Revealed: Obama carefully orchestrated lie about al-Qaida demise to win re-eelction

Former New York City Mayor Rudi Giuliani started a firestorm with his assessment that President Barack Obama does not love America. The liberal progressive media came down on him and the guilt by association trick was launched. Even a 12-year-old Georgia fella named CJ Pearson came to the defense of America’s mayor – and was smacked down by Facebook. And during a Fox and Friends Sunday interview with Tucker Carlson I was asked the same question. I gave a simple response — you don’t lie to someone you love. And from the lips of this president, sadly, there have been many instances of such.

And here’s yet another example as reported by Fox News via the Wall Street Journal: “On May 2, 2011, a small team of American military and intelligence professionals landed inside the high white walls of a mysterious compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The team’s mission, code-named Operation Neptune Spear, had two primary objectives: capture or kill Osama bin Laden and gather as much intelligence as possible about the al-Qaida leader and his network. A bullet to bin Laden’s head accomplished the first; the quick work of the Sensitive Site Exploitation team accomplished the second.”

“It was quite a haul: 10 hard drives, nearly 100 thumb drives and a dozen cellphones. There were DVDs, audio and video tapes, data cards, reams of handwritten materials, newspapers and magazines. At a Pentagon briefing days after the raid, a senior military intelligence official described it as “the single largest collection of senior terrorist materials ever. The United States had gotten its hands on al-Qaida’s playbook—its recent history, its current operations, its future plans.”

Now, you’d think that with this “treasure trove” of actionable intelligence data, the United States under the Obama administration would have embarked on a series of strike operations to bring the bin Laden terrorist network to its knees. It would be a time when we could rally behind the young community organizer from Chicago, and maybe he’d find the courage to go on offense against the Islamic jihadist enemy that brought the most horrific attack against the United States. Yes, you would have thought…

What happened is completely the opposite, and is now being fully revealed.

“Nothing was done. The analysis of the materials—the “document exploitation,” in the parlance of intelligence professionals—came to an abrupt stop. According to five senior U.S. intelligence officials, the documents sat largely untouched for months—perhaps as long as a year. In spring 2012, a year after the raid that killed bin Laden and six months before the 2012 presidential election, the Obama administration launched a concerted campaign to persuade the American people that the long war with al-Qaida was ending. In a speech commemorating the anniversary of the raid, John Brennan , Mr. Obama’s top counterterrorism adviser and later his CIA director, predicted the imminent demise of al-Qaida. The next day, on May 1, 2012, Mr. Obama made a bold claim: “The goal that I set—to defeat al-Qaida and deny it a chance to rebuild—is now within our reach.”

And that was as close as we ever got — within reach. The sad reality was that politics was more important to the Obama administration than destroying the enemy. What happened was yet another deception — a great deception indeed.

“The White House provided 17 handpicked documents to the Combatting Terror Center at the West Point military academy, where a team of analysts reached the conclusion the Obama administration wanted. Bin Laden, they found, had been isolated and relatively powerless, a sad and lonely man sitting atop a crumbling terror network. It was a reassuring portrayal. It was also wrong. And those responsible for winning the war—as opposed to an election—couldn’t afford to engage in such dangerous self-delusion.”

The American people were told in 2012 that Osama bin Laden was dead. We were told al-Qaida was on the run and decimated. We were led to believe that Islamic terrorism had been defeated. I think we can all come to a consensus at this point in time that we were lied to — unless the intoxicants in the kool-aid are still active.

ISIS is not a jayvee team. Al-Qaida in Iraq has resurrected itself, is reconstituted, and is now being engaged by an Iraqi Army backed by Iran. Please, do not just take my words to heart, but hear what the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, LTG Michael Flynn has to say: “The leadership down at Central Command wanted to know what were we learning from these documents,” says the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, according to the transcript of an interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier for a coming Fox News Reporting special.”

“We were still facing a growing al Qaeda threat. And it was not just Pakistan and Afghanistan and Iraq. But we saw it growing in Yemen. We clearly saw it growing still in East Africa.” The threat “wasn’t going away,” he adds, “and we wanted to know: What can we learn from these documents?”

Here is the truth. As President Obama was campaigning on the imminent death of al-Qaida, those with access to the bin Laden documents were seeing, in Bin Laden’s own words, that the opposite was true. Says Lt. Gen. Flynn: “By that time, they probably had grown by about—I’d say close to doubling by that time. And we knew that.” Sadly, the American people did not know that.

What was true was this: “Lt. Gen. Flynn says bin Laden was giving direction to “members of the wider al-Qaida leadership team, if you will, that went all the way to places like West Africa where we see a problem today with Boko Haram and [al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb], all the way back into the things that were going on in Afghanistan and Pakistan.” Bin Laden advised them on everything from specific operations in Europe to the types of crops his minions should plant in East Africa.”

Osama bin Laden was killed back in May 2011, going on four years and 1.5 million documents were captured during Operation Neptune Spear. To this day, only two dozen have been revealed to the public. Sure, if there is still actionable intel data, it should be kept classified, but I tend to believe that window of opportunity has long since closed.

“Mr. Harvey, the senior DIA official, believes that the documents should be declassified and released to the public as soon as possible, after taking precautions to avoid compromising sources or methods. Rep. Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, inserted language in the 2014 intelligence authorization bill requiring just that.”

The Wall Street Journal writes, “one letter, dated July 2010, the brother of Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan’s current prime minister, sought to strike a peace deal with the jihadists. The letter also shows that Pakistani intelligence was willing to negotiate with al Qaeda. Al Qaeda’s network in Iran is also described in bin Laden’s letters. The Iranian regime held some senior al-Qaida leaders, eventually releasing them. One letter recounts a plan, devised by Yunis al Mauritani, one of bin Laden’s senior lieutenants, to relocate to Iran. Once there, Mauritani would dispatch terrorists to take part in operations around the world.”

This has been a very revealing week for America. We now know that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used her private email from a private server in her personal home to conduct official diplomatic business for four years.

We now know President Obama has obstructed access to the Bin Laden raid materials by intelligence professionals in order to manipulate the political dialogue and messaging.

Now we are facing a potential non-transparent negotiation with a nuclear Iran.

We have little knowledge about why four Americans were abandoned to die in Benghazi.

We ask ourselves, how and why was ISIS allowed to grow and fester like a malignant cancer right under our nose?

These are troubling times in the Republic — but what is more troubling, who will stand up to this absolute lawless tyranny and deception?

Over 100 freed Gitmo detainees have returned to jihad

This is not surprising, since absolutely nothing was done at Guantanamo to disabuse these men of the beliefs that led them to wage jihad in the first place. Any such action would have been “Islamophobic.” And so the Qur’an, the book that inspired the actions that landed them in Guantanamo in the first place, is treated with elaborate care and respect — only reinforcing the jihadists’ beliefs and assumptions. This policy is, of course, predicated on the assumption that Islam is a Religion of Peace, and so if the jihadis just read the Qur’an, they will become peaceful and tolerant. Reality doesn’t work that way.

“Released Gitmo prisoners return to evil ways: report,” by Geoff Earle, New York Post, March 6, 2015 (thanks to Jerk Chicken):

WASHINGTON — More than 100 prisoners released from Guantanamo Bay went right back to being terrorists when they got out, according to a new report.

Out of 647 detainees who were released, 116 — or 18 percent — have been confirmed as “re-engaging” in terrorism, according to the report by the Director of National Intelligence.

Of those, 25 are dead and 23 are back behind bars.

Another 11 percent of those released are “suspected” of re-engaging in their jihadi ways, according to the annual summary that is required by Congress.

The trend is likely to continue, even as President Obama works to clear out the prison he has vowed to close.

The report predicts that prisoners still in custody will follow a similar path when they get out.

“Based on trends identified during the past eleven years, we assess that some detainees currently at GTMO will seek to reengage in terrorist or insurgent activities after they are transferred,” said the report.

Modal TriggerTransfers to countries with ongoing conflicts and internal instability as well as active recruitment by insurgent and terrorist organizations pose particular problems.”

The government also expects the Gitmo goons to keep in touch with each other after they’re freed.

“Former GTMO detainees routinely communicate with each other, families of other former detainees, and previous associates who are members of terrorist organizations,” the report found.

“The reasons for communication span from the mundane (reminiscing about shared experiences) to the nefarious (planning terrorist operations).”

Last month, US forces in Afghanistan killed a jihadi who had been released from Gitmo in 2007 and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.

The recidivism rate has actually improved over time.

During the administration of President George W. Bush, who opened the facility in 2002, the rate was 21 percent.

The rate during the Obama administration has been 5 percent.

Obama in his State of the Union Address vowed to keep pushing prisoners out the door, citing incarceration costs of $3 million a year per prisoner.

“Since I’ve been president, we’ve worked responsibly to cut the population of Gitmo in half. Now it is time to finish the job,” he said in January.

Last month, the administration dispatched prisoners to Oman and Estonia.

An estimated 122 remain.

Last year, the administration identified 12 former detainees — six released under Bush and six under Obama — who were back fighting against the US and Western interests.

Those determined to be involved in terror activities were found to be “planning terrorist operations, conducting a terrorist or insurgent attack…conducting suicide bombing, financing terrorist operations, recruiting” and other activities.
Filed under Barack Obama , Congress , Guantanamo Bay ,


Female Islamic State recruiter arrested at Barcelona airport

Mali: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” murders five in nightclub

650 Muslims from Germany have joined the Islamic State

Boko Haram murders 50 as it pledges allegiance to the Islamic State

Florida: Common Core 2015 Legislative Update

On March 5th, a standing room only crowd of geographically and politically diverse groups came together in the Capitol Building of the Florida State Legislature for the “March for the Children” to support changes to our system of education spelled out in SB 1496 by Senator Evers and companion bill, HB 1121, by Representative Tobia.

“This bill has been a thoughtful product of education experts researching for years, advised by efforts in other states and national experts on standards and testing.  It is NOT a political, knee- jerk, kick the can down the road, back room deal to appease corporate cronies,” said the Chair of the Florida Citizens Alliance Common Core Issue as she spoke to the crowd.

Senator Evers (R) spoke about the need for education reform in his seamless solution which will increase academic standards, end high stakes testing, increase learning time while reducing testing time, provide excellent accountability through adoption of nationally normed testing, and reduce costs dramatically.  Senator Bullard (D) then spoke and announced he would co-sponsor the bill, highlighting that education is a NON-partisan issue and we all should work together to pass this bill.  There is critical bipartisan recognition that our Florida legislators need to take a comprehensive approach to replacing Common core and its components with a total solution.  Teachers, opt out groups, school boards, parents, and citizens are working together in support of these reforms.

The public has clamored for restoration of local control, ending High Stakes Testing, the end of data mining, reducing the sheer amount of testing, removal of Common Core standards and the end of Federal meddling in education which is unconstitutional and violated three separate federal laws.

The BIG kicker to HB 1121 is that tests will be administered on PAPER, so kids can stay in their own desks.  No more musical chairs causing a huge loss of class time for learning.  No more unfunded mandates from the state causing HUGE sums of money spent on computers for testing and technology for greater bandwidth.   This could save our taxpayers and school districts over $2 Billion by some estimates just for starters.  And what does a 3rd grader know about keyboarding skills?  We don’t need to test keyboarding skills.  We want to know their knowledge level.  “The only ones who gain by computerizing testing are the testing and computer companies who have been ardent proponents of Common Core and high stakes testing,”  Said Kathy Doan, Co-founder of

The timing of the conference was serendipitous as the new Florida State Assessments (FSA)  were scheduled to debut March 2 in schools throughout Florida and it highlighted the enormous problems as it crashed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and a week of education was lost while administrators pointed fingers to Tallahassee in a large “see I told you so” moment.

Miami-Dade County’s School’s Superintendent Alberto Carvalho described the restart of computerized retesting Thursday as a “Massive, catastrophic fail.” While reports were being fed at the same time in the House Education Committee that “all is well and only a few thousand students were delayed.”  He and many other Superintendents have been outspoken about the selection of AIR and about the state’s schools to be ready for this test.

At least 13 of the most populace counties halted the exams and had to deal with the major disruptions and dislocations, eroding confidence already weakened in the new FSA exams which were tested in Utah last year.  In that state, there is movement to eliminate the test created by AIR which is a non-profit company not accustomed to academic testing at all, but which received a contract from the FLDOE for $220,000,000 to create Florida’s test and administer it over 5 years.  There were concerns about the validity of the test and its measure of the students’ knowledge.

After the press conference, attendees broke down into smaller groups and went to their legislators office to urge them to co-sponsor these two companion bills.  Some had driven from as far as West Palm Beach and Naples to register their support.  They were able to convince four legislators to co-sponsor the bills immediately and about 20 more said they were likely to co-sponsor after they read the entire bill (imaging that!).

Many School Board members from around the state will be carrying the same message next week.

UPDATE: This week, the Florida House committee on K-12 Education will vote on their Kick the Can down the road bill which does not solve the problem.  Florida have a live bill in the house and senate that seamlessly solves our education problems.  To read at SB 1496 and HB 1121 go here:

IRS: Legally Blind…Literally!

“One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real.” – Klaus Kinski

The last two years have once again provided the American people with great illumination into the arrogant, deceitful and nefarious ways in which the IRS treats the hardworking citizens who pay their tab. Hardly a day, week or month has gone by without a new revelation that left most of us dropping our jaws further and further and further.

In fact, there has been so much lawlessness that people became almost immune to the escalating nature of their egregious conduct. This week’s vile and disgusting revelation: the agency had a legally blind individual conducting the inspection of Lois Lerner’s hard drive. Yes, you read that right – the IRS used a blind employee to inspect Lerner’s hard drive.

Political appointees who play cat and mouse with Congressional investigators are something we’ve come to expect. But for a federal agency like the IRS to engage a blind employee as a pawn in a political chess match is best described in terms of moral depravity.

It’s yet another reason Congress must pass the FairTax Plan as soon as possible.

The FairTax is the only tax reform/replacement plan that disbands, defunds and eliminates the IRS. The flat tax doesn’t, the proposed income tax reforms don’t and neither do the other plans bantered about by various Members of Congress. Nope – they have to pass the genuine article, the real deal, the one and only FairTax Plan.

Peggy Green-Ernst to lead AFFT government relations

This is why I am so pleased to announce the FairTax campaign’s newest secret weapon for getting the FairTax passed. Enter Texas FairTax supporter, Peggy Green-Ernst, who has joined AFFT as our new Director of Government Relations. In this role Peggy will be directing AFFT’s federal and state government relations and lobbying activities, and will be expanding the FairTax Memorial initiative that was first initiated by the Florida FairTax team.

Peggy hails from the great state of Texas where she serves as the volunteer legislative director for the Texas FairTax organization. Her professional and political career encompassed the corporate, business, academic and nonprofit sectors, where she was:

  • Executive Director of the Housing Roundtable
  • Director of Government Relations for the National Gypsum Company
  • Commissioner, Texas National Research Laboratory Commission (appointed by then-Texas Governor Ann Richards)

Peggy is a seasoned political strategist who excels in coalition building, policy analysis, political action committee (PAC) administration and media management. She’s smart, engaging and politically savvy.

A Texan by birth, Peggy spent her formative years enjoying an international education while supporting her father’s military career. She graduated from Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, TX with a master’s degree in business administration.

Peggy will be joining AFFT Chairman and President Steve Hayes in Washington in a few weeks and has already begun to aggressively book meetings with cosponsors, cosponsor prospects and other influencers. It’s going to be a great week in Washington when Peggy comes to town. I can’t wait to hear all about it!

Combating Terrorism Center at West Point Launches Jihadi Biographes Project

ctc logoThe Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at West Point has launch the publication of papers as part of a series devoted to the study of jihadist biographies. The purpose of this CTC project is to contribute to the knowledge of the evolution of the jihadist landscape by exploring it through the lens of the worldviews and experiences of actors who have shaped it. While some states and organizations, wittingly or unwittingly, contributed to the growth of the jihadist enterprise, it may be argued that modern jihadism, as it continues to unfold, is also the product of individuals, who made it into the global phenomenon that it is.

As the CTC studies the biographies of jihadists, we are faced with a world crowded with different and differing worldviews. Beneath the banner of jihad that seemingly unites jihadists worldwide is a world marked not just by cooperation between groups and individuals, but also by competition and divisions. Some of the jihadists who occupy that world are characterized by a commitment to idealistic goals, by acumen, skills and agility; others are driven by sectarianism, criminal disposition and opportunism; while others manifest an odd combination of all. That is why the actions emanating from the jihadist landscape are the results of an amalgam of strategy, sophisticated planning and targeting, randomness, and juvenile enthusiasm. It is for these reasons and more that the complexity of the jihadist landscape requires different layers of analyses and a rigorous and patient approach to the subject.

In short, the study of jihadism is about both the “forest” and the “trees”; and this series of biographies is a study of the “trees” as they are situated in the broader “forest.”

The CTC hopes that the launch of this series would encourage researchers to contribute to this endeavor. CTC welcomes contributions not just about prominent jihadists (i.e., renowned ideologues and leaders), but also by lesser known figures whose activities contributed to the growth of jihadism or contributed to a notable success and/or failure. Biographies of financiers, military trainers, educators in training camps (including those who teach history, literature, religious sciences, spying, topography, computer etc), operatives and strategists are highly encouraged.

EDITORS NOTE: Proposals should be sent to the series Editor, Dr. Nelly Lahoud, at:


Abu al-Layth al-Libi1

Abu al-Layth al-Libi



Mukhtar Belmukhtar1

Mokhtar Belmokhtar

French Foreign Minister Fabius Questions P5+1 Deal with Iran

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius is convening a meeting in Paris Saturday with Western and EU members of the  P5+1  raising questions about the elements of the bi-lateral discussions between Secretary of State Kerry and Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif in Switzerland. The U.S. and Iran have under discussion a proposed 10-year phased ‘verifiable’ deal to allegedly prevent Iran from nuclear breakout in less than a year. This follows Israeli PM Netanyahu’s address before a Joint Meeting of Congress on Wednesday, March 3rd during which he called the emerging deal a “very bad deal”.  President Obama suggested that Netanyahu had not offered anything new in his address and that PM Netanyahu had not offered “viable alternatives.” Back in November 2013, we wrote about  M. Fabius with regard to the then proposed interim agreement noting:

The Local in France reported on  Iranian Parliamentary members objecting to Fabius allegedly representing Israel’s  PM Netanyahu’s  emphatic position that the deal on the table was a bad one, “a very bad one”.

Note in retrospect M. Fabius’ concerns in November 2013:

Fabius, in Geneva for what is now a third day of intensive negotiations, said earlier in the day there was “no certainty” a deal could be reached and that Israel’s “concerns” need to be taken into consideration.

Fabius told France Inter radio that “there is an initial draft that we do not accept… As we speak, I have no certainty that we can finish up.”

“There are some points on which we are not satisfied,” he said, citing the “extremely prolific” Arak nuclear reactor and the question of uranium enrichment.

Fabius also expressed concerns over Iran’s stockpile of 20 percent enriched uranium.

Is this a case of déjà vu ‘all over again’ according to baseball great Yogi Berra?  Note Fabius’ remarks in a Reuters article requesting tomorrow’s ministerial meeting:

Fabius said he had invited U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and the foreign ministers of Germany and Britain to Paris on Saturday to review the state of the Iran nuclear negotiations.

“We are in favor of a solid agreement … for now there remain difficulties,” he told reporters in Riga where he was taking part in a European Union foreign ministers’ meeting.

“There has been progress but as far as the volume, checks and duration of the envisaged commitments are concerned, the situation is still insufficient, so there is more work to be done,” he said.


Fabius took a more downbeat view of the Iran talks than Mogherini, who said earlier in the Latvian capital that a good deal was at hand in the negotiations.

“I also believe that there is not going to be any deal if it is not going to be a good deal. And this is something we have to pass as a message to all our friends and partners,” Mogherini said in apparent reference to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s criticism of the nuclear deal under negotiation.

Before we jump to any conclusions about whether Fabius’ call for stronger terms could forestall the proposed agreement to be reached by March 31st, we must recall that despite M. Fabius’ objections on November 10, 2013,  an interim Plan of Action agreement was agreed to by the P5+1  14 days later in Geneva.   Israeli PM Netanyahu commented on the interim deal:

What was concluded in Geneva last night is not a historic agreement, it’s a historic mistake. It’s not made the world a safer place. Like the agreement with North Korea in 2005, this agreement has made the world a much more dangerous place.

For years the international community has demanded that Iran cease all uranium enrichment. Now, for the first time, the international community has formally consented that Iran continue its enrichment of uranium.

Secretary Kerry replied:

We believe very strongly that because the Iranian nuclear program is actually set backwards and is actually locked into place in critical places, that that is better for Israel than if you were just continuing to go down the road and they rush towards a nuclear weapon.

Perhaps, this time M. Fabius might convince his Western peers that Netanyahu’s original objections to the interim deal in November 2013 were reflected  in his March 3, 2015 address to  the Joint Meeting of Congress. This might put the brakes on P5+1 negotiations headed towards a disastrous deal with Iran.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. The featured image is of French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, Quai d’Orsay, Feb. 24, 2015. Source: Reuters.

Florida Legislature begins 2015 Session with Introduction of Motorcycle Friendly Bills

The Florida Legislature started its 2015 session this week with the introduction of 10 bills aimed at distracted driving and two pieces of right-of-way legislation designed to protect vulnerable road users.

S.B. 908, introduced by Sen. Thad Altman (R-Cape Canaveral), would require all motorists, when passing vulnerable road users, provide a distance of at least 3 feet between the vehicle and the vulnerable road user. It also would require all accident reports to include information in the official report if a right-of-way violation led to a crash between a motorist and a vulnerable road user.

Under S.B. 908, if a motorist caused bodily injury to a vulnerable road user, the motorist would be required to pay a fine of up to $2,000 and would face a suspension of driving privileges for six months.

S.B. 1376, introduced by Sen. Greg Evers (R-Pensacola), would require that any motorist who commits a moving violation that causes serious bodily injury to a vulnerable user be required to pay at least a $1,500 fine, serve a minimum of 30 days of house arrest and attend a driver improvement course.

A vulnerable road user is defined under Florida law s. 316.027 as:

  1.  A pedestrian, including a person actually engaged in work upon a highway, or in work upon utility facilities along a highway, or engaged in the provision of emergency services within the right-of-way;
  2.  A person operating a bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, or moped lawfully on the roadway;
  3. A person riding an animal; or
  4. A person lawfully operating on a public right-of-way, crosswalk, or shoulder of the roadway:
  • a. A farm tractor or similar vehicle designed primarily for farm use;
  • b. A skateboard, roller skates, or in-line skates;
  • c. A horse-drawn carriage;
  • d. An electric personal assistive mobility device; or
  • e. A wheelchair.

Additionally, legislators in Florida have introduced ten bills to reduce distracted driving. H.B. 1, H.B. 9, H.B. 17, H.B. 191, H.B. 1313, S.B. 192, S.B. 246, S.B. 270, S.B. 492 and S.B. 1022 would all limit cellphone use by drivers.

“With nearly 80 percent of crashes involving some form of distraction, the AMA supports legislation that provides an incentive for motor vehicle operators to focus their attention on driving,” said Wayne Allard, AMA vice president of government relations. “The text any driver wants to send is not worth hurting a motorcyclist.”

For more information on the bills please visit the AMA’s Florida state legislative page.

Please visit the AMA’s distracted driving position statement for more information on the topic.

Main U.S.-backed Syrian rebel group disbanding, joining jihadists

“Charles Lister, an analyst with U.S, [sic] think tank Brookings, described in a tweet the implosion of the group as ‘absolutely remarkable.’” Brookings is a Qatar-funded institution that consistently downplays, denies, and obfuscates the reality of the global jihad threat. This development is only “remarkable” to anyone who was credulous enough to believe that these groups were “moderate” in the first place.

“Main U.S.-Backed Syrian Rebel Group Disbanding, Joining Islamists,” by Jamie Dettmer, Daily Beast, March 1, 2015 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

One of the last moderate Syrian rebel groups trusted by Washington is waving the white flag—and picking up the Islamists’ black one.

The Syrian rebel group Harakat al-Hazm, one of the White House’s most trusted militias fighting President Bashar al-Assad, collapsed Sunday, with activists posting a statement online from frontline commanders saying they are disbanding their units and folding them into brigades aligned with a larger Islamist insurgent alliance distrusted by Washington.

The statement bore Hazm’s stamp and logo, and according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a pro-opposition monitoring group, the brigade’s fighting units are disbanding. Emails and phone calls to Hazm’s political leaders were not returned.

“Given what is happening on the Syrian front, offenses by the criminal regime with its cronies against Syria as a whole, and Aleppo specifically, and in an effort to stem the bloodshed of the fighters, the Hazm movement announces its dissolution,” the statement said.

Charles Lister, an analyst with U.S, think tank Brookings, described in a tweet the implosion of the group as “absolutely remarkable.”

The apparent implosion comes just weeks after the Obama administration halved its funding of the 4,000-strong secular brigade—one of several more moderate rebel militias that have seen their U.S. funding cut or scaled back since Christmas. …


Muslim beheader invokes Quran 8:12 and 47:4 to justify beheading

Boston Marathon jihad trial: defense attorney admits “It was him”

For God and Country, and Iran: Shiite militias with American blood on their hands are leading the charge to drive the Islamic State out of Tikrit. But are they doing more harm than good? Foreign Policy Magazine

No Bark, No Bite

To anybody who missed it, President Obama convened another talking-shop in Washington this week.  Events in Iraq, Syria, Libya, France, Denmark and elsewhere have not after all escaped the President’s notice.  And so he decided to put together a conference to discuss ‘Countering Violent Extremism’.

This term itself is, it should be embarrassingly admitted from the start, a piece of imported British circumlocution.  It was the Labour government in Britain post-2005 that came up with the definition of Jihadist terrorism as ‘violent extremism.’  The thought was that it was both important to de-couple ‘Islam’ from ‘terrorism’ and at the same time give off the message that anybody – of any religion or none – could potentially  turn into a ‘violent extremist’.

Naturally there were whole piles of failure in this concept – both in its thinking, implementation and results.  But it started from the problem that the thought was faulty.  All governments, including the British Labour government, which implemented it first – also know and have stated that our primary security threat comes from Islamist-inspired terrorism.  But another problem was that it didn’t work.  The terrorism problem did not improve.  Terrorists did not put down their weapons and stop plotting in appreciation of the linguistic subtleties of British law-makers.

There is something fiddling in the whole term and in the whole approach – an approach, incidentally, which Britain has been stepping away from even as America has been taking it up.

But there is a mistake happening on all sides here.  Critics of the President are overwhelmingly focusing on his unwillingness to even name the enemy he is aspiring to tackle.  But the larger problem to come out of President’s Obama’s summit is not the failure of language but the failure of action.  If President Obama were intent on degrading ISIS and had a plan to do so then many of his critics would allow him to call ISIS whatever he wanted.  If he had a policy to prevent Libya, on the southern shores of Europe, from turning that country into yet another country where people can be beheaded on camera purely because of their religious affiliation then the linguistic gymnastics might be forgiven.  But he appears to have a plan for none of these things.

It is an embarrassment that the President of the United States cannot name civilization’s enemy.  But what is a catastrophe is that other than holding endless colloquiums, he appears to have absolutely no plan to defeat them.


Robert Spencer in PJMEDIA: How The Western Intelligentsia Denies Islam’s History of War and Crime

U.S. Department of Justice hires Imam who said Ayaan Hirsi Ali deserved death for leaving Islam

Muslim beheader invokes Quran 8:12 and 47:4 to justify beheading

Boston Marathon jihad trial: defense attorney admits “It was him”

For God and Country, and Iran: Shiite militias with American blood on their hands are leading the charge to drive the Islamic State out of Tikrit. But are they doing more harm than good? Foreign Policy Magazine

Preventing Voter Fraud by Illegal Aliens and Fighting Radical Islamic Terrorists in the U.S.

While the worldwide Radical Islamic Terrorist threat has continued to grow over the last 6 years, the Obama administration has intentionally and systematically violated the 9/11 Commission Report on how to protect the nation from another terrorists attack.  Obama has been dismantling the U.S. Immigration System by violating Federal Immigration Laws previously passed by many Congresses, has illegally ordered all ICE and Border Patrol Agents to violate their regulations by ordering them to cease interior enforcement,  has ordered them to cease the deportation of Illegal Aliens, and has refused to secure the wide open southern border, through which Radical Islamic Terrorists have been entering the U.S. unimpeded for 6 years.

Over and above the 1 million “legal” immigrants welcomed into the U.S. each year, Obama has brought in an additional 7 million Muslim Illegal Aliens through the UN Muslim Refugee Program (accepting more Muslim refugees than all the nations in the world added together have accepted collectively), and Obama has put those Illegal Aliens on a fast track to become U.S. citizens.  Obama has continued to violate Federal Immigration Laws, by refusing to have Intelligent Analysts investigate the backgrounds of Muslim Refugees to determine if they have any Radical Islamic Terrorists ties.  Over 150 of those fast tracked new American citizens from the Middle East have departed with their new U.S. passports to train and fight with ISIL.

Obama has been intentionally overloading the US Immigration System to the breaking point, the agency is at the point where CBP Inspectors can no longer properly process the one million legal immigrants allowed entry each year, while at the same time controlling and deporting 31 million Illegal Aliens (7 million Muslim Illegal Alien refugees, an estimated 4 million Illegal Aliens who have casually walked across the wide open southern border over the past 6 years (estimated at 700,000+ /year), and the 20+ million Illegal Aliens already residing in the United State (for 15 years, every year, the left of center liberal media establishment, the Obama administration, and La Raza have continued to promulgate the bold faced lie that the number of Illegal Aliens in the US has remained static at 11 million, each year for the past 15 straight years).

During the last two national elections “Voter Fraud” has become the single most destructive threat to the viability of the Republic, and to the honest and fair election of US Presidents.   That well-orchestrated  “Voter Fraud” effort perpetrated by agents of the Obama administration are Unions and the follow on organizations, that changed their names from ACORN to different names in each of the 50 states.  Those perpetrators of “Voter Fraud” have been funded every year for the last 6 years by the Department of Health Education and Welfare under the guise of funding them to register low income Americans to vote (it was reported by press and media that in 2012, a total of 7 million people voted in two different states).   To prevent the rampant “Voter Fraud” perpetrated by the Obama administration, we encourage all American citizens to contact their Congressional Representatives in the US House of Representatives and in the US Senate, and demand that they co-sponsor a very simple bill in both Houses of Congress, with the following simple provision:

“If any individual, who is not already a U.S. citizen, EVER votes illegally, then that individual will be permanently prevented from ever applying for and becoming a United States citizen, and/or if it is determined that any US Citizen previously illegally voted in any U.S. election, prior to gaining their US citizenship, then that person’s US citizenship will be legally revoked for perpetrating “Voter Fraud” in violation of the provisions of this bill.”

American citizens should also ask their Congressional Representatives to ask the U.S. Senate and U.S. House Intelligence Committees to hold hearings on the threat posed by Radical Islamic Terrorists to the National Security interests of the United States.  Those unimpeded hearings, free from the “Political Correctness’ forced upon American citizens by the Obama administration for the last 6 years, would reveal the cover-up that has been perpetrated by the left of center liberal media establishment in support of the Obama administration’s deceitful policies, refusing to allow the U.S. Armed Forces, the U.S. Intelligence Agencies, the FBI, and the CIA from identifying Radical Islamic Terrorists as the primary threat to the Republic..

Congressional hearing would reveal the treacherous nature of the threat posed to Christians and Jews by Radical Islamic Terrorist who have already illegally gained entry into the United States over the last 6 years.  The Congressional hearings will also expose the true nature of the threat posed by the Muslim Brotherhood to the National Security interests of the Republic.  The Muslim Brotherhood created Osama Bin Laden, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Al Q’ieda, the Taliban, Ansar Al-Sharia, The Islamic State (ISIL), ISIS, and hundreds of copycat Radical Islamic Terrorist organizations throughout the world, who have been attacking and killing members of the US Armed Forces for the last 36 years.

When the facts revealed in Congressional testimony about the threat posed by Radical Islamic Terrorists are fully understood by the general public, facts that have been covered up by the Obama administration and the left of center liberal media establishment for 6 years, the majority of American citizens, regardless of political parties, will oppose the threat.  Americans will also join together to oppose bureaucrats appointed to positions of leadership in government by the Obama administration, bureaucrats who for 6 years who have been intentionally and flagrantly “Violating provisions of the U.S. Constitution, “Violating Freedom of Speech”, “Violating Freedom of Religion” “Violating the Voting Rights Act of the United States,” and who have been “Violating Federal Immigration Laws passed by previous U.S. Congresses.

If you watch the below video, you will hear an important and intelligent presentation by former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, outlining the deadly threat posed by Radical Islamic Terrorists to the United States, terrorists who have been easily entering the United States for the last 6 years, because of the Obama administration’s violation of Federal Immigration Laws.

We encourage readers to forward the link to this column to those who would support efforts to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution, to protect the “Voting Rights” of every American citizens, and to guarantee the “Inalienable Rights” provided to all American citizens by the Founding Fathers.


House Broken: Boehner Rolls over on DHS Funding

‘A Strategy Doomed to Failure’: Conservatives Fault GOP Leadership After Homeland Security Funding Fight

U.S. Senate Fully Funds Obama’s Executive Amnesty

RELATED AUDIO: Mark Levin interviews Sue Payne on Feb. 26, 2015. The clip sheds light on the White House strategy with regards to “amnesty” and introduces terms like “White House Task Force on New Americans”, “Receiving Communities” and “Emerging Immigrant Communities”.

Schaden Freude Alert! Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei Rushed to Hospital in Critical Condition

Schaden Freude Alert! This is NOT Purim Shpiel.  Supreme Ruler Ayatollah Khamenei rushed to hospital in critical condition. This may be evidence that sometimes Ha Shem does work in less than mysterious ways. The report of Ayatollah Khamenei’s ‘critical condition gives heft to the magnificent address by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s address before a joint meeting of Congress.

Purim-groggerIf confirmed it should bolster support for the real deal that Bibi spoke of – regime change in Tehran. That message should not be lost on President Obama, Secretary Kerry and the rest of the P5+1 intent on cutting a deal with this malevolent apocalyptic Mahdist regime fomenting chaos to awaken the moribund Twelth Imam in the holy well in the holy city of Qom, Iran. We trust that my cioreligiionists last night shook that grogger  (Purim noisemaker) (during the reading of Esther’s Megillah, but substituted Khamenei for Haman. Chag Purim Sameach.

Note  this Israel National News report on this ‘revoltin’ development, Report: Iran’s Supreme Leader Hospitalized in Critical Condition:

Just in time for Purim, the Jewish holiday celebrating the redemption of the Jewish people from plots of genocide in ancient Persia, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was reportedly hospitalized in critical condition on Wednesday.

According to Arab media reports cited by Israel Hayom, Khamenei was urgently brought to a hospital in Tehran after several of his bodily systems had already failed.

The reports add that the 76-year-old supreme leader of the Islamic regime has undergone surgery and remains in critical condition.

Recently it has been reported that he was suffering from prostate cancer which had spread to additional parts of his body, and due to his poor health condition he had largely ceased taking part in public events.

The hospitalization comes just days after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed Congress on Tuesday to warn of the existential threat to Israel and the world that Iran poses, urging America to avoid the deal being formed on Iran’s nuclear deal ahead of a March 31 deadline for talks.

Lending some credence to the reports is the fact that Khamenei’s official Twitter account hasn’t been updated since Netanyahu’s speech on Tuesday, when he wrote the “US is now facing a #dilemma. It should either stop unlimited services to #Israel or they’ll lose more face in the world.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Admiral “Ace” Lyons: The Threat is not “Radical Islam, it is Islam Itself”


EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

Netanyahu in Washington: An Eleventh-hour Plea for Sanity by Jerry Gordon and Ilana Freedman

On Tuesday, March 3, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu laid out in an address before a joint meeting of Congress, a compelling rebuttal to the President’s case for the phased deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran.  He diplomatically paid court to President Obama for supplying both known and secret support for the Jewish nation of Israel.

We didn’t need Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to come tell us how big a threat a nuclear enabled Iran will be. Well-informed Americans already know that Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapons production capability in the hands of an apocalyptic regime , will fan the flames of war in the Middle East and put the entire world at risk.

This is a regime whose rulers are sowing seeds of chaos in preparation for the coming of their messiah, the Twelfth Imam.

Netanyahu’s message to a packed house in a Joint Meeting of Congress was clear, concise, and spelled out starkly the issues and the choices we face.

Watch this C-span Video of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s  address before the Joint Meeting of Congress on March 3, 2015:

An affronted delegation.   Visually absent from the joint meeting were 50 Democrat members of both Chambers, who chose to demonstrate their partisan loyalty to their party and the President. At issue was misplaced sense that the President had been slighted, represented by Netanyahu’s presence before the Joint Meeting  of Congress, because the visit was organized by House Speaker John Boehner without consultation with Obama. That no representative of the Obama administration was present as well showed how petulant partisan politicians, even at the highest levels, can be when faced with what they perceive as slights, real or imagined.

By avoiding the Prime Minister’s speech, they also missed the more than 40 rounds of standing ovations that punctuated his remarks.  More importantly they  failed to observe minimum protocols of courtesy due to a visiting head of state. In this case, when the object of their anger is the head of state of one of America’s closest allies, their lack of courtesy is shameful.

According to reports from reliable sources, the President was “infuriated” by Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. However,  because Netanyahu’s speech was full of praise for Obama and his generous assistance and support of Israel, all Obama could say was that Netanyahu didn’t present anything new or “any viable alternatives”. That became the veritable chorus from his White House spokespersons and in some quarters of the mainstream media. So bitter was the vitriol that one of Netanyahu’s detractors suggested that the Prime Minister’s speech was ‘racist’ because it was critical of America’s first minority President. A group of African American pastors responded by coming out in support of Netanyahu’s speech and went on record in a news conference to disagree with this bizarre comment, promising that they would stand with Israel.

The Prime Minister’s speech was framed in history.  Israel’s Prime Minister came to inform Americans about the seriousness of the threat represented by a nuclear Iran. He began the body of his speech by placing his remarks in an historical context.

He explained to the Congressional audience that the ancient Jewish Festival of Purim would begin the following evening. The holiday commemorates another Persian government, some 2,500 years ago, when Haman, Vizier to the Persian Emperor Xerxes (also known as Ahasuerus) singled out the entire Jewish population for slaughter.  They were saved by Queen Esther and her uncle, Mordechai, and given permission to defend themselves against the massive pogrom that had been planned against them. Netanyahu then drew the parallel between this ancient plot against the Jews of Persia and the current threats against the Jewish State of Israel by the mullahs of Iran, the current government in the modern-day land of ancient Persia.

Bringing history a bit closer to home, Netanyahu made copious references to the Holocaust.  He introduced, for recognition and applause, Nobel Laureate and Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel, who sat in the Speaker’s Box as an honored guest of the Prime Minister and his wife, Sara. Wiesel, who is a personal friend of the President, came nevertheless as Netanyahu’s guest. “Although he has deep affection for the President”, in the words of his friend, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, “he didn’t feel saying that the Jewish people face danger would be an offensive message.”

These historical connections, creating links between the ancient threat of a Persian viceroy, the more recent catastrophe of the Holocaust, and the current threats of the apocalyptic reign of Shia Mahdists in Tehran, covered two thousand years of history of the Jewish experience. Today’s threat is hardly less significant. Whether from the Ayatollah Khamenei or the alleged moderates in his government, President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif, they, like Haman, are determined to wipe Israel, ‘the Zionist Enterprise” off the map of the world. In the words of Hezbollah’s retired Brig. Gen. Walid Sakariya, the nuclear weapons Iran is developing are intended to “create a balance of terror with Israel” and “finish off the Zionist enterprise.”

Netanyahu also reminded his audience that Israel is the bastion for world Jewry under anti-Semitic assault in the West and throughout the Muslim world. He warned that it would, out of necessity, defend itself against both conventional and non-conventional threats by Iran and its proxies:

This is why — this is why, as a Prime Minister of Israel, I can promise you one more thing: Even if Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand. But I know that Israel does not stand alone. I know that America stands with Israel.

Netanyahu also put in historical context Iran’s continuing war against the West. He referenced Tehran’s secret war against America, Israel, and Jews that began with the Islamic Revolution in 1979 with the seizure of the American Embassy in Tehran and the hostage crisis that lasted 444 days, a war that still continues.

He spoke of the hundreds if not thousands of American soldiers and diplomats who were killed by Iranian Quds Force and their proxies, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas in locations like Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, East Africa, Iraq and Afghanistan.

He spoke of the hundreds if not thousands of Jews who were killed in actions across five continents. Witness as examples the 1992 bombing of the Israeli Embassy and 1994 AMIA Jewish Center blasts in Buenos Aires, Argentina and, more recently the bombing of an Israeli tourist bus in Burgas, Bulgaria by Hezbollah operatives.

Netanyahu aptly pointed out that the Iranian Constitution crafted by these Mahdists said that the purpose of the Islamic Revolution was to export Jihad around the world. Unlike the US, he said, which was founded on the promise of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”, Iran’s founding documents promised, “Death, tyranny, and the pursuit of jihad.”

Netanyahu also warned his Congressional audience and those watching live from around the globe that Iran’s apocalyptic version of militant Islam comes from the source and that their current assault against ISIS should not fool us into adopting the ancient Arab maxim, ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’.  “When it comes to Iran and ISIS,” he said, “the enemy of your enemy is your enemy.”

Iran as the agent of global jihad.     Among the most egregious of Iran’s involvement in attacks against the US, was the connivance with Al Qaeda in facilitating the training of many of the 9/11 perpetrators by the late Hezbollah terrorist mastermind, Imad Maghniyah.  That was revealed in affidavits by  former Iranian intelligence operatives in the Federal Iran 9/11 links case.

More recently, we have the revelations of collusion between the Shia Iran and Sunni Al Qaeda in e-mails from the treasure trove of information captured by US Navy Seal Team Six during the assassination of the late Osama bin Laden in Abbotabad, Pakistan.

Then there is the evidence of Iran’s Quds Force assisting the launch of ISIS in Syria. This is ironic now that the IRGC is leading Iraqi military forces against ISIS in the attack on the late Saddam Hussein’s birthplace of Tikrit, which was captured by ISIS. Meanwhile, the Pentagon is placed in the precarious and unwelcome position of standing by while Iran expands its reach and forwards its agenda.

Open Source Intelligence as the basis for Netanyahu’s warning.   The heart of Netanyahu’s message was conveyed halfway through his speech. It was based, he said, on information available on many public open sources which he invited his audience to “Google”. This was intended to quell any concerns raised by Obama that he would release classified intelligence that could torpedo negotiations with Iran. Many of the details of the ‘deal’ had already been leaked and were in the public domain. So he continued.

“We’ve been told,” he said, “that no deal is better than a bad deal. Well this is a bad deal, a very bad deal.”  Instead, he pointed out, “this deal has two major concessions: one, leaving Iran with a vast nuclear program; and two, lifting the restrictions on that program in about a decade. That is why this deal is so bad. It doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb; it paves Iran’s path to the bomb.”

So why would anyone make this deal? Netanyahu posited this theory: “Because they hope that Iran will change for the better in the coming years, or they believe that the alternative to this deal is worse?”

Netanyahu used the petard of Ayatollah Khamenei’s own tweets, echoed by Secretary Kerry in testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee about the future chaos wrought by this worse deal. He said, “My long-time friend, John Kerry, Secretary of State, confirmed last week that Iran could legitimately possess that massive centrifuge capacity when the deal expires.”

The State Department immediately accused him of taking Kerry’s Congressional testimony out of context, but here is Kerry’s own testimony, which makes the point abundantly clear:

Iran’s Supreme Leader says that openly. He says, Iran plans to have 190,000 centrifuges, not 6,000 or even the 19,000 that Iran has today, but 10 times that amount — 190,000 centrifuges enriching uranium. With this massive capacity, Iran could make the fuel for an entire nuclear arsenal and this in a matter of weeks, once it makes that decision.

Netanyahu then painted a dystopian vision for the World and the Middle East region, should Iran, already a global sponsor of terrorism, become a nuclear threshold state and open the Pandora’s Box of nuclear proliferation:

Israel’s neighbors — Iran’s neighbors know that Iran will become even more aggressive and sponsor even more terrorism when its economy is unshackled and it’s been given a clear path to the bomb.

And many of these neighbors say they’ll respond by racing to get nuclear weapons of their own. So this deal won’t change Iran for the better; it will only change the Middle East for the worse. A deal that’s supposed to prevent nuclear proliferation would instead spark a nuclear arms race in the most dangerous part of the planet.

This deal won’t be a farewell to arms. It would be a farewell to arms control. And the Middle East would soon be crisscrossed by nuclear tripwires. A region where small skirmishes can trigger big wars would turn into a nuclear tinderbox.

If anyone thinks — if anyone thinks this deal kicks the can down the road, think again. When we get down that road, we’ll face a much more dangerous Iran, a Middle East littered with nuclear bombs and a countdown to a potential nuclear nightmare.

Netanyahu drew attention to the looming threat of Iran’s missile program and military nuclear developments, excluded from the proposed Memorandum of Understanding  being word smithed in Geneva by Secretary Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif:

The U.N.’s nuclear watchdog agency, the IAEA, said again yesterday that Iran still refuses to come clean about its military nuclear program. Iran was also caught — caught twice, not once, twice — operating secret nuclear facilities in Natanz and Qom, facilities that inspectors didn’t even know existed.

And by the way, if Iran’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missile program is not part of the deal, and so far, Iran refuses to even put it on the negotiating table. Well, Iran could have the means to deliver that nuclear arsenal to the far-reach corners of the earth, including to every part of the United States.

Iran’s Ongoing Progress Despite Negotiations.   To buttress Netanyahu concerns about Iran’s nuclear military applications and ICBM program, we have just heard from reliable sources that the Islamic Republic has achieved a technical breakthrough – the miniaturization of nuclear warheads – through technical support from both China and North Korea so that nuclear warheads will be able to be installed on their slender Shahab missiles.

Less certain is whether experiments with nuclear triggers have succeeded, given several explosions that have occurred at the Lavizan sites near Tehran and at Parchin, the military explosives test center. If this report is separately confirmed it means that Iran would have the ability to load ICBMs with nuclear warheads.

If tests conducted in Caspian Sea by Iran and the purchase of container-launched missiles from Russia are an indication may provide the capability to deploy small yield nuclear detonations off the American coasts. Those could produce an Electronic Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack, possibly disabling our less-than-secure power grid sending the country hurtling back to the pre-industrial age.

Even as the negotiations continue, the media ran a story about how Iran conducted cruise tetst attacks against a mock US aircraft carrier. Less covered but also last week, Iran launched a cruise missile from a submarine in the Persian Gulf. The missile has a range of 150 nautical miles and was designed to destroy a US carrier. So even as they sit at the negotiating table, the Iranians rattle their sabers and clearly demonstrate their animus.

Netanyahu’s Plan.   Contrary to Obama’s comment that there was ‘nothing new’, Netanyahu was clear in firmly stating that the lifting of sanctions and restrictions must be justified by Iranian action in three areas:

  • Stop its aggression against its neighbors in the Middle East;
  • Stop supporting terrorism around the world; and,
  • Stop threatening to annihilate my country, Israel, the one and only Jewish state.

Netanyahu’s plan was clear. Marco Rubio summed it up nicely:  “Iran can have an economy, or it can have nuclear weapons. But it can’t have both.”

A closing thought from the Bible.  Netanyahu concluded his address by pointing to the frieze of Moses high on the wall opposite from where he stood surrounding the House chamber.  He recited and translated from the Hebrew Moses’ instructions in his final address to the ancient Hebrews about to cross the Jordan and enter the Promised Land:

Before the people of Israel entered the land of Israel, Moses gave us a message that has steeled our resolve for thousands of years. I leave you with his message today, “Be strong and resolute, neither fear nor dread them.”

My friends, may Israel and America always stand together, strong and resolute. May we neither fear nor dread the challenges ahead. May we face the future with confidence, strength and hope.

A warning to be heeded.  Netanyahu’s message in his address to Congress is not lost on Israelis and the preponderance of Americans, who view Iran’s possession of a nuclear weapon as a clear and present damage to the world.  At issue is whether the Administration’s obsession with an agreement with Iran at all cost has blinded them to the consequences of a deal that would allow Iran to become a nuclear power.

This is not the time for peevishness. No insults were intended and none should be interpreted. Netanyahu’s visit and his speech were timely – a last minute call for clarity and resolve against an implacable enemy masquerading as a negotiating partner.

There are many who fervently believe that any negotiations with Iran will lead us dangerously close to a nuclear precipice.  Perhaps,  Netanyahu’s comments before Congress where prescient. Apparently, Iran has rejected  the proposed phased deal placing negotiations in Geneva at an impasse.

Netanyahu’s ultimate message is clear:  Iran’s nuclear clock is rocketing towards midnight. Can we stop it in time or will our own Munich in Geneva lead us into a nuclear doomsday scenario that, once begun, no one will be able to stop?

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. The featured image is of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Before Joint Meeting of Congress with Speaker John Boehner on left and Senate President Pro-temp Sen. Orrin Hatch on right on March 3, 2015.

Congress has no problem holding these men to a term limit, but refuses to limit itself by Nick Tomboulides

I bet you didn’t know that most members of Congress do support term limits. The catch is, these limits apply only to the president’s tenure – not their own careers.

Under Article V of the Constitution, Congress has the power to introduce and vote on any constitutional amendment, which is then brought before the states for ratification. It’s the same method Congress used to add eight-year presidential term limits to the Constitution in 1947-1951.

That also means Congress is empowered – at any time – to pass an amendment bill to REPEAL presidential term limits. It never happens. Though Rep. Jose Serrano (D-NY) routinely introduces such a bill, it gets about as much momentum (read: none) as silly proposals to change the flag or create a national jaywalking database.

The dismal support for a repeal of presidential limits can only be read one way: as Congress endorsing the idea of term limits and honoring the public’s high approval for it. But this places America’s ruling class in a tough predicament. How can legislators claim with a straight face that the president should be term-limited but they should get to stay in office forever?

Think about it. All of the flimsy arguments legislators make against term limits on themselves also apply to the president. While Rep. Serrano may be more in disagreement with U.S. Term Limits than any other legislator, we have great respect for his logical consistency. The same can’t be said for his colleagues, who hypocritically oppose term limits on their own jobs while simultaneously upholding them on the president.

Perhaps they all want to be president someday, which would necessitate the job opening up on a regular basis. Well, that’s how teachers, firefighters, small business owners and ordinary Americans feel about Congress. They too would like to serve someday, but they sense that a cabal of unaccountable insiders has taken over, callously refusing to let go out of fear it cannot find a better job.

Contact your member of Congress and tell them you’re sick and tired of the double standard. Tell them “Since you support term limits on the President, you should be consistent by working to enact them on your own office.”


“Term Limits is known as the largest grassroots movement in American history, and US Term Limits (USTL) was, and still is, the leader of that movement”

Term limits have been placed on 15 state legislatures, eight of the ten largest cities in America adopted term limits for their city councils and/or mayor, and 37 states place term limits on their constitutional officers.

USTL stands up against government malpractice. We are the voice of the American citizen. We want a government of the people, by the people, and for the people- not a ruling class who care more about deals to benefit themselves, than their constituents.

We have worked tirelessly with citizens all across the nation, helping them better understand why term limits are a necessary government reform, and how to implement that vision from your town council, to Congress.

Kerry Warns Israel PM Netanyahu Not to Disclose to Congress Details of the Iran Nuclear Agreement

The issue of protocol by the Obama White House was always a smokescreen to change the subject from the real reason Obama doesn’t want Netanyahu to speak. Kerry’s warning clearly shows Obama doesn’t want Congress or the American people to know what is in the deal.

The White House has been leaking some selected details of the deal for months to get a reaction. Congress and the American people have been told only what the White House wants them to know and they are being kept in the dark on the details. This is why there has been such a violent reaction by the White House to Netanyahu’s speech.

Netanyahu’s purpose for speaking to Congress is solely to inform them what is in the deal so they can make an informed decision whether it is the best interest of the U.S. and Israel to approve or disapprove it. There can be no legitimate reason why Congress or the American people should be kept in the blind when the security of the nation is involved. It sounds as though Obama is afraid Congress and the American people will reject his secret deal.

Read more.

Secretary of State John Kerry said on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel was welcome to speak in the U.S. Kerry spoke by phone with Netanyahu on Saturday, the State Department said. The discussion focused on the current state of the Iran talks, Netanyahu’s upcoming visit to Washington and Kerry’s concern about the financial plight of the Palestinian Authority.

Boston Imam with ties to Senior al Qaeda operative is keynote speaker for CAIR-PA banquet

Imam Suhaib Webb is the keynote CAIR-PA speaker. reports in part:  Suhaid Webb was born William Webb in 1973 in Oklahoma to a Christian family.  He lost interest in religion and began engaging in delinquency by joining a local gang and became a local Hip-Hop DJ and producer.  

The Daily Caller reports in part:  Dzhokhar-Tsarnaevs imam shares ties with senior al Qaeda operative.

The Islamic organization that includes Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s mosque has ties to the al Qaeda operative that reportedly inspired Tsarnaev to carry out the Boston Marathon terrorist attack, according to FBI surveillance documents.

Tsarnaev, 19, was indicted Thursday on 30 criminal counts related to the April 15 bombing at the Boston Marathon, which was allegedly carried out by Tsarnaev and his late brother Tamerlan. The bombing left three people dead and numerous others injured, and resulted in a manhunt during which a Boston-area campus police officer was shot and killed.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev reportedly left a note in the boat he hid in during the manhunt claiming that he bombed the Boston Marathon as retribution for U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

“When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims,” Tsarnaev wrote.

Prior to the Boston Marathon attack, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who attended the Islamic Society of Boston mosque in Cambridge, downloaded radical Islamic propagandafrom the Internet, including materials authored by Anwar al-Awlaki, the senior al Qaeda operative who was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen on September 30, 2011. Tsarnaev also downloaded a summer 2010 edition of the al Qaeda magazine “Inspire,” which included bomb-making instructions and which is thought to have been the work of al-Awlaki.

Al-Awlaki lived in the United States between 1990 and 2002, when he moved to the United Kingdom before eventually relocating to Yemen, where he where worked for al-Qaeda and produced propaganda tapes and other materials urging Muslims to commit terrorist attacks against the United States.

Suhaib Webb, imam of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center in Roxbury, spoke alongside al-Awlaki at a September 9, 2001 fundraiser at the University of California at Irvine, according to FBI surveillance documents. The fundraiser was intended to raise money for the legal defense of H. Rap Brown, an Atlanta-based Islamic radical who shot and killed two Georgia police officers. Webb and al-Awlaki helped raise $100,000 to defend Brown, who was eventually convicted for his crimes.

“Webb and Aulaki may be associated with the Muslim American Society,” according to the surveillance documents, which were prepared to investigate the unconfirmed possibility that al-Awlaki purchased plane tickets for some of the 9/11 hijackers.

An Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center spokesman told The Daily Caller that Webb did not know the full extent of al-Awlaki’s terrorist agenda when Webb was “working with him.” reports in part:

FBI documents found that Webb and Awlaki were closely associated through the Muslim American Society, which many believe to be an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States.

Webb also served as imam of the sister organization of the mosque attended by Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Before coming to Boston, Webb was the imam of the Islamic Society of Oklahoma City, which was home to Alton Nolen, the man who beheaded an innocent Oklahoma woman in September.

Twelve of Webb’s Islamic Society of Boston members “have either been killed, imprisoned, or declared fugitives due to their involvement in terrorist activity,” according to Americans for Peace and Tolerance.

Additionally, some of the reasons why many American’s are concerned about CAIR’s history and agenda are posted below:

  • CAIR chapters demonstrated in the streets across America to show their support for Hamas even declaring that “We are Hamas.” 
  • Omar Ahmad, Chairman and founder of the Council on American Islamic Relations, told a Muslim crowd Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.  At the Islamic Association of Palestine’s third annual convention in Chicago in November 1999, Omar Ahmad gave a speech at a youth session praising suicide bombers who kill themselves for Islam.  Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam — that is not suicide. They kill themselves for Islam, he said.
  • Nihad Awad, CAIR Executive Director, said I am in support of the Hamasmovement.
  • Mustafa Carroll, executive director of the Dallas-Fort Worth CAIR branch, told a crowd at a Muslim rally in Austin, Texas in 2013 If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land.
  • CAIR pressured the FBI in June 2013 to stop their Most Wanted advertising campaign which helped the FBI gain information regarding the whereabouts of dangerous terrorists.  The list of CAIR officials who have made apologetic comments in the public regarding terrorists is quite extensive.
  • The Council on American Islamic Relations is vigorously fighting bills in twenty state legislatures that would prohibit courts from considering provisions of foreign laws including Sharia if they are inconsistent with the United States and state constitutions.  Sharia law is antithetical to the rights and liberties afforded under the United States Constitution.
  • Ghassan Elashi, founder of CAIR’s Texas chapter, in 2009 received a 65-year prison sentence for funneling over $12 million from the Islamic charity known as the Holy Land Foundation to the jihad terrorist group Hamas, which is responsible for murdering hundreds of Israeli civilians.
  • Mousa Abu Marzook, a former CAIR official, was in 1995 designated by the U.S. government in 1995 as a “terrorist and Hamas leader.” He now is aHamas leader in Syria.
  • Randall Royer, CAIR’s former civil rights coordinator, in 2004 began serving a 20-year prison sentence for aiding al-Qaida and the Taliban against American troops in Afghanistan and recruiting for Lashkar e-Taiba, the jihadist group responsible for the 2008 Mumbai jihad massacres.
  • Bassem Khafagi, CAIR’s former community relations director, was arrested for involvement with the Islamic Assembly of North America, which was linked to al-Qaida. After pleading guilty to visa and bank fraud charges, Khafagi was deported.
  • Rabih Haddad, a former CAIR fundraiser, was deported for his work with the Global Relief Foundation (which he co-founded), a terror-financing organization.
  • CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case–so named by the Justice Department during the HLF trial.

EDITORS NOTE: The Florida Family Association has prepared an email to send to Marriott and Springfield Country Club officials. Readers may click here to send an email to Marriott and Springfield Country Club officials.