Planned Parenthood Gets the Ax in Nebraska Budget!

There might not be a more unpopular idea in Nebraska than sending taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood. At last check, only 19 percent of voters thought the state should sign another check to America’s biggest abortion business. And late last week, legislators made it clear they were listening.

For the first time since Congress gave back control over their Title X “family planning” dollars to states, Nebraska used it — ending its $2 million partnership with Planned Parenthood in its new budget. For the next two years, taxpayers can relax, knowing that local dollars aren’t going to a group that thinks abortion is the best form of birth control.

Governor Pete Ricketts (R), who had fought for the budget to “reflect our values,” inked his name to the bill late last week. To the cheers of Nebraskans, he announced, “The budget adjustments I have signed help to further control state spending. Additionally, these bills contain important new budget language, which ensures that Title X taxpayer dollars do not fund abortion services, including abortion referrals, at any clinic in Nebraska.”

But even with voters’ support, this was no easy task. As Nebraska Radio Network points out, Governor Ricketts really had to stick his neck out to change the budget.

Controversy engulfed the budget when Ricketts inserted language restricting the use of federal family planning funds. The language directs the money only to clinics which provide family planning services without performing abortions, effectively carving Planned Parenthood out of the budget. Supporters had to overcome a filibuster which derailed approval of the budget twice. It passed only when a handful of legislators negotiated a compromise, which changed the language, but left the restrictions in place.

Fortunately for the state, Governor Ricketts knows that life is worth fighting for. And, like us, he’s grateful for the president’s leadership on the issue. If it weren’t for Trump and the GOP leaders in Congress, Obama’s rules would still be in place — making it almost impossible for states to defund Planned Parenthood. Let’s hope that Ricketts’s courage inspires other governors to do the same!

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.


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FRC in the Spotlight…

Florida: Former Democrat now Republican U.S. Senate candidate was convicted of check fraud

After I ran a U.S. Senate campaign and assisted in two Gubernatorial and two Congressional campaigns, U.S. Senate Candidate A. Lateresa Jones (R) asked for my help.

I agreed and met with her, her Campaign Manager, her Political Director and her bodyguard in Pensacola.

After the meet and greet I went home and conducted my due diligence here is what I found out:

  1. She was convicted of check fraud and served 2 months in jail in Denton Texas.
  2. She was a life long Democrat who recently changed to the Republican Party – an Obama supporter.
  3. She was using her campaign managers and political directors credit cards to fund her campaign without filing any expenditures with the Federal Election Committee (FEC) – no records shown.
  4. She shows only $100 in contributions.
  5. Her Campaign Manager and Political Director have just resigned after U.S. Senate Candidate Jones refused to refund them their out of pocket costs.
  6. The end of the quarter FEC filing closes the middle of this month – if no expenditures are posted for her campaign showing how her campaign is funded I’m filing charges with the FEC against her.

The integrity of the political process will be adhered to in order to protect the U.S. Constitution and the Republican Party.

I helped dismantle and expose Charlie Crist – assisting in his removal from the GOP and others – I look forward to continue the process of draining the swamp – God Bless America.

EDITORS NOTE: The author of this column Geoff Ross is a Senior Chief US Navy (Retired) and is a Republican Candidate for County Commissioner in District 1. – Santa Rosa County, Florida in 2020. The featured image of U.S. Senate Candidate Lateresa Jones (R) is courtesy of Lateresa Jones.

In Recognition of America’s Contributions to Humanity

By Mounir Bishay

I’m very much aware that what I’m going to argue here is not the way many from Middle Eastern origins regard the United States.

The mere mention of “America” upsets some so much, pushing them over the edge. To many, hatred for America has become a faith-like passion, very hard to change. Hence, my purpose here is not to change these people’s minds, nor am I trying to defend America, as it certainly does not need my defense!

But for me this is a matter of principle and conviction, and it is my way of paying back some of the debt I personally owe to this great country. This is particularly true because I probably know more about America than many who criticize it claim they do. I have lived and worked in America for almost half-a-century, and I was fortunate enough to experience much of what life is really like here in America.

This is not to say that America has no faults, as only God is perfect, and the fictional utopian philosophical ideas do not exist in the real world. Man is sinful by nature and is hence prone to commit all sorts of evil deeds. Nevertheless, in America the rule of law puts the brakes on these natural bents and everyone is subject to its authority, including the president. In my years here in America I have seen President Nixon lose his job as he covers up for his men when they were spying on the other party. Senior officials were convicted and sentenced to prison. Where else in the world can anything like that happen?

Perhaps the worst sin that was once attributed to America as a nation is racism. But, again, the most important virtue of America is its ability to confront and put a stop to it. African American citizens were, over time, elevated from slaves to like-citizens, to full citizens, now have even a preferred citizenship status, and finally attained to the prestigious position of head of state.

Not too long ago, America was a British colony, but the settlers decided to fight for their independence, rather than remain a mere vassal of the British Empire. Eventually, the United States of America assumed a leadership role and grew into a country greater than Britain. America was even able to protect Britain and all Europe against the Nazi threat by Hitler, who had tried to dominate the continent and had at first succeeded to some extent. But the balance of power turned against him after America entered World War II, which resulted in the defeat and elimination of Nazism. America is currently the most powerful nation on earth and any country which may achieve this status would be tempted to use it to subdue other nations. On the contrary, America has been a stabilizing force rather than a threat to other nations.

When the world was again threatened by the emergence of the Soviet Union and the spread of communism, no country, besides the United States, had the power to combat that danger, defeat the Soviet Union in the Cold War, and stop the spread of communism. Saddam Hussein came to power in Iraq, invaded Kuwait and threatened to control Middle East oil, and later ISIS came into being, terrorizing the region and promising to invade Europe. But thanks to American leadership, both were defeated.

Most important American achievements, however, have been those which contributed to improving the quality of human life. Thanks to American efforts, an environment that encourages innovation was created and America was a major player in developing countless inventions. It’s hard to imagine living without some of these inventions in the fields of food, and medicine, which make life easier for everyone. Some examples are: electricity, airplanes, TV, computers, the Internet, mobile phones, microwave ovens, laser beams, chemotherapy, and much more.

America pioneered the field of space travel, putting man on the moon for the first time. But America wouldn’t use this success or its technological advancement to threaten mankind but has used it for the good of humanity. Through this achievement, it was possible to develop satellite stations which are used to disseminate information to be passed on to people in their homes.

And, from America came the computer, which has revolutionized the lives of mankind, by helping to increase productivity and reduce corporate expenses, leading to lower prices. The development of personal computers (PC) and the launch of the Internet had changed the way people communicate with each other. With email, people can now reach anyone in the world and instantly know what is going on at the other end. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Skype have practically reduced the world to a small village.

Limitation of space for this article prompts me to jump ahead to other important points on this topic. The role of the American people in helping those in need around the world cannot be denied. Any time we hear of a devastating earthquake, a killer tsunami, deadly famines, war, or other natural or human-made disasters which turn people into refugees, we’re immediately aware that Americans are at the forefront of the relief work, with planeloads of food and medicine to help those victims, regardless of their race, color, or creed.

American efforts in defending human rights require coverage in another full-length article. Since its inception, America had identified this as a high calling of its worldwide presence. In this regard President Jimmy Carter said, “America didn’t invent human rights, human rights invented America.” This does not mean that America has become the policeman of the world, but with its influence, power and other means, America is able to promote democracy and stop repression and tyranny against vulnerable peoples in the world.

It is strange to hear words of criticism attributed to America (which at times amount to name calling) from people who would give anything for a chance to immigrate to the United States of America, who, even while they are in their homelands, may be living on American aid!


Mounir Bishay, an Egyptian by birth, is a human rights activist and writer on Coptic (Christians of Egypt) issues. He is the head of the Los Angeles based Christian Copts of California. Mr. Bishay is also a contributorto SFPPR News & Analysis.

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Time is Running Out: Sign the Floridian’s For E-Verify Petition Now!

I have written several messages about Congress and the Florida Legislature’s failure to make mandatory E-Verify law so all workers are legal. In response to their failure to act hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are attending our schools and undercutting legal workers for jobs. Seven Southern states have passed and implemented mandatory E-Verify so illegal aliens looking for work are coming to Florida. The Taxpayer cost last year alone to educate, medicate and incarcerate them was an outrageous $6,300,000,000.00 ($6.3 BILLION).

We are fed up by their inaction so we decided to go around them and get the measure to make mandatory E-Verify an amendment to the Florida Constitution. The Commission which only meets once every 20 years will decide very shortly whether to put it on the November Ballot or not so we need your help!

Please go to the below link and sign the Floridian’s For E-Verify petition showing you support the amendment getting on the November 2018 ballot.

The Blurred Lines of Modern Media

Facebook is once again under heavy fire for its seemingly insatiable appetite for slurping up and analyzing endless streams of user data. The social media giant is again playing defense over its powerful role in controlling the news that each of us sees on our Facebook feeds.

Like so many other modern sites, Facebook takes an algorithmic approach to news. It uses code to draw its own conclusions about what stories we want to see, thereby impacting how we look at certain issues.

The chorus of criticism is deafening. However, the mainstream media is being incredibly hypocritical by teaming up against Mark Zuckerberg and his company. After all, how is the media process of determining what people to feature and what topics to cover any different than what Facebook is doing?

If anything, the old way of choosing the news is likely more prone to political or situational bias and more susceptible to human error. After all, people are fallible, and we all make mistakes.

I know about this firsthand. As a syndicated columnist, my articles run in print in various publications across the world and appear on various websites. My reach is further expanded through my own social media channels, as well as through dedicated readers consistently sharing my content with an ever-widening audience by posting links to the stories in their social media feeds, or by emailing them to their family members and friends.

I will be the first to admit that the topics I explore are often determined by situations arising in my own life. It’s not an inherently good or bad thing, it just is.

If a friend were to be diagnosed with an illness, then without any conscious effort I would probably be more inclined to write pieces related to wellness or nutrition, or I might talk philosophically upon the most important things in our lives.

While there are many similarities between the “curation” of news in newsrooms, and around the table during editorial meetings, and the curation of news algorithmically by Facebook and other sites, there are also some notable differences.

Social media often forces us to experience a stronger media bias. This is likely due in large part to the fact that the goal is to drive clicks, to extend the time we spend within the confines of any one platform, and to increase the number of stories with which we interact.

There are clear financial incentives for this approach: Facebook benefits by collecting user data about our preferences. It also increases the likelihood of converting visitors into customers, because Facebook’s advertisers are able to bombard us with sales pitches. In addition, when we increase the amount of time we spend on any one platform, we boost their statistics. This provides the foundation for ever-increasing prices in advertising payments by corporations and brands eager to connect with captive audiences.

Also, let’s not forget that the “social” aspect of social media all but guarantees that we become more firmly ensconced in silos and echo chambers. If one person’s friends are talking about a specific topic, then Facebook is more likely to display content related to it. While for me, this ironically often means that I am presented with a diverse array of viewpoints and topics, for most people, the opposite seems to be true. For the average user, Facebook’s machines lead them to like-minded people talking in similar ways about the same topics as dictated by the platform.

Another clear differentiator is that social media is more likely than traditional media to comingle stories that are related thematically, but may not be from the same news cycle or timeframe. How many times have we all experienced reading a story about a topic in the news, only to click on a related story that is linked below or even hyperlinked from within the text itself?

A negative byproduct of this machine approach to sharing news is that it is sometimes very hard to quickly grasp time differences between pieces that otherwise seemed to be correlated. This can create confusion, as well as compounding issues that should actually be kept separate.

While reading recent coverage of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, I suddenly found myself skimming a story about a mass stabbing in another school. When it showed up in my news feed, I mistakenly thought that it was a breaking story; however, it was actually an older incident that took place in 2014.

With access to more information than ever before, we must be ever vigilant of the drawbacks of modern media, and we must always be ready to read with a critical eye.


Portrait of Armstrong Williams

Armstrong Williams is a columnist for The Daily Signal and host of “The Armstrong Williams Show,” a nationally syndicated TV program. Twitter: .

A Note for our Readers:

Trust in the mainstream media is at a historic low—and rightfully so given the behavior of many journalists in Washington, D.C.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected president, it is painfully clear that the mainstream media covers liberals glowingly and conservatives critically.

Now journalists spread false, negative rumors about President Trump before any evidence is even produced.

Americans need an alternative to the mainstream media. That’s why The Daily Signal exists.

The Daily Signal’s mission is to give Americans the real, unvarnished truth about what is happening in Washington and what must be done to save our country.

Our dedicated team of more than 100 journalists and policy experts rely on the financial support of patriots like you.

Your donation helps us fight for access to our nation’s leaders and report the facts.

You deserve the truth about what’s going on in Washington.

Please make a gift to support The Daily Signal.


EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Jaap Arriens/ZUMA Press/Newscom

Has the Republican Controlled Florida Legislature Protected Florida’s Legal Workers?

Answer: NO!

Before I show you the proof let me give you some background information. Back in 2007 I joined with a group of Patriots out of South Florida looking to find a solution to end the invasion by illegal aliens to Florida.

The consensus we reached was the invasion would stop if we could get mandatory E-Verify passed into law so only legal workers could get jobs. Any reasonable person would say that should be doable. In 2007 the cost to taxpayers at that time to educate, medicate and incarcerate illegal aliens was $1,850,000,000.00 ($1.85 Billion).

We began attending meetings, sending emails and letters to the Florida Legislators to get mandatory E-Verify passed. In 2010 Rick Scott, a successful Businessman, ran for governor.

We backed him 100% since he stated:

“We have over 700,000 illegal immigrants in the state. They’re costing us billions of dollars, and they’re taking legal residents’ jobs.”

“Rick will require all Florida employers to use the free E-Verify system to ensure that their workers are legal.”

Immediately after taking office Governor Scott ordered all state offices to use E-Verify in dealing with State contractors but was silent about his campaign promise to protect legal workers. However:

On June 12, 2012 Governor Scott stated at a meeting of the Florida Citrus Mutual in Bonita Springs,

“Now, with the regard to E-Verify, as you know we did it for people who do business with state government but we’ve got to have a national E-Verify program because I don’t want to put Florida businesses at a competitive disadvantage.”
Scott lied to Florida’s voters!

Since then two bills regarding immigration have passed into law. One was to give illegal aliens instate tuition and the second was to allow an illegal alien passed the bar exam to practice law in Florida.

Last year the cost to Taxpayers educate, medicate and incarcerate illegal aliens was $6,300,000,000.00 ($6.3 Billion), more than triple the cost in 2007.

Here is a list of all the failed legislation for the past ten years. Please keep in mind during that time the republicans have held super majorities in both houses and could pass any legislation they wanted.

2008 Session

HB 73 Illegal Immigration
General Bill by: Brown

Last Event: Friday, May 02, 2008 – Died in Committee on State Affairs

HB 159 Enforcement of Immigration Laws
General Bill by: Adams

Last Event: Friday, May 02, 2008 – Died in Committee on State Affairs

SB 388 Security and Immigration Compliance Act [LPCC]
General Bill by: Fasano

Last Event: Monday, May 05, 2008 – 05/02/08 S Died in Committee on Military Affairs and Domestic Security

SB 540 Felons/Enforcement of Federal Immigration Laws [LPCC]
General Bill by: Baker

Last Event: Monday, May 05, 2008 – 05/02/08 S Died in Committee on Criminal Justice

HB 571 Illegal Aliens
General Bill by: Kravitz

Last Event: Friday, May 02, 2008 – Died in Committee on State Affairs

HB 577 Illegal or Undocumented Aliens
General Bill by: Williams, T.

Last Event: Friday, May 02, 2008 – Died in Committee on State Affairs

HB 821 Illegal Immigration
General Bill by: Harrell

Last Event: Friday, May 02, 2008 – Died in Committee on State Affairs

CS/SB 1086 Illegal or Undocumented Aliens/DOC [LPCC]
General Bill by: Criminal Justice, Bennett

Last Event: Monday, May 05, 2008 – 05/02/08 S Died on Calendar

HB 1247 Immigration Status of Inmates
General Bill by: Gelber

Last Event: Friday, May 02, 2008 – Died in Committee on State Affairs

SB 1364 Immigration [LPCC]
General Bill by: Villalobos

Last Event: Monday, May 05, 2008 – 05/02/08 S Died in Committee on Criminal Justice

SB 2738 Immigration Status of Inmates [LPCC]
General Bill by: Deutch

Last Event: Monday, May 05, 2008 – 05/02/08 S Died in Committee on Criminal Justice

2009 Session

HB 163 Illegal Aliens in the Correctional System
General Bill by: Williams, T.

Last Event: Saturday, May 02, 2009 – Died in Public Safety & Domestic Security Policy Committee

CS/SB 352 Inmates/Illegal or Undocumented Aliens/Deportation [SPSC]
General Bill by: Judiciary, Bennett

Last Event: Saturday, May 02, 2009 – 05/02/09 S Died in Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations

CS/HB 567 Illegal Immigration
General Bill by: Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council, Schenck

Last Event: Saturday, May 02, 2009 – Died on Second Reading Calendar

CS/HB 915 Enforcement of Immigration Laws
General Bill by: Governmental Affairs Policy Committee, Adams

Last Event: Saturday, May 02, 2009 – Died in Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council

SB 1532 Illegal Immigration [GPSC]
General Bill by: Storms

Last Event: Saturday, May 02, 2009 – 05/02/09 S Died in Committee on Military Affairs and Domestic Security

SB 1890 Illegal Aliens [SPSC]
General Bill by: Storms

Last Event: Saturday, May 02, 2009 – 05/02/09 S Died in Committee on Criminal Justice

2010 Session

CS/CS/HB 219 Immigration
General Bill by: Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council, Governmental Affairs Policy Committee, Adams

Last Event: Friday, April 30, 2010 – 04/30/10 S Died in Messages

HB 421 Immigration
General Bill by: Adkins

Last Event: Friday, April 30, 2010 – Died in Governmental Affairs Policy Committee

HB 503 Illegal Immigration
General Bill by: Schenck

Last Event: Friday, April 30, 2010 – Died in Policy Council

SB 600 Inmates/Illegal or Undocumented Aliens/Deportation [SPSC]
General Bill by: Bennett

Last Event: Friday, April 30, 2010 – 04/30/10 S Died in Committee on Judiciary

SB 856 Immigration [CPSC]
General Bill by: Baker

Last Event: Friday, April 30, 2010 – 04/30/10 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries

HB 919 Illegal or Undocumented Aliens
General Bill by: Roberson, K.

Last Event: Friday, April 30, 2010 – Died in Governmental Affairs Policy Committee

SB 1880 Enforcement of Immigration Laws [GPSC]
General Bill by: Detert

Last Event: Friday, April 30, 2010 – 04/30/10 S Died in Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability

SB 2162 Illegal Aliens [SPSC]
General Bill by: Storms

Last Event: Friday, April 30, 2010 – 04/30/10 S Died in Committee on Criminal Justice

SB 2368 Illegal Immigration [GPSC]
General Bill by: Storms

Last Event: Monday, May 03, 2010 – 04/30/10 S Died in Committee on Military Affairs and Domestic Security

2011 Session

HB 691 Verification of Employment Eligibility
General Bill by: Harrell

Last Event: 05/07/11 Died in Government Operations Subcommittee

SB 518 Verification of Employment Eligibility
General Bill by: Hays

Last Event: 05/09/11 Died in Judiciary

CS/SB 2040 Enforcement of Immigration Laws
General Bill by: Judiciary/SB 2040 – Enforcement of Immigration Laws

Last Event: Saturday, May 07, 2011 – Died in Messages

CS/HB 7089 Enforcement of Immigration Laws
General Bill by: Economics Affairs Committee, Judiciary Committee, Snyder

Last Event: Saturday, May 07, 2011- Died pending review of CS under Rule

2012 Session

HB 1315 Verification of Employment Eligibility
General Bill by: Harrell

Last Event: 05/12/12 Died in Government Operations Subcommittee

SB 1638 Verification of Employment Eligibility
General Bill by: Altman

Last Event: 05/12/12 Died in Judiciary

2016 Session

CS/CS/HB 675: Federal Immigration Enforcement
General Bill by Metz

Last Action: 3/11/2016 Senate – Died in Judiciary

SB 872: Federal Immigration Enforcement
General Bill by Bean

Last Action: 3/11/2016 Senate – Died in Judiciary

SB 150: Offenses by Illegal Immigrants
General Bill by Hutson

Last Action: 3/11/2016 Senate – Died in Criminal Justice

2017 Session

SB 82: Postsecondary Education Tuition and Fee Waivers
General Bill by Steube ;

Last Action: 5/5/2017 Senate – Died in Education

CS/HB 83: Offenses by Aliens Unlawfully Present in the United States
General Bill by Eagle

Last Action: 5/5/2017 House – Died in Judiciary Committee

CS/SB 120: Offenses by Aliens Unlawfully Present in the United States
General Bill Hutson

Last Action: 5/5/2017 Senate – Died in Appropriations

CS/HB 427: Refugee Assistance Programs
General Bill by Santiago

Last Action: 5/5/2017 House – Died in Health and Human Services Committee

SB 1674: Enforcement of Federal Laws
General Bill by Torres

Last Action: 5/5/2017 Senate – Died in Judiciary

SB 1358: Reentry into the State by Certain Persons
General Bill by Steube

Last Action: 5/5/2017 Senate – Died in Judiciary

HB 1407: Enforcement of Federal Laws
General Bill by Smith ; Jacquet

Last Action: 5/5/2017 House – Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee

HB 443: Verification of Employment Eligibility
General Bill by Gruters

Last Action: 5/5/2017 House – Died in Careers and Competition Subcommittee

CS/HB 83: Offenses by Aliens Unlawfully Present in the United States
General Bill by Eagle

Last Action: 5/5/2017 House – Died in Judiciary Committee

CS/HB 697: Federal Immigration Enforcement
General Bill by Metz

Last Action: 5/5/2017 Senate – Died in Judiciary

SB 786: Federal Immigration Enforcement
General Bill by Bean

Last Action: 5/5/2017 Senate – Died in Judiciary

2018 Session

CS/HB 9: Federal Immigration Enforcement
General Bill by Metz

Last Action: 3/10/2018 Senate – Died in Judiciary

SB 308: Federal Immigration Enforcement
General Bill by Bean

Last Action: 3/10/2018 Senate – Died in Judiciary

Time to drain the Tallahassee Swamp!

Air Force Throttles back War on Faith

For combat pilot Leland Bohannon, it’s been a turbulent year. One promotion shy of his first general’s star, the Air Force colonel watched his 24-year career flash before his eyes last May when he was asked to sign a certificate of appreciation for a same-sex couple. When his religious accommodation wasn’t granted, Bohannon asked a higher-ranking officer to sign it instead. Now, months after wondering if he’d ever be able to return to the military he loved, Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson gave him the answer he’d been waiting for: yes.For Bohannon, who’d been grounded, suspended, and virtually guaranteed that he’d never be promoted for his beliefs on marriage, the news of his reinstatement was almost as shocking as his temporary dismissal. As most service members understand all too well, religious hostility in the military didn’t disappear when Barack Obama did. President Trump has had to walk a long and determined road to weed out the bureaucrats still loyal to the intolerance of the last administration. And thankfully, he has leaders like Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson to help him do it.

Wilson had been clear before she was confirmed: “Air Force policy must continue to ensure that all Airmen are able to choose to practice their particular religion.” This week, she proved it — vindicating Bohannon and creating an important precedent for other branch leaders to follow. As our own Lt. General Jerry Boykin points out, that was no easy task. An Equal Opportunity investigator had already determined Bohannon was guilty of discrimination, even after his request for a religious accommodation.

“When you overrule an inspector general or independent investigator, that’s a big deal,” General Boykin insisted. “That takes a lot of time and a lot of nerve. It’s very rare.” Still, Wilson had plenty of motivation to try. Eight senators had called on the Air Force to stop punishing Bohannon’s beliefs, along with House Armed Services members like Reps. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) and Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.). In December, supporters of FRC and American Family Association piled on, giving Wilson 77,024 reasons to reconsider the attack on this airman’s faith. “We not only delivered 77,024 petitions,” General Boykin said, “we delivered a message: We will not back down from defending the religious liberty of those in the military.”

Message received. “The Air Force places a high value on the rights of its members to observe the tenets of their respective religions or to observe no religion at all,” Wilson explained in a letter to House and Senate leaders, absolving the colonel of wrongdoing. “…Colonel Bohannon had the right to exercise his sincerely held religious beliefs and did not unlawfully discriminate when he declined to sign the certificate of appreciation for the same-sex spouse of an Airman in his command,” the secretary went on. “The Air Force has a duty to treat people fairly and without discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, or sexual orientation and (Bohannon) met that duty by having a more senior officer sign the certificate,” she concluded.

For our friends at First Liberty Institute, who represented Bohannon, it was cause to celebrate – not just for this colonel, but for the thousands of men and women who are witnessing this president’s commitment to religious liberty. “This is clear evidence that the Trump administration is helping to right the ship at the Pentagon,” attorney Hiram Sasser told Fox News’s Todd Starnes. No one should be forced to check their faith at the base’s gates.

So the next time you wonder if signing a petition or calling your congressman makes a difference, think of Colonel Bohannon. You have the power to help shape the direction of this country — use it!

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


What’s at Stake at State

Planned Parenthood Sex Ed? Only in La. Law Land

VIDEO: Watch a Man Who Lived as a Woman Reject the Lies of LGBT Activists

Walt Heyer, who used to live as a transgender woman, now travels the country speaking about his experiences and reaching out to those who regret their own gender change.

The Daily Signal spoke with Heyer on camera about his story, as well as the lies he says society and the media tell young people today about gender. An edited transcript of the interview is below the video.

Rachel del Guidice: I’m joined today by Walt Heyer, a former transgender person. And he’s here today to tell us a little bit about his story. Can you run through the highlights of where you were at years ago, and then why you are here today at a pro-life conference talking about your story?

Walt Heyer:  Yeah, well, I started out as a transgender kid, at least they would say that today, at 4 years old. The problem is that they’re diagnosing kids like I was with gender dysphoria when they don’t have gender dysphoria; they’re just curious about gender, which we all should be, curious about gender.

And so it led me to a point of thinking that I needed a gender change. And then one of these experts in gender dysphoria diagnosed me with gender dysphoria and said I needed hormone therapy and surgery. As you can see from standing here, they were totally wrong because I was born a boy.

And I went through all the surgery and became Laura Jensen and lived eight years as a female to discover that nobody needs to change genders. It’s absolutely a totally bogus procedure, not only from the standpoint of hormone therapy and surgery. The people are suffering from comorbid disorders that need to be addressed and treated; and if they did so, we wouldn’t have any transgenders.

Del Guidice: We see the media highlighting stories all the time of LBGT activists and others.  … Their stories are championed, about them kind of rejecting who they were and becoming a different person, another gender. Would you say that you have a similar experience with media paying attention to your story? 

Heyer: The media doesn’t pay any attention to me at all, because it doesn’t fit their narrative. And so it’s much more fun for them to promote LGBT activist people and put them on the front cover of magazines and make a big to-do about it.

The fact of the matter is, there isn’t one person, not one doctor, not one psychiatrist, not anybody [who] can even prove one transgender even exists beyond the fact that they say they are. Which is why it’s a psychological disorder and it’s not a medical disorder, and it doesn’t require medical surgery to treat. They just need psychotherapy.

Del Guidice: What would be your message to youth today? As a child you were taught that you were a girl, and you were not. And so many youth today are bombarded with this message that they should be a different gender. What is your message to them?

Heyer: Well, I realized that schools have popularized changing genders, and it’s more of a fad today than a reality in terms of people actually having gender dysphoria. So I think the kids need to get sharp.

I mean, kids are really sharp and if they sit down and look and ask for the information on what proof does anybody have that gender dysphoria exists … the youth themselves in our schools could actually end this nonsense in a heartbeat.


Portrait of Rachel del Guidice

Rachel del Guidice

Rachel del Guidice is a reporter for The Daily Signal. She is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Forge Leadership Network, and The Heritage Foundation’s Young Leaders Program. Send an email to Rachel. Twitter: @LRacheldG.

A Note for our Readers:

Trust in the mainstream media is at a historic low—and rightfully so given the behavior of many journalists in Washington, D.C.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected president, it is painfully clear that the mainstream media covers liberals glowingly and conservatives critically.

Now journalists spread false, negative rumors about President Trump before any evidence is even produced.

Americans need an alternative to the mainstream media. That’s why The Daily Signal exists.

The Daily Signal’s mission is to give Americans the real, unvarnished truth about what is happening in Washington and what must be done to save our country.

Our dedicated team of more than 100 journalists and policy experts rely on the financial support of patriots like you.

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EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of Walt Heyer is courtesy of Walt Heyer.

Eye for an Eye: One of the Greatest Ideas in Human History

Nowadays, many people, particularly those living in Western civilization, no longer regard their society as morally superior to any other. In this video, Dennis Prager lays out how this view does not spring from intellectual rigor, but from intellectual laziness.

EDITORS NOTE: Dennis Prager’s new book, The Rational Bible, is now available.  Order today.

FBI Sister Wives: Noor Salman and Hillary Clinton

3.30.18: Noor Salman, wife of Pulse nightclub shooter Omar Mateen, was exonerated on all charges of aiding and abetting and obstruction of justice even though the jury was convinced she knew her husband was plotting the attack.


The jury foreman in the case,

“I wish that the FBI had recorded their interviews with Ms. Salman as there were several significant inconsistencies with the written summaries of her statements. The bottom line is that, based on the letter of the law, and the detailed instructions provided by the court, we were presented with no option but to return a verdict of not guilty.”


The interviews were not recorded? Why not?

7.5.16: FBI director James Comey made three discrepant statements during his concluding press briefing remarks:

  • Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary [Hillary] Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”
  • “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.” 
  • “In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.”


The letter of the law exonerated the defendants in both cases? I don’t think so. In both cases the FBI failed to make its case. Is the FBI an organization of bunglers? Or has the FBI been so compromised and politicized by Obama and the Deep State that it failed its mission to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution?

Thanks to the persistence and perseverance of Tom Fitton, president of watchdog organization Judicial Watch, and Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) we know that Comey’s original memo was altered. Comey’s draft read:

“There is evidence to support a conclusion that Secretary of State Clinton, and others, used the private email server in a manner that was grossly negligent with respect to the handling of classified information.”

Reference to Hillary Clinton’s illegal private email server were removed. Grossly negligent is a criminal offense – extremely careless is not. Of course the FBI could not find a single case to support bringing criminal charges! The altered language in Comey’s memo intentionally perverts the letter of the law to exonerate Hillary Clinton. Why?

Because bringing criminal charges against Hillary Clinton would expose Obama’s corrupt Justice Department including Loretta Lynch.

The FBI was called upon to investigate both Salman and Clinton. The FBI is not an organization of bunglers – far from it. But the FBI has been politicized beyond recognition by Obama and the Deep State. So what does absolving these two FBI sister wives accomplish?

Beyond protecting Obama and his administration absolution erodes public confidence in the FBI, the rule of law, and validates suspicions of a two-tier system of justice. When the rule of law breaks down, lawlessness follows, ultimately leading to anarchy. Anarchy is the goal of the Deep State because it provides the chaos necessary to nationalize the police force.

If you want to know the motive look at the result. The aftermath of the FBI investigations and sensationalized reporting of the Pulse nightclub massacre, Las Vegas shooting, and Parkland School shooting tragedies expose a principal objective of the Deep State – gun control. The current hysterical leftist cries for gun control are designed to leave the public disarmed and unable to protect itself from a nationalized police force.

The Deep State requires a disarmed public to implement its New World Order of one-world government – ruled by themselves, of course. President Trump’s America-First presidency, with its commitment to American sovereignty, has destabilized the Deep State. Obama, the primetime spokesman for the Deep State, promised to transform America. In 2008 most Americans had no idea that his promise was a pledge to socialize and then internationalize America into a New World Order ruled by globalist elites. Now we know.

The Deep State is populated by a species of politicians interbreeding and colluding to increase the population of their own breed of collectivism called globalism. Globalism is internationalized collectivism. A system of governance that denies national sovereignty, individual freedom, and ownership of personal property. Like socialism and communism, globalism promises social justice and economic equality. But just like socialism and communism, globalism will provide a three-tier infrastructure of enslavement.

At the tip of the pyramid will be the few globalist elite power brokers living in splendor who own everything and dispense goods and services as they deem appropriate – “for the public good,” of course. The second tier belongs to the globalist enforcers who implement the will of the elite and keep the population in line. The third tier is the pyramid’s enormous base and belongs to the enslaved population duped by promises of free stuff to surrender their individual freedom.

The promises of collectivism are never the reality of collectivism. They are the deceitful political promises of Ponzi-schemers conning the public to invest in their globalist pyramid.

The Washington Ponzi swamp is the habitat of the Deep State and the rivers that supply it have lettered names – FBI, CIA, DOJ and NSA. What the absolution of FBI sister wives Salman and Clinton reveal is that politicized government agencies do not support the United States Constitution and rule of law. They support the promises of Deep State pyramid schemers intending to bring Obama’s collectivism and one-world government to America.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Goudsmit Pundicity. The featured image is by Greg Angel/Twitter.

This Real Disney Princess Has a Pro-Life Message for Planned Parenthood

Earlier this week, a Planned Parenthood affiliate in Pennsylvania called for “a disney princess who’s had an abortion” on Twitter:

We need a disney princess who’s had an abortion

We need a disney princess who’s pro-choice

We need a disney princess who’s an undocumented immigrant

We need a disney princess who’s actually a union worker

We need a disney princess who’s trans

The tweet was quickly taken down, but Deanna Falchook, a former singer and dancer at Disneyworld in California, responded with a heartbreaking personal story:

She writes:

At the age of 18, I became pregnant and had an abortion to keep my job as a singing princess. There was no pressure from the company or management to abort my baby. I didn’t tell them. But I made a decision on my own that I quickly lived to regret.

In the immediate days following my abortion, I struggled deeply. I continued to sing songs in front of the castle about dreams coming true, but eventually had to quit my dream job due to my inability to reconcile my decision within myself. I wanted to die.

Eventually, I found healing. It was an arduous struggle to navigate my personal grief. But by the grace of God, I am living an amazing life.

Now, Falchook and her husband not only have two children of their own, but they have adopted five children from around the world.

She refutes Planned Parenthood’s agenda in one sentence: “Abortion doesn’t empower.”

Click hear to read the rest of Falchook’s post.

And Falchook is right. Planned Parenthood’s abortion business doesn’t just end the lives of over 300,000 innocent babies every year; the overall abortion industry is complicit in providing cover for sex trafficking and rampant exploitation connected to the pornography business.

The abortion giant deleted the tweet above after even its own supporters found the content distasteful and claimed  the point might not have been “appropriate.” However, Planned Parenthood’s mistake was not a matter of appropriateness, but a matter of revealing its true agenda of normalizing abortion in the minds of young people.

Sadly, that’s an agenda that many corporations have no problem supporting with the dollars you spend. For the complete list, make sure you see our list of companies that directly fund Planned Parenthood here.

Help us continue holding corporations and non-profits accountable for their activism by becoming a 2ndVote Member today!

Politics from the Pulpit: Silence is NOT an Option [video]

In February 2017, at his first National Prayer Breakfast address after taking office, President Donald Trump vowed “to get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment.”

The Johnson Amendment is a provision in the U.S. tax code, since 1954, which reads:

(3) Corporations, and any community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, or educational purposes, or to foster national or international amateur sports competition (but only if no part of its activities involve the provision of athletic facilities or equipment), or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided in subsection (h)), and which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.

Liberty Council has put together the below video explaining how pastors, priests, rabbis and imams can use their pulpits to address political issues without consequence or loss of their non-profit status.


Liberty Counsel is a Christian ministry that proclaims, advocates, supports, advances, and defends the good news that God in the person of Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sins and offers forgiveness and eternal life to all who accept him as Lord and Savior. Every ministry and project of Liberty Counsel centers around and is based upon this good news, which is also referred to as the gospel. Liberty Counsel is a corporate expression of Christian believers who profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and join together in regular prayer, study of the Bible, praise and worship. Liberty Counsel has a Doctrinal Statement and a Worldview Statement affirmed by every employee, staff member, and person who works for or represents the ministry.

We believe every person is created in the image of God and should be treated with dignity and respect. We believe that discourse should be civil and respectful. We condemn violence and hatred and do not support any person or group that advocates or promotes violence or hate. Learn more.

Podcast: What the March for Our Lives Was Really About

Kids converged on D.C. over the weekend to protest school shootings and guns, yet the most effective policy solutions went unmentioned. Jarrett Stepman, who went to the march, joins us to share his observations and discuss why students aren’t really the ones driving this movement. Plus, we discuss President Donald Trump’s new actions against Russia, Larry King’s tough words for cable news, and a new study about teen happiness and cellphone usage.

Dear Readers:

With the recent conservative victories related to tax cuts, the Supreme Court, and other major issues, it is easy to become complacent.

However, the liberal Left is not backing down. They are rallying supporters to advance their agenda, moving this nation further from the vision of our founding fathers.

If we are to continue to bring this nation back to our founding principles of limited government and fiscal conservatism, we need to come together as a group of likeminded conservatives.

This is the mission of The Heritage Foundation. We want to continue to develop and present conservative solutions to the nation’s toughest problems. And we cannot do this alone.

Before March 31, we are looking for a select few conservatives to become a Heritage Foundation member. With your membership, you’ll qualify for all associates benefits and you’ll help keep our nation great for future generations.

Why did Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL) vote for the $1.3 Trillion Omnibus Budget Bill?

Congressmen Vern Buchanan and Charlie Crist have something in common, they both voted for the $1.3 trillion omnibus budget bill. In the end the final vote on the bill was:

  • Eight Republicans (Bilirakis, Buchanan, Diaz-Balart, Dunn, Francis Rooney, Tom Rooney, Ross, Rutherford) and ten Democrats (Castor, Crist, Demings, Deutch, Frankel, Hastings, Lawson, Murphy, Wasserman-Schultz, Wilson) from the Florida delegation voted YEA.
  • Eight Republicans (Curbelo, DeSantis, Gaetz, Mast, Posey, Ros-Lihtinen, Webster, Yoho) and one Democrat (Soto) from the Florida delegation voted NAY.
  • Both Florida Senators Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson voted YEA.

Here is a video breakdown of what is in the bill with commentary from Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham:

Rep. Buchanan on his Congressional website under Jobs & Economy states:

As a businessman for over 30 years, I know what it’s like to create jobs, balance a budget, and meet a payroll.

Buchanan also has this statement on his Congressional website under Immigration:

“No Amnesty.  Secure the Border.  Enforce the Rule of Law.  Respect the Constitution.”

This bill busts the budget. This bill does not secure the border, does not fund the border wall, caps the number of ICE agents that can be hired. It is filled with pork projects.

Why focus on Rep. Vern Buchanan?

Rep. Buchanan is the Republican co-chair of Florida’s House Congressional delegation. He is also on the House Committee on Ways and Means. The Committee on Ways and Means is the chief tax-writing committee of the United States House of Representatives.

When Vern Buchanan first ran for Congress in 2006 he vowed to reduce the federal budget deficits and called for a Constitutional balanced budget amendment. In a June 2015 press release Rep. Buchanan called balancing the budget “an urgent priority”. Buchanan stated:

[T]he United States can no longer afford to ignore its out-of-control spending problemWe’re going broke, it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when, unless we change what we’re doing. We need a standard and I think that standard is a Constitutional Balanced Budget Amendment– Florida balances the budget every year, we make the tough choices…

It’s immoral what we’re passing on to our kids and grandkids. I have a granddaughter and a grandson on the way and I feel horrible about what’s taking place up here. “

[Emphasis added]

Rep. Vern Buchanan on balancing the federal budget after he was elected:

So what happened to Rep. Buchanan?

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fort Walton Beach said this about the omnibus bill:

“Today is a bad day for fiscal conservatives and for responsible governance alike. The 2,232-page omnibus bill and the 1,507 pages of ‘Explanatory Materials’ were presented to Members of Congress only sixteen hours before the vote was scheduled. It is unreasonable to ask Congress to vote to spend over 1.3 trillion taxpayer dollars without sufficient time to study how that money is spent. Being asked to vote blindly for legislation as large-scale and costly as this omnibus is an insult to Congress and to the American people, whose tax dollars deserve to be treated with respect.”

Congressman Vern Buchanan is now a Charlie Crist Republican. He is a typical politician. He says one thing to get elected and then does the exact opposite once elected. He is not a fiscal conservative. He voted without understanding the implications of the bill. Buchanan went against his campaign’s principled stand for fiscal responsibility.

Vern Buchanan, like most politicians, is in his own words is “immoral.” Sadly his immorality, along with his vote, is destroying this great nation. Good luck to his and our children and grand children.

RELATED ARTICLE: Omnibus Spending Bill Was a Giant Giveaway to the Swamp

Congressional Delegation from Florida


Name Room Phone
Nelson, Bill 716 HSOB 202-224-5274
Rubio, Marco 284 RSOB 202-224-3041



District Name Room Phone
1 Gaetz. Matt 507 CHOB 202-225-4136
2 Dunn, Neal 423 CHOB 202-225-5235
3 Yoho, Ted 511 CHOB 202-225-5744
4 Rutherford, John 230 CHOB 202-225-2501
5 Lawson, Al 1337 LHOB 202-225-0123
6 DeSantis, Ron 1524 LHOB 202-225-2706
7 Murphy, Stephanie 1237 LHOB 202-225-4035
8 Posey, Bill 2150 RHOB 202-225-3671
9 Soto, Darren 1429 LHOB 202-225-9889
10 Demings, Val 238 CHOB 202-225-2176
11 Webster, Daniel 1210 LHOB 202-225-1002
12 Bilirakis, Gus M. 2112 RHOB 202-225-5755
13 Crist, Charlie 427 CHOB 202-225-5961
14 Castor, Kathy 2052 RHOB 202-225-3376
15 Ross, Dennis 436 CHOB 202-225-1252
16 Buchanan, Vern 2104 RHOB 202-225-5015
17 Rooney, Tom 2160 RHOB 202-225-5792
18 Mast, Brian 2182 RHOB 202-225-3026
19 Rooney, Francis 120 CHOB 202-225-2536
20 Hastings, Alcee L. 2353 RHOB 202-225-1313
21 Frankel, Lois 1037 LHOB 202-225-3001
22 Deutch, Ted 2447 RHOB 202-225-9890
23 Wasserman Schultz, Debbie 1114 LHOB 202-225-7931
24 Wilson, Frederica 2445 RHOB 202-225-4506
25 Diaz-Balart, Mario 440 CHOB 202-225-4211
26 Curbelo, Carlos 1404 LHOB 202-225-2778
27 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana 2206 RHOB 202-225-3931

Polish Priest prays for the ‘happy death’ of Pope Francis

Pope Francis is the most controversial Holy See in modern history. The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church and his duty is to uphold the tenants of the Holy Bible.

Many question weather Francis is the Pope or a politician.

Most recently in The Telegraph column titled “Polish priest wishes Pope early death over call for Catholics to take in Muslim refugees” 

Father Edward Staniek, a parish priest in the southern city of Krakow, had apparently been angered by the pope’s call for Catholics to take in Muslim refugees because it was their Christian duty.

In a sermon delivered last month Father Staniek said: “I pray for the Pope in his wisdom to open his heart to the Holy Spirit, but if he does not, I pray for his quick departure to his Father’s house. I can always ask God for a happy death for him because a happy death is a great grace.”

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the 266th and current Pope of the Catholic Church, chose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Pope Francis and Saint Francis of Assisi.

Pope Francis and his namesake Saint Francis of Assisi have totally opposite views on Islam.

In a column titled “PBS Broadcasts Crusade Myths & Falsehoods” Andrew E. Harrod writes this about Saint Francis of Assisi:

Francis’ behavior exemplified the common practice of his order in which friars often sought martyrdom by direct rhetorical challenges to Islam. Reflecting the negative judgment of Catholic saints upon Islam throughout history, Francis in Rega’s book tells the sultan that “if you die while holding to your law [sharia], you will be lost; God will not accept your soul.” As Notre Dame University Professor Lawrence Cunningham has observed, Francis “saw himself and his friars as Knights of the Round Table fighting a spiritual crusade.” [Emphasis added]

Saint Francis of Assisi sounds more like President Donald J. Trump than Pope Francis. President Trump during his Speech to the Arab Islamic American Summit said:

Religious leaders must make this absolutely clear: Barbarism will deliver you no glory – piety to evil will bring you no dignity. If you choose the path of terror, your life will be empty, your life will be brief, and YOUR SOUL WILL BE CONDEMNED. [Emphasis added]

Perhaps it is time for Pope Francis to emulate his namesake when it comes to Islam or pass on the miter of the Holy See? Certainly Father Staniek prays that this comes to pass.

As George Santayana wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”