Tag Archive for: florida

Florida Power & Light: The Smart Meter Challenge Continues

People in Florida are taking a stand against “smart meters” being installed across the state of Florida.  Two different groups of approximately 100 people have filed 2 separate petitions with FP&L. These people did not want a smart meter attached to their homes and now FP&L wants to charge them extra for their old analog meters.  Did you have a choice?  What benefits are you really getting from having a smart meter on your home?  Have you noticed any savings on your bill because of your smart meter?  What about your privacy, safety and health?  Who is answerable to you, the customer?

If you haven’t been aware or noticed what kind of meter you have on your home you might want to check it out… if you are one of the 4.5million FP&L customers who are getting them it’s time for you to educate yourself and see what you have attached to your home.

David, that’s you, the homeowner really hasn’t been truly educated on these transmitters, keep in mind that FP&L saved a ton of money by getting rid of meter readers, those folks now get to enjoy more leisure time with their friends and family while you, David, get to enjoy radio waves transmitting from your home.  Remember FP&L received $500,000.00 from the federal government to have GE build these meters to be placed on your home.  Why?

Safety standards for the smart meters are not a concern to Goliath (FP&L) but they should be of grave concern to David (the homeowners) who has them attached to their homes.  There is a lot of information out there on some of the safety hazards of smart meters…one distinct hazard are of fire.  “Smart meters are often installed in pre-existing meter sockets. Meter sockets are expected to operate safely for many years. However, the safe operating life of the meter socket may be reduced by many factors including (but not limited to) excessive moisture, environmental contaminants, frequent changing of meters, excessive electrical load (overload or short circuit), vandalism, ground settling, storm damage, and other conditions.

As utilities move toward two-way communications for meters and remote meter reading, the opportunity for inspection of meter sockets is expected to decline. The interval between site visits by utility personnel could be more than 100 times longer than current monthly schedules”  Who will have the liability for this problem?

Privacy issues with smart meters are:

Homeland Security said our electric grid should not be dependent on wireless systems, which are by their nature extremely vulnerable. We understand that police will be allowed to subpoena the data that the ‘smart’ meter collects from utility companies.  In addition, third party corporations will be able to access and analyze your private household appliance use data without your knowledge or consent.  For example, if your health insurance company found out from your utility that you opened your fridge often in the middle of the night, they may raise your premium to cover their liability for your unhealthy lifestyle.”

Some people are not concerned with having their lives out there for anyone to view and use, I for one care very much for my privacy and have never given consent to any utility to use my data or spy on my lifestyle.

Health concerns are wide and varied, coming from multiple sources and doctors.

“ Exposure to microwave and radiowave radiation from these meters is involuntary and continuous. The transmitting meters may not even comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) “safety” standards (see http://sagereports.com/smart-meter-rf/). However, those standards were initially designed to protect an average male from tissue heating (cooking) during a brief exposure. These standards were not designed to protect a diverse population from the non-thermal effects of continuous exposure to microwave and radiowave radiation. Therefore, these “safety” standards were not designed to protect the public from health problems under the circumstances which the meters are being used.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has called for a moratorium on the installation of transmitting utility meters on the basis that:

“Chronic exposure to wireless radiofrequency radiation is a preventable environmental hazard that is sufficiently well documented to warrant immediate preventative public health action.”

I applaud these David’s in taking on Goliath as years from now who will know the final toll this will have on your health and the health of your children.  Are you willing to risk your well being, health, safety and privacy of yourself and your loved ones, I’m not!

Maine and California have a opt out option for Smart Meters and it looks as if Massachusetts is set to follow.





Florida Office of Film and Entertainment: The Laurel and Hardy of pork barrel projects?

Dan Krassner, Co-Founder and Executive Director Integrity Florida, and Ben Wilcox, Research Director Integrity Florida, have released their latest research report: Florida Film Incentives – “Action” or “Fade to Black”?

Krassner and Wilcox state, “Florida’s production industry is lobbying the state legislature, as of February 2014, for a new $1 billion package of subsidies to sustain movies, TV shows, video games and other entertainment industry productions through 2020. As this major investment of taxpayer dollars is considered, this study examines the transparency, accountability and effectiveness of Florida’s Entertainment Industry Financial Incentive Program. While this study does not take a position about whether or not lawmakers should maintain or eliminate the incentive program, is does offer ways to improve the program if it continues.”

Key Research Findings are:

1) Insufficient disclosure. The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) does not disclose deals made through Florida’s Entertainment Industry Financial Incentive Program on its website. The Office of Film and Entertainment, located within DEO, does not always disclose online both the specific value of the tax credit awards along with the actual production company names of the recipients.

2) Questionable compliance with state statutes. The Office of Film and Entertainment may not be properly utilizing the Florida Film and Entertainment Advisory Council in decisions about incentives and is possibly working with the Council’s Executive Committee out of the sunshine.

3) First come, first served incentive deals rather than a focus on return on investment. Rather than properly vetting all applicants and deciding on projects based on the best return for taxpayers, a first come, first served policy is used by the Office of Film and Entertainment.

4) Subjective use of family-friendly incentive bonus awards. The legislative definition of what qualifies a production for a family-friendly incentive bonus is written with subjective language and may not be applied in a consistent manner by the Office of Film and Entertainment.

5) Industry group seeks taxpayer funds for a public-private partnership based on the Enterprise Florida model. The nonprofit group Film Florida is floating a proposal to create a public-private partnership with the Office of Film and Entertainment based on the Enterprise Florida model that could receive taxpayer funding from the legislature.

Key Policy Recommendations include:

1) More online disclosure of film and entertainment incentive agreements, with production company names and details of tax credits approved and awarded, on the DEO website.

2) Ensure the Office of Film and Entertainment Advisory Council and its related committees take appropriate steps to comply with Florida’s open meeting laws.

3) Increase fiscal responsibility for incentive deals by assessing potential for return on investment for taxpayers across all industry sectors equally, instead of the current policy of first come, first served tax credit applications and industry-specific caps.

4) More objectivity and oversight of tax credit bonus approvals.

5) Avoid privatization as OPPAGA, the legislature’s internal watchdog, noted concerns about performance and fiscal controls the last time that model was used.

Click here to read the latest research report by the nonpartisan government watchdog group Integrity Florida.


Integrity Florida is a nonpartisan, nonprofit research institute and government watchdog whose mission is to promote integrity in government and expose public corruption.  Our vision is government in Florida that is the most open, ethical, responsive and accountable in the world. Integrity Florida and its research have been cited by major news outlets across the U.S., including the New York Times,  Washington PostAssociated Press and the Center for Public Integrity.

Anonymous’ hackers being used by Russian Intelligence?

Jeffrey Roman from Data Breach Today reported on the 2012 cyber attack against the Sheriff of Lake County, Florida computers. Roman wrote, “Hacktivists associated with Anonymous have reportedly released sensitive information from the Lake County Sheriff’s Office in Florida. According to WKMG Local 6, hackers who came from an Internet server in Russia posted 16,000 files online, which include 911 calls, witness and victim statements, names of young crime victims, and names of Central Florida SWAT team members and their personal phone numbers, as well as the SWAT unit’s operating guide, the number of team members and number of snipers.”

“The hacking group LulzKnightz, which associates itself with AntiSec and Anonymous, has claimed responsibility, and took to a Pastebin page to post the data online, which equals 4.7 gigabytes of information,” notes Roman.

In a statement posted to that page, LulzKnightz explained its justification for the attack, saying, “More evidence that the illegitimate justice system protects their own, who get away with rampant corruption and theft, while the police apply unconstitutional profiling and pressure in their efforts to raise their arrest quotas and keep homeland security money rolling in.”

But is this attack about exposing an “illegitimate justice system”, “rampant corruption and theft” or something else?


Seal of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service – Служба Внешней Разведки

Who was really behind this attack on a Florida sheriff’s computers and why? The who: The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service – Служба Внешней Разведки. The why: International espionage.

The Lake County Sheriff’s computers were targeted, as are tens of thousands of other law enforcement computers, by a foreign government – Russia. The purpose is to gather intelligence. Russia monitors groups like LulzKnighz, AntiSec and Anonymous. In some cases, Russia embeds its own people into these and other hacker organizations to gather needed intelligence. These groups become a cover for Russian intelligence operations. As one expert in cyber warfare put it, “Some of these hackers may be ignorant of the fact they are being used, but they are not innocent.”

In this particular case the data traveled to an Adidas server in Romania and then to servers in Moscow. Foreign intelligence services monitor hacker groups daily and when they detect a breach, such as what happened in the Lake County Sheriff case, they tag along and take what they really want. Who gets the blame? Not the Russians, of course, but Anonymous who is more than happy to take the credit. The consequences of these attacks have a direct impact on US national security.

The Russians wanted the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) usernames and passwords  on the Lake County Sheriff’s computers. Why? Because many of the members of the JTTF use the same username and password for their own department computers. This gives Russia access to a variety of federal computer systems like that of the FBI.

Anonymous is being used by Russian intelligence. Some members of Anonymous, and other groups, are actually plants. Others do it as proxies, a.k.a. spies, being paid by the Russians in Bitcoins for their work. Some just do it for the fun of exposing an “illegitimate justice system” and unknowingly are aiding and abetting treason against the United States.

Perhaps Anonymous needs to vett who their members really are? Some of them are part of Russia’s “illegitimate justice system”.

EDITORS NOTE: The feature photo is of members of the ‘Anonymous’ group travel on the London Underground system between Scientology’s Queen Victoria Street and Tottenham Court Road offices. The masks are those of everyman ‘V’ from the film ‘V for Vendetta’. It is courtesy of James Harrison.

RELATED COLUMN: Panicked Shoppers Fight Over Food Amid ‘Snowpocalypse’

FL: City of Boca Raton Opts-Out of Seven50 Regional Plan!

“This isn’t ‘falling like dominoes’ . . . it is becoming a tidal wave,” notes an email from the American Coalition 4 Property Rights.

AC4PR is having a tough time keeping up with the local jurisdictions fleeing the Seven50 regional plan.  Last night, February 11, 2014, the City Council of Boca Raton in Palm Beach County voted 5 to 0 to withdraw from the Seven50 Plan.

Language in Boca Raton’s Resolution No. 21-2014 passed last night:

“The [final Seven50 Prosperity] Plan is extremely abstract in it’s application in the City and it’s application to the City is unclear, and whereas the City can terminate the agreement and continue to cooperate with the partnership and its planning efforts, and whereas in the future when the partnership’s report is more fully formulated the City can reexamine the relationship with the partnership.”

“Be it resolved by the City of Boca Raton, due to the abstract nature of the planning report issued by the partnership among other things, the City’s membership in the partnership is hereby terminated and the City Manager is hereby directed to notify the Executive Director of the partnership of such termination.”

“Kudos go out to Rosetta Bailey of Boca Raton, who has pretty much singlehandedly spearheaded the effort to encourage the City to withdraw from the Seven50 regional plan,” states AC4PR.

Rosetta elevated the issue to the City Council by speaking in multiple Public Comment segments at recent Council meetings.  Thanks also go to others who have attended and spoken to the Council supporting withdrawal from Seven50.  The fact that numerous other county and municipal jurisdictions have been fleeing the Seven50 Plan may perhaps have also been an influence on Boca Raton officials.

AC4PR notes, “This goes down as another sweet win, following closely on the heels of the City of Stuart in Martin County and the Town of Orchid in Indian River County.”

You may view the video here, of the Boca Raton City Council’s discussion and vote on February 12, 2014.

AC4PR states, “Our job to eradicate Seven50 is not done.  But each additional local jurisdiction withdrawing, makes our remaining work easier.   With your help – attending and (if you so choose) speaking up at local jurisdiction meetings – we can and will win this fight. Enjoy this win.  You all deserve to revel in these successes.”

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of the old City Hall of Boca Raton, FL. It is provided courtesy of Ebyabe.

Are you trapped by Obamacare? So are 2.3 million other Americans!

Americans for Prosperity has a new video titled “Trapped by Obamacare.” AFP notes, “First Obama told the Lie of the Year. Now CBO reports, Obamacare will shrink the workforce by the equivalent of 2.3 million full-time jobs.”

Learn more at http://www.lieoftheyear.org/


Florida NRA spokeswoman confuses the issues on HB 733 gun legislation

The Florida Citizens Alliance in a press release notes confusion on  legislation put forth by Representative Dane Eagle (R- FL District 77). Rep. Eagle’s (pictured) bill is House Bill 733.

In an email FCA states:

January 30, 2014 Ms. Marion Hammer, spokeswoman for the Florida NRA released the following statement about the recent House Bill 733 filed by Florida Representative Dane Eagle to protect Floridian’s 2nd Amendment rights:

“HB-733 is NOT an NRA bill and, at this time, we have taken no position on the bill. We have grave concerns about the effect of the bill — whether the consequences are intended or unintended.

Of primary concern is the effect the bill would have on positive pro gun legislation that NRA has worked hard to pass in the past and hopes to pass in the future. The bill does not differentiate between positive pro gun legislation and restrictive gun control laws that negatively effect Second Amendment rights”

Amazingly, she leaves just one question for all Florida Citizens to ask and she makes the decision for all Florida Legislators very easy! “Ms. Hammer, what part of the … right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.[period] …do you not understand?” The federal government has NO Constitutional POWER or right to make good or bad 2nd Amendment legislation. This is a power reserved to the “states and the people” based on Article 1, Sec. 8, the 2nd Amendment, the 9th Amendment and the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution. The US Constitution is NOT an a la carte menu and every Florida legislator swore an oath to protect and preserve it in its entirety!

Ms. Hammer is not only fear mongering and using intimidation, but she offers an unconstitutional view that the Feds have the power to make good or bad gun legislation. As a result, she gives Florida Legislators a very simple choice—Violate your Oath of Office by accepting Ms. Hammer’s fear mongering and her unconstitutional view of federal powers OR honor your Oath of Office and support FL HB 733 to protect Floridians.

Ten States have recently used the 2nd Amendment Preservation approach to protect their Citizens from Federal Overreach on the 2nd Amendment. The recent unconstitutional Presidential Executive Orders that infringe the 2nd Amendment, and the rampant and accelerating threats to initiate federal gun registration by the President and members of Congress, drive us to demand that our Florida Legislators use every Constitutional means to protect our right to keep and bear arms!

The National Association for Gun Rights and the Gun Owners of America strongly support using all of the Constitution to protect your right to keep and bear arms! Why does the NRA seems bent on protecting its turf while risking our 2nd Amendment Rights?

Link to HB733: http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=51848

How Detroit rejected the Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy and self-Destructed

I attended an event hosted by the James Madison Institute (JMI) in Sarasota, FL. The keynote speaker was Lawrence W. Reed from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Dr. Bob McClure, the President and CEO of JMI, introduced Larry Reed as a friend, mentor and guiding light in the movement to renew American exceptionalism.

2011_7principles_CoverSMLReed’s remarks dealt with what he calls the Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy. Reed was clear to point out each was not his own idea but he compiled them over the years to show the path to prosperity and happiness for those leaders in business, politics and policy who would embrace them all. One is not enough, all are necessary for any public policy to be successful.

What struck me is that Reed first introduced his seven principles at the Detroit Economic Club in 2001. It is prophetic that thirteen years later we see a Detroit that is an empty shell of its former self. While listening to Reed I came to understand why – for you see Detroit’s leaders had abandoned each and everyone of the seven principles of sound public policy.

I will not go into the details of each of these compelling principles but rather will just list them below:

One: Free people are not equal, and equal people are not free.

Two: What belongs to you, you tend to take care of; what belongs to no one or everyone tends to fall into disrepair.

Three: Sound policy requires that we consider long-run effects and all people, not simply short-run effects and a few people.

Four: If you encourage something, you get more of it; if you discourage something, you get less of it.

Five: Nobody spends somebody else’s money as carefully as he spends his own.

Six: Government has nothing to give anybody except what it first takes from somebody, and a government that’s big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you’ve got.

Seven: Liberty makes all the difference in the world. NOTE: Larry changed this principle to – Character makes all the difference in the world. Character is value based and without a core set of individual values liberty cannot survive.

Detroit is the poster child for ignoring these seven principles and by doing so, set itself on a path to self-destruction.

First, Detroit made it public policy to make everyone equal by promoting unsustainable social programs that bankrupted the entire city. Then the city took control of more of their citizens property (by taxation and seizing) and the city fell into disrepair. Over time multiple city administrations and political/policy leaders did not consider the long-run effects of their policies. Ultimately their programs to help the few, impoverished the many. Then the leaders of Detroit in desperation encouraged failure by further subsidizing it, rather than promoting the bedrocks of any community – family, neighborhood and work. They continued to spend the people’s money until both the people and the money left Detroit. They took from the few to give to the many and thereby started on the long painful road to perdition for all.

Perhaps most importantly Detroit lost its character, its moral compass if you will. Only if Detroit embraces these seven principles can it revive itself, by itself.

It was fitting and proper that JMI would host this event, at this time in Florida. As James Madison wrote, “I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”

Was Madison predicting what would happen in Detroit, MI? Is it happening in America?

EDITORS NOTE: If you wish to see Larry Reed’s full commentary on each of the seven principles please go to this link.


The James Madison Institute is a Florida-based research and educational organization (501c3) engaged in the battle of ideas. The Institute’s ideas are rooted in a belief in the U.S. Constitution and such timeless ideals as limited government, economic freedom, federalism, and individual liberty coupled with individual responsibility.

The Institute’s mission is to keep the citizens of Florida informed about their government and to shape our state’s future through the advancement of practical free-market ideas on public policy issues.

The Institute achieves its mission through research, conferences and seminars, and a variety of publications.

Since its inception in 1987, the Institute has remained independent, nonprofit, and nonpartisan. It makes no attempt to aid or hinder the passage of legislation, nor does it accept government funds or respond to special pleadings from any sector.


The Mackinac Center for Public Policy is a nonpartisan research and educational institute dedicated to improving the quality of life for all Michigan citizens by promoting sound solutions to state and local policy questions. The Mackinac Center assists policy makers, scholars, business people, the media and the public by providing objective analysis of Michigan issues. The goal of all Center reports, commentaries and educational programs is to equip Michigan citizens and other decision makers to better evaluate policy options.

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy is broadening the debate on issues that has for many years been dominated by the belief that government intervention should be the standard solution. Center publications and programs, in contrast, offer an integrated and comprehensive approach that considers:

All Institutions. The Center examines the important role of voluntary associations, business, community and family, as well as government.

All People. Mackinac Center research recognizes the diversity of Michigan citizens and treats them as individuals with unique backgrounds, circumstances and goals.

All Disciplines. Center research incorporates the best understanding of economics, science, law, psychology, history and morality, moving beyond mechanical cost/benefit analysis.

All Times. Center research evaluates long-term consequences, not simply short-term impact.

RELATED ARTICLE: Their Legacy: The Race Riots Doomed Detroit Forever (Debbie Schlussel: Death Of Motown Alert)

FL Rep. Keith Perry’s attack on term limits stirs controversy in his hometown

In Sunday’s Gainesville Sun, I make the case in an op-ed that Rep. Keith Perry’s (R-Gainesville) bill to weaken Florida term limits from eight to 12 years is an effort to benefit legislators at the expense of citizens.

“The results during Florida’s term limits era have been good. Legislatures are like marriages, in that they are all dysfunctional in their own special way. But some are definitely better than others — and Florida’s is pretty good. In a 2013 ranking of states by their fiscal condition — an outcome highly influenced by government policy — the Mercatus Center at George Mason University ranked Florida as sixth in the nation. Incidentally, five of the top 10 states in this ranking have eight-year term limits on their legislatures. So, it must be asked again, why is Rep. Perry launching this attack on eight-year term limits?”

The answer isn’t flattering to Rep. Perry. Perry is a successful businessman who got the opportunity to run because Speaker Larry Cretul reached his 8-year limit in the House. Now, it appears Rep. Perry wants to cut the ladder off beneath him.

Perry rationalizes this in a straight piece in today’s Gainesville Sun.  He claims eight years isn’t sufficient to master the complexities of being a Florida legislator. Eight-year limits are, however, the most common in the United States from the president, to governors, to state legislatures, to county commissioners and mayors. He does not explain what makes being a Florida legislator so particularly daunting.

Hint: It isn’t.

Fortunately, I was provided a chance to respond. “Blumel said that when politicians say eight years is too short, people should keep in mind that the Florida Senate is made up of many former members of the state House of Representatives who possess considerable legislative experience, while the lower chamber has more political newcomers who provide better representation of the citizenry.”

Instead of focusing on the centerpiece of the legislation, the weakening of term limits, Perry instead focuses on the fact the bill also lengthens the terms themselves from two to four in the House and four to six in the Senate. But these are just window dressing. Legislators have tried to loosen their limits numerous times and continue to test new angles to slip this idea by voters.

Perhaps the best quote in the article isn’t by Rep. Perry or me. It is by Alachua County Democratic Party Chairman Robert Prather.

“We’re disappointed that Rep. Perry seems more interested in protecting jobs in Tallahassee… than … Gainesville, Alachua County and Dixie,” Prather said.

For the complete articles, see Blumel op-ed and Perry news article.

Why Common Core is Wrong For Our Kids – Period!

The document, “Common Core is Wrong For Our Kids. Period” from Florida Parents Against Common Core (FPACC) has just been released. The document explains why there is a growing mistrust with Common Core.

FPACC states, “Parents are not radicals, we are concerned… and we are basing our conclusions on the words from the proponents themselves, not from editorials.  I urge you to read the entire document to understand why there is such a growing grassroots opposition to Common Core. Parents across America are just fed up.”

Watch this video titled, “Common Core For Public Officials”:


Members of our group, Florida Parents Against Common Core have produced a detailed document outlining why Common Core and Race To The Top are wrong for our children and our parents.  This document will help you understand the process by which we have come to have Common Core State Standards imposed on us, against our will and without the proper involvement of parents in discussing the validity of the premise and potential impacts. Additionally, it details how this process was never more than a wholesale transfer of sovereignty by our state legislators to the Federal Government in exchange for a $ 700 million dollar bribe.

The proponents, backed by a campaign of several hundred million dollars in the best public relations resources available, all stand to gain billions of dollars in benefits in the form of new business, the quashing of competitive forces and the in some instances, the advancement of personal political ambitions, all through a grand experiment constructed of an untested theory of education, the brainchild of a man who has never taught a day in his life.

Download: Common Core is Wrong For Our Kids.

RELATED COLUMN: Breaking News Stories: Rejection of Common Core and Its Tests: Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, New Hampshire, Congressional Leadership and More

TAKE ACTION: Politicians Attacking Florida’s Voter-Approved Term Limits Law

This month, Representative Keith Perry (R-Gainesville) introduced a bill to lengthen his own term limits from a maximum of eight years in one seat all the way up to twelve.

This is a direct attack on we the people of Florida, who passed those term limits with 77 percent of the vote and support them by an even greater margin today, according to polls.

By trying to overrule the peoples’ vote on term limits, Perry is focusing on keeping his own seat, rather than finding solutions to the problems Florida faces.

We say that if eight years are good enough for the President of the United States, then they’re good enough for the gang in Tallahassee.

Here’s how you can help us defend term limits in Florida:

  • Call Rep. Perry at 850-717-5021 to tell him you support the current term limits and don’t want his bad bill becoming a bad law.
  • Contact your House member and State Senator to tell them to oppose this proposal.
  • Write a letter to the editor of the Gainesville Sun or your local newspaper opposing Rep. Perry’s plan to weaken term limits

Florida AG Pam Bondi Says “No” To Marijuana Measure

Florida’s Attorney General, Pam Bondi, continues to say no to pot, as she continues to press the left-leaning Florida Supreme court to scrap the legalization of medical marijuana measure that will be on the November ballot.

The initiative would allow marijuana to be used in several specified conditions. But it also includes a part that says it could be used for “any other conditions for which a physician believes that the medical use of marijuana would likely outweigh the potential health risks for a patient.”

Bondi, a Republican elected in 2010, said that language is too broad and will allow greater use of marijuana than the public has been told by supporters. She cited a scenario of a 15-year-old boy being able to get a marijuana prescription for a minor pain through a chiropractor as a possibility. She said voters are not getting a clear explanation of what they are being asked to approve.

“They need to know what they are voting for,” Bondi said during a joint meeting with the Sarasota Chamber of Commerce and the League of Women Voters of Sarasota.

The Republican-led Florida legislature is open to the idea of legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes, and are trying to find a balance with the controversial issue.

Word to the legalizing marijuana lobby, quit smoking your own issue, and work with the legislature to find a solution that will benefit everyone.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The Shark Tank.

Alaska primed to become third state to legalize retail marijuana

Study: Fatal Car Crashes Involving Marijuana Have Tripled – Now 1-in-9

Libertarian Candidate in FL District 13 race seen as Equal to Major Party Challengers

Danielle Alexandre from the 1787 Radio Network reports:

In the wake of the death of 43 year US House Representative, Bill Young, a special election will be held on March 11, 2014. As the Republican Primary comes to a close the race will come down to Democrat Alex Sink, Republican David Jolly and Libertarian Lucas Overby.

Lucas Overby has been heavily campaigning for this seat, raising over $12,000 in the span of 72 hours to secure his place on the March ballot, holding town hall meetings throughout the district to speak with the voters and launching an aggressive ground campaign with volunteers going door to door in voter outreach efforts.

Today, it was announced that Lucas Overby will also be included in the televised debate for the Florida Congressional District 13 race. This putting him on equal footing with the two major party candidates and making Lucas the first Libertarian candidate included in a debate for a federal office in Florida.

The televised debate will be held on February 3, 2014 from 7-8 pm and can be viewed locally on Bay News 9 or nationally on C-SPAN.

This is a victory for the Libertarian Party which has historically been plagued with media and debate blackouts and gives the Lucas Overby for Congress Campaign the credibility and respect needed to be seen as a viable candidate in this race.  This has become the race to watch for Libertarians around the country.

Read more.

Matt Schnackenberg is the Libertarian candidate in US Congress District 11 and Ray Netherwood in US House Dist 19.

Below is the letter from the Tampa Bay Times Managing Editor inviting candidate Overby to participate in the February 3rd debate with Jolly and Sink:

letter from tampa bay editor

Friedman Foundation ranks America’s School Choice programs

Paul DiPerna, Research Director, Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, and the Friedman Foundation team have ranked every U.S. school choice program based on eligibility and purchasing power in conjunction with today’s release of the 2014 edition of The ABCs of School Choice.

Which types of school choice programs offer the broadest eligibility for students and greatest financial flexibility for families? Choose your favorite color below to access the matched rankings. We’d be interested to know what you think of our new publication.


Open letter to FL Gov. Rick Scott: Common Core amounts to “Felony Assault of Child Abuse”

The implementation of Common Core State Standards in Florida is a heated topic. A growing number of parents, teachers, educators and concerned citizens are standing against its implementation. Over 25 county Republican Executive Committees and the Republican Party of Florida have passed resolutions against Common Core. Florida Governor Rick Scott has tried to silence the opposition but has failed so far. Even when the Florida Department of Education changed the name of common core to “Florida Standards”, we called it putting lipstick on a pig.

There are indications that if Scott does not state firmly that he is against Common Core and support FL Rep. Debbie Mayfield‘s proposed legislation HB 25, which stops implementation until certain actions are taken, he will lose his base. The same base that got him elected Governor as the non-establishment candidate. Governor Scott is up for reelection in November and some see his failure to oppose Common Core as pandering to teachers unions and Jeb Bush supporters for votes. His pandering strategy may backfire.

To understand just how angry people are we decided to post one of the dozens of email letters being sent to Governor Scott. The letters were prompted by a column we posted titled, “FL Governor Rick Scott pressures Republicans to not oppose Common Core.

Don Kempus from Orlando, in an open letter sent to Governor Rick Scott, states “Implementation of the CCSS amounts to Felony Assault of child abuse on the Charges to be  brought upon you as individuals and as legislators.” Kempus signs the letter as a “Patriot,  Oathkeeper and John Birch Society member.” When asked if he will file a lawsuit against Governor Scott, Kempus replied, “I will not file a lawsuit, but will be filing criminal charges thru a grand jury in the near future.”

Following is the full text of the Kempus letter sent to us.

Dear Governor

It seems to me that all, and I mean all of the current crop of so-called legislators (people who act upon but never read their bills they vote on) ,  don’t have the least bit of idea what the end result of the common core standards are about or what they will do to the school children of this state. Why not call a SPADE, a SPADE.? All you guys care about is getting money to be reelected and don’t give one iota about the children being affected by your actions. Implementation of the CCSS amounts to Felony Assault of child abuse on the Charges to be  brought upon you as individuals and as legislators. When the kids start graduating ( merely being passed thru) from high school to college, I guarantee you they will come back and sue all of you for the lack of an adequate education to live a life of freedom, liberty and a pursuit to happiness that will never be enjoyed due to their inherently taught ignorance of history and COMMON SENSE LIVING . You all should be ashamed of yourselves for implementing a program that you know absolutely nothing about. You have been sold a bill of goods from that socialist Jeb Bush who is making a ton of money and soliciting prestige for his connections while forcing the issue on implementing the CCSS. To me, this is treasonous extortion and blackmail. Goes along with his other crimes of fraud, deceit and theft of the public trust.

I defy any of you to give a brief explanation of the CCSS and what it is teaching our kids in the critical thought process without notes and in person.  It has been proven that they are being taught to come up with answers that have no correct answers to them. There are seniors coming out and openly decrying the damage this system is doing to their educational psyche. They are begging you to stop it now. The sad part about this is, you legislators are not listening. The kids are starting to cry to their parents about the problems with trying to learn something that has no answers. You have a bunch of egocentric state and federal government legislators forcing their will for the sake of the almighty dollar in their pockets. Over the past 100 years, we have taught a classical education strong enough to enable 4  generations of individuals to accomplish the impossible, make great advances in science, industry, medical  and strides in the health and welfare of the American people and created the greatest nation ever to live in the history of mankind. It was not until the Federal government put their fingers on the education of our children that the system began to fail. Add in the legislation of non-educators and we were on a road to ruination.

We put people on the moon for God’s sake and sent them countless times into space and back. This was not due to some Marxist/socialist, homocysteic and fascist ideology that is hell bent on destroying that which has made us great. This was done on the back of a hard working, capitalistic, free society that had hope, love and compassion for their fellow man and a strong will to do the right thing.  Now you want to openly coerce your local political organizations not to oppose a system that is proven to be destroying your kid’s education.  WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN,  WHERE IS THEIR VOICE?  WHO WILL LOOK OUT FOR THEM!!! I can tell you that many parents are waking up and you will eventually be sued for your gross negligence and malfeasance of office. We can prove that the CCSS is not state led, but extorted into place by a federal government that is openly extorting your permission to implement the program by dangling a few dollars in front of your noses.    Tell them to keep it and change how you measure the amount that the State of Florida should be paying to the Federal overreach. Do not pay them for overstepping their bounds.     The Federal DOJ is now going to tell you how to discipline our school children? What’s next? Telling the parents how to raise the children! Taking the kids and sending them off to factories and fields to do the work of slaves!! To what end? All for the rich corporate snobs that contribute illegal contributions is outrageous quantities to your so-called Super PACS. This will stop soon in the future as well. We are being made aware of the fraud and deceit in this program as well and will be fighting to change it. It is time as one potential Republican, Joshua Black said,  “ It is time to call out the government regulators and president for their treasonous actions, convict their guilt and have them openly hanged.” After we clean out Washington, we should also clean out the state and local frauds and liars as well.  Florida is a political disgrace. I also think we need to clean out the Curry’s and Scotts (removal of Finch without proper cause and investigation) out of office as well. They don’t have the right to silence and remove someone from the party, but have a right not to listen to them is they choose. Their latest actions are far worse than Mr. Black’s open truthful comments.

I urge you to pass Debbie Mayfield’s HB 25 and later get on the bandwagon to stop the Federal government’s projected attempts to take away our 2nd Amendment rights and not allow them to go to the U.N. We will not register our arms nor will we give them up to lawless regulations and legislators.  REMEMBER IT IS THE CHILDREN WHOM WE ARE LEGISLATING FOR, NOT JEB BUSH, NOT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, AND CERTAINLY NOT THE CORPORATE WORLD.    It boils down to who is more important,  Common Core or The Children????

Don Kepus,
Patriot,  Oathkeeper and John Birch Society member
Orlando, Florida

Governor Rick Scott was in Orlando last year to address the Americans For Prosperity 7th Annual Defending the American Dream Summit. Near the end of his prepared remarks he addressed education in Florida. At that point the shouts to “stop Common Core” became louder and louder. At one point the entire room of over 1,000 attendees began to applaud those heckling Governor Scott about Common Core.

Please watch Governor Scott’s remarks at the AFP summit. At 15:30 minutes into his talk he mentions education, at that point the heckling against Common Core began:


On January 20, 2014 the Republican Party of Duval County Voted unanimously to Oppose Common Core Education Standards. Here is the official statement and video of event:



5 Horrific Examples of Cultural Decay in America

Florida considering adoption of national “sexuality” education standards

Republican support for Common Core crumbles

Who is Carlos Lopez-Cantera the new Lieutenant Governor of Florida?

Governor Rick Scott with Carlos Lopez-Cantera. Photo courtesy of The Shark Tank.

Many Floridians are scratching their heads about Governor Rick Scott’s selection of Carlos Lopez-Cantera as his running mate. Some see this as a pure political move to pander to Hispanics. Others are just wondering who is Lopez-Cantera, the now former Property Appraiser for Miami-Dade County turned Lieutenant Governor of the sunshine state.

Governor Scott released this biography of Lieutenant Governor Lopez-Cantera:

Carlos Lopez-Cantera was born in Madrid, Spain on December 29, 1973. He was born two months premature and was returned to his intended birthplace of Miami, Florida once he was healthy enough to travel. Lopez-Cantera graduated from Miami-Dade College and continued his studies at the University of Miami, where he graduated with a degree in Business Administration.

In August 2012, the citizens of Miami-Dade County elected Carlos Lopez-Cantera as the Property Appraiser of Miami-Dade County. Carlos campaigned on a platform to make interaction with the office of the property appraiser easier, increasing community outreach and being more responsive to the needs of the residents of Miami-Dade.

From 2004 through 2012, Carlos served as a member of the Florida House of Representatives. Over the course of his 8-year term in the Legislature, Carlos served as a member of the Governor’s Property Tax Reform Committee, the My Safe Florida Home Advisory Council and the Miami-Dade County Mayor’s Mortgage Fraud Task Force. In the Florida House of Representatives, he chaired the Committee on Business Regulation and the Government Affairs Committee. Carlos served as Majority Whip from 2009 through 2010 and as the Majority Leader of the Florida House of Representatives during the final two years of his term from 2010 through 2012.

Carlos has been married to his wife Renee since 2005 and they have two young daughters.

Marc Caputo from the Miami Herald found something interesting when researching Lopez-Cantera. Caputo reports, “It’s easy to find home- and land-owner information on the website of Miami-Dade’s Property Appraiser, with a notable exception: the house where the county’s elected property appraiser lives. Details about Property Appraiser Carlos Lopez-Cantera’s home value and taxes are simply impossible to find with his website’s search engine. That makes him an exception in South Florida… The Miami Herald accidentally discovered the issue Monday while researching Lopez-Cantera amid word that Gov. Rick Scott plans to tap him Tuesday to fill the long-vacant post of lieutenant governor.”

“Even though Lopez-Cantera’s home information is nearly impossible to find, it doesn’t mean that he broke public-records laws, Parrish said, because the property appraiser’s website is offered as a courtesy to the public, not as a right mandated by Florida statute,” notes Caputo.

Caputo states in a Tampa Bay Tribune column, “Lopez-Cantera served under Rubio in the state House and served as majority leader through 2012, after which term limits forced him from office. He then ran for and won the relatively new elected position of Miami-Dade property appraiser… Lopez-Cantera has shown he can win in the county, is well-liked by conservatives throughout the state from his time leading the GOP in the state House, has helped lower property-tax values — thereby helping cut taxes —and has a scandal-free reputation in a county known for scandal.”

Lieutenant Governor Lopez-Cantera is the first American of  Hispanic descent to hold that office.

As this year progresses there will be more information coming to light about Lieutenant Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera. Stay tuned.