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3661 search results for: Facebook


Common Core: George Soros and Hillary Clinton want your kids

“Conceived as the Democratic answer to the Heritage Foundation,” the George Soros-founded and funded Center for American Progress (CAP) was considered Hillary Clinton’s think-tank at its inception in 2003.  President and CEO John Podesta, once Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, was seen as its nominal head. CAP was viewed as “a kind of Clinton White-House-in-exile – […]


Florida’s Term Limits under attack: Grimsley and the petty arrrogance of power

Following the lead attack by Rep. W. Keith Perry (R-Gainesville), Sen. Denise Grimsley (R-Sebring) has launched the second salvo against Florida’s voter-initiated and -approved 8-year term limits law. Last week, Grimsley introduced a slightly different Senate version of Perry’s bill to weaken the legislative term limits from eight to 12 years. Surely she recalls the […]


Just How Big is Google?

ColdfusTion writes, “Many of us use Google services each day but very few of us ask the question, “How BIG is Google?” Obviously this question cannot be answered directly, however, the sheer size of Google can be realised by the hard facts and figures shown in this short film.  Please enjoy and don’t be evil.” […]


Allen West: If Governor Scott does not “renounce Common Core” he will lose in November

Dr. Karen R. Effrem, MD from the Florida Stop Common Core Coalition (FSCCC)writes: “During the [Educational Policy] conference, Colonel West also did an interview with the Report Card, and had a stern warning for Governor Scott and the Republican establishment that seem to be trying to do a stealth implementation of Common Core without really changing anything: “Colonel West […]


France’s united front of Jew hatred

Parts of the French left have no problems participating in anti-Semitic demonstrations demanding that Jews be kicked out of France. The Socialist government is less than pleased. PARIS. What happened in the streets of Paris on the 26th of January? On the eve of Shoah Remembrance Day, a significant contingent of demonstrators marching in the Jour de […]


An Open Letter to The Nashville Jewish Observer

“Why don’t peace loving Muslims publicly condemn Muslims killing Muslims, and “where is the same moral outrage by peace-loving Muslims when Jews are killed merely because we are Jews?” TO: Dr. Frank,  Chairman of the Editorial Board , The Nashville Jewish Observer. Dr. Frank Boehm, knowing of your concerns, we can appreciate your unease about […]


Iranian Expatriates call for “the overthrow of the clerical regime”

A conclave of the Iranian Diaspora from more than a score of countries on four continents called today for the “overthrow of the clerical regime and the establishment of a democratic republic based on the separation of the mosque and the state that would respect all individual and political freedoms. The “Universal Convention of Iranian […]


The Allen West Foundation Journal Inaugural Issue

American Dream Event October 18th, 2013 5 Star Veteran’s Center Jacksonville FL Lt. Col. Allen West spoke at an event the Foundation held at the 5 Star Veteran’s Center in Jacksonville FL to a full house. Veterans of several wars filled the room along with Veterans cause supporters to meet and greet Lt. Col. West […]


Christian group pledges an “Oath for Israel”

Pastor Jerry Clark from a Christian Voice for Israel in Chicago leads his visiting group of pastors in an oath of allegiance and support for Israel and the Jewish people during their visit to Jerusalem on February 3rd, 2014. The video was posted by Barry Shaw from The View From Israel. [youtube][/youtube]


Damnatio Memoriae: Erasing the name Obama from American History

Damnatio memoriae is the Latin phrase literally meaning “condemnation of memory” in the sense of a public judgment that a person must not be remembered. It was a form of dishonor that could be passed by the Roman Senate upon traitors or others who brought discredit to the Roman State. The intent was to erase someone from history, a task somewhat easier in ancient […]


France joins the League of anti-Semitic Countries?

Last Sunday upwards of 50,000 engaged in the “Day of Anger” mass rally in Paris with groups shouting anti-Semitic and Holocaust denial slogans; “Jews, France does not belong to you” and “Faurrison is right”and “the Holocaust was a Hoax”.   The more vocal protesters were supporters of anti-Semitic comedian, Dieudonne M’Bala M’Bala  and followers of French Holocaust denier, Robert Faurrison.  France passed a […]


Huffington Post links The People’s Cube to Koch Brothers

Dear Comrades! Today, the Huffington Post tied The People’s Cube to the Koch Brothers. As a result, there is now a Thepeoplescube category on the HuffPost website. Koch Brothers Group Turns Obama Into Stalin In Facebook Ad The Koch brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity is not being subtle about its Obama-is-a-communist message, as Talking Points Memo reports. The conservative […]


Special Report: The Status of the TEA Party Movement

The Institute for Research and Human Rights (IREHR) issued a second special report on the status of the Tea Party movement provides an unvarnished, non-partisan, data-driven analysis of the membership of the national factions as the movement approaches its sixth year. As IREHR noted in Tea Party Nationalism, support for this movement ranges across three broad […]


FairTax Friday: “No idea of the [tax code] benefits”!

It’s January and Americans are looking for receipts and lost documentation in their annual quest to prepare their yearly tax return. Arguments will ensure, relationships will sour and health will decline. Are you having fun yet? Have you started dealing with the significant changes that went into effect for 2013? Not to worry though, National Taxpayer Advocate […]