Tag Archive for: refugees

U.S. Ambassador to UN Samantha Power: Bring more Muslim Syrian refugees to America

This news is a day old, so who knows maybe Obama has already decided the magic number of Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees he will be dropping into America towns and cities in the coming year.

Samantha Power

Obama appointee, UN Ambassador Samantha Power.

Last week we learned that Sec. of State Kerry consulted with key House and Senate committees, as the Refugee Act of 1980 requires, and it seems the number he was bandying about was 10,000 (some say Kerry said 5,000) for FY 2016.

If Obama approves a different number just two weeks before the start of the fiscal year, Kerry is required to go back to the Hill for additional “consultation,” and, in any case, the House and Senate Judiciary Committees are required to hold hearings on the Presidential Determination.

The fact that the lazy (scared?) committees have not held a refugee ‘consultation’ hearing since before 9/11 is no excuse not to have one for this very critical decision!

(The last hearing held on the President’s refugee determination appears to be this one from 1999.  Has there been no hearing since then because they didn’t want you to know how many Muslims were being admitted to the US through this program?—ed)

A hearing can’t stop the President, but it sure can help the American people understand what is about to happen to them!

Where are you Reps. Goodlatte and Gowdy?  Prove me wrong!  Tell us you are doing something and I will apologize!

Here is a bit of interesting news at Bloomberg (hat tip: Joanne).  Again, it is a day old, so who knows if Obama has made a decision.

Check out Samantha Power (bff George Soros)!  The nerve of this woman.  You can credit her, Hillary and Susan Rice with the destabilization of North Africa and the  invasion of Europe because she was a driving force behind the ousting of Col. Gaddafi (who was able to hold back the migrant hordes) and the subsequent destruction of Libya.

As Iraqi Refugee Czar in the early days of the Obama White House, Power famously said she was tired of doing ‘rinkey-dink-do-gooder’ stuff  like helping Iraqi Christians!  See our complete Samantha Power archive here.

Here is Josh Rogin at Bloomberg:

The Obama administration is preparing to announce a plan to admit more refugees over the next two years, but at this point the numbers being proposed are too small to relieve the crisis streaming out of Syria.

Wednesday at the White House, the most senior national security officials will discuss raising the limit on the number of refugees from around the world allowed to enter the United States — from 70,000 this year to 85,000 next year and 100,000 in fiscal 2017, three administration officials told me. If members of the National Security Council Principals Committee agree on the plan, it will be sent to President Obama’s desk, and administration sources say he is likely to quickly approve it.

The plan has the strong support of White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, whose priorities often differ on the Syria issue. McDonough is focused on the fight against ISIS. Power wants to confront Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, and do more to protect the civilians being killed by both.  [So what does confront mean?  Does Power want the US military to bring down Assad?—ed]

The throngs of desperate migrants fleeing Syria and the images of children washing up on European shores have spurred the Obama administration into action, officials said.

Continue reading here.

Note that there is much discussion about how long it would take for the flow to get underway. Don’t believe it!  

We know that the UNHCR has 17,000 (or more by now) prepped to come to America from their camps which house Muslim Syrians.  As soon as October 1 is here, the floodgates will open!


CIA Director Worried Iran Might Outsource Nuke Program to North Korea

Is Pope Francis coming to U.S. to lecture Donald Trump on immigration?

It sure sounds like it!  How dare he! And, who invited him to insert himself into our political system?

Oh, no surprise no surprise John Boehner*** invited him!

Previously we learned that Democrats are going to use the Pope’s visit to advance their goal of admitting 100,000 Syrians to the U.S. in the next year!

Is Boehner working for Obama and the Democrats (just asking!)?

Citizens concerned about saving Western Civilization should be out in New York and Washington, DC protesting the message the Pope, we are told, will be spewing!   According to the editor of a Catholic magazine he may even quote that historically inaccurate Emma Lazarus poem to guilt-trip you.  Please spare us that lecture!

In 2013, Pope Francis helped fuel the invasion of Europe by welcoming illegal aliens to the island of Lampedusa.

If you can’t be out with a protest sign next week, every Catholic who disagrees with this Pope on immigration should pen a letter to your local paper that begins with:

This Pope does not speak for me!

This is the news featured at Drudge earlier this morning!

And the church wonders why so many of us have left it!

From the Financial Times:

When Pope Francis makes his maiden visit to the US next week, he will accomplish something that has eluded the 2016 presidential contenders — overshadowing Donald Trump, the front runner for the Republican nomination.

US television networks ​will provide wall-to-wall coverage of the visit, which will include the first speech by a Pope to Congress. [Thanks John Boehner!—ed] But while the pontiff will steal some of Mr Trump’s media thunder, he is also expected to wade into ​a debate about immigration — an issue that has helped propel the brash real estate magnate to the front of the Republican pack.

Trump at the border

Since losing the 2012 election, party leaders have talked about the need to appeal to Hispanics, who are the fastest growing segment of the US electorate. But Mr Trump has upended that plan by campaigning against illegal Mexican immigrants, some of whom he has called “rapists”, and reopening a polarizing debate that the Republicans ​had ​hoped to avoid in 2016.

Vatican officials say Pope Francis will focus heavily on immigration during his visit, which would insert him into the middle of presidential politics and could unsettle conservatives even more than his critiques of capitalism and environmentalist rhetoric.

“The Pope obviously has a very soft spot in his heart for immigrants,” said one Holy See insider. “He won’t say, ‘open all borders’, but there’s no two ways about it, he will say, ‘let’s give our immigrant brothers and sisters a fair chance’.” [So, if not all borders, how many, whose borders, and how wide?  They will never answer those questions.—ed]

Give me a break!  Emma Lazurus blah! blah! blah!

Robert Mickens, the Rome-based editor-in-chief of Global Pulse, the Catholic magazine, said that concern for migrants had been “one of the central themes” of Pope Francis’ social teaching. “He doesn’t need to scold the lawmakers but I think he will challenge them not to abandon America’s long history of welcoming immigrants,” Mr Mickens said.

“I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the Pope were to quote those evocative line’s from Emma Lazarus’s poem that adorns the Statue of Liberty — ‘give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore’.”

There is more if you can stand it, click here. (Update:  Looks like the Financial Times may only let you in one time, but its o.k. we snipped the important part)

And, one more thing!  The Pope has made no appeal to put the persecuted Syrian Christians ahead of Sunni Muslims for protection by western countries.  Correct me if I am wrong!

Here, Hungarian Bishop tells Pope he is wrong on Syrians arriving in Europe, calls them invaders.

***Is Boehner keeping the lid on the House Judiciary Committee on the Syrian refugee question until after the Pope leaves?  Hmm!


Vatican Welcomes Iran Deal, Pressures Israel to Give Up Nukes

HuffPo poll: Only 27% of respondents think we have any responsibility to take in Syrians

North Carolina Rep. Walter Jones: Curb Obama’s power on refugees, start by cutting funds

Of course I’m wondering if Speaker Boehner will be curbing Rep. Jones?

Interestingly, Rep. Walter Jones has been in Congress for 20 years. Does he know that North Carolina is a prime resettlement state?  NC is one of 12 states that received more than 2,000 refugees so far this year (as of August 31).


Eh Lar Doh Htoo

Do you remember that gruesome machete murder in March when a Burmese refugee killed three small children.  It happened in New Bern (in Jones’ district).  Could that have caused his concern for the huge influx of refugees entering the U.S. and North Carolina?

Come to think of it, could the murderer be a Burmese Rohingya Muslim resettled among Christian Burmese, does anyone know?  We told you about it here when it first happened.  Eh Lar Doh Htoo, 18, killed three young brothers ages 1, 5, and 12 in New Bern, NC earlier this year.

Here is the story by Neil Munro today at Breitbart (hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum):

Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC)-today called on Congress to formally curb President Barack Obama’s legally unlimited powers to invite foreign refugees and migrants into the United States.

“We need to determine how much this program is costing taxpayers, and we need to make sure the people we are letting in aren’t radical Islamic terrorists,” said Jones, a conservative elected from North Carolina.

“Until then, the program ought to be suspended,” Jones said.

“We are over 18 trillion dollars in debt [and] we don’t even have money to fix roads and schools for Americans who pay taxes and already live here,” Jones said.

“Instead of taking in thousands of immigrants and refugees from countries that breed radical Islamic terrorists, we should be focusing our efforts on urging stable Middle Eastern countries to allow refugees to resettle closer to their homeland,” he said.

The only practical way for the GOP to limit Obama’s authority is to include restrictions in the annual spending bills, due for completion this fall.

For example, the Congress can include limiting language in the appropriations bill that is used for the refugee program.

Reporter Munro has more, continue reading here.

Glad to see that some House Members are doing something, so far as I know, nothing from the House Judiciary Committee that has jurisdiction over the refugee program and has some say over Obama’s determination for FY 2016.


HuffPo poll: Only 27% of respondents think we have any responsibility to take in Syrians

British Navy to turn migrant boats back in the Mediterranean (maybe!)

Illegal Immigration From Asia Rises With Legal Immigration

Obama Set to Deport 12 Iraqi Christian Refugees

CIA Director Worried Iran Might Outsource Nuke Program to North Korea

More undesirables from Mexico? Syrians!

Breitbart has news yesterday that the Mexican government might be planning to ‘welcome’ Syrians to Mexico. And, then they could do what Trump says they do—send us their problem people!

Prominent Mexican officials are calling on their president to open the doors for 10,000 Syrian refugees, though thousands of Mexicans per year are fleeing their cartel-controlled nation and its violence and seeking asylum in the United States. The move comes on the heels of Mexico accepting 30 Syrian students. Other nations south of the porous U.S.-Mexico border have already opened their doors for people fleeing the Middle East.

Considering the Mexican government’s inability to govern its own territory and the willingness of Mexican officials to accept cash bribes, one could question whether their screening process would exclude potentially dangerous individuals. Even in the case of an individual being identified having a connection to a terrorist organization, a wealthy benefactor or ally of the individual could simply pay off a decision-maker and get the individual through.

Read on…..


Immigration Lowers Educational Achievement, Survey finds

Calling out the phony evangelicals who want to save Muslims before Christians

They call them ‘Syrian Refugees’ but are they really just ‘Refugees’?

This past week, 14 years later we, as a nation, took pause to remember September 11, 2001.  Yes it has been 14 years already since that deadly attack on the American people and it is something that will be burned into our collective psyche for the rest of our lives.  We will never forget September 11th, 2001. Or will we? Or have we already?

Currently, there is a ‘crisis’ in Syria and the people are fleeing the multi-faceted civil war going on in that small Middle East nation.  There are at least three major factions fighting each other and it is creating havoc for the people of that nation. So much so that the men, women, children are fleeing for their lives and are flooding European nations that are near to Syria Or are they really?

Some studies have suggested that in many groups of refugees, the makeup of the people include women and children and elderly but that 80% are men between the ages of 18 and 30 and that is the age of a soldier. In fact we know that some of those young men are indeed members of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other Muslim extremist groups that are bent on the West’s destruction.  The problem is we don’t know which of them are or how many there are.

The media has portrayed this as a mass human exodus with unimaginable suffering.  What we hear from people on the ground in the areas affected is that this is not true.  In fact many European nations have closed their once open borders in an effort to stop the free flow of these people for the simple reason those countries know for a fact that some of those crossing their borders have nefarious reasons on their minds.

France, England, Belgium and other European nations are all too familiar with these kinds of immigrants because they have caused death and destruction on a massive scale. These nations have also learned that there is no integration of culture when they cross into their lands.  France thought they could appease Muslims by giving them whole towns to basically run as they please and that has not caused a drop in terrorism in France.  In fact, it has increased.

And now the French are beginning to take some hard line stances to curb this terrorism and England has begun to do the same thing for the same reasons.  Even those who do not love the USA are taking or have taken hard line stances. Take Russia for example, they do not tolerate deviation from its national culture because you either assimilate or President Putin will kick you out or put you in prison.

China has all but banned Islam within its borders by banning all Mosques.  Even Chinese citizens have been turned away and prevented from re-entering their own nation because of their Islamic affiliations. So with much of the world turning their back on Syrian refugees and radical Islam, one has to ask the question why is it that the American left is so open to the idea of bringing even more of these people into the country?

Does the left not understand that Islam hates them the most because they support all kinds of ideas that are a complete and total offense to Islam such as Atheism and homosexuality.  In the Middle East, they still hang or behead atheists and homosexuals.  Yet the left still thinks it’s worth bringing these haters into the USA.

It would seem to me that the left has forgotten what happened on September 11, 2001.  Don’t get me wrong I feel for the people of Syria.  I really do.  But only a fool would let their emotions rule the day and let terrorist into their midst willingly. This is the modern day version of the Trojan horse because if Women and Children and the Elderly are the refugees, how could we possibly refuse to take the young men as well?

I have not forgotten September 11, 2001 and I say it is easy to deny entry to those who have as their base religion, our very destruction as their agenda.  So it is written, so they say it will be done. We have to remind liberals that their illogical bleeding hearts could get people they know and love killed and then we would have another 9/11 to remember 14 years later.

It’s not humane to do such a thing.  It’s foolish.


Syrians to be distributed across America

Judiciary Chairman Grassley wants Kerry to clarify position on Syrian Muslim admissions to U.S.

Lawmakers Push to Declare ISIS’ Targeting of Christians ‘Genocide’

Refugee Crisis Has European Union Grappling With Its Destiny

Pope admits danger of Islamic State infiltration among refugees, still wants parishes to accept them

What could possibly go wrong? Last February, the Islamic State promised to flood Europe in the near future with as many as 500,000 refugees. And an Islamic State operative recently boasted that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 Islamic State jihadis had entered Europe. “They are going like refugees,” he said, but they were going with the plan of sowing blood and mayhem on European streets. As he told this to journalists, he smiled and said, “Just wait.” He explained: “It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world, and we will have it soon, inshallah.”

Is societal suicide really a requirement of Christian charity? So many Christian clerics seem to think so — either in regard to this refugee influx or in regard to accepting Islamic blasphemy restrictions on the freedom of speech — that apparently I am a misunderstander of Christianity.

“Pope: ‘I trust the young politicians. Corruption is a global problem,’” by Aura Miguel, Renascença, September 14, 2015 (thanks to Angemon):

But this challenge to welcome these refugees who are making their way into Europe, in your point of view, could it be positive for Europe? Could it be beneficial, a provocation? Is Europe finally waking up, changing track?

It may be. It’s true, I recognize that, nowadays, border safety conditions are not what they once were. The truth is that just 400 kilometres from Sicily there is an incredibly cruel terrorist group. So there is a danger of infiltration, this is true.

Which could reach Rome…

Yes, nobody said Rome would be immune to this threat. But you can take precautions, and put these people to work. But then there is another problem, that Europe is going through a very big labour crisis. There is a country… In fact, I am going to mention three countries, although I will not name them, but some of the most important in Europe, in which unemployment for under 25 year olds is, in one country 40%, in another 47% and in a third 50%. There is a labour crisis, young people can’t find work. So it is a mixture of things and we can’t be simplistic. Obviously, if a refugee arrives, despite all the safety precautions, we must welcome him, because this is a commandment from the Bible. Moses said to his people: “welcome the foreigner, because you also were a foreigner in the land of Egypt”.

But the ideal would be that they didn’t need to flee, that they could remain in their lands?

That’s right, Yes.

Your Holiness, during the Sunday Angelus you made this very concrete challenge to welcome refugees. Have there been reactions? What do you expect, exactly?

What I asked was that in each parish and each religious institute, every monastery, should take in one family. A family, not just one person. A family gives more guarantees of security and containment, so as to avoid infiltrations of another kind. When I say that a parish should welcome a family, I don’t mean that they should go and live in the priest’s house, in the rectory, but that each parish community should see if there is a place, a corner in the school which can be turned into a small apartment or, if necessary, that they may rent a small apartment for this family; but that they should be provided with a roof, welcomed and integrated into the community. I have had many, many reactions. There are convents which are almost empty…

Two years ago you had already made this request, what answers did you get?

Only four. One of them from the Jesuits [laughs]; well done, the Jesuits! But this is a serious subject, because there is also the temptation of the god money. Some religious orders say “no, now that the convent is empty we are going to make a hotel and we can have guests, and support ourselves that way, or make money”. Well, if that is what you want to do, then pay taxes! A religious school is tax-exempt because it is religious, but if it is functioning as a hotel, then it should pay taxes just like its neighbour. Otherwise it is not fair business.

And you have already said that you will be taking in two families, here in the Vatican…

Yes, two families. I was told yesterday that the families have already been identified, and the two Vatican parishes have undertaken to go and search for them.

They have been identified?

Yes, yes, yes, they have. Cardinal Comastri dealt with that – he is my vicar-general for the Vatican – along with Monsenhor Konrad Krajewski, who is the Apostolic Almoner, and who works with the homeless and was in charge of installing the showers underneath the colonnade, and the barbers – truly marvellous. He is the one who takes the homeless to see the museums and the Sistine Chapel…

And how long will these families be staying?

As long as the Lord wants. We don’t know how this will end, do we? Nonetheless, I want to say that Europe has opened its eyes, and I thank it. I thank the European countries which have become opened their eyes to this.


Immigration Lowers Educational Achievement, Survey finds

Refugee Crisis Has European Union Grappling With Its Destiny

Lawmakers Push to Declare ISIS’ Targeting of Christians ‘Genocide’

Pope Francis: “No religion is immune from its own fundamentalism,” and fundamentalists “kill, destroy and defame”

The Illegitimate Pope: Election of Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francis was contaminated by lobbying in violation of papal laws

Danish police relax laws in Sharia zone to avoid “constant conflict”

Islamic State map of countries it plans to dominate by 2020

Congress must press Obama Administration on Muslim Syrian refugee policy

Update:  It appears the last time either Judiciary Committee held required hearings on the annual refugee consultation was in 1999 (here).  If anyone can find a more recent hearing record, please send it. Why haven’t they been doing their jobs?

We’ve been aware for several years that the Administration each September must consult with the House and Senate Judiciary Committees on the President’s refugee resettlement plan for the upcoming year which must lay out how many refugees we will take, from where they will come, and why this is in our national interest.

(Last year’s Presidential Determination is here and an accompanying report can be found here.)

Reports I’ve received over the years are that the Committees responsible for “consulting” don’t change anything the President requests.  I could be wrong, but at least in the 8 years I’ve followed the Refugee Admissions Program, the consultation and the required delivery of a lengthy report amounted to no more than State Department reps dropping off the report with committee staff.  (I want to be corrected if there has been much more than that over the last decade!).

kerry richard

Asst. Secretary of State Anne Richard and Secretary of State John Kerry

On Wednesday, Sec. of State John Kerry and Asst. Secretary of State Anne Richard made a trip to the Hill to meet with Senators Grassley and Sessions (others?) where they discussed the 10,000 (some reports say 5,000) Syrians for FY2016 proposal.

They are calling that meeting a “consultation.”  Were Members of the House Judiciary Committee present as the law requires?

Opening the floodgates?

This is what the Office of Senate Judiciary Chairman Charles Grassley said after the meeting with Kerry.  It appears that Kerry left the door open for a much larger number of Syrians than the 10,000 being mentioned by the Administration so far.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley made the following statement after a meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry and Anne Richard, Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees and Migration. The consultation regarding the number of refugees that the United States will admit into the country is required by law. In the event of an “emergency refugee situation” the administration may admit an additional number of refugees, but only after additional consultation with Congress.

“Secretary Kerry initially said that the Obama administration is seeking a reasonable increase in refugees allowed into the United States in the upcoming fiscal year. But when pressed, the administration indicated that they were considering opening the floodgates and using emergency authority to go above what they proposed to Congress in today’s consultation. The administration also has not ruled out potentially paroling thousands of Syrians into the United States.

Where is the hearing?

Below is a section of the Refugee Act of 1980 which lays out the process which should be happening right now regarding the “consultation” and subsequent final determination.

Calling any lawyers out there to help decipher it!  But, as I see it, both House and Senate Judiciary Committees are required to hold hearings!

((It can be confusing because the text intermingles two processes.  One is for the annual determination (where we are right now in mid-September) and the other is for an emergency situation that might come up during the year.))

Below are the sections I’ve selected for your consideration.  I doubt most of this ever happens! This is the statute: STATUTE-94-Pg102

“SEC. 207. (a)(1) Except as provided in subsection Q)), the number of
refugees who may be admitted under this section in fiscal year 1980,
1981, or 1982, may not exceed fifty thousand unless the President
determines, before the beginning of the fiscal year and after appropriate
consultation (as defined in subsection (e)), that admission of a
specific number of refugees in excess of such number is justified by
humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest.

“(2) Except as provided in subsection (b), the number of refugees
who may be admitted under this section in any fiscal year after fiscal
year 1982 shall be such number as the President determines, before
the beginning of the fiscal year and after appropriate consultation, is
justified by humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national

“(3) Admissions under this subsection shall be allocated among
refugees of special humanitarian concern to the United States in
accordance with a determination made by the President after appropriate


“(d)(1) Before the start of each fiscal year the President shall report
to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives
and of the Senate regarding the foreseeable number of refugees who
will be in need of resettlement during the fiscal year and the
anticipated allocation of refugee admissions during the fiscal year.

The President shall provide for periodic discussions between designated
representatives of the President and members of such committees
regarding changes in the worldwide refugee situation, the
progress of refugee admissions, and the possible need for adjustments
in the allocation of admissions among refugees.

“(2) As soon as possible after representatives of the President
initiate appropriate consultation with respect to the number of
refugee admissions under subsection (a) or with respect to the
admission of refugees in response to an emergency refugee situation
under subsection (b), the (Committees on the Judiciary of the House of
Representatives and of the Senate shall cause to have printed in the
Congressional Record the substance of such consultation.

“(3)(A) After the President initiates appropriate consultation prior
to making a determination under subsection (a), a hearing to review
the proposed determination shall be held unless public disclosure of
the details of the proposal would jeopardize the lives or safety of individuals.


“(e) For purposes of this section, the term ‘appropriate consultation*
means, with respect to the admission of refugees and allocation
of refugee admissions, discussions in person by designated
Cabinet-level representatives of the President with members of the
Committees on the Judiciary of the Senate and of the House of
Representatives to review the refugee situation or emergency refugee
situation, to project the extent of possible participation of the United
States therein, to discuss the reasons for believing that the proposed
admission of refugees is justified by humanitarian concerns or grave
humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest, and
to provide such members with the following information:

“(1) A description of the nature of the refugee situation.

“(2) A description of the number and allocation of the refugees
to be admitted and an analysis of conditions within the countries
from which they came.

“(3) A description of the proposed plans for their movement
and resettlement and the estimated cost of their movement and

“(4) An analysis of the anticipated social, economic, and
demographic impact of their admission to the United States.

“(5) A description of the extent to which other countries will
admit and assist in the resettlement of such refugees.

“(6) An analysis of the impact of the participation of the United
States in the resettlement of such refugees on the foreign policy
interests of the United States.

“(7) Such additional information as may be appropriate or
requested by such members.

To the extent possible, information described in this subsection shall
be provided at least two weeks in advance of discussions in person by
designated representatives of the President with such members.

Where is the report?  Was it delivered two weeks ago?

What you can do!

Contact members of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees (listed here) and tell them to hold PUBLIC hearings on the President’s plan!

It would be preferable to hold field hearings around the country in some of the largest resettlement locations in the country so that citizens who will be most affected by large numbers of Middle Eastern and African refugees could be heard.  If those hearings hold up the official beginning of the resettlement year—October 1—so be it!

Note to Presidential candidates, this may be the most important issue America ever faces!


Is Congress shirking its duty to America on refugee admissions? Yes, and has done so for more than 2 decades!

Council on American Islamic Relations: Bring Syrians to St. Louis!

German highway banner: “Your children will pray to Allah or die!”

Saudi Arabia: Has Taken Zero Refugees but has Air Conditioned Empty Tents for 3 Million People

Paul Joseph Watson from InfoWars.com reports:

While European countries are being lectured about their failure to take in enough refugees, Saudi Arabia – which has taken in precisely zero migrants – has 100,000 air conditioned tents that can house over 3 million people sitting empty.

The sprawling network of high quality tents are located in the city of Mina, spreading across a 20 square km valley, and are only used for 5 days of the year by Hajj pilgrims. As the website Amusing Planet reports, “For the rest of the year, Mina remains pretty much deserted.”

The tents, which measure 8 meters by 8 meters, were permanently constructed by the Saudi government in the 1990’s and were upgraded in 1997 to be fire proof. They are divided into camps which include kitchen and bathroom facilities.

The tents could provide shelter for almost all of the 4 million Syrian refugees that have been displaced by the country’s civil war, which was partly exacerbated by Saudi Arabia’s role in funding and arming jihadist groups.

However, as the Washington Post reports, wealthy Gulf Arab nations like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and others have taken in precisely zero Syrian refugees. Although Saudi Arabia claims it has taken in 500,000 Syrians since 2011, rights groups point out that these people are not allowed to register as migrants. Many of them are also legal immigrants who moved there for work. In comparison, Lebanon has accepted 1.3 million refugees – more than a quarter of its population.

While it refuses to take in any more refugees, Saudi Arabia has offered to build 200 mosques for the 500,000 migrants a year expected to pour into Germany.

Read more.



Muslim Immigration and How to Handle It

ISIS Flag Among Refugees in Germany Fighting the Police

Archbishop of Canterbury: UK plan to take 20,000 Syrians discriminates against Christian refugees

Democrats plan to use Pope’s visit to guilt-trip America into taking vast numbers of Syrian ‘refugees’

Op-ed: The “Candy” the Mullahs Gave to Obama

Eastern Europe: Protesters tell Muslim migrants to ‘Go Home’

Another sign read:

“Multiculturalism is a utopia, don’t open the borders”.


Some of these countries have a better understanding of totalitarianism and thus want no part of Merkel’s form of it (or the Islamic version of it either)?

From Samaa.TV:

BRATISLAVA: Thousands of people joined anti-migrant protests in three eastern European capitals on Saturday after leaders from the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia opposed an EU scheme to fix refugee quotas.

In the Polish capital Warsaw, nearly 5,000 people, many chanting anti-Islamic slogans, marched through the city, an AFP correspondent said. “Islam will be the death of Europe”, one of the banners said.

Organisers claimed the demonstration drew 10,000 people but police refused to confirm the figure.

“We’re here so that the government hears our voice and abandons any plans to welcome Muslims,” shouted one of the organisers after starting the march with prayers which identified the participants as Roman Catholics.

Members of far-right fringe parties and football supporters chanted “Poles against migrants” and “Migrants today, terrorists tomorrow”.

More here…

And go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.



Democrats plan to use Pope’s visit to guilt-trip America into taking vast numbers of Syrian ‘refugees’

ISIS Flag Among Refugees in Germany Fighting the Police

Progressive group We Welcome Refugees: ‘We will be bringing politics to your pulpits starting tomorrow!’

No surprise, but you need to be ready to speak up!

If this new group, with its lobbying campaign, shows up in your church, ask them how many CHRISTIANS and other religious minorities they are proposing to save!

I can’t emphasize enough that the present invasion of Europe is being led by mostly Muslim migrants and that the US State Department has admitted 95% Sunni Muslims in the Syrian refugee stream to the US so far.

If you don’t believe me, here, run the numbers for yourself here.

So if you are being pressured from the pulpit tomorrow—ask your pastors and priests: HOW MANY CHRISTIANS ARE THEY SAVING?  Pin them down, make them say they are saving Christians first!

Ann Voskamp

Ann Voskamp

From ‘We Welcome Refugees’ new website (hat tip: Kelly):

This Sunday – September 13, 2015 we are inviting all churches and Christian Leaders to take a moment in your services and gatherings to discuss the incredible humanitarian tragedy and faced by largely Syrian Refugees.


This is a place for you to say: We Welcome Refugees – and get to live out those words. A place for your church, your people, your community, to have a practical, tangible, real way to welcome in the stranger in Christ’s name, a place hosted by World Relief, The Justice Conference, and Ann Voskamp, with more partners to be added soon. (If you are already Welcoming Refugees and would like to partner with us, click on the link below or email welcome@wewelcomerefugees.com).

Learn more here.

By the way, World Relief is one of the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors being paid by the head to resettle refugees working in your towns, here.  As such they are one of those groups lobbying the Obama Administration to admit 100,000 Syrian refugees (which translates into 95,000 Muslims and 5,000 Christians and other minorities at the present rate). They are among those wailing right now as Obama has signaled 10,000 Syrians are “welcome” for this coming year.

See a list of World Relief partner churches, here.  World Relief is the federal contractor working to bring refugees to Spartanburg, SC (Trey Gowdy’s district!).


Europe returns to the 1930s — eerie echoes from the past

What the refugees really seek in Europe

Migrant crisis isn’t just Europe’s problem; it’s America’s, too

The invaders continue to arrive in Germany

Hungarian Catholic Bishop tells Pope he is wrong, not refugees but invaders!

The wailing has begun! Refugee contractors furious that Obama ‘only’ admitting 10,000 Syrians this coming year

Senator Jeff Sessions: 90% of Middle Eastern refugees get some form of welfare

Yesterday we told you about the Center for Immigration Studies analysis of data indicating that legal immigrants (which include refugees) are using our social safety net at a higher rate than native born Americans, now we learn that Middle Eastern refugees are using welfare assistance at an even higher level than other legal immigrants.

Sessions and Trump at Alabama rally August 21

Senator Jeff Sessions with 2016 Presidential hopeful Donald Trump at August 21st rally in Alabama.

From Breitbart (presumably these numbers include all Middle Eastern refugees no matter which religion they practice) Hat tip: Joanne.

The numbers are much more shocking than those we had previously obtained!

More than 90 percent of recent refugees from Middle Eastern nations are on food stamps and nearly 70 percent receive cash assistance, according to government data.

According to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) data highlighted by the immigration subcommittee staff of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest — in FY 2013, 91.4 percent of Middle Eastern refugees (accepted to the U.S. between 2008-2013) received food stamps, 73.1 percent were on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance and 68.3 percent were on cash welfare.

Middle Eastern refugees used a number of other assistance programs at slightly lower rates. For example, 36.7 percent received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), 32.1 percent received Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 19.7 percent lived in public housing, 17.3 percent were on General Assistance (GA), and 10.9 percent received Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA).

The high welfare rates among Middle Eastern refugees comes as the Obama administration considers increasing the number of refugees — who are immediately eligible for public benefits — to the U.S., particularly Syrian refugees.

ORR defines refugees and asylees from the “Middle East” as being from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and Yemen.   [Hah! And these figures don’t include the Somali welfare usage numbers!—ed]

More here….

Shortly after a meeting with Sessions on Capitol Hill, saying we need to take care of our own problems, Trump expressed reservations about plans to resettle Syrian refugees in the US.

Addendum: Senator Jeff Sessions was the leader of the opposition to the Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill and here in 2013 called out “meatpackers” as among the big industry lobbyists pushing for a greater supply of cheap immigrant labor.  Long time readers here know the large role the meatpackers are playing in changing small town America by encouraging the resettlement of refugees.

RELATED ARTICLE: If you want to save Syrian Christians, do not take refugees from UN camps!

Saudi Arabia refuses to take Syrian refugees, but offers to build 200 mosques in Germany

This tells you all you need to know about the “refugee” crisis in Europe. It is, as I said, a hijrah: a migration for the sake of Allah, to plant Islam in a new land. If they were really refugees, the Saudis would take them. But no, they are invaders, and the Saudis are offering to make things easier for them by providing them with facilities for the invasion — remember, four separate studies since 1998 have shown that 80% of Saudi-funded mosques in the U.S. teach hatred of Jews and Christians and the necessity to replace the Constitution with Sharia.

“Saudi Arabia Offers to Build 200 Mosques for Syrians in Germany,” by Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage, September 10, 2015:

Saudi Arabia, which doesn’t permit the construction of churches but finances a mosque construction spree in the land of the infidel, will not be taking in Syrian refugees. Even though they are fellow Muslims. It will however offer to build 200 mosques in Germany for their use.

It’s a kind offer. The only proper way for Europe to reciprocate would be to send a million soccer hooligans to Saudi Arabia and then offer to build facilities to teach them of the importance of trashing the country and abusing any native they come across.

Of course the Saudis aren’t stupid enough to fall for that one. Not even if the soccer hooligans bring along the occasional woman and child to use as emotional human shields while battering their way into a country they hate in every possible way aside from its social services.

Only Westerners are stupid enough to fall for that one.

Saudi mosques have played a key role in the rise of Islamic terrorism in the West. Just think of the explosive wonders that something short of a million migrants and all the mosques they can Allah Akbar in will accomplish in Germany.

Maybe the next Caliph of the Islamic State will even shout Allah Akbar while beheading some local infidel with a German accent. Maybe that Islamic State will even be in Hamburg.

Why is it that so few people ask themselves why the Saudis are willing to build 200 mosques for these “poor, desperate refugees”, yet won’t take a single one in?

It’s the same answer to the question of why so many Muslims claim to care about “Palestinians” to the point of genocide, yet won’t take them in and give them citizenship.

These aren’t refugees. They’re armies.

Don’t take it from me. Take it from Turkey’s Erdogan, the man more popular among German Muslims than he is among his own oppressed people. Here’s the poem that the formerly secular Turkish state sent him to jail for, before it became an Islamist hellhole of minarets, Erdogan palaces and crumbling shopping malls.

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.”

Saudi Arabia just offered to build 200 barracks for the 800,000 soldiers invading Germany.


Saudis “offended” by National Geographic featuring Pope, ban the issue

Robert Spencer in PJ Media: UNC’s ‘Literature of 9/11′ Course Indoctrinates Students to Love Jihad Terror, Hate America

Trump on Syrian Muslim refugees: ‘We have too many problems of our own!’

The other day, Presidential candidate Donald Trump sounded a bit squishy on the issue of bringing in large numbers of Syrian refugees, but on Hannity last night he says what sure sounds like a NO!

Watch the clip, he does mention that the wealthy Gulf Arab States and Russia aren’t taking any (terrorism fears?).  He could mention that China is never asked to take any as well!  The UN does pound Japan to take refugees, but they only take a tiny number as they are wisely trying to save their unique culture.

Here he is in a far-ranging interview that begins with his views on the Iran nuclear deal.  For the refugee discussion begin watching at 7:50 minutes.  Thanks to Richard at Blue Ridge Forum for alerting us to this news.

Please see our earlier post this morning where we reported that fellow GOP Presidential hopeful, Gov. Scott Walker, is saying no as well.

If you see more on what position other candidates are taking, please send a link in a comment to this post.

Obama will likely be telling the world sometime this month how many he will “welcome” to live in your towns and cities.

Georgia Governor: No thanks to Syrians, we have enough refugees!

Back in 2013, when I attended an Office of Refugee Resettlement meeting in Lancaster, PA, government officials identified Georgia as having a‘pocket of resistance’ because the Republican Governor, Nathan Deal, had asked the feds to stop sending so many, that Georgia was overloaded.  So it is no surprise that Gov. Deal is saying the same thing today.  (And, it looks like his appeal to the US State Department fell on deaf ears!)

From the Atlanta Journal Constitution:

Gov. Nathan Deal’s administration doesn’t want to see the number of refugees resettling in Georgia increase, despite pleas from humanitarian officials urging the U.S. to take in substantially more Syrians fleeing their war-torn country.

In an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Tuesday, Deal urged a cautious approach to the desperate refugee crisis unfolding across the Mediterranean Sea and Europe. The governor repeated his assertion – disputed by some advocates – that Georgia takes in more than its fair share of refugees.


Deal’s administration confirmed Tuesday it has asked the State Department to keep the number of refugees resettling in the Peach State “static” going into the next fiscal year.

“We will be welcoming,” Deal told the AJC. “But we want to make sure we’re not taking a disproportionately large share of them compared to other parts of the country.”

This is very interesting considering Reed has been promoting Atlanta as a welcoming city.

Deal’s wary approach to the escalating crisis was echoed by Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, typically one of the region’s most forceful advocates of a welcoming policy to immigrants and refugees. He said he needed more time to evaluate the city’s position and that he would likely follow the lead of the Obama administration, which is weighing its options.

“I’m not going to get ahead of the federal government with regards to the Syrian refugee crisis,” he said.


The Deal administration has previously called on the U.S. State Department to sharply reduce the numbers of refugees being resettled in Georgia, citing state and local taxpayer costs associated with taking in the refugees, school budget shortfalls and other concerns.

Local resettlement agencies have long pushed back, beyond arguing that Georgia has a moral obligation to embrace refugees. They say refugees attract millions of dollars in federal aid money, form a ready pool of eager employees and ultimately create businesses and pay taxes.

LOL! A reduction of 16 refugees sure doesn’t sound like a reduction to me!

Last year, the U.S. State Department confirmed it had limited the number of all refugees coming to Georgia, based partly on the Deal administration’s concerns. The number of refugees who have been resettling in Georgia dropped by less than 1 percent over the past two fiscal years, from 2,710 to 2,694.

Deal is right here.  The resettlement contractors put “natural enemies” together in some cities expecting (naively?) that the mythical magic melting pot will do its work and the lion will lay down with the lamb or some such foolishness!

“When they decide where they bring in individuals,” Deal said, “they need to do a better job of making sure they haven’t put an over-concentration of people from different countries, some of whom have been natural enemies of each other. Trying to put them side-by-side in a small community like Clarkston is not doing a service to those individuals.”

EndNote:  I don’t know whatever happened with Athens, GA where the mayor (a Democrat) wanted answers from the feds before she put a stamp of approval on a refugee program for Athens.  Does anyone know whatever happened? Did the contractor, the International Refugee Committee, set up shop there?


Senator Lindsey Graham: we need to bring in our “fair share” of Syrian Muslims

Trump reverses himself on Syrian refugee question, says we have too many problems of our own!

Germany: ISIS fighter caught posing as asylum seeker

Kerry briefs Senators: U.S. will take more Muslim Syrian refugees in 2016

Secretary of State John Kerry is probably getting a tongue-lashing at this very moment from refugee resettlement contractors who want the President to raise the ante and permit 200,000 refugees to be admitted to the U.S.

The norm from the Obama Administration in recent years has been 70,000 (from all countries) which is already way above a sustainable economic level considering the large numbers of refugees already on welfare.

McCain and dead baby

This is deplorable! Didn’t McCain do some fact checking before he went to the Senate floor with this shameful propaganda. That poor baby is dead because his father wanted free teeth in Europe! It has nothing to do with U.S. immigration policy.

Kerry told Senators today that they are looking to boost that number by only 5,000 to accommodate a Syrian refugee stream.  That is a tiny number when you consider that the Lutherans, the Catholics and the Evangelicals, who are paid to resettle refugees, have been asking for 65,000-100,000 this week.

It occurs to me that if the contractors want to bring in the mostly Muslim Syrians maybe it is time to cut back on the Somali and Iraqi Muslim refugees, groups which are now both way over 100,000 in number in the US (not including the children they have produced here).  

From the Associate Press:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is prepared to increase the number of refugees it resettles by at least 5,000 next year as European countries struggle to accommodate tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East and Africa.

Two officials and a congressional aide said that Secretary of State John Kerry told members of Congress in a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill Wednesday that the United States will boost its worldwide quota for resettling refugees from 70,000 to 75,000 next year, a number that could increase further. A fraction of those would be from Syria.

Kerry said after the meeting that the United States would increase the number of refugees it is willing to take in but did not give a specific number.

Hillary wants a UN pow-wow to guilt-trip western countries (surely she isn’t going to embarrass the Saudis, the Chinese or the Russians).

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, Kerry’s predecessor, called for an “emergency global gathering” at the United Nations General Assembly meeting later this month, where countries could pledge aid money and to accept some of the migrants.

Of the three largest ethnic groups being resettled right now, the Burmese are mostly Christians, but some 10,000 or so Burmese Muslims came in in the last ten years; the majority of the Iraqis are Muslims and virtually all of the Somalis are.  The Somali refugees have been coming for 30 years, or nearly so, so maybe it’s time to cut them off.

The top three groups of people resettled by the U.S. are Burmese, Iraqis and Somalis. Beyond Syrians, the administration wants to increase the number of Africans coming to the United States next year, according to a senior U.S. official involved in the process.

The article implies that we were to blame for Vietnam and for Iraq—you know we broke it so they are ours.  However, Syria is not our problem and most Americans know that.

Many Americans will feel differently about taking large numbers of Syrians displaced by a war that the United States has tried hard to avoid.

And, look at this, even Obama’s people are worried about security:

In addition, U.S. intelligence officials say they are concerned that the flow of migrants into Europe has been infiltrated by Islamic State group extremists who are bent on carrying out terror attacks.

“Exactly what’s their background?” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Wednesday during an industry conference. “We don’t obviously put it past the likes of ISIL to infiltrate operatives among these refugees.”

More here….

Remember folks!  The stars are aligning for Obama to choose an extremely large number of refugees for FY2016.  His determination letter is due in Congress this month, Europe is being overrun (Obama won’t like Merkel getting all the love), the contractors are ginning-up their lobbying forces demanding more paying clients (refugees), 14 Senators of the Democrat’s Jihad Caucus are yammering for more voters AND the Pope is coming to town!  Obama will want to give him a little ‘gift.’

I’ll eat my hat if something really big doesn’t happen this month.


Why Does The State Department Fund An Anti-Israel Organization With Communist Leadership?

Gov. Walker: We don’t need more Syrian refugees, we need to deal with ISIS