Must Read New Major COVID-19 Report


Some Scientific Observations about the Medical Establishment’s Handling of COVID-19 to Date

America has long been an exemplary beacon of freedoms and economic prosperity.

Due to its stature, America also has powerful enemies — e.g., large communist countries.

However, great people (like Abraham Lincoln), have warned us that our biggest threat is actually from within!

One of the largest internal assaults we are experiencing, is that real Science is being replaced with political science.

What has happened with COVID-19 is a textbook example of that substitution — to the detriment of all citizens.

Here is the official Press Release of a powerful unpublicized COVID-19 Report.

©John Droz, Jr., physicist. All rights reserved.


You are our Peace, God, from the thousand weariness’s of our daily life, from the disappointments from the nervous and senseless haste, we turn to you and are at peace.   Clamour dies, and we are alive in the sunshine of your presence. Even so, please come, to this soul of mine……

Telling people to stay calm, overcome, do the right thing during any type of trauma is almost an anathema to most human souls.   Since the falling away of a connection to the real God mankind has become very self-reliant on their own thoughts, desires, understanding and emotions to solve a problem.   They are deeply embedded.  Some people call it our ego, a false sense of who we really are.    In this state, we fail to see the importance of staying calm and objective in the ‘present’ moment.

The current ‘fear driven’ pandemic is obviously not the only trauma which is also affecting millions.  It is being succinctly pointed out via the media that suffering is also taking place in many other areas of human life.   However, in some areas of suffering the media will never report the real devastation being created by people who may make the wrong choice in life whilst they are shrouded in false facts, beliefs and fear.

Good News is rarely reported.

Therefore, the first March for Life march in London, over the weekend of September 4th attended by thousands, was again under-reported by the mainstream media.

The pro-life message, usually viewed as some sort of abuse or critique against women who choose abortion has been seriously disfigured.    Contrary to some condemnation by radicals, it is mainly value and support which is extended to women by the pro-life movement, along with the promotion of value and the human rights of the unborn.

Despite recent research that most women are relived after having an abortion, it is reported that many women suffer deep regret and post abortion recovery groups have multiplied in churches nationwide.   Parents are being helped by these ministries and the power of forgiveness is being promoted.

It is also very encouraging that Caroline Farrow, Campaign Director of Citizen Go, reported the following in relation to the march:

“As I walked past the ‘Extinction Rebellion’ climate-change protestors at Trafalgar Square, I noticed that far from being aggressive or abusive they were interested and engaged by our message. One photographer from the press remarked on the demographics of our march, with plenty of young people and families and commented on what a ‘wholesome picture’ we made, by comparison with other recent protests.

A handful of pro-abortion protestors doubtless concerned by the huge crowd (one policeman estimated the numbers as 4,000 people) attempted to scream offensive and abusive slogans but quickly realised that they were vastly outnumbered and moved on”

It appears to me that people are really waking up to the culture of organized and controlled fear and returning to the spirit of life and ‘wholesomeness’ as indicated in her quote.

I also noticed that the opposition moved away when they realized they were ‘outnumbered’

Is it possible that more light is coming to the earth to expose the darkness? I think so

You can watch scenes from the march here:

Snakes and Ladders

If you have ever played the game of snakes and ladders you will know that on the throw of a dice you can be moved forward one minute but down the next depending on which square you happen to land on and life can be very much like that.   Bad news, divorce, death, illness, can sometimes see you slipping down the slithering snake of despair, depending on your own reaction and attachment to an outcome, and before you know it you are in a cobra crush of crippling confused thoughts, making bad and embarrassing decisions and wondering and doubting what the future will hold.   Resentment grows, and the ladder back up can be out of reach and a game of chance.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way if you view life from a spiritual perspective, have faith in God and remain calm.   Being still inside in the present moment instead of hoping or dreading in some far-off unseen future amidst many battling thoughts appears to be the key to finding the right way through.

If you are currently suffering, besides your own thoughts, you must also be very objective and careful who you listen to.

In the bible, Job endured the analysis of well-meaning friends who had no idea about the real plans of God and why Job was suffering.   We are sometimes those friends who can’t resist to think and then articulate the reason why someone is suffering.

Therefore, it is wise to be aware. Stay focused and calm in troubled water.  The best you can do is advise your friends to do the same.   Never believe your own thoughts or the thoughts of others. Who is the snake and what is the ladder is not always obvious?   Patience and forgiveness appear to be a corrective quality which only God can impart when you go through painful times.

Counting it a joy can be difficult, I’m embarrassed to say I have tried and failed miserably at times, irritated by the ‘cheer up it might never happen’ statement, but it should be remembered that God corrects those he loves and even flippant statements can be factored into your well-being if you don’t over-react and just notice your resentment.

British born Milo Yiannopoulos well known for his political views and openly gay statements has also been extolling the virtue of prayer and how God reveals the truth and correction to those he loves.   Milo now declares himself as ex-gay and how he has found his true identity.

His you tube interview with Life Site News (which is now banned) was so informative and interesting.   In the honesty of his revelation on the trauma he had experienced during his youth, it was impossible to judge him or see him as anything but brave.   His past did not exist.  You can find his interview through the link below:

Sam Salter, is also one of many who has been interviewed on finding his true identity and giving up the gay lifestyle.   It can be no coincidence that his story is very similar to Milo’s and that he has turned to Christianity and prayer.  He quotes:

“I’d say, isn’t change in identity a fundamental principle of Christianity? Dying to self, shedding the old to make way for the new, beating the flesh and receiving the spirit, on our journey back home to the father…?

The London March for Life for me was indicative of a movement in our world which is exposing darkness with light on many issues and reaching others who are waking up.  We have much to be thankful for.  The light of God will also dispel the darkness inside us

If you’d like to see more photos from the day, they can be found here:

Keep Calm – Choose Life


Newsletter2.pdf (

Abortion Regret Isn’t a Myth, Despite New Study…… | News & Reporting | Christianity Today

CitizenGO joined the March for Life UK – YouTube04.09.2021 London March for Life

Ex-gay Milo Yiannopoulos delivers message of hope: ‘Born this way’ is a lie. You can change – LifeSite (

Born gay? Sam Salter: ‘Finding my true identity’ – Christian Concern

Kamala Found!

I hope today finds you well, overseeing all the news, that is fit to print over at The NY Times.   The news seems to be nonstop these days with human dynamo Joey at the helm.  Successful policy, after successful policy by Ole Joe and his crackerjack crew…..well, maybe successful isn’t exactly the right word.


If you listen to the radical right, their description is a little bit different.  Let’s see, they refer to the first 8 months of the Harris/Talibiden administration as an unadulterated, abysmal failure.  Each failed decision trumping (sorry) the previous decision, with greater ineptitude.  The right says this almost seems like the destruction of our country and values is being done either by design or gross incompetence.  Leave it to Joey to keep us guessing, that rascal!


But, let’s get on to some good news, shall we Deano?  It seems that that elusive installed VP, Kamala Harris has been spotted.  Thank heavens, as I was starting to get worried when I saw her picture on all those milk containers, and was getting concerned.  It seems she was spotted out in California campaigning for that all star of the Democratic Party Gavin Newsom.

Amazing isn’t it Deano, where does she find the time?   With 200,000 illegal aliens streaming in monthly at the Southern border, where incidentally Heels Harris is the border czar, to the absolute catastrophic quagmire worsening day by day in Afghanistan, she was basically nowhere in sight.  It is almost like when there is a legitimate crisis, she magically disappears, a regular Houdini.   Like when she had to make that imperative, ground breaking trip to Vietnam, that accomplished………..well, um, President Trump is a racist.  The right asks where is this empty pantsuit? She is usually right there standing behind Joey like the grim reaper.  They are saying her gross incompetence makes Billy Deblasio look good…….and believe me Deano, that is very hard to do.


Well, I’m sure she will do wonders for Gavin.  Maybe she could be a monitor, and oversee the mail in ballot count….you know make sure there is no fraud? Maybe, he could call in Auntie Pelosi to lend a hand, unless she has a hair dye appointment, touching up those Gray roots or Happy Hour that day; what  a beautiful soul she is.   I wouldn’t put it past the right to try and manipulate that mail in process, sheesh.  Well hopefully seeing the great job Gavin has done so far out there he is a cinch to win. Why, just look at San Francisco, and all the free campsites lining the streets.  Or, take a spin to wine country after filling up with $4.50 a gallon gas.  Mask and school mandates, unless of course you are dining out during the height of the plandemic, like good Ole Gavin.  A poverty rate of over 17%, homicide rates skyrocketing year after year, affordable housing non-existent, forest fire management (better skip this one), a tad of a homeless problem, well then that explains it, …..President Trump is a racist.


Speaking of the Governor run off in California, did you happen to see Larry Elder on the campaign trail the other day Deano?  Well it seems that a protester threw an egg at Larry as he was walking down the street, narrowly missing him.  This upstanding citizen in a gorilla mask then took a swipe at one of those in Larry’s entourage.  Wearing the mask and menacing, very KKK like, eh Deano?  You could even make a claim that this was a racist attack.  Here is the funny part Deano old sport, there wasn’t any mention of this in your award winning tabloid, The New York Times, where you are the executive editor.  For that matter, I didn’t see any coverage on that other trustworthy news outlet, CNN, maybe the unbiased Rachel Maddow on MSNBC covered the story?

You see, I would venture to say, that if this were to happen to the lovely Maxine Waters, Heels Harris or perhaps, dare we say, Barack Hussein, the coverage would have been much different.  Wouldn’t you agree Deano?  I would imagine this as front page news and 24/7 coverage on CNN.  I could see Fredo, sorry I mean Chris Cuomo and the unbiased Donnie Lemon screaming of violated civil rights.  Hollywood would be out in droves, Tommy Hanks, Stevie Spielberg, Meryl Streep (she of “Harvey Winestein is a God”, fame), the ever even-keeled Bobby De Niro, speaking out against these racists.

But not a peep, in regards to Larry Elder though.  Makes you almost think that these “news” outlets and celebrities have a ridiculous double standard and reek of hypocrisy, and tow a strict party line.  I know that sounds crazy, it’s almost like saying, Joey Talibiden is a pathological liar………well maybe that is not the best example, scratch that.


I want to congratulate you personally Deano.  You barely have any print dedicated to Joey’s Afghanistan debacle. Less than 2 weeks after Joey sacrificed 13 American heroes and abandoned Americans and refugees .  That’s right Jen Goebbels Psaki…..abandoned!  Well done Deano, right up there with CNN. Always deflect, don’t hold your party accountable, yeah, that’s the ticket.

We have to really focus on Covid, now more than ever.  This narrative needs to go all out, to shall we say 11/8/22 for instance, just a random date.  I say shut down businesses again, get the kids back to remote learning, more stimulus checks, and MOST importantly we need mail in ballots.  Forget the Southern Border catastrophe, Joey’s Afghanistan debacle, run away inflation, crime ridden cities………..focus, focus on the real issue, toddlers in masks!  The science, you must respect the science…….unless you’re at Barack Hussein’s birthday bash or Ole Nancy’s garden parties.


Maybe after the  DOJ  gets done suing Georgia and their racist voting requirements, (like having a valid ID, crazy, I know)….the nerve, or get done suing Texas and their abortion laws, we can get back to examining Larry Elders civil rights violations.  It’s funny, it’s like almost any conservative states that pass laws that don’t line up with the administration’s liberal views, they end up getting sued by the federal government. Sounds a little like the media, social networking, Hollywood, etc, being an arm or rather a tentacle of the left.  Sue all conservative’s I say, just to be on the safe side.  It is almost like the Harris administration is directing the DOJ.  That can’t be right, can it Deano?

This is akin to the amount of attention the FBI is giving the Capitol inconvenience  (Jen Propaganda Psaki trick), versus the voter fraud claims, which is almost comical. I know they can’t be working with the liberal progressive administration, that would be corrupt. Maybe, they could get the Cracker Jack FBI officers who worked on the Whitey Bulger case to work on the voter fraud? When are they due out of jail anyway?

Well, as usual your journalistic integrity is beyond reproach Deano.  The example you set for our children is immeasurable.  I just hope the kids can appreciate it through their double masks and virtual learning.

Remember stay away from the Larry Elder coverage, as you enjoy your plush estate out in the non diverse hamlet of Larchmont California.  I bet no one’s throwing eggs out there, eh Deano?

©Chris Cirino. All rights reserved.

Why Leftists Hate Clint Eastwood So Much

My latest in PJ Media:

Hey, not all the news is bad: A new Clint Eastwood movie is coming out (Stephen Kruiser has details on it here, and Bryan Preston has more here). Back in the spring of 2019, I was laid up in the hospital for six weeks, and to get through the long hours of lying around not being able to do anything, I watched almost every movie Clint Eastwood has been in, all the way back to the mid-1960s. As I revisited Dirty HarryThe Outlaw Josey WalesHigh Plains DrifterPale RiderGran Torino and so many others, I began to realize what Clint Eastwood’s most enduring contribution to American culture really is: He is a man. And as a man, he stands, and his body of work stands, as a monumental rebuke to the ethos of the Left today.

Although he famously debated Barack Obama’s empty chair at the 2012 Republican National Convention, Eastwood is not a doctrinaire conservative: He even endorsed the bumbling billionaire Michael Bloomberg in 2020, but his body of work makes that a forgivable lapse. Eastwood has singlehandedly done more to fight back against the Left’s war on masculinity than anyone else who has a high profile in the popular culture.

The characters he has played in so many movies are the polar opposite of the simpering pajama boy chugging down soy lattes and voting for Bernie and Old Joe. The Dirty Harry movies have for decades enraged the Left with Eastwood’s positive depiction of a cop who is disgusted by the coddling of criminals by Leftist politicians, and willing to do what is necessary to bring offenders to justice. The famed film critic Roger Ebert said prissily: “The movie’s moral position is fascist. No doubt about it.” Another renowned critic, Pauline Kael, agreed: “When you’re making a picture with Clint Eastwood, you naturally want things to be simple, and the basic contest between good and evil is as simple as you can get. It makes this genre piece more archetypal than most movies, more primitive and dreamlike; fascist medievalism has a fairy-tale appeal.” She added: “this action genre has always had a fascist potential, and it has finally surfaced.”

In reality, there is nothing either fascist or medieval about Dirty Harry. Leftists tend to call anything they don’t like “fascist,” but what Dirty Harry is really doing is showing one man’s frustration with the legalistic technicalities and loopholes that criminals and their defenders have exploited for a generation to enable the obviously guilty to walk free, and the tendency of Leftist authorities (think Kamala Harris) to focus on the rights of criminals even at the expense of the rights of their victims. Dirty Harry shows how dangerous the Left’s focus can be; that’s why Leftists hate it so passionately.

There is more. Read the rest here.

RELATED ARTICLE: State Department concerned that Taliban government doesn’t include any women

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

There’s a four-letter word for pornography: EVIL. Why can’t the media pronounce it?

Justifications of pornography are ingenious and endless but seldom novel. However, when OnlyFans, one of the world’s largest websites for user-generated porn, threatened to ban sexually explicit videos and images, a new argument emerged.

Honest working folk will go hungry because they can’t upload images of themselves having sex for their viewers.

“If you’re not allowed to post really explicit content it’s going to be a massive kick in the teeth,” a 22-year-old gay man told the BBC. “We’re doing it from the comfort of our own bedrooms, it’s given us a living — it could be getting people off drugs, off the streets. [Making porn] is helping people and they still want to put bans on it, and [that’s] disgusting.”

As Brendan O’Neill of Spiked, a very unprudish Marxist-libertarian-humanist-pro-choice website in the UK, put it, “There you have it. What’s ‘disgusting’ in 2021 is not porn, but being prevented from making porn.”

OnlyFans is one of the UK’s biggest tech start-ups. For PR purposes, it purports to host training videos for cooking and yoga, too, but most of its revenue come from pornography. It takes 20 percent of what its “creators” earn exhibiting themselves doing erotic stuff on camera. It is said to have accumulated 130 million users and 2 million content creators since it launched in 2016.

However, the company claimed last month that investors fretting about reputational risk were going to starve it of funding unless it stopped hosting explicit pornography. Banks and credit card companies threatened to cancel their services.

There was a huge outcry – or so the company claimed – from their impoverished content creators.

A woman who calls herself Morgan Music told NPR that the money she earned from her videos on OnlyFans helped to reduce her anxiety. “To have that lifted because I have, like, a savings account for the first time and have a good credit score for the first time in my life, I think it’s hard to really convey how much that means to a person’s quality of life,” Music said.

So OnlyFans compassionately caved in. The moral pressure was too intense. It tweeted: “We have secured assurances necessary to support our diverse creator community and have suspended the planned October 1 policy change. OnlyFans stands for inclusion and we will continue to provide a home for all creators.”

New York Times journalist swallowed this guff about the magnanimous pornographer and the money-grubbing banks.

In an article updating its readers about the porn wars, Spencer Bokat-Lindell quoted another sex worker: “OnlyFans is how I pay my rent. I feed myself from this.” He quoted the Free Speech Coalition, a trade organisation for pornographers: “Companies like Mastercard are now accomplices in the disenfranchisement of millions of sex workers, complicit in pushing workers away from independence into potentially more dangerous and exploitative conditions.”

I mustn’t give the impression that the New York Times supports pornography. It doesn’t — at least for the being. But it’s ambiguous. It shilly-shallies. It hums and haws. It dithers. It’s bad because it exploits women … it’s good because it’s liberating….

This week, to its credit, it also featured an essay by Catharine A. MacKinnon, an elderly feminist with an impressive academic record. She was incandescent about the media’s description of exploited women (and men) as “sex workers”. “What is being done to them is neither sex, in the sense of intimacy and mutuality, nor work, in the sense of productivity and dignity,” she wrote.

“Sex work” implies that prostituted people really want to do what they have virtually no choice in doing. That their poverty, homelessness, prior sexual abuse as children, subjection to racism, exclusion from gainful occupations or unequal pay plays no role. That they are who the pornography says they are, valuable only for use in it.

She is on the money about this. Almost no intelligent person who reflects upon pornography, the objects of pornography, the users of pornography, and the effects of pornography believes that it is good.

The problem is that its liberal critics cannot, are utterly unable to, and will never, ever, say that it is evil. They shilly-shally. “Evil” is a four-letter word.

Take, for instance, Amia Srinivasan, a Wunderkind Oxford professor of philosophy who often writes in the Times. This week the newspaper featured both an excerpt from her new book The Right to Sex and an interview with Ezra Klein.

Srinivasan’s book is a kind of scholastic dissection of sexual desire. This is not as lubricious as it might sound. Having detached sex from its natural psychological and biological ends, the only topic of interest is an ever-more subtle taxonomy of desire – rather like the philosophers in Gulliver’s Travels who extract sunbeams from cucumbers. It’s … boring.

And her views on pornography are surprisingly conservative. In fact, she feels a certain sympathy with people who contend that “we have this kind of sacred thing that’s being degraded by being placed on this screen”. And she is sensitive to the plight of women who turn to pornography and prostitution because they are poor and marginalised.

So what is her solution?

In her conversation with Ezra Klein, the best she can come up with is – wait for it – government funding of excellent pornography. Young people shouldn’t be educated in relationships by the appalling stuff they see on OnlyFans or PornHub. So, ” one option I gesture at is, well, you could imagine states doing things like putting more resources in the hands of indie queer feminist porn filmmakers, of which there are quite a few.”

There’s only one correct response to pornography: absolute rejection. It corrupts men; it exploits women. Our democracy is built on the notion that each person has a unique, precious and transcendental destiny. Pornography is built on the notion that some persons are just raw meat.

Are there difficulties in banning pornography? Of course. We’ll never scour this blot entirely away. But the first step is the unwavering conviction that it is absolutely unacceptable in a civilised society. As O’Neill (who is, remember, not a prude and not a Christian) says:

Rejecting the industrialisation of sex in favour of returning to feeling will be a central task for all of us who are keen to recover humanity from the rapacious forces of capitalism, exploitation and fear. And this cannot be done without moral judgement. I’ll go first: pornography and prostitution are morally wrong. You should not partake in these wicked pastimes. Be better.

And if we don’t have the fortitude to say the E-word, we’ll end up, as Srinivasan predicts, with government-funded pornography for your kids.


Michael Cook is the editor of MercatorNet. More by Michael Cook.

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Fauci’s Lies Finally Exposed

Senator Rand Paul posted this video on YouTube:

In an email Senator Paul stated:

Anthony Fauci was just exposed in a bombshell report.

And I have sent a criminal referral against him to the Department of Justice.

Remember all the times I took him on in front of the United States Senate?

The media took his side by spewing lies about me and covering up his unethical schemes.

But now the truth has come out. Fauci funded gain-of-function research. And even the media can’t ignore it anymore.

I joined Hannity to talk about the report that finally revealed his lies.

The Intercept published a report that includes over 900 pages of jaw-dropping documents that prove Fauci’s role in the creation of deadly viruses.

According to the report, Fauci’s agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, provided grants to the Wuhan lab, including “$599,000 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology used in part to identify and alter bat coronaviruses likely to infect humans.”

Let me repeat that again: Fauci used your money as a taxpayer to pay a Chinese lab to “alter bat coronaviruses likely to infect humans.”

That’s bad enough. But here’s the worst part: Fauci still thinks he did nothing wrong.

And if he didn’t learn his lesson the first time, that means he’d do it again.

I must stand up and fight back immediately, or these mad scientists may well cook up an even worse virus — one that makes COVID look like nothing.

This funding must be cut off forever. Not one more penny for gain-of-function research!

I have sent a criminal referral against Fauci to the Department of Justice for lying under oath about participating in gain-of-function research.

©All rights reserved.

In the Run-Up to the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, Media Pushing Stories About How Muslims Were the Real Victims

My latest in PJ Media:

Saturday marks twenty years since Islamic jihadis attacked New York City and Washington, and the establishment media is doing all it can to ensure that Americans grasp the true significance of those attacks: not that America was hit by a global jihad that has only gained in strength since then and could hit us again, but that Muslims were and are the true victims of that fateful day. In the last few days, the Los Angeles Times and the Associated Press have published lengthy pieces to that effect, and more in this vein is certain to come this week.

The LA Times on Friday published a lengthy weeper entitled “Muslim youth in America: A generation shadowed by the aftermath of 9/11,” all about how some people say rude things to innocent Muslims just because some people did something way back two decades ago. The article begins: “On a rainy day during her sophomore year of high school, as Aissata Ba studied in the library, a photo popped into her phone. It showed a beheading by Islamic State militants, along with a caption in red letters: ‘Go back to your country.’” In the big bad, “Islamophobic” USA, the perpetrator of this horror got off scot-free: “Ba reported the incident. Administrators never tracked down the person who sent it.”

Then there was “the boy in sixth grade who would say ‘allahu Akbar,’ Arabic for ‘God is great,’ and throw his backpack near her, pretending it was a bomb.” Actually, “Allahu akbar” means “Allah is greater,” that is, greater than your god; it is a declaration of the superiority of Islam and its victory over other religions, which is why Islamic jihadists so often scream out this phrase while committing acts of violence against unbelievers.

But the Los Angeles Times doesn’t explain any of that; it’s too busy explaining how Muslims are the true victims of the 9/11 attacks: “Asked when they thought such incidents became common, the Ba family didn’t hesitate. ‘It started with 9/11,’ said Ba’s mom, Zeinebou, who immigrated to Chicago in 1999. That day in 2001 caused a chain of tragedies — for the nearly 3,000 people who perished during the attacks in New York, at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania; for the young men and women who died serving their country in the wars that followed; and for Muslims, and those perceived as Muslim, who became targets of hate.”

It would be much easier to sympathize with all this if not for the fact that since 9/11, Islamic advocacy groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), with eager help from the establishment media, have insisted that any honest investigation of the motivating ideology behind the attacks, and jihad terror in general, constituted “hate.” Then there are the numerous fake anti-Muslim hate crimes, fabricated apparently in order to buttress the claim that Muslims are uniquely harassed and victimized in the United States.

There is more. Read the rest here.


9/11 Masterminds Finally Go on Trial—20 Years After the Attack

Let Them Eat Salami: Biden Marks Labor Day By Handing Out Sandwiches to Union Members

Satanists Claim Their Religious Rights Are Being Denied in Texas Because They Can’t Kill Babies

France: Muslim migrant who plotted to murder girl who insulted Islam is released

UK Muslim who aided ISIS: ‘We’ve been doing this for years but no one has been caught by the virtue of Allah’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Liberal Wants To Join A Union But Realizes He’d Have To Get A Job

PORTLAND, OR—Henry Trudeau is passionately pro-union. He changes his profile picture to support unions that are going on strike and browses Twitter to voice his support for teachers’ unions, ironworkers’ unions, and any other union that gets involved in a labor dispute. He likes unions so much, in fact, that he decided to go all the way and join one. But he was disappointed to discover that in order to join a union he would first have to get a job.

“Aww, man! That’s so lame,” he said as he browsed the website for his local lumberjack union and realized that in order to join, he’d have to get up every morning and chop down trees. “That’s so ga–I mean, that’s so cishet. It’s totally discriminatory! Why do you have to actually work to join a union?”

He browsed union after union online, and sure enough, they all required employment to be a member.

“The teachers’ union looks pretty promising, as you can get a job but then just stay home,” he said. “But that’s still a lot of work, when all I was trying to do was morally posture online. Ugh.”

At publishing time, Trudeau had decided to found the world’s first “unemployed’s union,” where you can have the smug superiority of joining a union but not actually have to go to work.

RELATED POLITICAL SATIRE: Nancy Pelosi Flies To Afghanistan To Lecture Stranded Americans On How Bad January 6 Was

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Nancy Pelosi Flies To Afghanistan To Lecture Stranded Americans On How Bad January 6 Was

KABUL—Nancy Pelosi landed at the airport in Kabul today on a mission to reach out to stranded Americans there. She’s not on a rescue mission or there to provide any relief, though, and is instead lecturing them on how bad January 6 was. “We have to educate these people on how bad that insurrection was,” she told reporters before flying out. “They don’t have access to as much information, news, or internet out there, so it’s possible they haven’t heard about January 6 and what a dark day that was for our country.”

“January 6 was literally the worst disaster in the history of the presidency!” she said through a megaphone at Americans waiting at the airport for some hope of escape. “You people just don’t understand how bad it was! Ms. Ocasio-Cortez literally gave her life for you that day!”

“Alright, just don’t go radicalizing yourselves and thinking Trump actually won, and everything will be OK. Byyyyyye!!!”

It wasn’t all a lecture, though, as Pelosi left behind one half-eaten quart of her favorite brand of ice cream for the stranded Americans to fight over, Hunger Games-style.


How Can God Be Real When A Christian Was Mean To Me Once? Checkmate, Fundies

Joe Rogan: ‘I’m Doing Better But I’m Still A Little Hoarse’

Liberal Wants To Join A Union But Realizes He’d Have To Get A Job

Anakin Skywalker Hired By Planned Parenthood For His Speed And Efficiency Taking Care Of The Younglings

Christian Leader Sure He’s On The Right Track As He’s Getting Tons Of Good Feedback From The World

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Where’s Kamala? Harris Washes Her Hands of Flailing Joe Biden

As hapless, doddering President Joe Biden struggles and fails on every major issue facing the country, his equally unqualified and incompetent Vice President Kamala Harris is more or less Missing In Action.

For two weeks, since August 26, while Biden bungled the withdrawal from Afghanistan and single-handedly flipped the war on terror in favor of our jihadist enemies, Harris has wisely kept out of public view except for a brief ceremony where she swore in U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar on Thursday. Even then, she ignored questions from reporters.

Harris has not appeared publicly standing with Biden since August 20. Her  schedule has not included any mention of her weekly lunch with the president since July 23.

On Wednesday, Kamala plans to head to California to campaign for embattled California Governor Gavin Newsom in his recall election — not that that will help him any. Understandably, no one in her home state likes Kamala. But at least she won’t have to be in Washington D.C. to take any heat for the world burning on her and Biden’s watch.

Kamala Harris

97 Known Connections

Harris Condemns America’s “Racism,” “Sexism,” & “Xenophobia”

On March 19, 2021 , Harris and President Biden traveled to Atlanta to show solidarity with the city’s Asian American community, in the aftermath of an incident where a white man had shot and killed six local Asian women as well as two white people. Though there was no evidence that the shootings had been racially motivated, Harris said in a speech at Emory University: said: “Racism is real in America and it has always been. Xenophobia is real in America and always has been. Sexism, too.” She also suggested that former President Trump was to blame for an alleged spike in anti-Asian crimes that had occurred in the U.S. during 2020: “For the last year, we’ve had people in positions of incredible power scapegoating Asian Americans, people with the biggest pulpits, spreading this kind of hate.”

To learn more about Kamala Harris, click here.


EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Approval Rating Among CNN Employees Sinks To All-Time Low Of 98%

ATLANTA, GA—After a tumultuous 3 weeks and a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, internal polls now indicate that Biden’s approval rating among those who work at CNN has fallen to an all-time low of 98%.

“This is extremely concerning,” said CNN president Jeffrey Zucker. “In spite of our best efforts to support our dear president, his approval among our employees has fallen to just 98%, down from a previous low of 99.2%. Rest assured—we will find who these employees are who disapprove and ensure they undergo disciplinary measures.”

Some anonymous sources have suggested that Biden’s approval rating at CNN is actually much lower, but that most employees have lied on the survey in order to keep their jobs. To find out who’s lying, Zucker will be mandating lie detector tests for all employees.

The survey did confirm, however, that CNN employee approval of Communist China, Big Tech, and Jeffrey Toobin still remains at a healthy 100%, at least among those named Jeffrey Toobin.


Press Shocked As Man Who Didn’t Answer Any Questions While Running For President Still Doesn’t Answer Any Questions Now That He’s President

Racist Democrats Desperately Try To Prevent Black Man From Becoming Governor Of California

Joe Rogan Criticized As ‘Anti-Science’ For Surviving COVID

Pfizer Releases Brand New, Never-Before-Seen Drug ‘Pfivermectin’

Top 10 Animals Noah Should Have Yeeted Off The Ark

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Reid: You’re Not Pro-Life If You Oppose Vax Mandates And Abortion

Friday on MSNBC’s The ReidOut, racist propagandist Joy Reid declared falsely that Republicans can’t claim to be pro-life if they ban COVID mask mandates, “put bounties on pregnant women,” and support former President Donald Trump, who still lives in the heads of Democrats rent-free.

“You can’t call yourself a pro-life party if your policy goals are to allow the maximum number of people to die of COVID, including children, by banning mask mandates in businesses and schools and raising doubts about vaccines,” Reid ranted falsely.

“You can’t call yourself the pro-life, pro-family party if your policy goals are to put bounties on pregnant women and to force teenage girls to give birth after getting pregnant as a result of incest and rape…” she added. Democrats always raise the almost non-existent issue of pregnancy through incest and rape, because they see that as the weak link in the anti-abortion position.

“The Republican Party is a lot of things; anti-democracy, anti-voting, anti-history, anti-facts, deeply opposed to anti-racism,” she claimed, in a staggering example of leftist projection. Literally everything she said is in fact characteristic of the left, with the exception of the right’s opposition to so-called “anti-racism” — because anti-racism, as the left defines it, is racism.

“What they are not is pro-life,” she falsely concluded. The GOP is “now loudly and proudly the pro-death party.” What laughable projection. From the political weaponization of the pandemic, which has led to far greater numbers of death than the disease itself, to the genocide carried out through abortion, it is Progressivism that is the death cult.

Joy Reid

17 Known Connections

Reid Claims That Fox News Anchors Want Their Own Viewers to Die of COVID

During a July 19, 2021 appearance on CBS’s The Late Show, Reid was asked for her thoughts about anchors on other television networks who questioned whether people should take the coronavirus vaccine. She replied: “Number one, it doesn’t make sense to me why folks at that particular network [Fox News], which I think we all know who we mean, would want to kill their own viewers. Their viewers are older. Their viewers are more susceptible to COVID. And I don’t understand what the point is of killing them because everyone on air at Fox has been vaccinated. I would put any money on it. They were vaccinated first. I’m sure they shoved little old ladies out of the way to get their vaccines first. They’re all vaccinated. They’re living in remote cabins… They’re all vaccinated. And so, if they’re telling you not to do it, you have to ask yourself why they don’t care about you when you’re their base. And again, the people who are saying this, what is in it for them for their own people to die?”

To learn more about Joy Reid, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Thomas Jefferson: The Media Betrayed America

There is plenty of finger-pointing going on right now over who is to blame for America’s shockingly rapid decline. Joe Biden, Donald Trump, radical Democrats, Trumper Republicans, public education, universities, Hollywood culture, woke culture in general and so on.

But Thomas Jefferson would point to something far more fundamental in the nation’s decline: the media. In 1786, he wrote from Paris to James Curry:

“Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.”

Freedom of the press has been lost by being willingly given away in service to a single party, rather than a watchdog.

Yes, it is the radicalized Democrat Party making it happen in government at the moment. But it is the media that has betrayed Americans by becoming a one-party propagandistic organ of both misinformation and squashing real stories, rather than being information providers to the American public that Jefferson understood to be essential to the Republic.

Jefferson keenly had so much more to say on this In one of the letters that Jefferson wrote from Paris to Edward Carrington, whom Jefferson appointed as a delegate to represent Virginia in the Continental Congress, he makes perfectly clear the critical importance of unrestricted avenues of information to the American people.

“The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Jefferson saw the media as unfettered providers of information to the American public as more essential than the government itself. Of course, this explains why the very First Amendment in the Bill of Rights includes both freedom of speech and of the press, specifically that the government should not “abridge” either. “Abridge” means to curtail a right or privilege. And both free speech and freedom of the press involves the American public being informed in the public square. Newspapers were distributed at the time of Jefferson’s writings and for more than another century, largely in the literal public squares of cities and towns, where speakers would also stand to give opinions from religion to politics to anything else. Is it not clear that Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and the rest act now as the public square?

Jefferson wrote:

“Reason and free enquiry are the only effectual agents against error…Reason and persuasion are the only practicable instruments. To make way for these, free enquiry must be indulged; and how can we wish others to indulge it while we refuse it ourselves.”

Yet top government officials, including White House mouthpiece Jen Psaki, openly call on all social media outlets, along with old-line corporate media, to ban “misinformation.” Let us be very honest about this, misinformation is the left’s euphemism for information they don’t want out or opinions they want squashed.

Psaki told reporters that any American banned from, say, Facebook (a major public square for free speech) for spreading “misinformation” should be banned from all social media outlets — all of the public squares of today. “You shouldn’t be banned from one platform and not others for providing misinformation out there,” she said. All public squares must be closed to those who disagree with the government. Closed for good. Memory holed.

That is a powerful member of the government calling on the media to spread the government request (so far a request) that the gatekeepers of the public square block and ban information that the government does not want Americans to get. There is plenty of misinformation floating around. There always has been. But a core essential of America’s grand success is that the government was not allowed to determine what was misinformation and what was not because any sentient being should realize that will lead to government censorship in about five seconds.

How does this work? Psaki’s boss, the President of the United States, has openly lied to the American people dozens of times just regarding the Afghanistan fiasco. But of course that is not the misinformation she is talking about. Questioning the innumerable irregularities of the 2020 election is the misinformation she is talking about, and the social media public square along with the corporate media immediately oblige. Reporting Hunter Biden’s laptop that could incriminate the Democrat running for President is misinformation. Reporting on it minimally now that the Democrat President is in the White House is not. This is also true of Covid, masking and vaccines. So epidemiologists at Stanford, MIT and Harvard who question the government’s pronouncements on Covid are literally banned by the public square of social media and mostly by the corporate media — in the same way Hunter’s laptop was and questioning the 2020 election remains — because they do not align with the CDC, which is part of the federal government.

But of course this is the whole crux; just some people are to be banned from the public square. WrongThink people, to use Orwellian terms, will be silenced. By the government. And the media is not just compliant, but act as censors themselves working in league with the government. It’s possible that Jefferson was so worried about the government infringement, rightly so, he never considered that the media would voluntarily give over their First Amendment rights to the government.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Should White People Commit Suicide as an Ethical Act?

Today’s blog is another from a publication I read. This one was actually sent to me by a friend of this blog. It is about the total extremism of CRT – Critical Race Theory. Professors like those mentioned below are sitting in protected jobs in universities everywhere – in every state of the Union. These are the lunatics you are allowing to influence our young and spending tens of thousands of dollars in tuition fees for the privilege of a so called college degree and we wonder why we are in a mess as a country.

The radicalism of the article reposted below should blow your minds, especially if you are, like me, hard working and white. These liberal, insane professors are a clear and present danger to our national security and should be dealt with quickly, efficiently and permanently. The damage they have caused with generations of now twisted and confused young people is incalculably hard to imagine.

They are the real domestic terrorists. The enemy within.

They commit treason just about every time they open their twisted, warped, perverted and lying mouths. They are the worst kind of domestic terrorist because generations of Americans have been raised to trust and respect their teachers. However, people like these do not nor should they have any respect from any true Patriot American. They certainly should not be trusted. They hate America. They hate what this country stands for. They hate God. They hate liberty and freedom. They hate our Constitution. They hate themselves. They are the spawn of the Devil himself. Evil personified.

I hate to disappoint anyone but this time I gladly will. I will not kill myself because of my color. I am glad I had a child who is a huge supporter of this country, paying large amounts of taxes annually from a great and responsible well paid job job she got through grit, determination and hard work and giving back to the country that took her in and welcomed her at the tender age of 8! What she has achieved and what my wife and I have achieved in our lives is due to hard work, diligence, reliability, honesty, respect and a desire to support our families and ourselves independent of government assistance. We are God faring people who love our adopted country and speaking for myself, prepared to do whatever it takes to preserve our Constitutional Republic.

(As always I ask you to share this blog far and wide. I will post all relevant links and credits below as normal.)

‘White people should commit suicide as an ethical act,’ says white professor : By Joe Kovaks

A psychology professor at Duquesne University is raising eyebrows by agreeing with another educator who says it would be ethical for white people to kill themselves.

“White people should commit suicide as an ethical act,” says the top of a video presentation by professor Derek Hook at the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, college.

The video was posted by the anti-Critical Race Theory group Mythinformed MKE.

“This is part of an ‘anti-racist’ discussion on ‘nice white therapists held by the [American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work],’” the group wrote on Facebook.

The College Fix noted “the video appears to be from a summer session hosted by Hook, though the content is not otherwise publicly available.”

Hook, who himself is white, was quoting from Terblanche Delport, a South African philosophy professor at the University of Pretoria who wrote about white people killing themselves in 2016.

“[T]he only (life) purpose for whites, specifically Afrikaners, is to await their death or to commit suicide, like the samurai falls on his short sword when he has fallen into disgrace,” Delport said, according to Radio Free South Africa.

“White supremacy could only be ended once whites are dead,” continued Delport, who also is white. “We should be prepared to die silently, without having children, so that white supremacy could come to an end at last.”

“Here’s the kind of crazy gambit of this talk,” Hook said in his analysis. “I want to suggest that psychoanalytically we could even make the argument that there was something ethical in Delport’s statements.”

He suggested white folks could symbolically kill themselves or undergo metaphorical “castration.”

“I want to make the argument that there is some kind of ethical dimension to his provocations,” Hook continued.

“I think Delport took his white audience to the threshold of a type of symbolic extinction … he took them to a proposed end of whiteness.”

According to his Duquesne biography, Hook is a “scholar and a practitioner of psychoanalysis with expertise in the areas of Lacanian psychoanalysis, post-colonial theory (the work of Frantz Fanon in particular), the psychology of racism and critical social psychology.”

The College Fix noted: “The American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work is a liberal group that previously called on President Trump to resign days before his term in office ended due to the violence at the Capitol.

“The group ‘believes that Donald Trump’s presidential powers must be immediately revoked,’ according to a January 13 statement. ‘He has demonstrated an exploitation of such powers through the consistent promotion of racist groups and ideologies.’”

Joe Kovacs is the author of the forthcoming book, “Reaching God Speed: Unlocking the Secret Broadcast Revealing the Mystery of Everything.” His previous books include “Shocked by the Bible 2: Connecting the Dots in Scripture to Reveal the Truth They Don’t Want You to Know,” a follow-up to his No.1 best-seller “Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You’ve Never Been Told”as well as “The Divine Secret: The Awesome and Untold Truth about Your Phenomenal Destiny.”He is an award-winning journalist of more than 30 years in TV, radio and the internet. @JoeKovacsNews

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Roe v Wade at risk after SCOTUS declines to block Texas heartbeat bill

The US Supreme Court has declined to hear a challenge to a Texas law which bans abortions after a foetal heartbeat is detected. This has effectively closed abortion clinics in Texas, as a heartbeat can be detected at about six weeks. Women who want abortions will have to travel to neighbouring states.

For abortion supporters this is Armageddon. Planned Parenthood clinics have stopped scheduling abortions beyond six weeks from conception.

Writing in The Guardian, two feminist activists declared: “Since Roe v Wade was decided nearly 50 years ago, abortion opponents have been plotting its demise. Now the end may be near. Feminists need our own plan to advance reproductive freedom. That means preparing for a post-Roe world.”

And worse than post-Roe, worse than post-Apocalyptic, it is un-Texan. As an abortion doctor in north Texas, Ghazaleh Moayedi, told the BBC: “Providing abortion care, and accessing abortion care is actually the very heart of being Texan.”

President Joe Biden denounced the law as “extreme”. He declared that he would launch a “whole-of-government” response to oppose the law – although what that means is uncertain.

For abortion foes, however, this is a sweet victory. At least a dozen other states have passed laws which ban abortions of foetuses early in a pregnancy, but all of them have been stymied by injunctions. “Starting today, every unborn child with a heartbeat will be protected from the ravages of abortion,” Governor Greg Abbott tweeted. “Texas will always defend the right to life.”

Politicians in Arkansas, South Dakota and Florida are said to be considering a version of the Texas six-week abortion ban in their states.

But much of the reaction to the ban is hyperbolic. While Roe v Wade, which made abortion a constitutional right in the US in 1973, is manifestly under threat, the Supreme Court majority took great pains to make clear that their decision was made on procedural grounds and did not touch upon constitutional issues.

The problem for pro-abortion groups in Texas is that the new law has been very cleverly drafted. It does not criminalise abortion or abetting an abortion. Instead, it permits private citizens, even non-residents of Texas, to launch a civil suit. This tactic removes the state government from the complaint and makes it difficult for abortion clinics to create a test case to bring before the Supreme Court. At the same time anyone involved in an abortion is in danger of copping a US$10,000 fine plus substantial legal costs.

So the pro-life legal victory is a temporary one. Litigation will continue in lower courts. A more substantial case has been brought by the state of Mississippi, which will be probably heard later in December with a decision to be handed down next year.

In the meantime, lawyers are fretting about the legal fall-out of this unusual tactic.

“I confess that I have very serious reservations about the Texas legislation,” wrote David French, a pro-life pundit at The Dispatch. “The reason why is simple—it represents a clever way to engineer temporary deprivations of constitutional rights.”

Imagine a different scenario. Let’s imagine that a state or city bans the sale of, say, all semiautomatic rifles or handguns. But instead of enforcing the ban directly, it states that citizens can sue any person or corporation who sells a gun and any person or corporation who aids or abets the sale of a gun. Such a provision would be blatantly unconstitutional, but it may take time to resolve the issue—time that could cost a person the ability to defend themselves from deadly violence.

Even if the creative legislation only blocks abortion in Texas temporarily, the pro-life movement is gathering momentum. As columnist Timothy P. Carney pointed out in the Washington Examiner, “A majority in a recent CBS poll (54%) want abortion to be more restricted than it currently is. That means they want Roe and Casey to be struck down or replaced with a completely different court precedent.”


Michael Cook

Michael Cook is the editor of MercatorNet. More by Michael Cook

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.