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87 search results for: uncontested absurdities


New York in the Toilet: Gender Confused Governor Cuomo (D) Bans Travel to Mississippi

It appears that Democrats, particularly New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor of New York City Bill De Blasio, are gender confused. They appear to want New Yorkers to believe the absurd. Ayn Rand wrote; The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint […]


Scotland Gun Control: Where Nightmares Are Reality

Colion Noir predicted the future when he imagined a world in which air rifles are highly regulated. Now the government of Scotland is requiring this very measure of its citizens. Ayn Rand wrote, “The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant […]


When will President Obama tell Muslims to stop clinging to their religion and guns?

President Obama has scheduled a broadcast to the nation to address the recent attacks in Paris, Mali, San Bernardino and today in London. His administration has made it a point to never blame Muslims for their individual actions, nor to blame Islam for its hate of non-Muslims and Muslims alike. Perhaps it is now time […]


The neo-Democrat Party: Devout followers of Marx, Mao and Mohammed

Numerous writers and political pundits have written on President Obama’s pledge to “fundamentally transform America” when elected in 2008. I believe what President Obama has truly done is fundamentally transformed the Democratic Party of JFK to the Democrat Party of BHO. I use the word Democrat because the Party of Obama is not Democratic, as […]


Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio): ‘White men are biggest terrorist threat to U.S., not Muslims’

Brown’s words recall a widely-heralded study that was published last summer, claiming that “right-wing extremism” was a bigger threat to the U.S. than jihad, based on the number of Americans killed by each since 9/11. Not only does this study skew the results by leaving out 9/11, but it also ignored the many, many foiled […]


Apathy + Complacency = Disaster

Gene Sweeney from Sarasota, Florida came up with this simple A+C=D formula that explains what is happening in America. Religious apathy combined with political complacency leads to social disaster. Today too many citizens refuse to discuss politics and religion, when these two topics are the most important to society itself. I hear Christians say, “We […]


The Neo-Thought Crime: Offending Someone

The term “thought crime” was popularized in the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, wherein thought crime is “the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs or doubts that oppose or question the ruling party.” In today’s society it is a thought crime to offend the ruling party’s ‘selected someones’. In 2015 America we see […]


Public School pushes ‘Genderbread Person’

There is a non-profit organization named Gender Spectrum. Their mission, “Gender Spectrum provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for children of all ages.” Gender Spectrum: In a simple, straightforward manner, we provide consultation, training and events designed to help families, educators, professionals, and organizations understand and address […]


VIDEO FROM FERGUSON, MO: All Blacks know how to do is “blame the police and white folks”

Blacks rioting and looting in Ferguson, Missouri continues for a fifth day. We learned last night from a Missouri resident that the riots are spreading to other suburban communities and that black rioters are throwing bricks off of overpasses along U.S. Highway 70, a main route through St. Louis, MO. The Washington Post’s Sean Sullivan […]


About Dr. Rich Swier

Dr. Rich is a “conservative with a conscience.” He believes that “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” His idol is former Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater. Goldwater was a true conservative who wrote this in his book “The Conscience of a Conservative“: “I […]