Entries by Dr. Rich Swier

Integrity Florida Releases Research Report on Florida Ethics Laws

Integrity Florida, the nonpartisan research institute and government watchdog, released a new report today that examines Florida’s ethics laws and measures recent anti-corruption reforms against established benchmarks. The report finds Florida is making progress in the fight against public corruption, but much more remains to be done. Ethics reforms that were passed in 2013 and […]

Obama Executive Order bans guns in all films – Quentin Tarantino and the Islamic State respond

President Obama will sign an Executive Order to add additional federal controls impacting the use, ownership, sale and transfer of guns. A key provision requires doctor’s and healthcare providers report mentally ill patients to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Politico’s David Pittman reports: Delivering on its promise to deliver “common sense” gun control, the Obama administration […]

Majority of Americans Say Christians Face Genocide in Middle East

NEW HAVEN, Connecticut /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — By a wide margin, most Americans agree with the presidential candidates of both parties in calling ISIS’ atrocities against Christians in the Middle East “genocide,” according to a Knight of Columbus-Marist poll conducted this month. Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee and Martin O’Malley have all called the […]

Scientific Poll: Underwood More ‘Presidential’ than Bush or Rubio

MOUNTAIN VIEW, California /PRNewswire/ — During the CNN Republican Debate 11/15/2015, Netflix launched a mock political ad featuring Frank Underwood to promote its House of Cards series. Please watch the mock political ad: Spot Trender, a top market research company headquartered in Mountain View, CA conducted a scientific poll with 960 eligible Republican primary voters, comparing […]

Trumpites are fundamentally changing the Democratic and Republican Parties

Trumpites are fundamentally changing the Republican Party into the New American Party. Blue Dogs are moving away from the Democratic Party and becoming independents, with some registering as Republicans in order to support Trump in the primary (see below). Their sole objective is to make America great again. They have a leader named Trump, who […]