Take Your Pick of Lies about Ozone, Methane or Mercury

Is it surprising that the Environmental Protection Agency continues to tell big fat lies about anything it wants to ban, but is reluctant to show the “science” on which the bans are based?

There is currently a piece of legislation under consideration by Congress, the Secret Science Reform Act, to force the EPA to disclose its scientific and technical information before proposing or finalizing any regulation.

This is what Nicolas Loris of The Heritage Foundation had to say regarding the mercury air and toxics rule that the EPA claims would produce $53 billion to $140 billion in annual health and environmental benefits. “The two studies that represent the scientific foundation for 1997 ozone and PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards are highly questionable and the data concealed, even though the studies were paid for by federal taxpayers and thus should be public property.”

In addition to claims about carbon dioxide as a dreaded “greenhouse” gas, methane is also getting the attention of those opposed to “fracking”, a technique that has provided access to both natural gas and oil. James M. Taylor, a Senior Fellow with The Heartland Institute, a free market think tank, noted in January that “Natural gas has high methane content, but the methane is converted to energy when natural gas is burnt.” Citing U.S. Energy Information Administration data, Taylor noted “The ongoing decline in methane emissions supplements ongoing declines in U.S. carbon dioxide emissions.” Since 2000 both are down between 6% AND 9%.

The EPA is forever claiming billions in “health benefits” that result from their regulations. The public never gets to see the data on which such claims are based. The regulations, however, cost billions.

The day before Thanksgiving, the EPA announced that it intends to propose an updated national standard for ground-level ozone, otherwise known as smog, based in part on the enforcement of rules concerning mercury. The previous day, the Supreme Court said it would review the agency’s standards requiring reductions of mercury emissions and other elements the EPA regards as toxic air pollution.

To put all this in perspective, in August CNS News’ Penny Starr reported on a study by the National Association of Manufacturers regarding the EPA’s proposed regulation of ozone. It found that “it could be the costliest federal rule by reducing the Gross National Product by $270 billion per year and $3.4 trillion from 2017 to 2040, and adds $3.3 trillion in compliance costs for the same period.” NAM president, Jay Timmons, said “The regulation has the capacity to stop the manufacturing comeback in its tracks.”

Concurrently with NAM, the American Petroleum Institute released an analysis of the NAM study that said “The nation’s air quality has improved over the past several years, and ozone emissions will continue to decline without new regulations.” NAM’s vice president of energy and resources policy, Ross Eisenberg, said, “We are rapidly approaching a point where we are requiring manufacturers to do the impossible.”

That, however, is exactly what the ozone regulation is intended to do. This has nothing to do with health and everything to do with destroying the nation’s power producers and manufacturers, reducing vital electrical energy, and forcing factories of every description to close.

At the upper levels of the atmosphere, the stratosphere, ozone is essential to the survival of life on Earth because ozone filters harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight. Otherwise the radiation would damage both plant and animal life. The reason you get sunburned is that too much UV radiation has caused it. Like everything else in nature, too much or too little determines the harm or benefit it provides, but that too is largely determined by nature.

Ozone is a form of elemental oxygen, but it’s not something you want to breathe. As Wikipedia notes, “It is not emitted directly by car engines or by industrial operations, but formed by the reaction of sunlight on air containing hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides that react to form ozone directly at the source of the pollution or many kilometers down wind.” The initial mandate of the EPA to clean the air and water has been achieved. That is why smog is relatively rare nationwide. Further regulation is regressive.

As for mercury, in 2011 the EPA issued 946 pages of new rules requiring U.S. power plants to sharply reduce their emissions of mercury even though they were already quite low. As with the proposed ozone rules, the EPA claimed that they would cost $10.9 billion annually to implement, but would save 17,000 lives while generating $140 billion in health benefits. This is all just hogwash. Such figures are just plucked out of the air or, worse, based on “science” the public paid for but is not allowed to see!

Does anybody find it bizarre that, while the EPA is trying to remove the tiniest amounts of mercury in the environment, in 2011 Congress passed a law eliminate the incandescent light bulb and required their replacement by fluorescent lights that contain mercury?

As Willie Soon and Paul Driessen wrote in a 2011 Wall Street Journal commentary, “Mercury has always existed naturally in Earth’s environment. Mercury is found in air, water, rocks, soil and trees, which absorb it from the environment.” They noted that “Since our power plants account for less than 0.5% of all the mercury in the air we breathe, eliminating every milligram of it will do nothing about the other 99.5% in our atmosphere.”

The fundamental EPA lies about ozone and mercury involve the issue of toxicity. Since both are a natural part of the Earth, and since the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and since life expectancy has been increasing dramatically in recent decades, the likelihood that either represents a threat requiring the expenditure of billions to reduce tiny amounts of their emissions is based on environmental ideology, not on science.

Even if it was based on alleged science we would, as noted, not be allowed to see the data. If this reminds you of the way ObamaCare was foisted on “the stupid voters”, you’re right. The EPA hopes you are stupid enough not to realize that it is engaged in the destruction of the economy.

Editor’s Note: Help Dr. Jeremy W. Grabbe of SUNY Plattsburgh at Queensbury by participating in his survey about climate change. Go to www.surveymonkey.com/s/WHLF7XS and take a minute to answer the questions.

© Alan Caruba, 2015

An open letter to Pope Francis

Dear Brother Francis,

Please pardon my lack of formality and exalted titles you usually get, but Christ said, “call no man Father” and “all ye are brethren,” Matthew 23:8,9.

I’m a Protestant, writing to you as the probable head of a global government, to suggest the only basis for stability of government—it is the law of God which the Bible says is “perfect, converting the soul,” Psalm 19:7. If I had to repay four sheep for one that I stole (Exodus 22:1), it would convert me.

Conversion is the perfect solution to man’s prisons wrongly called correctional facilities, when they don’t usually correct anything and paroled murderers often do it again. This is why they were executed as per biblical law, “life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,” Exod 21:23,24.

Execution was also done for sexual impurity—fornication, rape or adultery, Deuteronomy 22:13-30.

I didn’t find where homosexual acts were to be treated this way, but God called it an abomination and He executed Sodom for flaunting it like we are doing with gay parades in the U.S. Taking this position would have a serious benefit for societies worldwide and would also reduce your church’s legal battles.

I’m also writing to express concern over your worship of Lucifer. You may not know it, but that was the angelic name of Satan before he coveted God’s position in Isaiah 14:12-14. He deceived a third of the angels, caused war in heaven and was cast down to this earth, Revelation 12:7-9. Why cast to earth?

Because if God obliterated him without an opportunity to demonstrate his claims for unrestricted freedom to do as anyone pleases), then all the other angels would have worshiped God from fear of being wiped out too. God is love and He chose to allow a demonstration in a controversy between good and evil (God and devil). And yes, Satan showed his true principles by murdering Christ on a cross and since then, filling the world with persecution, war and trouble—that’s coming to a dramatic end…

You may have been uninformed re the identity of Lucifer, and if so, you can choose to repent because the Bible says, “the times of this ignorance God winked at, but commands [us] to repent” Acts 17:30,31.

If so, in your intention to do right, you may die suddenly as John Paul I (only 30 days a pope, made the mistake of telling his intention to make changes?) but it is better to die on God’s side than the devil’s. Please think about it—forever is a long time.

We will know you are serious when you take steps to exalt the law of God as the only basis for sound governments worldwide. As you know, the world is falling apart for want of wise laws as the image in Daniel 2 shows the kingdoms of this world crumbling as God sets up His kingdom—the dominion of a King by His wise laws. May God bless your effort to bring reforms; He cannot bless what He has cursed.

With Every Good Wish,

PS: You might like to move from the Vatican. The name means “divining serpert.” See Revelation 12:8.

Absolute Truth vs. LGBTQ ‘My Truths’: Apple CEO Tim Cook’s Outrageous ‘Gay’ Claim and the Culture War

Apple CEO Tim Cook writes that he is “proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.” Cook was repeating a gay theology falsehood, labeled as “Satan’s Talking Points” by AFTAH. Homosexual activists have worked to switched the societal stigma from people practicing the sin of homosexuality to the people opposing it. Cook is giving heavily to an HRC project to promote homosexuality in the South.

This is the season to dwell on Absolute Truth, lest we reduce “the holidays”—happy or otherwise–to mere sentimentality. Divine Truth. We profess it, but do we actually believe in it? The namesake of Christmas—Jesus Christ–is the most important Absolute Truth anyone can ever know: God becoming man, to solve man’s sin problem. [“He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.”—1 John 2:2]

The explosion of sexual sin in Western cultures–especially one like ours with a magnificent Christian heritage that still professes to be “under God”–is ultimately a manifestation of losing the Truth of Jesus. Let’s face it: many or even most Americans—secular or professing “Christians”–think they’re “smarter than God” when it comes to sex (and other issues), and the result is a society is awash in sin and its consequences: fornication, broken homes, divorce, abortion, widespread STDs and, yes, homosexualism and extreme gender rebellion.

All sins dishonor God, but there’s something especially deplorable and significant about the spread of homosexuality and related perversions in a civilization. Someone smart once said something to the effect that if homosexual sodomy—what Noah Webster in 1828 defined as “a crime against nature”–is OK, then nothing is wrong. The court-imposed spread of sodomy-based “marriage” is a cultural act of defiance for which America will be judged—or perhaps is already being judged–as a nation. [Read the AFTAH article, “Gay Marriage and Distant Consequences.”]

Following and obeying Jesus is the key to righteousness. I find this reality to be evident in my own life: the more I stray from the Savior, the less virtuous, the less “godly,” I become. The closer I get to Jesus through the Scriptures, the Word of God, the more righteous I become. So it is with nations.

Changing the standard of right and wrong

All people sin. But most of us lack the audacity and hubris to attempt to change the transcendent, eternal standard of Right and Wrong, even as we fall short, sometimes woefully short, of God’s righteous demands.

But the earthly “enemies” against which AFTAH contends are all about changing the Truth standard–in a desperate quest to rationalize their sin. They want to change God’s plumb line of righteousness, based on the authority of, well, their feelings. “LGBTQueer” forces–fueled by seemingly endless financial resources–work day and night to change the standard, but the standard does not change. The standard cannot change.

Despite the Horror, Syrian and Iraqi Christian Refugee Children (And Their Parents) Experience Christmas

Florida based Love-Link Ministries partnered with Christmas for Refugees to bring Christmas to the refugee-riddled Middle East. Rev. Bob Armstrong joined William J. Murray in bringing true joy to the war-ravaged lands. Bill is the author of seven books including his bestselling autobiography, “My Life Without God,” which detailed his childhood in the dysfunctional home of atheist/Marxist leader Madalyn Murray O’Hair. I have been on his board for three decades.

photo (8)

Rev. Bob with Syrian refugee children.

I have ministered in 45 countries, but nothing really prepared me for how great the need truly is, and how we (and your giving and prayers) had such a tremendous impact upon Middle East refugees. Several thousand Syrian and Iraqi Christian refugee children (and their parents) were given a genuine Christmas this year, in spite of their horrific circumstances.

Instead of spending money on renting event banquet halls, local churches were utilized for free. Plus, the local pastor obviously knew most of the precise, devastating situations and most of the refugees, as well as the dramatic needs of each family.

In Lebanon, in the city of Zahle near the Bekaa Valley, close to the Syrian border, the True Vine Church helped in this monumental effort to reach refugee children. The host pastor’s name — yes, his birth name – is Pastor Jihad!!!! You read that right! He has been to the United States several times before 9-11, but after 9-11, he was denied for five years simply because of his name! I understand why. What a terrific pastor!

Parents of the refugee children, having suffered so much when forced to flee their homeland in Syria to Lebanon by ISIL warriors, also participated in their own service while their children enjoyed a sumptuous meal in their own culture. BEFORE any child or adult received a meal or any food bags, the Christmas Gospel was taught to them. Many were Muslims. To hear Muslim children singing at the top of their lungs how Bethlehem was the place of the birth of the Savior of the world was absolutely breath-taking!!

Isam Ghattas and William Murray

Isam Ghattas and William J. Murray oversee the Christmas event for refugees.

Multiplied thousands of displaced Iraqi Christian refugees have recently come to Jordan because of the July, 2014 takeover of the city of Mosul by Islamic State Sunni fighters that was so heavily reported in the media. Most escaped with just the clothes on their backs. Islamic State Sunni fighters took their homes and gave them a choice: “Renounce your faith, leave or die.”

Many Christians chose to flee for their lives. One 72-year-old man, living in the basement of a Jordanian church, described his situation: “In one moment, I lived in a comfortable home with 1,800 square feet; and now I exist with my entire family in only 180 square feet!” (See the picture of me with him below)

To many, this might have been the very best Christmas these refugees have ever experienced, in spite of their urban plight. Many were forced from their mostly comfortable homes in Iraq.

We supplied Christmas dinner, the Christmas story, Christmas carols, a bag of candy, an entire week’s worth of food for an entire family (called a “Joy Bag”), and prayer the week before Christmas to those needy Christian refugees. Over 300 children and their parents received this humanitarian Christian program the week before Christmas at just one event held at the Orthodox Church. In all, over 1,000 refuge children in Jordan will be reached during the Christmas season.

Bible Society of Jordan participated as well by giving each family an adult Bible, a children’s picture Bible and children’s coloring and activity books with stories from the Old and New Testaments.

Even Santa Claus and Winnie the Pooh visited the new St. Ephrem Orthodox Church in Amman (headed by Priest Emmanuel) to give out bags of candy to the delight of the refugee children.

The United States’ media does not give the entire picture of what is happening in the Middle East. We are experiencing the worst refugee crisis since World War Two. As reported two weeks ago on CBS 60 Minutes, nearly two million Syrian refugees have crossed over into Lebanon and now make up one-fourth of that nation’s entire population. The population of Beirut has doubled just in the last three years!

Refugees with their Joy Bags

Refugees with their Joy Bags.

Bill Murray and I had just entered Jordan from a few days in doing the same with Syrian refugees in Lebanon. We traveled extremely close to ISIL, or Islamic State (IS) -controlled enclaves to help develop relief to those who suffer.

I was within a football-field length from ISIL warriors and fighters!! In northeast Lebanon there is a place called “Private Tent City,” as opposed to the United Nations tent cities provided for some refugees. This “private” place charges money and at this one area, serves as a place for IS fighters to “regroup” in the winter months! Obviously, no pictures. No police go in there; no Lebanese army never enters the “private tent city.”

ISIL has kidnapped 26 Lebanese Army soldiers. ISIL has contacted the relatives of these kidnapped soldiers and has threatened them that if they do not blockade the main highway running north and south in Lebanon, their relative will be beheaded! So we had to drive around a couple of blockades. War is hell!

One of my very best friends, Bill Murray, the Christmas for Refugees founder, stressed: “Our main thrust is to assist Christian refugee children and their families. But if Muslim parents’ consent that their children can receive the Christmas message at the dinners, that is a part of the mission given us by the Lord. We doubled the amount of what we did last year at Christmas. We hope to double it again next year!”

Jordan’s Manara Ministries’ Isam Ghattas, our local Jordanian coordinator, urged: “No one can conceive how great the need really is. These refugees are creating a humanitarian crisis.” Our evangelical relief and development agency met many needs. The popular Ghattas was overwhelmed by grateful parents and children. One can tell from the smile on Isam’s face that the years of he constantly helping people is extremely rewarding to him personally. The exact same with Armstrong and Murray.

Most Iraqi refugees in Jordan fled their homeland with almost nothing. In one church basement (a church near Amman; no name mentioned for security reasons), 56 refugees live in 12 – 10’ x 10’ cubicles. Some are being moved to “trailer homes”. Forget the “double-wides,” these supposed “homes” are about one-third of a regular mobile home. Refugees use a different trailer for communal cooking for 20 families. Over 95% of Iraqi Christian refugees cannot get employment.

Most are considered “in transit” to permanent residence in another country that will take refugees. However, for most, that dream will always remain a dream.

We met with some leading pastors of the Assyrian and Chaldean churches, who also participated in the feeding programs. Here was the tragedy: looking into the “pleading” eyes of that Chaldean priest who showed the list of over 800 children he had registered for the meals. Unfortunately, the original budget was for only 100 meals. The priest had to make the tough decisions.

Refugee kids enjoy their Christmas dinner

Refugee kids enjoy their Christmas dinner.

It is my prayer that next year, everyone who wants, will be fed and blessed. Fortunately, the program was able to increase the number to 200 children, all newly arrived Iraqi children from Mosul, at that church. We are actively exploring ways to expand this worthy outreach into Iraq itself and even Egypt.

Despite deplorable conditions and an extremely bleak future, the laughter of the children could be heard and the ear-to-ear smiles could be seen at distribution points in Jordan and Lebanon, as they experienced a true “Christmas to remember” especially in a very unfamiliar place.
Grateful refugee parents shed tears of joy at seeing the children being able to have a Christmas time despite the horrid situation they find themselves in currently.

The Christmas program events presented in both Lebanon and Jordan were truly non-denominational. Christmas events were held at evangelical, Orthodox and Catholic churches. The Christmas for Refugee program was accepted by and cooperation received from churches of all faiths in both nations.

In the face of the disgraceful refugee crisis this Christmas there was a positive outcome due to the generosity of many people. Multiplied thousands of refugee families greatly benefited, and were blessed, because of this successful program.

Again, my gratitude to those who made a financial investment into this worthy cause. Most importantly, thank you for your continued prayers for safety. Obviously, I am back home with Kim and Brittany for Christmas. But a part of my heart is with those dear children and parents in the Middle East.

I also want to thank MAOZ Israel for your substantial donation to this cause, where that offering shows that even Messianic Jewish Believers in Israel genuinely care about their fellowman, the Arabs.

I have already committed to next year to be a vital part of this worthy and effective outreach.

P. S. I also met personally with General Georges Sada while in Jordan. He was head of Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi Air Force. As a strong Christian, (the only one of over 120 of Saddam’s Cabinet) he later headed the Evangelical Christians in Iraq. He was also my host in Iraq years ago. It was a great reunion. We are exploring ways to reach more Iraqi refugees.

Pro-Police ‘Breathe Easy, Don’t Break the Law’ t-shirt goes viral

Indiana Police Officer Jason Barthel created the ‘Breathe Easy, Don’t Break the Law’ t-shirt allowing citizens across America to show support for their law enforcement officers.

The Daily Signal’s Philip Wegmann reports:

One small business is booming as the debate rages over police shootings.

With a T-shirt, police officer Jason Barthel ignited a national controversy. Ten days before Christmas, the owner of South Bend Uniform Co. debuted T-shirts emblazoned with this controversial message: “Breathe Easy, Don’t Break the Law.”

Barthel twisted the rallying cry of a national protest sweeping the country. Since early December, numerous NBA and NCAA basketball teams have sported “I Can’t Breathe” warm-up jerseys commemorating the last words of Eric Garner and protesting his untimely death.

Frustrated that this apparel “made it seem as if there were a lot of people thumbing their nose at the police,” Barthel told The Daily Signal that he fashioned his own T-shirts as “a retort to the ‘I Can’t Breathe’ movement.”

“Up until that point, nobody from our side of the world—the police world—had really said anything on our behalf,” Barthel said.

Barthel, a 13-year veteran of the Mishawaka Police Department, wants to fill that void.

“From the perspective of a policeman,” the clothing communicates that “we’re here for you, and we won’t have any problems with you if you’re not breaking the law.

[ … ]

Some members of the community aren’t convinced.

In an open letter, a coalition of community leaders condemned a product they believe “damages the goal of unity and further divides our community.”

Joined by the local president of the NAACP, Rev. Terrell Jackson, three members of the South Bend City Council urged Barthel to “discontinue sales.”

This is more than an idle threat considering that, according to a report by the Star Tribune, public records show that the city of South Bend made purchases of more than $64,700 from Barthel’s company in 2013 alone.

Read more.

Reader’s may order a Breathe Easy, Don’t Break the Law t-shirt by clicking here.

Why Does God Leave Muslims Deluded?

I am a follower of Dr. William Lane Craig, a noted Christian apologist. Dr. Craig receives daily hundreds of questions from those seeking answers about their Christian faith. The most recent question received by Dr. Craig was from a man named Raef from Jordan. Raef’s question is: Why Does God Leave Muslims Deluded?

I found Dr. Craig’s reply most enlightening, particularly this paragraph:

But here the problem is worse for the Christian than for the Muslim. For the Bible affirms that God loves these people [Muslims] and wills their salvation. By contrast the Qur’an states repeatedly that Allah does not love sinners or unbelievers [Christians and Jews]. His love is given only to those who first love him. So there’s no problem if Allah simply writes such people off. Of course, I think this only serves to expose the moral deficiency of the Islamic concept of God. As a person whose love is partial, conditional, and has to be earned, Allah is not the greatest conceivable being and therefore not God. The problem is not that God would be unjust to leave people in their delusion but that He would be unloving. [Emphasis added]

Below is the full text of the inquiry from Raef and Dr. Craig’s reply:

Why Does God Leave Muslims Deluded?

Hello dr. Craig and sorry for my bad English.

I have been watching your debates and lectures and I find them very good and useful

There is a question that I thought of the classical theism (specifically Christian theism ) that has something to do with the good people who are followers of other religions , people who love god and worship him and do many good deeds for him but they die without knowing the true god ( who you believe him to be the Christian god ).

For example in my Muslim society there are people who all they know about Christianity is that it is another false religions like all non-Islamic religions and they never think in the possibility that it is the true religion because they have no reason to do so, hence they go on with Islam and with a pure heart they do whatever possible to be good Muslims so how can god leave them deluded? Don’t they deserve to not be deluded and guide their whole life on the basis of this delusion?

Sorry again for my English and thank you



Dr. William Lane Craig.

Dr. Craig’s Answer

Your question, Raef, is one that faces every religious particularist, whether Muslim or Christian. I could just as easily have put the question to you:

In my Christian society there are people who all they know about Islam is that it is another false religions like all non-Christian religions and they never think in the possibility that it is the true religion because they have no reason to do so, hence they go on with Christianity and with a pure heart they do whatever possible to be good Christians so how can Allah leave them deluded?

Although some people have disingenuously tried to cast Islam as an inclusivistic religion, the Qur’an is quite clear that persons who believe what Christians believe about Jesus are blasphemers whose destiny is hell. So the Muslim, like the Christian, must face the difficult question of how God can overlook people who are suffering from a religious delusion.

It seems to me that there is no injustice on God’s part in leaving some people deluded, since that delusion is the result of their own sin and rejection of God’s general revelation in nature and conscience. (Read the first chapter of Paul’s Letter to the Romans in the Bible.) Hence, it is false to say that they “deserve to not be deluded.” On the contrary, all of us deserve condemnation, not mercy.

But here the problem is worse for the Christian than for the Muslim. For the Bible affirms that God loves these people and wills their salvation. By contrast the Qur’an states repeatedly that Allah does not love sinners or unbelievers. His love is given only to those who first love him. So there’s no problem if Allah simply writes such people off. Of course, I think this only serves to expose the moral deficiency of the Islamic concept of God. As a person whose love is partial, conditional, and has to be earned, Allah is not the greatest conceivable being and therefore not God. The problem is not that God would be unjust to leave people in their delusion but that He would be unloving.

This is a question with which I have sincerely wrestled. There is a whole section of this website devoted to my publications on this topic, and I’d commend it to you.

In a nutshell, I argue, first, that no one has been able to show a contradiction between

1. God is all-loving and all-powerful.


2. Some people never hear the Gospel of Christ and are lost.

Second, I argue that we can show that (1) and (2) are consistent by adding a third proposition, namely,

3. The world has an optimal balance between saved and lost, and those who never hear the Gospel and are lost would not have believed it even if they had heard it.

The idea here is that due to human freedom the balance between saved and lost in the actual world (which includes, remember, the future as well as the past and present) is as good as God can get; and He has so providentially arranged the world that anyone who would believe in the Gospel if he heard it, is born at a time and place in history at which he does hear it. So anyone who wants or even would want to be saved will be saved. So long as (3) is even possibly true, it shows that there is no inconsistency between (1) and (2).

God is not indifferent to the plight of those in Muslim societies. A person in a Muslim society who never hears an accurate presentation of the Gospel of Christ will not be judged on the basis of whether he believed in Christ, which would be manifestly unfair, but rather on the basis of his response to God’s general revelation in nature and conscience. If he responds in faith to that revelation, then he will be saved whilein Islam though not through Islam. If he does not respond and so is lost, neither would he have responded to the Gospel had he heard it. Someone who is responsive to that general revelation will be drawn by God’s fuller revelation of Himself in Christ. Perhaps he will follow Muhammad’s advice, if he can, to go to the people of the Book (Jews or Christians) and ask them to explain things to him. Perhaps God will bring to him knowledge of the Gospel through a dream or vision, as is happening in Muslim countries across the world. A person who is truly seeking God will respond to Christ when the Gospel is accurately presented.

RELATED ARTICLE: Wall Street Journal: Science is Proving God’s Existence

Major corporations funding “gay” indoctrination in elementary schools across America [+ Video]

It’s every parent’s nightmare, but true: Major U.S. corporations are funding a campaign of sophisticated, psychologically intrusive “gay” indoctrination programs targeting very young children in elementary schools across America. It’s part of a very well-planned and well-funded effort to reach children as young as possible without their parents’ intervention.

From the “Welcoming Schools” website.

The national program, called “Welcoming Schools”, skillfully works on the minds of young children in three ways:

(1) Introducing the concept of homosexuality to children.

(2) Telling them that homosexuality is normal and natural.

(3) Telling them that their parents or friends who portray homosexuality in a less than positive way are bad people – intolerant, bigoted, etc.

The “Welcoming schools” website has even posted a video that describes their program and shows how effective these psychological techniques are in molding young children’s minds:

As MassResistance has reported, major US corporations are enabling this through large donations to the radical national LGBT group Human Rights Campaign (HRC). HRC created and runs the Welcoming Schools program and has representatives in regions around the country pushing it in elementary schools.

Of particular concern and outrage was the recent arrest of HRC’s founder and current Board member, Terry Bean, for “third degree sodomy” of a 15-year-old boy. HRC has had no comment on that incident, but it continues a vicious campaign of harassment against pro-family leaders with whom it disagrees. But this has not deterred corporate donations to HRC in any way that we can determine.

Bringing it into the schools

Among the vehicles they use to bring this into the schools are the “anti-bullying” laws which the national LGBT movement lobbied heavily for in states across the country over the last several years. As MassResistance warned at the time these laws, which were largely written and/or influenced by LGBT groups, invariably have little to do with legitimate anti-bullying behavioral science. Instead they require schools to provide LGBT “diversity training” and mete out punishment for “anti-gay” opinions or discussion.

Not surprisingly, nothing is said told to kids about the extensive medical and psychological dangers of homosexual behavior, including a range of diseases, addictions, domestic violence, and other social pathologies.

Confronting the corporations that fund this

The companies pouring money into HRC read like a who’s who of corporate America. You can see some of the names HERE.

But MassResistance is fighting back. As we’ve reported, we have been helping people to contact these companies – by phone, email, and letter – and tell their corporate staffs in no uncertain terms what we think of their actions – and demand that they stop it.

It’s quite shocking. Companies that many of you patronize at one time or another are using your money to subvert your own young children’s minds to accept and support a dangerous perversion.

When people manage to actually speak with corporate representatives, the companies don’t deny what they’re doing. They talk about how proud they are to be fighting for “tolerance” and “diversity.” They seem to have no misgivings at all when outraged parents contact them.

We contacted these four companies — to start with.

What that tells us is that we need to step up this fight. Most of these companies have never heard from pro-family people before. They only hear from radical homosexual activists. With your help, that will change!

$10,000 matching challenge for MassResistance!

Help us meet $10,000 matching challenge by midnight Dec. 31!

A generous donor has offered to donate $10,000 if we can raise an equal amount by midnight Wednesday, Dec. 31. You can really make your money work for you — and get a year-end tax donation also. (See our 77-second video on what MassResistance is doing.)

But it needs to be done by midnight Wednesday, Dec. 31.

Here are two ways you can do it:

1. Non-tax-deductible gift. To MassResistance:  You donate by credit card online HERE or mail a check to MassResistance, PO Box 1612, Waltham, MA 02454.

2. Tax-deductible gift. To Parents’ Education Foundation, which funds our research and education work.  You can mail a check to: Parents’ Education Foundation, PO Box 1612, Waltham, MA  02454. Or to give by credit card, call our office at 781-890-6001.

All donations sent by Dec. 31 will receive TWO of our “not equal” stickers, suitable for your car … or, be creative!

Let’s ring in the New Year with a big push!

Tired of seeing the obnoxious homosexual Human Rights Campaign’s “equal” stickers everywhere?

Fight back with the truth — our MassResistance “not equal” stickers!

(Get two free with each donation.)

Help us keep fighting!
Please DONATE to Mass Resisance

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“How to stab a Jew” video going viral on Palestinian Authority social media

In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat jihad.

“‘How to Stab a Jew’ Going Viral on Palestinian Authority Social Media,” by Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu, Jewish Press, December 28, 2014:

The “resisters of occupation in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem” are spreading on Arab social media a frightening video demonstrating tactics on how to stab a Jew to death quickly and efficiently.

The 1-minute and 13-second video, as seen below, shows the “teacher” calmly walking up to a “victim,” stabbing him, and walking away.

One of the tactics appears to imitate the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) method of beheading.

The guide to killing Jews teaches that after stabbing the victim, the knife should be twisted to maximize wounds and cause death.

The Palestinian Authority and anti-Israel Arabs in Jerusalem do not need terrorist cells when “resisters” use social media to reach hundreds of thousands of Arabs in Jerusalem as well as in Judea, Gaza and Samaria, with a single simple post.

Israel needs to find the source of whoever posted this video and arrest him or them.

All of Israel is paying a heavy price, the price of life, for a decade of conducting “negotiations” with the Palestinian Authority while it has incited an entire generation to hate Jews and then murder them.

Until the Palestinian Authority halts all incitement, and until Mahmoud Abbas starts condemning terrorists in Arabic as well as in English, and until the Obama administration understands that Israel means what it says, the government needs to stop all contact with Ramallah.

Arab stabbing attacks on Jews have increased significantly this year, and every Israeli is a potential victim when “resisters” educate every Arab to be a murderer.


Israel: Islamic jihadists firebomb Jewish apartment in Jerusalem

Jihadis call for attacks on UK airlines to “crush the enemy’s economy”

Acquittal of the Guilty

California: Muslim arrested in mosque vandalism

Yet another fake “Islamophobic” hate crime. As if Mohammad Khan was simultaneously mentally ill and a “devout Muslim.” Hamas-linked CAIR and other Muslims have not hesitated to stoop even to fabricating “hate crimes,” including attacks on mosques. CAIR and other groups like it want and need hate crimes against Muslims, because they can use them for political points and as weapons to intimidate people into remaining silent about the jihad threat.

“Man arrested in Islamic center vandalism was targeting a bully, Fresno police say,” by Marc Benjamin, The Fresno Bee, December 27, 2014 (thanks to James):

The man who vandalized the Islamic Cultural Center on Christmas Day also vandalized and burglarized a business about two miles away because he thought he was getting back at the family of a girl who he believed had disrespected and bullied him, police said Saturday.

Asif Mohammad Khan, 28, who is Muslim, was arrested the day of the burglaries and vandalism at the Fresno Digestive Center, 7405 N. Fresno St., and the Islamic Cultural Center near Nees and Maple avenues.

His older sister describes Khan as having schizophrenia. She said he is a big National Basketball Association fan and was surprised not to see him in the family home Thursday while NBA games were being broadcast.

He was arrested at the Fresno Digestive Center on Thursday afternoon as he tried to run from Fresno police officers. Detectives interviewed him Friday evening. They then went to his home in Clovis, where they recovered a Philadelphia Eagles jacket and baseball cap that matched the clothing worn by the man who was seen on the Islamic Cultural Center’s video surveillance.

Khan told detectives that the crime was not meant as hateful to the Islamic Cultural Center, where he had at one time attended mosque programs. His crimes were targeted at a young woman who had bullied him and her family, Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said.

“He did say this is not a hate crime, although he was angry and perhaps had some hatred toward individuals,” the chief said. “It was not geared towards the Islamic community, it was not geared to the Islamic faith or any of those things and was simply to get back at a few people at the center who had belittled him and in his eyes bullied him.”…

Dyer said that in the days before the vandalism, Khan had posted on social media that Osama bin Laden was the “most inspirational person in his life.” He said Khan also made references to Adolf Hitler.

“I do not know what that reference was about,” Dyer said. “Perhaps that addresses his mental state.”

Khan’s sister, Samia Khan, said her brother is a devout Muslim. He prays five times a day, but attends Friday prayers in a different mosque. She said her parents were “deeply sorry” for the damage….


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Islamic State executed nearly 2,000 people in six months

Israel: Islamic jihadists firebomb Jewish apartment in Jerusalem

The Stark Contrast Between Two People’s Views on the Communist Cuba / Castro Controversy with Obama

Hope all is well as I trust that everybody had a Blessed & Beautiful Christmas Holy Day…It’s not a Holiday – it’s a “Holy Day”…Along with the Day of the Resurrection, Christmas Day is the most significant day in our calendar year, as if it were not for these two days, I would not be writing this piece; we would not have eternal life…and Barack Obama would be the last thing on my mind…

But, we are blessed to have these two sacred days in our calendars…and, we are stuck with the Emperor for a little more than “730” days. And, boy, have these last “53” days been excruciating. Yes, since November 4th, when the Republican Party slapped the Liberals something silly – their ruthless and squeaky “lame duck” has made more noise than the AFLAC duck on TV commercials. And, with his latest and most blatant Executive Action taking place over a week ago – when he thought he would “go it alone”, again – taking on another Foreign Policy move that he has no place or business even going near – this fiasco with “Cuba & the Castro Commies” – is way out of his league…

And, like I wrote last week in my introduction message in regards to this down-right slap in the face to every Cuban exile living in this country, age 45 and up – Obama has no clue what he is doing with Fidel & Raul Castro – and does not even know what the word embargo means – let alone, what the word democracy means…

And, it seems that every time this dictator wannabe puts his foot in his mouth and does something that he has no business doing – he always manages to escape to Hawaii or the nearest golf course for another “much needed” vacation, as he is there now with Michelle and the girls, on our dime, again…

Yes, that has been Obama’s M.O. for the past 6 years – make a dumb move; create controversy; stir up the hornet’s nest; piss off the entire country; then go hide away in Hawaii or Martha’s Vineyard. But, this time, he knows he has to come back and he knows that come January, a new Congress will be awaiting him. And, he also should be well aware that what he did last week by gutlessly going behind our country’s back and “unofficially” trying to lift the embargo from Cuba, is going to cost him and it did not sit well with two vocal senators who have Cuban ties – Marco Rubio & Ted Cruz.

My prayer is that both, Rubio and Cruz, continue to take the lead in standing up against Obama in regards to this controversy with Cuba, and convince John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and the rest of this new Congress to NOT allow Obama’s Executive Action to actually take place. They need to fight this tooth and nail with all they’ve got and not allow any type of lifting of the embargo to take place until the ruthless tyrants who have run Cuba aground for the past 55 years, declare Cuba to be “Free of Communist Rule” and sign an agreement with the United States stating that Cuba will be a Free Democracy from now on, with Free Elections and that all human rights will be bestowed upon the 13 million Cubans living on this beloved island nation…Churches and schools must be open to everybody.

Until this is done – there is NO DEAL! I am all for progress and making things better with Cuba, but one cannot do business with ruthless dictators who have imprisoned, tortured and killed thousands of innocent people for over 5 decades, pretending that this never took place, and out of the clear blue, declaring Cuba “open for business”…There has to be a price to pay; an apology to take place; and lots of healing and conversion in order for the United States of America to do business with Cuba…Freedom does not come Free – and, it’s Cuba who needs to adjust to United States policies – not the other way around. If an embargo does take place sometime in the future, it is the U.S. who is doing Cuba a favor. Now, they need to come clean; release all prisoners; put down their guns and firing squads; lose that Communist flag; pay their dues and play by our rules. That’s the democratic way…That’s the only way…But, by the looks of things and from Raul Castro’s latest comments, it looks like he wants to stick to his guns and is still saying that “Cuba will always be under Communist rule as long as he is alive”…

And, there, the problem lies…but, Obama, as stubborn as he is, will continue to “go it alone”, and with those big ears of his, pretend that he did not hear Raul Castro’s latest comments…

The real problem is that an individual like Barack Obama has no clue what took place in Cuba the past 55 years. (He does not even now what took place in the United States the past 55 years, let alone, Cuba). He has no idea what the Castro brothers represent – and until you walk in the shoes of those courageous Cubans who left the island between 1959-1965, and see what they had to endure – do NOT even think of messing with their families’ history and the beloved island they had to leave because of Communist rule. This is sacred, personal and sensitive to all Cubans who fled back then and when an arrogant socialist like Obama decides that he knows best and is going to wreak havoc on these Cubans’ past & future by recklessly dealing with two Communist brothers who turned their lives upside down and more – you better be prepared to pay the consequences…Obama, don’t mess with Cuba…You would not want anyone to mess with your birthplace, Kenya…

So, please take a look at these two articles that I have included for you, below, so you can see how different two people’s points of view on this controversial issue with Cuba, Castro and Obama truly are. The first article happens to come from the President of the Catholic League, Bill Donohue, who, you can tell, is quite liberal. Claims to be a devout Catholic – but, definitely, left-handed. His views on what Obama is trying to accomplish with Cuba is in total disagreement with the millions of Cubans who are living in this country today who see it as an insult to them and the place of their birth. Donohue’s comments about Obama and Pope Francis only adds more insult to injury and coming from the President of the Catholic League, his socialist views are just as slanted as Obama’s…


Then, we have a phenomenal article and commentary from an incredible woman who was born and raised in Cuba – who saw it all first-hand, along with her very active family. Yes, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, a devout Pro-Lifer, patriot and outspoken Republican activist, who ran for U.S. Senate in 2012 – truly lays it all on the line here. She has the right to be able to express herself like this because she lived it. She walked in those shoes I was referring to earlier. Marielena basically says everything that I, along with any Cuban-American in this country (ages 45 and up), would have written. She could not have said it any better. Her article should serve as an inspiration to all Cubans in this country. Thank you for being bold for your Faith, your present country and for your country of birthplace…


Friends: I humbly ask that we, as American citizens of this great country of ours – please keep this volatile situation with Cuba, the Castros and Obama – in deep prayer. Had it been anybody else (other than Barack Obama), executing this Executive Action – I know I would personally feel a lot more comfortable and confident that something positive is going to be happening in Cuba in the near future. Let’s face it – 55 years is way too long a time to have this beautiful island still under Communist rule – especially when it is only 90 miles away from my sister, Elena’s house, in Key West. But, I along with millions of Americans in this country (Obama’s approval ratings are at an all-time low right now), do not trust Obama with anything – especially with an area he has absolutely no experience in or clue as to what he is doing – Foreign Policy…it’s all foreign to him…and, Cuba can be quite dangerous…

In closing, let’s pray that Obama comes to his senses; that cooler and smarter heads prevail; that our new Congress shows some courage, boldness and self control; and that we, in fact, are able to do something with Cuba in the very near future. I honestly believe that this is in GOD’s Plan and we owe it to all those courageous and passionate Cubans who gave up their lives fighting for their Patria, dreaming that one day we would all be able to say out loud: VIVA CUBA LIBRE!!…I, for one, am one of those. And, although I came from Cuba, myself in 1961, at the age of three and consider myself more American than most Americans – my heart goes out to all those older Cubans who suffered and gave up so much for their beloved homeland (including my beloved mother and late father). It is only right that those well-deserving Cubans get to see a Free Cuba before they die and go to their final resting place knowing that, in the end – good triumphed over evil – GOD over the devil…Free Democracy over ruthless Communism…


Best Film in Decades: American Sniper Breaks All-Time Record for Limited Release

american sniper posterSarasota, Florida has a special connection with the film “American Sniper“, set for nationwide release on January 16, 2015. Two Sarasotans made it their mission to create a life size image of American hero, and the author of “American Sniper“, Chris Kyle. These two men are Gene Sweeney and Greg Marra. Gene and Greg collaborated to create the statue and then they took it to Texas as a gift to the wife and widow of Chris Kyle.

Additionally, the names of all Navy SEALs killed since 9/11, including Chris Kyle’s, are carved into the granite of the 9/11 Victims and Fallen Heroes Memorial, which stands proudly at Patriot’s Park in Venice, FL. This monument is also the work of Gene Sweeney, a U.S. Air Force veteran.

Pamela Geller writes:

Longtime readers of Atlas Shrugs know how much I love movies — not the dreck that’s served up today, but the great golden age of Hollywood, when America was a proud force for good. Every Saturday night, I run a movie from that era that reminds my readers who and what we are and could be.

Tonight I saw a film that all Americans should see. Finally, a modern film that made me proud to be an American: American Sniper. It tells the truth about the war we are in and the savages we are fighting (a word used repeatedly, I might add).

Watch the trailer of Clint Eastwood’s epic film “American Sniper”:

Geller notes, “Every film about war and since Vietnam, with few exceptions, has been a left-wing hate-filled attack on America. Proud, patriotic films about American heroism and goodness have gone the way of all great American  institutions, such as individualism, liberty, and capitalism under the decades-long siege by the left. Clint Eastwood can join the pantheon of great American directors such as Frank Capra and John Ford, proud Americans who loved their country and made films that reflected the culture of the good. We owe Clint Eastwood a huge debt.”

Read more.

New issue of al-Qaeda magazine devoted to “jihad in America”

Trying to “strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah” (Qur’an 8:60).

“New issue of jihadist magazine produced by al-Qaeda in Yemen suggests attacks on U.S.,” by Karen DeYoung, Washington Post, December 24, 2014 (thanks to Block Ness):

A new issue of Inspire, the English-language online magazine produced by al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen, is devoted to “jihad on America” and suggests targeting major American figures as well as Western commercial airliners, according to a report Wednesday by SITE Intelligence Group.

The issue is the 13th since Inspire was first published online in 2010. Its founder, Samir Zafar Khan, was born in Saudi Arabia to Pakistani parents but grew up in New York state.

Khan, a blogger on jihadist themes who was well-known to U.S. intelligence, is believed to have traveled to Yemen and joined al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, the year before the magazine’s debut issue.

Khan, an American citizen, was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen in 2011, along with Anwar al-Awlaki, also an American, whom President Obama described as AQAP’s “operational commander.”

The most infamous article published by Inspire, a Khan-authored instructional guide titled“How [sic] to Build a Bomb in the Kitchen of your Mom,” was used by the Boston Marathon bombers in a pressure-cooker explosive they planted in their April 2013 attack, according to prosecutors in the case.

The cover of the new Inspire issue is of a commercial airliner whose undercarriage is being blown up. According to the SITE report, the magazine states that it is “committed to arm Muslim individuals — as well as Muslim groups.”…


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Malian academic: What Islamic jihad groups did in Mali “has nothing to do with Islam”

Egyptian security forces foil jihad terrorist attack on Coptic Christmas celebrations

Sony’s movie “The Interview” now available on YouTube

Sony has released the movie “The Interview” on YouTube. Those wishing to watch the movie via ROKU, Apple TV, Google TV or on their computer or cell phone may do so at a cost of from $5.99.

In the action-comedy The Interview, Dave Skylark (James Franco) and his producer Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen) run the popular celebrity tabloid TV show ‘Skylark Tonight.’ When they discover that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is a fan of the show, they land an interview with him in an attempt to legitimize themselves as journalists. As Dave and Aaron prepare to travel to Pyongyang, their plans change when the CIA recruits them, perhaps the most unlikely candidates, to ‘take out’ Kim Jong-un.

WARNING: The Interview is Rated-R for adult content:

The Great Christmas Boots Adventure/Conservative New Year’s Eve Party

Mary and I just arrived home to Florida after campaigning around the country most of the year for conservative candidates. Our pet/house sitter did an excellent job keeping our animals (greyhound, three cats and three birds) happy and our home in order.

A large tree in our backyard died and fell. Thank God it did not hit our house. Mary gets really nervous whenever I play with ladders, chainsaws and fire. Still, I safely used my chainsaw to cut up and stack the fallen tree. I dealt with various other neglected homeowner projects.

It was refreshing taking a break from my 24/7 focus on fighting Obama and company’s 24/7 attacks on our freedoms and destruction of our country. Please note that I only took a break. Every patriot must stay engaged fighting to save our country.

I dug the Christmas tree and decorations out of our backyard storage shed. The radio in my shed and car are on the all Christmas music station.

I turned 66 years old October 31st. I do not know if this is due to my age, but I noticed something a bit different in my emotions this year. For some unexplained reason, the classic Christmas songs performed by the likes of Nat King Cole, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Andy Williams and others mean much more to me than they did in the past.

Mary informed me that my Christmas gift to her is a new pair of leather boots. Because my beautiful awesome wife deserves everything I can give her, accompanying her in her quest to find the perfect boots has caused me to boldly go where few men have gone before; numerous shoe stores and malls packed with shoppers, aromas of sweet delights and long lines of parents with their very excited loud kids waiting to chat and take a picture with Santa.

Honey, we have already gone to Macy’s, Dillard’s and the others.” “Yes, but not every Macy’s and the others carry the same boots” she replied. “Oh, okay”, I replied.

I do not enjoy shopping. Witnessing Mary’s extraordinary diligence has been fascinating. First, she spent hours on the internet researching. She is probably informed enough to give a seminar on boot manufacturers and designers.

Something else I have detected is that when we are in the malls/stores, Mary is truly enjoying herself. So, this is my Christmas gift to my wife, not just the boots, but hanging out with her in the stores in her quest to purchase the boots. While Mary would never pressure me to shop with her, I know she really appreciates me accompanying her, even though I wander off for awhile; watching football on the store TVs and so on.

No, we have not found her perfect boots; wrong color, sold out in her size, not quite the right style and the calf part is too large.

Meanwhile, I am excited to announce that Mary and I will be flying out to Reno, Nevada to host the December 31st – Conservative New Year’s Eve Party. You can watch the special 8-hour broadcast live from anywhere in the world online at our website: http://bit.ly/1luQguK

The program will air from 3:00 PM – 11:00 PM Eastern (12:00 Noon – 8:00 PM Pacific), which will give you time to still watch the ball drop at Times Square in New York City at Midnight, or whatever other New Years evening plans you might want to make.

Bottom line: this New Year’s Eve, you need not watch the mainstream TV networks with hosts and guests who will inject their liberal propaganda into everything, raising your blood pressure, especially as they review the events of the year. No, instead, our national conservative family is getting together for a massive celebration of our values, our victories and our plans heading into 2015!

The Conservative New Year’s Eve Party will feature some of the leading conservatives from around the nation. We’ll be unveiling these special celebrity guests in the days to come.

Please join us by watching The Conservative New Year’s Eve Party folks. It is going to be fun!

Maybe we will be more successful shopping for Mary’s perfect boots in Nevada rather than Florida.