Donald J. Trump: On Terrorism, Immigration and National Security [Video]

Donald J. Trump gave a major national security speech at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire on June 13, 2016 one day after the massacre in Florida by Omar Mateen, a Muslim who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.

David Horowitz characterized Trump’s speech as follows:

Donald Trump’s speech on national security, which he delivered the day after the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, will change the dynamic of this election.

The speech was specific, detailed, and on the money. Trump showed how strategic securing the border is, how important stopping immigration from terror zones like Syria is, and how deadly political correctness has become.

Political correctness – which transforms the Islamic world, which has a lot to answer for, from aggressors into innocent victims – functions as a shield for Islamic terrorists, and handcuffs law-abiding citizens prompting them not to report suspicious activities by Muslims for fear of being called racist.

Read more.

Watch Donald J. Trump’s speech:


Thank you for joining me today.

This was going to be a speech on Hillary Clinton and how bad a President, especially in these times of Radical Islamic Terrorism, she would be.

Even her former Secret Service Agent, who has seen her under pressure and in times of stress, has stated that she lacks the temperament and integrity to be president.

There will be plenty of opportunity to discuss these important issues at a later time, and I will deliver that speech soon.

But today there is only one thing to discuss: the growing threat of terrorism inside of our borders.

The attack on the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, was the worst terrorist strike on our soil since September 11th, and the worst mass shooting in our country’s history.

So many people dead, so many people gravely injured, so much carnage, such a disgrace.

The horror is beyond description.

The families of these wonderful people are totally devastated. Likewise, our whole nation, and indeed the whole world, is devastated.

We express our deepest sympathies to the victims, the wounded, and their families.

We mourn, as one people, for our nation’s loss – and pledge our support to any and all who need it.

I would like to ask now that we all observe a moment of silence for the victims of the attack.


Our nation stands together in solidarity with the members of Orlando’s LGBT Community.

This is a very dark moment in America’s history.

A radical Islamic terrorist targeted the nightclub not only because he wanted to kill Americans, but in order to execute gay and lesbian citizens because of their sexual orientation.

It is a strike at the heart and soul of who we are as a nation.

It is an assault on the ability of free people to live their lives, love who they want and express their identity.

It is an attack on the right of every single American to live in peace and safety in their own country.

We need to respond to this attack on America as one united people – with force, purpose and determination.

But the current politically correct response cripples our ability to talk and think and act clearly.

If we don’t get tough, and we don’t get smart – and fast – we’re not going to have a country anymore — there will be nothing left.

The killer, whose name I will not use, or ever say, was born to Afghan parents who immigrated to the United States. His father published support for the Afghan Taliban, a regime which murders those who don’t share its radical views. The father even said he was running for President of that country.

The bottom line is that the only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here.

That is a fact, and it’s a fact we need to talk about.

We have a dysfunctional immigration system which does not permit us to know who we let into our country, and it does not permit us to protect our citizens.

We have an incompetent administration, and if I am not elected President, that will not change over the next four years — but it must change, and it must change now.

With fifty people dead, and dozens more wounded, we cannot afford to talk around the issue anymore — we have to address it head on.

I called for a ban after San Bernardino, and was met with great scorn and anger but now, many are saying I was right to do so — and although the pause is temporary, we must find out what is going on. The ban will be lifted when we as a nation are in a position to properly and perfectly screen those people coming into our country.

The immigration laws of the United States give the President the power to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons that the President deems detrimental to the interests or security of the United States, as he deems appropriate.

I will use this power to protect the American people. When I am elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world when there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we understand how to end these threats.

After a full, impartial and long overdue security assessment, we will develop a responsible immigration policy that serves the interests and values of America.

We cannot continue to allow thousands upon thousands of people to pour into our country, many of whom have the same thought process as this savage killer.

Many of the principles of Radical Islam are incompatible with Western values and institutions.

Radical Islam is anti-woman, anti-gay and anti-American.

I refuse to allow America to become a place where gay people, Christian people, and Jewish people, are the targets of persecution and intimidation by Radical Islamic preachers of hate and violence.

It’s not just a national security issue. It is a quality of life issue.

If we want to protect the quality of life for all Americans – women and children, gay and straight, Jews and Christians and all people – then we need to tell the truth about Radical Islam.

We need to tell the truth, also, about how Radical Islam is coming to our shores.

We are importing Radical Islamic Terrorism into the West through a failed immigration system — and through an intelligence community held back by our president.

Even our own FBI Director has admitted that we cannot effectively check the backgrounds of the people we are letting into America.

All of the September 11th hijackers were issued visas.

Large numbers of Somali refugees in Minnesota have tried to join ISIS.

The Boston Bombers came here through political asylum.

The male shooter in San Bernardino – again, whose name I won’t mention — was the child of immigrants from Pakistan, and he brought his wife – the other terrorist – from Saudi Arabia, through another one of our easily exploited visa programs.

Immigration from Afghanistan into the United States has increased nearly five-fold in just one year. According to Pew Research, 99% of people in Afghanistan support oppressive Sharia Law.

We admit many more from other countries in the region who share these same oppressive views.

If we want to remain a free and open society, then we have to control our borders.

Yet, Hillary Clinton – for months and despite so many attacks – repeatedly refused to even say the words “radical Islam,” until I challenged her yesterday to say the words or leave the race.

However, Hillary Clinton – who has been forced to say the words today after policies she supports have caused us so much damage – still has no clue what Radical Islam is, and won’t speak honestly about what it is.

She is in total denial, and her continuing reluctance to ever name the enemy broadcasts weakness across the world.

In fact, just a few weeks before the San Bernardino slaughter, Hillary Clinton explained her refusal to say the words Radical Islam. Here is what she said: “Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people, and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.”

Hillary Clinton says the solution is to ban guns. They tried that in France, which has among the toughest gun laws in the world, and 130 were brutally murdered by Islamic terrorists in cold blood. Her plan is to disarm law-abiding Americans, abolishing the 2nd amendment, and leaving only the bad guys and terrorists with guns. She wants to take away Americans’ guns, then admit the very people who want to slaughter us.

I will be meeting with the NRA, which has given me their earliest endorsement in a Presidential race, to discuss how to ensure Americans have the means to protect themselves in this age of terror.

The bottom line is that Hillary supports the policies that bring the threat of Radical Islam into America, and allow it to grow overseas.

In fact, Hillary Clinton’s catastrophic immigration plan will bring vastly more Radical Islamic immigration into this country, threatening not only our security but our way of life.

When it comes to Radical Islamic terrorism, ignorance is not bliss – it’s deadly.

The Obama Administration, with the support of Hillary Clinton and others, has also damaged our security by restraining our intelligence-gathering and failing to support law enforcement. They have put political correctness above common sense, above your safety, and above all else.

I refuse to be politically correct.

I will do the right thing–I want to straighten things out and to Make America Great Again.

The days of deadly ignorance will end, and they will end soon.

As President I will give our intelligence community, law enforcement and military the tools they need to prevent terrorist attacks.

We need an intelligence-gathering system second to none. That includes better cooperation between state, local and federal officials – and with our allies.

I will have an Attorney General, a Director of National Intelligence, and a Secretary of Defense who will know how to fight the war on Radical Islamic Terrorism – and who will have the support they require to get the job done.

We also must ensure the American people are provided the information they need to understand the threat.

The Senate Subcommittee on Immigration has already identified hundreds of immigrants charged with terrorist activities inside the United States since September 11th.

Nearly a year ago, the Senate Subcommittee asked President Obama’s Departments of Justice, State and Homeland Security to provide the immigration history of all terrorists inside the United States.

These Departments refused to comply.

President Obama must release the full and complete immigration histories of all individuals implicated in terrorist activity of any kind since 9/11.

The public has a right to know how these people got here.

We have to screen applicants to know whether they are affiliated with, or support, radical groups and beliefs.

We have to control the amount of future immigration into this country to prevent large pockets of radicalization from forming inside America.

Even a single individual can be devastating, just look at what happened in Orlando. Can you imagine large groups?

Truly, our President doesn’t know what he is doing. He has failed us, and failed us badly, and under his leadership, this situation will not get any better — it will only get worse.

Each year, the United States permanently admits more than 100,000 immigrants from the Middle East, and many more from Muslim countries outside the Middle East. Our government has been admitting ever-growing numbers, year after year, without any effective plan for our security.

In fact, Clinton’s State Department was in charge of the admissions process for people applying to enter from overseas.

Having learned nothing from these attacks, she now plans to massively increase admissions without a screening plan, including a 500% increase in Syrian refugees.

This could be a better, bigger version of the legendary Trojan Horse.

We can’t let this happen.

Altogether, under the Clinton plan, you’d be admitting hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East with no system to vet them, or to prevent the radicalization of their children.

The burden is on Hillary Clinton to tell us why she believes immigration from these dangerous countries should be increased without any effective system to screen who we are bringing in.

The burden is on Hillary Clinton to tell us why we should admit anyone into our country who supports violence of any kind against gay and lesbian Americans.

The burden is also on Hillary Clinton to tell us how she will pay for it. Her plan will cost Americans hundreds of billions of dollars long-term.

Wouldn’t this money be better spent on rebuilding America for our current population, including the many poor people already living here?

We have to stop the tremendous flow of Syrian refugees into the United States – we don’t know who they are, they have no documentation, and we don’t know what they’re planning.

What I want is common sense. I want a mainstream immigration policy that promotes American values.

That is the choice I put before the American people: a mainstream immigration policy designed to benefit America, or Hillary Clinton’s radical immigration policy designed to benefit politically-correct special interests.

We’ve got to get smart, and tough, and vigilant, and we’ve got to do it now, because later is too late.

Ask yourself, who is really the friend of women and the LGBT community, Donald Trump with his actions, or Hillary Clinton with her words? Clinton wants to allow Radical Islamic terrorists to pour into our country—they enslave women, and murder gays.

I don’t want them in our country.

The terrorist attack on the Pulse Night Club demands a full and complete investigation into every aspect of the assault.

In San Bernardino, as an example, people knew what was going on, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it.

We need to know what the killer discussed with his relatives, parents, friends and associates.

We need to know if he was affiliated with any radical Mosques or radical activists and what, if any, is their immigration status.

We need to know if he travelled anywhere, and who he travelled with.

We need to make sure every single last person involved in this plan – including anyone who knew something but didn’t tell us – is brought to justice.

If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time .

America must do more – much more – to protect its citizens, especially people who are potential victims of crimes based on their backgrounds or sexual orientations.

It also means we must change our foreign policy.

The decision to overthrow the regime in Libya, then pushing for the overthrow of the regime in Syria, among other things, without plans for the day after, have created space for ISIS to expand and grow.

These actions, along with our disastrous Iran deal, have also reduced our ability to work in partnership with our Muslim allies in the region.

That is why our new goal must be to defeat Islamic terrorism, not nation-building.

For instance, the last major NATO mission was Hillary Clinton’s war in Libya. That mission helped unleash ISIS on a new continent.

I’ve said NATO needs to change its focus to stopping terrorism. Since I’ve raised that criticism, NATO has since announced a new initiative focused on just that.

America must unite the whole civilized world in the fight against Islamic terrorism, just like we did against communism in the Cold War.

We’ve tried it President Obama’s way. He gave the world his apology tour, we got ISIS, and many other problems, in return.

I’d like to conclude my remarks today by again expressing our solidarity with the people of Orlando who have come under attack.

When I am President, I pledge to protect and defend all Americans who live inside of our borders. Wherever they come from, wherever they were born, all Americans living here and following our laws will be protected.

America will be a tolerant and open society.

America will also be a safe society.

We will protect our borders at home.

We will defeat ISIS overseas.

We will ensure every parent can raise their children in peace and safety.

We will make America rich again.

We will make America safe again.

We will make American Great Again.

Thank you.

The media talks about “homegrown,” terrorism, but Islamic radicalism, and the networks that nurture it, are imports from overseas.

Yes, there are many radicalized people already inside our country as a result of the poor policies of the past. But the whole point is that it will be much, much easier to deal with our current problem if we don’t keep on bringing in people who add to the problem.

For instance, the controversial Mosque attended by the Boston Bombers had as its founder an immigrant from overseas charged in an assassination plot.

This shooter in Orlando was the child of an immigrant father who supported one of the most repressive regimes on Earth. Why would we admit people who support violent hatred?

Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country who suppress women, gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views.

She can’t have it both ways. She can’t claim to be supportive of these communities while trying to increase the number of people coming in who want to oppress them.

How does this kind of immigration make our life better? How does this kind of immigration make our country better?

Why does Hillary Clinton want to bring people here—in vast numbers—who reject our values?

Immigration is a privilege, and we should not let anyone into this country who doesn’t support our communities – all of our communities.

America has already admitted four times more immigrants than any country on earth, and we continue to admit millions more with no real checks or scrutiny.

Not surprisingly, wages for our workers haven’t budged in many years.

So whether it’s matter of national security, or financial security, we can’t afford to keep on going like this. We owe $19 trillion in debt, and no longer have options.

All our communities, from all backgrounds, are ready for some relief. This is not an act of offense against anyone; it is an act of defense.

I want us all to work together, including in partnership with our Muslim communities. But Muslim communities must cooperate with law enforcement and turn in the people who they know are bad – and they do know where they are.

I want to fix our schools, roads, bridges and job market. I want every American to succeed. Hillary Clinton wants to empty out the Treasury to bring people into the country that include individuals who preach hate against our own citizens.

I want to protect our citizens – all of our citizens.


Trump and Democratic Political Incorrectness

Horowitz: Donald Trump’s Speech Is a Game Changer

4 Reasons Why We Need Another 9/11 Commission After Orlando

What If the Orlando Murderer Was a Christian?

Planned Parenthood, Leader in Violence Against Humans, Defends Islamic Terrorism

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Donald Trump on cover of his new book ‘Crippled America.’

VIDEO: The Long Road to the White House (1980 – 2015)

This video done by Chris Emerson captures the statements made by Donald J. Trump from 1980 to his decision to run for the Republican nomination for President in 2015.

Emerson writes:

I know a lot of other videos out there have some of these clips in them (some far more artfully done by the way! ) … but I wanted one with ALL of them spliced together chronologically because I think the story they tell is really fascinating and inspiring. Whatever you choose to believe or not on what the media reports about him in 2016, weigh that against Mr. Trump’s own words from interviews going back 30+ years.

Time stamps to each segment:

* 1980 Rona Barrett Interview 00:10
* 1987 Oprah Interview 00:47
* 1988 GOP Convention 01:58
* 1989 Interview 02:55
* 1991 C-Span Interview 04:59
* 1999 Press Interview 06:05
* 2004 CNN Interview 06:27
* 2007 Larry King Live 07:00
* 2011 Steve Forbes Interview 07:27
* 2012 CNN Comments on Romney 09:08
* 2012 CNBC Interview on Economy 09:22
* 2014 Speaking at CPAC 11:18
* 2015 Press Event 14:17

Copies/Reposts (just for reference, view counts):


Credits, etc.

* Music: Daylight (PON II)
* Trump’s NYT ad from 1987:
* Video Clips: All video clip credit/copyright goes to each clip’s respective owner.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of Donald Trump is from Tumbler.

VIDEO: The Truth About Trump University and Judge Gonzalo Curiel

This is the best analysis of the Trump University case being heard by Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Stefan Molyneux goes step by step into the background of the need for U.S. courts to be fair and impartial. It then goes into the relationships of organizations of Judge Curiel. Molyneux then goes into the Trump University case and rulings by Judge Curiel.

This is video is definitive and lays out the case clearly:

RELATED ARTICLE: “La Raza” means “Master Race”

VIDEO: Hispanic Republican FL State Senator attacks Trump’s rhetoric calls him a ‘racist’

Florida State Senator Rene Garcia (R-District 38), Chairman of Board of Hispanic Caucus Chairs (BHCC), is leading the attack against Donald Trump, who has questioned the impartiality of Judge Gonzalo Curiel.

Perhaps it is time to connect-the-dots on this effort to characterize Donald Trump as a racist. In Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals, RULE 5 states: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

Why discredit Donald Trump? Answer: Because Trump’s rhetoric resonates with voters.

fl senator rene garcia

Rene Garcia, Florida State Senator (R) and Chair, Board of Hispanic Caucus Chairs

The BHCC in a press release warns:

This toxic rhetoric is neither productive nor beneficial to the national election-year dialogue, and unjustifiably serve to use Mr. Trump’s newly found political influence to put unwarranted pressure on a member of the federal judiciary to influence the outcome of a private civil matter.  Additionally, this nation was built on the contributions and advancements of many diverse cultures and ethnicities, to forget this is to forget what makes our nation exceptional. We compel Mr. Trump to not forget this significant part of our history, and we encourage him to retract his statements.

If you go to the Board of Hispanic Caucus Chairs website you will find the profile of Chairman (Senator) Rene Garcia with a quick link to the National Council of La Raza.

A Discover the Networks profile on La Raza (The Race) states:

Behind the respectable front of the National Council of La Raza lies the real agenda of the La Raza movement, the agenda that led to those thousands of illegal immigrants in the streets of American cities, waving Mexican flags, brazenly defying our laws, and demanding concessions.

Key among the secondary organizations is the radical racist group Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA), one of the most anti-American groups in the country, which has permeated U.S. campuses since the 1960s, and continues its push to carve a racist nation out of the American West.

One of America’s greatest strengths has always been taking in immigrants from cultures around the world, and assimilating them into our country as Americans. By being citizens of the U.S. we are Americans first, and only, in our national loyalties.

This is totally opposed by MEChA for the hordes of illegal immigrants pouring across our borders, to whom they say:

“Chicano is our identity; it defines who we are as people. It rejects the notion that we…should assimilate into the Anglo-American melting pot…Aztlan was the legendary homeland of the Aztecas … It became synonymous with the vast territories of the Southwest, brutally stolen from a Mexican people marginalized and betrayed by the hostile custodians of the Manifest Destiny.” (Statement on University of Oregon MEChA Website, Jan. 3, 2006)

MEChA isn’t at all shy about their goals, or their views of other races. Their founding principles are contained in these words in “El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan” (The Spiritual Plan for Aztlan):

“In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal gringo invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny. … Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans. … We are a bronze people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlan. For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada.”

That closing two-sentence motto is chilling to everyone who values equal rights for all. It says: “For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing.”

Dennis Michael Lynch links Judge Curiel to La Raza (Spanish for “The Race”) in the below video:

Jim Kouri in an article titled Trump’s Judge Gonzalo Curiel is a suspected lawbreaker reports:

What they [the media] failed to cover is the fact Curiel broke the very laws he swore to uphold and enforce. By this own admission, Judge Curiel helped an illegal alien get a scholarship to an American university, thereby aiding and abetting a lawbreaker.

Judge Curiel has been praised for such alleged illegal actions that were used by the Bush administration to arrest and incarcerate U.S. businessmen who were frequently targeted by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement directorate of the Homeland Security Department.

In Sufficient evidence exists to require Judge Curiel to recuse himself from any litigation involving Trump Sierra Rayne states:

The most important argument in favor of forcing U.S. district judge Gonzalo Curiel to recuse himself from the Trump University lawsuits was published today by the Conservative Treehouse.

The Treehouse linked to a copy of Judge Curiel’s “United States Senate: Committee on the Judiciary – Questionnaire for Judicial Nominees” in which, on page four of his response, Judge Curiel states that he is a “Life-time Member” of the “Hispanic National Bar Association [HNBA].”

The HNBA made public a press release in July 2015 that called for the following actions against Donald Trump and his enterprises:

“The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests.”

[ … ]

By being a lifetime member of the HNBA, and via the HNBA’s press release making critical statements specifically against Trump while also calling for a general boycott of Trump’s businesses, there are reasonable concerns that Judge Curiel is acting as “a judge in his own cause” (i.e., the “cause” of harming Trump’s business interests).  At the very least, Judge Curiel’s “conduct or behaviour may give rise to a suspicion that he is not impartial … because of his friendship with a party” such as the HNBA, which has called for open economic warfare against Trump.

Read the full article by clicking here.

Readers may connect the dots between the Hispanic National Bar Association, the Board of Hispanic Caucus Chairs and the National Council of La Raza.

We report, you decide.


“La Raza” means “Master Race”

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Hispanic activists’ anti-Trump efforts fall flat as citizenship push sputters – Washington Times

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La Raza Circulates State-By-State Guide On Where To Vote Without ID

Meet The Pro-Illegal Immigrant Groups The La Raza Lawyers Of San Diego Consider Part Of Their ‘Community’

Homeland Security Whistleblower: 10 Jarring Revelations

A new book by Dept.of Homeland Security whistleblower Philip Haney is filled with first-hand testimony that will make your mouth drop.

A new book by Department of Homeland Security whistleblower Philip Haney, titled See Something Say Nothing, is filled with first-hand testimony that will make your mouth drop.

If you read the Clarion Project, then you’re aware of how U.S. governments, Democrats and Republicans, have tried to accommodate Islamism and political correctness. This book shows that it’s even worse than we thought.

A little background: Haney’s research on Islamist movements—rather than a narrow focus on membership in proscribed terrorist organizations derived from such movements– won the respect of his peers, many of whom are quoted in the book.

Haney was commended for identifying over 300 possible terrorist suspects and working on important and complex counter-terrorism cases. He and 10 colleagues were honored by a FBI Special Agent-in-Charge for proactively contributing to 98 FBI investigations, identifying 67 individuals engaged in suspicion activity who were previously known to the Joint Terrorism Task Force and identifying 24 persons of interest.

He developed a database of 185 Islamist terrorist groups in 81 countries and associated Islamist movements, believing that we need to “connect the dots” between the movements and radicalization, instead of only “connecting the dots” between individual jihadist operatives.

Here are 10 jarring revelations from DHS whistleblower Philip Haney’s new book:

Investigations into Islamist movements like the Tablighi Jamaat and Muslim Brotherhood were stopped by the federal government in the name of religious liberties.

The National Targeting Center investigation into the Tablighi Jamaat networks resulted in over 1,200 law enforcement actions, such as denial of visas to Jamaat members who wanted to enter the country. Then the State Department Civil Rights Division intervened.

“We know that members of the Tablighi Jamaat are fundamentalists, but they’re not terrorists,” Haney recalls a State Department representative informing him and his colleagues.

They informed the State Department official that its own consular officers were rejected three out of four Tablighi Jamaat-affiliated visa applications because of security concerns. That soon came to an end.

The same story happened with the Muslim Brotherhood, despite the fact that the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas are an intertwined network, as shown by the Justice Department in the trial of a Brotherhood front (Holy Land Foundation) for financing Hamas.

The hard work of the investigations was not only stopped; it was thrown out. Haney was ordered to delete over 800 records related to Islamist extremists.

Haney calls it the “great purge” and counter-terrorism personnel unconnected to him have also talked about databases related to Islamist extremist movements being cleansed.

Thanks to the DHS Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, a narrow focus on illegal activity in support of banned terrorist organizations took hold. The DHS deemed that data collection related to permitted Islamist movements like Tablighi Jamaat and Muslim Brotherhood is a threat to religious freedom and must be deleted in order to prevent profiling.

The deleted files may have prevented the “underwear” bomb plot, the Boston bombings and the San Bernardino attacks.

Haney’s story, along with copious amounts of other evidence, proves the worthiness of targeting the “radicalizer” (Islamist movements) and not just the radicalized (the jihadist terrorist). Underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Tsarnaev brothers, and San Bernardino shooters Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik all associated with Islamist movements and institutions that were investigated by Haney and his colleagues. Had they continued, it is likely that they would have been denied visas into the U.S. and/or been put under surveillance.. He was exonerated each time.

When one of their own acclaimed experts offered to explain Islamism and its networks, the higher-ups didn’t even reply.

This is a bipartisan problem, as Haney can attest to. He saw the problems develop starting in 2006 under the Bush Administration with each year getting progressively worse. When the Department of Homeland Security began adopting politically-correct language that avoided the ideology, setting a precedent that the Obama Administration would later intensify, Haney offered to explain the ideology and his concerns to his supervisors and anyone who would listen. No one replied.

DHS even rejected the FBI’s request to use him for investigating a Muslim Brotherhood front.

Haney wasn’t just stopped from pursuing his investigations within Customs and Border Protection (which is part of DHS), his supervisors even stopped him from helping the FBI in regards to a Brotherhood front. He was not even told whether they replied to the FBI agent’s request for his help.

Senior officials intervened to let Islamists fly into the U.S. against the advice of their own personnel.

In addition to the changed attitude towards letting Tablighi Jamaat members into the U.S., the federal government also granted entry to terror-linked Muslim Brotherhood activist Jamal Badawi. Customs and Border Patrol had even prepared a dossier making the case against letting him.

Badawi’s complaints about receiving secondary inspections when traveling to the U.S. and lawsuit worked. The Brotherhood/Hamas-linked activist was allowed to enter the U.S. to speak at a Brotherhood/Hamas-linked organization’s conference.

Six individuals affiliated with Muslim Brotherhood fronts helped craft the Obama Administration’s Countering Violent Extremism approach to counter-terrorism.

The result, as you might have expected, was Islamist-friendly training guidelines; ones that even excluded “Muslim reformers” as trainers. You can read more the Clarion Project’s review of these guidelines and the personnel responsible here. Most recently, the Obama Administration picked an activist linked to a Brotherhood front as its liaison to the Muslim-American community.

Haney documented over 50 meetings between members of the executive and legislative branches and members of organizations identified by the U.S. government as Muslim Brotherhood fronts between 1998 and 2009.

There has been little, or no, controversy when members of the federal government, including members of Congress and the White House, meet and consult with Islamist groups that the Justice Department has labeled as Brotherhood entities and unindicted co-conspirators in terrorism financing. But when an opponent of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood teaches law enforcement, that’s a different story.

Islamist political pressure and lawfare works.

You can read Haney’s book for story after story of Islamists using political pressure, provocation and lawsuits to bend U.S. government agencies to their demands, with the above example involving Jamal Badawi being only one. If the U.S. government caves from lawsuits and complaining, then what will happen in the future if these groups continue to become more powerful?

Haney was repeatedly disciplined and investigated for his approach in tackling Islamic extremism, which took on the Islamist ideology as well as the results of that ideology. He was exonerated each time.

If only the government were that hostile to Islamists and their apologists.


Ryan Mauro is’s national security analyst, a fellow with Clarion Project and an adjunct professor of homeland security. Mauro is frequently interviewed on top-tier television and radio. Read more, contact or arrange a speaking engagement.


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PODCAST: Special Report On London

Following a recent trip overseas, our panelists will discuss London. The people of London have just elected their first Muslim Mayor, Sadiq Khan, who has verified links to the Islamic extremist groups. Moreover, the U.K. is in the midst of a passionate debate whether or not to remain in the European Union. Much like the United States, Great Britain faces tremendous pressure from migrants from other EU countries who find work in a relatively prosperous England. A vote to leave would enable the U.K. to enforce stricter border controls.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Brexit – What’s the sentiment in London regarding the EU?
  • EU Migrants and so-called “refugees”
  • The mood of London in the streets

& more . . .

EDITORS NOTE: You can listen to USA Transnational Report live on JJ McCartney’s Nightside Radio Studios and on Red State Talk Radio. You can subscribe to USA Transnational Report podcast on iTunes here. You can also subscribe to our podcast with Podbean, here.

All previously recorded shows are available here, at the links above, or through Spreaker.

Democratic Socialism Debunked: The rhetoric and the reality never changes [+Videos]

Socialist rhetoric changes very little over time. It turns out to be rather easy to juxtapose refutations from decades ago against the blather you hear on the news today.

As with economics generally, the fallacies of collectivist statism must be refuted in every generation. So here we have video of Milton Friedman dealing with the fallacies of Bernie Sanders.

For your convenience for sharing, here are other versions of the video.

Short versions:

RELATED ARTICLE: Socialist Self-Deception: Einstein and the USSR to Bernie Sanders and Venezuela

EDITORS NOTE: The below graphic summarizes socialism by one of its primary proponents.



PSU Students Happily Support Hamas a U.S. Designated Terrorist Organization

Ami Horowitz went undercover at Portland State University to see just how deep anti-Israeli sentiments ran. Posing as a representative of American Friends of Hamas, Horowitz asked students to donate towards attacks on Israeli schools and cafes. Horowitz ended up getting donation pledges from a majority of the students he stopped.

This video sent out by Christians United For Israel sent shock waves through the pro-Israel community in America and made headlines across Israel. It exposed the horrifying hatred for Israel that has become commonplace on our university and college campuses. The minds of the next generation are being poisoned with a level of anti-Semitism, disguised as anti-Zionism, that hasn’t been seen since the Holocaust.


Christians United for Israel on Campus (CUFI) has quickly become one of the leading pro-Israel campus organizations in America.  We have:

  • Chapters on 142 campuses.
  • Trained activists on an additional 148 campuses.
  • An average of 75 pro-Israel events every semester.

CUFI is making tremendous progress in the fight for Israel, but there’s clearly much more to do. We need your help. Please help us grow CUFI on Campus to push back against this tidal wave of hate and ignorance. The future of the U.S.-Israel relationship depends on winning the battle on campus today.

cufi photo montage

CENSORED: Sweden’s Migrant Rape Epidemic Video

CENSORED by Facebook: Video on Sweden’s Migrant Rape Epidemic

On Tuesday, the European Union (EU) announced a new online speech code to be enforced by four major tech companies, including Facebook and YouTube. On Wednesday, Facebook deleted the account of Ingrid Carlqvist, Gatestone Institute’s Swedish expert.

It’s no coincidence. It’s political censorship. It’s outrageous. And it’s contrary to our Western values of free speech, political freedom and the separation of mosque and state.

Facebook blackballed Ingrid because she had posted Gatestone’s latest video, called “Sweden’s Migrant Rape Epidemic,” in which Ingrid asks: Where did peaceful, low-crime Sweden go? Why does Sweden now have the second-highest number of rapes in the world, after only Lesotho?

After enormous grassroots pressure from Gatestone’s readers, the Swedish media started reporting on Facebook’s censorship. Facebook then put Ingrid’s account back up.

Facebook and the EU have backed down — for today. But they’ll be back. What should we do? There is only one thing we can do: continue to produce our well-researched reports, and even more videos!

We need to win the battle of ideas. Can you help?

Where did peaceful, low-crime Sweden go? Why does Sweden now have the second-highest number of rapes in the world, after only Lesotho? Here is Ingrid Carlqvist of is Gatestone Institute


The Face of Evil: Surveying the ISIS Killing Fields in Northern Iraq

1 Year After Steinle Death, San Francisco Unveils Immigration Policy Keeping ‘Sanctuary’ Protections

Georgia: Muslim woman in burqa attacks family with American flag


Gatestone Institute, a non-partisan, not-for-profit international policy council and think tank is dedicated to educating the public about what the mainstream media fails to report in promoting:

  • Institutions of Democracy and the Rule of Law;
  • Human Rights
  • A free and strong economy
  • A military capable of ensuring peace at home and in the free world
  • Energy independence
  • Ensuring the public stay informed of threats to our individual liberty, sovereignty and free speech.

Gatestone Institute conducts national and international conferences, briefings and events for its members and others, with world leaders, journalists and experts — analyzing, strategizing, and keeping them informed on current issues, and where possible recommending solutions.

Gatestone Institute will be publishing books, and continues to publish an online daily report,, that features topics such as military and diplomatic threats to the United States and our allies; events in the Middle East and their possible consequences, and the transparency and accountability of international organizations.

VIDEO: Islamic State will attack America — 100% Guaranteed!

Day of the Dead Book Two AmericaLt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, testified on Capitol Hill in May of 2016 that the Islamic State, “will probably attempt to conduct additional attacks in Europe, and attempt to direct attacks on the U.S. homeland in 2016.”

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper stated, “ISIS leaders are determined to strike the homeland.”

In a shocking new book Day of the Dead: Book Two – America by Dan Gordon, a Major Hollywood Award winning playwright and veteran of several military encounters with terrorists, details how such an attack will occur.

“They will use Mexican Drugs tunnels from Tijuana and the attack will most likely occur in San Diego, California,” Gordon recently told a counter-intelligence expert based in Florida.

“San Diego is a target rich environment and federal authorities, local law enforcement and the military will be unable and ill-equipped to respond in the timely fashion to prevent a mass casualty attack from ISIS,” Gordon stated.

The United West recommends you read Captain Gordon’s book Day of the Dead: Book Two – America


The Face of Evil: Surveying the ISIS Killing Fields in Northern Iraq

1 Year After Steinle Death, San Francisco Unveils Immigration Policy Keeping ‘Sanctuary’ Protections

Georgia: Muslim woman in burqa attacks family with American flag

Jihad leader claims Brussels, Paris jihad massacres were rehearsals for “big” attack inside U.S.

Terrorist Training Camps in the U.S. |

Memorial Day 2016: The saluting boy on Omaha beach [VIDEO]

“And a child shall lead them” — those are the words that came to mind as I watched this video of a young man honoring the memories of those who perished on D-Day June 6, 1944. It is well worth seven minutes of your time.

The simple act of devotion from this 11-year-old American boy is more than commensurate to honor the last full measure of devotion of young American boys some 70 years prior.

Every now and then, when there are times of despair, despondency, and desperation we just need a little reminder of the greatness and goodness of America.

Bravo young man, Steadfast and Loyal!

EDITORS NOTE: This video originally appeared on The Publisher of served in combat with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. On the featured image you see this young American is wearing the Screaming Eagles patch. His heroes are those of the publisher and staff of this e-Magazine.

VIDEO: Florida Atlantic University Professor Defends Islamic Practice of Cutting Off Hands

On Tuesday on the campus of Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL, the university’s Muslim Student Association’s hosted a so-called Islamophobia panel discussion, which was attended by The United West.

FAU Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor Bassem Al Halabi was included on the panel of these distinguished experts and he made the incredible statement about the case to be made for Sharia Law and it’s provisions of capital punishment, including the cutting off of hands.

Professor Bassem Al Halabi mug shot

Professor Bassem Al Halabi mug shot. Photo: Palm Beach County Sheriff.

‘“Where there is no Sharia, Islamic Sharia, they die in dozens and hundreds every day because of organized crime. People kill people, other people or steal pizza for $10 and so – so when Islamic Shariah is saying about capital punishment – so even though it sounds like it is severe but if that is the solution to prevent any crimes, then it still has a lot of rules and regulations. I will just mention one and stop here, which is let’s say cutting off the hands of a person if they steal. It sounds very severe. It sounds very barbaric, I know. But if takes one or two people to have their hands cut off, and then there’s no more stealing and there’s no more stealing in the whole nation – that’s a much better resolution than having hundreds of people die every day.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Islamist Professor Teaches Lesson in Violence: Florida Atlantic University continues to harbor terrorist-associated criminal, Bassem Alhalabi

EDITORS NOTE: This video originally appeared on Breitbart TV. Read may follow The United West on Twitter @TheUnitedWest.

VIDEO: Do Trump’s Comments Help Recruit Terrorists?

Does fighting terrorists create more terrorists? National security has taken center stage in the debate between Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump for president of the United States.


Steve Emerson

The Investigative Project on Terrorism’s Steve Emerson analyses the position of Hillary Clinton that Donald Trump has become the poster child for recruiting Islamic terrorists, a recurring campaign theme.

Recently Hillary Clinton stated, “When you run for president of the United States, the entire world is listening and watching. So when you say you’re going to bar all Muslims, you’re sending evidence to the Muslim world, and you’re also sending a message to terrorists. … Donald Trump is essentially being used as a recruiter for more people to join the cause of terrorism.”

Trump responded, “The fact that Hillary thinks the temporary Muslim ban, which she calls the ‘Muslim ban’, promotes terrorism, proves Bernie Sanders was correct when he said she is not qualified to be President.”

Here Emerson discusses this “do we or don’t we fight terrorism” debate on Fox News:


[Video played of Hillary Clinton in CNN interview]:

Hillary Clinton: When you say we’re going to bar all Muslims, you are sending a message to the Muslim world. And you’re also sending a message to the terrorists, because we now do have evidence, we have seen how Donald Trump is being used to essentially be a recruiter for more people to join the cause of terrorism.

Morris: Hillary Clinton says there is evidence Donald Trump helps recruit terrorists, but is there really? Let’s ask terrorism expert Steve Emerson. Steve nice to see you this morning.

Emerson: Good morning.

Morris: You know former Secretary of State you choose your words carefully. She says we have evidence that this is the case. What do you say?

Emerson: Well let’s look at the evidence. It’s hard to find actual statistics, but we looked at the frequency of arrests post-Trump’s comments and pre-Trump comments–that would be a variable whether they’re recruiting more, [as well as] the level of attacks post-Trump versus pre-Trump’s comments. OK? Let’s look at arrests in the United States pre-Trump’s comments versus post-Trump’s comments. Last year in the United States there were 71 ISIS arrests. So far this year there have been about 13. That’s at a rate about only 20 percent of the rate of last year. Of those 13 this year, only eight were hatched, that is the plot started, after Trump’s comments. In those plots none mentioned in the wiretaps or in the admissions submitted to court, none mentioned Donald Trump at all.

Morris: None.

Emerson: None at all.

Morris: So where is she getting this information from?

Emerson: Well I think there was one recording made by one wannabe ISIS member who exploited her comments –

Morris: Right.

Emerson: – and said, ‘I’m motivated by Donald Trump,’ but no attack, no post-attack recording and claim of credit has ever cited Donald Trump nationally or internationally. And the stats prove that in terms of frequency of attacks and level of recruitment. They’ve actually gone down following Trump. And you know what’s interesting is that the assumption underlying her comments is [that] somehow Muslims around the world are just going to be motivated to carry out fire-breathing attacks just on the basis of offensive rhetoric. Well let’s take Americans – are we going to—we Americans–going to suddenly turn into terrorists because of the vast amount of anti-American rhetoric in the Muslim world?

Morris: Right.

Emerson: You know it’s very patronizing.

Morris: Donald Trump was on Fox & Friends on Friday. Here’s what he had to say about this evidence. Watch.

[Video played of Donald Trump on phone in Fox and Friends interview]:

Donald Trump: We’re not going to find the people by just continuing to be so nice and so soft. And I have many Muslim friends and they agree. They have a tremendous problem with the radical Islamic terrorism, tremendous problem. And what she said is so dumb.

Morris: What do you say to that?

Emerson: Look, Mrs. Clinton doesn’t mention the term ‘Islamic terrorism.’ And that’s the same problem of and modus operandi of this Administration – they won’t mention the term. If you don’t mention the term, you don’t recognize [the problem] and if you don’t want to use the term [Islamic terrorism], you’re playing into the hands of Islamic terrorists. Number two, the bottom line actually that motivates Islamic terrorists is the belief that the U.S. is engaged in a war against Islam. And that’s a line that’s propagated by Islamist groups, quote, ‘civil rights’ groups, like CAIR Council on American Islamic Relations] and others, that the White House has invited repeatedly into the corridors of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and the State Department under Hillary Clinton. So they’ve legitimized that very message [of the conspiratorial notion that there is a war against Islam].

Morris: She’s being slammed for these comments that there’s, quote, ‘evidence,’ and Donald Trump earlier this week was slammed for suggesting right away that it was terrorism responsible for the EgyptAir crash. What evidence did he have? Did he jump the gun on that? Should he have held off?

Emerson: [Laughs.] The media has been going bonkers on the suspicion [that its terrorism] — and they’ve quoted U.S. officials, they quoted FBI officials, they quoted transportation officials, they quoted French officials, Egyptian officials have gone on record as saying they believe it’s terrorism.

Morris: Right.

Emerson: So look, there’s no evidentiary 100 percent guarantee proof that it was terrorism, but it’s leading people to believe… suspicions are leading in that direction. Let’s go back to Hillary Clinton’s comments [about Trump’s comments being a recruiting tool for ISIS]. Look, ISIS could give a hoot about what Americans or others say about them. They don’t pay attention to that. They carry out… they march to their own drummer.

Morris: Right. Steve Emerson, terrorism expert, we appreciate you joining us this morning.

Emerson: You bet.

Morris: Thanks, Steve.


VIDEO: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration at Jewish Temple in Boca Raton, FL

Score another Stealth Jihad victory for the Muslim Brotherhood over a significant Synagogue in a highly Jewish populated area of Boca Raton, Florida.

This story reads like a psychological thriller with a touch of “James Bond” and a highly respected Rabbi, Dan Levin, who has become a “useful idiot” in the hands of the master, Muslim Brotherhood manipulator and Florida Atlantic University professor, Bassem Al Halabi. At the center of this real-life drama is a very prominent Jewish leader, Dr. Jeffery Zipper.

Do not miss Dr. Zipper’s extended expose’ of the Muslim Brotherhood influence operation at Dr. Zipper’s Synagogue, Temple Beth El. Dr. Zipper is joined in The United West’s TV studio.

VIDEO: Is Opposition to Islam’s Holy War [jihad] ‘Bigotry’?

This morning I was interviewed by Dr. Gad Saad on his The Saad Truth program.

It was a wide-ranging conversation, in which we answered numerous Leftist objections to resisting jihad terror.


Pope to welcome Muslim leader who has justified anti-Semitism and crucifixion of “enemies of Allah” to Vatican

India: Doctor repeatedly advised patients that practicing Islam would cure them