Billy Graham’s son Franklin: Homosexuality is ‘a sin,’ and ‘I want to warn people’

“In a Meet the Press interview Sunday, Franklin Graham, the son of famed preacher Billy Graham, refused to back down from his Biblical stance against homosexuality. “It’s sin,” he said, and added that he wanted to warn people about it because they will have to stand before God who will judge,” Life Site News reports.

The younger Graham was speaking in the NBC interview about his father’s legacy, as the elder Graham, 95, is ‘very weak’ and eating little. He described how he helped to arrange a final sermon for his father that aired in November. He felt it was God’s will that he help his father “finish well.”

In the context of about Pope Francis’ “who am I to judge” comment, Franklin Graham was asked if he would shift his position on “gays.”

“God would have to shift, and God doesn’t,” Graham replied. “God’s word is the same yesterday and today and a million years from now, that it’s sin.”

“To wink at sin, and to tell somebody that it’s okay, I know the consequences of what will happen one day when they have to stand before God,” Graham continued. “I want to warn people.”

But, he added, “I think the Pope is right when he says he is not the judge. He is not the judge. God is the judge.”

Graham’s stance is the same as that of the Catholic Church.  A Vatican document on the pastoral care of homosexual persons notes that, “There can be no doubt of the moral judgement made there against homosexual relations.” The document, written under John-Paul II and signed by Cardinal Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict), notes that the Bible “in the course of describing the conditions necessary for belonging to the Chosen People, the author excludes from the People of God those who behave in a homosexual fashion.”

That 1986 Vatican document also encourages speaking out on the immorality of homosexual activity as the younger Graham has done.  “No authentic pastoral programme will include organizations in which homosexual persons associate with each other without clearly stating that homosexual activity is immoral,” it says.

The document stresses, “we wish to make it clear that departure from the Church’s teaching, or silence about it, in an effort to provide pastoral care is neither caring nor pastoral.” It adds: “Only what is true can ultimately be pastoral. The neglect of the Church’s position prevents homosexual men and women from receiving the care they need and deserve.”

For Graham, it’s also a matter of truth. “I’ve never really been one to try to be politically correct,” he said. “I just feel truth is truth, and sometimes I probably offend some people.”

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RELATED COLUMN: 5 Horrific Examples of Cultural Decay in America Urges Rose Parade Boycott: “Live gay wedding” turns parade into political stunt!

Don, one of our readers, forwarded this press release to me with the following comment:

I had an initial reaction to the news that the Tournament of Roses was including a float that would be featuring a ‘gay wedding’ live during the Rose parade, but then I got to thinking.

On second thought … I love diversity and it may be time to totally embrace it. Can’t wait until the Rose parade has a float to celebrate bigamy and polygamy once the civil rights of those multi-spousal families get sorted out in court. It will be GREAT. Then, a few more years down the road, I will be totally excited when NAMBLA has a float, and we can watch young boys and their older lovers broadcast all over America in the continuing celebration of diversity. And won’t it be great when there is a BDSM float…we can watch as people whip each other into a sexual frenzy. Can’t wait. Way to go Tournament of Roses. Let’s all look forward to the day when we can TRULY celebrate ALL diversity.

Should you find my comment above offensive, I apologize.  Rarely do I send such content via email.

Sacramento, California — A leading pro-family organization,, is calling for a boycott of the Jan. 1st Rose Parade due to its in-your-face promotion of homosexual “marriage” to children.

But should you find the actions by the Tournament of Roses to be concerning, I encourage you to contact them today to politely share your thoughts.  Their direct number is626-449-4100.  Additionally, see the attached info below.

“Many parents and grandparents are appalled that the Rose Parade is being turned from a family-friendly parade into an offensive political stunt forced upon children who are watching,”said Randy Thomasson, president of, which promotes moral virtues for the common good. “ is urging dads, moms and grandparents to boycott the Rose Parade, cancel plans to watch or attend, voice their opposition to tournament officials, and not do business with sponsors listed at”

“The Rose Parade was founded upon the reality of God’s beautiful creation of flowers and plants that decorate exquisite floats, to the delight of children and families,” Thomasson said. “Now, with a ‘live gay wedding’ on a float, the Rose Parade has turned against God’s natural design of sex and family.”

This year’s AIDS Healthcare Foundation float will feature a “live wedding” between two homosexual men. “Children watching will be taught that homosexual behavior is good and normal, when it’s not biologically based, results in a high rate of HIV/AIDS and other STDs, and squashes religious freedom, free speech, and other constitutional rights,” Thomasson said. (Source:’s “Not Born This Way”)

“The float’s slogan, ‘Love Is The Best Protection,’ is false advertising that hurts children,” Thomasson said. “The fact is, the promotion of homosexual behavior, including same-sex ‘marriages,’ in our culture has increased sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS. And male homosexuals in ‘committed’ relationships are notorious for having ‘open relationships,’ which enlarge the circle of transmission.”


Myth No. 10: Homosexual relationships are just the same as heterosexual ones, except for the gender of the partners.

Fact: Homosexuals are less likely to enter into a committed relationship, less likely to be sexually faithful to a partner, even if they have one, and are less likely to remain committed for a lifetime, than are heterosexuals.

Homosexual men and women are far less likely to be in any kind of committed relationship than heterosexuals are. A 2006 study by researchers at UCLA concluded: We found that lesbians, and particularly gay men, are less likely to be in a relationship compared to heterosexual women and men. Perhaps the most outstanding finding is also the most simple-that over half of gay men (51%) were not in a relationship. Compared to only 21% of heterosexual females and 15% of heterosexual males, this figure is quite striking.(77)

Secondly, even homosexuals (especially men) who are in a partnered relationship are much less likely to be sexually faithful to that partner.

  • A Dutch study of partnered homosexuals, which was published in the journal AIDS, found that men with a “steady partner” had an average of eight sexual partners per year.(78)
  • A Canadian study of homosexual men who had been in committed relationships lasting longer than one year found that only 25 percent of those interviewed reported being monogamous. According to study author Barry Adam, “Gay culture allows men to explore different . . . forms of relationships besides the monogamy coveted by heterosexuals.”(79)

A 2005 study in the journal Sex Roles found that “40.3% of homosexual men in civil unions and 49.3% of homosexual men not in civil unions had ‘discussed and decided it is ok under some circumstances’ to have sex outside of the relationship. By comparison, only 3.5% of heterosexual married men and their wives agreed that sex outside of the relationship was acceptable.”(80)

Finally, research shows that homosexual relationships tend to be of shorter duration and much less likely to last a lifetime than heterosexual ones (especially heterosexual marriages). A 2005 journal article cites one large-scale longitudinal study comparing the dissolution rates of heterosexual married couples, heterosexual cohabiting couples, homosexual couples, and lesbian couples:

On the basis of the responses to the follow-up survey, the percentage of dissolved couples was 4% (heterosexual married couples), 14% (heterosexual cohabiting couples), 13% (homosexual couples) and 18% (lesbian couples).(81)

In other words, the dissolution rate of homosexual couples during the period of this study was more than three times that of heterosexual married couples, and the dissolution rate of lesbian couples was more than four-fold that of heterosexual married couples.(82)

Myth 10 – footnotes:

77  Charles Strohm, et al., “Couple Relationships among Lesbians, Gay Men, and Heterosexuals in California: A Social Demographic Perspective,” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal Convention Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, (Aug 10, 2006): 18. Accessed at:

78  Maria Xiridou, et al, “The Contribution of Steady and Casual Partnerships to the Incidence of HIV Infection among Homosexual Men in Amsterdam,” AIDS 17 (2003): 1031.

79  Ryan Lee, “Gay Couples Likely to Try Non-monogamy, Study Shows,” Washington Blade (August 22, 2003): 18

80  Sondra E. Solomon, Esther D. Rothblum, and Kimberly F. Balsam, “Money, Housework, Sex, and Conflict: Same-Sex Couples in Civil Unions, Those Not in Civil Unions, and Heterosexual Married Siblings,” Sex Roles 52 (May 2005): 569.

81  Lawrence Kurdek, “Are Gay and Lesbian Cohabiting Couples Really Different from Heterosexual Married Couples?” Journal of Marriage and Family 66 (November 2004): 893.

82  Ibid., 896.

ABOUT SAVECALIFORNIA.COM is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.

MassResistance helps Jamaica confront “Gay Agenda”

On International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2013, MassResistance went to Jamaica and delivered a stirring speech at a pro-family rally in Kingston, warning citizens about the slippery slope effects that would come with legalizing homosexual behavior, now being considered by the Jamaican government. The speech was broadcast live over national radio.

The homosexual movement wanted to use International Human Rights Day strictly to promote their cause. But these Jamaicans had another plan!

I was the main speaker at the rally, held in Emancipation Park in Kingston by the Jamaican Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS). Over 400 people attended.

I outlined — point by point — the progression that followed once homosexuality was legalized everywhere else — and would surely happen in Jamaica. After legalization comes: gay pride parades; non-discrimination laws; homosexuals’ adoption of children; the homosexual agenda in schools; forcing “gay marriage” on society; public funding to deal with increased homosexual-related social problems; the transgender agenda; large-scale loss of free speech; ban on counseling for kids with homosexual issues; and attacks on churches.

Over four hundred Jamaicans came to the rally Emancipation Park, an evening event before a brightly lit stage.

After the presentation, one Jamaican activist emailed us: “Your arrival here was timely and most appreciated. The feedback from your talk continued on radio the next day and I know that the MC of the show certainly was shocked to discover what has been taking place.”

The Jamaican people are not afraid to wear their religion on their sleeve — or on their shirt!

Besides my keynote speech, the 2½ hour event included songs, dances, and several powerful speeches about morality and God’s laws. The attendees were very enthusiastic and energetic on this issue. At the end of the event, they eagerly commenced a nationwide petition drive to stop the legalization efforts.

As the rally ended, people started gathering signatures on a national petition to keep the current law intact.

By many accounts, the MassResistance speech was a big boost for the pro-family battle going on right now in Jamaica.

Outrage over push to overturn Jamaica’s “Buggery Law”

At issue is a recent push to overturn the country’s 150-year-old law against homosexual behavior. The statute (Sec. 76 of the Crimes Against Persons Act) is universally known in Jamaica as “the Buggery Law,” after the British terminology. Jamaica is one of about a dozen Caribbean countries where anti-sodomy laws are currently on the books.

Prime Minister’s announcement. In early June 2013, Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller announced that she is considering having the Parliament take a “conscience vote” on a review of the Buggery Law during the current legislative session which ends March 31, 2014.

This is widely seen as a reaction to growing pressure from the Obama Administration and the Cameron Administration in Britain to force Jamaica to promote “LGBT rights.” This has included threats from both countries to withhold foreign aid to nations like Jamaica that continue to hold the line.

Supreme Court case. In addition, this past June the country’s Supreme Court agreed to hear a case by a homosexual activist claiming that the Buggery Law violates Jamaica’s Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. The case began October 4th and is continuing.

The sense that we get talking to Jamaicans who’ve been following the case closely is that the homosexuals have a very weak legal case and a slim chance of succeeding (unlike in other countries).

Strong pro-family outcry from churches and groups

Jamaica has a very strong religious community, and churches and pro-family groups have been very active in opposing any change to the law. They have seen what has happened in other countries such as the U.S. and fear that this would be the beginning of a total assault on the Jamaican culture.

Compared to the United States and other countries, church groups and pro-family activists have been very outspoken and pretty fearless in opposition to the homosexual agenda. There have been pro-family marches, speeches, media appearances, newspaper ads, and a general political awakening to the issue. Church groups are also directly involved in the Supreme Court case.

Jamaican homosexual movement much weaker than in U.S.

On the other hand, since homosexuality is technically illegal the homosexual groups are relatively weak and not able to intimidate and harass the way they can in other places. Sadly, much of the homosexual movement’s funding and support in Jamaica comes from the US government and also through the United Nations, which outrages many Jamaicans.

In addition, since Jamaica has never had homosexuality pushed in the schools or in their island culture, the public has not been swayed on this issue as in other places.

Public relations war starts

Nevertheless, Jamaican homosexuals have begun a fairly strong public-relations campaign in the media to support repeal of the Buggery Law, with their own op-ed articles, letters to the editor, advertisements, banners, and more. Much of it appears to be funded by various United Nations organizations.

Their main points have included: (1) “Loving” someone else is an international human right. (2) Criminalizing homosexuality causes a stigma and keeps homosexuals from getting “safe sex” help, thus more AIDS is caused. (3) There is violence against homosexuals triggered by the current Buggery Law.

This slick full-page ad by the homosexual movement appeared in Jamaican newspapers, meant to soften the public on the “human rights” and “justice” aspects of repealing the Buggery Law. Note the logos for United Nations-affiliated groups on the bottom, which appear to be funding this campaign.

The pro-family groups and churches strongly dispute all of those points. Among other things, they point out the overwhelming loss of religious freedom and freedom of speech, and the actual statistics on disease. And there is very strong evidence that the overwhelming amount of violence against homosexuals in Jamaica is committed by other homosexuals.

For a larger view click on the chart.

Countering the lies. The Jamaican homosexual movement says that the current Buggery Law causes more AIDS. But the  JCHS research reveals that in fact the opposite is true.

JCHS pro-family coalition confronting the “gay PR” campaign!

Much of the pro-family public relations battle has been taken on by the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS). They have been relentless in getting out the truth in the face of a constant flood of disinformation and absurd emotion. In our opinion, JCHS has been a model for the rest of us.

Based in Kingston, they have a fearless and uncompromising attitude, that is all too rare these days on our side. In addition, they have a superb command of the facts and are willing to engage in the often hostile mainstream media, as well as other media.

JCHS energetically covers more ground than almost anyone we’ve seen around the world. Just before Camenker’s visit, the organization released an outstanding 55-minute video that covers the broad range of moral, legal, and medical issues surrounding homosexuality, and also includes man-on-the-street interviews with regular Jamaicans.

VIDEO: This outstanding 55-minute video by JCHS covers the broad range of issues regarding the Buggery Law repeal:

The group’s chairman is Dr. Wayne West, who takes on the destructive medical problems surrounding homosexual behavior and similar issues. There has been a constant effort by the Left to ignore and obfuscate the vast personal and public health effects connected with homosexuality, especially when their political agenda is being pushed. Dr. West cuts through that.

Dr. West has been brilliant in his media work. In this recent newspaper interview,he also takes on the outrageous use of the term “homophobia” to label pro-family citizens as being mentally ill because of their beliefs.

Dr. West fearlessly takes on the issues.

Dr. West has been behind most of the group’s newspaper advertisements and other public statements. At the Emancipation Park rally (see video at top), he introduced Brian Camenker of MassResistance.

The other major JCHS figure is Shirley Richards, an attorney and past president of Jamaica’s Christian Legal Fellowship. She has been outspoken in the media about the legal and moral issues surrounding homosexuality. 

She also has excellent media skills. In this recent newspaper op-ed article, Mrs. Richards takes apart the Left’s argument that the Buggery Law is a violation of international human rights.

Great video. Mrs. Richards also unafraid to confront the threats by the United States and Britain to cut off aid to countries who refuse to cave in to the homosexual agenda. In this great (and short) video she stands up to that manipulation and boldly tells the truth about what the homosexual lifestyle will do to a society.

Great video featuring attorney Shirley Richards. She pulls no punches! (4:41)

[NOTE: This was posted on YouTube by a homosexual group!]

cameker jamaica

Attorney Shirley Richards (left) with Brian Camenker of MassResistance at the December 10th rally.

The Jamaicans are a people with a lot of common sense. Right now, if the buggery law were to be put to a national vote, it would be kept on the books by a wide margin. But people can see that the political pressure is growing, along with the money coming in to persuade and attempt to brainwash the citizens.

The Jamaicans told us over and over again that MassResistance’s message was exactly what they needed to fuel this battle. But to tell you the truth, we got just as much from them. It was a truly wonderful experience being among such fearless and uncompromising pro-family battlers.


MassResistance officially organized in 1995 as Parents’ Rights Coalition, although it had been active both locally and statewide since 1993. In 2003, under the name Article 8 Alliance, it expanded to issues surrounding the same-sex “marriage” court ruling and its effects in Massachusetts. In 2006, these efforts were consolidated under the new name “MassResistance.” We have been the leading pro-family grassroots activist group in Massachusetts.

The Porn Factor: The Path from Playboy to Sex Offender Is Well Traveled

In December 1953, Playboy magazine was launched and immediately began normalizing a new world order of autoerotic sexual fantasy. Hugh Hefner (until reading Kinsey in college, a virgin like most single young men) pledged that his “romantic” magazine would turn his “Playboy men” into skillful lovers, readying them for lifelong marriage. Yet his monthly magazine ridiculed virginity and marriage while glamorizing adultery and rape and showing consumers ways to trick women and children into illicit sex.

By 1969, millions of Playboy users, struggling with their unexpected, porn-induced “diminished arousal response,” began eagerly embracing the amplified stimuli offered by Penthouse. This gave us another generation of intimacy and potency challenged men. By 1974, millions of Penthouse users, struggling again with a diminished sexual response, turned to Hustler for help. Hello to yet another generation of arousal-challenged pornography addicts, millions of whom became pushovers for internet pornography. And the addicts were not just grown men. In 1979, psychologist Aaron Hass, in his book Teenage Sexuality, reported that Playboy was commonly sought by juveniles for sex information, advice, values, and mores.

Pornography and Pedophilia

From 1994 to 2007, at least 19 state legislatures in the U.S. passed laws named for a raped and murdered child. In my considered judgment, almost every lust-crime is now energized by pornography. There is plenty of evidence to back me up. For instance, in 1984, FBI Agent Ken Lanning testified about pedophiles’ use of pornography at
a Senate hearing on the “Effect of Pornography on Women and Children”:

Adult pornography is also used, particularly with adolescent boy victims, to arouse and to lower inhibitions  …  A child who is reluctant to engage in sexual activity with an adult or to pose for sexually explicit photos can sometimes be convinced by viewing other children having “fun” participating in the activity … A third major use of child pornography collections is [for] blackmail … If the child threatens to tell his or her parents or the authorities, the existence of sexually explicit photographs can be an effective silencer. The pedophile threatens to show the pictures to parents, friends, or teachers if the child reveals their secret.

John Rabun, then Deputy Director of the National Center for Missing Children, stated at one of the hearings:

100 percent of the arrested pedophiles, child pornographers, pimps, what have you . . . had in their possession at the time of arrest, adult pornography. . . . [It was used] for their own sexual arousal . . . [and] particularly for the pedophiles, was a form of self-validation, “it is OK because I see it in other places. It must be all right, it is published nationally . . .”

On September 16, 1987, before the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families in the House of Representatives, legal counselor Alan Sears testified:

In child pornography cases in Los Angeles County, police officers testified that since they began to ask the question, over 95 percent of the children involved in that activity had had pornography used as part of the softening up or the inhibition-lowering process to seduce them and induct them into this activity … [A] substantial number of the men who go on to be abusers were abused children themselves. Pornography plays a significant role in the training of our young people to become sexual abusers.

Detective Lt. Darrell Pope, Commanding Officer of the Michigan State Police Sex Crime Unit, testified at the same hearing:

[I]n 1977, I did a research project where I looked at 38,000 case histories [of sex crimes] and found that 41 percent of those reports indicated that, in fact, pornographic materials were used just prior to or during the actual act. (emphasis added).

Pope interviewed hundreds of sex offenders about their porn use, and “almost to a man,” the reply was: “I used it for one of several reasons: One, to encourage me.” Pope went on:

I can remember talking to one young man who was 19 years old; he said, “It excited me and then I got to thinking about it and I wanted to know how it felt.” … He wanted to know how it felt to rape a woman and kill her … And when we arrested this young man and searched his home, we found a pornographic magazine depicting this very thing that he had done.

Feeding Deviancy 

Move up to 1988. In Thrill Killers: True Portrayals of America’s Most Vicious Murderers, Clifford Linedecker wrote:

[M]ost of the killers indulged themselves in violent and sadistic fantasies. Responding to a request to indicate their primary sexual interest, 81 percent of the men put pornography at the top of the list … I found overwhelming evidence of twisted sexual fantasizing, and addiction to pornography in the backgrounds of many of the killers profiled in this book.

By 1990, Dr. W. L. Marshall wrote in Criminal Neglect: Why Sex Offenders Go Free, that “there is mounting evidence that in susceptible men, the material [pornography] feeds and legitimizes their deviant sexual tendencies.”

And in 1997, John Douglas, an FBI serial-rape profiler, reported that serial-rape murderers are commonly found “with a large pornography collection, either store-bought or homemade … [O]ur research does show that certain types of sadomasochistic and bondageoriented material can fuel the fantasies of those already leaning in that direction.”
And in 2003, Vernon J. Geberth, former Commanding Officer of the Bronx Homicide Task Force, wrote the following in Sex Related Homicide and Death Investigations, a book that should be required reading for those involved in sex-crime analyses:

[M]any of these pornographic depictions … were actually the road map to the offenses that the perpetrators of sex crimes were committing. . . . [T]he plan was in the pornography . . . [it is] the fuel that acts as a catalyst for fantasy-driven behavior … [P]ornography plays an important part in violent sex crimes.

A Late Warning

Back in 1986, then U.S. Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop dubbed pornography a “crushing public health problem … a clear and present danger … blatantly anti-human. … We must oppose it as we oppose all violence and prejudice.” Koop was ignored. We now have the results of three generations of pornography use, arguably sufficient and necessary evidence to get us to start treating all pornography as a clear and present danger, harmful to women and children.

In the summer of 2013, Ariel Castro pled guilty to kidnapping and raping three women whom he held captive in his house in Ohio for a decade. When asked by a judge how good his English was, Castro replied that his comprehension was bad because “my addiction to pornography and my sexual problem has really taken a toll on my mind.” It also took a brutal toll on the lives of three women.

How much more evidence do we need?

1. The nineteen laws are listed in my book Sexual Sabotage (WND, 2010), pp. 299–300.
2. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-Eighth Congress, Second Session, “Oversight on Pornography, Magazines of a Variety of Courses, Inquiring into the Subject of Their Impact on Child Abuse, Child Molestation, and Problems of Conduct Against Women,” Aug. 8, Sept. 12 and 25, and Oct. 30, 1984 (US Government Printing Office, 1985), Serial No. J-98-133, pp. 43–44.
3. John Rabun, testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice, 9/12/84, pp. 133–134.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Clifford Linedecker, Thrill Killers: True Portrayals of America’s Most Vicious Murderers (PaperJacks, 1988).
8. W. L. Marshall. Criminal Neglect: Why Sex Offenders Go Free (Seal Books, 1990), pp. 156–157.
9. John Douglas, Journey Into Darkness (Pocket Star Books, 1997), p. 299.
10. C. Everett Koop, M.D., American Medical News (Oct. 10, 1986).

RELATED COLUMN: Federal government funded porn project | The Daily Caller

The Robertson’s of Duck Dynasty Talk About How Their Faith in Jesus Turned Around Their Lives!


Phil and Kay Robertson of the hit A&E television program Duck Dynasty, share how their faith in Jesus has been integral to their success! This video is courtesy of the 700 Club on the CBN Network.

Michael W. Chapman writes, “Although some liberal observers criticized Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson’s remarks about homosexual behavior as ‘disgusting’ and ‘vile and extreme stereotypes,’ the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), one of the federal government’s leading health voices, uses nearly identical and even more graphic language in describing some of the sexual practices of male homosexuals.:

“Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet they are the population most severely affected by HIV,” says the CDC. “Most HIV infections in men are transmitted through sexual contact, especially anal sex.

Read more.

MassResistance reveals shocking background of judge who ruled against Pastor Scott Lively

Federal Judge Michael Ponsor

The federal judge who recently issued a vitriolic 79-page ruling against Pastor Scott Lively has a disturbing background revealing prejudices and improprieties that under federal law should certainly have disqualified him from presiding over the case, MassResistance has discovered. Presiding Federal Judge Michael Ponsor issued the ruling back in August.

As MassResistance has been reporting, Pastor Scott Lively, a well-known pro-family author, theologian, and Christian minister, is currently the target of the most bizarre lawsuit in our memory. Pastor Lively is being put on trial for allegedly perpetrating “international crimes against humanity” harming the people in Uganda. The case is being brought by the far-left New York-based Soros-funded Center For Constitutional Rights (CCR).

Pastor Scott Lively

Lively’s only “crime” seems to be his outspoken criticism of the homosexual movement. The lawsuit is not based on anything Lively (or anyone he’s ever met) actually did. It is simply an outrageous concoction of accusations based on his pro-family meetings, writings, and conversations, which took place on a handful of occasions in Uganda and in the US. Furthermore, Lively has not been charged with any actual crime in either country.

CCR filed the case on behalf of a homosexual group in Uganda called Sexual Minorities of Uganda (“SMUG”), which claims to have been harshly persecuted and that Lively ultimately caused that.

This will have a disastrous affect on the entire pro-family movement in America if successful.

Case should have been derailed by recent Supreme Court ruling

The lawsuit was filed in the Federal District Court in Springfield, Massachusetts in 2012. Lively’s Liberty Counsel legal team countered with a response and motion to dismiss, thoroughly refuting all the charges.

The US Federal Courthouse in Springfield on the day of the hearing on the motion to dismiss. Note the crowd of homosexual activists demonstrating in front against Pastor Lively.

The court’s hearing on the motion to dismiss, held on January 7, 2013, was presided by Judge Ponsor. Lively’s lawyers clearly indisputably demolished the plaintiff’s points. CCR appeared weak and disorganized and as we reported, Ponsor appeared biased even then.

Angry demonstration against Scott Lively in front of the courthouse on the day of the hearing. NOTE: At far right speaking in microphone, member of SMUG contingent who came from Uganda. Second from right is Luke Ryan, local counsel for CCR and activist who had been in courtroom earlier.

In April, after the hearing on the motion to dismiss but before the ruling was issued, a startling thing happened. The US Supreme Court issued its ruling on the Kiobel case which essentially nullified the Alien Tort Act. That Act had been the main pillar of the CCR’s attempt to charge Lively, a US citizen, for alleged acts in a foreign country. As weak as CCR’s case had been, it seemed now infinitely weaker as nearly all existing suits around the country involving the Alien Tort Act were quickly dismissed. Everything seemed in place for a slam-dunk dismissal of this absurd case, as well.

Extremely hostile ruling by Ponsor rejecting motion to dismiss

But then on August 14, 2013, the nightmare happened. Judge Ponsor issued his extremely hostile ruling that flatly rejected every one of Lively’s defenses andaccepted all of CCR’s charges against him as legitimate. Ponsor refused to acknowledge that the Kiobel ruling affected this case! Among many other things, Ponsor’s ruling labeled Lively’s speeches as “offensive conduct” and compared Lively to the Nazi war criminals in WWII. (We have a full analysis of that ruling coming up.)

Lively’s lawyers (and the rest of us) were floored. This case itself makes no sense at all, except as a means to severely punish Lively for his views on homosexuality and to send a strong message to the rest of the pro-family movement.

In addition, this now opens the door for an intrusive personal “discovery” processagainst Lively by CCR’s lawyers in preparation for the actual trial against him. In fact, that process has already begun.

An appeal against this particular kind of ruling asking for a higher court to dismiss the case, known as a Writ of Mandamus, is very unusual, but Lively’s attorneys have filed a quite thorough writ. It is still in process.

Will our new findings have an effect on it? We hope so.

Ponsor’s troubling background relative to this case

What is really going on that could explain Ponsor’s absurd ruling? Recently, MassResistance has found out that there’s a disturbing undercurrent to this story.

The homosexual movement is infamous for its success at shrewd “judge shopping” to push their agenda in the US court system. Ponsor was clearly a perfect choice. Ponsor is openly liberal and a protégé of pro-homosexual Judge Joseph Tauro, who recently ruled to strike down DOMA in the federal court. But that’s just his more visible profile.

MassResistance has recently learned more on Ponsor’s shocking background. This information was not known to the defendants when the case began.

An objective observer would question his ability to be impartial in light of these facts:

Outwardly supported radical homosexual movement very early on.Ponsor’s bias favoring the homosexual movement goes back several years. At his judicial induction ceremony on Feb. 14, 1994 (after being appoint by Pres. Bill Clinton), Ponsor told the assembled crowd, “We have a proud, vibrant gay and lesbian community” in Western Massachusetts. At that time, it was a particularly unusual statement to make, especially for a judge.

Made indirect donations to plaintiff’s organization. For the last two years Ponsor and his wife have contributed to the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts (CFWF). CFWF has donated money to the plaintiff’s organization, Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) in 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, and 2005.

Revealed bias regarding eastern African peoples (and SMUG). Several members of SMUG attended the hearing and sat in the courtroom. During the hearing, Ponsor remarked, “I’m pleased to adjudicate issues that affect the people of Uganda,” and added that that it was “good to see the people whose interests are directly affected.” It was an odd statement for a judge in a US courtroom to make. As a young man, Ponsor lived in Kenya (which borders Uganda) for over a year teaching English. He speaks Swahili, the official language of Uganda. He appears to be invested in “protecting” that area against those he feel would “harm” the people there.

Has homosexual issues in his family. Ponsor’s former (second) wife, the mother of his two children (and whom he divorced in 1992) now lives a lesbian lifestyle and is “married” to a female Massachusetts judge. Among other things, she has written for the “Gay and Lesbian Review.”

Ponsor’s daughter wrote on an Internet blog that she “came out” as a lesbian in 1999, along with other references to lesbian activity.

Ponsor’s first wife was heavily involved with pro-lesbian feminist groups during the time they were married.

Has troubling ties to plaintiff’s local counsel, who is also a radical activist. The local opposing counsel in this case, Luke Ryan, worked as a law clerk for Ponsor from 2005-2007 and appears to be close friends with him. Ryan is an active supporter of Arise for Social Justice, a thuggish pro-homosexual group which, along with “Occupy Springfield,”has terrorized Pastor Lively’s downtown coffee house mission. Ryan is also involved with Out Now, a homosexual group that demonstrated against Lively at the court hearing.

Luke Ryan, local opposing counsel and radical activist, clerked for Judge Ponsor for two years.

In addition to all that is Ponsor’s outrageously activist judicial philosophy. This past June Ponsor told the local Springfield Republican newspaper: “At some point I realized that judges are the unappointed legislators of mankind, and what we do is just as creative.” It’s exactly what John Adams warned us about.

Website for local radical homosexual group “Out Now.” Notice their vitriol against Pastor Scott Lively continues. Opposing attorney Luke Ryan is active with this group.

Federal law on the requirements of impartiality

The federal law and the Code of Conduct is pretty clear, as it should be:

The federal law 28 United States Code 455(a) Supp. IV, 1974 states:

Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.

The website for the Code of Conduct for United States Judges adds:

An appearance of impropriety occurs when reasonable minds, with knowledge of all the relevant circumstances disclosed by a reasonable inquiry, would conclude that the judge’s honesty, integrity, impartiality, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge is impaired.

Given that Judge Ponsor’s personal background facts were not disclosed to the defendant, and that they clearly show Ponsor is not impartial on homosexuality and other pertinent issues, he should have been disqualified from this case.

This absurd case has become a nightmarish miscarriage of justice. It represents the worst aspects of the “homo-fascism” that is gripping our country, which aims to utterly destroy anyone who disagrees with or opposes the sexual radical agenda.

Federal Judge Michael Ponsor should have been disqualified from case.

We will continue to cover this for you.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on

Satan driven out of Florida’s Capitol Building

Multiple news sources are reporting that the Florida Department of Management Services emailed The Satanic Temple on Wednesday, telling the group its proposed display of an angel falling from heaven into an open fire was “grossly offensive.”

Co-founder Lucien Greaves says the group asked what was offensive, acknowledging they might be willing to alter the display, but they didn’t get a response Thursday.

Perhaps President Obama will allow The Satanic Temple to setup its display in the White House?

According to The Satanic Temple website:

“The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people. In addition, we embrace practical common sense and justice. As Satanists we all should be guided by our conscience to undertake noble pursuits guided by our individual wills. We believe that this is the hope of all mankind and the highest aspiration of humanity. As an organized religion, we feel it is our function to actively provide outreach, to lead by example, and to participate public affairs wheresoever the issues might benefit from rational, Satanic insights.”

It seems President Obama and many in Washington would agree with the statement “[W]e all should be guided by our conscience to undertake noble pursuits guided by our individual wills.” After all, individual will is what has driven God from our schools and the public square. It is individual will that has given us the immorality we witness daily.

Many believe it is individual will that drives public policy at every level of government, not the will of the people.

Perhaps Satan has found a home and his new zip code is 20004?

The Robertson Family Official Statement: We cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm!

The Robertson family issued their official statement on the Duck Commander website:

We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support.  The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E’s decision.  We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word.  While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Phil would never incite or encourage hate.We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right.We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm.  We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty.   Again, thank you for your continued support of our family.

Glenn Beck has offered the Robertson’s a place on his TV channel. “[All the other networks] will fold to pressure,” Beck said. “They will all fold to sponsors. They will all fold to money because they are all in over their eyeballs are debt … the only reason why Phil was put on hiatus and not the rest is because it is a money-printing machine.”

He said the Robertsons would likely end their involvement with A&E over its treatment of the family patriarch, and he suggested they each call GQ with a simple message: “I agree with Phil.”

I am sure others will as well. The Robertson’s will continue to be successful because of their beliefs and values. They are what makes America great!

A&E Boots Phil Robertson of “Duck Dynasty” After Calling Homosexuality Illogical

“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson has been suspended from his own television show after calling homosexuality illogical, while proffering his male viewpoint preferring female anatomy to that of other men.

“It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man – would be more desirable than a man’s anus, ” says Phil Robertson. “That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what II’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

The Arts & Entertainment Network, better known as A&E, gave Robertson the boot Wednesday after learning of his remarks.

“We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson’s comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series Duck Dynasty,” A&E said in a statement. “His personal views in no way reflect those of A&E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely.”

Read more from this story HERE.

One News Now reports:

Robertson did respond to initial criticism of his GQ remarks.

“I myself am a product of the ’60s” who indulged in sex and drugs until hitting bottom and accepting Jesus as his savior, he said in a statement. Although his mission is to teach people that men and women are meant to be together, Robertson said he “would never treat anyone with disrespect” because they are different.

Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, reacting to the decision, blamed homosexual rights group GLAAD.

“The fact is that the media doesn’t like criticism of homosexuality, and so they kowtow to this pressure group called GLAAD, which has inordinate power in the media, and low and behold in one day he’s fired,” said LaBarbera.

Peter LaBarbera from Americans for Truth About Homosexuality notes:

  • BIBLE AGREES WITH ROBERTSTON: As Politically Incorrect and offensive to secularists as it may be, the Bible confirms Robertson’s association of homosexual misbehavior with other egregious sexual sins: in the Old Testament Book of Leviticus (chapter 20), the condemnation homosexuality is grouped in between proscriptions against adultery, bestiality, and incest [for more on this see Bible-and-homosexuality scholar Robert Gagnon’s superb site,].
  • GLAAD STIFLES DEBATE: GLAAD, the homosexual pressure group in the forefront of attacking Robertson, has a long history of attempting to shut down speech critical of homosexuality — and demonizing as “haters, bigots and homophobes” those (usually Christians) who speak out against homosexualism or affirm the truth that homosexuals can change and leave the lifestyle. GLAAD regularly lobbies the media to shun conservatives on the homosexual issue – e.g., its 2010 pressure campaign targeting CNN for including ex-“gay” therapist Richard Cohen in a debate segment on homosexuality.;
  • MEDIA DOUBLE STANDARD: Why is it that pro-family, Christian conservatives like Robertson invariably become the targets of the politically correct media — while vicious and vulgar homosexual activists like Dan Savage are free to spew the most vile hatred imaginable with barely any critical media glare? Phil Robertson is suspended while Dan Savage – who infamously “re-defined” Rick Santorum’s last name as a by-product of anal sodomy, and joked that to control overpopulation “abortion should be mandatory for about 30 years” – is a liberal media hero. (In fact, Savage, far from being punished for his malicious barbs and antics, was rewarded with his own show on MTV.)
  • HOMOSEXUAL HEALTH RISKS: If Americans were to come to understand how truly dangerous homosexual anal sex is, they would demand a full-scale government-corporate campaign to discourage it – especially among young men. For example, the CDC recently reported that 94-95 percent of HIV cases among young men (13-24) in 2011 were linked to homosexual sex. In his book The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex, homosexual Dr. Stephen Goldstone compares the active role in homosexual rectal sex to a “battering ram”: “An anal tear can occur during the initial phase of anal sex precisely because your partner pushes his penis through a closed sphincter. Think of his penis as a battering ram, one for which your internal sphincter is no match.” Goldstone also writes that the “anus is the highest place risk for STDs.” (The “gay” doctor urges condom use, but many homosexual men shun condoms – as evidenced by the widespread availability of condomless, gay “barebacking” pornography in homosexual Meccas like San Francisco.) Another homosexual activist, Jack Hart, writes that “some practices common among gays — especially rimming [oral-anal “sex”] and anal intercourse — are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease.”
  • SEXUALLY IMMORAL SLIPPER SLOPE: Robertson was correct again on the slippery slope of sexual immorality: “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he toldGQ. Look what has paralleled the advance of proud homosexuality in our nation: greater sexual permissiveness (fornication) in general and growing disrespect for marriage in our “hook-up” culture; the porn-fed promotion of heterosexual anal sex, bringing a new threat to women; websites like “Ashley Madison” that actually facilitate adultery; and an explosion of “transgender rights” that shockingly encourages gender-confused boys to identify as girls and use female restrooms and locker rooms in schools.
  • LEFT “JUDGES” FAITHFUL CHRISTIANS: Lastly, Bible-believing Christians are sick and tired of liberal, pro-homosexual advocates (including the Religious Left) telling us how Christians are supposed to believe and speak. Last night on Fox News’ “The Kelly File,” a liberal, Jewish, Democratic activist informed viewers that Christians should not “judge” – even as he used his appearance on Fox to JUDGE and condemn Phil Robertson.

LaBarbera concluded: “Homosexual behavior is wrong, unnatural, often high-risk, but thankfully, changeable – as testified to by the redeemed lives of formerly “gay” men like Michael Glatze and ex-lesbian women like Yvette Cantu Schneider who have overcome homosexuality through faith in Jesus Christ.

In Florida over 70% of all known HIV/AIDS cases are due to male sex with males (MSM). That is a major health risk to men as well as women, as bi-sexual men transmit this killer disease to their female partners.

This is yet another case of silencing any opposing views or commentary against the gay lifestyle. Since when can’t a man tell it like it is? Phil is a man, end of story.

If you wish to provide feedback on the A&E decision to place Phil on hiatus send your comments to:


Shock report: 10,700 men raped in the US military
How the ‘gay’ child-sex-abuse cover-up kills young men
‘My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ’…
FLASHBACK: Vowed to Quit A&E if Network Banned Talk of God or Guns…
A&E Tried to Cut ‘Jesus’ from Family Prayers…
No. 1-rated in cable history…
CRUZ: ‘Represents the America Usually Ignored or Mocked by Liberal Elites’…
JINDAL: ‘Messed Up Situation When Miley Cyrus Gets a Laugh, and Phil Robertson Gets Suspended’…

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on Restoring Liberty.

Violence lies behind the Burqa

In February 2012, we posted on the arrest of an Iraqi émigré family in Phoenix for an attempted honor killing of their daughter:

Honor shame incidents appear to be of near epidemic proportions among Iraqi Muslim immigrants in Phoenix. As we noted in our earlier post, an Iraqi Muslim immigrant father had run down and killed his daughter and was convicted in a Maricopa County Court Case last year in another honor killing. CAIR spokesman, Ibrahim Hooper, engaged in taqiyya when he told the media that the Arizona honor shame violence . . . were “isolated incidents”. His bald-faced comment was: “”We condemn any false justification for domestic violence or abuse based on religious beliefs.”

These were evidence of a history of high profile honor shame killings and violence perpetrated on Muslim women that have occurred in Canada and the US.  We had the  conviction  in a Kingston , Ontario courtroom of the Canadian Afghan Shafia family for horrific quadruple honor murders  of another wife and three daughters in a polygamous Montreal household. We had the murder of a divorced Muslim woman in Tampa, Florida.  There was the murder of a daughter in Atlanta by her Pakistani émigré father. The country was riveted by the tragic death of two daughters of an American wife killed by their father, a fugitive Egyptian cab driver in Texas. There was the ghastly murder of wife in Buffalo by the founder of a ‘moderate’ Muslim TV channel. Besides the Shafia family in Montreal, we had the death of a young Muslim girl at the hands of her father and brother in Mississauga, Ontario.

But it is not just Canada and the US in the West, honor shame violence has even occurred down under. That was revealed in a recent  incident involving the savage beating of a Muslim teenager reported in The New Zealand Herald“Burqa hid injuries of teen repeatedly bashed – police”:

A teenage girl police believe was beaten at home was forced to hide her facial injuries behind a burqa, while members of the Muslim community are alleged to have hushed up the abuse.

Her injuries included a broken nose, damaged teeth and extensive bruising. Police claim the 15-year-old was subjected to sustained physical abuse from at least one family member over two or more months.

“The case was brought to police attention when a school friend of the girl was made aware of the abuse and was able to borrow a cell phone from another child at a neighboring school to call 111,” child protection officer Detective Sarah Boniface said. “The girl was not able to get access to a phone herself.”

Dr. Phyllis Chesler, prominent American feminist and fellow of The Middle East Forum, is an advocate for banning the Burqa. Prompted by this New Zealand incident, she responded in a FoxNews op ed, “Beneath the burqa — a bruised and badly beaten teenager”.   She cites the burqa [as]:

A sensory deprivation isolation chamber, (sensory deprivation is used as a form of torture); a burqa is also an ambulatory body bag and I oppose this with all my mind and heart as a violation of human and women’s rights.

I am no fan of the burqa and have even argued that the West should ban it.

I believe that the kind of men who expect and demand that women wear burqas in the West today are likely to be radical Islamists; as such, they may be more likely to engage in acts of military jihad here. The Koran absolutely does not mandate the burqa or, for that matter, a face covering of any kind.

In her Fox News op ed Chesler cites the extreme example of quadruple honor killings committed by the convicted Afghan Canadian Shafia family.  Chesler drew attention to the moral equivalence of “omerta” in Muslim families. Chesler said, “that sustained physical abuse and psychological cruelty often precedes or is correlated with a subsequent honor killing”.  In the case of the savage beating of the Muslim teenager in New Zealand, hidden from public view by a Burqa, Chesler commented that the police became aware that “members of the community in positions of power and trust knew that the abuse was serious but did not help the girl.”

Chesler knows about the potential violence committed against Muslim women first hand. As a young American Jewish bride of an Afghan Muslim husband she was virtually imprisoned in a polygamous Afghan Muslim household after her US passport was taken away from her upon arrival in Kabul.  She cites that episode from five decades ago as a motivating factor behind her career as a prominent feminist and opponent of Sharia honor shame violence, often hidden behind burqas.  Chesler reveals this defining moment of her Afghan experience in a recently published memoir, An American Bride in Kabul.  We will publish both a review of Chesler’s latest book and an interview with the author in the January 2014 New English Review.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The New English Review.

I Now Pronounce You Man and Wives

The Family Research Council reports:

Turns out, marriage isn’t about two people who love each other — it’s about three or five or six. That was Judge Clark Waddoups’s opinion in the most explosive ruling the media isn’t talking about. Late last week, the U.S. District Judge’s ruling should have kicked off the evening news in every major market across America. Instead, his 91-page pro-polygamy bombshell is nothing but a back-page blip. And that’s no accident. When Waddoups struck down Utah’s criminal ban on “plural marriages” last Friday, the networks started tiptoeing around the story like the cultural grenade it is.

Like us, they know the Left’s dirty little secret — that people who support same-sex “marriage” are saying “I do” to a lot more than they bargained for. While liberals insist that same-sex “marriage” is the ultimate goal, their demands only lay the groundwork for other relationships to demand the same entitlements. Once the courts and policy makers depart from the natural definition of marriage, the Left has a legal foundation for any arrangement between consenting adults.

Judge Waddoups essentially admitted as much. Despite the fact that the Supreme Court outlawed polygamy years ago, Waddoups insists that he can’t possibly rest on that decision in modern society. In his words, America has “developed constitutional jurisprudence that now protects individuals from the criminal consequences intended by legislatures to apply to certain personal choices.”

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act this summer only sped the process along. Polygamists popped the corked on a little champagne of their own after the June ruling, as they wait their turn for nationwide acceptance. “We’re very happy with [the ruling on DOMA]” said Joe Darger, a Utah polygamist, “I think [the court] has taken a step in correcting some inequality, and that’s certainly something that’s going to trickle down and impact us… I think the government needs to now recognize that we have a right to live free as much as anyone else.” Proponents of polygamy are riding the homosexual movement’s wave of success all the way to legitimacy.

And that’s exactly what the mainstream media is afraid of. They see the potential for this debate to sway the middle and derail the same-sex “marriage” train. Recognizing that their destinies are very much intertwined, polygamists are using the same playbook as their same-sex “marriage” counterparts: Step one: overturn the law. Step two: demand recognition. Step three: force acceptance.

Ten years ago, Justice Antonin Scalia predicted exactly that in Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court decision rolling back sodomy statutes. With prophetic insight, he pointed to the threat to state laws “based on moral choices” against “bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution… adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity.” Anyone being intellectually honest knew this was where liberals were pushing America. Of course, the media for years laughed off groups like FRC who warned that the Left’s goal isn’t same-sex “marriage” but any kind of marriage.

Just this year, extremists like Jillian Keenan did conservatives a favor by owning up to the fact that homosexual “marriage” is just the warm-up act to an even more shocking agenda. “Let’s not forget that the fight doesn’t end with same-sex marriage,” she wrote in a column for Slate. “We need to legalize polygamy too. Legalized polygamy in the United States is the constitutional, feminist, and sex-positive choice. More importantly, it would actually help protect, empower, and strengthen women, children, and families.”

That wasn’t a typo. Keenan actually argues for polygamy — a practice that degrades and devalues the role of women — as the feminist alternative. And the Left wants to accuse conservatives of a war on women? Legalizing polygamy would undermine the Left’s banner cause — equality — and turn back the clock on women’s rights that has become the standard of Western Civilization.

Shows like “Sister Wives” may make people sympathetic. It may even help break down inhibitions (as evidenced in Gallup’s poll). But once Americans start to realize the practical implications of these parallel movements — for their school curriculum, tax dollars, and free speech rights — the public debate will only intensify. Despite the media’s silence and homosexual activists’ increasing campaign of intimidation, the American people may have finally found the inspiration to push back against the forces trying to redefine marriage. It’s never too late to change course — and this decision may have finally given the nation a reason to try.

US Roman Catholic bishop calls Mandela’s support for abortion “shameful” reports,The Roman Catholic Bishop of Providence, R.I., says that while there’s much to admire in Nelson Mandela’s life and public service, the former South African president’s support for abortion was ‘shameful.'”

Bishop Thomas Tobin, in a statement posted Sunday on the diocesan website, criticized Mandela’s decision in 1996 to sign legislation liberalizing South Africa’s abortion laws. Tobin wrote, “We can only regret that his noble defense of human dignity did not include the youngest members of our human family, unborn children.”

Tobin’s comments stand in contrast to those of Pope Francis, who in a telegram to South African President Jacob Zuma last week praised Mandela’s steadfast commitment to “promoting the human dignity of all” his nation’s citizens. Tobin has frequently taken on public figures over abortion, including Pope Francis. The bishop in September said he was “a little bit disappointed” the pope had not addressed the topic of abortion during his first six months as pope.

Steve Ertelt of reported, “Pope Francis told a pro-life group in Rome, over the weekend, that a ‘throwaway culture’ is responsible for abortion that results in the destruction of unborn children.”

“This false model of man and society embodies a practical atheism, de facto negating the Word of God that says: ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness,’” Pope Francis explained.

The Pope said “[T]here is an originary dignity of every man and woman that cannot be suppressed, that cannot be touched by any power or ideology.”

Here is Pope Francis’ address to a delegation from the Dignitatis Humanae Institute.

Croatia bans “gay marriage”

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on

On Sunday, December 1st, the people of Croatia overwhelmingly voted to ban “gay marriage” in that country. A constitutional amendment was passed by 66%-34%. This was despite enormous pressure from the Croatian government, the press, homosexual activists, and even the US State Department to reject it.

Traditional marriage supporters celebrate in front of packed auditorium as vote results are officially announced in Croatia.

The force of the church and the people

This was accomplished entirely by the church and the citizens of Croatia. Earlier this year the government drafted a bill that would allow same-sex couples to register as “life partners.” People correctly saw this as the first step toward legalizing same-sex “marriage” — as happened recently in Hawaii and earlier in California and many other places.

Approximately 90% of the Croatians are Catholic. The Catholic Church stepped up and organized for a referendum to amend the Constitution to ban “gay marriage” entirely. Other religious groups also got involved. Over 15 days they gathered nearly a quarter million signatures to put it on the ballot. It was an outstanding effort!

In just 15 days people across the country collected nearly a quarter million signatures for the petition. Booths like this one were set up. (AFP photo.)

Threats and harassment

Government leaders, the press, with the homosexual movement went right to work to try to stop it. They began a campaign of intimidation, including vicious labeling of pro-marriage supporters as “haters, fascists, Nazis, bigots”, etc. They portrayed Christian believers in marriage as uneducated and primitive. Public supporters of the amendment were harassed by the government in various ways. It was reminiscent of the old days under Communism, many said.

Homosexual activists — guarded by riot police — paraded in cities and at the Parliament with signs excoriating supporters of the measure.

With police escorts crowds of homosexual activists marched in the streets to intimidate people from voting for the amendment.

The U.S. government even got involved. In On Oct. 24 a US State Department official came to Croatia and gave a chilling speech about how committed the US is to promoting the LGBT movement. He went on to describe how the State Department helps fund LGBT activism in other countries around the world where it’s needed, and is “engaging international organizations” to support LGBT rights. (To Americans, that is extemely offensive and insulting. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration gets away with that because the GOP and the conservative movement are afraid to complain about it.)

“Gay” message to pro-family voters. This sign says, “Homosexuality is not a choice, hate is a choice.”

People ignore pressure and vote

But in the end, the people weren’t stopped. Despite the huge pressure not to vote, or to vote against it, the people came to the polls and sent a strong message to their politicians, the press, the homosexual movement — and the world.

No fear. A doctor from the main maternity hospital in Zagreb,Croatia defiantly holds up a “yes” button two days before the vote. (AFP photo)

Weak, biased coverage in mainstream media

Not surprisingly, unlike recent legislative votes in Hawaii and Illinois where the politicians voted to impose “gay marriage” on the people, this pro-family victory was not widely covered — or celebrated –by the press in the US.

And most of the European press coverage, such as BBC and EuroNews was very biased and slanted toward the “gay” point of view.

But this report from C-Fam (Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute) tells what really happened:

Croatia Upholds Marriage, Despite Government Threats

By Wendy Wright, C-FAM
NEW YORK, December 6, 2013
[See web version here]

Croatians cast their ballots last Sunday and the result was swift and clear: 66% voted to add marriage is a “union between a man and a woman” in Croatia’s constitution.

Government officials were unhappy, and called the marriage referendum divisive, discriminatory, and a waste of money. Reports of officials intimidating supporters leaked in the weeks before the vote. Yet supporters — many who grew up under communist rule — did not buckle under threats of investigations and being labeled fascists.

The conflict began in May after Croatia’s government drafted a law for same-sex couples to register as “life partners.” The country already recognizes unregistered cohabitation for same-sex couples, including next-of-kin and inheritance rights, but excludes the right to adopt children.

A group quickly formed, called “In the Name of the Family.” They gathered over 740,000 signatures in 15 days for a nationwide referendum asking: Do you support amending the constitution to define marriage as a life-long union of a woman and a man? Homosexual groups said the wording was biased.

It was Croatia’s first citizen referendum since its independence in 1991.

“We believe that marriage, children and family are such important issues that the whole society has to decide them,” Zeljka Markic, the leader of the initiative, told AFP. People of different faiths — Orthodox, Protestants, Muslims and Jews — supported it.

In a letter read in Catholic churches across the country, Cardinal Josip Bozanic said, “Marriage is the only union enabling procreation.” Almost 90% of the population is Catholic.

But supporters feared retaliation.

A popular priest and student chaplain at Zagreb University was pressured to be silent on marriage. Rev. Damir Stoji?, who speaks on chastity and runs a pray-rather-than-pay café, was summoned by an official for organizing a panel on the referendum, a tactic reminiscent of communist oppression.

Gong, a homosexual group funded by the European Commission, pressured the pro-marriage group to release donors’ names. Markic — who endured a government investigation of her business and personal property — declined, explaining volunteers were already “exposed to public lynching.”

A commenter on a news website elaborated. In Croatia, 95% of pro-marriage voters didn’t speak openly because they were “tagged by mainstream media and TV as fascist, Nazis, uneducated, primitive, as Catholic talibans — this is a new term made up by this horrible campaign.”

“In this month I realized what is like to live in dictatorship, to fear to express your opinion so my business and social status” are not damaged.

Recently, Croatia’s foreign minister joined the LGBT Core Group at the UN that committed to “concerted action” on homosexual and transgender rights.

Last month, a U.S. official spoke in Croatia at the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) Europe’s annual conference. She said a top priority for President Obama is “engaging international organizations to fight LGBT discrimination” and criticized expressions of opposing views of gay pride marches.

After voting against the marriage referendum, Croatia’s president Ivo Josipovic pledged to push a bill granting more privileges to homosexual persons living together.

Elsewhere, Markic told a cheering crowd, “We showed that we know, like David fighting Goliath, how to direct our small sling stones in the same direction. This time for the protection of marriage, next time for something else of the same importance.”

Croatia is the newest member of the European Union, and the sixth to protect marriage in its constitution, joining Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania and Hungary.

Press coverage. Croatia’s president angrily votes against the amendment at polling place as eager TV crews capture the scene.

Observations on the Croatia victory

Why has the “gay marriage” freight train been stopped in so many Eastern European countries — Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungry? We think there are some interesting observations from watching the Croatia situation:

1. Memories of Communism. It’s been only about 25 years since the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe. People still have that experience in them. They’re used to their political leaders, the nation’s press, and their government being disconnected from the people and supporting destructive programs. They’re used to being threatened if they get out of line, and seeing people demeaned and demonized by those in power.

And they watched as the Communist regime all came crashing down, much of that as a result of people finally standing up to it. So standing up to political pressure and intimidation is something they viscerally understand.

2. Strong Church influence. Since Communism fell, the Roman Catholic Church, as well as Orthodox and other churches have become a strong part of society. Thus, the government’s attempts to impose atheistic changes to society are more difficult

3. No “conservative” movement like the West. Unlike the United States and Britain, Eastern Europe’s pro-family energy is not dominated by a lumbering “conservative movement” that gets distressed when demonized and seeks respect, harmony, moderation, and eventual compromise when faced with confrontation from the Left. Over the last 60 years the modern conservative movement has evolved in the West, and there is no Eastern European equivalent to that. As a result, the pro-family movement has the ideological freedom and energy to take on bold challenges without needless emotional and intellectual baggage holding it back.

It’s something we in America must learn from as we move forward.

Pro-marriage literature about the Dec. 1 vote was given out far and wide!


Wilders’ “Open Letter to Pope Francis” Criticizes Church Myopia on Islamic Antisemitism

His Holiness Pope Francis

Gates of Vienna published an open letter from Hon. Geert Wilders, leader of the Freedom Party (PVV) in The Netherlands to His Holiness Pope Francis, the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Wilders thanked the new Pope for his ecumenism and mea culpa regarding past Christian antisemitism referred to in the body of his Papal Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium. However, Wilders criticized His Holiness’ myopia as regards anti semitism and derogation of Christians in Qur’anic doctrine. Pope Francis’ exhortation is primarily directed at excoriating  “unfettered Capitalism and love of money.” That may reflect the social justice advocacy of His Holiness and exposure to both the Peronism of his native Argentina and neo-Marxist liberation theological prevalent in Latin America. Pope Francis is a native of Buenos Aires, Argentina and was Jesuit Archbishop there before being chosen by the College of Cardinals to succeed the retiring Pope Benedict XVI. His Holiness has recently announced reorganization of the Roman Curia.

Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayeb of Al Azhar Institute Grand Mufti of Egypt

Wilders’  letter to His Holiness Pope Francis drew attention to the apparent myopia of his Holiness’ exhortation espousing the  view that Qur’anic doctrine eschews hatred and violence. Wilders comments referred to specific anti semitic and anti-Christian Qur’anic doctrine cited by Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayeb, of the Al Azhar Institute (Al Azhar) in Cairo, Spiritual leader of the Sunni Muslim Ummah and Grand Mufti of Egypt. Andrew Bostom, author of Sharia versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism  and other works, frequently refers to Al Azhar as the Sunni equivalent of the Vatican. Wilders’ letter to His Holiness was triggered by both Ahmad Al-Tayeb’s comments on antisemitism in an October 25, 2013 MEMRI TV interview and the recent publication of  His Holiness’ Papal Exhortation.

Watch the MEMRI TV interview with Sheikh Al-Tayeb  where he justifies anti semitism based on the Qur’an.

Open Letter to his Holiness Pope Francis

Posted on December 6, 2013 by Baron Bodissey

The following open letter to Pope Francis was written today by Geert Wilders, the leader of the PVV (Partij voor de Vrijheid, Party for Freedom) in the Netherlands.

Open letter to his Holiness Pope Francis

Your Holiness,

In your recent exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (Paragraphs 247-248) you draw the world’s attention to the indebtedness of Christianity to the Jews and their faith. The exhortation also contains a sharp condemnation of the terrible persecutions which the Jews have endured from Christians in the past.

Your words are words which might inspire many.

Unfortunately, they are in sharp contrast to the expressions of hatred which were voiced last October by the spiritual leader of Sunni Islam, Ahmad Al-Tayeb, and the Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar Institute in Cairo.

During an interview, aired on Egyptian television on October 25, Grand Imam Ahmad Al-Tayeb reaffirmed the relevance of Koranic verse 5:82, which states that of all people the Christians are closest to the Muslims, while the Jews are strongest in enmity towards them. This verse has inspired centuries of Islamic hatred of Jews.

Al-Tayeb’s invocation of Koranic Jew-hatred is in line with fourteen centuries of Islamic teaching. Grand Imam Al-Tayeb’s predecessor at Al-Azhar, Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, even wrote a book, entitled The Children of Israel in the Koran and the Sunna, in defense of Jew-hatred based on Koranic teachings.

The current suffering of Christians from Islamic persecution in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Indonesia, and so many other countries, clearly indicates what Christians have to endure from the followers of the Koran. What atheists and Jews, who are considered the worst enemies, have to endure from Islam is even worse.

In your exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (paragraphs 252-253) you state that “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.”

Reality does not confirm this statement.

The Koran is full of bellicose and hate-mongering verses against non-Muslims. Your Holiness will be able to find them if he reads the Koran, but I will name just a few:

 2:191-193: “And slay them wherever you come upon them, […] Fight them, till there is no persecution and the religion is Allah’s.”
 4:89: “If they turn their backs, take them, and slay them wherever you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as friend or helper.”
 5:33: “This is the recompense of those who fight against Allah and His Messenger, […]: they shall be slaughtered, or crucified, or their hands and feet shall alternately be struck off; or they shall be banished from the land.”
 8:60: “Make ready for them whatever force and strings of horses you can, to terrify thereby the enemy of Allah and your enemy.”
 9:5: “When the sacred months are drawn away, slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them, and confine them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush.”
 9:29: “Fight those who believe not in Allah.”
 9:30: “The Christians call Christ the son of God. That is a saying from their mouth; they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them.”
 9:123: “O believers, fight the unbelievers who are near to you; and let them find in you harshness; and know that Allah is with the godfearing.”
 47:4: “When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks.”

I hope that the Holy Father will help us defend the West’s Judeo-Christian and humanistic civilization, to which even atheists and agnostics owe their freedom and democracy.

Nothing will be gained by a refusal to face reality.

We must speak the truth about Islam — the largest threat to mankind in this present age.

Very respectfully,
Geert Wilders

Member of the Dutch Parliament
Leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV)

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The New English Review.

Update: Dr. Andrew Bostom has addressed the same issue extensively, backed up by appropriate citations. He notes:

Former Pope Benedict XVI, and current Pope Francis have openly expressed their ecumenism toward Jews and Judaism, while acknowledging Christianity’s indebtedness to Jewish ethical values. This ecumenical message has been coupled to frank, mea culpa-based contrition for the tragic legacy of Christian Antisemitism. The disparity between their attitudes and their two contemporary Sunni Muslim equivalents, Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi and Ahmad Al-Tayeb — the latter having emphatically and triumphantly re-asserted the modern relevance of canonical Islam’s conspiratorial Jew-hatred — could not be more striking.

Both Tantawi’s and his successor Ahmad Al-Tayeb’s career trajectories to the pinnacle of Sunni Islamic religious education, despite their own public endorsements of virulent, if “sacralized” Islamic Jew-hatred, reflect the profound moral pathology at the very heart and soul of mainstream, institutional Islam.

Book “The Harbinger” asks: What will you do on the Day of Judgement?

I am asked to review many books and in so doing I learn. I was sent a copy of the book “The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that holds the Secret of America’s Future” by Jonathan Cahn. The book gets five stars for its truth, style and a storyline that is most revealing. This book is not fiction but rather based on facts, written to reveal a secret that is right before our eyes – yet we refuse to accept the truth of it.

The message: Time is running short for America! Judgement Day is upon us.

Today 9/11/2001 seems like a distant memory to some, others do not want to reflect on the events of that day and others will never forget what happened, especially those like David Beamer who lost his son Todd on Flight 93 that morning. It was Todd who lead the first attack in the war on terror with his command “Are you ready? Let’s roll”.

There was a time when America was ready but that may have passed. Here begins the fascinating story told in The Harbinger.

Cahn shows how 9/11 and the financial meltdown following it and events years later are all interrelated and reflect a disaster that happened to another young nation over 2500 years ago. That budding nation was Israel. The secret is contained in the Book of Isaiah Chapter 9, Verse 10 which states:

“The bricks have fallen down,
but we will rebuild with dressed stone;
the fig trees have been felled,
but we will replace them with cedars.”
But the Lord has strengthened Rezin’s foes against them and has spurred their enemies on.

The Harbinger reveals, to those who will listen, a warning that what happened on 9/11 in America happened before in Israel. How America and its leaders responded to this attack by Arab Islamists from Saudi Arabia is the same as how the Israelis responded to an attack by the Assyrians in 732 B.C. For you see it was the Arab Assyrians who gave terror to the world as an “applied science” designed for “intimidation to achieve a specific end.”

Cahn shows how each verse foretells what we did wrong in responding to the unprovoked attack against us on that fateful day. The 9/11 attack was a message and our leaders in New York City and Washington, D.C. failed to understand it, and still to this day are failing in their response to what has become known as the “great war on terror”.

The ancient message was God would judge Israel as God will judge America for these nations have strayed away from his word.  Cahn describes it, “Like an ancient drama replaying itself in the modern world.”

America, like ancient Israel, faces a day of judgement.

Cahn notes, “Judgement isn’t ultimately about nations – but people … As long as there’s evil, there has to be judgement. Every sin, every wrong, every evil has to be brought to an end. Without it, there would be no hope.”

Cahn’s book is all about love. However, he warns, “All the ways of a man are right in his own eyes … Beware the good Nazi.” What is a good Nazi? They were good “Because they compared themselves and measured themselves by the standards they themselves created,” state Cahn. “Each, in his own eyes, was a good Nazi, a moral Nazi, a decent Nazi, a religious Nazi, and a Nazi no worse than the next. For seeing themselves in their own eyes, they became blind.”

So what would you do on the Day of Judgement? Read The Harbinger and decide for yourself.