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3661 search results for: Facebook


Report: Tech firms led by Google spent $61M to buy political favors

SANTA MONICA, Calif., Jan. 22, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Google led in lobbying spending by ten tech firms who pumped a combined $61.15 million into efforts to influence federal regulators and lawmakers in 2013, up 15.9 percent from a combined total of $52.78 million, according to records filed with the Clerk of the House this week. Consumer Watchdog, a nonpartisan nonprofit public […]


Scheduled: 18 Pro-Life Events Across Florida in January 2014

The Florida Family Policy Council has sent a list of 18 scheduled Pro-Life events taking place in Florida to protest Roe v. Wade. Below are those confirmed pro-life events by county with links and contact information: Brevard County- Merritt Island- Celebration of Life Sunday, 1/26/14 at 10:30am, at First Baptist Church Merritt Island, 140 Magnolia Avenue.  For more information contact 321-454-9853 […]


Rules of Engagement: Operation American Spring – May 16, 2014 in Washington, D.C.

Militias across the United States are responding and mobilizing to the call to protect our Republic. Operation American Spring is underway. Militia Commanders and Sargent of Arms have called me from across the United States. Rules of Engagement (ROE) are now being requested. Leadership ROE for the event Operation American Spring scheduled for Friday, May […]


FL Legislature: Adultery, Cohabitation & Marijuana are fine but Texting while Driving is a Crime?

“Did this really happen? House committee moves to decriminalize adultery, co-habitation and a strain of marijuana,” reads the headline on the Miami Herald Blog. The Miami Herald Blog reports. “Word is today that people are still wondering if they existed briefly in an alternate reality Thursday as they watched the conservative House Subcommittee on Criminal […]


Stopping the Academic Boycott of Israel

Yesterday, at the Modern Language Association (MLA) annual meetings in Chicago there was Panel 48, one of more than 800 on this year’s program. The MLA has a membership of more than 30,000 university and college academic specialists in English, literature and history. This panel in particular has drawn media attention and controversy because of the […]


Common Core: What’s behind Arne Duncan’s Race Card?

A stated goal of Common Core has been closing “the achievement gap” that exists largely between inner-city and suburban schools, and white and minority students. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan let slip a key aim: equalizing educational outcomes by redefining proficiency. Objective measurements as traditional letter grades A through F are also being abandoned. During […]


“Electronic Army Of the Caucasus Emirate” threatens Cyber War against Russia

On December 27, 2013, the website posted a video titled “Appeal by the Anonymous Caucasus #OpPayBackForSotchi2014.” The “Anonymous Caucasus” describes itself as the “electronic army of the Caucasus Emirate” and has a website and accounts on Twitter and Facebook. In this video it warns the Russian government to stop its “activities” in Sochi (presumably the […]


100% PROOF! Obama is a KEYNESIAN!

Julie Borowski has posted a YouTube video that has gone viral. In it Julie presents irrefutable proof that President Obama is a Keynesian. [youtube][/youtube] Julie states, “I cannot believe there are some Americans who still don’t believe that he is a Keynesian. Just because the mainstream media never calls him a Keynesian. Time to wake […]


Billy Graham’s son Franklin: Homosexuality is ‘a sin,’ and ‘I want to warn people’

“In a Meet the Press interview Sunday, Franklin Graham, the son of famed preacher Billy Graham, refused to back down from his Biblical stance against homosexuality. “It’s sin,” he said, and added that he wanted to warn people about it because they will have to stand before God who will judge,” Life Site News reports. The younger […]


Accuracy In Media’s Top 10 Misreported or Underreported Stories of 2013

Accuracy in Media has published its “Top 10 Misreported or Underreported Stories of the Year.” Here they are. 1. Obamacare’s Failings: From the Rollout to the Substance The daily revelations about Obamacare’s website have led to the lowest job approval ratings for President Obama during his time in office. The administration is feeling the pressure, […]


Booze, Pole Dancing, and Luxurious Hotels: Top 10 Examples of Government Waste in 2013

Romina Boccia and Matthew Sabas from the Heritage Foundation have compiled the Top 10 Examples of government fraud, waste and abuse of taxpayers money. According to Boccia and Sabas, “The latest budget deal, passed by a bipartisan majority in both the House and the Senate, suggests that Washington agrees with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi […]


Combat Veterans for Congress endorses Mark Bircher for FL District 13 Republican primary

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC has endorsed their 86th Combat Veteran For Congress. According to Joseph R. John, USNA ’62, Co-Founder and Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, “He is a fiscally conservative candidate who believes in limited government, will work to rein in the out of control spending by Congress and the Obama […]


BOYCOTT THE ROSE PARADE: Gay Men to Marry on Rose Parade float

Sarah Favot from the Pasadena Star-News, writes, “A San Diego woman Thursday called for a boycott of the Rose Parade because two Los Angeles men will be married atop a float themed “Love is the Best Protection.” The cake-shaped float is sponsored by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation and is the group’s third entry in the New Year’s parade.” Karen […]