Trump’s Feds save Gov. Witmer (D-MI) from kidnaping, Witmer blames POTUS for Attack?

This is getting into the realm of the Twilight Zone. Democrat Governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer was saved from a plot by anarchist terrorists to kidnap her. This plot was led by anarchist Brandon Caserta a ringleader of the group.

QUESTION: Why would anarchist Brandon Caserta want to kidnap Democrat Governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer?

ANSWER: Because he and his fellow anarchists believe that Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer is a tyrant!

Here’s a video Caserta posted on YouTube with the anarchist flag in the background.

President Trump tweeted this about the arrest of members of the anarchist group led by Caserta.

Caserta in the below video says the following about President Trump:

“Trump is not your friend dude” Trump is “a tyrant” and “enemy”.


Then Governor Witmer blames President Trump for the plot to kidnap her.



Democrat Governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer is a tyrant. The Supreme Court of Michigan has overturned her draconian emergency powers. Witmer has ignored the Michigan Supreme Court. Therefore, she is a tyrant.

This blame Trump game is getting very old and zeros out any credibility the Democrats have ever had.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Michigan Supreme Court Rightly Rebukes Whitmer Over Endless Emergency Power Grabs

Debate Post-mortem: Biden’s Two-bit Trump Imitation

Much has been said about the first presidential debate—which was anything but presidential. Here’s my two cents.

This was not the debate people were hoping to see. It didn’t make history. Neither candidate came off well. All the same, I’ll wager that most Trump supporters, myself included, remain steadfast in our loyalty to our President, whom we recognize stands between us and an infernal brand of fascistic, totalitarian Communism—the Left’s longed-for dystopian New World Order.

Similarly, I doubt Progressives will abandon Biden just because he spat on their beloved Green New Deal. After all, everyone knows that Kamala is the real candidate for the top office, and she’s gung-ho on sending us back to the dark ages to “save the planet,” so the Green New Deal would be sure to re-emerge should the Dems prevail.

Biden’s desperate handlers, likely through the miracle of modern science, were able to keep Sleepy Joe awake with his eyes mostly open for 90 minutes straight. No doubt much to their relief, his gaffes were few and easily overlooked in the heat of the moment. Also overlooked during the debate, but pointed out afterwards by observant citizen journalists, were a couple of oddities: a wire Biden was wearing that emerged from his jacket at one point, and a metal device that peeked out of his cuff a time or two. These things, coupled with his staff’s refusal to allow the candidates to be checked for electronic cheating devices, raise questions—or perhaps, provide answers. But even if Biden cheated, he still only rated a C-plus at best.

In fact, Biden’s strategy—no doubt crafted by his handlers—was largely to imitate Trump! However, in their zeal, they mistook Trump’s appeal, which is based on his relying on facts, speaking the truth, genuineness, and a love of America and American citizens—none of which Biden seems capable of. But he did seem to relish calling Trump names. I can just imagine his coaches telling him that Trump wins by being nasty and giving people derogatory nicknames and insulting them, so that’s what he, Biden, should do.

Ahem, Joe, it was beyond unseemly, it was downright grotesque for a presidential candidate in a debate with our incumbent President that millions of Americans were watching, to refer to the President of the United States as a “clown.” Nor do you tell the President to “shut up, man!” This did not make you seem strong, Joe—it made you seem like a weakling devoid of sense who was trying to look tough. Biggest misfire of the night. On second thought, let’s give you a C-minus.

But trying to outdo Trump in hurling insults was only one way that Sleepy Joe sought to copy the master. He also used Trump’s line about being a president “for all Americans.” Of course when Trump said that, he meant it—and has demonstrated it time and again by taking an active role to help overlooked groups such as blue collar workers, veterans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc.. And let’s not forget his First Step Act—the antidote to the Democrat’s overzealous policies that resulted in nonviolent offenders, many of whom are African Americans, being incarcerated for years, even decades, in a punishment grossly disproportionate to their crime.

The one thing I think Biden did well was to look the audience in the eye, thereby addressing the American people directly. He feigned compassion fairly well, as many career politicians learn to do, and if you didn’t know better, you might have believed him to be the more caring candidate of the two. That is, if you get your news from CNN and MSNBC, don’t know how to use the Internet to do your own research, aren’t aware of the Biden family’s outrageous corruption, and haven’t been paying attention to all the amazing things President Trump has accomplished in just three and a half years while the Left tried unceasingly to tie his hands behind his back.

Now what about Trump’s performance? I can’t give him high marks for this one. His rally speeches are phenomenal, and he was magnificent in his debates with Hillary. But in this debate, he was off his game. I’ve since read that Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie were his coaches. Well, gentlemen, you blew it. Trump walked onto that stage with a scowl on his face, which never disappeared. The game plan seemed to be: pummel Biden. Far better to just tell the American people what you’ve accomplished and what you’re planning to accomplish, while pointing out a few choice examples of Biden’s corruption. And just let Biden immolate himself. Let him talk. Let him reveal his sadly diminished mental capacity to the nation.

But that obviously wasn’t the advice of Giuliani or Christie. Instead, Trump put on his boxing gloves and acted as if this was a new version of the nomination debates where he had to shoot down 15 rivals, one by one. Oops. Attacking Joe, talking over him, depriving him of the opportunity of digging himself into hole after hole, jumping on turncoat Chris Wallace—wrong optics. The whole point of the presidential debates is to win over new voters. Does anyone think Trump did that on Tuesday night? Now, I don’t think he lost any voters, but he certainly did nothing to win over vacillating Dems or Independents.

Here’s a missed opportunity that might have swayed some voters. Since Biden announced he is the Democrat Party, why not hold him accountable for the onerous treatment of nonviolent drug offenders such as Catherine Toney—a black woman given a 20-year sentence for a first-time drug offense. Catherine languished in prison for 16 years until March of 2019, when Trump’s First Step Act provided the means for her long overdue release, upon which she thanked God and President Trump. So, Joe, would you explain to the American people why your Party incarcerates nonviolent minorities with 20-year sentences, while releasing violent felons, including illegal aliens, into our communities?

Trump had other excellent opportunities to educate voters, many of which he missed by over-generalizing. Take, for example, the issue of the Supreme Court vacancy. The Democrats are pulling the wool over the eyes of the public by comparing the Senate’s refusal to confirm Merrick Garland during Obama’s lame-duck term, with Trump and McConnell’s insistence on confirming Amy Coney Barrett with the election in sight. Trump’s response was “Elections have consequences.” This fails to address the issue of fairness and precedents, which are on Trump’s side and should have been spelled out right away for the audience. The glaring difference between Obama’s situation and Trump’s has nothing to do with proximity to an election—that’s a red herring. It has everything to do with which party holds the Senate. Obama was faced with a Republican Senate that had the Constitutional power to refuse to confirm his Supreme Court nominee. Today, however, the Republicans have the Senate, and have both the right and the duty to confirm Trump’s nominee, provided they believe she’s fit for the High Court.

That’s the sort of thing we need to see from our President. Giving us clear and concise statements of facts is not only reassuring and likely to win over new voters, it’s also as presidential as you can get.

Of course we also want some spot-on Trumpian zingers to liven things up. My pick? “I’ve done more in 47 months than you have in 47 years, Joe!” That’s the debate in a nutshell. Game set match. That’s the clincher.

© Cherie Zaslawsky. All rights reserved.

Trump’s Covid-19 diagnosis will help him win re-election

Trump’s strong leadership so far has produced excellent economic results. Even weakened by the virus, he is still more robust than Biden.

For Americans, the most surreal election cycle in a century just got even more surreal.

We are attempting to conduct an election in which the entire direction of the country hangs in the balance during a global pandemic and lockdown — and the incumbent president just contracted a potentially fatal illness mere weeks before the election.

To say that this is uncharted territory is an understatement.

If Trump dies, who takes his place — not as president (we have a line of succession for that) but as a candidate? The vice president doesn’t automatically become the party nominee. Many Americans have already voted.

As a result, much of the country breathed a sigh of relief when Trump spoke from Walter Reed Hospital on Saturday.

He seemed subdued but relatively fit and lucid. He sounded pragmatic, aware of the dangers but confident.

Statistics show that the vast majority of Covid-19 patients his age (74) actually do survive with only moderate symptoms, and Trump is benefiting from the medical community’s six months of practical, front-line experience in treating Covid-19.

The consensus among average Americans (that is, those not working for CNN or throwing Molotov cocktails at the police) appears to be that Trump’s Covid-19 crisis may well help him win re-election.

Even far-left Democrats seem to sense this.

The widespread conspiracy theory in left-wing circles — that Trump is faking his Covid-19 diagnosis to win sympathy — appears to confirm this judgement.

More than that, Trump is handling his diagnosis with quiet grace and uncharacteristic dignity.

He appears confident but not cocky, fully aware that he is at risk due to his age. (He joked that his wife Melania, also afflicted, is “just a few years” younger than he is but that this makes a positive difference for her.)

What’s more, the contrast between Trump speaking at the hospital (weakened by Covid-19) and his opponent Joe Biden couldn’t be more stark.

Trump at his weakest seems more energetic and quicker on his feet than Joe Biden reading prepared remarks from a teleprompter.

That may sound like a partisan comment but, to Americans watching from their homes, it’s simply a fact.

Even Democrats know this — which is why they’re more worried than they let on.

Biden often seems exhausted and confused, barely able to string a sentence together.

What people outside the country often fail to understand is that Americans are and always have been a pragmatic people, motivated more by results than by ideology.

Over the decades, we’ve voted for conservative Republicans like Ronald Reagan… progressive Democrats like Barack Obama… and national populists like Donald Trump.

We don’t put a lot of stock in platforms and promises. Americans like results.

If the country is better off after you ran things for a while, we tend to give you and your party a second chance. If things are worse, you’re out.

For example, Americans by and large liked Bill Clinton. As a southerner, he was an instinctive moderate on economic and even many social issues, more willing to cajole than to condemn. His wife, on the other hand, was and is widely disliked precisely because she comes across as a hectoring ideologue.

By this standard, Trump fared pretty well, at least before the Covid-19 crisis hit.

And with the exception of the media class, which almost universally despises him, most Americans (56%) still think Trump will win re-election.

He’s precisely what he appears to be: a crass, no-nonsense, but mostly pragmatic businessman who just wants to get things done.

Before Covid-19 hit, the economy was doing far better than everyone expected. The stock market hit record highs; unemployment hit record lows.

Even with Covid-19, Trump’s record is not as bad as the Democrats and their media allies portray it.

Trump’s natural instinct has been not to shut down the entire economy, as the Democrats and many of his health advisers wanted. He acted quickly to ban travel from China, the source of the virus, but hesitated when asked to trigger an historic global Depression.

The problem the Democrats have always had is that they believe their own press releases.

They tell each other and their media allies that Trump’s reluctance to shut down businesses proves his incompetence and ill will.

But to ordinary Americans who depend upon those same businesses to feed their children, Trump’s reluctance comes off more as realism and compassion.

Even if he did fail to act quickly enough, and that is highly debatable, Americans understand that Trump didn’t want to destroy the country if he didn’t have to.

By contrast, they also understand that, if Joe Biden is elected, the country will likely remain on semi-permanent lockdown for years to come — and will quickly become like Democrat-run New York or California where the majority of deaths have occurred.

A final thought. You can forget the polls. If the 2016 election taught Americans anything, it’s how inaccurate and unreliable media polls really are. The polls, paid for and often conducted by Trump’s self-acknowledged enemies, consistently showed that Hillary Clinton was going to win in a landslide and that Trump had “no hope” of winning.

Again, the media just read Democratic Party press releases verbatim and pretended it was journalism.

We are hearing the same line again this time — and most Americans with any brains don’t believe a word of it. Even many of the pollsters themselves don’t believe it.

Trump will almost certainly recover from Covid-19. This will allow him to speak with greater authority about one of the greatest crises facing the country.

Americans will go to the polls — in just a few weeks — and ask themselves a simple question:

Do they want the guy they saw speaking from Walter Reed Hospital in charge… or the frail and often incoherent figurehead the Democrats have put forward?

It’s true, anything could happen during this crazy time. Mail-in balloting could allow the Democrats to seize power and put Kamala Harris (I mean, Joe Biden) in charge.

But my prediction is that America’s allegedly mythical silent majority, horrified by the senseless rioting and looting encouraged by the Democrats, will give Trump a second chance.

If Trump recovers from Covid-19, he will once again defy the comically certain media consensus — and win re-election. Just watch.


Robert Hutchinson

Robert J. Hutchinson is the author of many works of popular history, including, most recently, What Really Happened: The Lincoln Assassination (2020). .

RELATED ARTICLE: October may bring pro-life revolutions to both the US and China


EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEOS: ‘Vote for America’ Ad Campaign Focuses on Dangers of Far-Left Policies

The Heritage Foundation on Monday announced a new $1.1 million “Fight for America, Vote for America” advertising campaign.

The three 30-second ads will air for four weeks on the Discovery Channel, HGTV, the History Channel, and Fox News, and will focus on the “dystopian goals of the extreme left and activate the nation for a better America,” Heritage said.

“America’s great experiment in liberty needs defending, and The Heritage Foundation is at the forward edge of the fight for our future,” Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James said in a public statement, adding:

The radical left has a different idea about what America should be and has shown that it will hold nothing back to achieve its objectives. Many politicians who share the left’s beliefs refuse to do anything to stop the violence or to even denounce it. …

The Heritage Foundation offers hope and won’t surrender to those who only offer havoc. We will fight for America against the mob and against socialism, and we’re asking millions of Americans who love their country and the founding ideals it represents to join us.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? Learn more now >>

The Washington-based conservative think tank, the parent organization of The Daily Signal, produced three 30-second TV spots.

One focuses on the rioting in Portland, Oregon.

The second ad focuses on the history of progress in the United States because of freedom and on how the left and socialist policies could reverse it.

The third ad takes a “field trip” to Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea.

The ads will direct viewers to Heritage’s “Fight for America” website, where they can register to vote and engage in other ways.

The website states: “As the far left threatens to take more control of our lives and livelihoods, Heritage proclaims this truth: Only freedom can produce prosperity and improve everyone’s quality of life. No matter who you are, protecting your freedom is our top priority. Join us as we fight for America!”

The ads outline the choice between two different visions, Heritage said, in which the “far left threatens to take more control of our lives and livelihoods and appears ready to use any means necessary to achieve power,” adding:

The Heritage Foundation, representing the views of Americans everywhere—including those who don’t label themselves conservative—advocates for the freedom that produces prosperity and opportunity, and improves everyone’s quality of life, no matter their political affiliation or background.


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is chief national affairs correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Lucas is also the author of “Abuse of Power: Inside The Three-Year Campaign to Impeach Donald Trump.” Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.

A Note for our Readers:

Democratic Socialists say, “America should be more like socialist countries such as Sweden and Denmark.” And millions of young people believe them…

For years, “Democratic Socialists” have been growing a crop of followers that include students and young professionals. America’s future will be in their hands.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? One of their most effective arguments is that “democratic socialism” is working in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway. They claim these countries are “proof” that socialism will work for America. But they’re wrong. And it’s easy to explain why.

Our friends at The Heritage Foundation just published a new guide that provides three irrefutable facts that debunks these myths. For a limited time, they’re offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free.

Get your free copy of “Why Democratic Socialists Can’t Legitimately Claim Sweden and Denmark as Success Stories” today and equip yourself with the facts you need to debunk these myths once and for all.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Tests Positive for Fearlessness

He meant it as an insult, but when Chris Rock mentioned the president’s condition on “Saturday Night Live” and said, “my heart goes out to COVID,” the White House probably chuckled in agreement. If there’s one person the virus probably regrets infecting, it’s a fighter like Donald Trump. From the minute he announced his diagnosis to every upbeat video since, the president isn’t flinching in the face of this test. He’s doing what he’s done since the very beginning: confronting the virus head-on.

Other men might have hidden behind their doctors’ assessments. President Trump has not. He’s taken every opportunity to reassure the American people. “We’re getting great reports,” he said, looking a little more like his old self on Sunday. “It’s been an interesting journey,” he admitted. “I learned a lot about COVID. I learned it by really going to school. This is the real school. This isn’t the let’s-read-the-books school. And I get it. And I understand it.”

To the millions of Americans who’ve struggled with this virus or lost a loved one to it, that understanding matters. But it does not mean, as the president told Rudy Giuliani over the weekend, that our country should shrink back in fear and stop living. “I am the president of the United States,” he said, “I can’t lock myself in a room… I had to confront [the virus] so the American people stopped being afraid of it — so we could deal with it responsibly.” And the world needs to know, he went on, “we have made tremendous progress on treating this disease. Fatality rates are very low compared to [the beginning]. I’m going to beat this,” he vowed. “Then I will be able to show people we can deal with this disease responsibly, but we shouldn’t be afraid of it.”

While the other side is trying to push Americans back into their caves, President Trump refuses to believe that the solution is hiding out until the virus has passed. He made the decision long ago that the business of the country must go on, even choosing — to the horror of liberals and their friends in the media — to host a Rose Garden ceremony for the nomination his Supreme Court pick, Amy Coney Barrett. Now, days later, as the country pours over the photo from that event, dissecting who was and wasn’t masked, there’s plenty of finger-pointing and speculation about who might have been exposed. But in the end, that’s all it is: speculation. The reality is, no one knows where and when the president was infected.

Some people have noticed that I was in the photo too, sitting just a few seats away from former Governor Chris Christie. I wasn’t wearing a mask, because I’ve already had coronavirus. And those of us who have the antibodies need to be out and about, because we become part of the process that stops the spread. But if we hide in our homes, waiting for a vaccine, we’ll never reach herd immunity. And in the meantime, we’ll destroy our economy, drive up societal pathologies because of isolation and stress, and leave hurting people — thanks to shuttered churches — without a single place to turn.

That’s not healthy — not for America and not for all of us. The second and third effects of the fear of the virus is a greater threat to our nation than the actual virus itself. It’s one of the reasons FRC has been so adamant about reopening churches. We can take precautions, protect those at risk and still live our lives. As a country, it’s time to stand up to this idea that Christians should be worshiping in isolation far removed from their fellow believers from which they draw community. This Sunday, October 11, FRC will be hosting a special event in conjunction with California’s Calvary Chapel Chino Hills to speak out about the church’s scriptural and constitutional authority to meet this fear head on. We’re calling it Freedom Sunday 2020, and you’re invited. Join us — either in person or for the livestream — at 8:00 p.m. (ET)/5:00 p.m. (PT) and help us take a stand for religious freedom in this country.

We all need to take our cue from this president and stare down these challenges with boldness. “His push to reopen the economy, get people back to their jobs… were exactly the kinds of things a president must do to rally the nation during a crisis,” Michael Goodwin applauded. “While many on the Left have help up Biden’s hermit-like behavior as a model of safety, it is impossible to govern that way. No president can remain isolated and appear frightened and still command the respect and trust of the public. To his everlasting credit, Trump never stopped being president out of fear of getting sick.”

I am standing with President Trump. We cannot allow fear of anything to stop us from meeting as a body of believers “Let us consider,” Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.


Tweetstorm Floods Voters with Contrast

Democrats Try to Expand the Affordable Abortion Care Act

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Biden’s Legacy of Character Assassination

Former VP set precedent for vicious hearings.

WASHINGTON ( – Joe Biden mutated Senate hearings of Supreme Court nominees into a “blood sport,” according to a Washington attorney who has worked on three Senate confirmations.

“As we head toward Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Senate confirmation hearings on her nomination to the Supreme Court, let’s not forget that former Vice President Joe Biden is responsible for turning the high court confirmation process into a blood sport driven by character assassination,” attorney Mark Paoletta commented on Thursday.

A senior official for the Trump administration, Paoletta worked on the Senate confirmations of Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

“Biden, now the Democratic presidential nominee, claims to work across the aisle with Republicans,” Paoletta observed. “But his vicious conduct as a Democratic senator from Delaware in the confirmation hearings for Robert Bork (whose nomination was not confirmed) and now-Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is a permanent stain on the Senate’s reputation.”

Paoletta observed that Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, behaved in like manner during the 2018 Senate hearing for Brett Kavanaugh, smearing the now-Justice’s reputation with “baseless and absurd allegations.”

“We are fortunate that neither Biden nor Harris is chairing the confirmation hearings scheduled to begin Oct. 12 in the Judiciary Committee for [Amy Coney] Barrett, who is currently a judge on the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and was nominated to the Supreme Court Saturday by President Trump,” continued Paoletta.

Paoletta recalled President Ronald Reagan’s 1987 nomination of U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Robert Bork to the Supreme Court, noting Bork “was considered one of the finest legal scholars and well-regarded public servants in our country, earning an extremely well-qualified rating from the American Bar Association.”

“But the left — led by Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Biden — decided to savage Bork through character attacks and false claims in a craven and unprincipled tactic for political gain,” he explained.

Character Assassination of Justice Clarence Thomas

Biden behaved even worse with the smear campaign against now-Justice Clarence Thomas in 1991, according to Paoletta.

“Thomas seemed on his way to Senate confirmation with more than 60 votes when, prodded on by Democratic staff, Anita Hill lodged last-minute, baseless accusations of sexual harassment against Thomas, which were leaked by these same Democratic staffers,” Paoletta recalled.

Anita Hill accused Thomas of sexual harassment as her supervisor at the U.S. Department of Education and Department of Education and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Paoletta explained that “Biden used his position as Judiciary Committee chairman to execute the character assassination,” allowing “Hill’s lawyer to sit in on her key corroborating witness interview, bending the rules to help hype Hill’s salacious lies by trying to selectively stifle what senators could discuss.”

Spotlighting Biden’s duplicity at the time, Paoletta said:

Biden now says he always believed Hill. But that is a lie. Biden told Clarence Thomas that if Hill’s allegations were leaked, he would defend Thomas’ character. Biden told Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, during the hearings that he did not believe Hill. And Biden told Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., in a 1998 interview that he did not believe Anita Hill was telling the truth.

Paoletta was with Justice Thomas the night he was confirmed when the phone rang.

“It was Joe Biden calling to congratulate Thomas on getting confirmed, telling him not to let this get him down and that Thomas had many years to show the American people what he was — a person of character,” he recollected. “Does that sound like a man who believed Anita Hill’s allegations?”

“I was a young attorney at the time and had worked closely with Thomas through that awful ordeal, and I could not believe that Biden had allowed this circus — this “national disgrace,” as Thomas called it — to happen when Biden never believed Anita Hill,” he added.

Robert Bork‘s Wife in Agreement

Published on Monday in the Wall Street Journal, Mary Ellen Bork, Robert Bork’s widow, offered comment in a piece titled, “Joe Biden and the Borking of Supreme Court Nominees.”

“The week of hearings in 1987 showed me Joe Biden’s partisanship and pragmatism,” she noted. “Most people don’t remember the hearings on Robert Bork for nomination to the Supreme Court, but I do.”

“I was there during the four months of vicious political campaigning against this judicial nominee, my husband, and in the Senate hearing room as then-Sen. Biden presided over a rigged hearing full of an unprecedented level of lying and distortion of a man known for his integrity and judicial wisdom,” she continued. “Democrats flagrantly lied about Bob’s record of opinions.”

Biden was running for president at the time.

“On day four of the hearings Sen. Biden was accused of plagiarism and had to drop out of the presidential race,” Bork remembered. “In the course of one week Sen. Biden orchestrated a vicious lying assault and was caught passing off someone else’s words as his own.”

Now, thirty-three-years later, Biden is running for president again — “still a man without a compass, guided now by prevailing progressive winds,” says Bork.

“After Bob left the court in 1988 to devote himself to writing and teaching, Democrats would often come up to him to apologize for the way the Democratic politicians treated him and would leave with tears in their eyes,” she shared. “We will all have tears in our eyes if Joe Biden is elected president.”

Robert Bork died a Catholic, having credited his wife for his conversion.


William Mahoney, Ph.D.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump campaign keeping at ‘full speed’ with ‘Operation MAGA’ as Trump fights COVID-19


The Trump campaign is going full speed ahead, thanks to their awesome ground operation and digital infrastructure. Not to mention the unmatched support and loyalty that President Trump has from the American people.

The President is due to be released from the hospital as early as tomorrow.

Trump campaign keeping at ‘full speed’ with ‘Operation MAGA’ as Trump fights COVID-19

‘This will show the real enthusiasm behind the president’s reelection,’ the campaign official said

By Fox News, October 13, 2020

The Trump campaign is keeping at “full speed” as President Trump fights the novel coronavirus, with a new “Operation MAGA” that includes events featuring Vice President Pence and members of the Trump family in key battleground states across the country, Fox News has learned.

The new operation comes after the president tested positive for COVID-19 and is being treated at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, who also tested positive for coronavirus on Friday, is working remotely, but is not slowing down, according to a senior campaign official.

“Bill is working remotely, but absolutely remains in total control of the campaign,” the official told Fox News, adding that Stepien’s longtime ally, deputy campaign manager Justin Clark, remains at campaign headquarters.

The official told Fox News that early Saturday morning, Stepien, Clark and senior adviser Jason Miller held a call with campaign communications, operations and political teams to describe the launch of “Operation MAGA” and get the teams working on the new initiative and to “rally everybody for the last 30 days” of the campaign.

The official said Stepien was planning to host two other conference calls Saturday afternoon – one with the entire campaign staff, and the other with grassroots leaders from across the country. The official told Fox News that the vice president is expected to participate in one of the calls.

“Operation MAGA will fire up the entire MAGA universe to keep  President Trump’s campaign at full speed until our Commander-in-Chief returns to the campaign trail,” Stepien told Fox News. “Vice President Mike Pence, the First Family, our coalitions, and our grassroots supporters will be out in full force to show the real enthusiasm behind the President’s re-election and to show we’re working as hard as he always does.”



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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: President Trump’s Statement at Walter Reed — On therapeutics ‘they’re miracles coming down from God’


Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Bethesda, Maryland. October 3, 2020.

President Donald J. Trump

I want to begin by thanking all of the incredible medical professionals, the doctors, the nurses, everybody, at Walter Reed Medical Centre, I think it’s the finest in the world for the incredible job they’ve been doing.

I came here, wasn’t feeling so well, I feel much better now, we’re working hard to get me all the way back. I have to be back because we still have to ‘Make America Great Again.’

We’ve done an awfully good job of that but we still have steps to go and we have to finish that job. And I’ll be back. I think I’ll be back soon and I look forward to finishing up the campaign the way it was started in the way we’ve been doing, and the kind of numbers we’ve been doing, we’ve been so proud of it.

But this was something that happened and it’s happened to millions of people of the world. And I’m fighting for them, not just in the U.S., I’m fighting for them all over the world. We’re going to beat this coronavirus or whatever you want to call it and we’re going to beat it soundly.

So many things have happened. If you look at the therapeutics, which I’m taking right now, some of them, and others are coming out soon that are looking like … frankly, they’re miracles, if you want to know the truth, they’re miracles. People criticize me when I say that, but we have things happening that look like they’re miracles coming down from God.

So I just want to tell you that I’m starting to feel good. You don’t know over the next period of a few days, I guess that’s the real test, so we’ll be seeing what happens over those next couple of days. I just want to be so thankful for all of the support I’ve seen, whether it’s on television or reading about it.

I most of all appreciate what’s been said by the American people, by almost a bipartisan consensus of American people. It’s a beautiful thing to see and I very much appreciate it and I won’t forget it. I promise you that.

I also want to thank the leaders of the world for their condolences. And they know what we’re going, they know as your leader what I have to go through. But I had no choice because I just didn’t want to stay in the White House. I was given that alternative.

Stay in the White House, lock yourself in, don’t ever leave, don’t even go to the Oval Office, just stay upstairs and enjoy it. Don’t see people, don’t talk to people, and just be done with it. And I can’t do that.

I had to be out front. This is America, this is the United States. This is the greatest country in the world, this is the most powerful country in the world. I can’t be locked up in a room upstairs and totally safe and just say, ‘Hey, whatever happens, happens.’ I can’t do that.

We have to confront problems. As a leader, you have to confront problems. There’s never been a great leader that would have done that. So that’s where it is.

I’m doing well. I want to thank everybody. Our first lady is doing very well. Melania asked me to say something as to the respect that she has for our country, the love that she has for our country. And we’re both doing well. Melania is really handling it very nicely.

As you’ve probably read, she’s slightly younger than me—just a little tiny bit. And therefore, we know the disease, we know the situation with age vs. younger people. And Melania’s handling it statistically like it’s supposed to be handled and that makes me very happy and it makes the country very happy.

But I’m also doing well and I think we’re going to have a very good result. Again, over the next few days, we’re going to probably know for sure.

So I just want to thank everybody out there, everybody all over the world, specifically the United States, the outpouring of love has been incredible. I will never forget.

Thank you very much.

©White House. All rights reserved. Video courtesy of Channel 4 News.


Biden’s Bizarre Claim: ‘Antifa Is an Idea, Not an Organization’

During Tuesday night’s presidential debate, Democrat nominee Joe Biden made the eyebrow-raising declaration that the domestic terror group Antifa “is an idea, not an organization.” Who knew ideas could wreak so much violent destruction all on their own?

Biden’s claim was made after moderator Chris Wallace warned of “white supremacist” groups contributing to violence and social unrest. “Almost everything I’ve seen is from the left wing, not the right wing,” Trump correctly noted. “Somebody’s got to do something about Antifa and the left, because this is not a right-wing problem,” he added about the ongoing riots driven by leftist entities such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter. “This is a left-wing problem.”

Biden then paraphrased FBI Director Chris Wray’s recent characterization of Antifa as more of an “ideology” than an organization, presumably because its leadership is decentralized and the group has no office locations or business cards. “That’s what his FBI director said,” stated Biden, pointing at Trump.

“Antifa is an organization, not an idea,” replied Trump. “Antifa is a dangerous, radical group, and you better be careful with them. They’ll overthrow you.” Quite true. Why is Biden defending this violent terror organization?


39 Known Connections

“I am not sad that a fu**ing fascist died tonight”

On the night of August 29, 2020 in Portland, Oregon, a male Antifa member shot and killed a young man, Aaron Danielson, who was wearing a hat that bore the name of the pro-Trump conservative organization Patriot Prayer. When he first noticed Danielson, the gunman said: “Hey! Hey, we got one right here! We got a Trumper right here!” — and then shot him. Later that night, a female Antifa member used a bullhorn to address a large crowd of Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters and said, to cheers and laughter from the mob:

  • “And tonight, I just got word that the person who died was a Patriot Prayer Trump person. He was a fucking Nazi! Our community held its own and took out the trash. I am not going to shed any tears over a Nazi.”
  • “I am not sad that a fucking fascist died tonight. If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention. If y’all are not with me, y’all are not paying attention. Everybody needs to realize what’s going on in these streets. Our community can hold its own without the police. We can take out the trash [i.e., conservative ‘fascists’] on our own.”

To learn more about Antifa, click here for the profile link.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why Biden Said ‘Inshallah’ During the Debate

RELATED VIDEO: Bill Warner feels that now that Biden has used the phrase, “Inshe’allah” it is time for the following video:

One of the most revealing moments of last night’s debate was one that most people probably missed. BuzzFeed’s Hamed Aleaziz was overjoyed, tweeting that it was “a historic moment in America.” Over at Slate, Aymann Ismail added that “as terrible as this debate night was, at least a few of us had this moment.”

This glorious occasion came when Donald Trump stated that he would eventually release his tax returns: “I’ve paid millions of dollars, and you’ll get to see it.” Joe Biden responded: “When? Inshallah,” using Arabic for “God willing,” a phrase that is often used in the context of procrastination.

Some Muslims were excited about Biden’s colloquial use of the phrase, so as to mean “This is not likely to happen.” “Interfaith and anti-racism educator” Hind Makki tweeted: “Whenever someone who’s not Muslim drops an inshallah in conversation, I assume they have Muslim colleagues. When they know to use it colloquially [sarcastically], I know they have close Muslim friends.”

These were just the sort of reactions Biden was doubtless hoping for. Arabic-speaking Christians as well as Muslims say “Inshallah,” but in saying this, Biden was not pandering to Arabic-speaking Christians; he was pandering to the part of his base (Muslim and non-Muslim) that believes that counterterror efforts are largely just an exercise in “Islamophobia” and supports the likes of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. With the world watching, Biden was demonstrating his support for the Left’s favored religion, Islam. He wouldn’t have said the phrase in English, “God willing,” because his point was not primarily to emphasize that Trump was going to procrastinate in releasing his tax returns; it was to show in a concise, albeit indirect fashion that he was a worthy candidate of the anti-American hard left, a reliable foe of the alleged “Muslim ban,” and a fervent proponent of mass migration.

For Biden has to earn the love of the increasingly dominant hard-left wing of his party. Trump several times last night maneuvered Biden into repudiating pet causes of the far left, notably the Green New Deal, for which Biden affirms support on his own website. This is likely to cause him some difficulty with the most radical of his supporters, for they have already made clear that they’ve got the Democratic nominee on a short leash.

The notorious anti-Semite and former Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour made that clear in July when she declared “I choose Biden” and then immediately began making clear that her support was decidedly conditional: “But I choose him as my opponent in the White House. I want him to defeat Trump so we can mobilize our movements to hold him accountable and push him to do and be better. We can’t do that with Trump.”

Sarsour explained that she and her supporters had supported Bernie Sanders “because he earned our votes & we need Biden to continue to do the same.” She elaborated: “When Joe Biden does the right thing, you better believe Linda Sarsour’s going to say, ‘You know what? Thank you so much President Joe Biden for doing the right thing.’ And when President Joe Biden doesn’t do the right thing our community needs to come together and hold him accountable.”

Biden may have been trying to relieve some of this pressure and win more of the confidence of the far-left by making use of this expression that is common among the adherents of the religion that leftists love most, but it didn’t work with everyone. Journalist Tamer El-Ghobashy huffed: “Biden’s use of inshallah was kinda colonial and derogatory if you ask me.” El-Ghobashy added: “The sarcasm of it reminded me of every mid-level state department dweeb I ever met in Iraq.”

Poor old Joe. What does he have to do or say to allay suspicions that he will not be a faithful servant of the socialist, internationalist, pro-migration, anti-counterterror agenda? His repudiation of the Green New Deal and more last night will not help him with the adherents of that agenda, but they likely understand that Joe was simply saying what he had to say to get out of the corner Trump had backed him into.

They understand, after all, the helpful principle enunciated by that master politician, Muhammad, the prophet of Islam: “War is deceit.” Joe Biden very clearly has grasped that principle as well.


Audio: Robert Spencer discusses how he determines which U.S. Presidents were best — and worst

New York Times features Muslim who claimed to be ISIS executioner, he is arrested for faking ISIS past

UK: 14-year-old converts to Islam, gathers bomb material, prosecutor says we may never know where he got these ideas

Sharia Austria: Public prosecutors want to indict politician for criticism of Islam

Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic oppose ‘new’ EU migration pact to enforce migrant quotas

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH: Proud Boys Denounces KKK and White Supremacists while Biden Eulogizes KKK Member, Hails Confederate Flag

Twitter is alive with interesting information about the group Proud Boys. Here’s Thad, Chief of the Proud Boys, Salt Lake City Utah Chapter, denouncing the KKK and White Supremacy.

WATCH: Two videos of Proud Boys rallies.

Add to this two other vides that have appeared on Twitter showing Joe Biden eulogizing Democrat Senator Robert Byrd. Senator Byrd was a Kleagle, a Klan recruiter, in the 1940s.

In fact News Today reported:

White nationalist Richard Spencer reiterated his support for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden Tuesday, days after a spokesman for the Biden campaign rejected Spencer’s endorsement. Replying to a tweet Tuesday morning, Spencer wrote that he recognized how “ineffective, useless, and traitorous the GOP is,” reaffirming his decision to vote for Biden in the November election. Spencer, one of they key figureheads of the alt-right movement, initially voiced his plan to vote for Biden Sunday, tweeting the following day that “Liberals are clearly more competent.”


Here is Senator Joe Biden’s stating that “many fine people” display the Confederate flag:

While Joe Biden at the first Presidential debate said that Antifa was “just an idea.”

©All rights reserved.


Media Smears The Proud Boys As ‘White Supremacists’—And Republicans Believe Them!

Black Chairman of Proud Boys Speaks Out after Liars Joe Biden and Chris Wallace Call Them White Supremacists

MUST WATCH VIDEO: Top 5 Debate Highlights the Media Doesn’t Want You To See!

The below video was posted to Twitter by Team Trump. It provides the top 5 moments during the first Presidential debate.

The American People witnessed President Trump deliver a strong, focused debate performance – a stark contrast from Joe Biden’s weakness on virtually every issue. Here are the top five MUST WATCH moments from the debate!

WATCH: Top five MUST WATCH moments from the First Presidential Debate!

©Donald J Trump. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: President Trump mentions Project Veritas at Minnesota Rally! ‘I hope the US Attorneys are involved!’

President Donald Trump has officially spoken publicly to condemn the rampant Ballot Harvesting Fraud taking place in Minnesota.

At his rally in Duluth, Minnesota, the president unloaded on Ilhan Omar and her associates for their Ballot Harvesting practices.

President Trump: “What about Omar, where she gets caught harvesting…I hope the US attorneys are involved!”

This story has the president watching closely.

To put it simply, Americans will never tolerate these sorts of crimes to go unpunished.

In the meantime, Project Veritas will continue to go out there and get the content.

Content is King!

RELATED VIDEO: Watch full Trump Rally in Duluth, Minnesota.

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Vortex — American vs. Catholic. It’s finally comes down to this.


Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

The world of politics is the arena in which the culture and the Church are now colliding head-on in a war for the ages. It’s taken a man like Trump to actually set the stage for this epic battle, to set the table for everything to come together.

For example, in a stunning admission this past weekend, in light of the announcement of Catholic Amy Coney Barrett by Trump to the Supreme Court, New York Times columnist Elizabeth Bruenig just flat out said, “Judge Barrett’s nomination has merely renewed attention to a fundamental conflict, centuries underway, between Catholicism and the American ethos.”

Well, at least Bruenig has the decency to be upfront about her anti-Catholic bigotry. Most of her Marxist-minded allies do not. But more and more of them are beginning to speak of actual Catholics as some sort of pariahs, speaking of us in terms of the enemies of the State.

It’s not been that long in this country since Catholics were treated as the enemy. It was really only in the wake of World War II where Catholic servicemen fought alongside millions of their non-Catholic American brothers-in-arms that we caught a break.

Ten years later, Abp. Fulton Sheen was dominating the airwaves, speaking of Catholic majesty and truth and virtue. His Life Is Worth Living television show was the number-one-rated show when it aired from 1952 till 1956. He even won the Emmy award for “Most Outstanding Television Personality” in the show’s first year.

Sheen — American born and Catholic formed — was a strident patriot and a zealous anti-communist. He often railed against the evil of Marxism, even famously saying of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin on the air, “Stalin must one day meet his judgment.” The next week, Stalin hit the floor, dead from a stroke.

Of course, this was all nearly 70 years ago, and a lot has changed in America since then. America has Marxist creep. It has become this way because the American experiment is based on the foundation of a virtuous people. Once virtue leaves the room, chaos sets in. Sheen never had to talk about widespread ills of our society — fatherless children, shattered families, an acceptance of homosexuality, abortion as the most common surgical procedure performed in the country.

It was precisely to prevent evils like this that Sheen preached to begin with. Yet here we are, a nation sunk so low that many are questioning, “Is America on life support; is this its demise?” Despite this past weekend’s prayer rally organized by Frankin Graham (with a conspicuous absence of Catholic bishops, incidentally) the large gathering of thousands does not mask that America has traded vice for virtue.

Little by little, each election cycle, fewer believers vote, ultimately because there are simply fewer believers to vote. The scales are at the tipping point, and soon, barring some action by Heaven, they will complete their tilt toward godlessness, enshrining immorality into law and eviscerating any opposition to that what Bruening calls “the American ethos.”

What has happened though is that what she describes as the American ethos is little else than a sophisticated way to speak of Marxism. Her American ethos is as far from the actual American ethos as James Martin’s version of Catholicism is from actual Catholicism — which is to say light-years away.

Anti-Catholicism will soon become etched into that new ethos if the Marxists win this election. In some ways, in fact, it already has. President Trump had to actually come out this past weekend and address the entire topic of anti-Catholicism.

Now the last battle is being waged in the arena of politics. A win here for the Marxists means it’s over. Time will be all there is standing between faithful Catholics and those who want to destroy them. Consider, almost a hundred Catholic parishes or shrines around the nation have been vandalized this year.

Faithful Catholics have been insulted, spit on at pro-life prayer sessions and vilified in the media for defending Catholic teachings. This will not go away if Biden wins. It will increase — it will, in fact, come to be blessed by the State (for how else should an enemy of the State be treated?).

The case could be made — strongly — that 70 years ago, America was on the verge of becoming Catholic. But that was not to happen. Many of the religious orders — even back then — had already been penetrated (as well as Catholic colleges and universities).

The seminaries were beginning to stink of subtle heresy. The Church had been neatly prepared to be offered up to the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s. By that time, enough of the hierarchy had become corrupt — doctrinally, liturgically, financially or sexually, or in some cases, all of the above.

A giant structure of the Church in America had been constructed in those first hundred or so years, and it would take a number of generations to dismantle it. But over the decades, dismantle it they did — the enemies of Christ inside the Church we’re speaking of.

Their champion is Joe Biden; he is the very model of everything the current American ethos is about. And he is the very model at the same time of all that fraudulent Catholicism is about. He is the son of the fraudulent Church of Nice, and those in his entourage would turn around and smash the authentic Church to pieces.

Understand, Catholics who actually believe, understand everything that is at stake here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Woman Hoping to Unseat Senator Susan Collins Instrumental in Keeping Female Genital Mutilation Legal in Maine

So Sara Gideon is the candidate the fake Republicans at the Lincoln Project are supporting? 

See my post a week ago about how the Lincoln Project is pouring money into Maine to defeat Collins because she “has inadequately fought back against Trump.”

True to form, so-called champions of women’s rights run in fear when Somali and Muslim groups generally tell them to run!

Maine has a huge Somali population thanks partly to Catholic Charities the refugee resettlement agency that has worked in the state for decades to diversify Maine.

From the Washington Free Beacon (hat tip: Frank):

Maine Democrat Sara Gideon Killed Bills Outlawing Female Genital Mutilation

Maine Dems argued legislation was racist

Democratic Senate candidate Sara Gideon repeatedly killed bills to outlaw female genital mutilation during her tenure as the speaker of the Maine House of Representatives.

Gideon leveraged her leadership position in the Democrat-controlled legislature to kill two separate bills that would have criminalized the practice of severing the clitoris of infant girls and sewing their vaginas shut. Instead, the Democrat supported a different law that would have funnelled $150,000 to her political allies to educate Mainers about the practice instead of criminalizing it, according to a former state legislator who spearheaded the push to stop the mutilation.

Under Gideon’s leadership, Maine Democrats argued that the bill was racist toward the state’s large immigrant community from Somalia, a country where the practice is “nearly universal” according to the United Nations. The Democrats also argued that the practice rarely takes place in Maine and is already outlawed by existing federal and local laws.

Gideon’s efforts have helped make Maine one of only 12 states that have not banned female genital mutilation. Such a legacy threatens to complicate her cultivated image as a champion of women’s rights, one built on her consistent support for abortion access and the #MeToo movement. The image strategy has paid off, translating into hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and outside money support from national pro-abortion groups. Gideon did not respond to a request for comment.

There is a lot more, continue reading here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Whites Fleeing Los Angeles Headed to Tennessee

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.