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1107 search results for: CAIR


Detroit: A Bees Nest of Islamic Terrorists

I believe there are only two ways to defeat your enemies.  You must know who your enemies are and understand their mindset.  Our number one enemy in America and throughout the world is Islam itself.  When groups of hundreds or thousands gather at a building and advocate following and enforcing ‘Pure Islam’, there is a […]


Interfaith Dialogue and “The Maltz Maneuver”

The Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage presented an interfaith dialogue, “Do Not hate Your Brother In Your Heart, How Interfaith Cooperation Builds Compassion, Respect and Understanding.”  Participants were Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk of Beachwood’s Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple and Imam Mohammed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), who have been leading initiatives […]


The Victims of Islam

When Islam oppresses others, there is a complaint by Muslims that they are the ones who are the real victims. This is because of the Koran and the Sunna of Mohammed. Islam is never wrong. [youtube][/youtube]   RELATED STORIES: Raw Video: Terrorist Leader Who Kidnapped Nigerian Girls Declares War On America, Christianity If Hamas-linked CAIR […]


Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Agenda

It is a task just to keep up with the conflicts dividing America, so it is no surprise that many Americans are unsure of what occurred during the “Arab Spring” that began in 2011 and its aftermath since then. It is likely, too, that most do not know who or what the Muslim Brotherhood is, […]


Dutch Foreign Minister questioned about arrest of British politician Paul Weston of LibertyGB

On Sunday I co-hosted with Lisa Benson a program on the Phoenix-based Salem radio network Lisa Benson Show on National Security. It was the first US interview with courageous free speech advocate Paul Weston after his release from jail in the UK. We also had on Elisabeth Sabaditsch -Wolf from Vienna and Sarah Stern of the […]


J Street Rejected by National Jewish Umbrella Group

Hooray, for the majority of Jewish national organizations who voted today against admitting J Street, the Council of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (COPMAJO). reported this long awaited crucial vote in an article, “J Street rejected by American Jewish umbrella group in ‘big tent’ litmus test”: In what many observers will see as the […]


Attempting to Rewrite the History of September 11th

On May 21, more than 13 years after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, the National September 11 Memorial Museum will open its doors to the public to make certain that Americans will never forget what happened that day. Unfortunately, some are working to ensure that future generations of Americans never fully understand the attacks, which were […]


Humor When Discussing Islam

Mohammed cartoonist Kurt Westergaard Like many Americans I enjoy a bit of humor throughout my day. If we can’t laugh then we should deport ourselves to North Korea and look like 10 million cloned zombies. I can’t count the number of times I visited a mosque around one of our holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving […]


Exposed: Muslim Brotherhood Money Laundering in the US

David Yerushalmi explains how the Muslim Brotherhood linked Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a IRS approved non-profit organization, launders money from overseas entities into the United States. The details are shocking as documents list how money is moved from overseas and between CAIR organizations. [youtube][/youtube]


An Open Letter to Brandeis University

Dear Brandeis University faculty, I used to admire your University; my son-in-law is a Brandeis graduate, so how could you have allowed a takeover by CAIR?.  How could you have permitted them to usurp all the authority and withdraw your offer to one of the heroines of the modern generation!  What a black eye on […]


Bring Back the House Un-American Activities Committee

In the years immediately following World War II, most American were understandably  concerned about Communist infiltration at the highest levels of the U.S. government.  For example, how could anyone forget the photograph taken at the Yalta Conference, February 4-11, 1945, in which Alger Hiss, a deep-cover Soviet agent, was seen leaning over FDR’s shoulder, whispering […]