Chapel Hill murderer: “Knowing several dozen Muslims…I’d prefer them to most Christians”

This won’t stop the mainstream media/Islamic supremacist/Obama myth-making, but here is yet more evidence that the psychopath who murdered three Muslims in cold blood in Chapel Hill, North Carolina last Tuesday was not motivated by “Islamophobia,” much as the jihad enablers wish that he had been — because hate crimes against Muslims are so very useful to them.

“Everything We Know So Far About The Alleged Chapel Hill Shooter,” by David Mack, Buzzfeed, February 12, 2-15 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

…In a post on Aug. 19, 2010, debating the so-called “Ground Zero mosque” on, an account that appeared to belong to Hicks posted that he had known “several dozen Muslims” and believed “that they aren’t what most think of them.”

In a post on Aug. 19, 2010, debating the so-called "Ground Zero mosque" on, an account that appeared to belong to Hicks posted that he had known "several dozen Muslims" and believed "that they aren't what most think of them."
When a user took a poll of the forum, the account that appeared to belong to Hicks voted in favor of a response reading, “I am indifferent about the project itself — I can see the arguments both for it and against it. But this is a free country, and the developers certainly have a right to express themselves.

The full post reads as follows

I voted #2 for several reasons.

The first amendment to our constitution guarantees freedom of religion, which takes precedence over any other “feeling” that any of us as Americans may have.

Beyond that though after being in D.C. for a decade and knowing several dozen Muslims for most of that time I can say that they aren’t what most think of them. In fact, I’d prefer them to most Christians as I was never coerced in any way by the Muslims to follow their religion, which I cannot say about many Christians.

While the terrorists who did the 9/11 attacks were Muslims, they were extremists in that faith which isn’t common. I know of many Christian extremists personally, much less the ones we have heard about on the news. People of this country don’t seem to hold that against Christianity though(probably because they’re a majority in this country).

While it may cause problems with those that don’t want it there with vandalizing and such, what if that excuse stopped our forefathers from starting a new nation. Civil rights, suffrage, heck even our own gun rights have been “fought” for at times. On that matter, the vast majority of our own ancestors in this country had to fight for their rights as Americans as most of the ethnic groups in this country were looked down on at some point(some still are).

This country was founded on freedoms, and many forget that one of the biggest freedoms that was fought for was freedom of religion. Then after all was said and done, Americans pushed west and took the lands of the Native Americans, put them on reservations (land that has no use), and stuffed religion down their throat. Their children were often taken from them to be taught Christianity (brainwashed might be a better word). They were not allowed to have their ancestral hair or garments, not allowed to use their given names but had to use the Christian ones assigned to them, and not allowed to speak their native tongue among other things. Funny how during World War 2, the same government that violated the Native Americans 1st amendment rights in the previous century were called upon because of their ancestral language.

With all that being said, I don’t see how anyone who calls themselves American can claim that a Mosque shouldn’t be TWO BLOCKS AWAY from what is known as ground zero.

RELATED ARTICLE: Oregon: Muslim pleads guilty to funding jihad murderer

RELATED VIDEO: The Chapel Hill murders and the “anti-Muslim hate crime” industry

Is the Council on American Islamic Relations ‘Islamophobia website’ a ‘Hit List’?

No one can argue the Council On American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has a public relations problem here in the United States and United Arab Emirates(UAE).

In November of 2014, the UAE designated CAIR a Terrorist Organization. That means Muaaz Hassan, Hassan Shibly, Ibrahim Hooper, Nihad Awad, Corey Saylor, Randall ‘Todd’ Royer, Bassem Khafagi, etc… are all Terrorists.

They may not be carrying AK 47’s and RPG’s but they are still terrorists with their propaganda, money, and Shariah Islamiyya compliant initiatives.

In this video we focus on Muaaz Hassan who is CAIR’s Islamophobia and Communication’s Director and Liar in residence.


Muaaz Hassan. Source: CAIR Florida.

What that means is Muaaz is responsible for putting together CAIR’s Hit List of Americans who challenge Islamic Doctrine and Theology. CAIR has painstakingly named and identified those who they believe slander Islam.

This CAIR Hit List takes on new importance since the UAE designated their former benefactors, CAIR, an active Terrorist Organization.

This video show that Muaaz Hassan is a liar and may have an acute obsessive compulsive disorder based on his excessive teeth cleaning in a public place.

Muaaz Hassan’s blatant lies, caught on this video, bring shame and dishonor on CAIR. The obsessive teeth cleaning raises Mr. Hassan’s visibility to the level of laughable, socially embarrassing, and a big clue that Muaaz Hassan has no control over his apparent obsessive compulsive disorder.

Yet, Muaaz Hassan is a liar with possible OCD who is the public face for Hassan Shibly and Nihad Awad.

Is it any wonder Muaaz Hassan and Hassan Shibly are laughing stocks with many in the FBI and Law Enforcement.

CAIR makes a cottage industry of violating the civil rights of most everyone who challenges Islamic Doctrine and Theology. Muaaz Hassan is a national level player in CAIR’s propaganda efforts trying to destroy all who expose them as the Terrorists they are.

So once you get past the absurdity of Muaaz Hassan’s lies and inappropriately embarrassing teeth cleaning, this film exposes some fatal flaws that have been plaguing CAIR’s ability to effectively hide the fact that they are buffoonish Terrorists.

Here’s a gem from Muaaz Hassan’s FB Page: “Muaaz Hassan The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is our Frankenstein. The United States after a decade of war in Iraq pieced together its body parts…”

Muaaz displays some serious anti American tendencies expressing the views above.

Muaaz owes the world an apology for for his lies and to all who had to watch his teeth cleaning in public.

RELATED ARTICLE: FBI has opened ISIS cases in 49 U.S. States – World Net Daily

VIDEO: On the UK Muslim Rape Gangs

I joined Steve Malzberg on NewsMax TV to discuss my column in FrontPage Magazine “Hundreds More Muslim Rape Gang Cases Discovered in UK“:


UK: Muslim rape gangs could have abused 1,000,000 children; authorities kept silent for fear of being called “racist”

Jerusalem: Muslims attack kindergarten with fireworks (+Video)

NYT: Houthis scream “Death to America” but “don’t mean it literally” (+Video)

Florida: Four generations of Jewish family sued by Bradenton Condominium Association

Some things are definitely stranger than fiction and beyond imagination … but try to imagine a nine-year-old girl, barely able to read, being sued by a condominium association for the debts of her great-grandfather, deceased five years ago. If you know the Heritage Village West Condominium Association (HVW) in sunny Bradenton, Florida, perhaps you might ask one of its proud Board members or their attorney, Scott Petersen of Becker & Poliakoff, for the reasoning behind their demands for little Kenna and her three siblings to pay HVW for the unpaid maintenance fees of their beloved “Big Papa,” Holocaust Survivor Al Katz.

In a case full of travesties, the foreclosure against Al Katz’s modest apartment-sized condominium is mind-numbing! First, it was HVW that helped, both in and out of court, to put and keep Al Katz into a frightful guardianship, in which he was forced to abandon his much-loved HVW condominium to live in a crowded room at Casa Mora nursing home behind layers of security in the dreaded lockdown unit, where screams resound day and night and delicate, precious elders are held in isolation from the rest of the normal world.

At Casa Mora, Al became septic and unresponsive after weeks of bleeding into his catheter bag and three days of escalating fever, despite repeated alerts to Casa Mora staff and to Al’s guardians by his daughter, who had no legal rights at the time to order proper care for him. Through Divine blessing, Al, the Holocaust Survivor, survived many months of deep-reaching bedsores and gradual recuperation from sepsis at age 89. When his daughter finally obtained legal rights from the Manatee County Probate Court to care for her Dad, Al returned to his condominium, without one visit or phone call from any of his neighbors at HVW, where he had lived for 26 years.

Al was HVW’s only Jew, and he was now a very lonely, ostracized Jew, who had served on the HVW Board in his prime and donated dozens and dozens of hours to helping his neighbors, one of whom had just recently testified in court that Al belonged in the nursing home, not with his family in his own condominium.

Through Al’s expensive guardianship, his liquid assets were speedily consumed to pay multiple attorneys and his professional guardian, who refused to file or pay Al’s income taxes. At the end of his lonely life, Al was bereft of funds and friends and thrust into dire debt through no fault of his own. In the Holocaust, Al had lost everything, and in guardianship, his history had repeated itself.

Al’s guardianship account held by professional guardian, Herbert Schimmel, had zero dollars in it for Al’s estate to receive. Al’s daughter, therefore, spent her own money by the scores of thousands to administer his estate, but HVW maintenance fees were unpaid. When HVW filed to foreclose on Al’s condominium, Al’s daughter defended against the legal action.

After years of legal defense against HVW, the Board and its attorney suddenly decided not only to sue Al, of Blessed Memory, but also his entire extended Jewish family – Al’s daughter, son-in-law, son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, three great-granddaughters, and one great-grandson – and HVW then obtained a court order against them from Manatee County Judge Robert Farrance for Al Katz’s alleged debts, despite the fact that only two of these persons had ever been served with the foreclosure Complaint and notice of any court hearings in four years’ time. Simply put, HVW was able to successfully sue four generations of a family, including multiple minor children, to pay for the debts of their father, grandfather, and great-grandfather without ever serving most of them with court documents or allowing them any due process to defend themselves!

When this incidental matter was brought to the attention of HVW’s attorney, Scott Petersen simply served some of the family members, all located out of state, with the Complaint three years after the deadline for process service had elapsed, without blinking either of his eyes.

It was Mr. Petersen who also served Al’s daughter and son-in-law with foreclosure documents on Rosh HaShonah, the holy Jewish New Year, and immediately began pressuring their attorney to set his foreclosure motion for imminent hearing. In the same time frame, Al’s family, staying in his HVW condominium, received anti-Semitic hate mail from an HVW resident, who proudly used his email address to threaten the only Jews at HVW, warning them:

Be warned, I’ll be keeping an eye on you. The last thing you want to do is make an enemy of me….

He continued, saying:

… don’t give me any of this holocaust survivor stuff. I don’t want to hear it…. These men and women led their lives and now that it’s coming to an end you want to pretend that there is more for them? Let them be and let them greet their [M]aker..Not to be crass, but if anyone of these survivors, most in their 90’s has any hope of leading any sort of life beyond bedpans and feeding tubes, let them go so they can be one with the [L-]rd [A]lmighty.

By the way, you make yourselves look foolish with this survivor crap.

Although Al’s family sent excerpts of the anti-Semitic emails to dozens of HVW residents, agents, and Board members, not one of them ever spoke against the hate mail sent by their non-Jewish neighbor against their Jewish neighbors.

The hate mail was preceded and followed by repeated incidents of vandalism to Al Katz’s yard, destruction of plants, tossing litter on the property, and dumping garbage cans in the yard for weeks – all without objections raised by any of the 167+ HVW condominium owners and their condominium management company, DellCor.

Just as HVW’s stone entry sign has collapsed under its own weight, the burden of the sins and crimes committed by HVW’s Board, agents, and residents is toppling and crushing HVW’s future to the ground. The results of greed and hate are aptly symbolized by the crumbling stone marker that greets residents and guests alike with a frown and scowl as they enter and exit the nearly-Jew-free zone.

RELATED ARTICLE: Elder Fraud and Financial Abuse Now Estimated at $36 Billion

Florida: Seminole County School District requires students to recite Islamic prayer

The text above has been identified as p. 121 in the Florida edition of Pearson/Prentice Hall’s World History textbook.

WFTV’s 9 Investigates reports the following:

A history book used in school districts across the state is sparking controversy in Seminole County.

A parent called 9 Investigates after finding out his son was learning too much about the Islamic religion in a public classroom.

Ron Wagner read from part of his son’s world history book, “There is no god, but God. Muhamad is the messenger of God.”

Wagner is not reading the Five Pillars of Islam from the Quran, but rather his son’s 10th-grade world history book from Lyman High School.

“Students were instructed to recite this prayer as the first Pillar of Islam, off of the board at the teacher’s instruction,” Wagner claims.

Wagner, who is not religious, said he had no idea the public school was teaching so extensively about religion until he spotted a text on his son’s phone from a teacher reminding him to complete a prayer rug assignment and study an Islam packet.

“For it to be mandatory and part of the curriculum and in the textbooks, didn’t seem right,” Wagner said.

Inside of the book is a chapter dedicated to the “Rise of Islam,” including prayers and scriptures from the Quran. What’s more disturbing for Wagner is that the first 100 pages discussing Judaism and Christianity are missing. The district blames a manufacturer defect in 68 books that are only a year old.

According to Wagner, Dr. Michael Blasewitz, who oversees the high school curriculum, said, “The Pillars of Islam are benchmarks in the state curriculum.”

Wagner’s concerns prompted a district investigation that found the teacher never tried to indoctrinate or convert students.

Some other students interviewed by administrators said they were not required to recite the prayer aloud. They did discuss a video played during class about the religion, but Blasewitz got frustrated and stormed out when 9 Investigates asked whether the district is considering changes to the curriculum.

“You’re just going to walk away from our interview when we’re trying to get information,” said investigative reporter Daralene Jones.

Before Blasewitz walked out, he further justified the curriculum, saying students learn specific Judaism doctrine, the Bible and its scriptures, in earlier school years.

“If anything, it’s a little imbalanced toward Christianity and Judaism,” Blasewitz said.

Federal law allows schools to teach about religion, because it’s part of history. But public schools may not teach religion.

“There’s a difference between teaching of the significance or the impact of a religion and teaching the specific tenets of a religion,” Wagner said.

9 Investigates was told the district will reconsider this book when the contract is up in three years. Some districts in South Florida have requested the publisher rewrite portions because of the controversy. The Florida Family Association (FFA) states, “Public schools funded by tax dollars should not be instructing students to participate in the religious practices of Islam including but not limited to reciting prayers. Such activities go beyond education. How is it possible that school officials and teachers did not notice that 100 pages related to Judaism and Christianity were missing from textbooks?”

FFA notes:

Mr. Blasewitz’s numerous statements to WFTV’s 9 Investigates appears to justify the recitation of Islamic prayer and omission of the 100 pages.  Blasewitz said “The Pillars of Islam are benchmarks in the state curriculum.”  Blasewitz “further justified the curriculum, saying students learn specific Judaism doctrine, the Bible and its scriptures, in earlier school years.  “If anything, it’s a little imbalanced toward Christianity and Judaism,” Blasewitz said.  His arrogantly walking out of the interview after giving this position is incriminating.

EDITORS NOTE: The Florida Family Association has prepared an email for those who wish to send that urges Seminole County School District Board Members to rectify this situation. Readers may click here to send an email to Seminole County School District officials.

RELATED VIDEO: Florida Parent: School Teaching Students Islamic Prayer

Sweden’s Jews Threatened by Muslim Antisemitism

Earlier today, I exchanged an email with a French Jewish resident here in  Florida seeking assistance to gain permanent resident status in the US, given his retirement  here. Under US immigration law he and his wife can only remain in the US for a maximum of 180 days annually and must return to France to obtain fresh tourist visas.  He is an accomplished professional and like many of France’s 600,000 Jews disturbed about the threats coreligionists face from Muslim second and third generation émigrés. He and his family came as émigrés from North Africa to escape Islamic hatred only to be threatened again in his home community in France. Both our colleague Nidra Poller and French commentator, Michel Gurfinkiel have written  graphically about  the predicament of French Jews  threatened by  Islamic and other forms of Antisemitism. That was crystallized by three French and one Tunisian Jew killed on January 9, 2015 in the Antisemitic attack by Jihadist Amedy Coulibaly at the Hyper Cacher Kosher supermarket in Paris.

There are continuing assaults against Jews daily in major cities throughout France. The dilemma faced by French is reflected in the increasing numbers making aliyah to Israel and  others who have opted to seek sanctuary here in the U.S. many of whom have taken  up residency in Florida. There are a number of French Jewish synagogues that have sprouted in Florida to take care of the spiritual and community needs of francophone brethren. The necessity of applying for formal resident status in the U.S. was reflected at the conclusion of an email exchange,  “I was aware many years ago about the coming change in France and the blindness of French politicians.”

That blindness also  faces Jews in Malmo, Sweden denied their rights of free expression ,opposing politicians in Sweden’s third largest  city who tolerate virulent Islamic Antisemitism  from  the large émigré community.  That is the subject of a Gatestone Institute article by Ingrid Carlqvist and Lars Hedegaard, the co-editors of Dispatch InternationalSweden Imports Jew-hatred. The authors wrote:

If anyone had thought that the slaughter of four Jews in a Paris supermarket — for the reason that they were Jews — would have caused the Swedish mainstream press and the government to explain who is behind Europe’s growing anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish violence, he would be sadly mistaken. With the exception of one television program, the connection between anti-Semitism, Islam and Muslim mass immigration remains a mental no-go area in Sweden.


Swedes now tend to view all immigrants as victims of totalitarianism and refuse to acknowledge that not all immigrants think like Swedes. They cannot comprehend that people would flee unless they were hated and threatened.

Swedes have a minimal knowledge of the Jew-hatred that is part and parcel of Islam, and the authorities and politicians refuse to acknowledge that Jews are now fleeing the southern city of Malmö due to its steadily growing Muslim population. Quite simply, most Swedes have never realized that one minority group may expose another minority group to violence and intimidation.

There are other reasons Malmö’s politicians turn a blind eye to Jew-hatred. Malmö is Sweden’s third-largest city and probably has the greatest proportion of Muslims. (It is hard to give exact figures because Swedish law forbids registration based on religion.) It is normally assumed that approximately one-third of Malmö’s 300,000 inhabitants have a foreign background and that their number is steadily increasing. Currently, most refugees come from Syria and Somalia, and most are Muslims.

The reason for hatred foisted on Malmo’s Jews  is the Socialist-Muslim alliance:

Malmö has nearly always been governed by Social Democrats — a party that has every reason to keep on the good side of Muslims. In municipal elections, the Social Democrats can normally count on 30% of the general vote, and on 70% of the Muslim vote.

This circumstance was undoubtedly the most important reason the city’s former Social Democratic Mayor, Ilmar Reepalu, refused to do anything about rampant Jew-hatred. He surely must have been aware that the perpetrators of anti-Semitic excesses were his own voters.

For many years, Malmö’s Jews have reported a growing number of hate crimes against their synagogue and themselves, but nobody has taken their complaints seriously. Eventually, a journalist by the name of Andreas Lovén from the local newspaper Skånska Dagbladet wrote in a series of articles that Jew-hatred was causing more and more Jews to move to other Swedish cities or to Israel.

For the first time, it was openly said who was behind the anti-Semitism — the city’s Muslim population. Many Jews told the paper that they dared not let their children grow up in Malmö — the town where, on January 25, 2009, a Muslim mob was allowed to pelt a peaceful Jewish demonstration in support of Israel with bottles, eggs and smoke bombs (see video).

Instead of breaking up the anti-Israel demonstration, which took place without a police permission and which seriously threatened the Jews and friends of Israel assembled at Malmö’s Great Square (Stortorget), the police chose to revoke the Jews’ right to assemble.

This decision was harshly criticized by Parliament’s judicial ombudsman, who wrote: “To permit counter-demonstrators to more or less systematically prevent their opponents from voicing their opinions at public gatherings is unacceptable in a democracy.”

Obama’s Envoy on Global Anti-Semitism  weighs in:

The situation got so bad [in Malmo] that in April 2012, President Barack Obama sent his special envoy and head of the Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, Hannah Rosenthal, to Malmö to read the riot act to Mayor Ilmar Reepalu. She pointed out that the problem is not only the many hate attacks on Jews but also the fact that the mayor has exacerbated the situation by statements such as: “Jews have themselves to blame as long as they don’t distance themselves from Israel’s abuse of Palestinians.”

Last month, Swedish television aired a program on Jew-hatred in Malmö, which clearly documented that the hate emanates from the city’s Muslim population. The reporter had donned a Jewish skullcap and a Star of David and went around town to see what happened. He was immediately met with verbal abuse and was spat on.

A later program dealt with the claim of anti-Muslim hatred in Sweden. A female reporter walked the streets of Södertälje with a veil. Most of the town’s immigrants are Christian Syrians and Assyrians, with Muslims in a clear minority, and she was not accosted a single time.

Sweden’s Jewish organizations have other priorities- combating Islamophobia and attacking one of the authors of the Gatestone Institute article:

Regrettably, Sweden’s biggest Jewish organizations are as blind as the media when it comes to Nazism with its Jew-hatred, supremacist ideology and hunger for world domination. The SKMA (Swedish Committee Against Anti-Semitism), equates Jew-hatred with hatred of Muslims, and attacks everyone who will speak out about the true genesis of “Swedish” anti-Semitism. The SKMA refuses to talk about Muslim Jew-hatred, and gladly walks side by side with imams to protest against “growing xenophobia”.

In December 2013, the SKMA criticized the Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism, an Israeli organization, for having “ articles dealing with anti-Semitism in Sweden spread Islamophobic messages” and thus “given legitimacy to the Swedish Muslim-hater Ingrid Carlqvist.” SKMA accuses Carlqvist of equating Muslims with Nazis, which is a lie. What Carlqvist has written many times is that Islam, that is the ideology, can be compared with Nazism with its Jew-hatred, supremacist ideology and hunger for world domination.

The authors concluded:

The question is how Swedish Jews will fare in an increasingly Islamic Sweden, when not even their own organizations will point out where the Jew-hatred comes from, but would rather attack Swedes who speak the truth about why Sweden went from a safe haven for Jews to a country Jews are fleeing. As long as the SKMA refuses to acknowledge that the vast majority of the Swedish Jew-hatred comes from Muslim immigrants, how can one expect ordinary Swedes to understand what kind of threat the Islamization of Sweden is to all of us who live here?

The first to go down the road of extermination are the Saturday People; then come the Sunday People.

Whether France, Sweden, the UK or elsewhere in the EU, Antisemitism is rampant as reflected in various studies and surveys. It is bolstered by the hatred of Muslim émigrés whose children now flock to the black banner of the Islamic State intent on killing all infidels.  Especially Jewish infidels as did Amedy Coulibaly at the Paris kosher market on January 9th.  Hence, like the French sojourner who wrote me, politicians in France and Sweden are blinded by the votes of the Muslim émigrés in their midst denying Jews rights of free speech and safety.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. The featured image is of a boycott Israel Protest Rally in Malmo, Sweden in 2012.

St. Louis KMOV: “Local Muslims face possible backlash after terror indictments”

The pattern never changes: in the wake of a jihad terror attack or plot, Muslims in the West do not do what they should do: redouble their efforts against jihadis in their own communities, and their cooperation with law enforcement officials. Instead, they claim that they are being victimized by a “backlash” and try to deflect attention away from the jihad plot by seizing the spotlight as victims. The mainstream media aids and abets this. Laura Shay of here has nothing at all — not a single incident, not even some idiot yelling at a poor victimized and noble hijabi. It’s a story about what may happen.

Where are the mainstream media stories about what Muslims are doing to teach against the beliefs and attitudes that give rise to so much violence committed in the name of Islam and — according to those who perpetrate it — in accord with its teachings? Where are the stories about what Muslims are doing to reassure Infidels, instead of the other way around, in the wake of yet another jihad attack? Yes, the Muslims in St. Louis condemn this jihad plot. Very well. What are they doing to prevent Muslims from misunderstanding Islam in this way? What are they doing to reform Islamic teachings so that no violence is ever done in accord with those teachings?

“Local Muslims face possible backlash after terror indictments,” by Laura Shay,, February 9, 2015:

ST. LOUIS, Mo. ( – Three St. Louis area residents were indicted on terrorism charges Friday and the case has left local Bosnians and Muslims facing potential backlash for the actions of individuals in their ethnic and religious groups.

The St. Louis area suspects, Ramiz Hodzic, Sedina Hodzic and Armin Harcevic were all originally from Bosnia but were legally residing in the United States when they allegedly aided Al Qaida and ISIS by providing monetary and financial support.

Both the Islamic Foundation of St. Louis and St. Louis Bosnians, Inc. groups have strongly condemned the actions of the Hodzics and Harcevic.

“We felt compelled to come out and say this is not what Islam stands for, this is not what the community stands for,” said Ghazaka Hayat of the Islamic Foundation of St. Louis.

Local Muslims have faced the challenges of public opinion since the 9/11 terror attacks and want to deflect possible repercussions away from the larger Muslim and Bosnian community.

By reminding the public that the alleged acts of the Hodzics and Harcevic are not a reflection on the greater Muslim population of the area, locals Muslims groups hope to avoid conflict or adverse reactions if the prosecution in the case occurs in St. Louis.

Play it again.


Australia: Two Muslims arrested for “public beheading” plot

Obama: Iran has “no aspiration to get a nuclear weapon” because “it would be contrary to their faith”

Egyptian TV host: Nobody dares admit that the Islamic State’s crimes are based on Islamic sources

Egyptian President Al-Sisi: “The Muslim Brotherhood is the Origin of it All”

Yesterday, Der Spiegel published,  an “Interview with Egyptian President Sisi: ‘Extremists Offend the Image of God’“.  It purports to be a  wide ranging interview . It  covers his role in orchestrating the ouster of President Morsi, continuing  internal problems with human rights and  popular support for his regime.  It reflects  his independent foreign relations,  problems with the Obama Administration,  the connections between the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and the Islamic State in the Sinai Peninsula, Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis.

Overall,  Al-Sisi  responded ably to a battery of questions that were contrived to portray  him as the new autocratic leader in Egypt.  This is  emblematic of the country’s military origins of  previous Presidents, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak. Mubarak was just freed  from imprisonment under ousted President Morsi.

 President Al-Sisi  caught the world’s attention with critical comments about reform of Islamic doctrine  made to senior Clerics at  Sunni theology bastion, Al Azhar University on New Years’  Day 2015. On Coptic Christmas eve , January 6th, he demonstrated what he meant by visiting with His Holiness Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria at a Cairo cathedral wishing both him and all Copts a “Merry Christmas.”

putin al sisi

Russian President Putin and Egyptian President Al-Sisi, Cairo 2-10-15. Source: IBTimes U.K.

Today Al-Sisi demonstrated some of his independent foreign relations when he received Russian President Putin, in Cairo  for a two day official state visit,  where they concluded a deal for construction of  Egypt’s first  nuclear reactor.  Doubtless, Al-Sisi’s action would not inure him to the Obama Administration seeking to reign in nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.  An Administration  that persists in bringing Egyptian MB clerics  to confer with the National Security Council and State Department.  The Obama White House is engaged  in a myopic search for  ‘messaging’  to combat “violent extremism” among  members of a “barbaric, criminal, nihilistic enterprise”, the Islamic State or ISIL. A threat, unlike President Al-Sisi, the Administration  refuses to identify as derived from doctrinal Islam.

In our February 2015 NER interview with  Egypt expert , Dr. Raymond Stock,  Shillman Writing fellow at the Middle East Forum,  he presented these assessments of President Al-Sisi:

“[Al-Sisi] was saying that Islam as it is being taught and practiced by its leading religious scholars has given birth to a globally destructive ideology which is now threatening us all.”

 “And he challenged the clerics to take the lead in that effort by openly re-examining their own teachings and source materials for interpreting Islam.”

“[The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood] is far from dead and remains a threat to the Egyptian state and society.”

“[The Muslim Brotherhood] has deeply bonded with the highest levels of the Obama administration, which uncritically backed its creation of an elected, one-party dictatorship under Morsi.”

“Obama’s backing of the Islamists and his cutting of aid for the past two years have driven al-Sisi to radically diversity Egypt’s sources of funding and investment from abroad, including for the first time military aid.”

“Unlike Morsi and the MB, who worked covertly with the terrorists in Sinai, al-Sisi wholeheartedly supports the peace with Israel.”

We bring you these excerpts from the Der Spiegel  interview that affirms the  views of Dr. Stock in our NER interview:

SPIEGEL: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Morsi supposedly made you chief of staff in 2013 because you are a pious Muslim.

Sisi: I don’t know the criteria by which Morsi chose me. I have never pretended I was someone else. I am a simple person and my nature is to read a lot and contemplate a lot. I was especially interested in religious discourse. We need to examine this discourse while taking into consideration the backdrop of the current state of affairs in the region. I address this issue even if it means putting my hand in the hornet’s nest.

SPIEGEL: When you recently addressed scholars at the famous Azhar University, you called for religious renewal.

Sisi: This religious discourse will take a lot of time. It must emanate from the recognition that we have a problem. We are talking here about the most precious thing for Arab and Muslim countries, because religion is engrained in the hearts and minds of the people.

SPIEGEL: Do you mean a reinterpretation of the Koran or of the Islamic legal and moral code known as Sharia?

Sisi: For 1,400 years, the Koran has represented the absolute truth. But interpretations differ. I propose removing wrong and distorted ideas from the religious discourse. Two days ago, I took part in a conference attended by not only Azhar’s highest authorities but also the Coptic Pope, intellectuals and politicians. The subject was “freedom of choice” and the great gift that this freedom represents. The right to choose a particular faith, whether Christian, Jewish or Muslim, is an inherent part of our religion.

SPIEGEL: Does this mean Muslims should take action against those who falsely interpret their religion?

Sisi: Of course, because these extremists not only insult Islam, they also offend the image of God, the all-mighty. Their false beliefs lead many people to ask themselves: What kind of a religion is this Islam?

SPIEGEL: US President Barack Obama has assembled an international coalition to fight Islamic State extremists. But Egypt is only a symbolic partner in this alliance.

Sisi: We are a partner in this battle, but we are waging it here in Egypt. We had already begun our fight one and a half years before the formation of the coalition. If we fail in this fight against terrorism, the entire region will be embroiled in turmoil for the next 50 years. Europe will also be threatened with attacks by the extremists. I already told my European friends this, one and a half years ago.

SPIEGEL: And how did they react?

Sisi: They didn’t want to believe me. They thought I was trying to justify what had happened here …

SPIEGEL: … for the removal of President Morsi from office. Now there is even an offshoot of Islamic State in Sinai that is threatening your country’s unity.

Sisi: About 600,000 people live on the whole of Sinai, and the terrorists are only a fraction of that. They cannot threaten the unity of Egypt. They are only attracting attention because their actions are so diabolical. We are determined to fight the terrorists.

SPIEGEL: What is the greater threat: the Islamic State or the Muslim Brotherhood?

Sisi: They both share the same ideology. But the Muslim Brotherhood is the origin of all of it. All these other extremists emanated from them.

President Al-Sisi,  in his final comment about the MB and ISIS threat,  appears to follow the same argument that  Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu used in his September 2014 UN General Assembly speech saying,  “When it comes to its ultimate goals, Hamas is ISIS, and ISIS is Hamas. .. . ISIS, Hamas are Branches of Same Tree.”

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

The Jihad that Lead to the Crusades

President Obama’s remarks about the evil of the Crusades, needs to be factually examined in detail. Here is such a list:

0355 – After removing a Roman temple from the site (possibly the Temple of Aphrodite built by Hadrian), Constantine I has the Church of the Holy Sepulcher constructed in Jerusalem. Built around the excavated hill of the Crucifixion, legend has it that Constantine’s mother Helena discovered the True Cross here.

0613 – Persians capture Damascus and Antioch.

0614 – Persians sack Jerusalem. damaging the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the process.

0633 – Muslims conquer Syria and Iraq.

0634 – 0644 – Umar (c. 0591 – 0644) reigns as the second caliph.

0635 – Muslims begin the conquest of Persia and Syria.

0635 – Arab Muslims capture the city of Damascus from the Byzantines.

August 20, 0636 – Battle of Yarmuk (also: Yarmuq, Hieromyax): Following the Muslim capture of Damascus and Edessa, Byzantine Emperor Heraclius organizes a large army which manages to take back control of those cities. However, Byzantine commander, Baänes is soundly defeated by Muslim forces under Khalid ibn Walid in a battle in the valley of the Yarmuk River outside Damascus. This leaves all of Syria open to Arab domination.

0637 – The Arabs occupy the Persian capital of Ctesiphon. By 0651, the entire Persian realm would come under the rule of Islam and continued its westward expansion.

0637 – Syria is conquered by Muslim forces.

0637 – Jerusalem falls to invading Muslim forces.

0638 – Caliph Umar I enters Jerusalem.

0639 – Muslims conquer Egypt and Persia.

0641 – Islam spreads into Egypt. The Catholic Archbishop invites Muslims to help free Egypt from Roman oppressors.

0641 – Under the leadership of Abd-al-Rahman, Muslims conquer southern areas of Azerbaijan, Daghestan, Georgia, and Armenia.

0641 – Under the leadership of Amr ibn al-As, Muslims conquer the Byzantine city of Alexandria in Egypt. Amr forbids the looting of the city and proclaims freedom of worship for all. According to some accounts, he also has what was left of the Great Library burned the following year. Al-As creates the first Muslim city in Egypt, al-Fustat, and builds there the first mosque in Egypt.

0644 – Muslim leader Umar dies and is succeeded by Caliph Uthman, a member of the Umayyad family that had rejected Muhammad’s prophesies. Rallies arise to support Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law, as caliph. Uthman launches invasions to the west into North Africa.

0649 – Muawiya I, a member of the Umayyad family, leads a raid against Cyprus, sacking the capital Salamis-Constantia after a short siege and pillaging the rest of the island.

0652 – Sicily is attacked by Muslims coming out of Tunisia (named Ifriqiya by the Muslims, a name later given to the entire continent of Africa).

0653 – Muawiya I leads a raid against Rhodes, taking the remaining pieces of the Colossus of Rhodes (one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world) and shipping it back to Syria to be sold as scrap metal.

0654 – Muawiya I conquers Cyprus and stations a large garrison there. The island would remain in Muslim hands until 0966.

0655 – Battle of the Masts: In one of the only Muslim naval victories in the entire history of Islam, Muslim forces under the command of Uthman bin Affan defeat Byzantine forces under Emperor Constant II. The battle takes place off the coast of Lycia and is an important stage in the decline of Byzantine power.

0661 – 0680 – Mu’awiya, founder of the Umayyad dynasty, becomes the caliph and moves the capital from Mecca to Damascus.

0662 – Egypt fell to the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates until 868 CE. A year prior, the Fertile Crescent and Persia yielded to the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates, whose rule lasted until 1258 CE and 820 CE, respectively.

0667 – Sicily is attacked by Muslims coming out of Tunisia.

0668 – First Siege of Constantinople: This attack lasts off and on for seven years, with the Muslim forces generally spending the winters on the island of Cyzicus, a few miles south of Constantinople, and only sailing against the city during the spring and summer months. The Greeks are able to fend off repeated attacks with a weapon desperately feared by the Arabs: Greek Fire. It burned through ships, shields, and flesh and it could not be put out once it started. Muawiyah has to send emissaries to Byzantine Emperor Constans to beg him to let the survivors return home unimpeded, a request that is granted in exchange for a yearly tribute of 3,000 pieces of gold, fifty slaves, and fifty Arab horses.

0669 – The Muslim conquest reaches to Morocco in North Africa. The region would be open to the rule of the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates until 800 CE.

0672 – Muslims under Mauwiya I capture the island of Rhodes.

0674 – Arab conquest reaches the Indus River.

August 23, 0676 – Birth of Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) in Herstal, Wallonia, Belgium, as the illegitimate son of Pippin II. Serving as Mayor of the Palace of the kingdom of the Franks, Charles would lead a force of Christians that turn back a Muslim raiding party near Poitiers (or Tours) which, according to many historians, would effectively halt the advance of Islam against Christianity in the West.

0677 – Muslims send a large fleet against Constantinople in an effort to finally break the city, but they are defeated so badly through the Byzantine use of Greek Fire that they are forced to pay an indemnity to the Emperor.

0680 – Birth of Leo III the Isaurian, Byzantine Emperor, along the Turkish-Syrian border in the Syrian province of Commagene. Leo’s tactical skills would be responsible for turning back the second Arab Muslim siege of Constantinople in 0717, shortly after he is elected emperor.

0688 – Emperor Justinian II and Caliph al-Malik sign a peace treaty making Cyprus neutral territory. For the next 300 years, Cyprus is ruled jointly by both the Byzantines and the Arabs despite the continuing warfare between them elsewhere.

0691 – Birth of Hisham, 10th caliph of the Umayyad Dynasty. It is under Hisham that Muslim forces would make their deepest incursions into Western Europe before being stopped by Charles Martel at the Battle of Poitiers in 0732.

0698 – Muslims capture Carthage in North Africa.

0700 – Muslims from Pamntelleria raid the island of Sicily.

0711 – With the further conquest of Egypt, Spain and North Africa, Islam included all of the Persian empire and most of the old Roman world under Islamic rule. Muslims began the conquest of Sindh in Afghanistan.

April 0711 – Tariq ibn Malik, a Berber officer, crosses the strait separating Africa and Europe with a group of Muslims and enters Spain (al-Andalus, as the Muslims called it, a word is etymologically linked to “Vandals”). The first stop in the Muslim conquest of Spain is at the foot of a mountain that comes to be called Jabel Tarik, the Mountain of Tarik. Today it is known as Gibraltar. At one time the Berbers had been Christians but they recently converted in large numbers to Islam after the Arab conquest of North Africa.

July 19, 0711 – Battle of Guadalete: Tariq ibn Ziyad kills King Rodrigo (or Roderic), Visigoth ruler of Spain, at the Guadalete River in the south of the Iberian peninsula. Tariq ibn Ziyad had landed at Gibraltar with 7,000 Muslims at the invitation of heirs of the late Visigoth King Witica (Witiza) who wanted to get rid of Rodrigo (this group includes Oppas, the bishop of Toledo and primate of all Spain, who happens to be the brother of the late king Witica). Ziyad, however, refuses to turn control of the region back over to the heirs of Witica. Almost the entire Iberian peninsula would come under Islamic control by 0718 CE.

0712 – Muslim governor of Northern Africa Musa ibn Nusayr follows Tariq ibn Ziyad with an army of 18,000 as reinforcements for the conquest of Andalusia. Musa’s father had been a Catholic Yemenite studying to be a priest in Iraq when he was captured in Iraq by Khalid, the “Sword of Islam,” and forced to choose between conversion or death. This invasion of Iraq had been one of the last military orders given by Muhammed before his death.

0714 – Birth of Pippin III (Pippin the Short) in Jupille (Belgium). Son of Charles Martel and father of Charlemagne, in 0759 Pippin would capture Narbonne, the last Muslim stronghold in France, and thereby drive Islam out of France.

0715 – By this year just about all of Spain is in Muslim hands. The Muslim conquest of Spain only took around three years but the Christian reconquest would require around 460 years (it might have gone faster had the various Christian kingdoms not been at each other’ throats much of the time). Musa’s son, Abd el-Aziz, is left in charge and makes his capital the city of Seville, where he married Egilona, widow of king Rodrigo. Caliph Suleiman, a paranoid ruler, would have el-Aziz assassinated and sends Musa into exile in his native Yemen village to live out his days as a beggar.

0716 – Lisbon is captured by Muslims.

0717 – Cordova (Qurtuba) becomes the capital of Muslim holdings in Andalusia (Spain).

0717 – Leo the Isaurian, born along the Turkish-Syrian border in the Syrian province of Commagene, revolts against the usurper Theodosius III and assumes the throne of the Byzantine Empire.

August 15, 0717 – Second Siege of Constantinople: Taking advantage of the civil unrest in the Byzantine Empire, Caliph Sulieman sends 120,000 Muslims under the command of his brother, Moslemah, to launch the second siege of Constantinople. Another force of around 100,000 Muslims with 1,800 galleys soon arrives from Syria and Egypt to assist. Most of these reinforcements are quickly destroyed with Greek Fire. Eventually the Muslims outside Constantinople begin to starve and, in the winter, they also begin to freeze to death. Even the Bulgarians, usually hostile to the Byzantines, send a force to destroy Muslim reinforcements marching from Adrianopolis.

August 15, 0718 – Muslims abandon their second siege of Constantinople. Their failure here leads to the weakening of the Umayyad government, in part because of the heavy losses. It is estimated that of the 200,000 soldiers who besieged Constantinople, only around 30,000 made it home. Although the Byzantine Empire also sustains heavily casualties and loses most its territory south of the Taurus Mountains, by holding the line here they prevent a disorganized and militarily inferior Europe from having to confront a Muslim invasion along the shortest possible route. Instead, the Arabic invasion of Europe must proceed along the longer path across northern Africa and into Spain, a route which prevents quick reinforcement and ultimately proves ineffective.

0719 – Muslims attack Septimania in southern France (so named because it was the base of operations for Rome’s Seventh Legion) and become established in the region known as Languedoc, made famous several hundred years later as the center of the Cathar heresy.

July 09,0721 – A Muslim army under the command of Al-Semah and that had crossed the Pyrenees is defeated by the Franks near Toulouse. Al-Semah is killed and his remaining forces, which had previously conquered Narbonne, are forced back across the Pyrenees into Spain.

0722 – Battle of Covadonga: Pelayo, (0690-0737) Visigoth noble who had been elected the first King of Asturias (0718- 0737), defeats a Muslim army at Alcama near Covadonga. This is generally regarded as the first real Christian victory over the Muslims in the Reconquista.

0724 – Hisham becomes the 10th caliph of the Umayyad Dynasty. It is under Hisham that Muslim forces make their deepest incursions into Western Europe before being stopped by Charles Martel at the Battle of Poitiers in 0732.

0724 – Under the command of Ambissa, Emir of Andalusia, Muslim forces raid southern France and capture the cities of Carcassone and Nimes. Primary targets in these and other raids are churches and monasteries where the Muslims take away holy objects and enslave or kill all the clerics.

0725 – Muslim forces occupied Nimes, France.

0730 – Muslim forces occupy the French cities of Narbonne and Avignon.

October 10, 0732 – Battle of Tours: With perhaps 1,500 soldiers, Charles Martel halts a Muslim force of around 40,000 to 60,000 cavalry under Abd el-Rahman Al Ghafiqi from moving farther into Europe. Many regard this battle as being decisive in that it saved Europe from Muslim control. Gibbon wrote: “A victorious line of march had been prolonged above a thousand miles from the rock of Gibraltar to the banks of the Loire; the repetition of an equal space would have carried the Saracens to the confines of Poland and the Highlands of Scotland; the Rhine is not more impassable than the Nile or Euphrates, and the Arabian fleet might have sailed without a naval combat into the mouth of the Thames. Perhaps the interpretation of the Koran would now be taught in the schools of Oxford, and her pulpits might demonstrate to a circumcised people the sanctity and truth of the revelation of Muhammed.” Others, though, argue that the battle’s importance has been exaggerated. The names of Tours, Poitiers, and Charles Martel do not appear in the Arab histories. They list the battle under the name Balat al- Shuhada, the Highway of Martyrs, and is treated as a minor engagement.

0735 – Muslim invaders capture the city of Arles.

0737 – Charles Martel sends his brother, Childebrand, to lay siege to Avignon and drive out the Muslim occupiers. Childebrand is successful and, according to records, has all the Muslims in the city killed.

0739 – Already having retaken Narbonne, Beziers, Montpellier, and Nimes during the previous couple of years, Childebrand captures Marseille, one of the largest French cities still in Muslim hands.

June 08, 0741 – Death of Leo III the Isaurian, Byzantine Emperor. Leo’s tactical skills were responsible for turning back the second Arab Muslim siege of Constantinople in 0717, shortly after he was elected emperor.

October 22, 0741 – Death of Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) in at Quierzy (today the Aisne county in the Picardy region of France). As Mayor of the Palace of the kingdom of the Franks, Charles had led a force of Christians that turned back a Muslim raiding party near Poitiers (or Tours) which, according to many historians, effectively halted the advance of Islam against Christianity in the West.

April 04, 0742 – Birth of Charlemagne, founder of the Frankish Empire.

0743 – Death of Hisham, 10th caliph of the Umayyad Dynasty. It was under Hisham that Muslim forces made their deepest incursions into Western Europe before being stopped by Charles Martel at the Battle of Poitiers in 0732.

0750 – The Arabian Nights, a compilation of stories written under the reign of the Abbasids, became representative of the lifestyle and administration of this Persian influenced government.

0750 – 0850 – The Four Orthodox Schools of Islamic Law were established.

0750 – The Abbasids assume control of the Islamic world (except Spain, which falls under the control of a descendant of the Umayyad family) and moved the capital to Baghdad in Iraq. The Abbasid Caliphate would last until 1258.

September 0755 – Abd al-Rahman of the Umayyad dynasty flees to Spain to escape the Abbasids and would be responsible for creating the “Golden Caliphate” in Spain.

0756 – The Emirate of Cordova is established by Umayyad refugee Abd al-Rahman I in order to revive the defeated Umayyad caliphate which had been destroyed in 0750 by the Abbasids. Cordova would become independent of the Abbasid Empire and represents the first major political division within Islam. The political and geographic isolation of the Cordova Caliphate would make it easier for Christians to decisively conquer it despite their failures elsewhere, although this would not be completed until 1492.

0759 – Arabs lose the city of Narbonne, France, their furthest and last conquest into Frankish territory. In capturing this city Pippin III (Pippin the Short) ends the Muslim incursions in France.

0768 – Pepin’s son, Carolus Magnus (Charlemagne), succeeded his father and became one of the most important European rulers of medieval history.

September 24, 0768 – Death of Pippin III (Pippin the Short) at Saint Denis. Son of Charles Martel and father of Charlemagne, in 0759 Pippin captured Narbonne, the last Muslim stronghold in France, and thereby drove Islam out of France.

0778 – Charlemagne, King of the Franks and soon-to-be Holy Roman Emperor, is invited by a group of Arab leaders in northeastern Spain to attack Abd al-Rahman I, ruler of the Emirate of Cordova. Charlemagne obliges them, but is forced to retreat after only getting as far as Saragossa. It is during his march back through the Pyrenees that his forces are set upon by Basques. Among the many who die is the war leader Roland from Breton, killed in Roncevalles, whose memory has been preserved in the “Chanson de Roland,” an important epic poem during the Middle Ages.

0785 – The Great Mosque in Cordoba, in Muslim controlled Spain, was built.

0787 – Danes invade England for the first time.

0788 – Death of Abd al-Rahman I, founder of the Umayyad Emirate of Cordova. His successor is Hisham I.

0792 – Hisham I, emir of Cordova, calls for a Jihad against the infidels in Andalusia and France. Tens of thousands from as far away as Syria heed his call and cross the Pyrennes to subjugate France. Cities like Narbonne are destroyed, but the invasion is ultimately hated at Carcassone.

0796 – Death of Hisham I, emir of Cordova. His successor is his son, al-Hakam, who would keep up the jihad against the Christians but would also be forced to contend with rebellion at home.

0799 – The Basques rise in revolt and kill the local Muslim governor of Pamplona.

0800 – North Africa falls under the rule of the Aghlabi dynasty of Tunis, which would last until 0909 CE.

0800 – 1200 – Jews experience a “golden age” of creativity and toleration in Spain under Moorish (Muslim) rule.

0800 – Ambassadors of Caliph Harunu r-Rashid give keys to the Holy Sepulcher to the Frankish king, thus acknowledging some Frankish control over the interests of Christians in Jerusalem.

0801 – Vikings begin selling slaves to Muslims.

0806 – Hien Tsung becomes the Emperor of China. During his reign a shortage of copper leads to the introduction of paper money.

0813 – Muslims attack the Civi Vecchia near Rome.

April 04,0814 – Death of Charlemagne, founder of the Frankish Empire.

0816 – With the support of Moors, the Basques revolt against the Franks in Glascony.

0822 – Death of Al-Hakam, emir of Cordova. He is succeeded by Abd al-Rahman II.

June 0827 – Sicily is invaded by Muslims who, this time, are looking to take control of the island rather than simply taking away booty. They are initially aided by Euphemius, a Byzantine naval commander who is rebelling against the Emperor. Conquest of the island would require 75 years of hard fighting.

0831 – Muslim invaders capture the Sicilian city of Palermo and make it their capital.

0835 – Birth of Ahmad Ibn Tultun, founder of the Tulunid Dynasty in Egypt. Originally sent there as a deputy by the Abbasid Caliphate, Tultun will establish himself as an independent power in the region, extending his control as far north as Syria. It is under Tultun that the Great Mosque of Cairo is built.

0838 – Muslim raiders sack Marseille.

0841 – Muslim forces capture Bari, principle Byzantine base in southeastern Italy.

0846 – Muslim raiders sail a fleet of ships from Africa up the Tiber river and attack outlying areas around Ostia and Rome. Some manage to enter Rome and damage the churches of St. Peter and St. Paul. Not until Pope Leo IV promises a yearly tribute of 25,000 silver coins do the raiders leave. The Leonine Wall is built in order to fend off further attacks such as this.

0849 – Battle of Ostia: Aghlabid monarch Muhammad sends a fleet of ships from Sardinia to attack Rome. As the fleet prepares to land troops, the combination of a large storm and an alliance of Christian forces were able to destroy the Muslims ships.

0850 – The Acropolis of Zimbabwe was built in Rhodesia.

0850 -Perfectus, a Christian priest in Muslim Cordova, is executed after he refuses to retract numerous insults he made about the Prophet Muhammed. Numerous other priests, monks, and laity would follow as Christians became caught up in a zest for martyrdom.

0851 – Abd al-Rahman II has eleven young Christians executed in the city of Cordova after they deliberately seek out martyrdom by insulting the Prophet Muhammed.

0852 -Death of Abd al-Rahman II, emir of Cordova.

0858 –  Muslim raiders attack Constantinople.

0859 – Muslim invaders capture the Sicilian city of Castrogiovanni (Enna), slaughtering several thousand inhabitants.

0863 – Under Cyril (0826 – 0869) and Methodius (c. 0815 – 0885) the conversion of Moravia begins. The two brothers were sent by the patriarch of Constantinople to Moravia, where the ruler, Rostilav, decreed in 863 that any preaching done had to be in the language of the people. As a result, Cyril and Methodius developed the first usable alphabet for the Slavic tongue – thus, the Cyrillic alphabet.

0866 – Emperor Louis II travels from Germany to southern Italy to battle the Muslim raiders causing trouble there.

0868 – The Sattarid dynasty, whose rule would continue until 0930 CE, extended Muslim control throughout most of Persia. In Egypt, the Abbasid and Umayyad caliphates ended and the Egyptian-based Tulunid dynasty took over (lasting until 904 CE).

0869 – Arabs capture the island of Malta.

0870 – After a month-long siege, the Sicilian city of Syracuse is captured by Muslim invaders.

0871 – King Alfred the Great of England created a system of government and education which allowed for the unification of smaller Anglo-Saxon states in the ninth and tenth centuries.

0874 – Iceland is colonized by Vikings from Norway.

0876 – Muslims pillage Campagna in Italy.

0879 -The Seljuk Empire unites Mesopotamia and a large portion of Persia.

0880 – Under Emperor Basil, the Byzantines recapture lands occupied by Arabs in Italy.

0884 – Death of Ahmad Ibn Tultun, founder of the Tulunid Dynasty in Egypt. Originally sent there as a deputy by the Abbasid Caliphate, Tultun established himself as an independent power in the region, extending his control as far north as Syria. It is under Tultun that the Great Mosque of Cairo is built.

0884 – Muslims invading Italy burn the monastery of Monte Cassino to the ground.

0898 – Birth of Abd al-Rahman III, generally regarded as the greatest of the Umayyad caliphs in Andalusia. Under his rule, Cordova would become one of the most powerful centers of Islamic learning and power.

0900 – The Fatimids of Egypt conquered north Africa and included the territory as an extension of Egypt until 0972 CE.

0900 – Mayans emigrate to the Yucatan Peninsula.

0902 – The Muslim conquest of Sicily is completed when the last Christian stronghold, the city of Taorminia, is captured. Muslim rule of Sicily would last for 264 years.

0905- The Tulunid Dynasty in Egypt is destroyed by an Abbasid army sent to reestablish control over the region of Egypt and Syria.

0909 – Sicily came under the control of the Fatimids’ rule of North Africa and Egypt until 1071 CE. From 0878 until 0909 CE, their rule of Sicily was uncertain.

0909 – The Fatimid Dynasty assumes control of Egypt. Claiming descent from Fatima, daughter of the Prophet Muhammed, and Ali bin Abi Talib, the Fatimids would rule Egypt until being overthrown by the Auyybids and Saladin in 1171.

0911 – Muslims control all the passes in the Alps between France and Italy, cutting off passage between the two countries.

0912- Abd al-Rahman III becomes the Umayyad Caliph in Andalusia.

0916 – A combined force of Greek and German emperors and Italian city-states defeat Muslim invaders at Garigliano, putting Muslim raids in Italy to an end.

0920 – Muslim forces cross the Pyrenees, enter Gascony, and reach as far as the gates of Toulouse.

0929 – Abd al-Rahman III transforms the Emirate of Cordova into and independent caliphate no longer under even theoretical control from Baghdad.

0935 – 0969 – The rule of Egypt was under the Ikhidid dynasty.

0936 – The Althing, the oldest body of representative government in Europe, is established in Iceland by the Vikings.

0939 – Madrid is recaptured from Muslim forces.

0940 – Hugh, count of Provence, gives his protection to Moors in St. Tropez if they agree to keep the Alpine passes closed to his rival, Berenger.

c. 0950 – Catholicism becomes prevalent and dominant religion throughout Europe.

0950 – According to traditional historiography, Europe enters Dark Ages.

0953 – Emperor Otto I sends representatives to Cordova to ask Caliph Abd al-Rahman III to call off some Muslim raiders who had set themselves up in Alpine passes and are attacking merchant caravans going in and out of Italy.

0961 – Death of Abd al-Rahman III, generally regarded as the greatest of the Umayyad caliphs in Andalusia. Under his rule, Cordova became one of the most powerful centers of Islamic learning and power. He is succeeded by Abdallah, a caliph who would kill many of his rivals (even family members) and has captured Christians decapitated if they refuse to convert to Christianity.

0961 – Under the command of general Nicephorus Phokas, the Byzantines recapture Crete from Muslim rebels who had earlier fled Cordova.

0965 – Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus Phokas reconquers Cyprus from the Muslims.

0965 – Grenoble is recaptured from the Muslims.

0969 – The Fatimid dynasty (Shi’ite) takes Egypt from the Ikshidids and assumes the title of caliphate in Egypt until 1171 CE.

0969 – Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus II Phocas reconquers Antioch (modern Antakya, capital of the province Hatay) from the Arabs.

0972 – The Fatimids of Egypt conquer north Africa.

0972 – The Muslims in the Sisteron district of France surrender to Christian forces and their leader asks to be baptized.

0981-  Eric the Red is exiled from Iceland and settles in a new land he called Greenland in order to attract settlers.

0981 – Ramiro III, king of Leon, is defeated by Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir (Almanzor) at Rueda and is forced to begin paying tribute to the Caliph of Cordova.

0985 – Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir sacks Barcelona

0994 – The monastery of Monte Cassino is destroyed a second time by Arabs.

0995 – Japanese literary and artistic golden age begins under Emperor Fujiwara Michinaga (ruled 0995 – 1028).

July 03,0997 – Under the leadership of Almanzor, Muslim forces march out of the city of Cordova and head north to capture Christian lands.

August 11, 0997 – Muslim forces under Almanzor arrive at the city of Compostela. The city had been evacuated and Almanzor burns it to the ground.

0998 – Venice conquers the Adriatic port of Zara. The Venetians would eventually lose the city to the Hungarians and, in 1202, they offer a deal to soldiers of the Fourth Crusade: capture the city again for them in exchange for passage to Egypt.

c. 1000- Chinese perfect the production and use of gunpowder.

1000 – The Seljuk (Saljuq) Turkish Empire is founded by an Oghuz Turkish bey (chieftain) named Seljuk. Originally from the steppe country around the Caspian Sea, the Seljuks are the ancestors of the Western Turks, present- day inhabitants of Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.

August 08, 1002 – Death of Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir, ruler of Al-Andalus, on the way back from raiding the Rioja region.

1004 – Arab raiders sack the Italian city of Pisa.

1007 – Birth of Isaac I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor. Founder of the dynasty of the Comneni, Isaac’s government reforms may have helped the Byzantine Empire last longer.

1009 -The Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem is destroyed by Muslim armies.

1009 – Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, founder of the Druze sect and sixth Fatimid Caliph in Egypt, orders the Holy Sepulcher and all Christian buildings in Jerusalem be destroyed. In Europe a rumor develops that a “Prince of Babylon” had ordered the destruction of the Holy Sepulcher at the instigation of the Jews. Attacks on Jewish communities in cities like Rouen, Orelans, and Mainz ensue and this rumor helps lay the basis for massacres of Jewish communities by Crusaders marching to the Holy Land.

1009 – Sulaimann, grandson of Abd al-Rahman III, returns over 200 captured fortresses to the Castilians in return for massive shipments of food for his army.

1012 – Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, founder of the Druze sect and sixth Fatimid Caliph in Egypt, orders the destruction of all Christian and Jewish houses of worship in his lands.

1012 – Berber forces capture Cordova and order that half the population be executed.

1013 – Jews are expelled from the Umayyad Caliphate of Cordova, then ruled by Sulaimann.

1015 – Arab Muslim forces conquer Sardinia.

1016 – The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is partially destroyed by earthquakes.

1020 – Merchants from Amalfi and Salerno are granted permission by the Egyptian Caliph to build a hospice in Jerusalem. Out of this would eventually grow The Order of Knights of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem (also known as: Knights of Malta, Knights of Rhodes, and most commonly as Knights Hospitaller).

1021 – Caliph al-Hakim proclaimed himself to be divine and founded the Druze sect.

1022 – Several Cathar heretics are discovered in Toulouse and put to death.

1023 – Muslims expel the Berber rulers from Cordova and install Abd er-Rahman V as caliph.

1025 – The power of the Byzantine Empire begins to decline.

1026 – Richard II of Normandy leads a group of several hundred armed men on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the belief that the Day of Judgment had arrived. Turkish control of the region hampers their goals, however.

1027 – The Frankish protectorate over Christian interests in Jerusalem is replaced by a Byzantine protectorate. Byzantine leaders begin the reconstruction of the Holy Sepulcher.

1029-  Alp Arslan, “The Lion Hero,” is born. Arslan is the son of Togrul Beg, conqueror of Baghdad who made himself ruler of the Caliphate, and great-grandson of Seljuk, founder of the Seljuk Turkish empire.

1031 – The Moorish Caliphate of Córdoba falls.

1031 – The emir of Aleppo has the Krak des Chevaliers contructed.

1033 – Castile is retaken from the Arabs.

1035 – The Byzantines make a landing in Sicily, but don’t try to recapture the island from the Muslims.

1038 – The Seljuk Turks become established in Persia.

1042-  The rise of the Seljuk Turks begins.

1045 – 1099 -1099  Life of Ruy Diaz de Vivar, known as El Cid (Arabic for “lord”), national hero of Spain. El Cid would become famous for his efforts to drive the Moors out of Spain. May 18, 1048 – Persian poet Umar Khayyam is born. His poem The Rubaiyat became popular in the West because of its use by Victorian Edward Fitzgerald.

1050 – 1200 – The first agricultural revolution of Medieval Europe begins in 1050 CE with a shift to the northern lands for cultivation, a period of improved climate from 700 CE to 1200 CE in western Europe, and the widespread use and perfection of new farming devices. Technological innovations include the use of the heavy plow, the three-field system of crop rotation, the use of mills for processing cloth, brewing beer, crushing pulp for paper manufacture, and the widespread use of iron and horses. With an increase in agricultural advancements, Western towns and trade grow exponentially and Western Europe returns to a money economy.

1050 – Duke Bohemond I (Bohemond Of Taranto, French Bohémond De Tarente), prince of Otranto (1089–1111) is born. One of the leaders of the First Crusade, Bohemond would be largely responsible for the capture of Antioch and he secures the title Prince of Antioch (1098 – 1101, 1103 – 04).

1050 – Byzantine emperor Constantine IX Monomachos restores the complex of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

1054 – A famine in Egypt forces al Mustansir, 8th Fatimid caliph, to seek food and other commercial assistance from Italy and the Byzantine Empire.

July 16,-1054 Great Schism: The Western Christian Church, in an effort to further enhance its power, had tried to impose Latin rites on Greek churches in southern Italy in 1052; as a consequence, Latin churches in Constantinople were closed. In the end, this leads to the excommunication of Michael Cerularius, patriarch of Constantinople (who in turn excommunicates Pope Leo IX). Although generally regarded as a minor event at the time, today it is treated as the final event that sealed the Great Schism between Eastern and Western Christianity.

1055 – Seljuk Turks capture Baghdad.

1056 – The Almoravid (al-Murabitun) Dynasty begins its rise to power. Taking the name “those who line up in defense of the faith,” this is a group of fanatical Berber Muslims who would rule North Africa and Spain until 1147.

1061 – Roger Guiscard lands at Sicily with a large Norman force and captures the city of Masara. The Norman reconquest of Sicily would require another 30 years.

1063 – Alp Arslan succeeds his father, Togrul Beg, as ruler of the Baghdad Caliphate and the Seljuk Turks.

1064 – The Seljuk Turks conquer Christian Armenia.

September 29, 1066 – William the Conqueror invades England and claims the English throne at the Battle of Hastings. Because William is both the King of England and the Duke of Normandy, The Norman Conquest fuses French and English cultures. The language of England evolves into Middle English with an English syntax and grammar and a heavily French vocabulary.

1067 – Romanus IV Diogenes becomes the Byzantine Emperor.

1068 – Alp Arslan invades the Byzantine Empire and is repulsed by Romanus IV Diogenes over the course of three campaigns. Not until 1070, though, would the Turks be driven back across the Euphrates river.

1070 – Seljuk Turks capture Jerusalem from the Fatimids. Seljuk rule is not quite as tolerant as that of the Fatimids and Christian pilgrims begin returning to Europe with tales of persecution and oppression.

1070 – Brother Gerard, a leader of the Benedictine monks and nuns who run the hospices in Jerusalem. beings to organize The Order of Knights of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem (also known as: Knights of Malta, Knights of Rhodes, and most commonly as Knights Hospitaller) as a more military force for the active protection of Christian pilgrims.

1071 – Normans conquer the last Byzantine holdings in Italy.

1071 – 1085 – Seljuk Turks conquer most of Syria and Palestine.

August 19, 1071 – Battle of Manzikert: Alp Arslan leads an army of Seljuk Turks against the Byzantine Empire near Lake Van. Numbering perhaps as many as 100,000 men, the Turks take the fortresses of Akhlat and Manzikert before Byzantine Emperor Romanus IV Diogenes can respond. Although Diogenes is able to recapture Akhlat, the siege of Manzikert fails when a Turkish relief force arrives and Andronicus Ducas, an enemy of Romanus Diogenes, refuses to obey orders to fight. Diogenes himself is captured and released, but he would be murdered after his return to Constantinople. Partly because of the defeat at Manzikert and partly due to the civil wars following the murder of Digoenes, Asia Minor would be left open to Turkish invasion. One third of Christian Lands and 51% of Christian Churches fall to Islam.

1072 – Tancred of Hauteville is born. A grandson of Robert Guiscard and nephew of Bohemund of Taranto, Tancred would become a leader of the First Crusade and eventually regent of the Principality of Antioch.

December 15, 1072 – Malik Shah I, son of Alp Arslan, succeeds his father as Seljuk Sultan.

1073 – Seljuk Turks conquer Ankara.

July 1074 -El Cid marries Jimena, niece of Alfonso IV of Castile and daughter of the Count of Oviedo.

1076 – First recorded execution in England by the ax: the Earl of Huntingdon.

1078 – Seljuk Turks capture Nicaea. It would change hands three more times, finally coming under control of the Turks again in 1086.

1079 – Battle of Cabra: El Cid led his troops to a rout of Emir Abd Allah of Granada.

1080 – Order of the Hospital of St. John is founded in Italy. This special order of knights was dedicated to guarding a pilgrim hospital, or hostel, in Jerusalem.

1080 – An Armenian state is founded in Cilicia, a district on the southeastern coast of Asia Minor (Turkey), north of Cyprus, by refugees feeling the Seljuk invasion of their Armenian homeland. A Christian kingdom located in the midst of hostile Muslim states and lacking good relations with the Byzantine Empire, “Armenia Minor” would provide important assistance to Crusaders from Europe.

1081 – 1118 -Alexius I Comnenus is Byzantine emperor.

1081 – El Cid, now a mercenary because he had been exiled by Alfonso IV of Castile, enters the service of the Moorish king of the northeast Spanish city of Zaragosa, al- Mu’tamin, and would remain there for his successor, al- Mu’tamin II.

1082 – Ibn Tumart, founder of the Amohad Dynasty, is born in the Atlas mountains.

1084 – Seljuk Turks conquer Antioch, a strategically important city.

October 25, 1085 – The Moors are expelled from Toledo, Spain, by Alfonso VI.

October 23, 1086 – Battle of Zallaca (Sagrajas): Spanish forces under Alfonso VI of Castile are defeated by the Moors and their allies, the Almorivids (Berbers from Morocco and Algeria, led by Yusef I ibn Tashufin), thus preserving Muslim rule in al-Andalus. The slaughter of Spaniards was great and Yusef refused to abide by his agreement to leave Andalusia in the hands of the Moors. His intention was actually to make Andalusia an African colony ruled by the Almorivids in Morocco.

1087 – After his crushing defeat at Zallaqa, Alfonso VI swallows his pride and recalls El Cid from exile.

September 13, 1087 – Birth of John II Comnenus, Byzantine emperor.

1088 – Patzinak Turks begin forming settlements between the anube and the Balkans.

March 12, 1088 – Urban II is elected pope. An active supporter of the Gregorian reforms, Urban would become responsible for launching the First Crusade.

1089 – Byzantine forces conquer the island of Crete.

1090 – Yusuf Ibn Tashfin, King of the Almoravids, captures Granada.

1091 – The Normans recapture Sicily from the Muslims.

1091 – Cordova (Qurtuba) is captured by the Almoravids.

1092 – After the death of Seljuk Sultan (al-sultan, “the power”) Malik Shah I, the capital of the Seljuks is moved from Iconjium to Smyrna and the empire itself dissolves into several smaller states.

May 1094- El Cid captures Valencia from the Moors, carving out his own kingdom along the Mediterranean that is only nominally subservient to Alfonso VI of Castile. Valencia would be both Christian and Muslim, with adherents of both religions serving in his army.

August 1094 – The Almoravids from Morocco land near Cuarte and lay siege to Valencia with 50,000 men. El Cid, however, breaks the siege and forces the Amoravids to flee – the first Christian victory against the hard-fighting Africans.

November 18, 1095 – Pope Urban II opens the Council of Clermont where ambassadors from the Byzantine emperor Alexius I Comnenus, asking help against the Muslims, were warmly received.

Political foundations laid for the first “organized” Christian response to Jihad: the First Crusade.

These facts are taken from multiple open sources. If there is an error, let me know.

Jihad vs Crusades: Facts are a Pain

Can someone please get this to Rasputin a.k.a. Valerie Jarrett for President Obama to view? It’s just 5 minutes long, surely it can hold his attention that long.

The great thing about history, regardless of what a teleprompter says, is it cannot be revised. At least for the literate.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on

Obama: Media overstates terror threat as opposed to “longer-term problem of climate change”

Obama’s timing couldn’t be worse. First there was this:

“The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever,” by Christopher Booker, the Telegraph, February 7, 2015:

When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified.

Two weeks ago, under the headline “How we are being tricked by flawed data on global warming”, I wrote about Paul Homewood, who, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog, had checked the published temperature graphs for three weather stations in Paraguay against the temperatures that had originally been recorded. In each instance, the actual trend of 60 years of data had been dramatically reversed, so that a cooling trend was changed to one that showed a marked warming….

But Obama is entirely oblivious. He readily agrees with Matthew Yglesias’ contention that “the media sometimes overstates the level of alarm people should have about terrorism and this kind of chaos, as opposed to a longer-term problem of climate change and epidemic disease.”

Also, it is not surprising that in an interview devoted entirely to foreign policy, Obama never once mentions Islam, or even “Islamist.” He does refer to “violent extremism,” which seems to be his euphemism of choice these days, as it is also the name of his Countering Violent Extremism summit, which should be renamed Countering the Threat We Dare Not Name.

Worst of all, he refers to “violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.” No one was randomly shot in that “deli in Paris.” It was a kosher supermarket, and the people who were murdered there were murdered because they were Jews. They were murdered by people who were animated by the Qur’an’s relentless Jew-hatred and labeling of the Jews as the worst enemies of the Muslims (5:82). But that, too, is a threat that Obama dares not name.

It’s also significant that he gave this massive, detailed, extensive interview to Vox, a far-Left publication that just last Saturday was claiming that those who took issue with Obama’s reprehensible moral equivalence regarding the Crusades were just looking for an excuse to hate Muslims. That is the milieu from which Obama comes, and in which he is most comfortable. That is, almost certainly, his world view as well: that those who believe that Islam uniquely teaches and justifies violence in a way that Christianity and other religions do not are motivated solely by hatred of Muslims. This is the line that Hamas-linked CAIR and its henchmen have promoted for years. In the White House today, they have their most powerful champion ever.

“Obama: The Vox Conversation,” Vox, February 9, 2015:

Matthew Yglesias

Do you think the media sometimes overstates the level of alarm people should have about terrorism and this kind of chaos, as opposed to a longer-term problem of climate change and epidemic disease?

Barack Obama

Absolutely. And I don’t blame the media for that. What’s the famous saying about local newscasts, right? If it bleeds, it leads, right? You show crime stories and you show fires, because that’s what folks watch, and it’s all about ratings. And, you know, the problems of terrorism and dysfunction and chaos, along with plane crashes and a few other things, that’s the equivalent when it comes to covering international affairs. There’s just not going to be a lot of interest in a headline story that we have cut infant mortality by really significant amounts over the last 20 years or that extreme poverty has been slashed or that there’s been enormous progress with a program we set up when I first came into office to help poor farmers increase productivity and yields. 7 It’s not a sexy story. And climate change is one that is happening at such a broad scale and at such a complex system, it’s a hard story for the media to tell on a day-to-day basis.

7 The little-noticed “Feed the Future” initiative has reached about 7 million people already, and introduces farmers in poor countries to more advanced technologies and management practices to boost crop production.

Look, the point is this: my first job is to protect the American people. It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you’ve got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris. We devote enormous resources to that, and it is right and appropriate for us to be vigilant and aggressive in trying to deal with that — the same way a big city mayor’s got to cut the crime rate down if he wants that city to thrive. But we also have to attend to a lot of other issues, and we’ve got to make sure we’re right-sizing our approach so that what we do isn’t counterproductive. I would argue that our invasion of Iraq was counterproductive to the goal of keeping our country safe.

And despite the incredible valor of our troops — and I’m in awe of them every single day when I work with them — you know, the strategy that was crafted in Washington didn’t always match up with the actual threats that were out there. And we need to make sure that we’re doing the right things and doing those well so that we can also deal with future threats like cybersecurity or climate change or different parts of the world where there are huge opportunities, but [that] before I came into office, we had neglected for quite some time, Asia Pacific being a perfect example. Or our own backyard, the Western Hemisphere, where there’s been real progress in Latin America and we’ve got the opportunity to strengthen our relationships. But there are also some big problems like Central America where, with a relatively modest investment, we could really be making a difference and making ourselves safer. 8

8 This is not necessarily directly relevant to “our safety,” but it’s worth noting the horrific conditions documented by NGOs that have looked at the lives of Central Americans sent back to their homes by US officials. Here’s what the administration is doing now in Central America.


UK Muslim rape gang victims “sacrificed” so Labour wouldn’t lose Muslim votes

Many in Jordanian pilot’s home town side with the Islamic State

President Obama’s ‘War on Christianity’

Never in the history of the United States has there been a President who has aligned himself with so many anti-Christian elements in America. President Obama promised when elected in 2008 to heal the divides in the nation and fundamentally transform it. Many took these promises as a positive, time has shown these promises have had a negative impact on America and Americans, particularly those of the Christian faith.

Anti-Christian groups in America include: Communists, atheists, agnostics, shariah compliant Muslims, homosexuals, transgenders, lesbians and members of certain religious sects. The targets of these groups include: Christians, Jews, Evangelicals, blacks and Hispanics of faith, and those who share a love for the Holy Land (Israel).

President Obama, both domestically and internationally, has taken policy stands that are nothing less than anti-Christian.

Perhaps it is best to understand how, little by little, President Obama has come to embrace those who are most violently opposed to Christians (and Jews) domestically and globally.

Here are some of President Obama’s domestic policies that are anti-Christian:

  1. The Affordable Care Act – The Affordable Care Act has impacted religious liberty by requiring faith based institutions to provide services which are against their Christian beliefs. Religious News Service reporter Kathleen O’Brian notes that Afordable Care Act religious exemptions are hard to get. O’Brien notes, “Under the [ACA] bill, anyone claiming an exemption on the grounds of religious beliefs would have to include a sworn affidavit on their annual tax return. In addition, they would lose the exemption if they sought and received medical care during that tax year.” In 2014 the U.S. Supreme Court rules against Obama in the Hobby Lobby contraception case. This ruling, at least temporarily, held back the anti-Christian ACA onslaught.
  2. Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – President Obama is clearly in the homosexual camp when it comes to domestic policy. The repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is a prime example of an anti-Christian policy to transform our military from a Christian force for good into a secular petri dish for pro-homosexual social policies. In July 2011, reported, “Last year President Obama led the charge to repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ that now allows open homosexuality in the military. Obama’s political payoff has altered the fabric of our military and now our military chaplains have become the victims. Christian chaplains have been ordered to go along with homosexual sin or face administrative discharge, even though they were promised that their sermons, counseling, prayers and worship could remain the same.” Commanders, soldiers and Chaplains are now subject to courts martial if they publicly profess their Christian faith.
  3. Medicare, Medicaid and “Gender Reassignment” Surgery – As recently as December of 2014, New York Governor Cuomo approved the use of Medicaid funds for low income sex change operations. In a December 17, 2014  New York Post article Carl Campanile reported, “Gov. Cuomo approved a new policy Tuesday night allowing impoverished transgender New Yorkers to bill taxpayers for sex-change surgery. The Cuomo administration issued new rules requiring New York’s highest-in-the-nation $55 billion Medicaid program — the government health-insurance program for the needy — to foot the bill for ‘gender reassignment’ operations.” Medicare also covers “gender reassignment” operations according to the National Center for Transgender Equality. The use of public funds to support sex change operations offends those of faith. The use of public funding to promote transgenderism is not a Constitutional role for the federal government.
  4. Presidential Executive Orders – President Obama has used the power of his pen to force Christian organizations and businesses to betray their religious beliefs or face stiff penalties and possible criminal prosecution. Todd Starnes from Fox News reported in July 2014, “President Obama signed an executive order Monday barring federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity – ignoring the pleas of Christian and other faith leaders to include an exemption for religious organizations… The executive order would prevent Christian and other religious organizations with federal contracts from requiring workers to adhere to the tenets of their religious beliefs. Christianity Today reports the order could impact religious non-profits such as World Vision, World Relief and Catholic Charities.”
  5. Department of Justice failure to defend in court the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) – The U.S. Congress passed and President Bill Clinton signed into law the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 1996. In September 2014,’s Terrance P. Jeffrey reported: President Barack Obama praised retiring Attorney General Eric Holder yesterday for advancing the cause of same-sex “marriage” in the United States by refusing to defend federal law. “And several years ago,” Obama said in a joint appearance with Holder at the White House, “he recommended that our government stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act–a decision that was vindicated by the Supreme Court, and opened the door to federal recognition of same-sex marriage, and federal benefits for same-sex couples. It’s a pretty good track record.” In his own statement at the event, Holder praised Obama for advancing the “visions” he said he and Obama had “always shared.” The vision always shared was and remains an anti-Christian one.

Here are some of President Obama’s foreign policies that are anti-Christian:

  1. Failure to support and defend the Holy Land – President Obama has instituted policies and made public statements attacking Israel and its Prime Minister. What many do not see is that Israel is in fact the protector of the Holy Land. The birth place of Judaism and Christianity.
  2. Obama Declares The Future Must Not Belong to Practicing Christians at the United Nations – In September 2012 Erick Erickson wrote: In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly today the President of the United States declared that the future does not belong to practicing Christians. Already, the media and the left are in full denial, probably based on their general lack of understanding of theology. This would have been a gaffe had Mitt Romney said it. But with Barack Obama, he’s just speaking bold truths. His bold truth declares that the future does not belong to practicing Christians.Pay careful attention to what he says.” Obama has repeatedly stated “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” Christians have failed to fully comprehend what President Obama stated in 2012 and on many occasions since.
  3. President Obama’s Absence at the Charlie Hebdo Rally in Paris – Reuters reported, “The absence of President Barack Obama or any top members of his administration from a huge march in Paris on Sunday to honour victims of Islamist militant attacks raised eyebrows among some in the US media. French President Francois Hollande and some 44 foreign dignitaries, including leaders from Germany, Italy, Britain, Turkey, Israel and the Palestinian territories, led up to two million people in what commentators said was the largest crowd in Paris since its liberation from Nazi Germany in 1944. Islamist militants killed 17 people, including journalists and police, in three days of attacks in the French capital last week. The United States was represented at Sunday’s march by its ambassador to France, Jane Hartley. But commentators on some US media outlets questioned why Obama did not attend or send a top administration official such as Vice President Joe Biden or Secretary of State John Kerry.”
  4. President Obama’s Quest to give Iran a Nuclear Weapon – Iran has repeatedly declared it will destroy the Holy Land (Israel) and occupy Jerusalem. In November 2014, Stuart Winer and Marissa Newman reported on Iran’s 9-point plan to destroy Isreal. Winer and Newman wrote: “A plan titled “9 key questions about the elimination of Israel” was posted on his Twitter account Saturday night, using the hashtag #handsoffalaqsa, in reference to the recent tensions on the Temple Mount. The sometimes grammatically awkward list explained the how and why of Khomeini’s vision for replacing Israel with a Palestinian state. The first point stated that “the fake Zionist regime has tried to realize its goals by means of infanticide, homicide, violence & iron fist while boasts about it blatantly.” Due to the above, Khomeini argued, “the only means of bringing Israeli crimes to an end is the elimination of this regime.” (See the chart below for the details of the 9-point Iranian plan) A nuclear armed Iran will be a precursor to implement this 9-point plan.


Queer agriculture and the melon of ecstasy

Bishop E.W. Jackson, Sr. on President Obama demanding Christians not name Islam as the Enemy!

Obama’s National Security Strategy: Fight Global Warming and Promote “Gay Rights”

Obama revealed his true colors at Prayer Breakfast, and true ignorance of history

Obama Says Christianity No Different From Islamic State by Raymond Ibrahim

RELATED VIDEO: Bill Warner, Ph.D. on Jihad vs Crusades:

IRAN’S 9-POINT PLAN TO DESTROY THE HOLY LAND (ISRAEL) – Chart courtesy of the Times of Israel.

iran 9 point plan to destory israel

For a larger view click on the chart.

Bishop E.W. Jackson, Sr. on President Obama demanding Christians not name Islam as the Enemy!

Bishop Earl Walker Jackson, Sr. is an American politician, Christian minister and lawyer in Virginia. He was the unsuccessful Republican Party nominee for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia in the 2013 election. In the below video interview Bishop Jackson criticizes President Obama for comparing the Islamic State to Christians.

Bishop Jackson states, “We are not on our high horse, we are on high alert.”

From Rabbi and Professor Jeffrey Wolf:

“This is a demagogic and dumb game of smoke and mirrors. I’ve studied and taught the Crusade era for many years. It’s true that the Crusades were bloody, cruel and violent. So were the wars of Islamic conquest (starting with the massacres of Jewish tribes in the the Hijaz by Muhammad himself). So, what does that have to do with anything? The Crusades ended eight centuries ago. The Inquisition closed up shop over two centuries ago. (For the same money, we can condemn Judaism for calling for the annihilation of the Canaanites 3000 years ago—something we didn’t obey, by the way).”

“Islam is the only religion in the world TODAY, which spawns religiously sanctioned babarism and terror, and is backed by credible religious argument and endorsed by religious leaders who are not outliers. Even if 10-20% of Muslims endorse ISS or sympathize with it (as the statistics seem to show), that means 200,000,000 Muslims are on the dark side. That is not a marginal phenomenon. It is an authentic Muslim phenomenon, even if it doesn’t represent the majority of Muslims.”

Palestinian Authority Rewards Jihadis for Number of Jews they Murder

Don’t you dare call it savagery, you racist, bigoted Islamophobe. “Palestinian Authority Rewards Terrorists for Number of Jews They Kill,” by Edwin Black, Algemeiner, February 8, 2015:

Last year, Congressional legislators were astonished to learn that the Palestinian Authority was issuing monthly payouts totaling between $3 and 7 million as salaries and other financial rewards to specific terrorists and their families.

The money was channeled, in part, through the Ministry of Prisoners pursuant to the Law of the Prisoner. The law set forth a graduated scale, pegging monthly salaries to the length of Israeli jail sentences, which generally reflects the severity of the crime and the number of people killed and/or injured.

Thousands of documents, newly obtained by this reporter through a lawsuit to unseal court-protected files, demonstrate that these payouts are not blind automated payments. Rather, senior Palestinian Authority officials as high as President Mahmoud Abbas scrutinize the details of each case, the specific carnage caused, and the personal details of each terrorist act before approving salaries and awarding honorary ranks in either the PA government or the military.

Ministry of Prisoners spokesman Amr Nasser has explained, “We are very proud of this program and we have nothing to hide.” Nonetheless, in response to the international furor, the Palestinian Authority announced that it would replace the Ministry of Prisoners with an outside PLO commission known as the Higher National Commission for Prisoners and Detainees Affairs.

The PA is dependent upon foreign donor countries to supply much of its budget, which now exceeds $4.2 billion annually. About ten percent of the PA budget, more than $400 million, is contributed annually by United States foreign aid. The U.S. and many other countries have enacted laws forbidding any payments when the monies directly or indirectly support or encourage terrorism.

The interdepartmental bureaucratic notations the Palestinian Authority has recorded on each terrorist before approving the level of salaried compensation is extensive. For example, one prominent case involved Ahmad Talab Mustafa Barghouti, who personally coordinated numerous terrorist acts. These included a January 2002 shooting spree on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem, killing two and wounding 37; a March 2002 shooting spree at a Tel Aviv restaurant, killing three and wounding 31; and finally a March 27, 2002, attempt to smuggle an explosive suicide belt in an ambulance. The Israel Defense Forces arrested Ahmad. On July 30, 2002, a military court concluded that he was responsible for murdering 12 Israelis, and Barghouti was sentenced to 13 life sentences.

According to on-going internal Palestinian Authority security reviews dated February 3, 2009, and July 6, 2009, Barghouti’s special compensation began retroactively to July 1, 2002, the first of the month that the 13 life sentences were imposed. At the time of his arrest, Barghouti was a Sergeant in the Palestinian Police. As a reward, while in an Israeli prison, Barghouti’s annual salary of 12,953 Israeli shekels was continued and gradually escalated when he was promoted to First Sergeant.

Still in prison, Barghouti was promoted again, this time to Warrant Officer, pursuant to a November 13, 2008, Presidential Order 15999/3, according to Palestinian internal security records. One document lists Barghouti’s bank account as account 36079 at the Housing Bank for Trade and Finance in Ramallah. A related document tabulates additional monthly allocations for Barghouti’s two named beneficiaries, showing they jointly received 900 shekels monthly in 2002, beginning the month he was sentenced. That monthly allocation rose to 1,000 shekels in January 2004. The beneficiary payments were deposited into account 628134 at the Arab Bank’s al Bireh Branch 9030, the documents show….


UK: Muslims demand non-Muslim buried next to Muslim be exhumed

EU funding illegal “Palestinian” building in Israeli areas