The Real Virus is not Covid, it’s Communism

“The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.” – Samuel Adams

“Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.”  – Benjamin Franklin

“The policy of American government is to leave its citizens free, neither restraining them nor aiding them in their pursuits.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Why are those who are notoriously undisciplined and unmoral also most contemptuous of religion and morality? They are trying to solace their own unhappy lives by pulling the happy down to their own abysmal depths.”  – Bishop Fulton Sheen

Those of us who are constitutional conservatives and believe the words of the Holy Bible and America’s founders, who sought freedom and liberty for mankind, fear a dystopian society that imposes a harmful, oppressive, and miserable existence upon its citizens. The communists now in control of our federal government believe they are creating a “utopian” society promoted by Marx and Engels, but their utopia ultimately ends in starvation and death.  We’ve watched for multiple decades as decay has set in at the very core of our liberty loving nation and America has been torn from her freedom loving roots.

Freedom loving Americans have become the pariahs who must be terminated for the good of the Marxist utopian society.  Socialism makes you a slave to the government and that’s what has happened to our brainwashed public.

Covid-19 was used for many reasons against America by both China and Democratic Socialists, but the continued efforts by both parties to control the citizenry showed their true totalitarian natures. Lockdowns, masks and vaccines are far more dangerous to our health than Coronavirus and interestingly enough, we’ve had no seasonal flu this year.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, 70, told a Federalist Society virtual convention last November that he thought the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic serves as a “sort of constitutional stress test.” He argued that America has “never before seen restrictions as severe, extensive, and prolonged as those experienced for most of 2020” and raised concerns over their impact on individuals’ civil liberties. Link

The real virus infecting America is not Covid-19.  The Marxist-Leninist takeover of the Democrat Party is complete and the majority of the Republican Party is following the same path.  The real danger is communism; it’s here and it’s going to cost us unless we stand together and fight.

Mask Mandates

According to Anthony Fauci, who is now the chief medical advisor under Biden, we’re supposed to wear two masks to keep from catching the new variants of the Covid-19 virus, a paper mask and a cloth mask over it. (Remember that back in March of 2020, he said there was no reason to be walking around with a mask.)  Maybe three or four would be even better, to totally cut off our oxygen intake. CNBC touts that their experts suggest wearing three!  Did we ever wear a mask for the seasonal flu virus in the past?  Never! (Wait, I’m wrong…excuse me, many wore masks during the 1918-1919 Spanish flu epidemic that killed 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States.)

Why did anyone think wearing a warm, moist rag a millimeter away from his or her mouth, for hours at a time, creating the ideal conditions for bacteria to multiply, would be a good thing?  Link

In a previous article regarding Dr. Anthony Fauci, I stated that he had co-authored a paper about the 1918-1919 Spanish flu and said that many had died of bacterial pneumonia.  This is true.  However, I had also stated that he claimed masks were the cause.  A devoted reader corrected me.  Fauci did not claim that bacterial pneumonia was caused by masks but it’s interesting that wearing masks has caused numerous problems, including impetigo (usually caused by a staph infection), dental problems, yeast infections, acne etc.  Link  Today, doctors are warning that bacterial pneumonia is on the rise…and yes, it’s from wearing masks.  Maybe Fauci and his friends forgot to mention this fact, or didn’t discover it.

Despite the knowledge that this evil Covid-19 virus was made in a bioweapon lab in Wuhan, China, it is still a virus and no more people have died in 2020 than have died in years past in America.  Johns Hopkins reported that the yearly death rate remains normal despite Covid-19.  Deaths from heart disease, respiratory disease, influenza, pneumonia and other causes have far lower stats for 2020, where Covid-19 deaths are higher.  Yet the average of yearly deaths remains the same.  Why?  Because everyone is being categorized as dying from Covid-19 rather than their underlying comorbidity. The study was immediately withdrawn and trashed.

US Intelligence tells us that the Chinese government is collecting American’s DNA.  Link  60 Minutes has learned that the Chinese company, BGI Group, the largest biotech firm in the world, offered to build Covid labs in at least six states, and U.S. intelligence officials issued warnings not to share health data with BGI. The story was on Sunday, 31 January 21 on 60 minutes.

Beijing Genomics Institute, is a Chinese genome sequencing company, headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. It was formed in 1999 to participate in the Human Genome Project as a genetics research center.

100 More Days

President Biden, elected via Dominion machines with Smartmatic software connected to the internet and sent to multiple foreign countries in order to intercept data of America’s 2020 election, has decided all federal people throughout the country should be masked until May 1st, 2021.  And he wants all 50 states to follow through with mask mandates.

I see toddlers and young children with masks on their faces, put there by parents who believe the propaganda spewed by mainstream media.  It makes me heartsick.  And people alone in their cars with masks on their faces!  The entire country wore masks everywhere for months, yet we had another surge of the virus.  Our citizens are fools.  We have become a nation of controlled lemmings who are abandoning freedom!

One Los Angeles health official went so far as to say that not wearing a mask is domestic terrorism!   In another article, a couple was escorted off a plane because their two-year-old son refused to wear a mask!  Never reported are those who are dying from mask wearing.  If you’re outside, get the danged thing off your face!

The unelected tyrants in local health departments are issuing these decrees without any studies whatsoever.  I wonder how many of them own stock in the mask making companies.

We are not the citizens who won back-to-back World Wars!  America’s propagandists in the mainstream media have stampeded the public into fear and panic over the virus in order to generate support for their totalitarian agenda.  Few Americans have seen through it…and that is most alarming.


According to the CDC, along with studies by people in the age groups of 0 to 19 have a 99.997% chance of survival if they contract COVID-19, the age group of 20 to 49 a 99.98% chance, 50 to 69 years old 99.5% and 70 years old and above a 94.6% chance.

The case fatality rate of Covid-19 is 0.1 to 0.3 percent which is the same exact case fatality rate as the regular seasonal flu.  They shut down the entire world economy for a lie!  The WHO came out with a 3.4 case fatality rate and Fauci came along and cut it to 1.0 rate, which is 10 times higher than seasonal influenza. The middleclass was purposely destroyed, and they still have foolish Americans in masks.

Last September One America News reported that medical researchers from UCLA and Stanford University found that the chances of dying from Covid are much lower than previously thought.  Even the likelihood of contracting the virus, going to the hospital or even death from Covid-19 is an extremely rare event.  An average person in an average county has a one in 3,836 chance of becoming infected and that’s without wearing masks or doing any social distancing.  Odds of being hospitalized are vanishingly small even for people in the at-risk category.

If you’re between the ages of 50-64 years old, the chances of getting the virus and needing hospitalization are one in 852,000.  And for that same person who is at risk, the chance of dying from Coronavirus is one in 19.1 million.  All these stats are from last May 2020 when deaths were 16 times higher than when this was reported.  The risk from dying in an automobile crash is one in 114.  Yet, we were sold lockdown insanity.

One America News also reported that researchers in Australia say Ivermectin can cure Covid in 48 hours.  Ivermectin is typically used for parasitic infections, yet a peer review study conducted last April stated Ivermectin could kill the virus with one dose.

One of my neighbors is elderly.  She contracted Covid-19 and her smell and taste was gone, and she had sinus problems.  Her physician gave her Azithromycin and she recovered.  She is 82, her husband is 88 and he has a comorbidity.  He insisted on sleeping with her should she have a problem in the night, and he watched over her even though she wanted him to sleep in another bedroom.  She was fine, and he never contracted Covid.


Small businesses have been wiped out, and millions of middleclass Americans have been decimated.  Yet, the big box stores allowed to stay open have flourished while small businesses faced total destruction.  Far more damage has been done to middle America by the lockdowns than by the fraudulently dangerous Covid-19 flu.

Cases of Covid-19 rose despite the lockdowns.  Of course, they did…the locked down folks needed to be exposed to get herd immunity, but the totalitarian dictators knew that every time the lockdown was lifted, Covid-19 would spread again, and they could force another lockdown.  Over the course of the past year, class inequalities have grown wider and have become more entrenched. And yet, at each turn, left-wing lockdown lovers have demanded ever-more severe restrictions on people’s lives.

Had America left the entire country open; Professor Isaac Ben-Israel claims that within 40 to 70 days the virus would have passed through all of those who were not sheltered for comorbidities, and it would have been over.  Unfortunately, the communist controllers in this country wanted the Trump economy destroyed along with small businesses so that they would rely on government handouts, and the middle class who loves freedom would be decimated.  Well done by the Marxists in control.  How many have committed suicide because their life’s work was ruined by the shutdowns and then by the communist BLM and Antifa riots.  And nothing was done to stop them!  Nothing!

How easily we have snowballed into a full-fledged Marxist/fascist nation, with political dictators releasing criminals from prison and imprisoning those who refuse lockdown orders.

Truth in Medicine

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) have been at the forefront of telling us the truth.  They knew that Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Azithromycin (Z-Pak) and common zinc cured early onset Covid-19.  Dr. Simone Gold, who is also an attorney, said, “Follow the science always meant ‘follow,’ but never the ‘science.’”  A new study out of New Jersey actually validates what the frontline docs have told us.

Dr. Gold tweeted, “On Inauguration Day, 6+ months after AFLDS said it, The WHO announced a single PCR test is not reliable. “Coincidentally” the number of “cases” will now plummet.”

How many times have we heard that the tests are unreliable?  WHO confirms the PCR test has a problem, one day after Biden inaugurated.

Elon Musk had four tests in one day by the very same way, same machine, left nostril positive twice, and right nostril negative twice.  Sounds like we’ve been had!

PCR assays are not designed to be used as diagnostic tools, as they can’t distinguish between inactive viruses and “live” or reproductive ones.  Besides that, previously, the WHO had recommended 45 “amplification” cycles of the test to determine whether someone was positive for Covid or not.

The thing is, the more cycles that a test goes through, the more likely that a false positive will come up — anything over 30 cycles actually magnifies the samples so much that even insignificant sequences of viral DNA end up being magnified to the point that the test reads positive even if your viral load is extremely low or the virus is inactive and poses no threat to you or anyone else.

In one Colorado county, they’ve admitted nearly half of the deaths from Covid were false.  All deaths were designated as Covid, but were false.  The CDC now claims that 94% of all coronavirus deaths were supplementary, meaning, the person had co-morbidities. Less than 10,000 Americans have died from Covid-19 alone.  The CDC apparently changed Covid criteria that inflated fatalities ten-fold, and actually broke federal law.


There are no guardrails on the left or the right to protect the Republic from communism.  Other than a handful of constitutionalists, both parties have joined the socialist agenda. President Trump, as much as he did for America in four years, and as much as he loved her and her citizens, he lacked discernment in hiring good people and continually chose from the swamp.

Matt Bracken writes in the American Partisan, “The American Left has no self-correction mechanism. (Examples of contemporary Leftist insanity: transsexuals welcomed into the military, biological boys ordered onto girls’ sports teams and in girls locker rooms, etc.) This Leftist insanity is anything but unprecedented. From the French Revolution, to the Paris Commune, the Bolshevik Revolution and through all the horrors of 20th Century Communism, the Left has proven that when it is unchecked, it will drive at full speed straight off the cliff of civilized norms of behavior into totalitarian systems of guillotines, Gulags, forced starvations, and killing fields.”

Matt is right…we are there.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

Joe’s Jews — “This is what Democrats voted for”

Quick question: What is the most fanatical terrorist state in the world?

Quick answer: According to a 2017 report––the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism is Iran.

I go back to 2017 to remind readers that this report was issued by the new Trump Administration’s State Department and that it departed radically from the assessment of Barack Obama’s State Department and the previous eight years of the Obama regime’s starry-eyed infatuation with that terrorist state, to the degree that both Barack Obama and then-VP Joe Biden were enthusiastic co-architects of the Iran deal (aka the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action).

The Obama-Biden deal offered the mullahs relief from sanctions and mountains of money in exchange for their oh-so-trustworthy promise to use the nuclear weapons they were developing exclusively for peaceful purposes.

And yet, after the deal was signed on July 14, 2015––significantly, and I believe purposefully, during the three-week mourning period that Jews observe every year for the destruction of the Holy Temples in Jerusalem––and after Obama-Biden gave Iran $150 billion, and then another $1.3 billion!, Iran’s hostilities substantially increased in terror sprees in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq.

And that is not to omit Iran’s bountiful sponsorship of terrorist groups including Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and other Palestinian groups like Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, in addition to their murderous militias of terrorism against U.S. troops.

But to me, all that pales in comparison to the oft-repeated statements of the mullahs of Iran––including Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei––who have been calling Israel a “cancerous tumor” and threatening to “wipe Israel off the map” for decades now.

Significantly, German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government has declared that Iran’s call to obliterate the State of Israel is not an expression of antisemitism but simply “anti-Israel rhetoric.” Coming from Germany, never has the expression “consider the source” been more apt!

It is important to remember that during his infamous basement campaign, candidate Biden said that his “top priority” was to reenter the genocidal-to-Israel Iran Deal.

This is what Democrats voted for. This is what Jewish Democrats voted for.


Let’s look at the appointments and proposed appointments, so far, of the Biden-Harris regime.

MAHER BITAR for Senior Director for Intelligence of the National Security Council (NSC). According to the esteemed Daniel Greenfield, Biden has put an aggressive anti-Israel activist and Boycott/Divest/Sanction (BDS) supporter––who has called for the destruction of Israel––in this powerful position. At a conference in Georgetown of the Palestine Solidarity Movement––a BDS anti-Israel hate group––Bitar lectured on how to best demonize Israel. “Bitar’s rise through the ranks,” writes Greenfield, “speaks to the abandonment of Israel by the Democrats and the ineptitude of pro-Israel advocates at fighting the personnel battles that define the government.”

ANTHONY BLINKEN, who is Jewish, for Secretary of State. According to the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), “after notorious Jew-hater and BDS promoter Linda Sarsour spoke at the Democratic National Convention,” a Biden staffer “mollified” the outraged Jewish community by stating that Biden “condemns [Sarsour’s] views and opposes BDS…” But “Blinken and other top Biden staffers quickly apologized profusely to Sarsour! He also praised radical anti-Israel J Street as a ‘constructive force,” and opposed designating the terrorist Iranian IRGC as a foreign terror organization.

KRISTEN CLARKE to head the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. Paul Miller, executive director of the Haym Salomon Center, documents that Clarke “has a troubling history of advocating for anti-Semites and representing anti-Semitic lies as ‘fact.’” In one of many examples, Miller cites that as the head of Harvard’s Black Students Association, Clarke endorsed and supported Tony Martin, a staunch anti-Semite and Holocaust denier who wrote a book called The Jewish Onslaught in which he attacked Judaism and the Jewish people. Clarke said he based his opinions on “indisputable fact.”

REEMA DODIN for Deputy Director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs. According to the ZOA, Dodin’s background as a Palestinian propagandist and supporter of suicide bombings is so egregious that she should be fired on the spot. Dodin also organized anti-Israel rallies at UC Berkeley; spread Medieval-style blood libels, including the false claim that Israel denies Palestinian Arabs food, water, and medical treatment, et al. She was also a leader of the Hamas-affiliated Muslim Students Association and has close ties to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

AVRIL HAINES, who is Jewish, for Director of National Intelligence. Described as being rabidly anti-Israel, Haines was Obama’s deputy national security adviser and deputy director of the CIA and is now the deputy director of Obama’s Columbia World Project which attracts huge donations from foreign sources, many of them openly anti-Israel. Last May, she signed a vicious J Street letter with 30 notoriously Israel-loathing former foreign-policy officials calling on the Democrat Party to oppose Israel’s lawful rights in Judea and Samaria, et al.

JOHN KERRY, who has Jewish roots, as Envoy for Climate. With personal connections to Iran, Kerry has been accused of “nuclear nepotism.” Adam Berkowitz has written that “even the Israeli leftist newspaper Haaretz is appalled by John Kerry’s bungled, counterproductive, utter capitulation to Hamas.” And Joseph Klein has written of Kerry’s farewell stab at Israel when he was Secretary of State under Obama.

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE for White House Press Secretary. The former head of, a far-left anti-Israel group, and recent campaign adviser for Kalamity Harris, Jean-Pierre has praised lawmakers for boycotting pro-Israel groups and has accused Israel of “war crimes.” And during the Democratic primary, she celebrated Democrats who boycotted the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)––a lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to Congress.

ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, who is Jewish, for Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas is a board member of HIAS, which partners with terrorism-financier Islamic Relief. He has undermined Israeli repatriation policies regarding illegal immigrants and signed a letter defending and praising Jew-basher Linda Sarsour. Mayorkas’ involvement with HIAS contradicts the role of DHS, which is to protect the safety of Americans.

DENIS McDONOUGH for Secretary of the Veterans Administration. The former Chief of Staff for Obama, McDonough spoke at the anti-Israel J Street convention and falsely condemned Israel’s “occupation.” As Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, he praised the imam of a Virginia mosque, knowing that the imam was a Muslim Brotherhood leader and VP of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which directly funds Hamas.

SUSAN RICE for Domestic Policy Advisor (aka Biden’s Valerie Jarrett). The serial liar and inveterate Israel- basher was Obama’s senior foreign-policy advisor and also John Kerry’s chief foreign-policy adviser when he ran for President. Kerry’s idea for dealing with the Middle East was to appoint not one but two diehard enemies of Israel––James Baker and Jimmy Carter–as negotiators. Faced with a firestorm of criticism, Kerry backed down and blamed his staff, which consisted of Susan Rice!

WENDY SHERMAN, who is Jewish, for Deputy Secretary of State. Sherman negotiated the disastrous Iran deal. An Amazon reviewer summed up Sherman’s 2018 book as follows: “A weak apologia from someone who mishandled every major negotiation she worked on.” Again, ZOA spokesmen spell out Sherman’s threat to Israel of consequences from the United Nations (aka the virulently anti-Israel cesspool in NY City) if Israel did not accept a Palestinian [terror] state; she praised arch-terrorist Yasir Arafat as “the leader of the resistance movement” and downplayed the PLO suicide bombings and other terror attacks on innocent Israelis that Arafat engineered; on and on.

Unfortunately, because of space limitations, this is the short list! But you can see some of Biden’s other Jew-hating, Israel-loathing appointments here.

This is what Democrats voted for. This is what Jewish Democrats voted for.


But we love Jews and we love Israel, Democrats––including Jewish Democrats––exclaim! After all, they say, Joe’s children married Jews so he has Jewish grandchildren, and Kalamity Harris is married to a Jew, and look how many Jews Joe has appointed so far! All true, but what they fail to mention is that Joe’s Jews have a particularly poisonous antipathy to Israel––a condition unmistakably and accurately identified as antisemitism!

Make no mistake, Biden’s Court Jews, like Obama’s, are identical to those of the past––going back centuries––who financed, supported, licked the boots of and sold out the Jewish people in order to gain the personal influence, privileges, wealth, proximity to power, and protection that the “nobles” afforded them.

These quislings helped Roman emperors and other leaders over centuries kill Jews. They helped Hitler kill Jews. But after their groveling and traitorous service, they were blamed for economic downturns and used as scapegoats to explain away the failures of the evil regimes and leaders they abetted.

Journalist Melanie Phillips once wrote of Obama that he “is attempting to throw Israel under the Islamist bus, and he’s getting American Jews to do his dirty work for him…” Looks suspiciously identical to what Biden & Co. have already begun with his appointments of people who clearly hate Jews and loathe Israel.

Writer Mona Charen once wrote of Obama’s “genocidal hostility toward Israel.” Is there any difference today?


Why would people who hate Jews surround themselves with so many of them? As Don Vito Corleone warned his son Michael, “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”

As much as the enemies of Jews hate them, they also fear them. They can’t figure out how a historically besieged people—whose population today is about 15 million, as compared to, say, Muslims whose population is 1.3 billion, or a world of almost eight billion—have not only managed to survive the Inquisition, Crusades., pogroms, concentration camps and pandemics of anti-Semitism, but to flourish and rise to the top echelons of any community they’ve ever lived in.

In short, they want the brains of the Jews and also the ability to blame them when things go wrong!

But don’t these smart Jews know they’re being used? Yes and no. They’ve studied history, but they think that the passage of time has made them immune from mistakes of the past. Of course they’re wrong. Fools and dupes always get fooled and duped.

Unfortunately, too many Jews over the ages have been seduced by the hope-and-change rhetoric of the Left, so yearning are they to be “liked” by the cultures that have ultimately rejected them.

Today, we can only guess that the Democrats––including the Jewish Democrats––who voted for Biden and literally wept for joy at his inauguration, are simply crazy about everything he promised, including (this is the very very short list):

  • High taxes that inevitably lead to massive unemployment,
  • A decidedly weakened military,
  • Bad-for-America trade deals,
  • Bad-for-Israel policies,
  • The end to energy independence (already done),
  • The obliteration of women’s sports (already done).
  • Aha! Abortion… a virtual sacrament of the Left!

Or maybe they simply hated hated hated the highest employment of blacks and Asians and Hispanics and women in American history brought about by President Donald J. Trump.

No matter. History has taught us, as the Jewish prophet Hosea said: “They who sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.”

The Biden whirlwind is here. It’s just a matter of time before all the horror and destruction of his regime is fully realized––and blamed on the Jews!

Plus ça change, plus la même chose.

©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Launches Ambitious Crackdown on Big Tech

Finally we have a politician who is taking action against big tech. Governor DeSantis’ remarkable leadership is the reason millions of Americans are flocking to Florida. If President Trump decides not to run for POTUS in 2024, then Governor DeSantis is unquestionably our candidate. He is awesome.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Launches Ambitious Crackdown on Big Tech

By Breitbart, February 2, 2021

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) announced a major push to curb Big Tech’s political bias and censorship today, with measures including a ban on the censorship of political candidates and mandatory opt-outs of content filters for citizens of the Sunshine State.

In a 45-minute speech, the governor identified Big Tech companies as the leading threat to American democracy and freedom of expression today, and pledged that Florida Republicans would take action.

The new regulations announced by DeSantis include:

  • Mandatory opt-outs from big tech’s content filters, a solution to tech censorship first proposed by Breitbart News in 2018.
  • A private right of action for Floridian citizens against tech companies that violate this condition.
  • Fines of $100,000 per day levied on tech companies that suspend candidates for elected office in Florida from their platforms.
  • Daily fines for any tech company “that uses their content and user-related algorithms to suppress or prioritize the access of any content related to a political candidate or cause on the ballot.”
  • Greater transparency requirements.
  • Disclosure requirements enforced by Florida’s election authorities for tech companies that favor one candidate over another.
  • Power for the Florida attorney general to bring cases against tech companies that violate these conditions under the state’s Unfair and Deceptive Practices Act.

This is the widest and most aggressive range of regulatory and legislative solutions so far proposed by any U.S. state to tackle the problem of tech censorship.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

BRILLIANT: President Trump’s Answer to Article of Impeachment

Schooling the destroyers in American freedom.

CLICK HERE TO READ President Donald J. Trump’s Answer to Article of Impeachment

Trump legal team argues impeachment article is in ‘violation’ of Constitution, calls on Senate to acquit

Trump legal team denies that the former president violated the oath of office

By Tyler Olson | Fox News

Former President Donald Trump’s legal team on Tuesday filed its response to the House article of impeachment ahead of next week’s trial, denying wrongdoing and calling for the Senate to acquit Trump of the charge.

The answer denies that Trump violated his oath of office while also saying that he was protected by the First Amendment in response to claims he incited an insurrection.

“It is denied that the 45th President of the United States ever engaged in a violation of his oath of office,” the Trump legal team brief says. “To the contrary, at all times, Donald J. Trump fully and faithfully executed his duties as President of the United States, and at all times acted to the best of his ability to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, while never engaging in any high Crimes or Misdemeanors.”

Trump’s legal team also argues that a Senate trial against him would be unconstitutional.

“Donald John Trump, 45th President of the United States, respectfully requests the Honorable Members of the Senate of the United States dismiss Article I: Incitement of Insurrection against him as moot, and thus in violation of the Constitution, because the Senate lacks jurisdiction to remove from office a man who does not hold office,” the brief says.

The argument from Trump’s counsel that the trial is constitutionally impermissible is one that is supported by the vast majority of the Republicans in the Senate. Last week Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., raised a point of order, claiming that it is unconstitutional for the Senate to hold an impeachment trial of a former president.

It was defeated by a 55-45 vote, with five Republicans joining all 50 Senate Democrats in what is likely to be the final word on whether or not the trial may proceed – it’s highly unlikely any court would step in and tell the Senate how to run the trial.

But it would take 17 Republicans joining all 50 Senate Democrats to convict Trump on the impeachment article, meaning a dozen Senate Republicans would have to change their mind about the trial’s constitutionality for Democrats to even have a chance of convicting the former president.
Former President Donald Trump speaks to the crowd before boarding Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021. Trump’s second impeachment trial begins next Tuesday. (AP Photo/Luis M. Alvarez)

Former President Donald Trump speaks to the crowd before boarding Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021. Trump’s second impeachment trial begins next Tuesday. (AP Photo/Luis M. Alvarez)


The brief also doubles down on the false claims that Trump won the election.

“To the extent Averment 5 alleges his opinion is factually in error, the 45th President denies this allegation,” the brief reads, referencing the House’s allegation that Trump at his Jan. 6 rally “reiterated false claims that ‘we won this election, and we won it by a landslide.’”

“Insufficient evidence exists upon which a reasonable jurist could conclude that the 45th President’s statements were accurate or not, and he therefore denies they were false,” the brief also says.

Trump’s previous legal team quit over his demand that they make an election fraud case, Fox News was told. Trump’s new legal team of Bruce Castor Jr. and David Schoen were the only two lawyers signed onto the document that was submitted to the Senate on Tuesday.

Earlier Tuesday, the House impeachment managers filed their pre-trial brief, essentially previewing their argument against Trump in the trial that’s set to start next Tuesday.

“In a grievous betrayal of his Oath of Office, President Trump incited a violent mob to attack the United States Capitol during the Joint Session, thus impeding Congress’s confirmation of Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the winner of the presidential election,” the impeachment managers, led by Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., wrote. “As it stormed the Capitol, the mob yelled out ‘President Trump Sent Us,’ ‘Hang Mike Pence,’ and ‘Traitor Traitor Traitor.’”

They added: “This is not a case where elections alone are a sufficient safeguard against future abuse; it is the electoral process itself that President Trump attacked and that must be protected from him and anyone else who would seek to mimic his behavior.”

Trump’s second impeachment trial will be ‘grand political theater’: Howard Kurtz Video

But the Trump team brief on Tuesday directly addresses the allegation that the former president incited the riot.

“It is denied that the phrase ‘if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore’ had anything to do with the action at the Capitol as it was clearly about the need to fight for election security in general, as evidenced by the recording of the speech,” the Trump team brief reads. “It is denied that President Trump intended to interfere with the counting of Electoral votes.”

It adds: “The purpose of the Joint Sessions of Congress in 2017 and on Jan. 6, 2021, was for Members of Congress to fulfill their duty to be certain the Electoral College votes were properly submitted, and any challenges thereto properly addressed under Congressional rules. Congress’ duty, therefore, was not just to certify the presidential election. Its duty was to first determine whether certification of the presidential election vote was warranted and permissible under its rules.”

Outside of a range of answers to the specific allegations from the House impeachment managers, the Trump team brief also previews a menu of legal arguments it says support the argument that the Senate should not convict Trump.

These include the Senate lacking jurisdiction to hear a trial of a former president; that Trump’s speech was protected by the First Amendment; that the House ignored due process in “rushing to issue an Article of Impeachment”; that Chief Justice John Roberts will not oversee the trial, and that the House weaves together a plethora of independent allegations into a single article of impeachment.

Trump’s team and the House impeachment managers will submit another round of briefs next Monday. These will be the House managers’ reply to Trump’s answer today, and the Trump team’s pre-trial brief.

The impeachment trial will then start in earnest next Tuesday.

RELATED ARTICLE: INSANE! Compromised House ‘impeachment managers’ say Trump “singularly responsible” for Capitol attack

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Obama’s Third Term

RELATED ARTICLE: The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America

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Chilling: Democrat Cynthia McKinney Discusses ‘Jewish Problem’ With White Supremacists

Watch. Your blood will run cold.

Chilling: Cynthia McKinney Discusses Jewish Problem With White Supremacists

As someone who monitors Jew-hatred on an almost daily basis, I thought I’d seen everything.

By David Lange, Israelly Cool, January 29, 2021:

Then I watched this video.

In it, former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney – an African American – pow-wows with some White supremacists (including the detestable Angelo John Gage) about the Jewish problem.

I’ve distilled the worst parts out of the hour long video in to about ten minutes. What you’ll see, amongst other things, is:

  • The Black McKinney speaking about the need for Blacks to unite with the KKK to defeat the Jewish enemy
  • McKinney calling the Jews “really evil people,” “Khazarians,” and “bloody”
  • McKinney claiming the Jews used the Civil Rights movement solely as a tool for their own advancement
  • McKinney lamenting you “can’t wipe [the Jews] out”
  • McKinney alleging Covid is a bio weapon invented by the Jews

This is truly Kafkaesque, but goes to show how the immense power of Jew hatred leads to the strangest bedfellows.


In Tweets, Ex-US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Questions Number of Holocaust Victims

Why Haven’t the 9/11 Jihad Plotters Been Tried Yet?

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NATIONWIDE ELECTION FRAUD: Totalitarian Democrats Reintroduce Bill for Nationwide Mail-in Voting

The Nazis are on the march. Mail-in voting should be BANNED. This would enshrine totalitarian rule for the foreseeable future.

Democrat Lawmakers Introduce Bill for Nationwide Mail-in Voting: Necessary to ‘Make Real Progress’

By: Hannah Bleau, Breitbart News, 28 Jan 20211,649

Two Democrat lawmakers introduced a bill on Thursday, dubbed the “Vote at Home Act,” to expand “Oregon-style” mail-in voting nationwide, contending that the move is necessary to “make real progress” in the country.

The billintroduced by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), is designed to “fight voter suppression” as detailed by Wyden’s press release. The measure would “massively expand vote-at-home ballot access, provide voters with pre-paid ballot envelopes and enact automatic voter registration.”

The lawmakers point to the unprecedented number of Americans who voted by mail in the 2020 presidential election — a move Democrats vehemently pushed. While progressives largely used the coronavirus pandemic as justification for opening the doors for mass mail-in voting, which many critics warn leads to mass fraud, universal vote-by-mail has existed as a primary goal for the Democrat Party, even prior to the pandemic. The measure introduced on Thursday essentially updates the vote-by-mail measure the two lawmakers introduced in 2017, long before the Wuhan virus struck.

Abrupt changes in state election laws, coupled with existing concerns of fraud and irregularities, led to a heated post-election battle, which essentially ended January 6 after Congress certified the electoral votes despite challenges from GOP lawmakers and ongoing concerns from millions of Americans who continue to question the integrity of the election.

Despite the continued concerns, the press release for the bill describes the expansion of mail-in-voting in 2020 as a resounding success.

“The legislation follows the successful expansion of voting at home and by mail in the November 2020 election, when nearly 50 percent of voters used a vote-at-home ballot, an all-time high in federal races,” it reads.

Per the release, the measure would:

  • Promote the Ability of Voters to Vote by Mail – All registered voters would receive ballots in the mail weeks before Election Day, allowing them to carefully research candidates and issues well ahead of Election Day to inform their vote.
  • Expand Options for Casting Ballots – All registered voters would have the ability to cast their ballot through the mail or a drop-off site. Voters residing in states with in-person, same-day registration would still have the option to vote at a polling station in lieu of voting at home.
  • Fund the United States Postal Service – The legislation would provide the USPS funding to cover costs associated with mailing ballots both to and from voters in federal elections. This would allow states to save money by transitioning away from polling stations and reduce a major barrier for voters with the federal government absorbing the cost associated with USPS delivery.
  • Enact Automatic Voter Registration – States would be required to ensure that each citizen who provides identifying information to the state motor vehicle authority is automatically registered to vote.

Wyden on Thursday said that mass mail-in voting is necessary to “make real progress” in the country:

Blumenauer appeared to agree, contending that the right to vote is “under threat in communities” across the nation.

“Last year we saw a widespread expansion of vote-at-home access as a safe and secure way to participate during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Blumenauer said in a statement.

“We should continue to make voting easier, not harder,” he added. “This important bill would strengthen and clarify the right to vote at home, the most secure and convenient way for voters to exercise the franchise”:

Unlike the dozens of states that altered their election laws last year, Oregon already allowed vote-by-mail prior to the pandemic.

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden’s campaign mailing out filled in ballots ‘PRE-FILLED VOTE BY MAIL application’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Washington Post Says They Won’t Hold Joe Biden Accountable With ‘Fact Checker’ Like They Did With Trump

Scumbaggery. On steroids.

When it came to President Trump, every newspaper and media outlet in the country did everything they could to make him appear to be a “liar” by keeping a record of his “false statements.”

Washington Post Says They Won’t Hold Joe Biden Accountable With “Fact Checker” Like They Did With Trump

By: Clayton Keirns, Trending Politics, January 25, 2021:

When it came to President Trump, every newspaper and media outlet in the country did everything they could to make him appear to be a “liar” by keeping a record of his “false statements”.

The Washington Post even had a dedicated spot on their website that would track everything he said that deemed to be “false”. Turns out most of the claims on their list were distorted by THEM in order to make Trump sound like he was saying something that he really wasn’t.

However, now they are assuring the American people that they will not be holding Joe Biden accountable in the same way (even though he has been a proven liar over the past 5 decades)In fact, the reason they refuse to fact check Biden is because – get this – they assume he’ll “be like Obama”.


Here’s what WaPo told the Daily Caller about it’s decision to not hold Joe Biden accountable for his statements:

“Trump’s departure also equals an end to having a false claims project for the current president…We do not have plans to launch a Biden database at this time.”

“The database of Trump claims was started a month after Trump became president as a way to not overwhelm our fact-checking enterprise, where the core mission is to explain complex policy issues,” they added.

On January 16th, WaPo fact-checker Glenn Kessler told CNN why they’re saying “no thanks” to a Biden fact check team:

“I assume the Biden presidency will be a lot like the Obama presidency, and that they will be responsive, and will be able to quickly back up what they’re saying,” he said.

So because he’ll “be like Obama”, they don’t feel the need to fact check anything he says. This is despite the fact that Obama was one of the biggest liars the Oval Office has ever seen.

RELATED ARTICLE: Twitter Suspends Spanish Political Party After ‘Stop Islamization’ Campaign

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Biden’s climate order HALTING drilling on federal lands KILLS 58K jobs

The Biden Administration’s assault on the energy industry is moving at lightning speed. What a disaster. President Trump warned everyone that this would happen if Joe Biden was elected POTUS.

Beijing Biden administration is a wrecking ball to America. Period. Whoever voted for these destroyers is guilty of “insurrection.”

Biden’s climate order halting drilling on federal lands will kill 58K jobs, oil group warns

By Fox News, January 28, 2021

Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, argued on Thursday that President Biden’s order to halt drilling on federal lands will kill 58,700 jobs in eight states in the West, “where over 97% of the federal production is found.”

Sgamma made the argument on “Fox & Friends” the morning after Biden announced his executive order which the president said, “directs the secretary of the interior to stop issuing new oil and gas leases on public lands and offshore waters.”

“We are going to start properly manage lands and waterways in ways that allow us to protect, preserve the full value that they provide for us for future generations,” President Biden added.

On Wednesday Western Energy Alliance, which represents 200 oil and natural gas companies, filed a lawsuit challenging Biden’s executive order banning oil and natural gas leasing on federal public lands, according to a news release.

The release cited the complaint which, “challenges Biden’s order as exceeding presidential authority and constituting a violation of the Mineral Leasing Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and the Federal Lands Policy and Management Act.”

Sgamma pointed to a study from the American Petroleum Industry, which she noted revealed “about 10.3 million people directly or indirectly derive their wages and income from the oil and natural gas industry.”

She noted that the impact of President Biden’s executive order to halt drilling on federal lands would be “felt the most” in the West, “where there is about 700 million acres of federal land,” stressing that she was referring to “working landscapes in the west that are owned and managed by the federal government.”

She noted that Yosemite National Park and Yellowstone National Park were excluded because they are “protected areas.”

Biden signed a total of 17 executive orders within minutes of entering the Oval Office for the first time on Wednesday. The orders reversed a number of Trump administration policies and covered areas Biden identified as his priorities on the campaign trail, including climate change.

In addition to temporarily suspending oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters, Biden halted the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in the series of orders aimed at tamping down the U.S. fossil fuel industry and combating climate change.

In remarks made by Biden on Wednesday before signing executive actions on tackling climate change, the president pointed to “a key plank” of his Build Back Better Recovery Plan, which he noted “is building a modern, resilient climate infrastructure and clean energy future that will create millions of good-paying union jobs.”

“This notion that killing oil and natural gas is suddenly going to create jobs elsewhere is just a false one,” Sgamma said.

“The energy we use in the United States, over 70% of it comes from oil and natural gas so people still need to drive their cars, they need to heat their homes, they need to turn on the switch and have reliable electricity 24/7,” she continued.



1 Million People Could Lose Their Jobs Thanks to This Move by Biden

BOMBSHELL: Robinhood employee says the White ☭ House pressured HALT of GameStop Trading

Democrats introduce bill to strip President Trump of his government pension

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Hamas-linked CAIR sues U.S. government, claiming terrorism watchlist is unconstitutional

“They said many Americans experience such delays during travel, often at random.”

Yes, and often not at random: American Airlines, for one, is far more hostile to foes of jihad terror than to Sharia supremacists and advocates of Sharia-based oppression of women and others.

Anyway, this case has a good chance of succeeding given today’s political climate, but the Terrorism Screening Database is unlikely to be scrapped altogether; it will just be filled up with opponents of Biden’s handlers’ regime.

“Is the Terrorism Watchlist Legal? Appeals Court Hears Virginia Case,” Associated Press, January 27, 2021 (thanks to Henry):

FALLS CHURCH — On Tuesday, a panel of federal appellate judges expressed concerns about ordering wholesale changes to a government terrorism watchlist. A lower court previously found the list of roughly 1 million individuals was constitutionally flawed.

The 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond heard arguments Tuesday on the constitutionality of the watchlist, also known as the Terrorism Screening Database.

Government lawyers urged the judges not to intervene in the executive branch’s administration of the list and its national security judgments.

Fundamentally, they said the problems encountered by those on the list, like enhanced screening at airports and delays at border crossings, were too insignificant to merit intervention on constitutional grounds. They said many Americans experience such delays during travel, often at random.

‘Far From Insignificant’
Gadeir Abbas, a lawyer with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which brought the suit on behalf of roughly two dozen Muslim clients, said the burden faced by those on the list is far from insignificant. He cited accounts from plaintiffs of being shackled and having guns pointed at them in front of their children at border crossings when agents encountered their names in the database.

“They are not just inconveniences,” Abbas said.

But J. Harvie Wilkinson, one of three judges who heard the case, said that while some plaintiffs experienced significant issues, others experienced only minor problems. He suggested it might be better for individual plaintiffs to file suits based on their own experiences, rather than just attacking the watchlist as a whole.

He also questioned whether the judiciary branch was able or qualified to require revisions to a program that the government insists is vital to national security….


Indonesia: Gay couple whipped for Sharia-banned sex

Palestinian Supreme Fatwa Council: Calls to follow the ‘modern Abrahamic religion are tantamount to apostasy’

Iran threatens to block short-notice inspections of its nuclear facilities by UN atomic agency

Iranian military top dog: ‘If we face the smallest mistake from the Zionist regime, we will raze Haifa and Tel Aviv’

Pentagon chief may increase number of US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq

Biden’s policy towards Iran could leave Israel no choice but to use military force

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why Cuomo’s Latest Tax Hike Proposal Would Accelerate New York’s Decline

New Yorkers had a rough, rough 2020. Governor Andrew Cuomo’s latest proposal would make 2021 even worse.

“New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed raising taxes on the wealthy to a combined level of 14.7%, which would be the highest state-and-local tax rate in the nation,” CNBC reports. “The tax increase would raise $1.5 billion for the state, Cuomo said Tuesday in an address unveiling his 2022 budget proposal.”

The tax increases would apply to those who earn more than $5 million a year. If implemented, New Yorkers would officially beat California for the top state and local tax rate in the nation; the Golden State currently comes in at 13.3 percent.

Governor Cuomo says the tax increases are necessary because unless the federal government passes a full bailout for the $15 billion state budget hole New York has created, it will have a large deficit to plug.

“New York cannot manage a $15 billion deficit,” Cuomo said. “It’s beyond what we can do.”

The governor favors hiking taxes on “the rich” rather than closing the budget gap solely by cutting spending.

Even before these proposed hikes, the Empire State already has the highest overall tax burden—beyond just income taxes—nationwide and one of the highest costs of living. The situation has only worsened during the COVID-19 crisis, with huge losses of life, in part due to the governor’s mandate forcing nursing homes to accept COVID-19-positive patients. And, drastic lockdowns imposed irrespective of actual pandemic data have ruined New York City’s economy and the cultural vibrancy that made it so appealing pre-pandemic.

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that people are fleeing in droves.

More than 300,000 people have left the city, according to official filings. Informal measures like U-Haul data similarly show New Yorkers moving elsewhere en masse. An astounding $34 billion in income left the area in 2020.

Over the summer, Governor Cuomo was literally reduced to calling up wealthy residents who’d fled and begging them to come back to New York City—even offering to cook for them and buy them drinks.

New York state officials should be doing everything they can to reverse this troubling trend; cutting taxes; removing regulations; expanding education options. If Cuomo successfully implements his tax hikes, though, it will only result in more people leaving the Empire State.

Why? It’s simple.

A tax proposal cannot be evaluated simply on its raw numbers. One must also take into account how it would change people’s behavior.

Successful people are not automatons; if anything, they are the most responsive and mobile members of society. And other thriving states like Florida and Texas offer not just warmer weather than New York, but zero state income taxes. It’s only natural that increased tax rates will prompt more people to leave the Empire State; nobody likes paying taxes or wants to have more of their money taken away. Even the super rich.

This will hurt the entire state, which will lose not only residents, but also their wealth, spending, investment, and businesses (aka jobs).

Ironically, the tax increase may not even raise the $1.5 billion in revenue that Cuomo hopes. Sometimes, an increase in income tax rates can actually decrease income-generating activity so much that overall tax revenues fall. This was the famous insight of economist Art Laffer, who served on Ronald Reagan’s board of economic advisors. We can’t know for sure whether it would apply here—taxes always disincentivize income earning, but only sometimes result in less tax revenue—but it’s certainly cause to be skeptical of Governor Cuomo’s revenue projections.

However, Governor Cuomo’s backward policy proposal has implications that reach much wider than just New York state and its most successful citizens. It’s another reminder that when it comes to government policy, incentives matter.

“Our economic verities have remained forever,” Laffer once explained. “They go back to caveman, pre-cavemen. Incentives matter: If you reward an activity, then people do more of it. If you punish an activity, people do less of it.”

This is why progressives often promote cigarette taxes or carbon taxes. They, at least in this setting, acknowledge that taxing something naturally discourages its consumption and production—you get less of it. Why does anyone want to do that for income?

The timeless economic reality of incentives doesn’t just call Cuomo’s tax hike on high earners into question. It ought to make us reconsider whether we should be punishing wealth-creation through taxing income at all.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Opinion Editor at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.


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Won’t Know Much About History

The old song said, “Don’t Know Much About History.” But if Joe Biden gets his way, we could revise the title to “Won’t Know Much About History.”

One of the last things outgoing-President Trump did was to sign an executive order on the 1776 Commission. It is geared toward teaching American school children about America’s true source of greatness.

Yet one of the first things incoming-President Biden did was to sign an executive order nullifying Trump’s 1776 initiative.

After Biden’s action—on his first day in office, as if this were a high priority—the 1776 Commission responded with a joint statement from its chairman, Dr. Larry P. Arnn, the president of Hillsdale College, prominent conservative African-American scholar Dr. Carol Swain, retired professor of Vanderbilt Law School, and Dr. Matthew Spalding, the vice president and dean of the school of government of Hillsdale’s D.C. campus.

They wrote, “The 1776 Report calls for a return to the unifying ideals stated in the Declaration of Independence. It quotes the greatest Americans, black and white, men and women, in devotion to these ideals. The Commission may be abolished, but these principles and our history cannot be. We will all continue to work together to teach and to defend them.”

The 1776 Report the commission released observes:

“The declared purpose of the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission is to ‘enable a rising generation to understand the history and principles of the founding of the United States in 1776 and to strive to form a more perfect Union.’ This requires a restoration of American education, which can only be grounded on a history of those principles that is ‘accurate, honest, unifying, inspiring, and ennobling.’”

Meanwhile, a group of historians condemns the 1776 Commission as being simplistic and misleading: “The report actually consists of two main themes. One is an homage to the Founding Fathers, a simplistic interpretation that relies on falsehoods, inaccuracies, omissions, and misleading statements. The other is a screed against a half-century of historical scholarship, presented largely as a series of caricatures, using single examples (most notably the ‘1619 Project’) to represent broader historiographical trends.”

I asked the aforementioned Dr. Carol Swain about this critique of the 1776 Commission. She told me, “They misunderstood the purpose of the Commission. We were not writing for academic scholars. It was never meant to be a comprehensive history report. We did want to address that part of today’s public debate as exemplified by the 1619 Project.”

The 1619 Project of the New York Times postulates that America’s real birth date was 1619 when the first African slaves came to these shores. Sadly, the 1619 Project is now being disseminated in many of our schools, thus, leading more young Americans to disparage our nation’s history.

But slavery was not unique to America—700,000 men dying in a national conflict that ended slavery is unique.

There is indeed a battle over American history. This is not just a battle over dry historical dates and names. It’s a battle over who we were, what we are, and what we will be.

What is America? In its essence, it is self-governance under God. Our Constitution is predicated on the Declaration of Independence, which mentions God four times. In effect, our founders declared their independence from England and their dependence upon God. As JFK put it, our founders declared, “The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.”

Jarrett Stepman of the Heritage Foundation wrote an entire book on the conflict over teaching the past, entitled, The War On History. He told me, “I think there’s been a long-term push, especially in education, not just the K-12 level but certainly from higher education, to basically turn around Americans and make them think that, ‘Well not only is our past unexceptional, it’s exceptionally bad.’ And I think that that narrative is so big in society now.”

He added, “We’re not a perfect country, as human beings are certainly not perfect. But this country has done a lot of great things….I think there are, unfortunately, a very powerful group of activists in this country, a lot of people in academia and higher education, who want to change that, who want to make Americans feel like their country is built on something terrible.”

I am of the persuasion that God did something unique in politics and world governance in the creation of the United States. Yes, slavery and mistreatment of the Native-Americans were there almost from the beginning. But these were in violation of the promise of America. They happened despite the promise of America, not because of it. And it was that promise that leaders like Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King appealed to in abolishing those injustices. History matters a great deal.

©Jerry Newcomb. All rights reserved.

Biden’s Brother Already Busted Selling Presidency For Profit…

President Joe Biden’s brother Frank promoted his relationship to the commander-in-chief in an Inauguration Day advertisement for the law firm he advises.

Frank Biden is a non-attorney senior advisor for the Berman Law Group. The firm is based in Boca Raton, Florida. Its ad featuring Frank Biden was printed in the Jan. 20 edition of the Daily Business Review, which is also based in Florida.

The ad focuses on a lawsuit the firm is leading against a group of Florida sugar cane companies. It features a photo of Frank Biden, along with quotes regarding his relationship with the incoming president and the family name.

In an email to CNBC, Frank Biden said he has not used his brother’s name to gain clients.

“I have never used my brother to obtain clients for my firm. Our firm has long been involved [with] this lawsuit. Social justice is something I have been involved in for years,” Frank Biden said. “I will never be employed by any lobbyist or lobbying firm.”


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©Populist Press. All rights reserved.

Back to the Endless Wars: U.S. Military Convoy Enters Northeast Syria

“A large US military convoy,” according to i24News, “entered northeastern Syria on Thursday.” Reportedly, the convoy “included some 40 trucks and armored vehicles and was backed from the air by helicopters.” Is Dotty Old Joe planning an American military misadventure in Syria? It wouldn’t be any surprise.

As former President Trump said last September, “the top people in the Pentagon…want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy. But we’re getting out of the endless wars, you know how we’re doing.” Not any more. The drumbeat to get American troops into Syria began almost immediately after Joe was anointed President-elect by the establishment media.

Of course, because of deep state interference in Trump’s presidency, we never really left Syria in the first place. Trump’s former special envoy for Syria, Never-Trumper Jim Jeffrey, boasted in November that he circumvented Trump’s orders to withdraw American troops from Syria by lying to the President. Jeffrey explained: “We were always playing shell games to not make clear to our leadership how many troops we had there,” and said that “the actual number of troops in northeast Syria is ‘a lot more than’ the roughly two hundred troops Trump initially agreed to leave there in 2019.”

What the Masters of War have in mind, however, appears to be a far greater commitment of American troops than even Jeffrey’s shell game allowed for. After all, how else are they going to keep happy “all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes”? There’s money to be made even in the devastated hellscape that is Syria after nearly a decade of civil war, and so our moral superiors are starting to beat the drums of war in Syria once again in order to ensure that Biden commits enough American troops to keep that money flowing into the right pockets.

And so the Associated Press reminded us at that time (in an article that was reprinted in the Huffington Post, which indicated an effort to make sure the far-Left will be on board) that “a half century after Hafez Assad launched a bloodless coup in Syria, his family still rules the country.” AP quoted English swamp creature Neil Quilliam of Chatham House’s Middle East and North Africa program: “There can be no doubt that 50 years of Assad family rule, which has been ruthless, cruel and self-defeating, has left the country what can only be described as broken, failed and almost forgotten.”

AP was not alone. The U.S. Embassy in Syria, no doubt a particularly fetid corner of the swamp, tweeted: “Russia and the Syrian regime hosted the so-called International Conference on Refugees. Conference staff left their microphones on during a live broadcast, they exposed the lies of the Assad regime by stating that Syrians would rather flee the country than return to it.” That followed a tweet Thursday by Kenneth Roth of Human Rights Watch: “Why are so few refugees willing to risk returning to Syria? Well, fear of being detained, tortured, and executed plays a big role. But rather than empty his nightmarish prisons, Syria’s Assad blames Western sanctions.”

Then when Syria’s foreign minister Walid al-Moalem died, Reuters’ obituary stated in its lead paragraph that al-Moalem was an “unyielding defender of Syrian President Bashar al Assad’s bloody crackdown on peaceful protesters that sparked a decade-old conflict.” Reuters did deign to inform us later on in the article, in sneering tones, that al-Moalem “labeled insurgents ‘jihadi terrorists,’” without bothering to note that he was correct. They behaved like jihad terrorists: in July 2013, U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army fighters entered the Christian village of Oum Sharshouh and began burning down houses and terrorizing the population, forcing 250 Christian families to flee the area. Then in September 2013, a day after then-Secretary of State John Kerry praised the Free Syrian Army as “a real moderate opposition,” the FSA took to the Internet to post videos of its attack on the ancient Syrian Christian city of Maaloula. And the New York Times reported in August 2014 about “a combined operation involving fighters from the Free Syrian Army, the Nusra Front and ISIS.” That is, jihad terrorists.

Assad is without any doubt a scoundrel. But as his undeniable evils begin to preoccupy the military and media anew, it is useful to ask cui bono. Who benefits? There are oppressive rulers all over the world; why is Assad once again the focus of all this negative attention? The answer is clear enough: toppling Assad is a bit of unfinished business left over from the Obama administration. Now that it looks as if the messianic internationalists are going to be back in the saddle again, they’re ready to resume working to “make the world safe for democracy,” as their messianic internationalist forbear Woodrow Wilson put it, and to remake the globe in accordance with their smug and miseducated sense of the way things ought to be.

And if, along the way, a few friends make a bit of money, what could be wrong with that? The world’s policeman is back on the beat, heedless once again of the spiraling risks of interventionism, and that guarantees that the weaponry will continue to be needed, and the money will keep on flowing. So tell us more, AP, Reuters and friends, about just how bad this Assad chap is, and why it is up to the United States to do something about it militarily. You’ll no doubt manage to fool millions yet again.


Biden administration trying to fix Obama’s Syria blunders with the same team that created them

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Official PA TV: ‘Holocaust was the price Jews paid for their ‎evil behavior…conspiracies and wickedness’

Israel: Military chief says attack plans against Iran are being revised in light of Biden’s return to nuke deal

Iran threatens to block UN nuclear site inspections while urging Biden to end sanctions

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Tulsi Gabbard SLAMS Adam Schiff, John Brennan, Big Tech as ‘DOMESTIC ENEMIES’ more dangerous than Capitol protesters

She slams Adam Schiff, John Brennan, Big Tech as “domestic enemies” more dangerous than Capitol protesters. Coming from a Democrat …..

Tulsi Gabbard slams Adam Schiff, John Brennan, and Big Tech as ‘domestic enemies’ more dangerous than Capitol rioters

By Emma Colton, Washington Examiner | January 26, 2021:

Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard slammed Rep. Adam Schiff, Big Tech, and former CIA director John Brennan as “domestic enemies” who are more dangerous than the rioters who stormed the Capitol.

“The mob that stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 to try to stop Congress from carrying out its constitutional responsibilities were behaving like domestic enemies of our country,” Gabbard said in a video she posted to her Twitter account Tuesday morning.

The mob who stormed the capitol to try to stop Congress from carrying out its constitutional responsibilities were behaving like domestic enemies of our country. But let us be clear, the John Brennan’s, Adam Schiffs and the oligarchs in Big Tech who are…
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) January 26, 2021

“But let’s be clear, the John Brennans, Adam Schiffs, and the oligarchs in Big Tech who are trying to undermine our constitutionally protected rights and turn our country into a police state with KGB-style surveillance are also domestic enemies, and much more powerful, and therefore dangerous, than the mob that stormed the Capitol,” she added.

The former Hawaii congresswoman has repeatedly slammed a bill proposed by Schiff to combat domestic terrorism. She also has taken issue with Brennan’s comments that Biden’s nominees “are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can” on activities he says are similar to “insurgency movements.”

Gabbard broke with many in her party late last year when she said former President Donald Trump had her support in terminating Section 230, which provides liability protections to internet publishers.

“@realDonaldTrump I fully support you on this. Please don’t back down. The freedom and future of our country is at stake,” Gabbard tweeted on Dec. 3.

She also introduced a bill that would ban abortions once a baby in the womb can feel pain, as well as another anti-abortion bill that would protect babies born after an attempted abortion.

Gabbard announced last year that she wouldn’t seek reelection for her seat in Congress and would instead focus on her presidential campaign, which she ultimately lost.

In her Tuesday video, she also called upon Biden to denounce those in power who threaten to take “away our civil liberties endowed to us by our Creator.”

“I call upon you, and all members of Congress from both parties to denounce these efforts by the likes of Brennan and others to take away our civil liberties that are endowed to us by our Creator and guaranteed in our Constitution. If you don’t stand up to these people now, then our country will be in great peril,” she said.


By Brittany Bernstein, National review, January 23, 2021:

Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democratic representative from Hawaii, on Friday expressed concern that a proposed measure to combat domestic terrorism could be used to undermine civil liberties.

Gabbard’s comments came during an appearance on Fox News Primetime when host Brian Kilmeade asked her if she was “surprised they’re pushing forward with this extra surveillance on would-be domestic terror.”

“It’s so dangerous as you guys have been talking about, this is an issue that all Democrats, Republicans, independents, Libertarians should be extremely concerned about, especially because we don’t have to guess about where this goes or how this ends,” Gabbard said.

She continued: “When you have people like former CIA Director John Brennan openly talking about how he’s spoken with or heard from appointees and nominees in the Biden administration who are already starting to look across our country for these types of movements similar to the insurgencies they’ve seen overseas, that in his words, he says make up this unholy alliance of religious extremists, racists, bigots, he lists a few others and at the end, even libertarians.”

She said her concern lies in how officials will define the characteristics they are searching for in potential threats.

“What characteristics are we looking for as we are building this profile of a potential extremist, what are we talking about? Religious extremists, are we talking about Christians, evangelical Christians, what is a religious extremist? Is it somebody who is pro-life? Where do you take this?” Gabbard said.

She said the proposed legislation could create “a very dangerous undermining of our civil liberties, our freedoms in our Constitution, and a targeting of almost half of the country.”
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“You start looking at obviously, have to be a white person, obviously likely male, libertarians, anyone who loves freedom, liberty, maybe has an American flag outside their house, or people who, you know, attended a Trump rally,” Gabbard said.

The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 was introduced in the House earlier this week in the aftermath of rioting at the U.S. Capitol earlier this month that left five dead.

“Unlike after 9/11, the threat that reared its ugly head on January 6th is from domestic terror groups and extremists, often racially-motivated violent individuals,” Representative Brad Schneider (D., Ill.) said in a statement announcing the bipartisan legislation.

“America must be vigilant to combat those radicalized to violence, and the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act gives our government the tools to identify, monitor and thwart their illegal activities. Combatting the threat of domestic terrorism and white supremacy is not a Democratic or Republican issue, not left versus right or urban versus rural. Domestic Terrorism is an American issue, a serious threat the we can and must address together,” he said.


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