Cruz: Obama Should Apologize to Nation in State of the Union

By Andrew Johnson.

With the bungled launch of and the Affordable Care Act causing millions to lose their health-care coverage, Ted Cruz urged the president to use Tuesday’s State of the Union address to apologize to the American people.

“For the State of the Union, one of the things President Obama really ought to do is look in the TV camera and say to the over 5 million Americans all across this country who’ve had their health insurance canceled because of Obamacare, to look in the camera and say, ‘I’m sorry — I told you if you like your health-insurance plan, you can keep it…’”



White Paper: Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement

Lately, the gay movement seems to be making large gains in its war on America’s Judeo-Christian culture. Gay characters have become the norm on sitcoms; it has become fashionable to attack the Boy Scouts; homosexual propaganda inundates many of our public schools; nearly all the mainstream religious denominations have “revised” their understanding of Biblical teaching concerning homosexuality; and the gay “rights” legislative agenda is succeeding beyond the advocates’ wildest imaginations.

And yet the destructive impact homosexuality has upon Western Civilization is rarely discussed by columnists, reporters, religious leaders, politicians or by anyone else for that matter. Even some conservative publications choose to ignore the issue and instead have published articles arguing for greater tolerance of the gay lifestyle.

Indeed, on the homosexual issue, conservatives seem divided between a “live and let live” attitude and one that concludes that the homosexual agenda will have to be curtailed if the Judeo-Christian culture is to survive. However, overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy often accompanied by disorders that have dire consequences for our culture. A vast amount of data demonstrating the deviant nature of the gay lifestyle is ignored by the media as well as the leadership of the psychological, psychiatric, and medical professions.

It is difficult to convey the dark side of the homosexual culture without appearing harsh. However, it is time to acknowledge that homosexual behavior threatens the foundation of Western civilization ─ the nuclear family. An unmistakable manifestation of the attack on the family unit is the homosexual community’s efforts to target children both for their own sexual pleasure and to enlarge the homosexual movement. The homosexual community and its allies in the media scoff at this argument. They insist it is merely a tactic to demonize the homosexual movement. After all, they argue, heterosexual molestation is a far more serious problem.

Unfortunately, the truth is stranger than fiction. Research confirms that homosexuals molest children at a rate vastly higher than heterosexuals, and the mainstream homosexual culture commonly promotes sex with children. Homosexual leaders repeatedly argue for the freedom to engage in consensual sex with children, and blind surveys reveal a shockingly high number of homosexuals admit to sexual contact with minors. Indeed, the homosexual community is driving the worldwide campaign to lower the legal age of consent.

This trend comes at the expense of our children’s safety. The incident in Los Angeles involving group homes operated by the Gay and Lesbian Adolescent Social Services (GLASS) exemplifies this danger. GLASS receives taxpayer monies to take in troubled youth referred to them by the social service departments of various southern counties in California.

GLASS’s own website should have been warning enough. GLASS believes that some children are born gay (a view not backed by any science) and announced that they target “youth who are confused about their sexual identities.” The website links to a myriad of gay sites targeting the youth, including one promoting a book that promotes sex with children. GLASS’s founder and former executive director, Teresa DeCrescenzo, edited a book that helps youth discover their homosexuality.

It came as no surprise that the California Department of Social Services found “on numerous occasions beginning at least as early as 1994, adults affiliated with GLASS, including staff members, members of the GLASS board of directors and volunteers, sexually abused or molested children who were placed with GLASS.” The Department of Social Services found that DeCrescenzo, aware of the allegations of molestation, determined staff conduct not to be inappropriate. Apparently, DeCrescenzo believes molestation is part of the “coming out” process that she glorifies in her writings.

One would think that a molestation factory disguised as a group home would be a good reason for the State of California to shut down the whole GLASS group home operation. Remarkably, the state of California, allowing GLASS to continue operation, removed a few individuals and placed GLASS on probation. Even though additional molestation incidents occurred at GLASS facilities in 1999, they remain in operation until this day.

A Los Angeles Times investigation found that, in some cases, “it appears authorities never fully investigated those reports.” Indeed, not one person has been charged with child molestation or endangerment by state Attorney General Bill Lockyer, an avid promoter of the gay agenda. After all, that would be hateful. If such a group home were operated by heterosexuals, the facilities would be shut down, any existing licenses revoked, and numerous criminal charges filed.

Homosexuals are targeting not just youth group homes, but all groups that work with youth. When a California family sued the Scouts in 1993 for exposing their son to a Scout leader who molested him, the Scouts were ordered to turn over 25,000 pages of documents to the plaintiff. This unprecedented glimpse into the world of Scout pedophiles revealed that thousands of boys had been molested by Scout leaders and other volunteers between 1971 and 1991 resulting in the expulsion of over 1,800 Scout volunteers for pedophile activity. The documents show that some Scout leaders molested over forty boys before getting caught and that many, once caught, simply moved to a different Scout troop and continued abusing boys.

Gay activists have spun the Scout molestation epidemic as a heterosexual problem. Examination of many of the higher profile cases, however, reveals that Scout molesters are attracted exclusively to boys and many lead mainstream gay lifestyles. John Hemstreet is a typical example. Hemstreet is a convicted child molester, former Boy Scout leader, and currently the President of the Toledo, Ohio chapter of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). PFLAG is one of the groups leading the nationwide attack on the Boy Scouts of America.

Incredibly, the pro-pedophile group, North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which calls itself a homosexual group, wrote a letter to the national Scout office urging “the Boy Scouts of America to cease its discrimination against openly gay or lesbian persons in the appointment of its scoutmasters and scouters and in its membership. This will permit scouts to be exposed to a variety of lifestyles and will permit more of those individuals who genuinely wish to serve boys to do so.”

Using twisted logic, pro-gay academics argue in various social science journals that the molestation of boys is not a gay lifestyle issue and that such men are not really homosexuals. It is simply amazing that gay propagandists and sexology “experts” are successfully bamboozling the public and the media into believing that a man’s exclusive focus on young males should not be defined as homosexuality! But if an exclusive attraction of a male to other males of any age is not homosexuality, what is?

On one hand, homosexuals publicly claim that the molestation of boys is not part of the homosexual lifestyle. On the other, they are quietly establishing the legal parameters exempting the molestation of boys from prosecution on anti-discrimination grounds. For example, in Nevada a forty-two year-old man was arrested for molesting a sixteen year-old boy but was not charged by the district attorney. The reason given was that to do so would “discriminate against a class of people.” The deputy district attorney added that to charge the man “would be singling out homosexuals.” For years, conservatives have argued that so called anti-discrimination laws would eventually lead to granting legal protections for various homosexual deviances. It appears that time is coming sooner than expected.

Research on the homosexual lifestyle confirms it is almost exclusively a youth oriented culture. Very few gays exhibit a preference for older men. Some admit to a focus on teenage boys, some on prepubescent boys, and many cross over between categories. All are subsets of the homosexual deviancy. Moreover, most pedophiles consider themselves to be gay. In a 1988 study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, 86% of pedophiles described themselves as homosexual or bisexual. Child prostitution expert Dr. Jennifer James reports that the number of boy prostitutes who identify themselves as homosexuals has risen from 10% to 60% in the last fifteen years.

Most of the public is by now aware of NAMBLA, a group that openly promotes sex with minor boys and claims that boy-lovers respond to the needs of the boys they love. NAMBLA is currently the target of a class action lawsuit by parents of children molested and, in one case, murdered by individuals associated with NAMBLA. Publicly, the mainstream gay organizations distance themselves from NAMBLA. Clearly, this is merely a public relations ploy as the gay leadership realizes its agenda would suffer greatly if the public knew the truth.

The reality is that NAMBLA not only describes itself as part of the gay rights coalition, but its literature states that one of its goals is “cooperating with the lesbian, gay, and other movements for sexual liberation.” NAMBLA even “provide[s] financial and other assistance to GLB [Gay, lesbian, bi-sexual] youth organizations . . . .” Indeed, some NAMBLA chapters meet at mainstream gay centers such as Philadelphia’s Gay and Lesbian Community Center. NAMBLA’s meetings and conferences always feature mainstream gay leaders and speakers. For example, Don Kilhefner, of the Los Angeles Gay Community Service Center, gave a speech to Los Angeles NAMBLA members on the subject of “The Significance of Man/Boy Love in the Gay Community.”

The most comprehensive gay networking website, the Queer Resource Directory (, links every gay group in the country including NAMBLA and other homosexual groups that focus on youth. NAMBLA marches in gay pride parades with the consent of the gay leadership. Many of the homosexual movement’s most prominent leaders endorse NAMBLA and its goals. Gay authors and leaders such as Allen Ginsberg, Gayle Rubin, Larry Kramer (founder of ACT-UP), Pat Califia, Jane Rule, Michael Kearns, and Michel Foucault have all written in favor of either NAMBLA or man-boy relationships. Harry Hay, whom many consider the founder of the American homosexual movement, invited NAMBLA members to march with him in the 1993 “March on Washington” gay rights parade. He also marched in the 1986 Los Angeles gay parade wearing a shirt emblazoned with the words “NAMBLA walks with me.”

Leading mainstream homosexual newspapers and magazines such as the Advocate, Edge, Metroline, The Guide, and The San Francisco Sentinel have not only published pro-NAMBLA articles and columns but also many have editorialized in favor of NAMBLA and sex with children. The editor of The Guide, Ed Hougen, stated in an interview with Lambda Report, “I believe they [NAMBLA] are generally interested in the right of young people to be sexual . . . . I am glad there is a group like NAMBLA that is willing to be courageous.” The San Francisco Sentinel was more blunt: “NAMBLA’s position on sex is not unreasonable, just unpopular. [W]hen a 14 year old gay boy approaches a man for sex, it’s because he wants sex with a man.”

There is also the matter of NAMBLA’s membership status in the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA), recognized at one time by the United Nations as the official Non-Government Organization (NGO) representing the gay community worldwide. When NAMBLA’s ILGA membership became public, a whirlwind of international controversy erupted. Some gay leaders viewed this attention as harmful to the gay movement’s image and goals and urged the expulsion of NAMBLA for purely political purposes.

However, the media failed to report that ILGA itself had hosted workshops on pedophilia and passed resolutions in 1985, 1988, and 1990 to abolish age of consent laws claiming that “same sex age of consent laws often operate to oppress and not to protect” and supported “the right of every individual, regardless of age, to explore and develop her or his sexuality.”

Eventually, reacting to congressional legislation threatening the reduction of $119 million in financial support, the United Nations kicked out ILGA in 1995 for refusing to sever ties with a half dozen member groups that advocated or promoted pedophilia. Revealingly, even though ILGA did expel NAMBLA (many say it was for show), it could not muster enough support among its membership to expel other more powerful and discreet pro-pedophile organizations from Germany and other countries. It is extremely revealing that the majority of members of the world’s leading homosexual coalition, the ILGA, decided they would rather be excluded from UN deliberations than vote out groups that advocate sex with children.

Aside from support for NAMBLA by the mainstream gay community, there is a wealth of evidence that homosexuals are the prime force behind the escalating child molestation epidemic. Indeed, over the last fifteen years the homosexual community and its academic allies have published a large quantity of articles that claim sex with children is not harmful to children but, as stated in one homosexual journal, “constitute an aspect of gay and lesbian life.” Such articles have appeared in pro-homosexual academic journals such as The Journal of Homosexuality, The Journal of Sex Research, Archives of Sexual Behavior, and The International Journal of Medicine and Law. The editorial board of the leading pedophile academic journal, Paidika, is dominated by prominent homosexual scholars such as San Francisco State University professor John DeCecco, who happens to edit the Journal of Homosexuality.

Indeed, the Journal of Homosexuality is the premier academic journal of the mainstream homosexual world and yet it published a special double issue entitled, Male Intergenerational Intimacy, containing dozens of articles portraying sex between men and minor boys as loving relationships. One article states that parents should view the pedophile who loves their son “not as a rival or competitor, not as a theft of their property, but as a partner in the boy’s upbringing, someone to be welcomed into their home.”

Similarly, mainstream gay publications make no effort to hide their pro-pedophilia views. For example, BLK, a leading black homosexual publication, defended pedophilia with an article entitled, “Must Men Who Love Boys Be Guilty of Sexual Misconduct?” San Francisco’s leading homosexual newspaper, The Sentinel, bluntly editorialized, “The love between man and boys is at the foundation of homosexuality.”

In 1995, the homosexual magazine Guide stated:

We can be proud that the gay movement has been home to the few voices who have had the courage to say out loud that children are naturally sexual, that they deserve the right to sexual expression with whoever they choose . . . [w]e must listen to our prophets. Instead of fearing being labeled pedophiles, we must proudly proclaim that sex is good, including children’s sexuality . . . . We must do it for the children’s sake.
Without equivocating, the Guide is saying that gays must molest children for their own sake!

While the mainstream media has apparently refused to engage in any kind of investigative expose of the gay movement, it is not difficult to find support for child sex among key homosexual leaders in their publications and literature. For example, the founder of the infamous homosexual group, ACT-UP, Larry Kramer, wrote in his book, Report from the Holocaust: The Making of an AIDS Activist, “In those instances where children do have sex with their homosexual elders, be they teachers or anyone else, I submit that often, very often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it.”

In a letter to the editor of a gay newspaper, Andy Humm, a key leader of one of America’s largest gay youth groups, Advocates for Youth, said, “No one should be denied basic civil rights because of his or her orientation, whether the person be homosexual, heterosexual, transsexual, transvestite, pedophile, sadist, masochist, asexual, whatever one can imagine . . . . They are in themselves natural variations.”

A 1995 content analysis by Dr. Judith Reisman of the Institute for Media Education, focusing on advertisements in the nation’s most influential homosexual newspaper, The Advocate, reveals that 63% of the personal ads sought or offered prostitution. Many of them openly solicit boys. The Advocate also advertises a “Penetrable Boy Doll . . . available in 3 provocative positions.” Reisman found that the number of erotic boy images per issue of The Advocate averaged fourteen. Some homosexual publications, such as the southern Californian newspaper Update, are brazen enough to advertise for donations for the legal costs of homosexuals arrested for child molestation.

Indeed, NAMBLA and other pro-pedophile literature can be found wherever homosexuals congregate (homosexual bookstores, bathhouses, festivals, gay bars, etc.). When Americans for Truth About Homosexuality leader Peter LaBarbera asked the manager of one of Boston’s leading gay bookstores, Glad Day Bookshop, to quit selling pedophile literature he replied, “Our policy is to sell everything that’s available to the [gay] community.”

The owner of a prominent Philadelphia gay bookstore, Giovanni’s Room, pulled NAMBLA’s literature off its shelves only due to boycott threats but commented, “I think it’s a strange day for gay culture when we start banning something because it makes us uncomfortable . . . especially when that thing is a foundation of gay literature. If we pulled all the books that had adult-youth sexual themes, we wouldn’t have many novels, memoirs, or biographies left.”

The most popular gay fiction books on the market today are rich with idyllic accounts of intergenerational relationships according to writer Philip Guichard in a Village Voice article. Doubleday published a book in 1998, The Gay Canon: Great Books Every Gay Man Should Read, which recommends numerous works that portray sex with boys in a positive manner. The Border bookstore chain sells a book, A History of Gay Literature: The Male Tradition, which includes a chapter devoted to the history of pro-pedophile literature as an indisputable part of homosexual literary history.

The Gay Men’s Press publishes a best seller list on which appear such books as Dares to Speak: History and Contemporary Perspectives on Boy-Love, Some Boys, and For a Lost Soldier. All these books can only be described as pro-pedophile. The authoritative Encyclopedia of Homosexuality claims to acknowledge, “the fact that until very recently man/boy love relationships were accepted as a part, and indeed were a major part, of male homosexuality.” The leading dictionary of the homosexual culture, The Queens’ Vernacular, lists 254 of its 12,000 words as having to do with sex with boys.

One of the nation’s largest publishers of homosexual literature and books, Alyson Publications, also publishes pro-pedophile books such as Gay Sex: A Manual for Men Who Love Men. This book contains detailed instructions for homosexuals on how to avoid discovery and arrest when having sex with boys: “Avoid situations where a number of men are having sex with the same boy, or group of boys, over a period of time.” Unknown to most people, Alyson Publications is also probably America’s largest provider of pro-gay literature and reading material to public schools. Unfortunately, this market is growing at a tremendous pace. The infamous Heather has Two Mommies, currently being used in many public school systems to educate children about homosexuality, is an Alyson Publications book.

Even the alleged birthplace of the modern day homosexual movement, the Stonewall Bar in New York City, was notorious as a place where older homosexuals arranged to meet young boys for sex.

“Mainstream” homosexual conferences commonly feature speeches about intergenerational sex as it is now called. For example, at one of the nation’s largest homosexual gatherings, the annual National Gay Lesbian Task Force convention, featured a workshop at its 2001 confab entitled, Your Eyes Say Yes But the Law Says No, which included a speech by an S&M activist about laws affecting intergenerational sex. The convention also featured another workshop entitled Drag 101: How to Turn Kids in Make-up into Kings and Queens.

Pick up any gay newspaper or gay travel publication and one finds ads for sex tours to Burma, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and other countries infamous for boy prostitution. Published exposés on such tours by former homosexuals reveal that thousands of American gay men are patronizing boy prostitutes around the world. The most popular travel guide for homosexuals, Spartacus Gay Guides, is replete with information about where to find boys for sex and, as a friendly warning, lists penalties in various countries for sodomy with boys if caught.

The government of Sri Lanka announced that more than 10,000 boy prostitutes work its beaches as a result of the high demand created by affluent Western homosexuals. But the dirty little secret of the American homosexual community is the thousands of boy prostitutes who service them within our borders. A book exposing the boy prostitution world, For Money or Love, Boy Prostitution in America, reveals that boys are selling themselves not only in the cities of New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Chicago, Baltimore, and New Orleans, but also in smaller towns across the country. In street jargon, the boys are known as “chickens” and their customers are known as “chickenhawks.”

Homosexual Internet sites are no different. A quick search using the words “gay” and “boys” easily locates thousands of homosexual sites that promote sex with young boys and/or contain child pornography. Indeed, it is the mainstream homosexual groups who filed suit to block Virginia Legislation, passed in 2001, restricting Internet use that proves harmful to children (such as chat rooms commonly used by pedophiles to find victims). Similarly, a pedophile’s conviction in Iowa for showing pornographic videos to five minor boys sparked widespread protests from homosexual activists when the conviction was upheld on appeal by the Iowa Supreme Court.

The Holy Grail of the pedophile movement is the lowering or elimination of all age of consent laws. The main warriors in this political and legal battle are “mainstream” homosexual groups. Robert Knight and Frank York of the Family Research Council have thoroughly documented this in a report. “As far back as 1972, the National Coalition of Gay Organizations adopted a ‘gay rights platform’ that included a demand to ‘repeal all laws governing the age of sexual consent.’”

It is homosexual activists within the United Nations who are lobbying to give sexual rights to underage children. In England, the campaign is being led by Outrage! and Stonewall, both homosexual organizations. The Dutch homosexual group, Association for the Integration of Homosexuality, has succeeded in lowering the age of legal sex to twelve in Holland. Assisting them was another homosexual group, the COC, which stated:

The liberation of pedophilia must be viewed as a gay issue . . . [and that] ages of consent should therefore be abolished . . . by acknowledging the affinity between homosexuality and pedophilia, the COC has quite possible made it easier for homosexual adults to become more sensitive to the erotic desires of younger members of their sex, thereby broadening gay identity.

In Canada, the effort is led by homosexual activist and NAMBLA defender Gerald Hannon. In America, aside from NAMBLA, the effort is supported by most of the major homosexual organizations such as the National Gay Task Force. Indeed, the annual homosexual “March on Washington” invariably releases a “statement of demands” which includes abolishing age of consent laws. Homosexuals in Hawaii have already successfully lowered the age of consent there to fourteen. To be frank, it is difficult to find an advocate of lowering the age of consent laws in the United States or elsewhere who is not a homosexual activist.

What then does the academic literature say about the relationship between homosexuality and child molestation? Quite a bit, actually. Scientific studies confirm a strong pedophilic predisposition among homosexuals.

Family Research Institute founder and psychologist Paul Cameron, reviewing more than nineteen different academic reports and peer reviewed studies in a 1985 Psychological Reports article, found that homosexuals account for between 25% and 40% of all child molestation. Sex researchers Freund, Heasman, Racansky, and Glancy, for example, in an 1984 Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy article, put the number at 36%. Erickson, Walbek, Sely, in a 1988 Archives of Sexual Behavior article, places it at 86% when the children being molested are male.

However, it should be noted that homosexuals account for only 2% of the population which statistically means that a child molester is ten to twenty times more likely to be homosexual than heterosexual. In other words, heterosexual molestations proportionally are a fraction compared to homosexual molestations. More recent studies confirm this statistic. In 2000, the Archives of Sexual Behavior published an article by seven sex researchers concluding that ‘‘around 25-40% of men attracted to children prefer boys. Thus the rate of homosexual attraction is 6-20 times higher among pedophiles.”

Sexual violence expert and professor of psychiatry Eugene Abel, in a 1987 study published by the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, concluded that homosexuals sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is five times greater than the molestation of girls.

In a 1992 study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, sex researchers K. Freud and R. I. Watson found that homosexual males are three times more likely than straight men to engage in pedophilia and that the average pedophile victimizes between 20 and 150 boys before being arrested.
Other data has come to the forefront confirming that sex with young boys is a way of life for many homosexuals. In 1993, the United States Army, Office of Judge Advocate, issued a study that analyzed 102 court martial convictions having to do with soldiers involved in homosexual acts over a four-year period. The study found that in 47% of the cases, homosexual men victimized a youth.

A content analysis of molestation stories by the Family Research Institute involving five major newspapers found around 40% involved homosexuals, but this number is low due to the fact that many reporters will not report if a child molester is homosexual even if he knows that to be the case.

A study by sex researchers Alan Bell and Martin Weinberg found that 25% of white gay men have had sex with boys sixteen years and younger. The Family Research Institute conducted a similar study and found that “11 times more gays than exclusively heterosexual men reported sex with a man while they were under the age of 13.” A study by homosexual activists and researchers Jay and Young revealed that 73% of homosexuals surveyed had sex with boys sixteen to nineteen years of age or younger.

In a study on male rape published by the American Journal of Psychiatry, it was found that 6% of rape victims reported to a Philadelphia rape crisis center were boys under sixteen years old. And women are not raping them.

This type of behavior, however, is considered normal in psychiatric circles due to the influence of homosexual psychiatrists within the American Psychiatric Association. It is the homosexual caucus within that body that pushed to rewrite the diagnostic criteria for pedophilia. The new definition defines sex with children as a psychological disorder only if it causes “clinically significant distress” for the molester! Under that definition, most molesters are perfectly normal people!

The American Psychological Association appears to have similar sympathies when it published a sloppy and error-filled article in its Psychological Bulletin in July 1998, arguing that there is no research documenting that sexual child abuse is harmful to children and that “a willing encounter with positive reactions would be labeled simply adult-child sex” instead of using terms such as child abuse and victim. There was no outcry from the homosexual community. Indeed, they either remained silent or publicly defended the article. One of the nation’s most prominent homosexual journalists, Andrew Sullivan, attacked critics of the study in the New York Times. In the National Journal, gay journalist Jonathan Rauch strongly defended the study and argued that child molestation should be called “adult-adolescent sex.”

The epidemic in male child molestation occurring simultaneously with the rise of an aggressive homosexual subculture is not coincidental. Due to the AIDS virus, molestation is often a death sentence. Further, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that 50% of male AIDS victims reported having sex with an adult male by the age of 16, and 20% had sex with an adult male by the age of 10.

The Center of Disease Control (CDC) recently reported that as of the year 2000, there are now 31,293 AIDS cases in the 13-24-age category. The HIV/AIDs Surveillance Reports maintained by the CDC demonstrate that for the last few years around half of the age group 13-24 HIV victims were infected with the disease as a result of sex with adult men. However, one must bear in mind that due to the incubation period of the HIV/AIDS disease, many of these boys and young men were infected as long as ten years previous to the reporting of their cases. This translates into roughly 15,000 boys that have been infected by adult men since the CDC started to compile this information. This is an epidemic no one seems to want to talk about.

Indeed, the response instead has been an escalating effort by the homosexual community to compromise every major youth group possible and to inundate our public schools with pro-homosexual curricula, counseling, and social activities. The YMCA, Girl Scouts, and the Big Brothers, despite also being plagued by molestation incidents, have all capitulated to homosexual pressure campaigns. Indeed, Girl Scout leaders writing in the 1997 book, On My Honor: Lesbians Reflect on their Scouting Experience, reveal that the Girl Scouts are inundated with lesbians─a third of its professional staff is lesbian─and they have even initiated a lesbian mentoring program! The Boy Scouts now stand alone among America’s major youth groups in resisting the homosexual agenda – and that explains why they are under such ferocious legal, legislative, and cultural attack.

Moreover, the liberal media omits any mention of a person’s homosexuality in covering molestation stories. This is reinforced by pressure from homosexual groups. The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLADD) disseminated a “media guide” to reporters nationwide in which they urge:

A criminal’s . . . sexual orientation is not always obvious (or relevant) based simply on the circumstances of a crime . . . . [A]s a rule avoid labeling an activity or emotion as “homosexual’’ unless you would call the same activity “heterosexual” or “straight” if engaged in by someone of another sexual orientation.

The homosexual community knows that the capture of all major youth groups is absolutely necessary to the expansion of its movement. They know what most social scientists and sex researchers know but refuse to talk about: homosexually-molested children are likely to become homosexual. After all, one of the most common characteristics of homosexual molesters is the fact that they were molested themselves during boyhood. An article published by the American Medical Association reported that, “Abused adolescents, particularly those victimized by males, were up to 7 times more likely to self-identity as gay or bisexual than peers who had not been abused.”

It is high time that America’s elected officials, health authorities, education leaders, and law enforcement officials act to not only tell the harsh truth─the homosexual community has targeted America’s youth─but act now to counter this horrible trend. Failure to do so will have disastrous consequences for both our culture and for the health of our children.

EDITORS NOTE: To print a downloadable copy of this white paper with references click here. This paper originally appeared in Regents University Law Review in 2002.

RELATED COLUMN: 5 Horrific Examples of Cultural Decay in America

Blame Cronyism for Obamacare Website Disaster

As we all know, the launching of the Affordable Care Act was a colossal disaster. We won’t even talk about the content of the law and the incredible burden it has placed upon health care providers, insurance companies, and worst of all, American consumers. We’ll confine this article toward analyzing the web site boondoggle which began on day one, October 1st.

Consider this: Before computers existed, the United States and its allies won a major war on two fronts on planet Earth, one against Nazi Germany and the other, imperial Japan in a period of 3 ½ years. That’s roughly the same period of time that was afforded the Obama administration to get a website in place for Obamacare.

But it failed.

Besides all the verbal tap dancing, has anyone in the administration competently explained how and why this happened?  Has anyone been held accountable for the wasted expenditure of $678 million which, along with three years of preparation, should have been ample resources to launch a new web site?  Have we been able to pinpoint the source of the incompetence?

Maybe the mainstream media won’t touch the subject, but the answer – or a good part thereof – is pretty clear. Start with Michelle Obama and that dreaded tag: Cronyism. That’s right, the company that earned the contract for building the website for 2/3 of a billion dollars was CGI Federal, whose senior vice-president is Toni Townes-Whitley. Whitley and Michelle Obama were friends and classmates at Princeton and both are members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni. It has been reported that Townes-Whitley and her husband spent Christmas at the White House with the Obamas in 2010, shortly after the contract award. That must have been a helluva toast.

What makes it more audacious is how the Obamas by-passed the normal government process of sending out specifications for bid, then evaluating and assessing all the companies that apply until the most experienced, most competent, most deserving and most cost effective win the bid.

But that didn’t happen in the Obama dynasty. While the House Committee on Energy and Commerce learned that four companies were prepared to bid for the contract, only CGI was considered, and then awarded the contract – No Bid! No competition.

There is no other explanation. It was a fix.

Not only did the administration employ incompetent people to set up a crucial website, they were equally responsible for failing to abide by the process that is supposed to prevent corruption in the system and assure Americans their tax dollars are well applied.

Where is the outrage by the mainstream media?

Sure, Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius is on the hot seat at all the hearings, and she should be fired as well. But don’t count on it. When the heat dies down, she’ll likely get a loyalty promotion much like Susan Rice who lied through her teeth to five television stations following the Benghazi fiasco. Fact is, Sebelius is a convenient distraction from getting to the truth.

Since the cat is out of the box, we have come to learn that if the web site was constructed by a few computer-savvy technicrats, they could have put it together in three days, not three years, at a fraction of the cost. But who was looking? (see link, below)

That might be a stretch, but I’d easily bet that a competent team who was properly vetted could have had the site up and running in a matter of weeks or months, regardless of complications.  But that was not on the agenda for the Obama dynasty.

It is utterly amazing that this president skids scot-free on every scandal that points directly to the Oval Office, and never held accountable.

This one is obvious.  Maybe, too obvious.

Yet, we – the American taxpayers – are, and will remain, the loser.


Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate was Obamacare website builder | The Daily Caller

Michelle Obama’s ‘no-bid’ friend spent Christmas at the White House – BizPac Review

Three 20-Year-Olds Make Their Own WORKING Obamacare Site – In Just Three Days | Ben Swann Truth In Media

Study: Teen Pregnancy Rate Drops 45.7 Percent When Planned Parenthood Leaves Town

A study across the Texas Panhandle, using government statistics from 16 counties, found that the teen pregnancy rates among 13-17-year olds from 1994 through 2010 showed dramatic declines even as Planned Parenthood Federation of America facilities in the region shutdown—dwindling from 19 family planning facilities to zero.

For decades, PPFA has publicly maintained that it serves a key healthcare role for the American public by educating teens on “safe sex,” providing contraceptives, and reducing pregnancies. The breakthrough study titled “A Longitudinal Analysis of PPFA and Teen Pregnancy in the Texas Panhandle” refutes that claim. Found within a meta-analysis of Planned Parenthood, the report states that the teen pregnancy rate “reached its lowest point in recorded history two years after disaffiliation of the last two remaining facilities.”

The study analyzed data obtained from the Texas Department of State Health Services, Vital Statistics Annual Report, Table 14B, for the years 1994 through 2010: “In 1996, the year before opposition to Planned Parenthood began, the average teen pregnancy rate in the 16 counties where Planned Parenthood operated facilities was 43.6 per 1,000 girls aged 13 to 17. By 2002, the rate had dropped to 28.6. In 2008, the year the last two Planned Parenthood facilities disaffiliated from PPFA, the teen pregnancy rate was 27.2. And in 2010, two years after the Texas Panhandle became Planned Parenthood-free, the teen pregnancy rate had fallen to 24.1.”

Read more at Christian Post.

Federal Judge Grants Injunctive Relief from HHS Mandate for Five Non-Profits

On Monday, January 13, 2014, Federal District Judge Stephen J. Murphy, III, granted injunctive relief to five additional non-profit organizations in the Thomas More Law Center’s newest challenge to the HHS Mandate filed in the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.

This newest challenge on behalf of the five non-profit entities was brought by Erin Mersino, trial counsel with the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  The non-profit Plaintiffs include the Ave Maria Foundation, Ave Maria Communications (aka “Ave Maria Radio”), Domino’s Farms Petting Farm, Rhodora J. Donahue Academy Inc., and the Thomas More Law Center, all founded by Catholic philanthropist Tom Monaghan.

Murphy with CaptionIn granting the injunction, Judge Murphy noted that the Plaintiffs showed “a strong likelihood of succeeding on the merits” of their case.  The Court rejected the government’s argument that the accommodation to the Mandate, which required the Plaintiffs to either pay for contraceptives and abortion-causing drugs directly or sign a “self-certification” which would act as a permission slip to their insurance company to pay for contraceptives and abortion-causing drugs, was sufficient to alleviate the Plaintiffs’ constitutional objections.  The government belittled the Plaintiffs’ religious beliefs by nakedly claiming that the Mandate did not violate them—despite the Plaintiffs’ sworn statements to the contrary and the government’s own position that never challenged the sincerity of the Plaintiffs’ religious beliefs.

The Court, in rejecting the government’s position, proclaimed that “It is not the government’s business to decide what behavior has religious significance.”

The Court also made note of the “sheer number of exemptions” which allows other companies to avoid compliance with the Mandate, while the Plaintiffs did not qualify for an exemption and without judicial intervention would be forced to comply.  The Court recognized that since so many are exempted by the government from complying with the Mandate, there is no necessity for the Plaintiffs to comply at the expense of violating their sincerely held religious beliefs.

The injunction protects the five entities from any compliance with the HHS Mandate. The government’s Mandate would have required the Plaintiffs to facilitate access to contraceptive and abortion-causing drugs and devices, as well as sterilization procedures, through their health insurance plan.

The Plaintiffs originally filed their federal lawsuit on December 20, 2013, and on December 23, 2013, they filed an Emergency Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order.  On December 31, 2014, hours before the Mandate would have been implemented against the Plaintiffs, the Court issued the Temporary Restraining Order blocking the enforcement of the Mandate and protecting the Plaintiffs for a limited fourteen day period while the Court considered the Plaintiffs’ request for relief.  This Monday, January 13, 2014, Judge Murphy gave his prior order more permanence by granting the Plaintiffs’ motion for a preliminary injunction which will protect the Plaintiffs through the pendency of the case.

Click here to read the Court’s Opinion

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, commented on Judge Murphy’s ruling:

“Christians in America are under increasing attack by the Federal Government.  And it’s important we realize that we must look to the Federal Courts to protect our religious freedom guaranteed under the First Amendment to the Constitution.   In this particular case, we are grateful for Judge Murphy’s decision and the expeditious manner in which he rendered it.”

The ultimate purpose of the lawsuit is to permanently block the implementation of the HHS Mandate which requires employers to obtain insurance coverage for abortions and contraception on the grounds that it imposes clear violations of conscience on Americans who morally object to abortion and contraception.

The lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of the HHS Mandate under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the First Amendment, and the Administrative Procedure Act. Named as Defendants in the lawsuit are Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services; Thomas Perez, Secretary of the Department of Labor; Jack Lew, Secretary of the Department of the Treasury; and their respective departments.

Pope Francis Unquestionably Condemns Abortion as Wrong

Pope Francis is making news this morning after he suggested that abortion “kills children who will never see the light of day.”

The popular Pope, who has consistently spoken against abortion, raises the issue just 10 days before the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

He noted that abortion is part of a “throwaway” culture that wastes people and food. He also called for more respect for the elderly and the protection of children from exploitation of many kinds.

Heritage policy analyst Sarah Torre weighed in, telling The Foundry, “As the Pope alluded to, abortion harms all of us. It has created a culture that disregards the dignity of human life, endangers women, demeans motherhood and denigrates men’s role as fathers.”

In the remarks, distributed today, Francis reaffirmed his position:

“Every unborn child, though unjustly condemned to be aborted, has the face of the Lord, who even before his birth, and then as soon as he was born, experienced the rejection of the world.”

The Pope’s words come at a time when pro-life activists around the country are set to take part in the annual March for Life in Washington next week.’s Carol Tobias in her article “Young Americans in the Post Roe v. Wade Generations Will End Abortion” writes:

I had the opportunity in recent months to speak on the campuses of both Princeton University, as a guest of the American Whig-Cliosophic Society, and the University of Dallas, as a guest of Crusaders for Life. These are two very different campuses, but both had wonderful, sincere students with similar questions.

Many of them wanted to know how they can impact their generation in favor of life. One young man wanted to know if he should even get involved in what is touted as “a woman’s issue.” Another wanted to know how he could influence people since he isn’t very outgoing and comfortable with bringing up the issue of abortion for discussion.

One young lady already has a plan to get involved in politics and hopes to end up in Congress. Others wanted to know about internship possibilities with NRLC or wanted more information on our summer Academy, or “pro-life boot camp” as I like to call it.

Read more.

Time to stop the killing of the innocent brought about by a few men in black robes.

RELATED COLUMN: Are US Judges more Racist and Bigoted than either the Ku Klux Klan or New Black Panthers?

50 Years Ago: The Bad News about Cigarettes became Clear – To Some

The headline from the Greensboro News & Record reminds us of Virginia Slim’s slogan, “You’ve come a long way [down] baby.” Millions have died prematurely and unnecessarily.

From the days of a liberated Eve expressing her freedom to eat what she wanted, millions of rebellious youth said No to mom and yes to peer pressure to smoke, drink, do drugs or have sex, but Oh, the pain and suffering later.

A German proverb says, “Ve get too soon oldt and too late schmart.

It comes down to our own willingness. After all, the tobacco companies still will not admit their product ruins health. The question is, What evidence are we willing to accept and are we willing to learn from others?

Someone said, kissing a smoker is like kissing an ashtray. Why didn’t Hollywood get this straight 100 years ago before the US government let tobacco companies gift the GIs shipping off to war with cigarettes and returning hooked?

Hindsight proves the government is so stupid.

  1. They thought smoking (though unnatural) was okay, and may be a money-maker by allowing it, but taxing the tobacco companies. Bad #1.
  2. Then they subsidized the tobacco grower to help him grow tobacco profitably. Bad #2.
  3. Then they subsidized health care because tobacco causes heart and lung disease. Bad #3.
  4. NOW the government wants to control the whole medical scene. BAD #4.

The government can’t even run the postal system profitably, what makes them think their control of the medical care system will work? Probably they are not convinced, but the trillions of dollars in the system makes their hand in the cookie jar an irresistible temptation.

Just as telling lies becomes a way of life to some kids to evade responsibility, the government does this so well–You can keep your doctor. You can keep your health plan. It will cost less…Lies!

We are probably at the end of freedom as we are inducted into a system that will force us to have National ID that we rejected under Hillary 20 years ago–a foreshadow of when government will mark, number and control everyone as suggested in Revelation 13:16-18?

For a short documentary of the lies and our impending loss of freedom, watch this short video:

But it’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. The title of this article pays tribute to then US Surgeon General Terry who reviewed thousands of pages of medical studies to release his damning report on tobacco 50 years ago.

But 150 years ago, Ellen White, a humble woman blessed by God with insight wrote, “Tobacco is a poison of the most deceitful and malignant kind, having an exciting and then a paralyzing influence upon the nerves of the body. It is all the more dangerous because its effects upon the system are so slow, and at first scarcely perceivable. Multitudes…have surely murdered themselves by this slow poison.”

As a young medical student, I appreciated a pharmacology lecture that described those effects of nicotine above (“exciting” by stimulating the neurons and then “paralyzing” them as a result of the depolarization from excessive stimulation).

Ellen White republished the information in what some physicians (myself included) believe to be the best book ever written on the topics of health and happiness. Written a book of biblical wisdom, it is both profound and non-denominational. It may be read online. The chapter dealing with tobacco, is Stimulants and Narcotics.

It has been this author’s privilege to help hundreds of smokers to stop smoking using the famous 5-Day Plan to Stop Smoking that was developed by a physician and a minister when the Surgeon General made his report 50 years ago. Since then, millions have quit successfully. If you still smoke, why not give the suggestions excerpted from the above book and give your New Year’s Resolutions a noble thrust by clicking here.

And if you happen to used coffee or “soft drinks,” click on Caffeine: Worse Than You Think.

Will King Obama throw these Nuns into the Lion’s Den?

For 175 years the nuns of Little Sisters of the Poor have been ministering to the elderly, poor and dying. Under a mandate in Obamacare, the Little Sisters are ordered to bow down in worship to King Obama’s golden idol – abortion. Non compliance threatens to be the death of their extraordinary ministry.

We are witnessing a modern day version of Persian King Darius ordering that Daniel be thrown into the lion’s den for refusing to deny his faith. Either the Little Sisters of the Poor ministry submit to King Obama’s decree or die. Metaphorically they are being thrown into the lion’s den.

Displaying deceit characteristic of our Liar-in-Chief, Obama’s DOJ have offered the Little Sisters a serpent disguised as an olive branch. The DOJ told the Little Sisters that if they would simply sign a document condoning abortion services for their employees an exemption from the mandate would be granted.

The wise Little Sisters refused to sign what they perceived to be a “permission slip” for abortion services; a back door scheme by the DOJ to get the Little Sisters to betray their religious faith.

Like Daniel in his day, the Little Sisters remain faithful. Their case has gone to the U.S. Supreme Court.

It is profoundly evil to persecute a Christian ministry that has been ministering to the needy for 175 years. Surely, the DOJ has to know that legally bludgeoning the Little Sisters of the Poor into submission will be a PR nightmare for the Obama Administration.

So why is Obama’s DOJ hellbent on forcing the Little Sisters to betray their commitment to God? The answer is our country is under siege in the process of a tyrannical hostile takeover.

The Obama Administration has transformed governmental agencies into his iron-fist enforcers. Their laser focused mission is to assist in the full implementation of the liberal socialist/progressive agenda; Obama’s vowed fundamental transformation of America.

Like every hostile takeover by a regime, opposition is dealt with swiftly and severely. Everyone must be politically beaten into silence and submission; even the Little Sisters of the Poor.

The taking of Marie Winkelman 1-2-3

keeping a promise book cover by marie winkelmanWho is Marie Winkelman? Marie is the author of a book about her experiences as a Holocaust survivor in Poland titled “Keeping A Promise: To Tell My Story of Survival in Warsaw During WW II.”

“On December 4th, 2013, a beautiful and brilliant 88-year-old Holocaust Survivor named Marie Winkelman was put into guardianship in the Sarasota, Florida Probate Court – without a hearing – based upon a mediation agreement,” states Beverly Newman, President of the Al Katz Center.

Marie is the second victim of elder abuse in Sarasota County, Florida. The first was Al Katz, the father of Beverly Newman, another Holocaust Survivor.

The similarity of the two cases is striking and presents a pattern of what some believe constitutes “judicial cronyism.” It is a system that takes the liberty and property of its victims – usually the elderly.


Federal Mediator Gary H. Larsen.

“Marie is a recent resident of Bird Key who still lives independently and keeps her home in immaculate condition. The mediation agreement was prepared by Federal Mediator Gary H. Larsen, which Marie did not see until after the mediation. Her fortune of many millions, which she earned through decades of hard work and prudent investments, is now in the hands of a company named Sabal Trust Company with which she has never had any contact. Through the mediated agreement, she is given a monthly allowance of her own money, despite the fact she has always spent her money judiciously,” notes Newman.

What makes Marie’s case different is the possible collusion to have Marie found incompetent not by strangers but by Robert Szychowski who is married to Marie’s step-daughter Corinne. This is the highest form of betrayal by the one person Marie trusted the most. She trusted Szychowski so much she signed a Durable Power of Attorney (POA) giving Szychowski control over every aspect of her life and wellbeing.  Marie made Szychowski her “attorney-in-fact” (my Agent) granting him “The power to exercise or perform any act, power, duty, right or obligation whatsoever…”

There was one proviso in her Durable POA. Paragraph 43 of the POA states:

It is my intent that My Agent [Szychowski] and attorney-in-fact have the broadest powers possible to act for me while I have the legal capacity to act and also while I am legally incapacitated to act, so as to avoid the necessity of a guardianship in case of my incapacity. [Emphasis added]

It was Szychowski who facilitated the process that violated Marie’s trust and express wishes to “avoid guardianship.” It was Szychowski who used Marie’s own money to pay those who are complicit in her placement into guardianship.

How could this betrayal happen?


Christopher Alan Likens, P.A.

In July 2013, New Jersey resident and Rutgers University Acting Manager, Cost Studies, Szychowski, retained a lawyer, Christopher Alan Likens, using Marie’s money, to take her to court and force her into guardianship relative to her pharmaceutical routine. Even though Szychowski as the Durable POA could have hired a caregiver himself to monitor Marie’s medications, he hired a stranger to file a court action, without prior notice or giving Marie an opportunity to hire an attorney to represent her.


Lori Gaetano, care manager with Care InSight.

Szychowski then, using Marie’s money, paid at least $2,373 to Lori Gaetano, RN, a care manager from Care InSight, who testified in court that Marie was “incapacitated” with respect to financial matters because Gaetano had seen Marie’s checkbook lying on her table, where Gaetano projected that someone could take it from Marie’s private residence.

Dr. Miguel Rivera, MD, came into the picture, referred by Gaetano to Szychowski, hired by him, and paid at least $908 from Marie’s account.   To do a psychiatric evaluation of Marie, Dr. Rivera showed up with Gaetano at Marie’s home unannounced and without identifying himself as a psychiatrist, asked Marie a series of questions, and then left. Only later did Marie learn he was there evaluating her competence. It was Dr. Rivera’s negative evaluation report that began the process of the taking of Marie Winkelman 1-2-3.

In an article in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune published in 2011, Rivera noted, “They [the elderly patients] don’t know I’m a doctor,” he said, indicating his casual, golf-style shirt. “They just think I’m this friendly guy who comes around a lot.”

Although Sarasota County caps the fees to be paid to incapacity Examining Committee members at $200, Szychowski paid social worker, Linda Erickson, 11 times more, using Marie’s money without any court oversight.  Also, Szychowski paid Anne L. Olshansky, MSW, at least $500. Olshansky is a counselor and was another member of the panel that found Marie incompetent. Finally, although Florida guardians must file their fee statements with the court for court approval, Szychowski used Marie’s account to pay guardian Dawn Van Beck $1,294.63, on November 6, 2013, without any court oversight.

What is at stake here? A woman’s liberty and her property valued in excess of $3 million… in this case, a Holocaust Survivor who in childhood was robbed of her property and stability and now is re-living the traumas of betrayal and asset seizure.  Who benefits from Marie’s guardianship? Robert and Corinne Szychowski and the State of Florida’s guardianship system.

What is happening? The systematic financial abuse of an elder.

Stay tuned as Marie has a court hearing on February 28, 2014. This story must and will be told, to protect the innocent like Marie.

UPDATE: At the hearing held on January 9, 2014, in the Sarasota County Probate Court, Judge Deno Economou once again ordered Marie’s determination of incapacity and placement into guardianship to be mediated by a group of six attorneys (Gary Larsen, Christopher Likens, Kim Bald, Rebecca Proctor, Audrey Bear, and Tom Shults) being paid thousands of dollars per hour out of Marie’s assets, without any record being made and without the presentation of any evidence to the Judge. is fraudulent, deceptive and illegal

My good friend Lieutenant Colonel Orson Swindle, USMC (Ret.) was appointed by President Ronald Reagan as Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission in 1997 and remained in that position until 2005. I have been friends with Colonel Swindle for many years.

The Honorable Orson Swindle asked me to remind us, the American people, that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the federal government’s principal Law Enforcement Agency for enforcing antitrust and consumer protection laws. The FTC deals with mergers and acquisitions, fraudulent, deceptive, and illegal business practices, and information system privacy and security.

In a National Review Online article by Andrew Stiles, former FTC Commissioner Swindle outlines a number of illegal aspects in the Obama administrations healthcare website ( and how the Obama administration has been promoting the Health Care law. He points out how the website runs afoul of Federal Regulations of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Here are excerpts from the Stiles column:

Orson Swindle, who served as an FTC commissioner from 1997 to 2005, says there are a number of practices that, if were a private entity, would result in its being “taken to the shed and horsewhipped” by government regulators.

President Obama’s oft-repeated falsehood, “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan” — something the administration knew was untrue — would almost certainly be a textbook case of deceptive advertising, punishable under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, which prohibits “unfair or deceptive acts or practice in or affecting commerce.” This includes a “representation, omission or practice that is likely to mislead the consumer,” such that the consumer would be “likely to have chosen differently but for the deception.”

Other examples of potentially deceptive practices include the apparently deliberate decision to withhold information from visitors as to the actual prices of the policies offered via the exchanges. In fact, users aren’t told how much those policies will cost until after they have created an account, which requires giving a slew of personal and financial information.

Additionally, a recent CBS News investigation found that contains a pricing feature that tends to “dramatically underestimate” the cost of insurance.

Unfortunately, the Obama administration’s gross violations of FTC’s and CFPB’s Federal Regulations are being ignored by US Attorney General Holder and the Democratically controlled Senate, whose members continue to permit the President to disregard Federal Laws, Federal Regulations and provisions of the US Constitution with impunity.

We are appreciative of the fact that Orson Swindle has pointed out these violations of Federal Laws and Federal Regulations by the President.


Lieutenant Colonel Orson Swindle, III, USMC (Ret.), former Assistant Secretary of Commerce.

Orson Swindle’s impressive background follows.

Lieutenant Colonel Orson Swindle, III, USMC (Ret.) is a Vietnam POW who retired from the US Marine Corps in 1979. His military career is one of extraordinary triumph. On November 11, 1966, he was serving as a US Marine Corps aviator in South Vietnam flying his 205th mission, on what was to be his final combat mission, when he was shot down, captured by the North Vietnamese, and held as a Prisoner of War in Hanoi for six years and four months.

On March 4, 1973, LTC Swindle was released from captivity at the conclusion of America’s involvement in the Vietnamese War. For valor in combat, he was awarded with more than twenty military decorations, including two Silver Star Medals, two Bronze Star Medals, two Legions of Merit Medals, thirteen Air Medals, and two Purple Heart Medals. From 1981 to 1989 Mr Swindle served in the Reagan Administration, where he directed financial assistance programs to economically-distressed rural and municipal areas of the country.

As the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development he managed the Department of Commerce’s national economic development initiatives, directing seven offices across the country. In 1993, Orson Swindle worked with former Cabinet Secretaries Jack Kemp and William Bennett, former Congressman Vin Weber, and Ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick to form Empower America.

He was the Republican candidate for Congress in Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District in 1994 and 1996. LTC Swindle was a former roommate of Senator John McCain’s in the Hanoi Hilton prison in North Vietnam.

The Honorable Orson Swindle’s full biography is listed on the “Leadership” page of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC website.

FL Reps. Edwards (D) and Gaetz (R) pushers of Drug Addiction in Children?

Florida Representative Katie Edwards (D-FL District 98) sent out an email quoting an article by the Sun Sentinel’s Susannah Bryan. The article states, “Two Florida representatives, Katie Edwards and Matt Gaetz, are taking steps to help families statewide gain access to a strain of marijuana that’s shown promise in treating children who suffer from seizures.” Representative Matt Gaetz is a Republican representing District 4. Gaetz is Chair of the House Criminal Justice Committee.

Bryan notes, “Although 21 states and Washington, D.C., have legalized medical marijuana, the federal government still lists cannabis as a highly addictive and dangerous ‘Schedule 1’ drug, along with heroin and LSD.”

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration:

Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote.

Floridians must realize that what Edwards and Gaetz are really pushing: Drug addiction in minors.

gaetz mug shot

Matt Gaetz mug shot.

Gaetz was arrested for violating Statute 316.193-1DUI Alcohol or Drugs 1st offence, in Okaloosa County, FL in 2008. Gaetz was released after paying a $500 bond. So Gaetz has some personal experience with addiction? Not sure Floridians want this man telling us that children should be using marijuana. I guess being arrested qualifies you to be Chair of the Criminal Justice Committee.

Florida has a growing problem with drug abuse, especially among children. FL Attorney General Pam Bondi is concerned about drugs in general, including prescription and synthetic drugs sold in Florida. AG Bondi stated in an October press release, “I will remain vigilant in my efforts to keep these drugs off store shelves and will continue to outlaw emergent synthetic drug compounds. These drugs pose a serious threat to Floridians, particularly our youth. I thank the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for their continued partnership in the fight against synthetic drugs.”

The Tampa law firm of Morgan & Morgan is pushing the legalization of medical marijuana in Florida. Morgan & Morgan partner Charlie Crist is also promoting a medical marijuana amendment to the Florida Constitution.

Canada has decided to end their Marihuana Medical Access Program effective March 31, 2014. According to CBC News in Canada, “The Canadian Medical Association is worried that as large medical marijuana grow facilities get federal licences, more patients will be clamouring for a drug many doctors are uncomfortable prescribing. Starting April 1, medical marijuana users in Canada will no longer be able to grow their own. Instead, they’ll have to get pot from producers licensed by Health Canada.”

katie edwards

Katie Edwards

Dr. Louis Francescutti, president of the Canadian Medical Association, stated, “We’re asking them [Canadian doctors] to prescribe a product that really has not been tested as rigorously as any other product that’s out there and basically writing it with your eyes blindfolded and assuming all the risks that go with it.” Francescutti also has concerns about marijuana’s potential dangers, especially when there are other proven medications for controlling pain and nausea available.

The Providence Journal’s Ellen Jean Hurst writes, “Even though 20 states have passed laws legalizing medical marijuana, swayed in part by thousands of personal testimonies, current research hasn’t nailed down exactly if, and how, marijuana alleviates all the specific diseases the drug is being legalized to treat, experts say.” Hayes titled her column “Health effects of medical marijuana still hazy.”

The legalization of medical marijuana is the first step to the full legalization of marijuana in Florida, as happened in Colorado.

BizPac Review reports, “Amid the universal celebration of the legalized sale of recreational marijuana in Colorado this week, a two-year-old there has tested positive for pot.” Jason Salzman from the Huffington Post reports, “Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Aurora) delivered a major buzz kill on the radio Wednesday, saying he’s worried that pot legalization might keep Fortune 500 companies out of Colorado and drive down the state economy.” Gee how with that fit in with Governor Rick Scott’s “Here’s What’s Working” campaign?

Are Edwards and Gaetz nothing but drug pushers of the worst kind? Time will tell as we observe the downsides of drug use in other states and the iffy nature of its medical uses.


Will Colorado regret legalizing marijuana?

Alaska Group Takes Next Step to Legalize Marijuana

11 Attorneys General challenge Legality of Obamacare Fix – is Nullification possible?

Maybe this year is getting off to a good start. Eleven GOP attorneys general are willing to take on the legality of the executive directives in changing status – the so-called fixes to Obamacare. As reported by the Fiscal Times, the Attorneys General say the president is breaking the law because he is making changes without first going through Congress. The group sent a letter yesterday to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius regarding the constitutionality of Obama’s most recent executive action decreeing that insurance companies may continue to offer plans that he previously considered “junk plans” and were cancelled. The letter called the rule change “flatly illegal under federal constitutional and statutory law” and said “the illegal actions by this administration must stop.” Gee, ya think?

According to the Fiscal Times:

The Republican attorneys general argue that President Obama’s rule change violates both the separation of powers between the branches of government and his responsibility to execute laws faithfully. “We are deeply concerned that this Administration is constantly rewriting new rules and effectively inventing statutory provisions to operationalize a flawed law,” the letter said. “And the irony, of course, is that the changes being put forth to fix the disastrous exchanges will ultimately destroy the market and increase health insurance premiums for customers who played by the rules.”

So does this mean the States might have a chance at nullification? The concept of nullification is based on the theory that because the States are essentially the creators of the federal government, they have the final authority to determine the limits of its power. Under this theory, the States would therefore have the authority to strike down or nullify any federal laws they believed were beyond constitutional limits.

Sounds good in theory, but it has rarely been upheld, and rejected by the Federal courts on more than one occasion – including the Supreme Court. Under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, federal law is superior to state law. And under Article III of the Constitution, the federal judiciary has the final power to interpret the Constitution — as Chief Justice John Roberts did in making the decision on the constitutionality of Obamacare.

However, in so doing, he greatly expanded federal taxing authority, basically granting the power of behavior modification by way of taxation when he ruled individual mandate was actually a tax and constitutional.

In any event, the power to make final decisions about the constitutionality of federal laws lies with the federal courts, not the states, and the states don’t have the power to nullify federal laws.

Do I believe the States will exert their rights as these attorneys general have done? Absolutely. Are they right in challenging the countless iterations of changing law, granting waivers, exemptions, and delays through executive fiat and mandate, not by legislative action? Certainly.

What do you, “We the People” believe? Is this a huge overreach by the Executive Branch and inconsistent with the separation of powers of our Constitution? And how will it end up?

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on 

Meet the Humble Nuns Who Just Shook Up Obamacare

The Little Sisters of the Poor are an international Roman Catholic Congregation of women, which was founded in 1839 by St. Jeanne Jugan. They operate homes in 31 countries, where they provide loving care for over 13,000 needy elderly persons.

Although the Little Sisters’ homes perform a religious ministry of caring for the elderly poor, they do not fall within the government’s narrow exemption for “religious employers.” Accordingly, beginning on January 1, the Little Sisters will face IRS fines unless they violate their religion by hiring an insurer to provide their employees with contraceptives, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs.


Sarah Torre and Amy Payne from the Heritage Foundation wrote the following report:

Who takes care of poor people when they get old—when they are on their deathbeds? For thousands of people, the answer is Little Sisters of the Poor.

“The elderly are at risk, with no one to speak up for them, no one to stand up and to express to the world and show the world that these people are still valuable,” explains Sister Mary Bernard.

The Little Sisters take care of more than 13,000 poor men and women around the world who are elderly. They dedicate their lives to running homes for these most vulnerable.

As you can imagine, this isn’t a profit-making venture, providing free care for the needy.

Starting in the new year, Obamacare would force these sisters to direct their insurance provider to include abortion-inducing drugs and contraception in their health insurance plan—something that goes against their beliefs. If they don’t, the fine (up to $100 per employee per day) would be in the millions of dollars.

But Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor granted the sisters a temporary halt on this Obamacare mandate just hours before the New Year’s Eve countdown. The Obama Administration has until 10 a.m. today to respond to the stay.

The Obamacare mandate (also known as the HHS mandate, for Health and Human Services) punishes people like Little Sisters of the Poor for holding beliefs that spur them to compassionate service in the first place.

And they are far from alone. There are now more than 300 individuals, charities, schools, and family businesses suing over the coercive rule.

So far, things aren’t looking good in court for the Obama Administration. To date, federal judges have granted temporary stays against the mandate in nearly 90 percent of the cases they’ve considered, including a flurry of injunctions for non-profit charities and schools over the past week.

This is only one of the many reasons Americans need relief from Obamacare. We need health reform that respects people’s values and allows us the freedom to choose health care in line with our beliefs.

FL Governor Rick Scott stands against the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional. It violates the 1st, 4th, 10th and 14th Amendments. It infringes on the religious liberties of Americans and private business who do not wish to provide abortion services or contraception in their healthcare plans. These rights are protected under the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. The Affordable Care Act forces you to buy product or services in direct violation of the Commerce Clause and in direct violation of your constitutional rights. You cannot be forced to buy anything in this free republic.

Stop living in fear of this administration and many are refusing to comply with the Affordable Care Act.

The weak do nothing Congress refuses to prosecute President Obama for crimes against the Constitution. Here in Florida though Governor Rick Scott stood up to the federal intrusion on our rights.

Florida Governor Rick Scott, does not support the federal health reform law, including the health insurance exchanges. Florida legislators also refused to approve legislation to create an exchange in Florida, they returned a $1 million federal planning grant awarded in 2010.

After the Supreme Court ruling that upheld most of the unconstitutional Act in June 2012, Governor Scott announced that Florida would not establish a state-based health insurance exchange. This was to ensure we followed the constitution and not the mandates coming from the Department of Health and Human Services machine in Washington DC.

Governor Scott continues to fight against the Affordable Care Act and any operation of the illegal federally controlled health insurance marketplace. In September, the Florida Department of Health (DOH) banned navigators from all county public health facilities. Florida DOH officials have said the move is consistent with its policy of blocking outside groups that are not doing state business. The Florida DOH is following the 10th Amendment.

The Florida DOH have also said the ban helps protects consumers from privacy concerns stemming from the collection of personal information for inclusion in a federal database. This database violates the HIPAA Act and your 4th Amendment rights. The Obama administration strongly criticized the ban on navigators, labeling the order “obstructionist” and “plain absurdity.” Of course President Obama did, he is not getting his way in Florida. He’s trying to get a hold of all your personal medical information and centralize it in Washington DC.

ObamaCare_I-WILL-NOT-COMPLY_300x244-01The taxpayer funded federal exchanges may end up competing with Florida Health Choices, which is the state’s own version of an online marketplace. Florida Health Choices was established by 2008 legislation. However, it is still not operational. According to its website, Florida Health Choices will launch early in 2014. We must shut down and defund Florida Health Choices and allow free market insurance companies to manage the health care in Florida. Its not the taxpayers responsibility.

Florida’s own insurance exchange does not comply with the Affordable Care Act. This is fine, we don’t have to comply with any unconstitutional laws coming out of Washington, rather we must ignore them. As originally conceived, Florida Health Choices was only to be available only to small businesses, not individuals. Plans have now evolved to include options for individuals. Florida Health Choice will not subsidize the cost of plans sold through the exchange for low-income individuals or offer tax credits to businesses. Nor does Florida Health Choices require a minimum set of benefits as the ACA exchanges do in the form of essential health benefits.

This is called freedom boys and girls and we are free people in Florida. DO NOT COMPLY with any unconstitutional law especially Obama Care. Do not comply with the IRS when they demand proof of health insurance. This is a violation of your 4th Amendment Rights. This is a violation of your privacy rights. REFUSE their requests for information under the 10th Amendment, the 4th Amendment, the 1st Amendment, the 5th Amendment.

On the federally operated exchange set up illegally in Florida by the Obama administration and Kathleen Sibelius , 10 insurers are selling ACA-compliant health insurance policies. Since when did the federal government determine if any kind of insurance was federally compliant for you ? It your choice to pick your insurance coverage not the government. We don’t live in a Communist controlled country. It boils down to one thing, its all about control over on you?

This Obama Care is illegal and infringes on your rights as Americans. The insurers in Florida that are supposedly approved by those in the White House probably were working within free markets anyway. They are Aetna, Cigna, Coventry Health Care of Florida, Florida Blue (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida), Florida Health Care Plan Health Options, Humana, Molina Healthcare, Simply Healthcare Plan, and Sunshine State Health.

My friends you can either surrender to the forces in Washington DC or you can stand up and refuse to comply and be ready for the battle that lies ahead. You must ensure that you remain a free American in a free country with the freedom to choose whether you wish to purchase any product or service or not without fear of prosecution.

I will not comply with the IRS and I will not permit them to harass, intimidate, threaten, or fine me for non compliance. I am a free man and the current White House leadership is an enemy of this country and our values. We have a right to stand up and defend ourselves from it. And that we must do.

I want legislation drawn up that prohibits doctors, hospitals and medical facilities etc. in the State of Florida from accepting any form of Obama care coverage because it is a constitutional violation infringing on our 1st, 4th and 10th Amendment Rights.

I want all doctors and hospitals and private medical facilities in Florida to refuse to accept Obama care insurance. If you get threatened stare them in the face and tell the government to pack sand. You must take a stand.

Why Young People aren’t signing up for Obamacare


Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk weighs in on why young people aren’t signing up for ObamaCare.