Stealing An Election

“We are, rather, haunted by the evidence that something wasn’t right about the election, even if that evidence isn’t legally conclusive or dispositive.”

We conspiracists, we happy few

One thing we won’t stand for is usurpation. Fixing an election is not a good idea

By: Peter Wood, The Spectator, July 23, 2021

What makes America America? An answer available to most of us is our shared dedication to the principles of liberty and equality. We are ‘the land of the free’. Or at least we were until five minutes ago. Our freedom these days seems a little shaky. And in the world of higher education, those simple declarations are especially faint. By the time they arrive as freshmen (or ‘first years’ in today’s man-phobic argot) students are generally well-versed in all the ways we aren’t ‘free’ and most of the reasons why ‘liberty’ and ‘equality’ are doubtful propositions. ‘America’ is increasingly defined for this generation as a place where some really bad things happened and continue to happen.

To follow that thread would to lead us into critical race theory, the 1619 Project, DEI and a host of other attempts to unsettle the American founding, uproot American capitalism, redefine relations between the sexes, de-carbonize the economy and embrace a new vision of a utopian future. I have been spending a lot of time for the last several years following those important controversies, which are sometimes bundled together as ‘successor ideology’.

Successor ideology, however, isn’t the only form of antipathy to the American founding on the shelves today of intellectual supermarket. If you ask, ‘What makes America America?’ you can find ardent supporters of many views: our geographic expanse, our multi-cultural origins, our Scots-Irish heritage, our English law heritage, our prevailing Christianity, our Enlightenment heritage, our inventiveness and more. The debates on these matters sometimes get heated but in the Walt Whitman spirit of ‘I contain multitudes,’ we should welcome both the variety of views and the contentions among them. They bring forward aspects of our exceptional country worth considering.

One of these areas of contention, however, has recently jumped what I think of as the guardrails. It does so by depicting its chosen opponents as mad or evil, or both. The primary voice of this view is a scholar named Laura K. Field, who is a senior fellow at the Niskanen Center, ‘a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) think tank that works to promote an open society’. How closely the Niskanen Center matches her views, I do not know. The center is best known for its support of the liberal-left power structure in DC and its advocacy of anti-global warming environmentalist measures.


Field has emerged into public visibility through a series of articles — eight so far —  posted to the NeverTrumper website the Bulwark, and one very notable article posted by the Niskanen Center, titled ‘The Highbrow Conspiracism of the New Intellectual Right: A Sampling from the Trump Years. All nine articles are, in various forms, denunciations of Trump and his supporters. Not long after Field published ‘Highbrow Conspiracism’, Peggy Noonan published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, ‘What Drives Conspiracism’. Noonan didn’t cite Field and it is possible they were both drawing from the same well, but the word is sufficiently unusual that a debt seems likely.

A few words of explanation. Field says in her essay that she took the concept from Russell Muirhead and Nancy Rosenblum’s 2019 book, A Lot of People Are Saying: The New Conspiracism and the Assault on Democracy. ‘Conspiracism’ appears to have been coined around 1981, according to Googles’s Ngram generator, but didn’t gain any broader usage until the late 1990s, and spikes during the Trump years. Its meaning shifts a bit over that 40-year career, starting our as way of talking about the willingness of people to believe conspiracy theories, evolving into the notion that all of history is an unfolding conspiracy, before arriving at Muirhead and Rosenblum’s idea that ‘conspiracism’ is ‘conspiracy without the theory’, made up of a tissue of  — Field’s words — ‘assertion and fabrication’. Old fashioned conspiracy theories involved ‘sleuthing and a scrupulous attention to logic and detail’. Conspiracism goes straight to the construction of a fantasy world of ‘pure contrivance and fabulism’. To this category, Field adds ‘intellectual conspiracism’, in which the ‘New Right’ fills in the gaps with ‘hyper-abstraction’, as ‘bad arguments and scant evidence’.

The 2020 election and its aftermath

This sounds very sinister indeed. Who are these New Right purveyors of intellectual conspiracism? They are pretty much anyone who harbors doubts about the integrity of the 2020 presidential election.

As someone who harbors such doubts, perhaps I can speak with the authority of an insider in the world of New Right conspiracism. In fact I know quite a few people who also harbor such doubts. Some believe that the election was swung by a combination of phony ballots and dishonest counting. Others see the mischief in the interventions of states’ attorneys general who usurped the powers of state legislatures and changed voting procedures to enable ballot harvesting, late voting and other electoral dodges. And a fair number blame Trump himself for ignoring the numerous warning signs that the Democrats were planning to game the election. Among the conspiracists stand a contingent who didn’t vote for Trump but were appalled by the election and another contingent who voted for Trump only after a great deal of hesitation.

From what I know of the ‘community’ of us co-conspiracists, we aren’t especially attracted to ‘pure contrivance and fabulism’. We are, rather, haunted by the evidence that something wasn’t right about the election, even if that evidence isn’t legally conclusive or dispositive.

The odd and near simultaneous interruptions of vote counts in swing states followed by massive influxes of Biden votes; the blockading of poll watchers; the supposedly mail-in ballots that had never been folded to fit into an envelope; the absence of down-ballot victories for Democratic candidates; the numerous bellwether districts that went for Trump; and dozens of other such details lead rational people — some rational people, not all rational people — to entertain the idea that something rotten happened on Tuesday November 3, 2020, and that it may have been part of a larger organized effort to swing the election against a candidate who was very popular with a majority of voters but intensely disliked by a minority.

I know from the few occasions when I have alluded to my own views among acquaintances and friends who in the intensely anti-Trump category, they have responded with hot indignation. Where is your evidence? they demand, as if an opinion based on the assessment of the kind of circumstances I have just mentioned has no possible validity. Let me admit at once: I have not attempted my own audit of the balloting in any state. And I have watched the efforts of other better positioned to demand such accountability, and watched how the Democratic party has sought to thwart such efforts.

When I hear the line the line that ‘the courts have rejected all the challenges’, I usually fall silent. It is a dishonest claim in that courts that have rejected hearing a case or that have denied standing to the people who have raised a challenge, have not weighed a complaint on its merits.

And besides, none of this bears on that initial sense of the sheer implausibility of an election in which the incumbent garners almost five million more votes than he did four years before, while his challenger, without campaigning, bested him by more than seven million votes. Biden also outperformed the enormously popular Obama by more than 11 million votes. Trump lost the election by about 44,000 votes in three key states, out of the supposed 155 million votes cast. Biden’s victory in that sense was achieved by 0.002 percent of the vote. It doesn’t seem at all crazy to imagine that electoral mischief could have tilted the playing field by that much.

One can conjure reasons for these implausible figures: population growth, broader enfranchisement, massive dissatisfaction with Trump, etc. But we conspiracists tend to think that those who see nothing amiss are rather credulous. The words ‘contrivance and fabulism’ come to mind, as do ‘bad arguments and scant evidence’.wish to call down thunder and lightning on my friends, neighbors, and colleagues who disagree with me. And most of my fellow conspiracists are likewise not eager to deride the intelligence or moral character of those on the other side. We realize that a workable country requires some accommodation. The only thing is that we see little of that spirit coming from the Biden administration, which acts as though it has a mandate to turn anyone who has qualms about the 2020 election into an outcast. The continued imprisonment of some of the participants in the January 6 Capitol riot and their description as ‘insurrectionists’ is disquieting, especially since most of them seem to be facing trivial charges such as ‘trespassing’.

Even taking note of these developments seems a little perilous. My forthcoming book, Wrath: Enraged America, suggests that such repressive measures may well spark more serious pushback than we have seen so far.

Let me acknowledge that those of us who credit the idea that the 2020 election was compromised in various ways are acting on suspicion not fully sifted evidence. Outside a court of law, there need not be a presumption of innocence. If you see a stranger going out your front door carrying your flat-screen TV, you are perfectly in the right to suspect he is a thief, though it is possible there is another explanation. You regard the burden of proof as resting on the fellow with TV, who had better have a good explanation. For us conspiracists, the suspicious circumstances have multiplied to the point where we believe we are owed an explanation. ‘Shut up or we will shut you up,’ does not suffice. There is a deeply-rooted level of apprehension in the English/republican tradition based on the understanding that liberty is fragile and once lost is often gone forever. The left, however, sees such fears as an obstacle to the humanity achieving its natural state of utopia, and thus disdains as ‘conspiracy’ what for the rest us is common sense and prudence.


I imagine that Laura Field and her associates at the Niskanen Center and the Bulwark have heard all this before and discounted it entirely as the ravings of the ‘intellectual conspiracists’. Field’s latest essay, ‘What the Hell Happened to the Claremont Institute?’ is a 12,000-word scorched-earth denunciation of an intellectually conservative organization some of whose officials and associates have expressed doubts about the 2020 election, and before that, for Trump’s candidacy. I’m not affiliated with the Claremont Institute and certainly don’t speak for it, but I have friends and associates who are affiliated with it, including the chairman of its board, Tom Klingenstein, who also sits on my board. So when the Claremont Institute is held up for 12,000 words of ridicule, I read them.

And if the reader of this essay would like to learn about the alleged flaws in Professor John Eastman’s judgment, Michael Anton’s ‘cheerleading’ for Trump, Professor Charles Kesler’s ‘dodgy apologetics’ and Glenn Ellmers, the ‘full-on fanatic’, Laura Field has the dope.

Claremont, we learn, is the center of ‘West Coast Straussianism’, which as Field sees it, uncritically idolizes the American founding and Abraham Lincoln, and is to be sharply distinguished from the more respectable ‘East Coast Straussianism’, which stands philosophically above the political fray and with which she associates herself. How far above the political fray seems in question in light of her nine (so far) essays of anathematizing intellectual conservatives for their susceptibility to Trump’s charms.

Whether Field has been tasked with shooting the varmints or she has found her true calling as the scourge of wrong-think among conservatives I can’t say, but I do find her essay extraordinary in its vehemence. It is something to watch a well-educated and quite capable writer take a swan-dive into the volcano of the partisan hatred. Field has no reservations — not the least cavil — about the party line on the 2020 election:

‘There is evidence of a very small amount of voter fraud in our massive democracy. But the claims and elaborate theories of widespread electoral fraud in 2020 are still rightly called baseless. They are baseless because no credible evidence has been found for anything close to the amount of fraud that it would take to influence election outcomes. They are baseless because officials in Trump’s own administration charged with election security issued a joint statement on November 12 declaring the 2020 election to be “the most secure in American history”.’

They are baseless because Trump’s 60-plus legal efforts to prove the contrary were thrown out of court. They are baseless because thousands of election officials and state legislators, from both parties and everywhere in the country, stood by the election results — many in the face of extraordinary political pressure and, in some instances, threats to themselves and their families. They are baseless because common sense dictates that election officials of both parties will be hyper-attentive and receptive to legitimate claims of fraud; when partisans stand by the election results, it makes good sense to trust them.

Well, OK. Thus we consign all those who do have doubts to the outer darkness where the delusional and dishonest do their unending dance conspiratorial. Presumably, the 74 million deplorables who voted for Trump should dry their tears and make the best of their benighted lives.

What I do have is my long-standing interest as an anthropologist in American culture, especially in what makes us proud, what makes us indignant, what grieves us, and what makes us angry. What makes America America? A sense of fairness. It is embedded in those ideals of liberty and equality. We are a nation in love with the idea of charting our own destiny and throwing off the unjust impositions of others. That’s why movements such as Black Lives Matter make such headway even when they are, on closer inspection, not so worthy. Our founding principles can be turned to account for showmen, charlatans and crooks, as well as for statesmen, and we can cultivate the judgment to tell the difference. But one thing we won’t stand for — at least not for long — is usurpation. Fixing an election is not a good idea. We don’t know what happened in the 2020 election. Demanding that we silence our doubts on pain of being written out of the national conversation, however, is an extremely bad idea.I really don’t think this is how matters will play out, but I lack any Straussian credentials, East or West, that give me special authority on the matter.

As for the Claremont Institute, it stands for the centrality of the American founding. That’s a position that the vast majority of Americans — at least those not on college campuses — share and respect. I can see why those who wish to proclaim the validity of the 2020 election would go out of their way to defame Claremont. Reassuring a nervous regime of its legitimacy can be a good short-term play. But it is perhaps not the best long-term strategy.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Ashli Babbitt’s Mom: Nancy Pelosi Orchestrated The Killing Of My Daughter

Ashli Babbit was murdered by a hijacked USG staging an election coup against the we the people. Murdered. And then Democrat party is shielding the murder and creating an fictional, alternative narrative in order to persecute those we stand in defense of our freedoms.

Ashli Babbitt’s mom: Nancy Pelosi orchestrated the killing of my daughter

After nearly eight months of questions and controversy surrounding the events of Jan. 6, the most prominent question remains unanswered: Who killed Ashli Babbitt?

By Tarra Snyder, Western Journalism, July 25, 2021: July 26, 2021:

Michelle Witthoeft, Babbitt’s mother, says Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is responsible for her daughter’s death.

“My daughter was a California constituent, and Nancy Pelosi not only, I feel like, orchestrated the death of my daughter.”

“I’ve reached out to Nancy Pelosi’s office several times, and she has yet to call me back because she’s too busy playing in her clubhouse with all of her elite people,” Witthoeft said.

She also reminded Nancy of her place in the government.
Reporter Caught Smearing Herself with Mud to Make It Look Like She Helped with Disaster Cleanup

“You know, it’s the people’s house. It’s not your house, Nancy. It’s the people’s house. That’s my message to Nancy Pelosi,” Witthoeft said.

Despite the many claims of violence that occurred on Jan. 6, evidence has yet to surface suggesting Babbitt herself was reckless or threatening.

An earlier report from The Western Journal found that there had been no documented reports of Babbitt starting fires or attacking police officers.

Her mother wants to know who is responsible for her death.

“The Capitol Police should be held accountable like every other police department in the country.”

Witthoeft isn’t the only one fighting for Babbitt.

In a July 1 statement, former President Donald Trump asked only the following question: “Who shot Ashli Babbitt?”
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Trump’s statement brought national awareness to the issue, causing Babbitt’s name to trend on Twitter.

Back in April, Babbitt’s family announced that they were suing the Capitol Police for “at least $10 million” in damages.
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For the suit to be successful, the family would have to prove that the officer responsible had used “constitutionally unreasonable” force against Babbitt.

On April 14, after conducting an investigation, the Department of Justice released a statement on the matter.

“Prosecutors would have to prove not only that the officer used force that was constitutionally unreasonable, but that the officer did so ‘willfully,’ which the Supreme Court has interpreted to mean that the officer acted with a bad purpose to disregard the law,” the DOJ said.

“As this requirement has been interpreted by the courts, evidence that an officer acted out of fear, mistake, panic, misperception, negligence, or even poor judgment cannot establish the high level of intent required under Section 242.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Banks: Pelosi Booted Me from January 6 Probe to Cover Up Her Responsibility for Breakdown of Security


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Protests Rage Across Europe: Millions March in Defense of INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM

I never thought I’d say this but America is a global embarrassment.

Hundreds of thousands protested in defense of individual freedom. The world is more America than…….. America.

Social media was awash with tweets and Facebook posts describing the protesters as selfish and irresponsible, but alongside the anger was a sense of shame.

The streams, the threads, the currents rolling on social media. The topics, of course, are wholly controlled by them and this new mad obsession with the unvaccinated. The unvaxxed are the Democrat version of India’s untouchables, Germany’s Jew, the Turks infidels. Seriously, The hatred being incited against the unvaccinated it’s very dangerous.

Things don’t just happen, they are made to happen.

Protests Rage Across Europe as Lockdown, Vaccination Mandates Start

By Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times, July 25, 2021:

Anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine-passport protests erupted across Europe on July 24, according to media photos and videos.

Thousands upon thousands of demonstrators came out in London, Dublin, Paris, Rome, Athens, and other cities across Europe, according to footage and news reports.

The demonstrations in France appeared to be the most tense, with riot police firing tear gas as clashes erupted in central Paris.

Police sought to push back demonstrators near the capital’s Gare Saint-Lazare railway station after protesters knocked over a police motorbike ridden by two officers, news footage showed. Scuffles between police and demonstrators also broke out at the Champs-Elysees thoroughfare, where tear gas was fired and traffic was halted, it showed.

France’s Interior Ministry said that about 160,000 people partook in the protests on July 24—sharply up from 114,000 the previous week, Reuters reported.

The reason for the protest, in part, was due to pending legislation in France’s Parliament that would set up a vaccine passport system as well as a vaccination mandate for all health care workers. The passport bill would force people to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a negative test result to enter restaurants and other public areas—which critics have described as needlessly draconian.

Protesters railed against the proposed legislation, saying, “No to shameful pass,” while denigrating French President Emmanuel Macron as a “tyrant.”

“We need to wait a little bit before the French people can decide. … I think a part of France is always going to be unwilling, and that blackmail and threats won’t work,” protester Ayoub Bouglia, an engineer, told The Associated Press.

Thousands of Italian demonstrators gathered in Rome, Naples, Verona, and Milan on July 24, according to videos and photos published online.

In Verona, thousands chanted, “No Green Pass,” referring to the Italian government’s decision to implement a vaccine-passport-like system for people to enter local fairs, stadiums, theaters, and other gathering areas.

Also on July 24, demonstrators in Dublin, Ireland, emphatically called on the government to rescind lockdown and mask measures.

London also drew significant anti-vaccine passport and lockdown demonstrations, with protesters waving flags and singing songs.

About 4,000 people appeared outside of the Greek Parliament in central Athens to protest against mandatory vaccinations, DW and other news agencies reported. Greek authorities used tear gas on some protesters.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Fourth Graders in Minnesota Told Not to Tell Parents About Racist, Anti-White Training In School

What parent, what mom, will stand by while their children were abused and radicalized?

Fourth Graders in Minnesota Told Not to Tell Parents About Anti-White ‘Survey’

Fourth graders at a school in St. Cloud, Minnesota, have been told not to tell their parents about the racist, anti-white training at school.
By Warner Todd Huston, Flag and Cross, July 26, 2021:According to reports, fourth graders at a school in St. Cloud, Minnesota, have been told not to tell their parents about the racist, anti-white training they are getting at school. Lids were told to stay mum about an “equity survey” they were required to fill out that informs the white kids about how racist they all are. Per Fox News:According to a video uploaded by Alphanews, when students didn’t understand some of the survey questions, they were told by a teacher in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District to not repeat the survey questions to their parents.

“The survey asked questions that some students didn’t understand. Even after hearing an explanation from their teacher, some still couldn’t comprehend the survey questions,” The Center Square reported.

The George Floyd incident sparked a nationwide conversation on race and the role of policing. School districts across America are pushing critical race theory on students to attempt to contextualize current events on matters of race.

The parents found out, anyway, though. And they are none too happy about their kids being exposed to the woke anti-whit critical race theory curriculum.

Kelsey Yasgar said that although parents were “informed that the equity audit was taking place, they were not informed on the date of the activity and not given other details.” She explained further that due to the lack of transparency from the school district and from Equity Alliance Minnesota, the third party that administered the survey, parents were not informed of the questions being asked to the students.

Yasgar was “very upset” when her daughter told her that she was instructed by teachers not to repeat any of the questions being asked of them.

“I do want to say though I believe that this wasn’t a single case that her teacher made this decision. We had been informed that this came down from the administration and Equity Alliance of Minnesota instructed them to make sure the children did not share this information with their parents and that should pose a great concern in any parents’ eyes,” Hayley said.

Folks, don’t just blink and pass over this story. It is being repeated in every single school in the U.S.A.

If you have kids in school, they ARE being exposed to this racist crap.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Cleveland’s Baseball Team Dishonors the Indian It Was Named For

One of the most idiotic of the Left’s assumptions is that sports team nicknames are intended to insult and demean. My latest in FrontPage:

Many, many years ago, long before any of you who are reading this were born, and long, long before Major League Baseball went woke, pulled the All-Star Game out of Atlanta for not toeing the Left’s line, and made race-baiting Communist agitprop a permanent feature of its website, I learned about a man named Louis Sockalexis. Sockalexis, a great baseball name if there ever was one (later announcers would have loved to report about how he “socked” one into the stands), is largely forgotten today, although he has made a few headlines in the last few days because the Cleveland Indians, a team that bore that name in his honor, has now dishonored him by changing its nickname, so as not to insult Indians. Yes, friends, it’s a topsy-turvy world, and it isn’t getting any saner.

Have you heard of Louis Sockalexis? Some of our great-grandfathers marveled at his feats. He was a Penobscot Indian from Maine who became a major league player in 1897, hitting .338 in 66 games for the old National League Cleveland Spiders. He generated a great deal of fan enthusiasm, but indifferent to or unable to overcome stereotypes, he succumbed to alcoholism and had washed out of the major leagues by 1899. The Spiders amassed the eye-watering record of twenty wins and 134 losses that year, and went out of business right after the season’s end, opening up an opportunity in 1901 for the new American League. It was not until 1915, however, that Cleveland’s American League team began calling itself the Indians in honor of Sockalexis. He hadn’t played in the major leagues in a decade and a half, but was newly recalled to fans when he died an untimely death from tuberculosis in 1913. The Society for American Baseball Research notes that in January 1915, Cleveland team owner Charles Somers, “perhaps recalling the all-too-brief period of excitement that Louis Sockalexis had brought to Cleveland in 1897, dubbed his team the Indians.”

And so Indians they were for 106 years, but when the 2022 season starts (if major league baseball hasn’t succumbed entirely to wokeness by then and decided to dispense with actually playing the games and instead award wins and losses on the number of players of color minus the number of Trump supporters), the Cleveland baseball team will be calling itself the “Guardians,” after a couple of statues on a nearby highway bridge. The statues are known as the Guardians of Traffic. If Cleveland’s baseball solons were so determined to rename the team after traffic markers, given their abject capitulation to wokeness, they should have gone with the Cleveland Yield Signs.

In any case, so much for Louis Sockalexis: he goes the way of Uncle Ben, Aunt Jemima, and any and all non-white mascots and trademarks. But it is just another manifestation of our Age of Absurdity that anyone would think that team nicknames were designed to demean and insult, instead of honor, the person or thing from which the name is derived. Does Cleveland’s baseball team hate Cleveland’s Guardians of Traffic that have now replaced Sockalexis? Of course not. And the idea that they do is just as absurd as the claim that the old name degraded Native Americans.

Yet the claim is, of course, commonplace. Crystal Echo Hawk, executive director of a group called IllumiNative, which claims to be dedicated to fighting misrepresentations of Native Americans, hailed the name change: “It is a major step toward righting the wrongs committed against Native peoples and is one step toward justice.”

Can all this get any more absurd? Now the “Cleveland Indians” name was a major wrong and injustice against Native Americans? It’s too bad Louis Sockalexis isn’t around to take Crystal Echo Hawk aside and gently discuss her First-World Problems with her. But he isn’t, and now it is abundantly established and taken for granted on the Left that to have a sports team named after you is the ultimate insult. Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions, Houston Texans take note: apparently your nicknames mean you hate bears, lions, and residents of the Lone Star State. Get on that, and fast. The only acceptable nicknames now are those derived from groups that our woke masters have decided are perfectly all right to hate: the Cleveland Trumpers. The New York America-Firsters. The San Francisco Cis-Het White Males. And so on. After all, if we’re going to be so insulting as to name a team after a group, then let’s go for the worst insults of all.


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Al-Qaeda threatens jihad massacres in France, calls for murder of Macron over ‘insults to Islam’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

What Happened To My South African Friends Portends What Biden’s America Will Be Like

The furious effort to deny President Trump a second term was an all-out effort by Democrats to clear the way for culminating Barack Obama’s vow to fundamentally transform the United States of America. What kind of transformation do Obama, Biden and their party have in mind? What happened to my South African friends provides a clue.

In the years since apartheid was overturned, South Africa has moved inexorably under the long shadow of communism. The country’s current leader, President Cyril Ramaphosa, is following in the footsteps of his late ideological soul mate, Robert Mugabe, the corrupt communist tyrant whose embrace of socialism destroyed the economy of Zimbabwe, turning what was one of Africa’s wealthiest nations into the poorest country in the world.

Using the innocuous-sounding term “land reform” to appease his progressive patrons in the West, Mugabe confiscated thousands of white-owned farms, many of which were seized while the owners and their families were summarily executed by supporters of his murderous regime.

In 2005, I met a white South African couple who owned a thriving manufacturing plant in Capetown. Having sold its high-end products to a loyal international clientele, their company was seized without compensation two years ago by armed “businessmen” tied to Ramaphosa’s regime.

As outspoken opponents of Ramaphosa and his party, the African National Congress, my friends fled their homeland in fear for their lives, leaving behind virtually every material possession they had: a beautiful home, late-model vehicles, jewelry, artwork, family mementos, safe deposit boxes, bank accounts … everything except the clothes on their back.

Stripped of their assets in their twilight years, they now live a down-sized existence in another African country, ever fearful that anything they say or write about Ramaphosa’s regime might find its way to the long arm of his secret police.

On December 4, 202, Tucker Carlson did a segment on his Fox News show about Patrick Gaspard, a 53-year-old progressive Democrat who was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo to Haitian parents. When Biden was elected president, Gaspard was on his short list for Secretary of Labor.

Patrick Gaspard is no bit player in the Democratic Party. He was National Political Director of Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee, and Director of the Obama White House Department of Political Affairs. In 2013, he was appointed by Obama as U.S. Ambassador to South Africa, a position he held until Trump was elected.

Last December, Gaspard announced he is stepping down from the position he had held for the previous three years: president of the Open Society Foundations, a conglomerate of globalist political organizations funded by billionaire closet-communist, George Soros. That should tell you all you need to know about the ideological predisposition of Patrick Gaspard.

Now a senior advisor to President Biden, Gaspard was recently rewarded for his loyalty when he was made president of the Center For American Progress, the most influential think tank of the Biden era.

Three years ago, South African president Cyril Ramaphosa endorsed “land reform” to confiscate white-owned farms and other businesses without compensation. In 2018, Gaspard wrote an op-ed in the UK Sunday Times in which he lauded the tyrannical Ramaphosa regime with this Orwellian doublespeak:

“Yes, the South African government under President Cyril Ramaphosa is talking about accelerating land reform — but in a way that seeks to balance property ownership rights guaranteed by the Constitution with the need for more equity and nurture a more broadly shared prosperity.”

There is no “balance” of property ownership rights in the Republic of South Africa. When Ramaphosa wants more “shared prosperity,” privately-owned property is seized without compensation, a la Robert Mugabe. The same kind of “land reform” has been a centerpiece of every communist regime in history, no exceptions.

By any standard, Patrick Gaspard is a hardcore communist. That he was appointed to high-level government and political positions during the Obama presidency tells you all you need to know about Barack Obama and the modern Democratic Party. And that someone who embraces such a profoundly anti-American ideology was being considered for a Cabinet position tells you all you need to know about where Joe Biden’s puppet masters will instruct him to take America: straight over the socialist cliff into the unforgiving tentacles of the hammer and sickle.

In his national best-seller, The Naked Communist, former FBI Special Agent W. Cleon Skousen listed 45 communist goals for overthrowing America from within. Goal No. 15 calls for infiltrating and taking control of at least one of America’s major political parties, a goal that clearly has been accomplished.

So, what’s in store for the American people now that the party of Marx, Lenin, Alinsky, and Obama controls the reins of government? Answer: the same fate suffered by people of the USSR, Communist China, East Germany, the former Soviet-bloc countries of Eastern Europe, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and every other communist hellhole the world has ever known.

Think that could never happen in America? Dream on.

©John Edison. All rights reserved.

CDC Admits China Virus [COVID] Tests Results Wrong!

I received the following information posted in the next paragraph from a senior medical professional and wanted to share it with you. You may not be shocked because I was not. This whole charade and destruction of our freedoms and liberties, our economy and sense of self worth was intentional. Notice too that the MSM will most likely not publish this information. Please read it and share it before it is erased from everywhere the domestic enemy within can.

The CDC finally admits that the PCR tests do not differentiate between COVID and the flu. They are recalling these test due to the fact that there were too many “false positives”. They come out with this after a year and a half of stirring up the public and creating mass hysteria because no one is afraid of the flu. So how many documented Covid cases were nothing more that a severe flu? What percentage of cases were interpreted incorrectly? This explains why flu cases were almost nonexistent last year. I can tell you that running a clinic, that we usually do tons of flu tests during flu season. Last year, 2020, I did one, for the entire flu season!! Every other test we did for respiratory symptoms was a Covid test. I have been screaming this for over a year, questioning the effectiveness of the PCR test, and I was labeled, as always, the conspiracy theorist. Well here it is straight from the CDC website.


From the Division of lab services part of the CDC website comes the following admission. The link will be posted below.

Audience: Individuals Performing COVID-19 Testing

Level: Laboratory Alert

After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.

Visit the FDA website for a list of authorized COVID-19 diagnostic methods. For a summary of the performance of FDA-authorized molecular methods with an FDA reference panel, visit this page.

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing.


Now with the Delta variation and I am sure others to come as they work their way through the Greek Alphabet, what will you believe?

I suggest nothing! They cannot and should not be trusted at all. The destruction of our beloved Constitutional Republic is their sole aim.

Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


Enemies of The State

The Biden Administration, Big Tech, and other organizations will go to almost any extreme, including propaganda, to promote their priorities. Their efforts on COVID vaccines may be a trial run for what we may see for the next three years on a range of issues. With vaccines, we have already seen social media censor those who have raised legitimate concerns or objections to various COVID vaccines.

“Now we need to go to community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and oftentimes, door to door — literally knocking on doors — to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus,” President Biden said.

“Trusted” local leaders could be going door-to-door to discuss getting vaccinated. The administration also may enlist Big Tech companies to manage our views countless issues, by controlling our access to information.

Make no mistake about it, this is a huge propaganda effort, and it is troubling. A campaign that “suppresses the conversation; the man opposite is no longer an interlocutor but an enemy,” French philosopher Jacques Ellul wrote in his book Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes. Taken together, the administration’s efforts paint a picture of an emerging, out-of-control police state. Those of us who disagree with the administration are no longer citizens, it seems we have become enemies of the state.

How America is changing. In my 18 years as a Congressman, I frequently met with constituents who voiced opinions on policies. Our views differed many times, but even then, we were able to discuss our differences in a constructive and civil manner. Contrast that with how the current administration treats those who disagree with them on their key priorities, including COVID vaccines.

Skeptics have been vilified, which the administration apparently now believes necessitates and justifies retaliatory action. Just in the last few days, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the administration was working with Big Tech on correcting “misinformation.” This is censorship. They are doing this with increasing frequency, banning President Trump, originally banning discussion of the origins of the COVID virus (reversing their wrong decision a year later), and shadow banning conservative writers and groups. They are setting themselves up as the arbiters of truth. Americans used to be in the position where they could decide for themselves.

The Biden Administration, however, appears ready to go further. They will enlist “trusted messengers who are part of the community” to go “door-to-door,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said. Do not come to my door! Americans do not want so-called community messengers — picked by who knows who — knocking on our doors asking personal questions about health or much else.

I have knocked on plenty of doors during my political career and experienced quite personally how strongly people feel about the sanctity of their home. Mr. President, this is a really bad idea that should be cancelled.

Click HERE to read more.

Originally published by The Gatestone Institute


Pete Hoekstra

Chairman of the Center for Security Policy Board of Advisors.


EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Marxist HHS Attacking Un-Vaxxed as COVID Survival Hits 99%!

The CDC and the NIH both work in tandem under HHS, Health & Human Services which is under the control of Team Biden. Together, they are lying to the American people about the severity of the Wuhan coronavirus, the efficacy of the so-called vaccines and the alleged “danger” from the so called un-vaccinated. This is an assault on your liberty! Two things are certain: Fuaci & company cannot stop the spread of the virus (only God can) and the survival rate of COVID is the same as the flu! Graham Ledger speaks with attorney Thomas Renz about his lawsuit to stop the spread – not of the virus – but the so-called vaccines!

EDITORS NOTE: This Ledger Report video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Schiff Praises RINOs on Committee Investigating Jan. 6 ‘Attack’

Monday on MSNBC’s Hallie Jackson Reports, Rep. Adam Schiff weighed in on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi adding Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) to the January 6 select committee.

Pelosi previously vetoed two of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s committee appointees because they might have brought a balanced perspective to the left’s kangaroo court. Instead, she added Cheney and Kinzinger, who both voted to impeach former President Trump following the protests at the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

“I think both Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are serious about getting to the truth of January 6,” Schiff stated. “In that respect that we all share the same mission, we want to bring out the facts.”

No, the committee’s mission is to establish the Capitol Hill incident as a domestic terror event and to demonize Trump and his supporters as traitors and terrorists.

“We want to know what led to that deadly attack. We want to know what we need to do to protect the country going forward. So it’s — it’s well-composed already, but if there are other Republicans that are serious about the mission, we should be open to that possibility as well,” he added.

First, there was no attack at the Capitol, unless you count the violence from Antifa instigators whom Trump supporters tried to stop. Second, the only person who died as a direct result of the Capitol breach was an unarmed female protester shot by Capitol Hill police. Third, the only Republicans Schiff considers “serious about the mission” are anti-Trump RINOs who can be counted on to back the Democrats’ agenda, which is to make sure history records January 6 as a date that will live in infamy.

Adam Schiff

25 Known Connections

Schiff’s Positions on Key Political Issues

As matters of principle, Schiff believes that:

  • all women should have an unrestricted right to abortion-on-demand at any stage of pregnancy – subsidized by taxpayers, in cases of economic hardship;
  • public and private employers alike should be legally required to implement affirmative-action hiring and promotion policies that give preference to African Americans and women, as compensation for historical injustices;
  • the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is an excellent statute that can serve a strategic stepping stone toward the eventual implementation of a government-run, single-payer healthcare system;
  • the principle of church-state separation is inviolable and should preclude permitting prayer in the public schools, or the posting of the Ten Commandments in public places;
  • the death penalty is applied in a racially discriminatory manner, constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, and should be abolished;
  • more guns in the hands of private citizens inevitably result in higher levels of crime, thus the availability of firearms should be restricted by whatever means are effective;
  • wealthy people should be required to pay much higher tax rates than those who earn less;
  • restrictions on immigration are basically racist because they tend to prevent Hispanics and other non-whites from entering the United States;
  • voter ID laws are, by and large, racially motivated attempts to suppress minority voting and should be eliminated;

To learn more about Adam Schiff, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Nasty’ Nancy Pelosi Ensuring Her January 6th Narrative Continues…

We all know, well, my informed readers know, that the January 6th commission being put together now to “investigate” the so called horrendous and violent “insurrection” by violent Trumpers ordered into battle by President Donald Trump, is going to be a typical Democrat anti Trump, anti patriot and anti freedom hate fest. It will be a scam, lie and totally corrupted from beginning to end.

How do we know this. Easy! She refused two Republican candidates who were pro Trump and placed on the commission anti Trump so called GOP members! Now, we know that there is no love lost between these two ‘republicans’ and Trump and they have zero incentive to be honest and factual. This will be a witch hunt with one result. Trump will be blamed along with the Oath Keepers of which I am a proud founding member and other patriotic groups. No blame will be placed anywhere near a Democrat.

RINO Rep. Adam Kinzinger will join another anti Trumper, RINO Rep. Liz Cheney on the panel investigating the so called insurrection. Both voted to impeach President Trump along with 222 Democrats. BOTH are traitors to their oaths and to we, the 75,000,000 plus who voted for President Trump.

Along with Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana, I too personally believe the responsibility for the January 6th protest and its outcome lies with the Speaker of the House, Nasty Nancy Pelosi. He was rejected by her to be on the January 6th investigative panel. In a recent Fox interview he made the following statement which I have copied verbatim.

“Due to the rules of the United States Capitol, the power structure of the Capitol, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, has more control and authority and responsibility over the leadership of the Capitol police than anyone else in the United States Capitol,” Banks said. “So she doesn’t want us to ask these questions because at the end of the day, she’s ultimately responsible for the breakdown of security at the Capitol that happened on Jan. 6.”

He further claimed that Pelosi knows this and does not want to talk about it but fully intends to steer this investigation her way to come up with the final result she has already predetermined.

She has handpicked those members to serve on this investigative panel to ensure the outcome.

If you remember apparently 140 Capitol Police were “ injured” that day, ( I question that ) two others committed suicide days later ( I question that or did they know what they did violated their oaths? ) and one succumbed to what was decided by the Medical Examiner to natural causes. In the same protest by unarmed American citizens, patriots all, justly protesting the election results, 4 Trump supporters died. Three from medical conditions unknown and one, a former Air Force veteran, unarmed and slight of build, Ashli Babbitt, was shot, I believe unlawfully, and killed by an as yet undisclosed black Capitol Police Officer who has been cleared of that murder. Apparently it is acceptable for black police officers to shoot an unarmed white woman who couldn’t have presented a threat of bodily harm or of any type to the trained, armed and protected officer.

Since that date approximately 500 good people, patriots true, have been rounded up around the country for their part in that protest. Just like the roundups in Nazi Germany, Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe and other communist countries, they have been jailed, some without bond or a reasonable bond, and are now being unfairly tried or pressurized to take wrong pleas to get the results wanted by this illegal and anti America administration run by traitors, cheats, crooks, thieves, corruption, nepotism, mentally challenged, immoral, lying, communists, socialists and Marxists.

How much more America ?

When do we as a Nation of patriots stand up and say NO?

When do we stand up for our freedoms, liberties, constitution, rights and those that have given all like President Trump?

There are a lot of things we can do. Readers of mine have heard me talk of them multiple times but it comes down to one thing. Do we remain a bunch of arm chair warriors or do we stand up for what we believe in?

One man cannot do it but the right man can begin the movement, just like the you witnessed with that brave Chinese student facing the in Tiananmen Square or Lech Walesa, the Polish dissident who took on the communist government from a humble ship yard in Gdańsk.

Who will our Lech Walesa be? You? Me? As Thomas Jefferson stated so clearly “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.”

It is almost too late America.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Biden Dept. of Justice Drops Criminal Charges Lodged Against Five Chinese Spies

Most news coverage about immigration focuses on aliens who seek to enter the United States by running to the southern border of the United States.  Make no mistake, that dangerous border must be secured, but the Biden administration has refused to accomplish that vital goal.

However, as I have noted on many occasions, including when I have testified before Congressional hearings, our nation has fifty border states, not just the four that lie along the U.S./Mexican border.

Additionally, aliens who enter the United States through ports of entry by lying in their visa applications are committing a serious crime, visa fraud, a crime that is defined in 18 U.S. Code § 1546.

On July 24, 2021 the New York Times reported, U.S. Moves to Drop Cases Against Chinese Researchers Accused of Hiding Military Ties. The subtitle of that report noted, The arrests were part of a Trump-era initiative aimed at curbing Beijings efforts to steal intellectual property, corporate secrets, and military intelligence.

 Here is how the New York Times article began:

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department moved this week to drop cases that it brought last year against five visiting researchers accused of hiding their ties to Chinas military, prompting questions about the departments efforts to combat Chinese national security threats.

 The department filed motions on Thursday and Friday to dismiss visa fraud and other charges it brought last summer against the researchers as the Biden administration grapples with holding Beijing accountable for its cyberattacks and its harsh crackdowns in Hong Kong and in the far western region of Xinjiang. The dismissals also come as the State De­part­ments No. 2 of­fi­cial, Wendy R. Sher­man, is to meet in the coming days with Chinese officials in Tianjin, China.

The article also included this excerpt:

The arrests were part of a spate of cases last summer involving researchers and academics who had ties to China as the Trump administration aggressively sought to curb Beijings efforts to steal intellectual property, corporate secrets, military intelligence and other information it could use to expand its global influence. At the time, the United States ordered China to close its Hous­ton con­sulate, accusing it of being a hub for massive illegal spying and influence operations.” China denied the allegations and retaliated by forcing a U.S. consulate in Chengdu to close.

 It is noteworthy that the New York Times would question why the Biden Justice Department would drop criminal charges concerning visa fraud against alleged Chinese spies who were charged by the Trump Justice Department.

It is disheartening and, indeed, disconcerting that the Biden administration is adding this action to other wide-spread actions that undermine the integrity of the entire immigration system, thus undermining national security, public safety, and public health.

According to the NY Times article, the Biden administration has claimed that among the reasons for dropping visa fraud charges in this case is the supposed fact that visa fraud carries a penalty of one year in prison and that the defendants had already been held for nearly one year.

That statement is a demonstrable huge lie.

Under the provisions of 18 U.S. Code § 1546, an alien who lies on a visa application faces a maximum of five years in prison unless that individual commits that fraud in conjunction with terrorism, drug trafficking, or other crimes. In such cases the alien may face up to 25 years in prison.

Perhaps the Biden administration will next issue a press release claiming that the visa fraud charges against the alleged spies were dropped because China has promised to return America’s stolen secrets!

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, YouTube, Paypal Creating Shared Counterterrorism ‘Key Database’ Against Patriots, Constitutionalists, Free Speech Activists

Tech giants are lining up to aid and abet the persecution of patriotic Americans and anyone who opposes the Democrat’s communist crackdown on freedom. Lest we forget, these same companies who fought and refused to work with LE and share their data on jihadis who mass murdered innocent Americans in the cause of Islam.

From CNN 2016:

Apple is opposing a judge’s order to help the FBI break into the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino, California, shooters, calling the directive “an overreach by the U.S. government.”

A public letter, signed by Apple CEO Tim Cook and published Tuesday, warns that complying with the order would entail …….. – “something we consider too dangerous to create.”

Reuters: Facebook and tech giants to target attacker manifestos, far-right militias in database

By: Elizabeth Culliford, Reuters, July 26, 2021:

A militia member with body armor and a Three Percenters militia patch stands in Stone Mountain as various militia groups stage rallies at Stone Mountain, Georgia, U.S. August 15, 2020. REUTERS/Dustin Chambers/File Photo

July 26 (Reuters) – A counterterrorism organization formed by some of the biggest U.S. tech companies including Facebook (FB.O) and Microsoft (MSFT.O) is significantly expanding the types of extremist content shared between firms in a key database, aiming to crack down on material from white supremacists and far-right militias, the group told Reuters.

Until now, the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism’s (GIFCT) database has focused on videos and images from terrorist groups on a United Nations list and so has largely consisted of content from Islamist extremist organizations such as Islamic State, al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Over the next few months, the group will add attacker manifestos — often shared by sympathizers after white supremacist violence — and other publications and links flagged by U.N. initiative Tech Against Terrorism. It will use lists from intelligence-sharing group Five Eyes, adding URLs and PDFs from more groups, including the Proud Boys, the Three Percenters and neo-Nazis.

The firms, which include Twitter (TWTR.N) and Alphabet Inc’s (GOOGL.O) YouTube, share “hashes,” unique numerical representations of original pieces of content that have been removed from their services. Other platforms use these to identify the same content on their own sites in order to review or remove it……

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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Democrats: ‘We’re F**ked’ with Election Integrity Laws in 18 States

The coup party of treason, hatred, election fraud, oppression, political persecution and censorship must be defeated. It’s the only way to save the Republic.

Free and fair elections is where we plant our flag.

Democrats: ‘We’re F***ed’ with Election Integrity Laws in 18 States

Democrats are worried about winning the 2022 midterm elections after Republican state legislatures reformed 30 election integrity laws in 18 states and additional legislation may come.
By: Wendell Husebø Breitbart News, January 25, 2021:CEO of the Stacey Abrams-founded New Georgia Project, Nsé Ufot, told Politico, “If there isn’t a way for us to repeat what happened in November 2020, we’re f—ed.”Latosha Brown, cofounder of Black Voters Matter, told Politico that“hope is quickly turning into frustration.” She then asked, “When in the hell are those who claim that they are committed to democracy going to show up to protect those that protect democracy?”Along with the multitude of states that have successfully passed new election integrity measures, such as voting ID. and early voting requirements, more than 400 bills with election integrity provisions have “been introduced in 49 states in the 2021 legislative sessions.”Other states with pending legislative sessions, such as California, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Maine, still have election integrity measures waiting to be passed.The Republicans’ successful approach has caused President Joe Biden and his congressional allies to push legislation to federalize state and local elections, putting more power in Washington via wresting control from local communities where accountability is greatest.

But Senate Republicans defeated Biden’s so-called “For the People Act” by a filibuster in June. The defeat has thrown the battle over election integrity back to the states, where “the restrictions advanced by Republicans affect so many facets of voting that Democrats cannot agree on which provisions are the most problematic.”

Democrat chaos has resulted in smiling, maskless Texas House Democrats on a plane fleeing Texas to stunt election integrity efforts in the state, which would have placed additional restrictions on voting by mail, creating new ID requirements, and expanding the freedoms for partisan poll watchers.

“As soon as they come back in the state of Texas, they will be arrested, they will be cabined inside the Texas Capitol until they get their job done,” Gov. Greg Abbott (R) responded to the stunt.

“Texas Democrats were out of moves, and the only thing they could do to deny quorum was to take their families and leave the state in the middle of the night,” Ufot stated. “That’s the kind of response and leadership that this moment requires, and I am waiting for the administration to match the energy of state and local Democrats across the country who are fighting these fights.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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The FBI’s Whitmer Kidnapping Case Looks Like A Potemkin Terror Plot

This should propel every American into action.

The FBI, through informants and undercover agents, hatched the kidnapping plotserved in the key leadership positions of the militia group, trained the militia members in military tactics, actively recruited participantsand funded much of the militia’s activities. Then, when various members of the Watchman militia became uncomfortable with the kidnapping plot, with several quitting, the FBI’s primary informant pushed the plot along, eventually becoming the militia group’s leader.

The FBI’s Whitmer Kidnapping Case Looks Like A Potemkin Terror Plot

By: Max Morton, The Federalist, July 25, 2021:

With the help of snitches, the FBI rounded up some unemployed, homeless, mostly alone and angry loudmouths to build a fantasy football-style display of domestic terrorism fear-porn.

Over the past few weeks, there has been a slew of reporting on the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, specifically, the fact that the FBI seems to have played a far more considerable role in it than had previously been reported. BuzzFeed News produced an exposé on the case detailing how the FBI used 12 informants and undercover FBI agents to infiltrate the Wolverine Watchmen militia group, which prosecutors allege planned to kidnap Whitmer in the run-up to the 2020 national elections.

The problem with the case is that it appears the FBI, through informants and undercover agents, hatched the kidnapping plotserved in the key leadership positions of the militia group, trained the militia members in military tactics, actively recruited participantsand funded much of the militia’s activities. Then, when various members of the Watchman militia became uncomfortable with the kidnapping plot, with several quitting, the FBI’s primary informant pushed the plot along, eventually becoming the militia group’s leader.

The Primary Informant’s Story Doesn’t Add Up

The primary informant, known only as Dan, has been identified in court documents as a former U.S. Army Iraq War veteran. Dan reportedly volunteered to the FBI after stumbling across the Wolverine Watchman group on Facebook.

Dan, whom court documents say earned a college degree in criminal justice after his stint in the Army, stated he had previously worked as an executive protection agent and a National Rifle Association firearms instructor, and was a current employee of the U.S. Postal Service (the exact nature of his duties at USPS is not publicly released).

He testified in court that he had been searching for Second Amendment-related Facebook posts to find tactical training opportunities to retain the perishable combat skills he acquired during his tour of duty in Iraq. After viewing the Watchman’s page, he applied for acceptance to their private Facebook group and was admitted after answering a series of vetting questions.

At the time Dan applied for membership with the Watchman militia, in March 2020, the Watchman militia had only a single member with military experience: Joe Morrison, a reserve U.S. Marines mechanic serving part-time with a reserve logistics support group (according to court documents, a second military veteran, Daniel Harris, was recruited into the group five months later, in July 2020). Morrison had no combat arms training beyond boot camp and zero combat experience.

It is puzzling exactly what kind of “tactical training opportunities” Dan, an Iraq War combat veteran, hoped to gain from a ragtag group of largely untrained and inexperienced civilian militia. According to Dan’s testimony, he participated in extensive, months-long, house-to-house warfare in Sadr City during his 14-month rotation in Iraq. The question of why someone with Dan’s combat experience would seek to join the Watchman militia to receive training went unasked and unexamined during depositions and court hearings.

This ‘Plot’ and These ‘Conspirators’ Are a Joke

Federal and state prosecutors in this case have indicted 14 defendants from across the country; not just from Michigan, but from states as far as away as Virginia, Delaware, and South Carolina. Some of the defendants are less than sympathetic characters and have made inflammatory statements in text messages, social media posts, and in front of wired FBI informants who dutifully recorded their every word. Prosecutors repeatedly claimed the defendants are dangerous threats to the public, but they have presented no actual evidence of this beyond the defendants’ inflammatory speech.

The prosecutors’ main claim that the defendants had demonstrated their ability and intent to use explosives in the plot was derived from their laughable attempts to ignite uncompressed black powder during a group training event sponsored by one of the FBI informants—which in itself proved how unskilled and incapable the defendants were in the handling or use of explosives. In fact, the group’s only actual planning with regard to explosives was done by an undercover FBI agent who posed as an explosives expert and black market broker for military-type explosives.

Reading through the court documents, text messages, and transcripts for this case is like listening to the David Allen Coe country song about pickup trucks, single-wide trailers, prison, and being drunk and down and out—in the rain. To the nation’s elite class, the defendants in this case are a collection of flyover America’s pile of broken toys: the surplus population who were left behind in globalization’s destruction of working-class America.

With the help of a strong supply of snitches, the FBI rounded up some unemployed, homeless, mostly alone, and angry loudmouths to build a fantasy football-style display of domestic terrorism fear-porn. The only thing more depressing than realizing middle America is now just a bunch of NPCs in the latest version of “Call of Duty: Rogue National Security State” is that there are likely more of these manufactured cases coming to an America near you.

How Powerlessness Affects a People

In a republic like America, there is a designed tension between the citizen and the state. The citizen, as the individual, is protective of his natural rights, privacy, and liberty, while the state, as the establishment, is ostensibly concerned with the prosperity, safety, and security of the republic as a whole.

Our Constitution was designed to balance the friction between Alexander Hamilton’s “The vigor of government is essential to the security of liberty” and John O’ Sullivan’s “The best government is that which governs least.” When that balance is disrupted, there is political conflict.

The elite and powerful can express their political concerns with big-money donations to politicians and pithy outrage from their blue-check Twitter accounts. The little people, the working-class flotsam and jetsam of America, have to just suck it down. They can vent their frustrations on social media, but no one is listening to them—except for people like Dan and the army of informants employed by the government.

The powerless often cope with their powerlessness through what can only be called LARPing, or live-action role-playing. This and ill-advised braggadocio is a way to feel like they have some control over their lives.

RELATED ARTICLE: SUB ROSA: WATCH Suspected Federal Operative Clandestinely Coordinates Breach of Capitol, Crowd Sees Through It, Chants “FED! FED! FED!”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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