DOCUMENTARY FILM: Hillary Clinton Body Count — Serial Killer for President!

This is the definitive documentary on the Hillary and Bill Clinton killing spree that has been ongoing since they burst onto the scene in Arkansas. A trail of dead and mysterious deaths surround the Clinton’s and I document 114 and more deaths in this film that they are directly connected to. Hill and Bill are Illuminati puppets, that are killing off anyone who might expose the 4th branches operations.

Bill and Hillary are some of the most proficient serial killers of all time and need to be put into prison immediately.

Please enjoy the film!


What Really Happened Article:…

Bill Clinton Leaving Ron Brown’s Funeral:…

Despite the GOP’s Epic Failure to Reach Black Voters, I’m Still Voting for Donald Trump in November

What the hell is going on with Blacks in this Republican Party? My phone has been ringing off the hook since last week with people from across the country asking me to explain the unexplainable.

Memo to my readers: I DON’T WORK FOR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. But, it seems everyone wants to call me to get an understanding or insight into the inner workings of some of the strategies coming out of this party from the party’s “so-called” Black operatives.

First, in order to be an operative, by definition, you must know how to operate. These Blacks have little to no significant campaign experience and have absolutely no understanding of messaging and communications.

Last week, I was with a Black nationally syndicated radio talk show host who is extremely liberal. He asked why the party has not brought on people like me to help with their efforts with the Black community, as opposed to suing people like me? I told him to call the party and ask them that same question.

But then he said something very interesting.

“They don’t want people like you [referring to me] who know what they are doing,” he said. “They want people who they can control.”

I thought that was extremely insightful.

Part of a true operative’s background is a thing called experience. Only through experience can one know what to do, as well as what not to do. By this party constantly bringing on people with no relevant experience, they are setting their Black surrogates up for failure.

I guess this explains why I have been receiving phone calls from all over the country, especially from North Carolina, Ohio, and Florida. It seems like these Black staffers have received orders from the party to go into the Black community and ask Blacks to vote Republican, but not for Trump.

Yep, you heard me correctly!

Memo to Black Republicans: the Black community doesn’t make a distinction between Trump and the Republican Party; they are one in the same. You can’t have steak without meat, you can’t have basketball without the ball, you can’t watch TV without a TV.

How in the world do you go into the Black community and tell them that you are not supporting Trump’s campaign for the presidency on the Republican ticket and then turn around and ask them to vote Republican down ballot?

What these Black Republicans are doing is akin to asking a person to buy a Big Mac hamburger from McDonald’s without the beef. I know, I know, that doesn’t make sense and it’s impossible; well then, you get my point, thus I rest my case.

I unapologetically support Trump, because of the balance of the Supreme Court, my belief that amnesty for illegals will further exacerbate the Black unemployment rate, and our party’s establishment needs to be totally shaken up! We need totally new leadership from top to bottom on every level of the party.

To me, all the other issues swirling around Trump is mere background noise.

Here’s another memo to Black Republicans: If you are not supporting Trump, then why are you taking money from an organization, the Republican National Committee, whose sole purpose is to get Donald Trump elected as president?

Are you that desperate for money that you are willing to sell your political soul for thirty pieces of silver?

If you are not supporting Trump, then have some principle and resign immediately.

One of the fundamental tenets of marketing as it applies to getting consumers to switch brands, i.e., from Democrat to Republican, is “messenger credibility.”

How can you go into the Black community with credibility and ask for them to vote for Republicans down ballot, but don’t support the person at the top of the ticket? Would you support your local NAACP branch and try to distance yourself from the group’s national officers? I don’t think so.

These staffers should be embarrassed to ask Black folks to buy a product that they themselves don’t even believe in. Do they really think that Blacks are that stupid?

If I have to choose between making money and keeping my integrity, I will always choose keeping my integrity. I can always make more money, but I can’t get more integrity.

To be honest with you, the party should fire all those involved in this diabolical scheme. This should not be allowed to stand. How can the party justify paying someone who is in opposition to its very raison d’etre?

Not one of these Black staffers has publically endorsed Donald Trump; nor can you find in any public statements or in their media appearances indicating their support for Trump. When they have been challenged about this by the media, they quickly deflect to the point that they work for the party, not the Trump campaign. Again, you can’t have one without the other. The party and Trump are joined at the hip at this point.

This is why these Blacks have absolutely no credibility when they go into the Black community. If they don’t even believe in the product they are selling, so how can they convince others to believe in it?

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in BlackPressUSA.

VIDEO: Trump Backs Term Limits for Congress

Donald Trump just endorsed passing a constitutional amendment slapping Term Limits on Congress.  He’s now the second presidential candidate to endorse U.S. Term Limits’s ultimate goal.

“Not only will it end government corruption, but it will end the economic stagnation in our country,” he just announced.

We have the momentum.  Lobbying for Term Limits to be included in the presidential debates has paid on off massively.  Term Limits and our push for the Term Limits convention will get more attention than ever.

And, if you haven’t already, please sign the National Term Limits Amendment petition by clicking here.

We need as many Americans to publicly support Term Limis as possible.  We are battling state by state to call for the Term Limits Convention.  Every signer counts!

Finally, please feel free to forward this column and the links to this important national petition to everyone you know!

RELATED ARTICLE: Liberal DC Suburb Could Resurrect Term Limits Movement

Politico’s Glenn Thrush sends story to Hillary aide for approval, admits he’s a ‘hack’

This is not a story about jihad, and yet it is. This story, along with stories about how Leftist Soros-funded groups bought favorable coverage of the Iran deal and the Muslim migrant inundation, and also bought hit pieces on foes of jihad terror, sheds light on what the mainstream media really is: a propaganda organ for the Left and the Democratic Party in particular, not in any sense a genuine source of news.

This story explains why no mainstream media outlet ever covers foes of jihad terror favorably or give them a fair hearing, or ever notes the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ links to Hamas, or the Southern Poverty Law Center’s vicious bias and hard-Left agenda, but treats both as if they were objective, respected and respectable sources of information. It gives an insight into what might be motivating “journalists” such as Andrew Kaczynski, Christopher Massie, Scott Shane, Christiane Amanpour, Bob Smietana, Niraj Warikoo, Kari Huus, Dave Weigel, Lisa Wangsness, Anne Barnard, Michael Kruse and so very many others. Clearly they aren’t remotely honest reporters; are they bought and paid for shills for the dominant political perspective?

Will Politico fire Thrush? Of course not. If they did, they’d have to fire the rest of their staff, and all the other mainstream media outlets would have to as well.


Glenn Thrush

“Politico Reporter Sends Story To Hillary Aide For Approval, Admits He’s A ‘Hack,’” by Alex Pfeiffer, Daily Caller, October 17, 2016:

A Politico reporter has been caught sending his journalism to Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman for approval.

In an April 30, 2015 email, released Monday by WikiLeaks, Politico’s chief political correspondent Glenn Thrush asked John Podesta to approve his writing pre-publication. Thrush begged Podesta not to tell anyone he had shared the copy and referred to himself as “a hack” in the email exchange.

“No worries Because I have become a hack I will send u the whole section that pertains to u,” Thrush wrote to Podesta. “Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this Tell me if I fucked up anything.”…

RELATED ARTICLE: Houston: Muslim “refugee” pleads guilty to trying to bomb malls for the Islamic State

Growing Opposition to Florida’s ‘Legalize Pot’ Amendment 2

Florida’s leaders continue to come out daily in opposition to Amendment 2.

Most recently, Attorney General Pam Bondi made it clear that her position has not changed:

In addition, both the Florida Sheriffs Association and the Florida Police Chiefs Association have shared their positions on Amendment 2:

The Florida Police Chiefs Association stated:

You can read the Florida Police Chiefs Association’s full Press Release and theFlorida Sheriffs Association’s full Resolution here and here.

They are joined by the President of the California State Sheriff’s Associationwho has urged Florida voters not to make the same mistake that Californians did:

IN-DEPTH: Bias is Foundationally Ingrained in Traditional Journalism

A quarter century in the mainstream media establishment furnished me with ample evidence of how the media shades and distorts coverage in the most professional and yet opaque ways — so ingrained that the shading is all but invisible to the journalists doing it.

(IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: There is no conspiracy of bias across the mainstream media. However, there issuch deeply entrenched bias that most toiling journalists do not even recognize it. They believe that their choice of stories and coverage is pure professionalism, free from any encumbrances of prejudice. So know that if you pursue a conspiracy theory, you will immediately be discarded with an eyeroll. There is far stronger ground on which to stand and expose why this bias creates inherent and accurate distrust.)

The media’s multi-generational predilection has become established journalism. The worldview defining what is newsworthy and why, and what is not and why not, is now a foundational part of journalism. That it reflects one worldview over a competing worldview is undeniable for those looking at life through the competing worldview. But this truth is invisible to those practicing journalism, because the newsworthy industry standard fits like a glove with their worldview. Of course it’s good journalism! We all agree!

Most reporters and editors I worked with were mystified at the accusation of bias, or simply chalked it up to my own conservative proclivities. That my conservatism might inform my view of journalism was perfectly clear to them. That their liberalism might inform their view of journalism was bewildering to them, because by every journalistic standard they were practicing professional journalism. The reason they could not see the bias was not a lack of intelligence or dishonesty, but that journalism was defined through the basis of liberalism and therefore they did not see any bias.

The mystery of Rush Limbaugh

My colleagues would often shake their heads incredulously at the rise of Rush Limbaugh and conservative talk radio in the 1990s. They simply could not understand it and ended up shrugging it off as conservatives being less educated and more easily led. Conservatives just didn’t like the truth coming out in the media.

The problem did not lie with American conservatives, however, but with the very bewildered journalists unable to grasp his popularity.

Rush Limbaugh and others were filling a void for a large swath of Americans who felt under daily assault by local and national media. Rush Limbaugh took the news of the day and explained it from a conservative point of view — the opposite of the way the media was professionally describing it — and 20 million Americans thought, ‘Finally someone is saying what I believe!’

There are many conservative sites dedicated to pointing out the daily media leftist bias. They have been so successful, that some have popped up on the other side, focusing primarily on Fox News. That, in itself, is telling that they only have one news source to hit on. But we can simply let the market of millions of Americans speak.

In a recent Gallup Poll on media trust — which has been taken since 1972 — the media has sunk to its lowest level ever. Only 32% of Americans consider the media trustworthy. That’s not good, but the political party breakdown tells the real story:

  • 51% of Democrats consider the media trustworthy;
  • 14% of Republicans consider the media trustworthy.

Does the media reflect on why there is such a stark difference? Here is the response I have heard from colleagues over the years: “Well, those are conservatives pulling the numbers down. They’re just angry.” Exactly! One worldview trusts journalists at nearly four times the level as the other worldview. That’s the blind spot, spelled out in rock solid numbers by the consumer market of news. And yet, that glaring reality remains largely obscured to the working media because proper journalism is interwoven with modern progressivism determining what is news.

In all my years, I only came across one working journalist, an editor and a friend, who was forthright and clear enough to admit the bias. He went further, however, with his normal bluntness and confessed proudly that he thought it was right for journalists to be biased in favor of helping the little guy against the big guy. Indeed, much of journalism stems from that, which is laudable from an individual’s point of view, but deeply problematic for a media struggling with the public trust.

The media’s telltale sign: Story choice

Think about it. The exposés on the homeless, the poor, single mothers, imprisonment numbers, income inequality, plight of minorities and so on are virtually endless. There are also legions of stories on environmental issues and the greed of CEOs. All of these are legitimate topics and should be covered, at times in-depth. They are also favorites of the leftist, progressive ethos and are only half of the set of excellent story ideas.

Story choice matters because that is the first step in coverage — those stories that journalists choose to cover, and just as importantly, those they choose not to. These choices are reflected in a perspective that journalists see merely as good journalism, independent of their personal politics. But it’s not. Media consumers instinctively know that, as demonstrated by Gallup.

To see just how warped is the sense of news judgment, here are some examples of what journalists do notspend much — if any — time and resources on, but which are as legitimate as the story topics listed above.

  • Exposés on the trials and tribulations of being a cop in a high-crime neighborhood. This story not only humanizes cops in the same way that stories on the homeless and poor humanize them, but could also shed light on some root problems of the high level of crime while creating public support for better solutions. But these stories are rare and will never win major journalism awards.
  • Exposés and regular coverage on the struggles of small businesses and the difficulty of creating a successful business with a high level of government costs involved. The humanization of the small business owners’ struggles to stay afloat would be hugely educational to the majority of people who are employees their whole lives — or unable to find work. Such stories — routinely done as the list above is — would create a much better understanding of how well-meaning government rules just add more and more difficulties for businesses to succeed, and workers to get good jobs.
  • How about exposés on the size of the federal debt and the weight of taxes now and on future generations? There are endless stories on the difficulties of making ends meet for our elderly citizens living on Social Security, Medicare and other transfer payments. Again, legitimate stories. But they are done in the contextual vacuum of emotional heartstring-pulling. Compelling stories on individuals’ struggles without context result in encouraging public support for more money to go to those people. The context is $20 trillion debt. What if just as regularly journalists did stories on the cost per millennial of the current debt? Talk to young people and do the same emotional stories on how they feel about being burdened to pay off debts that previous generations incurred. They can’t afford rent, but they have to send more and more money to people who are not working. That could really change the conversation. But those stories are as rare as stories on the importance of fossil fuel to a local economy.
  • Speaking of which, how many emotional heartstring-pulling stories are done on the plight of the “hard-working middle class” — a favorite phrase for all politicians — in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and elsewhere on the decimation of the fossil fuel industry for political reasons? Those are rare as a sighting of stories on the costs of environmental regulations on new development driving up housing costs for the middle class and millennials, also a legitimate story.
  • Exposés and continuing context on the forces driving college costs? There are endless stories on the how the high costs and the ensuing college debt are worrying young students. So much so that it was a central plank of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign. But they are done in a huge vacuum of “Why?” rarely being addressed. Where are all the cojoining stories on why college costs are so high? Those are rare as the story on how the lumber industry has paved the way for responsible resource use.

This list can go on almost indefinitely. If you are a conservative you can think of a ton more. If you are liberal, or a mainstream media person, you are probably shaking your head in disbelief. Again, that is exactly the point.

The matter is ingrained at every level.

The problem of journalism schools

The indoctrination begins here. Of course, it is largely not intentional indoctrination, so perhaps not the best word. It is merely repeating the formula that a liberal ethos equals good journalism — not stated in words so much as in the daily classroom teaching of journalism.

I graduated from Michigan State University’s School of Journalism in 1982 and the professors were uniformly liberal. I was too, sort of, because that is what college will do to you if you are not well-grounded otherwise. I accepted what I was taught and dutifully took it out into the world of daily newspapers with me until I slowly began forming my own set of beliefs.

But Michigan State is simply like all the rest. In addition to all the media people I have worked with, I’ve hired out of J-Schools around the country and the cookie-cutter products of those institutions are impressive from an efficiency perspective. It’s almost impossible in the major journalism schools to find a graduate with a conservative worldview who might look at good journalism from a different perspective. Truly, such a student probably could not have earned a degree if they had.

A journalism degree is necessary currency to get in the door of mainstream media outlets — and a lot of new media. So navigating journalism schools and learning the proper definition of newsworthy journalism creates a gatekeeper effect for the liberal journalism professors dominating schools. And it means they are well-prepared on the worldview level to fit into modern media — even if they are not well-prepared to actually practice. Much of that is learned on the job, making journalism schools all the more a place whose primary role is to mold “proper” political views.

The problem of journalism awards

Like all human beings, journalists love winning awards, being recognized for their efforts. I sure did. Iowa Young Journalist of the Year in the late 80s. Inland Press Association’s Reporting Award, a dozen Associated Press Awards and so on.

Yeah, it was great. Here’s the thing, though. Naturally enough, journalism awards are judged by other journalists. I know. I sat on a few judging committees. Makes sense. But the now-established deeply ingrained worldview kicks in at this point. Practically every judging committee will be made up of people whose worldview is somewhere between center left and radical left.

The story lists mentioned above that are viewed as important through that leftist prism will be the ones awarded.

Then how did I win awards? For many years as a younger reporter, I did not see the bias. I fully understand being blind to it. I was practicing good journalism. As my worldview matured and I began to see things more clearly through conservatism and biblical standards — and as I began voicing my opinion in the newsroom — the reality of how deeply rooted the predisposition was and is became clear. It created a lot of friction. And it exposed a lot.

One revelation was on journalism awards.

Journalists tend to write and produce stories for their next editor or producer at the next paper and television station on the career ladder. Or they write with the aim at winning awards. I worked for a paper whose publisher said the stated aim was to win a Pulitzer Prize, which the paper finally did. Guess the politics of the Pulitzer Prize Committee.

So even after the solid indoctrination received in every major journalism school, the reinforcement sets in at every level, at every institution. While in the field, the newsroom hierarchy is uniformly somewhere left of center. As mentioned previously, that worldview uniformity goes to story selection, story angle, story content and story play. And then all of those decisions are affirmed and rewarded through awards outside the newsroom. Again, this is not to say those are not worthy coverage topics. But it is to say that those are the ones rewarded and therefore reinforced as good journalism.

Unless you become a columnist — as I did for several years — there is no career track for a journalist writing from a conservative worldview without just caving to all the liberal story topics.

Solutions are dicey

Perhaps the largest obstacle to correcting this problem is that the vast majority of practicing journalists that I know and have known do not acknowledge the problem. As explained, they merely see solid journalism by professionals who set aside their personal politics and biases.

I don’t think that is possible. For anyone. We all see the world through our prism of life experiences and belief system. That’s inescapable. So in practice the only way to make media newsrooms function with balance to accommodate a sea of views is to populate them with a diversity of perspectives, political beliefs and backgrounds.

There are only two pathways I can see to creating balance in the profession. The best one in my opinion seems highly unlikely. The other one is what the market is slowly grinding towards.

The best solution would be to hire based on worldview. This would mean shifting from the leftist v of diversity in hiring based on skin color and gender to a diversity based on a multiplicity of viewpoints that is colorblind and gender blind. Right now, an executive editor would gaze out over a newsroom with female liberals, black liberals, Hispanic liberals, lesbian liberals, Asian liberals, transgender liberals and handicapped liberals and smile approvingly at the wonderful diversity — totally missing that they are all some stripe of liberal producing the same kinds of stories with the same angles.

While working for a daily newspaper within the New York Times, I made a pitch to generate a policy to recruit journalists based on a diversity of worldviews. We could have liberals, conservatives, libertarians, greens, Christians, atheists, Muslims, Jews and so on. This would provide the natural check and balance on everything from story selection to coverage to play. It would be cutting edge and a start towards restoring trust. (Of course, it would also ultimately require a change in the lock-step liberalism of journalism professors to a worldview diversity. Given tenure, that would only be possible over a couple of generations and require university administrators with spine.)

A consultant who was in town, a former New York Times executive, ran it up the flagpole when he returned to Manhattan. The answer was “No. Our people are professionals. We don’t need ideologues.” Again, the blind spot is sort of astonishing — if you are not a liberal.

A second solution is already happening: market-based alternatives. This is a model that is actually similar to what has been the case in major European cities for years. Media outlets there are overtly politically-based. In London, for instance, everyone understands that the London Guardian and London Independent are the liberal newspapers and the London Telegraph and London Times are the conservative organs. The tabloids break down similarly. Consumers then choose their media accordingly.

In the United States, the modern history was of at least an attempt at a centrist, fair, non-partisan media. That has failed. And because of the blindness of that failure within the media establishment, there is no willingness to make the necessary corrections. Therefore, the advent of new technologies have opened the door to competing media.

The Drudge Report was an early online portal for conservatives. Matt Drudge linked to stories in the mainstream media, emerging alternative media and, importantly, international media. His site exploded in size and popularity with…conservatives. Like Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, the Drudge Report was filling the worldview vacuum left by the media being blind to its daily inclinations.

Now there is everything from Townhall, National Review Online and Real Clear Politics to Newsmax, the Daily Caller and the Blaze. Listening to reporters from some of these conservative news outlets talk on podcasts is almost identical to listening to conversations in newsrooms over the years — except flip the worldview.

This is ultimately the future of American media. There is not balance. The big media outlets continue to dominate, although they are diluted. As the traditional media is unwilling to reform itself, the American marketplace is reforming it and the grand journalism of the mid-20th century that everyone trusted — whether they should have or not — will be consigned to history.

And like most great institutions and nations, their undoing will be from their own doing.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on

Media Bias Makes Him Stronger

Teflon Donald has come out swinging against all those who are the enemies of America. The list includes the media, Hillary supporters, the Democratic Party and those Republicans, like Paul Ryan, who are weak kneed.

Kenneth Timmerman in his “Memo to all weak-kneed Republicans: Get a grip” writes:

Any Republican with an ounce of political savvy should understand that Hillary’s playbook is all about impugning Donald Trump’s character. That is all she’s got. Because if she ran on the issues — her secret endorsement of open borders, for example – she would go down in flames.

It’s time our party got a collective grip on itself.

[ … ]

Have you forgotten why the Tea Party exploded onto the political scene in 2010, and why Donald Trump succeeded in roundly defeating 16 highly-qualified and highly-skilled Republican opponents in the primary?

A movement has sprung up in this country, and the political elites are terrified that it will succeed in pushing the eject button on their cozy Party of Big Government that has ruled, raped, and destroyed this country for too long.

The Selous Foundation’s Cliff Kincaid in his column “Media Bias Makes Him Stronger” noted:

When the media went with the recording of Donald J. Trump’s dirty talk about women, the result was predictable. Some terrified Republicans abandoned ship. But the ship was not sinking. Trump used the personal attacks as fuel for a counter-offensive that had the media—and Hillary—reeling.

[ … ]

The Republicans who abandoned Trump were victims, in a sense, as well. They had gotten scared in the face of a carefully orchestrated attack using a major liberal media organ, the Washington Post. They figured that the only way out, in order to stay on the side of the media, was to dump Trump. But Trump’s aggressive performance in the debate means that the “self-righteous” Republicans who abandoned him are going to suffer even more. Trump supporters turned on Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan after he disinvited Trump from a Wisconsin GOP event. Rep. Joe Heck, a Republican running for an open Senate seat in Nevada, was booed at a rally when he announced he would no longer back Trump’s campaign.

Ryan may survive in his race, since he has a safe Republican seat, but other Republicans who turned their backs on Trump because of the 11-year-old videotape could experience the Trump Train leaving them behind on the way to victory in November.

Kincaid concludes:

Going forward, Trump will have to add to his list of adversaries the cowardly Republicans who would rather please the media than expose corruption in the political process. The evidence indicates that he is prepared to run over them as well.

Win or lose, Trump will emerge as the leader of a new Republican Party that no longer brown-noses the liberal media elites.

This struggle is to restore America. Make America Great Again is not just a slogan. It is an insurgency against those who would define the future against us rather than for us, the American people.

Cast your vote accordingly.


Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism. He is also a contributor to SFPPR News & Analysis.

RELATED ARTICLE: CNN’s Stelter Blames Firebombing of NC Republican Office on Trump’s ‘Over Heated’ Rhetoric

Trump to Hillary: Give back the $25 to $35 million you’ve taken from Saudi Arabia

“So Hillary thinks they are funding ISIS, but still takes their money. And you know their views on gays. And you know their views on women.”

If any other candidate in any other context had taken many millions of dollars from an entity that the candidate admitted was also funding a terrorist organization, would that candidate still be in the race?

A huge and largely ignored issue in this campaign is the extent to which the United States government and both the Democrat and Republican parties are beholden to the Saudis, and the influence that Saudi money has had over American domestic and foreign policy, particularly regarding the jihad threat.

Is it wise to have a government that is so financially beholden to a government that is chiefly financially responsible for the spread of the jihad ideology around the world? When one thinks about the way that the U.S. response to the jihad threat has been weak and wrongheaded since 9/11, the Saudi money starts to make it all make sense: the denial of the motivating ideology behind jihad terror, the targeting of foes of the Saudi regime rather than the actual perpetrators of the 9/11 jihad attacks — it all falls into place. And now we’re looking at four more years (at least) of Saudi hegemony.

“Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton Should Return the Money She Got from Saudi Arabia,” by Katie McHugh, Breitbart, October 14, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Donald Trump challenged Hillary Clinton to return the tens of millions of dollars she has accepted from Saudi Arabian donors, and called again for a special prosecutor to look into her alleged crimes as Secretary of State.

The hacked emails released by Wikileaks “make more clear than ever just how much is at stake come November 8. Such an important day. Such an important day,” Trump said Friday night in Charlotte, North Carolina. “Get out and vote, everybody. Get out and vote!”

“In an email sent to John Podesta, on August 17, 2014, Hillary wrote that the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia are ‘providing clandestine and financial and logistical support to ISIL.’ Yet, in that same year, Bill and Hillary accepted a check from Saudi Arabia,” Trump said as the audience booed.

“So Hillary thinks they are funding ISIS, but still takes their money. And you know their views on gays. And you know their views on women.”

“I think she should give back the $25 to $35 million she’s taken from Saudi Arabia,” he said. “And she should give it back fast.”

Audience members began to chant, “Lock her up!”

In an email sent over her homebrew, unsecured server to then-Obama White House counselor John Podesta, who now chairs her campaign, Hillary flat-out stated Saudia [sic] Arabia was funding ISIS in Syria.

“[W]e need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” Clinton wrote on August 18, 2014.

Saudia Arabia has donated as much as $50 million to the Clinton Foundation while it continues its sharia-compliant policy of executing homosexuals and sending them to prison.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Clinton corruption,” Trump continued. “Hillary bleached and deleted 33,000 of her emails after receiving—after, remember the word, after—after receiving a Congressional subpoena, and had 13 phones disappear.”

“LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!” the crowd roared….




State Dept: “We continue to urge Pakistan to take actions to combat all terrorist groups operating on its soil”

Uruguay: Muslim who stabbed Jewish man to death while screaming “Allahu akbar” avoids jail, declared insane

The World Obama and Supplicant Republicans Have Made

In 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama famously disparaged middle America at a San Francisco fundraiser, calling them bitter people who “cling” to their guns and religion.  Obama’s opponent, John McCain, did not defend these Americans. Instead, his campaign reined in the feisty Sarah Palin. In debates with the cocky community organizer McCain muttered about “bipartisanship.”

After the election, the gun-and-religion bitter clingers organized into tea parties in an attempt to stem the Obama transformation of federalized health care, education, and the auto industry. They further sought to stop “stimulus” funds for cronies’ failed solar power plants, sidewalks that went nowhere, and education “standards” that further stupefied kids. In response, many were harassed by the IRS when applying for nonprofit status. Republicans in Congress called hearings, endured lies—and did nothing. Then, when patriotic opponents to these lawless actions responded with outrage, they were smeared by the Left and the obedient Right as redneck “extremists” and “racists.” Republicans distanced themselves.

In a 2012 presidential debate, the meek and patrician Mitt Romney seemed to think it beneath him to defend Americans killed in Benghazi. This March, however, Romney dutifully reemerged to lecture Americans about the “con man,” Donald Trump.

Many Republicans joined Leftists in calling Trump supporters “Trumpsters,” “Trumpistas,” or “Trumpkins,” and accusing them of racism, xenophobia, and stupidity. Some embrace Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” label.

In March, when a number of Trump-supporting Americans were prevented by mobs from attending a rally in Chicago, “constitutionalist” Ted Cruz blamed Trump’s “rhetoric.” So did Marco Rubio, the Gang of Eight member, elected to the Senate on the promise to the tea party that he would stem immigration.

I went to a Trump rally in Rochester, New York, in April, to see for myself. I saw optimism, patriotism, and a concern for Americans hurt by trade deals, illegal immigration, and lawlessness. A local talk show caller choked up the next morning in describing Trump’s recognition of Rochester.

Donald Trump is no polished pol. But my admiration for Cruz’s mellifluous rhetoric ended on March 10 and my admiration for Trump rose as he embraced relatives of people killed by illegal aliens and terrorists in Benghazi.

While establishment Republicans broke public promises to support the people’s choice in the primary, Trump followed advice and held back politely during the first debate with the smug Hillary Clinton. Their advice turned out to be about as pathetic as it was for their litany of failed candidates.

Two days before the second debate, an eleven-year-old recording of Trump’s crude sexual braggadocio emerged.

Trump has been criticized for never apologizing but in this case he did immediately and publicly. He also was prepared for the debate. After apologizing, he pushed past “moderators”—unlike Romney. He hit back point by point, attacking Hillary again for her smears.

He brought forward real people, women victimized by Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults and then re-victimized by Hillary’s vindictiveness. In addition, he brought out a woman who had been raped at age 12 by a man Hillary gleefully defended. The tape of her laughing about getting him a light sentence has been circulating on the Internet. I know of no other Republican who has spoken out about this.

In the wake of that performance, Trump ought to have awakened to a shower of praise from conservative pundits and Republicans. But instead, he was treated to an ongoing onslaught of nonsense about the tape and an announcement from the feckless Paul Ryan that he would no longer campaign with him.

It now appears Romney and Ryan, our 2012 candidates, were involved in the releasing of the tape and timed it to ensure that it would hit with maximum impact and dislodge the news about more leaked Hillary emails that reveal her dishonesty in the primaries and her subordinates’ antipathy toward Catholics. While Trump attacked the Catholic-bashing from Hillary, the Catholic Ryan said nothing.

Obama brags about ruling with his pen and his phone. Ineffectual Republicans have overridden only one presidential veto, the 9/11 bill, about which they are now having second thoughts! They swiftly acceded on Obama’s onerous Every Student Succeeds Act, ignoring pleas to make the 1,061-page bill available for public reading. The IRS, FBI, Justice Department, Immigration, and Department of Education now enforce presidential diktats. Scapegoats are thrown into prison to cover up State Department malfeasance.

The attacks continue:  Trump lawn signs are stolen and property is damaged; pro-Trump messages are condemned as hate speech on campuses; mobs assault Trump supporters in public, while police ignore them.

Welcome to the world that Obama and quisling Republicans have created.

Podesta email leaks from Clinton campaign prove Democrats go low

Hillary Clinton has no public events on her schedule from here to election day, a strategy being characterized as “do no harm.”

She and her advisors apparently think she can coast to victory and let her surrogates do all the heavy lifting. And it’s true: Clinton has a lot of help, not only from the Obamas but from the national media and the establishment elites.

But with the daily dump from Wikileaks of the Podesta emails now in its seventh installment— and with much more promised to come — the sheer sordidness and cynicism of the corrupt Clinton machine is becoming harder to ignore.

We now know, for example, that the Clinton campaign coordinated with the New York Times earlier this year on a strategy to paint Donald Trump as “dangerous and bigoted.”

We also know thanks to the Podesta emails that the Clinton campaign regularly was tipped off by sources at the Justice Department into the FBI investigation into her private email server. (Brian Fallon, who forwarded this particular heads up to the campaign, was a DOJ spokesman before joining the Clinton campaign).

The emails show that the Clinton campaign set up at least two false-flag groups masquerading as Catholic organizations, with the sole purpose of undermining the Church — or as the campaign called it, provoking a “Catholic Spring” revolt against Church doctrines on same sex marriage and abortion.

The emails show that during her 2008 primary campaign against Barack Obama, Mrs. Clinton’s advisors devised a push poll to “test” claims that Obama was a Muslim, something she has tried to blame Trump for somehow inventing.

They show her staff colluding to obstruct justice after work-related emails from Sid Blumenthal relating to the Benghazi attacks were destroyed after receiving a subpoena from the Benghazi Select committee for those same emails. They also show her staff conspiring to destroy all emails from President Obama — who has claimed he didn’t even know Clinton’s private email address!

Why in the world would Clinton want to discuss such things, or face actual questions about them at a campaign event? And these are just some of the most recent revelations from her presidential campaign server.

There’s also the correspondence showing her knowledge that Saudi Arabia and Qatar were funding ISIS and other terrorist groups, and they contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation in the years prior.

Does it get more corrupt than that?

I believe the polls are already showing that Hillary’s ghost strategy could very well backfire.

The first Rasmussen national poll taken after last Sunday’s debate shows Trump now leads by two points, whereas the same poll had him down by seven coming into the debate.

On Twitter, #WomenWhoVoteTrump was the top trending hashtag for most of Friday, with hundreds of photos and personal accounts of women fed up with the smear campaign against Donald Trump.

This is America. And believe it or not, voters still want to know who the candidates are. They want to see them and hear them — and gosh, they want to know their vision for the future of this country, too.

When you throw a bucket of slime, as Clinton and her surrogates have been doing, you’d better clean your shoes before going home so not to leave tracks all over the house.

RELATED ARTICLE: Leaked Podesta Emails Show Coordinated Voter Fraud Likely In Colorado

Huma Abedin: The Islamist Ties of Hillary’s Closest Aide

Huma Abedin was born in 1976 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Her father, Syed Abedin (1928-1993), was an Indian-born scholar who in the early 1970s had been affiliated with the Muslim Students Association at Western Michigan University.

Huma’s mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, is a sociologist known for her strong advocacy of Sharia Law. A member of the Muslim Sisterhood (i.e., the Muslim Brotherhood‘s division for women), Saleha is also a board member of the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief. This pro-Hamas entity is part of the Union of Good, which the U.S. government has formally designated as an international terrorist organization led by the Muslim Brotherhood luminary Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

When Huma was two, the Abedin family relocated from Michigan to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This move took place when Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure who served as vice president of Abdulaziz University (AU), recruited his former AU colleague, Syed Abedin, to work for the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), a Saudi-based Islamic think tank that Naseef was preparing to launch. A number of years later, Naseef would develop close ties to Osama bin Laden and the terrorist group al Qaeda. Naseef also spent time (beginning in the early 1980s) as secretary-general of the Muslim World League, which, as journalist Andrew C. McCarthy points out, “has long been the Muslim Brotherhood’s principal vehicle for the international propagation of Islamic supremacist ideology.” IMMA’s close ties to the Muslim World League are further evidenced by the fact that IMMA’s in-house publication, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA), has long listed its officialaddress as 46 Goodge Street in London — precisely the same address as that of the Muslim World League’s London office. In one noteworthy article written by Abedin’s mother,JMMA blamed America for having brought the 9/11 attacks upon itself. Another JMMA piece, from 1999, alleged that Jewish Americans who were pro-Israel had been able to “work the [political] system” in the United States to their own advantage, and had been “greatly aided by the American memory of the Holocaust.”

It is vital to note that IMMA’s “Muslim Minority Affairs” agenda was, and remains to this day, a calculated foreign policy of the Saudi Ministry of Religious Affairs, designed, as Andrew C. McCarthy explains, “to grow an unassimilated, aggressive population of Islamic supremacists who will gradually but dramatically alter the character of the West.” For details about this agenda, click here.

At age 18, Huma Abedin returned to the U.S. to attend George Washington University. In 1996 she began working as an intern in the Bill Clinton White House, where she was assigned to then-First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. Abedin was eventually hired as an aide to Mrs. Clinton and has worked for her ever since, through Clinton’s successful Senate runs (in 2000 and 2006) and her failed presidential bid in 2008.

From 1997 until sometime before early 1999, Abedin, while still interning at the White House, was an executive board member of George Washington University‘s (GWU) Muslim Students Association (MSA), heading the organization’s “Social Committee.”

It is noteworthy that in 2001-02, soon after Abedin left that executive board, the chaplain and “spiritual guide” of GWU’s MSA was Anwar al-Awlaki, the al Qaeda operative who ministered to some of the men who were among the 9/11 hijackers. Another chaplain at GWU’s MSA (from at least October 1999 through April 2002) was Mohamed Omeish, who headed the International Islamic Relief Organization, which has been tied to the funding of al Qaeda. Omeish’sbrother, Esam, headed the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood’s quasi-official branch in the United States. Both Omeish brothers were closely associated with Abdurahman Alamoudi, who would later be convicted and incarcerated on terrorism charges.

From 1996-2008, Abedin was employed by the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) as the assistant editor of its aforementioned publication, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA). At least the first seven of those years overlapped with the al Qaeda-affiliated Abdullah Omar Naseef’s active presence at IMMA. Abedin’s last six years at the Institute (2002-2008) were spent as a JMMA editorial board member; for one of those years, 2003, Naseef and Abedin served together on that board.

Throughout her years with IMMA, Abedin remained a close aide to Hillary Clinton. During Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential primary campaign, a New York Observer profile of Abedin described her as “a trusted advisor to Mrs. Clinton, especially on issues pertaining to the Middle East, according to a number of Clinton associates.” “At meetings on the region,” continued the profile, “… Ms. Abedin’s perspective is always sought out.”

When Mrs. Clinton was appointed as President Barack Obama‘s Secretary of State in 2009, Abedin became her deputy chief of staff. At approximately that same point in time, Abedin’s name was removed from the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs‘ masthead.

Apart from their working relationship, Abedin and Mrs. Clinton have also developed a close personal bond over their years together, as reflected in Clinton’s 2010 assertion that: “I have one daughter. But if I had a second daughter, it would [be] Huma.” In 2011, Secretary Clinton paid a friendly visit to Abedin’s mother, Saleha, in Saudi Arabia. On that occasion, Mrs. Clinton publicly described her aide’s position as “very important and sensitive.”

On July 10, 2010, Huma Abedin, a practicing Muslim, married then-congressman Anthony Weiner in a ceremony officiated by former president Bill Clinton. A number of analysts have noted that it is extremely rare for Islamic women—particularly those whose families have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood—to marry non-Muslims like Weiner, who is Jewish. Indeed, Dr. Anwar Shoeb, the highest-ranking faculty authority at the prestigious College of Sharia and Islamic Studies in Kuwait, formally declared that Abedin’s marriage to Weiner was “null and void” under the dictates of Sharia Law, which explicitly forbids matrimony between a Muslim woman and an “infidel”; in fact, Shoeb classified the Abedin-Weiner union as a form of “adultery.”

Abedin went on maternity leave after giving birth to a baby boy in early December 2011. When she returned to work in June 2012, the State Department granted her an arrangement that allowed her to do earn outside income as a private consultant, even as she remained a top advisor in the Department. This arrangement was made possible when Mrs. Clinton personally signed off on documents—dated March 23, 2012—that changed Abedin’s title from “deputy chief off staff” to “special government employee.” Abedin’s outside clients included the U.S. State Department, Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and Teneo (a New York-based global advisory firm co-founded by Doug Band, a former counselor for Bill Clinton).

Abedin did not disclose on her financial report either the special employment arrangement or the $135,000 she earned from it, in violation of a law mandating that public officials reveal significant sources of income. In fact, her title change did not become public knowledge until May 2013. Good-government groups warned of the potential conflict-of-interest inherent in an arrangement where a government employee maintains private clients.

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch in a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit showed that both before and after Mrs. Clinton signed off on the special employment deal for Abedin in March 2012, Abedin repeatedly—for months on end—dodged State Department requests that she disclose financial and employment information about her husband, Anthony Weiner, who had left Congress amid personal scandal in June 2011. For details about Abedin’s repeated failures to comply with those requests, click here.

In June 2012, five Republican lawmakers (most prominently, Michele Bachmann) sent letters to the inspectors general at the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice, and State, asking that they investigate whether the Muslim Brotherhood was gaining undue influence over U.S. government officials. One letter, noting that Huma Abedin’s position with Hillary Clinton “affords her routine access to the secretary [of state] and to policymaking,” expressed concern over the fact that Abedin “has three family members—her late father, mother and her brother—connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations.” Some other prominent Republicans such as John McCain and John Boehner disavowed the concerns articulated in the letters.

On February 1, 2013—Hillary Clinton’s final day as Secretary of State—Abedin resigned her post as Mrs. Clinton’s deputy chief of staff. Yet she would continue to serve as a close aide to Clinton.

On March 1, 2013, Abedin was tapped to run Clinton’s post-State Department transition team, comprised of a six-person “transition office” located in Washington.

In early March 2015, it was reported that throughout her entire four-year tenure as Secretary of State (SOS), HillaryClinton had never acquired or used a government email account, and instead had transmitted — in violation of government regulations — all of her official government correspondences via a personal email account that was housed on a private server. In addition, Abedin and Mrs. Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, also had email addresses on the secret server while employed at the State Department.

After Hillary Clinton announced in the spring of 2015 that she was running for president (2016), Abedin was named vice chair of the Clinton campaign.

On August 28, 2016, the New York Post published excerpts and photos from sexually explicit texting exchanges in which Weiner had engaged with two women in the summer of 2015. The next day, Huma Abedin announced that she was separating from Weiner. She said in a statement: “After long and painful consideration and work on my marriage, I have made the decision to separate from my husband. Anthony and I remain devoted to doing what is best for our son, who is the light of our life. During this difficult time, I ask for respect for our privacy.”

Huma Abedin’s brother, Hassan Abedin, has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and is currently an associate editor with the JMMA. Hassan was once a fellow at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies, at a time when the Center’s board included such Brotherhood-affiliated figures as Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Abdullah Omar Naseef.

Huma’s sister, Heba Abedin (formerly known as “Heba A. Khaled”), is an assistant editor with JMMA, where she served alongside Huma prior to the latter’s departure.

Did Hillary Make Unauthorized Release of Classified Information on Bin Laden Raid?

In its initial release of hacked emails from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta last Friday, Wikileaks included an extraordinary document so full of revelations that journalists are still finding new material in its depths.

Among the most explosive are quotes from a Nov. 4, 2013 speech to London Drugs in Toronto, Canada, where she appeared to reveal classified details – including sources and methods – of the hunt for Osama Bin Laden.

In her rambling account of how the “analysts and collectors and good old-fashioned spies were gathering bits and pieces of information,” Mrs. Clinton boasted that the key to allowing the U.S. to track Bin Laden to Abbottabad, Pakistan, was an NSA intercept of a cellphone call from a former Bin Laden bodyguard.

“He had just made a phone call,” she said. “Then we need to follow him. And that is how we found this compound in Abbottabad.”

I suppose Mrs. Clinton figured it was the kind of sexy detail former government officials get paid $250,000 to include in a speech.

The New York Post first noticed the bin Laden information on Sunday, but buried it in a longer account on the Wall Street transcripts.

FoxNews National Security correspondent Catherine Herridge worked her sources at the CIA on Tuesday, but they refused to comment whether the disclosure had been “authorized.”

Without official authorization, the leak by Mrs. Clinton of sources and methods of the Bin Laden investigation would be an open and shut violation of U.S. criminal statutes. For example, 18 U.S. Code §798 punishes anyone who “knowingly and willfully communicates… any classified information… concerning the communication intelligence activities of the United States.”

The U.S. government has indicted former NSA consultant Edward Snowden under the same statute, and has prosecuted a number of intelligence officers in recent years for similar offenses.

The almost casual release of highly classified intelligence information in a paid speech is just another example of Mrs. Clinton’s disregard for our nation’s secrets and her duty to protect them.

The FBI reported that its investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s private email server found 81 email chains that “contained classified information ranging from the CONFIDENTIAL to TOP SECRET/SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM levels at the time they were sent between 2009-2013.” Clinton staffers presumably stripped the classified headers off those emails before sending them to Mrs. Clinton, since the FBI found only three emails that still bore classified markings.

Mrs. Clinton, of course, was not the first to reveal classified details of the hunt for Bin Laden.

Just days after the night-time raid that killed Bin Laden, Vice President Joe Biden publicly applauded “our brave Navy SEALs” for killing Bin Laden.

As I wrote in Dark Forces: the Truth About What Happened in Benghazi, Biden’s loose lips outraged then Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who publicly chastised him for putting family members of the Navy SEALs in danger.

Six weeks later, at an awards ceremony at CIA Headquarters on June 24, 2011, then CIA director Leon Panetta disclosed the specific unit that had carried out the raid and its commander, even though a producer of the Hollywood film Zero Dark Thirty was present. Family members of SEAL Team 6 members on board Extortion 17, the call-sign for a Special Forces helicopter that was shot down by the Taliban on August 6, 2011 in Afghanistan’s Tangi valley, have blamed Biden and Panetta for their revelations.

The 80-page document of “flags” from Hillary Clinton’s previously “secret” paid speeches was compiled by her speaker’s bureau, the Harry Winston Agency (“HWA”), into an alphabetized list of subjects, ranging from “Awkward” to “Wall Street,” and included Hillary’s position statements on “helping corporations.”

In the cover email, sent to John Podesta, Jennifer Pamieri and other top aides in January, Hillary aide Tony Carrk singled out eleven broad areas where Mrs. Clinton’s statements appeared to be at variance with her campaign positions and required “an extra scrub with Policy.”

Carrk apparently didn’t consider the Bin Laden comments noteworthy enough to include in those highlights, which is why it has taken reporters so long to comb through the lengthy attachment.

The Bin Laden comments can be found in a section titled “Government Surveillance.” The staffers at the speaker’s bureau who pulled the quote from her remarks to the Canadian drug group headlined it, “Hillary Clinton Said Bin Laden Was Found By Intercepting A Phone Call, Not From A Walk in Tip.”

Protecting sources and methods is one of the most serious obligations of anyone in government with access to classified information, because divulging them can get people killed.

Mrs. Clinton has shown by her behavior that she is not trustworthy and should not be given access to classified information in the future. That alone should disqualify her from the presidency.

RELATED ARTICLE: Here are All 25 Answers Hillary Clinton Just Gave About Her Email Server Under Penalty of Perjury

RELATED VIDEO: Hillary Clinton – A Career Criminal

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the website.

WIKILEAKS: Saudis and Qatar funding the Islamic State — and the Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton, in a leaked document, is quoted as saying:

“While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.”

This report adds: “The Clinton campaign has not replied to a Daily Caller inquiry about whether the Clinton Foundation will return donations from these two nations that, according to Hillary Clinton, fund ISIS.”

In another recently leaked communication, Hillary displayed what she really thinks about Muslim refugees by expressing her concerns about “legitimate refugees” because (in her words)  “they can’t possibly vet all those refugees….so they don’t know if, you know, jihadists are coming in along with legitimate refugees. Turkey for the same reason.”

If it weren’t for leaked documents, no one could begin to assess the real Hillary beneath her contrived smiles and hyper-welcoming rhetoric about Muslims and Muslim refugees.


“Hillary In Leaked Email: Saudi Arabia And Qatar Are Funding ISIS”, by Alex Pfeiffer, The Daily Caller, October 10, 2016:

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton sent an email to her campaign chairman John Podesta in 2014, who was then-counselor to President Barack Obama, that said Saudi Arabia and Qatar are both giving financial and logistical support to the Islamic State and other extremist Sunni groups, according to a recent Wikileaks release.

Clinton sent the email on August 17, 2014 to Podesta. It was an eight-point plan to defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Clinton’s email said that the United States should support Kurdish forces on the ground with U.S. military advisers and avoid the use of a conventional ground operation.

“While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” Clinton wrote.

The former secretary of state added: “This effort will be enhanced by the stepped up commitment in the [Kurdish Regional Government]. The Qataris and Saudis will be put in a position of balancing policy between their ongoing competition to dominate the Sunni world and the consequences of serious U.S. pressure.”

The email from Clinton to Podesta contains a similar format of previous intelligence reports Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal would send to the former secretary of state. The Daily Caller has previously reported how Clinton had previously asked aides to remove markings showing Blumenthal wrote the reports before sending them to White House officials.

The August 2014 email that pointed the finger at Saudi Arabia and Qatar does not contain any information linking it to Blumenthal in particular and is sent from one of Clinton’s personal emails. The batch of Wikileaks emails has not been independently verified by TheDC. However, Clinton and her spokesman Brian Fallon did not dispute the legitimacy of leaked speech transcripts released by Wikileaks at Sunday’s debate.

TheDC reached out to the Clinton campaign and asked if they dispute the legitimacy of the email, but they have not responded. The Daily Caller also emailed Blumenthal asking if he authored the memo, and he also did not respond.

Qatar has given between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation and Saudi Arabia has donated upwards of $25 million dollars to the Foundation.

The Clinton campaign has not replied to a Daily Caller inquiry about whether the Clinton Foundation will return donations from these two nations that, according to Hillary Clinton, fund ISIS.

In 2010, Clinton’s top aide said that the up to $60 billion weapons transfer of fighter jets and helicopters to Saudi Arabia was a “top priority.” …..

Video: Robert Spencer on why there is no end in sight in the defense against the global jihad
Kenya: Muslims murder six, injure dozens in jihad attack targeting Christians

Islamic Appreciation Month comes to the University of Florida

Islam Appreciation Month has arrived on campus at the University of Florida:

Maria Ilyas, 20, president of Islam On Campus, said the purpose of the event is to clear misconceptions about Islam and Muslims.

“We’re trying to bring an awareness and appreciation to who Muslims are and what Islam is really about….

Another Muslim student also commented:

Daniel Khokar, 18, who identifies as Muslim, said the event means a lot to him because it gives him a sense of belonging.

It is right that every innocent Muslim, as well as any member of any group, should feel a sense of belonging, but a sense of entitlement is not the equivalent of a sense of belonging. There are Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Bahai students too; and there are also Jews on campuses who are treated with contempt and intimidation by jihadist Muslim groups operating right under the noses of university administrators. Shame on the University of Florida for this outright preferential treatment for Muslims over any other group.

Islamic Heritage Month was recently declared in Ontario, also to make Muslims feel better, with the objective of combating “Islamophobia,” despite the fact that no stats bear out that “Islamophobia” is a significant problem. Muslims are the ones attacking Westerners, and despite this fact, the targeting of Muslims remains minimal, which demonstrates the exceptional evolution of the West in terms of tolerance. Sadly, however, blacks and Jews remain by far the greatest groups targeted by hate crimes.

If Muslims collectively want to feel more included, then they would also collectively (and openly) condemn all forms of jihad (stealth and violent), as well as anti-West and anti-Israel hate messages globally, and the hate that is routinely being preached in mosques, Islamic centers and madrassas right on Western soil.


“UF’s Islam on Campus to begin celebrating Islam Appreciation Month today”, by Rick Garcia,Florida Alligator, October 11, 2016:

UF’s Islam On Campus is hosting Islam Appreciation Month this fall in lieu of its annual fundraiser.

The month long celebration is starting with Islamapalooza, formerly named Islam Fair, on the Plaza of the Americas today from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m., and it will continue Wednesday from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. The event will feature booths where students can get henna tattoos, play trivia about Islam and eat falafels, pita and samosas.

Nahal Khamisani, the secretary of Islam On Campus, said they decided to host the monthlong celebration this Fall after renovations to the Stephen C. O’Connell Center prevented them from having the annual Fast-A-Thon fundraiser, which normally happens in the Fall. They plan on hosting the fundraiser in the Spring, but wanted to spread out the organization’s big events, Khamisani said.

“(Islamapalooza) highlights a lot of the cultural aspects of Islam while getting the community at UF excited with incentives like free henna and food,” the 19-year-old UF psychology sophomore said.

Maria Ilyas, 20, president of Islam On Campus, said the purpose of the event is to clear misconceptions about Islam and Muslims.

“We’re trying to bring an awareness and appreciation to who Muslims are and what Islam is really about,” the UF microbiology senior said.

Daniel Khokar, 18, who identifies as Muslim, said the event means a lot to him because it gives him a sense of belonging…….


Muslim arrested for threats at DC airport, causing disturbances in Boston — left Qur’an on steps of public building

Video: Robert Spencer on why there is no end in sight in the defense against the global jihad

Hillary Clinton’s compromised emails led to the deaths of the Benghazi 4

WASHINGTON, D. C. /PRNewswire/ — Today, Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and a former federal prosecutor for the U.S. Department of Justice, filed a motion for default judgment, in the lawsuit brought by the parents of Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Civil Action No. 16-cv-01606).

“As set forth in the pleadings, which can be found at, Defendant Hillary Clinton has attempted to evade service of process of the complaint and lied to the court. Not only has she not to this day answered the complaint, resulting already in a default having been entered against her by the clerk of the court, she has also flouted the court’s process. This is consistent with her general lack of honesty and disrespect for the rule of law, which is now well documented,” stated Klayman.

“It is time that a court of law finally hold Mrs. Clinton accountable. The complaint alleges that by illegally and carelessly using a private email server, likely compromised by foreign interests, that the location of Ambassador Christopher Stevens was given up, thus resulting in the death by terrorists of the heroic sons of Charles Woods and Pat Smith. In addition, Defendant Clinton is alleged to have defamed the parents of these fallen heroes, since she accused them of lying about the reasons for the attack on the compound in Benghazi, after she told them falsely that a crowd angered about a video disparaging the prophet Mohammed caused it. (According to reports defendant Clinton told her own daughter, Chelsea, and the Prime Minister of Egypt that the attack was at the hands of terrorists),” added Klayman.

“Its not enough for Defendant Clinton to lie and brush this tragedy off as ‘what difference at this point does it make.’ She must finally account to the rule of law and a default judgment should be entered against her,” concluded Klayman.


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