Tag Archive for: Joe Biden

GOP Lawmakers Introduce Bill That Would Bar Biden From Invoking A National Climate Emergency

Republican Texas Rep. August Pfluger and West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito introduced legislation Monday morning aiming to preempt any possible attempt by President Joe Biden to use emergency powers to circumvent congressional checks on his administration’s sweeping climate agenda.

“The Real Emergencies Act” would clarify that the president is unable to invoke emergency powers permitted by the National Emergencies Act, the Disaster Relief and Emergencies Act and the Public Health Service Act on the basis of a perceived climate change crisis. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and other left-wing congressional lawmakers have called for Biden to declare a national climate emergency to further his administration’s aggressive climate agenda.

“I am proud to join Senator Capito in introducing the Real Emergencies Act, which will prevent the White House from distracting from real emergencies – like skyrocketing inflation and record-high energy costs – by declaring climate change a national emergency,” Pfluger told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Our legislation ensures that President Biden does not abuse the power of his office to pursue his anti-American energy agenda against the will of the American people.”

The Real Emergencies Act by Daily Caller News Foundation

Schumer said in January 2021 that a declaration of climate emergency would enable Biden to “do many, many things under the emergency powers of the President that wouldn’t have to go through – that he could do without legislation.” Schumer’s comments came as the Inflation Reduction Act had stalled in congress amid Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin’s initial refusal to support many of the bill’s provisions in an evenly-divided Senate.

The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) similarly urged Biden to invoke emergency powers on the basis of a perceived climate emergency to “invoke authorities under the Defense Production Act and Trade Expansion Act, mobilizing domestic industry to manufacture affordable renewable energy technologies.” The CPC also demanded in the same March 2022 document that Biden unilaterally ban fossil fuel leasing on federal lands and halt all crude oil exports, some four months before Manchin eventually reached a July 2022 deal with Schumer to support the Inflation Reduction Act in the Senate.

With Manchin’s support secured, Biden was able to sign the Inflation Reduction Act into law in August 2022, about three months before Republicans regained control of the House in the 2022 midterms. As a candidate for the presidency in 2019, Biden delivered a personal “guarantee” that his administration would “end fossil fuels.”

Under the auspices of Biden’s COVID-19 emergency powers, the Biden administration imposed an indefinite pause on student loan payments as well as a federal eviction moratorium. Biden only ended the declared COVID-19 national emergency in April 2023, more than six months after admitting in September 2022 that the pandemic was “over.”

“The Biden administration has repeatedly governed by executive overreach when it comes to energy and environmental regulations, ignoring the law and doing so without congressional approval,” Capito told the DCNF. “The Real Emergencies Act would ensure the president cannot go further by declaring a national emergency, which would grant him more executive authority and grow the size of government all in the name of climate change.”





Biden’s ‘Green’ Agenda Could End Up Sending Taxpayer Cash To Chinese-Owned Mines In Canada

New Email Contradicts Garland on Hunter Biden Probe as Impeachment Talk Heats Up

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Woke Military Now Recruiting Non-English Speaking Migrants

“The immigrants are not immediately put in jobs that require top secret clearance.”

After transforming the military from a force defending the nation to a woke culture war operation, recruiting dropped through the floor. But, no worries, the Biden administration will fill out the ranks in the usual, “there’s always jobs at the Post Office” way by turning it into one giant useless welfare state.

Bidari, who heads to basic training in August, is just the latest in a growing number of legal migrants enlisting in the U.S. military as it more aggressively seeks out immigrants, offering a fast track to citizenship to those who sign up.

Struggling to overcome recruiting shortfalls, the Army and the Air Force have bolstered their marketing to entice legal residents to enlist, putting out pamphlets, working social media and broadening their outreach, particularly in inner cities. One key element is the use of recruiters with similar backgrounds to these potential recruits.

The military has had success in recruiting legal immigrants, particularly among those seeking a job, education benefits and training as well as a quick route to becoming an American citizen. But they also require additional security screening and more help filling out forms, particularly those who are less proficient in English.

If there’s anything we want, it’s migrants who are not proficient in English. What could go wrong?

Who needs a “quick route” to citizenship? Citizenship naturally doesn’t take all that long. It’s usually 1-2 years. It’s longer however for people who just received their residency status. The people looking for a quick route are probably fairly recent arrivals who might normally have to wait five years before they can apply.

Last October, the Army reestablished a program for legal permanent residents to apply for accelerated naturalization once they get to basic training. Recruiters began to reach out on social media, using short videos in various languages to target the top 10 countries that recruits had come from during the previous year.

Is it really a great idea to recruit people who need to be targeted in non-English languages?

Thomas said the program required changes to Air Force policy, coordination with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and a careful screening process to ensure there are no security risks.

“We have to take exceptional measures to be able to thoroughly vet and go through the security clearance investigation,” he said, adding that in many cases the immigrants are not immediately put in jobs that require top secret clearance.

In many cases. But seemingly in other cases they are “immediately put in jobs that require top secret clearance.”



Baltimore: Muslim conference featured speakers who’ve called for intifada in US, executing homosexuals and apostates

Azerbaijan = Corrupt + Terrorist + Evil

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The ‘LGBT Pride’ Flag’s True Colors are Blood Red with a Splash of Gold



  1. a feeling of great satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements.




It might be news to some, especially to the left’s useful idiots on the left and the right, but the “LGBT Pride movement” is a communist movement. Same with the “Black Lives Matter movement,” the “Feminist movement,” etc. Because a naked communist movement might wake up too many Americans, and leftists know that, they hide behind race, sex and sexuality to push communism.

And we really need to stop calling leftists “liberals,” as even so-called conservative pundits continue to do. Leftists aren’t “old school classical liberals”; they’re fire-breathing anti-American commies looking to do us in from within, and if the last few years didn’t convince you of that, nothing will. As for the “old school classical liberals” who still exist, however few of them there are, some of them are under the delusion that the answer to leftism is liberalism, when it was liberalism that was subsumed by leftism, which showed its Achilles heel.

With the left now openly communizing and sexualizing children, through “entertainment” and government schools, and no doubt even some private schools, Americans who are known for their tolerance and acceptance, no matter what intolerant leftists claim, have had about enough of the left. We can tolerate a lot, we can accept a lot, and adults are free to do what they want, so long as they don’t hurt others, but once leftists went after children in such an obvious way that no one can deny, an actual resistance to leftist madness began to take place, and is growing stronger. The left’s response to this resistance, particularly the resistance by fed up parents, is for our leftist government and its now KGB-like FBI to identify parents who object to gay pornography in children’s books, etc., as “terrorists.” “Terrorists.”

And then you have the left’s useful idiots on the left and the right who celebrate “Pride” as if were a celebration of actual pride, which isn’t the case, as pride is a personal thing for individuals, for their achievements, not one’s sexuality. Then there are also the “Pride” celebrations at churches, held by Christians who are also the left’s useful idiots.

We’re halfway through “LGBT Pride Month,” and have yet to see MAGA hat-wearing homosexuals being celebrated by the “LGBT community,” furthering my point that this is a leftist movement, through and through. We’re told that it is an “inclusive” movement, but can you think of any non-Democrat/non-leftist/non-communist gays being celebrated during “LGBT Pride Month”? But we did see trans boobs being flopped around on the White House lawn, with the boob-in-chief saying about “LGBT” people, that they’re “the bravest and most inspiring people I’ve ever known.” He doesn’t know them, but he does know his son, Hunter, and he’s called him “the smartest man I know.” And the YouTube video of trans boobs being flashed on the White House lawn was slapped with age restrictions by YouTube, even though the leftists at YouTube are all in on sexualizing and communizing children.

As for those who still think they can get away with saying that they have no clue as to why decent Americans are objecting to the “LBGT” movement, they need to be reminded that most Americans didn’t give a damn about gay people, trans, and drag queens until they targeted children. Americans truly have a live and let live attitude, but leftists in America, who’ve embraced the foreign idea, leftism, don’t have that live and let live attitude. They not only want to drive electric cars, but they want to force all of us to do that. They don’t only want to take covid “vaccines,” they want to force all of us to take them. And so on. Leftists crossed the line when they explicitly went after children, and they can’t now pretend that they haven’t done that. That was the flashpoint for Americans. And I see that even some gays, notably the group, Gays Against Groomers, understand that the communist gays simply cannot resist crossing the line and upending years good will from average Americans.

In sum, the LGBT movement is a gay communist movement that now expresses a triumphalist attitude about their position in 2023, where they moan about how “marginalized” they are, while shoving their lifestyle in our children’s faces. As one of these gay supremacists put it the other day, “Straight sex is just not natural. Those are biological facts.” I would tell this gay supremacist that without natural straight sex, he and billions of people wouldn’t exist.



Transvestite Flashes Fake Breasts Below White House’s Prominently Flown Pride Flag After Taking Photo with Biden

Most Americans Say Changing Gender is ‘Morally Wrong’: Poll

Arab Israeli woman who had been threatened over her sexual orientation is shot dead

RELATED VIDEO: You cannot mock God

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden ‘mainstreams terror financing’ of Hezbollah, using American tax dollars

The eye-opening report below in Tablet Magazine further demonstrates how the Biden administration is undermining America while promoting a foreign terrorist entity. As a leading proxy of Iran, Hezbollah’s goal is to obliterate Israel. Now the group is getting aid from American taxpayers who have been given no choice.

Under Trump’s leadership, not only was Iran sanctioned, but the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs assembled to strategize on policy options to attack Hezbollah’s financial network. But those days are long gone.

Team Biden Mainstreams Terror Financing in Lebanon

by Tony Badran, Tablet Magazine, June 5, 2023:

So obsessed is the Biden administration with the dubious art of using taxpayer dollars to underwrite the Lebanese pseudo-state run by the terrorist group Hezbollah that it has spent its two years in office coming up with legally questionable schemes to pay the salaries of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), setting new precedents in the abuse of U.S. foreign security assistance programs. In January, the administration rolled out its program to provide direct salary payments, in cash, to both the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Internal Security Forces (ISF). This time around, the White House won’t be delivering the cash on pallets, as Obama did when he bribed Iran. Rather, it will disburse the crisp dollar bills through the U.N. Development Program. The result is the same: The U.S. government’s giant cash pump is working overtime to benefit a terror group that has purposefully maimed and killed hundreds of Americans.

The scale of U.S. financing of Lebanon’s Hezbollah-dominated military apparatus cannot be understated: around 100,000 Lebanese are now getting cash stipends courtesy of the American taxpayer to spend in Hezbollah-land. But a small thing like the U.S. becoming massively complicit in financing terrorism hardly causes Team Obama-Biden to bat an eyelid. As the administration’s nominee for the next ambassador to Lebanon, Lisa Johnson, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last month, if confirmed she would “continue to advocate for very strong, robust security assistance to the Lebanese Armed Forces and Internal Security Forces.” And that’s because “they’re doing a great job of bolstering stability and security in this part of the world.”

No doubt. And as a testament to the exceptional job the LAF is doing, Johnson’s comments came a couple of weeks after Hezbollah fired or allowed the firing of 34 rockets across the border and dispatched a bomber from Lebanon deep into Israel, and a few days before the group put on a large military exercise to which it invited local and international media…..

Read more.


RELATED VIDEO: This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer


Pride group says ‘Homophobia goes against the spirit of Prophet Muhammad’s teachings’

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What Can We Conclude From the ‘Ask A Palestinian’ Exercise?

Afghanistan: Taliban officials targeted at mosque prayers, at least 15 dead, 50 wounded

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

U.S. State Department Pushes LGBTQ ‘Pride’ Everywhere Except Muslim World

U.S. embassies celebrate “Pride Month” from the Vatican to Jerusalem, but not in Saudi Arabia.

In June, United States embassies across the world get ready for the biggest patriotic celebration of the year. Flags are taken out of the attic, ironed and hoisted in rainbow swirls across the sky.

From Europe to Latin America to Asia, Africa and Oceania, the new flag of the nation flies across what used to be the worldwide diplomatic outposts of the United States of America.

This is done without regard to the religious feelings or sensibilities of the host nation.

In Vatican City, the U.S. Embassy flew the rainbow flag and tweeted that it “stands with the LBGTQI+ community against discrimination and other forms of persecution because of who they are and whom they love.”

In Jerusalem, outgoing Ambassador Tom Nides cheerfully declared “Shabbat Shalom” from a gay pride parade that featured a drag queen. Nides had made no comment about the murder of Meir Tamari, the 20th person in Israel killed by Islamic terrorists so far this year.

In India, Ambassador Eric Garcetti, the former Los Angeles mayor whose inappropriate nomination had barely survived the scandal of his aide sexually harassing men, broadcast a video in which he raised the pride flag, with more dedication and drama than the Marines at Iwo Jima, before delivering a speech about the importance of the LGBTQ movement.

In Paris, the embassy celebrated “#IncroyableDiversité” while the embassy in Moscow put up a rainbow mural of Biden declaring in Russian that, “Pride is a celebration of generations of LGBTQI+ people, who have fought bravely to live openly and authentically.”

In Port-au-Prince, Haiti, a country where the people are starving, children are being sold as sex slaves and the streets belong to gangs, the white ambassador convened white staff members to attend a Pride Month ceremony. The wind was blowing hard and the participants might have smelled ash, misery and human waste. Some of the locals have taken to setting each other on fire, but surely they appreciated the ambassador’s thoughts on LGBTQ pride.

Few Americans were in attendance since the embassy had previously issued an alert warning tourists not to come “due to kidnapping, crime, civil unrest, and poor health care infrastructure.”

But while State Department facilities from Bogota, Columbia to Pretoria, South Africa put aside their pressing business to celebrate Pride Month, and the embassies in Warsaw, Poland and the Philippines joined in, there were notable exceptions from the global celebration of ‘Pride’.

The United States embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia bafflingly neglected Pride Month. In Islamabad, Pakistan, insult was added to injury when the embassy instead commemorated Urs, a festival marking the death of a Sufi saint, without even a single rainbow emoji in view.

The Saudis would seem to be more in need of hearing about gay rights than the Haitians or the French since under Sharia law the penalty for pride is being stoned to death. The Pakistanis could also use a few rainbow flags since they lock up gay people while freeing terrorists.

The Biden administration recently vented its outrage because Uganda passed some laws criminalizing homosexuality. There has been talk of threatening one of the poorest nations in the world with sanctions. But where are the sanctions for Saudi Arabia? Or other Muslim countries?

A decade ago, Brunei brought back Sharia law and the death penalty for homosexuality. The US embassy in Bandar Seri Begawan failed to mention Biden’s views on ‘Pride’ and instead promoted ‘Sports Diplomacy’ through soccer. There are no sanctions for Sharia law.

And no mention of Pride Month in our outreach to the Muslim world.

Pride Month was missing in action in Baghdad, where the U.S. embassy has enough problems since the only thing Iraqi Sunni and Shiite Muslims agree on is trying to kill them. If the Kuwait embassy celebrated the Stonewall riot, they kept it to themselves. No rainbow flags could be seen in Jordan where all the focus was on the royal marriage of its dictator. Nancy Pelosi recorded a message on the marriage, but sadly had nothing to say about LGBT rights.

The same was true in Yemen, currently caught in a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites over who gets to impose Sharia law on whom. Neither side will be particularly interested in any rainbow flags. And Biden isn’t interested in telling either side about ‘Pride Month’.

The US Embassy in Cairo focused on Jill Biden’s visit to Egypt where she met with women wearing hijabs and pretended to understand what they were saying to her. The honored doctor made no mention of the LGBTQ movement to the women in the hijabs.

While the U.S. Embassy in Bern, Switzerland urged, “This month and every month, let us celebrate the pride that powers the movement for LGBTQI+”, the message did not reach the U.S. Embassy in Algiers. “Pride Month is kicking off in the U.S. today! We’d love to know: What does Pride mean to you,” the U.S. Embassy in Brussels asked. But the U.S. Embassy to the UAE instead bafflingly urged the locals to come to Michigan to get degrees in Arabic Language..

But that’s how you get more Muslim Brotherhood members and win elections in Michigan.

To understand the mystery of why some embassies and consulates, but not others, celebrate Pride Month, take a trip to Kabul. Not literally, as that would be a worse idea than visiting Haiti or Baltimore, but via the digital outposts of the nation’s failed diplomatic empire.

In 2021, the US Embassy in Kabul tweeted, “The month of June is recognized as (LGBTI) Pride Month. The United States respects the dignity & equality of LGBTI people & celebrates their contributions to the society. We remain committed to supporting civil rights of minorities, including LGBTI persons. #Pride2021 #PrideMonth.”

In August 2021, the Taliban took Kabul. The embassy ‘saigoned’ itself out of there, but not before costing at least 13 American lives, and is now permanently virtual. The collapse of Afghanistan is not enough to shut down any part of the State Department. Despite being unable to operate in Kabul, the U.S. Embassy continues to conduct its business. Foreign aid, which was 99% of our function in Afghanistan, continues to flow by the billions to the terrorists.

The U.S. Embassy in Kabul has taken the time out to celebrate ‘Mother’s Day’ in Pashtun (a people that believes that mothers should be ‘burkaed’ and beaten, not heard), ‘Asian American, Native Hawaiian, & Pacific Islander Heritage Month’ and ‘World Press Freedom Day’ in a nation where the only free press is living in caves.

Afghans with access to Twitter are informed that there are over 2,700 mosques in America.

Most of those Afghans can only wonder what the hell is wrong with America. The U.S. Embassy in Kabul (not actually in Kabul) believes that the one thing that can give Afghans hope is the knowledge that the Taliban aren’t just taking over in their country, but also in America.

Among all this diplomat-ish nonsense, the one thing you won’t find the U.S. Embassy in Kabul tweeting about is Pride Month or displaying any colorful rainbow flags.

What happened between Pride Month 2021 in Kabul and all the lost pride months since?

Afghanistan, like the rest of the Muslim world, is now fully run under Sharia law. We didn’t have to worry about offending the old puppet regime, but we strive not to offend the Taliban.

There’s no more talk of Pride Month to Afghans, no lesbian studies or any of the stuff that our diplomats used to waste their time on while American boys were fighting and dying in valleys.

The Biden administration will fly its Pride flags in Vatican City and Jerusalem, but you won’t hear about it in Riyadh, Doha, Islamabad or Kabul. In the great intersectional roundabout, Muslims are higher on the totem pole than ever drag queens and not a word must be said to offend them. It’s alright to offend Catholics and Orthodox Jews, but thou shalt not cross a Koranist.

The flags of Pride Month fly from Warsaw to Bogota, and from Oslo to Port-au-Prince, but the army of pride doesn’t venture to hang its banners in Baghdad, and never mind, Benghazi.

Like feminism, the LGBTQ movement stops at the line in the sand drawn by Sharia law.

And the Biden administration, the State Department, and the alphabet soup activists are fine with that, because it was never about rights, but about bringing down western civilization.

There’s no need to hang up flags in Riyadh, when your goal is to destroy Rome and Jerusalem.




Facebook destroys the Robert Spencer author page

India: 60 recent incidents of Muslim boys brutally murdering Hindu girls

That Epidemic of Bicycle Theft in the Netherlands, and its Remedy

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.



Jill Biden Snubs Israel on First Visit to Middle East as First Lady

In 2021, the Muslim Brotherhood praised Democrats for siding with jihad terrorists against Zionist attacks. Their gratitude wasn’t far fetched. For the first time, Gallup has found this year that “Democrats’ sympathies in Middle East shift to Palestinians.” In fact, the Palestinian “resistance” has become a key element of the Democrat platform.

To reflect that fact, Jill Biden, on her first trip to the region as First Lady, included Jordan, Egypt, and Morocco on her tour agenda, but she snubbed Israel.

The Zionist Organization of America has blasted the Biden Administration’s “phony, dangerous antisemitism strategy” that the ZOA says enables antisemitism.

Jill Biden to Skip Israel on Middle East Trip

by Luca Cacciatore, Newsmax, June 1, 2023:

First Lady Jill Biden plans to avoid Israel during her trip to the Middle East, North Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula.

In a Tuesday thread on Twitter, the president’s wife revealed that she is visiting the Muslim-majority countries “to build on our longstanding partnerships and meet with young people across the region” to discuss the future.

She highlighted attending the wedding of Jordanian King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein’s son, Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah, who is set to marry Saudi-born Rajwa Al Saif on June 1 at Zahran Palace.

Jill Biden’s trip will also include Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, and Portugal, The Associated Press reported.

“Government to government, people to people, and heart to heart, we will continue to strengthen our relationships in the region and reaffirm our commitment to the future of young people around the world,” the first lady stated….

Read more.



Israel: Victim of Sbarro pizzeria jihad massacre dies after 22 years in coma

India authorities discover Islamic State plan to turn the country into an Islamic State by 2050

Austria: Muslim migrant attacks police with knife, then tries to punch them, violently resisting arrest

Cameroon: Islamic jihadis attack security post, murder two customs officers, a policeman and a civilian

Denmark: Muslim migrant accused of sexual abuse and beating of daughters, also beat his wife

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

More Israelis Have Been Killed in 5 Months of Biden Than 2 Years of Trump

Biden and the Democrats are funding the murder of Jews.

The Muslim terrorist campaign, funded by foreign aid from the United States, continues. The latest casualty is Meir Tamari.

(JNS) – A 32-year-old Israeli man was killed on Tuesday in a terrorist shooting near the Jewish community of Hermesh in northwestern Samaria.

The victim, identified as Meir Tamari, sustained a bullet wound to the upper body, medics said. He received treatment at the scene before being evacuated by helicopter to Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera, where he was pronounced dead.

Tamari is survived by his wife and two children, ages one and three.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the shooting.

Meir Tamari is the 20th victim of Islamic terrorism in Israel so far this year. That tops the combined number of Israeli deaths in all of 2019 and 2020 under Trump. At this rate, there will likely be more Israelis killed in 2023 than during the entire Trump administration.

As I wrote earlier this year, this is due to the Biden administration’s decision to provide political support and funding for the terrorists.

In Feb 2019, President Trump’s total cutoff of aid became official. That year, 10 Israelis or people in Israeli controlled areas were killed in stabbings, shootings, rocket and other attacks, down from 12 the previous year, and 15 in 2017, and 16 in 2016.

In 2020 however only three Israelis were killed.

More murders comes down to more money.

The Trump administration cut off aid to the PLO’s Palestinian Authority and Congress passed the Taylor Force Act banning funds from going to finance Pay-to-Slay.

Throughout all this, PLO leadership have been consistent in refusing to stop financing terrorism.

“We will neither reduce nor prevent [payment] of allowances to the families of martyrs, prisoners and released prisoners, as some seek, and if we had only a single penny left, we would pay it to families of the martyrs and prisoners,” Abbas had bragged. By “martyrs”, he meant those Islamic terrorists who were killed while carrying out terrorist attacks.

Despite this, the Biden administration had restored aid and rebuilt diplomatic relations. Biden and Blinken have met with Abbas. And while they have attacked Israel over everything from letting Jews pray on the Temple Mount (due to Jewish prayers offending Muslim sensibilities) to democratic judicial reform that will limit the unilateral authority of pro-terrorist judges, Biden and Blinken have had nothing to say to the terrorists about the program funding the murder of Jews.

Terrorists are paid based on the length of their prison sentence. That means successful killers can earn $2,000 to $3,000 a month in a part of the world where the average salary is around $700 a month. It’s five times more profitable to be a terrorist than a teacher.

The Palestinian Authority calls for the murder of Jews, praises it and then rewards it.

And the Biden administration rewards the Palestinian Authority.

In a statement carried by Palestinian media, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group, loosely linked to the Palestinian Authority’s ruling Fatah party, claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.

“We affirm that this operation and others will not be the final response to our martyrs,” the statement read.

Biden and the Democrats are funding the murder of Jews.



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Muslims murder 50 Christians, including pastor, displace 500 more Christians in Nigeria

Sweden: Muslim migrant previously hailed as ‘democracy ambassador’ threatens to kill anti-mass migration politician

France: Statue of the Virgin Mary decapitated

UK: Muslim group teaches young children about Islam at Church of England primary school

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The House Just Passed The Fiscal Responsibility Act. Here’s What’s In It

The House of Representatives passed on Wednesday night the Fiscal Responsibility Act, which would raise the debt ceiling into January 2025.

The legislation, negotiated by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy and President Joe Biden, allows the federal government to take on unlimited debt through January 1, 2025. Both parties overwhelmingly supported the Fiscal Responsibility Act, with 165 Democrats and 149 Republicans voting in favor. Seventy-one Republicans and 46 Democrats opposed it. The Senate is planning to take up the legislation immediately, since the federal government will likely default on its debt on June 5.

As part of McCarthy and Biden’s negotiations, the two agreed on various provisions that will impact the federal budget over the next several years. Here’s what’s in the Fiscal Responsibility Act:

Debt ceiling increase:

The key provision of the Fiscal Responsibility Act suspends the debt ceiling through January 1, 2025. Unlike the House-passed Limit, Save, Grow Act, the Fiscal Responsibility Act does not raise the debt ceiling by a specific dollar amount. The Limit, Save, Grow Act would have raised the debt ceiling through March 2024 or by $1.5 trillion.

Critics of the Fiscal Responsibility Act like Republican South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott have argued that the failure to affix a dollar amount to the debt ceiling effectively gives President Joe Biden “an open checkbook.” Others have placed the Fiscal Responsibility Act’s effective debt ceiling increase at $4 trillion.

Spending caps:

The Fiscal Responsibility Act caps non-defense discretionary spending at Fiscal Year 2022 levels for Fiscal Year 2024. It sets FY2024 non-defense discretionary spending at $704 billion, and the same category at $711 billion in FY2025. Defense discretionary spending will be set at $886 billion in FY2024 and $895 billion in FY2025. It also encourages Congress to pass appropriations bills for each of the 12 cabinet-level federal agencies by imposing sequestration if the individual bills are not passed.

“This bill, in year one, might cut $12 billion, if you just want to be generous,” Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, who opposes the legislation, said Tuesday. “The spending caps that are in this deal are something we were not supportive of and I will tell you that all the spending caps do is keep the post-COVID spending levels for the federal agencies intact.”

Permitting reform:

One provision requires the Secretary of the Army to approve all permits related to the Mountain Valley Pipeline within three weeks of the bill’s passage, a significant win for embattled Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin. Manchin attempted to pass permitting reform and get the pipeline approved in the 117th Congress, but a left-wing revolt killed his Energy Independence and Security Act. Several Democrats, including Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine and Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva, have announced their opposition to the pipeline’s inclusion.

Other provisions, adopted from the Energy Independence and Security Act, require environmental impact assessments to be completed within one year and environmental impact statements within two years. Those limits amend the National Environmental Policy Act.

Funding clawbacks:

The Fiscal Responsibility Act claws back $28 billion in unspent COVID-19 stimulus funds. It also cuts $1.4 billion in IRS funding, and the White House and GOP leadership reportedly have a handshake agreement to redirect $20 billion more.



Congressional correspondent.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘A Step In The Right Direction’: Speaker McCarthy Defends Debt Ceiling Agreement After Conservative Criticism

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Strategy to Fight Anti-Semitism Enables Hatred of Jews and Israel

BDS, leftist and Muslim anti-Semitism can’t be talked about.

In 2019, President Trump signed an executive order on combating antisemitism. The order used the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism which includes “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination”, “using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism to characterize Israel” and applying double standards to the Jewish State.

Biden’s hyped U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, released on the eve of the Shavuot holiday, backtracks from this gold standard by claiming that, “there are several definitions of antisemitism, which serve as valuable tools to raise awareness and increase understanding of antisemitism”, including the IHRA, but noting that the Biden administration “welcomes and appreciates the Nexus Document and notes other such efforts.”

The Nexus definition was authored by anti-Israel activists like Tema Smith, who had claimed that, “Hamas — and the Palestinians as a whole — have desperately real and legitimate grievances against Israel.”

“Jews *have* to be ok with Palestinians *explaining* why some turn to terrorism,” she argued.

The Nexus advisory committee included the likes of Hussein Ibish, who had described Hezbollah as a “disciplined and responsible liberation force” whose terrorists had “conducted themselves in an exemplary manner”, along with J Street leader Jeremy Ben Ami, Lila Corwin-Berman, who had defended BDS, and Chaim Seidler-Feller, whose hatred was so intense he had kicked and scratched a Jewish woman over her support for the Jewish State.

The Nexus definition of antisemitism was created to protect anti-Israel activists from charges of antisemitism. That definition, which the Biden administration chose to promote, claims that BDS, or “boycotting goods made in the West Bank and/or Israel is not antisemitic”, and argues that, “opposition to Zionism and/or Israel does not necessarily reflect specific anti-Jewish animus nor purposefully lead to antisemitic behaviors and conditions” and defends double standards by contending that “paying disproportionate attention to Israel and treating Israel differently than other countries is not prima facie proof of antisemitism.”

While the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism claims that the IHRA definition is the most prominent, that is not the same as an endorsement and the strategy carefully avoids any mention of BDS and beyond its opening has relatively few mentions of Israel. Despite being hyped by Jewish Democrats, it is undeniably a step back from the Trump executive order.

Even with the seemingly strong language cited by administration supporters, such as “when Israel is singled out because of anti-Jewish hatred, that is antisemitism”, the ‘conditional’ in that sentence is clearly a lawyerly use of the Nexus, not the IHRA definition, defining hatred of Israel only as antisemitism when it can be proven to have originated because of antisemitism.

Incorporating the Nexus defense of BDS and hatred of Israel is a symptom of a larger problem.

The U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism insists that the only kind of antisemitism is white supremacism or “right-wing” hatred. Its only references to leftist, black, or Muslim antisemitism are cautiously indirect because those forms of antisemitism cannot be condemned.

After multiple Muslim and black nationalist terrorist attacks on synagogues, Muslims and black nationalists are only mentioned as allies and fellow victims of white supremacist bigotry.

The strategy states that, “antisemitic conspiracy theories are often foundational to white supremacy as well as numerous other violent extremist ideologies. For example, in January 2022, an armed hostage-taker motivated by other violent notions terrorized the members of a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas.” The “other violent notions” were Islamic ones.

Malik Faisal Akram, a Muslim Pakistani supporter of ‘Lady Al Qaeda’, broke into the synagogue and held the people inside hostage until he was shot and killed by the FBI. Al Qaeda later called Akram a “martyr” and declared that “there Is no greater enemy of Islam and inhabitants of Islam than the Jews”.

When a national antisemitism strategy can’t even name and describe an Al Qaeda attack on a synagogue because it would undermine its premise that Muslims can only be victims and that the only threat worth discussing is white supremacy then it’s the problem, not the solution.

If the Biden administration won’t even allow a mention of the most violent kind of Islamic antisemitism by a supporter of a terror group we are at war with, it’s collaborating with it.


The U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism.rollout press release boasts that “the Council on American-Islamic Relations will launch a tour to educate religious communities about steps they can take to protect their houses of worship from hate incidents.”

That’s the same CAIR which has defended Islamic terrorism against Jews, defended Muslim terrorists who plotted attacks on synagogues, whose official, Zahra Billoo, had urged, “we need to pay attention to the Zionist synagogues”, and which was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial involving the funding of Hamas.

When Ahmed Ferhani was arrested for a plot to attack a synagogue, CAIR held a rally to support him. It still has materials on its site defending the antisemitic terrorist.

After promoting an antisemite’s definition of antisemitism, the Biden administration is promoting synagogue bombers to tour and educate houses of worship about security measures.

There are good things about the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. It does address campus antisemitism, acknowledging that, “on college campuses, Jewish students, educators, and administrators have been derided, ostracized, and sometimes discriminated against because of their actual or perceived views on Israel.” But it fails to note that the antisemitism is coming from Islamists and leftists, and its focus on “swastikas” and “Kristallnacht” implies the familiar white supremacist narrative even when, in one case, the Nazi reference was actually being employed by a Muslim woman.

The strategy does mention that beyond learning about the Holocaust, students should also learn the “histories of antisemitism experienced by Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews—who trace their ancestry to Spain, the Middle East, and North Africa—and their stories of exclusion, persecution, and expulsion.” And that is a good thing, American Jewish historiography has been dominated for too long by Ashkenazi or European Jewish history, but how will it be possible to teach about Muslim antisemitism without even mentioning Islam?

Even though Orthodox Jews have been the victims of the majority of violent physical assaults, there is only one brief mention of this phenomenon, “some traditionally observant Jews, especially traditional Orthodox Jews, are victimized while walking down the street.”

Inconveniently, the attackers tend to be black or other minorities, and so cannot be mentioned.

The black nationalist massacre at a Kosher grocery store in Jersey City and a machete attack at a synagogue in 2019 go completely unmentioned, even though they were among the deadliest recent attacks on Jews along with the white supremacist terrorist attack in Poway, California.

A better name for the new approach would be the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Those Kinds of Antisemitism We Are Willing to Discuss while leaving out the majority of violent antisemitic threats and avoiding the question of Israel as much as it possibly can.

The U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism is crippled by the woke dependency on intersectionality, on the need to view antisemitism as interrelated with other prejudices and bigotries, and to position Jews as common victims and allies against white supremacy, and in the process it ignores what antisemitism actually is and what is unique about it. And that approach has actually ended up enabling leftist antisemitism over the 20th century.

Anitsemitism is not simply a racial or religious hatred. The attempts to narrowly define it run aground on its persistence across thousands of years, through different cultures, religions, and nations. Antisemitism morphs, adopting different shapes and forms, emerging in radically different political movements across both the Left and the Right, to form a common denominator. The Biden strategy seeks to compartmentalize antisemitism within a postmodern rainbow coalition of minority victims faced with the bigotry of a majority, even as the document is forced to awkwardly grapple with the fact that much of the hatred is coming from minorities.

At best that’s denial and at worst that’s complicity.

The U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism isn’t a strategy to fight antisemitism, but to cover up the reality of it as a politically inconvenient reality with a politically convenient myth. And no one should have expected anything else from a radical administration with no shortage of antisemitic nominees, which continues to undermine Israel while supporting hate groups like CAIR. Whether it’s Nexus or the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, putting the enablers of antisemitism in charge of defining and fighting antisemitism can never end well.



Jewish groups, Allies Demand CUNY Law Lose Funding After Hijab-Wearing Jew-hater ‘Vile’ Antisemitic Commencement Speech

Biden tells Turkey to allow Sweden into NATO if it wants US F-16’s

Palestinian Campaign to Free Sadistic Murderer Walid Daqqa

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Soros Funded A Biden Center Report On Letting More Refugees Into The U.S. Some Of Its Authors Now Work For Biden

Several authors of a Soros-funded Penn Biden Center report advocating for increasing the number of refugees allowed into the country now work in the Biden administration, handling immigration and national security policy.

The Penn Biden Center and the National Conference on Citizenship published a 2020 report, which was funded by a $259,050 grant from Open Society Foundations, recommending increasing the number of refugees permitted to come to the U.S. and easing restrictions on refugee eligibility, actions the White House has since taken. The report was led by Ariana Berengaut, who now serves as senior adviser to national security adviser Jake Sullivan, and Eric Hysen, who was sworn in as chief information officer (CIO) for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in February 2021; Rosanna Kim, who serves as senior adviser for the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) since January 2021, also contributed to the report.

Soros, a major donor to left-wing causes and candidates, founded Open Society Foundations and remains a major funder of the organization.

Of the report’s recommendations highlighting how the U.S. government should expand the refugee system, several proposals have been implemented during the authors’ tenures in the Biden administration, including increasing cooperation with the United Nations (UN) to work with the U.S. to bring in more refugees, increasing the number of Latin American and Caribbean refugees and expanding refugee processing in the Western hemisphere.

For instance, the report recommended raising the refugee cap to 125,000, which President Joe Biden later did in fiscal years 2022 and 2023. The Trump administration had previously slashed the refugee cap to 15,000, a historic low for the U.S. government, which Biden increased to 62,500 in fiscal year 2021.

“The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) is at a crossroads. Under the Trump Administration, years of assault on the program have slashed admissions to historic lows, effectively eviscerating a bipartisan tradition of extending a lifeline to the world’s most vulnerable people. If a new president is sworn into office in January 2021, he will likely arrive with a mandate to significantly increase refugee admissions levels,” a summary of the report stated.

Consistent with the report’s recommendation, DHS and the State Department, during Hysen and Kim’s tenures, jointly expanded “processing of refugees from the Western hemisphere” by recently announcing the creation of processing centers in Latin America ahead of the end of Title 42, a Trump-era border policy, on May 11. The centers, which have UN officials working there, determine whether a migrant is eligible for refugee status in either the U.S., Canada or Spain.

The Biden White House also raised the number of Latin American and Caribbean refugees the U.S. would accept to 15,000 in fiscal years 2022 and 2023.

“Under the Obama Administration, the average size of the LAC regional cap was roughly 4,400 with projected arrivals consistently falling significantly short (in FY16, a cap of 3,000 was set with only 1,500 refugees projected to arrive). A new administration should significantly raise the regional LAC cap for admissions as an early demonstration of U.S. commitment to addressing the magnitude and severity of protection needs in the region, particularly in response to refugees fleeing the Northern Triangle countries and Venezuela,” the report stated.

Moreover, the White House restarted the Central American Minors Program, which the report requested, to allow children living in Central America to seek refugee status and live in the U.S. in March 2021. In April, DHS announced that it’s expanding the program to allow certain previous program applicants to reapply.

The White House, the National Security Council’s office, DHS, Hysen and the State Department didn’t respond to requests for comment.



Investigative reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: Texas AG Sues Biden Admin Over Major Immigration Program

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Biden Regime Appoints Holocaust Museum Board Member From Org That Accused Israel of Apartheid

A Human Rights Watch board member does not belong on a Holocaust museum board.

I have written about the problems with the Holocaust Museum in D.C. before. It’s a government museum and like most of those pursues predictable political agendas that have nothing to do with the Holocaust or Jews.

The Holocaust Memorial Council acts as the board of trustees, but like a lot of government institution boards, it’s a prestigious line to add to the biographies of major donors or political allies. There have been some whoppingly bad appointments by past administrations  In a final insult to the Jewish community, Obama appointed Ben Rhodes, the lead advocate for the Iran nuke sellout, to the council.

Biden has appointed Kimberly Marteau Emerson. Kimberly, the wife of John Emerson. a Democrat operative and financial bigwig, picked by Obama to be his ambassador to Germany.

Kimberly Marteau Emerson has been on the board of directors for Human Rights Watch since 2012.

HRW has repeatedly and falsely accused Israel of “apartheid”. Its personnel have done little to conceal their desire for the destruction of the Jewish State and the extermination of its population.

Joe Stork, who served for many years as HRW’s Deputy Director of Middle East issues. Before being hired by HRW, Stork openly supported Palestinian terror attacks against Jewish civilians, and opposed any and all peace treaties between Israel and Arab states.

Stork even traveled to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq for a conference on “Zionism and Racism.

Analyzing Israel’s victory in the 1967 War, Stork suggested what would be needed for the Arab states to reverse the outcome and destroy Israel:

This was part of a pattern.

In 2009, HRW bizarrely defended its senior military analyst Marc Garlasco following revelations that he was an avid collector of Nazi memorabilia and had even authored a book about Nazi-era medals. According to The Guardian, Garlasco once commented that a leather SS jacket made “my blood go cold it is so COOL!”

And nothing much has changed.

HRW founder Robert Bernstein blasted the organization’s pathological anti-Israel animus in a 2009 op-ed published in The New York Times, in which he lamented the turn the organization had taken regarding the Middle East. At HRW, Bernstein wrote, the organization originally drew distinctions between liberal and repressive states, focusing on the latter. However, HRW, “with increasing frequency, casts aside its important distinction between open and closed societies.”

Bernstein observed that this change in focus was most apparent in the Middle East, where HRW “has written far more condemnations of Israel for violations of international law than of any other country in the region,” even though the region “is populated by authoritarian regimes with appalling human rights records.”

In the spring of 2009, Sarah Leah Whitson, the organization’s top Middle East official, traveled to Saudi Arabia and, as part of her pitch, said that she needed to raise funds to fight “pro-Israel pressure groups.”

To get a sense of HRW’s disturbing anti-Israel bias, consider this: over the past five years, the NGO has authored seven special reports on Israel. In comparison, the organization published none condemning North Korea, one of the worst criminal regimes in the world; and only three reports addressed the human rights violations of the repressive, theocratic regime in Iran.

That’s because HRW wants Israel to be destroyed.

The report’s primary author is Omar Shakir, HRW’s Israel/Palestine director, who signed a pledge in 2015 to “honor the BDS call.” The founder and leader of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement has stated openly that his movement aims to see Israel dismantled

Kimberly Marteau Emerson is a completely inappropriate choice. No HRW official or board member should ever have a position in a Holocaust memorial organization.



Sweden: Muslim migrant who murdered 78-year-old woman and beat her husband can now get citizenship

France: Knife-wielding Muslim migrant screaming ‘Death to pederasts’ attacks two homosexuals

Russia’s FM: ‘Islam in Russia is living through a renaissance…We stand united in rejecting Islamophobia’

UK: Former pornographic film star speaks at Oxford University, foes of jihad violence still banned from country

Iran’s intelligence minister: ‘A terrorist group associated with the Zionist regime was arrested’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden regime said it killed ‘senior al-Qaeda operative’ in Syria, but he was really just a farmer

If this had been done by Trump, he would be getting impeached again. But the Biden regime will pay no price for this criminal activity.

Biden Says He Killed a Senior Al Qaeda Operative. It Turns Out He May Have Been a Poor Farmer.

by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse, May 19, 2023

U.S. government officials appear to be climbing down from claims that a man slain in a Hellfire missile strike in Syria on May 3rd was a “senior Al Qaeda leader.” Similar to the drone strike that killed an aid worker’s family after Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal, the truth appears to be that the deceased was just a poor farmer in a field.

In early May 2023, Pentagon officials boasted about the kill, carried out by a Predator drone, but even the Washington Post now reports they are walking back their claims, with evidence mounting that the man they killed was an ordinary civilian.

“We are no longer confident we killed a senior AQ official,” one defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, admitted to the newspaper.

Another, also anonymous official conceded “the strike did not kill the original target” as well, yet insisted they still “believe the person to be al-Qaeda.”

But Charles Lister, the Middle East Institute’s director for Syria and Countering Terrorism and Extremism, told WaPo the the White Helmets organization attended the scene “[v]ery quickly after this strike” and “identified the individual with his name and his profession.”

“Locals came forward to say, this guy’s always been a farmer. He’s never had any political activities; he’s never had any affiliation with armed groups,” Lister said, noting that the “pace and breadth of such push-back was actually quite unusual.”

WaPo identified the victim as 56-year-old Lotfi Hassan Misto, and interviewed eight people including his brother and son, who insist he was an ordinary man whose “whole life was spent poor.”

“If they claim that he’s a terrorist, or that they got someone from al-Qaeda, they’re all liars,” Misto’s brother said….



Another ‘Islamophobia’ fizzle: Minnesota mosque fire turns out to have been set by drug-addled mentally ill Muslim

France: Graffiti equates Islam with National Socialism, police immediately take action

Malta: Muslim migrants regularly posted ISIS and al-Qaeda videos on social media

Syria Rejoins the Arab League, But with Conditions Attached

India: Muslim friend grooms Hindu girl, her friend’s brother uses her as sex slave after conversion and marriage

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Destroy The Role Of Parents’: Karine Jean-Pierre Gets Angry Reactions For Saying Children ‘Belong To All Of Us’

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has drawn angry reactions for commenting that children “belong to all of us” at an award ceremony held by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

Jean-Pierre made the comments during an interview with Jezebel magazine at the 2023 GLAAD awards, weeks after President Joe Biden said there’s, “[n]o such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children.” She was advocating for children to have increased access to sex change operations, procedures which are banned or restricted in many countries.

The activist organization Catholic Vote accused the Biden Administration of “working to destroy the role of parents at every turn,” in a tweet Wednesday.

In a comment provided to the Daily Caller, Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, Board Chairman of the medical group Do No Harm said that children can’t “make informed judgements” about these sorts of treatments.

“Miss Jean-Pierre is correct that the state plays an important role regarding children,” Dr. Goldfarb said. “That role is to protect children from child abuse and from their own inability to make good judgments. That is why children cannot drive, cannot smoke, and cannot vote.”

“The idea that children can make informed judgments about altering their body and their reproductive future suggests that adults, particularly those in healthcare, who support so-called gender, affirming care, are betraying these children.”

Pro-life advocacy group Protect Women Ohio commented that, “No parent wants to hear the government tell them their kids are not theirs.”

“Democrats, from the president to the local level, are fighting to prevent parents from being able to protect their own children,” another pro-life group, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, tweeted.

“Biden Admin Says Your Kids Belong to the Them. Guess what? NO THEY DON’T. We the Parents won’t let Big Government and their schools along with the ACLU & URGE remove our rights/responsibilities as parents so they can destroy our kids and our future,” the conservative group Eagle Forum said.



Social issues reporter.

RELATED VIDEO: They’re Coming for Your Parental Rights


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Miller Lite’s New Feminist Spokeswoman Previously Ran ‘Horny 4 Tha Polls’ Stripper-Themed Comedy Tour

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Drone Video of Illegal Aliens on Rio Grande Setting up Camps Before Biden Ended Title 42

I wish to thank the Texas Department of Public Safety for the drone footage contained in the below article. May I further thank each and every law enforcement officer, National Guardsman and fireman/medic standing post along what use to be America’s southern Border. The southern Border of the United States which helps define the national sovereignty of this exceptional nation, has, by all accounts, collapsed. This has been the plan, written and spoken about by Obama when he declared that he would “forever change America.” The well-stated and written plan is to collapse the United States into the New-World Order, a global community where nations no longer have sovereign status but are part and parcel of the global community which is divided into ten regions world wide.

Not only are approximately 1 million illegals from 160 countries coming into America commencing with the abolishment of Title 42, but you need to add the approximate 6 million illegals already here. These numbers are law enforcement and threat assessment close working estimates, minus the “get aways” who could not be interdicted, recorded, checked or even detained. It is well known that hardened criminals and gang members along with military age Chinese males have made their way across the border already, NOT counting what is now crossing. The danger being allowed into America is beyond comprehension. May 6th at the Douglas, Arizona border crossing, US Customs discovered and IED (explosive device) being smuggled into our country. Cartels and Chinese military have been sending weapons and munitions for many months securing them in storage lockers at various locations across America.

Another dimension not even discussed is the medical crisis looming. My national show ARIZONA TODAY will have a presentation on this sobering and alarming dimension shortly. I already did two shows on this subject, but as I write this report one of my nationally recognized medical specialists contacted me with updated medical concerns of a serious nature now landing on our lands.

Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and each elected office holder who has not vigorously fought to protect and defend the sovereignty of the United States should be impeached or arrested for treason. Deliberately, publicly and consistently pushing to weaken our national sovereignty is a High Crime and Misdemeanor – Treason as outlined in our Constitution. Such acts are far and above political rhetoric or grandstanding. Very shortly, within days even, Americans will witness, firsthand, the effects of said treason as 1 million pour into America. Do your very best to get ready…an ugly human tidal wave is about to become reality, and quite possibly in your city or community as they are deliberately transported across America, especially into historically conservative communities and regions. That is the well thought out plan to bring disruption and even chaos to America.

Drone footage shows makeshift camps built along Rio Grande by migrants waiting for Title 42 to end

Drone footage taken along Rio Grande, the river that serves as the natural border between most of Mexico and the United States, shows sprawling tent encampments stretching out all over the border.

Hundreds of people reside in a massive camp made of tents and other dwellings with thin blue plastic sheets acting as roofs right outside of Brownsville, near the southern tip of Texas. (Related: Thousands of migrants set to flood the US once Title 42 expires this week.)

The drone footage also shows an “enormous line” of illegal immigrants who recently crossed into Brownsville. Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin, who shared the footage, noted that a large majority of the illegals are single adults.

Nonstop flow of illegal crossings here in Brownsville. Working on scripts in my car and look at the window and see another large group gathering for processing after crossing over,” wrote Melugin on his Twitter account. “Border Patrol buses have been coming and going constantly. It’s going to be a very busy week.”

Brownsville is one of the key spots along the border where officials have noted that the illegal immigrants are congregating in the thousands in order to cross, with the other notable crossing points being El Paso, Texas and Yuma, Arizona. But similar situations are developing and getting worse all along the nearly 2,000 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border.

[ … ]

Watch this clip of Texas Department of Public Safety spokesperson Lt. Chris Olivarez talking about the illegal crossings along the Rio Grande.

Read more.

©2023 Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.


DHS Colluding/Coordinating Illegal Immigration In-Flows with Mexico While Illegals Given Free Smartphones and Absurd Court Dates Years Away

BIDEN BORDER CRISIS: Migrants Storm The Border As Fears of Rioting Escalate

Biden regime hosts Muslim leaders linked to Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood at White House to discuss ‘Islamophobia’

Note first that all the participants shared the same point of view. No one who would tell the truth about “Islamophobia,” that it’s a propaganda term designed to intimidate people into thinking it’s wrong to oppose jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women, was even anywhere close to being invited.

Note also that the Biden regime doesn’t hesitate to associate with representatives of groups with demonstrable links to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Robert McCaw of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was there. CAIR officials have refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements about how Islamic law should be imposed in the U.S. (Ahmad denies this, but the original reporter stands by her story.) CAIR chapters frequently distribute pamphlets telling Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement. CAIR has opposed virtually every anti-terror measure that has been proposed or implemented and has been declared a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates. A CAIR operative has called for the overthrow of the U.S. government.

Mohamed Magid was there. According to Focus On Western Islamism, “Magid’s previous organization, ISNA, was designated by the Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator in the terrorism-financing trial of the Holy Land Foundation in 2007. The Justice Department also listed ISNA as an ‘entity’ of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. In 2009, a federal judge upheld the designation because of ‘ample’ evidence linking ISNA to the Hamas-financing network. Magid fanned the flames during the Holy Land investigation by stating that elements of the U.S. government were acting with ‘intent on dismantling Muslim organizations and bringing them down.’ Magid spoke at a fundraiser for the rabidly anti-American imam Jabil Abdullah Al-Amin (previously known as H. Rap Brown), who was convicted of murdering a police officer in 2008. Al-Amin is the spiritual leader of a violent extremist group called Ummah that, according to the FBI, is a ‘nationwide radical fundamentalist Sunni group’ whose ‘primary mission is to establish a separate, sovereign Islamic state within the borders of the United States, governed by Shariah law.’ Magid… [played a] role in hindering discussion of the Islamist political motives of jihadist terrorism while serving on the Obama Administration’s working group dedicated to Countering Violent Extremism program said Kyle Shideler, director of the Center for Security Policy. Under pressure from Magid and others, this group ‘totally erased any discussion of the Islamist political motives of jihadist terrorism,’ he said.”

Salam al-Marayati was there. Again according to Focus On Western Islamism, “in 1999 he called Hezbollah attacks as ‘legitimate resistance.’ Marayati suggested that Israel perpetrated 9/11 to distract attention away from its actions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. His involvement with MPAC is remarkable because the organization was founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood and has a history of concerning rhetoric. For example, the organization has claimed that the War on Terror was actually a ‘war on Islam’ perpetuated by a conspiracy of anti-Muslim ‘special interest groups’ working with U.S. government officials to promote ‘Islamophobic’ policies in the aftermath of 9/11. In 2010, a MPAC policy paper argued that the Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘peaceful activism’ is an asset to the U.S.’s efforts to fight Al-Qaeda.”

Dalia Mogahed was there. According to the Global Influence Operations Report, she is “the Director of Research at the US Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, a group whose Board of Advisors and staff includes prominent figures in the US Muslim Brotherhood.”

Muslim Brotherhood organizations in the United States are dedicated, according to a captured internal document, to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house.” And even its miserable White House.

“Readout of White House Listening Session on Islamophobia,” WhiteHouse.gov, May 3, 2023:

Yesterday, Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff, White House Domestic Policy Advisor Ambassador Susan Rice, Deputy Homeland Security Advisor Joshua Geltzer, U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom Rashad Hussain, and Office of Public Engagement Director Stephen Benjamin hosted a listening session with Muslim community leaders to discuss efforts to counter Islamophobia, which is hate, discrimination, or bias directed at people who are or are perceived to be Muslim. During the convening, Muslim leaders outlined the challenges facing their communities and shared recommendations for confronting Islamophobia and all forms of hate and bigotry.

Biden-Haris [sic] administration officials conveyed their gratitude to the participants for their leadership and underscored the President’s commitment to countering Islamophobia. The listening session followed President Biden’s White House Reception to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, and is a part of the ongoing efforts of the President’s interagency task force to counter antisemitism, Islamophobia, and related forms of bias and discrimination within the United States.

Participants included:

  • Imam Mohamed Magid, Executive Imam, All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS)
  • Dalia Mogahed, Director of Research, Institute for Social Policy & Understanding
  • Suzanne Barakat, Board Chair, Our Three Winners
  • Rais Bhuiyan, Founder and President, World Without Hate
  • Arsalan Suleman, President and Co-Founder, America Indivisible
  • Robert McCaw, Government Affairs Director, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
  • Farhan Latif, President, El-Hibri Foundation
  • Catherine Orsborn, Director of Program Operations, El-Hibri Foundation
  • Wa’el Alzayat, CEO, Emgage
  • Iman Awad, Deputy Director, Emgage
  • Maha Elgenaidi, Founder and Executive Director, Islamic Networks Group
  • Rahmah Abdulaleem, Executive Director, Karamah
  • Omar Farah, Executive Director, Muslim Advocates
  • Salam Al-Marayati, President, Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
  • Faiyaz Hussain, Senior Advisor for Strategy, Policy, and Programs, Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
  • Rahat Husain, President, Shia Muslim Foundation


RELATED VIDEO: Robert Spencer on The Critical Qur’an


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.