Tag Archive for: Michigan

Time to turn Detroit into America’s first Zombie Apocalypse/Jihad Land theme park?

Detroit, Michigan has theme park potential! Zombie Apocalypse Land and Jihad Land. A chance for Democrats to strengthen their ties to Islam and increase tax revenues all in one theme park?


Michigan: Muslim grocer pleads guilty to food stamp fraud, agrees to pay back $1.8M

“Land” Slide Preferable: We’ll Be Happy with a Terri Lynn Land Win!

I had my first taste of Walleye in Michigan. Delicious. Folks up there are use to hearty meals. And man, does it get cold. I remember David and Dustin the Millennials on our Conservative Campaign Committee team walking on the snow covered frozen Lake Michigan in Petoskey. A gentlemen was way out there fishing through a hole he cut in the ice.

I met a lot of great patriots/Tea Party leaders while campaigning across the state — Norm Hughes, Candy Gillman, Steve Mobley, doctors Linda and Cal Dykstra and Trucker Dan to name just a few.


Author with Mr. Roher a WWII veteran from Michigan.

I posed for a picture with Mr Roher, a WW II veteran at a tea party rally in Grand Rapids. Mr Roher was deeply concerned about the direction our country was going.

Hosts of the Joshua’s Trail black conservative radio show out of Detroit drove to our tea party in Livonia. It was truly refreshing to meet courageous Christian black men who were fighting the good fight in Detroit, the belly of the beast. These brothers were enlightening their black listeners to the virtues of Conservatism and how they do not have to continue eating the crumbs that fall from the Democrats’ table; awesome patriot brothers.

My most endearing Michigan memory happened at a tea party in Traverse City. An excited white woman in a wheelchair said she was a huge fan. Her adult daughter who brought her to the rally told a staffer that her mom was dying. She said her mom said that all she wanted to do was to meet Lloyd Marcus before she died. Folks, I was blown away. Then, I became extremely angry at the mainstream media and the Democrats for despicably branding the Tea Party a bunch of redneck racists.

I have shared my personal experiences to say that while Detroit is a liberal disaster, the rest of Michigan is pretty awesome.

There are good people, and good businesses, that deserve better treatment from their government. The socialist, big-government policies that destroyed Detroit are being inflicted on the rest of the state – whose values are sooo different from Detroit.

Many Michiganders feel that it is time for a new chapter in their state. Leading the peoples’ charge is Terri Lynn Land running for the U.S. Senate.

Terri Lynn Land is currently trailing in the polls because a bunch of liberal billionaires dumped huge amounts of money smearing her. They want the socialist, big-government policies that destroyed Detroit imposed on the rest of the state.

Folks, we see the glaring hypocrisy of the Democrats in every race in which the candidate is a conservative woman. While promoting their bogus Republican war on women, Democrats launch brutal no-holds-barred attacks on conservative women candidates who run as Republicans.

My wife Mary and I have noticed that the Democrats’ favorite buzz word is, “extreme”. Any candidate such as Terri Lynn Land who espouses common sense solutions, respects traditional values and celebrates God, family and country is branded “extreme” by liberal Democrats.

Their modus operandi is to spread lowering the bar nationally. All their liberal policies have failed miserably making a mess of Detroit; once a great city. And what does the Democrat candidate plan to do? If elected, he will implement the same proven failure politically correct liberal policies state wide, all over Michigan. Say no voters. Just say no!

Our Conservative Campaign Committee team has put together a TV ad to inform Michigan voters that they have a much better choice than the Obama clone, Gary what’s his name.

The Democrat candidate boldly touts his support for all of Obama’s tyrannical and job-killing initiatives; Obamacare, amnesty, oppressive taxes, destructive social engineering spending programs and mountains of absurd intrusive new government regulations on businesses.

Please give our TV ad a view and share it, helping us to spread the good news about Michigan’s superior choice, Terri Lynn Land.

Folks — just a quick side note I wish to share. My lifelong Democrat 86 year old black dad called me this morning from Maryland. He said he wanted to vote for the Conservative Party candidate but did not see one on his ballot. He only saw Republican, Democrat and Libertarian candidates. I explained that Conservative is not a political party. I instructed dad to research the Republican candidate to see if he is conservative.

Folks, this is huge because typically dad would, without thinking, vote for the candidate with a “D” beside their name. Dad is finally understanding that the conservative candidate is going to be more in-keeping with his Christian and mainstream principles and values.

If he lived in Michigan, Dad would really like and vote for Terri Lynn Land.

Michigan Governor affirms Israel’s right to exist at Hamas-linked ISNA convention

Snyder ISNA conference

Governor Rich Snyder (R-MI) at ISNA Conference

Islamic supremacist academic propagandist Hatem “Hate ‘em” Bazian, a professor of “Islamophobia” at (where else?) the University of California Berkeley, has equated the Boston jihad bombings with “Islamophobia” and, several years ago, called for an “intifada” in the U.S. Tonight he is enraged that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has dared to affirm Israel’s right to exist at the convention of the Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood group the Islamic Society of North America. He posted this on Facebook. Be sure to call Snyder and tell him, “Bravo!”:

Call Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and express that Palestinians have the right to exist, be free on their land and an immediate end to Israeli Occupation. You lost the Muslim-Arab vote in Michigan!

(517) 373-3400

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder spoke at the opening session of ISNA’s 51st Annual Convention on Friday held in Detroit and made it a point to declare that Israel has the right to exist without making any references to the Palestinians. The statement was completely out of context and seems intended to make a point to his audience as if to each them a lesson considering the recent situation in Gaza.

Being in America, one understands the political leadership taking its marching orders from AIPAC and repeating the same exact words every opportunity they have as if it is part of the US constitution. While the Governor is welcome to his point of view but to come to a Muslim convention and attempt to score points by pushing AIPAC’s agenda is insulting and demonstrate a lack of basic political respect to the community.

What is more glaring is that no one on the stage jumped to make any comments after him to indicate that the implied insult conveyed by the Governor in this speech is not acceptable to the Muslim community and for it to be expressed at this time considering the slaughter campaign unleashed by Israel on Gaza….


Fort Bliss amps up security over Islamic State threat at US/Mexico border
Islamic jihad group captures US Embassy compound in Libya
CNN host stunned when Muslim cleric makes 9/11 joke during sound check
Fort Hood jihadi’s letter to Islamic State shows “government really has been lying”
Australia Muslim named commander of Islamic State unit
Jimmy Carter to Hamas-linked ISNA: Use “principles of Allah” to bring peace
Islamic State’s key financier was director of Muslim school in UK