How Trump Administration Will Fight Voter Fraud After Shutting Down Panel

After issuing an executive order late Wednesday closing his commission to investigate voter fraud, President Donald Trump now stresses the need for more voter identification and has tasked the Department of Homeland Security with ensuring the integrity of elections.

The White House so far is not saying that the president will call for a national voter ID system. But his tweets Thursday seemed to suggest so:

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders didn’t have a decisive answer Thursday on whether the president favored a national voter ID system.

“We are still going to continue to review the best way forward,” Sanders said in a response to a question from The Daily Signal during the press briefing.

“Just because the election commission is no longer in existence, we are going to send the preliminary findings from the commission to the Department of Homeland Security and make determinations on the best way forward,” she said.

Asked why the Department of Homeland Security instead of the Justice Department, which traditionally investigates voting irregularities, is taking up the matter, Sanders told The Daily Signal: “That was the agency that was best determined by the administration, and we are moving forward and letting them take over the process.”

Vice President Mike Pence was chairman of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach was vice chairman. The president appointed the bipartisan commission, also known as the Voter Fraud Commission, in May.

Kobach, a Republican, has been a longtime advocate of voter ID, but will not advise the Department of Homeland Security going forward, a spokesman said.

“At the president’s direction, the department continues to work in support of state governments who are responsible for administering elections, with efforts focused on securing elections against those who seek to undermine the election system or its integrity,” Tyler Houlton, the department’s acting press secretary, told The Daily Signal in an email. “Mr. Kobach is not advising the department on this matter.”

The commission’s work was besieged from the outset by lawsuits and uncooperative state officials, according to the White House and some commission members.

“Foes of election integrity lost their seat at the table,” J. Christian Adams, president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation and another Republican commission member, said of the panel’s folding in a written statement Wednesday.

“Now the important work of improving the integrity of the election process will be done by people who believe in election integrity, not by those who seek to preserve vulnerabilities in the system,” Adams said.

Adams, a former Justice Department lawyer, continued:

Over the years, demonstrable and empirical data has been developed showing noncitizen voting, double voting, and defects in the election system that no credible observer could deny. Some news outlets and activists have decided to ignore those facts, as if they do not exist.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of well-funded groups, activist academics, and individuals who are not credible who sought to undermine and sabotage the commission’s work. They may delight today in the dissolution of the commission, but before long they’ll realize that advocates of election integrity have more stamina, support, and perseverance than they realize.

The White House commission was made up of seven Republicans and five Democrats. Among the Democrats was Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, who sued the commission while he was a member, accusing it of not sharing information.

Despite dissolving the commission, Dunlap said, the Trump administration still will have to honor a federal court order to provide him with information.

“I didn’t want to go to court,” Dunlap told The Daily Signal in a phone interview. “All I wanted, honest to God, was to participate and get an answer to all of my questions.”

Dunlap said he is concerned with the Department of Homeland Security’s role.

“How many driver’s license has Homeland Security issued?” he asked rhetorically. “None. How many elections has Homeland Security run? None.”

“I was alarmed when the Obama administration classified election administration as critical infrastructure, that gives the federal government so much leeway,” Dunlap said. “Part of the goal for some people has been a national voter ID law.”

The White House commission asked every top state election official for basic information on voting in his or her state, but at least 18 states and the District of Columbia refused to cooperate. Many of those states had particular problems with voter fraud in the past, as The Daily Signal has reported.

Numerous liberal groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Brennan Center for Justice, sued to stop the commission from doing its work. One group, American Oversight, helped represent Dunlap in his lawsuit against the administration.

Commission member Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, said state officials blocked the panel from finding the truth.

“Unjustified refusal from some states to work with us and dozens of meritless lawsuits; those two things made it next to impossible for the commission to do its work,” von Spakovsky told The Daily Signal in a phone interview Thursday. “They don’t want the American people to find the truth about [voter] fraud and errors and double voting.”

Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson, a Republican who is chairwoman of the National Association of Secretaries of State, also was a commission member.

“We do not have a comment or anything further to add on the topic of the election commission,” Lawson spokeswoman Valerie Warycha said.

Portrait of Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is the White House correspondent for The Daily Signal. Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.

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The Humanitarian Hoax of Sanctuary States: Killing America With Kindness

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

Obama, the humanitarian huckster-in-chief, weakened the United States for eight years by persuading America to accept his crippling politically correct sanctuary city policies as altruistic when in fact they were designed to destabilize and destroy civil society. His legacy, a Leftist Democrat Party starring sycophant California Governor Jerry Brown, is the party of the Humanitarian Hoax attempting to destroy the capitalist infrastructure of American democracy and replace it with socialism. This is how it works.

A previous article, The Humanitarian Hoax of Sanctuary Cities: Killing America With Kindness discussed how the Left deliberately perverted the original mission of protecting innocent refugees to the protection of criminal aliens at the expense of public safety. In defiance of United States immigration laws sanctuary cities provide safe haven for criminal illegal aliens and establish a reprehensible two-tier system of justice that protects the illegals.

Why would any American patriot support such an anti-American policy?

The extremely anti-American motive for supporting sanctuary cities was introduced in another previous article, The Humanitarian Hoax of Community Organizing: Killing America With Kindness. This article detailed radical socialists Richard Cloward and Frances Piven’s strategy of using poverty as a weapon of destruction to destroy capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with unsustainable demands that push society into social chaos and economic collapse.

The two deceitfully destructive humanitarian hoaxes were married when California became a sanctuary state on January 1, 2018. Jerry Brown was the officiant. The married status of sanctuary state is an open invitation for illegals to come to California and exploit its generous welfare benefits, free medical services, free educational benefits, free or subsidized housing, free vocational training, and immunity from prosecution for crimes.

The law signed by Governor Jerry Brown bars local police from asking about immigration status and bars local police from participating in federal immigration enforcement procedures. This means that if an illegal alien gets arrested for rape or murder in Los Angeles County agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are not allowed in the jail to question that person. LA Country will not share information with ICE or accept their detainers. ICE acting director Thomas Homan says, “In denying to detain criminals, sanctuary cities end up putting them back on the street where they will re-offend and prompt ICE agents to take the dangerous step of tracking them down.”

The extraordinary benefits awarded to illegal aliens cost the legal taxpaying residents of California money, jobs, medical services, and educational opportunities. The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) 2017 study lists the cost of illegal immigration to United States taxpayers as a staggering 116 billion dollars per year with the tax burden falling disproportionately on state and local taxpayers by a ratio of 2 to 1.

So, the hard-working legal taxpaying residents of California are subsidizing the illegal non-working immigrant population that has been invited to overwhelm the government bureaucracy with unsustainable demands designed to push society into social chaos and economic collapse. Sound familiar? It is the Cloward-Piven strategy on steroids promoted by Leftist political leaders who consider California too big to fail and assume there will be a federal bailout that will eventually collapse the nation’s economy if New York and Illinois follow California’s egregious example.

The Cloward-Piven/Brown strategy may have worked while Obama was in office or been the plan for legacy Hillary, but President Donald Trump is an American patriot and not about to participate in a federal bailout of the state of California that encourages even more unrestrained irresponsible spending and defiance of federal immigration laws. The Leftist Democrat Party is fomenting anarchy and social chaos by defying laws and establishing California as a sanctuary state. What is the motive?

Cloward and Piven’s socialism is the short game. The long game is one-world government. Socialism, with its complete government control, is the prerequisite social structure for the globalist elite to internationalize the country, internationalize the police force, and impose one-world government. One-world government is the overarching goal and the underlying motive to destroy America from within.

One-world government was described in unapologetic detail 65 years ago by English aristocrat Lord Bertrand Russell in his stunning book The Impact of Science on Society. The capitalist infrastructure of American democracy is the single greatest existential threat to one-world government and President Donald Trump is America’s leader. The globalist elite and their Leftist lackeys are desperate to stop President Trump because his America-first policies have disrupted the advancement of one-world government.

America is being marched toward anarchy and social chaos with Obama’s ongoing anti-American “Resistance” movement and Jerry Brown’s illegitimate establishment of a sanctuary state. The United States of America has Constitutional elections for the peaceful transfer of presidential power and we have Constitutionally defined branches of government to balance those powers.

America is at a pivotal time in history when the decision must be made to either preserve our individual freedoms, liberty, and rule of law or surrender to radical socialist political bullies like Obama and Brown. Both are dangerous enemies of the state who arrogantly impose their Leftist ideology on America without regard to the Constitution. They foment divisiveness, disorder, turmoil, and lawlessness.

ICE Director Homan explains, “Sanctuary jurisdictions pose a threat to the American public by refusing to work with ICE and allowing egregious criminal offenders back into the community to put the lives of the public at risk.” Yet, sanctuary cities and sanctuary state are increasing exponentially in the United States and proudly supported by the Left and marketed as humanitarian and altruistic. Homan made it clear, “We gotta take [sanctuary cities] to court, and we gotta start charging some of these politicians with crimes. . . politicians who pushed sanctuary city legislation should be held ‘personally accountable’ for their actions.”

Jerry Brown’s Sanctuary State is not a humanitarian mission to protect innocent refugees – it is a humanitarian hoax designed to create social chaos, collapse the nation’s economy, deny the authority of the President, and nullify the Constitution of the United States of America. It is time to prosecute anyone who attempts to usurp the power of the Presidency and Congress with seditious plans to overthrow the government and defy Constitutional laws – including Obama and Brown.

RELATED ARTICLE: US Catholic Bishops received over $95 million from U.S. taxpayers in 2016 for refugee/migrant care

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Goudsmit Pundicity.

People Magazine Scrubs Pornographic Image to Hide Hypocrisy

Edited image of the painting “Iris Tree”from People Magazine.

Like most media reporting on the story, People magazine presented disgraced teacher Mateo Rueda in a flattering light. He was recently fired from Lincoln Elementary School in Hyrum, Utah, for showing young children nude “artwork.” But he’s actually, we’re to believe, an intrepid martyr persecuted by prudish, uncultured rubes who can’t distinguish between porn and fine art. And to prove its point, People printed a couple of the pictures shown to the fifth and sixth-graders, one of which was a full-frontal female nude titled “Iris Tree.”

Only, People obscured the woman’s nipples and nether region.

Apparently adult readers shouldn’t see what the children saw.

Now the magazine is trying to obscure the truth. After I and others called it out on Twitter — I wrote, “If the ‘artwork’ Iris Tree really is appropriate for 10-year-olds, why are you blurring out part of the picture in your article?” — the image completely disappeared from the piece.

Thanks to Internet archiving and the computer function “Print Screen,” however, the evidence remains. The article originally appeared as shown here (thank you, Wayback Machine).

And here is the deforested version, with “Iris Tree” sent to the e-sawmill.

Here are the tweets that started it all:

Unsurprisingly, People also blurred the truth behind the story (which I reported, conducting interviews with local parents), but didn’t scrub from its article Rueda’s posturing, moral preening and demeaning of his adopted community. Its writer, Cathy Free, quoted Rueda as saying, “[E]ven though I was overqualified, I took the [teaching] position with an open heart to make a difference in a predominantly-Mormon community where there isn’t much culture. I hate that this controversy happened, but I stand for art, altruism and enlightenment, and I’ll never back down from that.”

Rueda, a native of Colombia, also said, “There are a lot of skeletons in the closet of the repressed culture here…and there is very little freedom of expression,” reports Free. Rueda had earlier characterized his fellow Cache Valley residents as “cultural dead-ends” and members of a “narrow-minded community.”

What Free didn’t report is that, according to the parents I interviewed, Rueda forced the children to view the nudes and belittled students who complained, telling them they had to “grow up.” (A local source tells me he is not getting his job back.)

Of course, the article by People’s Free is now free of the Tree, but observers note the hypocrisy. As the aforementioned Twitter respondent also opined:

It’s interesting that People didn’t demonstrate its own “enlightenment” and react to the initial criticism by uncovering “Iris Tree” for all to see, but instead decided it didn’t want to be mistaken for Hustler. The only question now is whether, using descriptions Rueda and his defenders have generously applied to opponents, the people at People are best characterized as narrow-minded, repressed prudes, puritans, Nazi-like censors or cultural dead-ends. Because the magazine knows something: Certain images are too indecent for it to publish.

But are just fine for 10-year-olds.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to

Why is the Co-Chairman of the DNC endorsing a book that promotes domestic terrorism?

Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) at 3:48 p.m. on January 3rd, 2018 tweeted “At @MoonPalaceBooks and I just found the book that strike [sic] fear in the heart of @realDonaldTrump (right).” Rep. Ellison is also the Deputy-Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and was the second member of Congress to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders to be the Democratic Party nominee for president. Ellison is also co-chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. The book Rep. Ellison is holding is “ANTIFA: The Anti-Fascist Handbook” written by Mark Bray.

Soon after Ellison tweeted his purchase of the ANTIFA book Bray tweeted:

The Washington Post’s Carlos Lozada wrote the below review of the ANTIFA handbook:

“Insurgent activist movements need spokesmen, intellectuals and apologists, and for the moment Mark Bray is filling in as all three… The book’s most enlightening contribution is on the history of anti-fascist efforts over the past century, but its most relevant for today is its justification for stifling speech and clobbering white supremacists.” [Emphasis added]

QUESTION: Why would the Co-Chairman of the DNC purchase let alone endorse a book that calls for “stifling speech and clobbering white supremacists?”


To understand one must look at Rep. Ellison’s background and the current policies of the Democratic Party.

According to Discover the Networks:

Born in August 1963, Keith Maurice Ellison was raised as a Roman Catholic in Detroit, Michigan. At age 19, while attending Wayne State University, he converted to Islam because he perceived it to be a faith that “might inform social change [and] justice in society.” After graduating with a BA in economics in 1987, Ellison enrolled at the University of Minnesota Law School.

As a third-year law student in 1989-90, Ellison penned four columns for the Minnesota Daily under the name “Keith E. Hakim”:

(a) In a November 27, 1989 piece titled “Minister [Louis] Farrakhan Never Claimed to Be a ‘Malcolm X’,” Ellison laid out his views about racism:

“Racism means conspiracy to subjugate and actual subjugation. That means planned social, economic, military, religious and political subjugation of whites. It cannot be intelligently argued that the Nation of Islam is doing this. In fact, blacks have no history of harming or subjecting whites as a class. On the other hand, whites have it written into their very Constitution that blacks shall be considered three-fifths of a person for purposes of taxation and representation of their white owners. Their Constitution also makes provisions for the return of runaway slaves. Their [U.S.] constitution is the bedrock of American law; it’s the best evidence of a white racist conspiracy to subjugate other peoples.”

[ … ]

In September 2017, Ellison spoke at a panel discussion about immigration reform and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), an executive action by which former president Barack Obama had permitted most DREAM Act-eligible individuals to gain temporary legal status, work permits, access to certain publicly funded social services, and protection from deportation. “[A]s many as three million DACA recipients live with someone who is a citizen of the United States,” said Ellison. “Add that to the people who work with a DACA recipient. Add that to people who are the parents of a DACA recipient. Add that to people who are parents of American citizens. You are literally talking about over 100 million Americans who are in some way — way more than 100 million, maybe well over that — who are deeply connected to people who have immigrated to the United States, some with official papers, some with not.” Reasoning, from that premise, that Americans have a moral obligation to provide “sanctuary” for illegal aliens, Ellison then likened modern-day illegals aliens living in the United States to Jews who lived in Nazi Germany during the 1930s and ’40s: “If you ask yourself, ‘What I would I do if I was a gentile in 1941 if my Jewish neighbors were under attack by the Nazis, would I give them sanctuary?’ You might be about to find what you’d do. Will you pass that moral test, or will you fail it?” [Emphasis added]

Ellison, since his conversion to Islam, association with the Democratic Party and as Deputy-Chair of the DNC, has focused himself on racism, social justice and most recently immigration.


The Democratic Party platform on Immigration Reform:

Photo from Immigration Reform.

Democrats are fighting for every immigrant who feels threatened by Donald Trump’s election. We will not stand by and watch families be torn apart — Democrats in Congress and in states and cities across the country are already standing up to Trump’s hatred and bigotry to defend their immigrant neighbors. 

Thanks to President Obama, hundreds of thousands of DREAMers have been able to receive a temporary status that allows them to study, work, pay taxes, and contribute to the communities they grew up in. His administration has made a tremendous difference by prioritizing immigration enforcement so that it is focused on those with criminal records and doesn’t arbitrarily separate families, and Democrats are fighting to protect that progress.

Democrats will continue to work toward comprehensive immigration reform that fixes our nation’s broken immigration system, improves border security, prioritizes enforcement so we are targeting criminals – not families, keeps families together, and strengthens our economy.

Democrats know the importance of our country’s history as a nation of immigrants. We honor our fundamental values by treating all people who come to the United States with dignity and respect, and we always seek to embrace — not to to attack — immigrants. [Emphasis added]


The DHS-FBI Intelligence Assessment: Baseline Comparison of US and Foreign Anarchist Extremist Movements notes:

(U) Key Judgments

(U//FOUO) Our examination of anarchist extremist violence in the United States and in Greece, Italy, and Mexico revealed several prominent features that may inform strategies to counter domestic terrorism:

» (U//FOUO) DHS and FBI assess the primary factor explaining the difference in targets between foreign and US anarchist extremists is foreign anarchist extremists’ focus on specific economic and governance issues relative to their geographic area, while US anarchist extremists tend to focus on symbols of capitalism. We assess the likely primary factor explaining foreign anarchist extremists’ greater willingness to use more violent tactics than their US counterparts is that these foreign anarchist extremist movements are often more organized—allowing for more complex attacks—and have a well-established tradition of lethal violence not currently seen in the United States.

[ … ]

(U) Social Justice

(U//FOUO) Social justice issues––specifically opposition to gentrification and opposition to perceived racism and fascism––were the second most common driver of violence for US anarchist extremists, as they accounted for 26 percent (7 of 27) of attacks. Social justice issues accounted for 12 percent of violent foreign anarchist extremist attacks, although these incidents occurred only in Greece and were all against perceived fascism. Although social justice issues can motivate anarchist extremists to violence, they are often a driver for violence if a social justice issue occurs within a location that also has an anarchist extremist presence.

(U//FOUO) Social justice issues often result in legal protest activities, and historically, in both the United States and abroad, anarchist extremists have been known to co-opt legal protests as a cover to commit violence against their targets. However, a review of data in this study indicated in the seven social-justice motivated violent incidents committed by US anarchist extremists, only one of those incidents exploited otherwise legal protest activity. The reasons for this finding are currently a reporting gap. [Emphasis added]


Democrats are “fighting” for “every immigrant “who feels threatened by Donald Trump’s election” and Trump’s “hatred and bigotry.” Keith Ellison likens modern-day illegal aliens to “Jews who lived in Nazi Germany.” Ellison is in perfect tune with the Democratic platform on immigration, which both see as a “social justice” issue.

This aligns with the DHS-FBI report finding that “social justice issues” are the second most common driver of violence for U.S. anarchists (such as ANTIFA). Attacking capitalism is the #1 focus of groups such as Occupy Wall Street, ANTIFA, Organizing for Action and the Democratic Party.

As the Co-Chair of the DNC Keith Ellison’s endorsement of the ANTIFA book is entirely predictable. While others are shocked, we are not.

RELATED ARTICLE: Antifa book endorsed by Keith Ellison promotes VIOLENCE against political opponents

Why the Florida Congressional Delegation is Wrong on Drilling

At the start of March, 2017 U.S. Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke announced that 73 million acres in the Gulf would be open to drilling for five years starting in August.

It appears that some members of the Florida Congressional delegation, lead by Democrat Senator Bill Nelson, are against President Trump’s effort to open up the Sunshine State’s shorelines to oil and natural gas exploration. Included in this group are Republicans Senator Marco Rubio and Representative Vern Buchanan. Interestingly both Rubio and Buchanan voted for the H.R. 1 tax bill which included a provision to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). So they voted for off shore drilling but are now against it?

Some members of the Florida Congressional delegation, including Rubio and Buchanan, are are addicted to the precautionary principle (“better safe than sorry”). 

Rep. Buchanan stated, “Florida’s coastal communities depend on a clean and healthy ocean and we shouldn’t jeopardize the state’s economy or environment by gambling on operations that lack adequate safeguards.”

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released the following statement after the Interior Department released its draft 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing:

“I have long supported the moratorium in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, which is not slated to expire until 2022, and introduced legislation to extend the moratorium until 2027. As the Department of Interior works to finalize their draft plan, I urge Secretary Zinke to recognize the Florida Congressional delegation’s bipartisan efforts to maintain and extend the moratorium in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, and remove this area for future planning purposes.”

What is interesting is that it is the U.S. Congress that has over site over the Interior Department which sets safeguards for oil and natural gas exploration. It is also important to note that Florida’s tourist, agricultural, transportation, healthcare based economy is dependent on cheap and reliable power.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration:

  1. Geologists believe there may be large oil and natural gas deposits in the federal Outer Continental Shelf off of Florida’s western coast.
  2. Florida was second only to Texas in 2014 in net electricity generation from natural gas, which accounted for 61% of Florida’s net generation; coal accounted for almost 23%, the state’s nuclear power plants accounted for 12%, and other resources, including renewable energy, supplied the remaining 4% of electricity generation.
  3. Renewable energy accounted for 2.3% of Florida’s total net electricity generation in 2014, and the state ranked 10th in the nation in net generation from utility-scale solar energy.
  4. In part because of high air conditioning use during the hot summer months and the widespread use of electricity for home heating during the winter months, Florida’s retail electricity sales to the residential sector were second in the nation after Texas in 2014.
  5. Electricity accounts for 90% of the site energy consumed by Florida households, and the annual electricity expenditures of $1,900 are 40% higher than the U.S. average, according to EIA’s Residential Energy Consumption Survey.

Even as the population of Florida has grown dramatically and increased its use of fossil fuels, the Sunshine State has become a much better place to live, work and play.

Alex Scott reported:

A new report from Westwood Global Energy Group has revealed that whilst fewer exploration wells were drilled in the first half of 2017 (compared to the same period a year ago), the commercial success rates of these wells is up.

Overall, commercial success rates jumped to 53% in the first half of 2017 from a 30% success rate in the first half of 2016.

According to Westwood’s Global’s Head of Research, Andrew Hughes, the report indicates, ‘green shoots for exploration drilling, however overall activity remains subdued.’ He also added that ‘the lower well count is translating into more success and lower finding costs, proving that the old exploration mantra of “quality through choice” continues to hold true’.

The American Petroleum Institute (AEI) notes that some of the richest energy reserves in the world are just off of U.S. shores waiting to be discovered in a government owned area lying just 3 – 200 miles out to sea. AEI published a video of an advanced exploration technique called seismic surveying, which is the first step to unlock oil and natural gas resources needed to ensure Florida’s energy security.

Florida politicians are addicted to the precautionary principle (“better safe than sorry”). It is a maxim embraced by government planners and regulators in the Sunshine state at every level. They do not even want to determine what organic fossil fuels lay off of Florida’s coastlines. The precautionary principle worked to stop the building of nuclear power plants in the United States after the 3 Mile Island incident. Today the same tactic is being used to stop off shore drilling using the Deepwater Horizon incident.

Fear is not good public policy.

What is good public policy is insuring that Floridians have access to cheap and reliable power in the foreseeable future. Now is the time to take action. Waiting is not an option.

If the Florida delegation are committed to creating jobs, then they must diversify the economy by promoting energy independence. Energy independence will lead to reduced costs for electricity, gasoline and diversify the economy.

That is good public policy. This is the moral thing to do.

VIDEO: College Student Defends Killing a 2-Year Old Because ‘It Can’t Communicate’

Ronald Reagan, in an article titled “Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation“, Human Life Review, Spring 1984, wrote:

[W]e cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide. My Administration is dedicated to the preservation of America as a free land, and there is no cause more important for preserving that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to life of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning. [Emphasis added]

StudentsForLife published a YouTube video of a student at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville bragged about his support for infanticide up to two years of age! Extremism from abortion supporters is one reason many people are moving towards the pro-life movement.

“The idea that someone could support infanticide is incredibly disturbing. Yet, it reflects the kinds of attitudes our staff members and students can face on a daily basis on high school and college campuses,” Students for Life of America president Kristan Hawkins said. “Life is only valuable if I can talk to it?”

RELATED ARTICLE: GUILTY: Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Company Surrenders In First Successful Prosecution [+video]

VIDEO: Bernie Supporters Love the Republican Tax Plan

By and large, New York City Democrats seem to hate the Republican Tax Bill. But how do they feel about it when told it’s Bernie Sanders’ plan? Documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz took to the streets of New York’s East Village to find out.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of supporters of Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) hold signs during the Independence Day Parade in Waukee, Iowa July 4, 2015. REUTERS/Scott Morgan – RTSNRSX.

VIDEO: The most feared organization? NRA? No, Gun Owners of America!

Erich Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, in an email to supporters writes:

There’s only one thing the liberal media hates more than the Second Amendment…

Gun Owners of America.

Time and time again liberal celebrities and the media blast Gun Owners of America for our “dangerous” belief in the Second Amendment and for our dedication to protecting the rights of gun owners across the country.

One liberal MSNBC talk show host lamented that GOA is “tougher than the NRA.” Watch the video below to see for yourself!

EDITORS NOTE: Those readers wishing to support Gun Owners of America may do so by clicking here.

President Trump: Palestinians unwilling to talk peace, so ‘why should we make any of these massive future payments to them?’

For years the U.S. has been showering billions upon various entities, hoping to buy their loyalty or at least compliance. We’ve been played for easy marks by the sharpies of the world. President Trump is calling a halt. He is the first President even to threaten to call a halt. This is the first administration to show that intimidation and bullying are no longer currency in the White House.

“Trump threatens stop to Palestinian aid over Jerusalem row,” BBC, January 3, 2018:

The US may stop aid payments to Palestinians who are “no longer willing to talk peace”, President Trump said.

On Twitter, Mr Trump said the United States received “no appreciation or respect” in return for its aid.

He also said his controversial recognition of the contested city of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital took the hugely divisive issue “off the table” for new peace talks.

Palestinians had said the move showed the US could not be a neutral broker.

Soon after Washington’s decision was announced in December, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he would not accept any US peace plan for the Middle East.

The decision on Jerusalem was also overwhelmingly condemned at the United Nations, where 128 countries voted against Mr Trump’s fulfilment of a campaign promise.

The US president was following up earlier comments about aid payments to Pakistan, in which he said the US had received only “lies and deceit” in exchange for billions of dollars in aid.

Jerusalem is one of the world’s most contested sites.

Israel claims the whole of the city as its capital. The Palestinians want East Jerusalem, occupied by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war, to be the capital of a future Palestinian state.

Mr Trump, however, decided to formally recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, despite being warned it could cause unrest in the region.

He also said he would move the US embassy there from Tel Aviv, where all other nations have their consulates.

For the Palestinians, Mr Abbas said: “The United States has proven to be a dishonest mediator in the peace process.”

He also called Jerusalem the “eternal capital of the state of Palestine”.

How did the Palestinians respond to Mr Trump’s threat to cut aid?

Angrily. A Twitter feed of the governing Palestine Liberation Organisation accused Mr Trump of sabotaging their “search for peace”.

What kind of aid does the US send to Palestinians?

Mr Trump’s tweets followed remarks from Nikki Haley, the US envoy to the United Nations, in which she said the US would stop contributing to the UN’s relief agency for Palestinian refugees.

The agency runs education, health, and social programmes. The United States is its largest governmental donor, handing over almost $370m (£270m) in 2016.

Speaking at a news conference, Ms Haley said: “The president has basically said that he doesn’t want to give any additional funding, or stop funding, until the Palestinians are agreeing to come back to the negotiation table.”…

Ambassador Haley: ‘The UN must speak out. We must not be silent. The people of Iran are crying out for freedom.’ [Video]

“The U.N. must speak out. We must not be silent. The people of Iran are crying out for freedom.”

Of course, she is speaking to a thoroughly compromised organization under the essential control of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), but it is good that she has challenged their hypocrisy.

“Nikki Haley addresses Iran protests, North Korea at United Nations,” CBS News, January 2, 2018:

U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley addressed the deadly protests in Iran and the North Korea nuclear threat on Tuesday at the United Nations. Haley said the U.N. “must speak” on the issue and that the U.S. will call for emergency sessions in the coming days.

“The Iranian dictatorship is trying to do what it always does, which is to say that the protests were designed by enemies. We all know that is complete nonsense,” Haley said on Tuesday.

At least 450 people have reportedly been arrested in the last three days as violent protests against the country’s leadership spread across the Islamic Republic. The demonstrations began Thursday, CBS News correspondent Elizabeth Palmer reports, with a single demonstration in the eastern Iranian city of Mashhad, over economic hardship, and a dramatic jump in food prices in particular.

“The U.N. must speak out,” Haley said Tuesday. “We must not be silent. The people of Iran are crying out for freedom.”

But Alireza Miryousefi, a spokesman for the Iranian mission to the U.N. blasted Haley’s comments in a tweet Tuesday night, saying, “The world will not believe these nauseating crocodile tears from Haley and other US officials on #Iran.”…

Florida Lawyer caught making ‘suspicious campaign contributions’ to Democrats

Michael J. Fuller, Jr.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (CALA) uncovered an investigation conducted by the West Virginia Secretary of State into suspicious campaign contributions made by Michael J. Fuller, Jr., a partner in the Mississippi-based McHugh Fuller Law Group, and Steven Edwards of Plant City, Florida.  The McHugh Fuller Law Group website biography on Fuller reads:

Mike Fuller has extensive experience in nursing home, medical malpractice and criminal prosecutions and trials. He has worked with a top national law firm and the Hillsborough County State Attorney’s Office in Florida.

[ … ]

Mr. Fuller is licensed to practice law in Florida, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington, D.C. and West Virginia.

Specific subjects of the investigation were: identity theft, forgery/uttering, computer fraud and falsifying accounts and similar felonious violations of West Virginia law, according to official law enforcement files.  These files, including email, letters, minutes of official meetings and electronic recordings of witness statements, were obtained through the West Virginia Freedom of Information Act.  The recipients of the money, the campaigns of Supreme Court Justice Robin Jean Davis, former Democrat Governor Earl Ray Tomblin and Letitia Chafin for Supreme Court, were not the targets of the investigation and are not accused of any violations of law.

Fuller also made a $2,700 contribution to the 2016 presidential campaign of Democrat Martin O’Malley. Fuller’s contribution to O’Malley Presidential Campaign was made 8 days before O’Malley’s announcement to run to become the Democratic nominee for President.

The report from West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner, referring the matter to Kanawha CountyProsecutor Charles Miller, described a series of “unlawful ‘strawman’ campaign contributions made through a scheme orchestrated by Michael Fuller, Jr. and Steven Edwards. The facts and circumstances are contained in the report and supporting documentary evidence.” The evidence includes copies of suspicious checks and a confession from one of the straw donors who claimed that Mr. Fuller asked for the donations and would repay the donors – which is a conduit contribution and crime.

“The Secretary of State gathered evidence describing felonies and misdemeanors, so why aren’t there any files to show the prosecutor presented the evidence to a grand jury, as required by law?  Why did the prosecutor instead brief former Obama Deputy Attorney General Jim Cole, now in private practice, when his client was not implicated in the case? Why did the prosecutor alert Jim Cole when we submitted a FOIA request,” asked Roman Stauffer, Executive Director of WV CALA.

“Lawsuit abuse around the country costs honest businesses millions each year and makes it difficult to create economic opportunity for anyone except the trial lawyers.  Trial lawyers with business before the courts should not be able to continue to finance the elections of the very judges who preside over those courts.  Reform is just common sense and way past due.  That is why we filed the FOIA request and why we continue to demand transparency and accountability,” Stauffer concluded.


West Virginia Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (WV CALA) is a non-profit citizen watchdog group committed to equal justice for all West Virginians. WV CALA has been fighting lawsuit abuse in the state for more than 10 years, and our organization now has more than 30,000 members located in every county throughout the state.


Buying Justice: Private Jets And Campaign Donations Jeopardize High Court’s Integrity – The Daily Caller

West Virginia campaign finance probe ends amid questions

UPDATE: Uprising In Iran 2017-2018

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) released a report titled “Uprising In Iran 2017-2018 – Update” by A. Savyon and Yigal Carmon. Savyon and Carmon report:

After seven days of mass demonstrations across Iran, in major cities and with the participation of protestors who appear to be middle class, not only in smaller, far-flung cities with the participation of working class people, it can be said that the uprising has the following characteristics:

  • The uprising is clearly against the regime of the Islamic Republic. The regime is trying to neutralize this aspect of it, by ostensibly consenting to the holding of demonstrations demanding improved economic conditions, but protestors are demanding the following: “death to the dictator,” “death to Khamenei,” the end of the regime of the Islamic Republic, no compulsory hijab, no more sending of Iranian wealth to Syria and Gaza (with the slogan “No Syria, no Gaza, my life is for Iran”), and more. On social media, the following demands are circulating: a referendum, abolition of the regime of the Rule of the Jurisprudent, free elections, no compulsory hijab, fair distribution of wealth, an independent judiciary, a free press, separation of religion and state, and gender equality.

Poster of protestors’ slogans circulating on social media. Source:, January 3, 2018.

The following MEMRI TV clip, published November 20, 2017, shows a protest in Tehran that was a precursor to the current uprising:

Protesters In Tehran: Our Money Is Sent To Iraq, Lebanon, And Syria, While Our Men Steal And Our Women Sell Their Bodies Out Of Poverty – November 20, 2017IA1368b.JPG

  • This popular uprising has no known leadership that speaks in its name. OnJanuary 3, 2018, announcements of cities, locations, and times of the day’s demonstrations, signed by an entity calling itself “Iran Azadi [“Free Iran”] – The Headquarters for Coordinating the Demonstrations,” were circulated on social media, but no more details about this entity are known.
IA1368h.jpg, January 3, 2018.

  • The Iranian regime has not called out the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) to suppress the uprising; it has assigned this task to the Basij and the police, apparently out of fear that extensive use of force, as in 2009, would fan the flames of the popular uprising against it.
  • The most prominent figures in the reformist camp, which was banished from power and from public life, have joined the regime’s attempts to calm the people. The regime is trying to use them as a bridge to the protestors in order to prevent the uprising from spreading, and the Interior Ministry has, to this end, called a meeting of all the parties in Iran, including the banned reformist parties, to discuss the economic problems raised by the protestors.
  • In contrast to the uprising in Syria, there has been no known significant defection of security personnel to the protestors. The tweeted clip below shows a policeman explaining to protestors that he did not “become a soldier to fight” his own people, and is applauded by the crowd:

Source:, January 1, 2018.


  • During the first days of the uprising, no member of the senior leadership of the ideological camp addressed the situation publicly. The only political figure to appear was President Hassan Rohani, to deliver a conciliatory message expressing understanding of the protestors’ motives but trying to set restrictions for the protests. For his part, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei called a conference of families of martyrs, and in his statements to them accused Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the U.S. of being behind the uprising.

Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei Blames Popular Uprising On Iran’s Enemies: ‘All Those Who Oppose The Iranian Regime… Have United’

  • President Rohani blamed the regime for the economic crisis, and explained that most of the country’s budget – that is, 200 billion of a total 360 billion toman (360 billion toman is about $100 billion) – is not under his control at all. This means that most of the national budget is controlled by Supreme Leader Khamenei and the IRGC.
  • In the regime, a dispute has broken out over the question of who is to blame for the uprising. The ideological camp blames President Rohani and his economic policy, which includes cutting direct public subsidies and raising taxes and the prices of basic commodities, and accuses him of corruption. Rohani, like his mentor, the late Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, has spoken out against Supreme Leader Khamenei’s and the IRGC’s policy of exporting the revolution and establishing Iranian hegemony in the region, which has for years required that tremendous resources go to military development and to funding proxies instead of to the Iranian public. The MEMRI TV clips below show statements by Rafsanjani on this subject and Khamenei’s rebuttal:

Iranian Expediency Council Head Rafsanjani Protests Against Regime’s Oppression of Its Citizens – January 22, 2016

Read The Full Report


Once Manipulated by Obama Administration on Iran, Media Still Peddles Wrong Narrative

The Protest Movement in Iran: A Significant Challenge to the Regime

“Exodus in Progress?”: Mystery Aircraft Leave Iran With “No Callsign, Origin, or Destination” As Protests Rage (PHOTOS)

Germany: Muslim Migrants Caused 92% of Increase in Violent Crimes

The Voice of Europe reports:

study in the German state of Lower Saxony has clearly linked the increase of violent crime with the arrival of migrants in the area.

Lower Saxony saw an increase of 10.4 percent in reported violent crimes in the years 2015 and 2016. According to the two-year study of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, 92.1 percent of the increase was attributable to migrants.

Screenshot ZDF / Facebook video

Two thirds of the victims of migrant crimes are Germans, the study says. Migrants from North Africa were most likely to commit violent crimes compared to migrants from Syria and Iraq.

An earlier study showed that the crime rate among migrants in Germany rose by more than 50 per cent to 174,438 in 2016.

The findings show what a lot of people had predicted: There’s a (strong) relationship between crime and Migration from Muslim majority countries in Africa and the Middle East.

RELATED ARTICLE: US Catholic Bishops received over $95 million from U.S. taxpayers in 2016 for refugee/migrant care

Top refugee official leaving — more evidence migrant slowdown continues

We reported here on January 1 that the Trump refugee numbers, at the present rate of arrival, would come in at half of the CEILING of 45,000 set for FY18.

By the way, George Bush had two years that saw refugee admissions in the 20,000 range.

Trump will set a record if he comes in below George W. Bush’s two lowest years of 27,070 (2002) and 28,117 (2003).

(Yesterday, Michael Leahy at Breitbart posted a more detailed look at the numbers so far.)

Hans Van de Weerd of the two hats (IRC and RCUSA) is the go-to-guy for media comments these days.  As you know RCUSA is the lobbying arm of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. My question: is Hans still a Dutch citizen?

hans van de weerd bald

Hans Van de Weerd

Here Reuters reports on the retirement of Barbara Strack (hat tip: Joanne):

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – One of the top U.S. government officials working on refugee issues announced her impending retirement on Tuesday, and refugee advocates expressed concern about the fate of the country’s resettlement program which faces mounting pressure from the Trump administration.

Barbara Strack, a career official and chief of the Refugee Affairs Division at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, did not specify when she will leave her post, but USCIS spokesman R. Carter Langston said it would be in January.


“It’s something I’ve been planning towards for a long time, and it’s not driven by policy considerations,” Strack said. “I will deeply miss the colleagues and friendships that I‘m leaving behind, and the important mission of refugee resettlement. It’s been a privilege to be part of this community for the last 12 years, working to make the U.S. refugee resettlement program robust and secure.”

Advocates expressed concern at the timing of Strack’s retirement, saying it could further hamper U.S. refugee admissions. It was unclear immediately who would replace her.


The Refugee Affairs Division, which Strack oversees, includes dozens of officers charged with interviewing refugees abroad for resettlement in the United States.


Advocates for resettlement and some U.S. officials have expressed alarm at what they see as a slowdown in trips abroad known as circuit rides, in which USCIS officers interview refugees.

“The number of circuit rides has gone down drastically with currently only a few planned,” said Hans Van de Weerd, chair of Refugee Council USA***, a coalition of non-governmental groups working on refugee issues. “Many more will need to be scheduled soon to resettle 45,000 refugees and we don’t have any information about whether they will.”

More from Reuters here.

*** See my recent post on RCUSA the lobbying shop for the nine federal contractors which receive the vast majority of their funding from the US taxpayer. With the reduction in paying clients (aka refugees) entering the US, their budgets are taking huge hits.  Go here and see IRC salaries, spokesman Hans does not make the top tier.


NPR’s Deborah Amos: U.S. refugee program unraveling

Refugee Council USA reports that refugee numbers are way down, yes, we know

Trump Justice Department counters rogue judge in latest refugee ruling

Per (refugee) head payment to contractors took huge jump during Obama’s tenure

Refugee lobbying group, RCUSA, is a mystery, promotes secrecy

Apocalyptic numbers of “migrants” will overwhelm Europe this century, driven by global warming, say ‘experts’

Trump administration working to incubate nascent Iranian revolution

At last, an American President.

“Trump Admin Working to Incubate Nascent Iranian Revolution,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, January 2, 2018:

The Trump administration is keeping a close eye on the growing protests in Iran, with senior administration officials working to ensure President Donald Trump does not miss an opportunity to incubate a possible revolution that could topple Iran’s hardline ruling regime, according to White House officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.

With the world watching growing demonstrations across Iran, the Trump administration sees an opportunity to feed the growing protests. The policy is starkly different than the Obama administration’s approach in 2009, when similar protests gripped Iran and were met with silence.

Many viewed the Obama administration’s hesitation to back the protests as part of the reason they fizzled out amid a violent crackdown by the Iranian regime, which has engaged in similar tactics as anti-regime activists take to the streets across the Islamic Republic.

President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are said to be closely monitoring the situation and working to warn Iran’s ruling regime that “this will not be a repeat of the 2009 demonstrations,” according to a senior administration official briefed on the situation.

As the death toll in the current protests reaches at least 21 individuals, Iranian officials have blamed the unrest on “overt support of the U.S., the Zionist regime [Israel], and Saudi Arabia.”

The protests, which began last week, have mostly centered on economic frustrations among Iranian citizens who feel the ruling regime has failed to invest in the country. While Iran has spent billions of the cash windfalls it received from the landmark nuclear deal on a massive military buildup, it seems little of that money has been reinvested in the Iranian economy, which remains in shambles following years of economic sanctions by the West.

The Trump administration is not seeking to repeat what it described as the Obama administration’s failure to support demonstrators who could eventually topple the clerical ruling regime of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“While Obama administration officials continue to double down on its failed, passive approach to past freedom uprisings in Iran, President Trump and Vice President Pence are making clear to the world that they will not turn their backs on the freedom-seeking protesters,” one senior administration official told the Free Beacon on Tuesday, after reports claimed another nine protesters were killed and at least 450 arrested.

“The Trump administration’s strong and vocal support for the demonstrators is a 180 from the Obama administration’s approach and it’s signaling to Tehran that this will not be a repeat of the 2009 demonstrations,” the administration official said….

“As long as [Trump] is [President] and I am [Vice President], the United States of America will not repeat the shameful mistake of our past when others stood by and ignored the heroic resistance of the Iranian people as they fought against their brutal regime,” Pence tweeted on Monday.

As a lawmaker in Congress, Pence spearheaded efforts to protect free speech in Iran.

As the Obama administration stood on the sidelines of the tumult in 2009, Pence, then a House lawmaker, co-sponsored a measure to back “all Iranian citizens who embrace the values of freedom, human rights, civil liberties, and rule of law.”

The resolution condemned the Iranian regime’s violent suppression of the protests.

At the time, Pence disagreed “with the administration’s decision to essentially draw the line at not meddling and not interfering.”

Another source close to the Trump White House told the Free Beacon that public criticism from Obama administration officials has only fueled the drive to back Iranian protesters.

“If you want to understand how totally different the Trump approach is from Obama’s, all you have to notice is that Democrats aren’t even pretending Obama would have done this,” said the source, a veteran D.C.-based foreign policy adviser who is close to the White House.

“Usually when the president shows leadership, the noise machine spins up and says he’s just doing what Obama would have done,” the source said. “But in this case everyone knows that Obama abandoned the protesters in Iran in 2009 because he wanted a nuclear deal, and he would do it again.”


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Iran protests spread nationwide, now ‘far bigger than 2009’

U.S. Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley Seeking Emergency Security Council Meeting on Iran Protests

Former Obama advisers tell Trump to “be quiet” about the Iranian protests

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