Sanctuary Cities: Where Hypocrisy Rules

It should be commonsense that a nation’s security begins and ends at its borders.

The primary mission of the military is to keep America’s enemies as far from its shores as possible.

There is a stirring Navy commercial “America’s Navy – The Shield” in which numerous members of the United States Navy from a wide array of divisions appear on screen and a voice says, “To get to you they’d have to get past us.”

Indeed, the valiant members of our armed forces from all five branches routinely go in harm’s way to defend America and Americans.

However, as we saw all too clearly on September 11, 2001, in this era of asymmetrical warfare, America’s enemies are likely to not come to our country in a warship but on an airliner.

Indeed, on that horrific day more than 15 years ago, 19 men from the Middle East carried out the deadliest terror attack ever mounted on American soil.  The casualties of 9/11 surpassed the number of casualties that the Japanese fleet inflicted on the United States at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

The 9/11 Commission was convened to determine the vulnerabilities that the terrorists successfully exploited to attack the United States.  Among the most fundamental vulnerabilities were those that pertain to the various components of the immigration system.

I addressed these issues in my article “The 9/11 Commission Report and Immigration: An Assessment, Fourteen Years after the Attacks.”

Immigration Law Enforcement Is Not About Xenophobia But Commonsense:

To be clear, our immigration laws have nothing to do with race, religion or ethnicity but everything to do with preventing the entry of aliens who suffer dangerous communicable diseases or mental illness as well as aliens who are criminals, spies, human rights violators, fugitives from justice, war criminals and terrorists.

The federal government created the Department of Homeland Security in the wake of those terror attacks to better protect America and Americans from the threat of international terrorism.  The enforcement of our immigration laws was moved into that new department because it was understood that border security and the enforcement of our immigration laws from within the United States back-stops the efforts of the military to prevent the entry and embedding of terrorists and criminals in the United States.

You would think that across America our nation’s leaders, irrespective of party affiliations, would all be in agreement about the need to prevent the entry of terrorists and criminals into the United States.

You would think there would be universal agreement to prevent contraband such as narcotics and dangerous weapons from entering the United States in this perilous era.

It would also seem that these concerns would be of particular focus for the political leaders of New York City, the city that bore the brunt of the hellacious attacks of 9/11 especially when you realize that there had been a previous deadly terror attack committed at the World Trade Center on February 26, 1993 and still other attacks in New York.

Certainly Mayor DeBlasio and New York Senator Chuck Schumer make frequent note of those terror attacks to demand that Washington provide additional funding to protect New York City from international terrorists.

However, over time, the nexus between immigration and national security has been, by design, gradually expunged from the narrative.

Over time, beginning with President Jimmy Carter’s strategy of blurring the distinction between lawful immigrants and illegal aliens, the term alien has been replaced by the term immigrant.

Any effort to distinguish lawful immigrants from illegal aliens is now met with accusations of racism, xenophobia, nativism and other such insults.

The complicit mainstream media has come to refer to anyone who calls for securing our borders against illegal entry as being “Anti-Immigrant” while immigration anarchists have been re-branded “Pro-Immigrant.”

By blurring the distinction between lawful immigrants and illegal aliens has tragically conditioned many Americans to believe that the term “Immigrant” is synonymous with “law violator” when nothing could be further from the truth.

The Trump administration is not seeking to deport true “Immigrants” unless, of course a lawful immigrant commits certain serious crimes.

One progressive organization, Credo Action, posted this petition with the bogus premise: Senate Democrats: Block Trump’s attacks on immigrants.

The push for the deportation of illegal aliens must not be confused with the bogus narrative of the politicians who say that they will prevent President Trump from deporting immigrants.  The administration is not attempting to deport immigrants but is attempting to deport illegal aliens, especially when they have committed serious crimes and pose a threat to public safety the same way that criminals living in public housing pose a threat to public safety.

Not content with simply declaring NYC a “Sanctuary City” DeBlasio has provided hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens with municipal identity documents that help illegal aliens embed themselves in NYC and provide them with a level of credibility they should not have.

After Donald Trump was elected president, ABC News reported, Mayor Says If Trump Tries To Deport Undocumented Immigrants He’ll Destroy IDNYC Data.

Following the attacks of 9/11 politicians from both parties stood in front of forests of microphones at news conferences and demanded to know, “Why did no one connect the dots?”

Now Mr. DeBlasio has unbelievably threatened to erase potential dots, thereby obstructing governmental administration in matters involving national security.

When I have attempted to explain immigration law enforcement in a way that most folks could relate to, I have come to say that the difference between an immigrant and and illegal alien is comparable to the difference between a houseguest and a burglar.

When I provided a deposition to the law firm retained by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to help in their defense against the Obama DOJ lawsuit over SB 1070 (Arizona’s immigration law that largely paralleled our federal immigration laws) I noted that “During the first four years of my career with the INS when I served as an immigration inspector at JFK International Airport in New York City, you could say that I had my eye to the peephole to America’s front door.”

I believe the analogy of comparing our homes with our nation and how reasonable people take whatever measures they can to protect themselves and their homes by locking their doors at night and being careful about letting strangers into their homes or apartments parallels the mission of immigration law enforcement for the United States.

That analogy works quite well and is worth considering today considering that on March 29, 2017 Spectrum News published a report, “NYPD and NYCHA Need to Do More to Remove Criminals from Public Housing, DOI Says.”

That report prompted me to do a bit of research on the issue of how, in New York City, residents of public housing become subject to eviction when they are convicted of committing certain serious crimes and may be excluded from living in public housing permanently.

I found a December 2015 New York Times article, “Report Details ‘Systemic Failures’ in Communication Between New York Police and Housing Authority” that contained a quote from none other than New York City’s Mayor DeBlasio.

Here is the pertinent segment of the news article:

The issue of excluding violent offenders from public housing gained new attention after the fatal shooting of Officer Randolph Holder near the East River Houses in Upper Manhattan on Oct. 20. The authorities have said the officer was killed by a man, Tyrone Howard, who should have been barred from public housing long before based on his criminal history.

Without mentioning the investigation or its findings, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office issued a news release last week promising improved interagency communication and strategies “aimed at quickly and accurately identifying individuals who pose a serious risk to public safety and taking appropriate action.”

“Improved N.Y.P.D. and Nycha communication and process will shorten eviction and exclusion proceedings from public housing to weeks, as opposed to months, for serious offenders,” Mr. de Blasio said in the statement.

This is absolutely stunning.

Mr. DeBlasio has shown commonsense about keeping criminals out of public housing the same way that DeBlasio’s mayoral predecessor and proponent of Sanctuary Cities, Mayor Mike Bloomberg, demanded that police officers patrol public housing and arrest anyone who would trespass on public housing because, he stated, such trespassers pose a threat to the safety of those who live in public housing.

However, while DeBasio is all for evicting criminals from public housing to keep the residents of those housing developments safe, he determined to prevent the deportation of criminal aliens from the United States.

The hypocrisy is startling. and provides evidence of Theft By Deception: The Immigration Con Game.

On March 15, 2017 Newsday quoted the Speaker of the New York City Counsel in an article, NYC’s Mark-Viverito: Trump deportation plan ‘ethnic cleansing.’

The term depravity come to mind in contemplating her reckless, incendiary and outrageous allegations.  Could you imagine if President Trump had said anything that even approached that insane statement?

In “Sanctuary Cities” public safety, law, reason, commonsense and morality are mere speed bumps to be overcome to create immigration anarchy.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Case Against Immigration | Foreign Affairs




Map of sanctuary cities and counties.

list of top 12 sanctuary cities

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine.

AHCA was NOT Obamacare Repeal or Replacement by Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX)

The following was contained in an email from Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX District 1)to his constituents:

Republicans have been promising to repeal Obamacare for seven years now. Some of us have proposed bills that had good provisions that would repeal Obamacare. In fact, we voted on a bill that would have been more of a repeal than this one through the House and Senate last year and put it on then-President Obama’s desk for signature. He vetoed the bill. But let’s be clear: the bill last week was NOT a repeal. It was NOT a replacement. It was an Obamacare tweak giving additional power to the federal government in hopes that our Republican Health and Human Services Secretary could make good changes.

Most east Texans are not in favor of giving the federal government MORE power to solve the problem of the federal government having too much power over our health care. If a true history of the rise and demise of the greatest, freest country in history is written, a chapter will detail how decade after decade, good ol’ go along folks kept providing more and more authority to the federal government rather than reining it in. But we still have a window to stem the tide and get back on track.

In closed meetings we were assured, if we will just give my friend Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price this extra power, he can weaken Obamacare substantially, though he could not repeal it administratively. However, no one could give an adequate answer regarding all that additional power in the hands of the next liberal Democrat who will one day take the reins at that behemoth department. The answer is obvious: the next liberal Secretary of HHS would bring back Obamacare with gusto, never to be repealed until it does its job—to hand over full control of your health care decisions to the government, paid for by crushing tax burdens.

There were a myriad of reasons to vote against Speaker Ryan’s rejected bill. It would hit people between the ages of 50-64 with additional costs for premiums and deductibles—in addition to what Obamacare does now. In addition to the original $716 Billion that Obamacare cut from Medicare, this bill was going to hit our seniors yet again.

Most troublesome to me was that in our own Republican meetings we heard from experts who believed that this bill would not bring premiums, deductibles or co-pays down at all and they would most likely be increasing for the next two years, though there was hope costs MIGHT come down 10% three years from now.

From what I hear from my constituents in east Texas, they are really overwhelmed with health insurance and healthcare costs. They need help, and they cannot afford to wait three years. They need help now.

Some of us were exceeding concerned about a new “tax credit” entitlement scheme that did not require proof of citizenship, not even legality, before the U.S. Treasury sends a check.  This entitlement was another transfer of wealth from those who work hard and pay taxes to those not legally present in this country.

The bill also assured that nearly 1% of your hard-earned money would be paid for a Medicare tax to be sucked out of your paycheck that already has a tax of 2.9%, half paid by you and half by your employer.

To help east Texans with the higher premiums this bill would bring, my Freedom Caucus friends and I twice agreed to vote FOR the bad bill, if the Speaker would take out a few of the requirements that were going to increase premiums. We were convinced by knowledgeable analysts that removing these provisions would drive premiums down.

Please understand, we agreed to let the “pre-existing condition” provision in Obamacare remain, though some falsely reported that we refused. We agreed to let children stay on their parents’ plans up to age 26, though I would agree to a higher age or no age limit if you are still living with your parents.

There were numerous other provisions that caused some heartburn, such as giving authority to HHA to create, for the first time ever, FEDERAL high risk insurance pools at the cost of billions of new dollars. We were told not to be alarmed, and that the hope was to eventually devolve that responsibility back to the states. As President Reagan warned, however, the closest thing to eternal life in this world is a new federal program.

Even though I was called an uncompromising “purist,” I was willing to compromise significantly if we could just get the premium costs down for my constituents.

People should also be aware that if the vote had been taken, there would have been as many moderate Republicans voting “No,” which some believe is why the vote was pulled in the first place. Republican leaders would not have been able to lay blame unfairly on conservatives when it was clear within our conference that at least as many moderates were concerned about the bill as conservatives.

The House Freedom Caucus reached an agreement to vote for the bill twice with President Trump, only to have Reince Priebus or Speaker Ryan notify us that such a compromise could not be put in the bill because, they told us, it would risk violating the budget reconciliation rules in the Senate and kill the bill.

Repeatedly we were told by our Republican leadership that the Senate Parliamentarian could not tell us in advance how she would “rule” on whether we could include our requested language in the bill without killing the bill. Late last week, we learned that the reason they could not find out was because they simply had not asked her, as Senator Mike Lee reported.

Yet the whole truth of the matter is that the Parliamentarian never “rules” on anything. She or he may only whisper a recommendation into the ear of the Senate President, either Vice-President Mike Pence or a designee of the Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who sits in the chair with the gavel on the Senate floor. It is the President of the Senate who “rules” on admissibility, not the Parliamentarian. And if 51 Republican Senators support the ruling of the presiding officer, his or her ruling stands untouchable.

This letter offers just a glimpse of the many reasons that the last two weeks played out as they did. It is very disappointing that despite the several compromises that were offered by conservative members, we still were not near fulfillment of our promise to truly and completely repeal Obamacare. That is a promise I did not make lightly, and I will continue the fight to honor my pledge to my constituents and the American people by working aggressively to make sure we get a good bill, get it passed, and signed into law.

Faithfully Yours,

Congressman Louie Gohmert
First District of Texas

RELATED VIDEOS: Gohmert: ‘I Can’t Support a Bill That Does More Damage Than Good’

Gohmert on AHCA: For My Constituents – a 10% Drop Will Not Be a Help


Freedom Caucus Is an Ally, Not an Enemy in Draining the Swamp

After Trump Threatens to ‘Fight’ Freedom Caucus, Conservatives Vow to ‘Keep Promises’

Three-Pronged Approach to Repeal and Replace Obamacare |

TAKE ACTION: Vimeo removes Christian ministry videos, closes account

If Jesus has changed your life and set you free from homosexual practice, your testimony is not welcome on Vimeo – not now, not ever. And if you see homosexuality as another aspect of sexual brokenness, something for which Jesus died and something from which you can be healed, your opinion is not welcome on Vimeo. Case closed, door shut, end of subject.

Pure Passion Ministries is a much respected friend of AFA and many other national ministries. Their videos have helped countless sexual abuse victims, people who have been sex trafficked, those who are addicted or in any other condition that causes them distress.

Sign the Petition to Vimeo!

us-appletv-1-pure-passion-tvOn March 24, Vimeo removed all 850 Pure Passion videos and closed its account.

Why? As Vimeo explained to Dr. David Kyle Foster, director of Pure Passion Ministries and himself a former homosexual,

To put it plainly, we don’t believe that homosexuality requires a cure and we don’t allow videos on our platform that espouse this point of view…We also consider this basic viewpoint to display a demeaning attitude toward a specific group, which is something that we do not allow.”

Did you catch that? Vimeo is guilty of the very same intolerance they claim Pure Passion has. Read the entire exchange between Pure Life and Vimeo here.

But Foster’s ministry is not the first to be unfairly censured by Vimeo. In 2015, Vimeo unpublished an announcement for an upcoming “Hope Conference.” The conference was sponsored by Restored Hope Network, which is an association of ministries that help people deal with unwanted same-sex attractions. Early last year, Vimeo shut down Restored Hope’s entire account. Every single video. Gone.

Vimeo also shut down the account of NARTH, the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, which is an association of psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, and therapists who have had the temerity to stand up to the PC establishment and who refuse to celebrate LGBT activism.

You can see why Foster described Vimeo’s move as “pure religious bigotry and censorship.”

Vimeo takes a hostile view towards groups and videos that espouse the Bible when it comes to human sin and brokenness.

Vimeo takes a callous approach towards groups and videos that preach the gospel of transformation when it comes to homosexuality.


This is an outrage, and it needs to be addressed. Here’s what you can do today:

  • Sign our petition to Vimeo asking them to restore immediately the account of Dr. David Kyle Foster and Pure Passion, stating politely that this is tantamount to religious censorship and bigotry.
  • Share this information with family, friends and on social media.
  • Pray that the message of freedom and liberty in Jesus – from ALL brokenness and sin – would be proclaimed even more loudly and powerfully in the days ahead. Pray that Vimeo’s efforts to silence a powerful ministry (along with other excellent ministries and organizations) result in the amplifying of this ministry’s message.


EDITORS NOTE: If AFA’s mission resonates with you, please consider supporting their work financially with a tax-deductible donation. The easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure.

Progressives Devolving

It’s easy to deride the aberrant behavior of the leftists we’ve been unhappily witness to, both over the course of the presidential campaign and particularly since Donald J. Trump ascended to the presidency on November 8th, 2016. After all, they’ve never recovered from the Bush v Gore race of 2000!

But as a wise neighbor told me years ago about an exceptionally vile person we both knew, “she’s more to be pitied than scorned.”

At the time, this seemed overly charitable to me. But as the decades have elapsed and I’ve watched progressives consistently acting so infantile, it is clear that their limited repertoire––hurling of insults and obscenities, public temper tantrums, wanton destruction of property, idle threats to leave the country, physical assaults on people who disagree with them, engaging in serial lies of increasing magnitude and pepper spraying mothers and children marching in support of President Trump––dictates that they are indeed more to be pitied than scorned.

After all, all of their sound and fury has resulted in––drum roll here––nothing!

Make that worse than nothing, especially if you’re dealing with the mortal enemy of the progressive agenda––Facts!

In 2010, in the first midterm elections after Barack Obama took office, the Democrat Party experienced some of the hugest losses since the Great Depression, with Republicans gaining 63 seats and a majority in the House, six seats in the Senate which expanded its minority, 680 seats in state legislatives, and 29 of the 50 state governorships.

Still, in their head-in-the-sand fashion, they ignored the losses and continued to believe that as long as they could, ahem, control the outcome of the big elections––with conservatives who had died but strangely reappeared after death as Democrats, and organizations like ACORN aiding and abetting their efforts––their power––actually abuse of power––would go on forever.

After Mr. Obama was reelected in 2012, Democrats held control of the Senate and Republicans maintained their hefty lead in the House, as well as the majority of governorships. None of this mattered to Mr. Obama, whose contempt for the duly-elected Congress was matched by his arrogance in consistently bypassing this august body to foist his own Marxist agenda on an increasingly suspicious electorate.

The results of the November 2014 midterms were, by any measure, a catastrophe for the left. Republicans gained a total of 247 seats in the House of Representatives and 54 seats in the Senate, achieving the largest Republican majority in the U.S. Congress since the 71st Congress in 1929. In addition, the GOP won 31 governors’ races; Democrats 18. And Republican-controlled legislatures increased from 57 to 67, leaving Democrats in control of the smallest number of state legislatures since 1860.

While both midterms rejected the Progressive agenda, the clueless left still had enough blustery confidence in the Democrat Party to put up not one but two socialists for president in 2016: Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

  • Note to the outraged: anyone following Hillary’s less-than-stellar career over the past 34 years can attest to the fact that she is as far left, if not more so, than Bernie Sanders and the rest of the 69 self-admitted socialists in the U.S. Congress.

When it came to bashing Wall St., endorsing state-run medicine and education (Obamacare and Common Core), celebrating abortion on-demand, embracing the anti-American and anti-Semitic United Nations, railing against guns (while being protected for decades by men with guns), endorsing every treaty that has been disastrous for America, and advocating for every scheme of the globalist agenda, Hillary was your girl!

  • Note the past tense––Hillary’s last-gasp hints to run again in 2020 are just more of the meaningless hot air she’s been expelling for decades.
  • Note how little I care about the screech owls of the left berating me for calling Hillary a girl.


Unmistakable hints that the Progressive agenda might be coming to its ignominious end came over the course of the 18 months that Donald Trump ran for the presidency.  During that time, candidate Trump, speaking to stadium-sized audiences, systematically attacked every one of Barack Obama’s failed ideas, policies, and executive orders, which had been inflicted on Americans during the previous eight years, calling them “disastrous,” “failures,” and most important, “bad for America.” Among the items on his laundry list were:

  • Crushing national debt of nearly $20 trillion.
  • Evisceration of our military.
  • Indefensible neglect of our veterans.
  • Sky-high unemployment (94 million, nearly one-third of our population).
  • Porous borders which potential terrorists were able to cross by the hundreds if not thousands.
  • The seeding of operatives from the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood into every branch of our government, including (to name a few) State, the Pentagon, Homeland Security, the Attorney General’s office, the EPA, the FBI, the CIA, on and on and on.
  • A horrific foreign policy supporting our enemies and menacing our most faithful allies.
  • Strangulating regulations.
  • Ceding control of the Internet to the United Nations—the most corrupt, anti-American, anti-Semitic cesspool in our country.

But that is not all. With boldness, indeed fearlessness, never seen before in politics, candidate Trump took on the biased leftwing media and the fake news they’ve spewed for decades, as well as the fake pollsters who followed their fellow sheep in pronouncing for month after month after month that candidate Trump would lose the election in a landslide.

All of this rang resoundingly true to Americans who lived outside of the East and Left coasts of America, those blue-state bastions of Progressives who love the goodies that freeloading communists and socialists always love––free everything, from housing to schooling to education to medical care to illegal drivers’ licenses to illegal voting rights. Oh, not to omit a demonstrably low regard for America and American exceptionalism.

I personally laugh out loud when I hear of the uber-wealthy people from both coasts––and their slavish echo chamber in the media––sending out tweets and e-mails from their privately-piloted planes bad-mouthing Wall Street and vilifying people who support secure borders, when none of these sanctimonious phonies would let a day go by without checking their spectacular bank accounts, having their armed body guards at-the-ready to protect them, and their valets and maids double-check that their home alarm systems were in perfect working order.

In the same way, I laugh when I see leftist relics like Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg from “The View” and their ilk in other leftist media cite Donald Trump from 15 years ago talking like a typical locker-room guy about women, when these self-appointed defenders of morality and women’s rights have twisted themselves into labyrinthine knots to avoid mention of the quintessential abused woman of the 20th century, Hillary Clinton, and the degree to which her husband Bubba––their hero––spit in Hillary’s face every day and night for eight years––as well as before and after his presidency––with his serial abuse, cheating, accusations of rape, and lying under oath about his sordid behavior.

Their hypocrisy should not only discredit them for all time, but also the so-called journalists like Mika (MSNBC) and Norah and Gail (CBS-TV) and Alisyn (CNN) and Rachel (MSNBC), and the other faux feminists who work for uber-rich male leftists, with their globalist agendas, running media empires for multimillion-dollar salaries––it’s always about following the money––and literally dictating what their employees say.

Hey, ladies, you’re angry at Pres. Trump, whose wife and daughter both run hugely successful businesses? Ivanka now has an office in the West Wing! Why are you angry at him instead of your cheap bosses? Why aren’t you running a channel or cable network yourselves? Pathetic!

But this is relatively small potatoes in comparison to the barrage of anti-Trump commentary these fake journalists regurgitated both before and after the election, including the false, go-nowhere Russian narrative. They should be the first to admit, but never will, that all of their efforts have resulted in––another drumroll here––nothing!


President Trump is still filling stadiums and still accomplishing more every week than Barack Obama did in eight years. An article edited by Jim Kouri, founder of a homeland-security consulting firm and Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, “First 50 Days a Major Victory for Americans,” spells out a number of those accomplishments:

  • New jobs: In January, 238,000; in February 235,000, with wages growing by an average 2.8 percent and unemployment falling to 4.7 percent.
  • Lowering the national debt from Mr. Obama’s $19.947 trillion, from which President Trump subtracted $68 billion!
  • Manufacturing at its best since 1984.
  • Small business Optimism Index hit its highest levels since 2004; medium-sized businesses also feeling confident.
  • Stock Market continuing to hit record highs, the Dow Jones closing above 21,000 for the first time ever!
  • Business like Samsung, Exxon Mobil, Carrier, Fiat Chrysler, et al, hiring and moving production back to the U.S. for multimillions in revenue and hundreds of thousands new jobs, as well as building factories in American cities.
  • Significant cutbacks to the burdensome regulations of land management, resulting in the potential to create 2.7-million new jobs and to add $663 billion to the economy annually for the next 30 years.
  • Freeing the coal industry from onerous regulations.
  • Cancelling the “bad for America” Transpacific Partnership.
  • Mandating the end of Sanctuary Cities.
  • Nominating a strict conservative to the Supreme Court.
  • Beginning the process of repealing and replacing Obamacare, the initial effort which failed to garner the votes because of ineffectual leadership of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.
  • Approval of the Keystone Pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipeline, which will create thousands of jobs and lower consumer gas prices.
  • International non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that sanction abortions to lose their funding.
  • The preposterous transgender bathroom policy to be set by states, not the federal government.
  • Emergency monetary help for city of Flint, Michigan, to help the city solve the poison water they’ve been drinking for years, no thanks to Barack Obama.
  • Significant cuts for American taxpayers for the cost of Air Force One.

And that is not to omit:

  • Firing the senior management at the leftist State Department!
  • The huge number of companies now competing to build “the wall.”
  • Hiring 10,000 new border agents.
  • An aggressive and long-overdue assault on ISIS.
  • Billions in our budget added for national defense and our veterans.
  • Tremendous support for Israel and “against the jackals” at the United Nations, thanks to the president and the spectacular Ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley.
  • Stopping payment on Obama’s final-hour giveaway of $220 million to the corrupt Palestinian Authority.
  • Forty percent fewer illegal immigrants crossing our borders.
  • The complete erasure of the term “climate change.”

There is so much more….but you get the picture. The left has thrown everything at candidate and now President Trump and nothing has stuck.  Why? Because President Trump truly represents We the People. He cannot be bought or compromised or intimidated like most politicians, and he is still the smartest guy in the room!


I remember watching the returns come in on November 8th, with virtually every commentator on every network and cable channel pronouncing the inevitable conclusion.

At 8:30 p.m. on the East Coast, this is what I heard:

“It’s going to be an early night….probably over by 11 p.m.”

“I think this will be a landslide…”

“There is simply no way that liberal states like Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania will ever vote for a Republican…never been done.”

On and on blathered the “experts”!

But they were all wrong!

What we’re seeing today is the result of what happens when a grown up steps in to save the mess that out-of-control Progressive children routinely make. Tooth fairies and unicorns and the glamorization of brutal regimes run by megalomaniacs like Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and the Castro brothers in Cuba and the mullahs in Iran––all of which leftists support!––are antithetical to freedom and prosperity and everything else that America stands for.

President Trump effectively destroyed his opponents’ identities––everything they think, believe in, embrace, base their behavior on, agree with their friends and partners about, everything that animates their entire lives. What we’ve been witnessing is their pitiful reactions.

To them I say––without a shred of sympathy for their offensive, classless and seditious behavior––Boo Hoo!

RELATED ARTICLE: Escalating Tensions: Anti-Trump Protestors Mobilize in Phoenix Brandishing Guns!

‘Religious Left’ on the rise in response to President Trump’s people and policies

Are they organizing in your name?

This is a Reuters story highlighting the phrase ‘Religious Left’ something we have been talking about on these pages for years.  Entitled of course to their political views, what has grated on me for so long is the FACT that many of the organizations working on the ‘Religious Left’ receive large pots of federal grant money that is not sufficiently accounted for.

The ‘Religious Right’ has not tapped in to the US Treasury as the Left has done!

Also, I believe churchgoers (Catholics and Protestants) should know what is being done in their names.

Here are some snips from the story featured at Drudge yesterday:

Rev. Serene Jones, a leader of the Religious Left

(Reuters) – Since President Donald Trump’s election, monthly lectures on social justice at the 600-seat Gothic chapel of New York’s Union Theological Seminary have been filled to capacity with crowds three times what they usually draw.

In January, the 181-year-old Upper Manhattan graduate school, whose architecture evokes London’s Westminster Abbey, turned away about 1,000 people from a lecture on mass incarceration. In the nine years that Reverend Serene Jones has served as its president, she has never seen such crowds.

“The election of Trump has been a clarion call to progressives in the Protestant and Catholic churches in America to move out of a place of primarily professing progressive policies to really taking action,” she said.

Although not as powerful as the religious right, which has been credited with helping elect Republican presidents and boasts well-known leaders such as Christian Broadcasting Network founder Pat Robertson, the “religious left” is now slowly coming together as a force in U.S. politics.

This disparate group, traditionally seen as lacking clout, has been propelled into political activism by Trump’s policies on immigration, healthcare and social welfare, according to clergy members, activists and academics. A key test will be how well it will be able to translate its mobilization into votes in the 2018 midterm congressional elections. [They better darn well not use taxpayer dollars for their vote mobilization!—ed]


Some in the religious left are inspired by Pope Francis, the Roman Catholic leader who has been an outspoken critic of anti-immigrant policies and a champion of helping the needy. [These reports NEVER mention that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Charities receive millions of tax payer dollars every year!—ed]

Although support for the religious left is difficult to measure, leaders point to several examples, such as a surge of congregations offering to provide sanctuary to immigrants seeking asylum…


The number of churches volunteering to offer sanctuary to asylum seekers doubled to 800 in 45 of the 50 U.S. states after the election, said the Elkhart, Indiana-based Church World Service, a coalition of Christian denominations which helps refugees settle in the United States – and the number of new churches offering help has grown so quickly that the group has lost count.

Arab American Association's Linda Sarsour, the Chief Executive Director of Bend the Arc Stosh Cotler, President of Union Theological Seminary Rev. Dr. Serene Jones talk about how communities of faith are reacting to xenophobia and fear around Muslims and refugees.

Arab American Association’s Linda Sarsour, the Chief Executive Director of Bend the Arc Stosh Cotler, President of Union Theological Seminary Rev. Dr. Serene Jones talk about how communities of faith are reacting to xenophobia and fear around Muslims and refugees.

You need to know that “asylum seekers” are illegal aliens until their cases are settled by an immigration judge. The Left uses the phrase to put a veneer of respectability on illegal aliens who may or may not have a shot at being granted asylum and thus being deemed a legitimate refugee.

Church World Service!

As we said here earlier in the month, CWS, got nearly a HALF A BILLION tax dollars during the Obama years. Why doesn’t Reuters ever mention this!

There  should be a law! Any non-profit sucking this kind of money out of the US Treasury should be prohibited from running anti-Trump (or anti-any President) campaigns!

Donald Trump needs to nip this in the bud through the budget process. Will he?

Are you being used by the Religious Left?  Are they working in your name?

I recommend that you check with your ministers and pastors!

See the churches that are affiliated with Church World Service and its progressive policies:

Member Communions


Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service “cautiously hopeful” refugee ceiling will return to 110,000

Nonprofits Help Illegal Immigrants With $291M Taxpayer Boost | The Daily Caller

RELATED VIDEO: Muslim College Professor on Tucker Carlson.

#MAGA Questions Requiring Immediate Answers

By Wallace Bruschweiler & William Palumbo…

Last week, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives failed to pass the one thing they have consistently preached since 2010: a repeal of Obamacare.  It was the latest (and most severe) setback since President Trump took office just two months ago.

MAGAThe fallout of this failure is a fiasco for Republicans and, in particular, President Trump.  Before another Republican failure finds itself on the doorsteps of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, below are some questions for your, and the administration’s, serious consideration.  To the following questions we offer no answers.  It is the job of those in official positions to have solutions, and act on them urgently.

  • What exactly have Paul Ryan and the Congressional Republicans been doing for the last seven years, if not figuring out a viable replacement for the monstrosity of Obamacare? Really, what were they doing there?
  • Who additionally in Congress, besides Ryan, thought that a complex (in 3 separate parts, no less!), non-free market health care bill would have conservative support and ultimately succeed? Let’s be serious.
  • Why were Senator Rand Paul’s ideas and suggestions utterly disregarded and ignored?
  • What are we paying Congress for, if not to write legislation to benefit the American people?
  • Were the Republicans in Congress expecting to lose the Presidential election, and therefore were totally unprepared to govern when Donald Trump actually won?
  • Who really supports Ryan, the leader of the RINO faction who seemingly can’t count votes, in his position as Speaker of the House (second in presidential succession after the Vice President)? Again, let’s be serious.
  • Republicans control Congress, the White House, and will soon add an additional conservative to the Supreme Court – why then, with Trump having won the election and delivered them power, is Congress unable, unprepared, and/or unwilling to legislate?
  • Why did the Trump White House not immediately consider the firing of all political appointees, wherever they are in the federal bureaucracy, a top priority? They represent and operate today as a well-oiled, prepared fifth column.
  • When will the inner circle surrounding President Trump attain the level of “firmness” required to neutralize and eliminate the proliferating, and up until now successful, fifth column?
  • When will the Trump administration finally identify the leakers and abusers of classified information (i.e., unmasking of U.S. citizens)? When will these criminals be brought to justice?
  • What finally caused the pundits to begin calling for Speaker Ryan’s replacement? He opposed Trump through the election – why the change of heart now?  What happened that they finally saw the light?

There is one more question, one to conclude the story if you will, and one for which we will hazard a guess: Who is right now laughing most at Trump and the so-called and hapless Republican Party?

The answer is a complex yet simple one: George Soros, Barack Hussein Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and Hillary Clinton.

Somali refugee sentenced to 3 years for attempted sexual assault of mentally disabled woman

When we first reported this case, it was learned through an apparent miscommunication by lawyers for the defendant that he had only arrived in the country the week before the incident occurred in July of last year. Now we learn he was a wandering Somali who had first been resettled in Idaho three years ago and had drifted from state to state ever since.

Before this case hit the news we had heard about the mayor there supporting the proposed opening of a direct resettlement site in Aberdeen and that citizens were upset. Click here for our first story on Aberdeen.  I then visited the city during my travels throughout the Midwest and West last summer where I was mostly interested in seeing meatpacking towns that were being changed with the influx of refugee laborers.


Aberdeen Mayor Mike Levsen

Here is what happened in an Aberdeen court yesterday, from Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:

Liban Mohamed, a 39-year-old Somali refugee living in Aberdeen, South Dakota, was sentenced Monday to three years for attempting to sexually assault a severely mentally handicapped woman at a group home.

Speaking through an interpreter, Mohamed said he didn’t know English. Yet, he was seen communicating with his lawyer in English.

Judge Richard Summers sentenced Mohamed to five years, with two years suspended for a total of three years and gave him credit for time served of 228 days. Mohamed is not a U.S. citizen, but he has been living in the United States on a green card.  [I assume there was no order for deportation after he finishes his sentence, will he be wandering to your state in three short years?—ed]

The incident happened July 30, 2016, just three days after Mohamed had arrived in Aberdeen to work at the Demkota Ranch beef-processing plant. He’d been in the country for about three years at that point, having been first resettled in Idaho. He then moved to Missouri, Kansas and on to South Dakota.

It’s not the only case recently of a Somali refugee running afoul of the law. Another man from Somalia, 24-year-old Abdirhman Noor, was charged with the attempted murder of two men on July 8, 2016, outside the Foxridge Apartments in Aberdeen. Noor jumped bail, failing to show up for a pretrial hearing in February. He has been missing ever since.

Still, the mayor of the small city, Mike Levsen, supports the continued arrival of refugees, many of whom are put to work in the local meatpacking plant and at a molded fiberglass plant.

The Liban Mohamed case was also notable for the way it was handled by the local media in and around Aberdeen.

Despite the facts – that a helpless woman was preyed upon by a refugee who had arrived in town just days earlier – coverage by the local newspaper, the Aberdeen News American, and local TV was non-existent until WND brought it to light.

When it did finally report the story, the News American refused to tell its readers that the perpetrator, Mohamed, was a refugee and buried the story on page 3.

The Brown County Sheriff’s Office refused to give WND a mugshot of Mohamed.

There are many more details.  Continue reading here.

I wonder what his arrest, his legal counsel, his interpreters and his incarceration is costing the taxpayers of South Dakota? So much for refugees adding to local economies!

Aberdeen citizens might wish to review the ‘Rutland model’ regarding mayors.

Mayor Levsen gave a state of the city address last month. Note: “immigrants” adding to Aberdeen population.

It’s Fake News to Call the ‘Freedom Caucus’ the ‘Rebellious Far Right’ by Jeffrey A. Tucker

My hope is that this article will settle this nonsense once and for all. It won’t. Fake news outlets will persist as long as they are allowed to get away with it. It’s a smear and an outright lie but it goes on often, especially recently.

The Background

First of all, as you undoubtedly know, there is a faction within the House of Representatives gaining consciousness of the great task of our time: to get government out of the way of the productive forces of freedom, and to do this in every area of life. It is called the “Freedom Caucus,” and their influence just brought down the false alternative to Obamacare that preserved all its essential features.

Given the upheaval in the Republican Party, these people are developing a new understanding of themselves. They stood up to Trump. Clearly, they don’t exist on the common left/right spectrum.In how they handled the great Obamacare/Ryancare debacle, they should be called “libertarians,” because this is the word that has emerged to describe them in our times.

But more correctly, they should be called “liberals,” because they are the successors to the great cause of human liberation that began in the late Middle Ages, extended through the Enlightenment, drove the revolutions against power in the 18th century, ended slavery and the subjugation of women in the 19th century, and fought socialism and fascism in the 20th century. In the 21st century, they’ve championed digital innovation, privacy, and technological progress.

Here is good tutorial.

What They Believe

This group, which is undergoing a revival in many forms in our times, is trending toward being a consistent force of freedom. It’s not there just yet but the trend line is unmistakable and good. It’s not just about lower taxes, though they do desire that. They also want free trade, free migration as an ideal, free speech, deregulation, penal and prison reform, and an end to wars of all sorts. In short, they see the free society as the answer and government as the problem.

They have few connections to what is called the Left, except in areas like prison reform, drug decriminalization, and free speech. But neither do they share the values of the emergent far Right we’re seeing in Europe or the United States. They reject authoritarians of all sorts, which is why they are not reliable friends of the Trump administration. They will back him when he is right but fight him when he is wrong. They are independent in this way, recognizing that both Right and Left are forms of statist ideology, two flavors of the same cause.They are often called “conservatives” in American political lexicon, and sometimes they too have to embrace this term because it has resonance with the media and the voters. But they don’t like it, and it doesn’t really describe them. They do not want to conserve any old habits of government. They want government out of the way precisely so market forces and society in general can discover new and better ways of doing things.

Now, having described the Freedom Caucus in the House as best I can, consider what the New York Times says. The article “Trump Becomes Ensnared in Fiery G.O.P. Civil War” is by Glenn Thrush ( and Maggie Haberman ( Here is what they write:

In stopping the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the Republican Party’s professed priority for the last seven years, the rebellious far Right wing of his party out-rebelled Mr. Trump, and won a major victory on Friday over the party establishment that he now leads.

You see that? The “rebellious far Right wing.”

The Real Far Right

Any reader would equate that designation with Marine Le Pen in France, Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, the Golden Dawn in Greece, Jobbik in Hungary, Norbert Hofer in Austria, and so on. Actually, you can read all about the rise of the far Right in Europe in a very authoritative source: the New York Times, in an article published only a few months ago.

Their policies are by now predictable. They want protectionism, restricted immigration, some form of industrial economic planning, a strong welfare safety net, and, very often, they favor national health care systems.In fact, even in the United States, the most highly-trafficked Nazi website (please forgive me for not linking) came out with a front page editorial on the day of the Republican vote that came out explicitly for nationalized health insurance.

These policies are not pro-freedom. They have more in common with an interwar-style fascism. Most people who hang out on Twitter know them well. They are masters of the troll, self-proclaimed edge lords who tweet racist, anti-semitic, and nativist slogans and memes all day and all night. There are whole packages of software designed to block them.

Libertarianism is different, very different, from the alt-right, the far Right, the fascist right, the Nazi right, and so on.

Rebellious, Yes; Far Right, No

With health care, in particular, you see a striking difference. The Freedom Caucus opposed the Trump/Ryan plan because it preserved the statist features of Obamacare. It did not introduce market competition. They knew, as a matter of personal conviction and experience, that the replacement would not work. They acted out of principle but also out of a genuine knowledge of the sector, what has broken it, and how it must be fixed.

These reporters really must find a way to clean up their language, or risk sowing a very dangerous confusion. It is ridiculously misleading to persist in these old habits of describing any non-Leftist as associated with the “far Right.” It smacks of propaganda. These reporters have to do better if they want to describe the emergent liberal faction of the Republican party with any accuracy.On a personal note, I adore the New York Times. I read it thoroughly every day. I don’t agree with it, but I find it an indispensable source of news. I would like to see the ideological reporting of this paper improve.

If you tweet to these reporters, please be nice. No trolling. They are human beings. They are trying to do their best. They just need a bit of help. It is crucial they get this right.

Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey Tucker is Director of Content for the Foundation for Economic Education. He is also Chief Liberty Officer and founder of, Distinguished Honorary Member of Mises Brazil, research fellow at the Acton Institute, policy adviser of the Heartland Institute, founder of the CryptoCurrency Conference, member of the editorial board of the Molinari Review, an advisor to the blockchain application builder Factom, and author of five books. He has written 150 introductions to books and many thousands of articles appearing in the scholarly and popular press.

RELATED ARTICLE: Is Trump Sabotaging Obamacare? – POLITICO Magazine

RELATED VIDEO: Senator Rand Paul Doesn’t Want the GOP to Fail at Obamacare Replacement Plan.

EDITORS NOTE: Learn real skills from successful entrepreneurs at FEEcon: June 15-17 (Register by May 15).

Refugee Resettlement is ‘Changing America by changing the people!’

This story at is meant to be one of those warm and fuzzy stories about ‘welcoming’ refugees (and diversity) to a southern city and how mean old Donald Trump has slowed their progress in changing Durham.

The last line of the story by reporter Tess Allen is the most instructive:

A new community is being built in Durham, one that is constantly evolving, one with a mix of faces, languages and cultures. And World Relief Durham and its volunteers plan to be there every step of the way.

Turning red states blue by seeding diversity. Map showing where all of North Carolina’s refugees came from in 2016.

Here are a few bits worth highlighting:

World Relief depends on federal funding for the majority of their financing. They receive a per capita grant dependent on the number of refugees coming into their area. That money helps support the agencies’ offices, staff and, mostly, the refugees themselves.

Matthew Soerens

With the dramatic decrease in refugee arrivals that would accompany the reinstatement of this order, World Relief’s funding will drop equally dramatically. The Durham office, for example, will lose one-fourth of its federal funding, or about $250,000 a year. Nationwide, five World Relief offices will close and 140 staff members will be laid off.


Soerens [Matthew Soerens, World Relief’s U.S. director of church mobilization] also said that the loss of funding is why it’s increasingly important for their Good Neighbor teams to help refugees find jobs. World Relief can no longer afford to cover rent for families for more than a couple of months.

Wasn’t finding refugees a job a top priority all along? Or, it didn’t matter so much when they were flush with federal dollars.

Is Soerens saying that, because they (at World Relief) need to pay their staffs and keep offices open, they are going to be stingy about refugee rent going forward? Sounds like it to me.

If you feel like reading all the good news about good neighbors, continue reading here.

For our complete archive on changing North Carolinago here.  See especially my post on the 2016 Presidential election.

For more on World Relief’s finances, go here.

See what else Soerens said by clicking here.


Comment worth noting: It might be too late for some American communities

Democrats put Nebraska voter registration forms in refugee welcome baskets

Not everyone in the Jewish community thinks it is wise to import Middle Eastern Muslims to U.S.

Here we go again, refugee numbers jump, 342 since Wednesday

In 24 States, 50% or More of Babies Born on Medicaid; New Mexico Leads Nation With 72%

More Firearms, More Firearms Owners, Fewer Fatal Accidents

The National Safety Council released the 2017 edition of its annual Injury Facts report this week, and it contains welcome news about firearm safety. 

The number of fatal firearms accidents dropped to the lowest point ever (since 1903, when the data was first tracked).  There were 489 total fatal firearm accidents nationwide – a 17% decrease from 2014. As a percent of the total number of fatal accidents, firearms accident rank very low: just 0.3% of all fatal accidents involved a firearm. 

Comparing the odds between the types of fatal accidents can help put these numbers into context, and the National Safety Council puts fatal injury data in this format to make comparisons easier. The odds of a fatal firearms accident are 1 in 6,905. You are more likely to be killed by:

  • Poisoning (1 in 96)
  • A motor vehicle crash (1 in 114)
  • A fall (1 in 127)
  • Drowning (1 in 1,188)
  • A bicycle crash (1 in 4,486)

What makes the record low number of fatal firearms accidents even more noteworthy is that it came at a time when the number of firearms in the country was skyrocketing. The year 2015 saw the most background checks ever conducted in a single year until that point (the number was surpassed in 2016).  More than 23 million NICS checks were conducted in 2015. Background checks don’t have a one-to-one correlation with firearms purchases, so we don’t know for sure how many more guns were bought in 2015 than previous years…. but we do know that the number of American gun owners was on the rise. 

PEW Research Center reported a five-point increase in the percentage of American households with a firearm between mid-2015 and mid-2016. Fox News reported on a host of other surveys with similar findings

So, in 2015 we had more background checks conducted AND more Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights AND a record low number of fatal firearms accidents. The safety efforts of the NRA, our partners and allies supporting the Second Amendment, and, most of all, responsible, law-abiding American firearm owners made the record-setting safety of 2015 possible.

RELATED ARTICLE: What’s Happened to Gun Sales After Trump’s Election

National Organization for Marriage #FreeSpeechBus vandalized in New York City

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has joined with the International Organization for the Family (IOF) and CitizenGO, a community of active citizens who promote life, family and liberty, to sponsor a #FreeSpeechBus tour promoting the truth of gender.

Starting March 22nd, the NOM/IOF #FreeSpeechBus is making appearances at the United Nations, Trump Tower, Yale University and other locations with the message that gender is determined by biology rather than by emotions and feelings, and to call on all Americans to respect the free speech rights of citizens to debate these issues without fear of being demeaned, harassed, or threatened with retaliation.

Here is an image of the #FreeSpeechBus:


Brian Brown from the NOM in an email writes:

Our #FreeSpeechBus was just vandalized in New York City. This is a hate crime, and sadly the way that those who pretend to preach “tolerance” feel about opposing viewpoints.

But we will not let this stop us.

Together we will stand up to the bullies and show them that the truth won’t be silenced and that our free speech will not be abridged by criminal acts of hate.


Transgender Challenges

Vandals Spray-Paint LGBT Slogans on Marriage Groups’ Bus Near UN

EDITORS NOTE: Readers may donate to NOM to help repair the damage done to the #FreeSpeechBus by clicking on this link:

VIDEO: British Appeasement to Islam


Photo of London attacker who was shot by police and died at the scene of the attack on the grounds of Parliament.

“FOUR people are dead – including police officer and terrorist – and 20 more injured – after killer mowed down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge before killer is shot attacking police in Parliament grounds,” by Richard Spillett, Tim Sculthorpe, Martin Robinson, Alexander Robertson and Mark Duell, MailOnline, March 22, 2017:

Four people are dead after a terrorist brought carnage to central London today, mowing down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge and attacking police with knives in the grounds of the Houses of Parliament.

At least 10 people were hit on the crowded bridge when a 4×4 drove along the pavement, knocking down pedestrians before crashing into a fence below Big Ben.

An intruder, described by a witness as ‘middle-aged and Asian’ and carrying two knives, then managed to break into the grounds of the Parliament and stabbed a police officer before he was shot and injured. The policeman has since died.

It is currently believed one attacker was involved, killing three people, including a policeman, and leaving at least 10 pedestrians and two other police officers seriously injured.

Read more…

MEMRI reports,

A user on the pro-ISIS Telegram channel “Tactical Retreat” wrote: “The final outcome of the London raid, which targeted the Parliament building, was four dead Crusaders and 40 wounded, among them soldiers and police officers. The attacker was also killed. The Anglo-Saxon security apparatuses have not revealed his identity, but they did say he carried out the attack in response to the calls by the Islamic State to attack in the heart of the countries [that belong to] the Crusader alliance [the international coalition against ISIS]. We ask Allah to bring the harshest torment upon the Anglo-Saxon Christians, and to accept the one who carried out the attack among the martyrs if he [really] is, as I believe, one of Allah’s Muslim worshippers.”

ISIS graphic posted on Twitter.

ISIS graphic posted on Twitter.

Rukmini Callimachi at on Twitter wrote the below after the London attack:

1. London police are treating incident near parliament as terror. I’m monitoring ISIS channels & there’s no claim. What there is is chatter:

2. Pro-ISIS channels are rejoicing at the bloodshed including one that has created a poster to go with the violence. (Thanks @sweattloafer)

In July 2005, four British suicide bombers inspired by Al-Qaeda attacked London’s transport system during rush hour, killing 52 people. Two weeks later, there was an attempt to carry out a second wave of attacks.

British Leaders have appeased Muslims since 9/11/2001.

Prime Minister Tony Blair said Islam is a “Religion of Peace” as did Prime Minister David Cameron. According to the Qur’an and Hadith, Mohammed commands Muslims to wage jihad (holy war) against non-Muslims until the world is under a Muslim Caliphate and Islamic (shariah) law is established globally.

Quran (2:191-193)

“And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing… but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)” (Translation is from the Noble Quran)

Quran (2:216)

Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”

Read more Quran quotes here…

Resistance to Islam (al-Fitnah) is what drives attacks like the one in London. A hate for the Western ideals of liberty, equality and religious freedom are taught in Islamic elementary schools and at the highest levels of Islamic Jurisprudence.

History tells us that appeasement leads to more violence.


London Attack Shows Challenge of Stopping Terrorism in Age of ISIS

Hollywood Actress Calls Out Feminists for Ignorance of Islam’s Anti-Woman Stance ⋆ The Constitution

Jihadis Applaud London Terror Attack On Social Media

Sadiq Khan: London mayor says terror attacks ‘part and parcel’ of living in a major city | The Independent

FIRST PHOTO of Devout Muslim Terrorist in London Islamic Attack: POLICE OFFICER DIES, FOUR DEAD, ‘catastrophic’ injuries

First photo of London Parliament jihad attacker

Jihad in London: Scotland Yard says “we are treating this as a terrorist incident until we know otherwise”

‘Allahu Akbar’: Devout Muslims and Islamic State Supporters CHEER London Terror Attack

Are the Rockville Rapists Unaccompanied Alien Children?

That is the question I have about the story you can’t possibly have missed over the last day or two.

Questions abound! Is he older than 18? Did he arrive among the waves of so-called ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children? Was he in the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement or one of its contractors? And, of course, why had he not been deported? Did the Montgomery County, MD sheriff protect him?

Were the pair (one from Guatemala and the other from El Salvador), who are behind bars in Maryland for dragging a 14-year-old girl into a boys bathroom and raping her considered ‘refugees’ by the Obama Administration that would have been in charge of them if they turned themselves in at the border as part of the flood of ‘children’ that invaded our border for years during the Obama presidency, so-called UACs?

Keep an eye out for any news about whether they were actually under the protection of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement. 

BTW, some question whether the 18-year-old (9th grader) was 18, or indeed much older.

As a Maryland resident, I can assure you that Montgomery County, Maryland, where the alleged assault occurred, has long been a county famous for coddling illegals who get to the state.

Here is Leo Hohmann’s shocking report at WND:

Two illegal-alien teenagers who were placed in ninth-grade classes at Montgomery County Schools, Maryland, have been arrested and charged with the brutal rape of a 14-year-old girl, and at least one of the boys had a pending deportation order from ICE.

The boys, identified as Henry Sanchez, 18, of Guatemala and Jose Montano, 17, of El Salvador, approached the young girl in the hallway near the gymnasium inside Rockville High School during school hours about 9 a.m. on Thursday.


Maryland is perhaps the most welcoming state for illegal aliens and refugees in the Eastern United States, with Montgomery County the most welcoming county in the state. Maryland gives in-state tuition rates to illegal-alien college students, and its legislature is considering a bill that would declare Maryland the country’s first sanctuary state. Montgomery County is already a sanctuary county, denying 63 ICE requests to turn over illegal-alien criminals last year, Fox News reported.

These policies helped create a culture that allows a young girl to be raped and sodomized in a bathroom stall by two illegal-alien boys, at least one of whom was ordered to be deported, border hawks told WND.


Sanchez and Montano were living in the Aspen Hill neighborhood of Rockville, and they have been charged with first-degree rape and two counts of first-degree sexual offense. They were denied bond by a judge who said they were dangerous and a flight risk.

If convicted, they could get life in prison. [What an investment for American taxpayers, two more in the slammer for life!—ed]


William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, said this is a rare case where the news of a rape of a student on school property managed to leak out into the local media.

rockville rapist

Twitter post by Ann Coulter.

Much more here with details of the police report and quotes from Marylanders.

Well the story did break out of the local news and made it to at least Fox News. I haven’t seen it reported on CNN broadcast news, have you?

We have an extensive archive on the so-called Unaccompanied Alien Children mostly teenage boys from Central America. Although they had been coming for years, a huge flood of them crossed our southern border in 2014, with another huge wave in 2016.

Their ‘care’ is through the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (in Health and Human Services) and consumes the largest portion of that agency’s budget.  Two federal refugee resettlement agencies—US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services—get millions each year to manage the ‘children.’ Other contractors have gotten in on the lucrative federal grants awarded for really what amounts to care for illegal aliens.  These ‘children’ are NOT legitimate refugees!

I’ve long suspected that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, which sent an envoy to Central America in 2013, and then wrote a report warning of the flow coming, actually lit the fuse for the 2014 border invasion, see here.

Trump’s people now run ORR, someone should be able to find out if these two alleged Rockville rapists were on ORR’s radar screen or in their care.

Click here for more on UACs.


Four-Time Deported Gang Member Arrested For Stabbing Two Women, Raping Toddler

Univision: Obama Policy Led To Rockville Rape

Supt. Montgomery County Schools says it is federal govt. that screens unaccompanied minors

Two Illegal Aliens Raped a 14-Year-Old Girl In a Maryland High School Bathroom

Some Illegal Immigrant Foster “Children” Are 22 Years Old

Rape focuses critical attention on ‘sanctuary’ states | Fox News

Legal experts question impartiality of Obama Maryland judge ruling against Trump EO

FBI Director Comey hearing a dud for Democrats

We truly live in two Americas. Every day the divide between Democrats and Republicans, Trump fans and Trump haters, seems to grow deeper. For the Trump haters, each day brings news of some dastardly treachery, some unprecedented betrayal of America and the American people.

After Monday’s hearing with FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers, Rep. Maxine Waters tweeted out, “Get ready for impeachment.”

She has pinned to the top of her Twitter feed a wall-sized poster featuring Vladmir Putin, top Kremlin officials, Julian Assange, and a bevy of Trump associates, with the headline, “Trump’s Kremlin Klan.”

I am not suggesting that Waters has finally joined the mainstream of the Democrat party. However, she has succeeded in drawing some of her colleagues into the fever swamps of left-wing conspiracies with her. I suggest psychotherapy.

Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House intelligence committee, seems to be in Waters’ feverish company. He spent much of his time at the hearing repeating the wild claims of an opposition research report penned by a former British intelligence officer, claims so fantastical that not even “journalists” at CNN — let alone the CIA under Obama appointee John Brennan — have been able to substantiate them.

For these Democrats, it’s The Russia House meets “House of Cards.” Unfortunately for them, the Comey hearing wouldn’t last one night on Netflix where there is real competition, as far as entertainment is concerned.

Former NBC anchor Brian Williams claimed breathlessly that Comey confirmed that “an active and open investigation is underway” of alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russian officials, a “story that dominated today and will keep dominating the headlines into tomorrow.”

Williams, of course, was demoted to MSNBC after his claims of having been shot down in a U.S. Army helicopter in Iraq in 2003 were exposed as lies, so his penchant for hyperbole comes as no surprise.

The real story, the unavoidable, hard-fact story, is the pace of the Trump presidency and the thick-skin of this president, who shrugs off political assassins like Sylvester Stallone pops bad guys. The Comey hearing slipped from the headlines even before the headlines had a chance to sink in.

This prompted former Clinton campaign aide Jennifer Palmieri — speaking with Brian Williams on Tuesday morning — to call Trump’s pace “unsustainable.”

We shall see about that. But I tend to suspect that this president is going to roar ahead full speed, damn the torpedoes, and continue to do the unthinkable in Washington: Act on his campaign promises to deliver jobs for American workers, lower their taxes, and expand opportunities and security for Americans stuck in failed inner cities.

Comey did confirm one thing of substance: that neither he nor the Justice Department had any information that could substantiate Trump’s tweets about Obama ordering the “wiretapping” of Trump Tower.

While that caused a tempest in the Twitter teacup for a few hours (and undoubtedly will contribute to the prosperity of the psychiatrists treating Trump derangement syndrome), forgotten in the maelstrom was the significance of Comey’s statement.

Donald Trump never claimed that he had access to intelligence information in making that spectacular claim about his predecessor. As he told Tucker Carlson in a recent interview, he was referring to a story in the New York Times, which reported wiretapping of Trump aides.

In other words, Comey had just exposed the New York Times as Fake News — a detail curiously missing from the New York Times account of the Comey hearing.

One other exchange during the hearing is worthy of note. Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy grilled Comey on who might have leaked the identity of a Trump administration official discovered during a FISA-court ordered wiretap of Russians.

The identities of U.S. persons whose conversations get swept up in foreign intelligence surveillance and FISA-court controlled wiretaps are closely protected. At NSA, twenty people have the authority to “unmask” them. Comey revealed that officials at FBI, CIA, and the Department of Justice have similar authority, as did the acting Attorney General at the time of the leaks, Sally Yates, and then National Security advisor Susan Rice.

“Can you ensure the American people that (the leaks) will be investigated?” Gowdy asked.

When Comey said that he could not give such a guarantee, Gowdy went steely cold. “One thing you and I agree on is the felonious dissemination of classified material most definitely is a crime,” he said.

Indeed, the leak of classified information to the media was the only sure crime that has been committed in and around the entire Russian “scandal,” Gowdy pointed out.

And now we know that it’s the only one the FBI is not yet investigating.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Hill.

DANGER ZONES: ICE List of Counties harboring Illegal Aliens includes Alachua County, Florida

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement published the list below of counties that have refused to detain criminal illegal aliens.

ICE Declined Detainer Outcome Report – Jan 28 to Feb 3 2017[1] by JessicaDurando on Scribd

Breitbart’s Ben Kew in his column Trump Publishes 1st List of ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Protecting Illegal Aliens reports:

In an attempt to increase pressure on sanctuary cities, the Department of Homeland Security has published its first weekly list of all 118 localities refusing to cooperate with the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown.

Each week, the list will publish every detention request rejected by local jails — detailing the relevant agency, the status of the immigrant, and the charges they are facing.

The first report was published this Monday, listing 206 cases in which illegal aliens were arrested and consequently released from jail without charge, despite recommendations from the Immigration and Crime Enforcement agency (ICE) to detain them for at least 48 hours.

The cases listed took place between January 28th to February 3rd, Donald Trump’s second week in office.

In his executive order signed January 25th designed to properly enforce immigration policy, Trump said regular lists were necessary to better inform the public “regarding the public safety threats associated with sanctuary jurisdictions.”

Read more…

Kew notes, “A poll conducted by the University of California Berkeley in January found that in the state of California, where sanctuary cities are particularly prominent, 74 percent would like to see them abolished.”

In our column Forget Sanctuary Cities — Florida has 7 Sanctuary Counties we reported:

Well San Francisco has nothing over the Sunshine State. Florida is home to seven “sanctuary counties.” The sanctuary counties are: Pasco, Hillsborough, Pinellas, Hernando, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach.

These counties are perfectly located along Florida’s East and West coast lines to allow illegal felons, like Francisco Sanchez, to enter with ease.


Map of sanctuary counties (yellow) and cities (red) in the United States. Map courtesy of the Center for Immigration Studies.

shrf-darnell (1)

Sheriff Sadie Darnell

Harboring illegal aliens is wrong and endangers Florida’s citizens. Alachua County is now another danger zone in the Sunshine state.

Alachua County Sheriff Sadie Darnell has a constitutional duty to uphold the laws of the State of Florida and federal laws concerning illegal alien detention. Not to do so is simply wrong.

If Sheriff Darnell can break the law then anyone can.

RELATED ARTICLE: Sanctuary policies ‘led to’ brutal, bathroom rape of 14-year-old schoolgirl

EDITORS NOTE: It was San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi who allowed five time deported illegal alien Francisco Sanchez to kill helpless, unsuspecting Kate Steinle.