The Shepherd’s Granddaughter — A Text Without Context

In her book, The Shepherd’s Granddaughter, Anne Laurel Carter drops her young readers into the middle of a land without its history, a situation without context, and a story without perspective, but her message is meant to influence innocent students.  It is a tutorial in subterfuge, a tale woven on an invisible loom, where the circumstances are unseen, the actions undefined, and the slander insidious.  This is my seventh children’s book review and it has left me reeling.

We meet Amani at age 6, eager to be a shepherd like her grandfather, Seedo.  His two sons (her father and uncle) and his grandson (Amani’s brother) apparently have other interests and Amani loves being with the sheep.  However, there is no resemblance to Johanna Spyri’s joyous tale, Heidi, as this author has a political mission.  We immediately learn that Amani’s people have lived “under the Mediterranean sun” for a thousand years, and that this land, by default, should be theirs.  If that were the case, might that same rule also apply to the Jews who have lived in Poland for more than a thousand years? Does mere residency grant consequential ownership?

No, that is not the case. In Ambassador Yoram Ettinger’s “Palestinian claim of continuity,” he quotes British cartographer and Dean of Westminster Abbey, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, who observed in 1856, “for miles and miles there was no appearance of life or habitation” in Sinai and Palestine.  The labor migration into the British Mandate was notably Egyptian, but also Syrian, Yemenite, Persian, Afghan, Hindu, Bedouin, Bosnian, and more – at least 25 different nationalities. The point being that the majority of residents in Judea, Samaria and pre-1967 Israel were recent migrants.

Grandfather explains that the mountain wolves were dispossessed by the Israeli “occupation.” It is more likely that the wolves fled due to the din of the systematic shelling into Israel by Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan, and the all-out “Six-Day War,” when Israel made a vital pre-emptive strike that resulted in its re-occupation of the West Bank (Judea, Samaria), Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, Old City of Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights.  And since then, the Arabs, now self-proclaimed Palestinians, have never ceased their terrorist raids.

As they navigate the grazing areas, Amani sees terraced olive trees and areas where Israelis destroyed entire groves.  Again, the author allows us to believe that Israelis wantonly cause destruction; the truth is withheld.   Property demolition is a method Israel has used in these territories that came under its control because of winning the Six-day War.  The procedure is considered a form of deterrence or collective punishment, as the terrorist is forced to consider the effects of his actions on his family.  When Amani observes the occupation, checkpoints, security zones and helmeted soldiers, Seedo justifies, “We’ll never have peace through violence.  They don’t trust us.”  His statement, both prophetic and instructive, remains unexplained, but implies that he knows the terrorists who are responsible for the local damage and the Israeli backlash, including the eventual demolition of their property.

During family conversations, they speak of Israelis  building new highways and new settlements (neighborhoods) throughout Palestine (Judea, Samaria), and are heading their way. Amani’s uncle Ammo, angry that Palestinians live like refugees, wants only to fight with weapons.  As they watch TV, they learn of battles on city streets, riots, protesters decrying the new highways, people crying, blood-stained sidewalks, a suicide bombing in Israel, 11 young people killed in two explosions.  Israeli soldiers block the old road to disallow passage through the eastern gate.  Ammo wants his people to live in houses on Palestinian land.  The author, Carter, does not explain that this land is disputed territory that falls under the purview of UN Resolution 242, which calls on Israel to withdraw from territories captured if and when its neighbors agree to live in peace, and not as long as the terrorism continues.  Palestinians have refused all proposals of peace, using their UN funding for weaponry, terror tunnels and payments to mothers of martyrs instead of building infrastructure and establishing a country.

They speak of armed Jewish neighbors chasing Palestinian farmers from their orchards, burning down houses, suggesting that they are the aggressors, attacking without reason.  These are neighbors who are retaliating against the source of terrorist attacks, but until the terrorists are apprehended, it is Israel’s policy to respond with disciplinary action – temporarily shutting down power, imposing a provisional curfew, and positioning tanks to enforce house arrest, which also inflicts a financial hardship for those who cannot go to work.  These activities are not explained to the young readers; neither are they told why  Amani’s father, uncle, and brother are periodically arrested and released.  Amani’s brother Omar gives her a book, Al Naqba (The Catastrophe), referring to the (self-)evacuation of 600,000 Palestinians in 1948.  Carter offers no history, no context, no comment.

As bulldozers approach the north valley, Omar, cries out, “They want our land, our water, they want to drive us out.  A man has the right to defend himself on his own land.”  Their mother, Mama, talks about the past and the “massacre” in her village when the Israel Defense Forces attacked.  Omar claims the right of defense, that Israel wants Palestinian water.  The truth is that Israel supplies Palestinians with water. In fact, Israel has doubled the amount that was stipulated in the Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement (9/28/95, signed in Washington) to combat the desert water crisis.  The Palestinian Authority pays Israel $3 million per year for their water, which constitutes less than 10 percent of the water they consume.

Mama’s tale of the massacre is Carter’s revival of the most infamous Massacre that Never Was.  It occurred in Jenin, April 2002, when 16 Palestinian terror bombings killed 102 Israeli civilians.  The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) reported first 3,000, then 520, Palestinians killed, adding unchallenged quotes and false allegations that were repeated in at least half-hourly sensational reports.  When finally Doctors without Borders went in, and were met with the undeniable stench, they reported that the body count was unearthed corpses from adjacent cemeteries.  The BBC was fully responsible for all the libelous coverage, falsehoods, accusations of “war crimes against humanity.” Sir Quentin Thomas noted: This was “a straightforward lie unwittingly, but very effectively, served by the BBC, that caused terrible damage and pain.” Carter, knowingly or otherwise, refrains from clarifying that the horrors were never committed.  Knowing only what Mama says, the young readers will conclude that Israel is worthy of loathing. Further, Mama’s village was not “confiscated,” but “recaptured” by the invaded country.

To exacerbate the already damaging narrative, Carter adds two gratuitous Jewish characters to the story.  One is a rabbi who joins the demonstrating Palestinian  blockade that chants, “This is our land,” as they seek to stop the Caterpillar equipment from preparing the peak for paving. Certainly, the Jews have their share of collaborators or leftists, but the novelist’s inclusion is psychologically coercive, implying that this individual represents a large percentage of Israelis. 

The second is Jonathan, a teenage boy about Amani’s age, whose “settler” father shot one of Amani’s sheep.  He is sympathetic to Amani and rejects his father’s actions and the conflict.  He says, ““My father says a real Jew defends the Holy Land.  I don’t know what a real Jew is anymore  My grandparents saw so many Jews die in the camps. They believed in a homeland where Jews would be safe, but I can’t believe they meant this.  The settlement destroyed your life.”  The author’s message is that the traumatic injustice suffered by the Jewish generation of the Holocaust has goaded them into visiting something similar on a defenseless people.  However, there is no historic precedence to prove that Jews are a vindictive people, but quite the opposite.

The Jews are the indigenous people and legal residents on the land, yet Carter disparages the defensive actions of the Israelis while remaining non-judgmental about the terrorism, which, in essence, is a continuation of the Islamic jihad that has spread throughout the world over 14 centuries.  The novelist has used two Jewish conspiratorial voices to support the Palestinian narrative.

Carter evidently has no concern whatsoever with context, perspective, history and the consequent dissemination of falsehoods. The danger is that her story will be accepted at face value by the young and undiscerning.  Only those who understand the sub story of this tale will realize that Amani’s father, uncle, and brother are terrorists, and it is because of them that Amani and her family have lost everything.

©Tabitha Korol. All rights reserved.

Chris Wallace’s Impartiality Questioned Due To His Giant Foam Finger Reading ‘Biden 2020’

CLEVELAND, OH—Some are questioning Chris Wallace’s neutrality in the debate tonight. Many say he constantly interrupted Trump and refused to challenge Biden. But others are pointing to more obvious clues, like the giant foam finger he wore that read “Biden 2020.”

“I just don’t feel like this guy is being totally unbiased,” said one viewer. “But, to be frank, I can’t really put my finger on the reason. He just really seems to be thumbing his nose at the idea of impartiality.”

“I wish I could point to the reason I suspect him of bias. His questions just didn’t quite have the ring of fairness about them. We could make an index of all the times he interrupted Trump, while he seemed to have some kind of pinky promise with Joe Biden not to contradict him. He just wasn’t in the middle.”

“I gotta hand it to him though: he had a real grip of the issues.”


Prankster Trump Swaps Biden’s Mask Out With A Trump 2020 Mask

Broadcast Signal Accidentally Picks Up Two Old Men Yelling At Each Other Instead Of Presidential Debate

CNN Pre-Debate Poll Shows Biden Clearly Won Debate

Ilhan Omar Seen Driving Giant Industrial Ballot Harvester Through Minneapolis

Bombshell Report Reveals Christian Believes Christian Things

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

PREDICTION: Fox’s Chris Wallace Will Never Moderate a Presidential Debate Again

That is my prediction of course.  And, heck, maybe last night’s train wreck of a Presidential debate will cool enthusiasm for any more debates this year (or forever!).

I got up this morning pretty down-in-the-dumps after staying up past my bedtime for what I expected would be a hot debate, but never dreamed it would go off the rails as badly as it did.

Not long into the debate it became clear that Biden and Wallace were double-teaming to take down Trump.  Furious, I switched to watching comments fly by on twitter and realized it was apparent to everyone, Left and Right, that Wallace had stepped in to debate Trump whenever Trump sought a response from Biden.

Because I am too lazy to do it, I am so glad to see this compilation by Ryan Saavedra at the Daily Wire of many of the tweets I read in real time last night—tweets that told me that I wasn’t imaging things!

Chris Wallace Faces Intense Backlash, Including From Colleagues, Over Bias During Debate

Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.

Fox News host Brian Kilmeade even noted the discrepancy and called it out on social media, writing: “Why is @JoeBiden allowed to interrupt? @realDonaldTrump is not.”

Continue reading here to see what many citizen and media commenters said on the subject.

By the way, as hot as Trump was he did not call Biden names while Biden called Trump a liar and a clown.

LOL!  One good thing about last night was Joe Biden’s efforts to distance himself from his radical Left base. 

I’m guessing that right now AOC and her gang are working on a plan for him to be so sick he wouldn’t be able to continue in a role as Prez of the US right after inauguration day (if he should win).

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: ‘As Far As I Can See’ — British View of What’s at Stake in America

This is a compelling video titled “As Far As I Can See” posted by The Northern Monkey. It is a powerful commentary by Englishman Chris McGlade on what is at stake in the 2020 Presidential election by an outsider.

WATCH: “As Far As I Can See

©Chris McGlade. All rights reserved.

Woman Hoping to Unseat Senator Susan Collins Instrumental in Keeping Female Genital Mutilation Legal in Maine

So Sara Gideon is the candidate the fake Republicans at the Lincoln Project are supporting? 

See my post a week ago about how the Lincoln Project is pouring money into Maine to defeat Collins because she “has inadequately fought back against Trump.”

True to form, so-called champions of women’s rights run in fear when Somali and Muslim groups generally tell them to run!

Maine has a huge Somali population thanks partly to Catholic Charities the refugee resettlement agency that has worked in the state for decades to diversify Maine.

From the Washington Free Beacon (hat tip: Frank):

Maine Democrat Sara Gideon Killed Bills Outlawing Female Genital Mutilation

Maine Dems argued legislation was racist

Democratic Senate candidate Sara Gideon repeatedly killed bills to outlaw female genital mutilation during her tenure as the speaker of the Maine House of Representatives.

Gideon leveraged her leadership position in the Democrat-controlled legislature to kill two separate bills that would have criminalized the practice of severing the clitoris of infant girls and sewing their vaginas shut. Instead, the Democrat supported a different law that would have funnelled $150,000 to her political allies to educate Mainers about the practice instead of criminalizing it, according to a former state legislator who spearheaded the push to stop the mutilation.

Under Gideon’s leadership, Maine Democrats argued that the bill was racist toward the state’s large immigrant community from Somalia, a country where the practice is “nearly universal” according to the United Nations. The Democrats also argued that the practice rarely takes place in Maine and is already outlawed by existing federal and local laws.

Gideon’s efforts have helped make Maine one of only 12 states that have not banned female genital mutilation. Such a legacy threatens to complicate her cultivated image as a champion of women’s rights, one built on her consistent support for abortion access and the #MeToo movement. The image strategy has paid off, translating into hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and outside money support from national pro-abortion groups. Gideon did not respond to a request for comment.

There is a lot more, continue reading here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Whites Fleeing Los Angeles Headed to Tennessee

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Vortex — Gay Democratic Bishops

Actual honesty would be refreshing.


It’s not really shocking that, in a political landscape dominated by identity politics, certain “types” would gravitate around one party or another, one candidate or another. It’s not really hard and fast — or a guarantee — but the Marxist media assures us it is the case, so it must be true. Remember, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.

So, buzzing around the Biden-Harris ticket are child-murderers; homosexual activists; climate-change fanatics; illegal-immigration, open-border enthusiasts; poorly catechized Catholics and so forth. You know — the Marxists. Trump, of course, has pretty much the other end of the spectrum: Patriots, pro-lifers, religious-minded and so forth. You know — actual Americans.

There is some crossover (but not much, particularly in the increasingly polarized society). But there’s another group that kind of gets to fly under the radar, but which really bears much closer scrutiny. That group is the U.S. bishops. And that body deserves much scrutiny because of the disproportionate influence they have over voters.

It’s not that the individual Catholic voter hangs on every word emanating from the U.S. hierarchy (thank God), but they have created an environment through decades of deceit, deception and distortion that gives the impression that the Catholic Church aligns better with the Democratic Party than Republicans.

But it doesn’t. Not even close. The Democratic Party platform supports outright intrinsic evils while also denying natural law. But there are bishops in the U.S. who are all down with that evil, and Church Militant thinks that those bishops should just come clean and stop hiding behind each other’s skirts.

We all know that a sizable number of clergy are homosexual. Even James Martin admits that. Heck, he even upbraided them and said they all need to come out of the closet and fess up. You’ll rarely hear this out of Church Militant’s mouth, but we agree with Martin. He should start with himself: Admit it or deny it, Father — come on.

But he is certainly not alone. How about Lexington, Kentucky bishop John Stowe. How about it Bishop? Are you a homosexual? We mean, why should you get to abuse your office to promote all kinds of moral filth, pretending you don’t have a dog in the fight. You house the anti-Catholic “Fortunate Families” outfit in your diocese, you speak at gay conferences like New Ways Ministry and you even share the stage with known homopredator clerics. But that sexual abuse is okay, right — because it’s all in “the family”?

Look, if you’re a big, ol’ queen, fine. We can use that as a jumping-off point to start talking about all this. But until you come clean, you can’t be taken seriously because you’re fundamentally dishonest and untrustworthy. And is there anything else that can be said more disgraceful of a successor of the Apostles?

So when you publish social media posts about how evil President Trump is, why should anyone listen? You haven’t shown your cards — and we suspect you may have two or three queens. Speaking of gay bishops, how about Joseph Bambera of Scranton, Pennsylvania who has had James Martin in the diocese so many times to promote sodomy that it raises questions about what’s really going on there.

Bambera is so effeminate that some of his own clergy call him “Bambi,” and Bambera has been outed previously by Church Militant as a registered Democrat. You know, a card-carrying member of the party that hacks up little children and sells their pieces for profits and also promotes gay sex like nobody’s business.

Giving Bambi the benefit of a doubt in presuming he doesn’t actually support the chopping up of little babies, whatever could be his reason for remaining in the party? While abortion is the religion of the Marxists, taxpayer-supported, non-stop, constitutionally protected gay sex is a really close second. So why would any bishop be a Democrat and throw his support behind child murderers and gay sex? To protect the spotted owl? Seriously? Come on!

These exact same questions can be asked of Cupich in Chicago, McElroy in San Diego, Tobin in Newark and in quite a number of other places, some of which might escape scrutiny the first time around. The question is simple: Are you gay? Yes or No? Given the current climate in the Church and the world, every single Catholic has a right to know that.

Long gone are the days when bishops could be trusted — many of them even admit that. Good. At least that’s a start. We won’t go into the reasons we can’t believe you or trust you; the list would need two eternities to be read aloud in its entirety. But a major reason you can’t be trusted is because so many of you are homosexuals in hiding, working to destroy the Church from within. And you need to say out loud, all of you (which I suspect is a pretty sizable number, if you are homosexual.

A simple “yes” or “no” would do. But of course, that will open up another set of questions for those of you who are gay. For example, how much do you let your sexual inclinations and attractions influence your politics, doctrine and well, frankly, your personal lives? It’s abominable, given your track record, that you think we don’t have a right to know this.

Of course we do. Faithful Catholics should be picketing your residences and chanceries demanding to know if you are homosexual. Much of the gay world supports the Democratic Party and brain-dead Biden. But you already know that, of course. You hate the religious air that surrounds the Republican Party, even if it is thin, questionable or even somewhat imagined.

You gay bishops hate God. You hate Scripture. James Martin even tweeted out that the Bible does say homosexuality is wrong and bad and all, but he added the Bible is wrong. Most importantly, you hate the Church. Admittedly, some of you have this love-hate relationship with the Church — you live with a tortured conscience, longing to have sex with men, maybe even actually doing so, but also knowing it’s wrong. And you are unable to come to terms with the inner conflict.

You need to resign. You need to get out now and save your soul. And if you need a little help, then call on the laity. You all may not like it but what the Era of Trump has caused is the great unmasking — pun intended. Everyone is now learning where everyone else stands on everything, and as a result, everyone is realigning themselves.

We think that all you bishops should join the party. Come out of the closet. Like you buddy Jimmy says, come screaming out and declare what you are. It’s probably safe to say that — while there would be a few surprises — most of you aren’t gonna shock any of us. We already know who you are by the way you direct your politics.

We know many of you ran deep into the closet in seminary and have made a pretty comfortable life for yourselves. Well, time’s up. Many of you are gay Democrats, which admittedly is kind of redundant. But regardless, your people need to start asking you. They need to go up to you after Mass (whether it’s in Detroit, New York, Washington, D.C. or Fort Worth, and flat out ask you, “Are you gay?”

If there was ever a time for total exposure in the Church, this is the time. What the faithful need to understand is a large number of these men are more gay than they are Catholic, and they are doing everything they can think of to get you to vote Democrat. It’s just helpful to know where a person stands. Nothing wrong with that, right your excellencies? A little actual honesty would be refreshing.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Study Finds Most Americans Trust Dr Pepper Over Dr. Fauci

U.S.—A new study has found that far more Americans would trust Dr Pepper than would trust Dr. Fauci.

While Dr. Fauci has made some questionable claims over the past few months, Dr Pepper hasn’t made any erroneous predictions about the virus or recommendations when it comes to masks and other protective measures. So the soft drink has rocketed up the charts as the most-trusted medical professional in America.

“Dr Pepper has 23 delicious flavors that combine into a cool, refreshing taste that’s just right,” said Texan man Greg Bolar. “Dr. Fauci has none of these things. He can’t even give you diabetes, for crying out loud.”

“Dr Pepper has never let me down.” He then cracked open a cold, thirst-quenching Dr Pepper and chugged it in one gulp. “Ahh — that’s good stuff — and it has none of that nasty deep state aftertaste left by competing brands like Dr. Fauci.”

Americans also prefer Dr. Thunder, Mr. Pibb, and Dr. A+ over the medical advice dispensed by Dr. Fauci, according to the study.

This article was brought to you by Dr Pepper.


Concerns Raised As President Xi Seen Wearing Biden-Harris 2020 Shirt

Public Schools Now Preparing Kids For A Lifetime Of Soul-Crushing Zoom Meetings

Kamala Harris Sneaks Into White House To Plant Weed On Mike Pence

Oops! Public School Teacher Forgets To Remove Antifa Mask Before Logging On For Class

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Color Revolutions are Not About Color

Color revolution is a known tactical CIA operation that uses a seemingly spontaneous act as the precipitating event to destabilize a country and effect regime change. Color revolution is what is happening in America, and its front line soldiers are Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM).

America’s Own Color Revolution,” a June 29, 2020, Geopolitics article explains how “Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are being used as a battering ram to not only topple a U.S. President, but in the process, the very structures of the U.S. Constitutional order.”

The organization Black Lives Matter (BLM) is not about black lives. BLM is a Marxist organization disguised as a civil rights organization. Instead of improving race relations, BLM exploits racial tensions to collapse America from within and replace our constitutional republic with socialism/communism. BLM is the ultimate humanitarian hoax being perpetrated on unsuspecting Americans who still believe that BLM cares about black lives. They don’t.

Marxism, socialism, and communism are often used interchangeably, but Sandra Campbell clarifies the differences and shows how each builds on the other. “Marxism is the theoretical framework which lays the foundation for the economic and political philosophies of socialism and communism.” Communism is the end game. . . . Karl Marx argued that capitalism, with its strict adherence to free market principles, divided people because of competition. He believed communism was the solution.”

The failure of Karl Marx’s experiment is that in the real world, socialism and communism create the same centralized government with the same tyrannical, binary feudal structure of rulers and ruled. Globalism is centralized government on an internationalized planetary scale.

Now, back to race in America. Of course black lives matter – all lives matter in the United States of America! The foundation of life in the USA is that we all matter – all of us – white, black, blue, red, yellow, young, old, thin, fat, gay, straight, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, etc etc etc.

Our founding fathers rejected the tyranny of the aristocratic attitude that puts monarchs, emperors, oligarchs, caliphs, political elites, Hollywood glitterati, professional athletes, etc etc above the people. Ideologically, our founding fathers rejected the oppressive construct of rulers and ruled. Instead, they created a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Our forefathers rejected the tyranny of elitism, and embraced the individual freedom and upward mobility of the people. They dreamed the American dream – the opposite of the ruler and ruled nightmare of Marxist socialism, communism, Islamism, and globalism.

Our founding fathers fought for our freedom from the British monarchy and prevailing social pyramid of the few privileged elite at the top ruling their enslaved subjects below. The American War of Independence replaced the binary socio-political structure of feudalism with a threefold system that embraces an upwardly mobile middle class. Our forefathers dreamed a more perfect union of inclusion.

The United States of America is the greatest experiment in individual freedom the world has ever known. “Only in America” is the phrase that captures the possibilities of freedom. For 232 years, United States Presidents tried various methods to achieve the American dream of equal opportunity and upward mobility. Then came Barack Hussein Obama, the anti-American president who tried to fundamentally transform America and kill the American dream.

Barack Obama was the most divisive president in U.S. history. His promise to fundamentally transform the United States was the insidious effort to destroy the American dream, and replace our decentralized constitutional republic with the centralized government of socialism.

What’s wrong with socialism?

The problem with socialism, communism, Islamism, and globalism, is that NO LIVES MATTER except the lives of the ruling elite! Citizens’ individual rights and freedoms are forfeited to the state. The individual is not valued in collectivism, only the state and what the state deceitfully labels “the greater good” matters.

Obama’s eight anti-American presidential years were devoted to weakening the country. Obama’s four anti-American post-presidential years were dedicated to overthrowing duly elected America-first President Donald Trump. Obama marketed his Marxist movement as “resistance.” Obama’s resistance movement is ideologically aligned with Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

BLM and Antifa are Marxist communist organizations leading the color revolution in America, attempting to destabilize the country and effect regime change. Out with America-first President Donald Trump, and in with communist China’s puppet, Beijing Joe Biden.

Let’s connect the dots and examine the picture that emerges. Follow the money – always follow the money.

John Haywood’s June 11, 2020, Breitbart article, “The Complex Funding and Ideology of Black Lives Matter,” is very informative. Despite BLM’s attempt to present itself as a grassroots, humanitarian, civil rights organization, it is heavily funded by radical leftist corporate sponsors pushing Obama’s anti-American Marxist agenda:

BLM’s major financial supporters include:

  • Airbnb – $500,000 to BLM and the NAACP
  • Anastasia Beverly Hills fashions – $1 million pledged, $100,000 donated so far to groups including BLM
  • Bad Robot Productions – film studio involved in Star Trek, Star Wars, and Mission Impossible, $10 million pledged to “anti-racist” groups. BLM among the first recipients
  • BTS, a Korean pop group – $1 million, matching donations from fans
  • Cisco, electronics giant – $5 million to groups including BLM and its own Fighting Racism and Discrimination fund
  • DECIEM cosmetics – $100,000 to NAACP and BLM
  • Democracy Alliance – another Soros-linked group, added BLM to its annual $500 million donor list
  • Door Dash – food delivery company, $500,000
  • Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy – Left-wing groups that established a $100 million donor fund
  • George Soros’ Open Society Foundation – $33 million
  • Glossier cosmetics – $500,000
  • Pokemon Company – owners of the popular card game and its characters, $100,000
  • Scopely – mobile phone game developer, $1 million to BLM, NAACP, and Equal Justice Initiative
  • Spanx – undergarment manufacturer, $100,000 to groups including BLM
  • Square Enix computer games – $250,000 to BLM, also matching employee donations
  • Ubisoft computer games – $100,000 to NAACP and BLM
  • The Weeknd – Canadian R&B singer, $250,000

This brings us to public enemy #1, the king of radical leftist Democrats, humanitarian huckster extraordinaire, George Soros—the principal funder of Antifa and BLM through his Open Society Foundation. Antifa and BLM should both be designated as domestic terrorist organizations. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kirk says, “The FBI should investigate to see who’s doing this. Who’s behind these groups? Because when you look up the definition of terrorism – threats, intimidation, and extreme violence or violence for political reasons – that’s what these people are doing. . . .These aren’t protesters. These people are paid radical left-wing anarchists that come to instigate and engage in extreme violence, arson, and looting.”

Lew Rockwell’s June 21, 2020 video, “The Soros 2020 Color Revolution Explained,” is very instructive:

“They [Antifa and BLM] are created to disrupt and to continue the sowing of division. And in connected news earlier this year, Mr. Soros has launched his open societies University Network with a $1 billion gift and he will thus continue to help mold the thoughts of young people in the increasingly stifled halls of academia worldwide long after his death. While there is much back and forth, as to whether Mr. Soros has paid out of pocket for the mysterious flats of bricks conveniently left for looters and rioters to use in the recent round of violence, arson, looting and murder, it doesn’t really matter.

“He has for decades helped build the infrastructure, the organization, and the command-and-control that can immediately be fielded, once a single case of police brutality is caught on video and within a few days, have cities put to the torch with elected government officials bending the knee to violent mobs while the corporate mainstream media cheers it all on from the sidelines.”

Why are these corporate sponsors and radical leftist organizations so eager to support Antifa and BLM? Color revolutions and war on America are expensive, and the corporations who rely on cheap Chinese communist labor to manufacture their goods need Trump OUT.

America-first President Donald. J. Trump is the existential enemy of globalism, socialism, Islamism, and communism. He is committed to Americanism, American sovereignty, the U.S. Constitution, and the American dream. The enemies of America must remove America-first President Donald Trump in order to fundamentally transform America into socialism and then communism.

BLM and Antifa soldiers need money and materials to launch the next phase of their Marxist revolution after President Trump is reelected – armed insurrection. Marxist leader Angela Davis warned in a Vanity Fair interview that, “the violent BLM and Antifa protests across the country are the early stages of a far larger far-left ‘revolution.’” Then what happens?

Then the unholy alliance of America’s enemies including Marxists, leftists, socialists, globalists, Islamists, and communists will battle each other for dominance, unless they are denied ascendancy in November 2020. VOTER BEWARE!

All lives matter in Trump’s constitutional America. Only elite lives matter in the 2020 radical leftist Democrat party.

©Linda Goudsmit. All rights reserved.


How Black Lives Matter Is Being Used to Further a Communist Agenda

Liberal and Conservative Agree: Fathers Matter, Case Closed

Just-Laid-Off Minneapolis Police Officer Looks On Helplessly As Rioters Burn Down City Council Members’ Homes

MINNEAPOLIS, MN—Lieutenant Chris Gastelum was laid off yesterday by the Minneapolis Police Department after the city council voted to defund the police. As he was walking home, he saw, by chance, some rioters throwing Molotov cocktails at the homes of several city council members. But, sadly, he was powerless to do anything, as he’d just turned in his gun and badge.

“Help, officer — they’re burning down my house!” screamed a city council member.

“Oh, shoot! Sorry! Would love to help but they couldn’t afford me anymore,” Gastelum said. One rioter paused, worried he would be arrested. “Oh, no, sir, go right ahead,” the former officer said. “I’m not a cop anymore. Feel free to continue with your mostly peaceful protest.”

“Better luck next time!” Gastelum said cheerily to the city council member before skipping on his merry way, a newfound spring in his step.

“It’s a real bummer,” he told reporters later. “I would have loved to help out.” Just then, he turned another corner to see another city council member getting mugged. “Hey, good to see you!” he shouted at her. “Hope everything’s going well for you! Have a great day!”


Biden Campaign Holds Boat Parade But It’s Just Biden Alone In A Paddleboat

Trump Orders Schools To Replace Anti-American Curriculum With Daily Viewings Of ‘Top Gun’

D’oh! Last Guy Left In California Gets Stuck Paying The $140 Billion Tax Bill

Following California’s Plagues Of Darkness And Fire, Pacific Ocean Turns To Blood

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Amy Coney Barrett and the Zealots

Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett is in the grip of “dogmas.” So goes a criticism made by, ironically, the most dogmatic of people. In fact, the gripe reflects a certain dogma-born prejudice. Oh, I don’t speak of the anti-Catholic, anti-“religious,” anti-pro-life and anti-conservative varieties, though they’re also present. Nor do I refer to how a Muslim nominee would never be subjected to such scorn. Rather, the prejudice here is seldom recognized and something even good people may exhibit.

“The dogma lives loudly in you,” Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) told Barrett in 2017 during the latter’s nomination hearing for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. My answer to the senator would have begun with a simple but sage statement:

“In truth, there are only two kinds of people; those who accept dogma and know it, and those who accept dogma and don’t know it.”

This was written by potentate of profundity G.K. Chesterton in 1923, and he was, of course, correct (and still is). One of Feinstein’s apparent dogmas, for instance, is a common one: that only religious people have dogmas.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary lists “dogma’s” very first definition as “a: something held as an established opinion,” and, boy, the Left’s minions aren’t short on established opinions. They take as self-evident, for example, that “racism,” “sexism,” “homophobia” and “transphobia” are wrong.

Moreover, the Left’s latest dogmatic model — labeled “wokeness” with typical Idiocracy-level sophistication — upholds many additional dogmas: “white privilege,” Critical Race Theory dictates, that police unfairly target blacks, abortion is civil right, etc. The Left also dogmatically punishes “heretics” with a societal enforcement mechanism called “cancel culture.”

Some may respond that, unlike “religious” dogmas, the aforementioned have not been officialized. But this is a false argument. First, many leftists’ dogmas are part of the Democratic Party’s and other liberal organization’s platforms/guiding principles. More significantly, however, a belief’s correctness or incorrectness isn’t altered by its organizational adoption.

Its nature is what it is, and, in fact, beliefs are always embraced “informally” (at least by some) before they’re ever declared official organization positions. Why, Catholic beliefs, some of which so trouble the left-wing dogmatists, were themselves held as true by many faithful Catholics long before being declared dogma (e.g., the Trinity, not established as official Church doctrine until the Council of Nicea in 325).

Furthermore, it is personal, passionately held dogma that’s far more relevant to an individual’s job performance than dogma officially declared by an organization with which he may have some association.

Consider “Catholic” Justice Sonya Sotomayor. Since her judicial opinions certainly aren’t constrained by constitutional dictates, ask yourself what appears to most inform them. Catholic teaching…or what we currently call “leftism”? Because something does.

The point is that everyone has a world view — a philosophical foundation — that shapes his positions on everything else.

For example, if you believe man is divinely created and infused with a soul upon conception, you’ll almost assuredly be pro-life. But if you’re an atheist, declared or de facto, and consider man just a soulless organic robot comprising some pounds of chemicals and water, you may subscribe to the baby-as-unviable-tissue-mass thesis. Both these positions reflect dogmas. But the dogmas are only recognized as such with respect to the pro-life position because they happen to be dogmas the culture-shaping pseudo-elites, ever blind to their own dogmas, don’t like.

Either way, though, you’ll vote to overturn Roe v. Wade if you’re true to the Constitution because it does not guarantee a “right” to abortion. This is where it gets interesting, however.

It’s clear that so-called “religious” justices — such as Clarence Thomas and the late Antonin Scalia — who certainly believe there’s a higher law than the Constitution and are supposedly “enslaved by dogma,” are nonetheless far more likely to adhere to our founding document than their more “secular” colleagues.

This isn’t merely because, as I’ve explained, the Constitution is by its nature a “conservative” document. It’s not even just that “religious” justices apparently take oaths more seriously, especially those concluding with “So help me God.”

It’s also, first, that since they recognize ours as an ordered universe of moral absolutes, they’re oriented toward absolutes and are more likely to accept legal absolutes as just that — like them or not. Second, having the humility born of worshipping God and accepting that they’re not Him, they’re less apt to deify themselves and play God.

This constitutional adherence, by the way, is precisely what leftists don’t want despite their claims to the contrary. They instead want likeminded justices who view the Constitution as, to quote Thomas Jefferson, “a mere thing of wax…which they may twist and shape in to any form they please.”

Speaking of which, it is these “liberal/secular” judges who upon nomination to a higher court should be grilled mercilessly. They should be asked: “With what dogma do you justify, wholly contrary to the framers’ intent, treating the Constitution as a “living document”?

The most fundamental answer is one they wouldn’t offer even if they were introspective enough to grasp it. To wit: They reject Truth (absolute by definition) and thus are relativists — and, ultimately, such people too often make everything relative to themselves (My will be done!). Hence the judicial thing-of-wax rationalization called “pragmatism.”

Speaking of illusions, there’s another common prejudice here, one related to that concerning dogmas. It’s the idea, implicit in Feinstein’s Barrett criticism, that authentic “religiosity” should be a disqualifying factor. It’s also reflected in our “separation of church and state” (which is not in the Constitution) dogma, which places “religion” on the back of the bus. But consider:

If the ideas in question really are handed down by God, the Creator of the Universe and Author of All, don’t we have an obligation to infuse our public square and schools with them? To this the secularists will say, “Well, that’s your belief — in sky fairies. But these ideas are just man-made.”

Yet if so, why discriminate against them? Why say that ideas we happen to call “secular” may be in the public square but those we happen to call “religious” may not be? If they’re all man-made, wherein lies the relevant difference?

The truth hiding in plain sight is that in the most important sense, the religious/secular distinction is a false distinction. Note here that the current predominant usage of “secular” dates back only to the mid-19th century. In fact, once upon a time in the West the religious vs. secular dichotomy would have made no sense to people at all. Our remote ancestors viewed the relevant distinction as being, most simply put, the true vs. the untrue.

Now, you may take issue with, let’s say, medieval man’s conception of Truth, but the logic is airtight. Consider: If Marxism is essentially false, what’s most significant: that we call it “secular” or that it’s untrue? If God is real, what’s most significant: that belief in Him is labeled “religious” or that it is true?

Oh, and for those assuming there’s some greater correlation between so-called “secularism” and what’s true, the birth of Nazism, fascism, Marxism and other sordid and sundry isms says otherwise.

There is only the true and the untrue — anything obscuring this reality is dark unreality.

And the truth about Amy Coney Barrett is, quite possibly, not that the Democrats are afraid she’ll impose Catholicism. They’re perhaps afraid that because she honors God, she’ll also honor her oath and impose constitutionalism.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab or Parler (preferably) or Twitter, or log on to

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

Chevrolet Releases California-Compliant Horse And Buggy

DETROIT, MI—General Motors is making waves after a surprise unveiling of a line of exciting new California-compliant vehicles. After a week of building anticipation, officials at the company revealed its latest innovation for the West Coast: the 2021 Horse And Buggy.

The curiosity started last week when GM’s Twitter account dropped a cryptic photo of a lone carrot with the phrase “It’s coming.” Finally, at a live event this week, officials at the company pulled the cover off a stylish, elegant carriage pulled by a powerful single horse.

“We had to re-think everything,” said lead designer Abraham Moses Jehoshaphat from rural Pennsylvania. “With California outlawing gas-powered cars, we had to research new technology for propelling a four-wheeled vehicle forward. After countless hours of research and billions of dollars, this is what we came up with. It’s an organic, intelligent engine capable of listening to your voice commands and even reproducing other engines. A true miracle of modern science. Levi Berkenbosch from down the road donated it, which is nice. Her name’s Sal.”

The 2021 Horse & Buggy will come in a one or two horsepower option. Instead of dirty fossil fuels that make Mother Earth cry, the Horse & Buggy will be powered by organic oats and carrots, which can be picked up at your local Whole Foods for $12,000 per pound. Instead of plush bucket seats, riders will be treated to a solid oak plank carved from a single tree that will crack your pelvis every time you hit a pothole.

“The only downside to this amazing machine is you have to stop every 23 feet to pick up poop,” said Jehoshaphat. “Although, if you’re riding it through a San Francisco tent city no one will probably notice. Also, this old girl’s a little skittish around fire, which I hear could be a problem in California.”

Chevy confirmed they plan to release many more exciting new California-compliant models in the future such as the “Chariot,” the “Flintstone,” and the “100 Giant Helium Balloons Tied To A Harness On Your Back.” You’re welcome, Mother Nature!


Newsom Bans Cars To Prevent People From Escaping California

Amy Coney Barrett Holds Press Conference In Handmaid’s Tale Costume Just To Mess With Liberals

Democrats: ‘Without Abortion, Women Might Have To Settle For Having 7 Kids And Sitting On The Highest Court In The Land’

Democrats Prepare To Give Republicans Free Ad Footage Of Them Attacking Successful, Religious Mother Of 7

Joel Osteen Invites Hunter Biden To Give Sermon On Living Your Best Life Now

Midwesterner Explains To Terrified Californian Visitor That The Autumn Trees Aren’t Actually On Fire

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Communism’s Promotion and Collusion in America’s Race Wars

“Myself and Alicia Garza in particular are trained organizers.  We are trained Marxists.” –  Patrisse Cullors, Black Lives Matter Founder

“Evil preaches tolerance, until it is dominant, then it seeks to silence the Good.” – Father Altman, 2020

“The communists know, as the American people do not, that the city and community police forces now constitute one of the most important remaining obstacles to the gradual, insidious, and at first invisible establishment of the mechanics of their communist police state.” –  Robert Welch, JBS Founder

Most conservatives understand that Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa are communist organizations and are committed to overthrowing America’s culture, society and constitutional order.  BLM was founded in 2013 by three black women who are avowed Marxists.  They are also prophetesses of demonic darkness.

Antifa was founded in Germany in 1932; they promoted communism over fascism.  The two organizations work diligently together fomenting anarchy, along with dozens of smaller communist and Islamic groups, under the guise of eliminating police brutality against black Americans, which national statistics have proven to be false.  We are not experiencing a wave of social unrest generated by injustice or police brutality. We are watching an insurrection in progress, one which uses police violence as a pretext, but which has as its goal the destruction of the existing social, economic and political order in the United States.

Most Americans do not understand the demonic reality of Marxism and the communist infiltration of every facet of American society, peoples and culture.  This is the story of one black man’s devotion to communism for ten years, and his exit and exposure of their true evil.

Soviet Communists and Black Americans

In 1958, Manning R. Johnson wrote “Color, Communism and Common Sense,” a 78-page pamphlet about the communist infiltration of the black American community to incite strife, anger, envy, violence and riots.  Johnson saw inequities against his race, but he was also raised in a Christian home and that core training led him out of the communist regime after ten years of watching how truly evil they were.  In 1958, black Americans were still referred to as Negroes and that is how Mr. Johnson writes of his race and the communist penetration.

Manning Johnson’s book should be in everyone’s library.  He exposes the names of the communist leaders in society who masqueraded as progressive liberals.  The 78-page booklet tells how black churches were subverted and the communist plot to use black Americans, concocted by Stalin in 1928, to create racial hatred.  He tells of the real “Uncle Toms,” communists who pose as “friends of the Negro,” and under the guise of a campaign for black rights, set race against race in a cold-blooded struggle for power.  They are the ones who plotted with a diabolical foreign power the moral decay, physical slavery and spiritual death of their own race.

Manning Johnson was inducted into the party largely because of the preaching of a communist Bishop of the Episcopal church, but his early Christian upbringing made him revolt at the obscene immorality of the Communist Party and its members.  The communists had infiltrated the pulpits of America’s black churches, and don’t think they haven’t infiltrated the white ones as well.

Johnson labored for ten years in the cause of communism and was a dedicated comrade.  He believed that the end of capitalism “would bring the beginning of an interminable period of plenty, peace, prosperity and universal comradeship.”  He stated, “Being an idealist, I was sold this ‘Bill of Goods’ by a Negro graduate of the Lenin Institute in Moscow.”

Little did Mr. Johnson realize until he was deeply enmeshed in the Red Conspiracy, that just and seeming grievances are exploited to transform idealism into a cold and ruthless weapon against the capitalist system—that this was the end toward which all the communist efforts among black Americans are directed.  He stated that he saw communism in its naked cruelty, in its ruthlessness and utter contempt of Christian attributes and passions.  He saw the low value placed upon human life, the total lack of respect for the dignity of man, the betrayal of trust, the terror of the Secret Police and the bloody hand of the assassin during and since those fateful years when he embraced communism.

Manning Johnson rose to one of the highest ranks, but found that the communists only intended to use his people in a bloody revolution to destroy America.  When he woke up to this evil, he dropped out of the party and spent the rest of his life warning all American citizens of the true nature of the Communist Party as he knew it from the inside.

Reds Seek Division

In 1928, communists said the racial differences between the American people constituted the weakest and most vulnerable point in our fabric.  The communists calculated that by constantly straining at this one spot, they believed eventually the cloth could be torn apart and Americans could be divided, weakened and set against each other ultimately ending in open combat.  (How many times have we heard that a new civil war is brewing?)

But communist agitators are not just in the black community, they’re working the white community as well.  White communist “friends” descended upon the black communities to help them become “liberated” from racial prejudice.  Many of today’s BLM anarchists are white and some are school teachers.  The goal is hatred, bloodshed and violence between the races and they don’t care how they get it.

Black communists laid all the blame of the ills of black Americans at the feet of the white leaders of America.  Statues of historic figures, including America’s founders, have been purposefully destroyed by today’s anarchists.  “Capitalism and imperialism are made symbols of oppressive white rule in keeping with instructions from the Kremlin.”

Johnson wrote, “Black rebellion was what Moscow wanted. Bloody racial conflict would split America.  During the confusion, demoralization and panic would set in.  Then finally the Reds say, ‘Workers stop work,’ and many of them seize arms by attacking arsenals. Street fights become frequent. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, the workers organize revolutionary committees to be in command of the uprising.  Armed workers seize the principle government offices, invade the residence of the president and his cabinet members, arrest them, declare the old regime abolished, and establish their own power.”  This is the ultimate communist plan.

Reds in America’s Courts

In 1926, R. M. Whitney wrote Reds in America, a book which exposed the Red plot in all its major ramifications.  It was profusely illustrated with documents seized from communist sources by Federal authorities.  In August of 1922, at a meeting of communist leaders in Bridgman, Michigan, the racial division program was read to all and promoted.  In 1958, the tragic effects of public and official indifference were obvious.  And now, sixty-two years later we are seeing the race revolution come alive.  The Reds have been plotting the overthrow of America for over a century.

Communist agents plotted the use of U.S. courts to aid in their communist goals. In Manning Johnson’s book, he includes a 1917 letter by former President Teddy Roosevelt to Felix Frankfurter wherein he criticizes Frankfurter for supporting “traitors,” “Bolsheviks” and “murderers.”  Frankfurter, a Harvard Law School grad, worked for Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson.  During World War I, he served as Judge Advocate General.  After the war, he helped found the leftist/communist American Civil Liberties Union and returned to his position as professor at Harvard Law School.

Frankfurter was nominated to the high court in 1939 by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and served until 1962. He was a loyal and trusted advisor to FDR and promoted his unconstitutional New Deal. (President Teddy Roosevelt, uncle to Eleanor Roosevelt, was right…FDR was a man who embraced communists in his administration.) Johnson documents that Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter quoted Red propaganda to bolster Supreme Court rulings.

Archibald Roosevelt, the fifth child of Teddy Roosevelt, wrote the preface to Johnson’s book and stated that Justice Frankfurter used a communist statement in his majority opinion for “Communist Party vs. Subversion Board.” One has to wonder how Frankfurter’s communist leanings influenced his judicial decisions

Reds in America’s Universities

Numerous organizations were formed, directed, controlled, and led by Reds and fellow travelers to influence and expose millions of black Americans to communist ideas.  Through those organizations and many others, black institutions of higher education like Howard University were penetrated to subvert teachers and students and politically contaminate the intellectual stream of black lives.  In 2016, the Washington Times reported that liberal professors outnumbered conservatives by twelve to one.

Here is the testimony of Judge Cobb, a patriotic black American, former professor of Constitutional Law and vice dean of Howard University, in which he tried to alert America to the grave dangers to our internal security inherent in the advocacy of communism by Mr. Mordecai W. Johnson, President of Howard University.

James A. Cobb was admitted to the bar in 1902 and began working for Howard University in 1917.  Cobb was a member of the Washington Bar Association for black lawyers and a special assistant to the attorney general. In 1925 President Coolidge appointed him a municipal court judge; he was the only African American on the municipal bench.

The failure to heed the sensational disclosures and timely warnings of Judge Cobb may well lie at the root of much of the present racial conflict, a conflict inspired by communists over a century ago.

Early Black Communists

E. B. Du Bois, writing in 1913, famously called the race question “the great test of the American socialist.” Later generations of socialists tended to agree with him, elevating the antiracist struggle to a place of centrality in left strategy. From the 1930s to the present day, American leftists have seen the struggle against racial oppression, most centrally of black Americans, as one of the key questions radicals face in the movement to remake American society. Du Bois was one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909.  Manning Johnson refers to the NAACP as The National Association for the Agitation of Colored People.

Eugene Victor “Gene” Debs (November 5, 1855 – October 20, 1926) was an American socialist, political activist, trade unionist, one of the founding members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and five times the candidate of the Socialist Party of America for President of the United States.  And there’s more…

Prior to the founding of the Socialist Party of America in 1901, there were two black socialists who left their mark in the historical record: Peter H. Clark who believed socialism was the remedy for society’s evils.  Clark joined the communist Workers Party of the United States (WPUS), the American affiliate of the International Workingmen’s Association, in 1876, shortly after its founding.

George Washington Woodbey was born into slavery in 1854.  He moved to San Diego in 1902 and joined the newly formed Socialist Party.  He said, “In the days of chattel slavery the masters had a patrol force to keep the negroes in their place and protect the interests of the masters. Today the capitalists use the police for the same purpose.”  Sound familiar?  This was the very beginning of the communist plot to defund America’s police and leave us indefensible.

Black History Heroes

America’s black communists were the antithesis of men like prominent black scientist, George Washington Carver whose quotes live on as guides to the people of America.  “Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” And, “Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater.”

Booker T. Washington’s infamous conflicts with black leaders like W. E. B. Du Bois over segregation caused a stir, as it should have. He is remembered as the most influential African American speaker of his time. Washington became the first black  American to be invited to the White House in 1901, when President Theodore Roosevelt invited him to dine with him.  Roosevelt saw Washington as a brilliant advisor on racial matters, a practice his successor, President William Howard Taft, continued.

“The surge of progress of black Americans since slavery is largely traced to the work and efforts of these two men, their supporters, their emulators and their followers.  They had a deep and abiding pride of race, a firm belief in the ability of their people to rise above their past and stand on an equal plane with all others.  Equality was to them, not just a catch-word, but a living thing to be achieved only by demonstrated ability.”

Communists have worked to destroy the magnificent lives of men like Carver and Washington.  These are men who loved freedom and loved the country who provided liberty to every American.


The communists raised their ugly heads in the hopes of destroying America’s new found freedoms shortly after the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776 to announce our separation from England.  The signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787 and our unalienable Bill of Rights was ratified in December of 1791 gave us the freedoms granted by God Almighty to all.

Communist missionaries stir over the long dying embers of race hatred, fears and grievances.  Decades ago, America consigned this to history, but Marxists want to keep it alive to destroy America’s race relations.

Obvious to even the most ignorant is the fact that everyone has prejudices in one form or another…it can be race differences, nationality, religion, economics, social and cultural standing…it can even be over your weight for heaven’s sake. We all have prejudices in one form or another…whether you wish to admit it or not.

The entire smear job on America has been in the works for a century.  Editorial writers, columnists, news commentators and analysts go overboard to destroy America via press, radio and television.  They give top coverage to racial incidents, fomented by leftists.  The black race is the sacrificial lamb of the widespread racial hatred the left is creating.  Race hatred is the Red cause, it feeds their destruction of our country.  They want to wipe out all the mutual cooperation and friendship and set the opening of a dark and bloody era in black and white relations.

The testimony of Manning Johnson to the House Un-American Activity Committee in 1953 is available here.  It tells the truth, and the truth is what sets us free.  The entire book is reprinted and available on the web.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

Why American Exceptionalism Is Different From Other Countries’ ‘Nationalisms’

Mobs are toppling statues of American heroes. America and America’s past are on trial. People are protesting and rioting over the very ideas of what America stands for.

The future of the country depends on what Americans do next.

It depends on how Americans answer some direct, but not so simple, questions: Who are we as Americans? What does it mean to be American?

The Meaning of the American Founding

To answer these questions, we have to start with the American founding. It gave America its ethos, its characteristic spirit and culture.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? Learn more now >>

The American ethos has a firm philosophical foundation. It comprises a set of philosophical ideas on which the American Founders relied to create the system of government that we enjoy to this day.

The Founders had a very distinct idea of the moral order. They believed that morality and government should be in accordance with what they called “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” Natural law is universal and thus morally binding on all mankind.

Since natural law was universal, to go against it was to go against human nature itself. The purpose or “end state” of nature was what the Founders broadly understood as happiness, and in order to be truly happy, one had to be good. Happiness was understood as living a virtuous life.

Washington, Adams, and other Founders said repeatedly that freedom could not be enjoyed without virtue. Without it, one would get nothing but tyranny based on power and selfishness. Governments must be instituted to protect the natural rights and liberties of their people.

This is where the idea of limited government comes from. Governments must be limited, and their powers constitutionally enumerated, as they are in the Constitution, to protect liberties and rights.

That’s why the Founders used checks and balances in government—to stave off tyranny.

Also key is the American idea of equality before the law. They did not think about social equality as we often do today, where everyone is supposed to be equal in income and in social status. The Founders assumed that individuals had different talents and opportunities, and wanted to ensure that, to the extent possible, the law treated everyone equally.

What, Then, Is American Exceptionalism?

That brings me to the idea of American exceptionalism, which is, I believe, the answer to the question of what America’s national identity is and should remain.

It’s grounded in America’s founding principles: natural law, liberty, limited government, individual rights, the checks and balances of government, popular sovereignty, the civilizing role of religion in society, and the crucial role of civil society and civil institutions in grounding and mediating our democracy and our freedom.

We as Americans believe these principles are right and true for all peoples, not just for us.

But if the principles are universal, how are Americans different? How are we exceptional?

We believe that Americans are different because our creed is both universal and exceptional at the same time. We are exceptional in the unique way we apply these universal principles.

There is no other country in the world that embodied the blend of classical philosophy, Christianity, and even Enlightenment ideas in the unique way America did in the founding of the republic from 1776 to 1789. It was an exceptional (meaning uncommon) mix of liberty, limited government, natural rights, and religious liberty that made the American founding unique.

America is the only country in the world that derives its legitimacy from natural rights and natural law.

I really do not mean “exceptional” in a normative sense, but in a descriptive sense, of what was different and unique.

Some people doubt the importance of the American creed in defining America. Wanting to make America fit into the larger narrative of nationalism, a celebration of the nation and the nation-state as a general matter, they downplay the creed as mere words, supposedly not strong enough to carry the patriotic history of the American nation.

If the creed does not matter to Americans, what, then, is so special about America, really?

Is it our ethnicity? Well, that does not work, because there is no such thing as a common American ethnicity. Even in the beginning, Americans were a mixture of English, Scots-Irish, Highland Scot, German, African, Native American, French, Dutch, and other ethnicities.

Is it a specific religion? We are indeed a religious country, but no, we have freedom of religion, not one official religion.

Is it our culture? Yes, but how does one understand American culture without the American creed and the founding principles?

To understand what makes America unique, just look at the immigrant experience. People from all over the world come here and become Americans not just by learning English, or by buying land, but by living the American creed and the American dream. By adopting our history.

Another benefit of American exceptionalism is that it’s self-correcting. When we fail to live up to our ideals, as we did with slavery before the Civil War, and during the era of Jim Crow, we can appeal as Lincoln did to our “better nature” to correct our flaws.

There is no American identity without the American creed. But the creed is more than a set of abstract ideas. It’s shared cultural experience, based on living out the creed, across space and historical time in a specific place called America.

Is American Exceptionalism a Form of Nationalism?

There is a push afoot to ground American conservatism in the concept of “Nationalism”—with a capital N.

It implies that as a “nation,” America is just like any other nation. There is nothing particularly exceptional about America because, in this way of thinking, America derives its legitimacy not from the people or from its form of government, but from that the fact that it’s a mere nation like any other.

The whole point of American exceptionalism is to provide moral and political legitimacy to the very idea of “America First”—to keep the moral legitimacy of the specialness that the nationalists hope to claim, without all the terrible historical baggage of the idea.

The problem is that adopting the mantle of Nationalism would weaken America’s claim to being an exceptional nation. It would make us just a nation like any other. But most importantly, it would undermine our claim to belonging to a nation that is grounded in principles that are universal—that is, true not just for Americans, but for all human beings.

American exceptionalism is built on our founding principles, not cultural and ethnic differences. Americans recognize their varied ethnic and cultural origins, but come together as Americans.

Nationalism is often defined by a sole cultural or ethnic reference, regardless of the form of government. The democratic nation-state, on the other hand, grounds its legitimacy and its sovereignty in democratic governance, and in the American experience, in a government that reflects the principles of natural law.

The American founding was grounded in natural law, not in the idea of the nation-state.

It’s not language, ethnicity, or even ideology that makes us great and good. It’s our creed and how we have woven it into our culture, way of life, and our form of government.

The Two-Front War on America

As powerful as this idea of America is, it’s under threat from two very different directions—the progressive left and certain circles of the New Right.

The left has been making war on America for decades. It’s the familiar charge that America is irredeemably tainted by racism and that our Founding Fathers were slave-owning hypocrites. Our written Constitution is outdated and needs to be “living,” which means its text and original intent cannot only be ignored, but intentionally overthrown. Natural rights have been replaced by the group rights of gender and other identity groups. The left is culturally Marxist and socialist in its economics.

The philosophical ideas behind this war on America are these: (1) Natural law is a myth—there are no fixed truths (relativism); (2) rights are not fixed by natural law but invented and change over time, defined as seeking ever new forms of individual expression based on appetites, desires, and preferences; (3) history is progressive, always marching toward some undefined goal of ever greater personal liberation (historicism); and, finally, (4) individual freedom is a radical undertaking, completely devoid of personal responsibility and the founding notion of virtue, and always focused on personal pleasures, needs, desires, and experiences.

Meanwhile, on the right, there’s a movement that is questioning and even rejecting the very notion of the American founding. And some of its ideas—especially the outright rejection of liberty and the principle of freedom—are finding their way into the “new Nationalism” of conservatism.

Robert Reilly refers to this as the “poison pill” thesis of the American founding. The American founding was doomed from the very beginning because the Founders, under the nefarious influence of John Locke, imported the poison pill of liberalism (liberty) into our founding documents and our mindset. Over time, this original idea of liberty morphed into the progressive liberalism of today. The evil philosophers are Locke and his ilk from the Enlightenment.

But the history is all wrong. The Founders borrowed from Locke’s ideas of rights. They had little or no interest in his theories of knowledge that so bother some conservatives today. The New Right is reading its particular interpretation of Locke back into history and erroneously applying it to Founders like Madison and Jefferson.

This is worse than just bad history—making up something that did not happen.

It’s precisely the mistake made by all historical revisionists. It’s reading current ideology back into history and pretending the true meaning then is only what we think it is now.

Atheistic philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche and Marxists like Herbert Marcuse were widely influential in the American academy for the past 60 years—far more so than Locke was—and it’s from their influence that we can see the strange striving of the left for personal liberation as a goal of the social collective.

Whether from the left or the right, all the bad ideas of the modern age are at play here—relativism, historicism, and bad faith.

I cannot conceive of a conservative American cause without the patriotic cause of liberty. It would literally be rejecting one of the central ideas of the American Revolution. Without liberty, the country would lose its moorings and eventually drift into authoritarianism. The radical individualism and libertinism of today is derived not from the founding, but from cultural Marxism and the radical individualism of identity politics.

If we turn on our own founding, we will lose the very principles and convictions needed to defeat radical progressivism.

That’s why these debates matter. They’re about the American identity. They’re about American liberty. They’re at the very heart of what it means to be an American.

This article is adapted from Kim Holmes’ Aug. 6 lecture.


Kim R. Holmes is executive vice president at The Heritage Foundation, and a former assistant secretary of state for President George W. Bush. Twitter: .

RELATED ARTICLE: Civilization Requires Collective Common Sense

RELATED VIDEO: Reclaiming American History From the Left.

A Note for our Readers:

Democratic Socialists say, “America should be more like socialist countries such as Sweden and Denmark.” And millions of young people believe them…

For years, “Democratic Socialists” have been growing a crop of followers that include students and young professionals. America’s future will be in their hands.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? One of their most effective arguments is that “democratic socialism” is working in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway. They claim these countries are “proof” that socialism will work for America. But they’re wrong. And it’s easy to explain why.

Our friends at The Heritage Foundation just published a new guide that provides three irrefutable facts that debunks these myths. For a limited time, they’re offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free.

Get your free copy of “Why Democratic Socialists Can’t Legitimately Claim Sweden and Denmark as Success Stories” today and equip yourself with the facts you need to debunk these myths once and for all.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

To Combat Falling Poll Numbers, Biden Moved Down To Sub-Basement

WILMINGTON, DE—Presidential candidate Joe Biden has been leading President Trump in most polls, but now the race has started to tighten in a few key states, such as Florida. This has caused the Biden campaign to take extra precautions, moving Biden from the basement into a farther down sub-basement.

“Our defensive strategy has worked so far, so we think it’s time to double-down,” explained Biden campaign manager Jennifer O’Malley Dillon. “Our job is to keep Biden safe and unseen until he naps his way to an electoral victory, but a regular basement just wasn’t cutting it anymore.”

The decision to move Biden came after he had a few public gaffes over Zoom and almost choked on a ping pong ball from the ping pong table in the basement. The new sub-basement Biden will be staying in is so far down that it can’t get a cell signal and doesn’t even have internet, further limiting his exposure. There are also fewer things down there that he can get in trouble with, as all the sub-basement has are a cot and a TV with integrated VCR, on which he can watch some shows.

Preparations are being made to further this strategy, with an underwater base being built in an undisclosed trench in the Atlantic Ocean, which Biden will be moved to in October. This is quite different from the campaign strategy of President Trump, who spends most of his time standing on the roof of the White House shouting at everyone who walks by.


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EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

State With No Electricity Orders Everyone To Drive Cars That Run On Electricity

SACRAMENTO, CA—Gavin Newsom, governor of the state with the highest people-to-electricity ratio in the nation, banned gasoline cars yesterday via executive order. The order takes effect in 2035, meaning by that time, everyone in the state with no electricity will only be able to plug in their cars to the power grid that does not work.

“Everyone, plug in those cars!” Newsom said proudly in a room lit only by candlelight, since, you know, the whole electricity thing. “Other states run on backward, outdated fossil fuels. We are the state of the future, so we will run solely on electricity. Which, you know, we’re working on. We could have power by 2035. You never know.”

There was an awkward silence.

“SCIENCE!” Newsom said, regaining his momentum and drawing applause from the reporters gathered.

By the year 2035, the move is expected to completely eliminate all gasoline car carbon emissions, smog, and California residents.


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EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.