Looking Ahead to November

In an October 30, 2008 campaign rally on the campus of my beloved alma mater, the University of Missouri, Barack Obama uttered words that will define him for all time.  He said:

 “After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that’s taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.  In five days, you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street.  In five days, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, and create new jobs, and grow this economy, so that everyone has a chance to succeed, not just the CEO, but the secretary and janitor, not just the factory owner, but the men and women on the factory floor.  In five days, you can put an end to the politics that would divide a nation just to win an election, that tries to pit region against region, and city against town, and Republican against Democrat, that asks — asks us to fear at a time when we need to hope.”

It was all a big lie.  Since entering the White House on January 20, 2009, Barack Obama has done the exact opposite of everything he promised in that tirade.  And now, after five years, six months, and twelve days of his destructive leadership, the only hope the American people are left with is the hope that the next two years, five months, and nineteen days will pass quickly.

His idea of fundamentally transforming the United States was a clear miscalculation on his part.  What he clearly fails to understand is that the American people yearn not for transformation, but for fundamental improvement in the quality of our government and common sense solutions to a host of difficult and intractable problems.  They were not looking for someone to fundamentally transform what has been the greatest, most prosperous nation on Earth.

He leaves in his wake a longer list of failures than any president in history.  His most significant “contribution” to the nation is the all but certain reality that he will be forever remembered  as the worst president in American history.  No previous president, of either party, has been responsible for the kind of self-inflicted damage that Obama has done to his own party.

During his first two years in office his greatest accomplishment was passage of the Affordable Care Act, taking control of seventeen percent of the nation’s economy, while running up more national debt and creating more joblessness than all of his predecessors combined.  As a result, the 2010 general elections proved to be an unmitigated disaster for the Democrat Party.

In that election, Republicans reversed their losses of 2006 and 2008, gaining a net sixty-three seats in the House of Representatives.  It was the greatest loss of House seats experienced by either party in more than seventy years.  In the Senate, Republicans gained a net of six seats, expanding their minority from forty-one to forty-seven seats.  Republicans took control of twenty-nine of the fifty governorships, while gaining a total of 628 seats in the state legislatures.  The state legislative victories gave Republicans control of twenty-six state legislatures, making it possible for right-to-work legislation to be adopted in heavily unionized “rust belt” states such as Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

It was a whuppin’ of epic proportions, but it likely will pale in comparison to what awaits Democrats in November 2014.  With Obama’s job approval ratings bouncing around in the thirties and low forties and a long list of messy scandals that surpass the worst of the worst among “banana republic” dictators, there’s not much for Democrat candidates to run on.

In the 2014 Senate races, Democrats are forced to defend twenty-one seats to the Republicans fifteen.  Of the twenty-one Democrat seats, only eight can be seen as solidly Democratic, while fourteen of the fifteen Republican seats will almost certainly remain in Republican hands.  Most likely pickups of Democrat seats by Republicans are in Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia.  Those six seats alone would give Republicans a simple majority of fifty-one seats in the Senate.

However, of the remaining fifteen Democratic seats, Republicans are within striking distance of capturing seats in Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, and Oregon.  Republicans are also looking forward to potential wins in Minnesota and Montana where incumbent Democrats Al Franken and John Walsh, respectively, have been devastated by charges of plagiarism.  The one seat currently held by Republicans that is in some doubt is the Georgia seat of Saxby Chambliss, where Republicans will face Michelle Nunn, daughter of the late senator Sam Nunn.

It is easy to see how Republicans could gain a total of ten seats, perhaps eleven or twelve if all of the “stars are in alignment” on Election Day.  But what is seldom mentioned by political prognosticators is the possible outcome of House races in the shadow of a highly unpopular president and a do-nothing Democrat-controlled Senate.

In the House of Representatives, Republicans now hold a thirty-three seat majority over Democrats, 234 to 201.  However, a cursory analysis of House races, using 2012 margins as a benchmark, it appears as if Republicans could pick up a total of nineteen Democratic seats in the states of Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.  Those nineteen seats would give the GOP a comfortable 253 to 182 vote majority in the House.

Taken together, those gains in the House and Senate would represent Obama’s worst nightmare, making his last two years in office a living hell and giving minority leader Nancy Pelosi the ever-shrinking minority that she so richly deserves.  And while some observers may consider my predictions to be overly optimistic, I would remind them of the likely impact of major increases in healthcare premiums to be announced by insurers during the month of October, just days before Barack Obama’s Waterloo; the federal court’s ruling that the Department of Justice must turn over documents relating to the Fast & Furious scandal; and the beginning of televised hearings by the Benghazi Select Committee, chaired by tough former prosecutor, Trey Gowdy (R-SC).  These are issues that Democrat own, lock-stock-and-barrel, but wish they didn’t.

The importance of the 2014 mid-term elections cannot be overstated.  Although Democrats have taken the United States far down the road to a European-style socialist state, there is still time to reverse that trend so long as our electorate is composed of a majority of working men and women, tax payers, and property owners.  We simply cannot allow Democrats to import an additional ten or twelve million voters across our southern border… illegal aliens that Democrats will herd into the voting booths as they did in 1996, when they sent hundreds of thousands of letters, over Bill Clinton’s signature, to illegal aliens in California granting them the right to vote in the November General Election.

Of course, all of this depends on the ability of Republicans to recognize that, on all of the most important issues of the day, the American people agree with core Republican principles by large majorities.  One would think that the Republican Senatorial Committee and the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee would be able to develop a long list of talking points that would totally disarm Democrat candidates.  But that is far from a certainty.  For example, Barack Obama, his Kool-Ade drinkers in Congress, and their lapdogs in the mainstream media maintain a constant drumbeat on issues such as immigration reform, charging that Obama is unable to deal with the hordes illegally crossing our southern border because he is forced to deal with a do-nothing Congress.

To date, I have yet to hear a single congressional Republican pose the question: what good is it for Congress to pass “comprehensive” immigration reform when we are saddled with an outlaw president who cannot be trusted to enforce the law… not even statutes that he, himself, has signed… and a Democrat-controlled Senate that refuses to consider any Republican bill?

Nor have I heard a single congressional Republican challenge the Democratic members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee as they turn the committee’s public hearings into IRS wrongdoing into a partisan political circus.  Not one Republican member has pointed out that most IRS employees are members of the 150,000-member National Treasury Employees Union… a union that gives nearly ninety-five percent of its PAC contributions to Democrats.  Is there really any doubt why Committee Democrats are so uncritical of their IRS benefactors?  The only person to make that connection publicly is Oklahoma attorney Cleeta Mitchell, who represents a number of conservative organizations targeted by the IRS.

It has become a cliché that congressional Republicans are so out of touch with Republican principles that they are often indistinguishable from Democrats.  It is exciting to contemplate what should happen in November, but given the poor quality of the Republican leadership and the meekness of the rank-and-file, the outcome is totally in doubt.  Left to their own devices, congressional Republicans can easily “screw up a one-car funeral.”

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of American Immigration Council and Shutterstock.

Dr. Rich Swier endorses Caragiulo for Sarasota County Commission

paul caragiulo with family

Paul Caragiulo with wife Nikki and daughters Sophie and Caroline.

It is rare that men of character run for public office. One man of great character is running for the Sarasota County Commission. His name is Paul Caragiulo.

Paul is a family man, first and foremost. He is a son, husband, father and the youngest of six siblings who was raised in Sarasota County. His father, a baker who immigrated from Italy to the United States in 1958, and mother, a homemaker, have made their home in Sarasota for more than two decades.

Paul is a fighter for individual property rights and empowering the people not government bureaucrats or special interests. Paul is a small business owner. He has been the victim of government overreach. Paul understands that the business of government is small business. Paul wants prosperity for his family, his two daughters and every resident of Sarasota County. Paul understands that the greatest threat to prosperity is central planning. Paul learned from the 2008 housing market meltdown that government is not the answer because it was government at every level that created the problem.

Paul has served as a City of Sarasota Commissioner since 2011 and brings that wealth of experience with him to the County Commission. He understands neighborhood issues, small business issues and most importantly human issues. Paul understands that his role as an elected official is to represent all of the people not any special interest.

I fully support and endorse Paul Caragiulo in District 2 Republican primary.

I ask that you support Paul in any way that you can, contribute to his campaign and most importantly vote for him on August 26th.

To learn more about Paul Caragiulo click here.

Republican Candidate for Sarasota County Commission reads tarot cards, palms and speaks to the dead

Perhaps one of the stranger backgrounds for someone running for the Sarasota County Commission, or any public office for that matter, is that of Lourdes Ramirez. Ramirez is running in the District 4 Republican primary on August 26th.

lordes ramirez

Lourdes Ramirez, Republican primary candidate, Sarasota County Commission, District 4.

The Ramirez campaign website has a short resume:

Raised in New York City, I received my Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from Iona College. I have worked for Fortune 500 companies marketing metals and semi-conductors. I moved to Sarasota in 1999. I’m currently the president of CONA (Sarasota County Council of Neighborhood Associations), representing neighborhood interests throughout the county. Importantly, I strongly advocate a more fiscally responsible Sarasota County government based on citizen, neighborhood, and municipal interests. I have a proven record of listening to the people and becoming their advocate. My integrity, solid business experience, and common sense are well known. Eric, my husband, and I have been happily married for 14 years.

What is missing from her campaign website is her most recent “solid business experience.” According to Ramirez’s Linked in profile she owned the “specialty retail shop” Isle of Avalon from from March 2005 to February 2010. Her Sarasota 2013-2014 business license shows she is currently a practicing Fortune Teller/Reader.  The Isle of Avalon is the Druidic site in Glastonbury, England. According to the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, “Druids share a belief in the fundamentally spiritual nature of life.” It appears so does Ramirez. The March 2012 edition of Natural Awakenings says this about Ramirez:


Lourdes Ramirez, former owner of the Isle of Avalon, is a professional Medium and Tarot Card Reader. For years, Lourdes has connected with Spirit to deliver healing messages. For appointments, call Elysian Fields at 941- 361-3006 or visit her website.

isle of avalon logoRamirez hosted “Psychic Sundays” at the Tea House of Asian Arts in Sarasota. Psychic Sundays events included these topics: “psychic, intuitive, counseling, art, metaphysics, tarot, reading, new-age, metaphysical, therapy, wholistic, holitic, shaman, inspiring, conscious, teahouse, asian, arts, transformation.” A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits, especially among some peoples of northern Asia and North America. Typically such people enter a trance state during a ritual, and practice divination and healing.

Ramirez did at one time publish The Avalon Herald on the Love and Light Psychic Healing website. The Isle of Avalon website is no longer active. However, The Isle of Avalon Facebook page states it was “a state of mind. A place of peace & healing.” Natural Awakenings has this information about Isle of Avalon:

8111 Cooper Creek Blvd.
University Park (near Bonefish Grill)

Inspirational tools for your soul’s journey. Books, gifts, aroma-therapy, candles, crystals and more! Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 12-5pm.

We wonder if Ramirez can read her tarot cards and tell us who will win the District 4 seat? Perhaps she has given up talking to the dead, although some would consider some politicians are zombie like. We need some aroma-therapy on the Sarasota County Commission. Crystals may help Ramirez deconstruct the county’s failed 2050 plan.

Sarasota county voters may want to go on a “soul’s journey with shaman Ramirez to a “place of peace & healing” or then again, maybe not.



For a larger view click on the image.

advertisement ramirez

Charlie Crist’s First Major Policy Announcement a Disaster

“Former Gov. Charlie Crist on Tuesday [July 29th] unveiled one of the first concrete policy proposals in his campaign to reclaim his old job, promising to use the state’s contracting power to boost wages for some workers and bar discrimination against gay and transgender Floridians… the plan relies almost entirely on the governor’s ability to influence state contracting. Companies that do business with agencies controlled by Crist would have to boost the minimum wage for workers to $10.10; face new policies on differences in pay between men and women; and be barred from discriminating against gay, bisexual or transgender employees,” reports Brandon Larrabee from The News Service of Florida.

This is Crist’s “First Day of Fairness” policy initiative. This policy announcement is a disaster because Crist does not understand the five basic principles of human nature.

John Hawkins published a column titled “5 Obvious Principles of Human Nature That Baffle Liberals” on the same day that Crist made his first major policy announcement. Hawkins states, “Liberals are forever struggling to understand the basic tenets of human nature that most other people just take for granted… Since it’s easier for light to escape a black hole than it is for a liberal to entertain a new thought, it’s probably hopeless to try to make them aware of what they’re missing. However, if you’re aware of the mistakes they habitually make, you may at least be able to keep more open-minded people from following them over a cliff.”

Republicans followed Crist over a cliff when they elected him governor. Let’s hope Democrats are smarter and more open-minded than that?

What are the 5 obvious principles of human nature that Crist ignores? Here is the short description of each principle as presented by Hawkins:

  1. People respond to incentives: This isn’t just Humanity 101; it’s Life On Earth 101. Want to teach a dog a trick? Get him to do the trick and then pet him on the head and give him a treat. Repeat it enough times and you can get the dog to sit, roll over, and give a high-five on command.
  2. Personal responsibility is good for people: The easiest way to foul anything up is to put someone in charge of it who won’t pay any price if it goes wrong. That’s one of the many reasons children are so hopelessly incompetent compared to adults. They’re not earning money, they’re don’t have any big responsibilities on their shoulders, and if things go wrong, Mommy and Daddy are at fault because they were in charge!
  3. Human beings are not angels: As James Madison said, If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” Yes, people will come to this country specifically to get welfare and food stamps. Yes, people will commit voter fraud. Yes, there are an awful lot of poor people who DESERVE to be poor because they’re lazy, waste their money, or keep popping out kids by different daddies. Yes, there are just bad people out there who will murder you for no other crime than being American, Jewish, or even just “not Muslim.”
  4. Nobody cares as much about other people as they do for themselves: The modern Left’s intellectual forefathers in the Soviet Union never could wrap their heads around this one. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need” may sound nice in theory, but in principle it can never work because of the ugly truth about human nature.
  5. Men and women are different: Rather famously, Time Magazine did a cover story in 1992 called, “Why are men and women different? It isn’t just upbringing. New studies show they are born that way.” Congrats to the liberal who finally figured something out in 1992 that cavemen who didn’t know how to make fire already grasped instinctively.

Read Hawkins full article by clicking here.

Crist in his first major policy announcement violates all five of these principles of human nature. Will Democrats follow him over the cliff?

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is an edited graphic of an interview Charlie Crist had with the LGBT magazine Watermark. In the interview Crist now supports big government, unions, homosexuals and abortion. He states, “As a Republican, on social issues I always felt I was a round peg in a square hole. I just didn’t fit. But I tried, until I couldn’t do it any more… until I had to say, ‘Enough is enough.’” Crist got that right.

Joe Biden is a Vile Little Man

Words can not express my disdain for the reprehensible behavior of Vice President Joe Biden and his Democrat co-conspirators. At a gathering of mostly black civil rights leaders Biden strategically launched a nasty false narrative for the sole propose of ginning up racial hate and division.

Republicans are requesting that Americans show an ID to vote, which is only common sense. This vile little man, Joe Biden, characterized the Republicans’ identification requirement as racial hate and an attempt to block blacks from voting.

As my late mom would say, adding yeast to his lie, Biden claimed Republicans have tried to curtail voting rights 83 times this year.

Biden’s accusation is absurd; a self-serving evil lie conceived by a deviant mind. Insidiously, Biden’s game plan is to rip open and pour enough salt into old 1960s civil rights movement wounds to motivate blacks to flock to the polls in November to vote against their perceived white racist enemies.

I refuse to give Biden’s “hate speech” a pass by chalking it up to politics as usual. Stoking the flames of racial hatred for political gain, polarizing Americans along racial lines is serious business, irresponsible and extremely dangerous.

Biden and his fellow Democrats cavalierly throwing “race grenades” whenever it serves their political purpose is a slap in the face to Americans, black and white, who suffered, sacrificed and died to bring us to where we are today; a black man occupying the Oval Office.

My 86 year old black dad, Dr. Rev. Lloyd E. Marcus was very active in the early civil rights movement. Dad knows the price that was paid to win blacks the right to vote. Upon my four siblings and me reaching voting age, Dad stayed on our case. “Today is election day — make sure you vote!” Dad instilled in us that voting is a duty and a privilege of being a citizen.

And yet, Dad’s Democratic party people are attempting to devalue the right to vote by giving it away to anyone they believe will vote Democrat, regardless of their legal status. The Democrats’ propensity for voter fraud cheapens the value of every American’s vote . This is why Biden and the Democrats vehemently oppose voter ID.

Meanwhile, rather than challenging the Democrats’ absurd claim that Republicans are trying to keep blacks from voting, political know-it-alls advise Republicans to concede the point. They say Republicans must convince blacks that they are not racist by lightening up on requiring blacks to show an ID to vote. Surrendering to the Democrats’ ridiculous claim and and pandering in accordance to it is sickeningly immoral and cowardice.

By the way, as a proud American who happens to be black, I am extremely insulted by the Democratic Party’s entrenched bigotry of lowered expectations. While Americans are required to present an ID to complete a plethora of daily transactions, Democrats are saying presenting an ID is too challenging for us blacks. We’re special…a bit slower than other Americans. With friends like the Democrats, blacks do not need any enemies.

In regards to national race relations, America has come a long way, baby. Older Americans have powerful memories, deep scars and countless stories of Americans behaving at their best and worse in our struggle to achieve Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s dream. I am talking much blood, sweat and tears.

And yet, Biden and the Democrats have callously tossed hard-fought national race relations on the alter into the fire to be burned as a sacrifice in worship of Obama and furthering their socialist/progressive agenda.

There is talk of Joe Biden running for president in 2016. The last thing America needs is another vile little man in the Oval Office willing to fuel the flames of division and racial hate, pitting Americans against each other for political expediency.

As my patriot brothers in New Jersey would say, “So you wanna be president Joe? Forget about it!”

RELATED VIDEO: “When I Meet a Democrat” by Bill Finley


Law Center Calls for Immediate Impeachment

In my previous column, I lay out exactly why the future of the Republican Party will be determined this November on the single issue of impeachment. In short, congressional Republicans have played dead for six years and unless they take a stand with the people who fund and elect them and impeach, their base will abandon them come November.

In an interview with the Chuck Wilder Show out of L.A. on July 22nd I field questions that should remove any doubts you might have about that. (July 22nd show – second hour at about 54 minutes in.)

After six years of manufactured disaster after purposeful disaster by the most impeachable administration in U.S. history, it all comes down to the Rule of Law or a totally lawless society and congressional Republicans are fast running out of time to choose a side.

As a result, the North American Law Center (NALC) has drafted the most complete and accurate set of Articles of Impeachment to date and is working with pro-American activists across the country to push House Republicans to stand up and fight for our Constitutional Republic and the Rule of Constitutional Law.

Influential Republicans Allen WestGen. Jerry Boykin and Sarah Palin have all been pounding out the drumbeat of impeachment in recent statements and the North American Law Center is openly calling upon them and others to stand together behind a very carefully crafted set of Impeachment Articles in a joint effort to convince House Republicans to honor their oaths of office and end the assault on all things American.

NALC Lead Counsel Stephen Pidgeon explained the Articles on the July 28th Erik Rush Show:

“Since House Republicans lack the courage and decency to draft proper Impeachment Articles, we did it for them. And if they need thousands of Americans to force them to do the right thing, we will try to do that too”… Pidgeon said. – “Nothing in these Articles is about the so-called “birther” issue. It’s about truth, known facts and the rule of law.”

The NALC proposed Articles of Impeachment are very straight forward and yet, complete. They are broken into three general articles as follows;

ARTICLE I – Usurpation of the Oval Office via criminal identity fraud

“Compelling prima facie evidence exists which demonstrates that Barack Hussein Obama has engaged in false personation and aggravated identity theft and in conspiracy to commit false personation and identity theft in the pursuit of high office and governmental power.”

ARTICLE II – Malfeasance, misconduct and abuse of the Oval Office

“Using the powers of the office of President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in disregard of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has repeatedly engaged in conduct violating the constitutional rights of citizens, impairing the due and proper administration of justice and the conduct of lawful inquiries, or contravening the laws governing agencies of the executive branch and the purposed of these agencies.”

ARTICLE III – Aiding and Abetting known enemies of the United States

“In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama – has directly engaged in the covert aiding and abetting of foreign entities via the funding, arming, training and intelligence assistance to the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, the Taliban, the Palestinian Authority, Hezbollah, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, the Free Syrian Army and others. He has directly or indirectly through the agencies under his direct command, used American tax dollars and assets to aid and abet known enemies of the United States, including known terror organizations and organizations identified on a Terrorist List established by the United States as enemies to the United States, in Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Tunisia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kenya, Iran, Ukraine and North, Central and South America.”

The FULL ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT are available HERE in PDF form, including related laws pertaining to the crimes alleged in the articles.

Despite a growing number of public calls for impeachment in an effort to stop the ongoing destruction of our Constitutional Republic and block the Obama administration from single-handedly granting amnesty to millions of illegal invaders flooding into the country by Obama’s open invitation, Republican members of the House are floating nearly a dozen lame excuses for not keeping their oaths to protect and defend the nation and uphold the Rule of Constitutional Law.

  1. Republicans can’t impeach because it will cost them the 2014 election
  2. Republicans can’t impeach without Democrat support
  3. Republicans can’t impeach because Obama will initiate Martial Law
  4. Republicans can’t impeach because Harry Reid won’t convict
  5. Republicans can’t impeach because Joe Biden is worse than Obama
  6. Republicans can’t impeach because Obama is a usurper
  7. Republicans can’t impeach because they will be called “racists”
  8. Republicans can’t impeach because they will lose the illegal Latino vote
  9. Republicans can’t impeach because Bill Clinton wasn’t removed from office upon conviction
  10. Republicans can’t impeach because blacks will riot in the streets

If you are intent on never doing the right thing, any excuse will serve a tyrant.

The list of lame excuses for why Republicans “can’t” impeach is nearly endless, just like their list of excuses for why they can’t enforce existing immigration laws, or stop unconstitutional ObamaCare, or stop Obama from aiding and abetting known foreign enemies, or even block him from appointing known terror organization members to his cabinet.

Republicans have not even forced this administration to pass one lousy federal budget in six years. So, of course they can think of a dozen reasons not to impeach, or do anything else that matters today. That’s why groups like the North American Law Center have to do it for them! — And that’s why average American citizens feel it necessary to take law enforcement into their own hands on the Southern Border.

Yet there is only one reason needed to impeach…. It’s the right thing to do!

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.” – Declaration of Independence

The U.S. Constitution provides the peaceful and constitutional solution when bad actors find their way to power and the people must alter the government in order to protect and preserve freedom, liberty and the rule of law. It’s called impeachment…

“The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

Impeachment was placed in the U.S. Constitution for just the conditions we find ourselves in today. It provides a peaceful and orderly transition of power, from the hands of bad actors guilty of crimes and awaiting trial, and into the hands of those who will stop the disaster from getting any worse.

Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story (1811-1845) explained:

“The offenses to which the remedy of impeachment has been and will continue to be principally applied are of a political nature… What are aptly termed political offenses, growing out of personal misconduct, or gross neglect, or usurpation, or habitual disregard of the public interests.”

James Madison explained impeachment during the debates of the Constitutional Convention of 1787:

“Some provision should be made for defending the community against the incapacity, negligence, or perfidy of the chief magistrate. He might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression. He might betray his trust to foreign powers.”

Alexander Hamilton explained in The Federalist Papers (No. 65) that:

“[I]mpeachment of the president should take place for offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated political, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to society itself.”

Over seventy-percent of Americans believe that the Obama Administration has abused public power and violated the public trust in so many ways that it would take a few encyclopedia volumes to chronicle it all. Half of Americans are convinced that Barack Hussein Obama is hiding his true identity and the true nature of his anti-American policies.

If ever in U.S. history there was an administration so ripe for impeachment, it is the Obama administration which starts and ends every day with more impeachable offenses. Even members of the black community are calling for impeachment.

But as NALC Lead Counsel Stephen Pidgeon points out, “It’s not enough to impeach, it must be done correctly, in the interest of the United States and the Rule of Constitutional Law.”

To uphold, protect and preserve constitutional law, we must simply follow and enforce constitutional law.

When our representatives in congress lack the decency, courage and good sense to do what must be done, the buck does not stop with them. The buck stops with the American people who sit idle and allow their public servants to behave in such a cowardly self-serving manner with complete impunity.

The buck stops with the American people!  

Before today’s Republicans are going to “do the right thing,” the American people will have to do the right thing first!

The people must stop sitting around on social networking sites whining, complaining and playing armchair political strategist focused on how elect to more politicians that they will never hold accountable after the election. It’s time; no… it’s well past the time to hold our current crop of public servants fully accountable for their actions and their fatal in-actions.

Before members of congress will grow the stones to take a real stand for the United States of America, “We the People” will have to grow the stones first!

It’s up to “the people” to make their representatives represent them.

It only takes one House member to place these Articles of Impeachment into the House Judiciary Committee. Make sure that YOUR House member is that ONE! Send the Articles to your House Representative HERE. All members of congress will be on August recess as of the end of this week. Make sure they don’t have a moment’s peace and quiet in their home districts on recess.

See them while they are at home and hand-deliver the Articles to their local offices.

Make sure that every member of the House Judiciary Committee receives a copy HERE.

Also, if you are working to support a congressional challenger in the 2014 election cycle, make sure that they have a copy. If they will not openly support impeaching the most impeachable administration in U.S. history, why are you supporting their do-nothing challenge of a do-nothing incumbent?

The bottom line is that “the people” must accept personal responsibility for how their public servants behave. If you won’t do the right things, why should they and how can you even expect them to?

Impeachment is not up to them. It’s up to you!

The North American Law Center is a public policy and constitutional law division of The United States Patriots Union. They are requesting support for this action HERE.

Sarasota School Board member Shirley Brown got a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood: Is she pro-abortion or pro-life?

Shirley Brown WEB

Shirley Brown.

The Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates (FAPPA) in 1998 rated Florida elected officials. The issues each elected official was rated on were abortion and reproduction. On that 1998 list is current School Board member Shirley Brown. At the time of the FAPPA rating Mrs. Brown was a state legislator and only one of eight who received a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood.

Shirley Brown’s campaign website states she is, “The mother of two children – including one who grew up to be a teacher herself – Shirley also has 3 grandchildren. She attends Church of the Palms with her husband Jack, daughter Angie, and granddaughter.”

Oxymoron is defined as a “figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.” An oxymoron is using  the words Planned Parenthood in conjunction with mother and grandmother. Shirley should be grateful that her mother did not abort her. Shirley’s two children should be grateful that they were not aborted. Shirley’s three grandchildren should also be grateful they were not aborted.

It is ironic that all those who are pro-abortion have already been born.

Aren’t school board members all about protecting the children? Since its establishment, Planned Parenthood has aborted over 55 million children who would have gone to our schools, perhaps onto college, gotten jobs, married, raised their own children and would now be productive citizens in America. All paying taxes to keep our public schools funded.

Perhaps Mrs. Brown should watch this video of supermodel Kathy Ireland explaining why she became pro-life:

Or this video by 22-year old Taylor Hyatt:

The church Mrs. Brown attends has this graphic on its website:

church of palms mission statement

For a larger view click on the image.

Mrs. Brown has been equipped to be a disciple for the service of Jesus Christ. Perhaps Mrs. Brown has aligned herself more with Jesus Christ?

Question: Mrs. Brown are you pro-life now?


Must Watch: Planned Parenthood Caught on Camera Helping Sex Traffickers Get Abortions for Child Sex Slaves

Is Planned Parenthood Abusing Tax Dollars?

Dr. Rich Swier endorses Richard DeNapoli in the Florida House District 74 primary

Richard DeNapoli has proven to me that he is the best pick to represent District 74 in the Florida House of Representatives. I live in District 74 and will be voting for Richard.

denapoli and family

Richard, Brigita and Victor DeNapoli.

Richard is pro-family, pro-Christian and a man of strongly held conservative beliefs. What I found to be most powerful about him is he is a fighter for Republican principles. You see one of Richard’s strengths is that he was the Chairman of the Republican Party of Broward County. He knows what it means to fight tooth and nail for the Republican Party in a very blue county. His experiences in Broward tested his metal and he will carry what he learned there into the District 74 seat.

Danita Kilcullen, TEA Party Fort Lauderdale, sent this comment to me, “Richard DeNapoli was a fantastic Chairman of the Broward Republican Executive Committee.  He brought tens and tens of new memberships and put his own money where his mouth is. Especially memorable was the evening when CAIR’s South Florida Leader, Nasar Hamze, after months of heckling and creating chaos at Allen West’s Town Hall meetings, decided he would join BREC.  What Richard did to prevent this was maverick and read much like a Perry Mason courtroom drama.  When he tells you he’ll fight for you, that is exactly what he does.”

Richard is, like me, a Catholic. Catholics are under siege by the Obama administration domestically and globally.

Obamacare is the greatest threat to religious liberty ever passed into law by any political party. Obamacare targets Catholics in particular and Christian people of faith in general. Florida needs a strong man like Richard in Florida’s House to stop Obamacare and protect seniors, middle class families and Christians alike.

I interview Richard early on in his campaign. What impressed me most during that interview was Richard’s passion for doing the right thing. Richard served as a prosecutor in Orange County, Florida for a short time after law school, prosecuting third degree felonies, before returning to South Florida to care for his grandmother when his grandfather passed away in June 2003.

This is why I fully endorse Richard and I ask that you support him with donations and your vote on August 26th.

To learn more about Richard DeNapoli click here.

Jane Goodwin endorsed by the Democrat Party of Sarasota County

There is a term used by Republicans to identify those among them who are really liberal, socialist and closet Democrats. This pejorative is Republican In Name Only or RINO. RINOs join the Republican Party in order to get elected, say to the school board. The idea is to deceive voters into thinking they are something they are not – Republicans.

How do you tell if someone is a RINO? That has always been the problem, because RINOs will argue they are just “moderate” Republicans. The surest way to identify a RINO is to find a Republican who is endorsed by the Democrat Party. That is prima facie evidence, a smoking gun, that a candidate is a liberal, socialist and closet Democrat.

The Democrat Party of Sarasota County, Florida has sent out its recommendations for the primary races in Sarasota County. Guess who is on their list? Jane Goodwin, candidate for school board in District 5.

democrat party of sarasota 2014 primary

For a larger view click on the ballot.

Now some will argue that the school board race is non-partisan. That is true. However if you believe that Goodwin is not the Democrat favorite then you take it as the Gospel truth when President Obama says he is not partisan. The Democrats could have not made a pick in this school board race between two Republicans. So why would Democrats choose Goodwin to endorse? Let’s take a look at Goodwin’s record as a school board member. Here are just seven indicators that Goodwin is not a Republican:

  1. Goodwin always votes in lock step with and never bucks the district staff. She is a rubber stamp.
  2. Goodwin voted to submit the botched district grant application for Race To The Top (RTTT) program. The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) rejected it stating, “The applicants [Sarasota County School Board] vision does not include a high quality plan and is not likely to result in improved student learning.” Read the full U.S. DOE review here.
  3. Goodwin voted to sell out Sarasota public school students for $3.5 million in funding with the caveat that the District implement Common Core State Standards. After the failed U.S. DOE application, the District submitted an application to the Florida Department of Education to receive funding to implement RTTT. Florida received $700 million in RTTT money in 2009. In this case the District received $3.5 million to be used over a four year period. On January 5, 2010 Goodwin, and the School Board, voted to accept the funding and agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the FLDOE.
  4. This MOU gives up local control of curriculum.
  5. Goodwin voted to measure teachers according to RTTT for Student SuccessThe Florida Education Association describes Race to the Top for Student Success (SB 736) thusly: Despite all the talk about local control and less government, this bill reduces a school district’s flexibility and authority over teacher evaluations, pay schedules and working conditions. This bill gives new power and authority to the Department of Education and the Florida Legislature.
  6. Goodwin voted to spy on students on and off campus. This new and chilling policy was part of a district staff recommendation which Goodwin voted for to implement a revised bullying policy. Goodwin is a technical progressive gathering information about students without parental notification or approval.
  7. Goodwin voted on the recommendation of district staff to implement Common Core, which includes the K-12 National Sexuality Standards. Page six of these standards reads, “The National Sexuality Education Standards were further informed by the work of the CDC’s Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)3; existing state and international education standards that include sexual health content; the Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Kindergarten – 12th Grade; and the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics, recently adopted by most states.”  [Emphasis added]

As Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, a Republican, stated in his recent opinion piece in the Shreveport Times:

….when parents and teachers began to speak up in opposition to the one-size-fits-all nature of the Common Core standards and the tests that came with it, we listened. Much of the education community is increasingly concerned that the Common Core mandates will mean local school districts have less control over curriculum. Many have described a rushed process where the education bureaucrats and the folks in Washington, D.C., did an end run around parents and educators to implement these standards without proper input. [Emphasis added]

Goodwin joins her fellow Democrats Shirley Brown and Ken Marsh on the official Democrat primary ballot. Goodwin is what I call a Charlie Crist Republican. She is not what she seems. Her record as a school board member proves it. Any questions?

RELATED ARTICLE: Common Core Expert: Techno-Progressives Seek To Violate Your Child’s Privacy

Dr. Rich Swier endorses McLendon, Wolff and Ziegler for Sarasota County School Board

I have been studying and writing about the Sarasota County School Board and its policies for over a decade. For the first time I am truly excited about three exceptional candidates who will bring a renewed hope and much needed change to the board.

These three candidates are deserving of your vote on August 26, 2014. 

I fully endorse, urge you to support with your donations and ask you to vote for:

     Randy McLendon – Republican School Board candidate in District 5

     Helen Wolff – Republican School Board Candidate in District 4 

     Bridget Ziegler – Republican School Board Candidate in District 1

Each of these candidates is focused on keeping our schools safe, a positive place for learning and empowering parents and teachers. All are anti-Common Core, pro-teacher, pro-student and pro-family.

Each is extremely well qualified to lead the district to new heights by empowering families, students, teachers and citizens. They will all be strong leaders and good stewards of our greatest natural resource – the children of Sarasota County.

I again urge you to support Randy, Helen and Bridget in every and any way you can. This is a county wide election.

Ballots are being mailed as I write this endorsement, if you are an early voter please cast your ballot for Randy, Helen and Bridget. It is time to vote to preserve our future – our children and grandchildren.

Sen. McConnell: DISCLOSE Act is “Crude Intimidation Tactic”

Some in the Senate seem to think that there’s too much free speech in our politics and want to silence their opponents. For the third time in four years, Senate Democrats have trotted out a version of their Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act. The bill may be couched in soothing, good government terms, but it would be a hard punch to free speech.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has relentlessly opposed efforts to limit political speech and in the Washington Examiner defends the First Amendment from this latest assault [emphasis mine]:

As a longtime First Amendment hawk, I have sought to raise the alarm in real time on these multiplying assaults on the First Amendment, from a proposed executive order that would have required applicants for government contracts to disclose their political leanings before they could get a contract, to the significant, targeted harassment of conservative groups that we now know to have taken place at the IRS.

In my view, it is absolutely essential for the integrity of our politics and the health of our democracy that we not grow complacent in the face of these increasingly brazen attacks on free speech — that we recognize them when we see them and call them out for what they are in plain English.

That was my goal this week in publicly testifying against the Democrats’ latest effort to stifle speech. Despite the many other urgent crises we face at the moment, I thought it important to make my way to a hearing of the Senate Rules Committee and speak out against Washington Democrats’ latest iteration of the so-called Disclose Act, because silence on this issue is not an option.

The Disclose Act has become something of a preoccupation for Washington Democrats. Its stated purpose is the forced disclosure of donors to political causes, but the truth is, it’s little more than a crude intimidation tactic masquerading as good government.

Attempts at forced disclosure were used in the past to squelch free speech, as McConnell explains:

Back in the 1950s, the state of Alabama tried to get its hands on the donor list of the NAACP. The Supreme Court correctly ruled against forced disclosure then because it knew that if people had reason to fear that their names and reputations would be attacked because of the causes they support, then they would be far less likely to support them. They knew disclosure would have a chilling effect on free association and free speech.

Bruce Josten, U.S. Chamber Executive Vice President for Government Affairs made similar points in a letter to Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Pat Roberts (R-KS) on the Senate Rules Committee. The clear purpose of the bill, Josten wrote, “is to upend irretrievably core First Amendment political speech protections” by “chilling the political speech of the business community and others engaged in the political process.” At the same time it is “blatantly political and ultimately unconstitutional legislation that detracts from much more significant efforts to solve challenges confronting America.”

U.S. Chamber President and CEO Tom Donohue put it succinctly last year, “If you don’t like what someone is saying, argue with them (but do it politely). Don’t try to silence them.” First Amendment defenders like Senator McConnell understand how important that principle is for our country.

Follow Sean Hackbarth on Twitter at @seanhackbarth and the U.S. Chamber at @uschamber.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is by photographer: Pete Marovich/Bloomberg.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio gives defining pro-family, pro-straight and pro-American speech

Florida Senator Marco Rubio has taken on social issues in a major speech given at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Senator Rubio is taking the high ground on issues that are important to the majority of Americans.

In “Strong Values for a Strong America” Rubio states, “A strong America is not possible without strong Americans – a people formed by the values necessary for success, the values of education and hard work, strong marriages and empowered parents. These are values that made us the greatest nation ever, and these are the values that will lead us to a future even better than our past.”

Rubio notes, “No one is born with the values crucial to the success sequence. They have to be taught to us and they have to be reinforced. Strong families are the primary and most effective teachers of these values. As the social philosopher Michael Novak once said, the family is the original and best department of health, education and welfare. It is crucial in developing the character of the young. And those efforts can be reinforced in our schools, religious institutions, civic groups and our society.”

Rubio comes out strong as the pro-family, pro-straight and pro-American candidate for President in 2016. Immediately after his speech Rubio was attacked for the following statement:

Now, I know that given the current cultural debates in our country, many expect that a speech on values would necessarily touch upon issues like same sex marriage and abortion. These are important issues and they relate to deeply held beliefs and deeply divisive ideas.

We should acknowledge that our history is marred by discrimination against gays and lesbians. There was once a time when the federal government not only banned the hiring of gay employees, it required private contractors to identify and fire them. Some laws prohibited gays from being served in bars and restaurants. And many cities carried out law enforcement efforts targeting gay Americans.

Fortunately, we have come a long way since then. But many committed gay and lesbian couples feel humiliated by the law’s failure to recognize their relationship as a marriage. And supporters of same sex marriage argue that laws banning same sex marriage are discrimination.

I respect their arguments. And I would concede that they pose a legitimate question for lawmakers and for society.

But there is another side of debate. Thousands of years of human history have shown that the ideal setting for children to grow up is with a mother and a father committed to one another, living together, and sharing the responsibility of raising their children. And since traditional marriage has such an extraordinary record of success at raising children into strong and successful adults, states in our country have long elevated this institution and set it apart in our laws.

That is the definition of marriage that I personally support – not because I seek to discriminate against people who love someone of the same sex, but because I believe that the union of one man and one woman is a special relationship that has proven to be of great benefit to our society, our nation and our people, and therefore deserves to be elevated in our laws.

Watch the YouTube video of Rubio’s speech:

Read the full text of Rubio’s speech here.

In Florida 1 million Christians either did not register or did not vote in the 2010 general election. Obama won Florida by less than 80,000 votes. Perhaps Rubio is on to something?

When tolerance becomes a one-way street it leads to at best religious intolerance and at its worst social suicide. Rubio has taken the moral high ground.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Straight White Guy’ Festival Outrages Same-Sex Marriage Supporters

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo is courtesy of  M.Scott Mahaskey/POLITICO.

Throw the Bums Out and the Quality of the American Electorate

In a recent broadcast of Fox News’ newly-launched panel show, Outnumbered, the five panelists discussed recent opinion polls measuring congressional job approval.  And although the four female panelists… Sandra Smith, Harris Faulkner, Kirsten Powers, and Kimberly Guilfoyle… are not only much easier to look at than the dowdy and tiresome Obama cheerleaders on ABC’s The View, they are, individually and collectively, light-years brighter.

It is even fair to say that the token liberal on the panel, Kirsten Powers, is a rarity among liberals and Democrats… she is thoughtful and almost always fair-minded.  Unlike the ladies of The View, she is not an ideological lapdog for Democrats and the far left.  However, having tossed out that paean to the ladies of Outnumbered, it is also fair to say that they did no better at dealing with the subject of congressional job approval than any other group of talking heads.

In the course of their discussion they cited several recent polls.  Among the congressional job approval polls cited were CNS News at 12%, Fox News at 16%, The Economist at 10%, and Gallup at 15%.  They also cited a Field Poll which showed that some 44% of voters approve of the job their own congressman is doing, while 33% disapprove.  But in the unkindest cut of all, demonstrating how poorly congressional Republicans advocate for Republican principles, one poll showed that 46% said it made no difference which party controlled Congress.

But these results take on real meaning only when we look inside the numbers.  Taking a closer look at voter attitudes toward their own congressman, 57% of registered Democrats said they were likely to vote to reelect their current member of Congress, while only 33% of Republicans would vote to reelect their current member.  What this seems to indicate is that Republicans, in general, are far more thoughtful, far more discriminating, and far less likely to be influenced by “cult of personality” than Democrats.

These numbers also tell us is that people generally have a low opinion of Congress as a whole… always willing to speak ill of those who represent others… but a generally favorable attitude toward their own member, whoever he or she might be and regardless of his or her ideological stance.  Why?  Apparently because they are anxious to reconfirm what they consider to be their own perceptiveness in their voting booth decisions, while those who elected all those other dolts are dumber than bricks.  The only fair way to rate the Congress would be to add up the winning margins of every member and divide the total by 435 for House members and 100 for Senators.

Yes, it is fair to say that Congress does a very poor job of writing the laws and looking after the interests of the people, but that’s not due to any serious flaw in the way Congress is constituted. The principle shortcoming of the Congress is to be found in the quality of its leadership.  To prove the point, I might mention just four names:  Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and Nancy Pelosi.  Need I say more?

In Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi we have leaders who are truly evil and who care about nothing beyond what is good for the Democratic Party and its candidates.  Their only real concern is that, if the ship of state is to sink beneath the waves, they insist on being at the helm when it happens.  In John Boehner and Mitch McConnell we have two well intentioned men, neither of whom have the foggiest notion of how to deal with the truly evil people on the Democrat side of the aisle.  Taken together, these mutually incompatible characterizations spell nothing but total gridlock.

Can it be fixed?  Yes, Congress can be fixed, but only in the event of a politically astute and well-informed electorate.  So long as 57% of Democrats believe that their own representatives are acting in the best interests of the country and deserve to be reelected, the problems of governance that we now experience can never be fixed.  If Democrats continue to believe that a man the caliber of Hank Johnson (D-GA) deserves to be in Congress, then there is little hope for us.  (It was Johnson who worried openly in a public hearing that the Pacific island of Guam might capsize if the U.S. Navy stationed an additional 8,000 Marines on one side of the island.)

But time is of the essence because reform is possible only so long as we still have a majority of voters who are property owners and/or wage earners, but it won’t be easy because a major portion of the Democrat Party base is comprised of uninformed non-producers, under-achievers, and the disinterested… those who are not property owners or who live off the labors of others.

Three significant reforms are sorely needed: First, we must amend our criminal laws to require mandatory prison time for those who engage in vote fraud.  Second, the right to vote should be limited only to those who are property owners and taxpayers.  And finally, before they are handed a ballot, voters should be required to score at least 60% on a simple ten-question exam, with topics chosen at random from current affairs and from the list of 100 questions used in examining immigrants who apply for American citizenship.

But can we expect Democrats to ever agree to stricter penalties for vote fraud?  Not likely.  Vote fraud is, and always has been, the “bread and butter” of Democratic politics.  In fact, Democrats are so wedded to the notion of vote fraud, so opposed to requiring photo IDs at polling places, so addicted to double and triple voting, that they would be unwilling to adopt a system in which voters would be required to dip a “pinkie” into a vial of indelible ink after voting, much like the  proud first-time voters in emerging democracies of the Third World.  So what does that tell us?

Next, we need to take a serious look at who is allowed to vote and who is not.  It makes no sense at all to have those who live off the public dole to participate in the election of the politicians who then vote to create bigger and better free lunches.  And while some may believe that voting is and always has been a universal right, such is not the case.  During the early years of the republic, only white males who owned at least 50 acres of land or had taxable income were allowed to vote.  Un-propertied men and women, slaves, and ex-slaves were prohibited from voting.  However, by the mid-19th century, most white males were allowed to vote, regardless of income or property ownership, and in the ensuing years the right to vote was further expanded.

The 15th Amendment (1870), extended voting rights to all citizens regardless of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude;” the 19th Amendment (1920) extended voting rights to all female citizens; the 23rd Amendment (1961) extended the right to vote in presidential elections to residents of Washington, DC; the 24th Amendment (1964) struck down poll taxes and other taxes as barriers to voting; and the 26th Amendment (1971) extended voting rights to 18-year-olds.

Article VI, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution states that “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”  Instead, it leaves the question of voter qualifications to the states to decide.  In short, the right to vote is not an explicit right under the Constitution.  States may deny the right to vote for reasons other than those explicitly addressed in the Constitution and subsequent amendments.  In addition to barring non-taxpayers and non-property owners, the Congress should also deny voting rights forever to those who obtain citizenship after illegally sneaking across our borders or by overstaying a visa.

Finally, it stretches credulity to suggest that the vote of an individual who cannot demonstrate the most rudimentary knowledge of current affairs or of the U.S. Constitution, should be valued as highly as the vote of the best-informed and most knowledgeable citizens.

The “man in the street” interviews popularized by late-night comedian Jay Leno and Fox News producer Jesse Watters tell us everything we need to know about the quality of the American electorate.  If we were fortunate enough to have a better educated and more informed electorate we would have a far more effective Congress and, once again, a president who would merit the respect and the admiration of the American people.

The U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Service administers a test to all those who wish to become U.S. citizens.  The test contains 100 questions from which questions are chosen at random and 60% is a passing grade.  A typical multiple choice test might appear as follows:

  1. What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
  2. What are the first three words of the U.S. Constitution that define self-governance?
  3. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
  4.  How many justices serve on the United States Supreme Court?
  5.  Who served as President of the U.S. during the Great Depression and World War II?
  6.  What nation is the only functioning democracy in the Middle East?
  7.  The Taliban is a radical Islamist group operating largely in which country?
  8.  Who currently serves as Attorney General of the United States?
  9.  How many time zones cover the U.S. from New York to California?
  10.  Which major river is the longest river in the United States?

Ten questions of this caliber, chosen at random and posed in a multiple choice format on a touch-screen monitor, could be used to screen out those with an insufficient knowledge of current affairs and our system of government to merit the privilege of voting.  Taking such a test would take less than two minutes per voter and would not in any way impede the voting process.

If we’re going to get serious about “throwing the bums out,” maybe we should begin with voters who cannot demonstrate that they deserve to be seen as members of an “informed” electorate.

Obama’s approval numbers in Florida falling

Though Democrats continue to stand behind him, 52 percent of Florida voters disapprove of the way President Obama is handling his job while 44 percent approve, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday.

The numbers are similar to a May 1 poll, which showed 50 percent of the state’s voters disapproving of the president’s performance.

The new poll reinforced a sharp divide among the state’s voters: Only 7 percent of Republican voters approved of the job Obama is doing, while 84 percent of Democrats approved. Meanwhile, 40 percent of independents approved and 54 percent disapproved.

The poll had better numbers for Florida’s U.S. senators, Republican Marco Rubio and Democrat Bill Nelson. Of those polled, 49 percent approved of the way Rubio is handling his job, while 37 percent disapproved. Nelson received approval from 45 percent of voters, with 32 percent disapproving.

The Connecticut-based Quinnipiac frequently conducts polls in Florida and other states. The latest poll of 1,251 registered voters was conducted from July 17 to July 21.

EDITORS NOTE: This column is courtesy of News Service of Florida.

Net worth up for majority of Florida lawmakers by Jim Turner

THE CAPITAL, TALLAHASSEE, July 24, 2014 — For most state lawmakers, 2013 was another good year financially, regardless of party.

Still, those with an “R” affixed to their names are doing better, in general, when it comes to the bottom line thanks mostly to stronger housing and stock markets.

Updated financial-disclosure reports for 2013 were due July 1. And from the reports posted online as of Thursday, the average net worth in the Senate is just under $3.77 million, while the average net-worth figure is a little more than $1.4 million in the House.

The totals run from a high of $26 million for outgoing Senate President Don Gaetz to a negative $127,138 for Rep. Darryl Rouson, a St. Petersburg Democrat who remains underwater on a pair of home loans.

Gaetz, a Niceville Republican with two years remaining in the Senate, was a co-founder of VITAS Healthcare Corp. He actually saw his net worth slip slightly in 2013, by about $140,000, from the prior year.

“The decline in my net worth is forcing me to make economies,” Gaetz quipped in an email response. “I’m afraid I will have to cancel some newspaper subscriptions.”

Of the 156 lawmakers who served during both the 2012 and 2013 sessions and whose reports were available, 119 recorded increases in net worth, 35 went down and two posted no change.

The reports represent an individual’s net worth on Dec. 31, 2013. While the reports were due July 1, lawmakers have until Sept. 2 to file them before facing fines.

As of Dec. 31, 2012, the average for all 40 senators stood at $3.34 million. The average for the 120 House members was $1.27 million.

A little more than $30,000 in income for each legislator comes from their state salaries.

Senate Republicans on average are worth $4.3 million per the latest reports, while their House GOP counterparts chime in at an average of $1.7 million. Democrats in the Senate averaged $2.77 million, while in the House the average stands at $865,224.

The averages are all up from a year earlier.

Dan Krassner, executive director of the watchdog group Integrity Florida, said lawmakers should be praised for major ethics reforms in 2013 that require the financial-disclosure reports to be posted online. However, the information still fails to provide a full picture of individual lawmakers’ wealth, he said.

“Many lawmakers receive significant income from special interests who lobby the Legislature,” Krassner said in an email. “The Legislature has created disclosure loopholes so conflicts of interest are easily hidden or just made legal.”

Among the problems with the reports, according to Integrity Florida, are that the self-reported numbers are never audited, assets can be easily hidden under a spouse’s name and lawmakers don’t have to reveal if firms they own or work for have business before the Legislature or state government. Also, Integrity Florida contends that with the requirement that numbers be based on a single day rather than the full-year lawmakers can “secretly engage in major transactions throughout the year undetected.”

Of the 40 Senators, 18 are millionaires, one more than during the prior year.

Tampa Democrat Arthenia Joyner, a longtime attorney, joined the seven-figure crowd, with her net worth growing from $908,422 to $1,009,588.

In the House, 35 of the 120 members are members of the millionaires club, the same number as the previous year though the list of millionaires does not include all the same representatives.

Not among those seven-figure lawmakers is outgoing House Speaker Will Weatherford, a Wesley Chapel Republican who reported his net worth declined from $288,075 to $285,259.

Weatherford, who reported his leadership post paid $39,585 last year, also drew $16,000 from the Dallas-based Breckenridge Enterprises and $102,785 from Red Eagle Group, a company under the umbrella of Simpson Environmental Services, which is headed by Sen. Wilton Simpson, R-Trilby.

Simpson, worth $18.1 million, is the second-wealthiest senator.

Weatherford is slated to be replaced this fall as House speaker by Rep. Steve Crisafulli, R-Merritt Island. Crisafulli, a real estate broker from a prominent citrus family, posted a net worth of $453,989. A year earlier, Crisafulli’s net worth was at $375,127.

Sen. Andy Gardiner, an Orlando Republican who is vice president of external affairs at Orlando Health, is slated to replace Gaetz as Senate president this fall. Gardiner came in with a net worth of $751,353 in 2013, up from $585,023 in 2011 to $681,653 in 2012.

Rep. Michael Bileca, a Miami Republican who co-founded the Towncare Dental Partnership firm now located throughout Central and South Florida, topped the House in terms of net worth, at $14.2 million.

Sen. Darren Soto, an Orlando Democrat and attorney with more than $300,000 in liabilities mostly involving home loans, is the only senator to record himself as financially underwater. Soto listed his net worth at a negative $6,663, an improvement from a negative $32,351 a year earlier.

In the House, 12 members — two fewer than a year earlier — owe more than they’re worth, mostly due to outstanding home, student and auto loans.

EDITORS NOTE: This column is courtesy of News Service Florida. Involved, invested, or interested in Florida politics? Buy your copy of the Political Almanac of Florida 2014 by Dave Royse today!