Tag Archive for: FEATURED

Biden Regime Launches Investigation of Columbia U for Discriminating Against — Hamas Supporters

According to the Department of Education, celebrating the mass murder of Jews and issuing a call for “full solidarity” with a terrorist organization is “speech activity.”

Is anyone really surprised?

After weeks of bias intimidation by Hamas supporters aimed at Jewish students and faculty, including Khymani James, an encampment leader who had talked to Columbia University officials about killing Jews, the Biden administration’s Department of Education, with the inevitability of a rigged slot machine in Reno, is launching a “civil rights investigation” into the university for “extreme anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, and Islamophobic harassment”.

The complaint comes from ‘Palestine Legal’, the same group providing advice to the encampment protesters.

It complains that “Columbia has reinforced the hostile anti-Palestinian environment, including by suspending Students for Justice in Palestine — a student organization that advocates for Palestinian human rights — for engaging in speech activity supporting Palestinian rights”

What sort of “speech activity” did Columbia University’s SJP chapter engage in?

After Oct 7, Students for Justice in Palestine hailed the Hamas rape of girls, murder of babies and kidnapping of children as a “historic win for the Palestinian resistance”.

The national organization which has 200 chapters on campuses across North America put out a ‘toolkit’ which explained that the Jewish victims were “not civilians” and could be freely targeted.

Its poster for a ‘Day of Resistance’ featured an image of the paraglider that Hamas terrorists had used to massacre and rape young Israelis at a music festival.

Columbia University’s Students for Justice in Palestine celebrated the “unprecedented historic moment for the Palestinians of Gaza” and asserted their “full solidarity with the Palestinian resistance”. It was also a signatory to the “victory or martyrdom” statement signed by the national organization.

According to the Department of Education, celebrating the mass murder of Jews and issuing a call for “full solidarity” with a terrorist organization is “speech activity”.

The Department of Education refuses to protect Jewish students from Hamas supporters, but rushes to protect Hamas supporters from Jewish students.



Columbia Univ. J-School Celebrates Hamas Propagandists and Alleged Terrorists

How Hamas Bought Joe Biden

As Jewish Students are Menaced, Biden Regime Investigates Columbia’s Treatment of PALESTINIAN Students

Anti-Jewish protests spread across Canadian university campuses to UBC, Ottawa

Two universities in Islamic Republic of Iran offer scholarships to US students expelled for pro-Hamas protests

Nigeria: Muslims ambush and murder Christian pastor

RELATED VIDEO: Terrell on Campus Protests: Biden Has Given These Terrorists the Green Light to Attack, Harm, and Denied Jewish Americans to Exist in This Country


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Not Just Colleges, but Mayors Abandoned Jewish Students to Hamas Rioters

It’s not that the police can’t end the hate camps in NYC or LA, it’s that they’ve been told not to.

Yesterday at the Sabbath table, a young man who had been on the ground at UCLA told me of watching a Jewish student being attacked while the UC campus police did nothing.

The campus police said that they would have to call the actual police, but no police came. The campus cops then admitted that they didn’t actually call 911. When one of the people on the scene called 911, the LAPD stated that they had been told not to respond to calls from UCLA.

The student then had to go down to a police station to file a report which all but ensured that nothing would happen.

Today’s assaults by pro-Hamas occupiers make it clear that’s still the policy. UC’s Mary Osako stated that UCLA will not be “preemptively” requesting a police presence.

By the time the LAPD finally arrived, there had been assaults and the situation was out of control.

The pattern seems to be that the LAPD won’t respond to anything short of an imminent riot or displays of weapons. Unless there’s actual violence in progress or credibly imminent, the occupation area is effectively a no-go zone.

But in other parts of the country, it’s even worse.

Like Washington D.C.

Police in Washington, D.C., rejected requests from campus officials at George Washington University to clear anti-Israel protesters from their campus encampment this week, fearing that doing so could be bad publicity.

Although police were poised to disband the encampment at around 3 a.m. on Friday morning, city officials in the police chief’s and mayor’s office told police to stand down and said that it would look bad publicly for police to disrupt a “small number of peaceful protesters,” the Washington Post reported on Friday

So this is on Mayor Bowser.

While Mayor Eric Adams and the NYPD have been (comparatively) responsive to larger-scale violence at Columbia U, the calculus again there appears to be no police response unless there’s significant violence.

What that means is that student or individual calls for help, especially after an assault, are going unanswered, and that means that the policy of tolerating not only no-go zones, but the violence associated with them, has emboldened Hamas supporters to assault Jewish students and faculty.

That’s why there is a very clear difference between police responses in liberal and conservative areas.

It’s not that the police can’t end the hate camps in NYC or LA, it’s that they’ve been told not to.



Israel’s ambassador tried to warn Biden regime about UNRWA’s Hamas ties, but was denied a meeting

Jewish Activist on the Abandonment of the Jews

Outlaw Joe Biden Wants Us to Believe That He Has Been Arrested At Least Twice

UK: Birmingham paper runs story on thief who ransacked car but left Islamic booklets neatly on dashboard

Former ICJ President Clarifies: We Did Not Decide That There Was ‘A Plausible Case of Genocide’ In Gaza

Florida: Imam claims Talmud teaches that non-Jews are animals, says ‘Jews orchestrated everything against Muslims’

UK: Muslim rape gang members get collective 346 years in prison for rape, sex abuse, trafficking of girls 1999-2012

Australia: After jihadi stabs bishop, Muslims demand removal of ‘religiously motivated terrorism’ classification

After Stabbing Bishop, ‘Soldiers of Allah’ Wanted to Kill Jews


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Columbia U Encampment Leader Can’t Stop Talking About Killing Jews

“I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die.”

Let’s conduct a little thought experiment.

Suppose local chapters of the KKK had established a presence on campuses across America while one of their leaders explained that black people shouldn’t live, they would have all been rounded up long ago. Not to mention expelled, canceled, and rendered permanently unemployable, put on no-fly-lists, and banned from Uber, Lyft, and every form of private and public transportation imaginable.

But we know that. Just as we know that the media deliberately ignores the ugliness, the hate, and the chants of, “kill another soldier” or “go back to Poland” in the same city where a Jewish guy screaming at a Muslim Halal vendor became a national story and led to his immediate arrest.

The media is still busy trying to sell the Hamas supporters of Columbia U as peaceful protesters and that makes videos like this by Khymani James, one of the encampment leaders, a little inconvenient.

So the media just won’t report on James talking about how Jews should not live and a meeting with school officials in which he explains the circumstances under which he might be moved to kill Jews.

“He continues to defend his position, that all Zionists ‘don’t deserve to live,’ sprinkling cackles and tone shifts throughout the video.

For not the only time in the video, James then compares Zionists to Hitler and Nazi soldiers, as well as Haitian slave owners, whose slaves had to kill them ‘in order to gain their independence.

‘These were masters who were white supremacists. What is a Zionist? A white supremacist. So let’s be very clear here, I’m not saying that I’m going to go out and start killing Zionists.

‘What I am saying is that if an individual who identifies as a Zionist threatens my physical safety in person, i.e., puts their hands on me, I am going to defend myself and in that case scenario, it may come to a point where I don’t know when to stop,’ he added, narrating the logic he would apply to a situation in which he might, potentially kill a Zionist.

‘Zionists don’t deserve to live comfortably, let alone Zionists don’t deserve to live.

‘The same way we are very comfortable accepting Nazis don’t deserve to live, fascists don’t deserve to live, racists don’t deserve to live. Zionists, they shouldn’t live in this world,’ he said, after calling the meeting both ‘institutional violence’ and ‘a joke.’

‘I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die,’ he said just before the stream ends.

A normal student saying these sorts of things would be banned from campus, but leftist terrorists enjoy an ideological privilege that allows them to talk about killing people, and student services are just fine with it.

The media will go on reporting that the students are peaceful and upset at being manhandled by the cops. And lefty politicians will keep claiming that they’re “protesting joyously.”

And what’s more joyous than murder?



‘JEWS SHOULD DIE’: Here Are Extremist Nazi Student Leaders of the Anti-Jewish ‘Protest’ Camp Bringing Columbia To Its Knees

Anti-Israel Protesters Cause Chaos For White House Correspondents’ Dinner Attendees

NYU: ‘Why are you protesting?’ ‘I don’t know. I’m pretty sure there’s something about Israel’

The Hamas Nazi Ivy League

Understanding Jihad

Jon Stewart Takes No Notice of the UN’s Double Standard and Anti-Israel Bias

Christiane Amanpour and Jon Stewart Should Remember: Israel Did Not Seek War in Gaza

AOC spreads hoax about ‘mass grave’ supposedly discovered at a Gaza hospital

President of Canada’s largest union silences members who call her out for wearing keffiyeh

More Bad News from Iran on the Weapons Front

US warns of sanctions risk as Pakistan strengthens relations with Iran with new multibillion-dollar deal


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Pro-Hamas hunger strikers at Yale have drag queen speak, he doesn’t condemn Hamas

These people’s balloon never lands. Let Tifa Wine/Ryan Persadie visit Tel Aviv and see what happens to him there, and then make his way to Gaza City.

Facts, however, seldom trouble the left.

Drag performer speaks to anti-Israel Yale hunger strikers — without condemning homophobic Hamas

by Olivia Land, New York Post, April 20, 2024:

A drag performer spoke to anti-Israel hunger strikers at Yale University about higher education being a “capitalist necropolitical machine” — but failed to mention that Hamas is anti-LGBTQIA+ rights.

“No matter how many equity seminars you hold, how many DEI committees you form, how many land acknowledgments you produce …we know that educational institutions are crafted as corporate legacies of entrapment, confinement and ideological regulation,” drag performer Tifa Wine told the hunger strikers Friday clad in a [sic], according to a video from independent reporter Stu.

The performer — wearing a red cape and jumpsuit with a keffiyeh scarf — went on to lament the “genocides and dispossessions” that “made Yale University … possible as a capitalist necropolitical machine” as she addressed the crowd at the New Haven campus’ Beinecke Plaza.

When not performing in drag, Tifa Wine — also known as Ryan Persadie — is a visiting instructor of gender, sexuality and intersectionality studies at Connecticut College, according to his online profile.

On Friday, the Yale hunger strikers were on their sixth day of forgoing food as part of their demonstration to push the university to divest from weapons manufacturers affiliated with Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip….

Read more.



Biden regime set to sanction IDF unit while sending billions to Hamas-funding Iran

Rashida Tlaib and Cori Bush want to stop aid to Israel until Hamas frees the hostages

Al Jazeera Publishes Egyptian Journalist’s Antisemitic Screed

Italy: Muslim migrants savagely beat another migrant for attending church

What the Dutch Should Do About Rising Antisemitism

Uganda: Muslim puts pesticide in his mother’s food, killing her, because she left Islam and became a Christian

Dutch Jews Fed Up With Antisemitic Harassment

Uganda: Muslims beat Christian on Good Friday after saying he was not allowed to preach during Ramadan

Love Jihad hits India: Hindu girl raped throughout Ramadan, another is publicly stabbed to death

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

This Video Builds A Rock Solid Case For Only Trump As The Commander-in-Chief

We have written about why Donald J. Trump is the only real choice for America’s patriots to become the 47th President of the United States, here, here and here.

It appears that World Net Daily’s Bob Unruh agrees with us. In his April 15th, 2024 article titled “Stunning video builds case for only Trump as commander-in-chief”  Bob wrote,

A stunning new video has been delivered that makes the case for ONLY President Donald Trump as commander-in-chief.

The Gateway Pundit explains it is the “most powerful pro-Trump ad of the year” – “It is that good.”

It is from Claremont Institute chairman Tom Klingenstein, a philanthropist, public speaker, writer, and playwright.

He explains:

Now that President Trump is the Republican nominee for President in 2024, it’s time for Republicans, including those who doubt him or even can’t stand him to get behind him. The times demand it. We are in a war fighting an enemy of revolutionaries that kick and spit on America. I call our enemy the Woke regime or the Group quota regime. This war is a contest between those who love America and those who hate it. But we do not have a commander-in-chief. You can’t win a war without one. We shouldn’t much care whether our commander-in-chief is a real conservative, whether he is a role model for children, or says lots of silly things, or whether he is modest or dignified.

What we should care about is whether he knows we are in a war, knows who the enemy is, and knows how to win.

Trump does. His policies are important but not as important as the rest of him. Trump grasps the essential things. He understands the Group quota regime is evil and will not stop until it destroys America. He is a fighter, bold, brave, and decisive, who has confidence in himself and his country.

Trump never apologizes for America. He rightly believes America is the greatest country in history. Trump says, in effect, we have our culture. It’s exceptional, and that’s the way we want to keep it. And we won’t keep it if we usher in millions of immigrants with cultures different from our own. Trump knows his job is to protect Americans and just Americans. Protect them not just from enemies abroad, but from the woke globalists within. He knows that America does not need more diversity. It needs more cohesion. The woke radicals tell the Trump voters they are a threat to democracy. Think about that. They’re saying, You Trumpsters are a threat to democracy. The woke radicals also tell us ad nauseam that America is systemically racist. Trump knows this is deadly nonsense, and he says so. This charge of systemic racism bounces off Trump because he has no white guilt, or any guilt for that matter. Trump tells his supporters what they already know. They are not racist, and they do not have white privilege. The woke radicals shut up those who disagree. Trump will not be shut up. If they manage to put him in jail, he will still roar like a lion.

The woke radicals have the moral arrogance of fanatics. Trump, God bless him, knows we are all sinners. Trump rejects the utopian fanaticism of the woke radicals. He is a businessman who takes the world on its own terms and navigates by facts and common sense. Trump’s base knows firsthand the America that Trump wants to recover. They love him, and they know he loves them. They will fight for him because they know he will fight for them. Trump speaks to his supporters as fellow citizens without any condescension or poll-tested BS. Despite his billions, he is one of them, an outsider looking in, a man who takes catsup on his steak. And is as disgusted as they are with the anti-American elite.

This natural appeal has molded everyday patriotic Americans into an army. We cannot stop the left’s revolution and retake the nation without these men and women. Unlike most Conservatives, they will actually fight for America. But they follow Trump. Without him, they stay home. With him, they are united and determined. At his rallies, his audience invariably breaks into chants of USA, USA. In these moments, Trump and his audience mutually pledge to each other their fidelity and their sacred honor.

His enemies hate him with an indescribable fierceness. Another Hitler, they say. Elect him and he will be a dictator. We should take this hysteria as reason for hope.

The America-haters rightly fear that Trump and his party are on the threshold of a successful counter-revolution. Trump hates his enemies every bit as much as they hate him. His enemies are America’s enemies. Trump is the most towering figure of our time. He has changed politics, not just in America, but in the West. If we are to take back America, we need someone who is unmovable, who has proven that he can stand up against the immensely powerful army of woke modernity that will attack him with all its might. Someone who will go after the deep state without pity or compassion. And someone who has the conviction that America is still the last best hope of Earth. That someone is Trump. Trump, the politician, came out of the blue. An unconventional commander against an unconventional enemy. Almost inconceivable as President at any other time.

Trump fits this turbulent moment to a T. Is it too much to wonder whether the appearance of this most unconventional man is providential?

Lincoln spoke of Americans as the almost chosen people. Trump gives us hope that the God who has never forsaken his almost chosen people will not do so now.

Read full article.

WATCH: Claremont Institute chairman Tom Klingenstein on Trump’s Virtues – Part II.

The Bottom Line

In our column Comparing Two Democrats: Confederate Jefferson Davis and Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. we warned that America is in a Civil War 2.0.

American Civil War 2.0 is about destroying our Constitutional Republic and replacing it with a one world order. It also requires the enslaving of the American people.

It is yet to be seen if it will become a fully armed conflict, although we are witnessing groups like the pro-Hamas supporters calling for “the death of America” and their storming of the White House and violent marches across America waving the flag of the terrorist group Hamas and the burning of the American flag.

Unlike the Civil War of 1861, the American Civil War 2.0 is in essence not seceding from the United States but rather destroying it from within by a cabal of traitors.

Abraham Lincoln wrote, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

We know what President Donald J. Trump must do when inaugurated on January 20th, 2025.

He must drain the swamp from the schoolhouse to the White House, completely and totally.

©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Seriously?!? Stephen Colbert Spots ‘Unsettling’ Poll Where Trump Has A Huge Lead

Prosecutors In Trump Cases Accused Of Corruption In New Documentary

Massive Crowd Greets Trump in Harlem

Trump Speaks Out on Day 1 of ‘Hush-Money’ Trial in New York | The Epoch Times

New Poll Shows BIG Trouble For Biden In Former Swing State


NYC: Pro-Hamas protestors scream ‘Death to America,’ burn American flag

No one will be deported. No one will even be investigated. It isn’t as if these were “insurrectionists” or some other group that is out of favor with the regime.



Chicago: Pro-Hamas protesters block entrance to O’Hare International Airport

Before and After, Iran Communicated Attack to Biden Regime

How ‘Ironclad’ is the Bidenites’ Support for Israel?

U.S. Diplomat Warns Iran That Next Time It Will Be Held Responsible

After Calling for Arms Embargo, Pelosi Claims She Stands with Israel

Biden Tells Israel Not to Retaliate for Massive Iranian Attack

Majority of Young Muslims in UK Want Islamic Law

Iran threatens to strike American bases if US backs Israeli counterattack

Spain: Muslim migrant tells woman on bus not to eat ham sandwich near him because Islam forbids pork

Something Is Wrong, Politically and Morally, with Ireland

Australia: Muslim stabs priest during mass, “He kept saying ‘Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar’”

Hamas-linked CAIR: ‘Biden administration must reject’ Israel’s ‘transparent attempt to distract from Gaza genocide’

US, Moscow, Arab nations, and UN warn Israel against ‘further escalation’

Big Tech Can Censor Us, But We’ll Tell the Truth About Islam


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Afghanistan: Taliban’s Supreme Leader says ‘We will flog women in public, we will stone them to death in public’

Stoning adulterers is not “extremist”; it is Islamic law. The caliph Umar, one of Muhammad’s closest companions, supposedly even maintained that it was originally in the Qur’an:

‘Umar said, “I am afraid that after a long time has passed, people may say, “We do not find the Verses of the Rajam (stoning to death) in the Holy Book,” and consequently they may go astray by leaving an obligation that Allah has revealed. Lo! I confirm that the penalty of Rajam be inflicted on him who commits illegal sexual intercourse, if he is already married and the crime is proved by witnesses or pregnancy or confession.” Sufyan added, “I have memorized this narration in this way.” ‘Umar added, “Surely Allah’s Apostle carried out the penalty of Rajam, and so did we after him.” (Bukhari, vol. 8, bk. 82, no. 816)

“Allah’s Apostle” is, of course, Muhammad, who according to canonical ahadith did indeed carry out stonings. Here is the hadith in which he challenges the rabbis about stoning, and in which there is amidst the barbarism and brutality a final act of love and compassion:

The Jews came to Allah’s Apostle and told him that a man and a woman from amongst them had committed illegal sexual intercourse. Allah’s Apostle said to them, “What do you find in the Torah (old Testament) about the legal punishment of Ar-Rajm (stoning)?” They replied, (But) we announce their crime and lash them.” Abdullah bin Salam said, “You are telling a lie; Torah contains the order of Rajm.” They brought and opened the Torah and one of them solaced his hand on the Verse of Rajm and read the verses preceding and following it. Abdullah bin Salam said to him, “Lift your hand.” When he lifted his hand, the Verse of Rajm was written there. They said, “Muhammad has told the truth; the Torah has the Verse of Rajm. The Prophet then gave the order that both of them should be stoned to death. (‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar said, “I saw the man leaning over the woman to shelter her from the stones.” (Bukhari, vol. 4, bk. 56, no. 829)

Even the monkeys practiced stoning, according to another hadith:

During the pre-lslamic period of ignorance I saw a she-monkey surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning it, because it had committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too, stoned it along with them. (Bukhari, vol. 5, bk. 58, no. 188)

Muhammad’s example is, of course, normative for Islamic behavior: “Indeed in the messenger of Allah you have an excellent example for him who looks to Allah and the last day, and remembers Allah a great deal.” (Qur’an 33:21)



Terror Group Hamas Takes Victory Lap in Iran

San Francisco-area Islamic scholar says Oct. 7 massacre ‘another big lie,’ Allah is punishing the Jews

West Point Professor John Spencer and Prime Minister Netanyahu Discuss the War in Gaza

Selective Sympathies, Or, Only Palestinian Lives Matter

France transfers migrants to small towns ahead of Olympics 

Texas congressman accuses Biden of ‘pandering to progressive extremists’ by abandoning Israel

Glazov Gang: Biden’s Catastrophe – Training, Arming and Globalizing the Taliban

After Moscow concert hall attack, France raises terror alert to highest level

Glazov Gang: Where are AOC’s Tears at the Border?

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Khamenei: U.S. is ‘left with no option but to withdraw from the region’ in changed ‘world order’ after Oct. 7

Many factors have combined recently to magnify the strength of Iran and its proxies — from Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal that only benefited Iran to the Islamic Republic’s current alliances with China and Russia, as well as its continuing to be underestimated and misunderstood by the West.  The Iranian regime has been emboldened for years. The West’s tendency to ignore or discount this has given Iran an opportunity to become a key player in the global order, while America under Biden declines. As the Ayatollah Khamenei put it in a recent statement:

The United States’ long-standing ambition to dominate the region has been undermined by the resilience of the Axis of Resistance. The United States is now left with no option but to withdraw from the region.

A recent article in the Jerusalem Post discusses how the Middle East, and global politics, has changed since October 7. “Iran’s Khamanei [sic] using Gaza war as step to change world order,” by Seth J. Frantzman, Jerusalem Post, March 24, 2024:

Iran’s Supreme Leader believes the US is in decline in its influence in the Middle East. According to a statement last week, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claimed that the current war against Israel, which Iran launched using proxies in the wake of the October 7 Hamas attack, has “disrupted” the US goals in the region.

The October 7 attack can be read as a turning point in the world order, in which Iran, Russia, Turkey, China, and others see the attack as a major shift that is taking place and seek to exploit it to achieve their goals.

Both the current weak administration governing America and the October 7 attacks have greatly contributed to a “turning point” in the world order.

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani has also threatened that “that the resistance front has yet to exhibit the maximum of its capabilities in terms of military and deterrent power”. Qaani’s reference to the “resistance” includes Hamas, jihadists in  “Gaza, the West Bank, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and other places.” Embedded in Qaani’s threat is that the West has seen nothing yet.

Khamenei believes that the US has lost all influence in the region, and that it “is now left with no option but to withdraw” altogether. With Joe Biden in the White House, Khamenei isn’t far off regarding America’s loss of influence. And as for withdrawing from the region, America isn’t adequately standing up for Israel nor even against its own enemies, so it has a weak presence.

The rising world powers increasingly appear to be Russia, China, and even possibly Iran — that is, America’s foremost enemies. Recently, Russia and China managed to broker a safe passage deal with the highly underestimated and Iran-supported Houthis, who now have the Red Sea under siege and have expanded their activities to begin interfering with ships that are heading to the Cape of Good Hope at Africa’s Southern tip. Biden’s Red Sea Coalition continues to struggle ineffectively against the Houthis, as the Yemen-based group has an adverse impact upon Western economic stability. Recently, Hamas and Houthi top dogs met to discuss “expanding their confrontations” with Israel.

Iran has also become a formidable presence within the powerful BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), and its influence is growing. According to NASDAQ, discussions about the potential impact of a new BRICS currency are now going on, “with experts debating” this new currency’s “potential to challenge” the dominance of the American dollar. Should this happen, America’s decline would accelerate, since economic clout defines global influence and power. The American dollar is the world’s principal reserve currency for global trade. Simply put: its purchasing power is so influential that when when the American dollar appreciates, other world currencies depreciate. China is now trying to lessen global reliance on the American dollar, which would also be a major victory for Iran. Last year, China was Iran’s main trade partner. According to an Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration report in May, Iran’s trade with BRICS member states between March 21, 2022 and Feb. 19, 2023 was worth $34.98 billion USD, “which excludes crude oil exports.”

Iran’s growth has been rapid in BRICS. Last August, Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi discussed Iran’s future membership in BRICS. A similar meeting took place in November; it included dignitaries from Iran and Russia, who discussed Iran’s “active role” in BRICS. Less than two months later, at the turn of the new year, Iran officially joined the China-led BRICS economic organization.

Whether or not America and the West have accepted the fact, America (deemed the “Great Satan” by Iran) and Israel (the “Little Satan”) are currently in a limited war with Iran, which is now likely in possession of nuclear bombs, and which has powerful friends.

The Jerusalem Post states that “the war in Gaza was the first shot by Iran and other countries in a major war for the future of the world order.” One can also see the increase in popularity of the pro-Hamas lobby, which is operating without restraint in America, Canada and other Western nations.

While enemies of America, Canada, Europe and Britain advance politically and economically, America and the West continue to decline under the irresponsible and weak leadership of globalist regimes, while being simultaneously invaded by multitudes of migrants, due to reckless open-door immigration polices. The globalist regimes has never indicated that they care about the fact that most of the migrants do not hold Western values.

Khamenei is correct in stating that “the United States’ long-standing ambition to dominate the region has been undermined by the resilience of the Axis of Resistance.” But whether America under Biden will fully abandon Israel and leave the region altogether, as Khamenei predicts, is another question. As stated earlier, America, in fact, is already increasingly useless to Israel as it issues threats against its traditional ally, while virtually exonerating Hamas’ use of human shields and Egypt’s blocking of Gazan refugees (except those refugees whom Egypt could bribe). The tight relationship between the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the United Nations, not to mention the China-brokered rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, are no less sobering as indicators of the nature of the new world order that has begun emerging since October 7.



Biden and Jake Sullivan Free With Advice to Israel: Don’t Invade Rafah

Netanyahu cancels advisers’ visit to DC after Biden regime allows UN ceasefire resolution to pass

The Egregious Kamala Harris Joins the Chorus of Disapproval Over Israel’s Plan to Enter Rafah

DEI Top Dogs Warn Intelligence Agencies Not to Use Terms Such as ‘Jihadist’

Putin Blames Everyone Except Islam for Islamic Terrorist Attack

State Department Official Claims IDF ‘Sexually Abuses Palestinian Women’ — Hamas Begs To Differ

Hamas and Al Jazeera admit that claims of IDF raping women in Gaza hospital were false

AOC accuses Israel of crossing ‘the threshold of intent’ of genocide

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Feminist Gender Theorist Explains Hamas Raping Jewish Women is ‘Resistance’

Feminist gender theorists begin by declaring that women don’t exist and then conclude by justifying their rape and murder.

Judith Butler has always been ahead of her time.

She was ahead of her time in adopting pronouns and in promoting gender theory. And all the way back in 2006, the feminist gender theorist and UC Berkeley academic declared that Hamas was progressive.

“Yes, understanding Hamas, Hezbollah as social movements that are progressive, that are on the Left, that are part of a global Left, is extremely important.”

Like most fanatics, Oct 7 only made Judith Butler double down on her belief in the progressive qualities of Hamas.

“We can have different views about Hamas as a political party, we can have different views about armed resistance. But […] the uprising of October 7th was an act of armed resistance,” Butler recently declared.

Butler’s brand of gender theory had begun the deconstruction of the idea that women exist. A few years ago, Butler was claiming the “trans” brand and arguing that “the category of woman can and does change, and we need it to be that way.”

Feminist gender theorists begin by declaring that women don’t exist and then conclude by justifying their rape and murder.



While Gazans Throw US Aid in Trash, Biden Builds Pier to Bring Them More

How the Hamas Hawks Fluttered the Israeli Dovecotes

In State of the Union Speech, Biden Parrots Hamas Statistics

Spain increases funding to Hamas-linked UNRWA by $21,868,000

Palestinian Authority Commits to Hamas Unity Government to Fight Israel

Biden regime to vote for UN resolution demanding immediate ceasefire in Gaza of at least six weeks’ duration

IDF warning: Iran arming Venezuela with weapons ‘very capable of hitting U.S.’

Biden Uses State of the Union to Threaten Civil War

UK: Pro-Hamas savages spray-paint and slash historic painting of Lord Balfour at University of Cambridge

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Muslim Brotherhood Leader: Oct. 7 Paves Way for Conquest of Rome

“Rome will one day be in our hands, and every house and every tent will have a Muslim in it.” — Tareq Al-Suwaidan, Kuwaiti Islamic scholar and Muslim Brotherhood leader.

The first rule of Islamic fight club is that non-Muslims aren’t allowed to talk about it. And if it must be talked about, it has to be treated as a local phenomenon. That means insisting that Hamas is attacking Israel for political reasons, the Houthis are shooting at ships for political reasons, the Fulani are massacring Christians in Nigeria for political reasons, the Pakistanis, the Taliban, the Iranians, the Syrians, the Iraqis, ISIS and Mohammed who decided to stab someone on a train are all doing it for completely unrelated reasons.

On the other side, devout Islamic leaders focus on the linkage. Every battle is a step toward global conquest and the Fourth Reich of the Ummah.

They’ll say it out loud, too. (MEMRI)

Kuwaiti Islamic scholar and Muslim Brotherhood leader Tareq Al-Suwaidan bragged that he had met with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh a week earlier.

“I was just last week with my brother Ismail Haniyeh, so I got the details of what is going on. Istanbul, Allah be praised, is now in our hands. Rome will one day be in our hands, and every house and every tent will have a Muslim in it. Palestine will be free – there is no question about it. It started by the way – October 7 was a very clear start.”

It’s not about oppression. It’s not about “open air concentration camps” or any of the other lies. It’s about the Islamic manifest destiny of conquering the world and subjugating all non-Muslims.

Istanbul is viewed as a model for the conquest of Europe. Islamic leaders dream of turning Rome and every non-Muslim city into another Istanbul.

That is what Oct, 7 was really about.



Viktor Orbán Warns: ‘The Hegemony of the West has Ended, A New World Order is Emerging’

The scapegoating of Israel

West Point Professor John Spencer on Hamas Tunnels, IDF Warnings

The Incredible Hunger in Gaza

Hamas Is Suddenly Popular In Egypt

Rutgers University Professors Bash ‘Privileged’ Jews

Canadian government to resume funding to Hamas-linked UNRWA

Canada: Palestinians sue Foreign Minister Melanie Joly over arms exports to Israel

Those ‘Genocidal’ Israelis

France: Muslim schoolteacher sings Islamic religious songs glorifying the Islamic State

RELATED VIDEO: This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer (Candace Owens Edition)

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FBI launches urgent manhunt for Iranian agent accused of plotting to murder Trump era officials

The jihad is multi-layered and global, involving the Islamic Republic of Iran’s state actors and expansive proxies, as well as other jihadist groups and lone wolf jihadists.

Farahani is wanted for questioning in connection with the recruitment of individuals for various operations in the United States…” 

With Biden’s open borders, a free flow of  jihadists are enabled and welcomed into America, and Farahani has a plethora of people to choose from.

More threats and more violence will come, as the way of life for Americans changes and its freedoms decline.

Antisemitism will also continue to rise.

FBI launches urgent manhunt for Iranian secret agent, 42, accused of plotting to assassinate Trump-era officials including Mike Pompeo in revenge for killing of Qasem Soleimani

by Germania Rodriguez Poleo, Daily Mail, March 5, 2025:

The FBI has launched an urgent manhunt for an Iranian secret intelligence official accused of plotting to assassinate Trump-era officials.

Federal agents say Majid Dastjani Farahani has been trying to recruit allies to murder current and former US government officials as revenge for the US assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani.

In an urgent notice on Friday, the FBI office in Miami asked for information on Farahani, who is said to speak Spanish and frequently move between Iran and Venezuela, where the ruling regime is friendly with Iran.

‘Farahani is wanted for questioning in connection with the recruitment of individuals for various operations in the United States, to include lethal targeting of current and former United States Government officials as revenge for the killing of IRGC-QF Commander Qasem Soleimani,’ the FBI said….

Continue reading.



Canada: Muslim who opened fire at Edmonton City Hall citing Gaza as reason gets terror charges

Mohamed Hadid: Biden is ‘Head of the Zionist Project,’ Zionists Must Leave ‘Palestine’

Hizballah launches massive rocket barrage against Israel

UK: Jews fleeing Sadiq Khan’s London in record numbers due to antisemitism

UK: Illegal migrant crossings of English Channel hit highest level this year


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why Is Israel to Be Subject to a Standard Imposed on No One Else?

Many in the political and media arenas are blaming the IDF for the deaths of 104 Gazans at a site where a convoy of aid trucks was trying to make its way to a distribution point: “US blocks Security Council motion blaming Israel for deadly Gaza aid convoy incident,” Times of Israel, March 1, 2024:

Spain’s Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares called the deaths “unacceptable” and said they underlined “the urgency of a ceasefire.”

Which deaths are “unacceptable”? The fewer than ten who were shot by IDF soldiers protecting themselves? Those who were trampled or crushed to death in the stampede? Is it the position of José Manuel Albares that IDF soldiers, who were present only to facilitate the safe arrival of the aid trucks to the point where that aid was supposed to be distributed, had no right to defend themselves from Gazans bent on harming them? Why is Israel to be subject to a standard imposed on no one else? Would the Spanish Foreign Minister have been less displeased if some Israeli soldiers had been killed?


European Union foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell similarly denounced the deaths as “totally unacceptable.”

Of course. What else would one expect from the virulently anti-Israel Josep Borrell? He says nothing about the Gazans’ stampede and the subsequent crush of bodies being trampled, letting it be assumed that “the deaths” were all the result of IDF fire. Should the IDF soldiers, who were there, let’s remember, to facilitate the delivery of food and other humanitarian aid to the Gazans, have allowed themselves to be attacked by those hellbent on harming them? Would Borrell be happier with that? Yes, I’m sure he would.

Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro announced his government was suspending purchases of weapons from Israel, describing the deadly incident as “genocide” and blaming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the violence. His statement came months after Israel suspended security exports to Colombia in a diplomatic spat over online messages by Petro comparing Israel’s military response to the Hamas-led October 7 atrocities to the actions of Nazi Germany and calling what is now going on in Gaza as a continuing “genocide.”…

Petro has long been a virulent Israel-hater, so it was to be expected that he would describe the Jewish state’s attempt to wipe out Hamas in Gaza, so that never again would Israelis have to endure the atrocities that took place October 7, as akin to the actions of the Nazis against the Jews.

One would not know, from Petro’s description, that the IDF makes enormous efforts to minimize civilian casualties, just as Hamas makes efforts to maximize them. To this end, the IDF has dropped a total of 12 million leaflets, made two million prerecorded phone calls and 72,000 personal calls, all to warn people in Gaza to move away from areas — such as “northern Gaza” — that will soon become a battlefield, and also to warn them away from buildings, including apartment buildings, schools, mosques, and hospitals, that are about to be targeted. Does President Petro know that when Israel held Gaza, between 1967 and 2005, the Strip’s population rose from 400,000 to 1.3 million, or more than tripled? Is that “genocide”? As for ending the purchase of military equipment from Israel, it’s a meaningless gesture, because Israel had already ended all security sales to Colombia several months ago. Finally, does President Petro know that the ratio of civilian-to-combatant deaths in Gaza is 4:3, an unheard-of low number, almost 1:1, when the closest any other army has come to that ratio is the 3:1 ratio (three civilians killed for each civilian death) achieved by the American military in the Iraq war? No wonder that the commander of British forces in Afghanistan, Colonel Richard Kemp, has described the IDF as “the most moral army in the history of warfare.”

Eventually the truth of what happened in Gaza on February 29 will come out. Only a very few of those who rushed to judgment to condemn Israel will issue corrections, and even then, none will come out with the shamefaced apologies and mea-maxima-culpas that they should be uttering. That truth is this: the IDF fired warning shots in the air, and then fired again at about ten individuals who continued to menacingly approach them at the checkpoint where the soldiers stood. The other 94 Gazans who died that day had either been trampled or crushed to death in a stampede by thousands of Gazans trying to grab food off the aid trucks, or they were run over when they fell under the wheels of those trucks. That is the truth. One hopes that the Bidenites, who have not been treating America’s most loyal ally with the understanding and support it deserves, will this time do the right thing, and declare its satisfaction with the Jewish state’s version of what happened on February 29 in northern Gaza.



Latest Harvard-Harris Poll Shows Strong Support For Israel

Hamas-linked CAIR top dog: Muslims ‘willing to negotiate’ with Biden regime about Palestine, Yemen, and Kashmir

The Madness of Muslim Crowds

Germany: Student faces criminal proceedings for pointing out double standards in dealing with hatred towards Jews

Mozambique: ‘Hunger, thirst and disease’ threaten Christians amid jihad attacks

Islamic Republic of Iran: Convert from Islam to Christianity found dead at age 37 of ‘heart attack’

France: Muslim walks into a bar, screams ‘Allahu akbar,’ praises al-Qaeda, gets psych exam

EDITOR NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

The Shameful Silencing of Foes of Jihad Violence and Sharia Oppression of Women

Brendan O’Neill is right: “The intention is as clear as it is repellent: to send the message that it isn’t Islamism that’s the problem – it’s ‘Islamophobia.’” But this endeavor has been going on far longer than the brouhaha over Lee Anderson.

It goes back to incidents such as the British government’s persecution of Tommy Robinson and the banning of foreign foes of jihad violence and Sharia oppression from entering the country.

Many, if not most, of the “respectable” critics of “radical Islam” had little or nothing to say about those incidents, and now they, and Britain at large, are reaping the rewards of their cowardice and pusillanimity.

The shameful silencing of radical Islam’s critics

by Brendan O’Neill, Spiked, February 25, 2024:

What Tory MP Lee Anderson said this week was dumb. But what the cultural elites are doing on the back of Anderson’s comments is outright sinister.

They are using his outburst about ‘the Islamists’ having ‘control’ over London mayor Sadiq Khan to distract attention from the very real threat Islamists pose in 21st-century Britain. They are holding him up as oafish proof that the ‘real threat’ is the ‘far right’ and ‘Islamophobes’ – gruff gammon like him – not those mystical ‘Islamists’ people keep banging on about. They are exploiting the Anderson scandal to achieve something they’ve wanted to achieve since the 7 October pogrom and the orgy of bigotry it licensed in Britain and other Western nations – that is, shift the public’s attention away from Islamism and back to ‘Islamophobia’. It is one of the most cynical political manoeuvres of modern times….

And yet, for all their daftness, the reaction to Anderson’s comments has felt wildly overblown. Not to mention transparently self-serving. Political influencers have not contented themselves with criticising him, or branding him a raging Islamophobe, if that’s what they want to do. No, they’ve made him into the archetype of ‘Islamophobic Britain’. They’ve crowned him King Gammon, who merely gives voice to a phobic derangement that is all-pervasive. The irony is too much – they damn the conspiracist mindset that sees Islamists as the puppeteers of public life while promoting their own unhinged theory that actually it’s Islamophobes who haunt every corridor of power.

Khan says Anderson’s blather is symptomatic of a ‘massive increase in Islamophobia’. The Scottish first minister, Humza Yousaf, says Anderson’s comments are proof of ‘how acceptable and pervasive Islamophobia has become in our society’. We now know that ‘Islamophobia is rampant in the Tories’, says the Guardian’s Owen Jones.

This giddy extrapolation from one loudmouth’s musings on a TV show to the end of tarring the entire nation as ‘Islamophobic’ is not only cynical – it’s ominous. The intention is as clear as it is repellent: to send the message that it isn’t Islamism that’s the problem – it’s ‘Islamophobia’. Worse, Anderson-bashers are implying, if not outright stating, that critics of Islamism pose a larger threat to the nation than Islamism itself. Especially its right-wing critics, those ‘far right’ goons like Anderson and Braverman, as they crazily view those outspoken Tories. We are witnessing nothing less than a top-down cultural assault on truth – the truth here being that radical Islam is indeed a major threat to life, limb and democracy….

Continue reading.



Greece: Muslim migrant stabs Greek woman on central Athens street

California: ‘Disgruntled’ Muslim patient shoots and kills Orthodox Jewish dentist

William Dalrymple Is Out Far and In Deep

Hamas on October 7th: The Teachings of Islam on Display (Part 1)

Media Blackout: 67+ ‘Prominent’ Muslims in Minnesota Arrested in Biggest U.S. Pandemic-Era Fraud Scheme

Hamas Staged a Food Aid Riot to Blame Israel and Retain Control Over Aid

New Zealand designates Hamas a terror group and imposes sanctions on ‘extremist Israeli settlers’

Hamas’ Claim That IDF Killed 100 Civilians In Attack On Aid Trucks Doesn’t Hold Up to Scrutiny

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Minneapolis Muslim trained at ISIS camp, said he would ‘shoot New York up. We going to come blow New York up’

How many others are there like Harafa Hussein Abdi in Minneapolis? Such questions, of course, are “Islamophobic.”

“U.S. Citizen Charged with Providing Material Support to Isis And Receiving Military-Type Training at Isis Fighter Camp,” Justice Department, February 16, 2024:

A complaint was unsealed today charging Harafa Hussein Abdi, 41, of Minneapolis, with providing and conspiring to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and receiving and conspiring to receive military-type training from ISIS. Abdi, a U.S. citizen, was recently taken into custody overseas and was transported to the United States yesterday. Abdi will be presented before U.S. Magistrate Judge Valerie Figueredo in Manhattan federal court later today….

As alleged in the complaint, Abdi, moved from Minnesota to Somalia in 2015. Once there, he joined a group of ISIS fighters at an ISIS training camp in the Puntland region of Somalia. During his time with the group, Abdi regularly carried an AK-47 assault rifle and received training on how to use it. In addition, Abdi worked in the ISIS group’s “media” wing, where he filmed footage for distribution by a pro-ISIS media outlet.

In social media communications during his time at the ISIS camp, Abdi described how he had left the United States and joined the “Islamic state.” Abdi also stated that he had made “hijra,” an Arabic term used by ISIS supporters to refer to traveling overseas to join ISIS and engage in jihad. Abdi also sent a photograph of himself carrying an AK-47 assault rifle, as depicted below:

In or about January 2017, Abdi sent an audio clip of rap lyrics in which he expressed support for ISIS and described multiple acts of violence, including shooting and bombing individuals in New York City. Specifically, Abdi stated, “hollow tips put a hole in your Catholic vest, and chop his head off let it rest on his Catholic chest.” Abdi further stated, “We going to carry on jihad”; “Fly through America on our way to shoot New York up. They trying to shut this thing. We ain’t going. We going to come blow New York up.” Abdi sent the audio clip to at least 20 other social media users and included messages with the audio clip, such as “Fighting back the kuffar who’s at war with Muslims if [that] is not islam then I don’t know wats Islam.”

Abdi left the ISIS camp in 2017 after his relationship with the ISIS group’s leadership deteriorated. After being jailed by the group, Abdi escaped and traveled to East Africa, where he was arrested by law enforcement authorities. In subsequent Mirandized interviews with FBI personnel, Abdi admitted that he had joined the training camp, which was affiliated with a known ISIS leader in Somalia. Abdi also identified himself in an ISIS propaganda video that he helped to film at the training camp in which Abdi carried an AK-47 assault rifle, promoted ISIS and urged others to join and fight on its behalf. In the video, Abdi said, “We thank almighty God for making us His soldiers and chose us to be among the Khilafa troops,” and “So do not stay behind, brother, and get on this caravan…. Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith fight in the cause of Evil.” Abdi also admitted that he was trained on and regularly carried an AK-47 assault rifle and practiced shooting the AK-47 in the Somali wilderness outside the camp….



American Association of University Professors Calls On Israel to Leave Hamas Standing

ISIS Mozambique: ‘We declare war on all Christians in the world, either to be a Muslim or paying jizya’

The Zombie Foreign Policy Establishment Can’t Process Oct. 7

Muslim 13-year-old girl forced to marry 29-year-old, ‘A girl can’t say no. It’s against our culture.’

Biden Regime Considered Sanctioning Israeli Cabinet Members

India: 50-year-old Muslim arrested for raping 1-year-old child

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Maryland: Muslim Teacher Says She’s Victim of Racism After She’s Suspended for Calling for Israel’s Disappearance

A Muslim elementary school teacher in Maryland has filed a discrimination complaint after being suspended for using the phrase “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” as her email signature. More on the outraged, and outrageous, Hajur El-Haggan, can be found here: “Muslim school teacher says she’s victim of racism after being suspended for using ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ as her email signature,” by Emma Richter, DailyMail.com

A Muslim school teacher in Maryland said that she is a victim of racism after she was suspended for using ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ as her email signature.

Hajur El-Haggan, a math teacher at Argyle Middle School, was placed on administrative leave in November after she was told that her chosen signature was not allowed.

This was her school email, not her personal account. Students, parents, and fellow teachers would all be subjected, in their email correspondence with her, to this message: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

This phrase is a call for the establishment of a Palestinian state on all the land from the river Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea, and for the disappearance of the Jewish state. All of its Jewish inhabitants would be expelled or killedRightly understood, it is a call for ethnic cleansing, and the replacement of the only Jewish state by a twenty-third Arab one. It is understandable that the principal would not want one of his teachers displaying such a sentiment on a school account.

The Muslim and Arab-American teacher has since gone on to file a discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Maryland Commission on Human Rights against Montgomery County Public Schools.

‘I have co-workers who have “Black Lives Matter” in their email signatures, or links to their pronouns and what they mean. My quote does not fall into a different category,’ El-Haggan told KUTV.

She is wrong. Her quote is in a different category. “Black Lives Matter” does not call for ethnic cleansing or the destruction of a state and its people. Phrases about pronouns that have to do with self-identification as non-binary, similarly, are not a threat to the existence of anyone. “From the river to the sea” is such a threat; it means politicide accompanied by ethnic cleansing.

The complaint stated that after she was reprimanded by the school’s principal about her email signature, she offered to take it down, but they [sic] proceeded to tell her that she would still be suspended.

Even if El-Haggan had taken down that email signature, that would not have changed the fact that she supports the disappearance of Israel, and the removal of all of the Jews living now “between the river and the sea.” Isn’t that the real “racism” that is involved here, and not her suspension? She was not suspended because she is a Muslim Arab, but because of her support for the ethnic cleansing of Jews “from the river to the sea.”

The discrimination complaint, which has also been filed with the local Fair Employment Practices Agency, said that El-Haggan and her colleagues at the school ‘hold certain personal and political views regarding various social injustices.’…

Would a teacher who had made known his, or her, support for the KKK, or for neo-Nazi groups, be allowed to continue as a teacher? El-Haggan’s views are not merely “political,” but rather, a call for the destruction of a country and the ethnic cleansing — some might even say the attempted “genocide” — of its people.

The complaint also noted that besides El-Haggan, other teachers in the middle school ‘expressed opinions about various political and social matters.’…

But none of her fellow teachers called for what amounts to ethnic cleansing. 

‘Just like here in America, we have “From sea to shining sea,” it’s no different. It’s a call for freedom, peace, basic rights, and humanity and coexistence,’ El-Haggan said….

No, Ms. Al-Haggan. They are not the same. “From sea to shining sea” is merely the geographical description of a country — America — that is being celebrated as “beautiful/from sea to shining sea.” “From the river to the sea” is not a call for “freedom, peace, basic rights, and humanity and coexistence,” but rather, a malevolent call for the destruction of a state and its people.

The complaint also said that that three days before she was placed on leave, the Palestinian flag in her car that said ‘Free Palestine was cut off of her vehicle and written on….

Did she promptly report this act? It would be strange – should raise a skeptical eyebrow – if she had not done so. Or was this claimed attack dreamed up later to support her lawsuit, suggesting that she was living in a hostile, anti-Palestinian, racist environment?

The phrase ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ has long been seen as a call for destruction by the Jewish population, but for the Palestinian community and their supporters, it has been seen as a peaceful call for liberation.

No, that phrase is not seen as a “peaceful call for liberation” by the Palestinians. They know exactly what it means — the destruction of the Jewish state and the expulsion, or killing, of its Jewish population. In this hoped-for future state of “Palestine,” only Israeli Arabs would be allowed to remain.

There is speech that is beyond the pale. Calling for the destruction of a state and its people, because of their religion, is such speech. It is reasonable for the Montgomery County School Board to want to protect its students from such speech, directed at the only Jewish state, just as it would want to protect them from teachers found to endorse the KKK or neo-Nazis. El-Haggan and her lawyer hope to convince the judge that “from the river to the sea” is an innocuous call for “peace and liberation.” It is not. And the lawsuit will be determined by whether or not the judge, or possibly members of a jury, understand its malevolent significance.



Islamic Terror Group Killed 32 Hostages in Gaza, 20 More Reported Dead

Canadian Union of Public Employees toolkit for York University TA’s supports Palestine as ‘feminist issue’

Germany’s New Naturalization Law Will Shorten Time for Muslim Migrants to Acquire the Right to Vote

UK: Muslim migrant jihadi allowed to stay in country, referred to mental health team after each violent offense

Turkey revives plan to convert another historic Byzantine church into a triumphal mosque

Islamic Republic of Iran: Christians charged with ‘deviant propaganda activities contrary to the holy Islamic law’

Muslim migrant says he came to France ‘because of the money they give us’

Iran-linked ‘suicide plane’ kills at least 6 Kurdish fighters on Syrian base housing US troops

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.