Affidavit: DVS, Scytl/SOE Software/eClarity and Smartmatic are vulnerable to data manipulation by unauthorized means

In a sworn affidavit Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia stated:

I conclude that a combination of lost cryptographic key contained on stolen USB memory cards, serious exploitable system and software vulnerabilities and operating system backdoor in DVS, Scytl, SOE Software/eClarity and Smartmatic created the perfect environment to commit widespread fraud in all states where these systems are installed. My analysis of the 2020 Election from NY Times data shows statistical anomalies across the battleground state votes. These failures are widespread and systemic – and sufficient to invalidate the vote counts.

Dr. Keshavarz-Nia concluded:

I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in a hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden. These alterations were the result of systemic and widespread exploitable vulnerabilities in DVS, Scytl/SOE Software and Smartmatic systems that enabled operators to achieve the desired results. In my view, the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible.

Pursuant to 28 U.S.S. 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.



NYT Endorsed Leading Cyber-Crimes Expert Concludes Election 2020 Data Were Altered in Battleground States

Pennsylvania Bombshell: Biden 99.4% vs. Trump 0.6%


Filipino Lawmaker Says Smartmatic Machine was Pre-Loaded with Ballot Counts Before Election Started.

29th November Election Update 2020

About Navid Keshavarz-Nia, CISO, Black Key Solutions, LLC

Dr. Keshavarz-Nia is a vice president and senior director in INFOSEC with 30 years of experience in national security spanning leadership and program execution supporting the civilian, Defense, US Intelligence Agency (USIA), and commercial banking organizations. His background extends in cyber security engineering, technical counterintelligence and incident response management. He is an innovator and has implemented next generation security solutions across the IC, defense, and civilian clients. He has engineered technical solutions and managed large development teams involving security risk assessment, insider threat, incident response, and threat hunting exercises to identify advanced persistent threats. He is an experienced ethical hacker, big data architect and cloud security expert in cloud computing, Blockchain technology, and big data analytic solutions. He has led or supported the CIA, NSA, DHS US-CERT, USCYBERCOM and the FBI.

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VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Michael Flynn’s First Interview Since President Trump’s Pardon

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Courtesy of Natural News.

Brannon Howse: Lieutenant General Michael Flynn and his longtime friend, Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney, and national intelligence researcher and author Mary Fanning.

Yes, General Flynn joins us tonight. His first interview since his pardon from President Trump. He speaks for 30 minutes directly to the American people on what he sees coming and what we need to do and what has happened, and then General McInerney comes in with breaking news about the kraken, what it really is, you’re going to be shocked, and then we hear from the lady that broke it all, Mary Fanning with her co-author Alan Jones. They broke the story in December of 2015. Folks is all coming together, and we get this exclusive tonight right here at WVW Broadcast Network. The Worldview weekend hour begins right now.

Good evening, and welcome to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us. A very special Friday evening, November 27th, broadcast with General McInerney, Mary fanning, and we’ll be joined later by Alan Jones. We’re going to cover a lot of very important topics tonight.

Hold on just one second. Let’s see if this call is… Hello, Brannon Howse. Thank you general for joining us. We’ve just gotten on the air. Let me announce, in fact, let me have General McInerney.

General McInerney we have just been joined by a friend of yours. Would you like to introduce our friend to the broadcast audience tonight?

General McInerney: Yes, I would like to Brannon, to let everybody know that General Mike Flynn is going to join us tonight, in a few days that he has been pardoned by President of the United States. It is a great honor for us to have him. He and I to speak along with Mary and Alan about the treason that has been committed against this administration, this country, and this President, and General Flynn was a key part of that this threat that we are facing today did. It’s an absolute great honor to have you with this Mike and we must let America know what’s happening.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely, with that in General, I am just going to give you the floor. I know you’re on a cell phone, but I’m just going to give you the floor and let you speak to the American people. Thank you for joining us tonight.

Michael Flynn: First of all, I want to just say thanks Tom for getting ahold of me and asked me to come on tonight, and Brannon appreciate you connect to me.

I don’t know what your audience is or who we’re speaking to tonight, but I would tell you what’s happening in this country should never happen, and we are going through, there’s no doubt in my mind, we’re going through a crucible of history. If we don’t correct what it is that’s happening right now over the next couple of weeks, then I really hate to even think about what will happen in our country going forward into the latter part in December and certainly into the next month.

I do not believe for a second that the country will accept Vice-President Biden as the next president, based on what we know to be probably the greatest fraud that our country has ever experienced in our history.

What we’re seeing, what I’m in right in the middle of it right now, and I will tell you that, first of all, the President has clear paths to victory. They have clear paths to victory, and they actually don’t require a lot of courtroom action. What they require is they require a lot of honesty out of elected officials and frankly, a lot of Americans who are coming forward and telling us their stories.

The hundreds and hundreds of Americans around the country in different states, not just the swing states, but many, many other states that are coming forward with their stories and putting them down on affidavits as witnesses. We had probably 10 or 12 affidavits come in from one particular state today, and because there’s been a number of threats to people, these particular Patriots, they sent their photos in with their affidavit’s and said, “Put mine up at the top of the list because I want people to know that I’m not going to be afraid of these people that are threatening our country and our way of life.”

I say all that and on one hand and the other hand as I just described, we have clear paths to victory for this President. Frankly, he’s going win Pennsylvania. He’s going to win Arizona. He’s going to win Georgia. He’s going to win Nevada. He’s going to win Michigan. The other one that he’s probably going to pull in is Wisconsin too, because there’s a discrepancy in Wisconsin of 130,000 vigilant ballots that they just found, they just discovered. There’s a lot of things happening and it’s all, to me, it’s all positive. I was asked today on a scale of 1 to 10, who will be the next President, and I said, 10 it’ll be Donald Trump. It’ll be president Trump. There’s no doubt in my mind that he won this election hands down in a landslide, probably somewhere between 350 and 400 electoral college votes.

What we have seen is over, and I know this, over the last probably two decades and probably longer, I can give you a little bit of a history lesson in that, but I won’t. But over the last couple of decades, what we have seen is a complete shift in how fast I believe that communist China in their long-term plan decided that to sort of move up their plans to become the global superpower, sole global superpower on the planet. Their sort of plan was by about the middle of this century that we’re in right now, and I believe when during the last 2016 election, when they didn’t get the candidate that they needed and the kind of ideology that they saw America moving towards, they were not going to allow 2020 to happen, and so now what we have is this theft with mail in ballots. The theft with this software, Smartmatic software and Dominion, these dominion systems.

These are systems that are not owned by this country. They’re owned by other — they were introduced into this country. How can we say as the United States of America, how can we say that we accept a system that is not made in this country and in many cases, the ballots aren’t even tallied in this country? How can we say that here in this country that we accept that?

The one thing and for you all and for all your listeners, the one most precious thing that makes me the same as the wealthiest guy or gal on the planet or the poorest person in America, what makes us equal? What makes us equal is when we go in to a voting booth and we close that curtain, or we go in there and we lean over to vote. My vote matters the same as the guy, who’s the richest guy in America. It matters the exact same. That’s where we are equal, and that’s why this has to be fair and free, and it was not. We probably, in fact, we know we have evidence of previous elections where this happened as well, but we’re now focused on this one. I’m going to tell you, we’re not in this to lose. We are not in this to lose these battles, we’re in this to win these battles and I believe we’re going to. I believe we’re going to win, and I’m confident we are because we have the right people, we have the right plan and strategy, and it’s a little bit of direct and a little bit of indirect that we’re taking, and people are talking all the time to each other.

I’m anxious and you probably hear it in my voice that I’m a little anxious because I just cannot believe the media and the censorship that is going on. Just look at what they do to the President of the United States of America. Look what Twitter is doing to the President of the United States of America. This is, it’s infuriating to me. It’s a bomb. It’s an abomination of the first amendment, our freedom of speech. Frankly, for the President of United States of America, the only means that he really has to be able to communicate is when he walks outside, or he goes in front of a group of people, or he walks outside and talks to the press, or he uses social media to communicate because the media is not going to allow him to get his message out there.

The major press, not press conference, but the hearing that they had in Pennsylvania the other day, and if anybody had a chance to watch it. It was an extraordinary hearing with politicians from Pennsylvania centers on a panel, and the one Senator that ran the panel for the state of Pennsylvania, that listened to the hearing, listen to a bunch of witnesses, listen to Rudy, listened to Jenna Ellis, and others on their team. The individual that ran it was a retired Military Colonel, and he’s now a state senator in Pennsylvania, and he gave, at the very end of it, he gave a really good short summary speech, and it was heartwarming because it was sort of a mom and apple pie that, “Hey, we can’t allow this to happen in our country. We cannot portray ourselves to the world as a third world nation”. It was a really, really good closing speech, and what did Twitter do? Twitter took him offline immediately. They completely removed his Twitter account so people couldn’t follow this guy. It’s just outrageous, it’s outrageous. That’s a social media company that is a part of the public square. They are taken advantage of what they have been given, which is a real privilege and they’re abusing it. I could go on and on, I’m going to stop and just see if you have any questions on anything or you want to jump in on anything I said, but I I’m upset, I am determined, I’m going to be resilient, and I believe that I reflect millions and millions of millions of people across this country who feel the exact same way that I do.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely. Folks were being joined, if any of you knew, joining us by General Michael Flynn, and General, you mentioned in your statement you put out the other day thanking the president of the United States. You mentioned and you used the word coup, you mentioned, we never again should allow this to happen to the American people. You use the word uprooted, under cut, usurped, or held hostage by a coup against our nation. Would you care to expand upon the word coup because I know General McInerney has used the word over and over coup d’etat. I know you’re not a man given to hyperbole, so I know that word did not make that into your statement you released for no reason. Would you care to expand upon the use of that word?

Michael Flynn: Sure. I mean, I think what we experienced over the last four years, and certainly in the late 2016, very late 2016, and early 2017 period was a very strong effort to unseat a duly elected president, and really try to remove Donald Trump by just political pressure, by technology pressure, by financial pressure early on in his tenure. Maybe to get him to just say, “You know what? I’m not going to — I don’t need this. I’m not going to put up with it” and walk away. I think that there was some sentiment, I know there was some sentiment that maybe he’ll just — he’s the guy from New York, not a politician. He’ll just say, you know what, I don’t need this stuff. I got better things to do and leave. Thank God that he didn’t, and that then lasted when he did, that then continued, that effort continued to go after him in any way possible to remove him through some means whether it was the fake Russiagate, Spygate, or whether it was the fake impeachment or some of the other the kind of stuff that we’re seeing with this. This COVID situation that we we’re having to deal with now. That’s the first phase if you will. That’s something that’s been going on for years.

Now, we’re moving into something different. Not different in terms of it, this is still a coup in progress, but now it’s a little bit different and it’s actually — it’s sort of they up their game when they lost in 2016. I think that there was a decision and I believe this, but there was some type of decision to say, “We’re not going to allow this to happen again”.

All you got to do is go back and listen to some of the comments this past summer from some of the senior people that are part of this, this democratic party, right? I mean, Hillary Clinton, I think it was back in July or certainly mid-summer time frame where she said, no matter what Joe Biden should not conceive. What are we talking about there? I mean, why would she say that in the middle of the summer, three, maybe four months before an election? One of the things that I do know from my experience in the military and in different places around the world, is when your enemy tells you that they’re going to do something, you better pay attention to what they said, and you better have some plans, and you better have some ideas about how to deal with that if in fact that does come to fruition. Well, in this case, we have opposing camps and in our opposing camps of our political parties, and we know that the political party on the left is really way, way over on the left.

I have a hard time calling it or calling someone a Democrat or the democratic party. That’s a name only folks, because it’s really the democratic socialist party of America that has usurp to taken over that element, and they are a very loud voice. So, they sort of katy bar the door assault on us, on our country and our way of life, and they’re doing anything they can right now to try to pretend like, okay, nothing to see here, and Joe is going to be our next president here. I’m just telling you, the level of fraudulent activity, definitely what I would describe as what we have seen and what has been reported to us, as certainly criminal behavior, but that remains to be seen because that’s something that would have to be further investigated, but from the civil side of what I know people are involved in, there’s definitely thousands and thousands, tens of thousands of ballots. What happened in a very strategic way is that the electronic vote did not achieve the result that they needed on the 3rd of November. On Tuesday, the 3rd of November, the electronic vote did not achieve the result that they needed to be able to get, get them over the top and get the votes that they needed, because essentially the systems were not set up in a way to get the vote count to where it needed to be, and at the same time, kind of hiding how they were doing it. Mixing numbers and such and doing it in different ways in different states. When that happened then they realized, “Okay, we have to stop, we have to shut down”. Unheard of, unprecedented, and then Vice-President Biden goes to bed and they shut down.

Five states that night shut down, stopped. How do we ever allow that to happen? Then of course, over the next couple of days, from the 4th of November through the 7th of November, we start to see the mail-in ballot. The whole instance of mail-in ballot fraud, and there’s a whole bunch of evidence and a whole bunch of people that have come forward. There’s probably a couple of hundred, I’m low-balling it, affidavits. People who have stood up and said, “I’m sick of it”. These are Democrats and Republicans.

We just got another piece tonight in another part of the country from a Democrat, a woman who’s just absolutely sick and tired of what she saw, and she just wasn’t sure what to do, and she finally said, “I got to go forward, and I got to report this. I can’t live with myself”. That is what’s happening with people who are feeling in their heart that sense of patriotism to still say, “Look, I don’t want my country to turn into something else because that’s what these people want”. They do not want our country to be the Republic that it is. They want it to be something else and change it. As we heard, one president says, we want to fundamentally change America, and that’s not what people want. People want to live the life that they have with the liberties and freedoms that we have under this great constitutional republic that we have. That’s sort of where we are and that’s what I mean by that.

This is an ongoing effort. It’s not the go take the capital, go take the radio station like we’ve done in the past, in our own history, years ago in Central America or the Caribbean, or over in some of these other countries. We’ve participated, or we’ve supported some of this stuff where we certainly have watched it in another third world nations. Now, what’s happening in our country, we cannot stand for it.

Brannon Howse: It’s a new way of warfare, is it not general? Is that what you’re saying? This is kind of the new way of warfare and it is cyber warfare. Is that what you’re saying?

Michael Flynn: It’s cyber, it’s a combination of things. It’s certainly information. It’s how you leverage information, how you leverage the whole thing about psychological operations is you have to make sure that you pick the target, and then repetition with the message over and over and over and over has to occur. The only way you can do that in a country our size, with all of the ways that we communicate is you got to basically get the media on your side. That’s taken some number of years, but I can’t stand here and tell you that that’s not the case because it is, everybody knows.

Everybody knows the, “mainstream media”, which is a pretty robust group of organizations and that includes the tech companies, right? I say tech companies, the social media tech companies, everything from Facebook to Instagram, of course, Twitter I mentioned. All of these things, they are trying to control a narrative and tell the American people what they should know instead of allowing the American people information and letting each of us decide what’s important or not.

Brannon Howse: So, it’s brainwashing, it’s information warfare, it’s brainwashing, a psychological operation. It’s those things that you studied and other study when they go through SERE school. Correct?

Michael Flynn: It’s more than that but yes, it’s kind of the type of warfare. In fact, if you study Chinese doctrine, Chinese doctrine has six phases. The first five phases all have to do with information. The last part of it would be if those failed or if you needed an additional “umph” so to speak, you go to the gates I say. That’s when you may see something kinetic. We’re in this sort of period of information warfare that it’s unprecedented. I’m going to stand on my box here and say the President of the United States of America is being censored by US companies. Think about that, I’m at a loss sometimes when I talk about it and I talk about it a couple of times a day to different people in different groups, and I’m trying to say, “Okay, at a certain point in time, that has to stop being allowed”. When a company says, “What you just said Mr. President is not totally the truth, or there’s fraud involved here, or fraud hasn’t been proven”. How dare they do that to the President of the United States, because he’s not going to get a fair shot going out into the mainstream media crowdie. Look at the interview that he did yesterday, where we had, somebody is talking to the President of United States in his office there, and he had to counsel the person. “Don’t talk to them. Don’t talk to me like that. Don’t talk to the President of United States like that”. It’s like a bunch of school punks in a school yard. We can’t have that in this country.

Debate and sharp questions but not totally, totally disrespect, to not just the President. You may not like him and that’s fine, but he represents the Presidency of the United States of America. He represents our flag, our constitution, our country. Everything that we’re experiencing right now actually is more than just an assault on President Trump. This is an assault on the American Republic, on this great country that we have and people around the country. I know they’re fed up with it and they’re not going to put up with it. What they’re waiting to see is they’re waiting to see the outcome of their own elected officials in the states do their job.

Just because CNN or Fox News or a governor or a secretary of state certify an election, if the state legislature has not certified the election then it’s not certified in a particular state. If there’s a challenge and there’s a legitimate legal challenge then they can’t sit there and certify it while there’s a legal challenge ongoing, it’s just not the way it works. The media is not going to cover any of that for you. The big media, they’re just not going to cover it, and it’s sad because they’re trying to shove it down our throat, and the American public, they see right through it.

Brannon Howse: And we’re thankful you came to us, one of the alternative media sites, and these are all growing rapidly, and when they all are added together, you’re reaching millions upon millions of people through the new media. I don’t want to keep you General longer than you want to stay. You’ve been very generous. I would like to ask you just a couple more questions. We have people that I know are getting frustrated. They’re pacing the floor. They’re really is upsetting to them to see what the media is saying and how it’s discouraging people, but you’re telling them to hang in there that this is going to all work out. I don’t know if you can speak to it or not, if you cannot just say so, but I know that Sidney Powell has been speaking about a lot of information that will be coming out. She wants to get it into court, not into the media to try it, but into the court. But can you, or can you not speak to any of the hard evidence related to the server in Germany?

Michael Flynn: Yes, I don’t want to speak to that right now. She’s mentioned it, and she’s actually has some really good filings. They just filed another amendment I believe in Georgia. They filed in Georgia. They filed in Michigan today, just today, and probably within the last hour or two, they just filed another amendment to those in Georgia, and back again in Michigan. I think the next couple of priorities, you know, are looking at some of these other states where there’s some big challenges. You really do have to go and dig into the filings instead of reading a sound bite here or there, because it’s our life, it’s our country. This is the time in our history where if we don’t get this right, this country is done, it will be over as we know it. As I stand here talking to you, I’m not standing here from me, I’m standing here from my children, my grandchildren, and frankly, the beacon of hope that we are as a country. I would say, I’ll just wrap it up because I’m going to have to jump here. There are paths to victory, it’s clear. Key states are Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada. There’s ways that the president can get to, and his team can get him to the margin that he needs to win without Pennsylvania, but he’s going to win Pennsylvania too.

I’ll leave you and I’ll leave the audience with this because I don’t want my tone to be so strong where you sense a frustration. I’m really not frustrated I’m determined, and I am going to remain resilient to this assault that we have ongoing by elements in our country that are trying to tell us, “don’t look here, everything will be just fine”. It won’t be, we cannot have this. We cannot allow this. We are going to get this straight. We’re going to straighten it out. It’s going to be done properly. It’s going to be done legally. It’s going to be done correctly. It’s going to be done with American Patriots who love this country and who are fighting like warriors in a sort of, on a legal battle ground for sure. With people like Sidney Powell, like Rudy Giuliani and his team, like people like Linwood, who’s fighting tooth and nail. Most people don’t even know, his case that he’s got going on in Georgia just got picked up by the 11th circuit, down in Georgia, and that’s a good sign, because that means that the one judge down there that thought he was going to dismiss his case, the 11th circuit pulled it out of him and brought it up to their level, to an appeals level because they saw that there was enough evidence. So, I believe we’re going to see some momentum changing here. There are already is an undercurrent of momentum shifting for the president, and I believe that at the end of the day, we’re going to find out that he won by a massive landslide, and he’ll be inaugurated this January

Brannon Howse: General, thank you so much for your time. Thank you for your service to our country. You’ve honored us with your words tonight and your time, and we appreciate you taking the time to join us and speak to the American people. Not only are we live, but of course we will then put this out as a broadcast that will go far and wide. So, you’ll be encouraging an awful lot of people by taking the time tonight so General, thank you for doing that.

Michael Flynn: Great friend, and Tom, thank you for giving me invite. God bless America. Thank you. Thank you.

Brannon Howse: Thank you General. Now we’re going to be joined back again by Lieutenant General McInerney, Mary fanning. Wow! I don’t know how much of that you guys could hear because I having to go off the cell phone, but could you guys hear that?

General Mclnerney & Mary Fanning: Yeah.

Brannon Howse: Well, General McInerney, would you like to comment on what your friend had to say? And thank you for helping set that up.

General Mclnerney: Well, it is absolutely vital because this was the first time that I believe that General Flynn has been able to speak publicly and in such environment, and so I want to thank you for setting this up, and I know Mary talked to you and it’s very important what you have are doing tonight because it is a fast moving train, and that’s why I wanted you to do it because we are seeing the most unprecedented situation in the history of America. This is the most dangerous situation since the civil war of keeping this nation United, and why do I say that? The civil war, it was just warfare, the day you and General Flynn talked about cyber warfare. Cyber warfare is hidden, it’s mystical. You don’t see it coming, it happens. All of a sudden, 138,000 votes or 150,000 votes, all of a sudden they show up, and because we’re looking at computers, we assume they’re all legitimate, but in this particular case, they are not legitimate, and because of what Sidney Powell has been doing with General Flynn’s lawyer and what she submitted in the state of Georgia and Michigan on a Wednesday night, the night before Thanksgiving, we got a document in that log, in those lawsuits from a doctor.

Navid Keshavarez-Nia, who is a 59-year-old resident of California, who spent 40 years almost in the DC metropolitan as a career intelligence community expert. I won’t go into his background very much, but because of this declaration that he made in which I am quoted and independently confirming he uses my name. Kurt Weeby, who was a former NSA official, a good friend of ours, and working with Mary and I, and Dennis Montgomery, a former CIA analyst who was really the creator, inventor of the hammer and scorecard capabilities, and that we broke, and we broke it on Sunday and Monday before the election saying that this was going to be an action that will happen, and what transpired did in fact transpire. Mary was very instrumental in informing me of this information, and all of a sudden, two days before, two and a half days before the voting started on the 3rd of November, this was the 1st of November, I became involved in the Voting gate.

My background is a military analyst, and for 16 and a half years I was on Fox News as a military analyst. I have been the number three man in the air staff in the air force, and so I had a great background, but what made this so easy for me Brannon is I run a cloud company, an edge cloud company. I am intimately familiar with this kind of technology and what it’s doing and live by it in my military days. Everybody remembers when we attacked Tripoli in 1986. I was the commander and they launched from my bases in England.

Now, I got that information from the British and other sources, but my whole life has been based on this, and what I’m seeing now is those technologies now are used against the American people. They are trying to seize control of this nation through technology and through cyber warfare. They have enlisted to include Fox News who flipped on us. They have been listed the mainstream media and the first amendment to try to get on their side and General Flynn talked about the censorship. For instance, at Twitter does and determines what president Trump can say. That is ridiculous. It must stop, but because of all these assets and they are using and misusing the constitution of the United States, they have put us in a position that our forefathers were not aware of cyber warfare, and so when they set out in the constitution, the process of our election and going through the electoral college, the voters meeting on 14 December, announcing who the president will be, and then going through in the 20th of November, the inauguration, that was not based upon cyber warfare, and so we have a time clock and I bring this up to our listeners.

We have a time clock, and we have to go through the legal system. This was not designed to operate in the cyber world, and so we had many judges turning down and not recognizing what has happened. That is the challenge that we are facing and what my point I wanted to get across tonight. It doesn’t matter if we have locked and sealed this decision process by the 14th of December, the president should not leave office until it is adequately heard.

We, the American people will demand that these facts be analyzed and looked at, and I’m going to cover some of those facts that have made it so compelling to me that there is no question about it. Let’s start with the vote count distribution in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia are not based on normal system operation. They are caused by fraudulent electronic manipulation of the targeted voting machines. For instance, at 2:30 AM of the 4th of November, TV broadcast reported that Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada and Georgia have decided to seize vote counting operations and will continue the following day. This unanimous decision to initially and intentionally stopped counting by all five battleground states is highly unusual. As a matter of fact, it is unprecedented, and it demonstrates prior coordination by election officials in battleground states. Those five states that General Flynn mentioned, and because of this big flashing light to anybody that understands the voting process, it immediately flag this.

We start looking at each one of those states because they didn’t stop counting. All of a sudden in Michigan at four o’clock in the morning, 138,000 votes show up, all for, guest who. Biden, He was behind in all those States where they decided to cease voting, and that’s where they employed cyber warfare, the hammer and scorecard, the dominion voting machines and the software in them. That’s where they put these applications on, like your iPhone and they got a smooth voting.

Now, when the numbers came, started coming back in those five states, they were different numbers. 138,000 in Michigan, 90,000 in Arizona, this is notional. The different one in Nevada and Georgia and Pennsylvania. The important point was they were exactly at the same percentage. This is a mathematical impossibility that this could have happened, and it means that algorithm was used, and this algorithm was designed to stay within the bounds, and when the assembled numbers were put together, it wouldn’t be obvious that these numbers of votes were inserted. This is a huge flashing red light, and it’s important that people understand what this kind of data that we’re seeing.

Sidney pointed out in Georgia, that they’re 96,000 absentee votes that were disregarded in Fulton County, they had a water leak. Pennsylvania, the state of Pennsylvania mailed out 1.8 million votes to their citizens. The state did, these are not absentee ballots. These were balanced that had no chain of custody, lo and behold Brannon, 2.5 million came back. If someone had to have a printing press and we’re cranking them out, that is just the pure sniff test. It doesn’t require a genius to understand if you mail out 1.8 and get 2.5 million ballots, something is wrong.

Now, Sidney and the president crew, I believe General Flynn, got the crack in organization. The 305 military intelligence battalion working with them because in all of this, we have not seen any footprints of the DOJ of the FBI, nor the CIA on the friendly side.

Brannon Howse: Let me just stop you there General because you just said something very interesting. You just said that who has just opened up the kraken, and then you just described what the kraken was. We all know the term because of a Sydney Powell using it, but you just said what it is. Can you back up on that?
General Mclnerney: Yes. Sidney got the term kraken. It was actually the nickname of the 305th military intelligence battalion, and that has been her source along with other sources that Mary and I know about, but we don’t want to talk about. We’re getting the different sources that are relaying this, but the important thing is they identified, now get this, they identified China, Iran and Russia as being involved in this and manipulating the vote.

In addition, the US special forces command seized a server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, because they were sending this data from those six states through the internet to Spain and then into Frankfurt, Germany. Special operation forces seize those that facility so they have those servers and they know all this data they are providing.

Brannon Howse: Did that go down without incident? did that seizure go down without incident?

General Mclnerney: Well, I’ve heard it didn’t go down without incident, and I haven’t been able to verify it. I want to be careful in that. It’s just coming out, but I understand my initial report is that there were US soldiers killed in that operation. Now, that was a CIA operation, and so that’s the very worrisome thing. Did that occur because of what Mary and I and Allen were notifying on the Sunday and the Monday in different networks that this was going to happen, that they were using hammer and scorecard, and so they decided to bounce it overseas, so the server farms and the hammer and scorecard we’re using in the continental United States, couldn’t be used? I don’t know that. In any case, it makes it more vulnerable because when you start moving that kind of data overseas, other people look at it,

Brannon Howse: But you are saying that was a CIA facility, and that was where the server was taken from by these special forces, was a CIA facility in Germany.

General Mclnerney: That’s correct. Frankfurt, Germany. We have all this information, General Flynn of course, people most realized, was the senior military intelligence officer in the US commands as a defense intelligence agency. He’s a career intelligence officer, knows this stuff, backwards and forwards. From my experience in the cloud business, this was a trivial operation, relatively speaking, but the magnitude, because so many people Brannon were involved. So many people like General Flynn mentioned, the democratic person saw this are coming forward, but what we are doing, we are competing with the constitution and the 14th December date for the electoral college. Why? Because we have this information and we know that not only did we have the deep state and the executive that President Trump had to fight, we also had it in the legislature where you have Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, all of those people were involved in this. They were involved in the Russian hoax. They were involved in this coup d’état, but we also had the judiciary, Judge Sullivan, who was General Flynn’s judge, outdid himself on this. You had the compromise there, and that’s why the 305th, the krakens were targeted and selected, I believe, because the President could trust them. That’s why Chris Miller, who is now the acting secretary of defense and a former special operations hero. That’s why Chris Miller is the secretary of defense.

Brannon Howse: What about his speech that’s gone viral of him directing all special operations forces to answer directly to him?
General Mclnerney: Well, that tells you something. It tells you that we had that tighten-up because there are people that are a part of this conspiracy. This is treason what we’re talking about. Some people may just think, “Oh, it’s just politics”. No, all right.

So, President Obama used it in 2012 to win, Biden used it to win Florida. The Democrats used it during the primary so Bernie Sanders would lose, and Biden would win. You know that’s politics, we’ve been cheating. No, it’s not politics, this is treason. Did Darnold gave away West Point or tried to in the revolutionary war. We haven’t seen treason this magnitude ever in our history, and those politicians, those people like Chris Krebs, who was the head of the cyber warfare infrastructure security agency. He was until he was fired a couple of weeks ago by the President because this was a perfect election. He is guilty of treason. He had to be complicit, and people must understand that.

You people that have done this are guilty of treason against the United States, and we are going to demand this President. Insist this president not leave office until the American people have had a full disclosure of what’s going on.

Brannon Howse: What you’re saying is that President Trump needs to fulfill his oath, that he took to defend America against enemies, both foreign and domestic, and he must not let deadlines stop him from fulfilling that oath. Is that what I hear you say?

General Mclnerney: That is exactly what you heard me say Brannon. The president has in his oath to the constitution to defend the country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and we shouldn’t let a schedule that we know is so blatantly flawed that anybody can understand that with just the items I’ve given our listeners tonight. When you have hundreds of thousands of votes that were falsified, and we know they’re falsified. I believe those servers are going to show that, and I believe that he is going to show that. It’ll probably have to be done at the Supreme Court because you have judges like some of it in that that are going to try to protect themselves because the fingers are going to start pointing to everybody. “Well, I didn’t know this, I didn’t know that”, they’re going to use the Nuremberg trial.

“Well, the fear told me to do this”. They’re going to say, “Well, President Obama knew what I was doing because he told me to do it”, or vice-president Biden. “Biden was the runner here. He told me to do it”. They’re going to point fingers. When you have people that are driving up in cars with carloads of ballots, some not even folded, and they’re driving them into these five or six battleground states, they’re going to talk. They don’t want to be involved in treason, and so people are going to talk the magnitude of this and the bone, because I think the President won in such an overwhelming vote. Well, I know he did, that they had to do these things, and there are no skilled in the craftsmanship and what they were trying to do.

They were trying to match the ballots with the numbers that they come up with, and determined were needed, and doing that in real time. You had a digit and analog of trying to get ballots, then digital was easy. You can just change the numbers, and I won’t give the name, but someone, a Republican on television last night was saying, why would it be so important for the Republicans to get out in Georgia? It doesn’t matter how many people we get out in Georgia Brannon; they’ll just stop the number. It’s a digital number for them. We cannot let this them use hammer and scorecard, and in my opinion, we can’t have these mail-in ballots in Georgia. They should leave the polls open, but they must get a chain of custody. We can’t have this absolute disregard for the laws of the land and by judges, and by legislatures, they must get hold of this. There is a path, but I believe that they’re going to — the Democrats are going to think this is Politics, and they’re going to try to shut that down. Well, if they do, then the American people must demand that the President stay in office until this is cleared up because it’s treason. It’s a coup d’état against the government of the United States, and we cannot accept that.

Brannon Howse: That’s three-star General McInerney. Go look up his bio, I don’t have time to get into it tonight because we’ve given it over and over. Three-star General Thomas McInerney, look up his bio folks. He’s not a man given to hyperbole.

Again, Mary Fanning and Alan Jones broke this story in December of 2015. General McInerney talked about this in March 2017 on Dave’s program. Dave, what’s his name again Mary?

General Mclnerney: Dave Janda

Brannon Howse: Dave Janda, his show, and then the next day the Russia hoax comes up by Comey, I guess a smoke screen, right? So, they’ve been on this a long time. In general, I received three phone calls from three different people, tied to the intelligence arena a couple of weeks ago, trying to tell me that I was going to be embarrassing myself. If I didn’t quit talking about this, that it was all conspiracy and fake, and it’s now being revealed that those I guess, were calls to try to get me to stop using our network, our platform, to inform the American people, because now we just are starting to figure out what a lot of these words like kraken and other things mean. It is all coming out. There are those inside the intelligence arena that were trying to shut this down. Now, I think there’s some inside of the intelligence arena that are trying out to take the story and control it. Are they not?

General Mclnerney: Yes, and they are guilty of treason.

Brannon Howse: Mary, would you care to comment. Mary? You you’ve been quiet. I got to get you in here because you and Alan Jones broke this in December, 2015, and wow, you, guys deserve some kind of huge literary and research award, but please get in on what you’ve heard tonight.

Mary Fanning: We have amazing leaders in this country than there are none better than General McInerney and General Mike Flynn. I will tell you that bad actors, both foreign and domestic use this man in the middle proxies to cover their tracks. There was an attempt not just to steal the election, but to steal America. The founding fathers may not have known about cyber warfare, but they certainly recognize tyranny when they thought. President Trump cannot leave office. When we have China and Iran having access to our elections, we cannot let them steal America through their illegal acts of treason and act of war against this country.

Brannon Howse: Act of war, and I think that’s exactly what it is. We’ve got Iran, China, Russia involved. General we’ve now got Russia making threats about missiles. We’ve got them talking about ramming ships. We’ve got Iran out there talking about retaliation. We see their father of their nuclear program has now been taken out in the last 24 hours or so. We see that Iran is bragging about putting missile launchers on their cargo ships. What has all this been?

General Mclnerney: Well, it means a great deal of instability if we let the US government be seized by people that are committing treason and cheating. They knew exactly what they were doing. Look there’s everybody think that the pattern for victory for Democrats in the future is no major press conferences with any hard questions. The largest rally he had was 14 people in 14 cars honking boards and staying in the basement. Is that the model for a successful (inaudible) for the President of the United States? No, but he knew something.

All those people knew that the number was going to come out. People betting in Las Vegas, there’s a great article about that, and the people in the casinos ought to look at those winners because they had inside information and they are guilty of treason because they didn’t tell the proper authorities. Anybody that was complicit, Fox News in my opinion, some of those people are guilty of treason. Whether it’s the president, whoever it is because they flipped and they knew what they were doing and they made those early announcements, and so anybody involved with this is complicit in it. If they didn’t tell and alert the President of the United States and their property officials.

Brannon Howse: Do you believe this goes all the way back up to Nancy Pelosi, to Adam Schiff, to Barack Obama, to Joe Biden?

General Mclnerney: Yes, It had to. The way they act, the way they did things, everything they’ve done, the Russian hoax. Now we’ve got to know if John Durham, what is the status of John Durham and the attorney general? What is the status of their work? What have they done?

Brannon Howse: General Mclnerney before we run out of time, we’re going to go about 10 minutes over because that’s when our cards also run out, and we want to preserve all of this to get out in a duplication to the American people so we don’t want to go where our cards run out. We’ll go about another eight, nine minutes, but September 12th, 2018 executive order on imposing certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in a United States election, how much will this executive order by President Trump play into this and how so?

General Mclnerney: Well, I think I’m going to ask Mary to also talk about it, but I think it’ll play a major role. It tells me Brannon, that the president knew something was happening and that this was going to come about, and so I think Mary, you can go into the details.

Mary Fanning: Well, there’s an abundance of evidence that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from President Trump on behalf of Joe Biden, with Joe Biden’s assistance, because Joe Biden said he had the greatest voter fraud group in history put together. We cannot let this stand. It will be the theft of America. The American people must stand up.

Brannon Howse: Mary, I have an article here in front of me dated June 7th, 2017. You’re in here writing about a program, I think was it called Turkey or something? Wild Turkey or something?
Mary Fanning: Wild Turkey or some of the exploits that work off of the hammer as well as scorecard, and as well as Medusa. These are exploits that were created while Turkey was not created by Dennis Montgomery, but Medusa and scorecard worked off of the hammer.

Brannon Howse: Here you are in 2017, writing about this. Again, you and Alan Jones, your co-author. Their book, by the way, can be found on Amazon, The Hammer is the Key to the Coup, which is some of the final words of Four-star Admiral Lyons to his friend, General McInerney, because they were researching and talking about this.

Remember they, Admiral Lyons, four-stars, General McInerney, three-stars did a radio show together in 2017 warning about this, and then this is when things really started breaking open. But again, it’s 2015, then Mary Fanning and Alan Jones do all the research and start releasing the information over at

Mary, now we have guys that I would get pressured by three people tied to the intelligence community to stop doing radio and TV on this. I wouldn’t do it because I believe in you and Alan and the General. I just wasn’t going to back down. I’d seen enough information and enough proof. I knew the General’s long credibility, and I wasn’t going to back down.

I got three phone calls when people tie the intelligence arena and quit talking about this kind of stuff, you’re going to look stupid and foolish. Now it’s all being confirmed, but what’s interesting Mary is you and I have talked about, I guess, some guy out there writing now who, I guess, poo-pooing some of this, and now he wants to try to control the narrative and give interviews on it. I noticed that in one of his interviews, he seems to try to defend the head of the CIA and the head of the FBI, so am I to believe that these people that were poo-pooing this as I don’t talk about this, well, now your research has been affirmed over and over, and so now they’re going to try to control the narrative, and are they going to try now some of those same people to defend the head of the CIA and FBI. Kind of interesting watching this behavior, Is it not? Am I right or wrong in my assumption here?

Mary Fanning: I think you are exactly correct as former CIA agent Larry, it’s in the front page, people can read about it, but the fact that he’s coming out and saying that Gina had nothing to do with this nor did Wray is a highly suspect comment that he would like to leave these people in place.

Anyone who’s involved in this and is on the side and standing with treason against this country. Regardless of what agency they’re with, should think twice before they start attempting to insinuate themselves into this treasonous activity that had gone on for far too long.

This came directly out of the Obama administration when John Brennan and James clapper illegally commandeered the foreign surveillance tool known as the hammer.

Brannon Howse: It was designed by Genesis Montgomery in 2003, to keep America safe as you write. Commandeered by them about two weeks after Obama was sworn into office and put on servers. You write of the FBI honor, the director of Mueller, correct?
Mary Fanning: That’s correct. According to Dennis Montgomery, Robert Mueller provided the computers for the hammer.

Brannon Howse: and of course, they tried to discredit Dennis Montgomery because you can see why now, but as we’ve discussed in past programs, you got two immunity deals after being interviewed and recorded. So apparently, he didn’t lie, or he’d be in jail. He kept it; he got his immunity deals kept some of his security clearances is not in jail, so that should tell us a lot to the people trying to smear the guy.

Mary, you believe, I believe this whole idea that Donald Trump needs to go ahead and concede. I think the one that should be conceding is Joe Biden. I think the American people should rise up in mass. I think conservatives should rise up in mass, tweet, Facebook, email, and began to demand that Joe Biden concede. What say you?

Mary Fanning: You cannot award the country to Joe Biden when he has cheated to steal an election. It’s really that simple.

Brannon Howse: Do you believe the American people are going to demand that some of these folks actually face the charges of treason? And how high do you think this could go? Or is this going to be the old brushing to end game of blaming someone down the lower level?

Mary Fanning: It’s beyond the election. It’s beyond the stolen votes. You have to look at Joe Biden and his family. Billions of dollars to his son, Hunter, his drug addled son. Billions of dollars from China and billions from the Ukraine to Hunter Biden. Can you even imagine this and a different day? The fact that the media has remained silent and China and Iran and Russia are buying off our officials to tell you everything you need to know about the Mockingbird media.

Brannon Howse: Not to mention Mary, as you report in your excellent report, the perfect storm, the Jafar family, the Gulftainer family, doctor Jafar, as you guys report used to be the head of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program, making the nuclear beach ball as miniaturized nuclear device. I think he was on the kill list during the war, and then his family and his business get a contract running Port Canaveral in Florida and in Wilmington, Delaware, cargo containers, and yet there is some kind of business deals back with the 100% Russian owned export of the Club K Cargo that has four cruise missile siloss that pop up and can deliver cruise missiles, biological weapons, nuclear weapons, and it could easily be planted down here in the US as you have translated Russian Manuals for Pearl Harbor 2.0 into English, they call for a Russian strategy of doing just that. As you know, live on our show a few years ago, Phil Haney, former Department of Homeland Security whistle blower, revealed right on this show, “Hey, Brannon, you want another piece of interesting information to go with that?” Look at Citco owned by Venezuela, they’re in financial crisis with massive inflation. Guess who’s come in and bought up a big chunk of their company? Russia. Look at all their oil terminals, up and down the Eastern seaboard.

Now, Russia can bring in through the oil terminals, the cargo terminals can bring in the Club K Cargo missile launching system into this relationship with Dr. Jafar and Gulftainer, have caused now to move them into the US and plop them down at all refiners up and down the East Coast is a Trojan horse, and that’s your perfect Pearl Harbor 2.0 that you’ve been warning about, and Phil Haney dropped that right on the news desk of our show live, and you happen to be watching that night. So, there’s way more to this than just the election. We’re talking about them being inside the wire and a lot of these people, the Bidens, the Obama’s, Hillary tied to some of these actors, correct?

Mary Fanning: Well, that’s correct. Beyond which the Jafar were put on the Pentagon’s blacklist meant that they were wanted for capture or kill dr. Jafar, and he’s the nuclear mastermind or Saddam Hussein. In order to take back our country, we must take back this election that Donald Trump won fair and square before they started cheating with foreign actors, Russia, China, Iran, that their hand is in here for the theft of this election. That’s why the American people must stand up, and that is like President Donald Trump must abide by his oath to protect this country. He cannot step down until this election is fairly, legally settled.

Brannon Howse: The reason I bring all that up Mary is as you know, as an intelligence, national security intelligence author researcher, all of this involves massive national intelligence implications.

Mary Fanning: Absolutely

Brannon Howse: Let me just reiterate real quick. The news tonight, General Flynn calling in, also we’ve just found out from General McInerney, the kraken is actually a military division. Did you say the 305th known as the kraken? That’s a military division, that’s the kraken?

General Mclnerney: No, it’s a battalion, a very intelligent batallion. Brannon can I say one other thing in closing?

Brannon Howse: Yes.

General Mclnerney: Now this is going directly to those that want to seize this country because they’ve hacked my cell phone, and so everything I say on this particular open channel, they are coming. They mean business. They are deeply into this, and they now know that because of what you’ve done and what we’ve done tonight, that they are in even more trouble. We are coming against after you and the American people are going to come after you and this President won this election, and he was going to be the president for the next four years, but we’re after you. You will not seize this country because this would be the last re-election we ever had, and I’m in agreement with you and Mary, that Joe Biden should step down right now.

Brannon Howse: Joe Biden needs to concede. Folks these are American heroes, General Flynn, General McInerney, Mary fanning. I’m sorry, we couldn’t get another hero on here. Alan Jones, who’s written the book with her. These are great Americans that have gone against unimaginable pressure to not talk about this, but here it is all out in the open now. Isn’t it interesting the alternative media has had to do it tonight?

I want to thank all of them from joining us. I want to thank you for joining us. We’ll have this post edited in HD in release right away for the American people to disseminate. And again, we do this because of your support at Thank you for your support. Thank you, General McInerney, thank you General Flynn, thank you Mary Fanning, and thank you folks for watching. Until next time, I’m Brennan Howse. Take care

McLaughlin Poll: TWO-THIRDS of Nation Backs Trump on Recounts

The D-bag/media is losing its power every day ….. We’re Americans. Of course we want a fair, honest election.

Newsmax/McLaughlin Poll: Two-Thirds of Nation Backs Trump on Recounts

More than two-thirds of the nation says it is fair for President Donald Trump to ask for a recount in key states, according to a new Newsmax/McLaughlin & Associates poll released Thursday.

Sixty-seven percent of likely voters backed Trump’s recounts where the vote margins in his race with Joe Biden were 1% or closer, which applies to states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona.

Despite the close contests, 65% of Americans say the election will ultimately be decided honestly. But fully a third of all voters, 35%, said that there was significant fraud.

“This seems to be a very disturbing and high number for the country that always prided itself to be the world’s leading democracy,” pollster John McLaughlin said. “The highest level of fraud concerns are among Trump voters at 70% and Republicans at 65%.”

Here are how the results from the Newsmax/McLaughlin & Associates break down:

  • 94% of Republicans blame most of the voter fraud in the recent election on the Democrats, while 6% say Republicans were behind it.
  • 51% of those polled say voter fraud is a problem in big Democrat-run cities, compared to 49% who say it is not a problem.
  • An overwhelming 90% approve of voter identification laws that make certain every vote cast in the election for president and Congress was cast by a legal citizen who was eligible to vote.
  • A similar majority of 88% say they approve of states requiring that all mail-in ballots have a matching signature with the person’s voter registration.
  • 57% believe media organizations like CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC should declare Biden the winner even as recounts are being conducted in multiple states. But the vast majority of Trump voters, 77%, and Republicans, 70%, say the media should not.
  • 42% say media coverage of the presidential races has been unfair and biased against Trump, 10% say it has been unfair and biased against Biden, and 48% say it has been fair to both candidates.

The election results have not made Americans happy or changed their outlook on the future of the country, however.

“It appears that the election has not inspired hope,” McLaughlin said.

The poll, conducted by McLaughlin & Associates between Nov. 21 and 23, surveyed 1,000 likely general election voters. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.




President Trump Attorney DiGenova: Fraud, Deception In Pennsylvania Election Is ‘Truly Staggering’

“RECEIPTS”: Sidney Powell Update On Evidence She’s Collected, Has Checks Stubs Paid To Ballot Harvest

8 U.S. House Races Still Have Not Been Called, Republicans LEAD ALL 8 RACES

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Black Voices for Trump File Election Challenge

The challenge has been filed by the same stealth legal team that filed and won almost all of my free speech lawsuits.

Election Challenge Filed in Michigan Supreme Court!

By: AFLC,  November 28, 2020:

(Lansing, MI – November 27, 2020) – Early on Thanksgiving morning, the American Freedom Law Center, along with associated counsel acting as special counsel for the Thomas More Society based in Chicago, filed a Petition for Extraordinary Writs and Declaratory Relief in the Michigan Supreme Court on behalf of two Michigan voters.

The two voters are members of Black Voices for Trump, and they have been disenfranchised and aggrieved by the determination of the Board of State Canvassers of Michigan to certify the 2020 general election without conducting a full audit and investigation into the numerous (and substantiated) allegations of voter fraud and other serious voting irregularities.

The petition and associated brief set forth and substantiate with evidence numerous instances of election malfeasance at the TCF Center in Detroit and throughout Wayne County, the most populous county in the State, and they demonstrate how Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s “vote by mail” scheme not only violated the U.S. Constitution by directly violating the absentee ballot law passed by the Michigan Legislature, but that it precipitated the fraud at the TCF Center and throughout the State.

As argued in the brief, practices that promote the casting of illegal or unreliable ballots, or fail to contain basic minimum guarantees against such conduct, such as the Secretary of State’s absentee ballot scheme and the procedures employed at the TCF Center and elsewhere, violate our clients’ rights to due process and equal protection under the U.S. and Michigan Constitutions by leading to the dilution of their validly cast ballots.

As the U.S. Supreme Court has stated, “[T]he right of suffrage can be denied by a debasement or dilution of the weight of a citizen’s vote just as effectively as by wholly prohibiting the free exercise of the franchise.”  The Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses protect the right to vote from conduct by state officials which seriously undermines the fundamental fairness of the electoral process.

As set forth in the petition:

In Michigan, the Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, a registered Democrat, acting unilaterally and without legislative approval, flooded the electoral process for the 2020 general election with absentee ballots. The Secretary of State accomplished this partisan scheme by unilaterally sending absentee ballot request forms to every household in Michigan with a registered voter (no matter if the voter was still alive or lived at that address) and to non-registered voters who were temporarily living in Michigan or who were not United States citizens.

The petition names as respondents Jocelyn Benson in her official capacity as Secretary of State, Jeannette Bradshaw in her official capacity as Chair of the Board of State Canvassers for Michigan, the board of State Canvassers, and Gretchen Whitmer in her official capacity as Governor of Michigan.

AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert Muise commented:

“Fair and honest elections are the lifeblood of our constitutional republic.  American citizens, including those of us who reside in Michigan, demand and deserve honest, fair, and transparent elections.  We demand and deserve a process that ensures that our legal votes will count and that illegal votes will not.  Indeed, the U.S. and Michigan Constitutions require it, and for good reason, as demonstrated in our petition and associated brief.  As the evidence shows, the election in Michigan failed to meet this standard.  At the end of the day, this case seeks to restore the purity and integrity of elections in Michigan so that ‘We the people’ can have confidence in their outcome and thus confidence that those who govern are doing so legitimately.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Six More Items on Electoral Fraud [Let me count the ways if possible] and some police as thugs

1. At this point its a challenge just to find out how many ways the Democrats cheated.

2. Jason Kenney loses the credibility he should have lost with conservatives over his immigration policies long ago.

3. France attempts to pass law to prevent the filming of police officers. This results in a reaction which makes you understand why they wouldn’t want to be filmed.

PARIS (AP) — Tens of thousands of critics of a proposed security law that would restrict the filming of police officers protested across France on Saturday, and officers in Paris who were advised to behave responsibly during the demonstrations repeatedly fired tear gas to disperse rowdy protesters who set fire to France’s central bank and threw paving stones.

The mood was largely peaceful, however, as dozens of rallies took place against a provision of the law that would make it a crime to publish photos or video of on-duty police officers with the intent of harming their “physical or psychological integrity.”

Civil liberties groups, journalists, and people who have faced police abuse are concerned that the measure will stymie press freedoms and allow police brutality to go undiscovered and unpunished.


(If France gets away with this, Canada and Australia and the UK will be next as the government drifts farther and farther from the people)

4. 90 Minute video with Brad Johnson and Rich Higgins. (co-author wit Stephen Coughlin.)

5. Cops intervene after extreme squatters ‘Sovereign citizens’ knock on doors of rich Seattle residents and demand they hand over their mansions

A group of so-called ‘sovereign citizens’ who say they own most of the land in the Western Hemisphere have been knocking on the doors of wealthy homeowners in the Seattle area and showing fake documents alleging that their properties belong to them.

Moorish Sovereign Citizens has been labeled an extremist group of squatters who do not recognize the authority of the United States government or its laws.

According to detectives in Snohomish County, Washington State, members of the sect knocked on doors of waterfront homes in Woodway and Edmonds and informed the residents there that they were moving in, KIRO-TV reported.

‘They have basically come to say that they’re from this particular group and they’re there to repossess the home and want the people to vacate the premises,’ said Edmonds police Sergeant Josh McClure. 

In each case, police were called to the area and the group cooperated after they were warned that they could be arrested for trespassing.

This article reminds me of two things:

Interesting name, the MOORISH etc. etc. Moores of course is the name Europeans gave to muslim North African jihadis. They created problems for Europe for centuries and centuries as pirates, rapists, robbers etc. All for the greater glory of Islam.

And the second, is this Democrat Socialists of America clip. As you watch, remember the letter to Barack Obama from Carlos the Jackal. “The only way to defeat the United States is a combination of communism and Islam”.

6. An additional item about the massive police presence at a BBQ restaurant in Toronto. Please read this thread and some of the comments.

Back to Paris for a moment:

EDITORS NOTE: This entry was posted in Links and news by Eeyore on the Vlad Tepes Blog. ©All rights reserved.

In 2020 Big government has become the ‘Opiate of the People!’ How did this happen?

“Religion is the opiate of the people.” – Karl Marx

”In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.” ― Leon Trotsky

Big government is now the opiate of the people.

Let’s review a brief historical perspective on how America got here and then open up the much needed national discussion on the need for big government. 

We the people began to embrace big government 115 years ago with the founding of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS) in New York City on September 12, 1905 in Peck’s Restaurant. An organizational meeting was held and Jack London was elected President with Upton Sinclair as First Vice President. The ISS was established to,

“throw light [in America] on the world-wide movement of industrial democracy known as socialism.”

Their motto was “production for use, not for profit.”

Production for use, not for profit is the prime goal of big government.

So how could socialists begin selling big government and its redistribution of wealth ideology? First they had to gain unfettered control of production. On February 3, 1913 Congress passed and the states ratified the Sixteenth Amendment to our Constitution. Congress grabbed control of production via the federal income tax. America taxed its productivity by tapping every American’s wages. With the millions, then billions, and now trillions of dollars that Congress collected, they could entice or even force the strongest American to take the big government drug.

Then on April 8, 1913 Congress passed and the states ratified the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution which transferred U.S. Senator Selection from each state’s legislature to popular election by the people of each state. These two events made it much easier to collect and distribute big government as now Senators were no longer loyal to their state legislatures or primarily concerned with state sovereignty. Now U.S. Senators, along with U.S. Representatives, saw the value of spreading  the big government drug amongst the people in return for votes.

During the Great Depression Congress created the first “opiate for the masses” and named it Social Security. It was to be a social insurance program run by government, in other words guaranteed government largesse for life. The Social Security Act was signed into law in 1935 by President Franklin Roosevelt. He and Congress said this new drug would keep those unemployed, retirees and the poor financially secure. He called it the New Deal. All we needed to do was just pay in and all would be well.

In 1937 the United States Supreme Court in U.S. vs. Butler validated the Social Security Act and stated that, “Congress could, in its future discretion, spend that money [collected from the income tax] for whatever Congress then judged to be the general welfare of the country. The Court held that Congress has no constitutional power to earmark or segregate certain kinds of tax proceeds for certain purposes, whether the purposes be farm-price supports, foreign aid or social security payments.” All taxes went into the general fund.

Testifying before the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives in 1952, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration said—“The present trust fund is not quite large enough to pay off the benefits of existing beneficiaries”—those already on the receiving end, in other words. In 1955 chief actuary believed that it would take $35 billion just to pay the people “now receiving benefits”.

How Big Government has made us all dependent upon the state.

In 1935 under the Social Security program the Congress included the Aid to Families with Dependent Children Act (AFDC). During the late 1950s many states realized that this act, while created to help widows with children, was being used to subsidize women having children with men they were not married to. Louisiana alone took 23,000 women off the AFDC act rolls based upon their immoral behavior.

In effect big federal government became the pimp, the homes of single mothers became the brothels and the fathers became the Johns. The children begotten by these women became the next generation of big government addicts. Just as a baby born to a mother doing crack is addicted to cocaine, so too are these children born with a lifetime addiction to the onerous and destructive drug – big government. In 1960 Arthur S. Flemming, then head of the Department of Health and Human Services under President Dwight David Eisenhower and a key architect of Social Security, issued an administrative ruling that states could not deny eligibility for income assistance through the AFDC act on the grounds that a home was “unsuitable” because the woman’s children were illegitimate. In 1968, the United States Supreme Court’s “Man-in-the-House” rule struck down the practice of states declaring a home unsuitable (i.e., an immoral environment) if there was a man in the house not married to the mother. Thus, out-of-wedlock births and cohabitation were legitimized. In very short order, the number of women on welfare tripled and child poverty climbed dramatically. The assault on the family was on and Congress and the Supreme Court were co-pushers of this new government largesse drug called AFDC.

Then Congress added a new ingredient to the powerful Social Security drug called Medicare on July 30, 1965.

Congress created Medicare as a single-payer health care system. Medicare was for those over 65 years old and was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. President Johnson called it part of his Great Society program. Congress immediately got more addicts to begin taking this drug. At the same time Congress added a second even more powerful ingredient to this drug called Medicaid. This new ingredient brought into being an entirely new distribution system – all of the states of the union. Even though this new program violates state sovereignty it was passed anyway, in no small part because Senators were no longer accountable to the State Legislatures but rather committed to pushing government largesse.

The states were now helping pay for and distribute this powerful and expensive big government designer drug. The drug was offered to low-income parents, children, seniors, and people with disabilities. Congress now had more people on the Social Security drug than ever before. Congress had turned a corner – addiction to government largesse was now imbedded in our society. But Congress was not finished for it kept looking for more clients until we now know that the estimated unfunded liabilities for these four drugs are astronomical.

In 2018 it was announced that Medicare’s overall unfunded liability over 75 years is more than $37 trillion. Taken together, the combined unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare are more than $50 trillion, according to official government projections.


The problem is Congress has failed to keep these programs solvent. In fact Congress has borrowed from the Social Security fund and left IOUs.

We the people paid into these programs and Congress continues to steal from them. In fact under Clinton Americans now pay taxes on their social security payments

We have become en-slaved by big government and their programs. Government does one thing and one thing only, it grows ever bigger and more intrusive. Today the motto is obey or starve.

In the age of Covid government has spread its wings of control to a point where people cannot even remember what life and  liberty look like. The facemask has become the new “symbol of submission.”

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

In 2012 We Asked: How Did Voter Fraud go from a Cottage Industry to Big Business? Here’s the answer!

In 2012 we wrote an article titled How Voter Fraud went from a Cottage Industry to a Big Business. We wrote:

Many of my fellow journalists are focused on Governor Rick Scott and his efforts to insure Florida’s voter rolls do not have ineligible voters on them.  The question is how did we get to this point where we have dead people, felons and illegal aliens on the rolls in the first place? Why this did happen and how has voter fraud become a big business is the real story.

Both Republicans and Democrats have by either omission or commission participated in voter fraud or have fallen victims to voter fraud. Voter fraud is not new, what is new is that it has moved from a cottage industry to become a big business. The product is an illegal vote the profit is political power. [Emphasis added.

Fast forward to today. We have gone well beyond voter fraud to the new “big business” of election fraud.

WATCH: Excerpt of Penn Senate hearing: Colonel in Information Warfare explains what he witnessed on election night.

In our 2012 article we noted what experts said about voter fraud:

John Fund in his book “Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens our Democracy” states, “[T]he United States has a haphazard, fraud-prone election system befitting a developing nation rather than the globe’s leading democracy.”

There are three types of voter malfeasance according to John Fund:

• Voter Fraud – someone casting more than one ballot or voting if they were not a U.S. citizen.
• Vote Theft – votes stolen or tampered with.
• Voter Impersonation – a person claims to be someone else when casting a vote.

According to Rasmussen eighty percent of Americans agree these activities are wrong. Voter fraud, theft and impersonation have consequences. They put politicians into office who did not win the vote of the people honestly. Once discovered and rectified via litigation (which may take years) the damage is already done. The most severe and long lasting damage is a loss of faith by the American voter that his or her vote counts. [Emphasis added]

How did voter malfeasance move from a cottage industry to become a big business?

John Fund and Quin Hillyer, Senior Editor at American Spectator, have studied the growth of voter fraud, theft and impersonation cases in America. Both have concluded it began with the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, commonly known as the “Motor Voter Law”. This legislation was the first priority of newly elected President Bill Clinton and the first law he signed after taking office. According to John Fund, “Perhaps no piece of legislation in the last generation better captures the ‘incentivizing’ of fraud and the clash of conflicting visions about the priorities of our election system than the 1993 National Voter Registration Act…” What are the two conflicting visions of our election system? One vision is that everyone in the United States should be allowed to vote, the second is that only legally eligible voters should vote. Democrats tend to come down on the side of the first vision, with some notable Democrats and most Republicans supporting the second vision.

The Motor Voter Law made it easier for people to register to vote, whether legal or illegal. However, this has not led to more people voting but rather to expansive voter fraud. As this law lowered the standard for voter registration it created an opening for those willing and able to use the system to make money and gain power. As John Fund points out, “Democrats might do better to look for ways to reform the voting system that would actually improve elections, instead of just making sure the laws do not benefit Republicans. The Republicans might wish to join the critical scrutiny of early or absentee voting, for the best evidence suggests that it no longer favors the GOP.”

John Fund in his book notes that, “[A]bsentee voter fraud [is] a growth industry.” When a person can both register to vote and vote by mail no one knows if this is a citizen or criminal. It is a third degree felony to vote illegally punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000. An illegal voter is a felon. [Emphasis added]

The 1993 National Voter Registration Act

The 1993 National Voter Registration Act opened the voter fraud barn doors and many have tried to close them for nearly two decades. Efforts to clean up voter rolls have met with resistance from groups like the ACLU, League of Women Voters and today the Department of Justice in the case of Florida. On Monday, June 11, 2012 Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner filed a lawsuit in Washington, D.C. district court to get access to the SAVE data base maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. The Hill reports, “For nearly a year, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has failed to meet its legal obligation to provide us the information necessary to identify and remove ineligible voters from Florida’s voter rolls,” Detzner said. “We can’t let the federal government delay our efforts to uphold the integrity of Florida elections any longer. We’ve filed a lawsuit to ensure the law is carried out and we are able to meet our obligation to keep the voter rolls accurate and current.”


We are now seeing daily how the 2020 election was stolen nationwide. The media refuses to investigate this fraud of the century. The Tech Giants are suppressing any mention of this election fraud labeling it “disputed.” The Democrats have embraced election fraud in order to insure they win the presidency at any and all costs.

Voter fraud is a felony. Election fraud is a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States of America.

Our elected officials have passed legislation that has allowed the 2020 election to be stolen. History tells us so.

Voting is not a right but rather a duty that has great responsibilities associated with it. The citizen is solely responsible to register and vote legally.  Americans cannot lose sight of the fact that voting is the act of the individual not the collective.

If you voted illegally you are a criminal and threat to our Constitutional Republic!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Four Items Suggesting Something Rotten in the Swing States for Biden

1. Judge Hands President Trump A Swing State Victory – Donald Granted A Chance In Court To Overturn Results In Nevada

In Nevada, the Trump legal team just scored a significant court win that could actually change the outcome in the blue state. From MSN:

In its first court victory, a Nevada judge has agreed to let the Trump campaign present its evidence that fraud and illegalities plagued the state’s election, enough to reverse Joe Biden’s win and set an example for other state challenges.

Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows tweeted out the major update:

BIG news in Nevada: a Judge has allowed NV Republicans to present findings of widespread voter fraud in a Dec. 3rd hearing. Americans will now hear evidence from those who saw firsthand what happened—a critical step for transparency and remedying illegal ballots. Stay tuned.

That doesn’t sound like a team ready to throw the towel in yet. Many people on the ground are signing affidavits swearing they saw some major problems on the ground.

And finally one of these blue states is pausing their rush to certify the election and move on, instead being willing to listen to the evidence.

2. This looks like an interesting document

I was an electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence. I have extensive experience as a white hat hacker used by some of the top election specialists in the world. The methodologies I have employed represent industry standard cyber operation toolkits for digital forensics and OSINT, which are commonly used to certify connections between servers, network nodes and other digital properties and probe to network system vulnerabilities.

3. What a great question:

4. More Miracles for Biden


EDITORS NOTE: This entry was posted in Leftist election rigging by Eeyore on the Vlad Tepes Blog. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH Election Think Tank: Evidence of Vote Fraud Enough to Flip States


Video: Matt Braynard: Evidence of Vote Fraud Enough to Flip States

By Joshua Philipp, The Epoch Times, November 26, 2020 Updated: November 27, 2020

Significant evidence of vote fraud was revealed through data analysis and investigations by Matt Braynard, executive director of Look Ahead America. We had the pleasure of sitting down with Matt Braynard to look over his data and discuss his findings.

These stories and more in this episode of Crossroads.


Senator Mastriano: PA State Senate “is going to “take the fight all the way to the Supreme Court”

Election Battle Heads to Supreme Court As Federal Appeals Court Dismisses Trump Campaign Lawsuit On Pennsylvania’s Voting Election Fraud


Status of Current Electoral Vote Count: President Trump 232 vs. Biden 227

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Matt Braynard — Evidence of Vote Fraud Enough to Flip States

CrossRoads reports:

Significant evidence of vote fraud was revealed through data analysis and investigations by Matt Braynard, executive director of Look Ahead America. We had the pleasure of sitting down with Matt Braynard to look over his data and discuss his findings.


©Crossroads. All rights reserved. Crossroads is an Epoch Times show available on Facebook and YouTube.

RELATED VIDEO: Lawyer details many kinds of observed fraud on November 3rd in Pennsylvania.


Lawsuit Seeks Decertification of Results, Seizure of Election Equipment

Five heavy items on how the November 3rd election was rigged for Biden


Rules for Revolutionaries: Understanding the transformative events that are reshaping America

“All civilization has from time to time become a thin crust over a volcano of revolution.” – Havelock Ellis

Ever since the horrific death of George Floyd, events seem to be spiraling out of control. The American public is being bombarded, almost on a daily basis with reports of large protests in major cities; accompanied by rioting, looting, burning, assaults, and even murders.

Observing these events unfold, the average U.S. citizen watching tv from the purported safety of their home, might seem bewildered by these transformative events, the purpose of which is nothing less than a “re-imagining” of America. In order to better understand exactly what is happening, it is necessary to take a cue from the Revolutionary Handbook. There are approximately ten rules; which if you know and understand them, will help the reader to comprehend what is happening.

#1: Inertia is fatal to a Revolutionary Movement.

“The way to be nothing is to do nothing.” – Ed Howe

What does a great white shark have in common with a Revolutionary Movement? Both must continue to move forward or die. Those of you old enough to remember, might recall what was happening in the late 1960’s. The overtures of that movement are eerily similar to what is happening today. The problem was that back then, the revolution was centered around the anti-Vietnam War Movement. Once peace came, the impetus of the revolution died out.

In more modern times we had the Occupy Wall St Movement after the 2008 financial debacle. Protesters occupied an area of downtown Manhattan in close proximity to Wall Street. The civil authorities initially left them alone as long as there was no rioting or wanton destruction. However, as reports of widespread drug abuse began to trickle in, coupled with accusations of rape; the authorities had to act and cleared them out. Many of the occupiers had already left, not out of a lack of revolutionary zeal, but for another cogent reason; it was getting cold outside. Apparently, the winter months are not conducive to this type of protest.

#2: Do not identify your ideology by name; nor state exactly what you will do after you are in power.

Speak only in vague generalities and use simple 2 or 3 word phrases the public can identify with.

“Generalizations are generally wrong.” – Mary Wortley Montagu

Most Americans are fair-minded by nature and want to do the right thing. Terms such as Socialist, Communist or Marxist generally have a negative connotation and would not be well received by the populace at large. Do not look to antagonize them any more than is necessary. The revolution will need its army of “useful idiots” for the future. Instead, use terms such as “progressive” or “social justice warrior” to describe one’s self. Other terms, such as “environmental justice,” “racial/income inequality,” “redistribution of wealth,” “globalism,” ‘undocumented worker,” and “reimagine the police” are also useful. These are far less threatening to the average American. When Fidel Castro ousted the unpopular dictator Batista, Castro initially identified himself as a “humanist.” Only after he felt safe and secure in his new position did he announce to the world: “I am a Marxist Leninist.”

#3: The revolution must get control over mass media and the education system.

“Our educational policy must enable everyone who receives an education to develop morally, intellectually, and physically and become a worker with both socialist consciousness and culture.” – Mao Tse Tung

It is a historic fact that once in power every single Communist or Fascist dictatorship closed down ALL oppositional voices. Truth is defined by whatever the revolution says it is, and anyone who dare speak out is immediately silenced. The only information that is heard and taught is that which advances the revolutionary cause. This was true in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. It is just as true today in Communist China, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. This point cannot be stressed enough. Once the revolution gains control over mass media, it controls ALL the information that is disseminated, and once the revolution gains control over the education system, it controls the future. Currently, we are seeing big tech, mainstream media, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and academia censor and suppress free speech.

#4: All the apparatus of the state: the ministries, the civil service, the justice system, the military, and law enforcement must be brought under control.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” – George Orwell, 1984

This rule is simple to understand. Whatever the revolution cannot control could eventually be used against it. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all dealt with the problem of supposed anti-revolutionary activists by instituting a series of purges aimed at crushing ALL potential opposition, which even extended to family members. Stalin himself is alleged to have remarked, that it was fine if innocents were punished along with the guilty, because “that sends an even stronger message.”

#5: All vestiges of the old must be destroyed in order to build anew. This includes all history, traditions, culture, and iconography that cannot be made to conform to the new ideals.

“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell, 1984

In the late 1950’s, Mao unleashed the cultural revolution on China. It was based on a repudiation of what Mao called the “four olds”: old ideas, old customs, old habits, and old culture. Estimates vary as to the number of people killed but it was most certainly in the millions. Coming as it did after the disastrous policies of the “Great Leap Forward,” it left China an economic and cultural wasteland.

#6: Conventional ideas about religion and family are an anathema to a Revolutionary Movement.

“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion.” – Karl Marx

“We have created a child who will be so exposed to the media that he will be lost to his parents by the time he is 12.” – David Bowie

Absolute loyalty to the revolution must come first. This extends even to members of one’s own family. Children are encouraged to inform on their own parents if they hear anything that can be interpreted as “counter-revolutionary; organized religion must also go. The revolution cannot have loyalty to God supersede loyalty to the state.

#7: The revolution can only succeed in times of extreme economic, political, and social unrest.

“Everything under heaven is in utter chaos. The situation is excellent.” – Mao Tse Tung

This is a very important point. A generally content, gainfully employed, and prosperous populace is not likely to support a revolutionary movement aimed at overthrowing the government, party or individual that has provided them with these benefits. In order for the revolution to be successful the population must be brought low and kept in a state of abject misery. Years ago, former White House Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel stated: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Recently, activist/actress Jane Fonda brought this concept up to modern times when she noted: “Covid is God’s gift to the left.”

#8: Ultimate victory in the revolution will go to that segment of the revolutionary body that is the best organized, best financed, and most ideologically dedicated.

“Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution, one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.” – George Orwell

A revolutionary movement can be composed of a number of seemingly divergent groups; each of which has a peeve with the central government. In our own country we have among others, minorities, LGBTQ, and feminists all rubbing shoulders with idealists, liberals, socialists, anarchists, libertarians, Islamists, and hardcore Marxist revolutionaries. The last group is unquestionably the best organized and funded. They are completely devoted to the “righteousness” of their ideology and even have their own para-military group – Antifa. Their ultimate goal is the complete destruction of the American political and economic system. They will settle for nothing less than total and complete power, which they will use to impose their will on ALL aspects of life. The second best organized and funded revolutionary group are the Islamists. Marxism and Islamism are in an “alliance of convenience,” and for now, intersectionality is in both of their best interests; until the revolution succeeds in overthrowing the system. In the end, they have nothing in common; least of which is religion.

#9: A majority of popular support is not needed in order to force your will on an entire population.

“A minority may be right; a majority is always wrong.” – Henrik Ibsen

This is often the most difficult point for the lay person to grasp. Most people automatically assume that any revolution must have popular support in order to succeed. This may have been true in some cases, but not all. People might be unaware that in 1917 there were two Russian revolutions. The first in Feb/March, did away with the Czar; establishing a provisional government. The second in Oct/Nov, did away with the provisional government and established a Communist regime that lasted for the next 73 years. The provisional government made the mistake of keeping Russia in the first world war; a source of widespread dissatisfaction among the people (See Rule #7). The Bolsheviks then swept into power with a simple slogan: “Peace, Land, Bread.” Although one cannot be certain of the number of hardcore committed Communists among the masses of disaffected citizenry in the Oct/Nov revolution, their numbers would have been comparatively small. It is interesting to speculate that had the provisional government headed by Alexander Kerensky managed to extricate Russia from WWI, whether or not the November 1917 Communist Revolution would have succeeded.

#10: After victory, the revolution will turn in directions not initially anticipated. Once the revolutionary genie is let out of the bottle, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to control events as they transpire.

“All animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” – George Orwell, Animal Farm

In addition to exacting revenge on their opponents, revolutions usually turn on many of the very people who were its most ardent supporters. One only has to look at Hitler’s “Night of the Long Knives,” Stalin’s “Gulag Archipelago, and Mao’s “Cultural Revolution, for examples. French revolutionary, Pierre Vergniaud, best expressed this idea when he noted, “There was reason to fear that the revolution, like Saturn, might devour in turn, each one of her children.” Revolutionaries also speak in lofty terms about “justice and equality,” promising a true “classless” society, but in reality, wind up creating an entirely new class of elites based on party loyalty and affiliation.

Here then are the Rules for Revolutionaries. Hopefully, they will enable the reader to have a better understanding of what is happening in the America of today. One important point is that regardless of who is in the White House, what is happening on the streets will not stop (See Rule #1). The radical left is already looking to extract major concessions from the incoming Biden administration. They want something for their support and if they don’t get it, are prepared to take to the streets. That will leave the new administration with two choices. Either put down the insurrection by the use of force; or by appeasement: offering bribes and concessions in the hope they will be placated. The problem with the latter approach is that appeasement as policy generally does not work and only prolongs the inevitable confrontation.

Winston Churchill summed it up best when he said,

“An appeaser is someone who feeds a crocodile in the hope it will eat him last.”

Where then does this leave us as a nation? There is no doubt that as a society we have made enormous strides in the last half century, yet we are still struggling to come to grips with our past. Sixty years ago, the election of an African-American with the unlikely name of Barack Hussein Obama to the highest office of the land would have been impossible. So too, the election of a number of minorities and women to seats in the House, Senate, and even the new VP Elect. We now have a large and expanding Black and Hispanic middle class and women have made their mark on the boards of some of the largest corporations.

Do we now throw all that away and adopt the failed economic and political system of our former Cold War adversaries? There is NO perfect economic or political system, but there are systems that generally work better for more people than others. As imperfect as it is, Capitalism works better than Communism. Capitalist systems encourage innovation, individualism, personal responsibility, and independence. Marxist systems mandate conformity of ideas, conformity of thought, conformity of belief, and conformity of speech. Whatever our many problems, a revolution aimed at the overthrow of the entire system is not the answer.

Neo-Marxist ideologues in the U.S. would disagree with this conclusion. They will continue to extol the virtues of the Cuban, Venezuelan, and Chinese systems, but they themselves recoil at the suggestion that they relocate there. When confronted with the fact that at its height, more than 60% of the world embraced that system; that it failed everywhere, they invariably say something to the effect that “We’ll get it right this time.” As always, they admit nothing, deny everything, make counter charges, and in the final analysis: double down on their ideology.

As for the revolution itself, George Bernard Shaw probably stated it best when he wrote:

“Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny; they have only shifted it to another shoulder.”

©Caren Besner. All rights reserved.


VIDEOS: Testimony of Key Witnesses and Legal Council on the 2020 Election Fraud

Excerpt of Penn Senate hearing: Colonel in Information Warfare explains what he witnessed on election night.

Expert testimony from Navy fraud expert on the November 3rd election in the US

Worthy interview by expert on election fraud, attorney Lin Wood by Judge Jeanine.


EDITORS NOTE: These videos posted by on the Vlad Tepes Blog are republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Sidney Powell sues Michigan and Georgia officials, alleging massive scheme to rig election for Joe Biden

Excerpt from Sidney Powell lawsuit,

“As explained and demonstrated in the accompanying redacted declaration of a former electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence, the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulated elections, including the most recent US General election in 2020.” [Emphasis added]

Sidney Powell on Wednesday night made public two law suits alleging fraud.  One challenged the governor and election officials in GOP-run Georgia. And the second suit targeted the governor and officials in Michigan. Powell’s suits both claimed that the election had been ‘rigged’ to favor Joe Biden.

Sidney Powell sues Georgia officials, alleging massive scheme to rig election for Joe Biden

Prominent defense lawyer says scheme centered around modern ‘ballot stuffing’ hidden by voter machine algorithms.

By John Solomon, Just the News, November 25, 2020;

Prominent defense attorney Sidney Powell sued Georgia’s top officials late Wednesday, alleging in federal court that the GOP-run state government permitted a massive voter fraud scheme that rigged the Nov. 3 election in favor of Democrat Joe Biden.

The suit was filed in U.S. District Court in Atlanta on behalf of several Georgia residents, electors and Republican Party officials and named Gov. Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and state election board members as defendants.

The 104-page complaint asked the court to issue an injunction “prohibiting the Governor and Secretary of State from transmitting the currently certified results to the Electoral College based on the overwhelming evidence of election tampering.”

“The fraud was executed by many means, but the most fundamentally troubling, insidious, and egregious is the systemic adaptation of old-fashioned ‘ballot-stuffing,’” Powell’s suit alleged. “It has now been amplified and rendered virtually invisible by computer software created and run by domestic and foreign actors for that very purpose. Mathematical and statistical anomalies rising to the level of impossibilities, as shown by affidavits of multiple witnesses, documentation, and expert testimony evince this scheme across the state of Georgia.

“This scheme and artifice to defraud affected tens of thousands of votes in Georgia alone and ‘rigged’ the election in Georgia for Joe Biden,” the suit added.

Powell’s suit made a variety of allegations, including that:

  • At least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted but were never recorded as being returned to county election boards by the voter. “Thus, at a minimum, 96,600 votes must be disregarded,” the suit said.
  • Kemp and Raffensperger “rushed through the purchase of Dominion voting machines and software in 2019 for the 2020 Presidential Election” without due diligence and disregarded safety concerns.
  • “There is incontrovertible physical evidence that the standards of physical security of the voting machines and the software were breached, and machines were connected to the internet in violation of professional standards and state and federal laws.”
  • Fulton County election workers used a claim of a water leak to evacuate poll watchers and workers for several hours on Election night, even as “several election workers remained unsupervised and unchallenged working at the computers for the voting tabulation machines until after 1:00 AM.
  • State officials in a settlement with Democratic parties made changes to election procedures that violated both state law and the U.S. Constitution.

The suit asked for more than a dozen remedies including an injunction blocking the state’s certified results showing Biden as winning by 12,000 votes from being sent to the Electoral College, an audit where signatures are matched, the impounding of election machines, and the securing of video surveillance tapes from vote-counting settings.

The suit was filed the same day Powell’s high profile client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, was granted a full pardon by President Trump in the Russia case.

Georgia officials have repeatedly denied wrongdoing and said they are confident in the final tallies of votes after an audit last week.

You can read the suit here.

File: COMPLAINT-CJ-PEARSON-V.-KEMP-11.25.2020.pdf

RELATED VIDEO: Excerpt of Penn Senate hearing: Colonel in Information Warfare explains what he witnessed on election night.

RELATED ARTICLE: Sidney Powell Suit Makes 30 Allegations in Bid to Invalidate Georgia Election Results

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All Logs, Evidence of Election Fairness in Pennsylvania GONE!

RELATED VIDEO: We caught them!


Pa. poll watcher, a Navy vet, alleges missing USB cards, up to 120,000 questionable votes

‘Voter Integrity Project’ Releases Evidence of Thousands of Vote Fraud Issues – Combined with Affidavits from Rudy and Gateway Pundit’s Statistical Analysis – More Than Enough Information to Refute Election Results

EDITORS NOTE: This column posted by on The Vlad Tepes Blog is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Town Clerk in Massachusetts CONFIRMS Mail-In Ballots ‘Glitch’

Project Veritas released a new video today of a town clerk in Millis, Massachusetts, Lisa Jane Hardin, who confirmed that a glitch resulted in hundreds of mail-in ballots being sent to voters that didn’t request them.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Lisa Jane Hardin, Millis Town Clerk: “It was something in the computer program that entered them as having applied for the November ballot.”
  • Hardin: “Well, it was some programming error…”
  • Hardin: “So, theoretically they shouldn’t have been in there [computer system] at all as wanting to have something mailed to them.”
  • Hardin: “We weren’t supposed to just mail out ballots to people unless they ask for it.”

You can watch the full video here:

This video is yet another example of the government failing to uphold Voter Integrity.

How can Americans trust that our voting system is secure when government officials admit to these sorts of failures?

Project Veritas will continue to investigate voting irregularities since the Mainstream Media refuses to do the job.

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.