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1341 search results for: illegal aliens


News Update from Canada: Trump-fearing American Liberals flee North

The flood of Trump-fearing American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week. The Republican presidential campaign is prompting an exodus among left-leaning Americans who fear they’ll soon be required to hunt, pray, pay taxes, and live according to the Constitution. Canadian border residents say it’s not uncommon to see […]


Secretary of State John Kerry agrees U.S. will take Australia’s imprisoned ‘refugees’

Think about this! In 2013 Australia, being invaded by boat people from mostly Muslim countries, declared anyone arriving illegally by boat would be turned back or sent to offshore islands like Nauru where they could submit asylum claims. Those rejected refuse to go back to their home countries, so guess what! The Obama Administration has […]


Effective Immigration Law Enforcement under President Trump

Now that the 2016 Presidential election is literally and figuratively in the history books, candidate Trump must begin the process of transforming into President Trump so that he can implement his goals to “Make America great again.” Donald Trump has also promised to “Make America safe again” and “Make America wealthy again.” Trump’s historic rise […]


Hail to the New Commander-in-Chief, President Donald J. Trump!

What have we learned over the past 16 months in the presidential campaign that pitted billionaire business mogul Donald J. Trump against career-grifter Hillary Rodham Clinton? We’ve learned that: George Soros––the billionaire puppet-master and sugar daddy behind Trojan Horse Barack Obama and money prostitute Hillary––is now irrelevant. The moneybags hedge-funder, who once boasted that his […]


Mr. Trump is going to Washington! Who are the winners and losers?

On January 10, 2016 I wrote: If you Google the words “Trump” and “insurgency” you will get over 650,000 links to articles and commentary. I recently said to a friend that Donald Trump has gone from being a candidate for the Republican Party nomination for President to the leader of a movement. Can this movement […]


Never Trumpers: Let’s Make a Deal

This is for you Never Trump people who persist in raking me over the coals for supporting Trump. Your attacks go as followed, “How could you Mr Marcus? I am soooooooooo disappointed in you! You’ve always stood for Christian values, conservatism and character. And yet, you wrote a song, ‘Trump Train’, which encourages people to […]


Hillary vs. The Education of American Children

Two recurrent claims made by Hillary Clinton are that she will stand with American families against powerful interests and corporations and that she will increase spending on educating children to help them succeed. These populist promises may resonate with many Americans.  However, as my mom used to say, “Actions speak louder than words.” Hillary Clinton’s grandiose […]


Hillary and Weaponized Immigration

How international terrorists would turn Clinton’s “compassionate” immigration proposals against us. Hillary Clinton clearly shares the views and ideology and goals of open-borders/immigration anarchists. On October 23, 2016 Breitbart reported, “Hillary Clinton and the United Nations on the Same Open Borders Page.” That disconcerting report included this excerpt: In a private, richly-paid speech that Hillary […]


THE HILLARY VIRUS: Corrupting our Government, One Agency at a Time

There is no shortage of serious issues swirling around Hillary Clinton that call into question her judgment, her integrity and, ultimately, her fitness to be the next president of the United States. I have come to the conclusion that an excellent analog for Hillary would be a virus. The term “virus” has been defined thusly: […]


The World Obama and Supplicant Republicans Have Made

In 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama famously disparaged middle America at a San Francisco fundraiser, calling them bitter people who “cling” to their guns and religion.  Obama’s opponent, John McCain, did not defend these Americans. Instead, his campaign reined in the feisty Sarah Palin. In debates with the cocky community organizer McCain muttered about “bipartisanship.” After the […]


The Gathering Storm Clouds: FBI Director Comey Warns Terrorists Heading Our Way

One mission of our armed services is to work with our allies to locate, engage and eliminate terrorists overseas, while domestically our law enforcement agencies are tasked with protecting America and Americans within our borders. In the wake of the deadly terror attack in San Bernardino, California, I wrote an article, “Fighting the War on […]


Election 2016: The Threat of Immigration Anarchy Hangs in the Balance

Election Day is rapidly approaching. In considering what is at stake, it is important to understand that, as I recently noted, “The Three Most Important Issues For 2016: Immigration, Immigration, Immigration.” Most polls skew how the concerns of the majority of Americans are reported by the media. Most Americans are most concerned about the threats posed by […]