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263 search results for: pedophilia


Judicial Watch: Obama Released 165,900 Convicted Criminal Illegals Aliens Into U.S. Cities

Very few of the elected members of Congress have taken action to oppose the multiple programs that the Obama administration, Obama’s 45 un-elected Czars, and his 70 member Socialist/Progressive/Communist Caucus have been promoting for the last 6 ½ years, in their well-coordinated plans to “CHANGE” and transform the Republic to a Socialist State.  Those plans […]


CAIR’s Sexual Deviant Leader May Use The ‘Aisha Defense’

The Council On American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Orlando Regional Coordinator, Ahmad Abrar Saleem [pictured above], was nabbed by Lake County, FL law enforcement in a child-sex sting operation on 5/20/2015.  Mr. Saleem’s intended victim was a 12 year old girl. Two charges were filed by the Lake County Sheriff’s Office against Mr. Saleem.  1.  “use […]


Pamela Geller: “The jihadists aren’t just coming for me, they are coming for all of us that believe in freedom.”

She is right, of course, not that Hollywood is on the case: Hollywood wouldn’t dare make a film that depicted Islamic jihadists honestly and accurately. She also says a great deal more that is on-point and important about the freedom of speech and more in this interview. “Pamela Geller: Hollywood Is “In the Pocket” of […]


The Betrayal Papers: Part V – Who is Barack Hussein Obama?

Introduction:  The Betrayal Papers have thus far investigated and explained the Obama administration and their alliance with the international terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood. The articles analyzed several aspects of White House policy, foreign and domestic, and compared them to the objectives of the Muslim Brotherhood. Parts V and VI will explore the personal ties […]


Standing up to Islam: The West Redefines Itself to Death

If Ann Coulter were to live in Russia, her writing would probably be similar to that of Yulia Latynina, one of my favorite Russian-language political commentators and critics of Putin’s government. Latynina’s latest column, I believe, must be shared with all people living in Western countries, or at least with those not yet trapped inside the intellectual […]


Dirty Books and Corporations in the Classroom

Thomas More Law Center Fights Common Core with Resource Page for Parents and Teachers. From recommended literature that celebrates pedophilia, and math standards that ignore simple arithmetic, to “new” history, and the infiltration of corporations and advertisers in the classroom and student records, the Common Core aligned curricula, tests, and data are filled with horror […]