Tag Archive for: jihad

Short-Circuiting Iran’s Strategy in the Black Sabbath War

The current war between Israel and Hamas is not an Israeli-Palestinian issue, nor should its goals be only the removal of Hamas from power. The Palestinian issue is certainly an aspect of the conflict.  But this is a regional strategic event. It is a major episode in the twilight struggle between Iran and Israel – indeed between the US-oriented regional bloc and the Russian-Chinese oriented bloc — and not a localized conflict between Israel and an errant terror group.

From what is emerging, Hamas did anticipate the withering, catastrophic Israeli response to what it did on October 7. But it still proceeded. While that appears to us as suicidal, it is not. Hamas appreciated that it had reached its strategic zenith in Gaza and needed to carry its center of power and the war to the West Bank and thus deems Gaza expendable – as its leadership has said since the attack. Moreover, it is equally important to understand that Hamas appreciates that its local power to achieve that transfer is derivative of the overall consequence of the strategic rise and initiative of Iran. As a suicide bomber seeks to advance its cause, or a Kamikaze squadron understands its role is to advance the nation, and not just itself, so too did Hamas understand that it had to sacrifice itself in Gaza to advance the larger strategic interests of its camp to secure ultimately victory.

And since a suicide bomber or Kamikaze squadron cannot be deterred since any calculation of self-interest is annulled, so too Hamas could not be deterred based on local calculations of interest upon which Israel’s intelligence based its estimates. The error of Israeli intelligence, thus, was that it supposed such decisions about war and calm came only from Gaza. They didn’t. They came from Tehran. Perhaps the timing was Hamas’, and there are signs it was launched prematurely, but the strategy is Tehran’s. Any discussions of Iran’s operational role in ordering this attack at this time are irrelevant. Iran built and prepared Hamas to advance the larger strategic message across the region — especially to those who were forming a regional alliance and beginning to build strategic momentum against Iran — that Israel’s stature as a viable state, let alone as a rising, regional power, is an illusion.  Israel has recovered from its initial shock and on its way to victory in Gaza. But to reclaim the region’s strategic momentum and regain the initiative for the Western-allied bloc of which it was stripped on October 7, such a victory is insufficient, and was even anticipated by Iran and Hamas, both of whom understood this strategic conflict will not be won there by either side. While Israel must not only retain its current resolve in Gaza, it must also transfer that determination to areas that represent Iran’s core strategic stature in the region. And that is Hizballah and Syria. Thus, to win not only a tactical victory against Hamas in Gaza, Israel must win a strategic victory against Iran by hitting its core proxies to the north as well.

Iran fears that if Israel indeed accomplishes such a strategic reversal, it can reverberate and threaten the regime in Tehran. Totalitarian regimes project stability, but in truth they have little ability to absorb ideological shocks and setbacks without it rattling their ideological core and confidence. To avert disaster, Tehran thus needs to escalate its attempt to maintain the strategic initiative, at the core of which is securing the narrative that Israel is weak.

In this context, and perhaps at first seemingly contradictory, Iran’s objective is ironically to draw the US into the conflict more directly.

Tehran remains confident that any US response will be punitive, measured and symbolic and not strategic. It has been given no reason to believe that the US has, or will, undergo the sort of paradigm shift as Israel now appears to be undergoing, and thus Washington will not abandon its attempt either to reach a regional understanding with Iran. Indeed, Iran reads every statement of warning from Washington to reassert US deterrence as an indication the United States is still playing by the rules Iran manipulates. Iran cannot deal with chaos and unpredictability, since a strategy of manipulation implies one anticipates and thus navigates to control one’s opponent’s soul and behavior. Because it believes America will not break established rules and act unpredictably – especially that America will not fundamentally shift the paradigm and will not conclude it must work to collapse, rather than come to terms with, the Iranian regime — Iran is confident it can leverage and manipulate any US reaction to its advantage. As such, Tehran feels it can safely risk limited US intervention.

Since the point of the attack on October 7 was to wound and humiliate Israel so painfully that it punctures the hope of Abraham Accord countries and Saudi Arabia that Israel can be a regional strong horse to which to attach their fortunes, then it became imperative for Iran to set the narrative that Israel is no more than a collapsing “spider web.” Iran knew images of dead and fleeing Israelis – the same images that so horrified Israelis and Westerners animated those in the region — projected Israeli weakness. It is precisely in this context, that US promises of intervening to help Israel were gleefully amplified in the Iranian press because they confirm that Israel was damaged so profoundly that it could no longer defend itself alone.

But now Israel is reunifying and threatening to go on a strategic rampage against Iran’s core proxy, Hizballah, and perhaps Syria which threatens to reverse and even obliterate the narrative of strategic momentum of a retreating/collapsing Israel and advancing Iran. And to do so alone. So Iran now must now craft a new narrative: that Israel was indeed — and remains — so weak that America must intervene actively and directly to save it. And that Americans now will have to be sacrificed to save the Jewish state in its non-viable weakness.  Namely, it needs to establish that Israel has become such a limping albatross that it is a drains the US rather than being a regional strong horse anchoring Western power.

So important is it to Iran to establish this narrative, that they are inventing evidence to validate it. For example, Iranian government officials plant the story that a week after the visit by President Biden to Israel in mid-October, Israel transferred control over its nuclear program to the United States since Israel is collapsing and in the ensuing chaos it will either lose the nuclear asset to Iran and the Palestinians or use it. And as we have seen over the last few weeks, Iran has a substantial echo chamber in the West.

It is in this context that one must understand Nasrallah’s, Iran’s, and Hamas’ statements that they underestimated the US assistance to Israel. This is not an admission of miscalculation, but a manipulative statement. It is not genuine reflection, but an attempt to establish the fiction that the US is directly intervening because Israel remains too weak to do this alone. Through inconclusive American intervention, Iran seeks to paint a strategic narrative establishing Iran as strategically ascendent and Israel and the Abraham countries in a despairing, flailing retreat.

But for that narrative to work, they need to get America to intervene just enough to make it look like an American war, but not enough to provoke America to shift strategically. Iran’s aim is eventually to push Washington to revert to Iran to seek a regional arrangement to calm down the area — i.e., an expanded JCPOA 2.0.

Iran is counting on the US also to split with Israel and seek to impose an Oslo 2.0 — namely to go back to Abu Mazen to rehabilitate the two-state idea and give him Gaza. Iran is right. The current administration in Washington still sees this a localized Hamas-Israel conflict and retreats into the pre-October 7 paradigm: redouble efforts to make a success the policies pursued before October 7 – a two state solution crafted around a rehabilitated Palestinian Authority. The ancient Greeks understood in their tales that those whom the gods seek to destroy, they first drive crazy by prodding the tragic figure into ill-conceived determination to redouble his same efforts while losing sight of his goals.

Iran expects that will isolate Israel, keeps Jerusalem from fully reversing the weakness of being initially wounded, perhaps even have the United States restrain Israel enough to prevent them from addressing the threat from Hizballah to the north, and through all this to thus maintain for Tehran the regional momentum of being in strategic ascendency. It correctly estimates that the United States fails at this stage still to appreciate that strong Israeli action against Iran’s regional strategic foundations in Lebanon and Syria signal that Israel fully understands it is now in a twilight struggle to seize the regional strategic momentum, and that Jerusalem will prosecute that struggle confidently and bring the war bearing down away from Israel and into Tehran itself.

But this, in fact, may be a blessing in disguise. If at the core of Iranian strategy is to portray Israel as fatally wounded and liming to its demise, saved only by US power, then having Israel – not US power – deliver a catastrophic strategic blow alone sends a critical message all in the region reasserting not only its viability, but its rising rather than eroding power.  That Israel must do this without a US green light actually strengthens the impact of this message regionally.

But eventually, the United States will awake and realize Iran’s strategic campaign is only part of the larger sleepless malice (to pilfer from Tolkien’s The Hobbit) that stretches from Pyongyang to Caracas, passing through Beijing, Moscow, Sanaa and Algiers, which now stirs. Eventually, Washington will abandon the twin shibbolets of Oslo 2.0 and JCPOA 2.0 and shift the paradigm to focusing on helping the Iranian people bring the nightmare of their regime to its demise. Until then, it is imperative for Israel now to seize the strategic initiative regionally to deliver not only for itself, but for Washington a great victory against its better judgment.

It is a great but unavoidable burden for Israel to do this initially without an American green light. But at the same time, there is yet another irony in this situation. Israel will actually secure greater support in the long term by acting with such strength and strategic purpose regionally. Israel will eventually win great American support since it establishes Israel as the key pillar of the Western alliance in the region – which ultimately reduces the need for constant American power being projected there as it needs to refocus on Asia and Europe. Also, when Arab nations see Israel as the strong horse, they will make peace, which further secures regional acceptance and eases Arabist pressures on America.

But most importantly, Americans have always seen in Israel an image of themselves, and at the core of that brand was that Israel stood on its own legs always to defend itself by itself – just as Americans always have. For Americans, anyone that fights for what he believes in, even if he must fight alone, is someone worth fighting for and aligning oneself with. As such, a confident and self-reliantly victorious Israel will also tap again into America’s recently eroding imagination of Israel’s being a tough, independent-minded and principled nation onto which America can once again – as after 1967 and Entebbe — project its own image of itself.


David Wurmser

Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs.


Iran not taking US seriously: Shideler

Violence flares in the US in the wake of 10/7

Allowing Hamas to dictate the news

Yet another reason to stop appeasing and emboldening Iran

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Originally published by The Institute for a Secure America. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

ITALY: Muslim Sect Promises Global War and a Massacre of Millions Leading to an Islamic World

For the details on this, please see RAIR Foundation

This RAIR Foundation video is about eight minutes long:

Sweden competes with Canada for gold medal in sanctimony, more proof hostages are in Gaza hospitals

Everyone in Sweden believes everyone else should take in Islamic migrants.

Reports Say Israeli Ship “Galaxy Leader” Hijacked By Houthi Terrorists

Reports from Arab media indicate that the “Galaxy Leader,” a vehicle carrier vessel, was hijacked in the Red Sea on Monday by the Houthi group, which is supported by Iran, as reported by The Jerusalem Post.

UPDATE: The IDF explains that while this is a very serious event, none of the crew is Israeli and the vessel itself is not an Israeli ship.

Fascinating clip about Xi’s visit to San Francisco. Watch to the end.

North Olmsted man accused of faking hate crime attack near North Ridgeville

Hesham Ayyad claimed he had been hit by a car driven by a man who yelled things like ‘Kill all Palestinians’ at him. Authorities now believe Ayyad made it all up.

NORTH RIDGEVILLE, Ohio — A North Olmsted man is facing multiple misdemeanor charges after police say he faked an alleged hate crime attack near North Ridgeville last month.

According to investigators, 20-year-old Hesham A. Ayyad was originally taken to the hospital on Oct. 22 after telling officers he had been hit by a car in an incident that was “racially motivated.” He claimed the collision took place on Cook Road in Olmsted Township, and North Ridgeville detectives subsequently began looking into the case.

An article posted the next day by the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Cleveland branch shed more light on Ayyad’s version of events. Per the organization, Ayyad claimed he was waking home from lunch when a vehicle approached and the driver rolled his window down. Ayyad reported hearing the driver say things like “Kill all Palestinians” and “Long live Israel” before swerving his car and hitting Ayyad, driving away while screaming, “DIE!”

Israel’s Defence Forces uncover CCTV footage showing bloodied victims of Hamas’ October 7 attacks being hauled into al-Shifa hospital hours after troops allegedly discovered a 55-metre-long tunnel under the complex

Uncovered CCTV footage appears to show victims abducted by Hamas during the October 7 massacre being hauled into Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City.

The surveillance footage shows bloodied victims – believed to be Thai and Nepali migrants taken hostage by the terrorists – being carried into the hospital on gurneys. They appear to have been severely injured by Hamas fighters.

The video, which was released by Israel‘s Defence Forces (IDF) on Sunday, was captured at Al-Shifa hospital the day that Hamas launched its attack on Israel.

It comes as the IDF, who have been carrying out an operation at the medical complex over the last week, said it had found a 55-metre-long underground passage 10-metres below the ground.

Israel has long claimed the hospital – which is the largest in the Palestinian enclave – functions as a command complex for Hamas, with a network of tunnels running deep below used for both ammunition storage and planning

Here is a link to the clip of one of the hostages being taken through a Gaza hospital. We have had this confirmed by our own contacts that this is an accurate video along with the description.

Thank you all for checking out this site, More to come shortly.


EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

BEDLAM: Jew-Hating Pro-Hamas Rioters Attack Police As They Storm DNC Headquarters

All U.S. House and Senate Buildings On Lockdown, Police Injured

All house office buildings are locked down. No exit or entry due to pro-Hamas demonstration on Capitol Hill.

They are fighting with the police outside of the Democratic National Committee Headquarters in Washington D.C.

The rioters reportedly tried entering the DNC building but were stopped by police.



WEAPONS. HOSTAGES. BENEATH A HOSPITAL: Hamas and Islamic Jihad Stockpiling Weapons, Holding Hostages in Gaza Hospitals

BBC Forced to Apologize for Another Inaccurate Report on IDF in Gaza, Admits They LIED and Falsely Made Claims Against IDF (Again)

Jew-Hating Bus Drivers Refused to Drive Jews to Pro-Israel Rally in DC, “Deliberate and Malicious Walkout,” Leaving Them on Tarmac at Dulles for 11 Hours

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Complicated’: Over 100 Harvard Faculty Defend ‘From The River To The Sea’

Over 100 Harvard faculty members signed a letter saying the phrase “from the river to the sea” is “complicated” in response to the president’s recent statement on antisemitism.

Harvard President Claudine Gay wrote multiple statements about the antisemitism on campus following backlash from donors and fire from former grads about her response to antisemitism on campus after the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks, including a new statement on Thursday denouncing the phrase “from the river to the sea,” which has genocidal implications. A letter signed by many Harvard faculty members claimed that “pressure from donors” is racist and that condemning the phrase “from the river to the sea” is the wrong decision.

“As Harvard faculty, we have been astonished by the pressure from donors, alumni, and even some on this campus to silence faculty, students, and staff critical of the actions of the State of Israel. It is important to acknowledge the patronizing tone and format of much of the criticism you have received as well as the outright racism contained in some of it,” the letter reads.

‘The signatories are the usual suspects from the anti Israel woke hard left. Their one sided screed is part of the problem, not part of any reasonable resolution. I doubt that many of them would sign a letter in support of the free speech of such ‘complex ‘ issues as racism, sexism, homophobia or Islamophobia. Their double standard against Israel is obvious,” former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Student protests across the U.S. have used the phrase “from the river to the sea” as well as other anti-Israel slogans. Harvard University, Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania implemented antisemitism task forces to address antisemitism on campus following the Hamas terrorist attacks.

Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib previously reposted a tweet with the phrase “From the river to the sea” and has made other anti-Israel comments. The House voted to censure Tlaib on Nov. 7 over anti-Israel comments made following the terrorist attacks.

“The phrase ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine must be free’ has a long and complicated history. Its interpretation deserves, and is receiving, sustained and ongoing inquiry and debate,” the letter reads.

The letter goes on to call the choice to denounce the phrase “imprudent” and a misjudged “act of moral leadership.” “It might be framed in the language of liberation, but it calls for the destruction of Israel,” professor Norman Goda, Norman and Irma Braman Professor of Holocaust Studies at the University of Florida, told the DCNF.

Harvard did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.





MEF Investigation Exposes Hamas Funders in America

Biden Admin Unveils New Tools To Counter Antisemitism, Islamophobia In Schools

Elite Universities That Are Hotbeds For Pro-Hamas Activism Got Billions In Federal Grants, Tax Benefits

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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There is No Moderate Jihad

And that’s why co-existence is impossible.

Civilized nations have spent generations trying to convince themselves that the primary religious and national impulses of the Muslim world come down to more than conquest and mass murder.

The horrors of the past few years in Afghanistan and Israel both came down to the mistaken belief that you could negotiate and reach an agreement with Jihadist movements.

Both D.C. and Jerusalem had become enchanted with diplomatic initiatives to the Muslim world, from the Abraham Accords to two years of relative peace with Hamas, politicians, generals and diplomats were convinced that they had finally unlocked the secret of coexistence.

But there’s no perpetual motion machine, no diet that lets you eat what you want and no coexistence with an ideology that is built on conquering and destroying all outsiders.

Individually, contextually and circumstantially coexistence is possible. But not in the long run.

How long that long run is depends not on building relationships, but showing strength. Civilized people treat coexistence as a means of developing bonds but the other side uses periods of coexistence to test for weaknesses. Coexistence on their side is a wholly insincere façade, no matter how authentic it may appear, that gathers information to be used when the attack comes.

Israeli Kibbutz residents thought that they were building relationships with day laborers from Gaza. They chatted about life, their kids and their various hardships. Then those same laborers returned to kill, rape and abduct them. But that is how that was always going to end.

That is how it will end for us with the millions of immigrants that we have taken into our nations.

It is a fundamental error to view Hamas as an “extremist” group. It is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood whose political parties rule a number of Muslim countries. Its political organizations also dominate Muslim communities in America and Europe. Most of Al Qaeda’s leaders were also members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The myth of a split between political Islam and militant Islam, between moderate and extreme Islamic movements was always just that.

As Erdogan, the brutal Islamist tyrant who became the poster boy for moderate Islam said, “Islam cannot be either ‘moderate’ or ‘not moderate.’ Islam can only be one thing.” He has since, despite previous claims of turning more moderate and rebuilding relationships, renewed his support for Hamas, and threatened western nations with a Jihad against the “crusaders”.

The trouble with all the dreams of coexistence is that Islam is Jihad and Jihad is Islam. The most fundamental external expression of Islam is a drive to conquer the entire world, not in some uncertain ‘end of days’ future, but here, now and in the present. The difference between the so-called moderates and extremists comes down to quibbling over when and how that conquest is to begin, where it is to be implemented and who is to take charge of it.

But the actual conquest is an ongoing project. Every Islamic war, whether against Muslims or non-Muslims, is waged as part of an agenda of global conquest. Muslim civil wars are waged between different factions under the banner of Islamic leadership. And the purpose of Islamic leadership is to impose Islamic law in its lands and then invade other lands to impose the same brutal theocratic repression there.

The Jihad is the defining force of Islamic political and religious life. Much as with Communism, coexistence with it is impossible. It was impossible to coexist with members of a movement that believed in conquering and subjugating everyone under the red flag and the little red book. Individually you could chat with a Communist or help them with their groceries, but the ideology doomed any long term relationship with someone who wanted you dead or as a slave.

This was a difficult lesson that we never learned during the Cold War. Is it any wonder that we’re incapable of grasping this concept now when our civilization’s future is once again on the line?

The Cold War was fought on the optimistic premise that everyone wanted the same things we did, and that once we taught them to want them, they would adopt our means of getting them. Convince Communists that color TVs were fun and they become democratic capitalists. What sounded like a good argument to us has failed in every country that it’s been tried, except those that, like Japan and Germany, were originally democratic and capitalist. Instead we convinced China that it should make and sell us the TVs and use the money to build up its military, and convinced the Muslim world to move here, kill us and take the TVs.

We are not the world and the world is not us. Not all religions, cultures and countries are alike. Most have things that they believe in every bit as strongly as our fanciful belief that all people are basically good and that if we could just get them in a room, we would agree on most things. That’s what we did with multiculturalism and it’s why we now have violent riots every few years because we don’t agree on basic things like what we want out of life or how we treat each other.

That’s why we should not delude ourselves into thinking that the Jihad is a fringe, the misbehavior of a tiny minority, and that even that tiny minority doesn’t really buy into it. Every religion and movement has its hypocrites, but the belief that the world must be purified by Islam is as sincerely held by the majority of its believers as by those who fought for Communism. That is the religious impulse, more than any other, at the heart of Islam and its promise to Muslims.

Each religion has elements that make it exceptional. What makes Islam exceptional is not the collection of beliefs, scriptures and rituals often cribbed from Judaism and Christianity, but what it offers that these religions do not, an imminent redemption of the world achieved not in the distant future, but in the present day through the violent actions of its followers. That, and not borrowed scripture and ritual, is what allowed Islam to defeat Jews and Christians.

Western nations view this as ancient history while Muslims see it as an enduring struggle. That is why they talk, as Erdogan does, about “crusaders” and taunt the Jews with the massacre of Khaybar by Mohammed’s bandits. Convinced that history can never repeat itself, we dismiss the idea that it’s relevant or that the people we are dealing with are serious about bringing it back.

Civilized people are shocked by the horrors that ISIS, Boko Haram or Hamas perpetrate because they refuse to learn history or to see how it might be relevant to current events. It’s fashionable to draw a line, whether it’s 5 minutes ago or in 1967, and begin the clock from there. Why is this happening, they wonder, as if this had not been the longstanding practice of Islamic armies to behead fallen enemies, mutilate bodies or to rape women for over a thousand years. They assume without a shred of evidence that such practices must have been abolished.

What we are experiencing is not a reaction to anything we did. It has nothing to do with our views on a ‘Palestinian’ state, whether we draw Mohammed or welcome refugees. The Jihad is the founding religious impulse of Islam with over a thousand years of history behind it. The Jihad not only predates the United States of America and the rebirth of Israel, but dates back to a name when pagan kings ruled the various parts of England. It predates colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, globalism, the dollar, WWI and the Carter administration.

The Jihad made Islam possible. It is also what gives it meaning. It is the precarious reality that colors all relationships with the Muslim world. We have learned to ignore it at our own risk. And every time we unsee it, people die. They die by the dozens, the hundreds and the thousands. And the killing and the dying happen because we mistake what is at best a Cold War for a rich relationship. We think that we are building bridges when we’re really welcoming invaders.

To survive, we need to see all the things that we’ve been unseeing. We have to recognize that these horrors are not aberrations, they are the norm. It’s the pleasantries and periods of coexistence that are the aberration. It’s not a problem we can negotiate away. It’s not solvable by spreading democracy or building up trade relationships. The only reason we weren’t living with these horrors on an everyday basis is that the Western world became too powerful to have our coastlines and ships raided for slaves as used to be common practice in the past.

What the Muslim world and it leftist allies call “imperialism” and “colonialism” meant that kidnapped European women stopped showing up in the harems of the Ottoman Caliphate and European children as slaves in his armies. It also meant that the Jews were able to rebuild their country and, briefly, Christians in the region were also able to freely lift their heads again. We forgot that we had become strong to stop ourselves from falling victim to the endless Jihad. And our sons and daughters came to sympathize with former enemies who would rape and kill them.

Now we have made ourselves weak and the horrors are returning. We struggle to coexist with those who want to kill us. And then we wonder why they keep killing us. There’s our answer.

Coexistence is death, resistance is life. Until we learn to stop coexisting with our killers, they will go on killing us. All else is an illusion. A fantasy that we keep feeding ourselves. There is no moderate Islam because there is no moderate Jihad. And there is no moderate Jihad because there is no moderate way to conquer and enslave non-Muslims. Islam is a state of perpetual war. To know Islam is to never know peace. We coexist with Islam and so we are at war.




Photographers Without Borders: AP & Reuters Pictures of Hamas Atrocities Raise Ethical Questions

Muslim Girl At London Protest Calls For Killing All Jews

Yemeni Muslim politician: ‘Our mobilization is one of jihad for the sake of Allah,’ calls on Putin to strike Israel

France: Muslim on terror watch list for ‘Islamist radicalization’ had submachine gun, was preparing jihad massacre

Is Congress Ready to Take on Pro-Hamas Nonprofits?

DSA-Linked Group Tries to Organize Protest Against Holocaust Museum Screening Hamas Atrocities

After Turkish Muslim Assaults Jewish Students, UMass Administrators Defend Anti-Israel Hate

RELATED VIDEO: Daniel Greenfield: “Hamas attacked under a CEASEFIRE

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEOS: Survivors recount what happened on Oct. 7th at Kibbutz Alumim during Hamas’ attack

Sarit Kurtzman lived with her husband and 14-month-old daughter on Kibbutz Alumim, just four kilometers from the Gaza border. While they’re used to the sounds of rockets, planes, and tanks, the sounds they heard on October 7th were unlike anything they’d heard before.

For 26 hours, they hid in their safe room as terrorists infiltrated their Kibbutz and wreaked havoc on all that they knew. Sarit tells her brave and miraculous story of survival with tremendous strength and faith.

Avida Bachar managed to survive the massacre in Be’eri with his daughter, but lost his wife and son.

In a heart-wrenching interview from the hospital, Bachar spoke about survival and loss, “The terrorists saw my wife moving and shot her. I told my daughter – “Mommy doesn’t hurt anymore, Carmel is now in a better place.”


TERROR TV: NPR Is Supporting Hamas Terrorism @NPRpubliceditor

Middle East Received $21 Billion In U.S. Foreign Aid Under Biden Administration


©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

After falsely claiming ‘white supremacists’ were top terror threat, FBI top dog Wray now warns of Hamas attacks in U.S.

This malignant clown is just covering his tracks. For years he has been lying, claiming that “white supremacists” constituted the nation’s chief terror threat. This was a thinly veiled attempt to criminalize and destroy all political opposition to the Biden regime in the U.S. But now he can’t ignore the jihad threat any longer, and with attacks likely in the U.S., he has to pretend he is on top of the situation. In reality, the FBI has been in denial about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat for years, and almost certainly will not be able to stop future jihad attacks in the U.S., because it is still so ideologically blinkered and politicized that it doesn’t even know what to look for.

FBI Director Wray warns terror threat to Americans at ‘whole other level’ amid Hamas-Israel conflict

by Adam Shaw and Brooke Singman, Fox News, October 31, 2023:

…”The reality is that the terrorism threat has been elevated throughout 2023, but the ongoing war in the Middle East has raised the threat of an attack against Americans in the United States to a whole other level,” Wray told lawmakers on the Senate Homeland Security Committee….

“We assess that the actions of Hamas and its allies will serve as an inspiration, the likes of which we haven’t seen since ISIS launched its so-called caliphate several years ago,” Wray said. “In just the past few weeks, multiple foreign terrorist organizations have called for attacks against Americans and the West.”…

“We also cannot and do not discount the possibility that Hamas or another foreign terrorist organization may exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil,” he said.

He also pointed to concerns about threats posed by Hezbollah as well as Iran – which supports both Hamas and Hezbollah – and noted their histories of support of terror and criminal operations.

“Given that disturbing history, we are keeping a close eye on what impact recent events may have on those groups’ intentions here in the United States and how those intentions might evolve,” he said, citing cyber-targeting of American interests by Iran and other foes….

A DHS spokesperson said this week that the U.S. remains in a heightened threat environment and recent events reinforce that.

“As the Israel-Hamas conflict continues, we have seen an increase in reports of threats against Jewish, Muslim, and Arab communities and institutions. Lone offenders, motivated by a range of violent ideologies, pose the most likely threat. We urge the public to stay vigilant and to promptly report suspicious activity to local law enforcement,” the spokesperson said in a statement.


RELATED VIDEO: This Week in Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer


BRAVO: House PASSES Israel Stand Alone Bill For Emergency Aid

New York Times Provides Hamas with Information on IDF Positions in Gaza

The ‘occupation’ narrative hides the shared Hamas-PA goal

Czech Defense Minister Calls For Leaving the UN

Muslim cleric quotes genocidal hadith in which Muhammad calls on Muslims to murder Jews

France: Hospital gets three false bomb threats, ‘It’s going to blow, Allahu akbar!’

UK: Pro-Hamas leader of Muslim group with which government has ‘zero engagement’ advises authorities on ‘hate crime’

European Union has given $717,000,000 to the ‘Palestinians’ since 2021, including $236,000,000 to Gaza

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

HAMAS OFFICIALS: Iran Has Given Our Organizations $ Billions, Paying For ‘Every Weapon’ And Funding Our Jihad

Over the past few years, MEMRI has translated top officials from Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and even the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) talking openly about how Iran is funding their organizations’ military activity.

MEMRI has compiled these clips into a video exposing these leaders discussing the weapons, funding, training, and “guidance” that Iran has given to their organizations for terrorism and for waging jihad. Among other things, they describe their “strategic relationship” with Iran, assess Iran’s funding of the Palestinian resistance at billions of dollars, and explain how IRGC Qods Force commander Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a U.S. drone strike in January 2020, had personally overseen the arming, equipping, and training of the Palestinian resistance factions.

The clips in this compilation, from Iranian and Arabic-language television channels, feature Hamas leaders Yahyah Sinwar, Ismail Haniya, and Khalil Al-Hayya; PIJ leader Ziyad Nakhalah and senior official Muhammad Shalah; PFLP secretary-general Talal Naji, and Iranian analyst Emad Abshenas, and others.

Below are the MEMRI TV clips included in this compilation.

Hamas Leader In Gaza Al-Sinwar: “Our Complete Gratitude Is Extended To The Islamic Public Of Iran – They Have Provided Us With Money, Weapons, And Expertise” – May 26, 2021

PIJ Leader Nakhalah: Iran Has Paid The Palestinian Resistance Billions Of Dollars – It Pays For Every Weapon Used By The Resistance – April 17, 2023

Iranian TV Report About PIJ Leader Nakhalah’s Tehran Visit: IRGC Qods Force Commander Says “At Least 15 Operations Against Israel Are Carried Out Every Day Under Iran’s Guidance”; IRGC Says Iran Will “Exhaust All Means To Support The Palestinian Militias” – August 6, 2022

Senior Hamas Official Khalil Al-Hayya: Iran “Supports Hamas And The Resistance Forces… With Money And Weapons” – March 19, 2023

Senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad Official Muhammad Shalah: “Iran Supports Us With Rockets” – April 24, 2022

Senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad Official Muhammad Shalah: “Iran Supports Us With Rockets” – April 24, 2022

PFLP Secretary-General Talal Naji: Iran “Has Made A Great Contribution And Invested A Lot Of Effort In Developing The Military Capabilities Of The Palestinian Resistance”; IRGC Qods Force Commander Soleimani Personally Supervised Weapons Development – August 11, 2021

RELATED ARTICLE: Signs That Iran Will Open A Front Against Israel From The Syrian Golan Heights


Yemen declares war on Israel


EDITORS NOTE: This MEMRI column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

ADL CEO Slams Andre Carson For Threatening Jewish Congressman

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt accused Rep. André Carson (D-IN) of attempting to “intimidate” a Jewish member of Congress, Josh Gottheimer.

“It’s inexcusable for any member of Congress to threaten a colleague, & especially egregious that @RepAndreCarson is threatening a Jewish member for speaking out at a moment when we’re seeing a massive spike in antisemitism,” Greenblatt wrote. “What’s the point? Does he think it’s productive to intimidate @RepJoshG?”

“He’s cowardly,” Carson said of Gottheimer (D-NJ). “I think he’s not acting in his role as a member of Congress. I think he’s shown himself to be very emotional. Like most cowardly people, when you confront them, they’re afraid. I’m unafraid of the guy. And if he wants to call us despicable, I’m saying he’s a coward and he’s a punk.”

“If he wants to play some kind of tough guy or gangster, we can handle it like gentlemen, or we can get into something else,” Carson added.

Carson’s comments came after Gottheimer slammed Carson and other Democrats who did not vote in favor of “condemning Hamas terrorists.”

“Last night, 15 of my Democratic colleagues voted AGAINST standing with our ally Israel and condemning Hamas terrorists who brutally murdered, raped, and kidnapped babies, children, men, women, and elderly, including Americans,” Gottheimer wrote in a post Thursday. “They are despicable and do not speak for our party.”

“Hamas terrorists brutally murdered, raped, burned alive, and kidnapped innocent babies, children, women, men, and elderly, including Americans,” he wrote Sunday. “Anyone claiming this was ‘military action’ is delusional and complicit in the spike of antisemitism and hate.”

Andre Carson

80 Known Connections

  • American-born convert to Islam
  • Member of the U.S. House of Representatives since 1998
  • Member of the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Progressive Caucus
  • Contends that the Tea Party is infested with white racists who “would love to see” black people “hanging on a tree”
  • Asserts that U.S. schools should be modeled after Islamic madrassas

To learn more about Andre Carson, click here.


West Holds Antisemitic Banner at ‘Free Palestine’ Rally in L.A.

Groups Behind Pro-Hamas Protests Funded by George Soros

Jayapal: We Lose Credibility if We Don’t Call Out Israel’s Gaza ‘Siege’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

1 in 10 American Jews Support Hamas

Jews for Jewish Genocide.

On October 18, Hamas supporters stormed the United States Capitol and rallied in the Canon rotunda against the Israeli campaign to stop the Islamic terrorist group. While many of the insurrectionists were Islamist and non-Jewish leftist activists, the event was linked to two veteran anti-Israel organizations: Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow.

There has always been a pro-terrorist fringe among American Jews exemplified by organizations such as these two, along with others such as J Street, the Israel Policy Forum, the New Israel Fund, Jews for Racial & Economic Justice, T’ruah and other anti-Israel groups. And while they have generally boasted more organizations than members, a new poll raises the question of what percentage of American Jews supports Hamas and the killing of Jews.

The answer in one poll is deeply troubling.

Cygnal polled Muslims and Jews in America. It found that 57% of Muslims believed that Hamas atrocities against Jews were justified. But a less widely reported result found that 11.5% of American Jews also agreed that Hamas was justified.

3.6% of American Jews “strongly agreed” that Hamas was justified while another 7.9% “somewhat agreed.”

While the vast majority of American Jews, 88.5% disagreed, there is a distinct minority of people who were born Jewish that supports killing Jews.

And supports Hamas.

Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh enjoys a 7.2% favorability rating among American Jews.

When asked if knowing that “Hamas is nothing but a proxy for Iran and is funded and supported by Iran. Would you be more or less likely to vote for a political candidate who supports releasing billions of dollars in frozen assets for Iran to use any way it chooses”, 10.8% of American Jews would be more likely to vote for such a candidate.

1 in 10 American Jews supports the murder of Jews. Not to mention the rape, torture, kidnapping and dismembering of Jews. That is the JVP, IfNotNow, J Street, T’ruah demographic.

Polls are flawed and Cygnal  dramatically oversamples Reform who make up 44.7% of the poll, but only 37% of American Jews, and Orthodox and Conservative Jews barely make up a quarter of the respondents, but the poll likely does reflect some percentage of American Jews.

They are the ones who rallied for Hamas in the Capitol and who, like Anna Epstein at Boston University, can be seen tearing down the posters showing the kidnapped women and children.

Anti-Israel groups over the years have claimed that they don’t support terrorism. Even the IfNotNow and JVP rallies operate under the false flag of calling for a ceasefire. Their allies from J Street to JFREJ to T’ruah use similarly misleading language. Some even claim to be advocating for the hostages. This is often enhanced by theatrical performances inappropriately using borrowed Jewish rituals such as a shofar, a tallit and the recitation of Kaddish, the mourning prayer, for Islamic terrorists.

In reality, IfNotNow’s first statement after the Hamas rape, torture, kidnapping and murder of Israelis asserted that, “we cannot and will not say today’s actions by Palestinian militants are unprovoked. Every day under Israel’s apartheid system is a provocation.” It made no mention of Hamas, but only claimed that the “blood is on the hands” of America and Israel.

But what the poll really lays bare is the worldview of Hamas supporters with Jewish last names. It does so without any of the dishonest language, the equivocation, the changes of subject that form the essence of their anti-Israel arguments. Asked if they support Hamas, they do.

It’s that simple and it was always that simple.

There is a percentage of American Jews whose leftist politics are so extreme that they back Hamas and the mass killing of Jews. We don’t know exactly what percent it is, is it really 11.5% or 7% or 3.6%. What we do know is that members of this group routinely lie and mislead about what they believe. They talk about peace when what they’re after is war. When they advocate for a ‘ceasefire’, what they really want is the unrestricted ability by Hamas to kill Jews.

They are not just opposed to the policies of a “right-wing Israeli government” or any Israeli government, they have a favorable view of Ismail Haniyeh: the leader of Hamas, who had bragged that the Islamic terror group would win because it loved death while “the Jews love life more than any other people, and they prefer not to die”.

They aren’t actually advocating for a deal with Iran, they just want an end to all sanctions on Iran even if it supports Hamas and even in the absence of any actual deal to end its nuclear program.

What does the anti-Israel fringe of the Jewish community support?

Israel released a recording of a Hamas terrorist excitedly calling his parents to tell them, “Father, I killed 10 Jews! Check your WhatsApp! I sent you the photos! Father, I killed 10 Jews! I killed 10 Jews with my bare hands. check your WhatsApp. Father, be proud of me!”

How did we get to the point where any percentage of American Jews supports Hamas?

Another poll, from Harvard/Harris, found that 16% of Americans side with Hamas and 24% agreed that “the Hamas killing of 1200 Israeli civilians in Israel can be justified by the grievances of Palestinians.”

This was an opinion held by 31% of Democrats and 36% of self-described liberals. People with college degrees (29%) were more likely to support Hamas atrocities than people with only some college (21%). Urbanites (40%) were far more likely to believe that the murder of Israeli women and children was justified than suburban (17%) or rural (13%) residents. Those making $75,000 or more were more often Hamas supporters (33%) than those making less (19%) and blacks (33%), Hispanics (28%) justified the murder of Jews more than white people did (21%).

The poll didn’t assemble the percentage of Hamas support from urban (40%) liberals (36%) with college (29%) degrees, but it’s a good bet that it’s between a third and a half of them.

That also is a good description of a sizable percentage of American Jews.

A third of American Jews do not support Hamas, but when they are immersed in an environment that does, especially on college campuses, is it any surprise that some do?

When 21% of liberals admit that they side with Hamas, some Jewish leftists will do it too.

Move to a neighborhood full of Nazis, enroll your kids in schools where there are daily chants of “Heil Hitler” during lunchtime and students are taught of the greatness of the Third Reich, and the odds of your kids coming home goose stepping vastly increases. Even if they’re Jewish.

Jews in America have become part of a cultural community that has supported leftist terrorism for at least half a century. Some never abandoned their admiration for Communism, others saw the Marxist terrorists of the counterculture as noble idealists, and some now celebrate Hamas.

American Jews are much less likely to support their own killing, kidnapping and torture than the average liberal (36%), but as many as 1 in 10 may be willing to accept Jewish genocide as the price of social justice. In the early days of the Soviet Union, the Yevsektsia or Jewish Section, made up of people who were born Jewish, was the most ruthless in wiping out Judaism and Zionism. Today, IfNotNow, J Street and Jews for Racial & Economic Justice take up the banner.

The Hamas atrocities and the reaction to it are a reality check. Some Jewish liberals recoil in horror at the implications of the ideology of social justice, others double down and embrace it. They claim that they want peace, but the Cygnal poll shows what they really want is dead Jews.


RELATED ARTICLE: Rockefeller Brothers Fund has given millions to groups working with Hamas and other jihadis


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

GAZA: Mis-Conceptualizing the Conflict, Miscomprehending the Enemy

One of the reasons that the conflict with the Palestinian-Arabs in general and Gazan Arabs in particular, has dragged on for years, is that Israel has failed to conceptualize the conflict correctly.

There is a prevailing myth that the general population in Gaza is the hapless victim of its radical leadership. This is demonstrably false.

Crucible, not victim

Indeed, the population in Gaza is not the victim of its Islamist leaders! On the contrary, it is the crucible in which that leadership was forged and from which it emerged.

Nothing can underscore the gruesome truth of that assertion more indelibly than this excerpt from a chilling telephone conversation between an elated Gazan terrorist and his enthralled parents—rejoicing over the slaughter of Israeli civilians.

TERRORIST: Hello Dad. Dad Open your WhatsApp right now and see…how many I killed with my own hands. Your son killed Jews.

FATHER: God is great God is great. May God protect you.

TERRORIS: [F]ather. I am talking to you from the phone of a Jew, I killed her and her husband, I killed ten with my own hands.

FATHER: God is great.

TERRORIST:       I killed ten. Ten! Ten with my own bare hands. Their blood is on my hands, let me talk to Mom.

MOTHER: Oh, my son, may God protect you.

TERRORIST: I killed ten all by myself, mother.

MOTHER: I wish I was there with you.

This is the nature of the enemy. This is the human condition—or rather the inhuman condition with which Israel is compelled to contend.

Nothing as practical as good theory

This failure of Israeli society to grasp the true dimensions—the depth, and durability—of Arab rejection of Jewish sovereignty has long been reflected in both its domestic policy and in its foreign policy towards the nation’s Arab adversaries. Nowhere is this failing more glaring than in Israeli policy toward the Palestinian-Arabs in general, and toward the Arabs of Gaza in particular.

At this point, we would do well to recall the wise dictum of eminent social psychologist, Kurt Leven, who observed: “There is nothing so practical as a good theory.” After all, action, without comprehension is a little like swinging a hammer without knowing where the nails are, just as hazardous—and just as harmful. In this regard, good theory creates an understanding of cause and effect and hence facilitates effective policy.

Accordingly, to devise effective policy to contend with abiding Arab enmity, Israel must correctly conceptualize the conflict over the issue of Jewish sovereignty in the Holy Land.

Archetypical zero-sum game

The unvarnished truth is that—correctly conceptualized—the conflict between the Jews and the Palestinian-Arabs over the control of the Holy Land is a clash between two rival collectives, with irreconcilable foundational narratives.

They are irreconcilable because the raison d’etre of the one is the preservation of Jewish political sovereignty in the Holy Land, while the raison d’etre of the other is the annulment of Jewish political sovereignty in the Holy Land—thus generating irreconcilable visions of homeland.

As such, the conflict between the Jews and the Palestinian-Arabs is an archetypical zero-sum game, in which the side’s gains inevitably imply the other side’s loss.

As such it is a clash involving protagonists with antithetical and mutually exclusive core objectives. Only one can emerge victorious; the other vanquished. There are no consolation prizes!

Consequently, as a clash of collectives, whose outcome will be determined by collective victory or defeat, it cannot be personalized. The fate of individual members of one collective cannot be a deciding determinant of the policy of the rival collective—and certainly, not a consideration that impacts the probability of collective victory or defeat.

Grudgingly accepted or greatly feared?

Thus, Israel’s survival imperative must dictate that it forgo any expectation of eventual approval from the Arabs. For the foreseeable future, this seductive illusion will remain an unattainable pipe dream. Rather, Israel must reconcile itself to the stern, but sober, conclusion: The most it can realistically hope for is to be grudgingly accepted; the least it must attain is to be greatly feared.

Any more benign policy goals are a recipe for disaster.

To underscore the crucial importance of this seemingly harsh assessment, I would invite any prospective dissenter to consider the consequences of Jewish defeat and Arab victory. Indeed, a cursory survey of the gory regional realities should suffice to drive home the significance of what would accompany such an outcome.

Accordingly, only once a decisive Jewish collective victory has been achieved, can the issue of individual injustice and suffering in the Arab collective be addressed as a policy consideration. Until then, neither the individual well-being nor the societal welfare of the opposing collective can be considered a primary policy constraint.

After all, had the imperative of collective victory not been the overriding factor of the Allies’ strategy in WWII, despite the horrendous civilian causalities that it inflicted on the opposing collective, the world might well have been living in slavery today.

In weighing the question of the fate of individual members of the opposing collective, it is imperative to reiterate the point made at the start of this column: the Palestinian-Arab collective is not the hapless victim of radical terror-affiliated leaders. Quite the opposite. It is, in fact, the societal crucible in which they were forged, and from which they emerged. Indeed, its leadership is a reflection of, not an imposition on, Palestinian-Arab society.

Accordingly, the Palestinian-Arab collective must be considered an implacable enemy—not a prospective peace partner…and it must be treated as such.

©2023. Martin Sherman. All rights reserved.

Senator to Biden: ‘You Can’t Be Pro-Israel and Pro-Iran. You Have to Choose.’

A month ago, the idea of U.S. troops doing live-fire exercises in Iraq would have seemed like something out of 2002. But almost three weeks removed from one of the bloodiest days in the modern Middle East, war is closer than it’s ever been. With more than 18 separate attacks launched at American soldiers last week, it’s clear: Israel is no longer the only target.

“My warning to [Iran],” President Biden said Wednesday, was “be prepared.” “If they continue to move against those troops, we will respond.” Whether the Ayatollah takes the message seriously is anyone’s guess. After all, Senator Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) pointed out, it’s not like this White House’s position has been one of strength.

“Iran does not know if this president has any red lines,” the Kansan argued on “Washington Watch,” “and I’m afraid that they could be right. And that’s why I’m saying we need to retaliate and teach them a lesson. We need to hit the bully across the nose really hard the next time they do anything whatsoever. As long as we have ships in harm’s way, which we do, it’s very possible that one of those drones or one of those underwater attacks get through. So of course, I’m very, very concerned about the situation there.”

And it’s not just Republicans who are sounding the alarm. After 24 Americans were wounded on bases in Iraq and Syria, hard-core Democrats like Senator Chris Coons from the president’s own state have expressed frustration with Biden’s lack of spine. “There needs to be pressure back against Iran,” he insisted to Fox News’s Bret Baier. “… Iran funded, supplied, and trained the fighters of Hamas and is behind these other proxies that are in the north of Israel, in the south of Lebanon, in Yemen, on the Arabian Peninsula, in Iraq. So, we need to be striking back — and we need to be prepared for the very real prospect that this will get harder before it gets easier.”

In conversations with some of the Syrian rebel commanders, Biden’s weakness is only feeding Iran’s aggression. “There has been absolutely no response to these attacks,” one told a Washington Post reporter, “which has resulted in the fact that the Iranian-backed militias are getting much braver.”

Much as this White House has tried, you can’t be “pro-Israel and pro-Iran,” Marshall insisted. “You have to choose one or the other.” But if we think back to what’s happened under Biden, the senator explained, “… [H]e’s empowered their nuclear weapon program. He’s unfrozen this $6 billion [dollars] … three months ago. He unfroze $10 billion [dollars]. And he’s now allowing them to sell $1 billion [dollars] of oil every week.” Under this administration, Iran’s reserves have climbed from $6 billion dollars to $60 billion dollars.

“This is what’s happening under Joe Biden’s watch,” Marshall shook his head. “He’s allowed Iran to once again be a force, to be a power. And again … You have to choose Israel or you have to choose Iran. Iran is the one that says, ‘Death to Israel. Death to America.’”

If Biden doesn’t act, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins asked, could we see this escalate into a “global conflict?”

“Absolutely,” Marshall answered. “We’re [all] looking [for] some type of clarity from this president, some type of priorities. [No one understands] what the president’s priorities [are] under this situation. To me, the priorities should be very, very clear. Number one, we want to get all the Americans back safely. We need to secure our southern border. By the way, we need to cut the head off the snake of Iran, and we need to eliminate Hamas. … We need a president who’s going to put our first, our best, best foot forward to stand with peace through strength.”

Frankly, Perkins pointed out, “I wish this president had the same clarity on issues such as this, as he does for abortion, the whole LGBTQ agenda, and climate change. [Those seem] to be the only three issues this administration has clarity on. It’s frightening.”

And look, the senator replied, we’re not “warmongers.” “I don’t want this war,” he admitted. “But let’s face it — over the next days, weeks, and months, it’s going to get really ugly there in the Gaza Strip. And Israel needs to know that we have their back, that unequivocally we’re going to stand with them.”


Suzanne Bowdey

Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand.


Terrorist Found With Instructions to Remove Heads, Hearts of Jews

‘Significant Escalation’: Iranian Proxies Target U.S. Military Bases in Middle East

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Finally, The New York Times Begrudgingly Admits It Was Wrong About the Gaza Hospital Attack

When there was an explosion at the parking lot at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza last week, the New York Times was quick — much too quick, rather — heedless, off the mark, claiming that an Israeli airstrike was to blame for the attack “on the hospital,” and that nearly 500 people were killed. How did the Times know? It didn’t. It simply acted as a dutiful amanuensis, transcribing what Hamas dictated to its reporters. It ran with their account of the incident, without waiting for the Israelis to provide their detailed explanation of the blast. Within a matter of hours, Israel responded with its version of events: first, it said that an errant rocket fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad had caused the explosion; second, the explosion was not in the hospital, which was largely unscathed, but in the parking lot of the hospital; third, that while it could not provide an exact figure, it believed there were far fewer than 500 people killed. But the damage was done. The Times had put out the story as Hamas wanted it, and Israel suffered terribly in the kangaroo court of public opinion.

Now, many days after it became crystal clear, through visual and audio evidence, including a view of the very small depression left by the blast, and after the American government, conducting its own forensic investigation, determined that Israel’s version of the incident was correct, the Grey Lady finally, albeit reluctantly, has had to admit it was wrong. The Times did not, of course, apologize for such an egregious and grievous error, nor take note of the likely violent consequences of disseminating that false claim, which in fact cam quickly to pass, with violent anti-Israel demonstrations all over the Arab and Muslim world. The Times is far too arrogant an institution to do that. More on how the high-and-mighty New York Times was brought low when it had to admit its error in the way it had covered the “hospital blast” story, can be found here: “NYT admits error in Gaza hospital report,” by Matt Berg, Politico, October 23, 2023:

The New York Times walked back its initial coverage on the explosion that killed hundreds of Palestinians at a Gaza Strip hospital last week, saying in an editors’ note that the newspaper “relied too heavily on claims” made by the Hamas militant group.

Just “an editors’ note”? On an inside page? The admission of its error ought by rights to have appeared where the misleading report had appeared — that is, on the front page, and in the same size type as the original.

Soon after a huge blast rocked the al-Ahli Hospital on Tuesday, finger-pointing over its source began.

Hamas, which has been battling Israel since its Oct. 7 surprise attack on Israeli soil, called the blast a “horrific massacre” and blamed the Israeli government. Israel, however, blamed the Islamic Jihad, a smaller, more radical group that often works with Hamas….

“The Times’s initial accounts attributed the claim of Israeli responsibility to Palestinian officials, and noted that the Israeli military said it was investigating the blast,” reads the Times’ editors’ note published on Monday. Early coverage “relied too heavily on claims by Hamas, and did not make clear that those claims could not immediately be verified.”

It took the Times six full days, from when the Israeli and American governments had presented their separate conclusions that Israel was blameless and that an errant rocket, launched from Gaza by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, had caused the “parking lot blast.” Why so long? What is it that makes the Times so reluctant to own up to its errors?

The newspaper’s coverage had a clear impact, according to the note: “The report left readers with an incorrect impression about what was known and how credible the account was.”…

That’s too weak. Make it stronger: “All the evidence supports Israel’s version of the incident.” Israel has explained, and provided the evidence, for what happened. The visuals show the rocket coming from Gaza toward Israel, and then suddenly breaking up, then heading downward and landing on the ground where the light of an explosion can be seen. And we have, too, the recorded telephone conversation of two Hamas operatives, discussing the fact that the rocket was fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Why doesn’t the Times mention any of that in its “Editors’ Note”?

Five days ago, PBS presented Israel’s version of the cause of the blast. Three days ago the AP accepted Israel’s version after Washington had confirmed it. Two days ago, it was CNN that held Israel blameless. But the New York Times waited until six days had passed, long after everyone in the Western world had learned that the American government, having conducted its own investigation, had concluded that Israel was blameless.

Here was what National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson tweeted the day after the blast: “While we continue to collect information, our current assessment, based on analysis of overhead imagery, intercepts and open source information, is that Israel is not responsible for the explosion at the hospital in Gaza yesterday.”

The Times stopped short of an apology for its initial coverage but said editors should have been more careful with the way the blast was represented….

Here’s what one would have wished from the Times: a full-throated, unbegrudging apology for the haste of its initial report, its credulous acceptance of a Hamas libel, and its unwillingness to wait just a few hours for Israel’s response. Surely it knew that putting the blame on Israel was likely to cause, and did cause, outbursts of anti-Israel hate all over the Arab and Muslim lands. Nor does the Times explain why the admission of its mistake came so many days after everyone else had admitted that Israel’s explanation of the blast was correct. Why was that? Perhaps the Times can assign a reporter to provide an “anatomy of an error ” to supplement that “Editor’s Note,” so that readers can find out exactly how, and why, that initial mistaken report came to be.



Rashida Tlaib has extensive fundraising ties to Hamas supporters

What caused the Hamas massacre? Western pressure on Israel

Notes From The Underground: British Tube Driver Leads Anti-Israel Chant

Perilously Little Is Known About the CCP-Mideast Terror Connection

Hamas jihadi calls his father: ‘I killed them with my bare hands, your son killed Jews!’

Germany: Muslim arrested on suspicion of planning attack on pro-Israel demonstration

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

THE WAR ON X: WW III • The Global War Against Islamic Terrorism — Day 17

Today, October 24th, 2023 is the 17th day of the The Global War Against Islamic Terrorism.

We are now finding out just how barbaric Hamas is.

Hundreds of journalists and photographers from media companies all over the world attended today the screening of a film of assorted footage showing the extent of the horrors committed by Hamas.

Footage was taken from numerous sources, including from bodycams worn by the terrorists, dashcams, from emergency rescue personnel and Israeli security service cameras.

What they saw left many of the reporters visibly shocked and disgusted.

Watch the full Shin Bet interrogation of Hamas terrorists who invaded Israel on October 7th.

Middle East correspondent Jotam Confino reports:

I just saw indescribable, raw footage of Hamas’ massacre along with 100 other international journalists, provided by Israeli authorities.

Here are the notes I took:

  • Hamas terrorist screaming Allah Akhbah as he frantically tries to behead a dead man with a shovel.
  • A father and two sons (roughly 7 & 9) running for their lives in their underwear into what appears to be a bomb shelter with an open entrance. A Hamas terrorist throws a hand grenade into shelter, killing the father, and badly injuring the two sons who run back into the house
  • Hamas terrorists setting fire to a house in a kibbutz.
  • A beheaded Israeli soldier.
  • Photo of dead baby and child burned beyond recognition.
  • Hamas terrorists enter a house, where a small girl is seen hiding under the table. After some talking back and forth they shoot and kill her as she hides under the table. Hard to say how old she is but looks like 7-9 years old.
  • Scores of dead people on the road after Hamas executed them in their cars. Yelling Allahu Akhbah.
  • Hamas terrorist calling his parents: “I killed 10 Jews with my own hands. I’m using the dead Jewish woman’s phone to call you now.” The mother says “May god protect you.”
  • So many more scenes but I hope you get the gist. The authorities asked is not to film the screening out of respect for the relatives of the Israeli victims. If anyone has any doubt about what happened, I truly don’t know what to say anymore.
  • The two sons are screaming for their dad, saying they are gonna die. A Hamas terrorist casually and calmly takes a bottle of water from the family’s fridge and drinks it as the two boys weep.

Hamas terrorists were wearing body cameras and filming their own inhuman brutality and sharing it on social media sites. Depraved isn’t a strong enough word. This was planned as we have learned that these members of Hamas were also carrying instructions for deploying CYANIDE-Based chemical weapons in Israeli villages.

This is not new. This has been the plan all along.

Watch this 2012 video compilation of Muslim demonstrations of strength and numbers across Eurasia.

WW III • The Global War Against Islamic Terrorism — Day 17

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Israel Screens Raw, Unseen Hamas Footage for Reporters to Understand ‘What We’re Fighting For’

57% of U.S. Muslims Believe Hamas Atrocities Justified

HAMAS IN AMERICA: Pro-Terror, Jihad Mob Takes Over Street, Swarms an Elderly Driver in Minneapolis

Hamas Terrorists Were Carrying Instructions for Deploying CYANIDE-Based Chemical Weapons in Israelis Villages

Feds Warn That Hamas, Hezb’Allah Crossing Southern Border, Daily Caller Report

DISASTROUS: Biden Regime Tells Israel to Delay it’s Ground Operation in Gaza

THE WAR ON X: WW III • The Global War Against Islamic Terrorism — Day 16

Today October 23rd, 2023 we are now seeing the violence that Hamas began 16 days ago is now spreading like wild fire across the Middle East, Europe and in America.

Demonstrations, some violent, are being led by supporters of Hamas. This is the global Islamic jihad we have been predicating for years.

Here are some of the top headlines for today:

These tweet on X say it all.

This interview with Brother Rachid was taped on Friday, October 21st for RAIR Foundation and the story can be read here. Brother Rachid has a wildly popular TV show in the Arabic World where be brings people out of Islam and into Christianity.

WATCH: EXCLUSIVE With Hunted Islamic Expert Brother Rachid: ‘Muslims Will Be the Majority, They Will Govern the West’

WW III • The Global War Against Islamic Terrorism

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.