Judicial Watch Study Uncovers Dirty Voting Rolls in Iowa

Judicial Watch stepped up this week to call attention to the issue of dirty voting rolls in Iowa.

A Judicial Watch study found that eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than their eligible voting-age population. According to their analysis of data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) in 2019 and U.S. Census Bureau’s five-year American Community Survey (also released in 2019), eight Iowa counties are on the list of 378 counties nationwide that have more voter registrations than citizens living there who are old enough to vote, i.e., counties where registration rates exceed 100%. These 378 counties combined had about 2.5 million registrations over the 100%-registered mark. In Iowa, there are at least 18,658 “extra names” on the voting rolls in the eight counties at issue.

Under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), we sent notice-of-violation letters to 19 large counties in five states (California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, and Colorado) that we intend to sue unless the jurisdictions take steps to comply with the law and remove ineligible voter registrations. Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act requires jurisdictions to take reasonable efforts to remove ineligible registrations from its rolls.

The chart below details our data on eight Iowa counties’ registration rate percentages:

Reg. Rate Total Pop.
Dallas County
114.8 80,864
Johnson County 107.9 144,425
Lyon County 102.5 11,745
Madison County 102.5 15,720
Poweshiek County 102.1 18,428
Dickinson County 100.9 17,000
Scott County 100.8 171,493
Warren County 100.5 48,630

In addition to the eight counties listed above, Polk County, Iowa’s largest, has an unusually high registration rate of 95.9% of total eligible citizen voting-age population.

Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections, and Iowa needs to undertake a serious effort to address its voting rolls.

Judicial Watch is the national leader in enforcing the National Voters Registration Act, which requires states to take reasonable steps to clean their voting rolls. In 2018, the Supreme Court upheld a massive voter roll clean up that resulted from our settlement of a federal lawsuit with Ohio. California also settled a similar lawsuit we brought against the state that last year began the process of removing up to 1.5 million “inactive” names from Los Angeles County voting rolls. Kentucky also began a cleanup of up to 250,00 names last year after it entered into a consent decree with us to end another Judicial Watch lawsuit.

Despite our demonstrated expertise and court successes, after our numbers were announced a key government official spread falsehoods about Judicial Watch’s data, which was gleefully picked up by the leftist media. To be clear, it is shameful that the secretary state of Iowa would mislead Iowans and Americans about the accuracy of the state’s registration rolls.

Again, our analysis of Iowa’s state registration rolls is based on official voter registration data provided by Iowa to the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC) for publication in 2019. Data concerning such registrations must be reported to the EAC by law under federal regulation 11 C.F.R. § 9428.7. This is how we found the eight counties with registration rates over 100% of the voting age population. The next reliable report on Iowa’s registration rolls won’t occur until after the November election, as the EAC’s next report will be released in 2021.

The Iowa secretary of state’s release of interim voter registration data further confirms our concerns and shows that five of the eight counties we listed are still over 100%. Nearly three dozen counties have a registration rate over 95% of the voter age population, which is extraordinarily high. Our data has proven to be a strong indicator of voter registration issues and a basis for further inquiry.

Iowa’s secretary of state and local officials need to clean up the election rolls and reassure voters that the state’s election process is being administered in compliance with federal law and common sense.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

VINDICATION: U.S. Senate Acquits President Donald Trump in Baseless Impeachment Proceedings

Congratulations to President Trump on the overwhelming vote by the U.S. Senate to acquit him and reject the baseless impeachment charges against him. Thankfully, the U.S. Senate rejected this act of tyranny by the Pelosi-Schiff coup cabal that controls the House of Representatives. That was “Vindication Day” for the President, the rule of law and the Constitution.

Senate Majority Leader McConnell and the president’s defense team deserve thanks for limiting the damage to our republic by successfully combating efforts to expand the trial to further abuse President Trump and the rule of law.

I attended to President Trump’s celebration of his acquittal at the White House this week. President Trump rightly called out the corrupt coup cabal that abused him and his family. This was great to see in person. I was honored to represent Judicial Watch at this historic marking of the vindication.

There must be accountability for this unprecedented abuse of power that targeted not only President Trump but also the Constitution. We have little doubt the president’s opponents will corruptly continue to abuse and harass him.

That’s why Judicial Watch will continue to investigate and pursue its dozens of lawsuits on the Biden-Ukraine scandal, details about Schiff’s misconduct as well the illegal spying on President Trump and other innocent Americans.

Judicial Watch Uncovers Emails Showing Involvement of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in Launching of FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane

We recently uncovered 144 pages of emails between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page that show their direct involvement in the opening of Crossfire Hurricane, the bureau’s investigation of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

The records also show additional “confirmed classified emails” were found on Hillary Clinton’s unsecure non-state.gov email server “beyond the number presented” in then-FBI Director James Comey’s statements; Strzok and Page questioning the access the Department of Justice (DOJ) was granting Clinton’s lawyers; and Page revealing that DOJ was making edits to FBI 302s (summaries of interviews) related to the Clinton investigation, also known as Midyear Exam (MYE). The emails detail a discussion about “squashing” an issue related to the Seth Rich controversy.

The records were produced in response to a January 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit we filed after the DOJ failed to respond to a December 2017 request for communications between Strzok and Page (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00154)).

The FBI is only processing the records at a rate of 500 pages per month and has refused to process text messages. At this rate, the production of these communications won’t be completed until late 2021.

Strzok and Page were key investigators in both the Clinton email and Russia collusion investigations.

On July 31, 2016, the day that the Trump-Russia collusion investigation known as Crossfire Hurricane was launched, Strzok sent an email under the subject line “Opening EC” [presumably standing for Opening Electronic Communication, which would have been needed to launch the FBI investigation] to Johnathan Moffa, a deputy assistant director in the bureau’s Counterintelligence Division, Page and an unidentified FBI Office of General Counsel official.

Strzok: Hey just realized I need a succinct statement for the Opening EC. To open bidding I propose: [redacted]. Comments, please.

Moffa: I would recommend: [redacted].

Page: I like Jon’s additions and subtraction.

Strzok: Thanks. So: [redacted].[TF1]

In his December 2019 report on the four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) applications and other aspects of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz noted that “[Bill] Priestap, Strzok’s supervisor, told us that ultimately he was the official who made the decision to open the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, and Strzok then prepared and approved the formal documentation, as required by the DIOG.”

Horowitz also noted: “We found that while she attended some of the discussions, Lisa Page did not play a role in the decision to open Crossfire Hurricane or the four individual cases.”

The new records show that on July 15, 2016, 10 days after Comey’s statement recommending no criminal charges against Clinton in the email investigation, Moffa emailed Strzok and Page informing them that additional classified emails were found among Clinton’s emails “beyond the number presented in the Director’s statements.”

Moffa: I just talked to [redacted]. Yesterday she reviewed some additional USDS classification determinations (which I’m not sure we’ve received via email) and identified additional confirmed emails beyond the numbers presented in the Director’s statements. [Redacted]

I assume you guys may want to get that info up the chain at some point, but I would recommend waiting a couple of hours so we can really lock down the details. This is going to be an ongoing thing I guess since there are still determination requests out there …

Strzok: Yeah I think that’s fine. We anticipated and I think everyone is aware that number would shift as the process went forward.

In his July 5, 2016 statement, Comey said:

From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification. Separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were ‘up-classified’ to make them Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the e-mails were sent.

In a heavily redacted August 10, 2016, email exchange Strzok sends Page a forwarded message from unidentified agents from the FBI’s Washington Field Office (WFO) who discuss Seth Rich. Rich, a Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer, was murdered in Washington, D.C., on July 10, 2016. The case reportedly remains open.

A [redacted] official in the Public Affairs office of the WFO opens the email chain, writing:

Various news outlets are reporting today that Julian Assange suggested during a recent overseas interview that DNC Staffer, Seth Rich was a Wikileaks source, and may have been killed because he leaked the DNC e-mails to his organization, and that Wikileak’s was offering $20,000 for information regarding Rich’s death last month. Based on this news, we anticipate additional press coverage on this matter. I hear that you are in class today; however, when you have a moment, can you please give me a call to discuss what involvement the Bureau has in the investigation.

An unidentified WFO agent responds:

“I’m aware of this reporting from earlier this week but not any specific involvement in any related case.”

An unidentified WFO agent subsequently writes to Moffa and Strzok:

“Just FYSA. I squashed this with [redacted].”

Strzok then forwards the email chain to Page.

In a July 22, 2016, email exchange, Strzok and his boss, assistant director of the Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap, are critical of how deferential the DOJ is being to Clinton’s legal team.

In the exchange, an associate at the law firm representing Clinton’s aides, Hal Brewster of Wilkinson Walsh, asks DOJ officials in the National Security Division (NSD) if they could schedule a meeting the following week. An unidentified NSD official notes, “It is my understanding that [deputy assistant attorney general George] Toscas may have called over to Jim [presumably FBI General Counsel Jim Baker] and Trisha [presumably FBI Office of General Counsel lawyer Trisha Anderson] regarding some high-level participation for at least the first few such calls.”

Later in the thread, an unidentified NSD official says:

In the meantime, I’ll tell Hal that we will certainly schedule a call and will get back to him as to timing. Since he knows Beth [presumably Clinton aides’ attorney Beth Wilkinson] personally, it could be useful to have Jim [Baker] on the phone if she is going to be haranguing us re: the laptops.

Strzok then writes to an unidentified FBI OGC official, Moffa and Page:

You are perfectly competent to speak to the legal obligations and FBI policies/procedures. We should NOT be treating opposing counsel this way. We would not in any other case.

Priestap agrees, telling Strzok:

Thank you, and I agree with you on both fronts. My guess is that George [Toscas] will not change his behavior, but thank you for trying. Let me know if it continues, as I can always try to get the DD to refer the issues to us.

In another July 22, 2016, email exchange, Strzok and Priestap seem to be critical of Baker’s handling of the Clinton case. Baker tells colleagues:

Got it. George asked me to participate if possible, so maybe I can join this one and then see where we are at.

Baker’s email is forwarded to Strzok, who tells Page, Moffa and Priestap:

Lisa/Bill, can you talk to him [presumably Baker]? This is wrong.

Page responds:

I’m planning to. I agree, I find his participation wholly unnecessary.

Priestap writes: “Lisa: When you speak to him, please tell him that I also believe it is unnecessary, and please let me know the outcome of your conversation.”

Page replies:

I spoke with Jim a little earlier, I explained [redacted]. Anyway, he said he appreciated the call and would give it some thought. I also offered that if he felt badly about backing down from what he told George, Trisha would be acceptable, but still was entirely unnecessary. Let me know if you have any questions.

A redacted FBI attorney then responds:

We spend entirely too much time in this case soothing [redacted’s] hurt feelings. I cannot believe that a grown man, a professional adult, continues to tattle. AND IT WORKS. Seriously … I am completely bewildered that this goes on in a professional workplace. And then he calls MY professionalism (and the FBI’s) into question. [Emphasis in original]

Strzok responds:

I know; it’s very frustrating. I talked at length with [redacted] and as best I can tell it was his feeling out of the loop (following a week he was on leave, in an environment where a lot of new actors we don’t control are participating), coupled with a strong desire not to be yelled at by opposing counsel. Truly.

On August 5, 2016, an unidentified official from the DOJ’s Office of the General Counsel, National Security Branch, emailed Strzok, Moffa, Page and others noting that:

Today [redacted] brought over additional 302s from WFO. Are those supposed to go through the redaction process for production to DOJ on Monday?

Page replies:

To the best of my knowledge, yes, they will. When Pete identified for [redacted] the DOJ edits that needed to be made to the 302s [redacted] discovered there were four (I think) 302s that had never been written. What I don’t know is whose 302s they are, but unless Pete or Jon are able to respond in short order, I would throw them on the pile for redactions.

Strzok responds:

The new PRN 302s do not. All of the rest do need to be redacted.

On August 4, 2016, Strzok forwards to Moffa, Page and unidentified OGC officials a link to a PBS interview with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Strzok writes:

A lot of interesting quotes in here. Is Trisha’s write-up done?

Page replies:

Yes. She wanted [redacted] to have one more look, but there’s no reason you couldn’t ask her for it.

Strzok responds:

Well, I want to serialize it to the file. Ideally before it breaks publicly. It it’s not ready, it’s not ready. And we sure as hell better try to get the AG brief done before this breaks.

On July 26, 2016, Strzok emails Page under the subject “AG defensive brief.” Strzok writes:

Hey has the AG defensive brief been scheduled? Probably smart to do that soon in the event it leaks out via Wiki or others…. [Loretta Lynch was attorney general at the time.]

These emails show that disgraced anti-Trump officials Strzok and Page were directly involved in the launching of the abusive spying on President Trump and his campaign. And, the emails reconfirm the urgent need for Attorney General Barr to reopen the Clinton email investigation, which was compromised by unprecedented bias for Clinton by senior Obama FBI and DOJ officials.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Two more ‘austere religious scholars’ killed at Trump’s direction

Last October, the Washington Post hailed ISIS caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as an “austere religious scholar.” Because it was Trump who ordered that these jihad mass murderers be taken out as well, watch for the establishment media to eulogize them in similar terms.

“White House Confirms Trump Has Killed Two More Top Terrorists,” by Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire, February 6, 2020:

The Trump administration confirmed that a mission directed by President Donald Trump last month was successful in killing a top Al-Qaeda terrorist in the Middle East.

“At the direction of President Donald J. Trump, the United States conducted a counterterrorism operation in Yemen that successfully eliminated Qasim al-Rimi, a founder and the leader of al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and a deputy to al-Qa’ida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. Rimi joined al-Qa’ida in the 1990s, working in Afghanistan for Osama bin Laden,” The White House said in a statement. “Under Rimi, AQAP committed unconscionable violence against civilians in Yemen and sought to conduct and inspire numerous attacks against the United States and our forces.”

“His death further degrades AQAP and the global al-Qa’ida movement, and it brings us closer to eliminating the threats these groups pose to our national security,” the statement continued. “The United States, our interests, and our allies are safer as a result of his death. We will continue to protect the American people by tracking down and eliminating terrorists who seek to do us harm.”

News that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had targeted al-Rimi in a strike initially broke last week, although the U.S. government did not put out a statement at the time confirming the news.

The New York Times reported on Sunday that al-Rimi had claimed credit for the December 6 Islamic terrorist attack on Naval Air Station Pensacola where three U.S. sailors were killed and eight other Americans sustained severe injuries.

The Daily Wire highlighted last week several other top Islamic terrorists that Trump has killed since October:

The news comes after a Trump-authorized drone strike killed Iranian terrorist leader Qassem Soleimani, Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF), in early January….


Meet the World’s Top Terrorists Trump has Eliminated

Iranian Nationalists Reject Arabia’s Islamic Yoke

France: Hate crime case dropped against teen who received death threats for criticizing Islam

Netherlands: Muslims push students under the bus in the entitlement hierarchy

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

How Joe Biden Rejected Trump’s Peace Plan by Hugh Fitzgerald

The Trump Administration’s remarkably detailed peace plan, set out in 179 pages of text and two pages of maps, is the fruit of 2½ years of intensive labor by Jared Kushner and a half-dozen others. For the first time, according to this plan, Israel would recognize a State of Palestine, with its capital in what, arguably, can be considered part of East Jerusalem – concessions that are vehemently opposed by the Yesha Council representing many Jews living in the West Bank. The significance of the Israeli concessions has been ignored by much of the media, because it gets in the way of the agreed-upon narrative, which is that the Trump Administration has been grossly unfair to the Palestinians in its determination to “give Israel everything it wants.” This phrase, endlessly repeated, mischaracterizes the detailed and comprehensive handiwork of those who crafted the Administration’s peace initiative. Only those who have read the plan in its entirety (at www.whitehouse.gov) have a right to comment on it; media summaries have hardly done justice to what it promises the Palestinians. Four-fifths of the plan is devoted to the many economic benefits that the Palestinians will reap from agreeing to make peace, with a contemplated $50 billion investment in the health, education, vocational and professional training, infrastructure (schools, roads, bridges, tunnels), housing, utilities (electricity, water, Internet), expanded employment, new businesses — all for the Palestinians in their new state of Palestine.

Cynics – and a great many in our media and political elites have decided cynicism is the only permissible reaction when it comes to the “Deal of the Century” – treat this plan not as a genuine effort at forging a sustainable peace, but merely a case of Trump trying to curry favor with Jewish and evangelical Christian voters and, at the same time, to deflect attention from the impeachment proceedings. And, these cynics add, Prime Minister Netanyahu, who faces charges in Israel of corruption (because in the past he accepted gifts of cigars and champagne), must also have wanted the plan to be released when it was in order to help him in his own effort to deflect attention from his legal difficulties at home. But the impeachment proceedings have been going on for four months; had the Trump Plan been introduced at any time, before, during, or after the impeachment business, Trump would still have been accused of attempting to exploit the Deal of the Century to deflect the public’s attention. Similarly, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s legal troubles have been going on for many months and will continue to do so; there was no way to predict when release of the peace plan would do him the most good. The plan was a complicated affair, and when it was finally ready, with every rhetorical wrinkle in those 181 pages ironed out, it was released. There is no evidence that its release was either delayed, or rushed, in order to help out either Trump or Netanyahu in their domestic politics.

None of the four Democratic front-runners – Biden, Sanders, Warren, and Buttegieg, had anything good to say about the Trump Plan. They were far harsher on the plan than were many of the Arabs themselves in their initial responses. Those from Egypt, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman were fairly mild, even praising Trump for his effort and calling for renewed dialogue between Israel and the Palestinians, based on the plan as a starting point, and under the auspices of the United States. Those early responses were the result of three things: First, the Arab calculation that they need President Trump’s support in any conflict with Iran and wish not to displease him; second, the recognition by several Arab states — Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Egypt — that Israel is their most valuable regional ally against the Iranian threat and they don’t want Israel weakened by being pushed to make too many concessions to the Palestinians; third, after seven decades, the Arab states are becoming increasingly fatigued with the whole “Palestinian cause,” weary of the Palestinian demands, and no longer interested in sacrificing their national interests for the Palestinians and their tiresome, prevaricating, grasping, and demanding leader, Mahmoud Abbas.

Those initial responses of mild approval gave way, at a meeting of the Arab League in Cairo on February 1, to a unanimous rejection of the Trump Plan, and then, a few days later, to its rejection again, this time by the O.I.C. (the Organization of the Islamic Conference). Those Arab states that had originally supported the plan as a “praiseworthy effort” did not want to stand out from the other Arabs at a meeting of the full 22-member League; they preferred to keep their heads down, and vote with the rest of the group, for fear of being tarred as “collaborators and sellouts to Netanyahu and Trump.” In such circumstances, they didn’t want to take a risk of antagonizing the Arab street, whipped up by the Palestinian propagandists against the regimes of those who did not denounce the plan. And Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, Oman, Morocco – all of which had originally lent their cautious support to the plan – had to worry not just about other Arab states attacking their position, but especially about Iran, with its vast propaganda apparatus, ready to pounce on those Arab states it could depict as in Trump’s – and Netanyahu’s — pocket. Given such potential threats, it was prudent of those countries to reverse their initial responses, and vote along with the other Arabs at the Arab League Meeting in Cairo on February 1 to reject the Trump proposal, and to do it again, this time joining 56 other Muslim states at the meeting of the O.I.C. in Riyadh a few days later, in rejecting the Trump peace initiative.

The responses of the Democratic candidates, which can be found here, are worth examining, for they were not even as positive as were, initially, those of a half-dozen Arab states. Let’s start with Joe Biden, whose campaign slogan is “No Malarkey”:

Former vice president Joe Biden called the outline counterproductive and warned against settlement annexations.

Biden refers to the “outline,” which raises the obvious question: did he not read the whole plan, in all of its impressive detail, set out in 181 pages, before commenting on it? If he did not, he has no business commenting on it. “Whereof we do not know, thereof we should not speak” – Wittgenstein, too, believed in “no malarkey.” Study the plan, look carefully at the two maps, and only then, Joe Biden, based on your newly-acquired detailed knowledge, of Trump’s Deal of the Century, will you have earned the right to comment on it.

When Biden claims that the plan is “counterproductive” he means this: the Palestinians are furious with the plan, and because it’s so “unfair” they won’t enter into negotiations. Instead of creating the conditions for peace, the Trump Plan has thus pushed the parties farther apart. But there is nothing new about the Palestinians throwing temper tantrums and refusing to negotiate. It’s not this plan alone that they object to; it’s any plan that doesn’t give them everything they want. The Palestinians haven’t been willing to enter into negotiations with Israel for many years now. Even when the Arafat was offered 97% of the West Bank by Ehud Barak, at the Taba Summit in January 2001, during Carter’s presidency, the Palestinians refused to accept it. Arafat repeatedly refused to take anything less than a complete return by Israel to the 1949 Armistice Lines. Mahmoud Abbas similarly refused an offer from then-Prime Minister Olmert to give the Palestinians 95% of the West Bank. Abbas has continued to repeat the maximalist claim: the creation of a Palestinian state, including the entire West Bank; the withdrawal of Israel to the 1949 Armistice Lines; Jerusalem, including the Old City, with the Western Wall and the Temple Mount, to become the undivided capital of a Palestinian state, and finally, the “return of the refugees,” meaning — uniquely for this very special group of refugees — that children and grandchildren of the Arab refugees, more than 5 million of them, can return to what is now Israel, and demographically overwhelm the Jewish people in their one small state.

What is truly “counterproductive” is to continue to allow Abbas and his fellow Palestinians to labor under the delusion that they can continue to reject negotiations with Israel unless they receive, in advance, assurances that their maximalist demands will be met, and to do so while – still more infuriating – claiming they have no intention of negotiating either with Trump or with the Israelis. The plan includes an important timetable: Israel has agreed, in still another concession, not to build any new settlements in the West Bank during the next four years, as long as negotiations with the Palestinians are going on. There is now time pressure put on the Palestinians to negotiate in good faith. For if no final agreement is reached in that time, then the Israelis can, in the American view, resume settlement-building. That is not a “counterproductive” condition, but one more likely to lead to an agreement, if the Palestinians finally understand the consequences either of not negotiating, or of not doing so in good faith by continuing to make demands that have no prospect of being accepted by Israel. Meanwhile the clock is running on the moratorium agreed to by Israel on new settlement building.

Of course, this need for the Palestinians to grasp the nettle of negotiation before the four-year moratorium on settlement building runs out assumes that the Palestinian leaders will behave rationally. They tend to let their rages get the better of them. Let us remember that in February 2019, Mahmoud Abbas refused to take the tax money Israel collected for it, because Israel insisted on deducting from the amount it transferred to the P.A. the same amount that the P.A. provided to terrorists and their families. This meant that the PA was forfeiting about $170 million a year, because it would not accept any money collected for it by the Jewish State as long as Israel deducted from the amount it transferred the $14 million a month that the PA diverted to its Pay-For-Slay program. After having declared he would never take the reduced tax payments, Mahmoud Abbas quietly capitulated. And now he accepts what Israel gives him — the taxes collected minus a sum equal to what the PA provides to the terrorists and their families in their “Pay-For-Slay” program.



A Short History of Palestinian Rejectionism

Iranian Nationalists Reject Arabia’s Islamic Yoke

France: Hate crime case dropped against teen who received death threats for criticizing Islam

Two more “austere religious scholars” killed at Trump’s direction

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: In Florida Banks Mortgage away Kids for LGBT Cause

What kind of people would kick needy kids out of good schools? Big Business, that’s who. In Florida, companies like Wells Fargo and Fifth Third Bank are dropping out of a scholarship program — all because some of the private schools have religious beliefs. Apparently, these CEOs think the LGBT agenda is more important than giving low-income kids the chance to succeed. Unfortunately for them, most parents across the state disagree — and aren’t about to let the vouchers go quietly.

At a rally this week in Tallahassee, pastors had strong words for anyone — bankers or otherwise — who would sacrifice poor children on the altar of radical sexual politics. “I see people who claim to be fighting for social justice who don’t even blink at the thought of using low-income children … as pawns,” Rev. H.K. Matthews thundered into the crowd. Almost 109,000 students take advantage of the program that Wells Fargo and Fifth Third would cripple over their ridiculous demands for “inclusion.” Demands, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) pointed out on “Washington Watch,” that show where their true priorities are.

This program, Senator Rubio said, has become “very personal to me… I now know dozens and dozens of families that have benefited from it.” The idea that the rug would be yanked out from under them, just because a school believes what the Bible says about gender and sexuality, is an absolute outrage. “How it works is: you’re low income family. It gives you the opportunity — not just to take them out of a school you don’t like — but to put them into a learning environment that’s going to provide them opportunities for courses and to be around an educational environment they would never have the chance to go to if they didn’t make a lot of money. And I’ve seen some of these kids that used a scholarship and graduate go on to the Naval Academy, to West Point, to Harvard, to some of the best institutions in the country. They never would have been able to have those opportunities that came from going with those schools.”

“Now here comes Wells Fargo, this great beacon of morality,” he says sarcastically, “who’s been caught just a few years ago fraudulently opening up accounts, savings accounts, checking accounts on behalf of their clients so they can charge them fees and all that. And here they come now basically saying, ‘We’re no longer going to donate to the program because we don’t like the fact that some religious schools [have] policies that align with the doctrine of the church…” Of course, they call these “anti-LGBT policies,” when in reality, they’re just affirmations of biblical teaching on sex and marriage.

And guess what, Senator Rubio asked? If a student doesn’t want to take the scholarship and go to a school with those beliefs, they don’t have to. The parents choose which school they go to. So it’s not as if these beliefs are being forced down children’s throats. And yet, these two banks — along with a chorus of Democrats in the legislature — are willing to destroy these students’ futures over it.

“What really sets me off,” Senator Rubio fumed, “is [that what they did] is not going to hurt those schools. Those schools are not going to abandon the Bible over a government program if they existed before this program… [W]ho they’re hurting are low-income kids, because they’re not going to be able to go to these schools [if they don’t get the funding.] …There are kids [who] may lose their scholarship [next year], [who] may be told, ‘You can no longer attend the school you’re attending… because we don’t have enough money this year for you because we lost two donors.’ So it’s just a reminder that what you often see now in corporate America is that they believe they can buy themselves into the good graces of broader society or cover [up for their scandals] by [caving] to some pressure and bullying from radicals on the Left.”

It’s an astonishing statement by Big Business that they’re willing to sentence thousands of children to lives of poverty to cater to the .6 percent. That’s disgraceful, especially at a time in this country when the test scores in our public schools are declining — and the performance gap is widening. Programs like Florida’s matter to kids where education is the only lifeline. Former Secretary of Education Bill Bennett and I talked about this extensively late last year. For families who don’t have the money to pull their kids out of public school, these programs are a way for children to rise above their circumstances and find success.

As President Trump said Tuesday night in the State of the Union, “No parent should be forced to send their children to a failing government school.” If the executives at Wells Fargo and Fifth Third really cared about inclusion, they’d give every Florida student the opportunities their own children have. Instead, they’re putting their sons and daughters in elite schools, and then turning around and locking less fortunate children out — all to score “wokeness points” on this phony crusade against “hate.” Obviously, Big Business (like the Left) doesn’t care who they hurt, as long as it appeases the radical mob.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.


In UK, Starbucks Promotes Ad Celebrating Gender Transition

Trump Lets Her Rip at SOTU
‘In Evin Prison, Everything Is a Shock’

Franklin Graham in the Spotlight

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Why Impeachment Failed

It’s comforting, no doubt, to believe that Donald Trump has survived the impeachment trial because he possesses a tighter hold on his party than did Barack Obama or George W. Bush or any other contemporary president. In truth, Trump, often because of his own actions, has engendered less loyalty than the average president.

It’s difficult to recall, after all, a single Democratic senator throwing anything but hosannas Obama’s way, which allowed the former president to ride his high horse from one scandalous attack on the Constitution to the next.

In 1998, no Democrat voted to convict Bill Clinton, who had engaged in wrongdoing for wholly self-serving reasons, despite the GOP’s case being far more methodical and incriminating.

The chances of any party’s removing its sitting president without overwhelming evidence that fuels massive voter pressure are negligible. It’s never happened in American history—unless you count the preemptive removal of Richard Nixon—and probably never will. Democrats are demanding the GOP adopt standards that no party has ever lived by.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

Perhaps if the public hadn’t been subjected to four years of interminable hysteria over the United States’ imaginary descent into fascism, it might have been less apathetic toward the fate of “vital” Ukrainian aid that most Democrats had voted against when Obama was president.

And perhaps if institutional media hadn’t spent three years pushing a hyperbolically paranoid narrative of Russian collusion—a debunked conspiracy theory incessantly repeated by Democrats during the impeachment trial—the public wouldn’t be anesthetized to another alleged national emergency.

You simply can’t expect a well-adjusted voter to maintain CNN-levels of indignation for years on end.

Beyond the public’s mood, the Democrats’ strategy was a mess. House Democrats and their 17 witnesses set impossible-to-meet expectations, declaring that Trump had engaged in the worst wrongdoing ever committed by any president in history. (I’m not exaggerating.) When it comes to Trump criticism, everything is always “the worst thing ever!”

Even if Trump’s actions had risen to the level of removal, Reps. Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler were terrible messengers to make the case. These are not the politicians you tap to persuade jurors; they’re the politicians you pick to rile up your base.

Despite all the fabricated praise directed at Schiff over the past couple of weeks, the man reeks of partisanship. Not only because he’s been caught lying about the presence of damning evidence against Trump on more than one occasion, but because he played a sketchy role in helping the whistleblower responsible for sparking the impeachment come forward.

Even then, instead of spending the appropriate time building a solid case, subpoenaing all the “vital” witnesses, and laying out a timeline, House Democrats, by their own admission, rushed forward.

They justified taking shortcuts by warning that the country was in a race to stop Trump from stealing the 2020 election just as he had allegedly stolen the 2016 election.

That wouldn’t have been a big deal if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hadn’t exposed the supposed need for urgency as a ruse, by withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate for weeks.

She did so despite having zero standing to dictate the terms of the trial, no constitutional right to attempt to dictate them, and no political leverage.

In the end, she got nothing from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for her trouble.

Meanwhile, Democrats had spent most of the House hearings focusing on difficult-to-prove specific criminal offenses of “bribery” and “extortion”—poll-tested words that were taken up after the House realized “quid pro quo” didn’t play as well with the public.

Then, they didn’t even bother including the “crimes”—no, you don’t need a violation of criminal law to impeach, but the word was incessantly used by House Democrats anyway—in their open-ended articles of impeachment, written expressly to compel Senate Republicans to investigate for them.

The House had no right to demand that, and the Senate had no reason to comply. So as soon as the upper chamber took up impeachment, Democrats began dropping one “bombshell” leak after the next—the same strategy they deployed during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings—to drag out the spectacle and maximize the political damage.

Some of us would certainly have preferred that more Republicans concede Trump’s call was unbecoming and, in parts, inappropriate, even if it didn’t rise to the level of an impeachable offense. But Democrats keep demanding that Republicans play under a different set of rules.

The Constitution, a document under attack by the very people claiming to save it from the president, worked exactly as it should.

The House is free to subpoena all the “vital” witnesses Republicans have supposedly ignored, and then send a new batch of impeachment articles. Impeachment isn’t tantamount to a “coup” any more than Senate acquittal is unconstitutional or corrupt.

Pretending that democracy is on the precipice of extinction simply because you didn’t get your way, though, is nothing but histrionics.



David Harsanyi is a senior writer at National Review and the author of “First Freedom: A Ride through America’s Enduring History With the Gun, From the Revolution to Today.” Twitter: .

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

BOOK REVIEW: ‘The Ladies Secret Society’ — History of the Courageous Women of Iran

“Our Western world media has just celebrated #WorldHijabday, while in the Islamic world,  hundreds of Iranian women are being arrested and put in prison for removing their hijab. That Islamic oppression of women is steadily coming here, by our media’s own hands. The fashion industry leads much of that dangerous change.” The Fashionization of Islam by Aynaz Anni Cyrus

Iran translated means “The Land of Gentle, Hospitable People.”

On February 11, 1979, four months after the Shi’a clerical takeover of Iran by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Manda Zand Ervin the author of The Ladies Secret Society fled her native country. Forty years later Manda decided she must write a book about the history of the women of Iran from 5,000 B.C.E. to 2020 C.E. This amazing book is about how Persia, now Iran, went from ruling Women-Gods to being ruled by the “men of God.” Manda writes:

Today, forty years later, as Iran explodes in a new revolution of hope, I can dream just a little about returning to the land where I learned to walk.

Manda states The Ladies Secret Society, “[I]s written in dedication to the spirits of women-gods who have stood in defiance of tyranny.”

Manda is named after Mandana, the princess of the Meds, who married Prince Cambyses from the neighboring tribe, called Persians. It was Mandana who gave birth to Cyrus the Great.

According to The Ancient History Encyclopedia:

Cyrus II (d. 530 BCE), also known as Cyrus the Great, was the fourth king of Anshan and the first king of the Achaemenid EmpireCyrus led several military campaigns against the most powerful kingdoms of the time, including Media, Lydia, and Babylonia. Through these campaigns, he united much of the Middle East under Persian hegemony while keeping the local administration mostly intact. By guaranteeing some continuity and thus winning the loyalty of the elite, he laid the foundations for the Achaemenid Empire.

It was the ladies secret society (Ahdjomaneh Serieh Banovan) that fought cleric’s Gender Apartheid for over 100 years.

University of California, Santa Barbara, Professor John Lee noted:

The denigration of the Persians by some of the Greek historians, and later the British, degraded Iranian civilization in order to legitimize the imperialist domination of Iran, which has influenced the elites of America.”

Manda points out:

Hollywood has made movies idolizing Alexander the Great, but none about Cyrus the Great, who lived in the sixth century B.C.E., and his magnanimous humanity and contribution to the U.S. Constitution and Western civilization…”

Who are the Iranians?

Manda writes:

While Islam is the religion of the majority of Iranians today, it is just one of many religions embraced by Iranians over history. Iranians were majority Zoroastrians with Jews, Christians and others living in peace and harmony until the brutal occupation of Arab conquerors and the enforcement of Islam on all Iranians. It is the majority faith today because the clerics have bullied non-Muslims to either convert or leave the country.

Mando goes on to explain:

As ideological political imperialists, the ruling clergy have used religion to intimidate the world and take what they want from Iran. They have scorned Iran’s history and cultural identity, especially over the past four decades, to intimidate and demoralize the people of Iran and legitimize their illicit rule of the world.

The Ladies Secret Society is a must read.

The Ladies Secret Society is a must read given what is happening at this very moment in history in both the Middle East and within Iran itself.

Iran analysts at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (IGC) in a series of 2019 studies four decades after Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution wrote, “The Iranian state serves the revolution, not the other way around.”

Iranian-Canadian political analyst Shahir Shahidsaless has noted that the IRI’s founding father and first supreme leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, had “viewed the concept of nationalism as un-Islamic.”

The IGC reports have especially noted that the

Green Movement protests against the 2009 Iranian presidential election results were a rude awakening to many Iranians who had believed the revolution was about political emancipation, when it was abruptly announced that obedience to the supreme leader and his appointees was the equivalent of obedience to God. No modern Iranian monarch could have made such a claim.

There is a new Green Movement in Iran led by women and inspired by martyrs like Neda Agha-Soltan who was photographed sprawled on the ground, staring into the camera, as if she was asking the world, “Why is there so much discrimination against us women?”

Things in the Middle East and in Iran are changing. When President Donald J. Trump unveiled his Vision for Peace, Prosperity and a Brighter Future for Israel and the Palestinian People he said:

“We are not here to lecture—we are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be, or how to worship. Instead, we are here to offer partnership – based on shared interests and values – to pursue a better future for us all”

This statement does not just apply to the Palestinians. It also applies, perhaps even more, to the people of Iran. On January 17th, 2020 President Trump tweeted the following in Farsi and English:


To understand Iran one must understand the history of its women. Manda Zand Ervin‘s book The Ladies Secret Society gives us this deep and much needed insight.

© All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Iranian Nationalists Reject Arabia’s Islamic Yoke

VIDEO: President Donald J. Trump’s Remarks on his Acquittal by the U.S. Senate


How History Will Judge the Trump Impeachment

His Foes ‘Vicious’ and ‘Genius’ in Impeachment, Trump Tells Supporters

RELATED VIDEO: Brigitte Gabriel: Listen Up, Speaker Pelosi…

TRANSCRIPT: Remarks by President Trump to the Nation

Issued on: 

East Room

12:21 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you very much.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  Thank you.  Wow.  (Applause.)  Well, thank you very much, everybody.  Wow.  We’ve all been through a lot together, and we probably deserve that hand for all of us, because it’s been a very unfair situation.

I invited some of our very good friends.  And we have limited room, but everybody wanted to come.  We kept it down to a minimum.  And believe it or not, this is a minimum.

But a tremendous thing was done over the last number of months, but really, if you go back to it, over the last number of years.  We had the witch hunt.  It started from the day we came down the elevator, myself and our future First Lady, who’s with us right now.  Thank you, Melania.  (Applause.)

And it never really stopped.  We’ve been going through this now for over three years.  It was evil.  It was corrupt.  It was dirty cops.  It was leakers and liars.  And this should never, ever happen to another President ever.  I don’t know that other Presidents would have been able to take it.  Some people said, no, they wouldn’t have.  But I can tell you, at a minimum, you have to focus on this because it can get away very quickly.  No matter who you have with you, it can get away very quickly.  It was a disgrace.

Had I not fired James Comey — who was a disaster, by the way — it’s possible I wouldn’t even be standing here right now.  We caught him in the act.  Dirty cops.  Bad people.  If this happened to President Obama, a lot of people would have been in jail for a long time already.  Many, many years.

I want to start by thanking some of — and I call them friends, because, you know, you develop friendships and relationships when you’re in battle and war, much more so than, “Gee, let’s have a normal situation.”

With all that we’ve gone through, we’ve done, I think, more than any President and administration, and really, I say, for the most part, Republican congressmen, congresswomen, and Republican senators.  We’ve done more than any administration in the first few years, if you look at all of the things we’ve done.

I watched this morning as they tried to take credit for the stock market from — (laughter) — from — think of that.  Let me tell you, if we didn’t win, the stock market would have crashed.  And the market was going up a lot before the election because it was looking we had a good chance to win, and then it went up tremendously from the time we won the election until the time we took office, which was November 8th to January 20th.  And that’s our credit.  That’s all our credit.  And leading up to that point was our credit because there was hope.

And one of the reasons the stock market has gone up so much in the last few days is people think we’re doing so well.  They liked the State of the Union speech.  (Applause.)  It really is — it’s a true honor to give it.

Making the State of the Union speech, I was with some people that have been around; they’ve been all over the world.  And one of them, a highly sophisticated person, said, “You know, no matter where you go in the world, it doesn’t make any difference — there is nothing like what I witnessed tonight.”  The beauty, the majesty of the Chamber.  The power of the United States, the power of the people in this room.

Really, an amazing — I don’t think there is anything like that anywhere in the world.  You can go to any other country, you can go to any other location, any other place.  It’s the beauty of everything.  It’s what it represents and how it represents our country.

I want to start by introducing some of the people that are here.  I know some are going to be left out.  But they work so hard.  And this is really not a news conference.  It’s not a speech.  It’s not anything.  It’s just we’re sort of — it’s a celebration, because we have something that just worked out.  I mean, it worked out.  We went through hell, unfairly.  Did nothing wrong.  Did nothing wrong.  I’ve done things wrong in my life, I will admit.  (Laughter.)  Not purposely, but I’ve done things wrong.  But this is what the end result is.  (Applause.)

(The President holds up the front cover of The Washington Post newspaper.)

We can take that home, Honey.  Maybe we’ll frame it.  (Laughter.)  It’s the only good headline I’ve ever had in the Washington Post, I’ll tell you.  (Laughter.)  But every paper is the same.  Does anybody have those papers?  Does anybody have them?  Because they’re really like that.  So I appreciate that.

But some of the people here have been incredible warriors.  They’re warriors.  And there’s nothing, from a legal standpoint — this is a political thing.  And every time, I’d say, “This is unfair.  Let’s go to court.”  They’d say, “Sir, you can’t go to court.  This is politics.”  And we were treated unbelievably unfairly.

And you have to understand, we first went through Russia, Russia, Russia.  It was all bullshit.  (Laughter.)  We then went through the Mueller report.  And they should have come back one day later.  They didn’t.  They came back two years later, after lives were ruined, after people went bankrupt, after people lost all their money.

People came to Washington to help other people.  “Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,” I say.  They came — one or two or three people in particular, but many people.

We had a rough campaign.  It was nasty.  It was one of the nastiest, they say.  They say Andrew Jackson was always the nastiest campaign.  They actually said we topped it.  (Laughter.)  It was a nasty — it was a nasty — both in the primaries and in the — in the election.

But, you see, we thought, after the election, it would stop.  But it didn’t stop; it just started.  And tremendous corruption.  Tremendous corruption.

So we had a campaign.  Little did we know we were running against some very, very bad and evil people with fake dossiers, with all of these horrible, dirty cops that took these dossiers and did bad things.  They knew all about it.  The FISA courts should be ashamed of themselves.

It’s a very tough thing.  And then we ended up winning on Russia, Russia, Russia.  It should have taken the one day, as I said, and it took years.

Then Bob Mueller testified.  That didn’t work out so well for the other side.  (Laughter.)  But they should have said, that first week — because it came out.  Is that right, Jim Jordan?  They knew in the first two days actually.  Devin, is that right?  Two days.  They knew that we were totally innocent.

But they kept it going, Mark.  They kept it going forever because they wanted to inflict political pain on somebody that had just won an election that, to — a lot of people were surprised.  I mean, we had polls that said we were going to win.  We had Los Angeles Times and a few — a few papers, actually, said it was — we were going to win but it was going to be close.

And we did win.  It was one of the greatest wins of all time.  And they said, “Okay, he won.”  And, you know, I wrote this down because that was where a thing called the “insurance policy” — to me, when I saw the insurance policy — and that was done long before the election.  That was done when they thought that Hillary Clinton was going to win.

And, by the way, Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid for millions — millions of dollars — the fake dossier.  And now Christopher Steele admits that it’s a fake because he got sued by rich people.  I should have sued him too.  But when you’re President, people don’t like suing.

I want to thank my legal team, by the way — not for that advice, but for other advice.  (Applause.)  Pat, Jay.  Pat.  You guys stand up, please.  (Applause.)  Great job.  (Applause.)

Right at the beginning, they said, “Sir, you have nothing to worry about.  All of the facts are on your side.”  I said, “You don’t understand.  That doesn’t matter.  That doesn’t matter.”  And that was really true.

They made up facts.  A corrupt politician named Adam Schiff made up my statement to the Ukrainian president.  He brought it out of thin air.  Just made it up.  They say he’s a screenwriter — a failed screenwriter.  He tried to go into — unfortunately, he went into politics after that.  (Laughter.)  Remember he said the statement, which is a mob statement: “Don’t call me.  I’ll call you.”  I didn’t say that.

Fortunately, for all of us here today and for our country, we had transcripts.  We had transcribers — professional transcribers.  Then they said, “Oh, well, maybe the transcription is not correct.”  But Lieutenant Colonel Vindman and his twin brother — right? — we had some people that — really amazing.

But we did everything.  We said, “What’s wrong with it?”  “Well, they didn’t add this word or that one.”  It didn’t matter.  I said, “Add it.  They’re probably wrong, but add it.”

So now everyone agrees that they were perfectly accurate.  When you read those transcripts, Tim Scott — I don’t know if Tim is here, but he said, “Sir…”  He was the first one to call me.  “Sir, I read the transcript.  You did nothing wrong.”  And, Mitch, he stayed there, right from the beginning.  He never changed.

And, Mitch McConnell, I want to tell you: You did a fantastic job.  (Applause.)  Somebody said, “You know, Mitch is quiet.”  I said, “He’s not quiet.  He’s not quiet.”  These are the — he doesn’t want people to know him.  And they said, “Is Mitch smart?”  I said, “Well, let’s put it this way: For many, many years, a lot of very smart — bad, in many cases, sometimes good — but people have been trying to take his place.  And to the best of my knowledge, I’ve never even heard the subject come up, because they’ve been wiped out so fast.  (Laughter.)  This guy is great, and I appreciate it, Mitch.  (Applause.)

And he’s also given us 191 now.  (Applause.)  A hundred and ninety-one federal judges.  Two Supreme Court judges, right?  It’s up to 191.  (Applause.)  True.

Great guy.  Great guy.  He’s a tough guy to read.  I’m good at reading people.  A tough guy to read.  I’d call him.  My wife would say, “How did you do with Mitch?”  “Uhh, I don’t know.”  (Laughter.)  That’s what makes him good — when you can read somebody.  Fantastic job.

And he understood, rightfully, that this was crooked politics.  This was crooked politics.  How about all these people, they’re running for office.  They’re saying the worst things about me, like eight senators on the Democrat side.  Most of them got wiped out.  You know, they got their 1 percent or less.  Most of them got less.  They decided to go home.  “Let’s go back to California.”  Let’s go back to wherever they came from.  “Let’s go back to New York.”

How about that one?  Our New York senator, Gillibrand.  “Let’s go back to New York,” after they get nothing.  And then they take an oath that they will be fair, that they will be reason- — and all of the different things.  And they had to sign.  They’re not fair.

But here’s the beauty: So we have four left.  They’re saying the most horrendous things about me.  It’s okay, it’s politics.  And then they’re supposed to vote — on me.  They’re trying to replace me, and then they’re supposed to be voting.  So I think it’s — I mean, I think it’s incredible.

But — so, Mitch, I want to thank you very much.  Incredible.  And you have some of your folks here, and they’re incredible people — and they’ve been, right from the beginning.

And, again, you’re out of session.  Unfortunately, I didn’t — you know, I only told these folks, “Let’s do this today.”  We did a prayer breakfast this morning, and I thought that was really good.  In fact, that was so good it might wipe this out.  But by the end — by the time we finished this, we’ll wipe that one out — those statements.  (Laughter.)

I had — I had Nancy Pelosi sitting four seats away, and I’m saying things that a lot of people wouldn’t have said — (laughter) — but I meant every — (laughter) — I meant every word of it.

But we have some of the folks that are going to be leaving right after this, and they work hard — and they did work hard.  Bill Cassidy, Senator.  Stand up, Bill.  What a guy.  (Applause.)  Great man.  When I need to know about health insurance and preexisting conditions and individual mandates, I call Bill or I call Barrasso.  We get those two guys; they know more than anybody.

A man who just became a senator — he’s a little bit like me; we have a couple of them.  A very successful guy in business, and he said, “What the hell, I’ll run for the Senate” — from Indiana.  And he ran.  And I saw him on television, destroying his opponent in a debate.  I said, “You know, this guy could win.”  And I got behind him.  And, Mike Braun, you have done some great job.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.) Tough.  Tough.  Thank you.

A man who got James Comey to choke, and he was just talking in his regular voice.  He is the roughest man.  He’s actually an unbelievable — and I appreciate the letter you sent me today.  I just got it.  But he’s got this voice that scares people.  (Laughter.)  You know, people from Iowa can be very tough.  We’re doing very well in Iowa.

But I’ll tell you, Chuck Grassley — he’s looking at Comey: “Well, you tell me, what did you say?”  (Laughter.)  Now, he wasn’t being rough.  That was just the way he talked.  (Laughter.)  And that was when Comey — I think that was when Comey announced that he was leaking, lying, and everything else, right?  He choked because he never heard anybody talk like that.  (Laughter.)

You know, you should have gone — I wish you got angry.  You could have gotten the whole ballgame.  He would have said, “I give up.”  (Laughter.)  Chuck Grassley is an incredible guy.  (Applause.)

And a man who — you know, he was running against a tough, smart campaign and we learned how good she was, right?  She was a great campaigner.  In fact, by the end of the campaign, she was actually — I thought she was more for me than you were, Josh.  I was worried.  (Laughter.)  I saw her ad; she was saying the greatest things about me.  And you know who I’m talking about.

And I went to a great place — Missouri — and I said, “Who do you have to beat her?”  And they said, “Well, we have four people.”  I said, “Let me see them.  I’m got to interview…” — can you imagine?  I’m interviewing people for the United States Senate.  This is what I do.  Where have I gone?  But I love it.  I love it because we’re getting great people.

The first one I met was Josh Hawley.  After about 10 minutes, I said to the people, “Don’t show me anybody else.  This is the guy.”  He was the attorney general.  Did a phenomenal job in the state.  Highly respected.  And — Claire McCaskill.

So, the theory was you couldn’t beat her.  Great campaigner.  Remember the last campaign, she was going to be taken out.  She was always going to be taken out, then she wins and people say, “How did that happen?”  Didn’t happen with him.

But she got so friendly toward me.  In fact, one of the ads I still have.  I’m putting it in the archives as one of the best ads I’ve ever made.  (Laughter.)  And she tried to convince people that we were best friends.  But Josh ended up winning by five or six points.

You were unbelievable.  You were tough.  And you are something.  And one of the greatest supporters on the impeachment hoax was Josh Hawley.  He was incensed actually; I watched it.  He was incensed at what they were doing and what they were saying.

And those were the ones — you know, I had some that said, “Oh, I wish you didn’t make the call.”  And that’s okay, if they need that.  It’s incorrect.  It’s totally incorrect.  And then you have some that used religion as a crutch.  They never used it before.  An article written today: “Never heard him use it before.”  But today, you know, it’s one of those things.  But, you know, it’s a failed presidential candidate, so things can happen when you fail so badly running for President.

But, Josh Hawley, I want to thank you.  You were right from the beginning.  Man, did I make a good choice.  (Applause.)  Thank you, Josh.  Tremendous future.  A man who is brilliant and who actually was deceived, to an extent, comes from a great state, Utah, where my poll numbers have gone through the roof.  And one of the senators’ poll numbers, and not this one, went down big.  You saw that.  You saw that, Mike?

But Mike Lee is a brilliant guy.  He’s difficult.  (Laughter.)  Whenever I sign bills — you know, we do sign a lot of legislation that’s — it’s big and it’s powerful, but it’s sort of everybody has to approve it.  And I see 99 to 1 — (laughter) — 99 to 1.  I say, “Don’t tell me who’s the one.”  (Laughter.)  “Is it Mike?”  “Yes.”  (Laughter.)  And he always has a good reason for it too, by the way.  But he is — he’s incredible.  And right at the beginning, he knew we were right, Mike, and I appreciate it very much.  You’re just fantastic.  And say hello to the people of Utah and tell them, “I’m sorry about Mitt Romney.  I’m sorry.”  (Laughter and applause.)  Okay?

We can say that Mike Lee is, by far, the most popular senator from the state.  But you’ve done a fantastic job, Mike, in many ways.  In many ways.

A young woman who I didn’t know at all, but she’s been so supportive — and I’ve had great support from other people in that state.  And she’s been so supportive, and she’s been downright nasty and mean about the unfairness to the President.  And Kelly Loeffler, I appreciate very much.  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Great.

She saw it very early on, and we have — I don’t know if we have other senators here, but we got a hell of a lot of congressmen.  And I’ll go over them quickly, but they have — they have also been — you know, it helped when we won 197 to nothing.  That’s got to be a first, Kevin.  Right?  Is that, like, a first?

The Republicans have this image.  See, I say Democrats are lousy politicians because they have lousy policy: open borders, sanctuary cities.  They have horrible policy.  Who the hell can win?  Oh, their new policy is: Raise taxes.  They want to raise taxes.  You know, all my life, I wasn’t in politics, but I’d say, if you’re a politician, you want to say, “We’re going to lower taxes.”  They want to raise taxes.

So they have open borders, sanctuary cities.  “Raise everybody’s taxes.  Get rid of everybody’s healthcare.”  A hundred and eighty million  people in the United States.  And they’re really happy.  “And we’re going to give you a healthcare that’s going to cost more money than the country could make in 30 years if it really does well.”  That’s one year.

So I’ve always said they’re lousy politicians, but they do two things: They are vicious and mean.  Vicious.  These people are vicious.  Adam Schiff is a vicious, horrible person.  Nancy Pelosi is a horrible person.  And she wanted to impeach a long time ago.  When she said, “I pray for the President.  I pray for the…” — she doesn’t pray.  She may pray, but she prays for the opposite.  (Laughter.)  But I doubt she prays at all.

And these are vicious people, but they do two things: They stick together, historically.  I’m not talking now.  They stick together like glue.  That’s how they impeached, because they had whatever the number is — 220 people.  So if they don’t lose anybody, they’ll be able to impeach anybody.  You could be George Washington.  You could have just won the war, and they say, “Let’s get him out of office.”  And they stuck together, and they’re vicious as hell.  And they’ll probably come back for more, but maybe not because the Republican Party’s poll numbers, Mitch, have now gone up more than any time, I think, since 2004, 2005, and you know what happened then.

But in normal times — decades, you would call it; that was a little unusual time; it was for a very short period — the Republicans [sic] Party — Party’s poll numbers and Donald Trump’s poll numbers are the highest I’ve ever had them.  So maybe they were.  It’s no way to get your poll numbers up.  It’s not worth it — because from my family’s standpoint, it’s been very unfair for my family.  It’s been very unfair to the country.

Think of it.  A phone call.  A very good phone call.  I know bad phone calls.  This is a phone call with many people.  I think Mike Pompeo was probably on the call.  Where is Mike?  Mike Pompeo was on the call.  Many people were on the call.  I know there were many people.  They even have “apprenti,” bringing up an old favorite word of mine.  “The Apprentice.”  They have “apprenti.”  They have people on these calls.  And I know there are many.

When I speak to the head of a nation — and they have many people on.   I mean, also on — do you think they just — in the case of Ukraine, he’s a new president, seems like a very nice person, by the way.  His whole thing was corruption.  He’s going to stop corruption.  We even have a treaty — 2001, 1999.  It’s a treaty — signed treaty — that we will work together to root out corruption in Ukraine.

I probably have a legal obligation, Mr. Attorney, to report corruption.  But they don’t think it’s corrupt when a son that made no money, that got thrown out of the military, that had no money at all, is working for $3 million up front, $83,000 a month.  And that’s only Ukraine.  Then goes to China, picks up $1.5 billion.  Then goes to Romania, I hear, and many other countries.

They think that’s okay?  Because if it is — is Ivanka in the audience?  Is Ivanka here?  Boy, my kids could make a fortune.  (Laughter.)  They could make a fortune.  It’s corrupt.  But it’s not even that; it’s just general corruption.

And the other thing, as mentioned in the call and something that I’ve told Mike Pence, our great Vice President — I would tell him all the time, and I told him when he went on the trip, because he was over there.  He never mentioned anything about this when you had your meeting.  It’s a terrible thing.

But I told Mike.  I said, “Mike, we’re giving them money, and, you know, you’re always torn about that because we have our country to build, we have our cities to build and our roads to fix.  But we’re giving them money.  Tell me, why isn’t Germany paying money?  Why isn’t France?  Why isn’t United Kingdom paying money?  Why aren’t they paying money?  Why are we paying them money?”  Is that a correct statement, Mike?

I say, “Find out what the hell is going on.”  And I told that to all of my people, OMB.  I said — I asked that question: “How much is Germany paying?  Why isn’t Germany paying?”  Why is the United States always the sucker?  Because we’re a bunch of suckers.  But that’s turning around fast.  But it makes it harder when stuff like this happens, because you want to focus, and you want to focus perfectly.

Think what we could have done if the same energy was put into infrastructure, prescription drug prices.  Think of what we could have done.  And I’m now talking both sides.  Think of what we could have done if we had the same genius — because it’s genius.

I will say, it’s genius on the other side — maybe even more so because they took nothing and brought me to a final vote of impeachment.  That’s a very ugly word to me.  It’s a very dark word.  Very ugly.  They took nothing.  They took a phone call that was a totally appropriate call.  I call it a “perfect call” because it was.  And they brought me to the final stages of impeachment.

But now we have that gorgeous word — I never thought a word would sound so good.  It’s called “total acquittal.”  (Applause.)  Total acquittal.

So — so I want to, if I could, real fast, just introduce a few of the people.  I have to start with — I have to start with Kevin.  Man, did you do a job.  Lucky you’re there.  Lucky you’re there because it wouldn’t have worked out.  If you don’t have the right people — I’ll tell you, Kevin McCarthy has done an incredible job.  (Applause.)  Really.  Stand up.

And he loves this job, and he loves this country.  I’ll tell you what: Mitch and Kevin, they love what they do.  Now, Mitch wouldn’t even tell you he liked it.  (Laughter.)  I’d say, “Mitch, do you like it?”  “I don’t know.”  (Laughter.)  He’s the greatest poker player, right?

Kevin will say, “I love it.”  Right?  And I will say that you’re going to be Speaker of the House because of this impeachment hoax.  (Applause.)  I really believe it.  I really believe it.  And I’m going to work hard on it.  I’m going to try and get out to those Trump — those Trump areas that we won by a lot.

And, you know, in ’18, we didn’t win.  We just won two seats in North Carolina — two wonderful seats in North Carolina that were not supposed to be won.  But I went and I made speeches, and we had rallies, and we did a great job and we won. We took two seats.  Nobody writes about that.  If we lost them, it would have been the biggest story of the year.

But we’re going to go, we’re going to do a job, and we’re going to win a lot of seats.  We’re going to win a lot of seats.  People are very angry that Nancy Pelosi and all of these guys — I mean, Nadler — I know him much of my life; he’s fought me in New York for 25 years.  I always beat him.  And I had to beat him another time.  And I’ll probably have to beat him again.  Because if they find that I happen to walk across the street, and maybe go against the light or something, “Let’s impeach him.”  (Laughter.)

So we’ll probably have to do it again because these people have gone stone-cold crazy.  But I’ve beaten them all my life, and I’ll beat them again if I have to.  (Applause.)  But what they’re doing is very unfair.  Very unfair.

So Kevin McCarthy has been great.  So, a few names, right? And there’ll be a few you forget.  If you want, you can raise and I’ll say, “Great.  Love to have you.  Wonderful.”  (Laughter.)  But we’re going to do the best we can.  And I have my Cabinet, but my Cabinet is different — I appoint them.  Okay?  I didn’t see all of them helping so much.  (Laughter.)  You know, they were running their various bureaucracies, right?  (Laughter.)  No, my Cabinet is great, and they’re all here.

But today is the day to celebrate these great warriors, right?  These are great warriors.  They really fought hard for us.  And —

So I’ll start: Kelly Armstrong, North Dakota.  Kelly, thank you.  Great job.  (Applause.)  Great job.

Jim Banks of Indiana.  Jim, thank you.  Great job.  (Applause.)

Andy Biggs.  Where is Andy?  Boy, oh, boy, Andy.  He got — (applause) — there’s a guy.  He’s tough.  I hear we’re doing well in Arizona, huh?  It’s going good, yeah?  I think so.  I think I saw a poll that was very good for me.  I think we have to make sure Martha is going to do — I think Martha is going to do good.  But we have some states that are going to be not easy, but Arizona has been great.

And we’re stopping illegal aliens from coming in.  We’re putting up walls.  New Mexico, too, a state that’s never been in play for Republicans, is totally in play.  Right?  Nevada is really looking good.  We’re doing well.  We’re doing well.  We’re going to have a great — there’s more spirit.  I will say this: There’s more spirit now for the Republican Party, by far, than the Democrats.

You know, Mike Pence just got back from a place — a beautiful place that Chuck Grassley knows well: Iowa.  And he was talking about these fiasco — the Democrats, they can’t count some simple votes, and yet they want to take over your healthcare system.  Think of that.  (Laughter.)  No, think of it.

But we also had an election out there, and we got 98 percent of the vote.  We have two people running, you know, and I guess they consider them non-people, but they are running.  I mean, one was a governor.  One was a congressman.  They’re running.  We got 98 percent of the vote.

And everybody from the media was saying, “Who are those crowds over there?”  You know, they expect it to be one of these competitive — where everybody is running because they want to win, they want to win.  And it was Trump.  Right, Mark Meadows?  It was Trump.  This was a Trump crowd.

And a lot of — actually, a lot of my guys went there.  They went to Iowa.  And a lot of friends went there, and we had tremendous — they say the spirit — the spirit for the Republican Party right now is stronger, I think, than it’s ever been in the history of our country.  I think it’s stronger than it’s ever been.  (Applause.)

And that includes Honest Abe Lincoln.  You know, a lot of people forget Abe Lincoln.  I wish he were here.  I’d give him one hell of an introduction.  Right?  (Laughter.)  But he was — he was a Republican.  Abe Lincoln.  Honest Abe.

Bradley Byrne, Alabama.  What a great place.  (Applause.)  Thank you, Bradley.

A man who has been an unbelievable friend of mine and spokesman, and somebody that — that I really like.  And I know, Kelly, you’re going to end up liking him a lot.  Something is going to happen that’s going to be very good.  I don’t know.  I haven’t figured it out yet.  But Doug Collins — where is he?  Where is Doug?  (Applause.)  You have been so great.  Thank you very much, Doug.  Thank you very much.  Thank you.  Really amazing job.

A young man who is — born with a great gene, because I know his father and how great a politician he was.  But he’s from Florida.  Sometimes controversial, but actually, he’s not controversial.  He’s solid as a rock and he’s a friend of mine.  Matt Gaetz.  Matt?  (Applause.)  Thank you, Matt.  Thank you.  Great job.

All right, this guy.  So he’s the NCAA — meaning, a couple of years ago, when he was in college — wrestling champion.  NCAA.  That’s the big deal.  That means, in all of college, you’re the champ, you’re the best.  His record was ridiculous.  Nobody would — nobody could beat him.  And I see it.  You know, every time, I see it.  When I first got to know him — Jim Jordan — when I first got to know Jim, I said, “Huh, he never wears a jacket.  What the hell is going on?”  (Laughter.)  He’s obviously very proud of his body.  (Laughter and applause.)

And they say where he works out — you know, where the congressmen, senators, they work out — they say, when Jim works out — even though he’s not as young as he was, but he works out — the machine starts burning.  You know, it’s just a different form of a workout than us.  Right, Sonny?  And — there he is.  Look at that guy.

But one day I’m looking, and he looks tough.  And I’m looking, and I’m looking at those ears.  And I say, “Those ears have something going on there.”  I said, “Did you ever wrestle?”  “Yeah, I did.”  But he doesn’t talk.  But I checked.  This guy was a world — this guy was a champion, top, top wrestler.  And when I had the top — I had all of the teams.

And, by the way, your Super Bowl champions are coming, I think next week or soon.  Very soon.  And every one of them want to be here.  (Applause.)  And the coach loves us.  The coach is great.  Andy Reid.  And every one of them want to be here.  We have — people love it.

But we had all of the NCAA championship teams here.  They had the golf, the basketball.  They had every team here.  And one of the teams was wrestling.  The wrestling team.  Was that Penn State?  And Penn State won the title.  They have a great team.

And I walked up with Jim, and it’s like I didn’t exist.  (Laughter.)  Those wrestlers, they grabbed him.  They love Jim Jordan, and we love you too because you are some warrior.  (Applause.)  True.  True.

A woman who became a star — we have a couple of women that became stars.  You two.  And I always liked the name of her — you know, I liked the name, “Lesko.”  I liked it.  That’s how I picked it.  I liked the name.  I saw that face.  I saw that everything.  They gave me cards.  She had like seven opponents, right?

And you have no idea how much the public appreciates how smart, how sharp you are.  This I can’t tell.  I can’t tell.  They just said, “You know, she’s really good.  She’s really talented.”  And I said, “Let’s go.”  We worked with her.  She won her race.  Tough race.  It’s no longer tough.  Because what she does out there is incredible.  Arizona loves her.

But you were so incredible, representing — I don’t say “me” — representing our country and getting it out of this impeachment hoax.  What you did was incredible.

So, Debbie, please stand up.  Debbie Lesko.  (Applause.)

A man who I — I became very friendly with — I don’t know why.  Do you ever have where — I’ll ask the media: If certain people call, you take their calls.  Other people call — if they don’t have information, they won’t take anybody’s call.  But other people call, and you don’t.

This is a guy — he just — he’s just a very special guy.  His wife I actually like better than him, to be honest.  (Laughter.)  Because he doesn’t know that I know that he didn’t actually support me right from the beginning, but she did.  (Laughter.)

And on my worst day — right? — on my worst day, my worst — I won’t tell you why it was my worst, but it was not one of those good days — she got on a bus, got many other buses and women all over North Carolina, and they toured North Carolina.  Well, Mark was back sort of semi-supporting another candidate, which he ended up leaving very quickly.  I don’t think you had a choice, because of your wife, but thank her.

And Mark Meadows, he’s an extraordinary guy.  I mean, the only problem is, I guess, he’s announcing — he’d only win by 40 points, but he’s announcing that he’ll be not running this time.  Do you have somebody good to run?  Somebody going to win your district by at least 20 points, please?  Okay?  But he’s a tremendously talented man, not just as a politician.  As a human being, he’s incredible.

And during these horrible times — I mean, the way he worked and Jim and all of you guys — the way they worked so — it was like their life was at stake.  So many.

Ron DeSantis is another one.  He worked so hard.  Then he called me.  He said, “Sir, I’d like to run for governor.”  I said, “Governor?  I don’t want you to run.  I like you staying.”  “No, I want to run for governor.”  And I said, “Well, if you have to.”  “I’d like your support.”  I said, “How can I support you?  You’re at three.”  He was at three.  He had no money.  Somebody was at 38 and they had $22 million cash, right?  I said, “Look, if it’s important, I’ll do it,” because they — he’s been another great warrior.  And he’s — by the way, he ran.  I endorsed him.  His numbers went through the roof.

The man who we beat, who was expected to win easily, called me after the race.  He said, “You endorsed him, and it was like a nuclear bomb went off.  There was nothing I could do.”  He never even spent his money.  He saved it.

But Ron DeSantis is another one, and now he’s the governor of Florida.  And, by the way, he’s a great governor.  He’s a very popular governor.  His numbers are in the 70s.  And he’s done a great job.

But, Mark, I want to thank you very much.  Fantastic job. Thank you very much.  Mark Meadows.  (Applause.)

And Mike Johnson of Louisiana.  Where’s Mike?  Central casting.  What a job.  You can represent me anytime.  (Applause.)  You can represent me anytime.  Thank you.  What a job you’ve done.  Thank you, Mike.

And a man nobody has ever heard of, except the other side.  He’s the other side’s worst nightmare.  This guy goes down into dungeons and basements; he’ll find a document, no matter what.  He’s the most legitimate human being.  He’s the hardest worker.  He’s unbelievable.   He took tremendous abuse.  I mean, abuse.

The — the media and, you know, the other side, and the bad ones, the leakers, the liars, the dirty cops — they wanted to destroy him.  They tried.  They got close, but he wouldn’t let it happen.  And, honestly, in a certain way, he was the first one.  Wouldn’t you say, Jim and Mark and everybody?  This was the first guy.  He came out of nowhere.  He’s saying, “These people are corrupt.”  He’s still saying it.  And he was unbelievable. Devin Nunes.  He was unbelievable.  Unbelievable.  (Applause.)  That’s so true, Devin.

He’d come in and say — I didn’t even know hi;, I just heard there were like — there was this congressman who kept going into a basement — into files.  (Laughter.)  He knew something was wrong.  You felt it, right?  And now we know a lot more than we knew then, right?  You never thought it was as bad as it is.  And hopefully we’re going to take care of things, because we can never, ever allow this to happen again.  (Applause.)

Scott Perry of Pennsylvania.  Scott, thank you.  (Applause.)  Thank you, Scott.  Really great.  And you’re doing very well over there, by the way.  Just saw your numbers.
A man who is a — I mean, central casting.  If I’m going to pick Perry Mason, I’m going to do a remake of Perry Mason — other than Bill Barr, I’d pick this guy.  But I have to say, I’ll pick Barr.  I pick Barr first, right?  (Laughter.)  John Ratcliffe, right?  But I have to tell you, if we’re doing a remake of Perry Mason, the man I get — there’s nobody in Hollywood like this — John Ratcliffe, right?  (Applause.)  Stand up, John.

So — such a great lawyer.  Incredible guy.  Incredible talent.  But just a great lawyer and we appreciate it.  He gets on that screen, and everyone says, “I agree.”  The other side folds up so fast.  We’ll probably be using a lot of you in the next year.  But you have been fantastic, John.  We appreciate it.  Thank you very much.

A man who’s braver than me and braver than all of us in this room.  He got — he got whacked.  He got whacked.  My Steve, right?  I went to the hospital with our great First Lady that night.  Right, honey?  And we saw a man that was not going to make it.  He was not going to make it.  He was — the doctor — and I told him his wife — I said, “She loves you.”  “Why do you say that?”  Because she was devastated.

A lot of wives wouldn’t give a damn.  (Laughter.)  A lot of — a lot of wives — a lot of wives would have said, “Oh, yeah.”  I said, “How’s he doing?”  “Oh…”  She couldn’t even talk.  She was inconsolable.  Most wives would say, “Not good.  Listen, I’m going home now.”  (Laughter.)  But the doctor came in — the wife is like — she was a total mess.  She was really devastated.  And he really —  it looked like he had a 20, 25 percent chance.  I think you set a record for blood loss.

And, Steve Scalise, I — actually, honestly, I think you’re better looking now.  You’re more handsome now.  (Laughter.)  You — you weren’t that good looking.  You look good now.  (Laughter.)  He looks better now.  Can you believe it?  I don’t know what the hell that is.  (Applause.)  It’s true.  Better now.  (Applause.)  What a guy.

And he was practicing — he was practicing for the baseball game against, I guess, the Democrats, right?  And this whack-job started shooting.  Hurt Roger — I don’t know if Roger is here.  But hurt a number of people — hit them.  But really hit Steve.  He — Steve was at second base.  He was the second baseman.  And he went down and it was terrible.  I mean, I saw the whole thing and it was terrible.

Fortunately, you had two brave policemen with you.  Because of your high position in Congress, you had two policemen and they were amazing — the man and a woman.  And they came and they didn’t have rifles.  They were against a, supposedly, pretty good sharpshooter with rifles — good equipment.  And all they had was a gun.  And they started coming in from the outfield, shooting.  And they’re so far away that a handgun is not preferred.  This guy has the rifle and he’s hitting people.  And he was going to move up and there was no out.  I mean, if he would have been able to move up, there was no way to get out.  The entrance was a single entranceway on the other side, where he was.

So everyone went into the dugout — ran into the dugout, but Steve was really hit badly in the stomach, and — with a bullet that rips you apart.  It was supposed to do that.  It rips — it rips you apart.

And these two people came charging forward.  Boom.  Boom.  Boom.  And one of them — you know who — one of them — him? — got the shooter.  Hit him.  And then got him.  Killed him from the long distance.  It was amazing.  If you didn’t have those two people — you can imagine, right?  You could imagine what would happen.

So Melania and I went to the hospital that night.  And he was in such bad shape, and he’s been working ever since, so hard.  But six months ago, they had a baseball game at the Nationals Park.  And I’m watching and it’s — it’s on television.  And it’s just, you know, a game.  People — you want to win it, right?  And Steve’s at second base.  The poor guy can’t even walk.

Do you remember Bobby Richardson for the New York Yankees?  He was known for range, Louie.  Range.  He had the greatest range.  If a ball is hit to shortstop — Bobby Richardson is the second player, the second baseman — Bobby Richardson would field the ball.  If it’s hit to first base, he’ll throw it to the first baseman.  He had unbelievable range.  This was not Steve Scalise.  (Laughter.)  Steve had no range.  (Laughter.)  One foot and he has to fall down, right?  Because, you know, he was trying to get better.  I don’t know who the hell put you on the field.  (Laughter.)

And this is a true story.  So the game starts and the first pitch — Steve is standing at second base and the guy is really in bad shape.  And I said, “This is terrible.”  A shot — groundball shot is hit to second and Steve.  I say — I didn’t have time to think too much, but I said, “This is not good.  That ball is going toward him.”

And this guy stopped that ball, caught the call.  He’s now laying down.  He throws the ball to first base.  He gets him out.  I said, “It’s the most incredible thing.”  I’ve never seen — athletically — (applause) — I’ve never seen anything like it, right?

And he gets him out and they then took him out of the game, which was a very wise thing because you could never do that again in a million years.  (Laughter.)  But you weren’t going to let that ball go through.  I don’t care if it was hit by the greatest of all time, right?  That ball was not going through you, because you are a warrior.  Steve is — he is fantastic.  You are fantastic.  You and Liz and Kevin.

What a great — what a group.  I mean, what a group.  I got lucky.  I got lucky because you need the right people.  If I had the wrong people there, he — maybe a different story.  Maybe we’d be celebrating something else.  But I really want to thank you, Steve Scalise.

And, Elise, you — I just read this story; she’s the most incredible — what’s going on with you, Elise.  So I even said — you know, I was up campaigning for her, helping her.  But I thought, “She looks good.  She looks like good talent.”  But did I not realize, when she opens that mouth, you were killing them, Elise.  (Laughter.)  You were killing them.  (Applause.)

Elise — and there’s a big story in the New York Post — I love the New York Post because they treat me well.  There aren’t too many of you that do.  But today, you’re treating me well.  I even had a great headline — New York Times, Washington Post.  I had all of these great headlines.  Maybe we should just end it right there.  (Laughter.)

But you had the greatest story, yesterday in the Post, that people from all over the country are contributing to her campaign.  They were so enthralled with the way you handled yourself, what you said, the way you said it.  And I’ll always be your friend.  I think it was — it’s really an amazing story.  What a great future you have.  What a great future.  Thank you.  (Applause.)  The First Lady agrees, by the way.  The First Lady agrees.

And Michael Turner, you can represent me anytime.  Where’s Michael?  Where is he?  (Applause.)  Or you can represent me.  How good were you?  There’s another — there’s another Perry Mason type, I think.  Right?  What do you think, John?  But, Michael, you were fantastic and we appreciate it.

Brad Wenstrup.  Where’s Brad?  Brad.  (Applause.)  Great, great job.  This is a big day for lawyers.  You notice only the lawyers stayed?  All the lawyers stayed behind.

Lee Zeldin.  How good are you?  How good are you?  (Applause.)  Man.

And, Louie, your name is not down.  They didn’t give me your name.  Do you know — if I didn’t announce Louie — (laughter) — whoever the hell made this list, I got to get rid of because I — if I wouldn’t have announced Louie, it might have been the end of the presidency.  (Laughter.)  Louie, you have been so great.  So tough and so smart.  I got it just — (laughs) — I got it.  But Louie has been amazing.  He’s a tough guy.  He’s a smart guy.  He’s streetwise like crazy.  We love Texas, and we’re with you all the way, Louie.  We’re with you all the way.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)

So that’s the story.  We have a great group of warriors, and there are others left, and, I guess, probably, I’m sure I didn’t mention a few, and I apologize if that’s the case.  How’s CPAC doing?  Good?  Huh?  My man, stand up please, will you?  He’s the one who said, “You should run.”  (Applause.)  Right?

Matt said — it’s like five years ago, six years ago.  And I made a speech, and then they do some kind of a straw poll: “Who made the best speech?”  And he said, “I made the best speech.”  With all this professional — I hate to say this:  With all these professional politicians, they voted, by far, the best speech was Trump.  He calls me, he says, “You should run for politics.”  I say, “What do I know about politics?”

But you know what?  We learned quickly, and our country has never done better than it’s doing right now.  (Applause.)  So it’s been good.  (Applause.)  But thank you, Matt.  Great.  Say hello.

So that’s the story.  We’ve been treated very unfairly.  Fortunately, we have great men and women that came to our defense.  If we didn’t, this would have been a horrific incident for our country.  When you have Lisa and Peter, the lovers, the FBI lovers: “I want to believe the path you threw out for” Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.  That’s the office.  “There’s no way he gets elected” — meaning me.  “There’s no way he gets elected.”

This is Peter, to Lisa.  He’s probably trying to impress her, for obvious reasons.  (Laughter.)  “There’s no way he gets elected.  But I’m afraid we can’t take the risk.”  Now, think of this.  In other words, if I get elected, they can’t — “they”; two low-lifes — they can’t take the risk.  They can’t take the risk.  Think of it.

And that’s where it came up, the greatest word of all: “insurance policy.”  So he says, “But I’m afraid we can’t take the risk.  She may lose.”  It’s like an insurance policy.  In the unlikely event you die before you’re 40 — in other words, if I won, they were going to do exactly what they did to us.  They were going to try and overthrow the government of the United States — a duly elected president.

And if I didn’t fire James Comey, we would have never found this stuff.  Because when I fired that sleazebag, all hell broke out.  They were ratting on each other.  They were running for the hills.  Let’s see what happens.  Let’s see what happens.  It’s in the hands of some very talented people.  We’re going to have to see what happens.

But I can tell you, in my opinion, these are the crookedest, most dishonest, dirtiest people I’ve ever seen.  They said — this is Strzok: “God, Hillary should win 100 million to one.”  This is about me.  This is an agent from the FBI.  Look how they let her off.  Thirty-three thousand emails deleted.  Nothing happens to her.  Nothing happens.  It’s unbelievable.

But think of that — “God, Hillary should win” — when these guys are investigating Hillary.  Then they go to work for Mueller — the two of them — and when Muller found out that everybody knew that they were 100 percent this way, he let them go.  But they deleted all of their emails and text messages.

So when we got the phone, they were all deleted.  Could you imagine the treasure trove?  They illegally deleted.  So they left.  They left Bob Mueller.  He had the look, but he didn’t have a lot of other things.  Always had the look.  Mr. G-Man.

And I love the FBI and the FBI loves me — 99 percent.  It was the top scum.  And the FBI people don’t like the top scum.

So think of that: 100 million to one.  And he’s investigating me.  And then, “God, Trump is a loathsome human being, isn’t he?”  These are the people looking at me.  I’m really not a bad person.  And Page said, “Yes, he’s awful.”  How would you like to have that?  This is just — this is the good stuff.  There’s stuff a hundred times worse than that.  These are all dirty people.

And now, I just heard that they’re suing the United States of America because they were interfered with.  We’re not going to let it happen.  Just not going to let it happen.  We cannot let this happen to our country.  We can’t.  (Applause.)

So, I’m going to leave now.  And I don’t know if any of you have anything to say.  You could say it.  But this is sort of a day of celebration, because we went through hell.

And I’m sure that Pelosi and Cryin’ Chuck — I’ve known this guy all the — the only time I ever saw him cry was when it was appropriate.  Known him for a long time.  Cryin’ Chuck.  But I’m sure they’ll try and cook up other things.  They’ll go through the state of New York.  They’ll go through other places.  They’ll do whatever they can.  Because instead of wanting to heal our country and fix our country, all they want to do — in my opinion, it’s almost like they want to destroy our country.  We can’t let it happen.

Jim Jordan, did you want to say something?  Go ahead.  Huh?  Mark?

REPRESENTATIVE MEADOWS:  No, I just — I wanted to just say that this reflection today, it is a small reflection of the kind of support you have all across the country.  We’ve got your back.  (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  (Applause.)

This was a highly partisan situation.  Pelosi said — I copied it down exactly.  Before the impeachment — she wanted to impeach from day one, by the way.  Don’t let it fool you.  You know, she said, “No, the impeachment is a very serious thing.”  I said, “She wants to impeach.  Watch.”

Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and so overwhelming and bipartisan — bipartisan.  It was 197 to nothing.  And other than one failed presidential candidate — and I call that “half a vote” because he actually voted for us on the other one.  But we had one failed presidential candidate.  That’s the only half a vote we lost.  So, we had almost 53 to nothing.  We had 197 to nothing.  And the only one that voted against was a guy that can’t stand the fact that he ran one of the worst campaigns in the history of the presidency.

But she said, “There’s something so compelling — it has to be so compelling and so overwhelming and bipartisan.  I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country” — she was right about that — “and it’s just not worth it.”  That was Nancy Pelosi a year ago.  Right?

And I think it’s a shame.  I think it’s a shame.  But as I said, if we can put this genius to work on roads and highways and bridges and all of the things we can do — prescription drugs.  You know, we had — Secretary Azar is here and I want to thank him for this, but we had — first time in 51 years, where drug prices actually came down last year.  First time in 51 years.  But what we can do, working with both parties in Congress, is — would be unbelievable.  It would be unbelievable — all we can do.

And I know Chuck Grassley is working very hard on it and Mitch is working very hard on it.  But what we can do is — is incredible.  What we can do, just generally.  We’ve done so much without it.  We’ve rebuilt our military.  We’ve cut regulations at a level that nobody thought possible.  We’ll always protect our Second Amendment; we all know that.

But I just want to tell you that it’s an honor to be with you all.  I want to apologize to my family for having them have to go through a phony, rotten deal by some very evil and sick people.  And Ivanka is here, and my — my sons and my whole family, and that includes Barron.  (Applause.)  That includes Barron, who is up there as a young boy.

Stand up, honey.  (Applause.)  Ivanka, thank you, honey.  Come.  Come.  (Applause.)  (The President hugs Ivanka Trump.)

Come here, baby.  (Applause.)  (The President hugs the First Lady.)

So I just want to thank my family for sticking through it. This was not part of the deal.  I was going to run for President, and if I won, I was going do a great job.  I didn’t know that I was going to run, and then when I got in, I was going to have to run again and again and again.  Every week, I had to run again.  That wasn’t the deal, but they stuck with me.

And I’m so glad I did it because we are making progress and doing things for our great people that everybody said couldn’t be done.  Our country is thriving.  Our country is just respected again.  And it’s an honor to be with the people in this room.

Thank you very much, everybody.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  Thank you very much.  Thank you.  (Applause.)


1:23 P.M. EST

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VIDEO: Trump speaks at the 2020 National Prayer Breakfast. Pray for the haters.

President Donald J. Trump spoke at the 2020 National Prayer Breakfast on February 6th.

Here are his full remarks.


Washington Hilton
Washington, D.C.

9:11 A.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  Well, thank you very much.  I’m working very hard for you, I will tell you.  (Laughter.)  And sometimes you don’t make it easy, and I certainly don’t make it easy on you.  (Laughter.)  And I will continue that tradition, if I might, this morning.  And, Arthur, I don’t know if I agree with you.  (Laughter.)  But I don’t know if Arthur is going to like what I’m going to say.  (Laughter.)  But I love listening to you.  It’s really great.  Thank you very much.

And thank you, congressmen, for the great job you’ve been doing and the relationship and the help.  You’re a warrior.  Thank you very much.  And, Kevin, you’re a warrior.  Thank you.  The job you’ve done is incredible.  It wasn’t supposed to be that way.  A lot of extra work.  Unnecessary work.

It’s wonderful to be with the thousands of religious believers for the 68th annual National Prayer Breakfast.  I’ve been here from the first one, where I had the privilege of being asked.  I’ve been with you for a long time before then.  And we’ve made tremendous progress.  Tremendous progress.  You know what we’ve done.  I don’t think anybody has done more than all of us together during these last three years.  And it’s been my honor.

But this morning, we come together as one nation, blessed to live in freedom and grateful to worship in peace.  As everybody knows, my family, our great country, and your President, have been put through a terrible ordeal by some very dishonest and corrupt people.  They have done everything possible to destroy us, and by so doing, very badly hurt our nation.  They know what they are doing is wrong, but they put themselves far ahead of our great country.

Weeks ago, and again yesterday, courageous Republican politicians and leaders had the wisdom, the fortitude, and strength to do what everyone knows was right.  I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong.  Nor do I like people who say, “I pray for you,” when they know that that’s not so.

So many people have been hurt, and we can’t let that go on.  And I’ll be discussing that a little bit later at the White House.

We’re joined today by two people whose faith inspires us all: our amazing, wonderful friend, Vice President Mike Pence — (applause) — and his wonderful wife, Karen.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  Thank you.

Thank you to all of our great political leaders out there — so many that I’ve been working with so hard over the last three years.  And we’ve accomplished so much.  And to members of my Cabinet in attendance — Secretary Mike Pompeo, Mark Esper, David Bernhardt — (applause) — Gene Scalia, Alex Azar, Ben Carson, Dan Brouillette, Betsy DeVos, Robert Wilke, and Administrator Jovita Carranza.

Joining us — (applause) — for this cherished tradition are a lot of friends in the audience.  And many, really, have become friends.  They are political leaders.  They’ve become great friends.  That’s all I get to meet anymore.  (Laughter.)  That and the enemies and the allies.  And we have them all.  We have allies.  We have enemies.  Sometimes the allies are enemies, but we just don’t know it.  (Laughter.)  But we’re changing all that.  But thank you all, and thank you all for being here.

I also want to welcome foreign dignitaries from more than 140 countries.  That’s something.  (Applause.)  That’s something.  Everyone here today is united by a shared conviction.  We know that our nation is stronger, our future is brighter, and our joy is greater when we turn to God and ask him to shed his grace on our lives.

On Tuesday, I addressed Congress on the state of the Union and the great American comeback.  That’s what it is.  (Applause.)  Our country has never done better than it is doing right now.  Our economy is the strongest it has ever been.  And for those of you that are interested in stocks, it looks like the stock market will be way up again today.

According to the latest Gallup poll that just came out a little while ago, a few minutes ago, American satisfaction is at the highest level ever recorded.  Can you imagine?  And that’s from Gallup — no friend of mine.  (Applause.)  Ninety percent of Americans say they are satisfied with their personal lives.  How about that?  Isn’t that something?  Just came out today.  (Applause.)  They must have known I was going to be here.  (Laughter.)

In everything we do, we are creating a culture that protects freedom, and that includes religious freedom.  (Applause.)

As I said on Tuesday in the House Chamber, “In America, we don’t punish prayer.  We don’t tear down crosses.  We don’t ban symbols of faith.  We don’t muzzle preachers.”  We don’t muzzle pastors.  “In America, we celebrate faith, we cherish religion, we lift our voices in prayer, and we raise our sights to the Glory of God.”  (Applause.)

So much of the greatness we have achieved, the mysteries we’ve unlocked, and the wonders we’ve built, the challenges we’ve met, and the incredible heights that we’ve reached has come from the faith of our families and the prayers of our people.

Before America declared independence, patriots in all 13 colonies came together in days of fasting and prayer.  In the bitter cold of Valley Forge, Washington and his men had no food, no supplies, and very little chance of victory.  It reminded me a little bit of 2016.  We had very little chance of victory.  (Laughter.)  Except for the people in this room and some others believed we were going to win.  I believed we were going to win.  But what they did have was have an unwavering belief that God was with them.  I believe that too. God is with the people in this room.

Before a single skyscraper rose up in New York City, thousands of poor American families donated all they could to build the magnificent St. Patrick’s Cathedral.  (Applause.)

When Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon, he said, “Houston, I would like to request a few moments of silence.”  Then, he read from the Bible.  (Applause.)

At every stage, our nation’s long march for civil rights was inspired, sustained, and uplifted by faith, prayer, and devotion of religious believers.

To protect faith communities, I have taken historic action to defend religious liberty, including the constitutional right to pray in public schools.  (Applause.)

We can also talk about the Johnson Amendment.  We can talk about Mexico City Policy.  We’ve done a lot.  But I also recently took executive action to stop taxpayer dollars from going to colleges and universities that spread the poison of anti-Semitism and bad things about Christianity.  (Applause.)

We are upholding the sanctity of life — sanctity of life.  (Applause.)  And we are doing that like nobody has ever done it before from this position.  You better get out and vote on November 3rd — (laughter) — because you have a lot of people out there that aren’t liking what we’re doing.

And we’re pursuing medical breakthroughs to save premature babies because every child is a sacred gift from God.  (Applause.)

Together, we are building the world’s most prosperous and inclusive society.  We are lifting up citizens of every race, color, religion, and creed.  We are bringing hope to forgotten communities.  And more Americans are working today — 160 million.  A little bit short.  Just a little bit.  One hundred and sixty million.  We’ve never been even close — than ever before.  Think of it: More Americans are working today — almost 160 million — than ever before.  Our unemployment numbers are the best in the history of our country.  (Applause.)

A more specific number and numbers that you hear me say, if you listen: African American, Asian American, Hispanic American — the best unemployment numbers in the history of our country.  Women — best in 71 years.  Sorry.  We’ll have you there soon.  Soon, it will be “historic.”  I have to apologize to the women; it’s only 71 years.

But the best unemployment numbers, we have — we’re doing things that nobody thought possible.  We’re setting records that nobody thought achievable.

And to give former prisoners a second chance at life, which so many people in this room have worked on for so long — (applause) — we passed criminal justice reform into law, and I signed it nine months ago.

And it’s proving more and more that America is indeed a nation that believes in redemption.  What’s happened with prisoners is a miracle.  Prisoners would come out and nobody would give them a job.  And oftentimes, most of the time — almost all of the time — they’d go back into prison.  They’d get caught doing something bad.  They had no money.  They had no hope.  They had no job.  Now they’re coming out into a booming economy.  And employers are hiring them, and to a certain extent, maybe because they’re having a hard time getting people.

First time in our country’s history, actually, we’re running out of people.  We have plants moving in by the thousands.  We have car companies coming from Japan and from Germany, from lots of other places, and we need people.  And employers are hiring prisoners, and they would have never done it, except for what we’ve done with criminal justice reform.  But even before that, because the economy has become so powerful.

And these prisoners have done an incredible job.  The employers are saying, “Why didn’t I do this 20 years ago?”

So it’s an incredible thing what’s happening to people that are given a second chance, and sometimes a third chance, in all fairness.  And it’s something that everybody in this room should be very proud about, because you’ve always felt that way long before it was fashionable.  So I want to thank you for that.  (Applause.)

As we revive our economy, we are also renewing our national spirit.  Today we proudly proclaim that faith is alive and well and thriving in America.  And we’re going to keep it that way.  Nobody will have it changed.  (Applause.)   It won’t happen.  As long as I’m here, it will never, ever happen.  (Applause.)

Something which wasn’t done nearly enough — I could almost say wasn’t done at all — we are standing up for persecuted Christians and religious minorities all around the world — (applause) — like nobody has ever done.

Last year, at the United Nations, I was honored to be the first President to host a meeting of religious freedom.  It was based all on religious freedom.  That was the first meeting of its kind ever held at the United Nations.  There I called upon all nations to combat the terrible injustice of religious persecution.  And people listened.

And countries that we give billions of dollars to, they listened because they had to listen.  (Laughter.)  It’s amazing how that works, isn’t it?  (Laughter.)  That nobody ever played that game before.  (Laughter.)

Weeks ago, a 21-year-old woman, who goes by the name of Mary, was seized and imprisoned in Iran because she converted to Christianity and shared the Gospel with others.

In Venezuela, the dictator Maduro has arrested church leaders.  At the State of the Union, I was honored to host the true and legitimate President of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó.  (Applause.)  Good man.  I told him that all Americans stand with the Venezuelan people in their righteous struggle for freedom.

Yesterday, our administration launched the International Religious Freedom Alliance, the first-ever alliance devoted to promoting religious liberty.  It was something.  Really something.  (Applause.)

More than 25 countries have already joined our campaign.  I want to thank Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, along with Ambassador Sam Brownback, who are both here this morning, for leading this historic initiative.  Thank you very much.  Thank you, Mike.  (Applause.)  Thank you.

All of us here today reaffirm these timeless truths: Faith keeps us free.  Prayer makes us strong.  And God alone is the author of life and the giver of grace.  (Applause.)

With us this morning is a pastor who embodies the miracle of faith and the power of prayer: Reverend Gerald Toussaint from Louisiana.  Reverend Toussaint is an Army veteran, a truck driver, and a pastor.  He leads the same church that his father led, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, which has been a pillar of the community for more than 140 years.

Last year, Mount Pleasant was one of three African American churches in Louisiana that was destroyed in a fire set by a wicked, hate-filled arsonist.

Yet, in the wake of such shocking evil, America witnessed the unshakable unity, devotion, and spirit of Reverend Toussaint and his entire highly spirited, beautiful congregation.  Families quickly came together in prayer.  Soon, people from all across Louisiana came to help any way they could.  Americans in all 50 states and 20 different countries heard about it and they donated more than $2 million to help rebuild Mount Pleasant — (applause) — and the other two churches that were (inaudible).

On Easter Sunday, just days after he lost his church, Reverend Toussaint preached about what it all meant.  What does it mean?  “The Easter season,” he said, “is a fitting metaphor for recent events.  It was dark the day that Jesus was crucified.  It was dark [at] night when they burned our church.  What has happened since is like a resurrection.”  Old things are gone, but it’s going to be a brand-new start, and it’s going to be better than ever, Reverend.  (Applause.)  Better than ever.  Fantastic.

And today, just 10 months later, the ground is cleared.  Careful plans have been made, and they’re beautiful plans.  And construction is about to begin on the new and very, very magnificent Mount Pleasant Church.  Congratulations.  (Applause.)

You know, the Reverend says that we’re rebuilding because that’s what Jesus does.  He rebuilds, he lives, and he breathes.  It’s what he does.  He wants it to be rebuilt.  It was torn apart, but it’s being rebuilt again, and I’ll bet you it will indeed be bigger, better, and nicer than before.  What do you think, Reverend?  Yes?  And it’s going to have your mark on it.  It did have and now it will have even great.  And your father is looking down on you right now and he’s very, very proud of the job that you’ve done.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)  Very much inspire us, Reverend.  Thank you.

Well, I want to just thank everybody.  This has been very special.  Tell your congregation that — and all of your people — that we have 350 million people in our country.  They’re proud Americans.  And they respect what we’re doing, even those that you don’t think so much like us, respect us, want to be with us.  They’re respecting our fight, and we are in a fight.

Religion in this country and religion all over the world — certain religions in particular — are under siege.  We won’t let that happen.  We are going to protect our religions.  We are going to protect Christianity.  We are going to protect our great ministers and pastors and rabbis and all of the people that we so cherish and that we so respect.

America is eternally in the debt of our nation’s African American churches all throughout this country.  That’s why it’s so fitting and so — it’s one of the reasons we chose this particular church in Louisiana.  For generations, they bravely fought for justice and lifted up the conscience of our nation.  And we’re grateful beyond any measure.

But I can say that going beyond that, we’re grateful to the people in this room for the love they show to religion.  Not one religion, but many religions.  They are brave.  They are brilliant.  They are fighters.  They like people.  And sometimes they hate people.  I’m sorry.  I apologize.  I’m trying to learn.  (Laughter.)  It’s not easy.  It’s not easy.  (Applause.)

When they impeach you for nothing, then you’re supposed to like them?  It’s not easy, folks.  (Laughter.)  I do my best.

But I’ll tell you what we are doing: We’re restoring hope and spreading faith.  We’re helping citizens of every background take part in the great rebuilding of our nation.  We’re declaring that America will always shine as a land of liberty and light unto all nations of the world.  We want every nation to look up to us like they are right now.  We were not a respected nation just a few years ago.  We had lost our way.  Our country is respected again by everybody.  (Applause.)

This morning, let us ask Father in Heaven to guide our steps, protect our children, and bless our families.  And with all of our heart, let us forever embrace the eternal truth that every child is made equal by the hand of Almighty God.

Thank you.  God Bless you.  And God bless America.  Thank you all very much.  Thank you.  Thank you.  (Applause.)


9:37 A.M. EST

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How History Will Judge the Trump Impeachment

The Senate has voted against impeaching President Donald Trump, defeating two articles of impeachment by votes of 52-48 and 53-47. Trump joins two former presidents, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, in being impeached by the House of Representatives before being acquitted by the Senate.

The House failed to produce credible evidence that the president committed any “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” or engaged in any action that justified his impeachment by the House, let alone his conviction and removal from office by the Senate.

Despite Democrats’ loss in the Senate, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Reps. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., are no doubt basking in the admiration of their liberal allies for their actions, and they are hoping that their attempt to damage the president in the eyes of the public will be successful in the 2020 election.

However, history is often an unforgiving critic.

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Historians in the future may judge them far more harshly for abusing the impeachment power in the Constitution. That provision was not intended to allow 285 members of Congress—a simple House majority and two-thirds of senators—to remove a duly elected president for partisan reasons or over matters of style, no matter what his margin of victory in the last election.

Impeachment was to be used only in the direst of circumstances to remove a president clearly guilty of such serious, substantial misconduct that he posed a danger to the nation, and who was clearly unfit to continue in office until the next election when the public could make its own choice.

House Democrats did not come even close to meeting that standard.

It seems highly likely that Pelosi and company will be viewed in the same manner as historians now view the “radical Republicans” who impeached Johnson, and who came within one vote of convicting and removing him from office.

Republicans personally hated Johnson, who became president after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and they virulently disagreed with Johnson’s decision to implement Lincoln’s conciliatory policies toward the Southern states.

As Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen outline in “A Patriot’s History of the United States,” in inflammatory rhetoric reminiscent of that heard from some Democrats today, radical Republicans claimed that Johnson was a “wild-eyed dictator bent on overthrowing the government.”

Schiff was just as inflammatory when he called Trump a “despot” and the type of tyrant the Founders feared, while Nadler called Trump a “dictator.”

Last time I checked the news, I didn’t see any stories about despotic activities by this president, such as a refusal to follow court orders or the abuse of federal law enforcement power to spy on and investigate political opponents. The latter is something only the prior administration did.

Liberals can certainly criticize the president for some of his policies that they may disagree with, but claiming he is a despot and a dictator is so over the top, so far from reality, that it helped destroy whatever credibility the House managers may have had at the start of the impeachment process. Their wild exaggerations made it pretty clear this was a partisan, politically-driven impeachment.

Paul Johnson, in his book “A History of the American People,” also records that during the impeachment proceedings, Andrew Johnson was subjected to “torrents of personal abuse” and other claims that Paul Johnson characterizes as “nonsense.”

Seem familiar? It should, because Trump was also subjected to “torrents of personal abuse” by House managers during the impeachment trial.

Included among the impeachment articles adopted by the House in 1868 was a charge that Andrew Johnson had “challenged the authority” of Congress and had criticized Congress with “intemperate, inflammatory, and scandalous harangues.”

Sounds an awful lot like the House’s claim in the impeachment resolution that Trump “impeded” the House and engaged in “unprecedented, categorical, and indiscriminate defiance” of Congress.

Furthermore, the Johnson impeachment charged that the president had unlawfully removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton (an ally of the radical Republicans) and replaced him with Ulysses S. Grant.

Although it was not in the impeachment resolution, Schiff and his compatriots spent an enormous amount of time going after the president for firing the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch (who was appointed by President Barack Obama), as if that was an abuse of power. This despite the fact that ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the president.

Once again, the parallels between the Trump and Johnson impeachments are eerie.

Historians almost universally condemn the Johnson impeachment as “rash, reckless, and unwarranted,” as Schweikart and Allen explain. As Paul Johnson says, no “constructive purpose was served by this vendetta, and the only political consequence was the discrediting of those who conducted it.”

Now that the process is over, at least for now, it is hard to come to any conclusion other than that this impeachment, which Democrats started talking about doing as soon as Trump was inaugurated, was the result of personal and political “vendettas” against the president.

Given that some polls show that Trump is now more popular with the public than at any time during his presidency, Democrats may also end up suffering the “political consequences” of their abuse of the impeachment process and the “discrediting of those who conducted it.”

Originally published in Fox News


Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues—including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform—as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies and manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative. Read his research. Twitter: .


His Foes ‘Vicious’ and ‘Genius’ in Impeachment, Trump Tells Supporters

House Conservatives Outline Playbook for Government Reform

Pelosi Omits Christians as She Lists Religious Persecutions Around World

Trump Lauds Black Pastor Who Is Rebuilding Church After Arson

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

The Islamic Belief that Muslim Lives are Worth More than Infidel Lives

The UK’s Mailonline reported recently that “a hero police officer suffered multiple skull fractures when an uninsured white van man tried to murder him in a savage machete attack.” After the perpetrator, a Muslim named Muhammad Rodwan, was arrested, Rodwan explained: “My life is worth more than his life.” Meanwhile, in northern Italy, according to the German-language site UnserTirol 24 “The higher regional court confirmed on Tuesday the first-instance verdict against Rabih Badr for the brutal murder of his partner Marianne Obrist (UT24 reported). Badr’s father was also present at the trial. The latter defended his son and accused Obrist of infidelity.” Badr’s father complained: “There was a problem between him and Marianne, namely the problem of infidelity. She was not loyal to him, he dedicated his whole life to her, but Marianne was not worthy of him.”

“My life is worth more than his life.” “Marianne was not worthy of him.” Is this just more Islamic “extremism,” or do Rodwan and Badr have a point?

Unfortunately, they do have a point – an Islamic point.

Reliance of the Traveller, a classic manual of Islamic sacred law, explains matter-of-factly that “the indemnity for the death or injury of a woman is one-half the indemnity paid for a man. The indemnity paid for a Jew or Christian is one-third the indemnity paid for a Muslim. The indemnity paid for a Zoroastrian is one-fifteenth that of a Muslim.” (o4.9)

Sultanhussein Tabandeh, author of A Muslim Commentary on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, agrees, stating:

“Thus if [a] Muslim commits adultery his punishment is 100 lashes, the shaving of his head, and one year of banishment. But if the man is not a Muslim and commits adultery with a Muslim woman his penalty is execution. … Similarly if a Muslim deliberately murders another Muslim he falls under the law of retaliation and must by law be put to death by the next of kin. But if a non-Muslim who dies at the hand of a Muslim has by lifelong habit been a non-Muslim, the penalty of death is not valid. Instead the Muslim murderer must pay a fine and be punished with the lash. … Since Islam regards non-Muslims as on a lower level of belief and conviction, if a Muslim kills a non-Muslim, then his punishment must not be the retaliatory death, since the faith and conviction he possesses is loftier than that of the man slain…Again, the penalties of a non-Muslim guilty of fornication with a Muslim woman are augmented because, in addition to the crime against morality, social duty and religion, he has committed sacrilege, in that he has disgraced a Muslim and thereby cast scorn upon the Muslims in general, and so must be executed. … Islam and its peoples must be above the infidels, and never permit non-Muslims to acquire lordship over them.”

These ideas have lethal consequences. In Badr’s case, “according to judge Peter Michaeler,” Badr “‘beat her like a stray dog’ first with a stick, then with a baseball bat. Badr is said to have stabbed the 39-year-old with a knife….As was evident from Judge Michaeler’s reasoning at the time, the act was culturally motivated. Badr, who comes from Morocco, killed Obrist ‘without mercy’ and ‘bestially’ and exemplifies radical attitudes that are incompatible with the way of life of a Western woman….In Badr’s mind, the woman is subordinate to the man, the judge continued. As a result, Badr unjustly accused his partner of infidelity, and restricted and suppressed her. According to Michaeler, the motive was not jealousy, but the complete control Badr wanted to exercise over Obrist.”

As far as Badr was concerned, Obrist should have been under his total control, for she was not only a woman, but an infidel. She had no rights he was bound to respect. But of course, saying such things in the West today brings one charges of “Islamophobia.” Meanwhile, more women like Marianne Obrist will continue to be victimized and brutalized.


Israel: Muslim who recently converted from Christianity fires at Israeli policemen at entrance to Temple Mount

Italy: Muslim migrants attack police with bricks in migrant center

Israel: Muslim runs down and injures twelve Israeli soldiers in vehicular jihad attack in Jerusalem

UK: London jihad stabber spent days before the attack praying

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

The Fashionization of Islam by Aynaz Anni Cyrus

Again our Western world media has just celebrated #WorldHijabday, while in the Islamic world,  hundreds of Iranian women are being arrested and put in prison for removing their hijab. That Islamic oppression of women is steadily coming here, by our media’s own hands. The fashion industry leads much of that dangerous change.

In 2019, Nike expanded on their Pro Hijab brand by releasing The Victory Collection. The new market niche adds performance-wear options for Muslim watersport athletes. Choice for women is good. But now Nike just makes it that much harder for women athletes who might otherwise choose to leave Islam.

Before long, following the pattern of Sharia states, it is not inconceivable that this gear could become mandatory for all women competitors — Muslims will next demand it, as officials will bow to their charges of an uneven playing field.

Such fashion marketing can normalize even Islam’s worst elements, such as jihad violence. In fact, we have already seen jihad imagery flow into Islamofashion marketing. In their Fall-Winter 2018 runway show in Milan in February 2018, Gucci’s line began to use beheading imagery among their fashion models. They claimed it had to do with something about cyborgs, and cephalophores — figurines of saints who carried their own heads as martyrs, from medieval and Renaissance art.

Would any modern fashion audience get that ancient and obscure art reference? Or cyborgs with severed heads? Or does it instead have to do with Islam? The Left won’t directly say it. But they will put horrors which attract them right in front of our faces.

It is no shocking secret anymore that devoted Muslims of ISIS who read Quran and follow Muhammad have lately been cutting peoples’ heads off, and holding them up and placing them in positions of grotesque display. That context of gory news media imagery is what makes Gucci’s fashion art concept recognizable — instead of just inexplicable.

Gucci’s unstated nod to modern Islamic terror is obvious. The Gucci-friendly article about the fashion models carrying their own heads even noted it as “terror-inducing.”

Gucci’s display of attraction to terror imagery sends a message that opposing traditional western societal virtue is “cool.” In that sense, they give an approving nod of respect to ISIS beheaders, as rebels against the western system.

After all, if the Left did not want to suggest that mental association, then why would Gucci so obviously risk playing around with severed heads? The imagery they chose is what makes people see that association with Islamic murder and butchery.

The severed head imagery actually began in the prior year, with leftist Kathy Griffin, in her infamous photos taken in May 2017, which featured Griffin holding a model of President Donald Trump’s head dripping with blood.

So Kathy Griffin broke open the wall of taboo against severed head imagery. She breached the limits of how much it could be tolerated by our society. And then the Gucci runway show toned down the bloody gore, to make it accepted as just a new part of our culture.

So now because Gucci did it in fashion, Islamic-style beheading imagery became just part of the elite culture scene. ISIS media has competition.

But skeptics might protest that Gucci is just signalling, “Look, we are so edgy and fashionable.” After all, there can be a childlike drive to want to shock the adults, without really having a barbarous ideology of murder about it.

But in fact the fashion designers and beauty marketers have been systematically embracing the Islam-ish market for years. Designers have been marketing upscale hijabs and abayas in London and Paris stores since early 2016. The fashionable Left was said to greet the announcement of those top brand designs “with jubilation.”  And it was noted that the collection “could easily appeal to nonbelievers.” Forbes celebrated it as the “smartest move in years.” The Left love this suffocating stuff so much, they don’t want it to be just for oppressed Muslims.

Next, hijab was hailed as a “win” for fashion when New York Fashion Week debuted its first all-hijab runway show in September 2016. Hijabs for everybody. What women want to show hair and neck anyway?

Then in November 2016, CoverGirl began to feature a hijabi beauty blogger. And very rapidly, the fashionization of Islam became part of the consumer marketing landscape.

As far back as March 2017, I reported on Nike’s plan to release a sports hijab. Nike ultimately released its Nike Pro Hijab in December that year—with “moisture-wicking technology and breathable mesh for cool comfort.” Where would sports be, without the ability to breathe.

American Eagle came out with a denim hijab in July 2017. No, I can’t explain it either.

In January 2018, L’Oréal ran a campaign featuring a hijabi model. By that time, even Muslims began to become annoyed by the trend, which was being denigrated as a “hijab fetish” of product marketing.

While Gucci was deep into Islamic imagery during its February 2018 fashion show, it actually came under harsh criticism by the Left — no, not for Islamization — but for using too-white models in cultural appropriation. Gucci was asked, “Could you not find a hijabi model?”

Versace, and other luxury brands joined Gucci in the hijab imagery. Around the same time as the Milan show, in February 2018, Macy’s became the first Islamofashionized department store in the United States, with its Verona Collection.

In May 2018, H&M released an Islamized clothing line ahead of that year’s Ramadan. The company may have come late to the Islamofashion product market by that time, but they reportedly had used a hijabi model as far back as 2015. So Islam was already long in their culture view.

In summer 2018, Gap featured a smiling young girl in a hijab for its back-to-school campaign. So now it is pretty much everybody.

Marketing forces normalize things that we should not see as normal. The marketing of oppression is very dangerous. Women in Iran are fighting and risking jail to take off this ridiculous hijab. But the Left with their corporate marketing enablers are up there putting it on our own women here, as a fashion statement.



Iraqi refugee in Phoenix arrested as alleged leader of Al Qaeda assassination cell

Harvard professor’s arrest shows Chinese spying via US universities

Protests Pose New Challenges to Iranian Regime’s Future


Palestinian Official Issues Death Threats to Netanyahu and Trump

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Only 4 of Glasgow’s 71 Muslim Refugee Child Rapists Have Gone to Prison by Daniel Greenfield

By the summer of last year, Glasgow had the highest number of housed refugees in the UK with almost 10% of the “asylum seekers” setting up shop in the Scottish city. The overflow of refugees, many of them from Pakistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan, has brought in government money, but also violence and crime. Refugees whose requests for asylum are rejected refuse to leave and remain on in Glasgow.

Glasgow had been eager to cash in on asylum seekers, and in the last two decades was fundamentally transformed by the tide of migrants filling up its neighborhoods. As Pakistanis became the largest minority group in Scotland, 42% of the country’s Muslim population took up residence in Glasgow.

By the 2011 census, a fifth of Glasgow’s population was non-Scottish. In Pollokshields, a quarter of the population is Pakistani. Pollokshields is also where Kriss Donald, a 15-year-old Scottish teenage boy, was kidnapped in the spring of 2004, stabbed all over his body and then set on fire by a Pakistani gang.

“His violent death was a result of political correctness that has gripped the police in Scotland,” Mike Liddell, a senior police officer warned. “Crime within Glasgow’s Asian community has been allowed to grow unfettered for years. Why? Because the police have been afraid to fight it in case they are accused of racism.”

Ayub Khan, a member of the Multi-faith Coalition group in Pollokshields, agreed, “people know that the police are too scared to come into the area and be accused of racism.”

That was 15 years ago.

Last year, Mohammed Maqsood, had his appeal thrown out. Maqsood had been accused of the Kriss Donald murder, but had remained free until he raped an 18-year-old girl, who got into what she thought was a taxi in Glasgow, before she was brutalized and left half-naked in the street.

Mohammed then generously dumped her clothes in a charity bin to hide the evidence.

The assault was one of many that involved taxis and Glasgow’s growing Muslim community. The taboo topic has been the subject of multiple police investigations after reports began to circulate in the press.

2011 report in the Evening Times documented the story of a teenage girl who had been abused and prostituted by a man named Nasir.

“One minute I was a normal teenage girl, the next, I was being forced to have sex with these old men,” she revealed. “I had never even kissed a boy before – they completely took my innocence from me.”

Nasir raped her in front of his fellow gang members while they recorded the assault on their cell phones. After she was prostituted, harassment by the gang forced her family to flee from Glasgow’s immigrants.

In 2011, Operation Cotswold was set up to focus on the Muslim refugees who were abusing young girls in care homes, facilities for children from broken families.

The police identified 26 potential victims, but no one was prosecuted.

In 2013, Operation Dash tracked the role of Muslim taxi services and fast food places in the grooming and sexual abuse of young girls. It focused on the Strathclyde area, a center of the city’s Pakistani population going back decades. That was where the police had launched and then shuttered Operation Gather a decade earlier because its focus on Muslim gangs had been deemed politically incorrect.

Operation Dash found that girls as young as 10 years old were being abused. 84 victims were identified and 27 suspects were reported. Only three were reportedly actually sent to prison.

And only one, Javaid Akhond, a refugee from Afghanistan working in a fast food place, was named.

Akhond got only 6 years in prison for grooming and sexually abusing a 12-year-old girl, grooming and sexually abusing her 13-year-old friend, sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl, and then, raping a 16-year-old girl who tried to intervene. Then, once he was locked up, he tried to pressure the 15-year-old from prison to name him officially as the father of her child so that he could avoid deportation from Scotland.

The Muslim refugee, like many foreign criminals, was hoping to rely on EU rules that prevent the deportation of even the worst criminals if they have left behind a child in a European country.

The Muslim refugee gangs aren’t just raping young girls, they’re using them as asylum requests.

In a familiar pattern, Cotswold and Dash turned up over 100 victims, but very few actual results.

Operation Cerrar, the latest successor to these operations, identified 56 members of a Glasgow grooming gang. The perpetrators were Pakistani, Iraqi, Egyptian, Turkish, and Moroccan refugees.

44 girls were abused by these refugees. Many were abused many times. Including one who was assaulted by 28 of the perpetrators and another by 23 of them.

14 of the abusers have been deported. Only 1 is in prison.

The police kept the investigation and its results secret. With results like these, it’s easy to see why.

After three investigations that have taken place over a decade with 154 identified victims, and at least 71 perpetrators, there have been seemingly only four actual prison sentences.

And the only one that has been made public amounted to a slap on the wrist.

If British authorities prosecuted Muslim grooming gangs as vigorously as they do ‘Islamophobia’, then the countless thousands of girls abused across major cities would sleep soundly in their beds at night.

Like many of these cities, Glasgow opened its doors to Muslim migrants for economic and political reasons. Labour and the Scottish National Party then fought eagerly over Muslim votes.

The 154 abused girls paid the price for the UK’s migration policies, for Glasgow’s eagerness for the economic benefits of opening up to migrants and refugees, and of the Scottish National Party’s desire to achieve independence for Scotland, even if it had to do it by submitting to the EU and Islam, and replacing the native population with a more reliable voting base for its social welfare and green energy.

In 2007, Bashir Ahmad became the first Muslim member of the Scottish Parliament for the SNP from Glasgow. He was followed by Humza Yousaf, his former assistant, who became the first Muslim cabinet minister holding down the justice portfolio and took his oath of allegiance in the Scottish Parliament in Urdu. Jahangir Hanif, a Glasgow SNP councilor, was caught teaching his children to fire an AK-47 at a training camp in Pakistan, near Kashmir.

The SNP’s Islamic squad came through the Muslim Brotherhood’s local outlet, the Scottish Islamic Foundation. And the SNP generously funneled money to the SIF in recognition of their support.

The SIF’s boss, Osama Saeed, who has cheered a return of the Caliphate, was an adviser to former First Minister Alex Salmond, the SNP’s dirty leader, who ran Scotland into the ground.

Salmond is currently on trial for assaulting 10 women.

The Scotland National Party’s answer to Harvey Weinstein even stands accused of trying to rape a woman in Bute House, the official residence of the First Minister, and in the Scottish Parliament.

Is it really any wonder that Scottish authorities have managed to do an even worse job of tackling Muslim sex grooming gangs than their counterparts in Manchester, Rotherham, and Oxford?


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Twitter Suspends Katie Hopkins

And you’re next. My latest in FrontPage:

Twitter has suspended UK’s courageous freedom fighter Katie Hopkins, who had a million followers on the platform, and one thing is certain: she will not be the last foe of jihad violence and Sharia oppression who is banned from Twitter. It’s all about silencing “hate,” you see. But the banning of Katie Hopkins illustrates yet again that for the Left, there is good “hate” and there is bad “hate.”

According to the UK’s Independent, “Twitter said that Ms Hopkins had been temporarily locked out of her account for violating the site’s hateful-conduct policy, which bans the promotion of violence or inciting harm on the basis of race, religion, national origin or gender identity.”

Twitter has erased all but a handful of Hopkins’ tweets, so it’s impossible to tell what the offending tweets were, but it is abundantly clear at this point that for Leftist guardians of acceptable thought nowadays, virtually any dissent from the Left’s agenda will be read as “the promotion of violence or inciting harm on the basis of race, religion, national origin or gender identity.” While “promotion of violence” is fairly easy to spot, “inciting harm” can be seen in any critical word. And then the offender has to go.

The crusaders against “hate” in this case were once again the usual suspects. According to the Independent, Twitter suspended Hopkins at the insistence of a Leftist/Islamic coalition of enemies of the freedom of speech: “The move came a little over a day after Rachel Riley, a co-presenter of Channel 4’s Countdown and an anti-racism campaigner, met Twitter representatives calling for them to review and remove Ms Hopkins’ account. The meeting was organised by the Centre for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) campaign group, which called for Twitter to permanently delete the account.”

CCDH’s chief executive, Imran Ahmed, commented in the condescending tones of a man who knows the world is at his feet: “We are pleased that preliminary action appears to have been taken by Twitter against the identity-based hate actor, Katie Hopkins following productive discussions with Twitter’s UK office. There is a long road ahead before social media is made safe for dialogue, information exchange and the formation and maintenance of relationships.”

However, “a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,” said Ralph Waldo Emerson, and even though he is that most useless and contemptible of creatures, a dead white male, Twitter agrees with him. Rachel Riley was pleased at the forcible silencing of Hopkins, but noted that Twitter had not done her bidding to her complete satisfaction. The Independent continued: “Ms Riley said she was ‘pleased to see that action appears to have been taken’, but added that she had also called for the removal of George Galloway’s account, which remains online.”

It isn’t hard to see why this is so. Galloway, unlike Hopkins, is a fervent Leftist. According to Discover the Networks, Galloway is an “admirer of Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Mao Zedong, and Joseph Stalin.” He is also the founder of Viva Palestina, touted as “a fundraising project for the Palestinian people,” which “since its inception…has given millions of dollars, as well as much non-cash assistance, directly to Hamas.”

So it is clear. Twitter claims to be against “hateful conduct,” but it really only hates some hateful conduct, not all of it. Katie Hopkins opposing jihad violence and Sharia oppression? Why, that’s hateful conduct! She must be banned! George Galloway aiding a jihad terror group that targets Israeli civilians and celebrates when those civilians are murdered? Why, that isn’t hateful conduct, not at all, at least according to Twitter’s guardians of acceptable opinion. As far as Twitter is concerned also, hating Katie Hopkins, and showering her with abuse, is perfectly fine – I’ve witnessed it myself many times on that platform. But if someone uttered a cross word to George Galloway, it is certain that he or she would soon be free of the burden of limiting one’s utterances to 280 characters.

That is the lesson of the Twitter suspension of Katie Hopkins. If you also hold opinions that are unacceptable to the elites, you’re next. Twitter won’t tolerate “hate,” you see, which means it won’t allow anything but statements aligned with the views of the Leftist political and media elites. Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out, and at Twitter, it does look as if they’ve already slipped their chain.


Only 4 of Glasgow’s 71 Muslim Refugee Child Rapists Have Gone to Prison

Palestinians Are “Disappointed” In Initial Arab Response — Arab League Then Rejects the Trump Plan (Part 3)

The Fashionization of Islam

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEOS: Stolen Lives — Victims of Illegal Alien Crime

The idea that illegal immigration is a victimless crime has been promoted by open borders activists, special interest groups, and the media elite. Tragically, there is a growing number of American mothers and fathers who will never see their children again.   A growing number of Americans who have lost their loved ones speak for them and countless other unheard voices.  These are their stories:

More details on victims of illegal alien crime.

Shayley Estes, was killed on July 24, 2015 in Phoenix, Arizona by Igor Zubko, an illegal alien from Russia.  Shayley obtained an order of protection against Zubko just 10 days before her murder, but he entered her home and fatally shot her. Zubko entered the U.S. legally, but overstayed his visa and remained in the U.S. illegally. He is in police custody and faces first-degree murder charges.

Lennox Lake was 6 years old when he was seriously injured when the car in which he was riding was hit by a drunk driver, Constantino Banda Acosta, an illegal alien who’d been deported more than a dozen times. His parents, Ingrid and Benjamin Lake, were also in the car but were not hurt.  After two mistrials, a judge ruled there would be no more trials of Banda and he was placed into the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). He remains in federal custody awaiting sentencing for illegally reentering the country.

Sarah Root, 21, from Omaha, Nebraska was killed on January 31, 2016. Her SUV was rear-ended by Eswin Mejia, an illegal alien from Honduras, who was street racing. Sarah had just graduated from Bellevue University with a 4.0 GPA the day before she passed away. Omaha is in Douglas County, Nebraska which has sanctuary policies that impede local law enforcement’s ability to cooperate with ICE officers. Mejia was charged with motor vehicular homicide but posted bond to get out of jail and was released. He is still on the run.

Tessa Tranchant, 16, was killed on March 30, 2007 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Tessa and her friend, Ali Kunhardt, were sitting at a stoplight when Alfredo Ramos, an illegal alien from Mexico who was intoxicated and speeding, rear-ended their car. Ramos had a history of prior convictions, but due to Virginia Beach’s sanctuary policies, he was never detained. He was charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to 40 years in prison.

Ronald da Silva was standing with a friend on April 27, 2002, in his driveway when he was shot and killed by an illegal alien who had been previously deported. The illegal alien was sentenced to 21 years in prison but will be released in 2020. Ronald da Silva’s mother, Agnes Gibboney, has made a powerful statement, “The guy that killed my son has a determinate sentence in prison but I have a lifetime sentence of grief and pain.” Since the tragedy occurred, Agnes has been on the front line pushing for immigration reform.

Dominic Durden was riding his motorcycle to work on July 12, 2012 when he was hit and killed by an illegal alien. The illegal immigrant who killed Dominic only served 35 days in jail. In the years since his passing Dominic’s mother Sabine Durden, a legal immigrant from Germany has been fighting for true immigration reform.

Send your love to an angel mom…

EDITORS NOTE: This FAIR column with videos is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.