PODCAST: Interview with DHS Whistleblower Philip B. Haney author of “See Something, Say Nothing”

see something say nothing book coverA new book has hit the shelves which chronicles the fundamental transformation of American policy to neuter efforts by law enforcement to combat terrorism both domestically and in foreign countries. Titled See Something Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad it is written by Philip B. Haney, a former Homeland Security agent and Art Moore, editor for World Net Daily.

The book is clearly written, names names and paints a picture of how government agencies tasked with stopping terror under both President George W. Bush and President Barack H. Obama have moved from a law enforcement/research based/investigative model to a civil rights/civil liberties model. This transformation is key to understanding why the State Department, FBI, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), state and local law enforcement failed in places like San Bernardino, California.

The book graphically details the decline and fall of the Great War on Terror (GWOT).

Please listen to this interview with the author Philip B. Haney on the Lisa Benson Show:


Homeland Security Whistleblower: 10 Jarring Revelations

VIDEO: ‘See Something, Say Nothing’ — connecting the dots from 9/11 to Orlando

Retired DHS Intelligence Officer Blows Whistle on Federal Government’s role in Islamic terror threat

VIDEO: Hate Can Be a Virtue

Progressives talk a lot about the evil of hate. We are told that if we object to Sharia law and jihad, then we are intolerant haters. But what about hating what harms people?

I hate wife-beating, yet the Sharia, Koran and Sunna support it.

I am intolerant of child abuse, including child marriage, but the Sunna and Sharia support it.

I hate the jihadist killings of Christians, Jews, Buddhists and apostates.

I am intolerant of religious leaders, such as the Pope and Dai Lama, who will not condemn the jihadic killing of their groups.

I hate dualistic ethics, which lack integrity.

I am intolerant of face coverings, since it cuts off open communication.

As a society, we have lost the ability to become morally outraged and are incapable of anger about the Islamic harm of innocents. I hate that.

Ненависть может быть добродетелью

Прогрессивные много говорят по поводу зла ненависти. Нам говорят, что если мы возражаем против шариата и джихада, то мы проявляем нетерпимость и ненависть. Однако, что насчет ненависти, которая вредит людям?

Я ненавижу избиение женщин, а шариат, Коран и Сунна его поддерживают.

Я нетерпим к надругательству над детьми, включая детские браки, но Сунна и шариат поддерживают их.

Я ненавижу убийства джихадистами христиан, иудеев, буддистов и вероотступников.

Я нетерпим к религиозным лидерам, таким, как Папа и Далай-лама, которые не осуждают джихадистские убийства своих групп.

Я ненавижу дуалистическую этику, в которой отсутствует целостность.

Я нетерпимо отношусь к закрытию лица, поскольку это исключает открытое общение.

Как общество, мы потеряли способность морального возмущения и неспособны проявить гнев по поводу исламского вреда невинным людям. Я ненавижу это.

RELATED ARTICLE: Orlando nightclub shooting timeline: Three hours of terror unfold

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of the four cardinal virtues: prudence, temperance, fortitude, and justice.

PODCAST: Brexit, now what?

Anthony James Rundell joins the USA Transnational Report on June 25, 2016!

a_rundell_smallAnthony “Tony” James Rundell is resident in London but travels extensively in the Middle East. He has a company in United Arab Emirates where he deals in antiquarian Islamic books and early copies of the Koran. His connections with Abu Dhabi go back some 60 years before the oil wealth came on stream. He half lives in France and is well versed in the European dimension of the UK’s future policy after the Referendum next Thursday.

Mr. Rundell hopes to give an up-to-the-minute assessment of the implications of the results for UK – and also for US after Mr. Obama gave a pessimistic view of UK’s chances if we vote ‘No’! The view from downtown London from within earshot of the Chelsea football ground!

Topics of Discussion:

  • Results of “Brexit” Referendum (Thursday, 6/23)
  • Implications – politically and economically – of Brexit outcome for the U.K.
  • Public reaction in U.K. regarding so-called “refugees”
  • How the U.K. views the U.S. Presidential elections

and more . . .

VIDEO: Kindergarten graduation in Gaza – growing soldiers of Allah

A kindergarten graduation ceremony in the Gaza was professionally filmed and placed on the internet.

tip2You will watch 5-year olds role play what they have been taught, and you will notice how well these children are trained and indoctrinated to become soldiers of Allah (Jihadists).

Film does not lie unlike adults who know how to spin a story.  You will notice near the end how you are told what you just observed is for peace purposes.  This statement would be laughable if it were not so pathetically false and damning with sobering repercussions the west is just now awakening to.

Click on the link provided and see indoctrination of children, and you get a glimpse of what Americans cannot bring themselves to believe, much less prepare for in our country as Jihad now turns its’ force in our direction.

The following video is a translated report by Israel’s Channel 1 News of a kindergarten graduation party held in Gaza, courtesy of the Islamic Jihad movement. This is but one of many examples showing the anti-Israel incitement and indoctrination prominent in various sections of the Palestinian public.


New Report Confirms IPT Analysis on Spread of Islamist Terror by Pete Hoekstra

The Face of a Dying Nation: Germans Get Angry When Told the Truth About Islam and Muslims

Anatomy of the terror threat: Files show hundreds of US plots, refugee connection

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of children are trained in the settlement – based jihadists Turks originating from China and Central Asia near the town Tzisr Al Sagkoursti Syria, which recently got the jihadists by government forces.

PODCAST: Connecting the Dots — Obama and Islamic Extremism

Once again you won’t see this in the MSM. I will give you credible MSM sources that, when put together, connect the dots between Obama and Islamic Extremist in America.

Identifying the enemy within is the only way to liberate America from these violent terrorist acts.

EDITORS NOTE: Original post located at, http://krisannehall.com/connecting-do…. Please subscribe to the KrisAnne Hall YouTube channel

VIDEO: ‘See Something, Say Nothing’ — connecting the dots from 9/11 to Orlando

Philip B. Haney Press Conference at the National Press Club titled, “See Something, Say Nothing.”


PODCAST: Former DHS Agent Philip Haney – ‘Words have Meaning

See Something, Say Nothing

Guess France doesn’t have a Lorreta Lynch: Video of Muslim Soldier of Allah

While U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is censoring the 911 calls of Omar Mateen, France has released the full video, with subtitles of the Muslim who slaughtered a police officer and his wife.

Fox News reported:

A Muslim radical who was being investigated for terror ties stabbed a French police chief to death outside his home, then tortured the man’s wife in front of their toddler son — all while live streaming his rampage on Facebook.

The shocking attack in Magnanville, 35 miles north of Paris, ended after a three-hour standoff, when French commandoes stormed the home, rescuing the boy and killing Larossi Abballa, 25.

Read more.

If you want to understand how a soldier of Allah thinks and then acts watch this video:


Document Reveals Omar Mateen’s Father Tied to Radical Islamist Groups by Abha Shankar

Lynch: “Partial Transcript” Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To Islamic Terrorism Removed

Georgia Somali flag-attack story begs the question: why are we admitting refugees with serious mental illness?

Video from the School of Selwyn: Orlando, Trump and Muslims

After the Orlando terrorist massacre, are we going to be politically correct? Or are we going to be wise?

RELATED ARTICLE: Document Reveals Omar Mateen’s Father Tied to Radical Islamist Groups by Abha Shankar

EDITORS NOTE: Since this video was made Donald Trump has called for the profiling of Muslims similar to what Israel does. In a column posted on Yahoo News titled “Israeli minister unapologetic for security ‘profiling’ hailed by Trump” Dan Williams reports:

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – A senior Israeli official justified the “profiling” of Muslims as potential security threats on Monday after U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump said Americans should adopt Israel’s disputed practice.

Arabs, who make up a fifth of Israel’s population, and Palestinians living under Israeli occupation have long complained of being singled out for scrutiny and searches at security checkpoints when going about their routine activities.

Trump, the Republican front-runner who has been buoyed by Americans’ worries about Islamic militancy, said on Sunday he believed that “profiling is something that we’re going to have to start thinking about as a country”.

“You look at Israel and you look at others, and they do it and they do it successfully,” he told CBS’ “Face the Nation”.

Asked about the remarks, Israeli Transportation and Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz declined to discuss the U.S. election campaign but was unapologetic about Israel’s methods.

“Ultimately these (security) apparatuses … must build a profile of characteristics as to where the danger comes from and locate it,” he said in a briefing to foreign journalists arranged by the Israel Project advocacy group.

“It is not the whole population, but sometimes when there is a specific form of terrorism, you can seek out Islamic terrorism only among Muslims.”

Trump has called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States, a suspension of immigration from countries with “a proven history of terrorism” and for greater scrutiny of American mosques.

Read more.

VIDEO: Orlando Bleeds

Orlando, Florida is the victim of yet another attack by Islam.


Islam’s Violence is Rooted in Instability

Jihad Attack in Orlando

Iranian Cleric: ‘Improperly’ Dressed Iranian Women Cause Climate Change

Canadian Imam on Orlando massacre: “This system (democracy) does not represent us”

Arkansas: FBI hunts for Muslim couple arrested for terror threats — fled upon release, had weapons & ammo

Facebook bans gay magazine critical of Islam


Hillary Clinton Middle East donors

VIDEO: Florida Candidate for U.S. Senate Wilcox “Eliminating the Islamic State”

ORLANDO – Todd Wilcox, combat veteran, former CIA case officer and businessman today released his first ad, “Eliminating ISIS,” a web spot highlighting his strategic approach to combating radical Islamic terrorists.

“Terrorists have brought this fight to American soil and it’s time we get serious about eliminating ISIS once and for all,” said Wilcox. “ISIS can be defeated, but it’s going to require American leadership and a real strategy to win.”

“Eliminating ISIS” Transcript:

Arab Sunni Muslim Terrorism is a threat to all of Western society. If we don’t take the fight to ISIS now, we’ll be fighting them here at home. We should use every pillar of American power to destroy ISIS – diplomacy to create an Arab coalition, Special Operations Forces to lead, equip, train and advise them and NATO to provide close air support, intelligence, and logistics. Our cyber power can shut down the ISIS social media machine and use our economic power to cut off their revenue. ISIS can be defeated, but it requires American leadership and a real strategy to win.

RELATED ARTICLE: Meet sniper, CIA officer, Green Beret millionaire Todd Wilcox, a candidate for Florida’s open Senate seat

EDITORS NOTE: To learn more about Todd Wilcox and his strategic plan to eliminate the Islamic State, may visit his website by CLICKING HERE.

VIDEO: Why America is Voting Trump — Criminal Aliens Released by the Department of Homeland Security

This video is of Congressman Jason Chaffetz’s opening statement on how criminal illegal aliens are being released by the Department of Homeland Security. Congressman Chaffetz is Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.


Ryan threatens to sue Trump if he tries to enact temporary ban on Muslim migration

Maryland Gov. Hogan says he is not voting for Trump; more refugees entering MD than during Dems control

NY Times’ David Brooks: Find out how much jihad has to do with Islam by reading…The Varieties of Religious Experience

New York Times: Only “fringe interpretations of Islam” justify violence, “mainstream majority view is peaceful”

VIDEO: Predicting the Next Islamic State Attack in America — ‘Day of the Dead’ Part Deux

Can you imagine 10, 20, 50, 100 Orlando-type shooters, all battle-hardened Islamic State fighters attacking southern California through the Mexican cartel drug tunnels?

Hard to imagine, not so, says Captain Dan Gordon of the Israel Defense Forces Reserves. In fact, Captain Gordon, who also just happens to be a Hollywood A-List Screenwriter, has detailed the attack in his current book, “Day of the Dead, Book Two, America!

Don’t miss this fascinating and frightening interview that I have with Dan, as Dan goes step-by-step through the attack scenario.


Orlando Terrorist Worked at Company Hired by DHS to Transport Illegal Aliens

ISIS Fighter Slaughters Parents for Refusing to Hand Over Brothers

Berlin Imam Gets 2.5 Years for Glorifying ISIS

New ISIS Video: DC, New York, Orlando to Face More Attacks

Hit ISIS So Hard They Wonder Why Allah Left Them

Missoula, MT refugee arrivals could begin in August, most will be Muslims

EDITORS NOTE: Dan’s novel, set in real world conditions is available, along with the companion book, “Day of the Dead, Book One, GAZA,” at Amazon.com.

VIDEO: Understanding the Ramadan Massacre at a Gay Nightclub in Orlando

Ramadan 2016 by David Wood:

Early in the morning on June 12th, 2016, American Muslim Omar Mir Seddique Mateen opened fire at “The Pulse,” a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Mateen killed around 50 people and injured dozens more while shouting “Allahu Akbar!” Before the attack, he called 911 to declare his allegiance to ISIS. Did this shooting have something to do with Islam, the Quran, ISIS, Jihad, and Muhammad? David Wood discusses the evidence.

Be sure to watch these important videos:

“Three Stages of Jihad”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERou_…

“The Jihad Triangle”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qjvfa…

“Three Quran Verses Every Woman Should Know”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NXtI…

“Islam: The World’s Fastest-Growing Religion”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1i3p…

“The Truth about Ramadan”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGysO…

Mr. Trump: Here is how you politically fell two birds (Hillary and Barack) with one stone

In this episode of DML Unfiltered Dennis Michael Lynch discusses Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America.” He also reads an email he sent to Donald Trump, the GOP nominee for president. In the email he explains how Mr. Trump can politically fell two birds with one stone.

Lynch explains that by exposing Obama’s father and his radicalism will force not only Obama to become unhinged but will force Hillary Clinton into either defend Obama or distancing herself from him, a lose lose situation for her and the Democratic Party.

Watch and listen:

Gays and Muslims: How will liberals deal with Muslims killing gays? [Video]

The Vortex talks about Orlando, Gays, Liberals and Muslims. Message: The Catholic Church wants to save gays from Hell. Islam wants to send gays to Hell.


All the victims at the gay nightclub who were murdered over the weekend need our prayers. Fifty people, 50-plus souls were on the scene, and the very next moment, they were standing before the judgment seat of Almighty God — as we all will be one day. Life can seem so certain one moment and over the next, in a twinkling of an eye. We must always be prepared to die.

The murders bring about a very interesting point of a larger discussion. The liberal alliance has brought various factions together, with one common goal: to end Catholic morality’s influence on Western civilization.

There are indeed some strange pairings in this liberal alliance: homosexualists, the Democratic Party, the mainstream media and Islam. Whatever differences Islam and liberals have, they have been willing to overlook them to join forces against the common enemy of Christianity, specifically Catholicism.

So, for example, from ISIS and the Islamic world you hear threats against Rome — loud threats, so loud that Italian army soldiers now stand at the ready fully armed with machine guns in very plain sight around the boundaries of Vatican City. And you hear from various gay groups that the Catholic Church hates gays — that we are homophobic, that we are a threat, that we need to have our non-profit status revoked, that we need to be monitored and so forth.

One point needs to become very clear to all those who wish to paint the Church as an enemy of gays: We want you saved. Islam wants you dead. And let’s be very clear: The Catholic Church wants to save gays from Hell. Islam wants to send gays to Hell.

Just last month in the Middle East, these horrific images of a man being thrown off a building to his death were released. His “crime”: being gay in a Muslim country. Again, Catholics don’t hate gays. But Islamicists do. It wasn’t Catholics throwing that man to his death. And it wasn’t a Catholic in the gay nightclub murdering dozens of same-sex-attracted men and women.

But this whole situation does pose a very difficult conundrum for the whole liberal alliance. Gays hate the Church because the Church teaches about the immorality of homosexual acts. And Islam hates the Church because it was born from a hate of the Church and has always had as its object the overthrow of Christianity.

Up until now, the liberal mainstream media has been happy to be complicit in giving Islamic terrorism a pass because it had common cause with undermining Catholicism in the culture. The liberal alliance was happy to make common cause with Islam because they had a common enemy: the Catholic Church. So whenever an Islamic terrorist murdered a group somewhere, it could be whitewashed and follow-up stories done on how Islam doesn’t really have a widely accepted notion of jihad and violence, and how the various terror acts were “isolated,” or the individual was disturbed and so forth. But Islam could never be approached as a problem in itself. That would be shooting an ally in the back.

Well, this past weekend radical Islam shot one of its own allies in the back; more than 50 souls were dispatched into eternity as a result. So now the conundrum: Random victims were not targeted but homosexual men and women. Islam hates gays and wants them dead, and this is a fact that the liberal alliance of homosexualists, Democrats and the media have simply not said out loud.

Well, now they have to.

The liberal alliance may finally have to come out and say for the whole world to hear what should be blindingly obvious to the whole world: Islam hates gays and wants them dead.

But that admission will cost the liberal alliance. For all their common cause with wanting to undermine or even eradicate Catholicism, the Church does share some core principles with Islam regarding morality. Pope John Paul II was able to use those shared beliefs about sexual morality in the U.N. Cairo Conference back in the 1990s to fend off an attempt by Western nations to embrace abortion and contraception as human rights. By working with various Islamic nations, the Church was able to beat back the initiative.

This move by the Vatican angered many Western powers who want to push sexual immorality, and the Church came into sharp focus as a threat to their new world order. So the liberal alliance of gays, news media, politicians, Hollywood, all banded together and began their relentless pounding of the Church. To the extent that Islam could be conscripted, even indirectly, all the better.

Up until Orlando, the strange alliance between gays and gay-hating Islam was able to hold. Now, it’s over — or, at least, it should be. What remains to be seen is how this will be handled or massaged in the media. Will the Muslim killer be painted as a lone extremist who does not represent “peaceful” Islam? Will media reports devolve into story after story about the need for gun control? Will the murderous action be whitewashed as an act against “Americans” and “our way of life” instead of the full-on truth that Islam hates gays and wants them dead?

Now that Islam has broken ranks with the liberal alliance by attacking a key component of it in the homosexual ideology, what remains to be seen is which enemy will the liberal alliance choose to attack more: Islam or the Catholic Church? Since Satan is behind the liberal alliance, the homosexual ideology and Islam, it’s pretty certain the Church will be the one continuing being attacked once this has all receded from the headlines.

The liberal alliance will move on with business as usual.

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