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263 search results for: pedophilia


The Guardian of the Guilty

Despite England’s experiences during World War II and her current informal “occupation” by her own brand of deadly Islamists, The Guardian’s views are neither civilized nor rational. In his column, Gaza: this shameful injustice will only end if the cost of it rises, Seurnas Milne has a willful misinterpretation of the events in the Middle East.  His […]


Group Demands Schools Allow Children to Access Homosexual Internet Sites

Blake Neff from Freedom Outpost reports: An advocacy group is calling for the federal government to loosen Internet filters in schools as a way to assist the homosexual community. In a paper released Thursday, the LGBT Technology Partnership and Institute argues that the homosexual community has “particular needs” for the Internet that call for government action. In particular, […]


Planned Parenthood Childhood Sexualization Lesson Grounded in Indiana History

The families of the State of Indiana must call upon Governor Mike Pence, his wife Karen, and every Indiana elected official to denounce the recent actions of an Indianapolis Midtown Planned Parenthood counselor, who graphically and zealously instructed a 15-year-old child (decoy) in how to perform sado-masochistic acts with ropes, whips, and handcuffs, while dressed […]


Austrian Elisabeth Sabditsch-Woff Speaks at March For Persecuted Christians in Orlando, FL

On May 17, 2014 200+ people participated in a Prayer March For Persecuted Christians. Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff held a similar March For Persecuted Christians in Austria which was the inspiration for this one. Rev. Bruce Lieske attended the March in Austria inspiring him to do the same here in Orlando, FL [youtube][/youtube] Frontpage Magazine writes, “Sabaditsch-Wolff discussed […]


A Question for those Who Believe in Homosexual Scouts

Not satisfied with having pressured the Boy Scouts of America into lifting their prohibition against openly homosexual scouts, activists now want homosexual scoutmasters to be allowed as well. Equality, you know, is the order of the day. Yet the truth is that virtually all of you who advocate this social change operate with a certain […]


UK Lord Justice wanted age of consent to 4 years old — news blackout in America

Lord Justice Fulford, pictured in his full legal regalia, actively campaigned to support a pedophile group that tried to legalize sex with children. Photo courtesy of the UK Daily Mail. Read: High Court judge and the child sex ring: Adviser to Queen was founder of paedophile support group to keep offenders out of jail Lord Justice […]


The Antichrist Revealed

Since the early days of our world’s short history there have been debates on who the Antichrist is as mentioned in the Bible. I have given this some deep thought and although I am far from being a scholar on the Bible, I do believe I am a decent investigator. Based on my experiences the […]


A Brief History of Sex Ed: How We Reached Today’s Madness

Today’s sex ed curricula are based on the widely-accepted teachings of depraved human beings. Once upon a time, sex education was a simple biology lesson. Students learned the facts of life, and, with those facts, that sex is part of something bigger, called marriage. Teachers explained that this was the moral and healthy way to […]


EXPOSED: The U.S. and British “Sex Industrial Complex”

Former KGB spy and Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) member Geoffrey Prime (left) and PIE Chairman Tom O’Carroll The United Kingdom has been rocked by a scandal of major proportions involving government support for pedophilia & pederasty. Child rape has been going on for decades at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) offices. “The BBC will be plunged into […]


Tenth Anniversary of legalized “therapeutic” prostitution in San Francisco

Here is the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality—again—offering a 2004 California State approved certificate for what amounts to therapeutic prostitution. The “course” provides credits toward the PhD and all other sex ed degrees at the IASHS. Note the “baby massage” is included with the “erotic” training and remember the IASHS has sold child pornography to […]


Study finds current US Penal Codes based on Scientific Fraud and Child Sex Crimes

“As legal, social, and educational decisions turn on public trust in scientific honesty, scientific fraud and misconduct can and do result in fatal consequences. Law thus holds the scientist accountable for knowingly injecting false data into the societal stream of consciousness, even where no discernible harm results,” states a new study titled “Reliance on Kinsey’s ‘Scientific’ […]


Sex Research Group Linked to Pedophiles Granted UN Recognition

NEW YORK, January 24 (C-FAM): An academic group whose research was obtained from pedophiles and launched the sexual revolution in the U.S. has received accreditation by the United Nations. The infamous Kinsey Report was the basis for relaxing attitudes and penalties for sex crimes against women and children, and for comprehensive sexual education that teaches […]


White Paper: Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement

Lately, the gay movement seems to be making large gains in its war on America’s Judeo-Christian culture. Gay characters have become the norm on sitcoms; it has become fashionable to attack the Boy Scouts; homosexual propaganda inundates many of our public schools; nearly all the mainstream religious denominations have “revised” their understanding of Biblical teaching […]