Tag Archive for: Islamic State

Israel – Sanity in an Insane Middle East

Is there any serious thinking person who still believes that Islam is a “religion of peace?”

If there is, they cannot be watching any news reports anywhere. Islam, in particular a pure doctrinal Islam as practiced by the Islamic State, is reaping global death and destruction in the perfect model of their leader, Mohammed. As a result, the Middle East is on fire and the fire is just starting. Today, I and The United West team begin a week-long presentation of their recent national security mission in Israel and how that tiny nation is a civilized oasis in the midst of Islamic incivility.

Moreover, against this chaos, Iran through a New York Times editorial is positioning themselves as the world leader in establishing Middle East peace against the warmongering America and Israel.

WOW, watch our show for a wild ride!


Minneapolis and San Diego: Six Somali Muslims arrested and indicted for Material Support of ISIS

AFDI free speech victory: NYC MTA must run ad about Islamic Jew-hatred

Hamas-linked CAIR seethes as Pamela Geller Brooklyn College speech moved to larger venue

Alabama Muslima who joined Islamic State exhorts Muslims: “Go on drive-bys and spill all of their blood…Kill them”

Alabama Muslima joins Islamic State, Hamas-linked CAIR spokesman says family “extremely traumatized”

Killing of U.S. Hostage Shows Limitations of Drones in Fighting Global Terrorism

Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) Demands Influx of Muslim Refugees Cease

The genocide of Syrian and Assyrian Christians by ISIL, Al Q’ieda, and Muslim Brotherhood trained Radical Islamic Terrorists, on the Plains of Ninveh in Iraq, has resulted in 3.5 million Muslim and Christian refugees seeking relief.  In addition to the hundreds of thousands Muslim refugees who have already been given entry into the U.S. by Obama, more than 360,000 Muslim refugees are being targeted for additional resettlement in the U.S. by the UN Resettlement Program.  Obama is encouraging the acceptance of more Muslim refugees, for resettlement in the U.S., than all the other countries in the world combined.  When the UN Muslim Resettlement Program began, it was run and controlled by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by agencies of her State Department.  Obama directed Hillary to let the Muslim refugees enter the U.S. without slowing the process down, by the time consuming investigation of their backgrounds to determine if they had terrorist ties.  On Obama’s orders, Hillary placed all entering Muslims on a fast track to obtain U.S. citizenship.  Obama ordered Hillary to resettle & integrate the Muslim refugees in communities throughout the U.S. without informing elected state and city officials and local law enforcement officials where they were being resettled; this has been going since Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.

George Soros’ is funding the resettlement of Muslim Refugees thru his organization, Welcoming America, and Welcome America has been working with LA Raza to also integrate millions of Illegal Aliens to be resettled throughout the U.S. with the funding from George Soros’ Open Society Institute, without informing elected state and city officials and local law enforcement officials where they are being resettled.  Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX) sent a letter to the White House on January 28th citing “serious national security concerns” about the UN Refugee Program which is resettling and integrating Muslim refugees in communities throughout the U.S. without investigating their backgrounds to determine if they have terrorist ties, and implored Obama not to let it become a “back door for Jihadists.”

For the first time in 6 years only “ONE” of the 435 U.S. Congressmen, Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC), is demanding that Secretary of State John Kerry immediately cease the hidden location where Muslim refugees will be resettled in his Congressional District!  Cong Gowdy is demanding that a list of specific questions be answered (listed in the below listed article) directly by Secretary of State Kerry, himself, and that all resettlement activity of Muslim refugees in the Spartanburg, SC UN Resettlement Program cease until he receives a personal response to his questions from Kerry.  Cong Gowdy demanded that South Carolina State and city officials be provided with specific details about who is going to pay for the health care, resettlement costs, transportation costs, education of refugee children, the welfare costs of refugee families, food stamps, and housing costs of thousands of Muslim refugees. We strongly recommend that all Americans write their Congressional representatives and demand that they each ask Secretary of State Kerry to cease the resettlement of Muslim refugees in their Congressional Districts, until Kerry answers the below listed questions posed by Cong Trey Gowdy.

The FBI has repeatedly warned the Obama administration and the State Department that there is a strong likelihood that ISIL and Al Q’ieda  has ordered its trained Radical Islamic Terrorists to sneak into the U.S. posing as “refugees”, as they have been doing in large numbers in Norway and Europe.  Yet, Obama has refused to direct the U.S. Immigration Service to complete background investigations on Muslim refugees, to determine if the hundreds of thousands incoming Muslim refugees have terrorist ties, before they are allowed to enter the US thru the UN Refugee Program.  That refusal of Obama to do background investigations on Muslim refugees, to ensure that they do not have terrorist ties, before being allowed entry into the U.S., and before they are integrated in thousands of communities across the U.S., is a further display of Obama’s gross negligence in upholding his oath of office to protect the security of Americans citizens, and the National Security interest of the United States.

The stealthy massive influx of only Muslim Refugees from the UN Refugee Program has been underway for 6 years, resettling hundreds of thousands of refugees in unsuspecting communities in 49 states, while keeping elected officials in thousands of cities throughout the Republic in the dark about where they are being resettled.  According to the Greek Catholic Relief Agency, to date, 300,000+ Syrian and Assyrian Christians refugees are not being allowed to enter the United States.  However, thousands of Muslim refugees are being allowed to enter from Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Bosnia, Libya, Egypt, and Yemen, and the FBI has developed and prosecuted terrorist cases where Muslim refugees, with terrorist ties, have been charged and convicted with providing material support for foreign Radical Islamic Terrorists organizations.

To date, it is estimated that 180+ Muslim refugees, who obtained US citizenship, have left the United States to train with ISIL, Al Q’ieda, and el-Shabaab, and participated in the ongoing genocide of Christians by burning them alive, shooting them, beheading them, crucifying them, raping & murdering young Christians girls, and selling Christians women into slavery.  The Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Royal Family in England, the UK Prime Minister, the King of Jordan, the President of Egypt, the President of Kurdistan, the Prime Minister of Japan, the President of Russia, the Prime Minister of Australian, President George W. Bush, Reverend Billy Graham, the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Prime Ministers of every NATO nations, the Prime Minister of Israel, Christian Religious Leaders of every denomination from throughout the world, the current crop of candidates seeking to run for President of the United States, 51 Congressmen who petitioned Obama, U.S. Senators, Christians worldwide, and the Secretary General of the United Nations have all expressed their revulsion of the barbaric massacres being prosecuted by ISIL, Al Q’ieda, and members of the Muslim Brotherhood.  They have all raised their voices in unison to demand that the bloody genocide of Christians in Africa, Syria, and on the Plains of Nineveh in Iraq stop.    To date Obama has refused to condemn the wholesale genocide of Christians by Radical Islamic Terrorists and is the only leader of a non-communist country who has not called for a stop to the bloody genocide——Obama’s continued silence is deafening and says a great deal about who Obama really is!   

President Putin of Russia told reporters, “As to the Middle East and Christians, the situation is terrible. We have spoken about it many times and we believe that the international community is not doing enough to protect the Christian population of the Middle East (Putin is speaking out and more concerned about ISIL’s genocide of Christians; Obama refuses to speak out against the genocide of Christians by Radical Islamic Terrorists).  Many of those newly trained Radical Islamic Terrorists with US citizenship have been returning to the U.S., without criminal charges being filed against them by the Obama administration for being agents of foreign terrorist organizations.  They should be incarcerated, tried as anti-American terrorists, sentenced to prison terms for sedition, have their passports and citizenships voided, and when their prison terms are completed they should be removed from the United States for life.

ISIL, Al Q’ieda, and el-Shabaab Islamic Terrorists have not only been entering the United States thru the UN Muslim Refugee Program, they have been targeting the wide open southern border for entry over the last 6 years (the Director of the FBI recently informed the nation that the FBI has identified Islamic Terrorist Sleeper Cells in all 50 states).  In October 2014, Congressman Duncan D. Hunter, Capt-USMR (R-CA-52), an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, notified the national press corps that U.S. Border Patrolmen warned him that there were Radical Islamic Terrorist training camps south of the Mexican border.  But that report was quickly covered up, because the Obama administration, the Democratic and Republican Congressional leadership, and the left of center liberal media establishment did not want to expose just how dangerous to the National Security of the Republic, that Obama and the Congress’ continued failure to close the wide open southern border has become, and just how dangerous it was  to the safety of the lives of innocent American men, women, and children.

Now 6 months after Cong Duncan Hunter’s warning about Terrorist training camps south of the Mexican border, Judicial Watch completed a detailed report that ISIL is operating a base terrorist camp about 8 miles from the US border city of El Paso, Texas, in an area known as “Anapra”, situated just west of Ciudad Juarez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Another ISIL base terrorist camp is located west of Ciudad Juarez, in Puerto Palomas, close to the New Mexico cities of Columbus and Deming, and those U.S. cities are being targeted for easy entry into the United States.  In a Joint Operation, the Mexican Army and Federal Law Enforcement Officers reported they discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu with detailed plans for Fort Bliss, Texas, where the 1st Armored Division is based (the Joint Operation sweep recovered Muslim prayer rugs, supplies, and many documents).  The Republican and Democratic leadership of the Congress’ refuses to close the wide open southern border in the same manner as the San Diego Border Sector has been securely closed for many years (Congressman Duncan L. Hunter/Ret, a US Army Vietnam Combat Ranger, before he retired from Congress, ensured that the San Diego Border Sector was securely closed, when he was Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee).

ISIL, Al Q’ieda, and el-Shabaab have been infiltrating well trained Radical Islamic Terrorist thru the wide open U.S. southern border with impunity, entering very easily as chaperons with thousands of children from Central America (those children are carrying many infectious diseases, and are being given immediate entry, then given immediate release to go anywhere they want to go to in the U.S.; they are still not being medically quarantined in violation of Federal Immigration Laws). Obama, and the Democrat and Republican leaders of Congress, continue to look the other way while allowing hundreds of thousands infected children from Central America and an unknown numbers of trained Radical Islamic Terrorists killers to enter the U.S. to murder unsuspecting American men, women, and children.  They are complicit in their “gross negligence” and are guilty of perpetrating “crimes against the American people” by their continued “gross negligence” in intentionally keeping the southern border wide open—it is a violation of their oaths of office to protect the lives of defenseless American men, women, and children.

A  major security problem, that the U.S. and NATO nations are faced with, is that anyone holding a passport from a NATO nation, has cross border access to any other NATO member nations as a courtesy, and by simply presenting their passports are given entry.  Since thousands of Europeans and 180+ Americans have been recruited by ISIL to travel to Plains of Nineveh to execute the on-going genocide against Christians in Syria and Iraq, those trained ISIL Radical Islamic Terrorists holding a NATO nation passport, will be allowed entry by Custom Officers into the US (Egypt recently accused Turkey of issuing 10,000 passports to ISIL Radical Islamic Terrorists who would also have access to every NATO nation).  Despite the fact that the external security threat from ISIL Al Q’ieda, and Muslim Brotherhood trained Radical Islamic Terrorists continues to increase, Obama continues to minimize that growing and very dangerous external threat, and refuses to let anyone in the US government identify the true nature of the threat as being from Radical Islamic Terrorists.

The Obama administration is not arresting many of the returning 180+ Americans with passports who traveled to the Middle East to be trained as terrorists by ISIL, is resettling & integrating hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees in 49 states while hiding where they are being resettled from state & local elected officials & law enforcement agencies, is refusing to investigate the background on hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees flooding into the U.S. from the UN Refugees Resettlement Program to determine if they have terrorist ties, is refusing to secure the wide open southern border thru which ISIL & Al Q’ieda Radical Islamic Terrorists have been entering the US, and has prevented the U.S. government (Intelligence Agencies, the FBI, the CIA, the DIA, the NSA, and the US Armed Forces) from identifying the major threat to the security of the Republic as Radical Islamic Terrorists who have been perpetrating genocide daily against thousands of Christians in the Middle East and in Africa.  The most serious threat to the security of the Republic and the lives of all Americans are the policies that the occupant of the Oval Office has put in place over the last 6 years, and the leftists, Marxists, Communist, and the members of the Muslim Brotherhood he has appointed to positions of leadership in the Obama administration (one of the Communist member of the Obama administration who was unmasked, Van Jones, was forced to resign).




Republican Congressman wants end to secrecy in choosing resettlement sites


Leo Hohmann is a news editor for WND. He has been a reporter and editor at several suburban newspapers in the Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, areas and also served as managing editor of Triangle Business Journal in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., has sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry demanding information about the reported pending move of dozens of foreign refugees from Syria, North Africa and elsewhere into South Carolina.

Gowdy is chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee responsible for the refugee resettlement program overseen by the State Department. Yet, he says in the letter, he was kept totally in the dark about the proposed resettlement of refugees into his own district in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

Ann Corcoran, a longtime watchdog over the refugee program and author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog, says Gowdy is the first member of Congress to demand answers to basic questions about this program since she took up her crusade eight years ago to expose secrecy, fraud and lax oversight in the program.

The program has flown under the radar for more than 25 years but controversy flared in February when a top FBI counter-terrorism official, Michael Steinbach, testified before the House Homeland Security committee and said the U.S. has no way to vet the Syrian refugees for possible connections to the Islamic State, also called ISIS, and other terrorist organizations. As WND reported, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, sent a letter to the White House Jan. 28 citing “serious national security concerns” about the Syrian refugee program and imploring Obama to not let it become a “back door for jihadists.”

In fact, dozens of Islamic refugees from Iraq, Somalia and other countries have already been charged and convicted of providing material support to foreign terrorist organizations while others have left the country to fight for ISIS in Syria and al-Shabaab in Somalia.

Now, Gowdy has taken the fight for information on exactly how this program works to a new level, demanding answers for the Spartanburg resettlement from none other than John Kerry.

But he needs to go one step further, Corcoran said. As chairman of the subcommittee charged with overseeing this program, Gowdy must demand answers for the communities in all 49 states that participate in the U.S. refugee program, not just his own state or district. That would require holding hearings, she said, because this issue affects communities across the U.S., not just Spartanburg.

“Maybe due to Gowdy’s swift and decisive action, other communities, which are being kept in the dark, will get some relief,” she said. “This is the first time I’ve ever seen anyone in Congress do this. Trey Gowdy has directed a letter to John Kerry asking all the right questions.”

The U.S. has been taking in an average of about 70,000 refugees per year over the past few years. The refugees are placed in housing and schools and given free healthcare. They are put on a fast track toward full U.S. citizenship, often within five years.

Gowdy has asked Kerry to provide answers on how Spartanburg was selected for the opening of a new resettlement office to be operated by World Relief. He wants to know when the refugees will arrive, how many, and from what countries. He also demanded to know what services will be required, the cost, and how much of the cost will be charged to the federal government.

This is an issue that affects almost every state. The U.S. State Department works with the United Nations to resettle refugees into every state except Wyoming. Charitable organizations such as World Relief, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Church World Services, Episcopal Migration Ministries and the International Rescue Committee operate resettlement offices in 190 communities across the U.S. All of these are private charitable agencies but they receive millions of dollars in federal grants to support their efforts.

WND requested comment from Gowdy Tuesday morning.

“We don’t have any comment at this point beyond our letter sent yesterday,” said Gowdy’s press secretary, Amanda Duvall.

Last week WND reported on the secretive nature of the process in which cities and towns are chosen for the resettlement of foreign refugees, many of them Muslims from areas known to be in upheaval fighting ISIS and other terrorist organizations. Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq, for example, all have devolved into civil sectarian strife, causing the displacement of large numbers of people. Many Christians have been driven from their homes in Iraq and Syria, yet the U.S. has been taking in mostly Muslims from these countries.

And the FBI is not the only intelligence operation warning about the strong likelihood that ISIS will send its militants to Western countries posing as “refugees.”

The Norway’s Police Intelligence Service said in November 2014 that its main concern was individuals misusing the refugee system to bring Syria’s violence to Norway, reported the Nordic Page.

Refugee resettlements are conducted in the U.S. by nine private agencies that contract with the U.S. government, and six of the nine have religious affiliations. These nine contractors in turn subcontract with more than 350 other charitable organizations and churches.

The complete text of Gowdy’s letter, dated April 13, is posted below.

The Honorable John Kerry Secretary U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street, NW Washington, DC 20520

Dear Secretary Kerry,

I write regarding the potential resettlement of refugees to the Spartanburg, South Carolina, area. It has been reported by media outlets, and confirmed by staff within your Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), that a resettlement agency submitted a proposal to open an office in Spartanburg. In addition, it is my understanding that the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) approved the request to resettle a certain number of refugees in Spartanburg.

As the Member of the U.S. House of Representatives representing the Spartanburg area, I am deeply concerned about the lack of notice, information, and consultation afforded to me and my constituents about this issue. As such, please provide the information requested and answers to questions below:

1. Please provide a copy of the proposal submitted by the resettlement agency and any subsequent correspondence between your Department and the resettlement agency.
2. When was the resettlement agency’s proposal submitted? When was it approved by USRAP?
3. How were the claims made in the proposal as to Spartanburg’s readiness to resettle refugees verified for accuracy by USRAP prior to approval?
4. What, if any, steps were taken to notify and consult with local government officials (elected or otherwise) prior to the approval of the resettlement proposal? If so, who was contacted and did they approve the proposal?
5. Which officials/employees of the South Carolina State government reviewed and approved the resettlement agency’s proposal? When was such approval given? Were these officials/employees contacted by USRAP to independently ensure approval was given?
6. What types of, and how much, funding will the resettlement agency receive from the federal government? How much of that amount must be provided to the refugees and how much can be kept by the resettlement agency?
7. When are the first refugees expected to arrive in Spartanburg?
8. What federal, state, and local benefits are the refugees entitled to receive a) upon designation as a refugee and b) upon resettlement in the Spartanburg area?
9. How many refugees will be resettled in the Spartanburg area?
10. How are the refugees chosen to resettle in Spartanburg?
11. What is the country of origin of each of the refugees to be resettled in the Spartanburg area?
12. Who is responsible for ensuring housing, employment, and education services for the resettled refugees?
13. Who is responsible for ensuring resettled refugees maintain employment, as opposed to tracking employment for the first few months after being resettled?
14. How many of the refugees to be resettled in the Spartanburg area are of the age to attend K–12 schools? Of those, how many need the local government to provide interpreters or teachers who speak the native language of the refugee for the students?
15. Do any of the refugees to be resettled in the Spartanburg area have criminal convictions? If so, for what crimes has each been convicted?
16. Please explain the background check process performed on refugees scheduled to be resettled in Spartanburg.
17. Will this be the only time refugees will be resettled to the Spartanburg area pursuant to the agency’s proposal? Or can additional refugees be resettled pursuant to the proposal?

I request that any plans to resettle refugees in the Spartanburg, South Carolina, area be placed on hold until my constituents and I receive your substantive responses to the questions and information requested in this letter.

Additionally, before moving forward, both the Spartanburg community and I should have time to substantively review the information and be comfortable with the information provided.

As previously stated, I am troubled by the lack of notice and coordination with my office and the Spartanburg community, particularly local officials, regarding the plans to resettle refugees in the area. In that vein, I request at least one month’s notice prior to the arrival of the first refugee in the Spartanburg area. Please contact my Chief of Staff, Cindy Crick, with such notice (864-241-0175 or cindy.crick@mail.house.gov).

Thank you in advance for your prompt response and attention to this matter.

Trey Gowdy

RELATED ARTICLE: Obama Task Force on “New American” plans to seed your communities to be released today

Islamic State Camp South of El Paso, Texas

Events some of us have been monitoring for 8 months or more are beginning to become far clearer; that is, the Islamic State has been maneuvering through Mexico North to encampments just South of the United States border along Texas. Purposefully ignored by federal officials the revealing situation that till now has been considered unimaginable is becoming reality.

Kuddos to the Judicial Watch organization. See report below:

ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm

April 14, 2015

ISISpic2-182x107ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that include a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector.

The exact location where the terrorist group has established its base is around eight miles from the U.S. border in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States, the same knowledgeable sources confirm.

During the course of a joint operation last week, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as “plans” of Fort Bliss – the sprawling military installation that houses the U.S. Army’s 1st Armored Division. Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during the operation.

ISISpic1-110x115Law enforcement and intelligence sources report the area around Anapra is dominated by the Vicente Carrillo Fuentes Cartel (“Juárez Cartel”), La Línea (the enforcement arm of the cartel) and the Barrio Azteca (a gang originally formed in the jails of El Paso). Cartel control of the Anapra area make it an extremely dangerous and hostile operating environment for Mexican Army and Federal Police operations.

According to these same sources, “coyotes” engaged in human smuggling – and working for Juárez Cartel – help move ISIS terrorists through the desert and across the border between Santa Teresa and Sunland Park, New Mexico. To the east of El Paso and Ciudad Juárez, cartel-backed “coyotes” are also smuggling ISIS terrorists through the porous border between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas. These specific areas were targeted for exploitation by ISIS because of their understaffed municipal and county police forces, and the relative safe-havens the areas provide for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling that was already ongoing.

Mexican intelligence sources report that ISIS intends to exploit the railways and airport facilities in the vicinity of Santa Teresa, NM (a US port-of-entry). The sources also say that ISIS has “spotters” located in the East Potrillo Mountains of New Mexico (largely managed by the Bureau of Land Management) to assist with terrorist border crossing operations. ISIS is conducting reconnaissance of regional universities; the White Sands Missile Range; government facilities in Alamogordo, NM; Ft. Bliss; and the electrical power facilities near Anapra and Chaparral, NM.


ICE Director: Officers Must Carry Cards to Help Them Keep Their Immigration Priorities Straight

Bachmann: Obama is ‘Anti-Israel’ and ‘Pro-the-Goals of Islamic Jihad’

The Obama Doctrine

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of Shutterstock.

Islamic State demands $30 million for Christian hostages

They are acting in complete accord with Islamic law. Here is a salient passage on this issue from a Shafi’i manual of Islamic law:

When an adult male is taken captive, the caliph considers the interests … (of Islam and the Muslims) and decides between the prisoner’s death, slavery, release without paying anything, or ransoming himself in exchange for money or for a Muslim captive held by the enemy. (Umdat al-Salik o9.14)

A revered Islamic jurist, Al-Mawardi, agrees with ‘Umdat al-Salik:

As for the captives, the amir has the choice of taking the most beneficial action of four possibilities: the first, to put them to death by cutting their necks; the second, to enslave them and apply the laws of slavery regarding their sale or manumission; the third, to ransom them in exchange for goods or prisoners; and fourth, to show favor to them and pardon them. (Al-Ahkam As-Sultaniyyah (The Laws of Islamic Governance), 4.5)

“ISIS demands $30 million in exchange for Assyrian hostages,” by Ariel Cohen, Jerusalem Post, April 12, 2015 (thanks to Blazing Car Fur):

The Islamic State group has set a demand of a $30 million ransom for the release of hundreds of Christian hostages in their captivity in Syria.

The terrorist organization is demanding up to $100,000 per individual, according to a report over the weekend from Fox News. The group captured between 250-300 Christians on February 23 in the Northern Hasaka province of Syria, an area native to the country’s Christian population.

The demands came during ongoing talks between the Assyrian leadership and ISIS fighters. Third-party Syrian Sunni Muslims are reportedly brokering the talks between the two sides. A total of 23 hostages have been released to date. Reports further indicate that ISIS is using these Christians as human shields in military confrontations.

“They know we cannot come up with this kind of money, so they are hoping other groups and countries will come up with the money,” FOX quoted an Assyrian official as saying….


Pakistan: After identifying him as Christian, Muslims set young boy on fire

Afghanistan: Jihadis murder 5 aid workers, may have poisoned 100 students

Islamic State’s Sinai Province murders six Egyptian soldiers

Bosnian village pledges allegiance to the Islamic State

Philadelphia: Friend of Muslima arrested for Islamic State plot threatens attack on jail

Senator Rand Paul Full Interview With Glenn Beck

From the April 10, 2015 edition of “The Glenn Beck Radio Program”: Glenn Beck puts Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul on the hot seat, asking several tough questions- including how we would handle being blamed for terrorist attacks after cutting NSA domestic spying capabilities.

Tad MacKie notes, “Regardless of what you may think about Glenn beck, this is a very good interview as it allows Rand Paul to expand on his statements and give some very direct, straight-up answers. Also, please note that he corrected Glenn on one point about U.S. boots in the Middle East (just in case you think he does it only to women). BUT, you’ll also notice that Beck didn’t try to over-talk the correction.”

Rand Paul on immigration:

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of NBC News – Meet The Press.

Islamic State saboteur arrested in planned bomb attack on Fort Riley, Kansas

Fort Riley is home of the legendary Big Red One, the famed U.S. Army 1st Infantry Division. You may recall the 1980 Sam Fuller autobiographical film by the same name, starring the late Lee Marvin and Star Wars actor Mark Hamill. The film depicted Marvin as Sgt. Leading a special infantry unit through combat in North Africa, Italy and Germany.  There are 25,000 uniformed members the Army 1st Infantry Division and civilian personnel on this storied military post located 70 miles west of the Kansas State Capitol at Topeka on I-70.  Today, a 20 year old Topeka native John T. Booker, also known as Muhammed Abdullah Hassan, was arrested and charged with plotting to drive a van loaded with what he thought was 1,000 pounds of explosives in an attempted suicide mission in support of ISIS at Fort Riley. If convicted Booker could face life in prison.     

Fort Riley location

Location of Fort Riley, Kansas.

The Capital Journal of Topeka reported:

According to the indictment, Booker, who is also known as Muhammed Abdullah Hassan, was recruited by the U.S. Army in Kansas City and was scheduled to report for basic training on April 7, 2014.

Before he could report, Booker was interviewed by FBI agents regarding Facebook posts he had made.

“I will soon be leaving you forever so goodbye! I’m going to wage jihad and hopes that I die,” he wrote on March 15, 2014, according to federal prosecutors.

“Getting ready to be killed in jihad is a HUGE adrenaline rush!! I am so nervous. NOT because I’m scared to die but I am eager to meet my lord,” he wrote four days later, on March 19.

On March 20, FBI agents questioned Booker about the Facebook posts. After waiving his Miranda rights, Booker allegedly told agents that he enlisted in the Army to commit an insider attack against American soldiers similar to one carried out by Nidal Hassan at Ford Hood, Texas, on Nov. 5, 2009.

“Booker stated that if he went overseas and was told to kill a fellow Muslim, he would rather turn around and shoot the person giving orders,” the indictment alleges. “Booker clarified that he did not intend to kill ‘privates,’ but that he wanted to target someone with power. Booker also said that he did not intend to use large guns, but instead a small gun or a sword.”

After questioning by the FBI, Booker was denied access into the military.

john-thomas-bomb-plotABC noted the charges for Booker’s arrest and an accomplice who failed to report the plot:

A man charged Friday with plotting a suicide bomb attack on a Kansas military base to help the Islamic State group was mentally ill and was acting strangely only days before his arrest, according to a Muslim cleric who said he was counseling him at the request of the FBI.

John T. Booker Jr., 20, of Topeka, is accused of planning a suicide attack at Fort Riley. Prosecutors allege he told a Federal Bureau of Investigation informant he wanted to kill Americans and engage in violent jihad on behalf of the terrorist group, and said he believed such an attack was justified because the Quran “says to kill your enemies wherever they are,” according to a criminal complaint.

Authorities arrested Booker on Friday as he was trying to arm what he thought was a 1,000 pound bomb outside the Army post. The criminal complaint filed in federal court in Topeka charges him with three crimes, including attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction.

The top federal prosecutor for Kansas also charged another Topeka man, Alexander E. Blair, 28, with failing to report Booker’s plans to authorities. The complaint alleges that Blair and Booker shared some “extremist views” and that Blair loaned Booker money to rent space to build and store a bomb.

Note the sting operation by the FBI and alleged cooperation of the local Imam at the Islamic Center in Topeka:

Imam Omar Hazim of the Islamic Center of Topeka told The Associated Press that two FBI agents brought Booker to him early in 2014 for counseling, hoping to turn the young man away from radical beliefs. Hazim said the agents told him that Booker suffered from bipolar disorder, characterized by unusual mood swings that can affect functioning.

Hazim said he expressed concerns to the FBI about allowing him to move freely in the community at their first encounter.

Hazim said he later heard that two others were involved in a bombing plot with Booker. He said the FBI told him they were undercover FBI agents and that the sting was arranged to get Booker, “off the streets.”

“I think the two FBI agents set him up, because they felt at that point someone else might have done the same thing and put a real bomb in his hands,” Hazim said.

He said he has come to the conclusion that the sting was the right thing to do. He said Booker admitted to him on Tuesday that he had stopped taking his medication because he didn’t like the way it made him feel and it was expensive.

A spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Kansas declined to comment on Hazim’s comments.

The soft-spoken Booker made his first court appearance Friday in U.S. District Court in Topeka, answering basic questions and correcting the spelling of his alias, Muhammad Abdullah Hassan. Booker was ordered to remain jailed. A grand jury is expected to consider the case next week.

The past two weeks have witnessed the arrest of U.S. ISIS wannabes in New YorkPhiladelphia and Illinois in other bomb plots including U.S. military bases.

Neither Booker’s family nor friends could understand the transformation by their son and school friend into an ISUA wannabe jihadist coming from a Christian family, notwithstanding his bi-polar condition. As to why youths like John T. Booker aka Muhammad Abdullah Hassan are inspired by ISIS  note  this assessment  from Dr. Michael Welner, renowned  forensic psychiatrist in an April 2015 NER article:

What ISIS has tapped into is the notion of the Islamic Caliphate. For those who are devout Muslims, they are very vulnerable, very sensitive to the idea that a Caliphate is required in order for a Muslim to adequately observe one’s faith. It is the equivalent of what we have seen in other faiths of false messiahs. The notion of a messiah — if you can carry it off — is so powerful that it gives the movement, for those who subscribe to it, the entitlement to say come and join and be part of what gives the Caliphate the opportunity to declare itself: that it has land fight for it.” Thus, people are fighting for a cause and that’s why they are joining. They are not joining because of You Tube; they are not joining because of social media. Social media only enable them to be reached, to be energized, to go beyond themselves and to get caught up in something messianic.

The arrest of Booker aka Muhammad Abdullah Hassan occurred on the same day that 47 Purple Hearts were awarded those killed and injured by Maj. Hassan, an Army Psychiatrist. He was convicted in 2013 and given a death sentence on 13 charges or premeditated murder and 32 charges of attempted murder for his jihadist mass shooting of   soldiers at a Fort Hood, Texas deployment center on November 9, 2009.  Hassan is imprisoned; awaiting an appeal, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas located 135 miles northeast from Fort Riley above Kansas City.  USA Today, in an article on today’s ceremony at Fort Hood, wrote:

The Purple Heart ceremony was years in the making because the Pentagon previously considered the Fort Hood attack workplace violence. Only after a years-long battle by victims and their families did Congress mandate a change in the medals’ eligibility criteria. “No one was more affected than those we honor today with the Purple Heart and Defense of Freedom medal. Simply stated, this is what our Army is all about,” said retired Gen. Robert W. Cone, who was commander of III Corps and Fort Hood at the time of the attack. “Thank you for your persistence in making sure the government does the right thing by these great patriots.”

Problem is that no health and disability benefits came along with those Purple Hearts awarded today.  Curious that John T. Booker  was  inspired to adopt  the same name as convicted jihadist Maj. Hassan.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. The featured image is from the Facebook page of John T. Booker, Jr., aka Muhammed Abdullah Hassan.

New O’Keefe Video Shows Support for ISIS, Hamas & Hezbollah Across California

Professors, Administrators, and Students Pledge Economic Support to Terrorist Organizations ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah on Numerous California Campuses.

The Mind of the Islamic State — Part 3

In part 3 of this Micro Series we will delve into the mind of the Islamic State terrorist. Why killing Jews, American, and infidels is his or hers only option. In the Islamic State’s online publication Dabiq the Islamic states depicts clearly their purpose and Islamic world view.

As ten’s of thousands flock to the Islamic State worldwide, this series will illustrate motivations, desires and tactic for world domination.


Arabic is Most Common Language of Refugees in America; 91% on Food Stamps

Iran runs the table at Lausanne, then brags about U.S. nuke concessions

Husband of NY jihad plotter “shocked,” but had black flag of jihad at Muslim Day Parade

Pakistan: Police on high alert guarding churches against Easter jihad attacks

Australian jihadi was worried his Infidel family would burn in hell

UK: Six Muslims arrested for “Syria-related terrorism offences”

Florida: Broward Democrat Chair Speaks at Radical Muslim Event

Kenya: Laughing Muslims taunted Christians as they massacred them, “This will be a good Easter holiday for us”


Muslim slaughter of Christians at Garissa University, Kenya.

“We have come to be kill and be killed,” the Muslims screamed out as they shot the Christians. Where did they get the idea to scream out something like that? From the Qur’an: “Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed.” (9:111) Not that this has anything to do with Islam!

“Laughing Somali gunmen taunted victims in university massacre,” by Adow Jubat, AFP, April 3, 2015:

Garissa (Kenya) (AFP) – Piles of bodies and pools of blood running down the corridors: survivors of the Kenya university massacre described how laughing gunmen taunted their victims amid scenes of total carnage.

Salias Omosa, an 20-year-old education student, said the victims were woken up at gunpoint in Thursday’s pre-dawn attack, and Muslims and non-Muslims picked out by “how they were dressed”.

“‘We don’t fear death, this will be a good Easter holiday for us,’ the attackers were shouting in Swahili, then shooting their guns,” Omosa recounted, still trembling with terror and sitting in the refuge of a military camp.

Omosa managed to escape amid the carnage at Garissa University, after seeing two of his friends executed by the Al-Qaeda-linked attackers, who he said were wearing masks and military-style uniforms.

“I have seen many things, but nothing like that,” said Reuben Nyaora, a clinical officer working for the aid agency International Rescue Committee (IRC).

“There were bodies everywhere in execution lines, we saw people whose heads had been blown off, bullet wounds everywhere, it was a grisly mess,” Nyaora told AFP.

Nyaora had rushed with colleagues from his normal work with an IRC ambulance team in the giant Dadaab refugee camp, some 90 kilometres (50 miles) away.

He was one of first frontline medics to enter university halls, providing first aid to both survivors and troops wounded in the heavy fighting.

“We were giving first aid during the fighting – and there were soldiers being shot right in front of us, as well as the casualties among the hostages,” the 32-year old Kenyan told AFP, his voice trembling.

“Then when we went into the halls, it was too horrible, too awful to imagine, and yet we saw it,” he said.

“Everyone seemed dead, but then as we talked, some students who had been hidden for hours came out – some from wardrobes, others from the ceiling, and then others who had lain down with the dead, covered in blood, hidden among their friends who had been killed.”

He described how he witnessed three women apparently dead, covered head to toe entirely in blood but in fact physically unharmed, pick themselves up from a pile of corpses.

“The ladies said the gunmen had screamed out in Swahili as they shot the men: ‘We have come to be kill and be killed,’” Nyaora said.

“Then they told the women to ‘swim in the blood’”, as though they were making fun of them, playing games and apparently enjoying the killing, he said, before moving on after apparently forgetting to shoot them too….


Kenya: Muslims screaming “Allahu Akbar” only shot those who couldn’t recite Qur’an

Dutch researcher: “The better integrated, the higher the risk of radicalization”

Imam of Mecca’s grand mosque calls for all-out war against Shi’ites and Christians

Philadelphia Muslima arrested for trying to join the Islamic State

Genocide of Christians in Kenya, Syria and Iraq ‘Intensifying’

We wish all participants and observers of this Holy Season a Happy Good Friday, a Happy Easter, and a Happy Passover.

Today’s treatment of Christians in a great many nations is disturbingly and reminiscent of the brutal persecution and genocide of the early followers of Jesus Christ; it is a current day “Crime Against Humanity.” Christian Americans are frustrated by the indifference displayed by the U.S. Government’s in its refusal to join in with world leaders to condemn the persecution, torture, and genocide of helpless Syrian and Assyrian Christians by Radical Islamic Terrorists members of Islamic State and Al Q’ieda as the genocide intensifies from week to week. We are now also observing the religious persecution of conscientious and believing Christians in the United States, led by the left of center liberal media establishment, because of their refusal to participate in or provide support for religious ceremonies that their well held religious beliefs don’t agree with.

The Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Royal Family in England, the UK Prime Minister, the King of Jordan, the President of Egypt, the President of Kurdistan, the Prime Minister of Japan, the Prime Minister of Australian, President George W. Bush, Reverend Billy Graham, the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Prime Ministers of NATO nations, the Prime Minister of Israel, Christian Religious Leaders of every denomination from throughout the world, the current crop of candidates seeking to run for President of the United States, Christians worldwide, and the Secretary General of the United Nations have all raised their voices in unison to demand that the bloody genocide of Christians in Africa, Syria, and on the Plains of Nineveh in Iraq stop.

Unfortunately for three years, the occupant of the Oval Office has not joined in with other world leaders in their condemnation of the genocide of Christians by Radical Islamic Terrorists members of the Islamic State and Al Q’ieda in this current Jihad against Christians—that silence from the Oval Office for the last three years has been deafening!

Inside ISIS’ Shocking Persecution of Assyrian Christians on the Plains of Ninveh in Iraq

Assyrian Christianity started in the Plains of Nineveh with first-century Apostles in churches the Disciples founded, and Assyrian Christians still speak Aramaic, the language that Christ spoke. For over 2000 years, they endured and survived the Roman persecution of Christians, sieges by Saladin, conquests by the Persians, persecution by the Ottoman Empire, oppression by the Mongols, the survived Turkish genocide at the turn of the century, WWI, WWII, Iraq’s long war with Iran, the US led coalition Iraqi War with Saddam Hussein.,

But in just 10 months of control, Islamic State and Al Q’ieda, the members of Radical Islamic Jihadists perpetrating worldwide Jihad, have forced hundreds of thousands of Assyrian Christians into exile. At one time, 4 million Assyrian Christians made the Plains of Ninveh, in what was once Mesopotamia (Iraq today), their traditional home for over 2000 years. By clicking on the below listed link you can view the 60 Minutes segment that will take you inside Iraq today and will describe the life and death struggle that the Assyrian Christians, trying to survive, are involved in with Radical Islamic Jihadists.

Assyrian Christians are being crucified, beheaded, being forced to kneel to be shot, thrown off buildings to their deaths, being buried alive, being burned alive, whose children are being cut in half, and whose female children & women are being raped then killed for refusing to deny that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior. For the last 3 years the Obama administration has refused to provide logistic support and small arms to the Assyrian Christians; in the last 10 months the Assyrian Christian Militia has been training, employing the paucity of funds donated to their cause by American citizens. The newly constituted Assyrian Christian Militia has been trying to protect the Assyrian Christians who have migrate toward the Kurdish lines on the eastern end of the Plains of Ninveh Although 51 US Congressmen have petitioned the Obama administration to simply provide logistics and defensive small arms for the Assyrian Christian Militia engaged with ISIL, their requests have been ignored, yet US military air support and logistic aide is being provided to Iraq and their ally, the Iranian Quid’s Force, with boots on the ground in Iraq who are also engaged with ISIL.

Seyfo Center Organization Mission Statement and 100 Years Anniversary Of Assyrian Genocide.

​​New York Times

ISIS Onslaught Engulfs Assyrian Christians as Militants Destroy Ancient Art


ISTANBUL — The reports are horrifying, something out of a distant era of ancient conquests: entire villages emptied, with hundreds taken prisoner, others kept as slaves; the destruction of irreplaceable works of art; a tax on religious minorities, payable in gold.

A rampage reminiscent of Tamerlane or Genghis Khan, perhaps, but in reality, according to reports by residents, activist groups and the assailants themselves, a description of the modus operandi of the Islamic State’s self-declared Islamic caliphate this week as it prosecuted a relentless campaign in Iraq and Syria against what have historically been religiously and ethnically diverse areas with traces of civilizations dating to ancient Mesopotamia.

The latest to face the militants’ onslaught are the Assyrian Christians of northeastern Syria, one of the world’s oldest Christian communities, some speaking a modern version of Aramaic, the language of Jesus.

Assyrian leaders have stated hundreds Assyrian Christians men, women, and children have been taken captive, along with civilian men and fighters from Assyrian Christian Militias, said Dawoud Dawoud, an Assyrian political activist who had just toured the area, in the vicinity of the Syrian city of Qamishli. Thirty villages had been emptied, he said.

The Syriac Military Council, a local Assyrian militia, put the number of those taken in the hundreds.

Reached in Qamishli, Adul Ahad Nissan, 48, an accountant and music composer who fled his village before the brunt of the fighting, said a close friend and his wife had been captured.

“I used to call them every other day. Now their mobile is off,” he said. “I tried and tried. It’s so painful not to see your friends again.”
Members of the Assyrian diaspora have called for international intervention, and on Thursday, warplanes of the United States-led coalition struck targets in the area, suggesting that the threat to a minority enclave had galvanized a reaction, as a similar threat did in the Kurdish city of Kobani last year.

The assault on the Assyrian communities comes amid battles for a key crossroads in the area. But to residents, it also seems to be part of the latest effort by the Islamic State militants to eradicate or subordinate anyone and anything that does not comport with their vision of Islamic rule — whether a minority sect that has survived centuries of conquerors and massacres or, as the world was reminded on Thursday, the archaeological traces of pre-Islamic antiquity.

An Islamic State video distributed on the worldwide Internet shows Radical Islamic Terrorists smashing statues with sledgehammers inside the Mosul Museum, in northern Iraq, that showcases recent archaeological finds from the ancient Assyrian empire. The relics include items from the palace of King Sennacherib, who in the Byron poem “came down like the wolf on the fold” to destroy his enemies.

“A tragedy and catastrophic loss for Iraqi history and archaeology beyond comprehension,” Amr al-Azm, the Syrian anthropologist and historian, called the destruction on his Facebook page.

“These are some of the most wonderful examples of Assyrian art, and they’re part of the great history of Iraq, and of Mesopotamia,” he said in an interview. “The whole world has lost this.”

Islamic State militants seized the museum — which had not yet opened to the public — when they took over Mosul in June and have repeatedly threatened to destroy its collection.

In the video, put out by the Islamic State’s media office for Nineveh Province — named for an ancient Assyrian city — a man explains, “The monuments that you can see behind me are but statues and idols of people from previous centuries, which they used to worship instead of God.”

A message flashing on the screen read: “Those statues and idols weren’t there at the time of the Prophet nor his companions. They have been excavated by Satanists.”

The men, some bearded and in traditional Islamic dress, others clean-shaven in jeans and T-shirts, were filmed toppling and destroying artifacts. One is using a power tool to deface a winged lion much like a pair on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
The Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, has presented itself as a modern-day equivalent of the conquering invaders of Sennacherib’s day, or as Islamic zealots smashing relics out of religious conviction.

Yet in the past, the militants have veered between ideology and pragmatism in their relationship to antiquity — destroying historic mosques, tombs and artifacts that they consider forms of idolatry, but also selling more portable objects to fill their coffers.

The latest eye-catching destruction could have a more strategic aim, said Mr. Azm, who closely follows the Syrian conflict and opposes both the Islamic State and the government.

“It’s all a provocation,” he said, aimed at accelerating a planned effort, led by Iraqi forces and backed by United States warplanes, to take back Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city.

“They want a fight with the West because that’s how they gain credibility and recruits,” Mr. Azm said. “They want boots on the ground. They want another Falluja,” a reference to the 2004 battle in which United States Marines, in the largest ground engagement since Vietnam, took that Iraqi city from Qaeda-linked insurgents whose organization would eventually give birth to the Islamic State.

The Islamic State has been ecumenical in its violence against the modern diversity of Iraq and Syria. It considers Shiite Muslims apostates, and has destroyed Shiite shrines and massacred more than 1,000 Shiite Iraqi soldiers. It has demanded that Christians living in its territories pay the jizya, a tax on religious minorities dating to early Islamic rule.

Islamic State militants have also slaughtered fellow Sunni Muslims who reject their rule, killing hundreds of members of the Shueitat tribe in eastern Syria in one clash alone. They have also massacred and enslaved members of the Yazidi sect in Iraq.

Read more.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘PERSECUTED FOR HIS NAME’: The Pope Recites Emotional Prayer For The Slain Students in Kenya

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Combat Veterans for Congress website.

The Islamic State Caliphate is Pure Islam

In the March New English Review (NER) we wrote about the failure of the Countering Violent Extremism Summit of President Obama.

On Wednesday, February 18, 2014 at a White House Summit, President Obama presented his views on countering “violent extremism.” He suggested that Islamic terrorists misappropriate Islamic doctrine, exploit disaffected youths in communities across the US and globally throughout the Ummah – the community of Muslim believers. He suggested that youths prone to radicalization outside the US may be victimized by poverty, without job opportunities and oppressed by corrupt regimes. Countering violent extremism he suggests is a multi-pronged approach involving economic programs, political reform and community involvement to halt radicalization. His focus in the US was on creating community partnerships and pilot projects in several American cities, endeavoring to integrate Muslims in America, preserving and protecting their civil rights under our constitution against untoward surveillance. The President gathered Muslim and other religious clerics from the U.S. and abroad, community leaders, law enforcement, homeland security officials, and high tech entrepreneurs seeking means of stopping radicalization of youths. These youths are attracted by the “successes” of the Islamic State blasted around the world via the internet, tens of thousands of tweets, high production videos and on-line webzines in a number of languages including English.

Nowhere in his remarks did the President explain what the Islamic doctrine is that has attracted tens of thousands of foreign fighters, Americans among them, to be recruited to the cause of this self-styled Caliphate, the Islamic State (IS). What he has called ISIL, the Islam State in the Levant (ISIL) is a reference to the broad geographic area that stretches from the eastern Mediterranean coast to the Persian Gulf. Those “successes” include videos of the savagery perpetrated against the hated Kuffars, meaning infidels, including Christians, Jews, ancient religious minorities and apostate Muslims. Those videos show barbaric beheadings, burnings, crucifixions, mass shootings and enslavement. The President mentioned recent incidents in Paris, Copenhagen, Ottawa and Sydney of attacks on victims without naming the victims; leftists, free thinkers, Christians and Jews. Neither did he identify the perpetrators.

Just prior to the mid-February White House Summit, The Atlantic Magazine published an article by Graeme Wood, What ISIS Really Wants which stated:

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse.

Russian historian at Connecticut Central State University, Professor Jay Bergman, wrote, “I read it. Superb. The [President] should read it. But of course…he won’t.”

According to Wood, IS bases all of its power and authority on a strict adherence to a Salafi literal interpretation of Islam and Sharia law, with almost a total focus on the doctrine of Tawhid. Tawhid calls for strict adherence to the laws of Allah as revealed by the Prophet Mohammed. Further, that all man-made laws and systems must be rejected. IS considers any Muslim who doesn’t adhere to the doctrine of Tawhid an infidel, including “core Al Qaeda” and other Salafists who object to IS public displays of savagery.

We concluded:

Countering violent extremism as propounded by President Obama evaded his responsibility to identify the radical Islamic doctrine of IS. He engaged in the delusion that by campaigning for community organization, jobs and faith based programs we might prevent radicalization of Muslim youths. Instead he should listen to the wise counsel of former DIA chief, Army Gen. Michael Flynn, who in media interviews and testimony before the House Armed Services Committee called for a global war against IS. Flynn suggested the first cornerstone of a strategy to “degrade” and “defeat” IS is to define the ideology behind radical Islamic extremism. The fact that liberal publications like The Atlantic have exposed the barbarity of strict adherence to Tawhid in Islam clearly communicates that destroying IS through the exercise of American and allied military power should be the first order of business.

The President’s “violent extremism” Conference in Washington demonstrated that soft power is trumped by raw Islamic Jihad every time. That is embodied in failure to recognize the Qur’anic doctrine behind the rise of IS.  To paraphrase a State Department anti-ISIS message, “Think Again, Turn Away” from Taqiyya – lying for Allah.

On March 16th, 2015, Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. Michael Welner, Chairman of The Forensic Panel, was interviewed on Bill Bennett’s Morning America program about what attracts Western and other foreign Muslims, to join the barbaric cause of the Islamic State. Welner provided insights as to what attracts Islamic State recruits that raise serious questions about the social media messaging initiatives of the Obama Administration. Dr. Welner explains the root of ISIS’s appeal and why people continue to join its cause.

In the face of the rise of the Islamic State and its ability to attract Muslims to Syria and Iraq from all over the world, syndicated radio host Bill Bennett welcomed Michael Welner, M.D. back to his program to discuss the apparent popularity of ISIS. Dr. Welner, known to NER readers, as one of America’s most highly-regarded forensic psychiatrists. He is routinely consulted on the most complex forensic cases across the United States, such as the ongoing New York trial of the accused kidnapper of young Etan Patz.  He is known to our readers for his work on the Omar Khadr Guantanamo case and in pioneering research an evidence-based standard of the worst of crimes, the Depravity Standard.

In response to Bennett’s invitation, Dr. Welner confronted the apparent paradox of ISIS recruitment successes in the face of its disturbing beheadings. As he explained to Bennett, Dr. Welner noted that non-Muslims do not appreciate the significance of the Caliphate declared by ISIS leader al-Baghdadi. ISIS is attracting followers of a utopian and unadulterated Islam abandoned over 1000 years ago, of a faith of strict dogmatic adherence to the Qu’ran. These Caliphate ideals prompt an obligation among the devout to serve the Caliphate in whatever capacity needed, and involve a plan of nation building based on the idealized Muslim society on land the Caliphate controls. Beheadings (and enslavement and immolation) are prescribed by the Qu’ran for cleansing those Muslims deemed to be apostate. Followers allow for these methods as necessary measures in the building of a messianic ideal, reminiscent of the “cleansing” of Pol Pot’s Cambodia. ISIS exploits these punitive options to inspire fear of the consequences of resistance among its local opponents. At the same time, ISIS inspires quiet among Muslims generally because to contest its methods would be to contest the Qu’ran. This psychological control, explains Dr. Welner, is an adaptation of political correctness, Muslim style.

The Western media and ruling classes muddle through by looking away from how ISIS is laying waste to all religions in the Arab world. That is consistent with the intelligentsia’s uselessness in genocide historically, Dr. Welner lays out an approach for how America should confront the ISIS threat militarily and in its public information in a segment Bennett termed “masterful.” Readers of the NER will be familiar with how American exceptionalism is key to the solution from our interview with Dr. Welner in the aftermath of the (Oklahoma Beheading NER interview).

The National Review On-line rated the Bennett-Welner discussion the best of the Week of March 16 to 20, 2015 on this topic. Clare Lopez, former CIA Operations officer and Senior Fellow at the Washington, DC-based Center for Security Policy commented:

Great interview with Dr. Michael Welner….he understands appeal of IS better than the entire USG put together right now. I must say it was fascinating to listen to someone from completely outside the political realm nail it like that. Meanwhile all the so-called counterterrorism ‘experts,’ and Islam ‘experts’ are so far off base we know the bad guys are laughing at us all.

Against this background, here is an edited version of the Bennett-Welner interview.

Bill Bennett

William J. Bennett:  It is morning in America. Good morning, welcome back everybody. Sorry I’m tripping on my words. I’m going to get out of the way and let our guest speak. In any case Dr. Michael Welner, Forensic Psychiatrist, Chairman of The Forensic Panel and this morning I want to emphasize his work as the Architect of The Depravity Scale, Dr. Welner’s practice is in New York and surrounding areas.  Good morning Dr. Welner.

Dr. Michael Welner

Dr. Michael Welner:  Good morning Bill. Very nice to be back with you and hope you have been doing well these days. We have all been busy but I miss you.

Bennett:  I missed you too and that’s why we called you because it was time to talk to you so thank you very much. I want to talk about ISIS and related phenomena, two, really two questions. One is, we have been witnessing on TV, video and the internet a level of depravity, a word you know best better than most. We don’t usually see the beheading of people, children burying people alive, and crucifixions. I have two questions. One, the second one really frightens me, but the first one is does this kind of thing go on a lot all the time? We just don’t see it and ISIS likes to publicize it for whatever odd reasons it has. The second question is does this have appeal to people?  Aristotle says man seeks the good. Is this a recruiting tool in some bizarre, depraved way?

Welner:  There are a number of very important things for us all to get oriented in to understand this that may be beyond our view where we sit here in America. It illustrates the complexity of the problem not only from behavioral standpoint how we react to it but how others in the Muslim world react to it and also those who are recruited. First of all, we have to get away from the notion that the idea of Islamist, Islamofascism and political Islam means the same thing to every movement. ISIS is very different from the fascism of Iran and their key difference explains ISIS’s success. What ISIS has tapped into is the notion of the Islamic Caliphate. For those who are devout Muslims, they are very vulnerable, very sensitive to the idea that a Caliphate is required in order for a Muslim to adequately observe one’s faith. It is the equivalent of what we have seen in other faiths of false messiahs. The notion of a messiah — if you can carry it off — is so powerful that it gives the movement, for those who subscribe to it, the entitlement to say come and join and be part of what gives the Caliphate the opportunity to declare itself: that it has land, and that’s what has always distinguished ISIS from Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda may have some of the same ideological orientation. However, it isn’t just about the idea of “Come and behead people,” it’s “We have land, we want to establish a Caliphate.” It’s the equivalent of saying, “We’re building Mecca or we’re building something holy. Come and fight for it.” Thus, people are fighting for a cause and that’s why they are joining. They are not joining because of You Tube; they are not joining because of social media. Social media only enable them to be reached, to be energized, to go beyond themselves and to get caught up in something messianic.

Bennett:  Let’s go back to my first question, is this sort of thing we have seen and I have described, beheading, burying children alive, etc., etc., does this kind of thing go on all of the time in the world, we just don’t see it or is this pretty unusual?

Welner:  Well the reality is that it does. There are far more people who are beheaded by governments, for example, like Saudi Arabia and other countries that nominally adhere to Muslim teachings. The idea of beheadings and stonings and even setting people on fire is totally consistent with Muslim teaching, which is one of the problems within the Muslim world. We think we are the only ones who are politically correct? The political correctness that exists within the Muslim world is such that while these kinds of actions when they are broadcast to the world in an obnoxious way, in an outrageous way, in a provocative way, may be embarrassing to Muslims who are secularized. At the same time they recognize that because it is in line with the Qur’an and not at all inconsistent with ISIS’s claim that it is a purified strain of Islam, they can’t criticize it. That is their political correctness. The pushback against ISIS from within the Muslim world isn’t just because there is death and destruction of Muslims killing Muslims it’s because the leaders themselves are threatened. It’s because Jordan recognizes that the Kingdom is in peril. When the Saudis recognize that their reign is threatened, it isn’t beheadings, because they do beheadings. ISIS can claim the high road because they say: “We are following the Qur’an to the letter. Come and join us.” That freezes devout Muslims who say “Well, you know they really are devout Muslims.”

Bennett:  I think it’s important to bring up in this context talking about ISIS. It’s important to remind people about King Abdullah and even Egyptian President Al-Sisi are going to fight back against this. However, as you have said Dr. Welner, the task here is to be a good Muslim and thus to establish the Caliphate. Then these beheadings and burying people alive just an unpleasant means to the end that we just sort of look past them or is there an appeal per se in these things to the young unhinged or even not unhinged young male?

Welner:  The beheadings, the stonings and the killings that are going on regularly are essentially reflecting an ethnic cleansing that is going on right now in the Arab world. Salafist Muslims who feel that they are a pure example of Islam are essentially doing what Pol Pot was doing in Cambodia to get rid of a segment of the population in order to create the kind of population, the kind of Muslims that they want. The shocking nature of it, the broadcast of it, intimidates people into not fighting. It intimidates the West into not fighting. It is designed to do that. It is propaganda by design. It is done in accordance with law. However, the way it is done is in order to send a message and to get people to freeze and be afraid to fight.

Bennett:  Let me come at this another way. We saw the news story Dr. Welner of the three young Muslim women, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, leaving from London going off to Istanbul and then from there into Syria, Iraq and to join up with ISIS. The only thing that would make sense to a lot of Americans and a lot of commentators was they don’t know what they are getting into. They are so young and naive. My fear was that they knew exactly what they were getting into.

Welner:  You’re right because we are not seeing the whole picture. All we are seeing of ISIS is the beheadings. What these young Muslim women are seeing of ISIS is essentially nation building saying, come, help us build a nation. We need doctors, we need engineers. We need people who want to live in this pure messianic society where you will achieve your spiritual purification by serving the Caliphate. That is why they are going. They are going as any nationalist and identified people would go to start something ideal and that is what’s being tapped into. They are not watching beheading videos and running there saying I want to go behead someone. We are only getting a part of the picture and that’s why it’s working for them.

Bennett:  I take it, that it doesn’t make them pause. That is, to go to establish the Caliphate and you watch these things, you see what they do. A lot of people you know I think would say and would think, I think I’m going to pause on this. You know I was going to join because I really would like to see a Caliphate. But wait a minute. I don’t want to be part of a group that does this.

Welner:  Those people were not inspired to join; the alternative view is I am devout. I want to be part of a pure Islam; one that we haven’t had for a thousand years. Therefore purification by getting rid of infidels and unbelievers is a necessary evil prescribed by the Qur’an. So by going to the Islamic State – the declared Caliphate, I will be living the Qur’an. I don’t expect myself to behead someone but I’m going to live by the law and I shouldn’t have any problems under the circumstances. Don’t forget they are offering free health care, jobs, from a social welfare standpoint. That also gets caught up with the idea of nation building being ignored in the West. This is far more than the idea of Al Qaeda even though it is outside of its influence and viewed as so outlandish in the use some of its methods.

Bennett:  I was going to make fun of the Administration proposed jobs program. That is the notion that they are joining because they want job security. I fear it’s something worse than that but I may be missing something very important here. I want to come back to ISIS, the Caliphate and the slaughters etc. So the dream of the Caliphate which is part of the faith here, the true believer means that you look the other way? You say well the end justifies the means? I’m not really for beheadings, but you know this is the way we get there. I think of that stupid old joke I learned when I was a kid about the kamikaze pilots, you know the guys announces to all the future kamikaze pilots, you go up in your plane, you are loaded with explosives, you aim your plane toward the American ship and it blows up and you die for the glory of Japan. Any questions?  The guy says, what you are out of your mind? I mean if someone promises me the Caliphate and says when we get there the gates of paradise all you have to do is cut people’s heads off, crucify them, rape the women, have total disregard for human life I’m going to pause aren’t I? Aren’t I going to pause and say wait a minute! That isn’t any way to build a Caliphate that is worthy.

Welner:  I think those of us who are not as familiar with Islam as others may be have to realize that the idea of a Caliphate runs to the core of the idealized version of Islam and its revival. There has not been a Caliphate for a thousand years. Al-Baghdadi, who declared himself to be the Caliph is actually from the appropriate family line of Muhammed and so there is a certain credibility that he has had among some in declaring himself to be a Caliph and the head of the Caliphate. The significance of that is within Islam if you fulfill your obligations as a Muslim to the Caliphate. That means going to the Caliphate and serving it. Then you will have fulfilled your obligations to the most pure degree. Otherwise you will die ignorant. For someone who is extremely devout — if that is they believe in — what al-Baghdadi is pitching is something messianic, hoping they are going to buy into it. Now, of course there are those who do not believe in him and yet at the same time they respect the Caliphate and what it means. They just say he’s not the one and these are not the circumstances under which it will happen. That is very similar to those who may have read Erich Fromm’s The True Believer and in appreciating fascism and how Hitler and other fascist leaders are able to mobilize people to just great intensity for the cause. When you throw into the mix an idealized form of religion that so many people share, all bets are off.

Bennett:  How do we combat this? What is the first and most obvious way?

Welner:  There are ways that we can combat it among our own citizens. However, I don’t see that we can’t combat this unless we are militarily involved, because it’s not going away. People do things in the name of the Muslim faith and in a way that gathers momentum, for example, Boko Haram and others, declaring allegiance to ISIS and gathering more land, they are not going away. What we don’t recognize is that they are going after Muslims first. That is their first target so we have a lead time and we have been through this before as a country. You have to deal with the problem when it’s small or you have to deal with the problem when it is much bigger.

Bennett:  Shouldn’t we be in a warmer embrace of Egyptian President Al- Sisi and King Abdullah and those who want to take on ISIS in military and in terms of their own religion?

Welner:  I think that President al-Sisi is a very important man of his generation, who is very clear-eyed about the ISIS threat. We have the wherewithal to support the coalition of the willing. However, there is an Iraqi military that cannot fight. There have not been alliances in Syria that can coalesce. The Jordanian military is really just ineffectual. The Egyptian military is extremely powerful. They are American armed. There is a traditional alliance that goes a long way. As far as I’m concerned and I say this as a very proud supporter of Israel I see President al-Sisi as a man of peace. He is not a troublemaker. He’s not looking like late President Nasser before him to establish his own hegemony and he is naturally aligned with the United States. Egypt didn’t kill 243 U.S. Marine servicemen as Iran’s proxy in Beirut did in 1983. Egypt didn’t take American hostages, Iran did. Egypt isn’t taking over Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon and Iraq, as has Iran with its own Shia version of a Caliphate, the Imamate. Astonishing to me that with Egypt so willing and so experienced in having to eradicate its own destabilizing force of Islamism, the Muslim Brotherhood and now Salafists and that the United States is sort of slow on the ball. Unfortunately because al-Sisi is a man of action he’s just going have to do it without us. President Obama is going to be left once again following from behind. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a man who can make a difference in a vacuum.

Listen to the Bill Bennett Morning in America interview with Dr. Michael Welner, Chairman of the Forensic Panel:

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

The Mind of the Islamic State — Part 2

In part 2 of this Micro Series we will delve into the mind of the Islamic State terrorist. Why killing Jews, American, and infidels is his or hers only option. In the Islamic State’s online publication Dabiq the Islamic states depicts clearly their purpose and Islamic world view.

As ten’s of thousands flock to the Islamic state worldwide, this series will illustrate motivations, desires and tactic for world domination.

BREAKING VIDEO: Florida University sanctions ISIS club…’Just change the name’

Following a similar shocking video at Cornell University released by James O’Keefe last week, Barry University officials in Florida also sanction a pro-ISIS club with the stated goal of sending material support to ISIS.

The only suggestion by Barry officials was to change the name of the club “because technically our country is at war with ISIS.”

Project Veritas in an email reports:

Our investigative journalist was quite explicit in her desire (albeit, fabricated) to provide material support to ISIS.

During a discussion with a high ranking university official, our journalist asked the university for funding to send aid to isis:

Student: “We want to send aid to ISIS.”

“So you do specifically want to send aid to ISIS?”

To a different university official, our journalist states:

“A lot of the fighters . . . can’t see at night, you know? So like people are attacking them and they can’t see at night. And because like they are poor they don’t have night vision and stuff so they wanted flashlights so they could like better protect themselves.”

To this outrageous statement the university official not only nodded in agreement but broached the cost of bulk shipments (!) of flashlights to ISIS.

Two other high ranking university officials were perfectly fine with the mission of the club, supporting ISIS, however, suggested a name change because:

“technically our country is at war with ISIS.”

Wanting to conceal the name of a group which would aid terrorists using university funding is indicative of a dangerous mentality that should frighten every parent in the country.

To make matters worse, our journalist actually found a professor who signed on as the pro-ISIS club’s faculty advisor.

Breaking video . . . ISIS training camp at Cornell?

Project Veritas exposes Joseph Scaffido, Assistant Dean at Cornell University. Scaffido is captured on hidden camera advising a Project Veritas investigative journalist on how to start and fund a pro-ISIS club on campus, how to obtain funding to send care packages to ISIS and Hamas, and astonishingly, how to bring a member of ISIS to Cornell to run a “training camp.”


“People who worship anything other than Allah are infidels and it is permitted to kill them.”

Wives of slain jihadists from Australia beg for donations to the Islamic State

How Serious Is ISIS Threat Against Military Families?

Yemen chaos leaves U.S. intel in the dark on al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

VIDEO: The Mind of the Islamic State

Is this Micro Series we will delve into the mind of the Islamic State terrorist. Why killing Jews, American, and infidels is his (or her) only option.

In the Islamic State’s online publication Dabiq they depict clearly their purpose and world view.

As ten’s of thousands flock to the Islamic state worldwide, this series will illustrate motivations, desires and tactic for world domination.


“People who worship anything other than Allah are infidels and it is permitted to kill them.”

Wives of slain jihadists from Australia beg for donations to the Islamic State

Video: Cornell dean says Islamic State welcome on campus

How Serious Is ISIS Threat Against Military Families?

ISIS is Committing Genocide of Assyrian Christians and CBS Has Proof