“Jews Must Leave Israel” – Anjem Choudary

WOW, after an amazing week of election coverage in Israel, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won in an unbelievable landslide, we feature several analysts from Israel who are ecstatic about the victory and one British Muslim teacher of the shariah, who is not happy at all with any Jews in Israel.

Watch to hear how Anjem Choudary dispassionately explains Islamic doctrine and how it is essential for all the Jews to leave Israel and go to another country to live, or deal with the prophecies of Islam, which has the Muslim jihadis conquering the Jews and obliterating them from Israel.

Folks, this is some serious stuff, don’t miss it!

CoWORK Reality Show: Beautiful People, Towel Boys, Workcations & the Dream Board

The latest episode of the CoWORK reality show tackles the latest in challenging issues. Beautiful people, towel boys, workcations and predictive analysis. Introducing the “Dream Board.”

Armed American Women

A salute to the real women of America who stand for our Constitution and put the liberals to shame. Learn more at Armed American Women.

RELATED ARTICLE: “Gun-Free Zone” New York City Experiences 22% Increase in Shootings

Israel Election Special Video: Bibi Wins, Barack Loses!

In an amazing come-from-behind moment, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party was victorious in a “landslide” and thus ensuring Netanyahu remains Prime Minister. This victory goes against most of the pollsters, pundits and Obama operatives efforts to defeat Bibi.

Today we feature several key subject-matter experts who add their thoughts and views to a very exciting and interesting show!

Tune in and watch, Jack Abramoff, Michael Ganoe, Dr. Martin Sherman, Scott Spages and Arie Egozi. Now, the hard work of national security continues in Israel.

Is Cardinal Dolan the Most Gay Friendly Prince of the Holy Catholic Church?

Hope all is well on “The Day in Between the Two Great Feast Days of St. Patrick and St. Joseph” – two great saints of the Holy Catholic Church. For some reason, the jovial Feast Day of St. Patrick always gets a bit more fanfare than the more humbler Feast Day of St. Joseph, mainly because I truly believe that St. Joseph was just that – a humble man, an obedient man, a man that went with the Plan, serving as the Father of the Royal Family, while keeping a low profile. Thus, the Feast Day of St. Joseph does not include the wild and crazy “green beer” drinking of people out on the streets, some times for an entire weekend (if St. Patrick’s Day happens to land on a Monday or Tuesday, like it did this year).

And, usually, a St. Patrick’s Day parade goes along with this jovial partying. Namely, the one that took place in New York City yesterday afternoon. Yes, this parade is older than the United States, itself, 253 years compared to 238 years. And, yep, yesterday’s parade marked the first time that any Archbishop of New York allowed, embraced, promoted and celebrated groups of Gay marchers as part of the jovial festivities. And, yep, it was my good buddy, Cardinal Dolan, who not only promoted this atrocity – but, he reveled in this parade as the Grand Marshall, allowing the spotlight to be on him, while smiling, waving to the crowds and chomping on his ever-famous, juicy fruit chewing gum.

Friends – including the Secretary of the Vatican, the USCCB, the FCCB, Cardinal Dolan, himself – and the hundreds of Catholic clergy who are on my e-mail list and reading this bold column: Say what you want; think what you want; and even criticize the bold Michael Voris of Church Militant for calling out Cardinal Dolan for his excessive “selfish” damage he has caused to our beloved Holy Catholic Church – but, if you, for one moment, can defend Cardinal Dolan for serving as the Grand Marshall for this parade and for all the controversial shenanigans he has brought on to our beloved Church – you really need to contact me. I am dying to hear your side of the story because I have only seen the reckless, self-serving, media-attention and arrogant side of this out-of-control cardinal of the Church.

And you beloved clergy all know how much I love our other Holy cardinals of the Church who have put their lives on the line for our beloved Faith. Cardinal Raymond Burke and Cardinal Francis George come to mind immediately, as they both have taken bold stances to defend the Holy Catholic Church all of their lives, including as of recent, while dealing with age, health and “political correctness” issues. GOD Bless the Holy church leaders who boldly defend the Holy Catholic Church like these two men have. GOD help the phony, attention-seeking cardinals of the Holy Catholic Church who have sent out mixed messages to the 1.2 billion Catholic faithful in the world, like a Cardinal Dolan, who clearly has defeated everything that the good Holy cardinals have accomplished – while pushing the envelope with the Gay agenda more than any church leader in this country…

So, I will leave it up to the bold and accurate Michael Voris of Church Militant to illustrate to each and every one of us what Cardinal Dolan has done to the credibility and future of the Holy Catholic Church that Voris loves with his entire being. It’s all about Telling the Truth and Voris backs it all up with true facts, history and videos. These two short videos lay it all on the line for us as it is quite evident that the joking cardinal is truly at fault here. If, after watching these two videos, you even question Michael Voris and take Cardinal Dolan’s side – then, we have a problem – not only in Houston – but, right here with our own Catholic Church clergy and parishioners.

Friends: Cardinal Dolan is dead wrong. And, everybody knows it. By Catholic Church teachings and standings – the “act of sodomy” is a sin. We learned that in Catechism years ago. It is immoral, unnatural and defies everything that the Holy Bible stands for. Every Catholic in this country (even the 53% gutless ones who voted for Emperor Obama in 2008 and 2012), knows that the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is a “blessed union between one man and one woman”. Period. When a prominent & popular church leader like Cardinal Dolan embrace, endorse, support and promote the Gay agenda (both, publicly and privately like he has), and sends the message “loud and queer” to the 78 million Catholics in this country that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, Gay unions and the immoral Gay lifestyle – then, we’ve got a major problem. And, if our beloved clergy do NOT see this as a mortal sin – as against Catholic Church teachings – then, we have more than a serious, major problem…It’s back to the drawing board, back to the seminary, guys…

Now, throw in the appalling corruption that took place behind closed doors (maybe in a closet), between Cardinal Dolan and Pro-abortion/ Pro-Gay Marriage New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and the “money exchange” between the Education system in New York, the abortion industry and the Gay agenda that both Cuomo and Dolan promote – then, we all know that New York City is on its way to becoming “the second coming of Sodom and Gomorrah”. Common Core, Abortion & Gay Marriage rule the streets of New York City, folks….and, these two left-wing leaders promote every aspect of it.

Yes, it takes a ton of guts & courage to write what I am writing in this e-mail and boldly calling out a prominent Catholic Church leader for doing what he is doing as this is NOT the first time I have written about the atrocities of Cardinal Dolan & the Catholic Church. I have blasted him countless times only because he has blasted our beloved Catholic Church way too many times! But, like my spiritual directors have told me all my life – “If you tell the Truth at all times, you never have to remember what you lied about”. Like I do with every e-mail and article that I have ever written in my life, I am hear to Tell the Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help me, GOD. And, I am here to defend the Holy Catholic Church with all that I’ve got so that our future generations of Catholics can one day, maybe see what our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, aimed to do when He instructed Peter to be the rock upon which he was going to build His church…

And, with all this being said, if I do not share this critical message with the hundreds of clergy who are on my e-mail list, I am doing our beloved Catholic faith a disservice. You all know that I have always had your backs. I am always the first to defend you, to pray for you and will be the first to arrive at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius on Holy Tuesday for the Chrism Mass, my favorite Mass of the year. And, like always, I will be the first to give our beloved clergy a standing ovation when Bishop Barbarito acknowledges you guys – priests and deacons, alike. But, at the same time, I am always the first to challenge you and to call you out when you step out of line. I expect the same from you guys when I step out of line. Clergy and lay people all need to read this ever-critical e-mail and be aware of this controversial issue at hand, that is taking place in our Church right here in the “most glamorous city in the country”, as the sooner we nip it in the bud, the sooner we can get back to what we learned in our Baltimore Catechisms way back when…and, Baltimore is not too far from New York…

Boy, what I would give to have Jesus come back for just one day – maybe on my favorite Feast Day (Pentecost Sunday) – and show up in New York City, lose His temper for the second time, and turn over those corrupt tables of the “money changers and tax collectors”, and run Cardinal Dolan and Cuomo out of the House of GOD and off the streets of New York. Of course, it is “the city that never sleeps”… Would you be able to sleep at night if you knew that all of this corruption and sinning is going on???

Good Irish luck, folks…”Happy Saint Patrick’s Day”!

RELATED VIDEO: Church Militant Headlines:

The Sarah Palin Syndrome

Why does the left rage against good people like Sarah Palin?

VIDEO: When Hillary’s Lips are Moving — You Know She’s Lying!

Emails? Nothing to see there folks, just ask her.

Liar, Liar … pant-suit on fire!

32,000 deleted emails, and we are the “bad guys” for wanting access to OUR official public records! What are you hiding Hillary?

How is ISIS Recruiting So Many in the Face of Beheadings, Enslavement & Other Outrages?

ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, has burst into the global consciousness with dramatic beheadings of Western journalists and aid workers. As ISIS has conquered territories in Syria and Iraq, its terrorizing of native Yazidis and sexual enslavement of Yazidi women, immolation of a captured Jordanian pilot, and beheadings of Coptic Christians have been widely publicized. Yet more than any of the jihadist movements – Iran’s Muslim Brotherhood and offshoots, al-Qaeda, for example, ISIS has drawn thousands of followers from all over the world, including the West, to ISIS controlled territories in Syria and Iraq.

To better understand the seemingly improbable recruiting success, and to explore what the United States can do, ‘Morning in America,’ the syndicated radio program hosted by Bill Bennett, welcomed in the vantage point of forensic psychiatrist Michael Welner, M.D., Chairman of The Forensic Panel. Dr. Welner, whose pioneering Depravity Standard research in criminal and everyday evil impacts the discussion of war crimes, unexpectedly characterized the beheadings and social media efforts of ISIS to be a distraction from the real reasons for its momentum.

In a lengthy interview that Bennett, the former United States Secretary of Education, termed ‘a masterful explanation,’ Dr. Welner pointed out the unique messianic quality that ISIS embodied in the declaration of a Caliphate by its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. ISIS, he noted, was appealing to the devout with a utopian message of nation building, and touching fundamental Muslim tenets and traditional longings to serve the Caliphate. Be it to Salafist groups annihilating those around them of other faiths, or quietly devout females or recent converts in Europe, the ideals of the Caliphate, now restored after over a 1,000 year absence, include idealized proscriptions that encompass even social welfare. ISIS message of traditional and unadulterated Islam, strictly adhering to the Qu’ran, insulates it from rejection from Muslims for whom criticism of the Qu’ran is strictly forbidden,  echoing political correctness, observed Dr. Welner.

Dr. Welner proposed a variety of underutilized solutions available to America, cautioning that the messianic quality of ISIS endowed it with the unusual determination that would need to be aggressively confronted while its forces are comparatively smaller and more easily defeated.

Listen to the full interview here:

Israel Election 2015 Special – Day 1


Featured today: From Israel, Barry Shaw, Michael Ganoe and Arie Egozi.

Most Americans are not even aware that one of the most important elections of OUR lifetime will take place this week, on Tuesday March 17, not in Washington DC but in Israel! There is a battle between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Obama as to whether the conservatives or the leftists will control the political process in Israel. With the addition of President Obama’s highly experienced “community organizers” into the Israeli political process, the leftists are moving into the lead making this race a real nail-bitter.

In the balance is the national security of the United States and the safety of Jews and Christians worldwide. Due to the critical importance of this election The United West will present THREE DAYS of programming dedicated to coverage of this important election. Our coverage includes in-studio experts and LIVE reports from various experts throughout Israel, including pundits and regular citizens.

Mark your calendar and tune in everyday!!

MONDAY MARCH 16, PRE-ELECTION…………4:00 – 5:00 pm eastern

TUESDAY MARCH 17, ELECTION DAY…………….4:00 -6:00 pm eastern ((two hour internet show)

WEDNESDAY MARCH 18, POST-ELECTION………..4:00 – 5:00 pm eastern

Tune in for exclusive coverage!

Time for Christians to go Outlaw!

Making Christianity illegal? The left is trying and if they succeed, then its time to go outlaw!

jesus wanted poster

Orlando Pastor Dexter Sanders Stands With Netanyahu and Israel

Pastor Dexter Sanders is the founder of Rock Orlando Center of Transformation Many Mansions Ministries, as well as founder and director of MMMMOVEMENT, an evangelistic organization. He is currently leading an initiative called “Transformation Orlando”, which will bring spiritual, physical and emotional transformation to the citizens of the Parramore community, and eventually the entire city of Orlando. Pastor Sanders is a friend of Israel.

Since arriving in Orlando six years ago, Pastor Sanders has worked hard in the area of evangelism. His mission is simple; to facilitate the move of the Holy Spirit through the city of Orlando, causing major transformation for its citizens. This movement will make way for the gospel of Jesus Christ to come out from behind the church walls and into streets and homes. In 2008, Dexter led such an initiative with a Gideon army through the streets of Parramore, knocking on every door, marching down every street and sharing the gospel.

To learn more about Pastor Dexter Sanders please visit www.yourservantdexter.com

General Jerry Boykin: Navy Chaplain was “Deliberately Set Up” by Homosexual Activist [Video]

Chaplain Wes Modder 2

Navy Chaplain Wes Modder

Restoring Liberty reported earlier this week, a Navy chaplain with an incredibly distinguished service record has been relieved of his duties and may be forced out of the military just shy of his 20-year mark because he discussed the bible’s view on homosexuality.

Shortly thereafter, General Jerry Boykin appeared on The Joe Miller Show and announced that he had actually spoken with Chaplain Wes Modder that day and described for listeners what was really going on with the case.

General Boykin’s discussion about Chaplain Wes Modder begins at 9:30 in the below interview:

Read more.

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Lies… A Lot

Ben Shapiro does another video on Hillary Clinton and her history of lies. According to Shapiro’s website:

Hillary Clinton says that she is the most transparent woman in American politics. There’s just one problem – Hillary Clinton lies… a lot. Ben Shapiro takes a trip in the way back machine to look at a few of the more egregious examples.


Hillary Clinton is the most transparent woman she knows. She said so in 2008:

I think I’m probably the most transparent person in public life…I feel you know a lot more about me than you know about anyone else. Much of it untrue, but nevertheless, it’s all out there.

Unfortunately, Hillary is a liar. When news emerged this week that Hillary had set up a private email server the day before her nomination as Secretary of State, and had used her private email address for her entire tenure as Secretary of State so that there were no government records of those emails, and that her aides also used private email addresses, and that her server had the capacity to fully delete emails, and that hackers could have hacked her emails…no one should have been surprised. Of course she did.

Let’s take a trip in the wayback machine.

When Hillary Clinton was 27, back in 1974, she worked for the House Judiciary Committee, which was investigating Richard Nixon. According to her boss, Democrat Jerry Zeifman, Hillary met with Teddy Kennedy’s chief political strategist – a violation of House rules. She then manipulated the system to avoid investigating Nixon, hoping he’d stick around long enough to sink Republican election chances in 1976, letting her boy Teddy into the White House.

According to the guy who shared office space with Hillary, John Labovitz, Hillary gave “erroneous legal opinions” and tried to “deny Nixon representation by counsel.” Zeifman said that Hillary wrote a “fraudulent legal brief” and “confiscated public documents.” Zeifman fired her and wouldn’t give her a letter of recommendation. Zeifman later wrote a book stating that “Hillary Clinton is ethically unfit to be either a senator or president.”

Hillary’s now in the White House, and there’s a big search going on for a memorandum written by a former presidential aide regarding the firing of members of the White House travel office. They go missing for two years. At the same time, documents regarding Hillary Clinton’s work at the Rose Law firm in Arkansas – specifically, regarding a savings and loan company run by the Clintons’ business partner in the Whitewater land venture – go missing for two years.

Then, in January 1996, they miraculously appear. The Rose Law firm documents magically show up. A White House aide finds them. In the White House. In a storage area in the third-floor of the White House – the private residence of the President and First Lady. And the long-lost memo shows up just a couple of days later. How miraculous. Hillary’s lawyers said that she had no idea the documents were there. Except that the FBI found Hillary’s fingerprints on the documents. Oopsies. Hillary is still the only First Lady in American history to be fingerprinted by the FBI.

All that was before the rise of email. But the Clintons loved email, because it was so much easier to hide emails than to track down every copy of every document for destruction. And hide those emails they did. According to Judicial Watch, Cheryl Mills, Hillary’s hatchet woman helped prevent the Clintons from turning over 1.8 million emails to Judicial Watch, Congress, and federal investigators. 1.8 million emails. When a White House computer contractor tried to reveal this, White House officials allegedly told her to “keep her mouth shut.” Cheryl Mills. You may remember her. She ended up being in charge of document production for Hillary’s State Department in the Benghazi investigation.

When she was Secretary of State, over and over again, document requests to the State Department were rejected, because they didn’t have the documents – Hillary did, on her private server. The Associated Press hit a stonewall. So did Judicial Watch. So did Gawker.

All a big coincidence, of course. It was all a big mixup when Clinton hit man Sandy Berger stole documents from the National Archives and stuffed them down his pants, too. And now Hillary has assured us via Twitter that she wants the State Department to release all her hidden emails.

We should believe her. After all, she’s the most transparent woman in American history. At least, the most transparently corrupt.

Black lives matter? Watch 15-year-old black girl violently beaten while no one stops it. [WARNING GRAPHIC]

We talked about early Thursday’s ambush shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri. The chants continue of “no justice, no peace” — I must ask, what in the minds of those chanters defines justice?

We all know the “hands up don’t shoot” campaign was completely false. And then there is the rallying cry of “black lives matter” — is that truly the case, or just for the lives that can yield a political advantage?

As the New York Daily News reports, “Dozens of kids and at least two adults watched as four teenage girls brutalized a pint-sized 15-year-old girl in a Brooklyn McDonald’s — but not one made a move to stop it, a shocking video that’s been shared across the globe shows.”

“None of the witnesses at the Flatbush Ave. fast-food joint — many of whom were cheering during the after-school onslaught— dialed 911, though McDonald’s workers did call, police said. One callous onlooker even joked as the girl lay on the floor, “Yo, she’s dead. It’s a murder!”

“And even though every punch, gasp and cheer was captured on video, the girls who carried out the brutal beatdown may never be charged since witnesses refuse to speak up. The pummeled 15-year-old, a student at Erasmus Hall High School, was hospitalized overnight Monday but collapsed Wednesday at home and was rushed to SUNY Downstate Medical Center, her devastated grandmother said. “She can’t sleep because she got kicked to the body,” the grandmother said as tears streamed down her cheeks. “She fell again and they had to take her to the hospital.”

Just as with the incessant shootings in Chicago that have taken the lives of so many black males — where were the marches? The hypocrisy is telling, in that when it comes to black-on-black assault there is little to be said or to become enraged about.

It’s almost as if this savage behavior has become the new normal and acceptable in the black community. Also, did you realize an important aspect of the lead quote of the story above? Where was the mother? Where was the dad? Again, no marches out there when only 28 percent of black children have a mom and dad in the home — another great result of the Great Society.

“Cops said the victim’s mother has also refused to cooperate. Investigators now want to speak to the teen’s father in the hopes he can persuade the girl to press charges.”

I hate to say this, but what kind of parents would remain silent after their child has been severely beaten — what type of relationship does that promote? I just have to tell you, Aubrey and Austen know they have two parents who will mount up and protect them at any cost to our lives.

Why? Why is there such a lack of concern when the issue is black-on-black criminality?

This story and video are especially maddening. “The girl has two black eyes and multiple bruises, a police source said. Despite being beaten to a pulp, the teen has refused to talk to police, officials said. She’s apparently afraid of retaliation — some of the girls who attacked her have links to the Young Savages, a violent crew that operates out of Crown Heights, police sources said. On Wednesday — two days after the 2:50 p.m. attack, which took place right after school dismissal at Erasmus — community leaders called for the victimized teen and witnesses to come forward and press charges.”

We heard the same about Ferguson where those who wanted to speak the truth felt scared and intimidated.

So what has gripped the black community in such a way that lawlessness and mobocracy has come to rule the day? Were there fights when I was growing up, absolutely, but not this type of wanton violence — gang related especially — and the fear of retribution.

The is a growing lack of regard for life itself it seems, and that is not healthy for any community. The fact that witnesses stood by and watched, recording this assault and not stepping in to end this senseless beating appears to confirm that assertion.

“We are asking that young lady to not be afraid,” community activist Tony Herbert said outside the McDonald’s near Church Ave. where the attack took place — a known trouble spot “Come forward. We will stand with her. Herbert also asked that the teenage assailants surrender to authorities. “We have names,” he said. “We have pictures. We have video of all these individuals. So save the taxpayers money and bring yourself forward.”


The dirty little secret behind net neutrality

Eureka! Tom Cotton proves the existence of cojones in D.C.

Handy guide for liberals in the BDS movement: 5 things to boycott

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on AllenBWest.com. The featured image is of a protester sitting in front of a street fire during a demonstration in Oakland following the grand jury decision not to indict the cop who shot Michael Brown. Photo: Stephen Lam, Reuters.

Necessary Christian Anger

Have Christians in the USA lost their ability to be righteously angry at those things that anger God?