Trump: ‘Angry Mob’ Must Not Drown Out ‘Righteous Cries of Peaceful Protesters’

President Donald Trump announced the deployment of the military to help quell the violent riots in Washington, D.C., and said he would send federal troops to states to restore order if governors didn’t act.

“What happened in this city last night was a total disgrace,” Trump announced Monday evening in the Rose Garden, referring to the weekend riots in the nation’s capital. “As we speak, I am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults, and the wanton destruction of property.”

The president also spoke about the need for justice after the police killing of George Floyd, 46, during his arrest in Minneapolis on Memorial Day evening.

In response to Floyd’s death, peaceful protests in Minneapolis turned to violent riots, which spread across the United States, even as peaceful protests also continued.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

“All Americans were rightly sickened and revolted by the brutal death of George Floyd,” said Trump, who spoke last week with Floyd’s family members. “My administration is committed that for George Floyd and his family, justice will be served. He will not have died in vain.”

However, he emphasized that violent riots did not honor Floyd’s memory.

“We cannot allow the righteous cries of peaceful protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob,” Trump said.

Last week, Trump said the Justice Department initiated a federal investigation into the death of Floyd, who died after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin put his knee on Floyd’s neck for nine minutes.  Chauvin, fired Tuesday, was charged Friday with third-degree murder and manslaughter.

Shortly after the remarks in the Rose Garden, Trump walked to St. John’s Episcopal Church, a historic church near the White House that was partially burned during riots over the weekend.

“We are ending the riots and lawlessness that has spread throughout our country. We will end it now,” Trump said before departing the White House for the church. “I have strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets.”

He later added: “If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.”

Using the military for domestic order is rare. But a president can use the power under the Insurrection Act of 1807 to send federal troops to respond to domestic emergencies even against the wishes of a state’s government.

“The biggest victims of the rioting are peace-loving citizens in our poorest communities,” Trump said. “As your president, I will fight to keep them safe. I will fight to protect you. I’m your president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters.”

He continued:

But, in recent days, our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists, violent mobs, arsonists, looters, criminals, rioters, Antifa, and others. …

Innocent people have been left savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street, or the woman in upstate New York, viciously attacked by dangerous thugs. Small business owners have seen their dreams utterly destroyed. New York’s finest have been hit in the face with bricks. Brave nurses who have battled the [coronavirus] are afraid to leave their homes.

A police precinct has been overrun. Here in the nation’s capital, the Lincoln Memorial and the World War II Memorial have been vandalized. One of our most historic churches was set ablaze. A federal officer in California—an African American enforcement hero—was shot and killed. These are not acts of peaceful protests. These are acts of domestic terror.

Trump stressed that rioters would face consequences.

“I want the organizers of this terror to be on notice that you will face severe criminal penalties and lengthy sentences in jail,” Trump said. “This includes Antifa and others who are leading instigators of this violence.”


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is the White House correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Lucas is also the author of “Tainted by Suspicion: The Secret Deals and Electoral Chaos of Disputed Presidential Elections.” Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.


Biden Campaign Won’t Say If It Has Addressed Staffers Who Donated To Pay Bail For Rioters, Looters

It’s Time for an Honest Conversation About Race in America

‘Not Us vs. Them’: Police March in Unity With Peaceful Protesters

George Floyd’s Family Calls for End to Violence

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

US Will Designate Antifa As A Terrorist Organization, President Trump Says

The United States will officially designate Antifa as a terrorist organization, President Donald Trump announced Sunday on Twitter.

The move comes following days of protests, riots, looting and violence across the country in response to the police-custody death of George Floyd. Reports from Minneapolis, Minnesota — the origin of the unrest — suggest large numbers of Antifa members are acting as catalysts for violence and looting.

“Antifa” is short for “anti-fascists,” and the group has been responsible for violence at dozens of protests in recent years.

Attorney General Bill Barr confirmed on Saturday that his Justice Department would be actively prosecuting activists who crossed state lines to participate in protests and riots. Leaders in Minneapolis and Washington, D.C. credited these out-of-state actors with instigating most of the violence.

“Unfortunately, with the rioting that is occurring in many of our cities around the country, the voices of peaceful protests are being hijacked by violent radical elements,” Barr said, according to Politico. “In many places it appears the violence is planned, organized, and driven by far left extremist groups and anarchic groups using Antifa-like tactics.”

There is some precedent for declaring terrorist organization domestically. San Francisco declared the NRA a domestic terror organization in 2019, but the announcement had no legal ramifications beyond expressing the opinion of the city. It is unclear what legal teeth a federal declaration against Antifa would have.

Trump made the announcement after congratulating the National Guard for its work to quell violence in Minneapolis on Saturday night. Authorities there reported they successfully enforced a curfew, something dozens of other cities failed to do.

Trump also criticized the media’s coverage of the riots, saying their work is contributing to the unrest.



White House correspondent.


Trump On George Floyd Riots: ‘I Will Not Allow Angry Mobs To Dominate’

‘F*** Fox News!’: Protesters Chase Fox News Reporter Outside White House

In the Wake of George Floyd’s Death, What These Black Leaders Think Should Happen

27 Photos From a History-Making and Tumultuous Weekend

2018 Keith Ellison and Antifa


‘Incredible’: President Trump Hails NASA, SpaceX For Successful Launch

President Donald Trump praised NASA and SpaceX for a successful launch minutes after he watched the Falcon 9 rocket take flight in Florida on Saturday.

The Demo-2 mission came as a partnership between public sector NASA and private sector SpaceX and launched American astronauts into space from U.S. soil for the first time since 2011.

“I’m so proud of the people, of NASA, public and private. When you see a sight like that, it’s incredible,” Trump said. “When you hear that sound — the roar — you can imagine how dangerous it is.”

Trump also had praise for SpaceX founder Elon Musk, calling him a “great brain.” He also said the launch could be a symbol of recovery for Americans suffering through the COVID-19 pandemic as lockdown measures ease across the country.

“I think this is such a great inspiration for our country. Our country is doing well … We suffered something that was terrible. It should have never happened — it should have never come out of China,” Trump said. “That’s one of the reasons why I wanted to be here today and I think any one of you would say that was an inspiration to see what we just saw.”

The SpaceX rocket will take astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley to the International Space Station, but the company and NASA also plan on returning American astronauts to the moon and being the first to reach Mars.

Musk has found common ground with Trump throughout the pandemic, as both have emphasized the need to reopen world economies and criticized local and state leaders who have been slow to do so.

Musk threatened to move his Tesla automaker plant out of California due to the state’s social distancing rules, leading to tweets from Trump supporting the move, according to Fox News.



White House Correspondent

RELATED ARTICLE: SpaceX’s Crew Dragon Launches After First Attempt Was Foiled By Inclement Weather

RELATED VIDEO: LIVE video of docking of new US spacecraft and station

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Make a Difference: Start a Community Impact Team


If ever there were a time for Christians to recognize the need to pull together and impact our communities, our states, and our nation, that moment is now. Thankfully, FRC has been on the front lines, providing direction and structure to help churches and other organizations really begin to have a serious and effective impact. The structure is the development of the Community Impact initiative, and it’s making a difference.

What exactly is a Community Impact Team? It’s men and women who bring together their gifts and abilities for the purpose of four key things, or as they are known, the pillars of Community Impact: to inform, to equip, to alert, and to mobilize. Whether it’s your church or your community organization with a number of members, those people need a team of leaders who will work to bring those people together to really make an impact on their communities.

We’ve seen this work in the arena of disaster relief, when people needed help and support provided as they weathered the crisis they were facing. We have seen this work in the arena of influencing government for good, when issues facing a school board would dramatically change the course of that which was being taught to our children. In either instance people needed to be informed, equipped, alerted, and mobilized to action. Community Impact Teams are able to do this effectively.

How do you get something like this going in your church or organization? It starts with the proper tools and the proper training. Both of those can be found at the Community Impact website. In fact, I encourage you to visit the site to find these tools today. FRC has produced a Community Impact Resource Manual that you can simply download. In it you will find steps to take in beginning this initiative, the people you need to form a team, and how to develop your mission statement for your own team. The Resource Manual also has more than half of its pages filled with ideas of service projects and other ministry opportunities that will truly impact your community. We know that it’s true that people really don’t care how much we know, until they know how much we care. We earn credibility when we serve the people of our community, and this is when we are most effective at then speaking into their hearts about the issues we face in our day.

But while the Resource Manual provides the tools you need, without the training, we’ve noticed that many groups never get off the ground. This is why Leader Training is crucial, and on that website you can click on the Resources Tab, and then click on Training Videos. Here, you will find five video sessions: A Biblical Basis for Community Impact; Forming A Team; Communication with your Pastor and Congregation; Participation in the Electoral Process; and Influencing Your Community, State, and Nation.

With so much being faced in America today, it’s past time for Christians to step up and not only see the emergency we are facing, but it’s time to rely on God’s power, and become instruments in His hands to make the impact He desires for us to make. At FRC, we believe standing together, praying together, serving Him together, and shaping one community at a time will bring the results we are longing to see.


Dr. Mark Harris


Trump to Big Tech: Time to Shift Back into Neutral

‘This Is an Existential Attack. Beijing Means Harm.’

Fighting Fire with Freedom!

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden ‘Paternalistic’ and ‘Bigoted’, Says Black Leader

WASHINGTON ( – In the wake of Joe Biden’s “you ain’t black” comment currently going viral on social media, a black leader claims the former vice president has done nothing for the African-American community other than “lock them up.”

Former CNN commentator and now senior communications advisor for Black Media Affairs under President Trump, Paris Dennard believes it’s time to start realizing what Joe Biden and the Democratic Party are doing to black people.

Reminiscent of his “They’re going to put y’all back in chains” comment while campaigning as vice president against Mitt Romney in 2012, this recent controversy came during an exchange with black host Charlamagne tha God on the show The Breakfast Club.

Dennard emphatically states that this isn’t just a Biden “gaffe,” nor should it be seen that way. “We’ve got to stop calling these gaffes,” he urged. “We need to stop calling these ‘insensitive statements’. No, they’re bigoted. They’re racist, and it’s exposing Joe Biden’s long history. Stop giving him cover for being a bigot,” he said emphatically.

Tired of being told what party to vote for as a black American, Dennard notes he sees no other black or Democrat politician pushing back at what he calls Biden’s racism.

“I have been waiting to hear Ambassador Susan Rice, Senator Kamala Harris, Speaker Nancy Pelosi [and] Stacey Abrams stand up and say something about this, but they’re not because it’s not about the people [or] the black community,” Dennard stated. “It’s about the black vote. That’s all they’re concerned about. It’s all politics.”

Stop giving him cover for being a bigot.Tweet

Dennard does not appreciate white people telling him how to be black, or feeling pressure from other black people who insinuate he isn’t black enough if he votes Republican.

He said:

The RNC and the Trump campaign are going to be very aggressively going after Joe Biden. The impact of his statement not only was offensive to black Republicans or conservatives — or just free-thinking black Americans like myself who are supporting President Trump — but it’s also offensive to any black person who decides to just be a free thinker. … He’s essentially saying, “If you are not on my team — Joe Biden’s team — you’re not black.”

Identity politics begins with identity psychology, Dennard appreciates, i.e., being able to convince certain people they must act and vote in a particular way. He sees this type of coerced group-think as the Left’s method of maintaining power:

You have Joe Biden trying to put people in a box and think, “You’ve got to think the way I want you to think. If you don’t think that way I’m going to pull away your identity. I’m going to pull away your cultural connection. I’m going to say that you are not a part of the community.” That is an offensive thing to say, because this is exactly what they did during slavery. They wanted slaves to not be able to read and to write and to remain dumb and illiterate so that we wouldn’t be able to be educated and learned and advance and grow and prosper.

It takes a special kind of courage, Dennard contends, to do what the likes of Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, Kanye West and other black Americans have done, being attacked by the liberal media establishment the entire way.

You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.Tweet

“It is a way to suppress the vote,” said Dennard. “It is a way to discourage people from daring to be able to do like Kanye West did and do like Vernon Jones did down in Georgia. … When you talk about voter suppression, this is a tactic from the Left that we’re seeing play out by their nominee.”

Dennard is convinced that in the 2020 presidential race, Biden is the one with racist tendencies, not Trump, as the mainstream media would have you think.

“Let’s start with the Clinton crime bill, which [Biden] wrote,” he said, noting that the former vice president has not “done anything to directly impact the black community in a positive way besides lock us up.”

“Let’s talk about how he talked about Barack Obama,” he continued, recalling Biden’s description of the former president as a black man who is “articulate, bright and clean.”

“Let’s talk about how he talked about Indian-Americans,” Dennard said, pointing to Biden’s 2006 suggestion that “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

“Let’s talk about how he talked about black kids rubbing their hands on [his] leg because they had never seen curly hair, and ‘Corn Pop‘, and little roaches and people getting locked up for crossing the street,” Dennard added.

When you talk about voter suppression, this is a tactic from the Left that we’re seeing play out by their nominee.Tweet

In a new Rasmussen Reports Poll, most people remain suspicious of politicians who play the “race card,” seeing their references to racial topics as an attempt to win as opposed to fixing minorities’ problems. Yet, most black people still see Democrats as doing more for them than Republicans.

African-Americans (60%) who historically vote overwhelmingly for Democratic candidates are much more likely than either whites (44%) or other minority groups (49%) to believe the Democratic Party has done more for them than the Republican Party. One-third (33%) polled believe political candidates discuss racial issues too much, 34% too little and 24% believe the level of discussion is about right.

The survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted May 24–25.


Paul Murano

Paul Murano, D.Min. is a staff writer/producer for Church Militant. Raised in a suburb of Boston, Paul has two master’s degrees (in Philosophy and Theology) and a doctorate, and is certified in Medical Ethics. His background is in teaching colleges and universities, hosting radio and television programs, and writing monthly columns for a regional newspaper. Paul is married, an avid New England sports fan and a singer-songwriter-musician.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Twitter Uses Fact-Checking as a Weapon Against Trump

Fact-checking sounds innocuous enough. After all, as the late Senate Democrat Patrick Moynihan reportedly once said, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.”

But Twitter just showed that fact-checking can also be weaponized, used in a way that promotes one side’s ideology over another.

The tech giant, which has been under pressure from the left for years to censor or delete President Donald Trump’s tweets, did a “fact check” Tuesday on two of Trump’s tweets about mail-in ballots.

Conveniently for liberals, the fact check, which cited media outlets like The Washington Post and CNN as its only named sources, found that Trump’s facts were wrong. Notably, it was also the first time Twitter—which hosts politicians across the ideological spectrum—fact-checked a tweet.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

Unsurprisingly, Trump was furious, threatening in a tweet Wednesday to “strongly regulate, or close them down” in reference to social media companies. He also said: “Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives [sic] voices.”

Neither Trump nor Twitter is in the right here. As a private company, Twitter should be legally free to do what it wants on its own platform. Trump is free to suggest that Americans who value serious debate and free expression, regardless of their ideologies, boycott Twitter. But this is no case for government intervention in a private business.

However, unless the goal was to be seen as a left-leaning company, Twitter was irresponsible and foolish with its “fact check”—which I’m putting in scare quotes because it’s not even an accurate fact check.

Here are the two Trump tweets that got slapped with the fact-checking label from Twitter:

Twitter posted below Trump’s tweet: “Get the facts about mail-in ballots.” When you click on that, it takes you to this message:

Trump makes unsubstantiated claim that mail-in ballots will lead to voter fraud

On Tuesday, President Trump made a series of claims about potential voter fraud after California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced an effort to expand mail-in voting in California during the COVID-19 pandemic. These claims are unsubstantiated, according to CNN, Washington Post and others. Experts say mail-in ballots are very rarely linked to voter fraud.

First of all, it’s simply not true that “mail-in ballots are very rarely linked to voter fraud,” or that Trump’s claim was “unsubstantiated.”

The Daily Signal’s national affairs correspondent, Fred Lucas, reported last month on “15 instances in which courts threw out an election result based in whole or in part on absentee voting fraud,” citing The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database and other sources.

Then there’s Twitter’s telling attribution: “These claims are unsubstantiated, according to CNN, Washington Post and others.”

Ah, yes, CNN, whose White House correspondent Jim Acosta basically has been engaged for years in verbal sparring with Trump. And the Post, which has its own reputation as a liberal outlet, is hardly a completely objective source, either.

So who are these “others”? Did Twitter consult with anyone, researcher or journalist or scholar, at a less liberal publication or institution? Did Twitter make any good faith attempt to consult with a variety of experts of differing ideological leanings, so that it could see the full context and data before making a ruling?

Because if Twitter is only relying on liberals for its fact-checking, it won’t be surprising if the supposedly unbiased fact-checking becomes quite ideological.

Unfortunately, conservatives have reason for concern here. The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Peter Hasson reports:

The Twitter official [Yoel Roth] overseeing the tech company’s efforts to combat misinformation is a left-wing partisan who in the past has derided President Donald Trump as a ‘wretched orange man’ and said he donated to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Of course, ultimately, Twitter is a private company and it can choose its own standards and practices. But consumers are also free to decide whether to remain on a platform that seems to be on the cusp of implementing a double standard when it comes to fact-checking.

It will be extremely telling what Twitter chooses to do in the days ahead.

Will the social media company fact-check liberals, too—or will Trump alone bear the stigma of a fact check? Will fact checks rely only on liberal sources, or will they involve conservative sources as well? Will Twitter modify its fact check of Trump’s tweet, acknowledging that instances of voter fraud are tied to absentee ballots?

No doubt, Twitter has been under unusually high pressure from the left in recent days.

A widower wrote to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey this month, distraught that Trump was tweeting conspiracy theories that the man’s late wife, a staffer for then-Rep. Joe Scarborough, had been murdered.

While Trump’s tweets on this matter are shameful—if he wants to fight with Scarborough, now an MSNBC host, he can do so without bringing up an unrelated person’s death—the answer is not for Twitter to take action on Trump’s tweets.

As we’ve been saying more and more over the past decade and change, America is a divided nation, with heated opinions on both sides on a host of topics. Selective fact-checking, aimed at the right and only looking to the left for the truth, will only increase that division.

Twitter has opened a real Pandora’s box here. Let’s hope the tech giant realizes its mistake, takes down the fact check of Trump’s accurate tweet, and returns to being a company that merely hosts, not criticizes, viewpoints.


Katrina Trinko is editor-in-chief of The Daily Signal and co-host of The Daily Signal PodcastSend an email to Katrina. Twitter: .

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hey, Joe Biden: The Biggest Defenders of Black Americans Throughout U.S. History Have Been Republicans

My latest at PJ Media:

The controversy over Joe Biden saying, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re voting for me or Trump, then you ain’t black” isn’t dying down, but as much political damage as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is sustaining, one much-overlooked fact amid the brouhaha is that even though Donald Trump has made historic gains in support from black Americans, most will likely agree with Biden and vote for him or whomever the Democrats put up this November, no matter what, no questions asked. This is how it has been for a long time, but it wasn’t always thus. Historically, the strongest defenders of the civil rights of black Americans were Republicans.

Now, it is generally known that the Republican Party was founded as an abolitionist party and that a Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, is responsible for freeing the slaves. Generally known, that is, among those who care to know it. Some prefer politically correct fantasies, like the Northeastern Illinois University plaque honoring “Abraham Lincoln Democrat.”

However, even those who admit that the Republicans freed the slaves while most Democrats were fighting a civil war to keep them enslaved then fast forward, in their potted history of civil rights in America, to the 1960s, when the parties supposedly switched places as the Republicans embraced a “Southern strategy” that involved taking up the racism that the Democrats were in the process of discarding.

There are two things wrong with this scenario: Republicans didn’t forget about black Americans after Lincoln was shot, but actually stood up for the civil rights of black Americans consistently from the Civil War on, and there was no “Southern strategy.” It is a historical myth like so much of what is taught as American history today, designed to ensure that students will grow up to be convinced and loyal leftists. But like all propaganda initiatives, it founders on the facts.

The forthcoming book Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look At Who Was Best, Who Was Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster tells the real story. In the wake of the Civil War, while Southern states resisted Reconstruction measures, denied blacks the right to vote, and allowed the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize black populations, a president sent federal troops to restore order and enforce the law. A Democrat, of course, no? No. It was a Republican, Ulysses S. Grant.

Grant also engaged in serious negotiations to annex the Dominican Republic as a haven for black Americans from the South, so that, he said, “the Southern people would learn the crime of Ku Kluxism, because they would see how necessary the black man is to their own prosperity.” Grant sent Frederick Douglass to Santo Domingo as part of a commission to study the matter; this commission returned with a report saying that most Dominicans favored annexation, but nothing came of it….

There is much more. Read the rest here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Economic Lockdowns Kill People–Yes Literally

It’s important to understand that the trade-off isn’t just the economy vs. lives. It’s also lives vs. lives.

A recent Bloomberg article discussed the opposing arguments in the debate over COVID-19 lockdowns. The article described the epidemiological way of thinking versus the economic way of thinking. In the simplest terms, epidemiologists think in terms of reducing the spread of disease, while economists think in terms of balancing trade-offs.

While expert epidemiologists are much needed during a pandemic, if we fail to think as economists, we may find ourselves with policies that cause more pain and deaths than necessary. It is also important to understand regarding the present crisis that economists do not only deal with trade-offs between lives and economy as the Bloomberg article asserts. But rather, we also deal with lives versus lives—both without lockdowns and with them. That is, COVID-19 causes deaths, but so do lockdowns, although it is somewhat more difficult to see them in the latter case.

These casualities will be more visible if we view the lockdowns through the lens of economics.

Economists have long understood the “it takes a village” concept in a radical sense. A global division of labor and many of us specializing in incredibly niche lines of work make it possible for 7.6 billion people to survive at once. A great real-world demonstration of this comes from a TED Talk in which a young man describes how he bought the cheapest electric bread toaster he could find (costing under four British pounds) to reverse engineer it in order to make a toaster of his own from scratch. Once he disassembled it, he found that it had about 400 parts (wires, springs, screws, plastic casing, among many others) from manufacturers all over the world.

Making a simple toaster from scratch, he learned, is much more difficult than he had imagined. But he kept trying, finding that he had to go into mines to extract his own iron, copper and mica, convert the iron ore into steel, make his own plastic casing from potato starch (as he had no oil to begin with), and so on. After a number of months of trying to make his electronic toaster, the final product turned out to be completely unworkable—not to mention, an aesthetic disaster.

But let us step back to review the “unseen.” The manufacturers of those 400 or so electronic parts in the store-bought toaster could not possibly know all of the final goods in which their electronic parts were ultimately used. They had buyers of their products, who distributed and exported the products, who sold to industrial supply companies in various markets, who sold to other manufacturers, who often exported further, and so on. That is, from manufacturer to consumer, products exchanged many hands—forming a “globe-spanning web of interconnectedness” and made possible through the price mechanism. As F.A. Hayek once put it:

[We] are all working for people whom we do not know and are being supported by the work of people we do not know… Profit is the signal which tells us what we must do in order to serve people whom we do not know.

Now we must elaborate on the previous point made about dealing with the loss of real flesh-and-blood human lives—not only in the absence of lockdowns but also because of them.

It is not only that people need money as the fruit of their labor in order to buy food for survival (which is true). It is also not only that the highly destructive inflationary and high-debt policies embraced by governments around the world in response to COVID mean that we will all suffer a great deal financially, which has a downward push on human life expectancy (as people living in more affluent nations live longer), and an upward push on infant mortality rates (as less affluent nations have higher infant mortality rates). It is also not only that there will be additional deaths caused by depression from job loss, suicides, substance abuse, and the like (so-called “deaths of despair”).

It is that we as contributors of labor, capital and ideas cannot possibly know the extent to which our individual contributions plug into that intricate and delicate “web of interconnectedness” and the ramifications of our forced removal of those contributions through government-imposed lockdowns.

Remember those electronic parts that go into toasters? Medical equipment needs many of these same parts. But as the manufacturers of these parts around the world are not able to know all the ways in which their products are ultimately used in final goods, they would hardly be in a position to lobby their respective governments to allow them to continue production as approved “essential” businesses during lockdowns. As a result, we see increased scarcity of medical equipment, which is particularly counterproductive for the current pandemic.

To be clear, the economic way of thinking does not lead us to dogmatically disfavor lockdowns simply because we find them inconvenient. What economic thinking does is moves us beyond merely thinking in terms of the immediate consequences to also considering the long-term consequences. It moves our attention beyond merely what is easily seen and reported by heads of state each night on television (number of COVID-related cases and deaths during a lockdown) and has us also consider what is unseen: including deaths caused by lockdowns. We cannot possibly support the lives of 7.6 billion humans on earth if we are not allowed to produce. It takes a global village to make it all work—not the “intelligent design” of mere mortals in the halls of power.


Emile Phaneuf

Emile holds a Master’s degree in Economics from Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala, an MA in Political Science and BA in International Relations from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. He is from the USA but resides in New Zealand and is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.


One Barber’s Successful Lockdown Defiance Shows Why the Separation of Powers Matters

Is Civil Disobedience Justified in Defense of the Freedom to Worship?

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Allen West Hospitalized After Motorcycle Accident Near Waco, Texas

Retired Army LTC Allen West was hospitalized Saturday after a motorcycle accident near Waco, Texas.

Angela Graham West, the former Florida congressman’s wife, posted news of the accident on Facebook and announced that she was en route to the hospital.

Law enforcement informed the team that West had been cut off by a car, after which he collided with another motorcycle.

“He was transported by helicopter to the hospital, where he is currently in stable condition and undergoing assessment,” West’s team tweeted.

The team asked for prayers and promised to provide additional information as soon as possible.

West is currently campaigning to become Texas’ Republican Party Chairman. He had been returning home from a Saturday morning rally in Dallas when the accident occurred.



Associate Editor The Daily Caller.


Allen West: 2016 Election Is Referendum On Obama’s Failures

Silicon Valley Giants Are Allowing Staff To Work Remote Permanently. Will Their Workers Flood Into Red States?

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz Backs Down, Allows Religious Services To Resume

Trump Considering Forming Panel To Review Anti-Conservative Bias In Big Tech: Report

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden to Blacks: ‘You Ain’t Black’ if You Don’t Vote For Me


At the close of a virtual interview Friday with Breakfast Club co-host and rapper Charlamagne tha God, White House hopeful Joe Biden astonishingly declared that if black Americans don’t support him over President Trump in the November election, “then you ain’t black.”


After Charlamagne ended with “It’s a long way until November, we’ve got more questions,” Biden added, unsolicited, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

“Imagine if Donald Trump said this,” Donald Trump, Jr. tweeted in response. The media would be apoplectic.

This witless statement perfectly crystallizes what Democrats — especially white Dem leaders — think of black Americans: that if you don’t stay on the leftist plantation, you’re not really black. That is how Democrats keep blacks in chains today — by threatening potential runaways with ostracism from the black community, by tarring-and-feathering them as race traitors. It’s condescending and blatantly racist, and it reveals just who Joe Biden and his party are.

Claiming That Voter ID Laws Are Evidence of Racism and Hatred

During a Black History Month event on February 25, 2014, Biden expressed frustration with a recent Supreme Court ruling that had struck down a provision of the Voting Rights Act that required certain (mostly Southern) jurisdictions with a pre-1965 history of voting suppression to pre-clear any changes in their voting laws (such as the implementation of Voter ID requirements, or changes to early-voting or same-day-voting regulations — with the Justice Department. Biden also claimed that new voter ID laws in North Carolina, Alabama and Texas were evidence of “hatred” and “zealotry.” Said the Vice President:

“At least 11 states have introduced legislation recently requiring voters to show ID at the polls, making existing voting laws more restrictive. Lawslike in North Carolina which imposed a new photo ID requirement, shortening early voting, and eliminating same-day registration and early voting. These guys never go away…. You guys [African Americans] know it, but it’s an important lesson for me. Hatred never, never ultimately goes away…. The zealotry of those who wish to limit the franchise cannot be smothered by reason…. This fight has been too long, this fight has been too hard, to do anything other than win — not on the margins, but flat-out win.”

To learn more about Biden, click on the profile link here.


Joe Biden’s Words Cut Deep. This is Why.

BET Founder: Biden Should Apologize to Every Black Person He Meets

Joe Biden Decides Who’s “Really” Black

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Holds Strong Lead Over Biden Among Independents In Battleground States, New Poll Shows

A new CNBC poll shows President Donald Trump holding a slight lead over former Vice President Joe Biden in certain battleground states. In the same poll, Trump leads Biden among Independents by 9 percent and on the issue of the economy by 11 percent.

The CNBC/Change Research poll had 5,408 total respondents from Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The results showed Trump leading Biden 48 percent to 46 percent in the battleground states, with a margin of error just under two percent.

“New @CNBC poll tracks our own data,” Tim Murtaugh, the director of communications for the Trump reelection campaign tweeted. “These states were included in our massive ad & marketing blitz.”

Respondents expressed strong feelings about both candidates. Trump’s very favorable to very unfavorable comparison was 39 percent to 47 percent and Biden’s was 22 percent to 48 percent.

In terms of the handing of the coronavirus, 49 percent of respondents said they strongly or somewhat approve of Trump, while 51 percent strongly or somewhat disapprove.

Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Witmer, who has been rumored to be Biden’s pick for vice president, had 42 percent of Michigan respondents strongly approve and 46 percent strongly disapprove of her handling of the coronavirus in the same poll.


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Kellyanne Conway: Biden ‘Sounds Like A Co-Ed At The End Of A Frat Party’ Because He Needs A Woman On The Ticket

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail — Inside the Left’s morbid agenda to destroy America’s middle class.

Many claim that the Democrats want open borders to import millions of new voters who will likely vote for Democrats.

Undeniably this is an accurate statement but only partially addresses the strategy behind the Democrats’ push for open borders and an end to immigration law enforcement as optimized by the creation of “Sanctuary Cities” and Sanctuary States and immigration mayhem that ensues.

Today’s Democrats bear no resemblance to the Democrats of the past.  Today’s Radical Democrats are hell-bent on seizing permanent political power at the expense of America and Americans.

Traditional Democrats supported American workers and addressed their concerns while Republicans backed up business owners’ goals of fewer regulations and greater profits.  This balance made sense and helped Americans and America to prosper.

My dad used to say that the easiest way to turn capitalists into communists is to take away their money.  Flooding America with millions of Third World workers who bring Third World expectations of Third World wages and working conditions results in the loss of jobs by millions of American and lawful immigrant workers and the suppression of wages for all workers.

Homeless rates soar as the cost of housing increases as more foreigners come to the United States and seek housing.  The increased demand for apartments drives up the price of housing even as jobs are lost and wages fail to keep up with increased costs of housing.

As more Americans lose their jobs and the ability to support themselves and their families- even if they dont lose their jobs, they will be drawn to the Democratic Party candidates who offer to provide Americans and aliens alike with economic assistance that they desperately need to survive.

Consider the May 12, 2020 news report published by PJ Media, Democrats’ $3 Trillion Bill Would Include a Massive Gift…to Communist China.

There are many elements of the proposed emergency funding bill concocted by Nancy “Let them eat ice cream” Pelosi and her fellow travelers of the Radical Democratic Party that have absolutely nothing to do with assisting struggling Americans and small businesses that were ordered shuttered because of the Coronavirus Pandemic that has sickened millions and has killed an estimated 80,000 Americans, thus far.  One of the most egregious components of this bill has been ignored by the media that is addressed by PJ Media.

Here is the relevant excerpt:

Theyve also prioritized Chinas economy in this one. The bill includes a provision that waives Chapter 83 of title 41, United States Code. Whats that?

Chapter 83 of title 41, United States Code, shall not apply with respect to purchases made in response to the emergency declared by the President on March 13, 2020, under section 501 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5191) and under any subsequent major disaster declaration under section 401 of such Act that supersedes such emergency declaration.

Chapter 83 of Title 41, United States Code is none other than the Buy American Act. That 1933 law prioritizes American manufacturers over others when the government makes purchases. The Trump administration strengthened the Buy American act last year. The Democrats’ bill would waive it permanently, allowing the government to purchase more goods from overseas, unrestricted.

Consider that the afore-noted Buy American Act was enacted by a traditional Democrat, President FDR who acted to protect American jobs and manufacturing the year after the Stock Market cratered on July 8, 1932 and stocks hit their lowest point.  Roosevelt also ramped up immigration law enforcement to protect jobs for American workers.

The Buy American Act requires that the federal government must prioritize the purchase of supplies from American companies when such made in America supplies are available.

This is commonsense and helps America and Americans.

Yet during the current crisis the Democrats want to eliminate this requirement that protects American jobs that has been on the books for nearly 90 years.  They are exploiting the pandemic crisis as a means for pressuring the Republicans and the President into ending this important long-standing law.

I doubt that any so-called journalists will even report on this major betrayal, let alone ask Pelosi or any other Democrat about why they included this provision in their proposed legislation.

It is clear that they seek to destroy more jobs Americans desperately need, especially in this post coronavirus era where tens of millions of Americans fear that they will have lost their jobs permanently when the U.S. economy slowly reopens.

Their proposed legislation would also provide amnesty to illegal aliens declaring aliens working illegally in the United States as “Essential Workers” even as many Americans have been kept from working because purportedly their jobs are un-essential!

If the Democrats were truly concerned about the plight of American and lawful immigrant workers and their struggling families, they should favor immigration law enforcement and suggest that for the meanwhile Americans should be able to take “essential jobs” to help them get through this unparalleled crisis.

Remember the Democrats’ mantra, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

This crisis has emboldened Radical Democrat’s to push an agenda that destroys the American middle class to propel more Americans into homelessness and dependency on the Democrats.

Indeed, the Democrats continue to push for passage of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” a legislative disaster I have come to refer to as the Overwhelm America Act.

On Sunday May 17, 2020 New York’s Mayor Bill de Blasio was interviewed on Fox News by Maria Bartiromo.  Fox posted the video under the title, Mayor de Blasio: New York City will likely see more revenue losses without a stimulus.

During the interview de Blasio referred to the supposed “12 million undocumented folks” to describe the population of illegal aliens which has been estimated to be nearly double that number.  That number, however, is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

If legalized, everyone of those millions of illegal aliens would have the absolute and immediate right to bring in each and everyone of their minor children and their spouses as lawful immigrants.  Third World countries have many, many children.

It is not uncommon for such families to have more than six children each.  Additionally aliens could claim to have fathered children with women who are not their spouses.  It is entirely possible that each legalized alien could, on average, petition for more than three children each, considering that some aliens might not have minor children, don’t want them here or already brought them to the United States.

If, for the sake of argument, 25 million illegal aliens were given lawful status- and that number could be much, much larger, we could wind up with more than 75 million minor children being brought legally to the United States by this ill-conceived program, along with their other parent.

In other words, Comprehensive Immigration Reform could enable more than 100 million new immigrants to legally come to the United States, literally overnight!

Imagine the impact that tens of millions of children this would have on our schools, hospitals, mass transit, the power grid and other elements of critical infrastructure.  The cost of housing would climb still higher leading to more poverty, more homelessness and more crime.

When those tens of millions of immigrant children become adults they will flood the over-flowing labor pool.

Finally, if our political leaders would be sufficiently corrupt and stupid to provide an unknown number of illegal aliens with lawful status, there would be no way to interview these millions of illegal aliens who either entered the United States without inspection and/or violated multiple immigration laws after entering the United States.  There would be no way to conduct field investigations to verify the claims made in their application and to identify fraud.

Immigration fraud was identified by the 9/11 Commission, to which I provided testimony, as the key method of entry and embedding for terrorists.

This is why I have also come to refer to Comprehensive Immigration Reform by another name, the “Terrorist Assistance and Facilitation Act” as I noted in an Op-Ed I wrote for the Washington Times Immigration bill a ‘No Go’ and that was quoted by then-Senator Jeff Sessions when he persuaded members of the U.S. Senate to vote down that terrible bill in 2007.

I also used that descriptive title in my responses to written questions from Senator Chuck Grassley when I testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on March 20 2013 on the topic Building An Immigration System Worthy Of American Values.

Decent Americans are horrified by the growing number of homeless Americans.  The immoral Radical Democrats, however, are encouraged that their strategy to force Americans to trade their freedoms for food, shelter and other necessities is working.

For Radical Democrats, winning isn’t everything- it is the only thing!

©All rights reserved.

Tale of 2 States: New York’s COVID-19 Death Toll Far Greater Than Florida’s

Florida and New York are states with similar population sizes, but dramatically different approaches to the COVID-19 pandemic.

New York has almost 30 times as many coronavirus-related deaths as Florida, with a heavy concentration among senior citizens, according to numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, gained praise in the media for his performance in press conferences if nothing else, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, has been heavily criticized in media reports.

When can America reopen? The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, a project of The Heritage Foundation, is gathering America’s top thinkers together to figure that out. Learn more here>>>.

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New York has had about 348,000 COVID-19 cases and more than 28,000 deaths as of May 17, according to the CDC. Florida, meanwhile, had about 46,000 cases and 2,000 deaths.

The population of New York state is 19.5 million, while Florida is home to 21.5 million.

“Gov. DeSantis understands Florida and knows how to interpret data and use science to guide the state during this health care pandemic,” the governor’s communications director, Helen Aguirre Ferre, told The Daily Signal in an email. “He worked quickly to protect the vulnerable, increase testing, promote social distancing, support hospitals and protect health care workers, and prevent introduction [of the virus] from outside of the state.”

Ferre added:

When the media was howling because there were folks on the beach, Gov. DeSantis prohibited visitations to assisted living facilities and nursing homes. In addition, Gov. DeSantis prohibited nursing homes and long-term care facilities to [allow] COVID-19 patients who were discharged from hospitals to be returned to their facilities.

He established COVID-19 dedicated nursing homes. In addition, he required comprehensive screening of staff and vendors entering these long-term care facilities. Testing and contact tracing was a priority for all Florida residents in addition to providing precious PPE [personal protective equipment]. Impeding those who were fleeing from other states where there was community spread of this virus was also important.

In New York, senior Cuomo administration officials contend that the federal government was too slow to ban European flights that primarily stop at major airports in New York or New Jersey.

From January through March, about 13,000 flights came through these airports from European locations carrying about 2 million passengers, the officials told The Daily Signal on background.

New York also does more testing for the coronavirus than other states, which is one reason the recorded rates are higher, they said. Add to that, New York City has the most dense population in the United States.

New York and Florida have a similar percentage of total COVID-19 deaths among those 65 and older. Seniors made up 83% of deaths in Florida, 77% in New York.

“In general, on a statewide basis, Florida is doing much better than New York,” Norbert Michel, director of the Center for Data Analysis at The Heritage Foundation, told The Daily Signal. “Florida has much fewer deaths and deaths per capita and per 100,000 than New York; this fact holds even if you remove New York City from the state data, though the differences are much smaller.”

The high fatality rate in New York City from the coronavirus skews the statewide numbers, he said.

Florida also is doing better during the pandemic across every category of those 45 and older, as the New York death toll is 15 to 20 times higher than Florida across every category, Michel said.

“Regardless, the death rates by age are worse in New York. If New York City is the primary driver of high death totals and high death rates, then the same comparison still applies; the only thing that would change is that we would have to say New York City is doing much worse than Florida,” Michel said.

Cuomo also has faced criticism for a March decision, later reversed, to send patients back to nursing homes after they tested positive for COVID-19.

“Florida and New York had very different protections for nursing home patients,” Michel said. “The nursing home policy [in New York] was insane. The state was basically sending someone to an early grave. … If it is the case that the infection was already widespread before anyone knew about it, the state was still literally sending people back into it.”

To help free up beds in hospitals in late March, the New York state Health Department issued an order to nursing homes: “No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the [nursing home] solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19.”

The Long Term Care Community Coalition in New York opposed the Cuomo policy of sending COVID-19 patients back to nursing homes.

Similarly, the American Medical Directors Association, in a March 26 statement, said: “Unsafe transfers will increase the risk of transmission in post-acute and long-term care facilities, which will ultimately only serve to increase the return flow back to hospitals, overwhelming capacity, endangering more healthcare personnel, and escalating the death rate.”

Cuomo administration officials said residents returning to nursing homes after testing positive for the virus were quarantined from other residents, following federal guidelines for them to be kept in separate facilities with different caretakers from the rest of the population. A total of 12% of the state’s fatalities were from nursing homes, a Cuomo administration official said. 

“It was one of the giant red herrings of all time,” the official told The Daily Signal. “I would take our state law over any state law that says you can discriminate [against] potentially the most feeble, at-risk, vulnerable people in our society.”

In early May, The New York Times reported that 1,600 previously undisclosed deaths occurred in New York nursing homes, bringing the total number of deaths at nursing homes to almost 5,000.

One more factor: Cuomo didn’t order the New York City subway to be sterilized on a nightly basis until early May, even though the first COVID-19 cases were reported March 1.

Another Cuomo administration official contended that new cleaning policies were in place March 3, two days after the state’s first confirmed coronavirus case.

New York is unique among U.S. cities in having a subway that operates around the clock; closing it was not an option. As more people stayed home more often, however, it was feasible to close down for nightly sterilization beginning May 5, the official said.

COVID-19 deaths in New York City total 1,403.72 per 100,000 for those ages 75 and older, according to the city’s data. The death rate drops to 560.85 per 100,000 for those 65 to 74; 171.49 for ages 45 to 64; and 18.4 for ages 18 to 44. The rate is 0 for those under 18.

Although New York City has more people living in close proximity than any other American city, specific policies played a role in the death toll for both the city and state, said Arpit Gupta, an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute who co-authored a report with recommendations for reopening New York City.

“I would point to large, dense cities in Asia such as Seoul, Taipei, Tokyo, and in Hong Kong,” Gupta told The Daily Signal. “Density is not destiny. Those cities made policy decisions that New York didn’t that have contributed to the death toll we’ve seen.”

As of May 13 in Florida, COVID-19 had claimed the lives of 53 people ages 45 to 54, or 0.24 per 100,000; 138 ages 55 to 64, or 0.64 per 100,000;  296 ages 65 to 74, or 1.4; 391 ages 75 to 84, or 1.82; and 378 ages 85 and older, or 1.8.

In New York state as of May 13,  COVID-19 had killed 1,267 people ages 45 to 54, or 6.5 per 100,000; 3,039 ages 55 to 64, or 15.6 per 100,000; 4,818 ages  65 to 74, or 24.7; 5,603 ages 75 to 84, or 29; and 5,881 ages 85 and older, or 30.2.


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is the White House correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Lucas is also the author of “Tainted by Suspicion: The Secret Deals and Electoral Chaos of Disputed Presidential Elections.” Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.


How Franciscan University of Steubenville Is Helping Students in Wake of COVID-19 Pandemic

A Proposed ‘Health Defense Operations’ Slush Fund Won’t Protect US From Future Pandemics

Grassroots Petition Urging Governors to ‘Reopen Their States’ Tops 100,000 Signatures

Pill Pushers Exploiting COVID-19 to Promote Risky Telemedicine Abortions

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Obamagate — How Obama administration apparently weaponized intel agencies for political attacks

There is strong evidence that President Barack Obama’s administration improperly weaponized U.S. intelligence agencies in multiple and shocking ways against Donald Trump and other political enemies.

It appears the Obama administration did this in a number of ways, including: fraudulently obtaining Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants to spy on American citizens; promoting the Democratic National Committee-funded dossier assembled by former British spy Christopher Steele that was filled with lies about Trump; politicizing intelligence analysis; leaking intelligence; and spying on political opponents and journalists.

In the period when he was a presidential candidate and president-elect, Trump and his aides seemed to have been the major targets of this misuse of American intelligence for political purposes. But they were not the only targets.

It is imperative to uncover the extent of the Obama administration’s abuse of U.S. intelligence for political purposes. This must include a full list of every American unmasked from intelligence reports – Trump aides, members of Congress, and ordinary Americans – and who made these requests.

It would be irresponsible for the intelligence community and Congress to turn a blind eye to this abuse simply because it happened years ago. Wrongdoing by the Obama administration in this scandal – which President Trump has dubbed “Obamagate” – must be exposed to ensure such actions never take place again.

This week’s revelation that an astounding 39 Obama administration officials – including then-Vice President Joe Biden – made 53 requests to unmask incoming Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s name from National Security Agency phone intercepts between Election Day on Nov. 8, 2016 and Jan. 12, 2017 was a bombshell.

The stunning revelation regarding Obama administration spying on Flynn by secretly recording his conversations with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. at the time appears to confirm allegations by President Trump and his supporters of a broad effort by the Obama administration to weaponize intelligence to undermine the Trump presidency shortly before it began.

Flynn was simply carrying out his duties by making contact with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the transition period after Trump was elected president. It is perfectly routine for incoming members of a new presidential administration dealing with foreign affairs to contact foreign officials to introduce themselves before taking office.

Making this worse, the 53 unmasking requests by Obama administration officials are probably the tip of the iceberg of the Obama administration’s abuse of National Security Agency intelligence to target Trump aides.

House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif. confirmed this in a Fox Business interview this week on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” when he said the Flynn unmasking scandal is “even worse than this” because “a whole lot” of other Trump associates were unmasked.

With this in mind, it is frustrating to see former Obama officials, the mainstream media and some former intelligence officials brush off the Flynn unmasking requests by claiming such requests are “normal and routine” and that all relevant rules and laws were complied with.

As a former CIA officer who helped process requests to unmask the names of U.S. citizens from National Security Agency reports, I know that unmasking requests are not normal and routine. And I believe these requests raise serious civil rights and legal issues that have not yet been addressed.

From my 25 years working in U.S. government national security jobs, I know how sensitive and rare unmasking requests are.

Names of U.S. citizens mentioned in U.S. intelligence reports – often National Security Agency communications intercepts – are redacted because under U.S. law, America’s foreign intelligence services are normally not permitted to spy on U.S. citizens.

Although senior U.S. officials are permitted to ask for the identity of a redacted name in an intelligence report (an unmasking request), such requests are unusual and the requestor must have a “need to know” the identity of the U.S. person to understand the foreign intelligence information or assess its importance.

When the request is approved, the unmasked identity is released only to the person who requested it – not to everyone who might have seen the original version of the report.

For example, during my time at the State Department from 2001-2006, Deputy Secretary Richard Armitage made about 100 demasking requests. Then-Under Secretary of State John Bolton only made 10 in four years.

Ironically, Senate Democrats made Bolton’s unmasking requests an issue during his 2005 nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations by falsely claiming these requests were improper and made to intimidate people and gain political advantage.

Then-Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., said at the time that unmasking requests were “rarely requested” and made “infrequently” by “non-career political appointees such as Mr. Bolton.”

An April 14, 2005, New York Times article said this about unmasking requests in connection with the Bolton confirmation hearings: “The identities of American officials whose communications are intercepted are usually closely protected by law, and not included even in classified intelligence reports. Access to the names may be authorized by the N.S.A. only in response to special requests, and these are not common, particularly from policy makers.”

The above statements about the rarity of unmasking requests are consistent with what I witnessed during my government career. In addition, the National Security Agency tightened the rules in 2005 on unmasking because of the controversy over such requests caused by the Bolton hearing.

The Obama administration, however, appeared to weaken the unmasking rules.

The Obama administration expanded access to National Security Agency information in February 2016 and on January 12, 2017. Both changes appeared to allow larger numbers of government officials to have access to unmasked names of Americans in intelligence reporting.

Even more troubling was a major rollback by the Obama administration in rules protecting members of Congress from unmasking requests.

I know from my five years on House Intelligence Committee staff of longstanding sensitivity by lawmakers that U.S. intelligence agencies could be used by the executive branch to spy on a president’s political enemies. For this reason, until 2013 there were strict limits to keep members of Congress out of intelligence reporting and to prevent unmasking their names.

Under a policy in effect in the 1990s, unmasking requests of the names of members of Congress were extremely limited and generally had to be reported to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.

According to the Wall Street Journal, these rules were tightened further with “a 2011 NSA directive [that] required direct communications between foreign intelligence targets and members of Congress to be destroyed, but [gave] the NSA director the authority to waive this requirement if he determines the communications contain ‘significant foreign intelligence.””

However, in 2013 the Obama administration significantly weakened rules on unmasking the names of members of Congress from intelligence reports. The requestor’s reason could now merely be “to fully understand the intelligence.”

Rules on notifying Congress also were weakened. National Security Agency officials henceforth would notify Congress when members were unmasked from intelligence reports “as appropriate” and would determine “whether and to what extent congressional notification would take place.”

The Obama administration appeared to take advantage of these rules changes in 2015 when it obtained private conversations from National Security Agency reports of U.S. lawmakers who opposed the Iran nuclear deal in meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The rule changes on unmasking the names of members of Congress have a direct bearing on the Obama administration’s unmasking of Trump aides.

Since there no longer was a prohibition on using U.S. intelligence agencies to spy on members of Congress, Obama officials probably reasoned there was nothing to prevent them from spying on members of a presidential campaign or an incoming presidential administration. This helps explain the hundreds of unmasking requests regarding Trump aides in 2016 and early 2017.

So what should happen now?

In addition to an investigation of spying on American citizens by the Obama administration, all Obama administration rule changes making it easier to unmask the names of members of Congress and ordinary Americans from intelligence reports need to be reversed immediately.

There also should be a requirement in the law restricting when U.S. officials can unmask the names of members of a presidential campaign or incoming administration from intelligence reports or otherwise spy on them. These rules should include a requirement for congressional notification if such spying is deemed necessary in the future.

Finally, I want to know why career intelligence officials cooperated with unmasking Trump campaign and transition officials at the request of the Obama administration.

Since the prohibition on spying on American citizens and keeping the names of U.S citizens out of intelligence reports are cardinal rules of the U.S. intelligence community, how could career intelligence officers agree to process hundreds of these requests? Why did none of them file complaints with their inspector general or the congressional intelligence oversight committees?

The hundreds of unmasking requests of Trump campaign and transition officials made by the Obama administration were in no way routine and necessary. I believe carrying out these unmasking requests was a huge ethical lapse by dozens – maybe hundreds – of U.S. intelligence community employees that must be addressed by the White House and the leaders of our intelligence agencies.

Originally published by Fox News


About Fred Fleitz

Fred Fleitz is President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy. He recently served as a Deputy Assistant to President Trump and Chief of Staff to National Security Adviser John Bolton. He previously worked in national security positions for 25 years with CIA, DIA, the Department of State and the House Intelligence Committee staff. Read his complete bio here. Follow Fleitz on Twitter @fredfleitz.

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

White House Challenges Left’s Pandemic Playbook Narrative

The White House pushed back on the media narrative that the Obama administration left behind a pandemic “playbook” for the Trump administration.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Friday that the playbook from the Obama administration was an insufficient packet of paper, and that the Trump administration’s own pandemic response exercise in 2019 exposed its shortcomings.

On Thursday, Dr. Rick Bright, a senior adviser at the National Institutes of Health who filed a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump, told a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on health that the administration should have known more about the coronavirus.

As a result, Bright said, “we were not as prepared as we should have been.”

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“We missed early warning signals and we forgot important pages from our pandemic playbook,” Bright said. “There will be plenty of time to identify gaps for improvement.”

Much of the mainstream media, including CNN, Politico, and PBS, ran with the narrative that the Obama administration left a pathway for the Trump administration to better handle the coronavirus.

That wasn’t the case., McEnany said during the Friday press briefing.

“Some have erroneously suggested that the Trump administration threw out the pandemic response playbook left by the Obama-Biden administration,” McEnany said, holding up documents from the podium. “What the critics fail to note, however, is that this thin packet of paper was replaced by two detailed, robust pandemic response reports commissioned by the Trump administration.”

“In 2018, the Trump administration issued our pandemic crisis action plan,” she said, adding:

Further, from August 13th to the 16th, the Trump administration conducted the Crimson Contagion 2019 Functional Exercise. This was a pandemic simulation to test the nation’s ability to respond to a large-scale outbreak.

In January of 2020, [the Department of Health and Human Services] issued the Crimson Contagion 2019 Functional Exercise after-action report. This exercise exposed the shortcomings in legacy planning documents, which informed President Trump’s coronavirus response.


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is the White House correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Lucas is also the author of “Tainted by Suspicion: The Secret Deals and Electoral Chaos of Disputed Presidential Elections.” Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.


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RELATED VIDEO: Hopkins: Britain, Boris and Lethal Socialized Healthcare.

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.