’s rights to “actually gain ownership.
But the process had to occur over a “long period of time,” Phelps added: “seven years, ten years, fifteen years, depending on the state.”
The original squatter’s rights were born from America’s founding spirit: the spirit of frontier, of rugged individualism, and to man’s entitlement to the fruit of his labor.
If you poured your blood, sweat and tears into building on land that had never been owned, or restoring a property whose rightful owner had long since abandoned it, then you were entitled to that property as your own.
This is a fundamentally conservative value. The government does not just have the right to come in and take what you have built and give it to someone else. But the modern liberal era flipped this logic on its head.
Modern squatter’s rights are built on the idea of taking property from a responsible, tax-paying citizen and giving it to someone “less fortunate.”
As always with the left, it’s about “power.” You see, you, the land owner, have power. You built something, you have land of your own. You’re presumed to be relatively well off compared to the person squatting in your home. He’s just down on his luck — and our corrupt eviction system says it’s your responsibility to help him.
In this corrupt system, your “power” makes you the bad guy by default. Never mind that professional squatters purposefully take advantage of your kindness and generosity to weaponize legal loopholes against you. The squatter can’t be the bad guy; he’s just a victim of “the system” doing what he must to get by. So liberals built a new system to make sure you don’t “oppress” him more.
This is the way the liberal mind works, and it’s the reason they built a system to protect criminal squatters. The truth is, liberals don’t care about the little guy — they just hate you. Giving squatters legal power over your property is just another part of their plan to destroy the middle class and build the socialist utopia they’ve always dreamed of.
Watch “American Squatter” today to learn more about how liberals have perverted squatter’s rights, and how you can protect your property rights from a system that wants to destroy them.
The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. To watch “American Squatter,” and to help support future investigative documentaries, please consider subscribing.
http://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.png00The Daily Callerhttp://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.pngThe Daily Caller2024-08-31 05:44:262024-08-31 05:46:12Here’s The Real Story Of How America’s Squatter Epidemic All Began
What started as routine leftist protests in April quickly turned into a battle for the UCLA campus — and the Daily Caller’s investigative reporters were on the ground to document it all.
April protests over the Israel-Hamas war quickly turned to encampments on the picturesque UCLA quad. This set the stage for riots as anti-Israel activists, pro-Israel counter-protesters, and the Los Angeles Police Department all clashed in the wee hours of the night.
The Daily Caller’s new documentary, “Anarchy U,” captured it all as it unfolded in real time: the violence, the building takeovers, the construction and destruction of the encampment and the power struggle between might, right and the law.
But in documenting the chaos, we uncovered the motives of the anti-Israel protesters go far deeper than just Palestinian solidarity. They even go beyond the destruction of Israel. What they seek is nothing less than the destruction of the entire Western world order.
“Anarchy U” is available exclusively to Patriots members. Catch an exclusive first glimpse below.
You’ve most likely heard anti-Israel protesters’ favorite buzzword repeated ad nauseam since the Oct. 7 attack: “Decolonization now!” they demand.
This term has countless iterations. It’s not just Israel that must be “decolonized,” but American society, the developing world, schools, medicine, media, and culture ― seemingly the entire world suffers under the legacy of colonialism.
But colonization no longer exists, you might be thinking. We live in a global community of nations, and in first world countries like America and Israel at least, we all have guaranteed to safeguard us from arbitrary tyranny. So what does this decolonization crowd really want?
Investigative reporter Cam Higby was able to paint a clearer picture as he infiltrated the encampments at UCLA. The same people chanting for Intifada at UCLA often had a broader array of goals. “It’s BLM version two,” Higby explains.
Higby documents the rallies, as organizers call not just for the “liberation” of Palestinians, but of “workers, and all of the multitude of oppressed.”
“Let’s fight for a socialist world, and against this vicious capitalism of U.S. imperialism,” the agitator continues.
To the anti-Israel crowd, Israel is just a small part of a larger imperialist whole. Decolonization is nothing but Marxism, repackaged for a modern audience under the umbrella of identity politics.
For Marx, it was proletariat versus bourgeois, or the worker who was exploited by his capitalist boss. Today’s Marxists take the same oppressor-victim formula and broaden it out — way out. Colonized vs. colonizer, black vs. white, female vs. male, gay vs. straight — all are formulations of the new Marxism.
In America, the post-war standard of living was just too high to agitate workers against capitalists, so the Marxists needed to get creative. Instead, they took a real instance of historical oppression in America — slavery and anti-black racism — and built a new founding around it. Racism, it’s said by these new Marxists, is just the inevitable outcome of exploitative capitalism. It’s a tool used to ensure the wealthy and the powerful remain wealthy and powerful. That’s how we wind up with ideas like “system racism,” a phantom menace that can only truly be defeated once capitalism is overthrown in the West — the purpose of decolonizing American life from the supposed scourge of white supremacy.
Europe doesn’t have the same painful legacy of slavery, so the new Marxists targeted the European history of colonialism. Again, it’s a true instance of past injustice, abstractly defined to move the present world towards Marxism. The third world today isn’t underdeveloped because of any choice they did or didn’t make. Rather, they are behind due to centuries of Western oppression, the legacy of which continues through capitalism. They can never catch up when the West had such a head start. Once again, the only solution is to overthrow the system entirely.
You might be thinking: Israel doesn’t fit neatly into either category. But for the decolonization crowd, Israel is nothing but an outpost of white, European “settler colonialism.” It was “stolen” by colonizers, and given to European Jews at the expense of “Palestinians.” Under this line of thinking, the only true “justice” is Intifada, literally the “shaking off” of Israel and the entire Western order.
But the destruction of Israel is not enough. The goal, forever and always, is world revolution. It can’t happen in one country alone. It must happen everywhere, all at once — a constant battle for “decolonization” — or the oppressors will always find a way to hold on to power.
So when anti-Israel protesters grasp at the mantle of morality and justice, know that they are lying. They don’t want a better world. They want a world in which they call the shots, a Marxist hellscape, where everyone is worse off except them.
Watch “Anarchy U” today to learn more about the insidious motives of the anti-Israel protesters, and how they intersect with BLM, Antifa, and all the leftist groups who want to see the American way of life destroyed.
The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. To watch “Anarchy U” — and to help support future investigative documentaries — please consider subscribing.
http://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.png00The Daily Callerhttp://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.pngThe Daily Caller2024-07-02 08:11:422024-07-02 08:18:13UCLA Riots Were About So Much More Than Just The Israel-Hamas War
What started as routine leftist protests in April quickly turned into a battle for the UCLA campus — and the Daily Caller’s investigative reporters were on the ground to document it all.
The Daily Caller’s new documentary, “Anarchy U,” gives a behind the scenes look at the most chaotic campus riot since the 1960s. On April 25, 2024, anti-Israel protesters set up an encampment on the lush campus of UCLA. What happened next makes even the “Summer of Love” look like a walk in the park.
“Anarchy U” premieres June 28and will be available exclusively to Patriots members. Catch an exclusive first glimpse below.
First, the Daily Caller uncovered the true cost of the Defund the Police movement in “Lawless.” Then “Rigged” exposed the issue Democrats fear most: how their political machine managed to secure Joe Biden the presidency in 2020. Now, with “Anarchy U,” investigative reporter Cam Higbyinfiltrates the UCLA protests, documenting the chaos and violence with hours of original video footage.
Higby’s footage shows how the masked protesters set up their own autonomous zone within UCLA. He confronts masked guards and private security as they restricted freedom of movement on the public campus, preventing students from getting to class and denying access to “hostile media.”
Even once Higby made it through the “border,” protesters refused to answer questions — sometimes even reverting to physical violence. They claimed to have no food or water, but aerial drone footage proved they were amply supplied.
Higby stayed on the ground as the situation escalated. With police standing idly by, protesters and counter-protesters clashed in an attempt to tear down the encampment.
This all raised the questions: who’s funding this and why?
Higby has some ideas. The rank-and-file proved ignorant of the questions he asked them about their supposed cause. But the ringleaders know exactly what they’re doing — and their cause extends well beyond the war in Gaza.
The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. To watch “Anarchy U” on June 28 — and to help support future investigative documentaries — please consider subscribing.
http://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.png00The Daily Callerhttp://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.pngThe Daily Caller2024-06-20 07:08:372024-06-20 07:19:59‘Anarchy U’ Reveals The Battle For UCLA | Trailer Out Now
“You don’t even need to look to the word ‘stolen’ — the election was rigged,” says just one of the many election watchers the Daily Caller interviewed who all came to the same conclusion.
Thanks to the support of our dedicated Patriots subscribers, the Daily Caller traveled around the country exploring the decades of election challenges and interference which led up to 2020. Our latest documentary, “Rigged,” debuting Saturday, will expose the shady actors and tactics that brought America to the brink — and help stop them before it’s too late for 2024. Catch an exclusive first glimpse below.
The wild abuses of 2020 were ignored by election officials, the courts, the media — anyone with the power to do something. As a result, many critical questions went unanswered for far too long.
How exactly did mail-in voting and other procedural irregularities build a Democratic advantage into the system? How did widespread censorship, propaganda and political violence shape the way Americans voted? What would Democrats do to hold onto power; better yet, what wouldn’t they do?
There’s a clear three-step outline of how Democrats rigged 2020. But “Rigged” exposes the gritty details, answering the questions no one else dared to look at.
First, Democrats changed long-standing voting procedures in key battleground states, ensuring a systemic advantage well in advance of the start of voting.
A 2018 study showed that increased voter turnout in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin would have been enough to swing the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton. Before the 2020 election, partisan state officials used COVID-19 as a convenient excuse to change voting procedures by fiat in these states and others. They coordinated with an army of well-funded Democratic officials to ensure the changes held up in court. Wealthy donors poured money into “election administration” to boost turn-out in Democratic districts. To correct “errors” in mail-in votes, officials went door-to-door “curing” ballots after the fact. In Pennsylvania, this was carried out disproportionately in Democratic districts.
The corporate media called it an effort to “expand voter access” or “fight voter suppression,” but Democrats never cared about building a vibrant democracy. No, it was a cynical ballot harvesting scheme on an epic scale.
After voting was made effortless, step two was to make it mindless as well. Corporate media propaganda framed the election as a battle between “darkness” and “light,” making it clear there was only one legitimate choice. Tech giants banned and censored conservatives en masse, writing off every conservative position as outside the bounds of respectable society. Corporate America reinforced it all with their virtue signaling and willingness to cancel anyone who stepped out of line.
In the summer of 2020, all of American society seemed to ask the same question: “Are you a hateful bigot; do you want to destroy your reputation and career and become an outsider — a traitor — to your own country? Or are you voting for Biden?”
Too many did not have the will to resist.
Dismayed and divided, America was ready for step three, the left-wing riots that torched American cities nationwide. Democrats and their allies made George Floyd into a martyr, unashamedly pushing the lie of systemic racism and providing a moral justification for the riots. This “Summer of Love” was no grassroots protest against injustice, but a heavily orchestrated attempt to beat those still-undecided voters into submission — in some cases literally. It was a state-sanctioned campaign of political violence to demonstrate just how ungovernable the country was under Donald Trump.
Combined, all of this created a massive structural advantage for Biden, as Democrats consolidated their control over the election and positioned themselves as the arbiters of truth and decency. The cost? Severe damage to confidence in our elections, a loss of credibility among our leading institutions and a vicious polarization which still has yet to abate. More than ever, Democrats feel entitled to rule.
That is what drove us to uncover the truth — to find out exactly what happened in 2020 and ensure it doesn’t happen again in 2024. Without answers, our elections will never be safe or secure.
The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. For the best political and cultural analysis in the business, please consider subscribing.
http://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.png00The Daily Callerhttp://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.pngThe Daily Caller2023-10-18 13:59:192023-10-18 14:01:04WATCH TRAILER: “Lawless, Liberal Policies | American Blood” Premiering on October 26th, 2023
With crime out of control, American cities are eroding. This was no accident — it was a choice made by progressive politicians who want to abandon law and order in pursuit of a utopian dream. Yet the dream of wealthy elites has become a real-life nightmare for millions of average Americans. The Daily Caller’s new feature film, “Lawless,” debuts Oct. 26 and will expose the real cost of the “Defund the Police” movement.
“We are not a city that can handle parallel critical incidents,” said Matt Mackowiak, co-founder of Save Austin Now, a PAC dedicated to restoring public safety and quality of life in Austin, Texas.
“If we get to a situation where we have a serious bank robbery in North Austin, and something happening at [Austin City Limits Music Festival] at the same time, we will not have enough police officers to respond to both incidents,” he continued.
Austin is home to some of the biggest cultural events in the country. Music festivals, football games, Formula 1 races — they all draw visitors from around the world. Yet, as Mackowiak pointed out, the “Defund” movement has made it so police no longer have the capacity to keep Austin safe during these events. Citizens will continue to be robbed, beaten, raped and murdered as calls to 911 increasingly go unanswered.
With the support of our dedicated Patriots subscribers, “Lawless” will expose the failed policies and corrupt ideology of our ruling elites that have brought American cities to the brink.
We sat down with Mackowiak as part of an investigation into the senseless violence and decay that has gripped American cities since the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020. Our crew of dedicated documentary filmmakers traveled to three cities at the forefront of the “Defund” movement to examine the terror it has unleashed. Random attacks, industrial-scale looting, and rampant homelessness and drug use — all the predictable results of siphoning resources and support away from police. Austin is the tip of the iceberg, but the problem is not confined to major urban areas.
Police resignations increased by 47 percent between 2019 and 2022, according to a Police Executive Research Forum survey. In the same span of time, the total number of sworn officers decreased by about 5 percent as recruitment was unable to keep up. Combined, this has led to a shortage of cops across the country; even small towns are not immune. Nearly 40 small towns have disbanded their police departments since 2019, according to a study from Rice University.
Facing unprecedented hostility and abuse, police officers around the country are quitting their jobs at a rate “never seen before,” according to the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP).
“I want to signal a crisis,” FOP President Patrick Yoes warned. “Our profession is dependent on the best and brightest stepping up and taking this job. And because of the actions, and because of the turmoil that has happened in the last two years, we have a crisis right now in manpower.”
Due to the national police shortage, all departments are struggling with recruitment, retention and pay. But rural communities face a unique set of difficulties, according to Sgt. Betsy Smith of the National Police Association.
“As a small-town police officer, there’s a really good chance you don’t have any backup,” Smith told Fox News. “You’re kind of on your own, left to take care of yourself and figure things out yourself. So, we have to think about what we are willing to pay for as the citizens of those small communities.” Without better funding, response times will continue to increase.
Through our investigation, we were able to paint a picture of the impending crisis yet to unfold. Soon, cities and towns across America won’t just face a choice between maintaining a police presence at major events and responding to everyday crime. If the trend continues, departments will no longer have the capacity to respond to crime at all. Liberal elites will always be fine in their gated communities, but in a time of crisis, this could mean life or death for vulnerable communities. A new generation of Americans will grow up wondering, “If I call 911, will anyone even answer?”
At the Daily Caller, we reject that things have to be this way. We aim not only to stem the tide of violence in American cities, but also to prevent the impact of these failed policies from spreading into the Heartland more than they already have.
The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. For the best political analysis in the business, please consider subscribing.
http://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.png00The Daily Callerhttp://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.pngThe Daily Caller2023-10-06 12:49:202023-10-07 06:34:31Will The Police Even Answer The Phone?: ‘Defund’ Investigation Finds Austin Citizens In Distress
In 2022, the Daily Caller’s debut documentary, “Damaged,” exposed the gut-wrenching truth about children victimized by the transgender movement. But the trans social contagion is just one of many crises in American life today. Now, the Daily Caller is undertaking a new venture to expose the failed policies and corrupt ideology of our ruling elites. Our new feature film, “Lawless,” debuts Oct. 26 and will expose the real cost of the “Defund the Police” movement.
There is an epidemic of violence in cities across America. Millions of Americans feel unsafe commuting to work, enjoying public spaces or even just leaving their homes. The most beautiful cities in America have been consumed by brazen crime, mental illness, violence and drug use.
Tent cities, once a hallmark of the third world, are now all too common from New York to San Francisco. Once-thriving commercial districts have collapsed, leaving local communities impoverished and isolated. Subways and buses have transformed into mobile homeless shelters, filled with the stench of human decay. People living in America’s major cities put their lives on the line every time they go outside.
This decline is not fate. It is not inevitable. It is, in fact, a choice — a choice made by progressive leadership across the country since 2020. With the help of our dedicated Patriots subscribers, the Caller will help show America that we do not have to live this way any longer.
“Lawless” will expose the true human cost of turning against law enforcement. We are traveling across the country to discover the terror that has been unleashed upon American cities as a result of the “Defund the Police” movement. We will uncover how the movement became as powerful as it did and give a voice to the forgotten men and women who bear the brunt of the violence in their daily lives. We will reveal the true stories that the corporate media has worked tirelessly to conceal since the “mostly peaceful” riots began in 2020.
More importantly, we will investigate the impending crisis that is yet to unfold. The “Defund” movement is still fairly recent and its effects are just beginning to be seen. But its proponents have entrenched themselves in the system and settled in for the long-haul. They are determined to abolish the police altogether. We will uncover just how much worse things could get as a result of this depraved movement while we strive to empower citizens with the facts and foresight they need to resist the madness.
In 2020, the most radical elements in American society found the opportunity they had long been seeking when Devin Chauvin was recorded with his knee on George Floyd’s neck. The incident was said to represent the worst of America, a truth that had long been obscured — that America’s institutions, including the police, are shot through with racism.
Amidst the chaos of the 2020 election and COVID-19 pandemic, the “Defund the Police” movement was born as millions of well-meaning Americans were bullied into submission by anti-police ideologues. Chant the slogans, wave the flags, take to the street — from corporations, to celebrities to the government and media, every power center in America issued the same commands. Americans accepted — or at least were too afraid to speak out against — the idea that a mysterious, ever-present racism plagued our society and that the system itself must be “reimagined.”
Facing unprecedented hostility and abuse from local officials, police officers around the country are quitting their at a “rate never before seen,” according to the Fraternal Order of Police. While liberal elites can hide in their gated communities guarded by private security, the most vulnerable communities suffer.
If we stay on the current course, younger generations will no longer remember what it was like to live in safe and vibrant communities. Already, too many have adapted to this “new normal,” accepting that chaos is just the price of life in a big city. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can reject this new normal and strive for better. The Daily Caller aims to help America do just that.
The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. For the best political analysis in the business, please consider subscribing.
http://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.png00The Daily Callerhttp://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.pngThe Daily Caller2023-09-28 05:41:192023-09-28 10:34:32America’s Cities In Crisis: Daily Caller’s ‘Lawless’ To Expose Fallout Of ‘Defund The Police’
The LGBT agenda is steamrolling through society’s institutions – including the courts and political parties. We’ve already seen bakers and wedding businesses severely fined and punished for acting on their beliefs. Protections for religious liberty are being rejected by legislatures. And even more oppressive LGBT “anti-discrimination” laws are now being introduced in Congress.
The criminalization of Christianity and Orthodox Judaism in America is not simply speculation. It’s already happening.
What is really going on? How will it affect you? Are Biblical issues involved? What can you do about it?You’ll want to hear what America’s major leaders and activists (including Brian Camenker of MassResistance) have to say!
Over the last two years, pro-family leader Janet Porter interviewed over 50 key people in the pro-family and conservative movements. Their observations on the culture war, America, God, and how it all comes together are a real education. Titled “LIGHT WINS,” this production will definitely move you!
Copies of this outstanding DVD have been donated to MassResistance to support our activism.!
During August every person donating $150 or more will receive a free DVD of “Light Wins”!This is a great way to help support our valuable work!
To donate $150 or more and get this outstanding video:
2. For tax-deductible donations: Send a check to Parents Education Foundation, or call in a credit card to our office: 781-890-6001.
Mailing address for both: PO Box 1612, Waltham, MA 02454
Pro-family activist and radio host Janet Porter interviewed top leaders & activists across America for this outstanding DVD.
Governor Mike Huckabee
Phyllis Schlafly
Dr. James Dobson
Pastor Scott Lively
Fr. Frank Pavone
Brian Camenker
David Barton
William Donahue
Dr. John Diggs, Jr.
Peter LaBarbera
Matt Barber
Gary Bauer
J. Kenneth Blackwell
Lt. Gen William G. Boykin
Mark Crutcher
Joseph Farah
Dr. Jim Garlow
Gary Glenn
Congressman Louie Gohmert
Dr. Steven Hotze
Bishop Harry Jackson
Craig James
Aaron & Melissa Klein
Chap. Gordon Klingenschmitt
Dr. Alveda King
Congressman Steve King
Robert Knight
Andrea Lafferty
Troy Newman
US Senator Rand Paul
Anne Paulk
Tony Perkins
David Pickup, MA
Gregory Quinlan
Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.
Peter Sprigg
Mat Staver
Tim Wildmon
And many more . . .
https://drrichswier.com/wp-content/uploads/light-wins-header-e1439029848231.gif315640MassResistancehttp://drrich.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_264x69.pngMassResistance2015-08-08 06:32:352015-08-08 06:33:06Understanding and Reacting to the Criminalization of Christianity in America