Enough about “temporary refugee status” already!

When you think the Obama Administration can’t muck things up any worse… they do.

The latest wacko idea is to make refugees out of Central American kids who have been living in the same type of situations for many generations. Let’s see, start with Honduras and go around the world importing kids as refugees ignoring the fact our poverty level of citizens are still better off economically than 90% of the rest of the world’s citizens. Just how many billions would the president like to import? Oh I’m sure he has the statutory authority to do it since the Republicans are in the cafeteria eating tacos and some are sucking on burritos.

Instead of importing more Hispanics it is time to dump some back on them. When will the government finally decide temporary is not 15 years which is basically how long 300,000 El Salvadorans and 105,000 Hondurans have been living and working in the U.S. under the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program?

What is TPS?

The Secretary of Homeland Security may designate a foreign country for TPS due to conditions in the country that temporarily prevent the country’s nationals from returning safely, or in certain circumstances, where the country is unable to handle the return of its nationals adequately.  USCIS may grant TPS to eligible nationals of certain countries (or parts of countries), who are already in the United States.  Eligible individuals without nationality who last resided in the designated country may also be granted TPS.

Why are these El Salvadorans and Hondurans here? Hurricane Mitch hit Honduras in 1998 and an earthquake hit El Salvador in 2001 and supposedly people are given temporary protected status until the mess is cleaned up. President George W. Bush gave several 18 month extensions and Obama has plodded right along with 18 month extensions.

TPS renewal for both are up in early 2015. Send them packing back to EL Salvador and Honduras. Send the hordes of illegal aliens packing now that invaded the borders from those countries. Stop the game playing that the Wilberforce Act is applicable with these people who came because they heard they can just walk right in and sign their democrat registration card, get on the welfare rolls and start living the Spanish dream on American taxpayer backs.

Do you think if the federal government has allowed illegal aliens from Honduras and El Salvador to remain in the country legally for at least a decade and a half they have any plans to return newly arrived illegal aliens?

Now, if the government decides to return the newly arrived illegal aliens do you think they will also deport the illegal aliens from those same countries that have been here for a decade and a half?

I ask: If not why not?

Time to cutoff aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico until we pay for the mess created by them.

End the nonsensical Temporary Protected Status Program!


House Border Bill Is a ‘Surrender To a Lawless President’
Residents Revolt: ‘What We See is Invasion, Deliberate Invasion’…

Florida Senator Marco Rubio gives defining pro-family, pro-straight and pro-American speech

Florida Senator Marco Rubio has taken on social issues in a major speech given at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Senator Rubio is taking the high ground on issues that are important to the majority of Americans.

In “Strong Values for a Strong America” Rubio states, “A strong America is not possible without strong Americans – a people formed by the values necessary for success, the values of education and hard work, strong marriages and empowered parents. These are values that made us the greatest nation ever, and these are the values that will lead us to a future even better than our past.”

Rubio notes, “No one is born with the values crucial to the success sequence. They have to be taught to us and they have to be reinforced. Strong families are the primary and most effective teachers of these values. As the social philosopher Michael Novak once said, the family is the original and best department of health, education and welfare. It is crucial in developing the character of the young. And those efforts can be reinforced in our schools, religious institutions, civic groups and our society.”

Rubio comes out strong as the pro-family, pro-straight and pro-American candidate for President in 2016. Immediately after his speech Rubio was attacked for the following statement:

Now, I know that given the current cultural debates in our country, many expect that a speech on values would necessarily touch upon issues like same sex marriage and abortion. These are important issues and they relate to deeply held beliefs and deeply divisive ideas.

We should acknowledge that our history is marred by discrimination against gays and lesbians. There was once a time when the federal government not only banned the hiring of gay employees, it required private contractors to identify and fire them. Some laws prohibited gays from being served in bars and restaurants. And many cities carried out law enforcement efforts targeting gay Americans.

Fortunately, we have come a long way since then. But many committed gay and lesbian couples feel humiliated by the law’s failure to recognize their relationship as a marriage. And supporters of same sex marriage argue that laws banning same sex marriage are discrimination.

I respect their arguments. And I would concede that they pose a legitimate question for lawmakers and for society.

But there is another side of debate. Thousands of years of human history have shown that the ideal setting for children to grow up is with a mother and a father committed to one another, living together, and sharing the responsibility of raising their children. And since traditional marriage has such an extraordinary record of success at raising children into strong and successful adults, states in our country have long elevated this institution and set it apart in our laws.

That is the definition of marriage that I personally support – not because I seek to discriminate against people who love someone of the same sex, but because I believe that the union of one man and one woman is a special relationship that has proven to be of great benefit to our society, our nation and our people, and therefore deserves to be elevated in our laws.

Watch the YouTube video of Rubio’s speech:

Read the full text of Rubio’s speech here.

In Florida 1 million Christians either did not register or did not vote in the 2010 general election. Obama won Florida by less than 80,000 votes. Perhaps Rubio is on to something?

When tolerance becomes a one-way street it leads to at best religious intolerance and at its worst social suicide. Rubio has taken the moral high ground.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Straight White Guy’ Festival Outrages Same-Sex Marriage Supporters

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo is courtesy of  M.Scott Mahaskey/POLITICO.

Saint Thomas Aquinas on Immigration: Man’s relations with foreigners are twofold, peaceful and hostile

Saint Thomas Aquinas was a Roman Catholic priest who authored the Summa Theologica and Summa Contra Gentiles, which shaped the Catholic Church and its philosophies for centuries. His teachings are still influential. But is the Catholic Church following his teachings on the issue of immigration.

What would Saint Thomas Aquinas say to Pope Francis and the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops about immigration?

summa Theological book coverIn the column “What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration?” John Horvat II asks the same question and provides an answer by quoting Saint Thomas Aquinas. Horvat notes, “Immigration is a modern problem and so some might think that the medieval Saint Thomas would have no opinion about the problem. And yet, he does. One has only to look in his masterpiece, the Summa Theologica, in the second part of the first part, question 105, article 3 (I-II, Q. 105, Art. 3). There one finds his analysis based on biblical insights that can add to the national debate. They are entirely applicable to the present.”

Saint Thomas: “Man’s relations with foreigners are twofold: peaceful, and hostile: and in directing both kinds of relation the Law contained suitable precepts.”

Commentary: In making this affirmation, Saint Thomas affirms that not all immigrants are equal. Every nation has the right to decide which immigrants are beneficial, that is, “peaceful,” to the common good. As a matter of self-defense, the State can reject those criminal elements, traitors, enemies and others who it deems harmful or “hostile” to its citizens.

The second thing he affirms is that the manner of dealing with immigration is determined by law in the cases of both beneficial and “hostile” immigration. The State has the right and duty to apply its law.

Saint Thomas: “For the Jews were offered three opportunities of peaceful relations with foreigners. First, when foreigners passed through their land as travelers. Secondly, when they came to dwell in their land as newcomers. And in both these respects the Law made kind provision in its precepts: for it is written (Exodus 22:21): ’Thou shalt not molest a stranger [advenam]’; and again (Exodus 22:9): ’Thou shalt not molest a stranger [peregrino].’”

Commentary: Here Saint Thomas acknowledges the fact that others will want to come to visit or even stay in the land for some time. Such foreigners deserved to be treated with charity, respect and courtesy, which is due to any human of good will. In these cases, the law can and should protect foreigners from being badly treated or molested.

Saint Thomas: “Thirdly, when any foreigners wished to be admitted entirely to their fellowship and mode of worship. With regard to these a certain order was observed. For they were not at once admitted to citizenship: just as it was law with some nations that no one was deemed a citizen except after two or three generations, as the Philosopher says (Polit. iii, 1).”

Commentary: Saint Thomas recognizes that there will be those who will want to stay and become citizens of the lands they visit. However, he sets as the first condition for acceptance a desire to integrate fully into what would today be considered the culture and life of the nation.

A second condition is that the granting of citizenship would not be immediate. The integration process takes time. People need to adapt themselves to the nation. He quotes the philosopher Aristotle as saying this process was once deemed to take two or three generations. Saint Thomas himself does not give a timeframe for this integration, but he does admit that it can take a long time.

Read Horvat’s entire analysis of immigration through the eyes of Saint Thomas Aquinas.

RELATED ARTICLE: Gutiérrez: ‘I Think We Can Get 3 or 4, Maybe Even 5 Million People’ Amnesty via Executive Action (+video)

AGENDA: Grinding America Down

All American citizens who hold their FREEDOM dear, and support family values should watch the below listed video entitled “AGENDA: Grinding America Down.”   We’ve received thousands of E-mails each week for 5 years; “AGENDA: Grinding America Down” is one of the most significant presentations we’ve viewed over these past 5 years.

Before you watch “AGENDA: Grinding America Down”, please watch this 19 second video:

The video is about the values you want to ensure your children & your extended family members benefit from, it supports the different religious faiths that provide the foundation upon which human values are based, it’s about supporting the members of the US Armed Forces—many of whom gave their last full measure of devotion in order to defend the Republic—it is mainly about the FREEDOMS accorded to all American citizens in the US Constitution by the Founding Fathers.

AGENDA: Grinding America Down

Using Obama’s own words, when he said that he fully intends to “fundamentally transform” our 238 year old Republic; we now have witnessed his true goal to create a Socialist State by any means necessary.  By repealing President Clinton’s requirement that welfare recipients must work for financial aid from the government, over the past 6 years, Obama has managed to enroll a record number of Americans and illegal immigrants in government welfare program with 40 million on food stamps, and millions of new recipients on the disability rolls.

Obama has been framing traditional US work ethics as the foolish belief that President Ronald Reagan once supported, with President Reagan’s thesis that anyone can lift themselves up by their bootstraps being the promise that always has been America and the success that comes about from hard work.  In order to “fundamentally transform America”,  Obama in his speeches and his bloated bureaucracy has been working to replace President Reagan’s well held belief  in American’s work ethic, that contributed to the most successful economy in the history of mankind with something that has never worked in any country in history.  Obama wants to replace American work ethic with the Marxist principal that government must distribute the wealth created by hard working Americans to those who have little interest in working.  Obama wants to more heavily tax the top 10% of successful American earners who already pay 68% of all the taxes in the nation each year (the bottom 50% of earners in America pay 3% of all the taxes).

Obama’s unrelenting attack on the Second Amendment and the right of American citizen’s to bear arms, and the protections accorded all American citizens by provisions of  the Second Amendment that is under relentless assault by the Obama administration.  Obama’s use of the IRS to suppress the rights of conservative Americans who were trying to exercise their right to participate in a national presidential elections should have a special Prosecutor assigned, but Holder refuses to appoint one.   Obama is also using Holder’s Justice Department to prevent states from issuing voter IDs to endure American citizens only vote once, in the last presidential election 7 million voters voted in two states; voter fraud was not controlled; the fear of rampant voter fraud looms large in the November election.

AGENDA Grinding America Down graph

For a larger view click on the chart

The Obama administration will eventually meet with serious and widespread “unorganized” opposition from American citizens because of his violation of Federal Laws, Immigration Laws, and provisions of the US Constitution.   The  Obama administration has been preparing for possible citizen’s unrest, by creating heavily arming federal police force swat teams in the Capital Police Force, Park Police, DHS, the Wildlife Service, the Marshal Service, in the IRS, the Postal Police, the Department of Defense Police, the Federal Protective Service, the Secret Service, and Obama ‘s National Police Force authorized & funded by the Obamacare Law, while providing DHS with armored vehicles, and purchasing excessive amounts of ammunition (more than the US Army and the US Marine Corps uses each year in training their personnel).

The most important Congressional election in 238 years will be held in about 3 months, we encourage you to support the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress listed in the attachment.  They have the courage to stand up to bureaucratic excesses, will work to rein in the out of control spending by irresponsible members of Congress & the Obama administration, and will protect and defend the US Constitution.

The Nexus of Illegal Drugs and Illegal Immigration

All manner of reasons are being offered to explain the influx of thousands of illegal aliens, not the least of which is President Obama’s open invitation to Latin Americans to come here with the promise of becoming citizens at some point. By overloading the southern border, this has opened the doors to criminals and potential terrorists as well.

In March, the Huffington Post took note of the other far lesser known or discussed reason our southern border is so porous. “Americans Spent About A Trillion Dollars on Illegal Drugs in the Last Decade.” With that kind of money awaiting them, you can be sure that the drug cartels are going to make every effort to satisfy the market.

The article was about a Rand Corporation report by its Drug Policy Research Center as requested by the Office of National Drug Control Policy that tracked total expenditures, consumption, and number of users of marijuana, cocaine (including crack), heroin and methamphetamine. The decade tracked was 2000 to 2010.

Despite federal spending between $40 and $50 billion to fight the war on drugs, “American spending levels on illegal drugs stayed more or less the same.” RAND drew some of its data from the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring program, but it is no longer funded by the federal government which, one must assume, leaves it unable to know if the market for illegal drugs has expanded, shrunk or stayed the same.


Criminal illegals.

The news about the illegal immigration from Latin American nations has a side to it that has not received much news coverage. It has to do with the views of four-star Marine Corps General John Kelly who heads the U.S. Military’s Southern Command. In a July 8 essay in the Military Times, “Central America Drug War a Dire Threat to U.S. National Security”, Gen. Kelly noted how the drug cartels have overwhelmed the governments of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, rendering any opposition to them too great a threat.

“Due to the insatiable U.S. demand for drugs, particularly cocaine, heroin and now methamphetamines, all produced in Latin American and smuggled into the U.S.” said Gen. Kelly, they have been left “near broken societies” in which the rule of law has been destroyed. How bad is it? According to the Migration Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., applications for asylum in neighboring countries—mostly Mexico and Costa Rica—are up 712%,

Cutting off aid to these countries as has been suggested by some will turn them into entities that are little more than names on a map and increase the distress of their law-abiding populations. Indeed, because so many of them have already come to the U.S., the children arriving here have families waiting for them. Seventy-three percent of the 47,017 minors apprehended at the border were from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. They will stay here to be processed by a system that has not deterred the estimated eleven million illegal aliens already living here.


For a larger view click on the map.

According to Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, despite the illegal immigration crisis the U.S. has encountered, Gen. Kelly’s U.S. Southern Command is “only sourced (financed) at five percent of the capacity it needs.” Reducing the funding to the U.S. military has been a priority of the Obama agenda.

Allen West, a former Lt. Colonel and member of the House of Representatives, writing on his July 8 blog, said, “We know Obama has a penchant for turning generals who don’t toe his line and agenda points—like former CENTCOM Commander Marine Corps General Mattis—into civilians, I certainly hope we don’t see another truth-telling general, a commander, called on the carpet by Obama’s lapdog Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel—or worse, getting a call from the Capo di tutti Capi Valerie Jarrett.

The Center for Immigration Studies reports that “a significant majority of children coming across are not unaccompanied alien children according to the definition found in federal law.” As noted above they have family here in the U.S. Moreover, “there is little evidence to suggest that the recent arrivals are victims of trafficking which involves coercion.” Their families have paid smugglers to bring them to the U.S.”

While we read and hear references to those who smuggle immigrants to the U.S. border, known as “coyotes”, an Associated Press report noted a 2010 U.N. study that estimated this “service” generated $6.6. billion for the smugglers as the migrants pay anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000 each for the journey across thousands of miles “in the care of smuggling networks that in turn pay off government officials, gangs operating on trains and drug cartels controlling the routes north.”

The appetite for illegal drugs that has been a part of life in the U.S. for many citizens has contributed to the illegal alien flow from the Latin American nations whose governments have been undermined by the drug cartels. It’s a vicious circle that is not likely to be broken any time soon, if ever.

© Alan Caruba, 2014

Disturbing: Former border patrol agent calls immigrant surge asymmetrical warfare [VIDEO]

zach taylor border patrol officer retiredI came across this video interview from earlier this month and recommend you all take the 15 minutes to watch it.

Retired border patrol officer, Zack Taylor, says the immigrant surge has all the hallmarks of asymmetrical warfare, which seeks to destroy the infrastructure of a nation from within.

We must have an informed electorate which understands the dangers of this manufactured illegal immigration crisis. I hope you’ll watch and share this video.

(Video courtesy of Little Bonanza Productions. For more information, please contact: lisa@littlebonanzaproductions.com)

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on AllenBWest.com.

RELATED ARTICLE: Gutiérrez: ‘I Think We Can Get 3 or 4, Maybe Even 5 Million People’ Amnesty via Executive Action (+video)

Growing Concern that Diseased Illegals are Headed to Florida

Florida resident Carol Hartman in an email to Congressman Daniel Webster voicing concerns that illegals are being housed in Orange County, FL asks:

What are you doing about this?

They are housing these illegals right in our own Apopka at the Hope Community Center. Not sure if your district covers the physical location of this center, but it really doesn’t matter, these illegal aliens are still in FL. Your vote/support or lack thereof affects everyone, so district doesn’t really matter. I do not see your name as a co-sponsor listed [on House Resolution 675] in the link below. Have you since joined as a co-sponsor since this article was written?

Please read the other [World Net Daily] article re: the seriousness of all kinds of diseases that are being spread throughout this country, jeopardizing our lives. You know they don’t sterilize the airplanes between flights, so who knows how many innocent people are carrying these diseases home to spread around.

After you read that article, the only conclusion you MUST come up with is to deport these illegals. The American citizens are not requesting anymore, we are demanding action, for our very lives are at stake.

Thank you for taking a positive stand for the American citizens.

EDITORS NOTE: The Hope CommUnity Center denies it is a “processing center”.

It appears Governor Rick Scott and the Florida Department of Health have the same concerns as does Hartman. The following letter from the Florida State Surgeon General was sent on July 18, 2014 to HHS and FEMA.

 July 18, 2014

Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Secretary                                              Craig Fugate, Administrator
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services                       Federal Emergency Management Agency
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.                                                   U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20201                                                                     500 C Street SW Washington, DC 20472

Secretary Burwell and Administrator Fugate:

The Florida Department of Health has received unconfirmed reports that the federal government is bringing unaccompanied minors from the border to Florida today. On July 17, we received unconfirmed information that dozens of children were being brought by plane into Miami on Friday. This same day, ABC news reported that “the federal government is so overwhelmed by the current tide of migrants crossing the border it cannot provide basic medical screening to all of these children before transporting them, often by air, to longer-term holding facilities across the country.” (Feds Struggling to Cope with Medical ‘Breakdown’ at the Border, ABC News, July 17, 2014.)

Specifically, ABC News reported that your Health and Human Services Department’s Director of Refugee Health said you, “identified a breakdown of the medical screening processes.” This breakdown was described in the news report as “a systemic failure of the handoff of these children between Customs Border Protection (CBP) and Health and Human Services (HHS).”

If these reports are accurate, this “systemic failure” in the federal system is extremely worrisome. In order to fulfill my duties as Florida’s State Surgeon General, I am asking you to immediately provide the below information. This information is urgently needed to guard the health and safety of Florida communities across our state and is vital to the well-being of those children from the border who may have come through the flawed federal system.

  • Will you notify the Florida Department of Health immediately of any current or future unaccompanied minors coming to, or placed in, Florida, including their current location?
  • Are you conducting health screenings both at the border and again at the time the children are placed in shelters?
  • What medical services, if any, were provided to any children placed in Florida?
  • Do you have any records of infectious diseases associated with the children currently in federal care in Florida?
  • Have any of the children been hospitalized in Florida with fevers accompanying their illnesses? If so, where are they being treated?

Because of the urgency of this request, this letter is being immediately emailed and faxed to you. I expect a prompt response to my request for information on existing unaccompanied minors in Florida and would like to stress the importance of future timely communications.


John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS
State Surgeon General and Secretary
Florida Department of Health

This is not about immigration. It is about the federal government sanctioning of human trafficking on a massive scale. Some have called this crisis “human dumping.” The dumping ground is America.

UPDATE: Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D., Protective Intelligence and Assessment Specialist, reports —

Texas Governor Rick Perry will announce today at 2:00 p.m. at the Texas State Capitol, he has decided to act and deploy 1,000 Texas National Guard to the border in the Rio Grande Valley. Yesterday afternoon in Iowa, Governor Perry stated: “If the federal government does not do its constitutional duty to secure the Southern border of the United States, the state of Texas will do it.” The Texas National Guard troops will be deployed to the Rio Grande Valley along with an increase of Texas Department of Public Safety who already has been operating at the Texas border. The joint work by and between these two assets is to keep drug and human trafficking south of U.S. Highway 83 and with the goal of keeping smuggling from entering major highways to transport throughout the state. The cost of deployment of the Texas National Guard will be $12 million per month, with $9.8 million for personnel and vehicle costs and $2.4 million for deployment of additional helicopters. The “call-out” will be formalized today when the Governor makes the announcement, but it will take up to one month to reach full contingency.

This action raises a question as to whether or not the flow of illegals into Texas will now redirect to Arizona.


City Journal: Refugees bring numerous health problems with them to your towns; more reporting needed
Florida schools brace for flood of border kids – EAGnews.org
Gutiérrez: ‘I Think We Can Get 3 or 4, Maybe Even 5 Million People’ Amnesty via Executive Action (+video)
No-Brainer: The ‘BlueServo’ Solution To Border Insecurity
White House: We’ll Put Illegal Immigrants Wherever We Want, And We Won’t Tell You
Lie at Heart of “Immigration Reform” Exposed
The Border Crisis Stories the Networks Aren’t Telling You About – Media Research Center

Warning: Banana Republic Shakedown coming Next Week

Reuters reports:

“Central American leaders will ask U.S. President Barack Obama to support a regional and development security plan to stem the tide of illegal child migrants to the United States at a meeting next week, a Honduran minister said on Saturday.

Presidents of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras will meet with Obama on Friday to look for ways to curb a record breaking exodus of Central American children fleeing to the United to escape violence and poverty.”

The shakedown by these banana republic tin horn dictators called President is almost laughable because they are all complicit in coordinating the whole exodus scenario that started in 2011.

In early 2011 these same three countries met in Tegucigalpa and worked to coordinate efforts to offload some of their poverty populations to the United States and how to facilitate it. Since 2011 the numbers from the three countries have risen steadily to the avalanche in 2014. Without a doubt Obama’s Unconstitutional actions regarding young illegal aliens has been an additional catalyst of come to America and live.

Also aiding the transporting of the illegal aliens through Mexico are trains owned by a subsidiary of Kansas Southern Railway? Think anyone from our government has said “stop letting people hop the freight trains?”

Only two weeks or so ago Guatemala signed an agreement with Mexico to allow Guatemalans a 72 hour pass to move through Mexico on the way to Texas. Do these sound like countries that are trying to keep their people home or to offload them to the United States?

The solution is simple: Immediately stop all aid to the three banana republics trying to shake us down and Mexico for allowing the illegal aliens to pass through their country. Use that aid money to pay for some of the damages caused and do not give them any further aid until we have paid for the mess they helped make. Taxing citizens to pay for this two bit shakedown play by these clowns from Central America is unacceptable.

RELATED ARTICLE: Gutiérrez: ‘I Think We Can Get 3 or 4, Maybe Even 5 Million People’ Amnesty via Executive Action (+video)

Race Card vs The Mom Card

Parents are outraged over the Obama child dumping stunt! Mothers should speak out loud and clear against government child abuse!


Cracks in the Democrats’ Foundation

In a WorldNetDaily column of July 16, titled, “Why they won’t let us talk to the illegal kids,” talk radio pioneer Barry Farber suggested that, “the reason we in media are not allowed to talk to the children is that the conversation in every honest interview will get around to, ‘What made you all risk so much to get here?’  The answer will be, ‘Oh! Mama and Papa heard it many times. Your President Obama has found many little ways to say, ‘Come on up!  We won’t send you back!’ ”

Barry’s very ominous prediction was that, “The minute that awareness reaches critical mass, Obama, his works, his team, and the Democratic Party will suffer a rejection that will make the Republican years in political purgatory seem like a quick tour-bus jaunt through hell.”

One of my major regrets is that, barring divine intervention, I will not be around to see how historians will chronicle America’s post-constitutional period: the last half of the 20th century and the first 16 years of the 21st century.  These are the years during which one of our major political parties, the Democrat Party, created an ideological plantation on which they cynically attempted to imprison an entire ethnic minority.

Rarely in human history has any civilized nation so offended basic human decency than did the United States during the era of slavery, between 1619 and the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1861. In fact, many Americans found the institution of slavery to be so morally repugnant that a new political party, the Republican Party, was spawned out of the abolitionist movement.

The Republican Party was founded in a schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, on March 20, 1854.  Anti-slavery sentiment was so strong in some northern and border states that the party was able to elect its first president, Abraham Lincoln, in 1860, just six years later.  In the ensuing 104 years, Republicans fought what seemed an endless battle against Democrats who longed for the return of slavery and who opposed basic human rights for former slaves and their descendants.

  • A Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
  • It was Republicans who drafted and passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, outlawing slavery and giving blacks citizenship and the right to vote.
  • It was Democrat-controlled legislatures across the South who enacted the Black Codes and the Jim Crow laws.
  • In 1866, it was Democrats who created the Ku Klux Klan as a paramilitary arm of their party.  Its purpose was to intimidate, terrorize, and murder black people.  In the years between 1882 and 1951, some 3,437 blacks and 1,293 whites, nearly all Republicans, were lynched by the KKK.
  • It was Republicans who authored the Civil Rights Act of 1866, the Reconstruction Act of 1867, the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, and the Civil Rights Act of 1875.
  • It was Democrats who wrote and passed the Repeal Act of 1894, repealing much of the civil rights legislation passed by Republicans in the years since the close of the Civil War.  In other instances, a Democrat-dominated U.S. Supreme Court declared elements of the Republican civil rights legislation to be unconstitutional.
  • It was a Republican president, Dwight D. Eisenhower, who authored the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the Civil Rights Act of 1960.  Later, it was the strong support of Republicans that made the Civil Rights Act of 1964 possible… a law that was almost identical, word-for-word, to the Republicans’ Civil Rights Act of 1875, overturned by a Democrat-dominated U.S. Supreme Court.  And finally, it was a Republican president, Richard Nixon, who signed the Equal Employment Act of 1972.

It was not until the Brown vs. Board of Education decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in the mid-1950s that Democrats finally decided that, if they could no longer control blacks through violence and intimidation, they would have to buy their hearts, their minds, and their votes with an endless variety of social welfare programs.  Since that time, and to their great discredit, blacks have turned their backs on the Republicans who worked so tirelessly and so valiantly on their behalf.  Instead, they now cast more than 90% of their votes for white Democrats, those who were their oppressors for more than three centuries.  Never in the history of man has a race of people shown such ingratitude toward those who were their principal benefactors.

But now it appears that a schism is beginning to develop in the black man’s love affair with the Democrat Party. For the past sixty years, Democrats have been laying sloppy, slobbering kisses all over our black population. But what blacks are now learning is that, what they took to be undying love and devotion, was nothing more than a prelude to a cheap one-night stand.

Bernadette Lancelin, a black mother in Houston, apparently a former Obama supporter, recently found herself being interviewed by a Houston TV station. She said she was furious that Barack Obama wants to spend nearly $4 billion on Central American kids who’ve entered the country illegally.  She said, “What about the kids here?  What about the kids here in our neighborhood?  And not just in our neighborhood, but in our country? All these (illegal immigrant) kids, really?  Why can’t they go back?” She said, “I’m sorry that their parents are in poor living conditions or surroundings or whatever’s going on out there. I don’t care. I care about what’s going on right here in my own back yard, my neighborhood.”

Mychal Massie, a black writer and talk show host in Los Angeles, has said, “I condemn in the strongest possible terms the media for refusing to investigate (the Obamas) as they did President Bush and President Clinton, and for refusing to label them for what they truly are.  There is no scenario known to man, whereby a white president and his wife could ignore laws, flaunt their position, and lord over the people, as these two are permitted out of fear for their color… Never in my life, inside or outside of politics, have I witnessed such dishonesty in a political leader.”

She went on to say, “He is the most mendacious political figure I have ever witnessed.  Even by the low standard of his presidential predecessors, his narcissistic, contumacious arrogance is unequaled.  Using Obama as the bar, Nero would have to be elevated to sainthood.”

In a July 14 editorial for Minuteman News, titled “Democrats’ New Trophy Wife,” attorney A.J. Delgado writes, “Democrats have built a brand as the party willing to stand up for black Americans, but the amnesty push (for illegal Hispanic immigrants) shows what a false promise that was.  The message to black voters is: ‘Yes, your ancestors endured unimaginable hardships and helped build this country, and we said we’d help you out.  But now we have a new trophy wife.’  Meanwhile, the harm to African Americans is not limited to reduced wages, greater competition for jobs, and declining household incomes… now even the black history of suffering is being diluted.  Liberal columnist and CNN pundit Sally Kohn penned a column last week arguing that the term ‘illegal immigrant’ is the same as the N-word.”

If there is a silver lining in the current immigration crisis along our southern border, it is that a great many previously disinterested or complacent Americans are being awakened to the evils of Barack Obama and the Democrat Party.  William Gheen, president of the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC predicts that, on the weekend of July 19-20, more than 300 protest rallies will take place in cities all across the country.  He said, “Our goal is to unify Americans of all races, political parties, and walks of life against the Obama-inspired illegal immigrant invasion.”

What is finally beginning to dawn on African Americans is that Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and other Democrats have long taken them for granted… assuming that, once a black man is bought, he will stay bought.  It is apparent that what Democrats are hoping is that Hispanics will become the most sought-after minority voting bloc.  Add those votes to the black vote, the labor vote, and the public employee vote, along with the votes of trial lawyers, radical feminists, radical environmentalists, gays, lesbians, and transvestites, and they expect to have a winning coalition that will maintain them in power until the end of time.

Delgado likens the Democrats’ current attitude toward blacks to the husband who leaves his wife after 30 years of marriage, saying, “We’ve had a good run, honey, but I’ve found someone new.”  He says, “Yes, black America… it’s closing time and there’s a younger, hotter version of you out there on the dance floor, and the Democrats are laying on the charm, slick one-liners, and cash to buy her affections… and votes.”

But now, in a stroke of irony that not even Hollywood screen writers could have visualized, we find that it is a black president and a black attorney general who are most responsible for the fissures that are beginning to appear in the once-solid Democrat base. Yes, cracks are beginning to appear in the Democrats’ foundation. For the good of mankind, let’s all hope that Barry Farber’s prediction comes true and that Obama and his criminal conspirators will be soon be accorded the ignominy they so richly deserve.

Florida is a Top Ten State for Central American Illegal Settlement (infographic)

Nicole Rusenko, a senior designer at The Heritage Foundation, and Kelsey Harris, the visual editor at The Daily Signal, created an infographic that tells the immigration story. Note on the infographic that Florida is one of the top states for Central American illegals to migrate. There has been a 234% increase in illegals from Guatemala, Salvador and Honduras.

central american immigration infographic

For a larger printable version click on the image.

Florida Sheriff would refuse any request from Dept. of Homeland Security to house illegals in his jail

Sherry Smart, a resident of Sarasota County, FL, sent an email to all of her County Commissioners. Smart wrote, “As all of you are aware we have a crisis at our borders and now it is spreading it’s tentacles across the US. Murietta, California learned about their invasion at the last moment with the assistance of their Mayor who was outraged with this Federal overreach. Next came the people of Virginia who learned about the Fed’s plan for an abandoned building and those people prevailed.  Today I read an article where Pasco County is taking in illegals and requesting more beds. I’d like to know if there are any plans in place for North Port and Sarasota County.” See the map below on the three know relocation areas for illegals in Florida.

Christine Robinson, Sarasota County Commissioner responded stating, “Excuse me for the delay in my response, I was traveling this weekend.  Thank you for writing. I am copying our Sheriff who is a separately elected constitutional officer who is solely in charge of law enforcement responsibilities with your concern.” Robinson did not say if the County would agree to house illegals.

However, Sarasota County Sheriff Thomas M. Knight (pictured above) did respond to Smart stating, “My office has a working relationship with the Department of Homeland Security/Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  I have not received any information from that group of intentions to request assistance from the Sheriff’s Office to house illegals in the Sarasota County Jail.  In fact, I would refuse the request if that should come.  I think it would be also important for you to know that since I took office in 2009, the Sheriff’s Office has recognized over 435 criminal illegal aliens who have been booked at the Sarasota County Jail – having them removed and sent to Miami – Dade County for deportation proceedings. Thank you for staying engaged.” [Emphasis mine]

numbers usa map of illegal relocations

Map of relocation areas (in red) by state. Map courtesy of Numbers USA. For a larger view click on the map.


Congressman Steve Southerland, II, FL District 2.

Voicing similar concerns, Neil Rice from Perry, Florida sent an email to Congressman Steve Southerland, II, FL District 2. Rice stated, “House republicans stand your ground or lose your seat. No money for illegal immigrants, with out money they can not stay. Close the borders first and completely. Send back All the illegals. DHS IS A UNCONSTITUTIONAL AGENCY AND NEEDS TO BE ABOLISHED. They are corrupt beyond words, doing what ever they wish. and committing EXTORTION against the American taxpayer.”

“This is an election year, and we are forming groups to campaign against any representative that does not abide by the U.S. Constitution, protects our country and it’s people, (no matter who gets it). We have nothing to lose anymore,” notes Rice.

Melissa Thompson, Deputy District Director for Rep. Steve Southerland, II replied, “Steve and the Republican Conference have no plans to give the President more money for the illegals.”

According to Numbers USA Florida has been targeted by the federal government to take illegals. George Fuller, from Sarasota notes, “Kansas Southern owns subsidiary FERROSUR which has two trains that leave southern Mexico every 8 to 10 days headed for the U.S. Border. This has been the most used form of transportation by illegal aliens to get through Mexico. The trains are known as La Beastia.”

There is a growing backlash across Florida and the United States against this illegal alien invasion. Many argue that America’s sovereignty is being violated as well as standing laws ignored. Is lawlessness coming to Florida?

RELATED VIDEO: Zack Interview-Security on the border between USA and Mexico. NAFBPO’s mission is “to contribute to the security and stability of the United States.”




Brooks County, Texas: Ranchers Round Up Illegals Who Skirt Checkpoint
First Five Steps to Solving Southern Border Crisis
On the Border, Activist’s Arrest Rattles the ‘Dreamers’

Border Fiasco: “Some in military want to take Obama out”

jerry boykin

Lt. Gen. William Boykin, U.S. Army (Ret.)

Obama’s boarder mess, using children to violate the laws of America and holding Obama accountable is a growing cry among Americans. Even black Americans.

According to Political Ears reports, “A retired three star General Officer recently stated he knows of certain unnamed individuals within the Armed Forces of having at least considered the possibility of an armed coup d’état aimed directly at of Barack Obama, as reported by the on-line news portal Government Executive on Nov. 4, 2013.”

“People I’ve spoken to would like to see the military ‘fulfill their constitutional duty and take out the president,’ ” retired Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin told World Net Daily, a website best known for pushing Obama “birther” conspiracy theories. “Our Constitution puts a civilian in charge of the military and as a result a coup would not be constitutional. You’re not going to see a coup in the military.”

“Countless people … will hate the new world order … and will die protesting against it.” — H.G. Wells, The New World Order (1940).




Why Mexico’s Southern Border Security Strategy Is Not Enough
Shovel Ready Judges: The Obama Plan to Address Immigration Backlog
Message to the Feds: We Will Not Host Illegal Children in Our States
WATCH: Krauthammer Slams Obama For ‘Robbing the Military to Inflate the Entitlement State’
The Odd Book One Texas Rancher Found Near the Border (+video)

Serious Food for Thought: Great Video on the Ever-Controversial Issue of IMMIGRATION

Hope all is well as we all thank GOD that the World Cup finally came to a close yesterday…LOL! And, like I said in Saturday’s e-mail, a professional soccer match can go for a full “90” minutes – go into 2 Extra Periods – without a single GOOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLL being scored. And, I should have stayed with that exact scenario that I wrote about two days ago – as that is exactly what happened in yesterday’s Championship Match – with Pope Benedict XVI Emeritus” Germany squad outlasting Pope Francis’ Argentina team – 1- nil. It would have been great if both popes would have been in attendance as we would never, ever see that again in our life times – 2 “live” popes with their two respective country teams playing against each other on a world stage like the World Cup…Some Food for thought…what a “kick in the grass”…

And, speaking about “Food for Thought” and world stages – let’s take a good look at this 6 minute video that I bring you today by Mr. Roy Beck (no relation to Glenn). I don’t know much about him other than he is a former International Journalist of public policy books and he serves as the President of the non-partisan Numbers USA Education Research Foundation. He knows his numbers and he knows his facts. This particular presentation truly makes one think about what is going on in our world today – especially with the hottest topic in our beloved United States of America – the ever-controversial issue of Immigration as it relates to Poverty & Population…

Friends: This is one topic that is so sensitive, so delicate and so critical – and, one that needs to be taken care of in a most urgent manner. Not many like to comment about it because there are so many differing opinions. It does take boldness to write about it because everybody has a different experience and take on it. This is a topic that should have been taken care of by two-term President, Barack Obama, from the moment that he put his “left” hand on our Holy Bible and was sworn in as our 44th President of the United States. So, after almost 6 years into his ever-rocky presidency, he finally has come around to “taking a quick look” at this world-wide Immigration issue that, along with “12” other scandals and controversies that have mired his presidency – King Obama should once again be dethroned from his throne…

This is Obama’s “Katrina” and this is not a strong hurricane that blew in over night – but, rather, it is a Category 6 Storm that has been brewing at our borders for many years and one that Obama should have put emphasis and priority on over 5 years ago when he promised this non-sense about “Hope & Change”. Did the Almighty One mean “We hope that there is change”??? Obviously, he got a tremendous amount of the Hispanic votes in both elections (74% of Catholic Hispanics voted for him), because he promised these beloved migrants that he would take care of them once he took office. And, once again, Obama spoke a good game, but, like a pitcher with no arms – he has yet to deliver for them and now it is catching up on the Almighty One. It appears that the word “Impeachment” was dropped from Webster’s dictionary & the Constitution of the United States when King Obama took over our country in 2009, as if it were any other President who has faltered as much – he would have been impeached a dozen times already… a “faker’s dozen”.

So, without taking sides like many have with this issue, I urge that you take a good, hard look at this video presentation by Mr. Roy Beck as it truly makes a ton of sense the way that he breaks it all down for us. Yes, he illustrates this entire international scenario with hundreds of colorful gum balls. Chew on that for a second and see what each gum ball represents. Again, I bring it to you as some serious “Food for Thought” because this is a critical issue that can easily escalate into a worldly disaster, with our beloved United States of America taking the brunt of this Cat 6 storm, that even has winds of over 150 MPH gusting in the White House.

I personally feel that the most important comment that is made in this video presentation is what Mr. Beck says at the very end: “The only place that 99.9% of these people can be helped is where they live. Let’s help them there”.

And, that, my friends, is where the “root of all evil” lies and where I think we need to focus our attention on – where they live. That is where we must help them, if you will. We must go to the root of this problem and nip it in the bud right where this cancer begins…and all signs show that it all stems from these Central American countries who are wreaking havoc on their own kind. These corrupt and ruthless governments are the ones who are forcing these young, undocumented children to leave because of the hardship and violence that they are inflicting on them – and if you have any type of human compassion – it’s got to hurt you deep inside. It is beyond excruciating…

In my heart of hearts, I believe that if the United States would spend more time and resources on working with these countries (who are the ones who are doing everything “illegal” from the get-go by embracing and endorsing the intrinsic evils of drug trafficking, human trafficking and violence through gang warfare) – we would be able to eliminate these problems and not have to face the “consequences” of turning a blind eye and a deaf ear on these issues. We have to do a better job internationally in putting a stop to these illegal activities that are taking place right there in Central America. If we continue to ignore this problem and think it is going to go away like the “Curse of Common Core” – we are fooling ourselves and it will blow up in our faces. And, that is exactly what is about to happen today…This all falls under the President of the United States’ Foreign Policy…

If we treat this critical humanitarian issue with compassion, mercy and love as Jesus in Matthew: 25 teaches us – with a good sprinkle of discipline, “tough love” and a thorough approach of “common sense law and order” by securing our borders for the sake of safety for all parties involved – then, and only then, are we ever going to get somewhere. If we don’t secure our borders immediately and take this all to prayer in a most fervent manner – we will continue to see this problem escalate until something of inhumane atrocity takes place. A mini American version of the Holocaust…

I am all about compassion, ministering to the least of my brothers and sisters and being my “Brother’s Keeper” (the foundation for our Christian on a Mission ministry) – but, until we take care of our own country and our own people – I personally don’t think that the United States should have the responsibility of having to minister to people coming from other countries who are doing so by illegal means. Illegal can never be good. That is why we call it “illegal”. It means “breaking the law”. So, let’s abide by the law and let’s work “Two-gether” on making this complicated process all legal. Let’s work on making it all loving. Let’s work on making it all work so that everybody benefits and it is a win-win for the United States & Central America.

Also, since these laws are being broken in the United States of America – the U.S. should be the one who legally and professionally mandates what can and cannot occur at its borders. That only makes sense. This is our country. These are our borders. These are our laws. And, let’s not forget to make sure that we go to the “root” of this problem and take care of this issue at its foundation and stress to these countries that they are better off keeping these courageous people in their own countries who are willing to travel for 4 days in the desert while risking their lives in order to live in the “free” United States of America. One day, these passionate migrants can become assets in their respective countries and because of their courage, boldness and willingness to go to the extreme – may become heroes in their own countries and benefit them.

After all is said and done, we are all “Children of GOD” and nobody is better or more privileged than the other – regardless of race, religion, country of origin or economic background – but, this is our beloved country and we Americans have to take care of our home land – while, at the same time – being compassionate and loving towards those who are willing to put their lives on the line to try to be a part of this country that we are all so blessed to be living in. As a Cuban immigrant from 1961, myself, I am more than humbled and honored to live, work and serve in my beloved country. I am blessed. I bleed red, white and blue (Cuban & American colors), and love the United States with all my being. And, since my family and I had to flee the Communist rule of a dictator like Fidel Castro 53 years ago – I know first-hand what these migrants are going through today and what it is like having to leave their beloved country in order to seek freedom and a better life. Because of my own personal experience, I have that much more compassion for anybody in this world who faces those odds so my perspective may be a bit different than somebody who was born and raised right here in Palm Beach Gardens and may think that I am being a bit too lenient…Don’t judge anybody until you have to walk in his shoes – especially if it is 3 days and 3 nights in a dangerous desert…

In closing, if you don’t feel the same way I do about my commentaries on this topic – that’s fine. We are all entitled to our opinions and feelings. But, please at least take it to prayer. I may not feel the same way you do, so I take it to prayer. The more prayer our country can get, the better off we will all be. That is what I learned many years ago – when MAN cannot find a solution for HUMAN problems – simply take it to prayer and speak to the One who created us all in His image and likeness. He brought us all into this world and He created North & Central America and He is the only one who has the solution to this very delicate problem…After all, His only begotten son, Jesus, was an immigrant, Himself…and Christianity has no borders…Let us pray…

Miami Hispanic Editor: Obama to blame for Illegal invasion

Appearing on News Max TV, Democrat strategist, Bridget Todd and managing editor of The Shark Tank, Javier Manjarres debate the president’s latest inaction on immigration plus discuss who is truly to blame for the current crisis at the border.

Manjarres also tangled with Democratic strategist Bridget Todd on the unwillingness of politicians to address the illegal immigration crisis for what it is.

“Let’s be very clear,” he said. “The U.S. gives out resident alien cards. Resident alien cards, these are illegal aliens, bottom line. At the end of the day, we’ll fix the immigration policy and disasters there may be if we enforce the laws. If we enforce the laws, there’s no issues of immigration.”

Read more at The Shark Tank. 
