Militant snowflake: New insignia for Social Justice Warriors

Dear social justice warriors! You have so outgrown the old hammer and sickle emblem, it’s not even funny. The working class has betrayed you and can no longer be trusted. Your new broad coalition is proactively writing a new narrative of safe spaces, microaggressions, dog whistles, snow jobs, institutionalized rapism, and climate denyism.

Your community organizers have succeeded in creating a spectacular movement of snowflakes who they hope will one day solidify into an impenetrable iceberg that will sink the Titanic of capitalism. And yet you’re still struggling to create an emblem you could put on your armbands, banners, and social media icons. We hope this design will stick. Your movement deserves an original catchy symbol.

Nazi snowflake flag

This emblem will look great on flag an armband, adding a nice touch to your school’s interior and exterior.

Nazi snowflake armband

Put it on your signs during your next campaign of Jew-hatred at your favorite campus.

Nazi snowflake flag

You can even wear it as you harass passengers you don’t like on your flight to San Francisco, and no one will dare take you off the plane once they see your official SJW status.

Nazi snowflake armband

And feel free to use the SafeSeating™ sign we have made for you earlier.

Nazi snowflake

EDITORS NOTE: This fake news political satire by Red Square originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

Fake news: Mary, Joseph and Jesus were not refugees!

Have you seen the meme—the one that the refugee industry has been blasting all over social media—to guilt-trip good-hearted people into welcoming Syrian Muslims*** to America?  It is maddening!

Here is what I said on Twitter when Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, which is being paid (by the head) by the U.S. taxpayer to resettle Syrians to your towns, spread fake news (on Twitter) about Jesus!


Here is a good article at the Daily Wire debunking the purposeful misreading of the New Testament:

Every December, as millions celebrate the birth of Christ, a bevy of people who know absolutely nothing about the New Testament try their dead-level best to trap Christians in a hypocrisy trap. Memes and quotes spread across social media like a virus, claiming the story of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus is analogous to the Syrian refugee crisis…


A healthy debate about the Syrian refugee crisis is perfectly acceptable and necessary, however, it is in no way analogous to the story of the birth of Christ. Let us count the ways.


Mary and Joseph were returning home for a government-mandated census.

Continue reading here.

***98% of all Syrians being admitted to the US are not the persecuted Christians, but are mostly Sunni Muslims.


Senator Lindsey Graham: Cut off UN funding!

Iranian wants refugee status in Australia because he is an alcoholic

Obama Sets Stage for Jerusalem’s Destruction and Biblical Judgment on U.S.

President Obama let an anti-settlement resolution pass the UN Security Council, breaking his word to Israel and abandoning our best ally in the Middle East to those who hate Israel–maybe setting the stage for a Biblical prophecy written in Zechariah 14.

“The day of the Lord comes…all nations [United Nations?] will gather against Jerusalem to battle. The city shall be taken and the houses rifled and the women ravished…Then shall the Lord go forth to fight against those nations.”

“The day of the Lord” has already been signaled by several ‘when-then’ signs in 2015,” says Dr. Richard Ruhling, author on Bible prophecy. He cites the Iran Nuclear Treaty, also promoted by Obama as a “peace and safety” sign in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 5. The rare solar eclipse on the equinox and blood moon also signals “the day of the Lord” in the last verses of Joel 2.

But how will God “fight against those [Muslim] nations as stated above? In the Bible, God says, “There is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning.” Isaiah 46:9,10. In the book of beginnings, the 22nd chapter of Genesis, God tested Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Muslims say the son was Ishmael and they celebrate the ram sacrifice, calling it Al-Adha. Which is the true holy book?

The Bible offers further detail with a militant ram sacrificed in Daniel 8. We know Alexander the Great conquered the Medes and Persians (named in verse 20) at the Battle of Arbela in 331 BC. But Gabriel told Daniel that his vision was “at the time of the end.” Verse 17.

Iraq and Iran are where the Medes and Persians were. The end-time application is half fulfilled as Saddam is dead. Iraq and Iran are enemies of Israel, but Israel was also the son of Isaac. The sparing of Israel is the sparing of Isaac when militant Islam is sacrificed. What’s coming will show the Bible as the true holy book.

Moderate Muslims are closer to biblical religion than much of the US with its alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex, crime, violence, Hollywood, TV, perversions and rock music that their leaders hate and call it Christianity.

One problem is Israel’s large secular component that has little interest in its spiritual heritage in spite of godly leaders like Netanyahu. The US is no better. 60 million abortions and a re-defining of marriage by the Supreme Court invites judgment on the US as well, says Ruhling who sees Passover as the time when judgment came to Jerusalem in 70 AD.

If Jerusalem suffers judgment at Passover in April, America should expect judgment a month later as clues like “the days of Noah” suggest. Destruction came with Passover timing, but in the 2nd spring month.

Then Muslims or Palestinians in Jerusalem claiming victory over the Jews, should beware. “The Lord shall roar…from Jerusalem and the heavens and earth shall shake.” Joel 3. They will get the message, but so will the US as the earthquake initiates ‘the day of the Lord’ in Joel’s 2nd chapter, 10th verse.

How history repeats may be reminiscent of God executing judgment on Egypt and taking Israel to a covenant, later saying, “I am married to you” in Jeremiah 3. Paul included that history of the Exodus when he said, “All these things happened to them for tupos—types… ends of the world.” 1 Corinthians 10.

EDITORS NOTE: For more information, readers can visit Ruhling’s website at or get a copy of his eBook, The Alpha & Omega Bible Code.

A Doctor’s Prescription for Risky World Views and What Some Think is Christianity

Don’t let what you think you know prevent an honest look at a broader picture.

A PhD in math acknowledged that even the smartest person cannot know even 1% of all knowledge, so what’s the possibility that God could exist in the other 99%? And some things don’t fit into words—we can know the flavor of chocolate, but we can’t explain it to someone who never tasted it.

The Bible says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” The parallel to chocolate suggests it is impossible for someone to know if this is so without an honest (even scientifically fair) trial. In science, there is talk of a controlled experiment where you test something in one group compared to another group without it.

The wonderful thing about life is that we are not like animals, but have highly developed powers of reason. We can think it through and choose which side of belief we are on. We can say “No” to Intelligent Design and the Designer who gifted us the computer between our ears and our marvelous bodies that repair the wear and tear and even reverse diseases that we brought on ourselves by what we put in our mouths, if we repent—a good example that also applies to the spiritual dimension.

Gandhi said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.” It was hard for Gandhi to sort the claims of “Christian” political powers from the claims of Christ who said His kingdom was not of this world. Muslims see a similar problem with the Great Satan that brought alcohol, tobacco, drugs, crime, sex, violence, Hollywood, TV, perversions and rock music to their lands. They think this is Christianity.

Nevertheless, the ‘controlled experiment’ to discern the difference between faith in God and none might be seen in the huge social experiment called America. When a medieval church proved Gandhi right and controlled governments in the Dark Ages, people hid Bibles in their homes at the risk of being tortured or burned at the stake. No wonder thousands braved death at sea or from Indians or starvation for freedom.

Founding fathers gave America a Constitution that was second only to the Ten Commandments as a basis for self-government. And if we governed ourselves wisely, there is NO need for government to tell us what to do. Lincoln said the Bible is the greatest gift that God has given to man. Without it, we would not know right from wrong.  He liberated the slaves. The US also gave women the right to vote.  Christianity has elevated women and we rose to greatness as we defeated Hitler and Japan in WW II.

But since the United Nations began in 1945, the world has turned against Gandhi and Christ with a fabrication of Catholic and Communist countries to strategize for global government by men who can’t govern themselves as the billions spent on lawsuits to defend against pedophilia suggest—never mind homosexuality that’s said to be rampant in the priesthood.

Instead of America being a shining light on the hill, the truth of God and His goodness can only be seen when the judgments He pronounced against sin will fall on America for killing millions of infants and the redefining of marriage. God (not the priest) can forgive any sin, but He cannot look the other way on it. Calvary was too costly and our forgiveness must include a desire for a clean heart that even King David prayed for in Psalm 51.

Saying no to this, is like accepting the 99% of consequences that we don’t understand when those who have tasted of God’s goodness will say it is far better than chocolate.


The Suicide of Germany

Islamists Attack Christmas, but Europeans Abolish It

CHRISTIAN WORSHIP IS ‘WORSE THAN MURDER AND BLOODSHED’: Another Islamic teaching behind the slaughter of Christians

EDITORS NOTE: For readers who may be interested, Dr. Ruhling recommends a short book, translated into 125+ languages, and can be read online here. For those who aren’t ready to go there, how about another look at some scientific questions, here.

Democrats Abandoned Isreal on December 23, 2016: A date that will live in Infamy

The leader of the Democratic Party has decided to abandon Israel on December 23rd, 2016 and Democrats knew full well that he would. To understand why this happened one must read President Obama’s 2012 speech to the United Nations.

Barack Obama said in a speech before the United Nations on September 25th, 2012 that, “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.”

Democrats stood by the President, knowing that he was speaking directly to the Arab world, Israel, and those in the United States and beyond, who did not fully embrace the “religion of peace.”

Democrats knew their President stood squarely on the side of Islam and Islamists and they did nothing.

President Obama commented on Benghazi stating:

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world.  Now, I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.

It is an insult not only to Muslims, but to America as well — for as the city outside these walls makes clear, we are a country that has welcomed people of every race and every faith.  We are home to Muslims who worship across our country.  We not only respect the freedom of religion, we have laws that protect individuals from being harmed because of how they look or what they believe.  We understand why people take offense to this video because millions of our citizens are among them.

I know there are some who ask why we don’t just ban such a video.  And the answer is enshrined in our laws:  Our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech.

This about Tunisia, now a hot bed of terrorism and the home of the Berlin Christmas market slaughter:

It has been less than two years since a vendor in Tunisia set himself on fire to protest the oppressive corruption in his country, and sparked what became known as the Arab Spring.  And since then, the world has been captivated by the transformation that’s taken place, and the United States has supported the forces of change.

We were inspired by the Tunisian protests that toppled a dictator, because we recognized our own beliefs in the aspiration of men and women who took to the streets.

This about the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt:

We insisted on change in Egypt, because our support for democracy ultimately put us on the side of the people.

This about Yemen:

We supported a transition of leadership in Yemen, because the interests of the people were no longer being served by a corrupt status quo.

This about Libya:

We intervened in Libya alongside a broad coalition, and with the mandate of the United Nations Security Council, because we had the ability to stop the slaughter of innocents, and because we believed that the aspirations of the people were more powerful than a tyrant.

And this about Syria:

And as we meet here, we again declare that the regime of Bashar al-Assad must come to an end so that the suffering of the Syrian people can stop and a new dawn can begin.

Each of these statements were honey to the ears of Democrats and the Arab world and the Muslim community.  But for those who understood his real message, knew it was a death knell for the Israelis, Syrians, Libyans, Egyptians, Yemenis, Europeans and Americans.

Obama was saying that the future belongs to Islam. History will call December 23rd, 2016 a date that will live in infamy but the foundation of the betrayal of the Christian world was laid on September 25th, 2012.

And Democrats were silent.

RELATED ARTICLE: Obama’s malice, May’s shame. Drain the UN swamp by Melanie Phillips

The ruling elites happy face on Islamic terror

By the time you read this article, there may well have been yet more Islamic vehicular terror attacks throughout the world similar to the carnage wrought in Nice, France and Berlin, Germany.

This will be even as Germany’s Chancellor Merkel, President Obama and the ruling elites in too many western nations – along with their morally compromised media – continue putting a happy face on uncontrolled mass-migration from Arab and Muslim lands.


The hi-jacked removal truck used to kill and maim innocent Christians.

According to German police, the atrocity in Berlin was committed by a Muslim suspect from Tunisia who took control of a Polish moving company’s truck after murdering the driver and then deliberately plowing it into civilians, killing twelve people and maiming scores more; mere days before both the Christian Christmas and Jewish Hanukkah festivals are celebrated.

This is now a weapon of choice by the legions of Muslim terrorists who hate Judeo-Christian civilization and are urged on to commit their grisly deeds by the unholy trinity of al-Qaeda, ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood, along with its demons, the Palestinian Authority, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Fatah, PLO, Al Shabab, Boko Haram, ad nauseam.

The writer, Bat Ye’or, penned these words many years ago when she was an almost lone voice warning of what was to come from resurgent and totalitarian Islam – long before ISIS and the destruction of Christianity in the Middle East:

  • Where are the great Catholic or Protestant voices protesting against this Islamization of Christianity? This passivity, this indifference makes you think that Europe will soon look more like Lebanon.
  • This has ruined Europe – because the enemies of Israel are also enemies of Christianity and of Europe. How can you ally yourself with those who want to destroy you, without in fact dying yourself?
  • The same obsessive hatred Hitler had for the Jewish people, which led to the ruin of Europe, has persisted today in the European Union’s animus against the Jewish State. The great irony is that in trying to destroy Israel, Europe is destroying itself.

Most people in the West now have seen on their TV screens the horrific vehicular terrorism in Nice, France which killed 84 people and left 300 more horribly maimed and scarred for life. More and more places around the world have already become victim to this barbarism or are likely to endure it in the coming year.

Remember, too, the recent vehicular attack on Ohio students who were mown down by a Somali refugee and student who then jumped out of his car and began stabbing fellow students?

But one embattled nation, Israel, has been mourning hundreds of such victims of Muslim Arab knife, gun and bomb horror, as well as car and truck terror for years – although the benighted mainstream media (MSM) has mostly ignored what Israelis have been enduring.

Since September 2015 there have been some 50 vehicular terror attacks by Muslims upon Israeli civilians with trucks and cars plowing into people standing at bus stops or out shopping in busy streets. But the ever biased MSM has rarely reported these cruel barbarities perpetrated by those Arabs who call themselves Palestinians because the victims were Israelis.

The liberal, progressive and left leaning media folks nearly always refrain from condemning the Palestinian miscreants or, if they do, they usually make an equally deplorable moral equivalence between the Arab victimizers and the Israeli victims.

Instead of condemning and highlighting the 50 or more vehicular terror attacks against Israeli civilians spawned by the Palestinian junior partners of ISIS, al Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood, namely the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Fatah or the PLO, the MSM’s cynical silence has allowed this Muslim pestilence to spread to all corners of the world and especially to Europe, which opened its arms to well over a million and a quarter Muslim “refugees.”

It is instructive to report that the police union in the German state of Thuringia was forced to issue an open letter to the state’s Interior Minister describing the crumbling law and order situation amid rising immigrant crime and terror. The letter reads:

“You are abandoning us completely to a superior force … but what changes? Nothing. One instead gets a sense of deep apathy and disinterest.”

That superior force is the tip of the Islamic spear.

Meanwhile, representatives of the Arab and Muslim community were telling the police in the Ruhr: “Your police will not win a war with us because we are too many.”

According to Giulio Meotti who writes for the Italian newspaper, Il Foglio:

“It is no secret that Islamic fundamentalists consider the Germans and so many in the West as a bunch of cowards and wherever they look they see people and governments only too ready to capitulate.

We could have hailed a meaningful change in the German policy toward Islamic terrorism if the day after the carnage at the Christmas market in Berlin, a couple of German war planes had bombed the Islamists’ bases in the Middle East and pulverized a few dozen of them. Nothing happened. Nothing will happen.”

Each time the mainstream media (the deplorable MSM) insists in knee jerk fashion that the atrocities have nothing to do with Islam, they then proceed to enter yet further into the realms of fantasy by showering Europe’s growing Muslim population with inane, unmerited praise.

Too few in the world understand the terrifying fact that Islam cannot tolerate a world that does not share its beliefs or that Islam has chosen to impose its “ideology wrapped in a religion” (as Winston Churchill himself once described it) by force and has done so since the 7th century. The MSM and elitist politicians have deliberately turned a blind eye to Islam.

As the great Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, has recently written: “They refuse to acknowledge what is written in the Koran, namely permission by Muslims to kill Jews and Christians (Surah 9:29), to terrorize non-Muslims (8:12), to rape young girls (65:4), to enslave people for sex (4:3), to lie about true goals (3:54), to make war on ‘infidels’ (9:123), and to subjugate the entire world to Allah (9:33).

President Barack Hussein Obama has himself brought untold thousands of Muslims into the United States, very often in great secrecy. The result has been a grim succession of Islamic terror atrocities and a commensurate curb on our cherished American freedoms.

In Germany, various intelligence agencies have warned that Muslim terrorists would attempt to carry out attacks during the holiday season. The British Foreign Office warned its citizens traveling to Germany to “remain vigilant.”

But how people are expected to do so is not explained when, at any minute, a fanatical terrorist screaming in Arabic the Islamic supremacist war cry, Allahu Akbar (meaning Allah is Greater – not God is Great) will plow a huge truck or even a smaller automobile into innocent shoppers.

Now Europeans, and our fellow Americans, are beginning to feel what embattled Israeli civilians have been forced to live with day in and day out.


CHRISTIAN WORSHIP IS ‘WORSE THAN MURDER AND BLOODSHED’: Another Islamic teaching behind the slaughter of Christians

Obama’s malice, May’s shame. Drain the UN swamp by Melanie Phillips

Italian girl converts to Islam, joins the Islamic State: “I can’t wait to die as a martyr”

Germany: Police chiefs warn of “further significant attacks”

Homobullies attack Ivanka Trump and her children on JetBlue flight


Homosexual Matthew Lasner, a professor at Hunters College.

Homobullies Matthew Lasner, a professor at Hunters College, and his “husband”, Dan Goldstein verbally attacked Ivanka Trump and her children. Ivanka and her children were flying home on a JetBlue flight. They were sitting in coach class with the other passengers.

ZeroHedge reports:

According to reports from TMZ, an unruly Jet Blue passenger has been kicked off a plane this morning after “accosting” Ivanka Trump and “verbally berating her and ‘jeering’ at her 3 kids.”

[ … ]

Moments before the encounter happened, apparently the wife of the unruly passenger [Matthew Lasner] tweeted:  

“Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband [Goldstein] chasing them down to harass them.” 


NOTE: This Tweet has been remove by Lasner.

That’s probably not something you should just be openly admitting publicly.

Homosexual Dan Goldstein who harassed Ivanka Trump. Photo: UK DailyMail

Ivanka was quietly getting herself and her three children strapped in for the flight when Goldstein began to attack her without provocation. Goldstein stated, “Your father is ruining the country”, before asking other passengers: “Why is she on our flight? She should be flying private.”

Goldstein’s “wife” then glibly posted the below on Facebook after both were thrown off of the JetBlue flight.

gay-bully-tweet-ivanka-trumpIt appears Goldstein and Lasner are Heterophobic and Homobullies. BTW, Ivanka is Jewish. This may also be a case of anti-Semitism.

Why didn’t JetBlue ban these two Homobullies from their airline for life?

Remember when Delta Airlines banned an unruly Trump supporter for life? As ZeroHedge notes:

So a Trump supporter goes on a tirade on a Delta flight and gets a life time ban while this person openly admits to “harassing” Ivanka, in front of her three children no less, and has to suffer the inconvenience of being moved to the next available flight?  Seems reasonable.

Can you say double standard?

Chris Spargo for reported:

Lasner has been very vocal about his distaste for Trump on Twitter, writing shortly after the election about marching against the President-elect.

He also posted a video when he marched in Chicago with the hashtags ‘#notmypresident’ and ‘#weslay.’

And he posted a photo on Instagram of himself with one of his protest signs, which read: ‘RESIST! Autocracy. RISE UP!’

Lasner also retweeted a man who wrote on Twitter: ‘Dear @IvankaTrump + @JaredKushner, there are swastikas being painted across America by people who support your father. PLEASE SAY SOMETHING.’

It does not end there either, as Lasner is not a fan of Ronald Reagan or George Bush

Lasner posted a photo of a college student wearing an old Reagan / Bush shirt earlier this year without the young man’s knowledge and then wrote: ‘Seeing this walking out of @packercollegiate this morning made seriously ill. It’s disgusting that teenagers might find this amusing. As far as I’m concerned it’s hate speech. #idontheartthe80s’

Read more… 


Maybe it’s not wise to celebrate mental illness?

REVEALED: The Brooklyn lawyer who chased down Ivanka on a JetBlue flight and his Hillary supporter husband who BOASTED about the verbal attack before they were thrown off

White, heterosexual and proud to be an American

Yes, I voted for Donald J. Trump for President of the United States of America.

I am white, a heterosexual and proud to be an American. My father’s family immigrated from Russia. My grandfather was a physician who received his medical degree in Kiev. He was conscripted by the Czar to serve in the Russian Army. After the Communist revolution he escaped and fled to the United States where his medical degree was not recognized. My grandfather then became a successful Chiropractor and helped thousands of his patients. His medical skills helped him recognize health issues with his patients, who he then referred to a local physician. Because of him my brother and nephew have both become successful Chiropractors in their own right.

My mother’s family came from Poland. They also emigrated to the United States where they became Americans, proud of their heritage, but even prouder to be American.

Democrats and the media hate me because I am white, heterosexual and proud to be an American.

In my birth state of Missouri there will be a White Supremacy Conference (WPC) the last week of April 2017 titled “Deconstructing the Culture of White Supremacy and Privilege: Creating Peace, Equity and Opportunity in the Heartland.


The mission of the WPC is:

The WPC provides a challenging, collaborative and comprehensive experience. We strive to empower and equip individuals to work for equity and justice through self and social transformation.

The WPC’s goal to discriminate against people who are white, heterosexual and proud to be American.

The WPC wants to “…bring together students, youth, teachers, university faculty, activists, social workers and counselors, healthcare workers, and members of both the spiritual community and corporate arena. Issues of race, addressed from a comprehensive, intersectional perspective, bring in dynamics of gender/gender identity, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, ability and class.” [Emphasis added]

The WPC is targeting our children and schools to turn against whites and find ways to discriminate against them. This idea of “white privilege” was promoted by Obama and most recently in an MTV News video titled “2017 New Years Resolutions for White Guys” The ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: Hey, white guys: we came up for some New Year’s Resolutions for you, some of which include Black Lives Matter, Beyonce, Kanye West, and more!:

Yes, I am white, heterosexual and voted for Donald J. Trump. Get over it!


North Carolina lawmakers leave ‘bathroom bill’ in place

Conservatism and Progressivism: Two Irreconcilable Worldviews

Who really hacked the U.S. elections?

The FBI was able to track the DNC hack to an IP address located somewhere close to the North Pole, but sources close to the investigation said the trail had grown cold.

“As soon as special agents were close to apprehending the suspect, they unexpectedly left the area,” one source confirmed. “They suddenly grew very eager to spend Christmas vacations with their families.”

All we know about the “North Pole Hacker” at this time is that he has an uncanny ability to monitor even the most secret communications in order to compile his annual “naughty or nice” list, which he then cross-references – twice – with corroborative data from other sources.

“The suspect, who goes by the initials SC, usually keeps his list to himself,” the FBI source said, “but this was an unprecedented year in many ways.” It appears that this year the North Pole Hacker broke with his tradition and posted his “naughty or nice” findings on WikiLeaks, allegedly “so that Americans can get a good president for Christmas.”

We will keep you informed as this case develops.

EDITORS NOTE: This fake news political satire by Red Square originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

‘Behold Your King Comes’ by Randall Smith

The Catholic Thing is a kind of little miracle that ripples out to touch lives in powerful ways.”  – Archbishop Charles Chaput

Behold Your King Comes


In his advent sermon Ecce rex tuus venit tibi (“Behold your king comes to you”), Thomas Aquinas distinguishes four ways Christ “comes” to us: the first “advent” is the one in which He came in the flesh; the second, when He comes into our souls; the third, when He comes to us at death; and the fourth is His Second Coming at the final judgment. During Advent, we are preparing ourselves for all four.

A friend reports that his priest told the congregation that Advent isn’t a penitential season, but a time for joy. My friend’s immediate thought was: “If it’s not a penitential season, Father, then why are you wearing purple?” He might as well have been doing a funeral mass in black and said: “This isn’t a mournful time. It’s a time for joy.”

Actually, it could be both: a time to mourn the loss of a loved one and joy at the promise of the resurrection: mourning because of our very real human experience of loss, and joy because of a faith in the reality of a promise that exceeds the grasp of human reason. They can co-exist. We know by reason we have lost something dear to us, and yet, deep down, in a center of ourselves we barely know ourselves, we know by faith that our loved ones are alive with God in Christ and therefore still present with us, in us, and all around us in the communion of saints.

Similarly, Advent is both a penitential season and time for joy. Christ is coming; this is good news. We prepare ourselves by keeping “sober” and “awake.” A penitential season in expectation of Christ’s coming can be a very joyful thing. A season lost to drunkenness and dissipation usually is not.

Read more…

EDITORS NOTE: This article first appeared in The Catholic Thing.

In these last days before Christmas and the New Year, The Catholic Thing is very close to its fundraising goal now for the end of 2016, which will be the basis of their support for the first half of 2017. In this special season, we ask readers to do what they can to support The Catholic Thing. To donate to The Catholic Thing please click here.

A Lovely Christmas Encounter

I don’t care what progressives say, men and women are different. Upon entering a store, I have witnessed my wife Mary shift into a “shopping zone”, picking up, studying and reading items (after finding English) at a leisurely pace. I just want to find what I need as quickly as possible and get out of the store. Therefore, I dropped Mary off at Big Lots! I thought I would kill time strolling through the Heart and Home Resale Store a few doors away.

Two unique reindeer Christmas baskets caught my eye. I got in line as the elderly store clerk was checking out a 30 something year old mom. The mom apologized to me for her large pile of toddler toys and clothing. I replied, “No problem. I am fine.”

The elderly clerk glanced at my baskets and said, “They are beautiful.” I said the last thing I need is more Christmas stuff, but I really like these baskets.

The elderly clerk said she did a major scale down of her Christmas decorations last year. She said it brought a tear to her eye. She enjoyed Christmases with her family and before she knew it, everyone was gone. He husband passed and her daughter never married. She has no grand kids. She now sets up a 12 inch table top Christmas tree.

I told the young mom that what the clerk was telling her is to enjoy these years with her husband and kids to the max. With a smile the young mom replied, “I know.” The elderly clerk said, “Yes, that is exactly what I am saying.”

After the young mom left, I told the elderly clerk, “I am sure God will provide kids for you to be a grand-mom.” She said, “He has. My neighbors have two beautiful children.” Our pleasant exchange ended with the elderly clerk wishing me a Merry Christmas. I wished her the same.

Folks, the older I get, the more I realize how important it is to be thankful to God and truly enjoy every good thing in your life; a great meal with friends and loved ones, good health, relationships and so on

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Happy Birthday Jesus!

Facebook to censor your news

Fakestream media is pushing, along with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, a story line that you and I must be protected from “fake news” for our own safety. Sounds like the liberal cartel wants to control the news like it wants to control your guns. This is all about power.

The Fakestream media got the 2016 Presidential election, and the Trump win, wrong in so many ways that it is scrambling to keep the truth from those who seek it. We now learn that the neo-Fakestream media, specifically Facebook, has joined in.

Katrina Trinko in her column titled “Facebook’s Reliance on Liberal Fact-Checkers Means Your News Is About to Be Censored” writes:

Facebook doesn’t think you know what’s “fake news” and what’s not.

In an announcement Thursday, the social media giant said it was going to crack down on fake news through a variety of ways, including letting users report what they deem to be fake news.t one item on Facebook’s list of methods to crack down was particularly concerning:

We’ve started a program to work with third-party fact-checking organizations that are signatories of Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Code of Principles. We’ll use the reports from our community, along with other signals, to send stories to these organizations. If the fact-checking organizations identify a story as fake, it will get flagged as disputed and there will be a link to the corresponding article explaining why.

When you look at the signatories on the Poynter list, you’ll find seven from the United States: ABC News, The Washington Post, Snopes, Associated Press,, Climate Feedback, and Politifact.

Read more…

Of course nothing can go wrong with this, can it?

Jessica Guynn from USA Today in May, 2016 reported:

… According to tech news outlet Gizmodo, a former Facebook news curator says popular articles from politically conservative outlets on conservative subjects were deliberately left off of the “trending news” sidebar. Among the allegedly verboten topics: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and former Fox News contributor Steven Crowder.

“I’d come on shift and I’d discover that CPAC [Conservative Political Action Conference] or Mitt Romney or Glenn Beck or popular conservative topics wouldn’t be trending because either the curator didn’t recognize the news topic or it was like they had a bias against Ted Cruz,” the former news curator told Gizmodo.

Facebook denied the report, saying it has “rigorous guidelines” to ensure political neutrality in the distribution of news to its 1.6 billion users around the globe.

Read more…

The question is who is checking the fact checker? Who is checking Facebook? Will Facebook turn into Fakebook?

RELATED ARTICLE: Facebook to Decide What’s Real Vs. Fake News for Users

RELATED VIDEO: Bill Whittle on “Fake News.”

Does the Congressional Black Caucus Really Care about Black People?

In last week’s column, I discussed the hypocrisy running rampant within the Democratic Party when it comes to the hiring of Black staffers. I must have struck a serious nerve, because I received an anonymous email from someone with seemingly high-level Democratic credentials that was most surprising.

I have no idea who this person is, or what his/her agenda may be, but I was able to verify the details of the email I received.

I called several friends who work for Democratic elected officials in the United States Congress and the Democratic National Committee. While not wanting to comment on specific members of the Democratic caucus, they agreed that the essence of the content of this anonymous email was very accurate.

This email contained such detailed information on each Democratic member of Congress that it had to come from someone with intimate access to this type of sensitive data.

What was sent to me was a listing of every Democratic member of Congress and who their fundraisers were. What’s ironic is that only one member of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) has retained a Black fundraiser. The rest have either a White, Asian, or Hispanic person doing their fundraising.

Congressional Black Caucus members.

Yet, these same members of the CBC have the gall to criticize the U.S. Senate for their lack of diversity when it comes to hiring Black staffers. Mind you, that most CBC members themselves have very few Blacks in positions of power on their personal staffs or committees.

Maybe, Black Democrats should simply “self-identify” as illegal, transgendered or radical Muslim extremist refugees, because they seem to get all the benefits that only American citizens are supposed to get, but I digress.

Last year, members of the CBC traveled to Silicon Valley to lecture executives from Apple, Google, Intel, SAP, and Pandora about the lack of Blacks in their workforce. Their then chairman, U.S. Rep. G.K. Butterfield of North Carolina said, “All of them are deficient. None of them have African Americans on their boards of directors, and that is very disappointing because African Americans are part of the customer base of all five of these companies.”

Maybe, just maybe, members of the CBC should have a visit to their own member’s offices and determine why most of them have no Black chiefs of staffs and no Black fundraisers.

In the immortal words of Michael Jackson, maybe members of the CBC should take a look at that man in the mirror, and ask him to change his ways. If they want to make the world more diverse, take a look at themselves and make that change.

So, before Black folks continue to complain about what “Whites” are not doing for us, maybe we should look at what we’re not doing for ourselves.

Why should others do for us what the Black members of Congress are not willing to do for us? Why do they refuse to hire capable Black Democrats with fundraising experience?

The CBC, like Africa in the United Nations, is the largest voting bloc in the U.S. Congress. So, they can stop any piece of legislation presented in the House, thus they have supreme leverage and never use it to push forward any policy that they claim to care about.

Blacks are the largest voting bloc, but have no Blacks in leadership positions in the House. Why did they turn their backs on esteemed Congressman Jim Clyburn when he got ousted from leadership so that Steny Hoyer could assume a leadership post?

So, let’s get this straight, the CBC goes around the country lecturing Silicon Valley about their lack of diversity, though they are guilty of the same thing. They complain about the lack of diversity on corporate boards, but at least Corporate America takes care of their own — Whites.

But the CBC won’t even hire their own when it comes to fundraising jobs. So, if Whites hire those that look like themselves, why won’t the CBC do the same?

Diversity is not an “either,” “or” proposition, it’s a “both,” “and.” CBC members criticize Silicon Valley for having few Black staffers, they criticize the U.S. Senate for having few Black staffers, but they’re silent when it comes to conscious decision not to hire Black fundraisers for their own campaigns.

So, if Silicon Valley and the U.S. Senate can be labeled “racist” for their lack of Black staffers, shouldn’t the CBC have to wear the same label?

Hungary American Terrorists

When someone funds and drives unrest, riots and beyond in an effort to destabilize a sovereign country – and it results is death and destruction – what do you call that?

EDITORS NOTE: This fake news political satire video is by Inner Layer. This video was also posted on The Peoples Cube by JosephStalinthe3rd

America Please Do Not Blow It

Not long ago being in America was like sitting in a boat with a hole in the bottom.  To make matters worse, the captain would keep trying to make the hole larger. At the same time while some of us would use buckets to dump the water out of the vessel.  Unfortunately, the water would keep rushing up into the boat faster than those who cared about it could get the water out of the boat.  Similarly like the vessel, the United States has been sinking fast under massive debt and government deficit spending.  In fact, President Obama and his fellow progressives have been doing everything possible to insure the sinking of the United States would proceed unabated. Their goal has been to damage America to the point she would be beyond repair.

Despite the concerted effort of numerous internal enemies and a litany of external enemies given free reign throughout the federal government, America will not yet sink away.  Numerous sharia law supporting, liberty hating Muslims now have key positions of influence in NASA and other important government departments.  This is crazy dangerous to say the very least.  But despite the immense problem of enemies within our republic, (some of whom were voted into office) our great nation is in a position to right the deadly wrongs that if not overcome could put America permanently out of commission.

The electoral vote victory for Donald Trump was a good first step win in the war to restore America to greatness. 

I must admit that with this first great step Trump victory, there is a dramatically high degree of optimism throughout our republic.  Even around the world many nations that appreciate economic prosperity and a general sense of stability are pleased that Donald Trump will be our next president.  Not long ago the Donald welcomed Japanese billionaire Masayoshi Son who has announced he is now going to invest $50 billion in our nation and create 50 thousand jobs.  Let us not forget, the American worker in many cases is the most skilled on earth.  I can assure you that had Mrs. Clinton won the presidential election, Mr. Son would not have visited America to announce his huge economic investment.

Mr. Trump has not yet officially embarked upon his mission of the presidency.  It is amazing how he has inspired more goodwill toward America from our allies than President Obama has over his eight years in office. The Dow Jones has experienced new record highs since election day on expectations of faster economic growth.  Many manufacturers which have been reeling for years from shrinking demands for their goods and services report they view Trump as more sympathetic to their interests than President Obama ever was.

Trump’s promise getting rid of draconian regulations and lower taxes are music to the ears of American business leaders.  They have been beaten down with Obama’s environmental and labor laws that ultimately did nothing to improve the environment.  Obama’s policies also made it easy for 50 U.S. corporations to move their headquarters other nations like Ireland and Mexico.  In our nation companies were unable to hire and pay raises for those who had jobs were far and few in between.  Despite the current economic doldrums and Democrats blaming Russia for exposing their email dirty laundry, the Trump election has fostered a huge sense of optimism throughout the land.

Trump’s soon to be optimistic ascending to the White house is in my opinion in part due to the multi- year prayers of literally millions of Americans.  They obeyed the words of 2nd Chronicles 7:14,

“and My people, who are called by My Name, humble themselves, and pray and seek My Face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear [them] from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land.”

While we have won a major battle, whether the progressives care to admit it or not, this is just the beginning.

“We the People” must not forget that we are engaged in a cultural war.  Thus, to insure a return to constitutional limits on government and unalienable rights for you and I, we must remember we have only just begun to fight.  We shall not quit until the commission of restoring our republic is fulfilled.  We each have specific persuasions in which to engage our concerted efforts to renew our America.

Let us as happy warriors seek providential guidance and do our part to help guarantee the rebuilding of the greatest nation in the history of mankind.  I believe that as great as America has been, if we stay the proper course to victory we will once again have a republic that will be greater than we could ever imagine.

God Bless You, God Bless America and may America Bless God.