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1692 search results for: election fraud


VIDEO: Military Deployment All Systems Go — We Are At War!

We are at war. It’s simple. The deep state is being exposed. The Senate judiciary hearings conducted by Lyndsey Graham have now begun with almost a complete media blackout in light of the recent false flag du jour, (riots), diverting and clogging up the the news cycle, textbook. There are 53 individuals whom have been subpoenaed […]


These States Reopened a Month Ago After COVID-19 Shutdowns. Here’s What Happened.

Among states that reopened their economies about a month ago, most logged about the same number of  COVID-19 cases, though some had more cases and others saw a decline. The closest thing to a discernible pattern is that Western and Midwestern states performed better than Southern states in terms of fewer new cases of the disease caused […]


The Folly of Twitter’s Fact Check

No American, not even the president, has an inherent right to a social media account. Tech companies are free to ban any user they see fit. They’re free to fact-check anyone they want, to create a framework of acceptable speech, and to enforce their policies either consistently or capriciously. They’re free to accuse Donald Trump—and […]


PODCAST: The real climate science deniers…

GUESTS AND TOPICS: PAIL DRIESSEN Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and author of articles and books on energy, environmental and human rights issues. TOPIC: The real climate science deniers. ROBERT CHARLES Robert Charles is also a spokesman for AMAC, as well as former Assistant Secretary of […]


Obamagate — How Obama administration apparently weaponized intel agencies for political attacks

There is strong evidence that President Barack Obama’s administration improperly weaponized U.S. intelligence agencies in multiple and shocking ways against Donald Trump and other political enemies. It appears the Obama administration did this in a number of ways, including: fraudulently obtaining Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants to spy on American citizens; promoting the Democratic National Committee-funded dossier […]


List of Flynn ‘unmaskers’ – here’s what happened and what it means

Originally published by Fox News The list released Wednesday by acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell of top Obama officials who asked to “unmask” former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s name from NSA reporting is the latest bombshell in the story of how the Obama administration weaponized intelligence to undermine and destroy the incoming Trump administration. But it also […]


The Fall of Obama’s House of Cards

Obama’s top officials. Lying through their teeth. Obama on CBS, 60 Minutes. January 25, 2017: “I’m proud of the fact that we are the first administration in modern history that hasn’t had a major scandal in the White House.” Pause for cynical laughter. What Obama officials have said frequently on TV against President Trump, and […]


President Trump, Please Pardon Roger Stone Now!

“Equal and exact justice to all men…freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of the person under the protection of the habeas corpus; and trial by juries impartially selected—these principles form the bright constellation that has gone before us.” – Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural address, 1801 “Justice is indiscriminately due to all, without regard […]


COVID-19 Damage Control: At What Cost?

This is not to say that the virus does not exist, nor that pockets of America do not suffer disproportionately from the health consequences of COVID-19. As the hysteria-driven lockdowns of coronavirus persist, constitutional conservatives are slowly emerging from under their beds. Spear carriers for social isolation and economic constriction in America have reacted to […]


Little of Pelosi’s Wish List Made It Into COVID-19 Relief Bill. That’s a Relief in Itself.

On Friday, the House passed the massive $2 trillion-plus coronavirus relief package that the Senate had passed on Wednesday. There’s a lot in those 880 pages, and much of it is problematic: The bill is neither targeted and temporary, nor directed exclusively at the coronavirus—as scholars at The Heritage Foundation and its president, Kay C. James, have explained. Before the […]



VIDEO: President @realDonaldTrump's early, decisive travel restrictions slowed the Coronavirus' spread to our shores—and we are doing more. — The White House 45 Archived (@WhiteHouse45) March 20, 2020 Now that we’re in a de facto Martial Law mode––a shutdown of entire industries and small businesses, nighttime curfews, social isolation, a run on goods, huge […]


Scandal-Ridden Ilhan Omar Marries Her Political Consultant by Hugh Fitzgerald

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s marriage to a political consultant has drawn renewed focus to her campaign’s payments to her now-husband and his firm, which are at the center of a pending complaint with the Federal Election Commission. The story is here. Omar (D-Minn.) on Wednesday [March 11] announced on Instagram that she had married Timothy Mynett, and […]